Ocean County Woman - January/February 2020

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10th Year!

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

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WHAT CAN I DO IF I HAVEN’T BEEN ABLE TO GET PREGNANT? There are many resources available to help you get pregnant.

HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST CARE FACILITY FOR YOUR LOVED ONE. Deciding to move into a nursing home is a big decision.

Page 17

Pages 32 & 33

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography.

COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON FROM BE WELL WOMENS HEALTH! A new year of making the same decisions that did not move you forward last year is simply not Page 31 enough.

As a Radiologist, Dr. Khorrami is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and ultimately directing the treatment of disease and injury by using medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT, MRI, mammography, and ultrasound. Read more on pages 24 & 25.

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Jan./Feb. 2020

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Medical Professionals


Overview Of Lateral Ankle Sprains by Alex Sliazis

Do you know someone who has twisted or rolled their ankle? Lateral ankle sprains are amongst the most common lower limb musculoskeletal injuries in today’s athletes and individuals involved in recreational sports and/or leisure physical activities. According to a 2019 consensus statement from the International Ankle Consortium, up to 70% of individuals have been involved in some sort of ankle injury throughout the course of their lives. The following questions may come to mind: What causes this high percentage? Am I at risk? What are my treatment options? Understanding the Anatomy

The ankle is made up of three connecting joints: The talocrural joint (main ankle joint) – consists of three bones: the tibia, fibula, and talus. The distal ends of the tibia and fibula (lower leg) articulate with the talus (in the foot). This “hinge joint” allows for dorsiflexion and plantarflexion movements (upward/downward). The subtalar joint – consists of two bones: talus and calcaneus (heel bone). Primary movements of this “gliding joint” are inversion and eversion (inward/outward turn). The inferior tibiofibular joint – “the ceiling” – consists of the distal end attachments of the tibia and fibula. Ligaments of the lateral ankle (outside aspect): Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) – most commonly injured Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) – usually injured with conjunction of ATFL Posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) – rarely injured, strongest of lateral ligaments

Common Causes / Risk Factors

The mechanism of injury resulting in a lateral ankle sprain occurs during an unstable moment of ankle plantarflexion with inversion (downward/inward turn). Some examples of activities that may cause this instability: coming down from a jump or descending from a higher surface, stepping on someone’s foot, coming in contact with crack, hole, or uneven surface when walking or running, and wearing improper footwear for activity-specific demands.

Research has found the following risk factors to correlate with lateral ankle sprains: poor conditioning, overconditioning, muscular fatigue, excessive weight and increased BMI levels, non-compliance with stretching and warm-up prior to physical activity.

Who’s at Greater Risk?

Gender is not a strong indicator for higher rates of lateral ankle sprains. However, age and activity levels are more prevalent. Adolescents between ages 10 and 19 years old who are actively involved in organized sports or recreational activities are at a higher risk to sustain such injury.

Signs and Symptoms

• Pain • Bruising/skin discoloration • Swelling of ankle (greatest on lateral aspect) • Difficulty walking • Inability to stand/put pressure on affected ankle • Tenderness with touch • Stiffness or loss of ankle mobility

How Can Physical Therapy Help?

Grades of Lateral Ankle Sprains / Recovery Time*

Grade 1 – mild, painful and damage to a ligament or ligaments without causing instability at the ankle joint. Recovery Time – 1-3 weeks Grade 2 – moderate, painful and damage to ligament causing a partial/incomplete tear and instability to the ankle joint. Recovery Time – 3-6 weeks Grade 3 – severe, painful or nonexistent pain, complete tear of ligament(s) with instability. Recovery Time – 6-12 weeks *Recovery time is variable.

Medical Imaging / Diagnostic Testing

To rule out ligamentous damage or bone injuries, the following tests may be ordered by your physician prior to or after conservative treatment measures: • X-rays: if suspecting a bone fracture • MRI: higher resolution imaging – suspecting bone, ligament, and/or soft tissue damage

