Monmouth County Woman - September/October 2019

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el eb rat ing O

r ur 10th Yea

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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SHOULDER PAIN IN THE OVERHEAD ATHLETE. Shoulder pain in the overhead athlete is a very common complaint

Page 9

OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA. Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing periodically throughout the night due to physical blockage of the airway.

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Photo by Melissa Amorelli Photography.

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BACK TO SCHOOL IEP TIPS. Does your child have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

With a strong focus on “hands-on” treatment, Dr. Chickara and his team of specialists at REHABILITY work together to enhance the health and wellness of each individual patient. Read more on pages 2 & 3.

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Featured On The Cover


“Your neuropathy program with all the massage and rehabilitation have helped me tremendously. Not only do I feel terrific every time I leave your office, but I know I’m making real progress from week to week.” - Jeff R.

“I was suffering with neuropathy for several years, with little relief from medication.The Microvas treatments have lessened the burning in my feet that would keep me up all night and my balance has noticeably improved when walking and using stairs.” – Cathy C.

MicroVas is a FDA cleared, non-invasive vascular treatment system that delivers electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body. After years of research, this technology was originally developed to treat Navy SEAL divers for hypothermia. It has since been engineered as a groundbreaking innovation with the ability to address the root cause of neuropathy, often a lack of nerve fiber circulation in the injured area.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder known to affect millions of people throughout the U.S. It is a complication found in several different medical conditions including Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Post Chemo-Radiation therapies and Metabolic disorders being some of the most common.

MicroVas’ powerful, deeply penetrating waveform causes blood to pump and circulate much more efficiently by significantly raising tissue oxygen levels, resulting in a potent effect on the microcirculation. Studies have demonstrated marked increases in tissue oxygen supply within minutes of initiating treatment. In contrast to other technologies available, Underlying the above disease processes is the problem of impaired this process results in new capillary formation, laying the circulation to peripheral blood vessels, particularly the smaller ones groundwork for new tissue growth and repair while (capillaries) that supply nerve tissues. Without sufficient blood flow to accelerating the healing process. nerve tissues, oxygen and nutrients cannot get into the tissues while the waste products of metabolism cannot get out. When functioning In our experience, MicroVas' therapeutic effects are often normally, nerve tissues receive nutrient rich, highly-oxygenated blood substantial and our unique approach of implementation, carried to them by capillaries, however they are easily clogged by this including extensive manual hands-on therapy and functional debilitating process.The peripheral nervous system eventually becomes conditioning is designed to help you achieve optimal results distressed and damaged due to starvation and toxicity. for long-term relief.

“My primary doctor recommended Microvas therapy at Rehability for my peripheral neuropathy. I was willing to try anything for relief and I’m amazed how much sensation I’ve regained in my feet since beginning treatment. Wish I would have found you sooner!” – Pat P.

"We Personally Invite You To Schedule A Comprehensive Evaluation To Determine If You Are A Microvas Candidate and To Learn More About Our Exclusive Neuropathy Program." - The REHABILITY Team...We Can Help!

“The Rehability team did more hands on work than I have ever seen at any other facility. We saw a big improvement not only in leg strength, but most important in my balance. Thank you for working so hard to help me get back to doing yard work and projects around the house.” – Joe Z. “Expressing thanks for all the help and improvement I received from your wonderful staff. The Microvas treatments and therapy team were great and gave me the confidence that I could walk again. Thank you all.” - Ingrid S.


83 South Street, Suite 204, Freehold, NJ 07728

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Featured On The Cover


Pictured L-R: Paul S. Clemente, Jr., PTA, Jessie Ganon, PT, Karen Ngai, Rehab Tech., and Robert Chickara, DC

Meet The Staff At REHABILITY DR. ROBERT CHICKARA, CHIROPRACTOR Robert Chickara, DC, is a Chiropractor with over seventeen years of experience and founder of REHABILITY NJ. After obtaining dual degrees including a Bachelor of Science from Springfield College and a Doctorate of Chiropractic from New York Chiropractic College (2001), Dr. Chickara joined forces with a team of medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists and acupuncturists in a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation center in Scarsdale, New York. The invaluable experience and knowledge acquired in developing a team-oriented, integrated treatment approach with a patient-centered focus paved the way for him to establish and grow his own practice in Freehold, New Jersey since 2007. Robert Chickara, DC, and his team of rehabilitation specialists offer a unique treatment approach where chiropractors, physical therapists and acupuncturists collaborate to customize their services to accommodate the needs of every patient, ensuring optimum results. Dr. Chickara holds certifications in both electro-diagnostic nerve testing (NCV) and manipulation under anesthesia (MUA). He is a member of the American Academy of Manual and Physical Medicine and the Association of New Jersey Chiropractors (ANJC). Dr. Chickara has also been recognized by Dr. Jack Barnathan of New York Strength Inc. with a Master Trainer and Fitness Physician Award as a leader in promoting sports, strength & fitness for all people.

JESSIE GANON, PHYSICAL THERAPIST Jessie Ganon, PT, is the lead Physical Therapist at REHABILITY, originally joining the practice in 2009. Born and raised in the Philippines, his extensive studies included dual degrees in five years, a Bachelor of Science and Master of Physical Therapy. Licensed and registered in both New York and New Jersey since 2002, Jessie has developed a vast knowledge in all aspects of a physical therapy-based practice. He has invaluable clinical experience in several diverse medical facilities, using a wide array of therapeutic techniques to successfully rehabilitate various orthopedic and neurological conditions. Jessie’s primary asset lies in his hands-on skills, providing a level of confidence that each patient can sense from the onset of treatment. Jessie is committed and dedicated to helping each of his patients improve their functional potential and achieve their health goals. He strives to expand his knowledge

and skill set with advanced training and continuing education, staying current with new techniques and procedures to better serve his patients. He also maintains certifications in myofascial release and manual muscle techniques, core stability training and Kinesio taping. Jessie is grateful for all his loyal patients from over the years who continue to seek his care and recommend him to family and friends. He proudly resides in Freehold with his lovely wife and three beautiful children.

PAUL S. CLEMENTE, JR., PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT Paul S. Clemente Jr. is a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and board-certified in the State of New Jersey. He graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in May 2014. After South Carolina, he enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program at Union County College, graduating in May of 2017. Paul was born in New York City and raised in Freehold Township, New Jersey. He has been active in sports since childhood, playing baseball, golf, and basketball. He also enjoys strength training and a multitude of outdoor activities, including hiking and kayaking. Throughout his training, Paul gained experience in multiple outpatient rehab facilities in which he developed skills to treat pediatrics, orthopedics, and neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropathy and Parkinson’s disease. Paul believes in consistency and commitment as key cornerstones in building and maintaining the foundation of health and well-being.

KAREN NGAI, REHAB TECHNICIAN Karen Ngai is a Rehab Technician at REHABILITY. Born in New York City and raised in New Jersey, she graduated from Rutgers University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Biological Sciences, with aspirations of becoming a physical therapist. At REHABILITY, she found a place where she can learn from a team of individuals who are very knowledgeable and experienced in their professions. The state-of-the-art facility provides an environment where Karen facilitates the healing process while reinforcing the advice from the therapists at REHABILITY. Being a part of the REHABILITY family has been and continues to be a very rewarding experience.

732-780-6230 • The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


Manager’s Note

The Countyh Woman The County Woman Monmout

All correspondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addressed to: Ce leb ra

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012 Publisher

Chris Lam

ar ting O r 9th Ye u

P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

Welcome to the September/October Issue of the Monmouth County Woman!

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and isWoman’s available Newspaper free of charge at The County is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge atChange is in the air and with the new season approaching (my favorite one, by the way), display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized display stands in approveddistributors private andonly, public establishments and authorized distributorsIonly, would like to introduce the newest member of my family: our seven-month-old Chocolate or by paid mail subscription. or by paidLauren mail subscription. Production Manager Shover Lab, Allie. She has brought much joy to our lives and keeps us quite Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No Laws part ofprotect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of Trademark and U.S. Copyright busy. I am looking forward to introducing her to all that fall in this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of thebepublisher. this paper may reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Director Kathy Sabol The County Woman’sRegional Newspaper isSales not responsible for any editorial comment (other isthan The County Woman’s Newspaper not responsible for any editorial comment (otherNew than Jersey has to offer, from taking her on hikes to see the foliage to its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any its own), typographical errors fromreproducadvertisements submitted as camera ready or any bringing her to the many dog-friendly restaurants our county has to tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. Billing Manager offer. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, weHartsig may does revisenot or meet cancelour it atstandards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel IfJennifer an advertisement it at Did you know that New Jersey is a very dog-friendly state, and any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously The acknowledged and/or previously published. there any time,and/or whether or not itpublished. has been already The are a plethora of restaurants, parks, and beaches that welcome advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will your canine? Graphic Designer owners, Golden Design LLC protect and indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its protect publishers, andthe employees, and indemnify Woman’sagainst Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against Interestingly enough, Labs are excellent hunting companions and were known for their ability any and all liability loss or expense arising out of claims forK. libel, unfair loss tradeornames, any and allWolf liability expensepatents, arising out of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, CEO Lynn copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations ofcopyrights the right ofand privacy or other violations propriety rights, and all violations the right ofducks privacy or violations toofretrieve forother their owners. Although I may not be doing any traditional hunting, I will offer Lauren’s Dog Allie resulting from the publication of this newspaper or resulting its advertising from copy. the publication of this newspaperAllie or its advertising copy. a lifetime of playing fetch. The publisher shall no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert ancall: advertiseThe publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertiseForbe under advertising inquiries, please As omission for falland/or in New it is a sight to behold. As summer fades, our entire state comes alive with the most amazing ment. The publisher shall not be liable by reason of ment. error, omission and/or failure to insert anyreason of error, The publisher shall not be liable by failure Jersey, to insert any part of an advertisement. The publisher will not be liable or failure inThe performance part offorandelay advertisement. publisher will notdisplay be liable for or failure ofdelay colors. Thein performance average peak color is sometime around October 19th – 29th. Of course, variables like temperature in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue isand/or delayed or suspended in publication distribution if allfor or any portion of an issue isalso delayed or suspended and rainfall play a part for in when the leaves begin to change. any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgment in these instances will and exercise will make any reason. The publisher reasonable judgment in these instances and will make Another great incentive of the fall season is football! For me, there’s nothing better than enjoying a Sunday well spent adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. The Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility The for unsolicited material orassumes reproducon theforcouch watching a good game of football, especially if it is the Philadelphia Eagles! Woman’s Newspaper no responsibility unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. tions made by advertisers. There are countless ways to make the most of the season, like taking a walk through a corn maze or visiting an This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every month.will be published by the 15th of every other month. Thisother newspaper toTMstock up on 2008. apples. This is a time of year we can still enjoy being outdoors before we all hunker down for the 2008. Countyorchard Representations by The Monmouth County Woman, LLC TM COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT Representations by The Monmouth Woman, LLC


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The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark Woman @TheCountyWoman and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The CountyWom Woman’san Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.

Baking Supply Store

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Now located in Middlebrook Plaza 1576 Rt. 35, Ocean Right next to the Hallmark store.

732-455-3031 • 3209 Sunset Ave., Ocean, NJ • The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Table of Contents


Featured on the Cover

Legal Professionals


Baking Supply Store

Surgical Supplies


REHABILITY............................................................................. 2, 3 Shore Cake Supply....................................................................... 4

Health & Wellness

Optimal Health Guide................................................................... 5 Cleansing Concepts................................................................... 10 The Natural Pharmacy................................................................ 17 Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 38 Living Healthy Naturally.............................................................. 46

Medical Professionals

All Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC........................................ 6 Allen Morgan Fertility & Reproductive Medicine.......................... 7 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates............................................. 11 Relievus...................................................................................... 12 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.................................. 18, 19 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists.............................................. 21 Ocean Hematology & Oncology................................................. 23 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center.......................................... 24 Kathy A. Banks, DMD................................................................. 25 Vein Center for Women........................................................ 28, 29 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 30 University Urology Associates of NJ.......................................... 31 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery PC................................. 32, 33 Personal Enhancement Center............................................. 58, 59

Pediatric Dentistry

TenderSmiles4Kids....................................................................... 8

The Matus Law Group.................................................................. 9 Sunrise Surgical Supplies............................................................. 9

Funeral Planning

Anchor Monuments.................................................................... 10

Fashion & Beauty

Lynne’s Fashion Boutique.......................................................... 13

Financial Independence

Freedom Capital Management................................................... 14

Assisted Living

The Chelsea at Shrewsbury....................................................... 15 Cosmetic & General Dentistry............................. Shore Premier Dental Arts.......................................................... 16

Home Health Care

UM Communities Homeworks................................................... 20

Positive Fertility Coach

Dee Ballington Coaching LLC.................................................... 20

Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness.......................................................... 22

Wigs & Hair Replacement

JA Alternatives..................................................................... 26, 27

Family Portraits & Headshots

Melissa Amorelli Photography.................................................... 34

Networking for Moms

Moms of Business...................................................................... 35 Women of Monmouth County.................... 36, 37

Vagabond Travel Agency............................................................ 39 The 107.1 Boss.......................................................................... 41

Theatre & Entertainment

Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................... 42 Drunk Shakespeare.................................................................... 43 Atlantic City Ballet...................................................................... 47 Axelrod Performing Arts Center................................................. 48 Cape May Stage......................................................................... 49 Two River Theater....................................................................... 55


Koehler Acupuncture.................................................................. 44


Arocho Insurance Agency.......................................................... 45

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Enlightened Solutions................................................................. 46


The Hol-Truth Podcast............................................................... 51

The County Woman

Subscription Form...................................................................... 53

Women’s History

Tina Morrison............................................................................. 56 Community............................................... 40, 50, 52, 54, 57 Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Health & Wellness Functional Medicine & Nutrition For Personalized Optimal Health Functional medicine focuses on the whole person and on the underlying root causes of the disease by probing deeper and asking the “WHY?”. Conventional medicine, on the other hand, is a disease-centered model with focus on drugs and surgery treatment, a “Band-Aid” approach. Functional medicine is based on cutting-edge science and utilizes specialized tests that allow us to look deeper at the underlying causes of a chronic health problem, and then resolve it by addressing the root causes. The common hidden causes are hormone imbalance, inflammatory foods, nutrient deficiencies, GI infections, heavy metals, environmental toxins, “leaky gut,” neurotransmitters imbalance, etc. Call Today for a FREE 20 minute consultation!

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Find Hope When All Else Fails Using Non-Conventional Methods *Clinical Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy also available Ada Zak is a Certified Functional Health Practitioner (FDN-P), a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a licensed health professional. She believes that both Mind & Body need to be healed to achieve optimal health.

Find The Root Causes Of Your Health Problems

732-333-6680 • 74 Rt. 9 N, Englishtown, NJ 07726 (Across from Whole Foods)

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Medical Professionals


Shoulder Pain In The Overhead Athlete stabilizers. These allow your shoulder blade to move properly as to not cause your tendons to get pinched in your shoulder, resulting in damage and pain. Core strength is also an important component of proper throwing form and to decrease injury risk. Core strength, along with lower body strength and flexibility, allows the proper distribution of forces along the body as to not stress the shoulder more than necessary. There must exist in the body the proper balance of mobility and stability to create a strong throw and to limit injury risk. If this balance does not exist, injuries can occur, including rotator cuff tears, labrum tears, and ligament tears. Some of these injuries may be severe enough to require surgical repair. A thorough physical therapy evaluation can assess limitations in all the above areas. An exercise program can then be created to address these impairments and allow a return to pain-free and proper throwing.

by Joel Maietta

Shoulder pain in the overhead athlete is a very common complaint. Considering the fact that separation forces in the shoulder during throwing can equal someone’s own body weight, it is no surprise that pain can occur. This activity requires a combination of strength, coordination, synchronicity, and body control. Because of these factors, shoulder pain is often seen in athletes of all ages as well as any adult who may decide to throw a ball just one time. During a physical therapy evaluation for shoulder pain from throwing, there are multiple parts of the body that need to be assessed. These include shoulder motion, shoulder strength, shoulder blade strength, core strength, as well as lower body strength and flexibility. When you throw a ball, your arm has to cock back in a motion called “external rotation” and then come forward in a motion called “internal rotation.” If the internal motion of the shoulder is limited, then excessive forces can travel through the arm and cause pain. There are various stretches that can be used to improve this motion to decrease throwing pain. In addition to motion, the tendons in your shoulder, known as the rotator cuff, need to be strong and stable to allow a proper throwing motion. They control the “ball” in the “ball and socket” of your shoulder, and without proper strength and stability, you can have a shoulder injury while throwing. In conjunction with your rotator cuff, it is also necessary to have proper strength of your shoulder blade, known as your scapular

New Location: Brick/Ramtown!


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We Offer Free Transportation, In Home Physical Therapy and a Full Range of Outpatient Services.

AWARD WINNING Physical Therapy right in your area. Joel Maietta, DPT Physical Therapist


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The County Woman Magazine

Joel received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Quinnipiac University in 2010 after receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences from Quinnipiac University in 2007. He has completed clinical rotations in acute care, inpatient rehabilitation, and outpatient orthopedic settings. Since graduation, he has taken extensive continuing education courses and has earned multiple certifications. He is a Certified Integrated Manual Therapist (CIMT) through the Great Lakes Seminars as well as a certified LSVT BIG provider for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease. He has also taken courses and is experienced in the application of KinesioTaping, and the use of Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. Joel believes in a whole body approach to treatment with a focus on individualized care to help people return to their lives. Joel is currently the facility manager in our Wall location.

