Monmouth County Woman - March/April 2018

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Ce leb ra

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One THE SHORE BITTERLY GROUP AT MORGAN STANLEY. With careful monitoring and periodic review, you can count on us to help guide you through life’s twists and turns. Page 5

EAR INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN AND THE ROLE OF EAR TUBES. Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies and young children in particular are prone to getting recurrent ear infections. Page 11

PLATELET RICH PLASMA AND STEM CELL THERAPY; AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR PAINFUL JOINTS. As time progresses, patients may benefit from cortisone injections or joint replacement.

The compounding pharmacists at the Natural Pharmacy strive to provide each patient with information about the safety and effectiveness of traditional prescription drugs and natural/holistic therapies. Read more about Eric Sauer, and his extraordinary team on pages 27, 28 & 29. @TheCountyWoman

Pages 12 & 13

Photo By Annette Jenkins Photography



Please Take One


Medical Professionals


Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder known to affect millions of people throughout the U.S. It is a complication found in several different medical conditions including Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Post ChemoRadiation therapies and Metabolic disorders being some of the most common. Underlying the above disease processes is the problem of impaired circulation to peripheral blood vessels, particularly the smaller ones (capillaries). Without sufficient blood flow to nerve tissues, oxygen and nutrients cannot get into the tissues and the waste products of metabolism cannot get out. When functioning normally, nerve tissues receive nutrient rich, highly-oxygenated blood carried to them by capillaries, however they are easily clogged by this debilitating process. The peripheral nervous system eventually becomes distressed and damaged due to starvation and toxicity. In advanced cases of diabetic neuropathy, blood glucose can also damage the walls of these tiny blood vessels supplying nerves, especially those in the legs and feet. SYMPTOMS: NUMBNESS, ALTERED SENSATION TINGLING OR BURNING, SHOOTING PAIN, MUSCLE WEAKNESS. LOSS OF BALANCE, COORDINATION, DIFFICULTY WALKING

“We personally invite you to schedule a comprehensive evaluation to determine if you are a MicroVas candidate and to learn more about our One-of-a-Kind Neuropathy Program we are EXCITED to now offer our patients!” -The REHABILITY Team *Most major medical insurances accepted, including Medicare.

MicroVas is a FDA cleared, non-invasive vascular treatment system that delivers electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body. After years of research, this technology was originally developed to treat Navy SEAL divers for hypothermia. It has since been engineered as a ground-breaking innovation with the ability to address the root cause of neuropathy, often a lack of nerve fiber circulation in the injured area. MicroVas’ powerful, deeply penetrating waveform causes blood to pump and circulate much more efficiently by significantly raising tissue oxygen levels, resulting in a potent effect on the microcirculation. Studies have demonstrated marked increases in tissue oxygen supply within minutes of initiating treatment. In contrast to other technologies available, this process even results in new capillary formation, laying the groundwork for new tissue growth and repair while accelerating the healing process. MicroVas also accelerates lymphatic drainage as much as ten to thirty-fold, notably reducing swelling and stimulating the body’s immune response. Its therapeutic effects are often dramatic, long-lasting and our unique approach of implementation is designed to help you achieve optimal results for long-term relief. I was suffering with neuropathy for over ten years with no relief from anything else I had tried, including medication. A neighbor recommended a microvas program at Rehability after seeing the great results her husband received having the same treatment there. I was told it could help increase blood circulation in my legs and sure enough, within four weeks I began noticing more feeling in both feet. The therapy team has also helped me with my balance and I’m walking better now than I have in a long time. Thank you to everyone at Rehability for all your help and positivity. – Mary B.

83 South Street, Suite 204, Freehold Commons Freehold, NJ 07728 | WWW.REHABILITYNJ.COM


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


What Is Infertility? Here’s What You Need To Know. by Dr. Allen Morgan Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, NJ


nfertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying (or six months if a woman is 35 or older). The following are commonly asked questions about the causes of infertility and ways to increase your chances of conceiving. Is infertility a common problem?

normal ovulation. PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), or ovarian failure (premature menopause) is another cause of ovulation problems. POI occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop working normally before she is 40. Blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy can lead to inability for the egg to meet the sperm. Problems with the uterus, such as a fibroid tumor, which is a noncancerous growth in the muscle on the walls of the uterus, can affect the ability of an embryo to implant on the wall on the uterine lining.

What things increase a woman’s risk of infertility?

Many things can change a woman’s ability to have a baby. Age, smoking, excess alcohol use, stress, poor diet, excessive athletic training, being over- or underweight, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or health problems that cause hormonal changes, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and primary ovarian insufficiency.

Yes. About 10 percent of women (6 million) in the United States have difficulty getting or staying pregnant.

Is infertility just a woman’s problem?

No, infertility is not always due to the woman. Men can have problems that cause infertility. About one-half of infertility cases are caused by women’s problems. Another one-third of fertility problems are due to the man, and the rest a combination of both partners. Luckily, most of these problems can be easily remedied.

How does age affect a woman’s ability to have children?

Many women are waiting until their 30s and 40s to have children. One out of five women in the United States now have their first child after age 35. Age is a growing cause of fertility problems. About one-third of couples in which the woman is over 35 have difficulty conceiving. Aging decreases a woman’s chances of having a baby since those eggs have been there since birth and she does not make any new eggs. The chromosomes in the eggs begin to break down and many errors can occur as one ages. Also, age is associated with an increase in miscarriages.

What causes infertility in men?

Infertility in men is most often caused by a low sperm count or slow-moving sperm cells. A varicocoele is an enlarged vein on a man’s testicle(s), which heats the testicles. The heat can affect the number or shape of the sperm and movement of the sperm, leading to slow motility. Sometimes injuries or other damage to the reproductive system block the sperm. Some men are born with the problem that affects their sperm. Illness and injuries are common. Or men may be given testosterone hormone treatment, which can lower the sperm count. Genetically, cystic fibrosis often causes infertility in men.

What increases a man’s risk of infertility?

A man’s sperm can be affected by his overall health and lifestyle, reducing the number of healthy sperm cells. These include heavy alcohol use, drugs, smoking cigarettes and marijuana, age, and environmental toxins, including pesticides and lead. Also, mumps as a child and serious conditions of the kidney, or hormone problems, some medicines, radiation treatment and chemotherapy for cancer may put a man at risk.

What causes infertility in women?

Many cases are due to problems with ovulation. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized. A woman is not ovulating normally if she has very irregular or absent menstrual periods. Ovulation problems are often caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a hormone imbalance problem that can interfere with

How long should women try to get pregnant before calling their doctors? Most experts suggest at least one year. Women 30 or older should see their doctors after six months of trying. A woman’s chances of having a baby decrease rapidly every year after the age of 30. It is a good idea for any woman to talk to her gynecologist or a reproductive endocrinologist before trying to get pregnant. Doctors can help you get your body ready for a healthy baby. They can also answer questions on fertility and give tips on conceiving.

For more information, call 732-363-4777 or visit

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The County Woman Magazine 475 Highway 70 West Suite #201 Lakewood, NJ 08701

March/April 2018


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Since 2008 Monmouth County Woman County Monmouth Since 2008


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Welcome to the March/April Issue of The Monmouth County Woman Publication! As I write this, I am comforted in the knowledge that spring will officially begin this year in 35 days. That seems like a long time, but we will soon be enjoying the longer days, warmer breezes and bright colors of spring! What a welcome change from the cold snaps and wet weather we have endured this past winter. This changing of the seasons also gives me the opportunity to reflect on the growth and importance of the Monmouth County Woman. After all of these years, the Monmouth County Woman remains the go-to resource for all of the many things that we have going on in our daily lives. I am astounded at the abundance of information that our topic experts provide to our readers in Monmouth County. It has proven to be a fantastic knowledge center for myself and for the numerous people who have asked me whether “I know someone” who may be of assistance for their needs. I simply had to point them to the Monmouth County Woman, and they were able to quickly learn about their topic directly from one of our provider experts in an engaging and educational format so that they could follow up directly with that business. So, as we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring, take the opportunity to learn about a new topic or find that skilled expert professional that you have been seeking in the areas of health, finance, fitness, law, med-spa, fashion, beauty, insurance, home improvement, and much more! Throughout this issue, you will find important information that impacts many aspects of your daily life. For instance, on page 7, you will find information about six dental habits that are harming your child’s teeth. Did you know March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month? You can find more information on when to get screened for colorectal cancer on page 16. Lastly, if you are seeking ways to relieve stress or stay in shape, visit Freehold Yoga Center. They have day and evening classes. Read more on page 34. We’re sure you’ll find every article in this issue of the Monmouth County Woman brimming with valuable information. When a particular article is helpful to you or your family, take a moment to visit, call, email, tweet or Facebook the business to let them know! Best, Chris Lam & The Staff at the Monmouth County Woman Publication

Featured on the Cover - The Natural Pharmacy Pictured L-R: Eileen McGovern, JoAnn Monaco, Registered Pharmacy Technician, Laurie Lombardi, CDN, Eric Sauer, Compound Pharmacist, and Carol Marshall. At The Natural Pharmacy, the compounding pharmacists provide each patient with information about safety and effectiveness of traditional prescription drugs and natural/holistic therapies. Read more on pages 27, 28 & 29.

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Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography. Call 732-936-1416 to schedule your photo shoot today.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Contents ^Medical Professionals

REHABILITY......................................................................2 Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine............3 All-Care Physical Therapy Center.............................8,9,10 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA............................11 Relievus.....................................................................12, 13 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.............................16 Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists..................................22 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center...............................24 Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery, PC........................25 Memory Enhancement Center........................................30 University Urology Associates of New Jersey.................32 Ocean Hematology & Oncology......................................33 Vein Center for Women...................................................35 Quality Dermatology........................................................36 Personal Enhancement Center........................................63

^Financial Management

The Shore Bitterly Group at Morgan Stanley....................5

^Life Coach

I Wonder Coaching............................................................6

^Fashion & Beauty

Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, Inc..........................................6

^Pediatric Dentistry

Tender Smiles 4 Kids.........................................................7

^Adult Day Care

We Care Adult Day Care..................................................14


^Professional Dentistry

Aesthetic Dental Creations..............................................15

^Health & Wellness

Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine......17 Lice Lifters.......................................................................21 Cleansing Concepts........................................................23 Spa Virtue........................................................................31 Freehold Yoga Center......................................................34 Hypnosis for Women.......................................................40


The Matus Law Group.....................................................18 EFC LAW PRACTICE.......................................................42

^Home Health Care

United Methodist Communities Homeworks..................19

^Holistic Veterinary

Blue Sage Veterinary Wellness Center......................20, 21

^PACE Program

Beacon of Life ................................................................26

^Featured on the Cover

The Natural Pharmacy.........................................27, 28, 29


The Macaroon Shop........................................................31

^Massage School

New Jersey School of Massage......................................37


^Women of Monmouth County...........38, ^Wigs & Hair Replacement


Abstrax Hair Designs...................................................... 41

^Theatre & Entertainment

This One’s For The Girls..................................................46 Show Score.....................................................................47 the Stone Witch...............................................................47 Two River Theater............................................................51

^Women’s History

The Queen of Rock.........................................................49


Vagabond Travel Agency.................................................50


Thunder 106.3 & The Boss 107.1....................................56

^Business & Finance

Pearls of Wisdom Media, Inc..........................................59

^Fine Art Photography

Annette Jenkins Photography.........................................62 ^Community.............................................................. ................43, 44, 45, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Sharon Flaherty, PHD......................................................37

Financial Management

The Shore Bitterly Group At Morgan Stanley We all have goals. Some big, some small, some challenging, some more attainable than others. Just as one may prioritize physical wellness, financial wellness is a very important goal that allows us to have peace of mind, enjoy life, and maybe even dream bigger. Financial wellness means working to improve the overall health of your finances, and making sure you are on track to reach your goals. Maybe it’s planning that dream trip you’ve wanted to go on, maybe it’s the ability to pay for your children’s education, maybe it’s to be able to retire comfortably. Those goals, the ones you want to attain, are the reason why we do what we do. The Shore Bitterly Group at Morgan Stanley is dedicated to help you meet your goals. We do this by learning about you and your life goals in order to create a comprehensive plan and investment strategy to help you get there. With careful monitoring and periodic review, you can count on us to help guide you through life’s twists and turns.

“Your Goals, Your Life, Our Help” Tara Bitterly Financial Advisor 732-936-3336

Gary Bitterly, CPM Senior Portfolio Manager Financial Advisor 732-224-3747

Dana Bitterly Financial Advisor

Contact us to receive a second opinion financial wellness exam!


The County Woman Magazine

The Shore Bitterly Group at Morgan Stanley 20 Linden Place | Red Bank, NJ 07701 732-224-3747 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC1995414 01/18

March/April 2018

Life Coach


Spring into YOU!

Melissa Epstein, CPC, ELI-MP January has come and gone, and if I had to guess, so have many New Year resolutions. But don’t worry, you are not alone! To make a resolution means you have resolved to do something. It means you will no longer do the thing you set out to change when you set the New Year resolution. But the reason some of those resolutions didn’t stick might be because you are not living in alignment with your core values. Something is missing for you, you just can’t put your finger on it, so it’s the same old routine year in and year out. You just can’t figure out how to create the lasting change you want.

Take advantage of the brighter, longer days and go out in nature more. Take some “me” time and figure out what’s really important to you. If you are wondering what’s missing, head over to my website for my FREE values assessment at Life is precious and way too short to live feeling like something is missing! In the words of the talented and oh-so-missed late Robin Williams, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, let’s party!” It’s never too late to find your party.

I believe in you!

Xox, Melissa

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Just because January is now in the past doesn’t mean you have to wait till next January. You have the choice to start right now. You don’t have to wait for the big ball to drop or any other commercialized event to help you make that decision. All you have to do is decide. And if you are someone who likes to wait till Monday or the New Year or some other special event, then you are in luck! It’s Spring! The time of new beginnings – flowers start to bloom, leaves begin grow, lots of animals start having babies, the days are longer and brighter, animals that were hibernating start to awaken! It’s the season of growth! Fashion &Beauty

The Ultimate Boutique Experience Find quality fashion with a personal touch at Lynne’s Fashion Boutique. Dedicated to personalizing your fashion experience, we cater to women who want to look sensational for everyday or special occasions. You’ll find casual and evening attire with fabulous accessories—jewelry, belts, shawls, scarves, handbags and more! Find daywear designers not typically carried in department stores in a variety of sizes, styles, and with lots of separates to mix and match.

Our evening gown selection is particularly extensive and enticing, specializing in helping women find the perfect mother-of-the-bride and mother-of-the-groom dresses. Our friendly, personalized service, provided by a most knowledgeable sales staff, will make your shopping experience one-of-a-kind. We also have an expert seamstress on the premises, available for alterations. Come enjoy the ultimate boutique experience. Gift certificates and free gift wrapping are also available. Be sure to visit our website at to sign up for our informative newsletter, and be sure to check out our Facebook page for special pop-up sales—it will change frequently!

My staff and I look forward to seeing you soon. Best wishes,

Lynne Goldberg


Winter Hours: 10:30am-5:30 pm Tuesday through Friday and 10:30am -4:00pm on Saturday

31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ

The County Woman Magazine

Lynne Goldberg, Owner of Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, has been in the women’s retail clothing business since 1989, and her boutique has evolved and changed along with the times. Specializing in Mother of the Bride or Groom attire, she also carries a wide selection of casuals, sportswear and accessories that will allow you to dress well and feel comfortable-for everyday or any occasion.

March/April 2018

Pediatric Dentistry


Six Dangerous Dental Habits Harming Your Child

1. Bad Brushing Habits

While most parents focus on teaching their kids good habits, they completely overlook the bad dental habits children may have developed. The following tips are for parents to learn what they need to watch out for, as well as how to cure bad dental habits your child may have.

Good dental care begins at an early age and allows you to prevent bad dental habits from developing. Some of the first few dental habits you teach your child are brushing and flossing. Unfortunately, if they’re too rough when they brush, it can do great damage to their tooth enamel. And some children avoid brushing altogether by having a tantrum when it’s time to clean their teeth. This leads parents to wonder how to cure bad dental habits like these. The solution lies in making brushing a fun experience and teaching kids that they’re responsible for taking care of their teeth. Have a dance party while brushing, reward kids for their efforts, and carefully explain to kids why good dental care is so important.

2. Ongoing Thumb Sucking

Many parents ask about how to cure bad dental habits, and they’re often referring to thumb sucking. It’s such a common childhood habit that many parents assume their only choice is to wait until their child outgrows it. But if it becomes a regular habit, it can cause teeth to shift forward and misalign their bite. This can lead to later problems with talking, pronunciation, chewing, and cleaning, and may require orthodontic treatment.

3. Biting Their Nails

Young children often use their teeth as tools to trim their overgrown nails. Unfortunately, this can damage their delicate tooth enamel and cause teeth sensitivity by exposing the tooth’s delicate root. If you regularly trim the child’s nails, you can prevent this problem.

