Monmouth County Woman - 2016 November/December

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An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One AT MEDIMORPHOSIS WEIGHT LOSS FALL IN LOVE WITH THE NEW YOU Dr. Huegel offers comprehensive, customized, one on one consultations. Change your mind, change your body, change your life. Page 14


Divorce can be stressful enough but just add the holidays and they can be explosive. Speak with your attorney about creative ways in which the holidays can be Page 20 handled.

Garden State Medical Center offers a comprehensive range of treatment options for acute and chronic pain. Read more about these dedicated physicians and their state-of-the-art clinical practices on pages 10 & 11.

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YOGA TEACHER TRAINING CERTIFICATION Deepen your practice and teaching skills at the Freehold Yoga Center. Come see why they have been there for 30 years! Page 32

Photo By Tracy Harman Photography



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Medical Professionals



A BREAKTHROUGH IN NEUROPATHY CARE! Do you suffer from Peripheral Neuropathy?

“My oncologist highly recommended a MicroVas program being offered at a premier area hospital to treat my neuropathy. Fortunately, I found it available closer to home at Rehability. The MicroVas combined with all the manual treatments on my legs and feet by the wonderful therapists’ have helped me make a remarkable recovery” ­ Sal D.

Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder known to affect millions of people throughout the U.S. It is a complication found in several different medical conditions including Diabetes, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Post Chemo­Radiation therapies and Metabolic disorders being some of the most common. Underlying the above disease processes is the problem of impaired circulation to peripheral blood vessels, particularly the smaller ones (capillaries). Without sufficient blood flow to nerve tissues, oxygen and nutrients cannot get into the tissues and the waste products of metabolism cannot get out. When functioning normally, nerve tissues receive nutrient rich, highly­oxygenated blood carried to them by capillaries, however they are easily clogged by this debilitating process. The peripheral nervous system eventually becomes distressed and damaged due to starvation and toxicity. In advanced cases of diabetic neuropathy, blood glucose can also damage the walls of these tiny blood vessels supplying nerves, especially those in the legs and feet.

What is MicroVas? MicroVas is a FDA cleared, non­invasive vascular treatment system that delivers electromagnetic energy to targeted areas of the body. After years of research, this technology was originally developed to treat Navy SEAL divers for hypothermia. It has since been engineered as a ground­breaking innovation with the ability to address the root cause of neuropathy, often a lack of nerve fiber circulation in the injured area. MicroVas’ powerful, deeply penetrating waveform causes blood to pump and circulate much more efficiently by significantly raising tissue oxygen levels, resulting in a potent effect on the microcirculation. Studies have demonstrated marked increases in tissue oxygen supply within minutes of initiating treatment. In contrast to other technologies available, this process even results in new capillary formation, laying the groundwork for new tissue growth and repair while accelerating the healing process. MicroVas also accelerates lymphatic drainage as much as ten to thirty­fold, notably reducing swelling and stimulating the body’s immune response. Its therapeutic effects are often dramatic, long­lasting and our unique approach of implementation is designed to help you achieve optimal results for long­term relief. “We personally invite you to schedule a comprehensive evaluation to determine if you are a MicroVas candidate and to learn more about our One-of-a-Kind Neuropathy Program we are EXCITED to now offer our patients!” -The REHABILITY Team

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The County Woman Magazine

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November/December 2016

Contents ^ Medical Professionals

REHABILITY......................................................................2 Quality Dermatology..........................................................5 Juvenate............................................................................6 Kessler Rehabilitation Center............................................7 Medimorphosis................................................................14 Institute for Advanced Radiation Oncology....................15 University Urology Associates of New Jersey.................18 High Performance Foot + Ankle......................................19 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists...................................21 Professional Hearing Center...........................................23 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.............................24 Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine..........25 Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery, PC........................29 Ocean Hematology & Oncology......................................31 Memory Enhancement Center........................................35 Vein Center for Women...................................................36 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center...............................37 Caring Heart and Brain Imaging......................................38 Personal Enhancement Center........................................59

^ Permanent Hair Removal

AMP ELECTROLYSIS........................................................3

^ Pediatric Dentistry


^ Divorce Financial Analyst

John P. Cito, CDFA............................................................9

^ Featured On The Cover

Garden State Medical Center....................................10, 11


^ Salon

^ Memory Care

^ Health & Wellness

^ Specialty Cakes & Chocolate Novelties

Hair & Company..............................................................12 The Natural Pharmacy.....................................................13 Princeton Behavioral Health............................................27 Freehold Yoga Center......................................................32 Jackie Berman, Le-Vel Independent Brand Promoter.....42

^ Adult Day Care

We Care Adult Care, Inc............................................16, 17

^ Law

Law Offices of Laura M. D’Orsi, Esq...............................20 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law....................................20 The Matus Law Group.....................................................30

Millenium Memory Care..................................................34 Chocolate Carousel.........................................................39

^ Cosmetic & General Dentistry

Amara Dental...................................................................40

^ Fine Jewelry

The Jewelry Link..............................................................41

^ Business & Finance

Pearls of Wisdom Media.................................................42

^ Women’s History

Jane Jayroe.....................................................................47

^ Fashion & Beauty

^ Women of Monmouth County...........48, 49

^ Reverse Mortgage Lending

Ken Sawan, Homebridge Financial.................................26

Cagney............................................................................52 Not The Jewish................................................................53 Two River Theater............................................................55

^ Orthodontics

^ Travel

^ Assisted Living

^ Fine Art Photography

^ Specialized Reading Program

^ Community...............43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 54, 57

^ PACE Program

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Lynne’s Fashion Boutique...............................................22 Efrance Beauty................................................................42

Holmdel Orthodontics.....................................................27 Spring Oak of Toms River................................................28 Learning Press, LLC........................................................28 Beacon of Life.................................................................33

Permanent Hair Removal

^ Theatre & Entertainment

Vagabond Travel Agency.................................................56 Annette Jenkins Photography.........................................58

Be Smooth! Feel Beautiful! At AMP ELECTROLYSIS, Ann Marie can help you eliminate unwanted hair PERMANENTLY! Ann Marie Preston, LE, CPE

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The County Woman Magazine

Excess hair is fine on them, but not on you!

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November/December 2016

Monmouth County Monmouth County Woman Woman Since 2008


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Cannot be combined with any other offer. @TheCountyWoman @TheCountyWoman Woman an Expires 12/31/16. For more details see page 23.Wom

Welcome to the Winter Issue Of The Monmouth County Woman! The The leaves are changing theirtheir hue hue and and the air leaves are changing theisairgetting is crisp. Iscrisp. it November already?already? It’s hardIt’stohard believe the holidays getting Is it November to believe the are uponare us!upon Manyus!ofMany our professionals offer fantastic ways holidays of our professionals offer fantastic to look best during the holiday season. I hopeI ways to and look feel andyour feel your best during the holiday season. you’llyou’ll heed heed their their advice as youasread their their articles. Fall isFall also hope advice you read articles. perfect time totime shoptolocally for your gifts –gifts there isthealso the perfect shop locally forholiday your holiday so many offeringoffering qualityquality productsproducts and services –are there are sobusinesses many businesses and for you for andyou your family this season. services and your members family members this season. Reflecting Reflecting on on the the past past year, year, II am am incredibly incredibly fortunate fortunate to to work with with an an amazing amazing team team ofof talented talented writers, writers, graphic graphic work designers and and photographers. photographers. Many Many days, days, II am am blessed blessed with with designers emails, voicemails voicemails and and personal personal conversations conversations with with readers readers who who have have benefited benefited from from the the emails, information we’ve we’ve published. published. Additionally, Additionally, itit has has become become aa pleasure pleasure to to work work with with and and information promote the the professionals professionals featured featured in in the the Monmouth Monmouth County CountyWoman Woman Publication Publication and and promote the significant significant educational educational impact impact they they make make on on the the readers readers ofof the the publications. publication. Many the times, the the articles articles are are critical critical to to the the reader’s reader’s personal personal health health and and wellness! wellness! times, On On behalf behalf ofof the the staff staff at at the the County Monmouth County Woman Publication, wishand you a Woman Publications, we wish youwe a safe safe and joyfulseason holiday and a prosperous joyful holiday andseason a prosperous New Year.New Year. Warmest regards, WarmestShover, regards, Lauren Production Manager Lauren Shover, Production Manager

“No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow”

“No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow” Featured on the Cover Featured on Medical the Cover -Center Garden State Garden State Medical Center

Featured L-R: Manjula Singh, MD and Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA. these Featured L-R: Manjula Singh,Both MDofand women are dedicated to providing Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA. Both comprehensive of these care to resolve all types of chronic pain. Learn women are dedicated to providing comprehensive more about Garden State Medical Center and these care to resolve all types of chronic pain. Learn on pagesState 10 &Medical 11. morephysicians about Garden Center and

these physicians on pages 10 & 11. Coverphoto photoby byAnnette Tracy Harman Cover JenkinsPhotography. Photography.

Tracy Tracy can can be be contacted contacted for for appointments appointments at at 732-797-0377. 732-797-0377.

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November/December 2016 2016 November/December

Medical Professionals


Eczema Nearly 31 million Americans suffer from eczema-related symptoms. Eczema can affect newborns, kids, women and men of any race or ethnicity. Those embarrassing patches of rough, reddened, intensely itchy skin can keep eczema sufferers from enjoying their lives, and for a parent, it’s difficult to watch your child go through it. Also, sometimes eczema is associated with some other conditions and needs a complete workup by your dermatologist. It also can be aggravated by infections, which your doctor might need to treat with oral medications. Dr. Renata Flaks, DNP

WHAT IS ECZEMA? Eczema is a skin condition caused by inflammation of the skin. Typically, eczema causes skin to become itchy, red and dry – even cracked and leathery. Eczema can appear on any part of the body any time of the year, but mostly during cold months. Eczema is a chronic problem for many people. It is most common in infants, many of whom outgrow it before adulthood. People with eczema have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions like asthma or hay fever. Also secondary fungal and bacterial infections are possible to get through the cracks in the skin. WHAT CAUSES ECZEMA? There are different types of eczema. Your dermatologist will be able to tell you what kind of eczema you have. Eczema tends to run in families. Certain genes can cause some people to have extra-sensitive skin. An overactive immune system is thought to be a factor, as well. Also, it’s thought that defects in the skin barrier contribute to eczema. These defects can allow moisture out through the skin and let germs in. People who wash their hands a lot, use hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap, work with gloves or chemicals (health care professionals, hairdressers, mechanics, teachers, police officers, and housekeepers) or those who take long or hot showers are usually more affected by eczema. You can try to treat eczema by moisturizing with over-the-counter emollients and creams, but seek a dermatologist if it is not getting better in a few weeks. Among other factors that may trigger eczema are: • Stress • Contact with irritating substances • Heat and sweat • Cold, dry climates • Dry skin TREATMENTS FOR ECZEMA Your dermatologist can put you on one or a combination of these: • Steroid creams or ointments • Creams or lotions that lubricate the skin • Antifungal medications • Antibiotics to treat secondary infections

Because eczema sometimes mimics other conditions like ringworm, psoriasis, rosacea, folliculitis and some autoimmune diseases, we don’t recommend patients to self-treat. If, after moisturizing your rash for few days or weeks, it is not getting better, you have to see your dermatologist. Also, in certain cases dermatologists might check your blood work if they believe it’s necessary; sometimes a simple test called a biopsy, done in the dermatologist’s office, will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Remember: On the day of the appointment we ask you not to apply any topical medications or over-the-counter moisturizers so we can diagnose a condition properly.

Call us for an appointment or your comprehensive skin cancer screening today.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Feeling irritable and having trouble maintaining a normal weight? You may have a hormone imbalance. What causes hormone imbalances? As some women enter their 40s and 50s, they may face a difficult dilemma. Their bodies’ production of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones needed to maintain youthful vitality rapidly declines. While individual effects of menopause vary widely, many women suffer because they no longer produce enough sex hormones to allow their bodies to function optimally. Depression, fatigue, irritability, and short-term memory lapses are common menopausal complaints, along with hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and weight gain. Health problems that occur in the perimenopausal period and during menopause can adversely affect a woman for the rest of her life if she doesn’t have adequate hormones in her body and doesn’t receive hormone replacement if needed. Yet many women are told by their doctors to limit prolonged use of hormone drugs, only long enough to get relief from those bothersome symptoms, and then stop them. Unfortunately, this advice fails to recognize the critical differences between synthetic hormone drugs and those hormones that are identical to the ones normally produced by their bodies.

The understandable concern expressed to women by many doctors is that that the FDA-approved estrogen-progestin (synthetic) hormone drugs have been shown to increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. The dilemma facing women as they age is that their bodies may still benefit from hormones but their doctors say “no”. There is good scientific evidence that natural progesterone and the natural estriol form of estrogen may help protect against the very same diseases caused by synthetic hormone drugs. Because bioidentical hormones have the same exact structure as the hormones produced naturally within the body, the hormones can be properly utilized and are then able to be naturally metabolized and excreted by the body. The use of bioidentical Hormones has increased during the last several years as women have sought out a more natural approach to restoring hormonal balance.

So what is the functional medicine approach to treating menopausal symptoms? The answer depends on the individual patient. In my practice, I consider 7 main factors when assessing overall health. I begin with my core assessment which includes a complete nutritional evaluation, and a close look at lifestyle, stress, sleep, exercise and environment. I then focus on Gut Health and look for evidence of gastrointestinal dysfunction

with comprehensive stool testing. I also look at nutrient deficiencies with advanced functional medicine lab tests. A very significant factor in perimenopausal women’s symptoms is adrenal dysfunction so I assess the adrenal glands with 24 hour testing. I look at other hormonal imbalances, including insulin which is so important in glucose control and weight management. I address thyroid hormone imbalances and finally take a good look at sex hormone imbalances. I do specialized 24-hour urinary testing to look at how a woman metabolizes her sex hormones, which help to determine if she is a good candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. With this approach, not everyone who comes in with symptoms needs bioidentical hormone replacement because their symptoms may be addressed appropriately with lifestyle, nutrition and by addressing any other deficiencies they may have. There are also many herbal compounds that can help with perimenopausal symptoms if a woman does not want to take hormones or is not a good candidate based on her test results. As you can see, the assessment of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms is not always straightforward and requires a complete and personalized evaluation and plan. At Juvenate Medical Wellness & Rejuvenation, we use an integrative functional medicine approach to look at the root cause of your symptoms and help you get your health and your life back.

Call today to find out how functional medicine can help you.

Sunita Mann, MD


100 State Route 36, Suite 2G • West Long Branch, NJ 07764

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


What’s The Best Gift This Holiday Season?

Staying Healthy And Injury-Free

Kessler Rehabilitation Center Offers 12 Top Tips


he holiday season is a joyous time of year, but it can also be stressful, exhausting and dangerous to your health. All the cooking, cleaning, shopping, decorating and entertaining can impact an individual’s physical and emotional wellbeing and lead to injury or illness. The demands of the season can be overwhelming and people often ignore their health and safety in their efforts to get everything done. The work and expectations we put on ourselves can cause stress, headaches and irritability. And overexertion, overeating and just overdoing it can make us more susceptible to colds and flu, as well as strains, pains and injuries. To maximize the joys of the holidays and minimize the risks of illness and injury, clinical experts from Kessler (, a leader in the field of physical therapy, offer the following tips:

Don’t Shop ‘til You Drop

Holiday shopping can hurt more than your wallet! Lifting and carrying all those packages can easily lead to aches, pains and strains of the shoulder, neck and upper and lower back. • Distribute the weight of shopping bags between both hands. Pick up heavier packages by bending your knees and lifting with your legs, not your back. • Take advantage of package holding areas, home delivery and other customer services stores may offer … or consider shopping online. • Shopping is a “sport,” so be sure to stretch before you hit the mall or market, take breaks and stay hydrated.

Find Some Elves to Help

Falls account for 12% of seasonal emergency room visits, and 43% are related to falls from ladders according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the rush to get everything done, people take short-cuts or try to do too much by themselves. The best advice is to ask for help. • Don’t move furniture, large boxes or other heavy items by yourself. Enlist family, friends or neighbors to lend a hand. • Use a sturdy ladder when reaching for high shelves or the top of the tree and have someone hold it in place. • Remove clutter, including toys, pet supplies and throw rugs; tape down wires; and wipe spills and wet floors immediately to help avoid slips, trips and falls.

Indulge in Moderation

Whether entertaining at home or going to holiday parties, it’s hard to avoid the many treats and temptations of the season. Planning ahead and following some basic nutritional guidelines, can help maintain a healthier diet and prevent weight gain. • Limit salt, sugar and alcohol intake. Consider serving nuts and dried fruit or hummus and pita bread instead of candy, chips and dips. Substitute honey, agave nectar or a little bit of sugar substitute for white sugars. Use citrus or fresh herbs, like thyme or cilantro, or spices to add flavor without adding salt to savory dishes. • Watch portion size and eat slowly to avoid overeating. Don’t skip meals as you’ll likely wind up eating more or grabbing fast foods. • Allow yourself a small splurge or two, so you won’t feel deprived.


Orthopedic Conditions Sports & Work-Related Injuries Arthritis Balance Disorders …and more

While the holiday season may be the favorite time of year for many people, others find it emotionally overwhelming. Many people put too much pressure on themselves, trying to find the perfect gift or host the perfect party. In addition, the holidays can evoke memories and feelings of loss and loneliness, which can lead to a lack of interest in seasonal activities, mood swings, changes in sleeping and eating habits and depression.” • Be realistic; no one can do everything. Set reasonable goals and expectations for yourself and others. Enlist the help of family, friends and neighbors. • Have a sense of purpose. Plan to spend time with family or friends if possible, or consider volunteering at a shelter, food bank or other community organization. • Acknowledge your emotions, talk about them with close family or friends, and seek professional help if these feelings of sadness or depression persist. One final recommendation from the experts at Kessler… Get some exercise! Whether you take a walk, go to the gym, or even go dancing, exercise is excellent way to relieve tension, reenergize your spirit and help to burn some of those extra calories from holiday sweets.