September/October 2019

by Dr. Allen Morgan Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, NJ


Practice Enhanced Precautions” and suggests a few of the following safety steps to staying proactive:. 1. Do not travel to an area with Zika. 2. If your sex partner is traveling to areas with Zika make sure to use condoms during sex. 3. Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- registered insect repellent to avoid mosquito bites. 4. Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants to avoid contact with mosquitoes. 5. Take steps to control mosquitoes entering your home by repairing screens, doors, and windows.

rying to conceive and planning on traveling? Here’s 7 everything you need to know about Zika virus before you buy those plane tickets. Zika virus is a pandemic which is spreading throughout the western hemisphere, raising concerns for pregnant women and those trying to conceive, and prompting leading fertility specialists to For some, IVF campaigns. provides the very best chancesIndividuals at successfully becoming pregnant. launch informative who have traveled to an affected area or have had intercourse

Medical Professionals

In Vitro Fertilization

with someone who has traveled to a Zika-impacted region, simple blood and HowMorgan the Virus Operates By Dr Allen fertility treatments. There are several variations the urine teststocan be performed by your fertility specialist or womens’ health The serious is spread from infected Aedes species mosquitoes Morgan Fertility andillness Reproductive Medicine Just like PGD, basic IVF process that can increase physician to alleviate any concerns. to humans but can also be contracted through sexual contact,of blood PGS can also test chances success, ensure genetic Egg Freezing transfusions or laboratory exposure if the virus is present. Researchers have for gender in order disorders aren’t passed on, identify n vitro fertilization (IVF) is a smart There are no recommendations or policy statements from the American suggested the placenta is aiding the virus to crosschromosomal through the maternalto select the sex of abnormalities, shorten choice for many people suffering Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) or from the Society fetal barrier. This explains the lack of nutrients and blood supply the baby the number of cycles required and cost your child, if you so fromreceives. infertility because it produces for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) for women who choose to choose. less. freeze their eggs for later use in order to prevent Zika exposure. To those the highest success rates. If you’re Possible Effects Once youofmeet For example, you may choose preimplantation women spending an extending period time in regions with Zika, freezing considering IVF,widely you should have an Zika virus is Microcephaly, which The most known effect of the with a fertility genetic diagnosis (PGD) along with IVF. PGD eggs could give women a sense of security. This decision is a very personal understanding the clinical process, is a lifelong of condition where the baby’s brain doesisnot specialist and have for develop anyone properly wishing to eliminate the possibility choice and should be discussed with a physician. resulting in aand significantly smaller head size than of normal. Other include costs involved, the decisions discussed the kind passing on arisks genetic disorder, such as cystic miscarriage, physical and severe of thetochild’s involved in each type deformities of IVF cycle, suchdamage of IVF cycle you will undergo, you should have a fibrosis, theirnervous children. We About can alsoDr. testMorgan: for system. with ahigh financial counselor gender using PGD, effectively allowing you istowidely one-on-one as embryo testing and freezing options. Dr. Morgan recognized formeeting exceptionally IVF success ratesto discuss the costs of IVF. Out-of-pocket expenses choose the sex of your child. The basics of IVF are fairly straightforward. A with minimal use of fertility drugs. Dr. Morgan completed his fellowship in can be little ifatyou insurance coverage. Another process to consider in conjunction woman’s mature eggs are removed from the body Reproductive Endocrinology andvery Infertility Thehave University of Kentucky However, if you are self-pay patient, costshecan screening and fertilized in a laboratory environment, where with IVF is preimplantation genetic before opening his own practice in central Newa Jersey in 1993, where be quite overwhelming. But finances should never to over 3000 patients become parents. He is also a clinical professor growth can be evaluated, pre-implantation testing (PGS). PGS is for anyone wishing has helped keep you from becoming parent.since If you feel eliminate the possibility of having a child (PGD/PGS – see below) can be performed, and at Jersey Shore Medical College, teaching OB-GYN aresidents 1993. you may struggle to afford possible multiple with chromosomal abnormalities like Down His expertise also encompasses advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic cycle viable embryos can be selected for transfer into treatments, you may want to choose a smaller syndrome, and may be recommended anyone surgery tofor preserve and enhance female fertility, treating conditions such as the mother’s uterus for implantation and growth Precautions and Prevention practice, where you are more likely to find special endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and polyps. experiencing recurrent miscarriages, someone into a healthy bouncing babyofgirl boy.isWhen Because the lifetime theorvirus unknown, any person actively trying discounts and even payment plans in some cases. whocontracting is older or the whose ovaries do not work as egg or sperm donors are used theprecautions process, weto avoid to conceive should followhelp safety virus. well as has expected, or someone with refer toThe the Center processfor as Disease third party reproduction. Formultiple morefailed information, call 732-363-4777 or Control and Prevention (CDC) issued “Level 2

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Our Our 2019/20 2019/20 season season includes includes aa new new adaptation adaptation of of the the classic classic Cyrano, Cyrano, the the world world premiere premiere Ourof2019/20 season includes aTony newnominee adaptation of the classic Cyrano, the world premiere Love Hate by Joe Iconis (Be Chill), Shakespeare's Love in inseason Hate Nation Nation by Tony Joeof Iconis (Be More More Chill),the Shakespeare's Ourof 2019/20 includes newnominee adaptation the classic Cyrano, world premiere of2019/20 Love Night, in HateAugust Nation by aaTony nominee Joethe (Be More Chill), Shakespeare's Wilson's Golf, world premiere of Hombres by OurTwelfth season includes newRadio adaptation ofIconis the classic Cyrano, the world premiere Twelfth Night, Radio Golf, world of The The Hombres by of Love in Hate August Nation Wilson's by Tony nominee Joethe Iconis (Bepremiere More Chill), Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, August Wilson's Radio Golf, world of The Hombres by Tony Meneses Ruben autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. of Love in Hateand Nation bySantiago-Hudson's Tony nominee Joethe Iconis (Bepremiere More Chill), Shakespeare's Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. Twelfth Night, August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere of The Hombres by Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. Twelfth Night, and August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere Lackawanna of The Hombres by Tony Meneses Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Blues. Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues.





One entry per person. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be included. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

Enter To Win

November/December 2016 Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a Great Show at two river theater!

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The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


Pediatric Dentistry


Pediatric Dentistry

HealthyKids And Braces: Eating Leads To The Straight Facts Healthy Smiles!

Currently, nearly five million children and adults in North America are having orthodontic treatment. For many patients, especially children and teens, a healthy, If you want healthy and goodbeautiful smile goes beyond good health; it indicates looking teeth as an adult, it is confidence. important to take care of them

during childhood. Diet is directly

But how do you know if your child needs braces? linked to the strength and beauty Here are a few questions that parents usually ask when of teeth- malnutrition is the inquiring about their children’s braces. number one cause for weak Does my child need braces? teeth and junk food is the biggest It’s not always easy to tell if your child has an orthodontic problem. However,

culprit when it comes to tooth decay. Vitamins, minerals, and some signs or habits may indicate the need for an orthodontic examination: early essential nutrients crowns safemouth from breathing; damagethumb and orother late loss of baby teeth; difficultykeep in chewing or biting; themmisplaced so thatoryour child can sweets orthey fingerstrengthen sucking; crowding, blocked-out teeth;enjoy jaws that shift or make sounds; biting the cheek or roof of the mouth; teeth that meet abnormally or without worry. not at all; and jaws that areare outthe of proportion to thesource rest ofofthe face. Naturally, fruitsand andteeth vegetables most important nutrients. Vitaminshould C is a critical dental health. It helps to boost resistance to When my component child seeofan orthodontist?

cavities, and it has the added strengthening Oranges, kiwis,itand If parents, regardless of yourbenefit child’sofage, note any ofgums. the problems above, is strawberries are great sources of Vitamin C and they prevent harmful bacteria from advisable to consult an orthodontist. All children colonizing and contributing to gingivitis. should see an orthodontist no later than age Dairy products are also essential in the fight against tooth decay. Richand seven for a simple check-up. This quick in calcium and Vitamin D, milk should a daily forpotential your children. painlessbeexam canroutine identify problems Encourage them to snack on low-sugar yogurtthat andany cheese, because theseisdairy and ensure future treatment timed products raise the pH levels in theappropriately. mouth (which helps prevent decay) and they reduce the effect of the acids produced by dental plaque. My child sees a dentist for regular

dental and facial irregularities. Orthodontists receive an additional two to three years of specialized education Other powerful ingredients are seeds. Try to include seeds like pumpkin, beyond dental school learninto your kid’s packed lunch- they go perfectly with sunflower and sesameto seeds the proper way to align and sandwiches and burgers. Seeds are naturally high in fat content, which is very straighten importantteeth. for theOrthodontists body; they reinforce the enamel and reduce the chance of cavities. team with your child’s dentist Crunchy vegetables like cauliflower, green beans, carrots, and cabbage are not toonly ensure that your child delicious and readily available in your local grocery store, but they also provide achieves oral health. a uniqueoptimal way of helping teeth through the necessity of extended chewing. The chewing process acts as a tooth cleaner, scrubbing the teeth and removing plaque How quickly will we that results gathers after meals. see and how Believe it or not, it is also important to encourage your child to have a piece

much will it cost?gum daily. Chewing gum for fifteen minutes after meals of sugar-free chewing

Treatment time averages 24 Although orthodontic treatment doesthe is very efficient in polishing themonths. tooth surface and removing food debris from not produce same-day results, some children may only require limited treatment. crevices. It also increases saliva production, which acts as an anti-bacterial agent. In orthodontic treatment is affordable and isbut often by dental addition, All of these foods will benefit your child’s teeth, it iscovered also important to insurance plans. avoid the problematic foods that can get stuck between teeth and cause cavities. As Orthodontists receive to anregulate additional to three academic years ofcandies specialized a parent, it is important thetwo amount of sweets and sticky that education beyond dental school to learn the proper way to align and straighten your child consumes. Foods like caramel, taffy, hard candy, and soda can cause teeth. major destruction in your child’s mouth. If your child cannot resist sticky sweet temptation, it is a good idea tofrom havethe some sugar-free handy to followed help protect Dr. Max received his DDS NYU Collegegum of Dentistry, by against the harmful effects of these foods. his Pediatric Dentistry degree at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Last but not the least, maintain the habit of seeing a dentist twice Jersey. A member of multiple accredited organizations, Dr. Max is a past president a year and brushing at least twice a day. Regular brushing is the most of the NJ Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and an AAPD Council member, essential part in maintaining healthy teeth both in childhood and and currently serves as a public policy advocate for children on behalf of both adulthood! organizations as well. Additionally, Dr. Max has been selected as a “Top Dentist” by New Jersey Monthly from 2009 to 2018.

For more information or to schedule an check-ups and cleaning. Why see an for your child, call 732-625-8080 or orthodontist, too? What our happy patients are saying… appointment Please call any of our three locations today to schedule Orthodontists specialize in the visit “It’s a wonderful feeling when we come to the office. My diagnosis, prevention and treatment of your FREE orthodontic consultation with Dr. Max! little boys love you guys and their happiness is what matters. Keep doing what you guys are doing, being wonderful and loving.” - Noah Michaels


“Gabby and Dr. Max were great and very patient with my son. It was nice to learn about having the orthodontist right there and also to have the option of laughing gas to help my son through the process.” - Jonathan Walsh

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The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2017

September/October 2019

Legal Professionals


Back To School IEP Tips HELPING PEOPLE PROTECT ASSETS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AND CONDUCT SMOOTH REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES. • Special Needs Trusts • Wills & Estate Planning • Guardianships • Health Care Proxies • Long Term Care • Powers of Attorney • Inheritance Tax Planning • Trusts 81 East Water Street Suite 2C, Toms River NJ 08753 732.281.0060 125 Half Mile Road, 200 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 This office by appointment only.

Christine L. Matus, Esq.

Written by Colleen Clark, Esq.

Does your child have an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? Here’s what you can do to start the year off the right way. 1. Read your child’s IEP. Be familiar with the accommodations the school should be providing. 2. Write an introduction letter. Introduce your child to his teachers on paper. Tell them how he performs best and describe unique qualities that the teacher should know about your child. 3. Hand deliver a copy of your introduction letter and your child’s IEP to his teachers. Try to schedule a meeting either before the start of school or in the early weeks. You can confirm your child’s schedule and talk about accommodations with his teacher. 4. Review the IEP with your child. Tell your child what accommodations he should be getting in class. Depending on his age, tell him how to remind his teachers to provide his accommodations. 5. Schedule a Progress Review Meeting with the Child Study Team. Schedule a meeting with the child study team for October to review implementation of the IEP. Talk about what is working in your child’s new classes and what can be improved upon. 6. Keep communication open. Let your child’s case manager know what is working for your child as well as what is not.

Surgical Supplies













MON.-THUR. 10-5 • FRI. 10-3 516 New Friendship Rd • Howell, NJ 07731 • P 732.901.9500 • F 732.901.9522 •

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Funeral Planning


“Buddy” Bears

Anchor Monuments donated teddy bears to The Children’s Art Therapy “Buddy” Program at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, NJ in April 2019. Anna Farro, owner of Anchor Monuments, realized the importance of the program when her daughter attended during the loss of her grandparents. It benefited her family through the grieving process and helped her daughter with providing the support she needed to overcome the loss. This program provides the support and tools needed in helping children deal with grief and long-term illnesses of family members and loved ones. The “Buddies” are a part of the program that provide a feeling of comfort and safety for children going through a tough time in their lives. Each child attending the art therapy program will name their bear and it is theirs to keep.

Anna Farro

Owner • President Anchor Monuments is proudly woman owned and operated. Learn more about Anna Farro on our website:

Specializing in granite & Bronze MeMorialS

732.440.7548 • 732.822.5140 •

Health & Wellness

Heat Up For Health: Benefits of Infrared Sauna Therapy by

Vanessa Galati-Drew

anti-aging effects and general skin rejuvenation. You will experience significant improvements in skin appearance with regular sauna use, including a reduction in wrinkles and crow’s feet, as well as improved overall skin tone, including softness, smoothness, elasticity, clarity and firmness.

Infrared saunas create unique light waves that cause positive radiation effects in the human body. It is believed these waves are capable of altering cells, cell membranes, DNA/proteins and cell fluids. These changes have a positive effect on metabolism and the body’s natural detoxification methods. Benefits of infrared sauna use include:

Wound Healing


Toxins in our food, water, air and the amount of stress we experience can all take a toll on our health and well-being. Sweating is one of the primary methods our bodies use to cleanse and eliminate toxins. Only 80-85% of the sweat produced in an infrared sauna is water, the other 15-20% contains cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid! Compared to a traditional sauna, an infrared sauna can feel milder and less hot. However, it is 7x more effective and efficient in detoxification than an overly-hot traditional sauna room.

Heart Health

Infrared saunas are backed with clinical research that shows a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, improved circulation, enhanced vascular function and lower risk of disease. The increase in circulation helps normalize blood flow and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. As your body temperature heats up, it increases sweat production to cool itself. Your heart then works harder, pumping blood at a faster rate, boosting circulation. The increase in body temperature from regular infrared sauna use produces an increase in blood flow that mirrors the benefits of a passive cardiovascular workout.

Skin Health

Infrared sauna therapy provides deep detoxification benefits including

The County Woman Magazine

Skin plays a vital role in the protection of our bodies from the external environment. When broken, it is important to repair it quickly to prevent infection or further problems. Near-infrared therapy enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting human tissue growth and faster cell regeneration.

Vanessa Galati-Drew is the founder of Cleansing Concepts, an exclusive detoxification facility with a new location at the Galleria in Red Bank, NJ. For more information, visit

Natural Pain Relief

Infrared sauna use has become one of the most popular alternatives to medicine for chronic pain. Infrared sauna heat works by penetrating joints, muscles, and tissues, increasing circulation and speeding oxygen flow. Doctors recommend infrared sauna therapy to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal and joint pain, and other chronic pain conditions. Chronic pain patients experienced a nearly 70% reduction in pain levels after the first session of infrared sauna therapy.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown that an infrared sauna therapy session can burn upwards of 600 calories while you relax! As the body cools itself down, there is a large increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories. That’s right, using infrared saunas for weight loss therapy is like giving yourself a passive cardio workout – wherever and whenever you need it!


Eliminate harmful toxins in a safe, clean, professional & friendly environment with our detoxification therapies.

• Colon Hydrotherapy • Ionic Foot Detox • FIT Bodywrap • Infrared Sauna • BELD Lymphatic Drainage • Ear Candling

732.741.2444 2 Bridge Avenue, Suite 316 Red Bank, NJ 07701

September/October 2019

Professionals MMedical edical Professionals


Thyroid ThyroidDisorders DisordersAnd and Surgery Surgery What is a thyroid disorder? Diseases of the thyroid gland are very common, affecting millions of Americans. The most common thyroid problems are: • An overactive gland, called hyperthyroidism (e.g., Graves disease, toxic adenoma or toxic nodular goiter) • An underactive gland, called hypothyroidism (e.g., Hashimotos thyroiditis) • Thyroid enlargement due to overactivity (as in Graves disease) or from under-activity (as in hypothyroidism). An enlarged thyroid gland is often called a goiter. Patients with a family history of thyroid cancer or who had radiation therapy to the head or neck as children for acne, adenoids, or other reasons are more prone to developing thyroid malignancy. What are thyroid nodules? Thyroid nodules are very common, occurring in 15-65 How is a diagnosis made? percent of people of all ages. They occur in both women and The diagnosis of a thyroid function abnormality or a men but are especially common in women (50 percent of thyroid mass is made by taking a medical history and a physical women ages 50 or older have had a thyroid nodule). examination. In addition, blood tests and imaging studies or Usually patients and their physicians first notice thyroid fine-needle aspiration may be required. As part of the exam, Dr. nodules during a routine physical exam of the neck area. Peters will examine your neck and ask you to lift up your chin to Sometimes they are found incidentally during a radiographic make your thyroid gland more prominent. You may be asked to evaluation of the neck (such as a CT scan, X-ray, MRI or swallow during the examination, which helps to feel the thyroid ultrasound). Although the vast majority of thyroid nodules and any mass in it. Tests your doctor may order include: are benign, the physician should evaluate a significant thyroid nodule, as approximately 5-10 percent of thyroid nodules • Evaluation of the larynx/vocal cords with a fiber optic are cancerous. In general, a thyroid nodule is considered telescope “significant” if it is one centimeter or larger and/or presents • An ultrasound examination of your neck and thyroid concerning features on ultrasound. • Blood tests of thyroid function • A nuclear thyroid scan What is thyroid surgery? • An ultrasound guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy There is no medical treatment for thyroid nodules. If a • A CT or MRI scan decision is made that the thyroid nodule needs to be removed,


surgical treatment is recommended. Nodules that are suspicious or cancerous on biopsy require surgical removal. Large nodules are often removed for a number of reasons. Benign large thyroid nodules may cause pressure symptoms in the throat or cause difficulty swallowing. Thyroid nodules that produce excess thyroid hormone may also need to be removed. Lastly, some thyroid nodules are large enough that standard diagnostic approaches prevent accurate assessment of the possibility of cancer and, therefore, need to be surgically removed. Thyroid surgery is an operation to remove part or all of the thyroid gland. It is performed in the hospital and general anesthesia is usually required. Typically, the operation removes the lobe of the thyroid gland containing the suspicious nodule or lump. A frozen section (immediate microscopic reading) may be used to determine if the rest of the thyroid gland should be removed during the same surgery. Based on the result of the frozen section, the decision will be made in the operating room if removal of any remaining thyroid tissue is necessary. Dr. Peters will discuss these options with you preoperatively. As an alternative, Dr. Peters may choose to remove only one lobe and wait for the final pathology report before deciding if the remaining lobe needs to be removed. If a malignancy is identified in this way, he may recommend that the remaining lobe of the thyroid be removed at a second procedure. What happens after thyroid surgery? The surgery usually takes 2-3 hours, and most patients are watched carefully in the hospital overnight. The pain is often minimal, and most patients take four to seven days off from work.


Bruce Petersstarted is a board certified Otolaryngologist who established his practice Ocean InDr. 1997, Dr. Peters as a sole practitioner in Ocean County and laid the foundation forinone of theCounty area’s in 1997. A graduate of Philadelphia of of Osteopathic residencyMedicine at Thomas University Hospital, premier Otolaryngology practices. College A graduate PhiladelphiaMedicine College ofand Osteopathic and Jefferson residency at Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia. Peters then his Fellowship in Facial Plastic Surgery Philadelphia, Dr. PetersHospital, then completed his Dr. Fellowship in completed Facial Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery at the and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of MiamiinHospital. He and specializes in functional and cosmetic nasal thyroid University of Miami Hospital. He specializes functional cosmetic nasal surgery, sinus surgery, surgery, sinusand surgery, and cancer Dr. of Peters is a Diplomate of theofAmerican Board surgery skinthyroid cancersurgery surgery. Peters is asurgery. member the American College Surgeons, the of Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck A Fellow the of the AmericanofCollege Surgeons, a member of N.J. the Academy Otolaryngology, Head andSurgery, Neck Surgery, Academy Facial of Plastic Surgery and the Academyofof OtolarynFacialgology. Plastic He Surgery, thein N.J. Academy of Otolaryngology, anddaughters the Academy Otolaryngology, Head and surgery. resides Wall, N.J. with his wife and two andofenjoys golf and fishing in Neck his leisure time. Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS He resides in Wall , N.J. with his wife and two daughters and enjoys golf and fishing in his leisure time. Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS

Nurse Practitioner Rajat Sood, APN Stephen Kupferberg, Christina Gillespie, MD MD, FACSKupferberg, MD, FACS Stephen Christina Gillespie, MD

Suite 3, Toms River, 54 54 BeyBey LeaLea Rd.,Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ NJ 61 Lacey Whiting, 61 Lacey Rd.,Rd., Whiting, NJ NJ 1707 Atlantic Avenue, Wall Township, NJ 1673 Rt. 88 W, Brick, NJ

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit

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Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great Show!

