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UM Communities HomeWorks
Home Health Care Be Thankful for the Advice of Nonagenarians
By: Deborah Walsh, Corporate Director of Home Care Service, United Methodist Communities
America’s population of persons aged 90 (Nonagenarians) and over has almost tripled since 1980, reaching 1.9 million in 2010, and will continue to increase in the coming years. Elders can be a source of wise words and sage advice on dealing with and enjoying life to its fullest. Older generations have decades of experience to share. The younger generation can spend years slowly gaining the experience and making the same mistakes or they can draw on the wisdom of those who’ve already been down the same road. Here are some practical tips elders would like to pass on to younger folks.
Quit worrying so much
Older adults have the lowest stress levels among the generations since the American Psychological Association began conducting its annual Stress in America survey.
Take time to craft the story of your life
As we age what ends up mattering most is how our life story has played out. It’s important to know that your life has mattered.
When it comes to love, take your time
Don’t rush into anything and choose your partner carefully. Love yourself first and get to know the person you love very, very well in all circumstances, the happiest parts, and the stressful parts. You can’t mold your spouse into something that you want.
Find romance in the small stuff
Encourage and find comfort in even the smallest aspects of your relationship. Emphasize on thinking small – the small minute to minute, day to day interactions that make up a relationship.
Don’t give up on love (at any age)
Its easy to give up on love when you’re single and all your friends are married. Keep an open mind and leave room for love and companionship, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
Make time for family
Parenting means spending quality time with your children, even if work and other obligations make it challenging.
Never stop learning
The key to a purposeful life is an education and insatiable curiosity. Seeking out new learning opportunities regularly enriches the lives of seniors.
Travel while you are young
Novel experiences keep elders young and inspired. Don’t wait until the children have grown or you’re retired. Don’t worry about the money…the experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.
Listen to your elders and be thankful for them
People who have lived through generations play a vital role in how our society functions. Listening to the stories and experiences of older generations can help us understand history and how to better shape our future.

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit www.UMCHomeworks.org.

In-home care for seniors. Call today for a free in-home assessment. 732-838-1950 • UMCHomeworks.org.
54 Olin St, Ocean Grove, NJ
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8 10 10 10 Medical Professionals
Varicose veins and their underlying
Vcause, known as venous reflux disease,
These conditions are twice as common as coronary heart disease. They occur when vein valves in the legs become damaged, causing abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Consequently, blood is allowed to pool in the lower legs. This causes a variety of physical symptoms such as leg pain, leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of unsightly varicose and spider veins.
People who have occupations that require standing, such as casino employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without any of these risk factors.
Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or symptomatic as individuals get older. In more severe cases, people with long standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss of integrity and discoloration of the skin, leg wounds, and blood clots.
Hospitalization and painful vein stripping surgery are not necessary. Jeffrey Gosin, M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular & Vein Center states, “In our practice, we have been caring for individuals with vascular problems, such as varicose veins, for our entire careers. In recent years there have been fantastic advancements in the treatment of vascular disease. In many cases we can offer these state-of-theart treatments to our patients. As a result, we are able to treat most of the vein problems that people experience with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. Many of these are performed right in the office. These procedures have the advantage of being very safe and effective. Patients usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately following the procedures, and have fast recovery.”
One of the advancements in vein care is the Closure Procedure. This procedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating venous reflux. Dr. Gosin states, “The Closure Procedure has greatly improved the way that we treat patients with varicose veins and venous reflux disease. It is performed in a comfortable office setting. General anesthesia is not necessary. The whole procedure is guided by ultrasound. Therefore, incisions and sutures are not needed. That means less pain and faster recovery for our patients. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to perform and is over 95% successful in eliminating venous reflux, which The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com November/December 2021