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The County Woman Magazine

Heather Scannell,

PT, MPT, Cert MDT, CCCE Recipient of “2016 Kessler’s President’s Award” Heather Scannell is a physical therapist and the Center Manager for the Kessler Rehabilitation Center on Lakehurst Road in Toms River. With more than 16 years’ experience Heather specializes in the treatment of orthopedic injuries, concussion, dizziness and vestibular issues, as well as post-surgical interventions. She earned McKenzie Certification in 2009 and is proficient in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy related to both the cervical and lumbar spine. Heather also serves as a Student Clinical Education Coordinator working with doctoral students to advance their skills and knowledge of physical therapy. This year, Heather was honored with Kessler’s President’s Award for her exceptional work and commitment to the field of rehabilitation.

November/December 2016

Pediatric Dentistry


Sports and Energy Drinks Responsible for Irreversible Damage to Teeth Drinks with a lot of sugar will rot your teeth, right? That’s the conventional wisdom.

But what about the acid? It’s not something we think about much, but dentists say it’s about time we start, especially when it comes to energy drinks we – and young people in particular – are consuming. A study published in the May/June 2012 issue of General Dentistry found that an alarming increase in the consumption of sports and energy drinks is causing irreversible damage to teeth. The high acidity levels in the drinks erode tooth enamel, the glossy outer layer that protects the tooth. Once the tooth enamel is gone, teeth are more prone to cavities and more likely to decay. Researchers examined the acidity levels in 13 sports drinks and nine energy drinks. Specifically, researchers found the drinks contain a high acidity level, which is responsible for the damage. The acidity levels could vary between brands of beverages and flavors of the same brand. Researchers tested acid levels by submerging samples of human tooth enamel in the different drink samples for 15 minutes, then in artificial saliva for two hours, repeating the process four times a day for five days. Samples were stored in fresh artificial saliva the rest of the time. Researchers found that damaged tooth enamel was evident after only five days of exposure to sports or energy drinks.

“Young adults consume these drinks assuming that they will improve their sports performance and energy levels and that they are

‘better’ for them than soda,” says Poonam Jain, BDS, MS, MPH, lead author of the study. “Most of these patients are shocked to learn that these drinks are essentially bathing their teeth with acid.”

If recent reports are correct, then as many as 62 percent of teens and young adults consume at least one sports drink per day. The damage caused to tooth enamel is irreversible, and without the protections of enamel, teeth become overly sensitive, prone to cavities, and more likely to decay. “Teens come into my office with these types of symptoms, but they don’t know why,” says Dr. Sulla. “I review their diet and their consumption of sports and energy drinks. They don’t realize that these drinks can do a lot of damage to their teeth.”

Dr. Sulla recommends that his patients minimize their intake of sports and energy drinks. He also advises them to rinse

their mouths an hour after drinking these energy drinks with water or chew sugar-free gum. “Both tactics increase saliva flow,” adds Dr. Sulla, “which naturally helps to return the acidity levels in the mouth to normal.” Dr. Sulla maximizes the importance of finding a better, safer way to hydrate and boost your energy levels.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Divorce Financial Analyst


Will your divorce leave you broke? Don’t get divorced until you read this!

Free report from Certified Divorce Financial Analyst John P. Cito reveals: “How to Overcome the Top 7 Mistakes New Jersey Women Make When Divorcing” Put as much thought into planning your divorce as you did planning your wedding. What looks equal today in a settlement may not be fair five or ten years from now.

John P. Cito, CDFA 1540 Highway 138, Suite 203, Wall, NJ 07719 877-248-3453

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Will your divorce leave you broke? Divorce planning is a specialized form of financial planning that can help you achieve a financially fair divorce settlement. Careful planning before and after divorce can help move you toward your long term financial goals. My job is to give you the fair advantage. Remember you marriage may be ending but the rest of your live lies ahead.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Featured on the Cover

Lower Back or Buttock Pain It may be Coccydynia - By Stephen Wade, MD, FAAPMR, ABPM Coccydynia, commonly called tailbone pain or coccyx pain, is a fairly rare and relatively poorly understood condition that can cause pain in the lower back and buttock areas. The coccyx is the very bottom portion of the spine. It consists of between three to five very small bones called vertebra that are fused together. Coccydynia is felt as a localized pain exacerbated by sitting or with any activity that puts pressure on the lower spine. A fall on the tailbone can inflame the ligaments or injure the coccyx or the coccygeal attachment to the sacrum. This is probably the most common cause of coccydynia. During childbirth, the baby’s head passes over the top of the coccyx, and the excess pressure created against the coccyx can sometimes cause an injury to the coccyx structures (the disc, ligaments and bones) because these structures move beyond their normal limit. The most important finding on examination is usually the local tenderness upon palpation of the coccyx. Suggested treatment regimen would begin with conservative options then progress to more aggressive treatments if the pain continues. One of the first treatments for coccydynia would include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs help reduce the inflammation around the coccyx and that can help the decrease the pain. Placing a cold pack, or heat/hot pack on the painful area may help the pain. It is recommended to be applied on and off for about 20 minutes at a time for the first few days after the pain starts.

Avoiding positions that exacerbate the pain such as sitting for prolonged periods, or placing any pressure on the painful area is recommended. A custom shaped pillow to help take pressure off the coccyx when sitting may help the pain. Some find a donut-shaped pillow works well. Many prefer a foam pillow that is more of a U-shape or V-shape (with the back open so nothing touches the coccyx). Any type of pillow or sitting arrangement that keeps pressure off the coccyx is ideal. A Ganglion Impar Block can be performed to help with tailbone pain. Ganglion Impar Block is a block at the ganglion impar, a cluster of nerve cells in front of the joint between the sacrum and the coccyx. To get to this ganglion, a curved needle may be passed superficially up from underneath the coccyx, or a needle may be passed through the sacrum/coccyx joint itself. This block can provide significant pain relief for patients with tailbone pain. Garden State Medical Center is staffed with the area’s leading pain management specialists. We can work with you to help take better care of your body by promoting healthy joints, staying pain free and becoming more active. Call Dr. Wade today to discuss this condition or any other painful condition you need help with. For more information about Dr. Wade and GSMC, visit or call 732-202-3000.

FREE CONSULTATION- CALL TODAY Limited to first 20 patients Stephen Wade, MD, FAAPMR, ABPM - Pain Management Specialist Specializes in the evaluation and management of complex spine-related pain stemming from disorders such as spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, failed back/neck surgeries, as well as joint diseases. He uses the latest technology available in the treatment of chronic pain including pain of spinal and skeletal origin. He believes in utilizing both medical and interventional modalities including neuromodulation and other minimally invasive pain interventions to combat pain.


Dharam P. Mann, MD, DABA, DABPM Manjula Singh, MD Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA Stephen Wade, MD, FAAPMR, ABPM

The County Woman Magazine


Brick • Toms River • Manahawkin Marlboro • West Long Branch • Whiting

November/December 2016

Featured on the Cover


Take Control of Your Pain with the Doctors at Garden State Medical Center As an anesthesiologist and pain specialist, Dr. Manjula Singh sees her fair share of patients dealing with pain. In fact, pain is a complex condition that affects 42-50 million Americans, according to the American Pain Foundation. After graduating with her medical doctorate from Patna Medical College in India, Dr. Singh completed an internship at United Hospital Medical Center-UMDNJ. She then decided to pursue her anesthesia residency at Long Island University Hospital. She adds, “I chose anesthesia because I enjoy the high intensity and handson nature of critical care in the surgical setting. My anesthesia training also granted me the opportunity to take care of patients with post-op acute pain.” One of the Manjula Singh, MD best aspects of the specialty is that it allows for immediate gratification. “I am able to help my patients and see the results of my treatments instantaneously.” Because pain is so subjective, it makes it very difficult to measure. To help her better understand her patients’ pain, she tries to measure it on how it affects their lives on a daily basis and whether or not they are able to do the things they need to do.

MCW: Tell us about your role at Garden State Medical Center.

MCW: What is the most challenging part about your profession? Dr. Singh: Chronic pain is one of the greatest challenges that physicians handle

on any given day. There is probably just as much undertreatment of chronic pain as there is overtreatment, and trying to tell the difference can be difficult. Pain is not something that has an objective number, like high blood pressure or diabetes. You can have the same degree of pain, but one person may experience it as an eight and another person may experience it as a two. So for physicians who do not treat chronic pain on a daily basis, determining the proper treatment protocol can be difficult.

MCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession?? Dr. Singh: When you’ve been injured or are living with pain, it affects your life

on many levels. It can prevent you from working and performing the most basic tasks. In nearly a third of chronic pain sufferers, it leads to despair and even depression. My goal is to give patients the ability to manage their pain at a functional level. I feel I have succeeded if I can improve function and enable individuals to return to their desired way of life and participation in daily activities.

MCW: What makes Garden State Pain Management unique? Dr. Singh: More is known about pain than ever before,

Dr. Singh: At Garden State, we have adopted a

standard in providing comprehensive care, treating the whole person to resolve all types of chronic pain. We offer in-house diagnostic imaging services such as X-ray and MRI. As an anesthesiologist, I can provide sedation to patients who are claustrophobic or in severe pain, so they may complete these studies safely and accurately. Once we have a diagnosis, our multidisciplinary approach includes treatments such as pain medication management, physical therapy, clinical psychology, interventional pain injections and minimally invasive surgery.

and there are many more treatment options. With larger, multispecialty medical groups such as ours, there are many providers offering a comprehensive range of treatment options. Our medical facilities are staffed by the area’s leading physicians specializing in neuroradiology, pain management, physical medicine and rehabilitation, medication management, and spine surgery. This diverse range of specialties allows us to offer our patients the area’s most complete array of modern treatment options.

MCW: What are the most common issues you see in your profession?

Dr. Singh: Despite decades of research, chronic pain remains poorly understood and notoriously hard to control. Most cases of chronic pain can be traced to previous injury, infection or surgical intervention. However, we do encounter chronic pain that arose without prior injury and in absence of underlying tissue damage. The most common cases in our office are related to neck and back pain, failed back surgery, arthritis, headaches, fibromyalgia, shingles and nerve damage.


Meet Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA, Anesthesiologist/Pain Specialist Dr. Gupta joined Garden State Medical Center in 2015. She is a board-certified anesthesiologist who specializes in pain management, treating patients suffering from acute and chronic pain. Dr. Gupta also specializes in the management of complex, spine-related pain stemming from disorders such as spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, and failed back/neck surgeries. Her approach to pain treatment is a multidisciplinary one, including medication management, procedures aimed at treating neck, back, and joint pain, as well as physical therapy. She has a particular interest in neuromodulation, as well as minimally invasive pain interventions. Dr. Gupta completed her undergraduate degree in psychology and graduate degree in medicine both at New York University. After completing her schooling, she went on to train at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, with an internship in surgery and residency in anesthesiology. She furthered her training with a fellowship in interventional pain management at Mount Sinai-St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. She currently resides in Marlboro, NJ.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Avoid Dry Winter Hair—Visit Hair And Company! For many women, changes in the weather can also mean big changes in their hair. At Hair & Company, we will find just the right cut, color and style that suits you the best. Many of our professional stylists and colorists have been in business for over 20 years and we derive great satisfaction from helping our clients find a style or color just right for them. Winter 2016 is all about a fresh cut and cozy warm colors. The latest styles range from a long bob, heavy bangs, texture ballerina buns, and natural-looking gorgeous curls to simple and classic creative cuts. This season we have a special offer, to new clients only, to accent your new look with a haircut and face framing highlights for just $65.00. The holidays are our favorite time of year and we would like you to schedule an appointment to help you decide on the best color and style for your hair. The ombré hair color trend continues to be popular this winter season. You may want to try another popular color trend the Balayage (Balayage is a hair painting technique). Both of these techniques will give you a natural sun-kissed look for your hair. Usually when winter begins, we like to suggest brightening things up a bit. We specialize in special occasion hairstyles. As well as eyelash extensions, makeup applications and we have stylists who are certified in hothead extensions. These extensions are non-damaging products that provide volume, length and dynamic color easily and without

If you are concerned about getting your hair colored, we suggest that you bring in photographs that show examples of the hair color you would love to have the stylist achieve. Our stylist will help you explore your color options and ensure that they are using the same terms with the same meaning, such as “honey blonde” or “scarlet red.”

damage or hair loss. Our stylists and colorists have been trained by the best in the industry, including Schwarzkopf Professional, Paul Mitchell, Logics, Redken Exchange in NYC, Martin Parsons and L’Oréal professionals. Two of the more popular smoothing treatments we offer are Keratin Coppola and Brazilian Blowout™. This will take away the entire frizz and leave your hair silky and shiny. Whether your hair is naturally curly or wavy, this treatment has been called a “miracle” and will make blow-drying and straightening your hair much easier for months at a time. If you are short on time, try IGORA Color 10. This is a permanent color that takes just 10 minutes to get rid of the gray or refresh your color.

We’d like to introduce our new stylist and makeup artist, Shestine Montone. Shestine’s interest in the beauty industry stems from her dance experience and working behind the scenes in hair and makeup. Shestine has worked at Warren Tricomi at The Grove in Shrewsbury and most recently, Salon Pure, in Little Silver. We welcome Shestine as a new stylist and makeup artist at Hair & Company. She is excited about this new venture with Michele and looks forward to volunteering in the community at different hair and makeup events. Now is the time to purchase the holiday gift cards for your special women and men in your life. Stop by to pick up your gift cards and don’t forget to include yourself with a treatment of your choice!

Call Hair & Company Today at 732-747-6983.

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Happy Veteran’s Day

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• Latest Color Techniques Offered: Ombre/Balayage

Call Today For The Latest Specials! 732-747-6983 Veteran’s Day - Friday, November 11, 2016

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the United States, an official wreath-laying ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, while parades and other celebrations are held in states around the country. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day–a common misunderstanding, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May) honors American servicemembers who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle, while Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans – living or dead – but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.

Did You Know? Red poppies, a symbol of World War I (from their appearance in the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae), are sold in Canada and the United Kingdom on Remembrance Day to raise money for veterans or worn in the lapel as a tribute.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016




Rejuvenate Your Skin This Winter The fall is in full bloom, which is a great time to slough off any summer facial sun T damage or to essentially rejuvenate your skin. Laurie Lombardi, CDN, Para-Medical Skincare of “New York Buzz On Beauty,” is at the Natural Pharmacy in Ocean, NJ. One of Laurie’s signature skincare protocols is Micro-Dermaplaning. Micro-Dermaplaning is a safe, noninvasive treatment

which uses a special tool, held at a 45-degree angle and stroked along the skin while holding the skin taut, to remove dead skin cells. This is a wonderful form of exfoliation that can be used with or without a chemical peel. Benefits of Micro-Dermaplaning: promotes smoother skin, reduces fine lines, reduces acne scars, helps increase efficacy of skincare products, helps lighten and brighten the skin for a more youthful complexion. Laurie has recently formulated a Rx grade organic skincare line with a compound pharmacist, Eric Sauer, R. Ph, NMD, DHPh, at the Natural Pharmacy. Together they formulated an organic oatmeal lecithin scrub, which is a wonderful mix of oats, cornmeal, lecithin and baking soda, which makes it a highly alkaline scrub and gentle enough to use every day.

Other products include:

• Vitamin C (20% ascorbic acid): made the old

apothecary way, with a mortar and pestle. The ascorbic acid is first crushed; vitamin E and jojoba oil are blended and added to the ascorbic acid. This mixture is then infused into a lipo-base for deeper penetration. Vitamin C increases collagen production, reduces wrinkles, brightens the skin tone and helps repair sun damaged skin. • DMAE in a liquid water gel base: DMAE performs two different roles in the body. It both produces the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain and acts as an antioxidant cell membrane stabilizer. Topical DMAE aids in tightening the muscles that keep your skin looking healthy and diminish lines and sagging skin. Our DMAE is infused with lemongrass essential oil. Lemon Grass is known for its antimicrobial, antiseptic and bactericidal properties. • Organic Face & Eye Serum: This serum is packed with high-quality therapeutic oils as well as essential oils. The combination of green tea oil, vitamin E oil, evening primrose oil, rose hip oil and fractionated coconut oil all work synergistically to nourish and promote glowing skin from the inside out.

Laurie Lombardi, CDN and

Eric Sauer, R.Ph., NMD, DHPh

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The Natural Pharmacy

The County Woman Magazine

851 West Park Avenue Ocean, NJ 07712 (732) 695-0277 Fax: (732) 695-1522 E-Mail: November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

At Medimorphosis Weight Loss FALL IN LOVE WITH THE NEW YOU!

• Comprehensive, customized, one on one. • Medical supervision. • Medication where appropriate. • Evening appointments. • Interest-free payment plans. Lisa Kaplan Carol A. Penn, MA. Board Certified in Family Certified weight loss behavioral counselor. Medicine mind-body medicine specialist and nationally certified personal trainer.

Claudia Huegel, M.D. Board Certified Family Physician And Board Certified Bariatrician (non-surgical Weight management specialist)






Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins Submitted by Stephanie Hopkins, Cutting Board Creations, LLC 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking soda 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp ground ginger 1/4 tsp ground allspice 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg 1/4 tsp salt 2 eggs 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice concentrate, frozen and thawed

2/3 cup buttermilk 2 T oat bran 2 small Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored and chopped 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped 1 small Granny Smith apple, peeled cored and cut into 12 thin slices, for garnish

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with 12 muffin papers. Mix together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and salt in a medium bowl. Mix together eggs, apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour mixture into the egg mixture until the dry ingredients are just moistened, being careful to not overmix. Gently stir in the diced apples and nuts. Spoon batter into the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish with an apple slice. Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. Makes 12

Giving as a gift? Place muffins in a pretty basket lined with a cloth napkin.

Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative spoon and include a jar of preserves.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


There’s Help For Skin Cancer The good news is that skin cancer is almost 100 percent curable if found early and treated promptly! What is skin cancer?

I nstitute F or A dvanced R adiation O ncology

Cancer is a disease in which cells become abnormal and form more cells in an uncontrolled way. With skin cancer, the cancer begins in cells that make up the skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ. It protects us against heat, light, injury, and infection. It regulates body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D. With skin cancer, new cells form when the skin does not need them, and old cells do not die when they should. These extra cells form a mass of tissue called tumors. Not all tumors are cancer! Tumors that are cancer can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs, and sometimes can spread to other parts of the body. Skin cancers are named for the types of cells where the cancer starts.

We Specialize In:

At the Institute for Advanced Radiation Oncology, we are committed to making your cancer treatment a comfortable and successful experience. We offer individualized High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy for skin cancer, which minimizes the amount of radiation and side effects on nearby healthy tissues.

• Gamma Knife Radiosurgery • Tomotherapy

What is Skin HDR Brachytherapy?

• Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT)

Skin HDR (high dose rate) Brachytherapy is a radiotherapy technique, which is performed for certain types of basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers. It is a non-invasive curative treatment for skin cancers, which allows direct placement of the radiation over the lesion and provides maximize treatment results with little to no effects on the surrounding areas. It provides an effective alternative treatment with minimal side effects for selected patients and those who cannot be treated surgically.

• Stereotactic Body Radiosurgery Squamous cancer nose

Three months after HDR radiation

What is the treatment time?

HDR Brachytherpy is typically delivered in 3-5 minutes sessions over the course of six visits over a two week period of time. Skin cancer is effectively eliminated over 90 percent of the time. The treatment is completely painless.

• Intensity Modulated Radiation • Radioactive Seed Implantation (Brachytherapy)

Benefit of HDR Brachytherapy on skin cancer

With this technique, a skin cancer is eliminated without surgery and therefore, without the potential disfiguring effects of removing lesions along the face, ears, and other areas where cosmetic appearance is important to you. The reduction in normal tissue injury means more rapid and complete functional recovery. HDR provides shorter overall treatment times than external therapy beam radiation. Each fraction (session) of treatment can be completed in a matter of minutes.


300 Second Ave., Long Branch, NJ

For an immediate consultation or a second opinion, please call us @ 732-923-6890. Mitchell F. Weiss, MD

Board Certified Radiation Oncologist Chairman, Monmouth Medical Center Radiation Oncology Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Former Chief Resident, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center NJ Monthly “Top Docs” 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 Member, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

Sang E. Sim, MD

Board Certified Radiation Oncologist Co-Medical Director, GammaKnife at Monmouth Medical Center Training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Former Chief Resident, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Previous Chief of Radiation Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Basking Ridge, NJ NJ Monthly “Top Docs” 2011 and 2015 Member, American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Adult Day Care


Caregiver Burnout? We Care Adult Care is ready to be your Holiday Relief! Symptoms of caregiver burnout may manifest in feelings of:

Submitted by:

Tracey Wolfman,

Owner, We Care Adult Care

“Self-Care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel” ( No matter how skilled you have become in caring for your adult or elderly loved one with health or memory impairment issues, there are times when you just need a break, even for just a few hours at a time, in order to relax or to accomplish personal tasks. Caregivers of loved ones with dementia or with other disabling conditions—such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and multiple sclerosis, to name a few—experience the satisfaction of knowing they are doing their best for their loved one. On the other hand, the caregiver may also be experiencing more negative and traumatic feelings, such as anger and frustration, thereby triggering a potential personal loss of emotional and physical health. Any full-time or part-time caregiver, whether they are living near or with the family member or handling caregiving responsibilities from a distance, is at risk for this burnout syndrome and should try to avoid the effects of it whenever possible.

• Depression and anxiety • Constant fatigue and mental exhaustion • Decreased interest in work and in social interaction • A loss of productivity • A significant change in sleep and eating habits • A sense of doom, helplessness and a fear of death • Increased reliance on alcohol, prescription medication and other stimulants, to name a few! The most effective way of staying ahead of caregiver burnout syndrome is to seek help with caregiving on a regular basis and get sound advice from experienced professionals whenever you feel your responsibilities are getting too great to bear alone.

nutritious hot meals, social work support, rehabilitative therapies, podiatry, personal care and grooming services, door-to-door transportation, and more. Expert oversight by our interdisciplinary care team, which incorporates a geriatric nurse, social worker and professional activities director, enables our members to benefit from more stable physical health and enhanced memory care. At the same time, the caregiver is able to organize his or her personal schedule more effectively and consistently, which reduces the risk of caregiver burnout and increases emotional health and peace of mind. Adult day care is a win-win opportunity for all involved. At half the cost of home care services, We Care Adult Care offers the most affordable, advantageous blend of services, support and socialization for the loved one and his or her caregivers.

Additional financial support is available

through state, county and agency-specific grants for those who qualify and under many long-term care insurance policies.

The good news is that help is near at hand! We Care Adult Care invites interested parties An adult day care program such as We Care Adult Care is the most convenient, cost-effective community resource for providing a loved one with the care, attention and supportive services they need during the day, away from home. At We Care in Middletown, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., the members enjoy a full slate of appropriate recreational activities, along with nurse wellness monitoring,

to contact our center for more information and to discuss how we can be of help with your caregiving situation. We also offer a complimentary day for any new member.

732-741-7363 Email: Facebook: We Care Adult Care Please call:

We Care Adult Care is not just our name – it’s our promise Providing Care --- Promoting Excellence --- Preserving Independence

CALL 732-741-7363 for more information 732.741.7363

Union Square Mall 552A State Route 35 Red Bank, NJ 07701

Licensed by NJ Department of Health & Senior Services

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November/December 2016

Meet eet T The he S Staff taff M

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Caring Is Just What They Do Tracey L. Wolfman, RN, BSN, MA Owner

Caring for others comes naturally to Tracey Wolfman. As a Registered Nurse with a Master’s in Nursing Administration, she has spent the last 30 years working with the elderly population, specializing in Alzheimer’s disease. In business for over 15 years, Tracey is able to nurture her passion for senior citizens as the owner of We Care Adult Day Care. A nurse, expert speaker, caregiver, and entrepreneur, Tracey has provided a “Quality of Life” unparalleled by any other Adult Day Care Center in Monmouth County. Tracey also serves as an adjunct professor at Monmouth University and receives great fulfillment by sharing her passion and providing knowledge about the senior population. She serves on the Board of Directors for Alzheimer’s NJ and serves on the Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies Advisory Board. We Care received the Small Business Success Award by the NJ Small Business Development Center and received proclamations from former Governor McGreevey and Senator Joseph Kyrillos for outstanding Service to the Community.

Beth O’Neill

CALA/Office Manager

Beth is a Certified Assisted Living Administrator (CALA) and office Manager. She has been at We Care for 16 years. Beth maintains all frontend operations including inquiries, transportation, billing, human resources and financial assistance to members and their families. She is always ready with a warm smile and a helping hand. Beth loves interacting with the members and finds her job very rewarding. She and her husband live in Middletown and have four children.

Diane Eia, RN

Director of Nursing

As the Director of Nursing, Diane is responsible for the medical care of all of their members. Her role also includes working closely with the other disciplines that make up the framework for We Care Adult Day Care. She has been a RN for 28 years, specializing in the care of the elderly and developmentally disabled. Diane graduated from Brookdale Community College with degrees in Psychology and Nursing. She has a passion for the elderly and enjoys interacting with them. Her specialty is offering compassion and smiles whenever needed. Diane and her husband reside in Howell and have three children.

Kelli Desmond, MSW, CSW Director of Social Services

As the Director of Social Services, Kelli provides support, advocacy, assistance and community resource information to members and their families. Her primary role is to provide counseling, assist members and folks in the community in obtaining grants and funding, and she holds a monthly Alzheimer’s caregiver support group meeting. Kelli is a Certified Social Worker and has been with We Care since 2014. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work and a minor in Gerontology from Ramapo College. She received her MSW degree from Monmouth University. Kelli has extensive experience working with older adults and their families in a variety of clinical settings.

Debbie McCarthy Activity Director

As the Activity Director, Debbie McCarthy brings vast knowledge to her position along with kindness and compassion for the members and their families. Debbie is a Professional Certified Activity Director by the National Certification Council for Activity Professionals (NCCAP). She also completed the core Modular Education Program for Activity Professionals (MEPAP) receiving certification with the State of New Jersey. She enjoys being able to work and have fun with the clientele on a daily basis. Debbie and her husband live in Middletown and have been blessed with four daughters.

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Union Square Mall 552A State Route 35 Red Bank, NJ 07701 November/December2016 2015 November/December

Medical Professionals


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For the fourth consecutive year, the doctors of University Urology Associates of New Jersey have been recognized by fellow medical pracitioners to be among the best urologists in the Garden State. __________________________________________________ University Urology Associates of New Jersey is proud to welcome Imani J. Rosario, MD to the group. Dr. Imani Rosario earned her medical degree from the Georgetown University School of Medicine and her postgraduate training in urology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Prior to joining UUANJ, she was an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Urology at Rutgers NJ Medical School, where she was responsible for training and teaching medical students, general surgeons, and urologists in training.


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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Welcome To Our Practice Our goal at High Performance is not only to get you better, but to educate our patients in a comfortable, pleasant environment. We say that we are ‘one-stop shopping’ and it’s true.

Diabetic care, wound care, athletic injuries, trauma, and routine care… we do it all here. We treat patients of all ages. We always try conservative treatment methods first, before Dr. Stacey Paukovitz any surgery is discussed. We pride ourselves on being friendly and efficient. When a patient calls with an emergency or for a same-day appointment, we will see them immediately. We also don’t have to send patients out for x-rays, orthotics, or casting; that’s all done on-premises. I have an extensive sports background, playing Division I women’s basketball at Fordham University, therefore I understand the psyche of an injured athlete and what it takes to get them back to their activity physically and emotionally. We see a lot of local youth athletes and adults of all ages. At High Performance, we are dedicated to providing the best and most current care for our patients. This is accomplished by being familiar with the latest technology and treatments available. Unique to our office is the

the most current class IV (MLS) laser to treat injuries noninvasively. Our orthotics are made from a unique pressure analysis of your foot during the gait cycle with Footmaxx scanning. 20/20 Digital X-rays are also available on the premises to aid in an immediate diagnosis. New advances in foot and ankle surgery are constantly evolving. Local and national meetings, professional periodicals, surgical representatives, and discussion with colleagues helps our practice stay current. Our profession has become the ‘go-to’ for ANY foot and ankle issues. Years ago, podiatry was viewed as routine care only. We are trained SPECIFICALLY in foot and ankle surgery and are the experts. Our training includes rotations in all fields of medicine, with a concentration on the lower extremity. We are certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. In my 17 years of practice, I had a vision of the type of practice I would be proud to call my own. We are very dedicated to our patients. I am lucky to have Tania as my office manager who also has 15 years of experience in the field. Patients often comment on how friendly and comfortable it is in the office. That’s huge for our practice – the atmosphere is important to a practice’s success. I am also closer to home, so that is huge for me and my two daughters. They motivate me every day to be the best I can be.


Our mantra is “Compassion… Comfort… Convenience…”

1903 Atlantic Ave., Suite 3 • Manasquan, NJ 08736

(732) 528-2218

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Divorce And The Holidays: How To Make It Work Divorce can be stressful enough but just add the holidays and they can be explosive. When children are involved, the holidays and divorce can be a stressful time for all. In some of the more amicable divorces I have been involved with, the individuals who have taken the high road have been able to work out the holidays in a manner that is in the best interests of the children. “What is the perfect holiday visitation schedule?” This is a question my clients frequently ask. I tell them there is no perfect holiday schedule, just the one that is best for you and your family. If one parent is Jewish and the other is Christian, it makes sense that the parent who celebrates a certain holiday be able to enjoy it with the children. As a compromise, if the Christian parent gets Christmas with the children, then perhaps the non-Christian parent then gets another special holiday with the children or the New Year weekend. Some clients actually choose to spend holidays (or part of a holiday) together; again acting in what they believe is in their children’s best interests. I commend the client who says, “My ex and I are buying gifts for the children together and then she is coming over on Christmas morning so that we can watch the children open them together.” These are individuals who, again, are placing the interests of their children before their own interests. These are usually the same clients who agree to take the children trick or treating together, again acting in the best interests of the children. Some clients cannot reach an agreement on who is spending Thanksgiving or Christmas Eve with the children. They insist that the tradition of “their” side of the family is superior to the tradition of the other parent. I can tell you from experience that the court does not appreciate emergent applications brought on Christmas Eve or on the day before Thanksgiving because the parties cannot agree on a holiday parenting schedule. It is possible that counsel fees may be awarded to the less accommodating party.

It is always in your best interest to resolve issues involving the holidays well in advance of the actual day. It may involve compromise. In fact, because you are now divorced, you may have to modify old traditions that have been in existence for a long time. Instead of spending every Thanksgiving with the children, which may be heartbreaking to you, you may establish a tradition, where when your spouse enjoys Thanksgiving Day, you then have the rest of the long weekend with the children, and take a short road trip. Divorce means transition for all. Speak with your attorney about creative ways that the holidays can be handled. The funds spent on litigating this issue in court would be better spent on an enjoyable long weekend away with the children or some actual gifts for the children.

For more information, call 732-741-3121 or visit


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November/December 2016

Medical Professionals

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Provides Sound Alternative to Traditional Open-Back Surgery Judith Millman, a 72-year-old shuffleboard enthusiast, is ready to get back to the game after minimally invasive lumbar fusion If you suffer from neck, back or leg pain, and you’ve been told its time for surgery, know your options … because you have some. That’s what Judith Millman, a 72-year-old shuffleboard enthusiast from Toms River, learned. She has suffered with leg pain for years. To no avail, she tried epidural shots, electric stimulation – and one doctor suggested she have screws inserted. Judith kept searching for answers and then learned about minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) and the potential benefits it could bring her. “Judith was suffering from a slipped disc, or spondylolisthesis, where one of the bones of her spine was out of alignment causing the nerves going to her legs to be compressed. If left alone, this could have led to permanent damage,” explains Dr. Pinakin Jethwa, a neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS). ANS, the largest neurosurgical practice in New Jersey, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment Minimally invasive spine of disorders affecting the surgery – an alternative to nervous system – the delicate traditional surgery – gave Judith Millman immediate and complex command, control and communication relief from a slipped disc that caused crippling pain network in the body that’s in her legs. made up of the brain, spine and neurovascular system. “When Judith came to me, she had severe back pain that was not getting better. Even worse, she wasn’t unable to walk for more than a few feet without crippling pain in her legs.” Dr. Jethwa determined the best approach for the optimal outcome was minimally invasive spinal fusion. With minimally invasive spine surgery, the surgeon makes one small incision – about an inch and a half long – directly over the problem area. This is in stark contrast to open surgery where a much larger incision is made over the middle of the spine, and then muscles and soft tissues are mobilized to

access the area. Because there’s no long incision with MISS, there’s less trauma, less blood loss, less muscle injury, less need for post-op pain medication – plus a lower risk for infection and a better cosmetic result. It’s often done as same-day surgery with a shorter, more comfortable recovery period and a faster return to daily activities than traditional surgery.




“Once the small incision is made, dilators are used to provide access to the problem area,” Dr. Jethwa details. “A retractor is placed over the dilators, providing a one-inch-wide conduit to the spinal area. The entire procedure is done through this conduit with illumination and magnification provided by a microscope and without stripping the muscles from the spinal column.” MISS is being used to treat a wide range of spine issues from degenerative disc disease to herniated discs, lumbar spinal stenosis, deformities including scoliosis, spinal infections, spinal instability, vertebral compression fractures and spinal tumors. Thanks to its positive outcomes, the field of MISS continues to rapidly develop. “In Judith’s case, we relieved the pressure on her nerves by releasing the bones and ligaments. We then removed the offending disc material and realigned the spine just as we would in traditional surgery,” Dr. Jethwa continues. “For patients like Judith, MISS achieves all of the goals of traditional open surgery without the risk and discomfort. Often, two weeks after surgery, patients are ready to get back to their lives.”

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists For more information, visit or call 732.455.8225.

Judith is a prime example. She was operated on in August and a week later, was released from rehab. “My recovery was incredible,” she shares. “I had surgery on a Thursday, entered rehab the following Monday and was released that Friday. I quickly graduated from each level of self-sufficiency, and before I knew it, I was home. I exercise daily, and I’m ready to get back to shuffleboard. Life is good!”

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To learn more about minimally invasive spine surgery, visit

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10/5/16 11:17 AM November/December 2016




The Holidays Are Right Around The Corner D

Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for the holidays! Our manufacturers begin shipping their holiday merchandise in October and November, and we have the best selections around. Whether shopping for gifts or for yourself, we have what you need to make this simply the best holiday season.

You can purchase a gift certificate for that special someone or create a personalized “Wish List” from which your loved ones can shop. We also offer a layaway plan and gift wrapping for any purchase made in our boutique. We have added several new designers to our vast collection. We would like to highlight two that would be of specific interest to you at this time of year. Piscotta cashmeres are soft and easy-to-wear oversized sweaters and vests that add color and warmth to any wardrobe. Our new Siri silk evening collection, which is made in the USA, features brilliant colors and styles, both long and short, for holiday or mother of the bride and groom. The right accessory can be the key to updating any wardrobe. Scarves, necklaces, earrings and handbags can transform your basic black dress into a work of art—and we’ve got them all. Let us show you different ways to style or change your look. When shopping at Lynne’s, remember that we receive new items on a regular basis, so you will always find something different. We carry designers that you will not find in department stores and we only order a limited quantity of each. Shop early and often for the best selection of clothing and accessories. Shopping should never be a chore! We want your experience here to be enjoyable, so you walk out with clothes that make you feel as beautiful and special as you truly are. Be sure to visit our website at to sign up for our informative newsletter and be the first to know about our pop-up sales.