4. Taking Baby Bottles to Bed

If your child’s bedtime routine includes going to bed with a bottle full of milk or juice, the sugars in these drinks will remain on their teeth for hours. This can lead to cavities and discolored teeth over time. So how do you cure bad dental habits like this? Simply rinse their mouth first thing in the morning to remove the sugars from the surface of teeth. You can also add water to juice to lower its sugar content.

5. Eating Toothpaste

Kids are taught that brushing their teeth is part of good dental care. But since the toothpaste tastes good to encourage kids to brush, they often end up swallowing it as if it were candy. Many parents think this is harmless and are just happy that their kids are practicing good dental care. However, it’s actually one of the most troubling bad dental habits because excessive intake of fluoride through swallowing can cause fluorosis, which causes brown spots on the child’s teeth.

6. Not Having Regular Dental Check-ups

Mistakenly, many parents think that their children don’t need to visit a dentist until they have a dental problem. However, regular dental check-ups are a cornerstone of good dental care. Besides giving your child professional dental care, check-ups can prevent later dental problems and detect any issues at their earliest stages when they’re easier to treat. Make sure to take your child for dental check-ups twice a year to give them a head start on a healthy smile. By the time a child has a first birthday they should have a “Dental Home.” Dr. Max offers free initial infant examinations, which is sure to make any new parent feel at ease. As a Dental Educator, Dr. Max leads programs for both public and private nursery schools, as well as parenting groups. It has been shown that the healthiest mouths result from superior, early pediatric dental care with regular continuing care throughout a child’s life. TenderSmiles4Kids will get your family on the road for a lifetime of excellent dental health.

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


Medical Professionals

At All-Care Physical Therapy Center, Your Health and Wellness is Their Focus


JIM YORKE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OCW: How has hand therapy evolved over the years in your facility? Jim Yorke: We started our OT (occupational therapy) Hand Therapy Department in 2011 with one therapist. Since then, we have expanded the department to include three hand therapists and now offer services in Whiting, Toms River, and Jackson. By bringing on occupational therapists who specialize in hand therapy, we are able to offer a wider variety of specialized services to our patients, including customized splinting.

OCW: What are some exciting new changes happening in the field of hand therapy? Mike Yorke: In 2016, the eligibility requirements to become a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) changed. Individuals pursuing this credential need 4,000 hours of experience under a practicing CHT and must be a practicing OT or PT for three years. There has also been a trend in early active motion for post-surgical patients. This allows individuals to begin therapy and restore function sooner.

OCW: In your opinion, what makes a great therapist?

OCW: How does the constant texting and use of computers affect those undergoing treatment? Mike Yorke: The use of technology has impacted the way that people use their hands. It is standard practice for our therapists to educate their patients on activity modification to ensure that they are able to complete their daily activities in a safe and healthy manner. OCW: How does working with your family enhance your business? Mike Yorke: Having family to work with helps to reinforce what is truly important at All-Care: treating all of our patients as we want our loved ones to be treated. At the end of the day we recognize the importance of compassionate, patient-focused care where all patients receive the attention and care they need and deserve.

Jim Yorke: A great therapist is a person who is compassionate, positive, patient focused, and is continually striving to better themselves and to better the lives of their patients. OCW: Are there preventative measures folks can take to keep our hands in optimal health? Jim Yorke: At All-Care, one of our main core values is health and wellness. Recognizing symptoms early on and taking steps to address those symptoms, including seeing a physician or beginning therapy, is key to maintaining healthy hands. Our hand therapists are skilled in educating patients on activity modification and preventative measures to promote hand health.

OCW: What is the driving force behind All-Care’s success? Mike Yorke: It all comes down to the people: our company is filled with individuals who demonstrate true compassion. It is essential for us to be invested in each patients’ recovery. Additionally, we look for staff members who are always seeking to improve their clinical skills and personal growth within our organization. Because physical therapy is an ever-changing field, it is essential to keep up with the latest techniques, equipment and manual interventions so we can help more patients.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


Meet the Hand Therapists from All-Care Physical Therapy Center Hand Ther apy Now Avai la FREE ble In HOL D!

JESSICA ABRAHAM, OT, CHT OCW: What attracted you to the field of hand therapy? Jessica Abraham: I became interested in hand therapy through a clinical affiliation while I was in graduate school. I found the anatomy of the hand and upper extremity interesting and challenging. Our hands are such an integral part of our bodies and any limitations can have a significant impact on our ability to complete daily tasks. OCW: What kind of specific hand issues are you able to help with OT hand therapy? Jessica Abraham: We focus on a variety of orthopedic and neurological hand conditions, including fractures, tendon repairs, strokes, arthritis, and repetitive strain injuries, as well as post-surgical cases. We offer personalized treatment programs to address a variety of hand conditions. As hand therapists, we are able to fabricate and fit custom splints for our clients to protect an injury, prevent deformity, and promote increased hand function. OCW: How has the use of cell phones and computers affected the amount of clientele that you see? Has there been a big increase? Jessica Abraham: Cell phone and computer use could lead to repetitive strain injuries in the hand and wrist. We have not seen an increase in clientele due to cell phone and computer use specifically; however, there has been an upward trend in tendonitis of the thumb, sometimes referred to as texting thumb, over the past couple of years. I’m sure that we will start to see an increase in clientele with these symptoms as the use of technology progresses.

MARIAN NASHED, MSOT, OTR/L OCW: What are the most common hand conditions that you treat? Marian Nashed: The most common hand conditions that we treat include everything from arthritic conditions, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s disease, and fractures of the hand, elbow, and wrist. We also treat carpal instabilities, flexor/ extensor tendon injuries, and peripheral nerve injuries, such as carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome. OCW: What attracted you to the field of occupational therapy? Marian Nashed: As a biology major, I began to shadow various healthcare professionals to ultimately decide my career choice. As soon as I shadowed a hand therapist, I knew that it was the career choice for me. I chose occupational therapy to become a hand therapist. In fact, 85% of hand therapists are occupational therapists.

ASHLEY INTILE, OT OCW: Tell us what you enjoy the most about working in hand therapy. Ashley Intile: I enjoy the challenge and reward of giving people their lives back. We see many different injuries and chronic conditions that have a significant impact on an individual’s life. Every patient is unique, so I enjoy getting to know the person and understanding his or her needs so I can help them reach goals that are meaningful and purposeful to them. OCW: What is the most challenging part about working with adults with weakness on one side of the body, known as hemiparesis? Ashley Intile: In an outpatient setting, we typically treat adults with hemiparesis resulting from a stroke. With a neurological deficit, everyone heals differently and therefore the outcomes differ as well. The recovery from a stroke can take up to a year or longer and have a significant impact on the patient and their family’s lifestyle, which makes it more challenging to treat. However, we are able to help provide patients with an individualized treatment plan focusing on stretching and strengthening exercises, and a custom-fabricated splint if needed. Additionally, we supply them with a personalized home exercise program and the resources needed to return to their daily activities.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


Understanding Dupuytren’s Contracture Have you ever noticed a knot or lump located under the skin of your palm, causing your finger to bend inward, making it difficult to complete daily tasks such as buttoning your shirt, wearing gloves or reaching into your pocket? If so, you may be experiencing Dupuytren’s contracture.

What is Dupuytren’s Contracture?

Palmar fibromatosis, commonly known as Dupuytren’s contracture, is a progressive condition that affects the layer of tissue that lies under the skin of your palm. The affected tissue, called the palmar fascia, which covers the finger tendons, thickens and shortens, forming knots, creating a thick cord that can pull one or more fingers into a bent position. The lumps or knots that form are uncomfortable to some people; however, rarely is it painful. Dupuytren’s contracture mainly affects the ring and small finger, followed by the long finger, but it can occur in any digit. In many cases, both hands are affected, but each hand can be affected differently.

Causes and risk factors

The cause for Dupuytren’s contracture is unknown and there is no cure for this disease. However, the condition usually develops slowly and is nonlife-threatening. The disease onset is seen in more middle-aged adults. It is shown to be more common in men than women and particularly those of Northern European descent. Certain things may make you more likely to develop Dupuytren’s contracture. They include: • Drinking alcohol • Diabetes • Smoking • Seizures • Having a family history of Dupuytren’s • Signs and Symptoms • Lumps or knots start to form in the palm. The lumps may be tender to touch. • Over time it may be difficult to lay your hand down flat. • Thick cords may develop that feel like they are attached to the skin. • One or more fingers bend or curl in toward the palm of the hand, making it difficult to straighten.

Treatments Options

Occupational therapy can help treat your symptoms conservatively. However, because Dupuytren’s is a progressive disease, the contracture cannot be changed unless there is some type of surgical intervention. In severe cases, various treatment options are available to straighten the finger. These options may include needles, injectable medicine, or surgery. After a surgical intervention is performed, occupational therapy is recommended to evaluate Ashley Intile, OT Hand Therapist, All-Care Physical Therapy Center, Whiting and Toms River Locations

your condition, focused on helping you to maintain finger extension that was gained through the procedure performed and regain functional use of your hand. In therapy a treatment plan will be designed specifically for you. The program will include specific therapeutic exercises to treat range of motion and strengthen any areas where there may be a deficit. Treatment can include: • A custom-fabricated splint for the involved finger to maintain finger extension. This splint would be worn during activities throughout the day and at night. • Stretching and strengthening exercises in a pain-free range of motion to gain functional use of hand. • Modalities such as therapeutic ultrasound, scar tissue massage, and moist heat to relieve pain and inflammation. • Providing education on adaptive techniques and use of assistive devices to enhance functional abilities. Dupuytren’s contracture can have a significant impact on all your daily activities, making them difficult to complete. Addressing this condition early can help slow the progression of the disease and lead to a better prognosis. At All-Care Physical Therapy, our hand therapists specialize in the treatment of Dupuytren’s, and they can create custom-fabricated splints. Contact your physician if you are experiencing these conditions and ask if an occupational therapist (OT) at All-Care Physical Therapy can help. OT hand therapy is currently being practiced in our Toms River (732-505-1300), Whiting (732-849-0700), or Jackson (732-833-1133) locations.

Please call our Jackson location at

Ashley Intile received her Master’s Degree of Science in Occupational Therapy from Husson University in 2016. She graduated with honors and served as a member of Pi Theta Epsilon, Delta Sigma Chapter, as part of the National Occupational Therapy Honor Society. Ashley’s professional focus has been on outpatient orthopedic treatment with a focus on hand therapy. She has completed affiliations in acute care, outpatient orthopedic clinics, mental health, and pediatrics. Her professional areas of interest include manual therapy, splint fabrication, and soft tissue work. Ashley is in the process of becoming a certified hand therapist and continues to expand her education by completing courses in: • Evidence-Based Physical Agents: Application and Practice • Comprehensive Treatment of the Shoulder Complex • Introduction to Hand Therapy • Neural Mobilization: Examination & Intervention Strategies

The County Woman Magazine


to make an appointment.

March/April 2018

11 Medical Professionals Ear Infections in Children And The Role of Ear Tubes Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies and young children in particular are prone to getting recurrent ear infections. Babies and young children are more prone to ear infections due to their immature immune systems and the anatomy of their ears. There is a tube called the eustachian tube that drains fluid from the ear into the nose. In babies and children, the eustachian tube does not drain well due to its position and extremely small size. Additional risk factors for ear infection include bottle feeding, secondhand smoke, and daycare attendance. Ear infections can be caused by both bacteria and viruses. If you suspect your child has an ear infection, it is best to take your child to your pediatrician or other qualified medical personnel for assessment and treatment. Many children with recurrent ear infections get better without intervention. However, some children continue to have a buildup of fluid in their ears that does not resolve. Persistent fluid in the ears can result in a hearing loss. Hearing loss in a young child can affect speech development. Persistent fluid in the ears has also been linked to balance issues, poor school performance, and ear discomfort. If your child continues to get recurrent infections, it may be time to see an otolaryngologist. Commonly known as ENT doctors, otolaryngologists are specialists in the treatment of ears and ear infections. At your initial visit, a history will be obtained and your child will be examined. Depending on the findings of the exam, your

child may be referred for a hearing test. Additional testing such as x-rays may also be ordered. After a thorough consideration of all the information, you and your otolaryngologist will discuss if your child will benefit from ear tubes. Ear tube placement is the most frequently performed surgical procedure in the United States, approaching 670,000 cases per year. The procedure can improve the quality of life in children with recurrent ear infections and improve hearing in children with fluid in the ears. Ear tubes are extremely tiny (about 1/20th of an inch). They are placed in the operating room with the assistance of an operating microscope. Ear tubes are known by other names, including PE tubes, ventilating tubes, pressure equalizing tubes, and grommets. Once in place, they usually last 6-18 months. They are designed to fall out on their own. Children with tubes can swim and bathe like before tube placement. After tube placement, a follow-up hearing test will be obtained. You will continue to see the otolaryngologist until the tubes have fallen out and your child is no longer getting ear infections.

Visit Christina Gillespie, MD, Ocean Otolaryngology Dr. Christina Gillespie is a board certified Otolaryngoloigist who has been in practice in Toms River since 2013. She completed her internship and residency in Otolaryngology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Before moving to Toms River, she served as Chief of Otolaryngology at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas for eight years. At Ocean Otolaryngology, Dr. Gillespie sees patients, at the Toms River and Whiting locations, of all ages with a variety of medical problems. Her specialties include pediatric otolaryngology, sinus surgery, and surgery for sleep apnea. She also treats common medical conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus, hoarseness and chronic cough. In addition, Dr. Gillespie is also involved in the American Academy of Otolaryngology. She currently serves on multiple committees which include the Board of Governors and Governance, Media committee and Education committee. Dr. Gillespie resides in Monmouth County with her husband and daughter. She enjoys spending time with her family as they explore the Jersey Shore. She is also an avid tennis player.

Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS

Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS

54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 61 Lacey Rd., Whiting, NJ 1673 Rt. 88 W, Brick, NJ

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

12 14

Medical Medical Professionals Professionals

The Leaders in Pain Management

Lauren Myers, PA

Laura Seczech, PA

1820 Corlies Avenue, Suite 10A Neptune, NJ 07753 432 Lakehurst Road, First Floor, Toms River, NJ 08753 27 Souths Cooks Bridge Road, Suite 211 Jackson, NJ 08527

888-985-ASAP (2727) • The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

January/February March/April 2018 2018

Medical Professionals


Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Painful Joints M edical P ro essionals 12 M edical P ro essionals 22 f f

Sacroiliitis/Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

degenerative disc disease, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, neck and back Many patients tend to develop chronic pain, nerve injury, plastic surgery, burns, split-thickness skin graft degenerative joint issues as they age. Pain donor sites, and stress fractures. It may also be used after surgical from the hip, knees, elbows and shoulders procedures to assist in the healing process in areas of poor blood supply. plague a large majority of the chronic pain position. Pain can be referred to the hip, groin, and occasionally The sacrum One of the main the patient’s down the leg above thebenefits knee if of thePRP painisisthat severe. If there isown blood population in our country. These complaints is located in the is used, making this procedure safe, cost effective, andextremities, without side numbness, weakness, or decreased reflexes in the lower are common lower portion of and can cause decreased effects. The natural healing process may take 3-6 weeks after the then more proximal issues involving the lumbar nerves should be range motion and a poor quality of life the spineof and injection and the procedure may need to be repeated 1-2 more times investigated. in a 6 month period to encourage fulldiagnosis healing and regeneration. lies between since it becomes more difficult to perform There is no single reliable test in the of SIJ dysfunction With stemmaneuvers cell therapy,that stem cells are the harvested fromare the iliac the lumbar and but provocative reproduce symptoms activities of daily living. Typically noncrest (a bone in the hip) and then also injected into the site of tissue coccyx. The anti-inflammatories (NSAID’s) are suspicious for sacroiliac joint issues. The gold standard of diagnosis steroidal damage to help decrease pain, increase mobility and regenerate SIJ dysfunction resulting from the SIJ itself is by performing an sacroiliac joint by (SIJ) prescribed physicians to help decrease of damaged joints. These two techniques are safe andThe great for patients X-ray–guided SIJ injection with a local anesthetic. diagnosis is is located on either pain that can come from achy joints. As who are hesitant to undergo surgery or for those patients who have confirmed if there is significant relief of the pain and function from side between been told by their surgeon that joint replacement is not an thealready injection. time progresses, patients may benefit the sacrum and option them. Imagingforwith lumbosacral X-rays to rule out bony pathology is fromofcortisone injections and joints or joint ilium the pelvis. The left and right are held beneficial. CT scan and MRI are alsoSTEM beneficial in examining theare AUTOLOGOUS ADULT CELLS (ASCS) replacement. together by strong ligaments, which contributes lumbosacral to rule other thatand may involve the being usedspine to treat manyout types of pathology chronic pain degeneration. its However, before considering going under the knife to to have to stability. There is minimal movement the joint replacement surgery a new modality is gaining popularity SIJ. Tt It functions as a shock absorber for the spineand providing patients the opportunity to “regenerate” damaged joints. and aids with weight transfer to either extremity Regenerative medicine is a new and exciting field that is showing during The ligaments of the sacroiliac promiseambulation. in reversing years of joint deterioration. Regenerative joint loosen during pregnancy due to circulating medicine utilizes the ability of the body to heal itself. The two most hormones to allow techniques for pelvicthat widening during thejoint promising regenerative are providing chronic pain reliefprocess. are platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell (ST) birthing therapy. inflammation of thefrom SIJ, it termedand sacroiliitis When With there PRP, is whole blood is drawn theis patient then spun and cantobea unilateral or plug. bilateral. dysfunction is a a down platelet rich ThisSacroiliac powerful joint platelet plug contains result of abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint. SIJ dysfunction multitude of growth factors that when injected into painful arthritic can result sacroiliitis not the sole etiology. Sacroiliitis can joints caninhelp regrow but and isregenerate years of damage. occur a component of inflammatory conditions of theincluding spine, PRP as therapy may be used to manage numerous injuries which termed(hamstring spondyloarthropathies. muscleareinjuries sprains, bicepsSpondyloarthropathies and triceps injuries, are of but not limitedligament to ankylosing reactive calfinclusive and quadriceps injuries), injuriesspondylitis, (ACL, MCL, LCL arthritis, andtears psoriatic may (Achilles also occurtendonitis, due to sprains and of thearthritis. knees), Sacroiliitis tendon injuries osteoarthritis, Crohn’stennis disease, ulcerative trauma, childbirth, rotator cuff injuries, elbow (lateralcolitis, epicondylitis), golfer’s orelbow infection of the joint. (medial epicondylitis), patellar and quadriceps tendonitis), Signs and symptoms sacroiliitis include mild to moderate degenerative conditionsofsuch as arthritis (osteoarthritis), joint pain, ache in the lower back or buttock pain on either side. Stiffness can occur especially with prolonged sitting or walking. Discomfort can worsen when standing from a seated position or a knee-to-chest