Treatment Options

• Immediately following an ankle injury, the first goal needs to be focused towards reducing pain and inflammation. The RICE regimen should be established

within the first 48-72 hours (RICE = Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). Mild grade 1 sprains can heal on their own by using this regimen with inactivity. • Medication – taking over-the-counter pain medication, with your doctor’s approval. Some examples include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve). • If weight-bearing through the involved ankle is too painful, your doctor may give you crutches to allow for a partialweight-bearing status (PWB). • As you progress from PWB to normal walking, you may benefit from wearing a supported ankle brace inside your sneaker. A sample of companies that manufacture braces include AIRCAST, DONJOY, and PROCARE. • Don’t be surprised if you are given a prescription for physical therapy services! Here is a list of the main chronological goals your physical therapist will follow for you to have a successful and healthy recovery: • Reduce pain and inflammation • Regain full ankle range of motion • Restore strength • Facilitate re-education of balance and control • Re-establish speed and agility • Progress to dynamic sport-specific movements • Return to sport and/or recreational hobby

What Happens if I Avoid Treatment?

A previous injury is the greatest risk factor for future injury. Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) – the occurrence of repetitive episodes of lateral ankle instability resulting in frequent lateral ankle sprains. CAI is common for individuals who do not take the appropriate measures to address their ligament laxity and do not modify their performance.

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Alex graduated in 2014 with honors from Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Health Sciences. He continued his graduate education at LVC achieving his Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2017. Throughout his graduate studies, Alex completed his first and last clinical affiliations in sub-acute rehabilitation and outpatient physical therapy respectively in his hometown area of Ocean/Monmouth County. In addition, he practiced acute care physical therapy in a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Alex’s passion for outpatient physical therapy services occurred after completing an orthopedic clinical rotation with Clemson Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation in Charleston, South Carolina. During the final three years of his college’s doctoral program, Alex was an active volunteer in LVC’s C.U.R.E. Student Run Free Clinic which provided pro-bono physical therapy services to uninsured individuals of the Lebanon County community. Alex’s treatment approach puts emphasis and value on the importance of patient education and communication, hands-on manual care, and functional therapeutic exercise. He sustained two separate ACL and meniscus injuries playing basketball in college, therefore, Alex looks to establish a personal connection with each of his patients to drive an effective and appropriate patient-centered treatment plan.

January/February 2020

Professional Dentistry


graduated from Creighton University School of Dentistry in Omaha, NE in 1994. He completed his residency in Advanced Education in General Dentistry at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA in 1995. He has achieved his fellowship status at the world famous Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies and is also a member of the International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics. He also lectures to dentists at Monmouth Medical Center.



Veneers are porcelain coverings that are bonded to the front of the teeth to create a beautiful smile. They are individually sculpted and can transform any smile. With today’s technology, these high-tech porcelains are strong, thin and natural. Veneers are great for restoring teeth discoloration, gaps and misshapen and crooked teeth. Instead of waiting one to three years for regular orthodontic treatment in as little as two appointments you can have a new smile that’s right for you.

When the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the teeth, and the muscles of the jaw are all out of whack, it can trigger a lot of pain to the head and neck. Tension headaches are the most common form of headache, and it is often caused by muscle tension. If your muscles have to work overtime to properly align your bite, the result is likely to be pain. Physiologic dentistry considers the entire system that controls the positioning and function of your jaw. The neuromuscular dentist seeks to establish a jaw position based on a harmonious relationship of the teeth, muscles and jaw joints.

SIX MONTH SMILES® A revolutionary combination of proven orthodontic techniques, modern materials, and innovate thoughtsSix Month Smiles® utilizes specialized clear braces to gently straighten and align the visible teeth in the front of your mouth in an average time of just six months. Take the first step towards improving your smile, your confidence and your life.

FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH™ We are excited to offer FOY Dentures™, the Denture Fountain of Youth™ to our patients. These custom dentures provide neuromuscular support and stimulation to the bone structure, preserving the natural contours of your jaw. People will comment on your more youthful appearance, and you’ll maintain a healthier countenance for a longer period of time.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

INVISALIGN® Invisalign® has become one of the most discreet ways to straighten your teeth. With Invisalign®, its increasingly hard for people to tell if you are wearing trays. They are almost invisible and are great for people who need to be discreet about their treatment. Invisalign® is less painful than braces and causes less discomfort. In addition, you can actually remove the trays if absolutely required for things such as important social events or pictures.

January/February 2020


The County Woman

Monmouth County Monmouth County Welcome to the Jan/Feb 2020 Issue of the Ocean County Woman! Since 2008

Since 2008



We have all heard the saying, “It takes a village.” Although usually associated with raising children, I would also say it relates to magazine production. In fact, there are so many people involved with producing the County Woman each issue. We simply would not be able to do what we do without the many folks contributing and lending their expertise. From our writers and advertisers, to the many social media followers, and of course, you our valued readers.