My staff and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Lynne Goldberg


Fall Hours: Sunday and Monday CLOSED Tues-Fri 10:30 am - 6:00 pm Sat 10:30 am - 5:00 pm

31 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ

Lynne Goldberg, Owner of Lynne’s Fashion Boutique, has been in the women’s retail clothing business since 1989, and her boutique has evolved and changed along with the times. Specializing in Mother of the Bride or Groom attire, she also carries a wide selection of casuals, sportswear and accessories that will allow you to dress well and feel comfortablefor everyday or any occasion.


Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a Great Show at two river theater! One entry per person. Entries will be accepted through December 31, 2016. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be included. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Ask Dr. Jill Gordon What Should You Look For In An Audiologist? When looking for an audiologist, everyone obviously wants the best. For either a loved one or yourself, a skilled audiologist can be very useful when facing hearing loss. The audiologists of Professional Hearing Center pledge to provide comprehensive hearing healthcare services ranging from diagnosis to rehabilitation for individuals of all ages. Here are some tips from Professional Hearing Center on finding the right professional. 1. Choose an audiologist.

An audiologist is the professional you should contact if you are experiencing difficulty hearing. Audiologists are healthcare professionals who specialize in identification, diagnosis, treatment and management of hearing disorders. Due to their extensive education, an audiologist is the best choice for dispensing hearing aids. An audiologist should hold a doctoral degree in audiology, be licensed by the state to practice and dispense hearing aids and adhere to a strict code of ethics.

2. Choose a practice where there is continuity of care.

There is greater success in an individual patient when there is a good relationship between the patient, the professional as well as the staff. Finding a trusted professional whose attention to detail and your specific hearing requirements is essential in maintaining your hearing ability on an ongoing and consistent basis. The professional has to be able to provide you with the best options, taking many factors into consideration including the degree of hearing loss, the patient’s lifestyle, their personal goals as well as their finances.

4257 Route 9 North Building 6, Suite B Freehold, NJ, 07728

732-303-9660 Dr. Jill Gordon, Au.D., CCC-A, F-AAA NJ Hearing Aid Disp. #25MG00056400 Supervising Licensee

3. Find an experienced and skilled audiologist who can objectively assess your needs One of the most important traits to look for in an audiologist is one who will provide you with comprehensive hearing evaluations using state of the art equipment. If hearing aids are needed, the audiologist should be able to offer choices of products from different manufacturers as everyone has different needs. The audiologist should provide comprehensive follow up in order to program the hearing aids to ensure the best results possible.

4, Choose a professional whom you feel comfortable with. Choose a qualified hearing professional with the expertise and personal attention that you deserve. Choose one who will give you the confidence that you are receiving the most technologically advanced hearing aids combined with the timeless qualities of individual care and commitment to your specific hearing requirements. Follow these tips so that you will end up with the right audiologist and a sense of well being. Dr. Jill Gordon and the staff of Professional Hearing Center is committed to helping each patient toward the goal of improved quality of life through better hearing. Watching people connect with their families and loved ones gives them tremendous pleasure.

$500 OFF

Hearing System Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires Dec. 31, 2016.

Jill Gordon, Au.D.,CCC-A, F-AAA

The County Woman Magazine

To schedule a hearing test, call Professional Hearing Center today!


November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Bloating And Gas And What You Can Do About It PATIENT TESTIMONIALS

Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much gas and are some of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. These symptoms can be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist. Q: How do salads and vegetables cause gas? A: There are bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that convert foods such as salad, broccoli, and beans into gas. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when too many bacteria form in the small intestine and can cause gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and anemia. It can be caused by slow motility of the Kenneth Glazier, MD intestine that can occur in normal aging, diabetes and scleroderma. Other causes include decreased stomach acid from medications such as omeprazole or gastric surgery, NSAID use, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small bowel and prior surgeries. Bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed in our office with a simple breath test and is treated with antibiotics. Q: I never had a problem with milk when I was younger but now it gives me gas, how is that possible? A: Lactose is present in most dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream and is digested by an enzyme in the lining of the intestine. This enzyme can sometimes be missing at birth. The enzyme can also be lost later in life due to injury of the intestine from an infection, celiac disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s disease. More commonly, the enzyme simply disappears with aging. This late-onset lactose malabsorption affects people more depending on their race and ethnicity and can affect close to 100% of Asians in the U.S., 80% of African Americans and 70% of Italians. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal cramps, distention, flatulence, diarrhea and/or vomiting. Lactose intolerance is also diagnosed with a simple breath test offered in the office.

“I have nothing but the best to say about Dr. Glazier and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, caring, and very pleasant. I recommend Dr. Glazier to anyone who asks!” ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor “I have been a patient for many years. Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.” ~ John, 68, Jackson “First of all, I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for taking care of me during my colonoscopy procedure. He is very precise when explaining the procedure and very kind. I would give them all 10 stars for the job well done. And, of course, I will recommend Dr. Glazier to my family, friends and neighbors.” ~ Patricia, 62, Toms River

Q: Yogurt makes me distended, does that mean I am lactose intolerant? A: No. The cultured yogurt at the grocery store does not contain lactose. More likely you are having trouble digesting the fruit on the bottom part of the yogurt, which contains fructose. Fructose is a sugar found in candy, soda, barbecue sauce, ketchup, jellies, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts, apples, mangos, watermelon, canned fruit, honey, corn syrup and many other food products. Fructose can be malabsorbed by the intestine and produce symptoms of gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be diagnosed by a simple breath test in our office. Q: Is there a diet for bloating? A: My first approach is to have patients write a diet/symptom diary of what they eat and how they feel. This can be used to pinpoint what foods are causing bloating and eliminate those foods from the diet rather than making drastic dietary changes. These results can also help guide which breath tests to start with. An alternative is to follow the low FODMAP diet. This diet tries to eliminate foods that can commonly cause bloating. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides and Polyols. These include fructose, lactose, sweeteners, beans, wheat, onion, garlic, lentils, and some fruits. This elimination diet is usually followed for 6 weeks. After this, high FODMAP foods are added one at a time to see if foods trigger symptoms. Q: How do breath tests work? A: Bacterial overgrowth and lactose and fructose malabsorption can be detected using a hydrogen breath detector. Patients either drink a can of soda for fructose intolerance or a glass of whole milk for lactose intolerance at home. Three hours later patients come to the office and blow into the machine once, which takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming to the office and have to blow into the machine every 20 minutes until the test is positive. This can take from one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one morning a week.


Gastroenterologists of Ocean County

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Medicare, HMO’s and most insurance accepted.

If you suffer from symptoms of bloating and gas, contact your gastroenterologist to initiate proper testing.

Call today to schedule your appointment at Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.


Allan Cohen, MD •Omar Tamimi, MD• Jill Collier, MD • Edgar Bigornia, MD

The County Woman Magazine

1617 Rte. 88 W. Brick, NJ 08724 732-349-4422

Forked Rive

* Limited hours by appointment. 355 Rte. 9 Bayville, NJ 08721* 732-349-4422 *Limited hours by appointment

Medicare, HMO’s and most insurance accepted. November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Zika Virus and Fertility What Every Woman Needs to Know


Practice Enhanced Precautions” and suggests a few of the following safety steps to staying proactive:. 1. Do not travel to an area with Zika. 2. If your sex partner is traveling to areas with Zika make sure to use condoms during sex. 3. Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)- registered insect repellent to avoid mosquito bites. 4. Wear long-sleeve shirts and pants to avoid contact with mosquitoes. 5. Take steps to control mosquitoes entering your home by repairing screens, doors, and windows.

How the Virus Operates

Individuals who have traveled to an affected area or have had intercourse with someone who has traveled to a Zika-impacted region, simple blood and urine tests can be performed by your fertility specialist or womens’ health physician to alleviate any concerns.

by Dr. Allen Morgan Allen Morgan Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, NJ

rying to conceive and planning on traveling? Here’s everything you need to know about Zika virus before you buy those plane tickets. Zika virus is a pandemic which is spreading throughout the western hemisphere, raising concerns for pregnant women and those trying to conceive, and prompting leading fertility specialists to launch informative campaigns.

The serious illness is spread from infected Aedes species mosquitoes to humans but can also be contracted through sexual contact, blood transfusions or laboratory exposure if the virus is present. Researchers have suggested the placenta is aiding the virus to cross through the maternalfetal barrier. This explains the lack of nutrients and blood supply the baby receives.

Possible Effects

The most widely known effect of the Zika virus is Microcephaly, which is a lifelong condition where the baby’s brain does not develop properly resulting in a significantly smaller head size than normal. Other risks include miscarriage, physical deformities and severe damage of the child’s nervous system.

Precautions and Prevention

Because the lifetime of the virus is unknown, any person actively trying to conceive should follow safety precautions to avoid contracting the virus. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued “Level 2

Egg Freezing

There are no recommendations or policy statements from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) or from the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) for women who choose to freeze their eggs for later use in order to prevent Zika exposure. To those women spending an extending period of time in regions with Zika, freezing eggs could give women a sense of security. This decision is a very personal choice and should be discussed with a physician. About Dr. Morgan: Dr. Morgan is widely recognized for exceptionally high IVF success rates with minimal use of fertility drugs. Dr. Morgan completed his fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at The University of Kentucky before opening his own practice in central New Jersey in 1993, where he has helped over 3000 patients become parents. He is also a clinical professor at Jersey Shore Medical College, teaching OB-GYN residents since 1993. His expertise also encompasses advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery to preserve and enhance female fertility, treating conditions such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and polyps.

For more information, call 732-363-4777 or Visit Concierge Fertility Care

(732) 361­2252

Lakewood . Ocean . Old Bridge

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Reverse Lending ReverseMortgage Mortgage L ending




Reverse Mortgage Lending



Revers Mortgag

Revers Mortgag MYTH 1






A Reverse Mortgage will cause me to lose my home. A reverse mortgage is a lien; you still own your home. You will have to continue to pay your property taxes and insurance on the home.

MYTH 1 A Reverse Mortgage will cause me to lose my home. The income I receive from my Reverse Mortgage will 2 A reverse mortgage is a lien;Security you still own yourand home. You will have tobenets. continue to affect my Social other



pay your property taxes and insurance on the home.

This is a wonderful of a Reverse Mortgage. is a loan, and therefore is not The income Ibenet receive from my Reverse Mortgage It will considered taxable income. It will not lower important Social Security and Medicare FALSE MYTH 2 affect my Social Security and other benets. benets.

This is a wonderful benet of a Reverse Mortgage. It is a loan, and therefore is not My children willIt be for the repayment considered taxable income. will notresponsible lower important Social Security and Medicare FALSE X MYTH 3 of the benets. Reverse Mortgage loan.


My children will be responsible for the repayment

If a borrower or their estate wants to retain ownership of the property, the balance of 3 MYTH of the Reverse Mortgage loan.





the loan must be paid off. However, the owner can sell the home, and any equity in the home atIf athe time to the estate, thethe bank. borrower or of theirsale estatewill wantsgo to retain ownership of thenot property, balance of


the loan must be paid off. However, the owner can sell the home, and any equity in the home at the time of sale will go to the estate, not the bank.

If I get a Reverse Mortgage, the bank will own my home. MYTH 4 If I get a Reverse Mortgage, the bank will own my home.



You will always retain ownership of your home. You can sell your home at any time, and your will not be foreclosed oncan assell long as you Youhome will always retain ownership of your home. You your home at anycan time, continue to live in your and your home will not be foreclosed on astaxes long as you caninsurance. continue to live in your FALSE and home maintain your property and home and maintain your property taxes and insurance.

Call me today andand let’s a Reverse Mortgage Call me today let’ssee see ifif a Reverse Mortgage is right for you!is right for you! Ken KenSawan Sawan

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HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. Corporate NMLS ID #6521 ( 194 Wood Ave South, 9th Floor, Iselin, NJ 08830. New Jersey Residential Mortgage Lender License 9200151. Connecticut Mortgage Lender License 10642.

The County Woman Magazine

Funeral Planning

The County Woman Magazine

July/August 2016

July/August 2016

An affordable alternative to burial... DeGraff Funeral Home has traditional funeral services, cremation options with a wide variety of memorial service packages and celebration of life services tailored to meet the needs of each individual family. Providing excellence, honesty and dedication to every family we serve is our primary goal. Arrangements are available at our office or in the comfort and privacy of your home.

DeGraff Cremation Services Sherry DeGraff

Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3921

119 Union Ave. Lakehurst, NJ 08733

Arrangements Available In Your Home, Removal From Place of Death, Alternative Container, Transfer To Crematory

The County Woman Magazine

Call: 732-657-7868 November/December 2016

O Orthodontics rthodontics


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Ocean Ocean Orthodontics Orthodontics

Practicing Practicing in in Ocean Ocean Township Townshipfor for11 11years years

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Dr. Sezer Olcay is not your typical typical orthodontist. orthodontist. In In fact, fact, itit isis not not uncommon uncommon for for her her patients patients to to keep in touch with her and actually form caring relationships. She has been practicing Orthodontics actually form caring relationships. She has been practicing Orthodontics in Monmouth County for the past past 12 12 years, years, dealing dealing with with discrepancies discrepancies and and misalignments misalignments of of the the teeth and jaw. The official name name of of the the specialty specialty isis “Orthodontics “Orthodontics and and Dento-facial Dento-facial Orthopedics.” Orthopedics.” She adds, “It is not just correction correction of of crooked crooked teeth, teeth, but but also also facial/jaw facial/jaw bone bone problems, problems, such such as as under and over bite issues.”

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Advanced Orthodontic Care with with a a Friendly Friendly Smile! Smile!

Health & Wellness

The road to recovery starts with Hope. Introducing Princeton House Behavioral Health’s outpatient center at 615 Hope Road, Eatontown.

Princeton House Behavioral Health, a unit of Princeton HealthCare System, is a regional leader in behavioral healthcare. Our Women’s Program — the premier service of its kind in New Jersey — is now available at our new outpatient center in Eatontown. The Women’s Program is sensitive to the special needs of women facing acute behavioral health crises involving trauma, trauma and addiction, or life transitions. Our multidisciplinary team of board-certified psychiatrists and highly qualified counseling professionals use evidence-based practices to provide comprehensive, compassionate care in a healing, comfortable environment. Treatment options include a partial hospital program (five days per week) and an intensive outpatient program (three days per week). Treatment programs include: Women’s Trauma Women’s Trauma and Addiction Women’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Women’s Emotion Regulation

For more information or to make a referral, please call

888.437.1610 or visit The County Woman Magazine Magazine

November/December 2016

Assisted Living

related to students with learning disabilities. Her program “Pathways the Mind “isand based on her in experience, and more information, please For also please visit: visit: August fortomany lectures workshops our field. findings Brick location. Debbie continues her education, research on the development of reading skills and has beenIrecognized throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties. also attend several lectures, workshops and seminars attending workshops, seminars and lectures every year. Learning Press LLC provides comprehensive reading instruction to students in grades K-6 who are struggling with reading.

Assissted Living Assisted Living


Barbara Stoll

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2145 Whitesville Road • Toms River, New Jersey 08755 The County Woman Magazine Specialized Reading Program

January/February July/August 2016

Things To Know If You Love Someone With Dyslexia • They see the world in a different way, have difficulty with organization and communicate differently. • Despite their high intelligence, they sometimes seem incoherent in conversation because they see so many different perspectives at once. • They find details exhausting. • They function differently on different days. • They view the world from different perspectives and are highly creative. • They see things that others don’t, like words moving on or off the page or flipping about.

• They get overwhelmed by what they see because they see so many possibilities and their thoughts get distorted. • They are more likely to have ADD. • They can experience thought as reality and can fully believe they have told you something they haven’t. • They think in pictures instead of words. • They will always have dyslexia, though they CAN learn to read. • They use their brain differently, underutilizing the left hemisphere—the area required for reading—and the bridge of tissue between the two sides of the brain doesn’t function in the same way. • Dyslexia is inherited. • They are full of contradictions because they’re filtering through all the possibilities they see. • THEY CAN BE INCREDIBLY SUCCESSFUL.

Mary Beth D’Antoni

Business owner of Learning Press LLC, Author of “Pathways to the Mind,” Educator, Speaker

The County Woman Magazine

• They can change the world. They are kind, creative, highly intelligent beings.