Two Tickets To The Cape May Stage Theater!

“Makes you want to jump out of your seat and dance!” - Theater Pizzazz

“Deliciously Sassy!” - Theater Scene


Photo: Carol

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sical Written

A New Mu

Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ p This One’s For The Girls p Gazillion Bubble Show Lafayette St. Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 405 08012 City:_____________________State:______Zip:___________ Cape May, NJ Email:___________________________________________ Or Visit to Enter Online!

by Dorothy


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A high energy celebration of women featuring Top-40 songs like RESPECT, Stand by Your Man, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, These Boots are Made for Walkin’, I Will Survive, Greatest Love of All…

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28, 2018. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

*Only one entry per person.

St Luke’s Theatre, 308 West 46th Street - 212-239-6200

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

January/February 2018 September/October 2019


The County Woman Magazine

Medical Professionals

September/October 2019

Fashion & Beauty


Clothes To Fall Back On Summer is over and the lovely, crisp breezes of fall are slowly approaching. Although saying goodbye to summer at the jersey shore is never easy, knowing that cooler weather brings with it an opportunity to level up your fashion game helps ease the transition. Who doesn’t love the stylish trends this season has to offer: think cozy sweaters, well-fitted slacks, pencil skirts, and the vast array of boots to choose from. This year bold prints take center stage and there are plenty to choose from at Lynne’s Boutique. Plaids and others inspired by animals including realistic creations of leopard skin, zebra, and tiger are virtually everywhere and on everything from purses, to t-shirts and dresses. The plethora of animal prints was all over the runways and is seemingly here to stay. In fact, animal prints have been called the “new neutral” by some fashion insiders. Also ubiquitous among the fashion elite was plaid, which has always been synonymous with fall. Classic and versatile, the plaid prints of 2019 are super easy to incorporate into your wardrobe. Color palettes are bright and work wonderfully by mixing and matching with other prints. In fact, we’ve seen everything from animal prints paired with stripes, to plaid mixed with layered prints. If the “chaos” of wearing different prints together causes you a bit of anxiety, remember: fashion is about taking risks. This is the time to throw caution to the wind and get out of your typical “fashion” comfort zone. Try a bovine print dress, paired with a leopard bootie and you will be the most fashion savvy among your crew. When shopping at Lynne’s it’s all about you, the customer. Because Lynne and her staff are well versed in the current trends and their merchandise, they can help you put a sensational outfit together. Her staff is highly skilled in how to dress the variety of body types Lynne Goldberg, Owner of and they have a highly adept seamstress on staff to help with any Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, adjustments needed for your new outfit!. has been in the women’s

Best Wishes,

Lynne Goldberg 732-530-5443

Hours: Tues. - Fri.10:30am -5:30 pm Sat. 10:30am - 4:00pm • Closed Sundays and Mondays

31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ

retail clothing business since 1989, and her boutique has evolved and changed along with the times. Specializing in Mother of the Bride or Groom attire, she also carries a wide selection of casual readyto-wear and accessories that will allow you to dress well and feel comfortable-for everyday or any occasion.

Enter To Win

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great Show! Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________

p Drunk Shakespeare

p Gazillion Bubble Show

Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 Or Visit to Enter Online! One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through October 31, 2019. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Financial Independence


The Five Amazing Things That Happen When You Start Talking About Money… by Geeta K. Brana, Senior Vice President, Freedom Capital Management, 960 Holmdel Road, Building 1, Suite D, Holmdel NJ 07733, Tel: (732)-546-9315, Email: Ladies, when was the last time you openly talked about money? About your budget? Savings? Retirement? A recent survey revealed that women are generally more comfortable talking about their kids, Botox, sex, fitness or death than their personal finances! In contrast, men start talking about salaries, stocks and investing at a much earlier age than women. Most of us women have been taught that the topic of money doesn’t make for polite conversation. Whether you are rich or poor, money can feel like a measure of self worth and a way to define yourself. It may also be an aspect of your life that you are not proud of or you feel lacks control. Money is an emotional topic that can stir up unexpected thoughts and feelings and if left undiscussed it can be the source of much anxiety. Here’s what can happen when you speak up...! You identify your unique money talk mindset: Money is such a taboo topic that it often takes a crisis for couples or families to discuss it openly. The reasons vary from person to person and are based on our unique set of beliefs about money which I refer to as the “money talk mindset”. Many factors contribute to the development of our money mindset including family money messages, culture, gender, generation, religion, socioeconomic status and personal financial experiences. By actively identifying your money mindset you can help change your conversations and investment behaviors. You enjoy more intimate and satisfying relationships: Money silence is ruining marriages and families, bankrupting businesses, and making it almost impossible for the next generation to be healthy around money. Fifty percent of first marriages end in divorce, with financial conflict often cited as the leading cause. Financial infidelity is on the rise with 42% of adults surveyed in 2016 (33% in 2014) admitting to financially cheating on their partner. Having an open conversation about money (without exercising passive aggressive behavior) can help establish better relationships and give you peace of mind.

You start raising a financially intelligent next generation: As a parent or a loving relative or mentor to a young person you can only teach what you know. If you were raised in the money silence, then it is challenging (but not impossible) to empower your children to talk about money and be financially intelligent. To raise a financially fit next generation, you may need to admit that you need to learn a few new things! Parents are influential role models for the next generation and it’s never too late or too early to engage your family in the money talk. You start raising financially fit parents: Seven in ten adults find it difficult to talk to their families about who will make financial decisions for an aging parent or relative. It is also common for parents to want to maintain control as they age. Learn techniques to respect this desire by approaching them with loving intent, at a quiet time, and in a manner that lets your parent maintain dignity. You learn more about your worth as a consumer: There has never been a time in U.S. history where women have been more economically powerful. Currently, women control over 50% of the personal wealth in the United States, act as primary or joint decision makers for $11.2 trillion in investable assets, and will control at least two thirds of the nation’s wealth by 2030! Even if you don’t bring home all the bacon, women make 85% of the buying decisions and are very influential in how family income is spent. Yes, women we are a financial force to be reckoned with! Given the U.S. has spectacularly low financial literacy rates, open discussions can be a key source of knowledge. That’s why I suggest attending finance workshops like my “Women, Wine & Wealth” series with your friends the same way you do, say fitness classes. So what is “Women, Wine & Wealth” series?: It's a regular meetup group designed primarily for women on how to speak up, communicate and participate in productive financial dialogues. It’s also for romantic partners, whether married or living together; for parents who want to raise financially fit children; and for adult children who want to talk about finances with their aging parents. There is no sales pitch – just helpful solutions on how to talk more openly about money & live a more fulfilling life.

Women, Wine & Wealth A Ladies Night Out!

Join us for wine and refreshments

“Prince Charming May Not Be Coming!” How Women Can Get Smart About Money & Lead Fulfilling Lives Without The Fairy Tale Ending! September 25, 2019 (6-8 pm)

Albarino Tapas & Wine Bar, The Grove West, 508 Broad St, Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 Geeta K. Brana Senior Vice President Freedom Capital Management

RSVP: Facebook@wheel.women.power

Bettina Munson, Esq. Family Law Division Lomurro Law

Securities and investment advisory services offered through Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. (RAA), member FINRA/SIPC. RAA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of RAA. RAA does not provide tax or legal advice.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Assisted Living


Join us for A TASTE OF SUMMER ®

Assisted Living • Independent Style Apts • Memory Care Now Accepting New Residents!

Join us for a FREE NOSH! Sweet Treat Wednesday Sept 11th 2:30-4:30pm

FREE Alzheimer’s Support Group!


September 17th, 6-7:30 PM October 15th, 6-7:30 PM Pre-register: 732-747-7540

RSVP to all events: 732-747-7540

Group led by trained facilitator from Alzheimer’s New Jersey

Enter To Win Enter to Win Two Tickets to the Atlantic City Ballet This Season! Name: Address:

609-348-7201 The County Woman Magazine






Clip and Return to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 *One entry per person. Expires 10/31/2019.

September/October 2019

Medical Professionals


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Christine Ally, DDS, FICOI, FAGD Member, American Sleep and Breathing Academy Member, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Qualified Dentist, American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which a person stops breathing periodically throughout the night due to physical blockage of the airway. These stops in breathing usually last for around ten seconds and are often followed by snorts, gasps, or choking sounds as a person’s body fights to resume breathing again. When you stop breathing during the night, your brain responds by partially waking to send signals to the respiratory system to work harder to get past the obstruction. This repeated stop in breathing is very detrimental to overall health and is linked to a number of medical conditions. These range from depression and sexual dysfunction to increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and premature cardiac death.

Appliances Available for Sleep Apnea Before any treatment options can be determined, a sleep study must first be performed to determine the severity of one’s symptoms as it can have a direct influence on the recommended therapy. However, a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) should be treated and monitored by a trained clinician. There are various types of comfortable dental appliances which can be made by an experienced doctor such as Dr. Ally to treat OSA and improve patients’ health. For moderate to severe sleep apnea patients, most sleep professionals will recommend CPAP therapy as a first-line treatment option. For mild to moderate sleep apnea, a dental device is often the recommended therapy. Dental devices may also be recommended to be worn in conjunction with a CPAP device.

Who Qualifies for These Appliances?

• Patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea (not recommended for moderate to severe sleep apnea) • Patients with primary snoring (in absence of sleep apnea) • Patients who have tried and failed at CPAP therapy may qualify • Patients who were unsuccessful with or refused surgeries such as tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, craniofacial operations, or tracheostomy • In combination with CPAP device to help lower patient’s apnea/hypopnea index for more tolerable air pressure settings If you’re concerned you have sleep apnea, you should contact your physician to discuss or contact a highly trained dental professional to discuss treatment options. Dr. Ally at Shore Premier Dental Arts/Advanced Sleep and TMJ Center of New Jersey offers a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns or treatment options. She is a highly trained and skilled clinician with extensive experience in treating OSA patients with oral appliances. Give us a call to see how we can help with your concerns.

Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION with Dr. Ally to learn about our comfortable and convenient sleep apnea treatment.

180 White Road, Suite 212 Little Silver, NJ 07739


The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Medical Professionals


The Natural Pharmacy & Organic Skin Bar Cleansing, Gentle Exfoliation, and Cellular Rejuvenation. This can be We strive to use 100% incorporated with a Dermaplane chemical-free natural as well. Another wonderful original products. We are resultsand genuine treatment is the Microoriented and practice the Needling Pen. This is great for Antiscience of wellness and beauty Aging, Scarring and Pigmentation. She does this treatment while from the inside out. Dr. Sauer infusing 4% Sodium Hyaluronate is a Registered Pharmacist, Clinical Nutritionist, Homeopath, (HA) and Organic Face Serum made by The Natural Pharmacy. NO side and a Natropathic Physician. effects or downtime. Nina also He has a thriving private offers Microblading and Permanent practice for over twenty years Makeup. Both are safe and non-toxic. and continues to help patients She is brilliant at both! She knows how to enhance your beauty, and is someone with Autoimmune Disease, you can trust. If you’re interested in having perfect Eyebrows, Eyeliner, and NaturalHormone Imbalances, Reproductive Issues, Gut Problems, Looking Lip Enhancement, Nina is your “GO-TO GIRL”! She has been getting rave Autism, ADHD, ADD, and more. He is intuitive, patient, kind, and reviews at The Pharmacy, and we are thrilled to have her on our team. Stop in and get a consultation with her on any treatment; you’ll be thrilled that you did. tireless in his effort to help people.

Written by Eric Sauer, R. Ph. NMD. DHPh

The Natural Pharmacy & Organic Skin Bar also has an amazing Natural Skincare Line, offers Organic Facial Treatments, and has most recently added Microblading and Permanent Makeup. Nina Sotille is a licensed Aesthetician and is Board Certified in Microblading and Permanent Makeup. Nina recently joined The Natural Pharmacy‘s team. She has worked in the beauty industry for the past twenty years, and is very skilled at her craft. Nina‘s Organic Facial Treatments are customized and tailored for your specific skin type. Every facial treatment is enhanced with a “made on the premises” Organic Mask. All of The Natural Pharmacy’s Skincare is compounded on the premises. Clean Skincare is so important to apply on your skin! “What goes on the skin is absorbed in the body.” Nina incorporates all of The Natural Pharmacy’s Skincare in her luxurious facials. One of Nina’s signature treatments is an Ultrasonic Facial. It’s safe, simple and effective at Deep Pore

Call and Schedule your Appointment or Consultation Today. 732 695 0277

Eric SauEr, r.Ph., NMD, DhPh www.EricSNaturalPharMacy.coM lauriE loMbarDi, cDN www.lauriEloMbarDi.coM Follow us on Facebook The Natural Pharmacy & Organic Skin Bar

Enter To Win An Exclusive Monmouth County Woman Offer!

Enter to Win a $50 Gift Certificate For Microdermaplaning or the hCG Diet

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Winner will receive a $50 gift certificate, good for one year, to the Natural Pharmacy for Microdermaplaning or the hCG Diet. One entry per person. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information in third party ad servers without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

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The Natural Pharmacy

Integrating Natural Alternatives With Traditional Medicine 851 West Park Avenue Ocean, NJ 07712 (732) 695-0277 Fax: (732) 695-1522 September/October 2019

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What You Need To Know About Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease is a common disorder that affects 1 in 133 people. In this disease, individuals have a reaction to gluten, which is contained in certain food products. This reaction injures the lining of the digestive system and causes a wide variety of symptoms. What are the symptoms of Celiac Disease?

The most common symptoms of Celiac Disease are diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Some patients may experience weight loss, anemia or other vitamin deficiencies. There may be delayed growth or delayed puberty in children. Other symptoms may include fatigue, bone pain, headaches and muscle aches. Some people with the disease may have no symptoms at all. The disorder is often attributed to Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Fibromyalgia as the symptoms are so varied.

What causes Celiac Disease?

Certain individuals have a genetic susceptibility to Celiac Disease and something then triggers the disease to develop, such as stress or other illness. If you have a parent or sibling with this disorder, you will have a 1 in 20 chance of developing the disease. Celiac Disease may be diagnosed in childhood. Others may not find out about the disease until adulthood due to later onset of the disease or a delay in the diagnosis.

What is gluten and what foods contain it?

Gluten is a mixture of proteins contained in wheat, rye, barley and malt. Due to crosscontamination, oats may also contain gluten if not labeled strictly gluten free. As you might imagine, gluten is therefore in many food staples such as bread, pasta, cakes and pizza.

specific and if positive, almost certainly reflect the underlying disease. Some patients with immune deficiencies may have the disease even with negative blood testing. Genetic testing is also available. Once positive blood tests are identified, your doctor will need to obtain a biopsy of the small intestine to confirm the disorder. A procedure called an upper endoscopy can be scheduled to obtain the necessary tissue. This procedure takes only about five minutes and is performed by a gastroenterologist with the patient asleep with intravenous sedation.

How is Celiac Disease treated?

Celiac Disease is treated with a gluten-free diet. This diet means avoiding all foods that include wheat, barley, rye, malt or oats (unless specified gluten-free oats). All prepared foods are labeled and required to list these ingredients, which makes shopping easier than it had been in the past. Many foods are also clearly marked as gluten free. Foods such as meats, eggs, fruits, vegetables and cheeses are naturally gluten free. There are many glutenfree prepared foods now available in the local supermarket and many restaurants have gluten-free menu options.

Patient Tesimonials: “Procedure went smoothly. Dr. Collier was very informative regarding procedure, as well as communicating results. Felt very comfortable with Dr. Collier and am thankful to have her as my physician for this process.” ~ JoAnn, 65, Forked River “What stood out to me was the patience and kindness that everyone at your facility exhibited. Your front desk staff was knowledgeable and patient on explaining everything and answering questions, and very pleasant. You can tell that everyone likes working there because their happiness comes through. Dr. Jill Collier gave me all the information I needed and made me feel at ease. This was an excellent experience.” ~ Jennifer, 39, Brick

Omar Tamini, mD Jill COllier, mD eDgar BigOrnia, mD

Who helps to manage Celiac Disease?

Once a patient is diagnosed, it is important to meet with a nutritionist to learn about a gluten-free lifestyle. Patients and family members can educate themselves about the disease from numerous books and websites. Local support groups are also available.


How does gluten affect the bowel in Celiac Disease?

When patients with Celiac Disease eat products containing gluten, an inflammatory reaction started by their body’s own immune system takes place in the digestive system. This reaction causes the surface lining of the small intestine to become damaged. An injured small bowel cannot function properly and absorb the nutrients in food. This causes the patient to develop malabsorption or the inability to process food products.

As you can now understand, Celiac Disease is a common disorder, which may lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain. It is often misdiagnosed as other common illnesses. It can be diagnosed with lab and endoscopic testing. Treatment is available in the form of diet modification. If you think you may have Celiac Disease, contact your gastroenterologist to initiate the proper testing.

How is Celiac Disease diagnosed?

Celiac Disease can be detected with blood testing. Blood tests can show elevated antibody levels in affected patients. The blood tests are very

For more information, Call 732-349-4422 or Visit

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Jill Collier, MD, Medical Director, Endoscopy Center of Toms River

KenneTh glazier, mD Jai mirChanDani, mD Teresa menaDier, mD

The Endoscopy Center of Ocean County • The Endoscopy Center of Toms River • Colonoscopy and colon polyp removal • Colon cancer detection and screening • Rectal bleeding evaluation • Ulcer pain evaluation and treatment • Swallowing disorders

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Hospital Community & Ocean Medical Centers A Division of Allied Privileges Digestive at Health

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September/October 2019

Home Health Care


Companion Care

Companion care offers emotional support to seniors who don’t necessarily

Deborah Walsh,

require medical services. The possibilities are really endless as to what a companion caregiver can offer – here are a few.

Executive Director, HomeWorks

At United Methodist Communities HomeWorks, we often hear stories from frustrated family members about mom or dad refusing to accept any help at home even though they clearly need it. Resisting help is very common in the elderly. The fear of losing independence and control, the invasion of privacy, and distress about a stranger in the house are all reasons for this. The concept of home care can seem very intrusive, but not all seniors have the same needs. These can range from complete assistance with personal care and all activities of daily living (ADLs) to simple companionship and help with shopping, meal prep and laundry (IADLs). Many of our clients are now opting for home care earlier by gradually introducing companion care once or twice a week. Waiting until mom or dad are at a stage when they need daily or live-in care heightens the fear of losing independence and is not the best time to start home care. The ideal time to introduce a companion may be when a loved one begins to struggle with things like meal prep, cleaning, and laundry. We are finding that seniors are more comfortable with a companion rather than a home health aide and the cost is less. Concern about cost may be their barrier to accepting help at home.

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit

• Accompanying your loved one to doctor’s appointments and advocating on their behalf • Escorting seniors to appointments, engagements, museums, movies and other social events • Engaging in social activities such as reading, watching TV together, playing cards, or board games • Planning meals and cooking for them or together • Shopping and errands

The list is really endless. Companion care can provide a senior with socialization, which is vital to their mental health and reducing feelings of loneliness. When seniors stay in their homes, social isolation may become an issue, especially if friends or neighbors don’t visit regularly. Companion care ensures that seniors have regular interaction with others. As relationships develop seniors come to look forward to their time together and this can help reduce feelings of depression. Social interaction can have significant implications on other areas of a senior’s life, such as: • Diet – Sharing meals with a companion can encourage seniors to eat regularly and to eat well • Health – Socialization has many positive benefits on mental health, which can also affect physical health • Exercise – A senior may be more willing to participate in activities like going for a walk when they have someone to share in those activities • Sleep – Knowing that a companion will be by in the morning can help encourage more regular sleep habits and they may sleep better each night after having taken part in activities, including exercise, with a companion during the day. Jump into companion care and introduce help for your loved one in a gradual, less costly and less threatening way.