Medical Professionals Varicose veins and their underlying is the cause of most varicose
Vcause, known as venous reflux disease, are the most common circulatory problems that affect individuals of all veins. We have now performed thousands of these procedures and results have been excellent.” ages. “One of the significant These conditions are twice as common as advantages to seeing a vascular surgeon for vein care is that coronary heart disease. They occur when vein valves in the legs become damaged, causing we treat the full spectrum of abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. vascular diseases, from routine to very complicated ones” says Consequently, blood is allowed to pool in the lower legs. This causes a variety of physical symptoms such as leg pain, leg swelling, heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of unsightly varicose and spider veins. People who have occupations that require standing, such as casino employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant Dr. Gosin. “We have experience with conventional open surgery, and are certainly prepared to do that when necessary. However, more and more we are able to treat our patients with minimally invasive procedures. This is especially true for varicose veins and venous are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without any of these risk reflux.” factors. If you are suffering from the symptoms or appearance of varicose
Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common veins, or if you have leg symptoms that you think might be related to your with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or circulation, the Board Certified Vascular Surgeon at Shore Vascular & Vein symptomatic as individuals get older. In more severe cases, people with long Center is available to help. Most health insurance is accepted. standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss of integrity and discoloration of the skin, leg wounds, and blood clots.
Hospitalization and painful vein stripping surgery are not necessary. Jeffrey Gosin, M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular & Vein Center states, “In our practice, we have been caring for individuals with vascular problems, such as varicose veins, for our entire careers. In recent years there have been fantastic advancements in the treatment of vascular disease. In many cases we can offer these state-of-theart treatments to our patients. As a result, we are able to treat most of the vein problems that people experience with minimally invasive, outpatient procedures. Many of these are performed right in the office. These procedures have the advantage of being very safe and effective. Patients usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately following the procedures, and have fast recovery.”
One of the advancements in vein care is the Closure Procedure. This procedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating venous reflux. Dr. Gosin states, “The Closure Procedure has greatly improved the way that we treat patients with varicose veins and venous reflux disease. It is performed in a comfortable office setting. General anesthesia is not necessary. The whole procedure is guided by ultrasound. Therefore, incisions and sutures are not needed. That means less pain and faster recovery for our patients. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to perform and is over 95% successful in eliminating venous reflux, which
Medical Professionals
Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs? Help Is Available! The Most Common Questions And Answers An Interview With Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin...Concerning Varicose Veins is the cause of most varicose veins. We have now performed aricose veins are one of the most common vascular thousands of these procedures conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. and results have been excellent.” Treatment options have improved greatly in “One of the significant recent years. In spite of these advancements, advantages to seeing a vascular
Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS many people mistakenly still believe that treatment for this problem is difficult, painful, and simply considered “cosmetic.” Other people may experience leg pain and other symptoms but they don’t realize what is causing their surgeon for vein care is that we treat the full spectrum of vascular diseases, from routine to very complicated ones” says Dr. Gosin. “We have experience with conventional open surgery, condition. This article will answer some and are certainly prepared common questions regarding varicose veins, to do that when necessary. The good news is that modern the associated symptoms, and treatment. However, more and more we are vein care allows for treatment What are varicose veins? able to treat our patients with of many of these problems in Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin. They often have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins may be very large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can occur anywhere on the legs, including the groin area. minimally invasive procedures. This is especially true for varicose veins and venous reflux.” If you are suffering from the symptoms or appearance of varicose a far less invasive way than in the past. What causes varicose veins? veins, or if you have leg symptoms that you think might be related to your
Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to circulation, the Board Certified Vascular Surgeon at Shore Vascular & Vein the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Center is available to help. Most health insurance is accepted. Those valves can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction. The blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure Please call for a consultation or for additional in the veins. This is known as venous reflux disease or Chronic Venous information. (609) 927-VEIN (8346)Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most common causes of varicose veins. or visit us at www.GetGreatLegs.com.
People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some people will only feel discomfort but not notice any cosmetic changes. I thought varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. Is that true?
It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux are NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some individuals may be at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has the added benefit of improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not considered “cosmetic.”
Who is at risk for varicose veins?
Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose TESTIMONIAL veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing “My legs look and feel so much better! Making appointments was age and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose easy and they worked with my crazy schedule. Dr. Gosin and his staff veins without having any of these known conditions.
Medical Professionals
Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs? Help Is Available! The Most Common Questions And Answers An Interview With Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin...Concerning Varicose Veins aricose veins are one of the most common vascular How are varicose veins and venous reflux diagnosed? conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with Treatment options have improved greatly in a combination of a medical history, physical examination and a recent years. In spite of these advancements, painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as many people mistakenly still believe that treat- a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential ment for this problem is difficult, painful, and in properly treating this condition.
Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS simply considered “cosmetic.” Other people may experience leg pain and other symptoms but they don’t realize what is causing their How are varicose veins and venous reflux treated? Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control condition. This article will answer some symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, common questions regarding varicose veins, current technology and techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT The good news is that modern Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS the associated symptoms, and treatment. What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin. They often have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins may be very large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can the need for painful surgery. One of the best, most proven treatments for venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, now referred to as Venefit™. This minimally invasive procedure is performed right in the office in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, and excellent results. vein care allows for treatment of many of these problems in a far less invasive way than in the past. occur anywhere on the legs, including the groin area. How long is the recovery from vein treatment? What causes varicose veins? In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within
Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to a day of the procedure. the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Is varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? Those valves can malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many wrong direction. The blood then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An Please call for a consultation or for additional in the veins. This is known as venous reflux disease or Chronic Venous experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who information. (609) 927-VEIN (8346)Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the most common causes of varicose veins. What are the symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease? will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage. VISIT www.GetGreatLegs.com or visit us at www.GetGreatLegs.com.
People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, leg fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many • The Venefit Procedure The Closure Procedure people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some • Microphlebectomy people will only feel discomfort but not notice any cosmetic changes. • Sclerotherapy for treatment of spider I thought varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. Is that true? It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux are NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some indiveins • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of spider veins and unsightly facial veins • IAC Accredited Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory on siteviduals may be at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, • Enlighten(TM) Laser Tattoo Removal long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has the added benefit of improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not considered “cosmetic.”
Who is at risk for varicose veins?
Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose TESTIMONIAL veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing “My legs look and feel so much better! Making appointments was easy and they worked with my crazy schedule. Dr. Gosin and his staff were very understanding about my care. Highly recommend!” - K.R. age and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose veins without having any of these known conditions. 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244 (609) 927-VEIN (8346) The County Woman Magazine www.GetGreatLegs.comwww.TheCountyWoman.com May/June 2016
An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with a combination of a medical history, physical examination and a painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential in properly treating this condition.
How are varicose veins and venous reflux treated?
Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed, current technology and techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS the need for painful surgery. One of the best, most proven treatments for venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, now referred to as Venefit™. This minimally invasive procedure is performed right in the office in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, and excellent results.
How long is the recovery from vein treatment?
In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within a day of the procedure.
Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein treatment center will have insurance specialists who will work with your insurance company to confirm coverage.
VISIT www.GetGreatLegs.com
• The Venefit Procedure The Closure Procedure • Microphlebectomy • Sclerotherapy for treatment of spider veins • Excel V Vascular Laser for treatment of spider veins and unsightly facial veins • IAC Accredited Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory on site • Enlighten(TM) Laser Tattoo Removal 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244 (609) 927-VEIN (8346)