Currently doctors are treating shoulder, knee, hip, and spine discs, bone, and nerves. degeneration, in addition by to soft tissueand (muscle, tendon, ligament) Treatment is determined the type severity of symptoms, bone related andand theother underlying cause injuries. of the sacroiliitis. Nonsurgical treatment includes rest,stem change position, or medication While cell of therapy mayheat/ice, be appropriate for certain conditions, (NSAIDs). Other conservative care is inclusive of physical it is not applicable for every condition. However, it is hastherapy, proven to chiropractic therapy, or osteopathic manual manipulation to help be a viable option for several individuals suffering from pain. Good restore range of Fluoroscopically candidates formotion. adult stem cell treatment guided usually SIJ are:injections with aidthat in decreasing and pain.complications • Asteroids patient wants toinflammation avoid the inherent For severe intractable pain not responsive to nonsurgical that come with an invasive surgical procedure treatments interferes with daily functioning, surgery (sacroiliac • A painthat sufferer that is interested in an option that offers jointpotential fusion) is designed to fuse improved the SIJ to stop the motion for an overall quality of life in the joint. • Every patient is different, the success of the stem cell therapy is dependent on the severity of your condition and your body’s response to stem cell therapy.

1820 Corlies Avenue, Suite 10A • Neptune, NJ 07753 432 Lakehurst Road, First Floor • Toms River, NJ 08753 HealthSuite Village 1820Meridian Corlies Avenue, 10A • Neptune, NJ 07753 27 South Cooks Bridge Road, Suite 211 • Jackson, NJ 08527 27 South Cooks Bridge Road, Suite 211 • Jackson, NJ 08527 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

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For more information, call 888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit more information, call 888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit

Johan Reyes, MD

Board Certified Anesthesiologist Fellowship Trained Pain Specialist • Board Certified Anesthesiologist • Fellowship Trained Interventional Pain Specialist • Pain Fellowship, Mount Sinai/St. Luke’s Hospital, New York City • Anesthesiology Residency, Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School • Chief Resident, Rutgers, New Jersey Medical School • Internship, Hofstra North Shore-Long Island Jewish • Medical School, MD Degree, Rutgers—New Jersey Medical School • B.S., Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ • Licensed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

March/April May/June 2018 2017 November/December 2017

Adult Day Care


We Care Adult Care Is Celebrating National Social Work Month Celebrated each March, Social Work Month is an opportunity for social workers across the country to turn the spotlight on the profession and highlight the important contributions they PDNH WR VRFLHW\ 7KH RIĂ€FLDO theme is “Social Workers: Leaders. Advocates. Champions.â€? Social workers confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and work toward solutions that will ultimately make our society a better place to live. Kelli Desmond, Director of Social Services at We Care Adult Care, has had the privilege of working with the local aging population in Monmouth County for the past 14 years. She is a highly qualified

and certified Social Worker with a bachelor’s degree in social work and a minor in gerontology from Ramapo College, and a master’s degree from Monmouth University. Kelli works with the members at We Care and their families and caregivers every day by: t "DUJOH BT BO BEWPDBUF GPS TFOJPST t &EVDBUJOH UIFN BOE UFBDIJOH UIFN OFX skills t -JOLJOH UIFN UP FTTFOUJBM SFTPVSDFT XJUIJO UIF DPNNVOJUZ t 1SPUFDUJOH WVMOFSBCMF NFNCFST BOE FOTVSJOH UIBU UIFJS CFTU JOUFSFTUT BSF PCTFSWFE t $PVOTFMJOH UIPTF XIP OFFE TVQQPSU BOE assistance t 0CUBJOJOH HSBOUT BOE GVOEJOH GPS UIPTF XIP RVBMJGZ Kelli facilitates the Alzheimer’s New Jersey caregiver’s support group. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 10am at We Care Adult Care in Middletown. All are welcome to attend! As Director of Social Services at We Care Adult Care, Kelli advocates for seniors by obtaining grants for them to attend adult

daycare at a reduced rate or at no cost at all. As an educator, Kelli goes into the community to teach and educate seniors, caregivers, and their families on resources available to help them improve their daily quality of life, to encourage them to stay active and maintain their independence. Kelli is available to families for consultation to discuss options of care, related costs and possible funding that is available!


(732) 741-7363.

April 15-22, 2018, We Care Adult Care is celebrating our volunteers! National Volunteer Week was established by President Richard Nixon in 1974. We’d like to thank our volunteers for improving the lives of our members.

We Care Adult Care is not just our name – it’s our promise Providing Care --- Promoting Excellence --- Preserving Independence

CALL 732-741-7363 for more information Union Square Mall 552A State Route 35 Red Bank, NJ 07701


Licensed by NJ Department of Health & Senior Services

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Crab Quiche-Serves 6

Spring Time Brunch Entree Compliments of Chef Steph

Prepared pastry for 1 pie crust 4 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg 1 cup swiss cheese, shredded 3 T butter 2 T green onion, minced 12 oz crabmeat, well drained 2 T dry vermouth 1/8 tsp cayenne

The County Woman Magazine

Preheat oven to 425°. Prepare and place pastry in pie plate. Chill well. With a wire whisk beat the eggs, cream, and nutmeg. Stir in cheese and set aside. In sausepan, melt the butter. Add the green onions and cook until tender. Stir the onions and remaining ingredients into the egg mixture and pour into the prepared crust. Bake for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 325° and bake an additional 35 minutes or until knife inserted in the center of the quiche comes out clean. 6HUYH WKH TXLFKH ZLWK VDODG RU WRDVWHG (QJOLVK PXI˃QV )RU GHVVHUW HQMR\ IUHVK fruit topped with whipped cream. Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

March/April 2018

Professional Dentistry


Balaji Srinivasan, DDS

Creating relationships are the hallmark of Aesthetic Dental Creations office operations. Located in Jackson NJ our dental office offers dental services for both Monmouth and Ocean County NJ residents along with other surrounding towns and counties.

What our happy patients have to say… “Love this dental office, I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else! The entire staff is warm and welcoming and Dr. “B” is just amazing! I give them a million stars.” - LS ——————————————————————— “Received an excellent, thorough cleaning and exam by Aesthetic Dental’s professional team. Office staff are always friendly, helpful and courteous. No wait time in the office as usual.” - CS ——————————————————————— “This is the best dentist in the world. I had head pain for over 25 years. I saw countless dentists, a neurologist, and even had sinus surgery. All the dentists said I did not have TMJ or any other tooth problems that would produce the pain. It was depressing. My neurologist found about about Dr. B, and suggested I go for a consultation. I didn’t want to go to another dentist. However when he suggested it again, I thought, why not. It was the best thing I ever did. Dr B said he could help me and believed I did have TMJ. He made me an orthotic that has taken my head pain away. Gone after 25 years of misery! His office staff is knowledgeable, kind, and compassionate! The office itself is beautiful. I can’t say enough good things about Aesthetic Dental Creations and the very wonderful Dr. Balaji! I am a very happy patient.” - JM ——————————————————————— “The staff is very friendly and since I have been a patient since Dr. Srinivasan started his practice I feel like family there. Top of the line care, I trust no one else with my teeth! If he ever changed locations, I would follow.” - CM

Scan here for more testimonials, including videos!

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Health & Wellness


Tell Me What You Eat and I Will Tell You Who You Are You have probably heard the adage “You are what you eat” but did you know this proverb came from France? In 1825, the French gastronome Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin published this now celebrated quote in his masterpiece book Physiology of Taste: “Dis-moi ce que tu manges, je te dirai ce que tu es” which translates to “Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are”. The French still take their food seriously and this “you are what you eat” theme still holds true today, in France, in America and worldwide. What you may not know is that how you eat has an influence on your health. Mr. Brillat-Savarin knew this too, and if you delve into his “meal process adds to life’s happiness” attitude you will see trends that we incorporate here at Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine. Mindful thinking and eating, living with a purpose, and life enjoyment are interrelated with food and meals. What better way to feel part of a social relationship than sharing a meal around a table? And is there nothing better to wind down from a busy day than enjoying a home-cooked meal? The meal process is as important as what foods you put into your body. Eating mindfully and with pleasure can help your whole body and overall health. Here are a few ideas to add mindfulness around your meals: turn off screens, sit around a table, light a candle and dim the lights. Take a moment to feel gratitude for the positive parts of your day and sip and savor your dishes. Even the simplest foods can be pleasurable if we have a mindful attitude. Enjoy the meal process, just as Mr. Brillant-Savarin said, “The pleasure of the table belongs to all ages, to all conditions, to all countries, and to all areas; it mingles with all other pleasures, and remains at last to console us for their departure.”

empowering our community to reach the highest level of health and well-being Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine has developed a comprehensive health and wellness program like no other. Completely customized and focused around our Five Pillars of Health and Well-Being: Sleep, Activity, Purpose, Nutrition and Resilience. Begin your path to wellness with one of our clinical experts: integrative medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, health coaches, health psychologists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, massage therapists, and movement & energy therapists. To learn about the events and classes we offer or to schedule a consultation, please call 732-263-7999 or visit

To learn more about optimizing your Nutrition and our Five Pillars of Health & Well-being, contact me at 732.994.7855 or visit our website at

— by Mary Brighton, MS, RDN, Integrative Nutritionist

The County Woman Magazine

Visit our Center for Integrative Health & Medicine at Hackensack Meridian Health Village in Jackson, 27 South Cooks Bridge Road, Suite 2-3, Jackson, NJ 08527. HMIntegrativeHealth

Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine

March/April 2018



Four Reasons Why Dropping Medicaid Is Usually Not a Good Idea, Even After a Large Award or Settlement Written By Christine L. Matus, Esq. Say you or a loved one with special needs just won a multi-million-dollar lawsuit award or settlement. While the case was pending, Medicaid was paying the medical bills. By setting up a special needs trust, you can preserve the beneficiary's eligibility for Medicaid and other government benefits. But many newly “wealthy” clients ask what the value is of staying on Medicaid. After all, shouldn’t millions of dollars be sufficient to pay for health care? Why do we need a special needs trust? There are a number of reasons why this is usually not a good idea and staying on Medicaid is the far better choice. First, without health insurance, the person with special needs may not be able to get any treatment at all. Medical providers – such as doctors, hospitals, laboratories – typically want to bill some type of insurer. This is an area where cash is definitely not king. Medicaid solves this health care access problem (as long as the provider accepts Medicaid, of course). Second, even the best private health insurance does not provide the full range of

the provider charges, called “balance billing.” Here’s an example from an actual case for the total cost of all services rendered to a Medicaid beneficiary over a two-and-a-half-year period: • Providers billed: $1,034,079.35 • Medicaid paid: $129,524.04 You can see that with these kinds of costs, even a large award could be quickly consumed by non-Medicaid medical bills.

home and community-based services that Medicaid often provides. Moreover, Medicaid can provide residential services that you’ll never find covered in standard private insurance policies. Third, with Medicaid you will not be paying the provider’s regular “fee-for-service” rate but rather the state’s far lower pre-negotiated rates for services. And according to federal law, the provider can’t bill the patient for the difference between what Medicaid pays and what

Finally, Medicaid’s bill doesn’t come due until the beneficiary dies, which could be 40 or 50 years down the road. And there is no interest on this Medicaid debt. To the contrary, the inevitable march of inflation should reduce the size of the debt in real dollar terms. And Medicaid is, of course, repaid only if there are funds remaining at time of death. This is why special needs planners recommend setting up a special needs trust to preserve Medicaid in most cases, even after a seemingly large award or settlement. If you are wondering about the value of a special needs trust for yourself or a loved one, contact the Matus Law group today.


Special Needs Trusts Wills & Estate Planning

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Powers of Attorney Inheritance Tax Planning Trusts

81 East Water Street Suite 2C, Toms River NJ 08753 732.281.0060 •

Christine L. Matus, Esq. with her family


Spring Spaghetti Frittata Compliments of Chef Steph

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9 inch dish (pie plate) and set aside. Melt the butter and saute the vegetables until they are tender crisp, adding the peas and ham at the end. Let cool slightly. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk, adding any seasonings that you like. Stir in the vegetables and pasta and then put the whole mixture into the prepared pan. Top with cheese and bake for about 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve with a salad and viola! Another great home cooked meal.

1 oz butter 4oz sliced mushroom 1 red bell pepper, seeded & chopped 4oz ham, diced 1/2 cup peas, frozen 6 large eggs 1 cup of milk 3 1/2 oz spaghetti, cooked/ chopped 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

The County Woman Magazine

Serves 4 March/April 2018

Home Health Care


Talking to Your Older Parent About Using Smart Technology Deborah Walsh,

Executive Director, HomeWorks Smart phones and smart home devices can help aging adults live independently and give caregivers peace of mind. 77% of seniors who are age 65 and older have cellphones; but only 18% have SMART phones and therefore the capability to use the newer technology that could keep them safe and independent at home. There are phones made specifically for seniors that have brighter screens, larger numbers, and an easy navigation system. There is even an option for Urgent Care that will connect the user with a nurse or doctor 24/7 to provide medical advice or even prescribe medications via the phone. A caregiver app allows the adult child to log onto a smart phone, tablet or computer to make sure all is well with Mom, and check her location via GPS technology. Smart speakers like the Amazon Echo and Google Home are both voice activated, which can help those with visual impairment. The speakers can also connect to other smart home devices, allowing a senior to give voice commands for shutting off lights and the like, if mobility is an issue. There is even an automatic stove shut-off device that will activate if a person is away from the cooktop for too long. These devices can provide an extra layer of comfort and protection for older adults who want to stay in their homes longer as they age. According to a survey by AARP in 2012, roughly 90% of seniors intend to continue living in their homes for the next five to ten years. There are many advantages to technology, but change, such as using such technology, can be scary and intimidating. How do you get your parents to accept technology as an aid in helping them to live independently? Here are some tips about how to start a conversation with your aging parents about using smart devices for their benefit and yours:

• Include them in the conversation instead of telling them what to do. Listen to their concerns and share your own too. • Learn about all the options by doing basic research about what devices are available that might fit your parent’s particular needs. Technology is great, but only if it helps make their lives better. • Call a family meeting to talk about how to help your parents. Make sure everyone is on the same page. • Provide a real-life example of how a smart phone or gadget could help. Discuss how a device could help make your life easier, especially if you are the primary caregiver. • If your parents are on board with getting a smart device, pick something that’s simple. Remember, new technology can be intimidating and difficult to learn. • Write down step-by-step instructions on how to use the device. • Make sure there is a reliable Wi-Fi connection if the device you choose relies on Wi-Fi. • Reevaluate how your parent is doing with the new device. Check in regularly to see if the device is helping.

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit

In-home care for seniors. Call today for a free in-home assessment.

732-838-1950 • 54 Olin St, Ocean Grove, NJ


St. Patrick’s Day Recipe: How To Make Irish Potatoes Ingredients:

• 1/4 cup butter, softened • 1/2 package cream cheese • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 4 cups confectioners’ sugar • 2 1/2 cups flaked coconut • 1 tablespoon cinnamon

The County Woman Magazine

1. In a medium bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese together until smooth. 2. Add the vanilla and confectioners’ sugar; beat until smooth. 3. Using your hands, if necessary, mix in the coconut. Roll into balls or potato shapes and roll in the cinnamon. 4. Place onto a cookie sheet and chill to set. If desired, roll potatoes in cinnamon again for darker color.