In-home care for seniors. Call today for a free in-home assessment.

732-838-1950 • 54 Olin St, Ocean Grove, NJ

Positive Fertility Coach Reset Your Fertility Mindset in 3 Hours Virtual Workshop LEVEL UP your conception efforts by learning how to mindfully access your positive fertility energy while trying to conceive. LEVEL DOWN anxiety-related cortisol levels (which can sabotage efforts). Release fears & insecurities; deepen your mind/body fertility connection. Dee Ballington 732-615-8368

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Medical Professionals


NJ Neurosurgeon SpearGAME heads Effort to Enhance CHANGER! Comfort, Reduce Recovery Time for Stroke and Brain Aneurysm Patients Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists,

leaders in brain, spine and neurovascular

care and a proud partner of Altair Health, now accepts Aetna and Horizon

Dr. Paul Saphier from Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists says a patient’s wrist is the key to taking endovascular neurosurgery to the next level

Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey.

What does the future of brain surgery for patients with strokes and aneurysms look like? According to Dr. Paul Saphier, a board-certified neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists – one of the largest neurosurgical practices in New Jersey and one of the most advanced in the country – in many cases, there won’t be a need for general anesthesia. And patients may be able to walk away 30 minutes after the procedure with nothing more than a compression bracelet around their wrist. “We’re actually doing this today by taking a radial approach to endovascular neurosurgery,” says Dr. Saphier, who performs hundreds of procedures per year. “With endovascular neurosurgery, neurosurgeons Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists’ can access – and treat – a brain aneurysm or rupture by navigating Dr. Paul Saphier is leading the through a blood vessel to deliver devices like coils and stents, rather than industry and taking endovascular performing open brain surgery. Neurosurgeons traditionally go through a neurosurgery to the next level. blood vessel in the upper thigh, but by using the radial artery in the wrist instead, we can take patient comfort to the next level and reduce recovery time.” The radial approach carries less risk of bleeding and improves patient comfort compared to the traditional transfemoral approach, which is when physicians advance their devices through the main artery in the thigh. Plus, instead of needing to stay off the leg to recover, patients can walk off the table after the procedure and be discharged in as little as 30 minutes. “Neither endovascular approach carries a significant risk of complications, but if we can reduce the risk even further and simultaneously make the experience faster and smoother for our patients, it’s our duty to deliver on that,” adds. Dr. Saphier. While radial access is widespread in the cardiology community for interventions like stenting and catheterization, it is not commonly used in neurosurgery. “This isn’t an indication of its efficacy,” notes Dr. Saphier. “Because the radial artery is so much smaller, the procedure requires a higher level of skill to perform. Even if a neurosurgeon is highly skilled, the traditional approach is very much the status quo and most physicians’ comfort level.” Dr. Saphier is such a strong proponent of radial artery access for neurosurgery that he is spearheading a physician-led study that will formally examine its benefits. “Since seeing how successful radial access has been with my patients – in terms of their outcomes and their satisfaction – I haven’t looked back. I’m energized to lead the industry forward on this front and to help more patients get the best treatment available.” If you’re interested in learning more about a radial approach to endovascular neurosurgery and how it can benefit you or a loved one, contact Dr. Saphier at ANS at 973-285-7800 or Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) is New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice and one of the most advanced in the country. Since its founding in 1958, ANS has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the nervous system. For more information, visit

MCW/OCS Game Changer_Girl on Pink #893.indd 1

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B reast C ancer wareness M onth B reast C ancerA A warenessMonth M onth Breast Cancer Awareness

Have You Had Your Annual Mammogram? Breast Cancer Awareness Month

(BCAM), also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer. NBCAM was founded in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemical Industries (now part of AstraZeneca, producer of several anti-breast cancer drugs). The aim of the NBCAM from the start has been to promote mammography as the most effective weapon in the fight against breast cancer. In 1993 Evelyn Lauder, Senior Corporate Vice President of the Estée Lauder Companies founded The Breast Cancer Research Foundation and established the pink ribbon as its symbol, though this was not the first time the ribbon was used to symbolize breast cancer. In the fall of 1991, the Susan G. Komen Foundation had handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. A variety of events around the world are organized in October, including walks and runs, and the pink illumination of landmark buildings. In the United States, the National Football League promotes breast cancer awareness by incorporating pink on and off the field, and comic strip artists use pink on one day in October. (1)

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The County Woman Magazine

What are the key statistics about breast cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2014 are: • About 232,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. • About 62,570 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer). • About 40,000 women will die from breast cancer After increasing for more than 2 decades, female breast cancer incidence rates began decreasing in 2000, then dropped by about 7% from 2002 to 2003. This large decrease was thought to be due to the decline in use of hormone therapy after menopause that occurred after the results of the Women’s Health Initiative were published in 2002. This study linked the use of hormone therapy to an increased risk of breast cancer and heart diseases. Incidence rates have been stable in recent years. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The chance that breast cancer will be responsible for a woman’s death is about 1 in 36 (about 3%). Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1989, with larger decreases in women younger than 50. These decreases are believed to be the result of earlier detection through screening and increased awareness, as well as improved treatment. At this time there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. (This includes women still being treated and those who have completed treatment.) (3)

How can National Breast Cancer Awareness Month make a difference? We can use this opportunity to spread the word about steps women can take to detect breast cancer early. Take action to increase awareness about breast cancer and breast cancer screenings. • Ask doctors and nurses to speak to women about the importance of getting screened for breast cancer. • Encourage women ages 40 to 49 to talk with their doctors about when to start getting mammograms. • Organize an event to talk with women ages 50 to 74 in your community about getting mammograms every 2 years. • Display posters about breast cancer screening in your organization’s break room. • Ask health professionals from your local hospital or clinic to share information about mammograms and early detection with your employees or members. • Distribute materials about breast cancer screening at a local health fair. • Partner with local women’s organizations, community groups, and senior centers to reach women ages 40 and older with important information on breast cancer screening. • Host a breast cancer walk with your organization’s members. (2) Sources: (1) Wikipedia: Awareness_Month (2) American Cancer Society: detailedguide/breast-cancer-key-statistics (3) Susan G. Komen Foundation: UnderstandingBreastCancer.html

September/October 2015 2014 September/October

September/October 2019

Medical Professionals



Diagnosed WithLung Breast Cancer: What’s November Is National Cancer Awareness Month Next?

What Youshows Need The biopsy thatTo youKnow have breast cancer. In addition

Didthe you knowand thatemotional lung cancer is thealeading cause of cancer to shock turmoil, thousand questions go deaths in both men and women in the U.S.? Approximately through your mind. “The surgeon said that he took everything 200,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and 27 percent out, so why do I need chemotherapy?” “What are my of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer. chances?” “Am I going to die from cancer?” “My friend only What causes lung cancer? needed to take a pill, why am I not getting that?”

Smoking. Smoking is the number one risk factorisfor lung cancer. Evenbecause thoughno non-smokers Not everyone diagnosed with breast cancer treated the same two can also get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the tumors are alike. Even after the lump in the breast is removed surgically, there is a risk higher your risk. The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quit smoking. Tobacco of cancer growing the same breast or spreading to other organs, process to called smoke damages cellsback in theinlungs, causing the cells to grow abnormally. Regularaexposure metastasis. risk of metastasis basedoron a number of factors. Age, menopause, smoke from The someone else’s cigarettes,iscigars pipes (called second-hand smoking) can increase stage risk of the cancer and even characteristics of the tumor cells (grade, hormone receptors athe person’s of lung cancer, if they are non-smokers. Exposure asbestos. Certainalljobs such as shipbuilding, asbestosormining, insulation or called ER andtoPR, and Her-2) determine the risk of relapse metastasis. automotive brake repair may cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can irritate Age: In general, young women tend to have more aggressive tumors andthe arelungs more and cause cancer. When combined with smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is much often treated with chemotherapy than older women. higher. Stage: Breast cancer is staged from Stage 0 to Stage IV; Stage 0 is pre-cancerous and Radon. Radon is an invisible, odorless gas released by soil and some rocks. Exposure to is also known as carcinoma in situ (DCIS or LCIS). Stage 0 cancer does not metastasize higher levels of radon can cause cancer, especially lung cancer.

and does not require chemotherapy. Stage I is a small tumor (<2cm) confined to the

What are the typeshasofspread lungtocancer? breast; when the tumor the lymph nodes or if the tumor is >2cm it is

There are two different types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. This difference is Stage II. Stage III includes tumors that have spread to lymph nodes in the neck, have based on the type of cancer cells. Most lung cancers are non-small cell. Among the non-small affected more than 4 lymph nodes, or have spread to the skin and chest wall. When the cell lung cancers, there are several subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell and large cell.

cancer has metastasized to other organs (commonly to the bones, lungs or liver), it is

What Stage IV.are the symptoms and signs?

Symptoms and signs include coughing, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness of The higher the stage, the higher your risk is of relapsing; chemotherapy, hormonal breath, chest pain, fatigue and weight loss. therapy or both are recommended to reduce thatcancer risk. is advanced. Sometimes lung cancer Most often, the symptoms do not manifest until the Tumor Characteristics: Certain features on the cells can predict the can be detected as a shadow in the lung on an X-ray donecancer for other reasons.

aggressiveness of the cancer. Cancer cells are graded from I to III, grade I being the least

What you Chemotherapy? should know: Who Needs

• If Even you are a heavy smoker, have been smoking formay have cancer cells floating if the visible tumor and is removed surgically, you several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an around in your system that can deposit in different parts of the body. This can happen X-ray or a CT scan. a few months to several years later, producing metastasis. Research has shown that this • Ask your MD about different methods to help you quit risk can be reduced by giving chemotherapy for a few months. In addition, hormonal smoking. therapy and Herceptin are used in appropriate patients. • If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask about the type of cancer you have, After your surgeon will refer mutation. you to a Medical Oncologist who will then stage andsurgery, other features such as EGFR the kind of treatment •determine What is your treatment plan? you may need. Women who have very early stage breast cancer may not need treatment and should be observed periodically. • What are the side-effects ofany treatment? Most women with ER and PR positive • Are there support services available? tumors are treated with Tamoxifen (before menopause), or Arimidex (Anastrazole) or Femara (Letrozole) (after menopause). Immunotherapy in lung cancer. In addition, your medical oncologist may advise you to get chemotherapy based on Over the last few decades, immunotherapy agents have been studied in the treatment of the other factors mentioned above.Several The most commonlydrugs used are chemotherapy many cancers, including lung cancer. immunotherapy now approveddrugs for use. are Adriamycin, Cytoxan, Paclitaxel (Taxol), Docetaxel (Taxotere), 5 Flurouracil Our immune system fights cancer cells normally, and thus reduces theand chance of (5 FU). The normal type ofcells chemotherapy and duration usednotarework alsoalways, based as onpeople the risk of transforming into cancer cells. But this does with normal immune systems also develop cancer. The principle of immune therapy is based on metastasis. boosting the immuneissystem it can efficiently destroy cells.starting about 3 to Chemotherapy givensoforthat approximately four to sixcancer months, The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors has been a major breakthrough in cancer research. 4 weeks after surgery. Chemotherapy is often administered as an intravenous infusion. These drugs help to take the “brakes” off the immune system, so that they can recognize and kill To minimize damage to the veins and to ensure proper administration, a device called a cancer cells more effectively. port-a-cath canKEYTRUDA, be inserted below the collarbone. This of is the temporary can be inhibitors removed OPDIVO, and TECENTRIQ are some immuneand checkpoint after treatment is completed. that are used in lung cancer. Even though these drugs don’t have the typical side effects of Side Effects they still can cause reactions such as inflammatory disorders. chemotherapy, Chemotherapy can cause nausea, fatigue, vomiting, hair loss, mouth sores, low Tocounts learnand more about lung cancer and the treatment of blood numbness in the extremities. These are all reversible and improve once treatment is discontinued. the use ofEasaw newer medications, nausea andor other cancers, contactWith Dr. Sarah at 732-961-0010 vomiting can be prevented considerably. visit

How is it aggressive anddiagnosed? grade III being the most. The tumor cells are also tested for hormone

Once your doctor suspects that you have lung cancer, you will be sent for CT scans and in receptors the surface of cancer cells, called ER and (estrogen progesterone). some cases,on a PET scan. A PET scan can detect cancer morePR accurately thanand other tests. The Tumor cells are also checked for a protein called Her-2. About 25-30% breast diagnosis is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the suspicious lesions seen on the X-rayoforallCT cancers arescans Her-2 Her-2 patients treated drugs that target scans. The alsopositive. help to see if thepositive cancer has spread are to any otherwith organs, a process called the Her-2 protein, such as Herceptin and Perjeta, in addition to chemotherapy. metastasis.

Are there different stages?

Staging is different for small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer has only two stages: limited stage (confined within the lungs) or extensive (spread outside the lungs). Non-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is a small tumor that is PatienttoTestimonials confined the lung, that has not spread to the lymph glands. Larger tumors and those that are spread to the lymph glands come under stages II and III. When the cancer has spread to other “I thank God every day that Dr. Easaw became an oncology doctor and that I was lucky organs, it is stage IV. enough to have found her.” - Donna, Toms River.

What are the treatment options? “Dr. Easaw took the time to answer every one of my questions and guided me to make the

Treatment is based on the stage and the type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is mainly best decision for my Mom’s care.” - Melissa, Howell. treated with chemotherapy. In limited stage small cell lung cancer, radiation can be combined “Dr. Easaw and her staff became an extension of my family and I feel so fortunate that she with chemotherapy. moved office to Ocean just when I needed the most.” - Dorothy, River. Earlyher stage non-small cellCounty lung cancer is best treatedher by surgical resection. AnToms experienced surgeon removes tumor, of surrounding normal tissue the lymph glands around “I have beenthe a patient Dr. Easaw for sevenlung years. Sheand is a very thorough doctor whoit. Even after removing theher tumor, cancer cellstime canIremain recurrent cancer, either in the honestly cares about patients. Every see her,and shecause always takes the time to go over lung itself or with in other organs. Chemotherapy, or bothhas areanswers used after surgery to reduce everything me regarding my condition radiation and she always to any questions I the chance recurrent cancer. have. I amofvery lucky to have her as my Oncologist” - Michael, Whiting, NJ Advanced stage lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs “ I was very emotional when I heard of my illness and if it wasn’t for Dr. Easaw and her staff, used are based on the type of lung cancer, age of the patient, other medical illnesses, etc. There is I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through my treatment. Dr. Easaw and her staff ongoing research to improve and the outcome in patients with lung cancer. made my visits comforting easier to deal with my sickness” - Julia, Lakewood, NJ

Medical Professionals

What’s in inlung cancer? “I feelnew that I am very good hands, with Dr. Easaw and her staff. They excel in providing

Targeted agents: Medicines targetfield. certain proteins receptors on thetocancer great patient care within a verythat difficult Much kudosor and many thanks themcells all!” are- Anonymous being developed for the treatment of various cancers. These targeted agents attack the cancer cells specifically, sparing other cells. Targeted agents cause less severe side effects than chemotherapy. A few different targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. Tarceva (erlotinib) is a To druglearn that works in certain types oftreatment lung cancers carrying in a receptor more about of a mutationOctober is called EGFR. A new drug called crizotinib was approved recently for the treatment of lung cancer that Breast Cancer cancer oroncogene. other cancers, carriesbreast a gene called ALK fusion No two tumors are alike! Even among lung cancers, distinguishing Awareness contact Dr. Sarah J. Easaw at there are different features. Your oncologist chooses the type of treatment based on a number ofMonth factors, including the cell type, stage, 732-961-0010. different biological markers on the cancer cells, and your other medical problems.

With Breast Cancer:


Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

you have breast cancer. In addition to the shock and emotional turmoil, a thousand The County County Woman Magazine The Woman Magazine nd. “The surgeon said that he took everything out, so why do I need chemotherapy?” “What o die from cancer?” “My friend only needed to take a pill, why am I not getting that?” d with breast cancer is treated the same because no two tumors are alike. Even after

September/October 2018 2019 November/December

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3D Mammography Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. One in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Each year it is estimated that over 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,500 women will die from the disease. This is why early detection is so important. With early detection, the five-year survival rate is nearly 100%. The latest weapon in the fight against breast cancer is 3D mammography (also known as breast tomosynthesis). This new technology has increased early detection over traditional mammograms, especially in women with dense breasts. Greater accuracy means better breast cancer detection.

Q: What is a 3D mammogram? How is it different from regular mammograms? A: 3D mammogram--also called breast tomosynthesis--is one of the most

advanced forms of breast cancer detection. It uses a very low level of radiation to take multiple pictures of the breast. The x-ray tube moves over the breast in an arc, capturing multiple images of each breast from different angles. A computer reconstructs these pictures to create a 3-dimensional picture of the breast. A regular mammogram takes a single picture of the breast.

Q: What is the advantage of 3D mammogram?

suspicious, patients need to be called back for additional views. The multiple images created by 3D mammograms have such increased accuracy that there is decreased need for this. On average 3D mammograms reduce callbacks by up to 40% compared to traditional mammograms. This means less radiation exposure, increased convenience for our patients, and more peace of mind.

Cancer in this breast is difficult to detect on this standard mammogram.

Q: What can I expect when having a 3D mammogram? A: The process of having a 3D

mammogram is the same as a conventional 2D exam. The technologist will position you, compress your breast, and take images from different angles. There’s no additional compression required, and it only takes a few extra seconds.

Q: Do insurance companies cover 3D mammograms?

Using 3D mammogram technology, the cancer was able to be clearly seen.

A: One of the challenges of interpreting mammograms is normal dense breast

A: Medicare, and many private insurers, cover 3D mammograms. In the past, not

Q: Is there increased radiation performing a 3D mammogram?

Toms River X-ray has been performing mammograms and serving the community for over 30 years. Our 3D mammogram is the latest on the market and has the most advanced technology. It is our mission to provide the very best for our patients. We thank you for trusting us with your health and the health of your loved ones. We look forward to offering you this significant advance in breast cancer screening.

tissue hiding breast cancer. Additionally, overlapping areas of normal dense breast tissue can look suspicious. This is why detecting breast cancer in women with dense breasts is more difficult. The 3-dimensional images of breast tomosynthesis help decrease the tissue overlap that can obscure cancers. It also helps distinguish normal overlapping breast tissue from breast cancer. Studies have shown that 3D mammograms significantly improve the detection of breast cancer, especially in women with denser breast tissue. It also picks up breast cancer at an earlier stage, which may be missed by traditional mammography. 3D mammograms find 20-65% more invasive breast cancers compared to traditional 2D mammograms, with an average increase of 41%.

all private insurance companies covered 3D mammograms. However, in August 2018, New Jersey enacted a mandate requiring nearly all the major health insurers to cover 3D mammograms.

A: Mammograms expose patients to very low levels of radiation. The level of

radiation exposure from a 3D mammogram is the same as that from a traditional mammogram. So a patient receives all the benefits without any increased risk. With traditional mammograms, when a radiologist finds an area that is

Cyrus Khorrami, M.D. Medical Director PARVIZ KHORRAMI, M.D. CYRUS KHORRAMI, M.D. Founder Medical Director PARVIN MOTEMADEN KHORRAMI, M.D.


PET/CT Ultrasound CT Scan Diagnostic X-Ray

1.5 T and 3 T High Field Open Bore MRIs 3-D Mammography Nuclear Medicine Bone Densitometry

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 • Fax: 732-244-1428


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September/October 2018 September/October 2019

Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals


If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery In Dr. Banks’ Office: SEE DR. BANKS! It’s More Than Just Wisdom Teeth

Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.”