At Learning Press Reading Center, we understand your child and, using our passion, commitment and expertise, we will teach your child to be a confident, successful, lifelong reader. CALL US TODAY! 848-223-3971

848-223-3971 2679 Hwy. 70 • Manasquan, NJ 08736 November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Hemorrhoids: The Bottom Line Did you know we are born with hemorrhoidal tissue? It’s a part of our anatomy. Hemorrhoidal tissue lies within the anal canal and perianal area and consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and a small amount of muscle. Hemorrhoids are described as varicose veins of the anus and rectum because they are enlarged, bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. The only time we actually feel hemorrhoids is when they become enlarged or symptomatic. Dr. Paonessa likes to use the analogy: “We all have teeth, but we all don’t have cavities.” Likewise, we all have hemorrhoids, but we all don’t have symptomatic Dr. Paonessa hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Each can have different symptoms and often different treatments. Internal (inside) hemorrhoids form in the anus beneath a lining called mucosa, which is not sensitive to touch, pain, stretch or temperature. As such, internal hemorrhoids are commonly associated with painless bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements. It is only when the hemorrhoid completely prolapses from the opening of the anus and cannot be pushed back inside that it becomes severely painful. Internal hemorrhoids are classified in four grades: Grade One: The hemorrhoid is not protruding from the opening of the anus (no prolapse). Grade Two: The hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus but it goes back in on its own. Grade Three: The hemorrhoid protrudes and requires the patient to push it back inside the anus. Grade Four: The hemorrhoid cannot be placed back into the anus by the patient. This is often very painful. External (outside) hemorrhoids form around the anus and are covered by very sensitive skin. The most common complaints associated with external hemorrhoids are occasional swelling, pressure or discomfort. When a hemorrhoid is symptomatic, it becomes a bluish-colored, painful lump outside the anus. If the external hemorrhoid develops a clot (thrombosis), it becomes a hard, painful lump. When the pressure becomes elevated, it can cause the thrombosed hemorrhoid to break down the overlying skin and the clot begins to leak out. Even after the hemorrhoid has healed, some patients complain about soft tissue outside the anus called an anal skin tag. An anal skin tag is the residual effects from the thrombosed external hemorrhoid. A skin tag may hinder a patient’s ability to clean after a bowel movement. Although there is no treatment for anal skin tags, they can be removed if hygiene becomes an issue for the patient. There are several factors that can cause hemorrhoids, although the exact cause is unknown. Upright posture alone increases pressure on the rectal veins and can cause them to bulge. Additional factors include aging, chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during pregnancy, heredity, straining during bowel movements, overuse of laxatives or enemas, and extended periods of time on the toilet (i.e., reading). Here are some symptoms you should be aware of to determine if you may have a hemorrhoid problem: if you are having bleeding during bowel movements, itching in the anal area, pain, sensitive lumps or prolapsing during bowel movements. If you do experience any of these symptoms, do not treat with over-the-counter medication. Call and make an appointment with your doctor. It is very important to understand that NOT all rectal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids. As such, it is crucial to seek consultation with a specialist such as a colon and rectal surgeon to be sure that the rectal bleeding is not caused by a serious disease such as anal or colorectal cancer. How hemorrhoids are treated depends on how severe the condition is. If the symptoms are mild, your doctor may simply have you increase your fiber intake in your diet (i.e., fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals) or add an oral fiber supplement. It is recommended that you consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It is very important to make sure that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of water. Other beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol will dehydrate you, so try to decrease your intake of those beverages. These measures help to create a soft, formed stool, thereby eliminating excessive straining during bowel movements. This, in turn, will decrease the pressure on the hemorrhoids. The use of warm water soaks (sitz baths) will also provide relief. There are several outpatient treatments that may be performed in the office to help treat symptomatic hemorrhoids. These include rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. All of these procedures are painless. Dr.

Paonessa’s procedure of choice in the office is sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a chemical irritant into the hemorrhoid which causes scarring and shrinkage of the blood vessels present within the hemorrhoidal tissues. This procedure is painless and has few, if any, complications. Sclerotherapy is safe for patients on blood thinners. As with any procedure, you will need to discuss this with your physician. External hemorrhoids may be treated on an outpatient basis as well. Excision of the hemorrhoidal tissue can be performed. The hemorrhoid will be injected with a numbing agent and excising of the hemorrhoid, along with any blood clot (thrombus), is done. In this case the entire external hemorrhoid is removed, not lanced, so as to avoid any residual skin tag once healed. This procedure provides instant pain relief for those patients suffering from severe pain. Often hemorrhoids that are not thrombosed can be treated with dietary change and sitz baths. There are other procedures that can be done on an outpatient basis at surgery centers or hospitals. These include traditional hemorrhoidectomy, transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD), and stapled hemorrhoidectomy. As with any surgery, you will need to have your physician evaluate your condition and see what the best option for you is. With advances in local anesthetic and surgical technique, hemorrhoidectomy is not the painful procedure it had been associated with in the past. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms or conditions discussed,

please contact Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery to make an appointment with Dr. Paonessa. Dr. Paonessa is well trained in all aspects of hemorrhoid management and surgery. In fact, she is the co-editor of the textbook Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition, and authored three of the chapters within this textbook.

To schedule an appointment, please call 732-282-1500 or visit

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparaoscopic surgery • colonoscopy • anorectal surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • pelvic floor disorders • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • office proctology • anorectal manometry/physiology 2101 Route 34 South, Suite H Wall, NJ 07719

The County Woman Magazine

1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 Fax: (732) 282-1501

Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM November/December 2016



Advantages And Disadvantages Of Creating A Revocable Trust Revocable trusts are similar to irrevocable trusts with one key exception—revocable trusts are, as the name suggests, revocable. This means that the trust can be terminated or changed by the grantor of the trust as he or she sees fit. Depending on your circumstances, there are both advantages and disadvantages to having the control afforded by a revocable trust. We have outlined a few of the most important below.

Christine L. Matus, Esq.

Keep in mind, this article is not intended as legal advice for your specific situation. When it comes to creating and navigating a trust, you should always consult with a skilled estate planning attorney like Christine Matus of The Matus Law Group. Give us a call today to learn more.

ADVANTAGES 1) Flexible to grantor’s needs The biggest benefit to revocable trusts is their flexibility. Revocable trusts—also known as “living” trusts—can be terminated or updated at any time during your life. Revocable trusts are also more flexible than wills in many circumstances. Wills require stringent policies to be revoked or even amended. It is generally much easier to amend a revocable trust. What this means is, as your circumstances change during your life, you can update your revocable trust to better suit your needs. Conversely, an irrevocable trust cannot be changed or terminated after you create the trust. 2) May bypass probate Probate applies mostly to wills and any property which was not properly planned for in a will or with some other vehicle. Revocable trusts are somewhat similar to wills in that they can each be revoked during the life of the grantor. Upon

death, both become irrevocable. However, the property held in revocable trusts usually does not need to undergo potentially lengthy and costly probate proceedings. Revocable trusts can provide a much more efficient and flexible vehicle to allow you to distribute your property to your heirs. DISADVANTAGES 1) Creditors Assets in a revocable trust are usually subject to creditors or legal judgments against you, such as in a personal injury lawsuit. The same ownership over the property that you maintain during life that allows you to change or revoke the trust also means the property remains accessible with regard to the satisfaction of debts. During your lifetime, creditors can petition the court to reach into your trust to satisfy any outstanding debts, and you will have little or no protection against such actions. 2) No tax benefits While an irrevocable trust may serve to help you avoid or minimize estate taxes, since the assets will not be counted towards your estate, assets held in a revocable trust can and will likely be includable in your estate since you maintained full control over the assets during your lifetime. If you are considering setting up any type of trust, whether revocable or irrevocable, it is essential that you consult with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney who will take the time to understand your unique circumstances and advise you on the best course of action based on your needs and goals.

For more information, call 732-281-0060 or visit Helping people protect assets for Special Needs Children and conduct smooth real estate closings for almost two decades.


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Christine L. Matus, Esq. with her family

Local Author

Stormy Waters From the Darkness of Grief to the Light of Hope

Author Rosalie Stolinski Siciliano deals with the feelings of grief, the moments you want to scream and the moments you think you cannot move. She has captured both in such a way that you cannot help but experience them as she did. Join her as she recounts a journey through harrowing despair and onward to the promise of a new beginning. Rosalie Stolinski Siciliano

Book can be purchased on Amazon or by contacting the author at

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals November Is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month:

What You Need To Know


Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S.? Approximately 200,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and 27 percent of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer. What causes lung cancer? Smoking. Smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. Even though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the higher your risk. The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quit smoking. Tobacco smoke damages cells in the lungs, causing the cells to grow abnormally. Regular exposure to smoke from someone else’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes (called secondhand smoking) can increase a person’s risk of lung cancer, even if they are non-smokers. Exposure to asbestos. Certain jobs such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, insulation or automotive brake repair may cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can irritate the lung and cause cancer. When combined with smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is much higher. Radon. Radon is an invisible, odorless gas released by soil and some rocks. Exposure to higher levels of radon can cause cancer, especially lung cancer. What are the types of lung cancer? There are two different types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. This difference is based on the type of cancer cells. Most lung cancers are non-small cell. Among the non-small cell lung cancers, there are several subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell and large cell. What are the symptoms and signs? Symptoms and signs include coughing, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and weight loss. Most often, the symptoms do not manifest until the cancer is advanced. Sometimes lung cancer can be detected as a shadow in the lung on an X-ray done for other reasons. What is the diagnosis? Once your doctor suspects that you have lung cancer, you will be sent for CT scans and in some cases, a PET scan. A PET scan can detect cancer more accurately than other tests. The diagnosis is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the suspicious lesions seen on the X-ray or CT scans. The scans also help to see if the cancer has spread to any other organs, a process called metastasis. Are there different stages? Staging is different for small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer has only two stages: limited stage (confined within the lungs) or extensive (spread outside the lungs). Non-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is a small tumor that is confined to the lung, that has not spread to the lymph glands. Larger tumors and those that are spread to the lymph glands come under stages II and III. When the cancer has spread to other organs, it is stage IV. What are the treatment options? Treatment is based on the stage and the type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is mainly treated with chemotherapy. In limited stage small cell lung cancer,

radiation can be combined with chemotherapy. Early stage non-small cell lung cancer is best treated by surgical resection. An experienced surgeon removes the tumor, surrounding normal lung tissue and the lymph glands around it. Even after removing the tumor, cancer cells can remain and cause recurrent cancer, either in the lung itself or in other organs. Chemotherapy, radiation or both are used after surgery to reduce the chance of recurrent cancer. Advanced stage lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs used are based on the type of lung cancer, age of the patient, other medical illnesses, etc. There is ongoing research to improve the outcome in patients with lung cancer. What’s new in lung cancer? Targeted agents: Medicines that target certain proteins or receptors on the cancer cells are being developed for the treatment of various cancers. These targeted agents attack the cancer cells specifically, sparing other cells. Targeted agents cause less severe side effects than chemotherapy. A few different targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. Tarceva (erlotinib) is a drug that works in certain types of lung cancers carrying a mutation in a receptor called EGFR. A new drug called crizotinib was approved recently for the treatment of lung cancer that carries a gene called ALK fusion oncogene. No two tumors are alike! Even among lung cancers, there are different distinguishing features. Your oncologist chooses the type of treatment based on a number of factors, including the cell type, stage, different biological markers on the cancer cells and your other medical problems. What you should know: • If you are a heavy smoker, and have been smoking for several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an X-ray or a CT scan. • Ask your MD about different methods to help you quit smoking. • If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask about the type of cancer you have, stage and other features such as EGFR mutation. • What is your treatment plan? • What are the side-effects of treatment? • Are there support services available?

To learn more about lung cancer and the treatment of other cancers, contact Dr. Sarah Easaw at 732-961-0010 or visit

The County Woman Magazine

Compassionate Care, Close to Home  We offer a full range of Hematology and Oncology services.  We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer care in a warm and personalized manner.  Our newly renovated, spacious infusion room provides a peaceful and friendly atmosphere to patients while they receive chemotherapy and other infusions.  We have a highly qualified, experienced and compassionate staff.

732.961.0010 Easily Accessible Location!

1255 Route 70, 31S Near Exit 88 on GSP

Lakewood, NJ 08701 Accepts Most Insurances. Affiliated with Kimball Medical Center and Community Hospital Access to Clinical Trials.

Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP

Diplomate of the American Board of Hematology, Oncology & Internal Medicine

November/December 2016

Health ealth & &W W ellness H ellness

# 32

Yoga Teacher Training Certification “500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification” Beginning In January 2017 Gail “Maheshwari” Cristelli

Come to the Information session on Thursday November 17th from 6-7 and take a class with Gail immediately following!

Check the website for dates and time.

See our webpage for the next Beginners Series

Deepen your practice and your teaching skills: Therapeutic Yoga Techniques: Prenatal, Yoga for the Spine, Woman’s Health, Yoga for Sports and Yogassage.

One on One Yoga: Design Specific practices to meet students needs. Yoga Philosophy: Energy Chakras, Prana Vayus, Koshas, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras and Spiritual Readings These teachings will be one weekend a month for 12 Months and include a Ashram weekend. You will graduate in December 2017!

You can email Gail at and view her history at

March, 2017


will be at FYC! Please register online, space is limited! See Website for details!

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SATSANG 1st and 3rd Sunday 7:30am-8:50 The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

FREEHOLD YOGA CENTER 3 West Main Street Freehold, NJ 07728

732-462-YOGA November/December 2016 2016 November/December

PACE Program


Beacon Of Life: A Program Of All-Inclusive Care For The Elderly Imagine a place where your mom or dad’s entire health care needs comes from ONE location. A place where doctors, nurses, therapists and other health care professionals work together and partner with families and care givers to deliver exceptional care to the elderly population who, without the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the elderly (PACE), might need nursing home care. Beacon of LIFE provides an alternative to nursing home placement. This option can dramatically improve quality of life while allowing elderly individuals to stay living safely and independently in their homes with PACE services. The Beacon of LIFE program is open to seniors age 55 and older who live in the Monmouth County PACE service area, are certified by the state to need nursing home-level care and able to live safely at home with the support of PACE services. Susan Skola, PACE provides a team of health care professionals, who are Executive Director experienced in caring for the elderly. At Beacon of LIFE we are committed to helping our participants and their families make health care decisions that are meaningful for them. Beacon of LIFE offers Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage, if eligible. In addition, Beacon of LIFE will support family members and other caregivers with caregiving training, support groups and respite care to help families keep their loved ones in the community. Care and services are provided at the PACE center, home or an alternate setting based on the needs of the individual. All PACE centers meet state and federal safety requirements and include adult day programs, medical clinics, personal care, activities, meals, and occupational and physical therapy facilities. Most importantly, the PACE program becomes a second family to many seniors with limited support and resources. An interdisciplinary team (IDT) provides highly coordinated care for each PACE participant. This program is available at no cost to eligible participants that have Medicare and / or Medicaid. Private pay is an option for eligible participants that do not have Medicaid. Very similar to nursing homes, PACE tends to attract participants who are older and have very high care needs. Most PACE participants live alone in the community (only seven percent live in nursing homes). A participant in PACE can stay in the program through the end of their life unless they choose to dis-enroll. The care of the interdisciplinary team follows the participants through all care settings, including hospital, rehabilitation, and nursing home stays. Beacon of LIFE PACE reduces hospital and nursing home use for two reasons: PACE emphasis on preventative care and regular monitoring by an interdisciplinary care team (IDT). PACE’s capitated financing creates incentives to reduce the total cost of care. However, the main focus of the PACE program is to help seniors live safely in the community for as long as possible.

For more information, call 732-592-3400 or visit

PACE STATS: • The first PACE site opened in 1971 in San Francisco • 118 PACE organizations operate across the country in 31 states • PACE services 28,255 Seniors Nationwide. • The average age of a participant is 80-years-old

Susan M. Skola, Executive Director Beacon Health and Social Services

732-592-3401 1075 Stephenson Ave., Suite B, Oceanport, NJ 07757

Beacon of LIFE


The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Memory Care


Now Open! Millennium Memory Care at Holmdel

92 Stillwell Rd • Holmdel, NJ • 07733 Call (732) 361-2777 to arrange a tour!

We specialize in challenging or difficult cases

This beautiful new location features: • 16 room luxury community • Private spacious rooms with bathrooms • Beautiful inside balcony for physical therapy • Greenhouse with home grown vegetables • Serene landscaping and walking paths • Geriatric Nurse Practitioner on staff • Engaging individual and group activities • High staff to resident ratio • State-of-the-art security

Home care with visiting physician or nurse practitioner also available

Other Locations: Monroe • Matawan • Ocean Visit us online at

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals M P edical



43 35

The Only Center In NJ That Specializes In MCI, The Only Center in NJ thatRelated specializes in MCI, Alzheimer’s Disease And Conditions! Alzheimer’s disease and Related Conditions!

Common questions we ask our patients The Memory Enhancement Center of Dr. Ross received his medical degree from the at the Memory Enhancement Centers America provides unmatched excellence in State University of New York Downstate Medical Dr. Ross received his medical degree an from the Theaccurate Memorydiagnosis Enhancement Center treatment of of America: Common questions patients we ask Center in Brooklyn. He then completed internship the and proper State University of New York Downstate Medical and residency in Internal Medicine at Nassau County America provides unmatched excellence in of•you atrepeat the Memory Enhancement Do you questions about the events of the day? of individuals age 45 and older who have Center Center in Brooklyn. then completed internMedical in EastHeMeadow, New York,anwhere the accurate diagnosis and proper treatment Centers America: • Do youof avoid driving to unfamiliar locations? he was Chief Resident, and a fellowship in the ship and residency in Internal Medicine at Nassau concerns about their memory. Individuals of individuals age 45 and older who have • Do you questions about thepost-its events or of calendars the day? • Do yourepeat rely more on reminders, Department of Geriatrics andEast Adult Development at County Medical Center in Meadow, New York, concerns memory. Individuals come • Domore come about to the their Center from the Tri-State area before? youthan avoid driving to unfamiliar locations? Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, New York. where he was Chief Resident, and a fellowship in to the center from the Tri-State area.Why? • Doyou yourely havemore trouble conversations Dr.theRoss is a Diplomate of the National Board of Why? They receive in our state of the facility a • Do on recalling reminders, post its orthe next Department of Geriatrics and Adult DevelopThey receive in our state of the facility a Medical Examiners andment of theatAmerican BoardMedical of Internal Medicine day or several moredays thanlater? before? Mount Sinai Center in Newwith York, comprehensive confidential consultation calendars added qualification in Geriatric Medicine. comprehensive andand confidential consultation • Doyou youhave seemtrouble confused while doing familiar things in New York. Dr. Ross is a Diplomate of the National • Do recalling conversations Dr. Ross’ Achievements atcost no cost to them or their insurance. at no to them or their insurance. Board of Medical Examiners and of the American Board of Internal Medicine outside theornext daythe or home? several days later? • Alzheimer’s Caregiver Humanitarian of the Year (2011) with added qualification in Geriatric Medicine. it just simple forgetfulnessoror something • Do Is itIsjust simple forgetfulness • Doyou youseem have confused trouble paying the bills? • Academy of Physicians in Clinical Research Board of Trustees while doing familiar Dr. Ross' Achievements something (2011-2012) • Do you get confused about the day, date or month of more? more? things in or outside the home?