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, May good luck pursue you each morning and night. -Irish Blessing

March/April 2018


Holistic Veterinary

Blue Sage Veterinary Wellness Center Dr. Alexia Tsakiris Dr. Penelope Rochelle At Blue Sage Veterinary Wellness Center, Doctors Alexia Tsakiris and Penelope Rochelle believe in treating the whole animal and not just the disease. “Disease is a manifestation of imbalance in the body, and by looking at the current patterns of disharmony, we are better equipped to address the underlying issue,” Dr. Tsakiris says. Blue Sage remains the only exclusively holistic veterinary practice in New Jersey. By specializing in complementary medicine modalities (acupuncture, spinal manipulation, herbal medicine, food
therapy/integrative nutrition, laser therapy, energy balancing), they are able to approach health and healing from a different perspective with amazing results. Becoming a veterinarian was something both women had always dreamed of doing. Although they began their careers following conventional veterinary medicine, they soon began to feel dissatisfied with the reductionist nature of conventional treatment options. “We felt there had to be better treatment options for many diseases. This led to us taking classes in

acupuncture, spinal manipulation, herbal and food therapy,” adds Dr. Rochelle. This dynamic duo is helping to keep animals all over Monmouth County happy and healthy. Dr. Tsakiris and Dr. Rochelle grew up together in Monmouth Beach and both attended Cook College, Rutgers University for their undergraduate degrees. Dr. Tsakiris then went on to the Royal Veterinary College in London, while Dr. Rochelle graduated from Ohio State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. Both earned their certification in veterinary acupuncture from the Chi Institute in Florida. Dr. Rochelle earned her certification in spinal manipulation from the Healing Oasis in 2013. Dr. Tsakiris earned her Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine from the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies.

Top 10 Reasons to Visit a Holistic Veterinarian 1. To get to the root of your pet’s problem 2. For a more sustainable option 3. To address your whole patient, rather than just the symptoms 4. To enjoy a calm, serene environment with soft music and aromatherapy 5. You want to take a preventative approach to your pet’s health 6. To treat not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well

7. Cats and dogs love to relax while getting acupuncture 8. There are no metal tables, just soft mats and blankets 9. All acute and chronic diseases are treated, from arthritis to zinc deficiency 10. The best medicine is a combination of holistic and conventional modalities

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Holistic Veterinary


What types of cases do we see at Blue Sage? Zia came to see Dr. Tsakiris because, over the previous few weeks, she was vomiting in the morning, not eating breakfast and getting car sick. Otherwise she was her normal mischievous self, stealing household items and playing with her sister. Blood work had shown no abnormalities. Zia was treated with acupuncture, spinal manipulation and prescribed herbs to improve her digestion, decrease stomach inflammation, and improve gastrointestinal motility. Her diet was also changed. She stopped vomiting two days later and comes in for maintenance acupuncture and spinal manipulation every few months and continues to do well.

Another Case:

When we met Mulligan, she had unfortunately been limping on her right front leg for many months. She had been to her regular DVM as well as an orthopedic specialist. Radiographs and an MRI had been performed, and medications were prescribed for what seemed to be mild elbow arthritis. However, even after months of medications, Mulligan was still lame. Her owner then found Dr. Rochelle, who identified some subtle issues in her neck and treated her with spinal manipulation, acupuncture and cold laser. Within three sessions Mulligan was sound, and after a few more treatments, she was back to playing on the beach!

31 Church St., Little Silver, NJ 07739 • 732.576.8594

Health & Wellness

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March/April 2018




Stroke Victim Calls Neurosurgery and Yoga a Life-Saving Combination Jamie Falstrault, 43, credits a blend of traditional and alternative medicine for his survival and recovery. When Jamie Falstrault’s undiagnosed brain aneurysm ruptured while in his Manasquan, New Jersey home, he and his family feared for his life. Would he survive? And if he did, would he be able to walk, talk or have a decent quality of life? “We were all in utter shock,” Jamie recalled. “The only symptom I experienced prior to my aneurysm was extremely bad headaches. I went to the doctor three times, and all three times I was diagnosed with a sinus infection. The next thing I know, I’m feeling disoriented and sick to my stomach – and I’m being rushed to the hospital.” Jamie was immediately taken to Jersey Shore Medical Center and then transferred to the Atlantic Neuroscience Institute at Overlook Medical Center. At Overlook, Jamie began seeing Dr. Ronald Benitez, a board-certified neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) and specialist in brain aneurysms and strokes. “Headaches can signal many medical conditions, but sudden, highly severe headaches are a telltale sign that an aneurysm has – or soon will – rupture,” advises Dr. Benitez. “Until symptoms present themselves, aneurysms often go undetected. That’s why it’s so important to know the warning signs. For Following life-saving surgery for a brain aneurysms that have not yet ruptured, symptoms include aneurysm, Jamie Falstrault credits his pain above and behind the eye, dilated pupils, numbness or recovery to yoga. Jamie (l.) and his weakness and difficulty speaking. Beyond extreme headaches, nephew/godson, Jake DeRienzo, perform other symptoms associated with ruptured aneurysms include the tree pose in Mantoloking Beach. blurred or double vision, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, a drooping eyelid, seizure, and loss of consciousness. If you or a loved one experiences any of these, insist on immediate medical attention. It’s a critical move for survival.” Under Dr. Benitez’s care, the brain aneurysm wouldn’t be the end of Jamie’s story. It was, however, the beginning of a difficult journey toward reclaiming his life and regaining his health. Jamie spent nearly a month in the intensive care unit. During his five-month-long hospital stay, he had multiple procedures including surgery to clip his aneurysm, insertion of a shunt and several angioplasties which use small balloons to relieve the narrowing of arteries that is often a complication of cerebral aneurysm. While in the hospital, Jamie suffered a massive stroke that paralyzed the entire left side of his body. Jamie spent six months in outpatient rehabilitation, but he continued to struggle physically. “Despite my best efforts, I was weak and I was having terrible tremors, making it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to do everyday tasks — from writing my name to eating a meal. As much as I felt like giving up at times, I was determined to persevere. Dr. Benitez saved my life and it was up to me to keep pushing myself forward,” said Jamie. That’s when an acquaintance who had also suffered brain injuries recommended Jamie try yoga therapy, which is increasingly being used to supplement medical healing. He began practicing at a studio, focusing on breathing, stability, and mobility exercises. After just a few months of practice and diligence, Jamie noticed he was, in fact, becoming significantly stronger. “I was no longer paralyzed. Like a miracle, my strength began to come back, and my shaking stopped. It has been nothing short of remarkable,” he said. “Combined with traditional medicine, yoga has been a major influence in speeding up my recovery and allowing me to regain more mobility than I once thought was possible.” Jamie concluded, “Hope and healing comes in many forms. For me, it’s neurosurgery and yoga — a life-saving combination I am eternally grateful for.” MCW/OCW Because_Simple - #267_r2.indd 1

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Because simple pleasures are anything but small … The ANS Neurovascular Center at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists

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March/April 2018




Heat Up For Health: Benefits of Infrared Sauna Therapy by Vanessa Drew Infrared saunas create unique light waves that cause positive radiation effects in the human body. It is believed these waves are capable of altering cells, cell membranes, DNA/proteins and cell fluids. These changes have a positive effect on metabolism and the body’s natural detoxification methods. Benefits of infrared sauna use include:


Toxins in our food, water, air and the amount of stress we experience can all take a toll on our health and well-being. Sweating is one of the primary methods our bodies use to cleanse and eliminate toxins. Only 80-85% of the sweat produced in an infrared sauna is water, the other 15-20% contains cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid! Compared to a traditional sauna, an infrared sauna can feel milder and less hot. However, it is 7x more effective and efficient in detoxification than an overly-hot traditional sauna room.

Heart Health

Infrared saunas are backed with clinical research that shows a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, improved circulation, enhanced vascular function and lower risk of disease. The increase in circulation helps normalize blood flow and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. As your body temperature heats up, it increases sweat production to cool itself. Your heart then works harder, pumping blood at a faster rate, boosting circulation. The increase in body temperature from regular infrared sauna use produces an increase in blood flow that mirrors the benefits of a passive cardiovascular workout.

or further problems. Nearinfrared therapy enhances the skin’s healing process by promoting human tissue growth and faster cell regeneration.

Natural Pain Relief

Infrared sauna use has become one of the most popular alternatives to medicine for chronic pain. Infrared sauna heat works by penetrating joints, muscles, and tissues, increasing circulation and speeding oxygen flow. Doctors recommend infrared sauna therapy to relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, musculoskeletal and joint pain, and other chronic pain conditions. Chronic pain patients experienced a nearly 70% reduction in pain levels after the first session of infrared sauna therapy.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown that an infrared sauna therapy session can burn upwards of 600 calories while you relax! As the body cools itself down, there is a large increase in heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories. That’s right, using infrared saunas for weight loss therapy is like giving yourself a passive cardio workout – wherever and whenever you need it!


Skin Health

Infrared sauna therapy provides deep detoxification benefits including anti-aging effects and general skin rejuvenation. You will experience significant improvements in skin appearance with regular sauna use, including a reduction in wrinkles and crow’s feet, as well as improved overall skin tone, including softness, smoothness, elasticity, clarity and firmness.

Eliminate harmful toxins in a safe, clean, professional & friendly environment with our detoxification therapies.

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Wound Healing

Skin plays a vital role in the protection of our bodies from the external environment. When broken, it is important to repair it quickly to prevent infection

Vanessa Drew, Owner Vanessa Drew is the founder of Cleansing Concepts, an exclusive detoxification facility with a new location at the Galleria in Red Bank, NJ. For more information, visit

732.741.2444 • 2 Bridge Avenue, Suite 316 • Red Bank, NJ 07701

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277 Route 70, Suite 201 Toms River, NJ 08755 732-323-3000 March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


Detecting Thyroid Nodules Kathy is a friend of mine who had a dilemma. During a routine physical exam, her doctor discovered a lump on her throat and was concerned that she had a thyroid nodule. Although this might be nothing serious, she was worried that it could be cancer. At the same time, she had no symptoms and felt fine. She could not feel the nodule herself. In fact, she was not even sure what the thyroid gland does. She immediately called me with many questions. What is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a butterflyshaped gland located at the bottom of your throat, just above your collarbones. It produces hormones, which regulate your metabolism called T3 and T4. It also produces a hormone called calcitonin, which controls the amount of calcium in your blood and in your bones.

How common are nodules on your thyroid?

Approximately 50 percent of the population has at least one thyroid Thyroid nodule which contains tiny calcifications and blood flow was proven to be cancer. nodule. Fortunately, over 90 percent of these are benign (not cancerous). Those that are filled with fluid), are larger than 1 cm, have internal blood flow, and cancer are very slow growing. The reason most people do have microcalcifications. Ultrasounds are ideal to characterize thyroid not know they have a thyroid nodules are because most nodules and predict, which is more likely cancer and which are more of these nodules do not cause symptoms. Rarely, larger nodules can cause jaw pain, difficulty swallowing, or likely benign. difficulty breathing. Occasionally, a nodule can produce The definitive way to detect cancer is a biopsy. A biopsy is large amounts of thyroid hormone increasing your metabolism. This is called hyperthyroidism and can cause removing a small piece of tissue and examining under a microscope. Most biopsies are performed using an ultrasound for guidance. If symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, heart palpitations, a nodule is determined to be cancerous or the nodule is causing and difficulty sleeping. symptoms such a hyperthyroidism, it is removed by a skilled surgeon.

How are thyroid nodules diagnosed? How can you tell if they are cancerous?

If a thyroid nodule is not determined to be cancerous, what then?

Nodules larger than 1 cm can be detected by physical exam. The most common way thyroid nodules are diagnosed is by ultrasound. Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves (much like sonar in submarines) to show the thyroid gland and to detect disease. Ultrasound is a great tool for diagnosis because it is relatively inexpensive, the tests are performed quickly, and it does not use radiation. In addition to detecting nodules, ultrasound can help determine the character of the nodule. Nodules, which cause suspicion of cancer, are made up of solid tissue (as opposed to being entirely

Most thyroid nodules are followed by ultrasound once a year to be sure they remain stable. If a nodule increases in size, develops microcalcifications, or has increased bloodflow, there is a fear that nodule is becoming cancerous. At that time, a repeat biopsy may be performed. Kathy had an ultrasound that showed a 1.5 cm solid nodule. The good news is a thyroid biopsy showed her nodule was not cancer. Kathy followed up with her doctors, had her annual thyroid ultrasound and she feels very confident she is in good hands.

Thyroid nodule detected on physical exam was shown to be a benign cyst on ultrasound.

For more information, call 732-244-0777 or visit As always, contact our office where our staff will be more than happy to assist you.

About The Author...

Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is an Ocean County native who attended kindergarten through twelfth grade in Toms River. He is a graduate of Temple University Medical School and completed his radiology residency at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Khorrami completed a Cross Sectional Imaging Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has returned to Toms Ricer to work with his family as Medical Director of Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center.

732-244-0777 • PET/CT • Diagnostic X-Ray • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • CT Scan • Nuclear Medicine • High Field Open Bore MRI • Bone Densitometry

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 Cyrus Khorrami, M.D.

Tel: 732-244-0777 • Fax: 732-244-1428



The County Woman Magazine


EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE you can count on. March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


Colorectal Cancer: Are You Aware? What’s The Big Hype? How common is colorectal cancer and who is at risk?

Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States among both men and women. It affects 140,000 people annually and causes 50,000 deaths. The average person has a one in 20 chance of developing colorectal cancer in his/her lifetime. This risk is increased if there is a family history of colorectal polyps or cancer, and is even higher still in those patients with a history of breast, uterine or ovarian cancer, and patients with a history of extensive inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis. Additionally, a person’s risk for developing colorectal cancer increases significantly with age.

What causes colorectal cancer?

It is generally agreed that nearly all colon and rectal cancer begins in benign polyps, called adenomas. These pre-malignant polyps, or growths, occur in the wall of the colon and/or rectum and may eventually increase in size and become cancer, or medically speaking, carcinoma. This is known as the “adenomacarcinoma sequence.” Several factors have been mentioned in the literature that may increase a person’s risk for developing colorectal cancer and include age, a diet high in fat and cholesterol, an inactive/sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and environmental exposures.

What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer?

Unfortunately, polyps and early cancers do not produce any physical signs or symptoms. Therefore, symptoms usually indicate late or advanced disease. The most common symptoms of colorectal cancer are rectal bleeding and changes in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are common in many other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract so it is very important to have a thorough examination should you experience them. NOT ALL RECTAL BLEEDING IS DUE TO HEMORRHOIDS. It is very important for patients to remember this and seek evaluation if they are experiencing rectal bleeding. Other symptoms, such as abdominal pain and weight loss, are usually late symptoms and quite possibly indicate advanced/extensive disease.

her patients, but she performs a majority of her colorectal cancer surgeries using laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions are made to perform major surgery. This allows for shorter hospital stays, decreased incisional pain and earlier return to work and other activities.

Can colorectal cancer be prevented?

Colorectal cancer is one of the few cancers that is preventable. Obtaining a screening colonoscopy at regular intervals is the single best way to prevent colorectal cancer. Your colorectal surgeon or specialist is able to review the guidelines for screening colonoscopy based upon your age, medical history and family history. Although not definitively proven, studies published in the literature mention additional factors that may lower your risk of developing colorectal cancer and include eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet; maintaining a healthy weight; and engaging in regular, vigorous exercise.

“After I had my colonoscopy and found out I had colon cancer, my primary physician recommended I see Dr. Paonessa. Not only is she an excellent surgeon, I would recommend Dr. Paonessa to anyone and everyone.” - Josephine B. “I credit Dr. Paonessa for saving my life. Her thoroughness and attention to detail made the difference for my recovery. I’ve never met a doctor like her-so attentive and caring. - Patricia E.

How is colorectal cancer diagnosed?

Evaluation of colorectal cancer is first begun with a complete history and physical exam, including a digital rectal exam and possibly testing the stool for blood. A colonoscopy is the most definitive test used to diagnose colorectal cancer. A colonoscopy is performed by a colorectal surgeon or other specialist in order to get a direct visualization of the inside of the colon and rectum. A colonoscopy is a safe, painless, outpatient procedure performed under a light sedation. Based upon the findings on colonoscopy, your colorectal surgeon or other specialist may recommend other testing such as blood work, a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, pelvic MRI and/or ultrasound.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

How is colorectal cancer treated?

Nearly all cases of colorectal cancer require surgery. Radiation and chemotherapy are sometimes required in addition to surgery. If the cancer is diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages, approximately 80-90% of patients are restored to their normal health. The cure rate decreases to 50% or less when the cancer is diagnosed in the later/advanced stages. Less than 5% of all colorectal cancer patients require a colostomy or “bag,” thanks to modern technology. Dr. Paonessa prides herself in being able to maintain this standard of care in her own practice. Not only is she able to minimize the number of colostomies/“bags” created for Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, an established colorectal surgeon practicing in Ocean and Monmouth Counties, answers questions about colorectal cancer, one of the leading cancers in both men and women.