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, can teeth. These can occur When the gum ridge wherebe teeth are missing isand too thin to place a dentalanywhere implant, in the mouth troublesome painful if there bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What means is and thatusually a boneneed to is not enough space for thethat teeth replacement product, or even the patient’s own erupt bone, can placed into thebe deficient area, removed, especially to completely intobethe mouth stabilized, and allowed to heal.into Following healing, dentalWisdom implants can be placed that wheninto the presence a useful position. area and then restored with porcelain teeth.have This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” of the extra tooth is teeth that not surfaced out and can be accomplished in both the top andthrough bottom jaws. impeding the eruption of the bone the gums into causing damage the mouth are called impacted When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand or downward to the other teeth. andgum usually to be problem into the ridge and cause bone teeth loss in the ridge.will Thisneed is a correctable as well, according The supernumerary tooth could be impacted, as removed to prevent gum disease to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus Augmentation – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be in the case of a mesiodens, an extra tooth that and other types of infections and performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of forms in between the two upper front teeth. If the cysts from forming. bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement tooth product or supernumerary is impacted, Dr. Banks will Sometimes other teeth do not erupt into even the patient’s own bone the can mouth be used.” properly, and this is generally noted assess the position of the supernumerary tooth in Kathy A. Banks, DMD the jaws cone beam CT scan in the office, so when a child is in what we call thethe “mixed A common misconception is that the bone is placed into sinus. In reality, the with sinusamembrane that the surgical can be discussed and planned. dentition” (when to there are “sinus some baby some adult is actually liftedphase up (hence name lift”)teeth backand to where it should be, and boneremoval graft material Dr. Banks removesinsupernumerary teeth in the office teeth). under Impacted teeth can occur anywhere thegum mouth: is placed the sinus membrane, restoringinthe ridgeincisors, and the sinus contour together one setting or the operating room, depending on the canine teeth, bicuspids and molars. In most cases, once the child is under procedure. the care of an orthodontist, Dr. Banks will assess the position of the tooth difficulty of the procedure. Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT have scanning Some patients congenitally missing teeth; that is when all the in the jaw precisely with a cone beam CT scan in the office, and will show of the face and jaws, to evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately teeth don’t develop. This condition is also called partial agenesis of teeth. the patients and the parents where the tooth is and determine whether it diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the Upper lateral incisors andquality lower second bicuspids are common areas for is possible to move the tooth with orthodontic traction or whether the of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” this condition to occur, but it can occur in any area of the mouth. In tooth is so badly positioned in the jaw that it must be removed. She also prepares andtooth uses isadvanced biologic materials into grafting procedures as the L-PRF somesuch cases, primary tooth, if present, will be retained until the patient If the impacted a candidate to be moved orthodontically, (Leukocyte-Platelet Richand Fibrin) are made right the in the office at the time of surgery. matures and facial bone growth is complete. At this stage, using a cone Dr. Banks will discuss plan which a procedure to expose tooth crown beam CT for guidance, and bond there a special orthodontic bracket an attachment forare thepainful Andto finally, is a preconceived notion with that these procedures procedures. “There Dr. Banks will coordinate with the dentist and orthodontist, a plan to use tooptions move the into its correct areorthodontist multiple anesthesia fortooth the surgical part of position. the boneThese grafting process,” she says.and “We offerwill be formulated to remove the primary tooth and place an implant restoration procedures are performed in the office with the comfort of sedation intravenous general anesthesia and sedation, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can in the area to replace the tooth. In all these situations, Dr. Banks will coordinate care with your be anesthesia. treated comfortably. If the unerupted or orthodontist “Of course, I’m making it sound easy butimpacted these procedures are technically demandingand andyour takegeneral years dentist to ensure the optimal outcome tooth cannot be and experience. As a Board-Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and of practice to gain the proper expertise. Youmoved only want your bone grafting performed by a orthodontically, then procedures board certified by the National Dental Board of Anesthesiology, well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.” Dr. Banks will discuss and Dr. Banks is your surgical expert in conditions of the face, mouth and plan a surgery to remove jaws. the unerupted or impacted tooth, and together with the orthodontist, Dr. Banks will discuss options for future tooth replacement. Extra teeth: Some patient have extra teeth, called supernumerary

For more information, call 609-488-2325 Call Dr. Banks Today! or visit 609-488-2325 •

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 September/October 2019

Wigs & Hair Replacment


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800-992-HAIR The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019

Business Spotlight


Meet The Staff at JA Alternatives Jane Genesi, Owner JA Alternatives was founded nearly 36 years ago by Jane Genesi. The first J.A. Alternatives location was opened in River Edge, NJ in 1983. Currently she owns seven locations: Paramus, NYC, Hartsdale, Long Island, Marlton, Boca Raton and Toms River. Through the years Jane Genesi has remained dedicated to bringing the most advanced hair replacement technology and products to her clients. Jane realized early on the need to distinguish JA Alternatives from other hair replacement studios by continually providing an experience and product like no other in the industry. She is responsible for giving JAA an overarching commitment to constantly moving forward and never accepting the status quo.

Carlene Fairgreive, Hairstylist Carlene is a hairstylist with over 35 years’ experience locally in the Toms River area, with the last 14 years here at JA Alternatives. She loves transforming both my men and women clients by designing, customizing and maintaining their replacements and truly helping them with all of their hair care needs. The most rewarding part of her professions is to see the sheer happiness on my clients’ faces after making them feel good about themselves after experiencing hair loss of any kind. Building a long-lasting relationship with her clients as they really become part of the JA family and having them trust her to cut, color and make them look and feel their best is always her goal. Using her talents with all of our clients, especially women, takes an understanding professionalism to this very sensitive subject, and she enjoys doing that and is always here to help.

Fran Carlson, Customer Service Coordinator

Jessica Glover, Stylist & Interlink Technician Jessica has been working in a salon since she was 17. After a few years of working in a salon, her career was open to learning about hair replacement and she fell in love with it. Now, she as been in replacement for about over five years now. She enjoys furthering her education and knowing as much as the hair world has to offer. Now, she has been doing hair for a while, she realized that the thing that she enjoys the most is getting to know her clients. Understanding ger client’s personality and lifestyle helps to create the best look for everyone. Along with cutting and coloring hair, Jessica also has learned many ways to add hair on your hair without using a replacement. Two things she has gotten out of hair replacement is to help others feel good about themselves, and she gets great pleasure out of getting to use her creativity to help her clients feel and look their very best.

Sandy Duva, Operations Manager & Stylist Sandy brings to JA well over 40 years of experience. She has been with Jane Genesi, Owner and Founder of JA Alternatives, since 1980 and is our Operations Manager for Toms River and assists management in Paramus. Sandy’s expertise has benefited our corporation tremendously. She is our trainer for all technicians, along with a day-to-day maintenance and care of our clients’ hair. She heads our Wholesale Division worldwide, is deeply involved in making all of our production of commercials, brochures, and photos, and has the responsibility of the testing of new products. In addition to these responsibilities, Sandy is our “go to” Technician for all locations. She still manages to keep a number of clients as their private Technician.

Fran resides in Waretown, NJ and has been the receptionist at JA Alternatives for three years. She has always worked in an office setting, so the salon was something new for her. She loves working at JA Alternatives and enjoys watching clients walk in looking for a solution and walk out all smiles. For her, it doesn’t get better than that.

800-992-HAIR • The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019



M edicalProfessionals Professionals Medical Medical Professionals


High High Heels, heels, Gait Gait, And and Venous Dysfunction Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), a medical condition where the veins cannot pump v enough blood back to the heart, is a common problem but there are many ways to treat it. In addition to surgical procedures, there are more conservative measures such as compression stockings, weight loss, leg elevation, and local treatment of venous ulcers. Since an individual’s gait (manner of walking) plays an important role in the function of leg veins, patients with painful venous ulcers should also be assessed to make sure that their gait pattern strikes a good balance between mobility and stability. Some common causes of abnormal gait patterns include weakness of different muscle groups, any condition that affects balance, and improper footwear such as open-backed sandals that cause the wearer to shuffle. There have been no studies showing how extremely high heels affect varicose veins, but since they do affect the gait of the wearer, that would suggest a link between high heels and CVI. Gait testing can detect which of these is at the root of the problem, allowing for appropriate treatment. Treatment may include gait training and strengthening of the lower extremities. Providing a patient can participate in an exercise program, exercise should be done with compression garments in place. This helps to improve venous return by assisting the calf muscle. Comfortable, well-fitting shoes should be worn that will allow for a heel-to-toe walking pattern. The simple way to help a patient achieve this is to have them take the longest steps they can safely take. Obviously this recommendation is for patients who can balance and have the ability to maintain single limb stance. Some patients will require more exercises to strengthen muscle, improve their balance, and increase their range of motion. It is crucial that patients maintain proper form while walking and exercising. Once the proper heel-to-toe gait is learned, it is important that adequate walking occurs for at least 30 minutes a day to maximize the benefit. As an added bonus, this will also improve overall health.

Please call Vein Center for Women 732-254-0500 to schedule an appointment.

The County Woman Magazine TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The

Love Your Legs Love Legs Again!! VeinCenter Center Vein for Women for appointments Women Schedule “24/7”

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Board Certified Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery Girija Surya, in M.D.

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732-254-0500 732-254-0500 msgs@VeinCenterFor

ConservativeTherapy: Therapy: Conservative

Thepatients patientsare areadvised advised about about Leg The Leg Elevation Elevationand anduse useofof Compression Stockings. Compression Stockings.

Non-InvasiveVascular VascularUltra Ultra Sound: Non-Invasive Sound:

Diagnosticultrasound ultrasound studies studies are and Diagnostic are performed performedtotodiagnose diagnose and customize treatment plans customize treatment plans

SurgicalTreatment: Treatment: Surgical

- RadiofrequencyAblation Ablation –– For - Radiofrequency For superficial superficiallarge largeveins veinswith withreflux reflux Micro-phlebectomy – For small bulging veins - Micro-phlebectomy – For small bulging veins - Sclerotherapy––For For small small veins veins a.k.a. - Sclerotherapy a.k.a. Spider Spiderveins. veins.We Weuse use ® in different strengths for the injectable veins. Asclera Asclera® in® different strengths for the injectable veins. - ClariVein a.k.a. MOCA! (mechanical chemical ablation) - ClariVein® a.k.a. MOCA! (mechanical chemical ablation) for superficial large veins with reflux. Saves time and for superficial large veins with reflux. Saves time and discomfort. discomfort.

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July/August 2016 September/October2019 2017 September/October

Business Spotlight


Love Your Legs Again When Dr. Girija

MCW: What is the most challenging part of your profession?

this country, she thought she would become an ob-gyn, a common specialty for women medical students in India. However, that quickly changed when she performed

Dr. Surya: part in a surgeon’s practice is to make a decision not to operate, for a better

was immediately everything became crystal clear for her. While doing her cardiovascular rotation, she participated in a cardiac surgery, holding the beating heart and doing a vascular anastomosis. She adds, “At that moment I knew where I was meant to be, and it was then I decided to become a cardiovascular surgeon. Cardiovascular physiology has always fascinated me the most. I have enjoyed the practice of this specialty immensely and continue to be challenged.” By combining her knowledge of venous diseases and a personal interest in women’s health, she started the Vein Center for Women. “Our mission statement is beauty inside out, as we believe that if one’s inner health is good, the beauty would naturally be seen,” she

challenging part is while operating: to do each stitch honestly, and not compromise, doing it once and doing it right, and always be thinking about the patient’s outcome. It is very easy to be caught up in some minor issues in making it all perfect which probably will not be important at all in the patient’s recovery, and a good surgeon should be able to recognize that in himself or herself and avoid it in the interest of the patient. MCW: What sets your practice apart from others in the area? Dr. Surya:

whole, giving them information and educating them on achieving vascular surgeon and a phlebologist for over 20 years, which means a physician who specializes in veins. Since the year 2000, she spends 80 percent of her time with venous disease and is involved with surgical treatment of leg veins, treatment of venous ulcers, and the cosmetic side of venous disease. In addition, she provides treatment of peripheral arterial disease, such as atherosclerotic blockages of arteries in the neck and legs.

them. It is a place where the patient is truly heard. Most importantly, I believe they get excellent, quality care with their venous problem. MCW: Discuss some of the other methods you use to treat unsightly veins. Dr. Surya: Usually patients come in with complaints of visible veins (spider veins), venous closure. If the veins are large, they are removed with a very small incision. is tailored to each patient in exactly the combinations they would need for all of their veins to be treated.

MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Dr. Surya: For me the most rewarding part is when I see my patients happy after I have treated them. I also derive great satisfaction when I make a decision to operate and the procedure is successful and relieves the symptoms without any complications. Improving my precision and technique while operating is also very rewarding.

MCW: What are the most common issues you see in your profession? Dr. Surya: In general, most patients are happy, but some who may have an unrealistic spectrum of personalities and it is fascinating.

For more information, call 732-254-0500 or visit

VEIN CENTER FOR WOMEN Girija S. Surya, MD 732-254-0500 The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


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Experienced Specialists. Compassionate Staff. State of the Art Treatments.


TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

July/August2019 2019 September/October May/June 2019 May/June 2019

Medical Professionals


Hemorrhoids: The Bottom Line

Medical Professionals

How hemorrhoids are treated depends on how severe the condition is. If the Did you know we are born with hemorrhoidal tissue, it’s a part of symptoms are mild, your doctor may simply have you increase your fiber intake in your our anatomy? Hemorrhoidal tissue lies within the anal canal and diet (i.e., fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals) or by adding an oral fiber supplement. perianal area and consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, It is recommended that you consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It is very important and a small amount of muscle. Hemorrhoids are described as to make sure that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of water. Other beverages that contain varicose veins of the anus and rectum because they are enlarged, caffeine or alcohol will dehydrate you, so try to decrease your intake of those beverages. bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. The only time These measures help to create a soft, formed stool, thereby eliminating excessive straining we actually feel hemorrhoids is when they become enlarged during bowel movements. This, in turn, will decrease the pressure on the hemorrhoids. or symptomatic. Dr. Paonessa likes to use the analogy: “We all The use of warm water soaks (sitz baths) will also provide relief. herhave patients, but she performs a majority of her colorectal cancer that surgeries have teeth, but we allcancer don’tand have cavities.” How common is colorectal who is at risk? Likewise, we all There are several outpatient treatments may using be performed in the office to laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a minimally invasive Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States among hemorrhoids, but we all don’t have symptomatic hemorrhoids. help treat symptomatic hemorrhoids. These include rubber band ligation, infrared


Colorectal Cancer: Are You Aware? What’s The Big Hype?

surgery in which small incisions are made to perform major surgery. This allows both men and women. It affects 140,000 people annually and causes 50,000 photocoagulation, and sclerotherapy. All of these procedures are painless. Dr. Paonessa’s shorter hospital stays, decreased incisional pain and earlier return to work and are two typeshas of ahemorrhoids: internal and external. Bothcancer can havefordifferent deaths. There The average person one in 20 chance of developing colorectal other activities. procedure of choice in the office is sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a in his/her lifetime. risk is increased if there isInternal a family (inside) history ofhemorrhoids colorectal form symptoms andThis often different treatments. in the chemical irritant into the hemorrhoid, which causes scarring and shrinkage of the blood polyps or cancer, and is even higher still in those patients with a history of breast, anus beneath a lining called mucosa, which is not sensitive to touch, pain, stretch or vessels present within the hemorrhoidal tissues. This procedure is painless and has few, Can colorectal cancer be prevented? uterine or ovarian cancer, and patients with a history of extensive inflammatory temperature. As such, internal hemorrhoids are commonly associated with painless any,ofcomplications. is safeObtaining for patients Colorectal cancer isif one the few cancersSclerotherapy that is preventable. a on blood thinners. As with any bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis. Additionally, a person’s bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements. It is only when the hemorrhoid screening colonoscopy at regular intervals is the best way to prevent risk for developing colorectal cancer increases significantly with age. procedure, you will need tosingle discuss this with your physician. completely prolapses from the opening of the anus and cannot be pushed back insidecancer. Your colorectal surgeon or specialist is able to review the colorectal External hemorrhoids may also be treated on an outpatient basis as well. Excision that it becomes severely painful. guidelines for screening based uponcan your medical history What causes colorectal cancer? of thecolonoscopy hemorrhoidal tissue beage, performed. The hemorrhoid will be injected with a and family history. Although not definitively proven, studies published in the Internal hemorrhoids fourbegins grades: It is generally agreed that nearly all are colonclassified and rectal in cancer in benign numbing agent, and excising of the hemorrhoid along with all blood clots (thrombus) is literatureofmention additional factors that may lower your risk of developing polyps, called One: adenomas. pre-malignant or growths, occur in the the opening Grade TheThese hemorrhoid is polyps, not protruding from done. In this case the entire external hemorrhoid is removed, not lanced, so as to avoid colorectal cancer and include eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet; maintaining a wall of the colon and/or rectum and may eventually increase in size and become the anus (no prolapse). residual tag vigorous once healed. This procedure provides instant pain relief for those healthy weight; andany engaging in skin regular, exercise. cancer, or medically speaking, carcinoma. This is known as the “adenomaGrade Two: The hemorrhoid protrudes anus but it goes patients suffering from severe pain. Often hemorrhoids that are not thrombosed can be carcinoma sequence.” Several factors have been mentionedfrom in thethe literature that may increase person’s riskown. for developing colorectal cancer and include age, a diet backa in on its treated with dietary change and sitz baths. highGrade in fat andThree: cholesterol, inactive/sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and the patient “After I had out I had myan outpatient basis at surgery centers There are and otherfound procedures that colon can becancer, done on Theanhemorrhoid protrudes andsmoking requires to my colonoscopy environmental exposures. primary physician recommended I see Dr. Paonessa. Not only is she or hospitals. These include traditional hemorrhoidectomy, transanal hemorrhoidal

push it back inside the anus. an excellent surgeon, I would recommend Dr.stapled Paonessa to anyone and As with any surgery, you will dearterialization (THD), and hemorrhoidectomy. Grade Four: The hemorrhoid anus What are the symptoms of colorectalcannot cancer?be placed back into the everyone.” need to have your physician evaluate your condition and see what the best option for you by thepolyps patient. Thiscancers is often very painful. Unfortunately, and early do not produce any physical signs or - Josephine B. is. With advances in local anesthetic and surgical technique, hemorrhoidectomy is not symptoms. Therefore, symptoms usually indicate late or advanced disease. The External (outside) hemorrhoids form and the painful procedure it had been associated with in the past. most common symptoms of colorectal cancer are rectalaround bleedingthe and anus changes in are covered “I credit Dr. Paonessa for are saving my life. Her andorattention If you experiencing any thoroughness of the symptoms conditions discussed, please contact bowel as constipation or most diarrhea. These complaints symptoms are common with in external byhabits very such sensitive skin. The common associated to detail made the difference for my recovery. I’ve never met doctor like with Dr. Paonessa. Dr. many other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract so it is very important to have Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery to make ana appointment hemorrhoids are occasional swelling, pressure or discomfort. When a hemorrhoid is attentive and caring. a thorough examination should ayou experience them. NOT ALLoutside RECTAL Paonessa is well trained in all aspects of hemorrhoid management and surgery. In fact, symptomatic, it becomes bluish-colored, painful lump the anus. Ifher-so the external BLEEDING IS DUE TO HEMORRHOIDS. It is very important for patients to - Patricia E. she is the co-editor of the textbook Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition, and hemorrhoid develops a clot (thrombosis), it becomes a hard, painful lump. When the remember this and seek evaluation if they are experiencing rectal bleeding. Other authored three of the chapters within this textbook. pressure becomes elevated, it can cause the thrombosed hemorrhoid to break down the symptoms, such as abdominal pain and weight loss, are usually late symptoms and skin, and the clot begins todisease. leak out. Even after the hemorrhoid has healed, quiteoverlying possibly indicate advanced/extensive some patients complain about soft tissue outside the anus called an anal skin tag. An anal skin tag is the residual effects from the thrombosed external hemorrhoid. A skin tag may How is colorectal cancer diagnosed? Evaluation colorectalability cancer to is first a complete historyAlthough and physical hinder of a patient’s cleanbegun afterwith a bowel movement. there is no treatment exam, digitalthey rectal and possibly testing the stool for A the patient. forincluding anal skina tags, canexam be removed if hygiene becomes anblood. issue for colonoscopy theseveral most definitive test used to diagnose colorectalalthough cancer. Athe exact cause is Thereisare factors that can cause hemorrhoids, colonoscopy is performed by a colorectal surgeon or other specialist in order to unknown. Upright posture, alone, increases pressure on the rectal veins and can cause get a direct visualization of the inside of the colon and rectum. A colonoscopy thempainless, to bulge. Additional factorsperformed include aging, constipation is a safe, outpatient procedure underchronic a light sedation. Basedor diarrhea, during pregnancy, heredity, straining during bowelspecialist movements, uponstraining the findings on colonoscopy, your colorectal surgeon or other may overuse of laxativesother or enemas, and extended periods of scan timeofonthethe toilet (i.e., recommend testing such as blood work, a CT abdomen and reading). pelvis, pelvic and/or ultrasound. Here MRI are some symptoms you should be aware of to determine if you may have a hemorrhoid problem: if you are having bleeding during bowel movements, itching in Colon and ReCtal SuRgeRy How colorectal cancer treated? theisanal area, pain, sensitive lumps or prolapsing during bowel movements. If you do Nearly all cases of colorectal cancer require surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy experience any of the symptoms, do not treat with over-the-counter medication. CallBoard and Certified in General Surgery and Proctology are sometimes required in addition to surgery. If the cancer is diagnosed and make an appointment with your doctor. It is very important to understand that NOT all Colon and surgery Rectal Surgery treated in the earliest stages, approximately 80-90% of patients are restored to • laparaoscopic surgery • anorectal rectal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids. As such, it is crucial to seek consultation with their normal health. The cure rate decreases to 50% or less when the cancer is Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • abdominal/pelvic surgery • pelvic floor disorders a specialist as a colonstages. and rectal sure that the rectal bleeding is not diagnosed in thesuch later/advanced Less surgeon than 5% to of be all colorectal cancer • fecal incontinence • laparoscopic•surgery office proctology • pelvic floor disorders patients require colostomy or “bag,” technology. caused by aaserious disease such thanks as analtoormodern colorectal cancer. Dr. Paonessa prides herself in being able to maintain this standard of care in her own practice. Not only is she able to minimize the number of colostomies/“bags” created for