Ross hashas thethebest approaches year? • Dothe you have trouble paying the bills? Dr.Dr. Ross bestand andnewest newest approaches to highly and accurately diagnose the cause of • Do you getconfused lost or confused driving to highly and accurately diagnose the cause of • Do you get about while the day, dateor walking memory loss in all that come to the Center. It is in a familiar place? memory loss in all that come to the Center. It is or month of the year? hoped soon thethe center might to • Doyou youget have in your speech? hoped soon Center mightoffer offeraaprogram program to • Do lostpauses or confused while driving prevent or delay MCI/AD. We are the only center • Do you have problems prevent or delay MCI/AD. We are the only center or walking in a familiarfinding place? even common words in NJ that specializes in MCI, Alzheimer’s Disease using familiar names? in NJ that specializes in MCI, Alzheimer’s Disease • Dooryou have pauses in your speech? and related conditions. • Do you sometimes forget what you wanted to say in and related conditions. • Do you have problems finding even common All dementia starts with what is called Mild the middle of afamiliar conversation? All dementia starts with what is called Mild words or using names? Cognitive Impairment or MCI. Most doctors • Do you walk into a room and forget what you came Cognitive Impairment or MCI. Most doctors • Do you sometimes forget what you wanted have heard the term MCI but don’t know how to to do or get? have heard the term MCI but don’t know how to to in saythere in the middle of a conversation? properly apply it to the appropriate patient with If you answered positively to two or more of these properly apply it to the appropriate patient with • Do you walk into a room and forget what memory loss. It is quite simple: questions then call the Memory Enhancement Center memory loss. It is quite simple: you came in their to do or get? The world renowned physician/neurologist, of America today for a free consultation. You have world renowned physician/neurologist, If you answered positively to two or more Dr. RonThe Peterson, MD who literally wrote the nothing to lose except more of your memory if you Dr. Ron Peterson, MD, who literally wrote the book of these questions then call The Memory book called Mild Cognitive Impairment has the wait a minute longer. called Mild Cognitive Impairment has the following Enhancement Center of America today for a free following criteria that need to be in place to After memory tests at your what criteria that need to be in place to diagnose MCI: consultation. You have nothing to loseoffice, except more diagnose MCI: else is done to help explain the cause? 1. Memory concern corroborated preferably by a of your memory if you wait a minute longer. 1. Memory concern corroborated preferably by a Dr. Ross provides a detailed consultation to you close friend/family member. close friend/family member. After memory tests at your what and your current physicians so theyoffice, can also help you 2. Objective memoryimpairment impairment for for the 2. Objective memory theage ageand and else is done to help explain the cause? decide upon the next course of action. This may be a education of the subject (we administer these simple education of the subject (we administer these prescription of an FDA approved drug for dementia/ Dr. Ross provides a detailed consultation to teststests of memory at the at center to determine if this simple of memory the center to deteryou and yourDisease. currentIn physicians soathey can also Alzheimer’s some cases, suggestion to criteria is satisfied). mine is this criteria is satisfied. help you decide upon the next course of action. reduce or eliminate possible medication(s) that can 3. Largely intact general cognitive function (meaning 3. Largely intact general cognitive function (meanbe a prescription of an loss FDA be may contributing to your memory as approved well as offer meet andand talktalk withwith you that ing to tomost mostpeople peoplewho who meet you This drug for dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease. In some you an opportunity to participate in a pharmaceutical there would anythingnoticeable). noticeable). there would notnot bebeanything cases, a suggestion to reduce or eliminate possible sponsored clinical research trial. An abnormal level 4. Generally preservedactivities activitiesof of daily daily living 4. Generally preserved living(this medication(s) that can be contributing to yourwith of B12 in your blood may also be a factor along simply means you can still drive, prepare meals, (this simply means you can still drive, prepare memory as welland as offer anpossible opportunity thyroid loss conditions manyyou more shop, change appointments by phone, renew meals, shop, change appointments by phone, participate in a pharmaceutical sponsored clinical medications by phone with the pharmacy or renew medications by phone with the pharmaresearch trial. An abnormal level of B12 in your prescription benefits plan plan manager, and care for all cy or prescription benefits manager, and blood may alsoOF beALZHEIMER’S a factor alongDISEASE with thyroid SYMPTOMS daily basicdaily needs). careyour for all your basic needs. conditions and many more possible causes. Repeat questions 5. Not demented(this (thismeans meansno no dementia dementia which 5. Not demented which Misplace possessions essentially refers yourloss lossof of such such abilities essentially refers totoyour abilitiesnoted SYMPTOMS OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE Are at a loss for words n Repeat questions in number 4). 4). noted in number Forget recent events, conversations and n Misplace possessions If you If you have MCI,ititisiscritical critical you you have have aathorough have MCI, thorevaluation. There is noisbetter place place qualified to have n Are names at a loss of for friends words or relatives ough evaluation. There no better qualified Confused sense of direction and the proper testingtesting than atthan the Memory Enhancement n Forget recent events, conversations and names of time friends and to have the proper at the Memory become lost in familiar places Enhancement Ross and his staff. or relatives Center withCenter Dr. Rosswith and Dr. his staff. Havesense difficulty performing of direction and time andchores become or lostusing in TheThe evaluationrequires requiresoften often less less than evaluation than90 90minutes n Confused appliances and tools familiar places minutes our office. Our staff courteous, is most courtein ourinoffice. Our staff is most caring and difficulty finances n HaveHave difficulty performinghandling chores or using appliances and tools ous,compassionate caring and compassionate needs of all to the needs of to all the individuals seeking Show changes in mood and/or personality n Have difficulty handling finances individuals seeking answers to why their memory answers to why their memory is failing. is failing.


Show changes in mood and/or personality The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

The County Woman Magazine

• Alzheimer's • Certified Caregiver Physician Humanitarian Investigator of the Year (2011) • Academy of Physicians in Clinical ResearchinBoard • Second followship trained Geriatrician NJ of Trustees (2011-2012) • Certified Physician Investigator Dr. Ornstein has aingreat • Second followship trained Geriatrician NJ deal of experience caring for patients with cognitive impairment including Dr. Ornstein has a great deal of experience caring mild, moderate and severe Alzheimer’s disease. This for patients with cognitive impairment including includes the areas of primary care and as a principal mild, moderate and severe Alzheimer’scare disease. investigator providing compassionate to those This includes thehisareas of primary care and as a most in need of services. principal investigator providing compassionate He has been an investigator on many importantcare to thosetesting most in his efficacy services.of the latest studies theneed safetyofand He has been an diseases investigator onasmany compounds battling such Mild important Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s studiesDisease/Dementia. testing the safety and efficacy of the latest “I have been a practicing internist for over thirty years havecognitive an compounds battling diseases such and as mild intimate and knowledge of theDisease/Dementia. overwhelming health issues confronting the impairment Alzheimer’s of today. For the past five years, it has beenyears my medical “Iseniors have been a practicing internist for over thirty and havemission an in life and definitely my distinct pleasure to offer hope and reassurance by intimate knowledge of the overwhelming health issues confronting the seniors way of clinical research to those unfortunate individuals diagnosed with of today. For the past five years it has been my medical mission in life and Alzheimer’s disease.” definitely my distinct pleasure to offer hope and reassurance by way of clinical research to those unfortunate individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.”

Memory Issues?

Taking action today may lead to tomorrow's answers. To learn more please contact:

Memory Enhancment Center 732-379-7768 732-263-0101 Dr. Ross will personally respond to your phone call. 4 Industrial Way West, 2nd Floor Eatontown, NJ 07724 May/June 2016 November/December 2016 July/August 2016


Medical Professionals

Can Sclerotherapy Help Treat My Spider Veins? Hi! Friends

and depends on the size and location of the veins, as well as the general medical condi­tion of the patient. Agents used for Sclerotherapy are Polidocanol and Asclera, 1% & 0.5%. Sotradecol, hypertonic saline and glycerine are some of the agents commonly used. Foam sclerotherapy is used more and it is the solution of polidocanol or sotradecol mixed with air and agitated to make foam just before injecting. This is very effective and reduces the amount of the chemical solution used at the session.

In earlier articles we have discussed the pathophysiology of Varicose Veins and treatment of larger Varicose Veins.Today we will talk about the treatment of Spider Veins. Sclerotherapy Sclerotherapy is the name of a non-surgical procedure to treat spider veins. The procedure involves injecting a solution through a very fine needle directly into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to swell and stick together and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view. Sclerotherapy is a proven procedure and has been in use since the 1930s. During the procedure, you may experience mild discomfort for one to two minutes, especially when larger veins are injected. The procedure itself takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The number of veins injected in one session varies

What Happens After Sclerotherapy? After sclerotherapy you will be able to drive yourself home and resume your reg¬ular daily activities. Walking is encouraged. You will be instructed to wear support stockings to compress the treated veins. Following the injections, avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, or other antiinflammatory drugs for at least 48 hours. Tylenol may be used if needed. Also, you should avoid the following for 48 hours after treatment: • Hot baths •

Hot compresses

Whirlpools or saunas

Direct exposure to sunlight up to two weeks at least.

Showers are permitted, but the water should be cooler than usual. Side Effects of Sclerotherapy There are milder effects, such as itching, which can last for one or two days after the procedure. Also, you may experience raised, red areas at the injection site. These should disappear within a few days. Bruising may also occur around the injection side and can take several days or weeks to resolve.


Other Side Effects Include: • Larger veins that have been injected may become lumpy and hard and may require several months to dissolve and fade or might need needle aspiration to remove the painful clot. • Brown lines or spots may appear at the vein site. In most cases, they disappear within three to six months. • Neovascularization: the development of new, tiny blood vessels may occur at the site of Sclerotherapy treatment. These tiny veins can appear days or weeks after the procedure, but should fade within three to twelve months without further treatment. Should any of the following side effects occur, contact your doctor immediately. These include: • Inflammation within five inches of the groin • A sudden onset of a swollen leg • Formation of small ulcers at the injection site. Sclerotherapy Effectiveness: Studies have shown that as many as 50%-80% of injected veins may be eliminated with each session of Sclerotherapy. Although this procedure works for most patients, the results are always variable and are somewhat unpredictable. In general, spider veins respond in three to six weeks and larger veins respond in three to four months. If the veins respond to the treatment they will not reappear. However, new veins may appear at the same rate as before. If needed, you may return for injections. Usually follow-up sessions are necessary for complete resolution.

Please contact Dr. Surya at the Vein Center for Women by sending an email to

Holmdel Colonial Commons • 670 N. Beers St. • Bldg. 2, Suite 4 Old Bridge • 2 Hospital Plaza, Suite 330 Princeton • 21 Jefferson Place, Raymond Rd. Metuchen • 205 Bridge St. 732-254-0500

Medical Professionals

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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Facts Every Woman Should Know About Breast Cancer There has been a lot of talk about breast cancer screening in the news lately. Mostly this is due to the recent report released by the United States Preventive Service Task Force which, amongst other things, recommended biennal screening mammography beginning at age 50 instead of age 40 and discouraged applying breast self-exams. Immediately, these recommendations were challenged by The American Cancer Society, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, the American College of Radiology, the American Society of Breast Disease, and the Susan B. Komen Foundation, just to name a few. With all of this information, it can be confusing for most people to understand the facts about breast cancer and what guidelines should be followed. Below, I will answer some of the more commom questions about breast cancer and breast cancer screening. Q: How common is breast cancer? A: A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 8. Only lung cancer causes more cancer deaths in women. Each year about 240,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed (one every 2.5 minutes). Sadly, 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year (one death every 13 minutes). Q: How effective is mammography screening? A: Screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality by 25-30% for women ages 50-70 and 18% for women ages 40-50. Early detection is incredibly important. The 12-year survival rate is 95% for cancers detected that are less than 1 centimeter in size. Q: What are the screening guidelines? A: Women should have a yearly screening mammogram beginning at age 40. Women should perform a breast self-examination each month. Q: If the technology is so good for detecting breast cancer, why do I have to perform breast self-exams? A: Breast self-exams are extremely important! Approximately 5% of breast cancers cannot be visualized on imaging and are only detectable with physical exam.

For more information, call 732-244-0777 or visit

Q: Why did this Preventive Service Task Force make their recommendations? A: : In an attempt to be efficient with limited resources, a decision was made to lower the detection rate sensitivity from 90% to 70%! Any limitation in screening will increase the rate of breast cancer mortality. In my opinion, this is unacceptable. Q: Why is bringing my prior mammograms important? A: Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between dense breast tissue and cancer. Prior mammograms allow a radiologist to determine what is stable, benign breast tissue and what is cancer. Q: Is there a difference between digital and analog mammography? A: Digital mammography is considered to be superior in breast cancer detection both due to sharper resolution as well as overall reduced radiation exposure. The Hologic digital mammogram system used at Toms River X-ray, CT, and MRI Center is one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art tools offered in women’s health care today. By combining advanced technologies with qualified, experienced staff, a beautiful facility and an excellent group of radiologists, we’ve managed to offer women a better overall experience.

As always, contact our office where our staff will be more than happy to assist you.

About The Author...

Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is an Ocean County native who attended kindergarten through twelfth grade in Toms River. He is a graduate of Temple University Medical School and completed his radiology residency at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Khorrami completed a Cross Sectional Imaging Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has returned to Toms Ricer to work with his family as Medical Director of Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center.

732-244-0777 • PET/CT • Diagnostic X-Ray • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • CT Scan • Nuclear Medicine • High Field Open Bore MRI • Bone Densitometry

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 Cyrus Khorrami, M.D.

Tel: 732-244-0777 • Fax: 732-244-1428



The County Woman Magazine


EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE you can count on.

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


When Does Forgetting Become An Issue? Is it memory loss or am I just being forgetful? Did I just lose my keys or will I never remember where I put them? Is it OK that I can’t remember how to do basic chores because I’m “getting older”? The first answer brings good news because you are asking these important questions, not someone on your behalf, and, even more important:

there are answers!

When your memory has significantly declined, is poor compared to performance typical for your age but DOES NOT interfere with independent, day-to-day functions, you can be described as having Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI. Dementia is an advanced deterioration of MCI and means that you no longer are able to independently perform day-today functions. Alzheimer’s Disease or AD is the most common form of dementia, and we know that a proteinbased plaque exists in the brains of these patients at abnormally high levels. We also know that this plaque begins to accumulate and clump together within the brain as early as a decade or more before you may experience any memory loss, impairment or dementia. On a positive note, we are living longer and could prepare to enjoy this new stage of living proactively and productively. Exercise, proper diet and remaining busy,

active and engaged are proven factors that minimize developing symptoms of dementia. But the research, proper diagnosis and treatment options leave much to be desired and are far from where we need these areas developed at this era of science, technology and awareness.

But as we said earlier, there are answers: The Memory Enhancement Center of New Jersey in Eatontown and Caring Heart & Brain Imaging in Manasquan. Dr. Joel Ross is the founder of the Memory Enhancement Center and is an expert in the detection and evaluation of dementia. Dr. Ross is currently directing some of the most advanced research studies sponsored by the leaders in pharmaceutical research for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the first imaging facility on the Jersey Shore to offer expert PET imaging of the brain to diagnose dementia and differentiate between

2412 Highway 35, Manasquan, NJ 08736 732-292-1008 •

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging has an impeccable and extensive track record because our interpreting radiologist is an expert in interpreting PET Lorraine Catalano, scans with extensive training CNMT and in interpreting brains affected Imaging Director by dementia. We are the only facility in New Jersey that has performed over 90 AMYVID PET scans to identify the protein plaque associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the only dedicated PET scanner in New Jersey and that means less radiation exposure because there is no CT scan involved. Call for an appointment to meet with Dr. Ross and you will have an intensive consultation, expert scan and a future of knowledge and answers, all provided with absolutely no charge or out-of-pocket costs. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging can even provide transportation if you need a ride!

Take charge of your life, your future and the promise of hope for you and your family!

Cardiac Breakthrough Slipping Away At The Jersey Shore… The Jersey Shore has suffered some great losses in the recent past due to Super Storm Sandy and the Nor’easter…and now, another great loss seems inevitable. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging has made the latest cardiac technology available to residents of the Jersey Shore, who could only benefit from this same testing of they traveled to New York City, Philadelphia or Northern Jersey. Unfortunately, educating patients and doctors is taking time, and not enough patients are aware that they can ask their family doctor or cardiologist to write a script for the test that will accurately and specifically determine if your heart muscle is receiving adequate blood flow and if that blood flow is evenly distributed. The test to ask for is called a Cardiac PET Perfusion study for Rubidium. The Cardiac PET Perfusion study is the newest version of a cardiac stress test. For those people who have had the old test, the most compelling reasons for having the Cardiac PET Perfusion study performed at Caring Heart & Brain Imaging are: •

Speedier Scan Times – approximately 45 minutes as opposed to 2-1/2 to 4 hours for the old SPECT scan.

Patient Exposure to Radiation is cut in half - the Attrius scanner reduces patient exposure to radiation, and Rubidium, the agent used in the scan, has a short half-life, so the amount of radiation exposure is substantially less than a chest x-ray.

Improved Images – PET provides clearer, more precise 2D images better suited for detection of disease.

Avoidance of Unnecessary Procedures – Test images are so accurate, procedures such as stent implantation and even coronary bypass surgery might be avoided.