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparaoscopic surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • endoanal/rectal ultrasound 2101 Route 34 South, Suite H Wall, NJ 07719

The County Woman Magazine

• anorectal surgery • pelvic floor disorders • office proctology • anorectal manometry/ physiology 1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 Fax: (732) 282-1501

Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM March/April 2018

PACE Program


Beacon of LIFE: A Caring Place for the Elderly When a loved one gets to that point in life when their health care needs start to impact their daily living, it’s time to look for help.

Beacon of LIFE is a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE). It is an essential and excellent alternative to a nursing home or assisted living facility. The PACE model was created as a way to provide the elderly with flexibility to receive health care and recreational care needs while helping them remain in the comfort of their own community. Our primary focus is to help you continue to live in the community for as long as possible. To achieve this goal, we focus on preventative care. In fact, although all people enrolled in PACE are eligible for nursing home care, only seven percent actually live in nursing homes. We provide care and services in the home, community, and PACE center. Although we have contracts with many specialists and providers in the community, most PACE participants receive their care from staff employed by Beacon of LIFE in our center. This includes adult day programs, medical clinics, and occupational and physical therapy facilities.

Our qualified team will act as your extended family in helping to determine the services you may need to improve and maintain your overall health and will then put the resources in place to accomplish this goal. We provide all transportation to the center for activities or appointments. In order to enroll in a PACE program, participants must be age 55 or older, live in the service area of a PACE organization, be certified as meeting the need for nursing home level of care, and have the ability to live safely in the community with the support of PACE services. Our center is situated on a beautiful 16-acre campus setting at the Jersey Shore. In PACE, there is never a deductible or copayment for any services approved by the team. We provide all services that would normally be covered by Medicaid and Medicare.

For more information, call 732-592-3400 or visit

JUST SOME OF THE SERVICES WE PROVIDE ARE: • Primary Care • Social Services • Hospital Care

Susan M. Skola, Executive Director Beacon Health and Social Services


• Dental Care • End of Life Care Each patient is given a team of health care professionals to help make critical health care decisions. We will get to know you and your unique preferences. Our team is experienced in caring for people like you. You and your family participate as the team develops and updates your plan of care and your goals in the program. We support all family members with caregiving training, support groups, and respite care to help families keep their loved ones in the community.

The County Woman Magazine

1075 Stephenson Ave., Suite B, Oceanport, NJ 07757

Beacon of LIFE March/April 2018




“The Berrie Collection” by Laurie Lombardi It was the summer of 1998 when Emmy Award-winning makeup artist Laurie Lombardi’s signature makeup line took the cosmetics industry by storm, simplifying makeup application for both consumers and professionals. Worn by the star guests on The David Letterman Show and gracing the shelves of Henri Bendel and Cosmetics Plus in New York City, Laurie’s “Korrective Makeup Kit” was a smash success. Laurie’s innovative makeup collection took the guesswork out of makeup application, and her progressive philosophy changed the way women made the connection that beauty starts within. As a clinical nutritionist, Laurie’s career has been focused on promoting the relationship between good nutrition and healthy-looking skin. Working in tandem with Eric Sauer, a prominent Compound Pharmacist and an NMD, Laurie’s Skincare and Cosmetic Collection, “Nutrition for the Skin,” has changed the game once more, making the connection between harmful chemicals, hormone disruptors, and how they can affect our body negatively. Twenty-one years later, Laurie Lombardi is back with “The Berries Collection,” a botanical lip stain collection naturally infused with a touch of peppermint essential oils and vanilla, coming in four nourishing and longlasting shades perfect for every occasion. Lombardi’s Dual Lip Stain and Gloss Berrie Collection are made well, non-toxic, fragranced with vanilla and peppermint oils, naturally good, sheer, but lasting. It’s important to feel good about the products we use, and Laurie Lombardi’s products definitely make you feel good from the outside in. ‘Nutrition For Your Skin’ Laurie takes a unique approach when compounding natural skincare. It’s powerful pharmaceutical grade ingredients, and each product is handcrafted by Laurie. Innovative ingredients and beauty from the inside out has been Lombardi’s motto since the late ’80s. She developed two skincare lines for two prominent plastic surgeons in NYC and trademarked

Eric Sauer, R.Ph., NMD, DHPh Laurie Lombardi, CDN ArnicaEssence, which retailed at Henri Bendel in NYC. Today Lombardi has expanded her natural skincare line, which are all GMO free, paraben free, never tested on animals, and contain NO toxic chemicals. All of Laurie’s products are formulated with fine botanicals & organic plant-based oils. For more information, call The Natural Pharmacy at 732-695-0277.

The Natural Pharmacy 851 West Park Avenue • Ocean, NJ 07712

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Winner will receive a $50 gift certificate, good for one year, to the Natural Pharmacy for Microdermaplaning or the hCG Diet. One entry per person. Entries will be accepted through April 30, 2018. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information in third party ad servers without your consent.

The Natural Pharmacy

Integrating Natural Alternatives With Traditional Medicine 851 West Park Avenue Ocean, NJ 07712 (732) 695-0277 Fax: (732) 695-1522

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


Featured On The Cover

Meet The Compounding Pharmacists From Eric Sauer, Compound Pharmacist

Since 1990 our goal has been to provide each patient with information about the safety and effectiveness of traditional Rx drugs and natural/ holistic therapies. Our knowledge of pharmaceuticals and natural/holistic remedies enables the safe integration of traditional and natural therapies. I’m a Compound Pharmacist and have been working with enzymes for over twenty years. I was grateful to be given the award the Order of Excellence by the World Organization of Natural Medicine (WONM) in February 2008.

age spots. Free of parabens, fillers, preservatives, and GMO, it is vegan all the way! Personally handcrafted, she tests and develops these serums, creams and skincare elixirs herself, creating “must-have essentials” for a woman’s beauty skincare regimen. Be sure to pre-order your exclusive Laurie Lombardi’s The Berries Collection coming this Summer 2018! A dual lip stain and lip gloss naturally infused with peppermint essential oils and vanilla, it comes in four luscious shades: Salmonberrie, Cloudberrie, Loganberrie and Sumaberrie.

Eileen McGovern

Being a true believer in natural healthcare, working at the Natural Pharmacy has opened my eyes to the world of homeopathy, enzyme therapy, vitamins Laurie Lombardi, and natural skincare products. My passion is CDN promoting and sharing my As an accomplished knowledge of the products with all of our customers. 20-year vet makeup artist, Laurie Lombardi’s makeup Eric Sauer is brilliant when it comes to helping and healing patients on a daily basis, and it’s amazing to artistry work has been see his successes. Laurie Lombardi’s natural skincare recognized by top beauty and fashion magazines such line and her newest line of natural lip glosses are a “must” to try, and a complement to the store. as Allure, Brides, Modern Bride, Mademoiselle and Stuff Magazine; additionally, she has received numerous accolades and Emmy Awards for her outstanding makeup artist work for shows like Late Night with David Letterman and soap operas such as As the World Turns. Launching her own skincare line was just the natural next step; and her “Everything is beauty, when you do it with love” skincare line was born. All of her skincare products are compounded on premises and are completely organic. Laurie’s Vitamin C cream increases collagen production and reduces

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Featured On The Cover


The Natural Pharmacy JoAnn Monaco,

Carol Marshall

Registered Pharmacy Technician

I would like to start by saying that for me, it is an honor and a privilege to work at the Natural Pharmacy. My job consists I work closely with of many things, but first and Dr. Eric Sauer and the foremost is our clients. Under pharmacist on staff. Under the guidance of Eric, our boss Dr. Sauer’s guidance, I help and mentor, I am able to direct our patients understand any and advise our clients when needed information, e.g., selecting the supplements they need for maintaining hormone replacement, enzyme therapy and homeopathy. good health. We are also about looking and feeling good I am also in close contact with physicians’ offices. At the on the outside. pharmacy our patients range from infants to adults, and We are so proud of our own Laurie Lombardi and her we give health advice on numerous issues. complete line of skincare. All are organic and natural, Accompanied by a physician’s prescription, we provide and contain the perfect blend of essential oils and nonsaliva tests that determine what your hormone levels are toxic chemicals, which she makes in our pharmacy. I as well as adrenal function. If a patient does require either have been using Laurie’s skincare for some time now hormone replacement or adrenal support, I enjoy seeing with amazing results. The newest addition is her Berrie patients thrive once they begin Dr. Sauer’s program. Collection of beautiful duo of lip stains and gloss. They contain no toxic chemicals, and are infused with peppermint and vanilla essential oils.

For more information, call 732-695-0277 or visit

The Natural Pharmacy

Prescriptions delivered to your home or office!

851 West Park Avenue • Ocean, NJ 07712

(732) 695-0277 • Fax: (732) 695-1522 E-Mail: •

Natural Skin Care Products

Natural RX Grade


Microderma Plane with various types of peels

Pharmacist Compounding

The County Woman Magazine

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (NHRT)*

Veterinary Medicine

March/April 2018


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2017 March/April 2018


Q: What does a holistic vet treat? A: • Musculoskeletal disorders – arthritis, intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), hip dysplasia, muscle spasms, degenerative myelopathy




The County Woman Magazine

Will they stay still? A: Our patients love their treatments. Most will lie down and fall asleep, others need to be occupied by treats, and some enjoy strolling around the room.


January/February 2018

Body Sculpting Experts since 2005

277 Suite 201 Route 70 Toms River, NJ 08755 (732) 323-3000 MENTION THIS AD FOR A COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION Body Wraps www.SpaVirtue.Net Thermasculpt Slim Wrap Exclusive to Spa Virtue this ! non-invasive five component As the original body wrap, this NEW SculptIce active wrap guarantees 6-20 system can be used to + Wood Therapy inches lost through the entire remove fat, transfer fat, body; targeting the legs, hips & An organic mineral rich tighten skin and reduce thighs. Includes use of a cellulite. Experience real rebounder and glider for a light frozen bar exfoliates the cardio workout. results without the risks of skin while putting the surgery.

Lipo laser Reduce stubborn fat deposits in the midsection in just 7 minutes, then get your lymphatic system working properly with a Whole Body Vibration session.

body into fat burning mode. Follow this with targeted Wood Therapy to reduce the appearance of cellulite, lift and firm your target areas, and boost metabolism.

Introductory Price: $99 Double Whammy This full body wrap mixes the original Slim Wrap with the fat burning Body Melt.Target the midsection, burn up to 1,200 calories and enjoy guaranteed inch loss of 6-20 inches.

Introductory Price: $175


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Medical Professionals


Live Life Dry: Treating Urinary Incontinence It would be difficult to watch an hour of primetime television today without seeing an advertisement for overactive bladder medication or adult diapers. The fact is more than 37 million adults in the United States—one in six—suffers from overactive bladder, urinary frequency, or urgency. Unfortunately, many people dismiss such urinary symptoms to be a part of “getting older” and do not seek medical intervention. The fact is, overactive bladder and urinary retention (the inability to completely empty the bladder) are not a normal part of the aging process, can cause embarrassment, and can diminish the quality of daily living dramatically.



• Women are twice as likely as men Bladder control issues can be caused by a multitude of factors. In certain cases, to experience urinary incontinence.

pregnancy and childbirth, obesity, weak pelvic muscles or diabetes can contribute to overactive bladder. Additionally, certain medications or inactivity also can contribute to such issues. In some people, bladder control problems are caused by miscommunication • Bladder control problems may between nerves. Specifically, the brain and also affect younger people, especially sacral nerves, which control the bladder, do not women who have just given birth. In communicate properly, causing the nerves to tell the bladder to release urine at the wrong fact, a recent study found 25 percent of time. women over 18 years old have experienced The first step towards treatment is episodes of leaking urine involuntarily, and diagnosing the type of incontinence and one-third of men have experienced loss of then pinpointing the underlying cause or bladder control during their adult lives. causes. We ask our patients to complete a • Only one in eight Americans “voiding diary” which provides great insight who have experienced loss of bladder and aids in diagnosis. control have been diagnosed. Recent The gold standard for diagnosing data has shown that women wait an urinary issues, including incontinence, is average of 6.5 years from the first time they called urodynamic testing or urodynamic experience symptoms until they obtain a study. This series of tests, all done in one diagnosis for their bladder control problems. visit, along with the data from your voiding diary, will give the physician objective data • People experiencing bladder control issues often suffer diminished related to bladder functions. Additionally, physicians often perform a cystoscopy to social lives. Even mild symptoms affect social, sexual, interpersonal and professional further assess the urinary tract. A cystoscopy is a test that allows the doctor to look at the function. People with bladder control inside of the bladder and the urethra using a problems often struggle with simple thin, lighted instrument called a cystoscope. everyday activities, such as working, This study helps find the cause of symptoms shopping, or seeing a movie, for fear of such as blood in the urine (hematuria), painful embarrassing wetting episodes or not being urination (dysuria), urinary incontinence, near a restroom. Also, overactive bladder urinary frequency or hesitancy, an inability sufferers are two to three times more likely to pass urine (retention), or a sudden and to regularly experience disturbed sleep, overwhelming need to urinate (urgency) and much more. overeating, and poor self-esteem. This is due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and the structure of the female urinary tract. Older women experience urinary incontinence more often than younger women.

TREATMENT In some instances, behavior modification may be sufficient to deal with urinary incontinence. You may

be asked to limit fluid intake, avoid bladder irritants such as a caffeine and alcohol, and do pelvic floor exercises—“Kegels.” There are also medications commonly used to treat overactive bladder and are sometimes prescribed to treat stress urinary incontinence. In certain cases of incontinence involving the miscommunication of nerves to the bladder, a neurostimulator (commonly called a Bladder Pacemaker) may be the best treatment option. Incontinence is not a hopeless problem. There are many treatment options available, however, only proper diagnosis will lead to proper treatment. Although behavior modification and pharmaceutical therapy work for some, they may be ineffective or poorly tolerated by other patients.

It is definitely possible to live life dry.

TYPES OF INCONTINENCE • Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) – Leakage on effort, exertion, sneezing or coughing

• Urge Incontinence – Leakage accompanied by or preceded by urgency (an overwhelming need to urinate… “Gotta go, gotta go!”)

• Mixed Incontinence – Leakage associated with urgency

The County Woman Magazine

AND effort, exertion, sneezing or coughing

For more information, call (609) 581-5900 or (732) 928-5300 or visit

March/April 2018

Medical Professionals

Women and Cancer Part II Cancer of the Uterus


Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

Submitted by Sarah J. Easaw, MD, FACP

Uterine cancer, also known as endometrial cancer is the most common cancer of the reproductive organs among women in the US. It is estimated that about 52,000 women will be diagnosed with endometrial cancer this year. Uterine cancer is rare in women 45 and under. Most cases are diagnosed in women over 55.

RISK FACTORS: Hormonal factors: Prolonged exposure to the female hormone estrogen is directly linked to developing endometrial cancer. Women who had more menstrual cycles during their lifetime have an increased risk of getting cancer of the uterus. For example, if you started your period before age 12, and you have your menopause in the late fifties, you have an increased risk of endometrial cancer. Women who take estrogen alone as hormone replacement therapy also have a high risk. The number of pregnancies a woman had plays a protective role. In women who never had children, the risk of uterine cancer is high. Tamoxifen, a drug used in the treatment of breast cancer, may lead to endometrial cancer in a minority of patients. Obesity: Endometrial cancer is common among overweight women than those who are lean. Estrogen, the female hormone produced in the ovaries, is also made from fat cells. Having more fat tissue increases the amount of estrogen in the body and thus increases the risk of endometrial cancer. Diet and exercise: Diets high in fat will increase the risk of uterine cancer. Exercise has a protective effect. Women who exercise regularly are less likely to develop endometrial cancer than those with sedentary habits. Diabetes: Uterine cancer is four times more common in women who have diabetes; this is true for those who are obese as well as those with normal body weight. Family History: Some genetic mutations, which are hereditary, can lead to endometrial cancer and colon cancer.

Compassionate Care, Close to Home


Bleeding: Most patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer have abnormal vaginal bleeding. It could be a change in their periods or bleeding between periods or after menopause. It is important to seek medical attention for any irregular bleeding immediately. If you have gone through menopause, it is especially important to report any vaginal bleeding, spotting, or abnormal discharge to your doctor. Non-bloody vaginal discharge may also be a sign of endometrial cancer. Even if you cannot see blood in the discharge, it does not mean there is no cancer. In about 10 percent of cases, the discharge associated with endometrial cancer is not bloody. Any abnormal discharge should be checked out by your doctor. Lower abdominal pain, pressure sensation, feeling a mass or lump in the lower abdomen and unexpected weight loss are some of the other symptoms of uterine cancer. Diagnosis is made by doing a biopsy of the lining of the uterus. Before doing a biopsy, an ultrasound of the pelvis can be done to evaluate the size of the uterus and the thickness of the endometrial lining.

TREATMENTS: Hysterectomy is the main treatment for cancer of the uterus. In addition to removing the uterus, both ovaries and surrounding lymph nodes will be removed. Depending on the stage of the cancer and a few other factors, some women may require Radiation Therapy and/or Chemotherapy after surgery. As with any other cancer, prevention, early detection and treatment are three important steps in reducing the fatality of uterine cancer. Lifestyle modifications, including eating a low fat diet, and daily exercise are key in lowering your risk. Awareness of the symptoms and seeking prompt attention is equally essential.