• endoanal/rectal ultrasound • anorectal manometry/ • abdominal/pelvic surgery • office proctology physiology • fecal incontinence • anorectal manometry/

Board-certified in general surgery and proctology and a

endoanal/rectal ultrasound 2101 Route 34 South, Suite• H 1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite physiology B fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, an established Wall, NJ 07719 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 • anorectal surgery Dr. Paonessa specializes in in colon and rectal surgery. She colorectal surgeon practicing Ocean and Phone: (732) 282-1500 has been in practice for 15 years. She completed her colon Monmouth Counties, answers questions about 603(732) Higgins Avenue 1364 Route 72, Suite 5 and rectal surgery fellowship at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Fax: 282-1501 colorectal cancer, one of the leading cancers in Brielle, NJ 08730 Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM Allentown, PA. She is co-editor of the textbook Surgical both men and women.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition. Dr. Paonessa believes in patient-centered care and preserving each patient’s independence, well-being and dignity. She provides the latest, up-to-date The County Woman Magazine treatments and tailors each plan of care to the individual patient’s needs.

The County Woman Magazine

Phone: (732) 282-1500 • Fax: (732) Office Hours: M-F 9AM 2018 to 5PM March/April

292-9600 September/October 2019

Business Spotlight


Interview with Dr. Nina Paonessa An Expert in Offering Concentrated Expertise in All Areas of Colon and Rectal Surgery As a board-certified general surgeon and proctologist, Dr. Nina Paonessa believes in patientcentered care and preserving each patient’s independence, well-being and dignity. Specializing in colon and rectal surgery, Dr. Paonessa has been in practice for over 15 years. She completed her undergraduate education at Siena College in Loudonville, NY with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Magna Cum Laude, and a member of the honor society, Alpha Kappa Alpha. After completing her undergraduate studies, Dr. Paonessa completed medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, PA and completed her colon and rectal surgery fellowship at Lehigh Valley Hospital in Allentown, PA. CW: When did you first decide to become a surgeon? Dr. Paonessa: I discovered my love for the specialty during my second year of general surgery residency. I began to notice how patient outcomes varied based upon the training/skill of the surgeon. Colorectal surgery is a field in which specialized training truly impacts patient outcome. For example, in certain cases, the difference between patients having a permanent colostomy versus bowel continuity after colorectal resection is dependent upon the skill/training of the surgeon. Additionally, I had the privilege of doing a one-month rotation on the colorectal surgery service of Dr. Douglas Wong at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. It was here that I truly fell in love with the specialty of colorectal surgery. CW: What do you like the most about being a colorectal surgeon? Dr. Paonessa: For me, the most rewarding part is when I can make a positive impact on a patient’s quality of life and well-being, whether it be curing a patient of colon or rectal cancer and restoring bowel continuity, to ridding a patient of their hemorrhoid symptoms, to freeing a patient from the social isolation caused by their symptoms of fecal incontinence. A fringe benefit of my specialty is that I have the privilege of meeting so many wonderful and unique individuals. It is truly rewarding working with each of my patients.

CW: How would you describe your practice’s philosophy? Dr. Paonessa: In my practice, my staff and I share the same philosophy of “the patient comes first.” No matter what if it is benign or malignant disease for which a patient is coming to the office, we understand that it is a stressful and oftentimes an embarrassing situation for them. In my office, each patient’s privacy and dignity is preserved and respected to the utmost degree. We realize that just because we take care of colorectal problems every day, does not mean that patients are used to dealing with these issues. CW: What are the most common reasons why a patient would schedule an appointment at your practice? Dr. Paonessa: Men and women of all ages schedule appointments at my office for many reasons. These include hemorrhoids, fissures, colorectal cancer screenings via colonoscopy, treatment of colorectal cancers/including laparoscopic surgery, squamous cell carcinoma of the anus, fecal incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction. CW: Tell us a success story that you have experienced over the years. Dr. Paonessa: We have had many success stories over the last 15 years. One of my favorite success stories is that of a woman who was hospitalized for perforated sigmoid diverticulitis with a large intraabdominal abscess. I was requested to see her as a second opinion as the first surgeon proposed immediate surgery consisting of sigmoid colon resection and end colostomy. After careful history and physical exam and review of her CT scans, I proposed a plan of bowel rest, IV antibiotics and percutaneous drainage of the abscess. This allowed for the abscess to reduce in size to merely a small cavity. The patient was eventually taken to surgery, during which she had a sigmoid colon resection and colorectal anastomosis, without even a temporary stoma (bag). She recovered uneventfully and was able to return to work. CW: describe some of your favorite leisure activities. Dr. Paonessa: Outside of being a surgeon, I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy cooking and trying new recipes, reading, dancing and spending time at the beach.

CW: What is the most difficult part of being a colorectal surgeon? Dr. Paonessa: Explaining to a patient about their diagnosis of cancer is the most difficult part of being a colorectal surgeon. Even in many cases in which the cancer can be cured, dealing with a diagnosis of cancer is stressful road ahead of them a bit easier.

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


The County Woman Magazine

Family Portraits & Headshots

September/October 2019

Networking For Moms


Moms Of Business is a community of mom entrepreneurs that uplift, motivate and help one another online and in person on their journey to abundance. Not only do we strive to educate and empower one another through our Facebook groups and resourceful website, but we're all about having fun, making new friends and growing our businesses too. Join for FREE or take advantage of all the perks you get when you upgrade! Learn more about us & upcoming events at today!

I was truly most inspired to pursue my own business because I wanted more flexibility in my life and to make my passion for helping others my paycheck. I also welcomed the opportunity to help businesses overcome the same challenges that I faced.

The County Woman Magazine

Believe in yourself, you are enough!! Think outside the box with opportunities, find the right group to help you form & foster your business, and lastly, be genuine in business & in life.

September/October 2019

Women Of Monmouth County


Dee Ballington

Positive Fertility Coach

Prepare for conception by deepening your mind/body fertility connection. Dee Ballington understands the ups and downs that come with trying to conceive. And she is passionate about teaching women how to access their own positive fertility energy. Dee knows how to combat what she refers to as toxic fertility fatigue. Her success is due to holistic methods that help manage and release fears & insecurities. And after years of trying and 5 IVFs, she finally gave birth to her beautiful son! From her own personal experience, client sessions, professional trainings, and research, Dee has created her heartcentered program: Reset Your Fertility Mindset. This is a 3-hour virtual workshop. To sign up or find out more information, go to: www.Facebook. com/PositiveFertilityCoach/ In each session with Dee, you will immediately sense her warm, caring and sincere intention to help you. She’s a Master HypnoFertility® Therapist, an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping Practitioner, and a Law of Attraction Abundance Coach. She offers private & group coaching in Little Silver, N.J. or from anywhere in the world, over the phone and internet. You may contact Dee at 732-615-8368.

Brittany Abt, RDA, CDA


I started as a late teenager working in the dental field as a sterilization and lab tech. Quickly moved up the ladder to the doctor’s chairside assistant after receiving my radiology license. As time has passed, I now have been a health care professional for 10 years, with my specialty licenses, RDA and CDA. I have found my passion working in pediatrics at Tender Smiles for Kids in Freehold, NJ, alongside some of the greatest, most successful, intelligent, caring people of the dental field. I truly enjoy waking up for work every day, and giving every child who checks in an easy, fun, relaxing experience. Outside of work I live a healthy lifestyle, and I am a competitive bodybuilder, as well as rescuing animals! I volunteered at a rescue in Howell, NJ, and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences I have had in my lifetime. Above all I love helping others and being an RDA is one of the greatest jobs there is! I have been blessed with my job at Tender Smiles for Kids! For more information, call 732-625-8080 or visit

Photo by 3 Chicks That Click Photography

Photo by Melissa Amorelli Photography

Geeta K. Brana

Jennifer Welter

Owner, Shore Cake Supply

Five years ago, Jennifer Welter was working long hours in the medical field. As a stress reliever, she baked, but she had a hard time finding custom cake supplies to meet her cake decorating needs. With interest in home baking on the rise, she realized there was need for a local specialty shop. After 20 years in the medical field, drawing upon the lessons of hard work taught by her parents, Jennifer launched Shore Cake Supply on 3209 Sunset Ave in Ocean Township, NJ. Born and raised in Toms River, NJ, she currently lives in Neptune with husband Michael, sons Nathan (10) & Christopher (9), and goldendoodle Harley, who loves tennis balls & dog parks. When she isn’t working or taking the kids to CCD, Cub Scouts or swim practice, the family enjoys going to the movies and playing board games. Going into their 6th year of business, Shore Cake Supply is excited to be planning the Jersey Shore Cake & Cookie Convention at Convention Hall in Asbury Park, Oct 12-13th, 2019. Be sure to visit for more information. To reach Shore Cake Supply, call 732-455-3031 or visit

Senior Vice President, Freedom Capital Management Geeta K. Brana is a Senior Vice President at Freedom Capital Management in Colts Neck, NJ. Geeta provides comprehensive wealth management and advisory services to Women in Transition, assisting women in all phases of their lives – with a special focus on divorce. Geeta has a long history in the financial services sector and she uses her diverse international banking background to help simplify complicated wealth planning issues for her clients. “My goal is to build long-term relationships with my clients based on education and trust,” Ms. Brana said. Geeta started her investment banking career in London (1995) where she was trained in all aspects of international finance and credit analysis. She has extensive experience structuring and trading debt packages for multinational companies throughout the UK, Eastern Europe, Japan and the U.S. In 2002, Geeta began her career in the U.S., turning her extensive knowledge to helping individual investors. In a primarily male-dominated environment, she was able to build a successful wealth management practice in Washington, DC and New York, working with high net worth individuals and institutions. For more information, call 732-546-9315 or visit

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Photo by Carmela Caracappa Photography

September/October 2019

Women Of Monmouth County


Marissa Schulman

Lauren Russo Isagenix Lauren is a mom of two beautiful boys who found a simple system that allowed her to exceed her health goals and continue to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle for the last 4 years. After feeling the best, she had felt in a very long time, aligning herself with the global health and wellness company that got her there made perfect sense. She also wanted more time with her children and found the vehicle to deliver that in this opportunity. Lauren offers solutions for weight wellness, energy, performance, healthy aging and financial freedom to others on a daily basis. She believes that each and every woman deserves to feel inspired, encouraged, and comfortable in her own skin. With a passion for education and holistic health, she is committed to showing others that their perfection is in their imperfections, how to thrive through it all, and how to live a life with more freedom. Lauren truly lives out loud through her authenticity, her humor and her ability to always see the bright side of life. Please connect with me on Facebook or call me at 908-963-6446.

Licensed Esthetician, Lymphatic Drainage Technician Cleansing Concepts

Marissa Schulman is a New Jersey native who currently resides in Brick Township. She works as a licensed esthetician, with 6 years experience, at Cleansing Concepts of Red Bank, NJ. Marissa began her career at Hand and Stone, but soon after went into business for herself in Point Pleasant. Wishing to expand her career and skill-set, she was introduced to Cleansing Concepts. There she learned many different approaches to healing the body and mind. From bioelectric lymphatic drainage, to personalized skin care, Marissa has become a valuable member of the Cleansing Concepts team. Her relaxing touch and therapeutic energy coupled with customized facial techniques set her apart from the esthetics industry. In her free time, Marissa enjoys a broad spectrum of activities. She has found a love for relaxing interests such as yoga and meditation. But also enjoys far more demanding hobbies such as horseback riding and snowboarding. After a long day she loves to take walks on the beach with her fiance Jon and her dog Dakota. Marissa is very passionate about living a healthy mind, healthy body lifestyle, and loves to incorporate that into her work. She can be reached at 732-741-2444, Cleansing Concepts inside the Galleria of Red Bank, NJ.

Anna Farro

Rhoda Kopy, BS, CH Nationally Certified Consulting Hypnotist & Wellness Coach, Hypnosis for Women

As a hypnosis practitioner and wellness coach with specialty certification in Complementary Medical Hypnotism, Rhoda Kopy helps people break free of limiting habits, fears, and beliefs. She is celebrating her 15th anniversary as a Nationally Certified Consulting Hypnotist. Her private practice, Hypnosis for Women, in Toms River, serves primarily women, teens, and children, throughout the tri-state area. After earning a B.S. in Biomedical Communications, she worked for various organizations providing community health education and counseling services. She later segued into career services and founded A Hire Image, which offered motivational coaching, marketing, and training. As a result of success she achieved using hypnosis to improve her life, she completed an advanced training program and later opened her private practice. Rhoda co-founded Jersey Shore Hypnosis Practitioners, a peer support and networking group, and is a member of professional hypnosis organizations. Born in Bayonne and raised in North Plainfield, she has lived in Toms River for most of her life. She enjoys coordinating Bookie Babes, attempting to draw, watching meteor showers, traveling with her husband, and playing with friends and family. She has a daughter, two grandsons, and an adopted goofy shih-tzu. Rhoda can help you determine if hypnosis and coaching are appropriate for you. Call her at 732-270-0080 and visit

Owner, Anchor Monuments

Anna Farro is the proud owner of Anchor Monuments. Anna has been designing monuments in granite and bronze for over 3 years. She started Anchor Monuments because she realized the importance of women in business. Anna received her Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology from Kean University in New Jersey. She has since pursued her career in the public school setting and has been working with children for 23 years. Anna holds a Certificate of Clinical Competency in the field and has received the ACE award from the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association for her excellence in continued education. Anna is a past recipient of The English-Speaking Union scholarship where she studied English Literature abroad at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. Anna loves spending time with her daughter, giving back to community charities and organizations, and has an appreciation for all animals. She has a longstanding interest in travel and the arts. Anna believes in empowering women of all ages to be their best selves. Anna’s passion and dedication to helping others brings light into her second career. She provides a feeling of safety, hope and serenity to families as they go through the process of memorializing their loved ones ending to a long journey. For more information, call 732-440-7548 or visit

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Health & Wellness A Safe, Natural Way to De-Stress, Relax, and Gain Control of Your Life We all feel stressed at times, but too much stress can wear us down and take the joy out of life. Fortunately, as a society, we’re gravitating toward

more natural, holistic approaches as a way to improve well-being. “I don’t want to have to take drugs to deal - hypnosis with stress” is a comment often heard by practitioners. So it’s not surprising that more people are using hypnosis / coaching as a way to manage stress, and improve their ability to relax the mind and body. The tools and techniques acquired in several sessions can be used for a lifetime – leading to a greater sense of optimism, the ability to handle challenges, improved health, and better immune system functioning. If you feel that you’re someone who stresses and worries a lot, know that there are steps you

can take to manage that. There are many factors that determine how we respond to stress; fortunately, we can change and become more adept at calming down, and effectively handling challenging people and situations.


Maybe you’re someone who normally tends to manage stress fairly well, but have a particular issue causing undue stress – like an upcoming

presentation, performance block, testing fear, concern about flying, driving discomfort, worry about medical / dental procedures or health conditions, etc. Whether stress is more global in nature or related to a specific challenge, hypnosis and coaching can help.

If you identify with one or several of the following, you would likely benefit from this approach:

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

• Often feeling jumpy, tense, irritable, angry, super-sensitive • Constantly worrying about all the “what-ifs” • Expecting terrible things to happen • Feeling overwhelmed, pulled in a million directions • Feeling foggy, lacking clarity • Having trouble making decisions or solving problems • Difficulty sleeping • Dealing with muscle tension, jaw clenching, etc.