We will provide transportation, if necessary. If you have some, or all of the risk factors mentioned below, you should see your family practice doctor and ask if you would benefit from the Cardiac PET Perfusion study performed at Caring Heart & Brain Imaging.

The County Woman Magazine

Don’t let this opportunity to receive the best and most accurate technology for cardiac care slip away from you. Tell your doctor you want only the best. We are happy to answer any questions you or your doctor may have. We can be reached at 732-292-1008.

At Caring Heart & Brain Imaging,

you are in our caring hands! November/December 2016

Specialty Cakes & Chocolate Novelties


Holiday Baking Season Is Here! Help! Believe it or not, the holiday season is upon us. This is a very busy time for many of us with so much to do in preparation. Between the shopping, cooking, decorating, socializing, gift wrapping and more, many of us have to fit in some baking too. With that in mind, I thought I would offer some tips to help make your holiday baking go a little smoother and perhaps you’ll even have some fun! PLAN Planning is the key to a successful baking experience. Make a list of all the different recipes that you would like to make this holiday season and use those recipes to create a shopping list of the items you will need. Mid-baking runs to the grocery store can be stressful, so take some time in advance to make sure you have everything you will need. Some parts of your recipes, like pie crusts or certain cookie doughs, can be made in advance, so make a decision to have those prepared ahead. When baking day arrives, make sure you have plenty of space to store your finished creations. ASK FOR HELP Don’t make your holiday baking feel like a chore. Enlist the help of family and friends by making baking an event. Turn on the holiday music, drink some warm cider, get everyone involved, and baking and cleanup will be a breeze! ATTEND A GROUP BAKING EVENT Chocolate Carousel’s Design Studio is hosting holiday cookie baking events. Come with a group of friends and bake 3-4 cookie varieties to take home in our design studio with the help of our professional pastry chefs! WARM IT UP Many people don’t realize that using cold ingredients is a baking no-no. Unless your recipe specifically calls for a cold ingredient, always take the time to let your ingredients, like eggs, butter, etc., come to room temperature before using them. They will be easier to work with and you will get better results. USE YOUR KITCHEN TIMER With all the excitement of the holiday season, no one needs the added excitement of the smoke detectors going off during your baking time. The simple solution is to use a kitchen timer. Most people will begin doing something else while the cookies bake and completely forget they are in the

oven. The kitchen timer is an easy solution and will alert you when it’s time to go to the oven. Set your timer for the halfway mark and be sure to rotate trays at that point to ensure even baking. PUT A BOW ON IT! With so many gifts to give this season, baked goodies are a perfect choice for neighbors, co-workers and friends. Getting creative with the way you wrap up the treats can turn them into some of the cutest and most creative gifts of the season. SAVE SOME FOR YOURSELF Remember to reserve some of your goodies for yourself. You deserve a reward for all your hard work this season. VISIT YOUR FAVORITE BAKE SHOP You can’t do it all. Specialty bake shops like Chocolate Carousel that use fresh ingredients and bake in small batches can be a perfect solution to your holiday baking needs. Whether you order all your sweet treats or supplement your baking with some of ours, we are a great resource for our customers. Stop in to check out some of our homemade holiday specialties. Happy Holidays!

Kiss Clouds

• One Sheet Frozen Pie Crust Thawed • 12-15 Hershey Kisses • Confectioners Sugar Cut the thawed pie crust into 2 inch squares Use the pie crust to completely wrap a Hershey’s kiss Roll in palm of your hand to smooth and be sure the kiss is completely sealed Bake on a greased cookie sheet for 15 minutes. Allow to cool completely before dredging each one into confectioner’s sugar


The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016





Enter To Win

Enter To Win A Free 7” Birthday Cake!

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Life’s Short...

Name:_____________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ City:____________________State:_____ Zip Code:________ Email:_____________________________________________ Please clip out and mail to: The County Woman. P.O Box 619 Turnersville, NJ 08012

Winner will recieve a free 7” birthday cake from Chocolate Carousel, good for one year. Entries will be accepted through December 31, 2016. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine

Eat Dessert First! November/December 2016

Fine Jewelry


Heading Real Estate Here:

Paul Curatolo

Your Jersey Shore Real Estate Authority As a full-time agent and a life long resident of northern Ocean County I’m intimately familiar with the area. The bulk of my business is by referral and with that said; I’m truly interested in satisfying every client. I’m humbled by the opportunity to serve you and will do everything in my power to make this a smooth and stress free transaction. I have strategically aligned myself with the finest professionals through the entire process and can recommend someone for every phase of the buying and selling process. This is a one stop shop! I have spent the last 16 years in luxury sales and look forward to providing you with the luxury experience you deserve.

The County Woman Magazine

Paul Curatolo REALTOR ASSOCIATE Office: 732-914-0074 Cell: 732-300-7034 Buyers Agent • Listing Agent • Foreclosures Short Sales • Relocation • Retirement Communities

November/December 2016


Fashion & Beauty

Health & Wellness

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Community ommunity C

55 43

Thank You

From The American Red Cross As we make our way into the holiday season, all of us at the American Red Cross New Jersey Region wish to express our gratitude to the many in New Jersey who make the work of the Red Cross possible, especially our blood donors, volunteers and financial donors. Two simple words that come to you expressing so much more than mere gratitude. Behind our gesture is the gratitude of the hundreds we help every day in New Jersey. Behind our “thank you” is a family devastated by a home fire being helped through the caring gift you gave, a military member needing to reconnect with his or her family, someone receiving donated lifesaving blood, or a volunteer who gained a new purpose to their life through their work helping someone else. This appreciation and so much more comes with our “thank you.” We’re continuously inspired by the dedication of our volunteers. Those who jump out of bed at 2:00 a.m. to help a family in need, the attention given to someone donating blood, the compassion to brighten a veteran’s day and the wisdom of our youth members developing new ways to be philanthropic. It’s a point of pride for us to know there are so many of you who really care for people, the community and the Red Cross mission. It’s that keen awareness of your unselfish acts that inspires us all to do our very best. When you take a good look at the benefits derived from time, blood and or dollars donated to the American Red Cross mission, the simple words “thank you” illuminate in a much greater light.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Ana Montero Regional CEO

American Red Cross New Jersey Region The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The

November/December 2016 2016 November/December




Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour Saturday, December 17, 2016 • 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM Sponsored by the Dennisville Historic Home Owners Association, Inc. [501(c)(3)]


The 27th Historic Dennisville Christmas House Tour is our premier fundraising event. On the 3rd Saturday of December each year, a minimum of eight beautifully decorated 18th- and 19th-century historic homes, as well as several public buildings and two churches, are open to the public. Please think about starting your holiday season with a festive glimpse of history in Dennisville at Christmastime! Tickets are $10.00 and will be sold at the Dennisville Post Office, 24

Hall Ave. in Dennisville the day of the tour beginning at 2:30 PM. Advance ticket sales will be available online at our website beginning October 1, 2016. Greeters will distribute programs and get tour-goers started on their way. Houses open at 3:00 PM. The Post Office will be open for stamp sales as well. Soup and sandwich supper at the South Dennis Trinity United Methodist Church beginning at 2:00 PM until food runs out ($8.00 adults, $3.50 children under 12). Refreshments and comfort stations at the Dennisville United Methodist Church Social Hall and Dennis Volunteer Fire Station. The Middletones Carolers (Middle Township High School a cappella vocal quartet) will perform through the village in period costume.

Alice Belanger McGuigan’s illustrated Historic Dennisville A Walking Tour will be available for sale at the ticket center. Dennis Volunteer Fire Company will be open with new and antique equipment on display. Light refreshments will also be available there.

For further information visit or contact Jack Connolly at (609) 861-1338 or at Like us on Facebook!!/HistoricDennisvilleChristmasHouseTour


The Herbert M. and Harriet Carroll House – 1883

“Preserve what you have—you can never replace it.” Jef Buehler, Main Street New Jersey, NJDCA

The Carroll House is a late example of the Gothic Revival style built with a 2½-story frame, 3 bays wide and a tall cross gable in the center of the façade. The center front door has an original arched transom and three light sidelights. The door is sheltered by an original, 1-story porch with molded square columns topped with heavy scroll brackets. Herbert Carroll is enumerated in the 1900 census as a 55-year-old widowed merchant living in the house with three sons and a daughter. The house currently serves as parsonage for the Dennisville United Methodist Church.

Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Resource Guide


Family Resource Guide Monmouth COUNTY Recreational & Leisure

4-H Monmouth County.732-431-7263 Abusry Park Recreation.732-502-5759 Boys & Girls Club..........732-775-7862 Monmouth County Animal Shelter: 732-542-0040 Monmouth Museum....732-747-2266 Shark Park River...........732-992-4080 Libraries: Allentown.................609-259-7565 Atlantic Highlands....732-291-1956 Colts Neck................732- 431-5656 Hazlet........................732-264-7164 Holmdel....................732-946-4118 Howell.......................732-938-2300 Manalapan................732-431-7220 Marlboro...................732-536-9406 Ocean Port................732-229-2626 Ocean Township....... 732-531-5092 Shrewsbury...............732-683-8980 Wall...........................732-449-8877

Senior Services

Divison of Aging...........732-431-7450 Divison of Disabilities....732-308-3770 Citizen Transportation...732-431-6480

Financial Assistance Affordable Housing Alliance..732-389-2958 Bloom Again Foundation.......732-618-8378 Fraud Unit......................... 1-800-372-8305 Interfaith Neighbors.............732-775-0525


Veterans Services.............732-683-8675 Divison of Disabilities....732-308-3770 Veterans Crisis Line........800-273-8255

Family/Youth Services Abrams Psychological Services.................732-460-1300 Arc of New Jersey.....................................732-246-2525 Births Babies & Beyond............................732-4601300 Community Affairs & Resource Center (Age 16-21) 732-774-3282 Human Resource Deparment...................732-431-7300 Juvenile detention Alternatives................732-866-3688 Family & Children’s Services....................732-222-9111 Family Success Center.............................732-571-1670 Youth Services..........................................732-866-3585

Hospitals Bayshore Community Hospital.............732-739-5887 Centra State Healthcare System...........732-462-5129 Riverview Medical Center Divison........732-741-2700 Jersey Shore Medical Center Divison.....732-776-4583 Monmouth Medical Center...................732-222-5200

Hot Lines/ Help Lines 2nd Floor Youth Helpline (Ages 10-24)...888-222-2228 Addictions Hotline of NJ......................1-800-238-2333 Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse......... 732-431-6451 Child Abuse/ Neglect............................1-877-NJABUSE Contact We Care (Suicide Prevention)..908-232-2880 Crime Stoppers.....................................800-671-4400 Crisis Helpline........................................732-240-6100 Turning Lives Around.............................732-264-4360 Family Crisis Intervention Unit...............732-542-2444 First Call For Help...................................732-240-6105 Gambler’s Anonymous...........................973-815-0988 Guide for Mental Health Services............732-542-6422 Legal Services of NJ.................................888-576-5529 Monmouth County Child Support..........732-677-4800 Monmouth County Food Stamps............732-918-2600 Monmouth County Homeless Prevention.732-577-5717 Monmouth Division of Social Services.....732-431-6000

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Save the Dates! SH FOR

E in












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The County Woman Magazine

• Long Branch • Sea Girt


November/December 2016

Women’s History


Jane Jayroe

Submitted by Rita King, MSW, LSW n June of this year, I attended a charity event that displayed auction items for bid. There was one item in particular that caught my attention. The auction item was tickets to the Miss America preliminary nights and the final night of competition. As a child, I never attended a Miss America pageant. I was lucky enough to ride on a float one year but did not realize the significance or history of the Miss America pageant. Approximately four years ago, my husband started a tradition with our daughter of attending one preliminary night of the pageant. My daughter loves attending the event every year, and this year would be her year to not only attend all three nights of preliminary events but also the big grand final night! Since there were more than one night of tickets, I was lucky enough to attend one evening. On the particular preliminary night I attended, the former Miss Americas were introduced and recognized for their respective “anniversary” years. This one Miss America in particular was so beautiful, graceful, and exuded confidence. Later in the show, this Miss America would be recognized for her 50th anniversary as Miss America 1967. Her name was Jane Jayroe. As the announcer read through Jane’s biography, I was intrigued by this amazing woman who had accomplished a great deal in the 1970s and 1980s in television journalism. Jane was born on October 30, 1946 to Peter and Helene Jayroe. Jane had one sister. She grew up in Oklahoma and attended Oklahoma City University as well as Tulsa University. At the young age of 19 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Jane became Miss America 1967. As Miss America, Jane would embark on many “firsts,” not only for personal achievements but for America. Jane started her year representing our nation by becoming the first Miss America to perform in the USO show in a combat zone. Back in the 1960s, women were not permitted to serve in the military in combat zones, and Jane being given special permission to perform was a risky mission. After Jane’s year as Miss America,


she went on to complete her college education and started her career in journalism as a co-host. Jane would later become the six o’clock and ten o’clock news anchor for a prime-time television network in Oklahoma. Keep in mind this was in the late 1970s early 1980s, when the news was considered “the good old boys club.” In the 1980s Jane became the news anchor for the early evening news for an NBC affiliate in Dallas. Jane would go on to become the first female named “Outstanding News Personality.” Jane’s career in journalism spanned 17 years. Jane would later become sworn in as the Oklahoma Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Executive Director of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department. Jane has written several books, which include stories of her inner growth and connection to her spirituality, a biography, as well as her journey as Miss America. Jane reported having a “roller-coaster” of a life that included a first marriage which she describes as “dysfunctional,” and caused a great deal of stress in Jane’s life. It appears through Jane’s life experiences, she has made lemonade out of lemons. Jane is now married to Gerald Gamble and has a son who is married with two children. Through Jane’s life journey, she has gained the wisdom and strength that many of us aspire to have at any point in our lives. If you have never attended a Miss America event, you cannot truly appreciate the sacrifices made by the contestants to compete for Miss America. All of the women are amazingly talented, intelligent and driven women. To have the honor to have been a guest the night Jane Jayroe was recognized on her 50th anniversary of receiving the crown was truly spectacular! As Jane Jayroe stood on the Miss America stage with such amazing beauty and grace, one could not fully appreciate the life lived by this remarkably talented and strong woman who appears to finally be at peace in her life. References:, 2017 Miss America Magazine., retrieved October 5, 2016, retrieved October 5, 2016, retrieved October 5, 2016

Rita King, MSW, LCSW is a full-time mental health therapist and advocate of women’s history. During her undergraduate studies in psychology, Rita developed a strong passion for women’s history after completing classes in political science. As an activist, Rita has raised awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures, history lessons in elementary and middle schools and creating women’s history displays at local libraries. Rita also utilizes her knowledge of women’s history to empower women and young girls in her current role as a mental health therapist.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Women Of Monmouth County


Dr. Suzanne Quigley, Amara Dental

Dental Specialties of Monmouth County is proud to announce our new orthodontist, Dr. Suzanne Quigley. She received her DMD from Rutgers School of Dental Medicine and was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honors Society in 1999. After completing a one-year General Practice Residency at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, she returned to Rutgers where she earned a Certificate in Orthodontics in 2003 and has been creating beautifully straight smiles in her native Monmouth County ever since. Having had such a positive experience at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, she decided that she wanted to give back to the program and now volunteers her time teaching orthodontics to the general practice residents. In 2008, Dr. Quigley was voted Attending of the Year by the dental residents there. In addition to well over a decade of clinical experience, Dr. Quigley also credits becoming a wife and mother in making her a better orthodontist. She feels orthodontic treatment should not be a one-size-fits-all experience, and purposefully tailors a treatment plan to the individual needs and expectations of each patient and his or her family. She is our most recent “Shine Recognition” recipient for having provided the ultimate patient experience.

For more information, call 732-806-2017 or visit

Barbara Sica, Director of Reverse Lending, Homebridge Financial Born and raised in Ocean County, Barbara Sica has been a trusted source in the local mortgage and real estate community for 30 years. As HomeBridge’s Director of Reverse Lending, not only has Barbara helped thousands of local residents finance their own homes, she has also assisted countless New Jersey seniors maintain their quality of life by explaining to them how to utilize reverse mortgages for their own benefit. Modern reverse mortgages are not the deceptive loans many thought them to be decades ago. Today, reverse mortgages allow seniors to leverage the equity in their home so they can live the life they’ve become accustomed to, in addition to financing unplanned medical expenses, vacation travel, as well as for other things of interest to themselves and their families. Barbara considers her approach in the mortgage industry “old school” and takes pride in the information sessions she provides potential customers, as well as being there for them every step of the way during these incredibly important financial transactions. HomeBridge itself is one of the faster growing, mortgage specific lenders in the country, licensed in 49 states, as well as Washington, D.C.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call 732-569-4830 or visit

Mary Beth D’Antoni, Owner, Learning Press LLC Mary Beth D’Antoni is a reading expert who has been active in the field of education for thirty years. She holds a NJ K-12 teaching certificate. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Education. She worked as a seventh grade Language Arts Teacher, Reading Teacher, Adjunct Professor of Reading and is author of “Pathways to the Mind, “a reading program for students who have difficulty learning from traditional methods. Her educational experience has involved concentrated work in remedial, developmental and enrichment areas for kindergarten through college level students. Ms. D’Antoni has done extensive independent research related to students with learning disabilities. Her program “Pathways to the Mind “is based on her experience, findings and research on the development of reading skills and has been recognized throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties. She has designed and published four volumes of “Pathways to the Mind:” Volume I focuses on prevention and early intervention of learning difficulties using a wide range of options; Volume II continues to focus on intervention and teaches language patterns; Volume III involves intensive instruction in the area of reading and writing; Volume IV focuses on pattern processing. In Volume IV the student is taught phoneme segmentation of words, their order and their connection to letters. Ms. D’Antoni’s teaching materials have proven to be highly successful in the development of essential learning skills. Learning Press LLC provides comprehensive reading instruction to students in grades K-6 who are struggling with reading.