For details about treatment of endometrial cancer or for any other cancer-related questions, contact Dr. Sarah J. Easaw at 732-961-0010.

The County Woman Magazine

 We offer a full range of Hematology and Oncology services.  We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer care in a warm and personalized manner.  Our newly renovated, spacious infusion room provides a peaceful and friendly atmosphere to patients while they receive chemotherapy and other infusions.  We have a highly qualified, experienced and compassionate staff.

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Lakewood, NJ 08701 Accepts Most Insurances. Affiliated with Kimball Medical Center and Community Hospital Access to Clinical Trials.

Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP

Diplomate of the American Board of Hematology, Oncology & Internal Medicine

March/April 2018




SOULFUL SUNDAYS Starting Sunday March 4th our 9 am class will be free. The First and 3rd Sunday of each month is Kirtan/ Mediation from 730 to 9 and that is always free ! Join us for a gathering of heart and soul! Starting


March 8th

March 22nd

March 23

Yoga of Self Healing 9AM

Yoga of Self Healing 530 pm

Kirtan with Heart and Soul

(6 week series)

6 week series)

Please register online

Please register Online

Please Register online

Friday April 20

7-9 a Sacred Cacao Ceremony With Krishna and Madhuri The ceremony helps us open the emotional heart. She (the cacao) opens the space for the healing and release of old habits and feelings that keep us trapped in our pain. Sacred Drumming, chanting and relaxation will accompany us on the journey to discovering the lessons of Mother Cacao.

$25 per person

In honor of Swami Shantimurti Saraswati, we ask you to join us for a wonderful Kirtan performance by

Heart and Soul

Freehold Yoga Center • Friday, March 23rd • 7 -830pm $15 donation offering

Yoga of Self-Healing

OPEN CLASSES Mon-Thurs 9am to 10:30 and 7pm to 8:30 Sat & Sun 9am-10:30 Friday 9:45 -11:15 BEGINNERS CLASSES Mon, Weds 7pm-8:30 RESTORATIVE YOGA EVERY Thursday at 5:15 -6:45 YOGA FLOW WITH GAIL “MAHESHWARI” EVERY Thursday at 7pm MEDITATION Sat 8:30-8:50 Sunday 2nd and 4th 8:30 – 8:50 Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 to 8:50 SATSANG 1st and 3rd Sunday 7:30am-8:50 YOGA WITH DHARMINI Wednesdays 12-130 with Reiki Circle immediately following the third Wednesday of the Month Fridays 9am Slow Flow/restorative

At Freehold Yoga Center • 3 West Main St, Freehold, NJ (732) 462-9642 Starting March 8th and running for six consecutive weeks Yoga of self-Healing Six Week Program is designed to develop healthy relationships. Most spiritual practices talk about the Self or spirit as perfection. Our limited self or ego sense is distracted, seeking to find happiness and peace which can lead one to destructive habits and behaviors. Some of which can be depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, codependency, substance abuse, eating disorders or any disruption to the flow of life. This program will guide you thru gentle asana techniques, breathing exercises for mindful awareness and guided deep relaxation of body and mind. Using yoga therapy techniques and working with the 12 steps of recovery will give us tools to guide us into healing our limited self by developing more awareness and healthy relationships. Yoga has been Gail’s passion for over 20 years changing the course of her life and sense of higher purpose. As a Yoga Practitioner and teacher for 20 plus years her practice and teaching foundation is based in alignment, therapeutic yoga and creative hatha flows. Gail Cristelli, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500 holds a 1000 hour Yoga Therapy Certification (PYT) with Integrated Yoga Therapy and International Association for Yoga Therapy, is a certified Yoga of Recovery Counselor (YoR) working with addictions of all types including substance abuse, co-dependency and eating disorders. Gail became a student of meditation through the Ananda Ashram in Monroe, NY where she is an active member, hosts retreats, and studies under the influence of the Ashrams Guru, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati’s senior teachers. In addition, she is a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher and a Certified Health Coach with Institute of Integrated Nutrition, and Holistic Health Practitioner with (AADP American Association of Drugless Practitioners). Gail’s focus is in teaching and helping her students through yoga therapeutic programs. Yoga Therapy is a practice that adjusts to the needs of the participants and meets them where they are at their pace and level. Gail’s love for life and enthusiasm makes studying yoga with her inspiring and educational while exploring your own spiritual journey.

The County Woman Magazine

FREEHOLD YOGA CENTER 3 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728

732-462-YOGA March/April 2018

Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

35 35

Veins Veins Go Away

We’ve all seen those large, raised, and swollen the treatment to the degree of your condition. One of the more conservative therapies offered is the use of blood vessels in the legs known as varicose veins. It can make the prospect of wearing shorts Compression Stockings and leg elevation. By applying pressure to your ankles and legs it helps the vein valves to or a dress a frightening thought. The condition function properly and allow blood to flow back to your arises from venous disease and can be complex heart without any obstructions. to treat. Essentially, when the valves in your veins become damaged it’s difficult for blood Why do certain people develop this unsightly to move up your legs toward your heart against condition? There are a number of factors which gravity. So instead the blood begins to pool predispose someone such as heredity, occupations that around your ankles and calves. With time, these involve an inordinate amount of standing (teachers, Happy Valentines Day malfunctioning valves will result in those unsightly nurses), obesity, hormonal influences like pregnancy and veins, which appear rope-like and purplish in menopause, and having a history of blood clots. While color. and spider veins develop more often in women, - varicose A Fun Unique Craft For Kids There is a difference between varicose and spider veins men can also be susceptible. 1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from Youin will 2. Add KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES Stir until wellthis coated. that theneed: former are usually larger. They are swollen Thosecereal. dealing with condition will usually have • 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into 15 x 10 x 1-inch pan coated with cooking spray. blood vessels that twist Marshmallows and turn. Often times, they cramping in the legs as well as burning, throbbing and • 1 package JET-PUFFED cookie cutters coated with cooking spray cut into X and O shapes. Decorate with frosting and/or candies. Best if • 6 cups Kellogg’s® Directions: Intingling microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring af develop in the legsRice andKrispies® can be seencereal throughMicrowave the skin. sensations in the affected area. Luckily, there • Canned frosting or decorating gel until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Microwave cooking times may vary. Spider veins are smaller and usually red or purple • Food coloring arefresh a multitude of1treatment options crème available, however for marshma Note: For in best results, use marshmallows. jar (7 oz.) marshmallow can be substituted • Assorted candiesany physician can offer vein calorie or tub margarine is not recommended. Store no more than two days at room temperature in airtight conta color. Although treatment, finding the right vascular specialist is the first step in in layers separated by wax paper in airtight container. Freeze for up to 6 weeks. Let stand at room temperature fo it doesn’t mean he or she performs treatment regularly. serving. making sure your condition is diagnosed and treated Venous disease must be correctly diagnosed and effectively. addressed using the latest technology in the vascular field. The County Woman Magazine January/ This is why selecting the right provider is paramount to obtaining the proper treatment. It is in your best interest to see a trained vein specialist. Ideally, this would be a Dr. Girija S. Surya of The Vein Center for Women professional with ample experience in vascular surgery, specializes in treating all types of vein diseases, including fellowships, and other training in the area. ranging from spider veins, to large varicose veins and Treatment of varicose veins runs the gamut from leg ulcers. As a board certified Cardio Thoracic and minimally invasive to more aggressive measures. The Vascular surgeon, Dr. Surya has always had a passion physician should offer ultrasound equipment and laser for women’s healthcare. Please visit their website for and radiofrequency technology. The benefit of having more information at a myriad of options allows the physician to customize

X and O Rice Krispy Treats

Enter To Win Happy Valentines Day

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a Great Show at two river theater!

X and O Rice KrispyName: Treats - A Fun Unique Craft For Kids _________________________________________________________

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. Address: _______________________________________________________ 2. Add KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated. be accepted through April 30, 3 tablespoons butter or2018. margarine City:3._________________________ Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixtureState: into 15 x 10_________ x 1-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool slightly. Using Zip: _______________ Winners are responsible to redeem 1 package Marshmallows cookie cutters coated with cooking spray cut into X and O shapes. Decorate with frosting and/or candies. Best if served the same day. their tickets.JET-PUFFED No refunds or exchanges. Phone: ____________________ Email: _______________________________ 6 cups Kellogg’s® cereal Transportation or mealsRice will notKrispies® be Microwave Directions: In microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir

You will need: One entry per person. Entries will




APRIL 14 – MAY 13 T I C K E TS AT 7 3 2 . 3 4 5.1 4 0 0




• • • included. frosting Company does provide • Canned ornot decorating gel any personally identifiable information • Food coloring to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent. • Assorted candies

2 1 B R I D G E AV E N U E I N R E D BA N K

until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Microwave cooking times may vary. Mail To:results, The Woman • P.O. Box crème 619can• Turnersville, NJ 08012 Note: For best useCounty fresh marshmallows. 1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow be substituted for marshmallows. Diet, reduced calorie or tub margarine is not recommended. Store no more than two days at room temperature in airtight container. To Or Visit to Enter Online!freeze, place in layers separated by wax paper in airtight container. Freeze for up to 6 weeks. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 January/February 2018


Medical Professionals

What You Need To Know About MOLES Moles, or nevi, are skin growths made up of cells called melanocytes. The average person has fewer than 30-40 moles. Moles can be flat or raised and can range in color, and are primarily genetically determined, although ultraviolet (UV) exposure can play a role. ATYPICAL MOLES are unusual-looking moles, also known as dysplastic nevi. People who have them are at increased risk of developing melanoma. The higher the number of these moles someone has, the higher the risk. Those who have 10 or more have 12 times the risk of developing melanoma compared with the general population. Heredity appears to play a part in the formation of atypical moles. They tend to run in families, especially in people with fair skin. Those who have atypical moles plus a family history of melanoma have a very high risk of developing melanoma. People who have atypical moles, but no family history

of melanoma, are also at higher risk of developing melanoma compared with the general population. All of these high-risk individuals, as well as rest of us, should practice rigorous daily sun protection, perform a yearly skin examination head to toe with dermatologist, and report any mole that changes. The ABCDE rule of melanoma or skin cancer are guidelines to help determine if a mole is normal or abnormal. A is for asymmetry, B is for Border, C is for Color, D is for Diameter, and E is for Elevation and/or Evolving. Normal moles generally follow the ABCDE rules: they are symmetrical, have smooth borders, have uniform color, are smaller than a pencil eraser in diameter, and are uniformly elevated above the skin surface and not changing over time. A normal mole that suddenly breaks the ABCDE rules might be abnormal or atypical.




The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Massage School

New Evening Classes Start In April - Join Today!

37 No Interest Financing Options Available

A career as a massage therapist is both self fulfilling and financially rewarding at any age. NJ School of Massage offers a flexible schedule, FREE personal tutoring, FREE job placement assistance, lowest tuition around, easy payment with no interest. WE SKYPE CLASSES FOR MORE CONVENIENCE. Massage training for Spa, Sports, Medical issues like Sciatica, Whiplash, Cancer, Hospice, Pre-natal and Geriatric.

New Jersey School of Massage Register online or call for more information 732-505-0055 or 732-773-6263

Located On: Corner of Route 37 & 166 Corrine Jewelers Plaza, Toms River, NJ Textbooks and a school t-shirt are included in the tuition.


Recovery From Trauma When someone goes through any kind of trauma, he or she may heal over time. But if the trauma is too much for the mind to handle, help may be needed to get over it. If the person develops symptoms like nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety, fear or depression, they may fit the criteria for PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. One does not have to have PTSD to benefit from talking to a professional about an upsetting event. However, if symptoms linger over time, counseling/psychotherapy is recommended.

One treatment that has shown tremendous success in treating trauma is called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR. EMDR involves a series of eye movements, sounds or tapping while recalling the upsetting event. EMDR was discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s when she was working at the Veterans Administration.

Dr. Sharon Flaherty

Decades of research since then has confirmed its effectiveness. Dr. Peter Levine at UCLA took PET scans of the brains of patients before and after EMDR, and found significant differences; areas of overactivity, or “hot spots,” disappeared, along with the patient's symptoms. EMDR has been placed in the “A” category by the Department of Veterans Affairs as “strongly recommended” for the treatment of trauma. EMDR has been used with veterans, crime victims, police officers, and victims of crime, abuse and accidents. It works on large or small traumas for people of all ages, including children. In most cases it works much faster than traditional psychotherapy. Traditional “talking” therapy can be very effective with these problems, too. Dr. Sharon Flaherty has advanced training in EMDR, and years of experience doing EMDR and traditional psychotherapy. She can be reached at 908-242-4618 or at via her website Veterans who are having difficulty with issues likes these can call their local Veterans Services Officer: in Ocean County 732-929-2096.

Sharon Flaherty, PhD • 908-242-2618 • •

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Women Of Monmouth County


Sharon Halpin, Interim President/CEO, YMCA of Western Monmouth County

The YMCA of Western Monmouth County has named Sharon Halpin as its Interim President/CEO, effective November 27, 2017. Selected by the Y’s

Board of Directors, Halpin will succeed Cynthia Joy who stepped down November 22. “With Sharon’s 38 years of service to the Y and passion towards the Y’s mission, we feel confident that the YMCA of Western Monmouth County will have fantastic leadership,” said Stacey DeAlmeida, YMCA Board Chair. A lifelong resident of New Jersey, Mrs. Halpin attended Wittenberg University and has made her home in Middletown for over 40 years. With wellness and fitness always a priority in her life, Sharon began her YMCA career at The Community YMCA as an instructor in both fitness and aquatics. Her ability to connect with people combined with strong leadership skills set the stage for her to ultimately serve as the Community Y’s Director of Human Resources from 1979-2000. She joined the YMCA of Western Monmouth County in 2000 as Director of Operations and has served as Vice President of Human Resources and Risk Management since 2007. Known to be an innovative, organized and highly energized leader with broad knowledge, Sharon brings to her new role a proven history of major accomplishments in strategic planning and organizational development. “I look forward to not only continuing our Y’s long-standing commitment to strengthen the communities of Mercer, Middlesex and Monmouth Counties, but also expanding our opportunities, community partnerships and outreach efforts”, said Mrs. Halpin.

For further information about the Y, visit

Kelly Hynes, LPN, Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Kelly Hynes is an LPN from Union Beach, New Jersey, who has lived in Brick with her husband and three sons for the last 14 years. Kelly received her LPN from Ocean County Vocational School. She started her nursing career at Shorrock Gardens Care Center, working on their Alzheimer’s unit. In 2012, Kelly started working for Morgan Fertility. Building relationships with patients and being able to support them through their journey to parenthood is very rewarding to Kelly. She is well known for her personal touches and often going above and beyond to meet patient needs. If given the opportunity to share one thing with someone who is struggling with infertility, she says, “Be open about your infertility so you won’t be alone in all of this. The more you talk about it, the more you’ll find other people are going, or have gone, through some sort of infertility and can be much-needed support for you during what can be a difficult struggle on your own.” Kelly enjoys attending her sons’ football and lacrosse games, volunteering as a cheer coach, baking and decorating cakes, and spending time with her family.

For more information, call 732-363-4777 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Dana Bitterly, Financial Advisor, The Shore Bitterly Group at Morgan Stanley

Dana Bitterly is a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley in Red Bank and is the head financial planner for The Shore Bitterly Group at Morgan Stanley. Dana is passionate about financial planning and education, as well as sharing that knowledge with other women. Prior to joining the firm 5 years ago, Dana graduated from American University where she majored in finance and accounting. During her first few years with the firm, Dana also received her working MBA from Monmouth University. Dana’s mission as financial planner is to help guide clients through the process of creating financial plans that reflect their unique life goals and aspirations. She works with clients to adjust plans as changes in life occur, striving to help them remain on track to reach their life goals. Dana is a Monmouth County native, growing up in West Long Branch and attending Saint Jerome’s School as well as Red Bank Catholic High School. Her decision to return to Monmouth County was fueled by her love for the Jersey Shore as well as being around family. In addition to her work Dana is a certified hot yoga instructor, certified scuba diver, and is an avid traveler.

20 Linden Place Red Bank NJ 07701. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC offers a wide array of brokerage and advisory services to its clients, each of which may create a different type of relationship with different obligations to you. Please visit us at or consult with your Financial Advisor to understand these differences. Investments and services offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. CRC 1995368 1/18

For more information, call 732-224-3823 or email Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

Etya Schecter, PA-C, Relievus

Etya Schecter, a recent graduate of the Physician Assistant program at Touro College, is licensed to practice in New Jersey and New York. Her passion for the practice of medicine in combination with her desire to help others led her to choose a career in the healthcare field. Her determination to create the optimal work-life balance steered her towards the PA profession in particular. “Each individual has to make her own choices regarding the relative priorities of work and family,” Etya states. “For me, both are extremely important. As a PA, I believe that I can find the right balance between these two roles.” Etya recently accepted a position at Relievus, a pain management practice that provides compassionate and individualized care for those with chronic pain conditions and neurological disorders. She is looking forward to utilizing her knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life and provide pain control to those in need.