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

• Engaging in unhealthy coping habits, like overeating, junk food eating, excessive drinking, nail biting, etc. More than just training the mind and body to relax deeply, this approach allows you to identify the issues causing stress and deal with them effectively. Most practitioners provide recordings for reinforcement, as well as training in self-hypnosis, which is extremely empowering. When deep relaxation is used to induce a hypnotic state (which is actually a state of focused concentration), there are many physical benefits, including:

• Muscle relaxation • Lowered blood pressure and pulse rate • A slowing of brain wave activity • Subtle changes in breathing

After several sessions – and with practice – the vast majority of clients enjoy:

• Greater feelings of well-being • Improved sleep quality • Improved clarity and problem-solving abilities • Higher productivity • Better ability to focus, concentrate, recall • Improved physical comfort • Emotional calm This approach works best for people who are motivated to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing, and understand they need to be a partner in the process.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

September/October 2019


55 Travel ravel 63 39 # Travel “Create Lasting Memories” T ravel 56 FAMILY VACATIONS STARRING THE “KIDS” River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting Memories” ROMANCE TRAVEL Taking With A Packing Primer More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

70 00 56


63 Travel your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. “Create Lasting Memories” Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical “Create Lasting to travelMemories” as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve More fun, more memories! Part of raising a family is making memories that iver cruising may be the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to exciting adventures, every destination offers a new long awaited vacation your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A familyin vacation is--part of those memories. trend around 2017 even though river toAtravel sample of some Romantic destinations will let you dream of your next escape. with your Travel experience. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical ashave a family are as wide open as your cruises been operating for imaginadecades. You’ve your cruising iver cruising may bebooked the hottest


RiverTaking Cruising: An You: Extraordinary Experience LOCATION, LOCATION, It With A PackingVACATION Primer



Professional and you’re Everyone loves Rome, and everyone tion. From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations warm beaches to exciting adventures, every destination offers a wants new withto be there. June through long awaited vacation trend around in 2017 -- even though ready to pack your river , will each with dream its own personality, Cruise A sample of some Romantic destinations let you of your next escape. special activities and amenities that the entire family will enjoy: with your Travel August is notorious for hot weather and crowds, so having a experience. lines have upped their game with expanded cruises have been suitcase. for decades. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices 70 operating Travel


 Six Hawaiian Islands

Professional and you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations with you ravel amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ocean-going Virtuoso Agent is prime. Now big question is:to guide are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. ready to pack your , each with its own personality, feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced special activities andhave amenities thatgame the What entire family enjoy: do youwill take Cruise lines upped their with expanded suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices oceanand cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. Thistocharming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views 70 ravel amenities intriguing itineraries places ocean-going ravel with 56 If you’re cruising in the Caribbean 00 Now the big question is: ravel are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. riverboats with focus onevery current themes. from room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a game room the Ceebee Kids ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club cozyand at the vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced With so many new fees and • Add a few T more tee shirts andand another pair ofsame shorts What do you take , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing 55 ravel 63 ravel Must-Dos, Done Right: ocean cruisers offcruising the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate restrictions the an airlines have time. This charming resort with Alain Ducasse-trained chefCaribbean for wonderful dining hasand Ocean views plastic bags Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Sea. The river destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux • Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, zippered with If Memories” you’re cruising in the Caribbean “Create Lasting Tattractions ravel villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. riverboats with focus onevery current themes. imposed for baggage, youor will have to56 consider leaving your entire closet Certain iconic need to be andKids from room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a gameanother room and theseen, Ceebee With so many new fees and River cruise, 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the local wettee suits. Add a fewfor more More fun,, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing more memories! • Part of raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts at homeThe from now on.without Some airlines arelike charging carry-on bags now, 55 Tisravel ravel most visitors have the same idea: restrictions thefor airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading toApril’s a• turquoise Caribbean Sea. river cruising destinations, a children 12-day Bordeaux experience the long tour bus From your rides. Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags or at63 • vacation Whatever you forget you can purchase on board the will cherish forever. A family part of those memories. villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what was created to be theColosseum, ultimate get and Trevi imposed for baggage, you will haveDanube, to consider leaving your entirethe closet • Vatican City, the “Create Lasting Memories” River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical tulips toorDecember’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of for wet suits. “Create Lasting Today’s opportunities to travelMemories” as a family are as wide open as your imaginaports or resorts. You’ve your are the essentials to pack? at home from now on.without Some airlines are charging carry-on bags now, iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising fun, moreFrom memories! Part of aThe family is making memories that beaches Fountain. The key iswhite together getaway, where everything isfor Included and unlimited. protected sand bus From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience the long tourMore rides. April’s •raising Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers tion. warm beaches to exciting adventures, every destination offers A few years from now whata new long awaited vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was created to be the ultimate get Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, , with beautiful beaches and great trend around in 2017 -even though river your children will cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. knowing when to go and how tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of A sample ofports some Romantic will let you dream the best in thewhich Caribbean by Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports anddestinations unlimited scuba diving with your Travel oryou resorts. will remember is the total span thousands of of Continental Examples of some of the bestof your next escape. are (rated the essentials to canals, pack? experience. a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical might helpand with the process. been for decades. Today’s opportunities tocruises travel as have aThe family are as operating widewhite open asyou’re yourbeaches imaginatogether getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. protected sand You’ve booked your riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and to get there. A be few years from now what restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with experience ofand your vacation, NOT iver cruising the hottest cruising (for is certified divers). waterways, connecting Seawarm toProfessional Black Sea. Here a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel that may North paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. of From beaches to exciting adventures, every destination offers a new River Cruise Line Themes: long awaited vacation ready to pack your (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, you will remember is the total canals, span thousands miles of Continental Examples of some of the best Early morning tickets (at trend around in 2017 -even though river the things you forgot to pack. special activities and amenities that the entire family will enjoy: might help with the process. Cruise lines have upped their game with expanded A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you dream BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and surf of your next escape. with your Travel experience. For a week in the Caribbean: suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting North Sea to Blackamenities waterways, Sea. cruises been operating for decades. 7:30 am) to see the Sistine *Remember, your Vagabond* through partnership with and have intriguing itineraries toCruise places ocean-going River Line Themes: Now the big question is: Professional and you’re WeThe havevisiting someare Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. suggested kid’s the focused resorts and destinations with simulator are atofavorite ofinland the kids. Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers playboth • 2 swimsuits things you forgot to pack. know explore Europe, cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” Viking cruise ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels country-club and guests cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with body lazy rivers and surf Virtuoso Travel Professional can ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: ready toslides, pack your Chapel gives you access  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, What do you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is onespecial of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with where in a private chapel in Florence’s counactivities and amenities that the charming entire family will enjoy: *Remember, your Vagabond* Cruise lines have upped their game with expanded ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. suitcase. 3youand days inXBOX England and special tour with you? assist in the planning vacation surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices simulator are atofavorite the kids. Thevisiting Caribbean Adventure withbefore Sesame Street play Countryside, Ifaoffers you’re cruising cruise in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits the crowds. know exploreofinland Europe, cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” Viking guests amenities and intriguing itineraries to places ocean-going Virtuoso Travel Professional can riverboats with focus on current themes. tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. from every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids Now the big question is: With so the manymost new fees and and goand are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun21 cover-ups • Add a few more teecountry-club shirts and another pairatofthe shorts It•will beyour a great family vacation memory. with value added of the famous house.  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put in carry-on so you canships right tovessels the beach) lounges are so popular with children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. ✿ BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both and cozy same can’t reach. RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced villages that traditional big usually can’t • The Colosseum top floor opened to the public last 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have What dolike you Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river&cruising destinations, a take 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. (1 with sleeves evenings dining imposed onocean thefor beach 1will Pareo) touches to make your experience afor wonderful cruisers offyou the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef dining has Ocean views villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. 2 cover-ups baggage, haveDanube, to consider leaving your entire closet • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from It•will be a great familyfor vacation memory. with you? with the most value and added year for first time in 40 years. Smaller groups of 25 or of the famous house. If you’re cruising in the Caribbean River cruise, or 7-day offer cruise guests the local for wet suits. riverboats withon. focus onevery current themes. at home from now Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, from room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids memorable one. With so many new fees and • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops (1 with sleeves for evenings diningprivate on the beach &are 1 Pareo) •to Add a• more tee shirts andyou another pair of shorts experience without theEarly long tour rides. From April’s touches tobus make your afew Whatever you forget can on board or at the Vienna Munich highlighting apurchase Beer theme. Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing • Avalon Waterways “Austrian from tours available. booking is aexperience must. and other airlines let you board first if you have nomind. carry-on bags. Soawas what ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS created to beHighlights” the ultimate getand ships were built with families in A deluxe family Ocean view restrictions the airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading to turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication to our clients before, during and after every vacation • Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, zippered plastic bags tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of • 2pants shortsand and 2 tees ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga 2 tank tops villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. are thebaggage, essentials to pack? imposed for you will haveDanube, to consider leaving your entire closet Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck • The biggest crowds are at Trevi Fountain (bring together getaway, where everything iscruise Included and unlimited. The protected white sand beaches River cruise, or 7-day offer guests the local for wet suits. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families in mind. A deluxe family Ocean view A few years from now what forfrom a family of 4airlines or from 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slideand forafter kidsevery vacation ato world of , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication our clients before, during Here is a packing primer Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional thatdifference. at enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches home now on.without Some are charging for carry-on bags now,  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2stateroom and 2with teesVerandah is perfect •shorts 3 sundresses experience theway long tour bus rides. From April’s (rated theand best in Best thewhich Caribbean by• Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck •program, Whatever you forget you purchase on cooking board aforfew pennies). in is a hired golf cart to the youExamples will remember is can the total canals, span thousands of of Continental Bridges including family of some of the bestor at the might help with the process. and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what stateroom with Verandah is perfect a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS was created to be the ultimate get makes a with world difference. no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab aoflooping waterslide. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3with tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of Nast restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. •sundresses SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers experience of your vacation, NOT ports or resorts. (for certified divers). and warm friendly people. Conde’ Traveler waterways, connecting North Sea to Black Sea. are the essentials to pack? Bridges program, including family cooking right spot. Also the 2nd floor River Cruise Line Themes: lessons. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The white sand beaches Enjoy Your Travel Experience. riverboats and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers with fearFlip ondestinations deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a Travel looping waterslide. Aprotected fewor years from now what the things you forgot to pack.and surf • SHOES: flops, sandals, wedges, sneakers resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers Here isBEACHES aapacking primer from Carole Kaiman, Professional that and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler Disney vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island cruising Europe  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great •noPashmina For week in the Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travel &lessons. Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! of the Benetton store over theremember fountain isand the perfect youExamples will is the total canals, span thousands of miles of Continental *Remember, your Vagabond* Enjoy Your Travel Experience. of some of the best mightsimulator help with the process. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street the XBOX play Viking • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina There are several brand new River cruise lines know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” cruise guests restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! experience of your vacation, NOT Advisor • Sunglasses Virtuoso Professional can offers (for to certified divers). with special highlights for the kids enjoy. waterways, connecting North Sea  to Black Sea. where in a private chapel in Florence’s counYour Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Italy River Cruise Line Themes: “Facebook Like” spot. (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. the things you forgot to pack. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides,River lazy rivers and surf entering the market such as through Emerald Waterways ForBEACHES a•week inresorts the River Caribbean: • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, A Europe Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking Cruises, partnership with tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. For over 25 years, 2 cover-ups *Remember, your Vagabond* It will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. Having a Virtuoso travel advisor with entering the market such as Emerald Waterways are atofavorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • Packable sun foldable beach simulator bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • 2 swimsuits explore Europe, visiting towns and For over 25 years, PBS “Downton Abby” and Scenic cruises fill the demand. Each linefrom Travel Professional can (1know with forinland evenings dining on the beach & 1resorts, Pareo) Virtuoso The options gosleeves on to Mexican all-inclusive exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the real jewels home) touches toto make your experience a  Italy cities, where in a private chapel in Florence’s counand her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and •the Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) Carole Kaiman lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3youdays inyour England Countryside, and special tour The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) qualified contacts can make travel assist in planning a vacation and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. and an evening purse • 2 cover-ups It will be a great family vacation memory. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families in mind. A deluxe family Ocean view with the most value and added South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect for summer vacation) of the famous house.  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” to help you realize your romantic dreams. Our dedication to our clients before, during and after every vacation has its highlights, such as the long ships and the • 2 families, shorts and 2Alaska tees and an evening purse Vagabond Travel South Africa for tours (Perfect for summer vacation) experience amazing! •Space-Ships. Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. (1 with sleeves with for evenings dining on thefor beach & 1next Pareo) touches to make your experience a generation Vagabond Travel stateroom Verandah is perfect a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from Must Haves: makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking and •fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. memorable one. Yoga pants 2on tank tops Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. with no and fear deck, or for theships younger set, there’s AquaLab with acruising looping waterslide. and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers ✿ DISNEY CRUISE were built with families in mind. AConde’ deluxe Ocean view and warm friendly people. Nast Traveler • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s athegreat new experience! *Check out  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation lessons. 2 shorts and 2SPF) tees • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with•at least 30 It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. *Check out • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck Disney destinations vary from with Disney’s private island or cruising Europe • Pashmina stateroom with Verandah is perfect for aCaribbean family of 4cruises or Travel 5. There’s aTravel 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Advisor & Romance Specialist makes aown world of difference. Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial body moisturizer • Facial and and body moisturizer Bridges program, including family cooking There are several brand new River cruise lines Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Contact Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond with no fear on deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. Contact Carole Kaiman atNast Vagabond Travel • SHOES: Flip flops, flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Traveler lessons. • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, entering the market such as Emerald Waterways Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, awith Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Packable sun and foldable beach bag Digital hat A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, for our Digital Magazine Carole Kaiman at•Travel, Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! For over 25 years, for our Magazine Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe • Pashmina Virtuoso Agency for latest information and Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. ajewelry, Virtuoso Agency inhome) Little Silver today. Agency for latest information and 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. The options go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume (leave the real jewels There are several brand new River cruise lines Each line and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo hair conditioner and shampoo • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Carole Kaiman Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor and some amazing travel ideas. and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse entering the market such as Emerald Waterways South for families, (Perfect summer vacation) • Packable sun and foldable beach bagAfrica hatto help you realize your romantic dreams. A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime. Create memories that will last aTravel lifetime. Fortours over 25 years,for next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves:

THE “KIDS”  Greece FAMILY THE “KIDS” RiverVACATIONS Cruising: AnSTARRING Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting ROMANCE TRAVEL ItMemories” With You: A Packing Primer  Greece Taking

✿ BEACHES, TURKS & CAICOS River Cruising:

An You: Extraordinary Taking It With A Packing Experience Primer

R R  Italy

 Barbados

 Barbados  Italy

✿ DISNEY CRUISE  Bermuda  Bermuda

andresorts, Scenic exciting cruises to fill the The go on toTauck Mexican all-inclusive travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and and fabulous tours of Europe. Carole Kaiman Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising *Check out has its highlights, such as the longexperience! ships and the and•anInsect evening purse South Africa for families, vacation Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Start your unforgettable by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist Vagabond • Facial and body moisturizer next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond Contact Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole(with Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! *Check out Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso in Little Silver today. Start your vacation byAgency contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist and unforgettable shampoo • Facialhair and conditioner body moisturizer and some amazing travel ideas. Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting Travel Advisorat Carole Kaiman, at Vagabond amenities. Carole Kaiman Vagabond Travel 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will lifetime. Over 25a Years • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman atProspect Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inlast Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine 542 Ave. Over 25 Years Agency for latest information and 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, TravelTravel Specialist Carole Kaiman, Specialist Vagabond Travel Travel Virtuoso AgencyAgency Vagabond Virtuoso

542 Prospect Ave. Little New 07739 Kaiman, Travel Specialist LittleSilver, SilverCarole NewJersey Jersey 07739 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency

amenities. Little New 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. LittleSilver, Silver NewJersey Jersey07739 07739 Create memories that will last a lifetime.

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some *Check out out foramazing our*Check Digital Magazineand some travel for ourideas. Digital Magazine and some amazing travel ideas. for our Digital Magazineand some

amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct 542 ProspectSpecialist Ave. 732-842-2600 Office VagabondLittle Travel Virtuoso Agency Silver, New 07739 Little Silver NewJersey Jersey 07739

732-842-2600 Office

542 Prospect Ave. website: 732-222-2792 Direct Little New LittleSilver, Silver NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

Over 25 Years


amazing travel ideas. *Check out 732-842-2600 Office *Check out 732-222-2792 Direct for our Digital Magazine and some The County Woman Magazine November/December 2016 foramazing Digital Magazineand some The County Woman Magazine January/February travel ideas. The County Woman Magazine May/June 2014 e County Woman Magazine November/December 2014 2019 website: amazing travel ideas. *Check out 732-842-2600 Office TheCounty County Woman Magazine November/December *Check out The Woman Magazine May/June 2014 January/February 2015 2016 e County Woman Magazine for our Digital Magazine and some TheThe County Woman Magazine May/June 2014 foramazing Digital Magazineand some County Woman Magazine September/October 2019 2014 The County Woman Magazine November/December travel ideas.

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September/October 2019

Theatre & Entertainment



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September/October 2019

Insurance Insurance



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You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premium and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. You do not need to be an AARP member to enroll. AARP encourages you to consider your needs when selecting products and does not make specific product recommendations for individuals. AARP does not employ or endorse agents, producers or brokers. Y0066_170818_140335_FINAL_00027784 Accepted SPRJ34914 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

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Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment


Health & Wellness

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Theatre & Entertainment


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September/October 2019

Theatre & Entertainment





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September/October 2019

Medical Professionals


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September/October 2019



The Hol Truth Holistic Health Coach Jon Levine is on a mission to help his clients claim the health and happiness that is their God-given right. After a job in pharmaceutical sales and seeing his father die from Parkinson’s and brain cancer, it was time for him to create change when it comes to true health. With all the conflicting health info in our busy world, this passionate health nut will help guide you through the storm and into clear waters.

MCW: What got you into health coaching?

I have always been interested in health, whether it was playing sports or figuring out the right nutrition for my body. I sold high blood pressure medication to over 131 doctors in Florida after college, and although it was a nice job financially, it didn’t feel good seeing what I saw. What we have in this country is a disease management model that isn’t working very well. Ironically, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and brain cancer at the same time. It’s very important to me to do something that I am very passionate about and enjoy, and make a difference in people’s lives.

MCW: Tell me about your family.

I am a very lucky guy with a beautiful wife and three beautiful kids ages 10, 8 and 5. My wife, Anya, and I have been married for 13 years. We also have a guinea pig named Cherry and a white rabbit named Nibbles.

MCW: What do you specialize in?

Nutrition drives a lot of what makes us healthy, but it’s really so much more than that. I believe strongly in looking at the whole person and that’s why my business name is the Hol Truth Health Coach. I deal with mind, body and soul.

MCW: What is health to you?

Everyone is a unique individual with different needs and goals. I have to understand my client’s specific needs and address those needs appropriately. Some people need less stress while others need more sleep. Whatever it is, I am the guide on the side to help them reach their health goals.

MCW: What is the best approach to health coaching?

You obviously have to have knowledge in a wide range of health topics. Mine being nutrition, but it’s asking high-mileage questions and active listening that comes before everything else. I don’t tell people what to do because that doesn’t work. Instead, I listen to what they are telling me they need.

MCW: Tell me about your The Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine.

I have several friends who urged me to start a health podcast. I use a local studio called A Shared Universe in Eatontown and interview doctors, health experts and people who have reversed diseases through what I call lifestyle medicine. I carefully screen guests because I will only bring on people I believe in. I love it and it’s a lot of fun. The goal is to educate, empower and entertain.

Call for a free consultation!

MCW: How do you help clients?

A good health coach is someone who truly cares and listens to their patients. When a patient feels safe and comfortable, they will open up and the healing process will begin. There is a root cause for every health ailment, and it’s my job to show compassion and help my clients uncover what their health problem stems from. We work as a team and make it happen.

MCW: Describe your coaching style.

Positive, Positive, Positive. Energy is contagious. If I’m in a bad mood, then my client will take on that negative energy. If I’m upbeat and passionate, they will know they are in good hands.

MCW: Do you sell any products or supplements?

Yes, but I will not push them on people unless they are interested. Quality supplements have a place in our lives because of the mineral depletion in our soil. I have partnered with Shaklee because they are pure, safe, proven products that have been around for over 60 years. They have an in-house team of PhD’s and scientists who perform over 100,000 quality tests each year and have over 135 scientific papers published to date. I use the products myself and they make a big difference in how I feel, so I’m comfortable recommending them to others. The County Woman Magazine

Jon Levine • 908-420-4297 Facebook-@HolTruthHealth Instagram-@HolTruthHealth ITunesThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine SoundCloudThe Hol Truth Podcast with Jon Levine

September/October 2019


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September/October 2019

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Where Active Adults Meet To Be Informed, Empowered and Inspired What is Social Community Activities Network?