For more information, visit

Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

Renata Flaks, DNP, Quality Dermatology

As the present owner of Quality Dermatology, Renata Flaks, DNP, has helped thousands of patients achieve and maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. She treats all dermatologic issues, including malignant and benign conditions. She became interested in this specialty when her daughter was diagnosed with vitiligo when she was only seven years old. Before becoming a dermatology nurse practitioner, Dr. Flaks worked at Bayshore Emergency Room for nearly four years and received her Master’s and Doctorate from Monmouth University. She is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, the National Academy of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners, and many others. She and her husband reside in Manalapan with their three kids, two dogs and a rescued cat. In her spare time, she loves to travel and participate in medical mission trips to help people in other countries. She just returned from a medical mission trip in India where, with other dermatologists, she treated the underserved in rural communities who lack medical care. To schedule an appointment with Renata Flaks, DNP, please call 732-244-2666.

Visit for more information or like us on Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Women Of Monmouth County


Dr. Carol Penn, Medimorphosis Physician Assisted Weight Loss

Dr. Carol Penn, a board certified Family Medicine physician, joined Dr. Claudia Huegel at her practice, Medimorphosis Physician Assisted Weight Loss in Shrewsbury, NJ, one year ago. Dr. Penn brings more than 20 years of experience in Mind Body Medicine and the movement sciences to her work in health care. Gifted with the ability to inspire, she teaches her patients self-care strategies from meditation, yoga, Qigong, and functional and nutritional medicine. Dr. Penn is a member of the Obesity Medicine Association and holds certifications in Mind Body Medicine; Health, Wellness, and Fitness Coaching; Personal Training; and Yoga. She holds faculty positions at the Center for Mind Body Medicine and Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine. A trained dancer with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and a Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Teaching Fellow, Dr. Penn gets and keeps you moving on your path to health and wellness. Residing in Red Bank, NJ, a graduate of Rumson Country Day School and Red Bank Regional High School, she enjoys life and cooking with her husband, Diem, their sons, Keita and Dima, and the cat, Lily.

For more information, ororcall directly at 609-677-6010. Please visit visit callRita 732-389-0131.

Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA, Pain Management Specialist, Garden State Medical Center Dr. Gupta was born in New York and raised in Marlboro, NJ. She completed her undergraduate degree in psychology and graduate degree in medicine both at New York University. After completing her schooling she went on to train at SUNY Downstate Medical Center, with an internship in surgery and residency in Anesthesiology. Dr. Gupta furthered her training with a fellowship in Interventional Pain Management at Mount Sinai- St. Luke’s Roosevelt hospital in Manhattan. She currently resides in Marlboro, NJ where, in her free time, she enjoys participating in outside activities, frequenting the theater, and working out.

For more information, call 732-202-3000 or visit Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Gerry Viggiani, LCSW, LCADC, Senior Primary Therapist, Princeton House Behavioral Health

A life-long Jersey Shore resident, Gerry Viggiani is a licensed clinical social worker and licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor. She works as a Senior Primary Therapist at Princeton House Behavioral Health’s new outpatient Women’s Program at Eatontown. Gerry graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in women’s studies. She recently pursued her goal of returning to school to obtain her master’s degree in social work, and has worked at Princeton House for the past four years. “Empowering women has always been important to me,” says Gerry. “Many of the women who come to us are struggling with past trauma or addictions. It’s really amazing to help them grow, achieve their goals, and be the best that they can be.” One of 10 clinical staff seeing patients at the Eatontown site, Gerry was just voted Employee of the Quarter by her co-workers for her dedicated service. She currently lives in Colts Neck with her husband, Mark, and their two daughters, Jessica and Lauren.

For more information, call 888.437.1610 or visit Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

Jaimee Skidmore, Events Coordinator Ronald McDonald House of Central & Northern NJ

Jaimee Skidmore is the Events Coordinator at the Ronald McDonald House of Central and Northern NJ (RMHCNJ), a non-profit organization that provides a respite for thousands of families with seriously ill children while they receive care at nearby medical facilities. She is a 2007 graduate of Albright College in Reading, PA. For the past 8 years, Jaimee has worked for several non-profit organizations where she wore many hats and gained valuable experience. At RMHCNJ, she coordinates all fundraising events which support the many families that stay at the House. She likes working with everyone around her and enjoys meeting people at community events. In addition to spending time with family and friends outside the office, Jaimee likes to volunteer and participate in events including the Jersey Girl Triathlon and the New Jersey Marathon that benefit different local charities. She also enjoys going to the beach and has a newfound love for cruises. Jaimee resides in Neptune, NJ, with her husband, Brendan, and their West Highland Terrier named Kaycee.

For more information, please call 732-222-8755 or visit Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016



Monmouth Medical Center Dedicates Tigger Opioid Overdose Recovery Consultation Room Private Room Serves as Integral Piece in Monmouth Medical Center’s Response to Opioid Overdose Crisis State Senator Joe Kyrillos and other government officials and representatives from Monmouth Medical Center and the Tigger House Foundation gathered together September 29th to dedicate the Tigger Opioid Overdose Recovery Consultation Room in the Monmouth Medical Center Emergency Department. Funded through a $1 million donation from the Tigger House Foundation, the private consultation room represents a tangible step in Monmouth Medical Center’s plan to address the opioid overdose crisis facing the region. “This generous gift from the Tigger House Foundation creates a lasting legacy at Monmouth Medical Center for a very special person, Tigger Stavola,” said Bill Arnold, president and chief executive officer, Monmouth Medical Center. “We are incredibly thankful for the Stavola’s ongoing support of our hospital and we are committed to ensuring that this gift brings much needed hope, help, compassion and dignity to all those touched by heroine abuse. The Tigger Opioid Recovery Overdose Consultation Room is the first step in doing so.” The newly-designed room, named in memory of Tigger Stavola who lost his life at age 25 following an accidental overdose, will enable patients and families dealing with substance abuse to meet with physicians, recovery specialists, patient navigators and counselors in a comfortable and private setting. “Tigger had a heart of gold. It is only fitting that we honor him by extending a hand to others in the same way, as an offering to those who suffer from opioid addiction,” said Lisa Stavola, Tigger’s mother and co-founder to the Tigger House Foundation. “It is our hope that through the existence of the Tigger Opioid Overdose Recovery Consultation Room, together, with Monmouth Medical Center, we can save lives. This room is a lifeline in the Emergency Department and a crucial step in dealing with the number one killer in Monmouth County that is raging a war against all of our children.” Monmouth Medical Center is part of a state-grant-funded Opioid Overdose Recovery Program, which links individuals reversed from an opioid overdose with recovery support services and treatment after being seen in the hospital’s Emergency Department. Recovery specialists play a critical role in engaging reversed patients with the goal of entry to the appropriate level of care, while patient navigators work to ensure access to appropriate treatment and services and a smooth transition of care. The Tigger House Foundation is a non-profit organization formed by Lisa and her husband Rick in 2013 and dedicated to reducing the death rate of overdoses due to heroin and opiate addiction. The foundation also works to change public attitudes toward individuals who struggle with addiction by addressing the illicit heroin and opiate epidemic. In addition to partnering with government, law enforcement, legal and medical professionals to provide opportunities for rehabilitation and to halt the spread of illicit drugs through local dealers and

prescription drug abuse, it maintains Tigger House, a 12-bed sober living house in Middletown. Monmouth Medical Center’s Behavioral Health Services will provide its psychiatric hotline as a resource for callers to Tigger House. Managed by Oxford House, Tigger House is helping to establish sober-living housing throughout Monmouth and Ocean counties. For more information on the Opioid Overdose Recovery Program at Monmouth Medical Center, or if you or someone you know needs help, please call the RWJBarnabas Health Institute for Prevention at 732.914.3815.

L-R: Alex Stavola; Bill Arnold, president and chief executive officer, Monmouth Medical Center; Maja Meighan, assistant vice president, Monmouth Medical Center Foundation; Lisa and Rick Stavola, cofounders of the Tigger House Foundation; Tara Kelly, vice president, Monmouth Medical Center Foundation; Victor Almeida, DO, chair of Emergency Medicine, Monmouth Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.

About Monmouth Medical Center

Located in Long Branch, N.J., Monmouth Medical Center, an RWJBarnabas Health facility, along with The Unterberg Children’s Hospital at Monmouth Medical Center, is one of New Jersey’s largest academic medical centers and has been a teaching affiliate of Philadelphia’s Drexel University College of Medicine for more than 40 years. From its earliest days, Monmouth Medical Center has been a leader in surgical advancement and has introduced many technological firsts to the region, including robotic surgery and other minimally invasive techniques. Monmouth Medical Center is the only hospital in Monmouth and Ocean counties to receive an “A” Hospital Safety Score by The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit organization of employer purchasers of health care and the nation’s leading experts on patient safety. It is one of eight New Jersey hospitals to receive a four-star rating from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the highest hospital rating in the state.

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2016

Theatre heatre & &Entertainment T ntertainment



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November/December 2016 September/October 2016





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The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


54 #

SOCIAL COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES NETWORK … Where Active Adults Meet To Be Informed, Empowered And Inspired SCAN (Social Community Activities Network) is a

non-profit adult social education and resource center founded in 1988 and conveniently located in the Monmouth Mall and our satellite location in Freehold Borough. The name reflects the action-oriented profile of its members and the vibrancy and social networking strength of the organization. The main draw of membership, which is open to anyone aged 50 and over, is the opportunity to socialize, meet new friends and be proactive in staying healthier.

Successful Aging & Technology Program Returns to Freehold

SCAN returned its Successful Aging and Technology program to the YMCA Community Center in Freehold Borough in October. Once again the Affordable Housing Alliance provided funding for free tablets for limited income participants, and coaches provided training on how to use the tablets and access the Internet. In addition to weekly technology coaching and mentoring sessions, participants are provided classes on healthy aging. A new aspect of the program has been the addition of students from Monmouth University who serve as technology coaches. We hope to hear from you if you would like us to bring this program to your Community; please call us at 732542-1326.

SCAN Honors Awardees at Annual Luncheon

SCAN held our Annual Awards Luncheon on October 25th at Seabrook in Tinton Falls. The annual luncheon was an opportunity for SCAN to honor key individuals who provided outstanding support to SCAN in 2016. This year’s honorees were: Leaders of Distinction: Cynthia Joy, President/CEO YMCA Western Monmouth County and Donna M. Blaze, Chief Executive Officer, Affordable Housing Alliance Neptune Successful Aging and Technology Class Leaders of Distinction in the Field of Aging: Colleen Smith, Caregiver Graduates Specialist, Monmouth County Division on Aging, Disabilities & Veterans After completing their 12 weeks of instruction and coaching, the Neptune Services and Luanne Kane, Coordinator of the Take Control of Your Health Successful Aging and Technology participants graduated from the program on Program in Ocean County September 27th. They will continue to meet monthly to ensure they retain the SCAN’s Volunteer Recognition: Yachi Pan and Mai-Uyen Nguyen valuable lessons learned. All the attendees enjoyed great food, great company and numerous great Congratulations Graduates! prizes and raffles.


Please Mark Your Calendars

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period began October 15, 2016 and ends on December 7, 2016. There have been significant changes in the plans available to New Jersey residents, and some plans, such as the AmeriHealth and Geisinger/Meridian Health Plans, will no longer provide coverage to NJ residents in 2017. If you’ve been affected by plan changes, or if you’re considering changing plans, don’t miss the December 7th enrollment deadline! You can receive information about Medicare from their website (Medicare. gov) or by calling 1-800-633-4227. You can contact Family & Children’s Services at 732-222-9111 for SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) counselors. You can also contact SCAN at 732-542-1326 to make an appointment with a SHIP counselor.

• NOVEMBER 10 – Fundraiser for SCAN, Bubbles and Bling in • • •

Red Bank, 11am-1pm. NOVEMBER 15 – Special Event, Downton Abbey Tea and Trivia in Spring Lake, 2-4pm. NOVEMBER 16 – Information Breakfast, 8-9am – Come learn about SCAN! DECEMBER 2 – 4th Annual Brain Health Fair, 10am-1pm, at Monmouth Mall featuring keynote speaker Shira Goldberg, MD, of Barnabas Health – Monmouth Medical Center Geriatric Services along with 20 interactive brain teaser stations. Take advantage of this opportunity for people of all ages to experience fun and creative interactive activities designed especially to promote brain health. JANUARY 9, 2017 – APRIL 7, 2017 – SCAN’s 2017 Winter Semester of classes.

180 Route 35 Eatontown

(basement level of Monmouth Mall)

732-542-1326 The The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine

Pat Bohse

Executive Director

November/December November/December 2016 2016

Theatre & Entertainment




The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

T ravel Travel

70 00

TSTARRING ravel 56 FAMILY VACATIONS ROMANCE TRAVEL THE “KIDS” Travel ravel “Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

55 63

Experience Primer

your children will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve iver cruising may be the hottest cruising tion. From warm paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2016 -- even though river A sample of some withRomantic your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. experience. cruises have been operating for decades.


Professional and you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations with ready to pack your , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded

 Six Hawaiian Islands

suitcase. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. River cruises are luring experienced What do you take ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with If you’re cruising in the Caribbean riverboats with focus on current themes. from every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids With so many new fees and

 Greece

• Add a few more tee shirts and another pair of shorts , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing restrictions the airlines have Club. The beach is beautiful leading to a Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruising destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux • turquoise Lightweight sweater, rain villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, to consider leaving your entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local for wet suits. at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So was what to be the ultimate get tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of created ports or resorts. are the essentials to pack? together riverboats getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers few years from now whatbeaches Here is a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that , with beautiful beaches and great (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving youExamples will remember is the total of canals, span thousands of Continental of some the best might help with the process. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting North Sea to Black Sea. waterways, River CruisetoLine Themes: the things you forgot pack.and surf BEACHES resorts are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers For a week in the River Caribbean: A Europe Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* simulator are atofavorite the kids. Thevisiting Caribbean Adventure Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits know exploreofinland Europe, cities, towns andwith Virtuoso PBSTravel “Downton Abby” Professional can where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun(put 1 in your carry-on so you canships goand right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining areas provide great choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t days inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour assist 3 you inand planning a vacation tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the mostfamous value andhouse. added of the (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to make your experience a • Avalon Waterways “Austrian Highlights” from memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ships were built with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation • 2 shorts and 2 tees • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses Bridges program, including family cooking with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. Enjoy Your Travel Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island orExperience. cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, Forentering over 25the years, andresorts, Scenic exciting cruises to fill the The go on to Mexican all-inclusive travel to demand. Each line • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and Carole Kaiman has its highlights, such as the long ships and the and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! forVirtuoso our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information and 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.


 Barbados  Italy


amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last a lifetime.

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WE’RE BETTER TOGETHER F REEHOLD YMCA 470 E. Freehold Rd. Freehold, NJ 07728 


GIVE THE 2-MONTH HOLIDAY MEMBERSHIP Available November 14 - December 23

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016


Fine Art Photography

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Renew, Refresh, Restore Yourself

Women visit our Toms River practice for breast lift surgery for a variety of reasons, including loss of youthful breast contour due to age, pregnancy, nursing, weight fluctuations, and a host of other factors that can cause the breasts to sag, hang, and lose some of their fullness. A breast lift procedure from Dr. Christopher Godek at the Personal Enhancement Center can restore the youthful appearance of your breasts, giving you a figure that is shapelier and more balanced.

The Breast Lift Procedure

The breast lift procedure involves removing excess skin and tissue from the breasts in order to restore their natural contours and “perky” appearance. During the procedure, the nipples may also be repositioned to give them a more youthful projection. Breast lift surgery usually requires two to three hours to complete. Recovery from the breast lift procedure is typically minimal, with soreness, bruising, and swelling representing the most common side effects. These symptoms should subside within a week or two. Normal daily activities can typically resume shortly thereafter. Medication can be prescribed to control any discomfort during the recovery process. Dr. Godek will be very careful to minimize the appearance of any residual scarring. Many of Dr. Godek’s patients choose to combine breast lift with breast implants to further enhance the cosmetic outcome. Regardless of the approach taken, Dr. Godek will work with you to develop a cosmetic treatment plan to help you achieve more youthful, natural-looking breasts and a more proportionate figure.

Face Lifts

Eyelid Lifts

Breast Lift With Implants

Women often visit the Personal Enhancement Center for breast lift surgery combined with breast implants. A breast lift with implant procedure can not only reduce excess skin and signs of sagginess in the breasts – it can also add volume and fullness to create a more proportionate and sensual figure. Dr. Christopher Godek During the breast lift procedure, our boardcertified plastic surgeon, Dr. Christopher Godek, removes excess skin and tissue and tightens the remainder to restore the natural shape and appearance of the breasts. Depending on the treatment plan you and Dr. Godek have agreed upon, the nipples may also be repositioned to create a more desirable projection. To achieve increased breast volume, Dr. Godek will insert a silicone gel or saline-filled breast implant into each breast. Breast lift with implants surgery usually requires three hours to complete and can typically be performed on an outpatient basis. Recovery from the breast lift procedure can include some bruising, soreness and swelling; however, these effects typically diminish within a week or two, with patients beginning normal daily activities shortly thereafter. Dr. Godek will help each patient create their own unique treatment plan to achieve the cosmetic outcome they envision through the breast lift procedure.

To learn more about the breast lift procedure, or to schedule a consultation to discuss your surgical options with Dr. Christopher Godek, call 732-281-1988 today or visit


Skin Care

Breast Enhancement

Body Contouring

Facial Rejuvenation

Injectables and Fillers

1430 Hooper Ave., Suite 200A Toms River, NJ 08753 732-281-1988

The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2016

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November/December 2016

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