For more information, call 888-985-ASAP (2727) or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Women Of Monmouth County


Candice Brockel DPT, All-Care Physical Therapy Center Candice Brockel is an outpatient physical therapist who currently practices at All-Care Physical Therapy Center in Freehold, NJ. She has obtained her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree from Stony Brook University. In addition to earning her physical therapy license, Candice has a license in massage therapy from Cortiva Institute of Massage Therapy and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Rowan University. Candice has treated a variety of patient populations including post-surgical orthopedics, spinal disorders, arthritis, musculoskeletal injuries, as well as adult and pediatric neurological conditions. She believes in looking at the whole person and integrating a treatment plan that is tailored to each individual. Candice is committed to keeping up with current literature and attending continuing education classes in order to provide optimal care to her patients.

For more information, call 732-431-4222 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Lori Knutson, RN, BSN, HNB-BC, Corporate Director, Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine

Lori Knutson is a clinician and healthcare administrator with over 25 years of dedication to integrative healthcare advancement. Currently she is the Corporate Director, Integrative Health & Medicine at Hackensack Meridian Health. Lori was the founding executive director for the Penny George Institute for Health and Healing, Allina Health, Minneapolis, MN, the largest and most comprehensive integrative health program in the U.S. She was instrumental in the database development leading to a $2.5 million NIH research grant to study integrative pain management in the acute care setting. Lori is founder of the Transformative Nurse Training Program, an integrative nursing curriculum for hospital-based practice, adopted by both the VA system and Mayo Clinic. Lori opened an integrative mental health clinic for the underserved in Minneapolis. Lori has been a subject matter expert to the Veteran Health Administration Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Transformation Department in developing their Integrative Health programs for veterans. She is also part of the core faculty at Duke University’s Leadership Program in Integrative Healthcare. Lori has coauthored several book chapters and published peer-reviewed articles. Lori was honored with the “Holistic Nurse of the Year” Award by the American Holistic Nurses Association.

. For more information, call 732-263-7999 or visit

Mary Petito, Director of Nursing, United Methodist Communities HomeWorks Mary Petito is the Director of Nursing for the Ocean Grove office of United Methodist Communities HomeWorks. Mary has worked closely alongside of her Executive Director to help develop and expand this start- up home care division of UMC. She is currently a licensed Registered Nurse in New Jersey, New York and Florida and pursuing her Master’s Degree in Executive Nursing through Wilkes University in PA. Most of Mary’s career experience was in NYC as a Wound Care Certified RN until relocating to New Jersey in 2014. Nursing has always been a passion for Mary, raising four children and a survivor of Domestic Violence, she feels life is an adventure, a continuous learning process that we embark on bravely each day. Remaining positive and the grace of God has been life changing for her. Touching the lives of others is a treasure, “it’s a privilege that measures out my values as a human being and the responsibilities granted to me with the precious gift of life. It’s a blessing to help heal people and if I can somehow affect one person each day, my purpose is complete.” Mary is looking forward to the future and continued growth of HomeWorks!

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Tracey L. Wolfman, We Care Adult Care Tracey Wolfman of Middletown always had a passion for senior citizens and launched “We Care Adult Care” in 2000. She is a Registered Nurse, BSN Monmouth University, Master’s in Nursing Administration from Columbia University has spent the last 30 years working with the elderly specializing in Alzheimer’s disease. Tracey’s dedication and knowledge have helped many people afflicted by Alzheimer’s disease and their family caregivers. Opening We Care Adult Care gave Tracey the opportunity to provide superior services to those families who utilize We Care Adult Care. A nurse, expert speaker, caregiver, educator and entrepreneur, Tracey has provided a “Quality of Life” unparalleled by any other Adult Day Care Center in Monmouth County. ‘We Care’ won the Small Business Success Award by the NJ Small Business Development Center, received Proclamations for outstanding Service to the Community, Highlighted on News 12 New Jersey TV, Expert guest speaker on WS Radio, 2012 NJ top 25 Women Entrepreneur & Business Owner, 2017 APP top 3 Finalist Small Business Innovator of the Year and numerous Newspaper articles written about Adult Day Care in local and regional papers and magazines. Tracey resides with her husband Marc in Monmouth County, NJ and spends her free time Equestrian Riding and watching her nephew Mark and nieces, Natalia, Sarah and Devan who have made her proud “Aunt T” by all of their own accomplishments.

For more information, call 732-741-7363 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.




Get Slimmer and Healthier . . .

Introducing New, Affordable Mini-Group Hypnosis Sessions Hypnosis/coaching helps bridge -the gap between knowledge and action. If you’re overweight, you probably know what to do to get slimmer and healthier. You’re savvy about nutrition, know about (and have probably tried) all sorts of diets, and are aware of the importance of movement. But there’s a difference between “knowing” what to do and “doing” it. Hypnosis helps change your mindset, your relationship with food, and your unhealthy patterns – and instill smarter ones. Embedded behavior patterns – those things you do on automatic pilot, like grab for food when you’re stressed – are lodged in the subconscious part of your mind, the part that’s responsible for much of your behavior. Because hypnosis accesses that part of the mind, it’s easier to neutralize negative patterns and embed those that are more beneficial. Using this approach empowers you to: • Access your power and regain control of your life • Neutralize subconscious patterns / beliefs that prompt you to eat inappropriately • Feel satisfied with less food and enjoy healthier foods • Shed pounds and inches as you alter your relationship with food • Reduce cravings, emotional eating, nighttime eating, automatic eating • Discover and deal with triggers that affect your eating patterns • Consider what need, besides real physical hunger, you’re trying to meet with food

Mini-Group Sessions or Individual Sessions – Your Choice

This comprehensive program consists of four sessions, which offers the opportunity to deal with weight control from different vantage points. It’s never just about the food. The

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

program is geared to getting you on a healthy lifestyle path permanently. All programs include a 1½- to 2-hour initial session and three 50-minute sessions. Each session includes some discussion and the use of hypnotic techniques and tools. A Get Slimmer and Healthier Program Packet is provided, as well as a calming and motivational reinforcement CD, and instruction in self-hypnosis.

Mini-Group Sessions (limited to 4 women per group)

You’ll benefit from the support and encouragement of other group members who understand your challenges and celebrate your successes. You’ll recognize that you’re not alone in terms of your past struggles and will be moving forward with other women determined to do the same. These sessions are affordable for everyone. New groups are being scheduled for March and April. For more information on dates, cost, etc., email me at or leave a phone message and mention the mini-group sessions. State your name, phone number, email address (or mailing address), and I’ll get information right out to you. These are limited in size, so sign up quickly if you’re interested.

Private Sessions

Private sessions are more personal, and suggestions and techniques are tailored to your needs. You may feel more comfortable disclosing information and sharing your thoughts during these one-on-one sessions. You’ll be relaxing in a cushy reclining chair and easily able to “release and let go.” Sessions can be scheduled according to your needs, with morning, afternoon, and evening appointments available. To sign up for this program, contact me at my office.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018

Wigs & Hair Replacement


Give Your Scalp What It Needs IS YOUR SCALP HEALTHY? Scalp conditions are a common occurrence and symptoms can be unpleasant: itching, redness, dandruff, oily scalp, unwanted odors, and in some cases hair thinning and hair loss. It is possible to stabilize or delay hair thinning or hair loss in the same way that scalp conditions can be controlled or checked. It is essential to start targeted treatment as soon as problems arise.

WHAT IS HEAD FIRST? In short, Head First is hair loss prevention. The causes of your hair thinning or hair loss can be identified by drawing up a complete scalp assessment, including an analysis of your scalp using a sophisticated microcamera and a unique software. Our Head First Trichology specialist will then be able to elaborate a treatment plan to meet your needs. Your plan could include in-salon treatments, home care products and laser therapy. Act now and book an appointment for a private consultation with one of our trichology hair and scalp specialists.

Even if you have a full head of hair, it may be time to take your scalp health into consideration. We have solutions for the most common problems and conditions that can affect your scalp. •

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We are proud to say that Capilia products use biocompatible processes and biodegradable products. From the Natural Hair Care line to the Advanced Scalp Care line, Capilia products are extremely rich in natural active ingredients and designed for all hair and skin types. They offer proven therapeutic benefits that help with a wide range of scalp ailments, thinning hair, and hair loss.

We are your local Toms River, NJ Trichology experts and resellers of Head First products. Call 732-255-1733 for more information or to schedule an appointment with one of our Trichology Specialist. Located in the Stone Hedge Professional Building 2494 Moore Road, Suite 1 Toms River, NJ 08753

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


Law Ehsan F Chowdhry, ESQ is the owner of EFC LAW PRACTICE, LLC, a law firm exclusively dedicated to White Collar | Criminal Defense, Juvenile Law and Municipal Court / Traffic Offenses. He is licensed in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Ehsan is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Criminal Trial Attorney and by the National Board of Trial Advocacy as a Criminal Trial Advocate. He has also been designated by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy as a “Master Advocate.” His experience includes a state judicial clerkship in Ocean County with the retired Assignment Judge commencing in the Criminal Part. He was also an Assistant Prosecutor in the Atlantic and Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office collectively for ten (10) years. He attended Rutgers College of Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, earned his J.D. from Widener University School of Law and his LL.M. (Master of Laws) degree in Trial Advocacy from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law.

Sometimes Good People Find Themselves In The Criminal Justice System-Use An Expungement To Help You


s we stand here in 2017, finances become ever so important in an extremely competitive job market. We are in a technologically advanced society where people can learn about you and your background with the stroke of a computer key. Depending on the agency that is conducting the criminal background check, whether private or public, a wealth of information about you can be yielded. Having a conviction in New Jersey for a crime, offense or otherwise can possibly jeopardize securing a job if you have been involved with the state criminal justice system. Not only can a conviction affect your ability to secure a livelihood, it may need to be disclosed and can affect college applications, graduate school applications, professional licensing requirements, relationships, court proceedings, military entrance, certain jobs requiring a background clearance, housing and insurance. The law regarding expungements is highly technical and therefore you need an experienced criminal attorney to obtain an expungement. An expungement is legally defined as “the extraction and isolation of all records on file within any court, detention or correctional facility, law enforcement or criminal justice agency concerning a person’s detection, apprehension, arrest, detention, trial or disposition of an offense within the criminal justice system.” N.J.S. 2C:52-1a. Expungements apply to juveniles and adults. Our legislature has recognized the role of an expungement. Life experiences and observation suggest that a multitude of reasons exist why a person has landed in the criminal justice system – marital issues, health problems, mental health issues, drug dependency, financial failure, death of loved ones or simply a product of circumstance. Recognizing these unfortunate yet real problems, New Jersey criminal law states in pertinent part that regarding expungements “the primary objective of providing relief to the reformed offender who has led a life of rectitude and disassociated himself with unlawful activity.” N.J.S. 2C:52-32. Not all crimes and offenses are subject to an expungement. For example, motor vehicle offenses for which a person was arrested or convicted are generally not subject to an expungement. See N.J.S. 2C:52-28. A person seeking an expungement application should know that New Jersey requires certain time passage before one is even eligible to apply. In some cases, depending on the facts and circumstances of the individual, it may be a waiting period of ten (10) years, five (5) years, three (3) years, six (6) months or immediately.

Particularly significant are expungements applications that can be filed immediately. The Governor signed a fairly new law to be effective April 18, 2016. See N.J.S. 2C:52-6a et seq. However, many experienced attorneys and persons involved in the state criminal justice system are not aware of it and how it can help their clients. This new law allows for an expungement application to be filed immediately if a person’s charges were dismissed or resulted in an acquittal, with certain exceptions. To illustrate, we recently helped an individual in Essex County. We were successfully able to get his indictable charge downgraded to a simple assault. Thereafter, we got the simple assault charge dismissed. I prepared all of the necessary paperwork and provided it to the judge to transfer over for expungement purposes. There was no waiting period and this process helps clients who are looking for immediate filing and an expeditious expungement of same. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has provided a criminal directive and legal form to be utilized in these instances. The law on expungements, like many laws, can and often does change from moment to moment. Likewise, the judicial interpretations dictate the roadmap in this technical area. Depending on what you were convicted of, the time frame, what your criminal records are before and after, and a list of other crucial factors determines if you will be afforded an opportunity for a clean slate. When it comes to your life and your livelihood, you need an experienced attorney who will tend to your best interests. Famous novelist Marcel Proust sums it up – “There is no man … however wise, who has not at some period in his youth said things, or lived a life, the memory of which is so unpleasant to him that he would gladly expunge it.”

For more information or to schedule a FREE CONSULTATION, call 732-508-5172. A Limited Liability Company • White Collar & Criminal Defense • Ehsan F Chowdhry, ESQ, • 3600 NJ Route 66, Suite 150, Neptune, NJ 07753 • Tel (732) 508-5172 • Mobile (732) 552-7882

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018



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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018



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Eagle Ridge Golf Club Lakewood, NJ

“Every Step Counts”




th The Annual RAT Rock Open Charity Golf Classic

Time: 8:00 am Shotgun Start

Sunday, April 29, 2018 New Jersey Marathon • Full and Half Marathons • Four-Person Relay


Monmouth Park Racetrack Oceanport, NJ

We hope that you will be a part of Team LADACIN by running in the marathon and fundraising to support LADACIN, taking a sponsorship or volunteering. Your participation will help make a difference in the lives of so many.

BBQ and Gift Auction Fundraiser at The Headliner - Neptune, New Jersey You don’t have to run a marathon to party with us at The Headliner! - 11:30 am - 3:30 pm



- Golfers’ Gift Bags

Saturday, April 28, 2018 5K Race and Kids Races

The Great Lawn at Ocean Promenade Long Branch, NJ

Kids Race begins at 8:00 am - 5K Race begins at 9:00 am



The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2018

Theatre & Entertainment


“Makes you want to jump out of your seat and dance!” - Theater Pizzazz

“Deliciously Sassy!” - Theater Scene

l Rosegg

Photo: Caro



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St Luke’s Theatre, 308 West 46th Street - 212-239-6200

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018




Art is a beast.

By Shem Bitterman Starring Dan Lauria Rupak Ginn & Carolyn McCormick Directed by Steve Zuckerman TELECHARGE.COM • 2122396200 The Westside Theatre, 407 W. 43rd St. (between 9th and 10th Ave) STONEWITCHPLAY.COM

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The County Woman Magazine

2018-02-08 10:41 PM

March/April 2018



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The County Woman Magazine

1 Mannino Park Dr. Old Bridge, NJ 08857

March/April 2018

Women’s History


The Queen of Rock I was traveling for work, listening to the classic rock station on Sirius radio, when an announcement was made that a certain female artist was going to be a recipient of the “She Rocks Award” in 2018. I had never heard of such an award and as I listened further, the radio host, Anita Blackwood, shared the award’s significance to women in the music industry.

long before she was reunited with her musical passion and quit her position in the bank to join a band. Pat’s first band was known to be a “lounge band” by the name of Coxon’s Army, which was known in the Virginia area. When the band was about to break up, Pat Benatar decided it was time to return to New York. In 1975, in the wee hours of the morning of an open mic night at a bar called Catch a Rising Star, Pat Benatar had her moment in the spotlight—recognized immediately by the bar’s owner, who went on to manage her for the next 15 years! In 1978 Pat Benatar was introduced to guitarist Neil Giraldo, who was a member of an up-and-coming band. Pat Benatar reports on her website that Neil Giraldo was someone who “could match the same fire-power and someone who could inspire her.” Then, in 1979, In the Heat of the Night was recorded and it went straight to platinum. Pat Benatar divorced her first husband and married Neil Giraldo in 1982, and together they had two children. From 1979 into the 1980s, Pat Benatar released multiple albums with more hit songs, one after another. An image that was developed from a Halloween costume, Pat Benatar created her own edgy on-stage persona that included dramatic makeup, ever-changing hairstyles, tight-fitted bodysuits, spandex pants and stiletto heels. By 1984, Pat Benatar was nominated for 9 Grammy awards for the category of Best Female Artist and went home with a Grammy for 4 out of the 9 nominations. Pat Benatar is identified as the leading female rock musician of the 1980s. Pat Benatar was inducted into the Long Island Hall of Fame in 2008, which is where her roots began as a child. Although Pat Benatar was unable to attend the She Rocks Awards due to a case of the flu, as noted on her website, I am sure her presence was felt in the audience, and fans will continue to get to see her during her current music tour in 2018. Pat Benatar is an amazing female musician who continues to inspire female musicians with her energy, edgy persona and passion for music. From bank teller to rock-and-roll superstar Pat Benatar is evidence that anything is possible; you just have to hit life with your best shot!