SCAN programs sustain independence, health and happiness among people fifty years of age and older in Monmouth and Ocean Counties by using education and technology to create an environment where the aging population can continue to grow intellectually as well as physically and emotionally, thereby allowing older adults to thrive – not just survive. SCAN is a place where Active Adults meet to be Informed, Empowered and Inspired. Throughout the year, we will continue to introduce new programs and services that complement our mission.

SCAN’s Annual Leaders of Distinction Luncheon – October 22

On Tuesday, October 22, supporters of Social Community Activities Network (SCAN) will come together at Branches Catering in West Long Branch to celebrate the Leaders of Distinction in our community. Awards will be presented to the 2019 honorees (listed below). Leader of Distinction Award: presented to an outstanding community leader or corporate entity that has made a significant impact on the quality of life of our aging population and the community at large. 2019 Honoree – The Grunin Foundation The award will be accepted by Executive Director Heather Barberi. 2019 Honoree – Brookdale Community College The award will be accepted by President of Brookdale, Dr. David Stout. Leader of Distinction in the Field of Aging: recognizes individuals or companies for their outstanding contribution and their extraordinary commitment to their communities in the field of aging. 2019 Honoree – AARP New Jersey The award will be accepted by NJ State Director of AARP Stephanie Hunsinger. Executive Director of SCAN Pat Bohse would also like to thank SCAN’s dedicated Board of Directors, amazing employees, volunteers and the many funders and supporters of SCAN. It is because of all of them that SCAN is able to provide their members and the general public with trusted information on benefits and services and provide opportunities for them to be social and stay healthy.

Tune In to SCAN TV Now!

Visit our YouTube Channel at ScanMonmouthCounty to view current and past episodes of all 3 television shows: Welcome to SCAN, Community Connections and Caregivers First.

SCAN’s Meet the Physicians Lunch & Learn on July 18 was a Big Success!

Back by popular demand, our lunch and learn featuring a panel of medical experts from Monmouth Medical Center addressed health-related questions and helped attendees find the pathway to better health! This event, moderated by Thomas Heleotis, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Monmouth Medical Center, included the following Barnabas Health Medical Group physicians: Jason Krystofiak, MD, Primary Care and Sports Medicine; Andrew Nguyen, MD, Thoracic Surgery; and M. Haris Usman, MD, MS, RPVI, Interventional Cardiologist. Thank you to everyone in the community who attended.

SCAN’s 2019 Fall Class Schedule & Event Listing

Our Fall Semester runs September 9 – December 6. The full Fall Schedule is now available. Visit to view the full class listing or stop by our Monmouth Campus, located in the basement level of the Monmouth Mall, to pick one up. New to SCAN? Try a class of your choice for FREE on us!

All programs listed below are FREE and open to the public but registration is required. Call SCAN 732-542-1326 to reserve your spot in advance!


September 6 – Dealing With Dementia, 12:00PM – 3:30PM.

Caring for someone with dementia? Join us for best practices in caregiving, problem solving dementia behaviors, tips for caregivers and much more! Call SCAN to register. **FREE respite care is available for your loved one if needed at We Care Adult Care in Middletown, 11:00AM – 4:00PM. Call We Care directly to reserve a spot for respite care: 732-741-7363. September 23 – October 28 (meets weekly on Mondays)

Diabetes Self-Management Program, 10:00AM – 12:30PM.

Take Control of Your Diabetes Now! This Program is a 6-week FREE, evidence-based workshop. Enjoy an interactive environment where mutual support and success builds your confidence to effectively manage your diabetes. Participants receive a companion book, Living a Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions. Workshop topics include techniques to deal with symptoms of diabetes including fatigue, pain, hyper/hypoglycemia, stress, depression, and anger. Appropriate use of medication and medication management. Importance of proper nutrition and physical activity.

September 25 – Brain Games: Keep the Mind Sharp, 1:00PM – 2:00PM.

This interactive presentation discusses our brain as the “master computer” and the important topic of brain health. There are routine maintenance activities we can do on a daily basis that help to keep this master organ healthy and in best working order, even as we age. Diet, physical exercise & proper rest will be discussed. There will also be games and exercises demonstrated that stimulate and exercise different areas of our brain to help increase memory. A strongly exercised brain can help keep our memory strong! Instructor: Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of NJ.

November 1 – Brain Health Fair, 10:00AM – 1:00PM.

Join us for our next Brain Health Fair at the Monmouth Mall. We’ll have keynote speakers presenting on how to keep your brain healthy plus puzzles, games, brain teasers, healthy snacks and prizes! Call to reserve your spot.

November 4 – December 9 (meets weekly on Mondays) Take Control of Your Health, 10:00AM – 1:00PM.

This FREE 6-week workshop created by Stanford University provides you with tools to develop your own strategy for managing chronic health conditions such as arthritis, anxiety or high blood pressure. In a supportive and upbeat setting, you will learn how to manage stress, improve communication, cope with depression, sleep better and more. Get more out of life by taking control of your health! Participants will receive the companion book, Living a Healthy Life With Chronic Conditions. Open to men and women 60+. Registration is required.

OCEAN COUNTY EVENTS will be held at St. Andrew United Methodist Church,

1528 Church Road, Toms River. September 26 – Lunch & Learn, 10:30AM – 1:00PM.

Meet, Eat & Discover at a Lunch & Learn. Join us for interesting and educational presentations followed by lunch. The first presentation will be given by Ashlee Govich, Respiratory Therapist from CareOne Wall, followed by Christine Newman from AARP, who will talk about Fraud Watch, and finally, Stand Up & Stretch. RSVP is required by calling SCAN: 732-542-1326.

FREEHOLD EVENTS will be held at Freehold Raceway Mall. September 26 – Guide To Caring For A Loved One, 1:00PM – 2:00PM.

This workshop focuses on helping individuals make plans to care for friends, family members or loved ones. Instructor: Pam Montemurno, Coral Harbor.

October 16 – Protect Yourself from Scams, Fraud & Elder Abuse, 1:00PM – 2:00PM.

This workshop will help you to identify and protect yourself from scams and frauds aimed at seniors, as well as to identify situations that are considered elder abuse that you may not even realize. Instructor: Gary Garland, Esq.

180 Route 35 Eatontown

(basement level of Monmouth Mall)

Executive Director

September/October 2019

SCAN Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The County Woman Magazine

Pat Bohse

732-542-1326 •

Theatre & Entertainment



Our Our 2019/20 2019/20 season season includes includes aa new new adaptation adaptation of of the the classic classic Cyrano, Cyrano, the the world world premiere premiere Ourof2019/20 season includes aTony newnominee adaptation of the classic Cyrano, the world premiere Love Hate by Joe Iconis (Be Chill), Shakespeare's Love in inseason Hate Nation Nation by Tony nominee Joeof Iconis (Be More More Chill),the Shakespeare's Ourof 2019/20 includes a new adaptation the classic Cyrano, world premiere of2019/20 Love Night, in HateAugust Nation by aTony nominee Joethe (Be More Chill), Shakespeare's Wilson's Golf, world premiere of Hombres by OurTwelfth season includes newRadio adaptation ofIconis the classic Cyrano, the world premiere Twelfth Night, August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere of The The Hombres by of Love in Hate Nation by Tony nominee Joe Iconis (Be More Chill), Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere of The Hombres by Tony Meneses Ruben autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. of Love in Hateand Nation by Santiago-Hudson's Tony nominee Joe Iconis (Be More Chill), Shakespeare's Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. Twelfth Night, August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere of The Hombres by Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues. Twelfth Night, and August Wilson's Radio Golf, the world premiere Lackawanna of The Hombres by Tony Meneses Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Blues. Tony Meneses and Ruben Santiago-Hudson's autobiographical Lackawanna Blues.



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2 1 B R I D G E AV E N U E , R E D BA N K


T I C K E TS : 2 1 B R I D G E AV E N U E , R E D BA N K T I C KETS : 21 BRI D GE AVENU E , RED BAN K The County Woman Magazine September/October 2019


Women’s History Toni Morrison: Literary Legend

It’s not what you say but how you say it. A writer has the ability to captivate minds, young and old, and allows us to escape into a literary world of our own, even if for a brief period of time. It is easy to take for granted the amount of time, energy and emotional exhaustion that goes into writing a book. We order on Amazon with the click of a button and some may even venture into a bookstore. It is not until we are immersed into the storyline and end up emotionally exhausted from a book’s ending that we can even attempt to fully understand our writer. This publication is dedicated to Toni Morrison, who was a literary legend, editor and professor with a twist of trailblazing depicting the lives of African Americans. Born with the name Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931 in Lorain, Ohio to George and Ramah Wofford, Chloe was the second child of four in a family who came from victims of slavery. Chloe would later change her name to Toni as a pen name to identify herself in her writings. Toni was encouraged to read as a young child, and it has been reported that when she entered into an integrated school, she was one of the few who had the ability to read, which was not typical for an African American child in the 1930s and 1940s. Toni was privileged to graduate from high school and attend Howard University. After Toni completed her undergraduate degree, she continued on to obtain a Master’s degree from Cornell University. Toni continued her passion for the literary arts through her teaching, first at Texas Southern University, and then she returned to her alma mater to teach English at Howard University. Toni married Harold Morrison in 1958. Together they had two children. It would be only a few short years before Toni would enter into the struggles of single motherhood. Toni’s husband, Harold, was originally from Jamaica and he returned to his home in 1963, leaving Toni with her firstborn and another on the way. Toni, alone with a toddler and pregnant, decided to return to her home in Ohio to live with her family. It would not be long before Toni was back on her feet. After a year living at home, Toni relocated to Syracuse, New York to work for a textbook publisher as a senior editor before moving on to work for Random House. Toni did not only work full time as a mother of two children, she worked full time writing novels and essays, and published her first novel in 1970, entitled The Bluest Eye. By 1977 Toni had published another book, entitled Song of Solomon, which put her among the elite to have received the National Book Critics Circle Award. Toni did not stop there. In 1988 she won the Pulitzer Prize and the American Book Award for her writing in Beloved. Beloved not only was recognized as a best seller, it would later become a movie with the amazing Oprah Winfrey in the cast.

The County Woman Magazine

In 1993 Toni received the Nobel Prize for Literature, and in 1996 she was awarded the National Endowment for the Humanities, along with another honorable recognition that included the National Book Foundation’s Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. In 2012 Toni received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama, which is the nation’s highest civilian honor. President Obama described Toni Morrison as “one of our nation’s most distinguished storytellers.” Toni’s writings depicted struggles of African American females and mothers along with the trials and tribulations of African American children and, most notably, slavery. Toni wrote fiction and non-fiction along with writing librettos (opera). Toni’s amazing ability to make her characters come alive in her writings allows readers to relate to a world that one can only imagine, and the books’ characters have made lasting impressions on the many who have been faithful to Morrison’s work. Toni Morrison passed away on August 5, 2019 at the young age of 88. Her legacy will continue to live on through her literary works that will continue to provoke readers to think outside the box. Although society is littered with technology, there is nothing better than being able to physically turn the pages of a captivating novel as we anxiously anticipate what will happen next. Through her literary talent, Toni Morrison has given us hope in the face of adversity, has displayed amazing resilience and strength in the face of darkness, and has gifted society with characters that we want bring home to dinner or offer a hug through her ability to make her readers all feel part of the story. In closing, as a final farewell to Toni Morrison, I encourage the readers of this publication to write your own story!

Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for incarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

September/October 2019


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Medical Professionals

September/October 2019

Business Spotlight

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Enhance Enhance Your

Natural Natural Beauty

Dr. Dr.Christopher ChristopherGodek Godek As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. ChristopherGodek Godekhas hasdeveloped developedaatrue truelove love Christopher for the specialty. Part of what makes him so for the specialty. Part of what makes him so successful is his ability to appreciate the way successful is his ability to appreciate the way plasticsurgery surgerycan cantransform transformaaperson’s person’slife. life. plastic He is devoted to cosmetic and reconstructive He is devoted to cosmetic and reconstructive surgery including facial, breast and body surgery facial, breast and body surgery.including His reconstructive practice includes surgery. His reconstructive practice includes breast cancer reconstruction, skin cancers, breast skin cancers, facial cancer trauma,reconstruction, and facial reconstruction. Dr. facial trauma, and facialbusy reconstruction. Godek also has a very non-surgicalDr. Godek also hasincludes a very busy practice that skin non-surgical care, chemical peel programs and injectables, including Botox, practice that includes skin care, chemical peel Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse, Belotero, and programs and injectables, including Botox, Sculptra. “These invasive techniques Juvederm, Voluma,minimally Radiesse, Belotero, and are used to improve facial balance and create Sculptra. “These minimally invasive techniques a more natural, youthful and rested look,” he are used to improve facial balance and create adds. He and his team take an individualized a approach more natural, youthful and rested he to each patient they see. look,” He adds, adds. He and his team take an individualized “Our team strives to achieve results that approach to each patient they see. He adds, “Our team strivesthe to achieve results that complementing beauty of your natural features.” enhance specific areas of concern, while also complementing the beauty of your natural features.” Dr. Godek: I originally trained as a biomedical engineer

at Syracuse University and then went on complete CW: How did you become involved in to this field?

myGodek: medicalI degree at the Boston School of Dr. originally trained as University a biomedical engineer Medicine. I also completed a one-year research fellowship at Syracuse University and then went on to complete at medical Harvarddegree Medical While in Boston, I hadofthe my at School. the Boston University School opportunity to work alongside one of the top plastic Medicine. I also completed a one-year research fellowship

at HarvardinMedical School. While in Boston, I hadthis the surgeons the country. After spending time with opportunity to work alongside one ofaspects the topofplastic surgeon, I came to realize the unique Plastic surgeons in the country. After spending time with this surgeon, I came to realize thewith unique Plastic wonderful interactions I had myaspects teachersofand patients Surgery. I became involved in this field due toMedical the while training at Boston University, Harvard wonderful I hadofwith my teachers andIpatients School, andinteractions the University Pennsylvania, where while training Boston University, Harvard Medical completed myatPlastic Surgery residency. School, and the University of Pennsylvania, where I MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your completed my Plastic Surgery residency. profession? CW: What is the being most rewarding your Dr. Godek: I love able to help part othersabout in need. Patients often come to me with a problem or concern and profession? Dr. Godek: I love being able to help others in need. Patients often come to me with a problem or concern and from helping young children withup-to-date birth defects or injuries, being able to offer them the most options to to helping who rewarding. have lost a This breastincludes due to breast help them iswomen incredibly everything from helping young children with birth defects or injuries, tremendously rewarding. to helping women who have lost a breast due to breast cancer. The ability to feel “whole” again is MCW: What is the help mostsomeone challenging? tremendously rewarding. Dr. Godek: is thatWhat not allisdeformities can be corrected. Additionally, CW: the most challenging?

not Godek: all patients seechallenging us in our practice arethe candidates for Dr. Thethat most aspect of profession surgery due to other health issues or medical conditions. is that not all deformities can be corrected. Additionally, My all number onethat priority safety of our not patients see usisinthe our practice arepatients. candidates for Having to tell a patient that they cannot undergo a certain surgery due to other health issues or medical conditions. procedure due to their health is very challenging and My number one priority is the safety of our patients. can be quitetoupsetting to thethat patient. work very closely with Having tell a patient they We cannot undergo a certain our patients to help them overcome these obstacles when, procedure due to their health is very challenging and can andquite if they occur. to the patient. We work very closely with be upsetting our patients to help thempractice overcomeapart thesefrom obstacles when, MCW: What sets your others like and if they occur. it? Dr. Godek: We provide a great deal of from extra care before, CW: What sets your practice apart others like it? during, and after surgery. For facial procedures, patients Dr. Godek: We provide a great deal of extra care before, meet with of surgery. our BellaFor Derma during, andone after facialaestheticians procedures, for patients skin care and make-up advice beforehand; then for meet with one of our Bella Derma aestheticians for microdermabrasion andadvice facial beforehand; massages following skin care and make-up then fortheir surgeries. microdermabrasion and facial massages following their For body procedures, patients visit the Bella Derma surgeries. Medi Spa for massage and ultrasound to reduce any For body procedures, patients visit the Bella Derma swelling or bruising and to help diminish downtime after Medi Spa for massage and ultrasound to reduce any surgeries. My patients receive so much more than just a swelling or bruising and to help diminish downtime after procedure. Our state-of-the art spa treatments speed our surgeries. My patients receive so much more than just a

procedure. Our state-of-the art spa treatments speed our patient’s recoveries and help them look and feel healthy so patient’s help everyday them lookactivities and feelashealthy that they recoveries may returnand to their soon asso that they may return to their everyday activities as soon as possible. possible.

MCW: What are the most common procedures that CW:perform? What are the most common procedures that you you perform? Dr. Godek: Dr. Godek: Thenasal mostsurgery, common procedures I breast perform include eyelid lifts, facethat lifts, perform include nasal eyelid lifts, faceaslifts, enlargement, breast liftssurgery, and breast reductions, wellbreast as enlargement, breast lifts and breast reductions, as well as number breast cancer reconstructions, facial cancer tummy of tucks, and liposuction. I also perform a significant reconstructions, reconstruction after facial number of breastand cancer reconstructions, facialtrauma. cancer reconstructions, and reconstruction after facial trauma. MCW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind? CW: Are there any cases that stick out in your mind? Dr. Dr.Godek: Godek:One Oneofofmy mymost mostmemorable memorablecases casesisisfrom from early earlyin inmy mycareer. career.Upon Uponcompleting completingmy mytraining trainingatatthe the University Universityof ofPennsylvania, Pennsylvania,I Istarted startedworking workingininNew NewJersey Jersey and was on staff at several hospitals in both Monmouth and Ocean OceanCounties. Counties.At Atthat thattime, time,I Iwas wastaking takingtrauma traumacalls callsatat Jersey Shore University Medical Center and was on Plastic Jersey Shore University Medical Center and was on Plastic Surgery Surgerycall. call.IIreceived receivedaaphone phonecall callfrom fromthe theemergency emergency room about a young girl who lost her hand room about a young girl who lost her handinina arollover rollover motor motorvehicle vehicleaccident accidenton onthe theGarden GardenState StateParkway. Parkway.I Iwas was able ableto totake takethe thepatient patienttotothe theoperating operatingroom roomand andre-attach re-attach her her hand handwith withtechniques techniquesand andmicrosurgery microsurgerythat thatI Ihad had learned while at the University of Pennsylvania. learned while at the University of Pennsylvania.She Shemade made an an incredible incrediblerecovery recoveryand andwas wasable abletotokeep keepher herhand. hand. consistently puts his patients Dr. Godek consistently puts his patients first. Beginning Beginningwith withthe theconsultation consultationvisit, visit,he hespends spends quality quality time timegetting gettingto toknow knoweach eachofofthem themand andtoto better better understand understandtheir theirgoals. goals.He Headds, adds,“I“Iwant want to to be be sure surethey theyfeel feelcomfortable comfortableexpressing expressingtheir their aesthetic goals to me. All of my patients are aesthetic goals to me. All of my patients are very very special specialto tome. me.I Ithoroughly thoroughlyenjoy enjoygetting gettingtoto know each one of them on a personal basis know each one of them on a personal basisand and developing developingaalifelong lifelongrelationship relationshipwith withthem.” them.” He grew up in a small town in Western He grew up in a small town in Western Massachusetts where he met his wife, Kristen, Massachusetts where he met his wife, Kristen, when they were both in high school. The couple when they were both in high school. The couple now lives in a small ocean community with their now lives in a small ocean community with their two boys. Outside of Plastic Surgery, they enjoy two boys. Outside of Plastic Surgery, they enjoy and time at the beach paddle time at the beach paddle surfing and fishing.







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September/October 2019

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