★ ★ ★

The She Rocks Award recognizes women who “display leadership and stand out within the music industry.” Further, the She Rocks Award event unites the music industry, which includes but is not limited to musicians, artists, fans and media, all to celebrate women in music! Since I am not in the music profession, I was completely unaware that this type of award existed. As I researched the 2018 recipients, it was revealed that the award is only in its sixth year of celebration. This news was quite shocking to me as there have been many talented females in the music industry who have met the award criteria far longer than in the past six years! One recipient in particular has been a favorite female artist of mine since the early 1980s. My admiration grew even stronger for this artist when I was traveling in Los Angeles back in 1990, when my boyfriend (now my husband) and I had been on the LA freeway for hours and decided to take a detour off the freeway to a McDonald’s. We walked into the restaurant and as we sat and ate our food, we noticed this superstar enter into the McDonald’s with two children. After much discussion and disbelief that a real famous person would stop off into a McDonald’s, we approached her. We politely inquired if she was who we thought she was, and with a smile she looked up at us and said, “Yes, I am.” Who, you ask, is the mystery artist? It was the one and only Pat Benatar! We attempted to contain our excitement. Pat Benatar introduced us to the children she had with her as if we were simple acquaintances and not over-indulging fans. We modestly asked for her autograph and she instantly agreed. To this day I still have the napkin on which she penned, “Rock on, Rich and Rita” and signed her name! A five-foot-tall petite female with a mezzo-soprano voice that could break glass, she rocked the music industry with her energy and amazing talent. Pat Benatar was my rock and roll idol. I will never forget my sister’s 13th birthday celebration wherein the hit song “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” was played over and over until the early morning hours on a 45 vinyl record. Pat Benatar has always displayed great stage energy and had the cool-girl style every teenager used to identify themselves. Pat Benatar was born on January 10, 1953 with the name of Patricia Andrzejewski in Brooklyn, New York. Pat Benatar started her singing career during her school years. At the age of 19 Pat Benatar entered into college to pursue her magical talent and within six months dropped out of school to marry her high school sweetheart (Dennis Benatar) and relocate out of the area due to his military status. Pat Benatar had obtained employment in her new hometown location as a bank teller; however, it would not be

Rita King, MSW, LCSW is a full-time mental health therapist and advocate of women’s history. During her undergraduate studies in psychology, Rita developed a strong passion for women’s history after completing classes in political science. As an activist, Rita has raised awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures, history lessons in elementary and middle schools and creating women’s history displays at local libraries. Rita also utilizes her knowledge of women’s history to empower women and young girls in her current role as a mental health therapist.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018



ravel 56 50 VACATIONST Travel AMILY STARRING THE “KIDS” ROMANCE TRAVEL 55 Travel ravel 63 “Create Lasting Memories” ARE YOUAAPacking CRUISER? RiverTaking Cruising: An You: Extraordinary Experience “Create Lasting ItMemories” With Primer More fun, more memories! Part of raising a family is making memories that

will Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children cherish forever. A family is part offor those memories. Whether you’re interested in glacier Floating hotels havevacation something everyone. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve


cruises operating for decades. The besthave part been of70 00cruising on any size ship remainsT Tthe same: you only need to

trekking or pool lounging, exploring secluded islands or city streets, spending days iver cruising may be the hottest cruising

paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though river it there’s a ship for it. on vineyard tours or in spasif you name A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience.

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 Six Hawaiian Islands

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ravel 56 Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you takeyou a Foodie ravel Are or a Wine Lover? T ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with If Memories” you’re cruising the Caribbean “Create Lasting Top chefs have expanded to in waterways with local ingredients riverboats with focus onevery current themes. “Create Memories” from room, including and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many newLasting fees and diving

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

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River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience

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guest chiefs and sommeliers, cooking classes and more. imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local leaving your a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. Today’s opportunities to travel asfor a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the tion.carry-on From warm to excitinglong adventures, every destination offers a new awaited vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no bags.beaches So was what created to be the ultimate get trend around in 2017 -even though river tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsample ofports some with your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have been operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. 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Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to Blackamenities Sea. intriguing itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: Areand you anthe Adventurer? are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. things forgot to pack.andANTIGUA BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises areyou luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the ways we •civilization. Viking Cruises, through partnership with Sail tobest ports at the edges of *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Enjoy watersports offand back of small ships. Travel Professional can diving riverboats with focus onVirtuoso current themes. from every room, Watersports waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value andthe added ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, 7-day cruise guests local for wet suits. home from on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the atbeach & 1now Pareo) experience the touches long tour rides. From tobus make your experience a WhateverHighlights” • you forget you can purchase on board or at the • Avalon Waterways “Austrian and other airlines let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & to be the ultimate getfrom tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of created ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers ships together were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by•Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting NorthBridges waterways, Sea to Black Sea. program, including family cooking River CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazy rivers and warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, lessons. *Remember, your Vagabond* through partnership with Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Professional can  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counDo you appreciate the finer things in life? (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups Silverseas ships have dedicated Butlers for each cabin. They are It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for eveningsas dining the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to make your experience a •the Avalon Waterways “Austrian from trained English Butlers and they make a world of difference to and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line Highlights” The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships built with families inas mind. Along deluxe Ocean view your cruise experience. Sea Dream cruisers check into their cabin Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has itswere highlights, such the ships and the • 2 families, shorts and 2Alaska tees and an evening purse South Africa for tours (Perfect for summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses to find Monogrammed pajamas waiting for them. next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler the right cruise Working with your Virtuoso Advisor, you will lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Yourisland Travelorfind Experience. *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist size and experience that works with your lifestyle. Why notAdvisor contact • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new River cruise lines • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways me today to begin an exciting cruise vacation? • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

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for our Digital Magazine and some e County Woman foramazing Digital Magazineand some The CountyMagazine Woman Magazine travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

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March/April 2018



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


C Community ommunity


SOCIAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES NETWORK … Where Active Adults Meet To Be Informed, Empowered and Inspired


JoinAdults SCANMeet in Celebrating our 30th Anniversary 2018! Where Active To Be Informed, Empowered AndinInspired SCAN’s Winter Semester is ongoing through April 6th. Lots of classes are still available for sign-up, Successful Aging Technology Program SCAN (Social register Community Network) is Semester a now!Activities The Spring/Summer begins April 30th & and will continue through Returns July 27th. non-profit social education andofresource to Freehold Call us at adult 732-542-1326 for a copy the classcenter listing or view the full catalog on our website at SCAN returned its Successful Aging and Technology program to the founded in 1988 and conveniently located in the the many ways older adults make a difference in our communities. to YMCA Community Center in Freehold Borough in October. One Onceway again “SCAN @ the Y” First Friday Programs in Freehold Borough Monmouth Mall and our satellite location in Freehold participate is by attending SCAN’s Senior Expo that will be held in the Monmouth the Affordable Housing Alliance provided funding for free tablets for limited are in fullThe swing! Borough. name reflects the action-oriented profile Mall on May 11th – mark your calendar and we hope to see you there! income participants, and coaches provided training on how to use the tablets In addition to the variety of SCAN programs held every Tuesday at the YMCA Participating in activities that promote mental and physical wellness, offering your of its members and the vibrancy and social networking and access Internet.toIntheaddition to weekly technology coachingofand of Western Monmouth Community Center in Freehold Borough, a special program wisdom andthe experience next generation, seeking the mentorship someone strength the organization. The main draw is held on theoffirst Friday of each month. Although delayed a weekof by a major mentoring sessions, participants are provided healthy A new with more life experience than you—those are justclasses a few on examples of aging. what being snowstorm, the January First Friday program on January 12th featured an iPhone and aspect membership, which is open to anyone aged 50 and over, of the program has been the addition of students from Monmouth engaged can mean. No matter where you are in your life, there is no better time than Technology presentation by Greg Whalen, a Coffee With a Cop discussion who Weathope hear from you if you now to start. Weserve hope as youtechnology will join incoaches. and Engage EverytoAge! isAndroid the opportunity to socialize, meet new friends and be University with Freehold Borough Police Chief Glenn Roberts, and a Happiness is a Choice would like us to bring this program to your Community; please call us at 732proactive staying presentation byin“SCAN @ thehealthier. Y” Coordinator Beth Stamp. Adults over the age of 50 SCAN (Social Community Activities Network) is a non-profit adult social education are welcome to participate at all the Freehold Borough programs – and the best thing is they’re Honors FREE! For details, call SCAN 732-542-1326. SCAN Awardees at atAnnual Luncheon


and resource center founded in 1988. The name reflects the action-oriented profile of members and the vibrancy and social networking strength of the organization. SCAN programs sustain independence, health and happiness among people 50 years SCAN held our Annual Awards Luncheon on October 25th at Seabrook in of age and older in Monmouth and Ocean Counties. SCAN itself is a place where Tinton Falls. The annual luncheon was an opportunity for SCAN honor key Active Adults meet to be Informed, Empowered and Inspired. SCAN’s Mission is to Coffee With atoCop individuals who provided outstanding support to SCAN in 2016.gather with provide an active support system for those over the age of 50. SCAN uses education participants This year’s honorees were: Freehold Borough Police and technology to create an environment where the aging population can continue to grow intellectually as well as physically and emotionally, thereby allowing older adults Leaders of Distinction: Cynthia Joy, President/CEO YMCA Western Chief Glenn Roberts. to thrive – not just survive. SCAN’s programming falls within four divisions: the Hub Monmouth County and Donna M. Blaze, Chief Executive Officer, Affordable includes the Monmouth Mall location where social education classes and information Housing Alliance and referral services are provided; SCAN on Wheels brings our high-impact Leaders of Distinction in the Field of Aging: Colleen Smith, Caregiver programming directly into high-needs communities; the Multi-Media division includes Successful Aging and Technology Program News our three cable TV shows, which can also be seen on our YouTube channel, our social Specialist, Monmouth County Division on Aging, Disabilities & Veterans SCAN kicked off 2018 with a Successful Aging and Technology (SAT) Program Afterand completing weeks of instruction coaching, the Neptune media, our weeklytheir radio12 show – Thursday eveningsand at 7pm on FM88.1; Caregivers Services andatLuanne Kane,Senior Coordinator ofKeansburg. the Take Control of Your Health in February the Bayshore Center in In this program, limitedFirst, our newest division, is entirely devoted to the graduated specific needs of Caregivers. Successful Aging and Technology participants from the program on Program in Ocean County income participants are eligible to receive free tablets while others can bring their own If you would like SCAN to come into your community to present any of the 27th. They will continue to meet monthly to ensure they retain the tablets. Coaches provide training onYachi how to useand the Mai-Uyen tablets and navigate SCAN’s Volunteer Recognition: Pan Nguyenthe Internet. September programs or events outlined above, just give us a call anytime at 732-542-1326. valuable lessons learned. Participants leave theenjoyed programgreat proficient email, Internet and safety, and Facebook All the attendees food,ingreat company numerous greatand Similarly, if you have any issues or questions you would like discussed, or guests you other and socialraffles. media. In addition to the weekly technology coaching and mentoring Congratulations Graduates! recommend to appear on our radio show, we’d love to hear from you! prizes

Neptune Successful Aging and Technology Class Graduates

sessions, participants are provided classes on healthy aging. Additional sessions of SAT are planned throughout the remainder of 2018. For further information about MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PARTICIPANTS –732-542the program, including how to apply for future classes, contact SCAN at 1326 or visit TAKE HEED!

The Medicare Enrollment Period began October 15, 2016 and Take ControlOpen of Your Health Workshops Conducted ends on December 7, 2016. There have been significant changes in the plans Frequently by SCAN available to New Jersey residents, and some plans, such as the AmeriHealth SCAN’s FREE 6-week Take Control of Your Health program is open to adults 60+ and Geisinger/Meridian Health Plans, will no longer provide coverage to who are dealing with chronic conditions. Participants learn strategies and techniques NJ residents in 2017. If you’ve been affected by plan changes, if you’re in this interactive workshop to manage their chronic conditions andorput “more life considering changing miss the enrollment deadline! into their life.” So far inplans, 2018,don’t workshops haveDecember been held 7th by our qualified instructors You can receive information about Medicare their website at Seabrook in Tinton Falls, Monmouth Mall infrom Eatontown, and The(Medicare. Atrium in Red Bank. SCAN 1-800-633-4227. at 732-542-1326 forYou additional detailsFamily and information about gov) orCall by calling can contact & Children’s future programs. Services at 732-222-9111 for SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) can also contact SCANAge” at 732-542-1326 to make an 2018 iscounselors. the YearYou to “Engage at Every appointment a SHIP counselor. Every May,with the Administration on Aging leads our nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. The theme for this year is Engage at Every Age, which emphasizes that you are never too old (or too young) to take part in activities that can enrich your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Older Americans Month celebrates

Please Mark Your Calendars

PLEASE10MARK YOUR CALENDARS • NOVEMBER – Fundraiser for SCAN, Bubbles and Bling in • • •

Red Bank, 11am-1pm. Monmouth County Events NOVEMBER 15 – Special Event, Downton Tea and Trivia in • March 14 – Transportation/Mobility Fair Abbey at Monmouth Spring 2-4pm. Mall,Lake, 10am-1pm NOVEMBER 16Health – Information Breakfast,Borough, 8-9am – • May 4 – Brain Fair at Freehold Come learn about SCAN! 10:30am-1:30pm DECEMBER 2 – 4th Annual Brain Health Fair,11am-3pm 10am-1pm, at • May 11 – Senior Expo at Monmouth Mall, featuring keynote speaker Shira Goldberg, MD, •Monmouth May 23 –Mall Lunch & Learn at SCAN, 12-1:30pm of Barnabas Health – Monmouth Medical Center Geriatric Services Ocean County Events along with 20 interactive brain teaser stations. Take advantage of • March 21 – Lunch & Learn at St. Andrew United Methodist this opportunity for people of all ages to experience fun and creative Church in Toms River, 10am-1pm interactive activities designed especially to promote brain health. • May 16 – Lunch & Learn at St. Andrew United Methodist JANUARY 9, 2017 APRIL 7, 2017 – SCAN’s 2017 Winter Church, Toms River,–10am-1pm Semester of classes.

180 Route 35 Eatontown

(basement level of Monmouth Mall)

732-542-1326 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

Pat Bohse

Executive Director

March/April 2016 2018 November/December



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


★ ★



★ ★★

★ ★

★ ★ Congratulations Dr. Ellen Sher, Allergy Partners of NJ P.C. for being chosen one of Top Docs for 2017!

Congratulations Patty on your graduation! We love you!

- Kassy & Lauren

- From the Staff

New Jersey School of Massage would like to congratulate the newest graduates!

- From Alice Marin, Owner

Dr. Omar Tamimi was awarded the 2018 Physician of Distinction award for twenty five years of service and dedication to the community on January 20,2018. The award was received at the Community Medical Center Foundation Winter Ball at Eagle Oaks Country club. Dr. Tamimi was joined by his family and his partners from Gastroenterologists of Ocean County. The foundation raised over $60,000 for medical technology for the hospital at the event. - From the entire group at Gastroenterologists of Ocean County


Laurie Lombardi, CDN has been an animal activist all of her adult life. In 2005 she was recognized and given an award plaque for raising money with her “lucky” bracelets for North Shore Animal League. She has been a champion of the sad epidemic problem with feral cats. She has found many homes for these cats who really had no chance of adoption out in the backwoods. If the cats are not adoptable she traps them and has them spayed, neutered, get needed shots, and their ear tip clipped so that people are aware they have been checked by a veterinarian. Laurie has a charity fundraiser, “Give a little Bit,” for Animals in Need at, The Natural Pharmacy. Here are two of her beautiful rescues that she took in herself. - From Kathryn Phelps


Debra Kohn, Advocate & Survivor of Lupus, is the Event Coordinator for the annual Lupus Foundation Fashion events for her cause for Lupus - Research to Find a Cure. She has won many awards for her fight in raising monies for a Cure for Lupus. As Mrs. Howell Township United States 2012 and Mrs. Monmouth County America 2014 she has hosted many community fundraising events and has been awarded the highest award from the Lupus Foundation of America, The Butterfly of Hope Award 2016. Please donate to the Lupus Foundation of America NJ Chapter to help the victims of Lupus so that a Cure may be found. Thank you for caring!

★ ★

The County Woman Magazine

- The Lupus Foundation

March/April 2018



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2018



SAVE THE DATE July 11-15, 2018


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January/February 2018

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March/April 2018



Show your love on June 21. help end Alzheimer’s.

On the summer solstice, team up with the Alzheimer’s Association® and select any activity you love — or an activity loved by those affected — to help end Alzheimer’s. Together, we will raise funds and awareness for care and support while advancing research toward the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. Register at © 2017 Alzheimer’s Association®. All rights reserved.

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Fine Art Photography

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March/April 2018

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March/April 2018


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ar ting O r 9th Ye u

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One THE SHORE BITTERLY GROUP AT MORGAN STANLEY. With careful monitoring and periodic review, you can count on us to help guide you through life’s twists and turns. Page 5

EAR INFECTIONS IN CHILDREN AND THE ROLE OF EAR TUBES. Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies and young children in particular are prone to getting recurrent ear infections. Page 11

PLATELET RICH PLASMA AND STEM CELL THERAPY; AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR PAINFUL JOINTS. As time progresses, patients may benefit from cortisone injections or joint replacement. Pages 12 & 13

The compounding pharmacists at the Natural Pharmacy strive to provide each patient with information about the safety and effectiveness of traditional prescription drugs and natural/holistic therapies. Read more about Eric Sauer, and his extraordinary team on pages 27, 28 & 29.

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