On behalf of everyone associated with the County Woman Publications, we Medical Professionals would like to thank you for your continued support. All-Care Physical Therapy Center................................. 2 As we settle in to 2020, I think this should be a year of getting outside of your Shore Vascular & Vein Center........................................ 9 comfort zone. After all, that is where the real growth happens. I hope in the year Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA........................ 11 ahead that you try new things and make plenty of mistakes. If you are making Reliance Medical Group.............................................. 12 mistakes, then you are trying new things and changing your world. Advanced Dermatology............................................... 13 We are also coming upon the season of Love and Valentines’ Day. It’s the New Jersey Hematology Oncology Associates.......... 14 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics................................... 15 ideal time to show how much you love those people in your life. Open up your Seashore Pediatric Therapy Center............................ 16 heart and show them how much they mean to you. Speaking of hearts, February Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey............. 17 is also American Heart Month and reminds us to take care of ours. Did you Kathy A. Banks, DMD.................................................. 18 know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................. 20 United States? Each year, one in four deaths are caused by heart disease. The Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine... 22 silver lining is that it is a disease that can be prevented when people make healthy Personal Enhancement Center.................................... 23 choices and adequately manage their health conditions. Hospitals around the Gastroenterologists of Ocean County......................... 26 country celebrate American Heart Month by helping raise awareness in their own Jasper Spine Institute.................................................. 30 communities about heart disease. Be sure and check out all Be Well Women’s Health............................................. 31 the heart health awareness events in your own town. Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC........................ 40 Make 2020 all about encouraging the people you University Urology Associates of NJ............... 41, 42, 43 Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists.............................. 54 love in your life to live heart healthy. All correspondence should beAll addressed to: correspondence should be addressed to: Dentistry Professional Best Wishes, Aesthetic Dental Creations............................................ 3 The County Woman The County Woman Lauren Shover, Production Manager, & the Staff at Assisted Living P.O. BoxCounty 619 Woman Publication the Ocean P.O. Box 619 Complete Care The Havens.......................................... 5

Turnersville, NJ 08012

Turnersville, NJ 08012 Elder Law

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC............. 6 The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly andfamily. isWoman’s available Newspaper free of charge at Lauren pictured with her The County is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at Financial Management display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized display stands in approveddistributors private andonly, public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Garden State Trust Company........................................ 7 or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No Laws part ofprotect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of Trademark and U.S. Copyright Organic Dry Cleaner this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of thebepublisher. this paper may reproduced without the written permission of theGreen publisher. Apple Organic Cleaners...................................... 8 The County Woman’s Newspaper is not responsibleThe for any editorial comment (other isthan County Woman’s Newspaper not responsible for any editorial comment (other than Ce ar leb e Y ratin h Fashion Beauty greproducOur 9t its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any&reproducThe Bra Boudoir............................................................ 8 tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may does revisenot or meet cancelour it atstandards of acceptance, Legal If an advertisement we may revise or cancel it at Professionals any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously The acknowledged and/or The any time,and/or whether or not itpublished. has been already previously published. The ................................................ 10 Matus Law Group. Publisher Chris chris@thecountywoman.com advertiser assumes sole responsibility for Lam all statements contained in submitted copy and will advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained inKevin submitted copy and B. 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The publisher shall be under no liability for failure, The for any reason,shall to insert an advertisepublisher be LLC under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insertShoppe an advertise- & Tea Room Cake Graphic Designer error, Golden Design ment. The publisher shall not be liable by reason of ment. omission and/or failure to insert anyreason of error, omission and/or failure to insert any The publisher shall not be liable by A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room.............. 21 K. Wolf part of an advertisement. The publisherCEO will not beLynn liable or failure inThe performance part offor andelay advertisement. publisher will not be liable for delay or failure in performance Featured on the Cover in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue isand/or delayed or suspended in publication distribution if allfor or any portion of an issue is delayed or suspended for River CT & MRI Center..................... 24, 25 For advertising any reason. 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Contact us: Brick Township Chamber of Commerce..................... 47 P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ • 08012 FIND US ON THE WEB! FIND US ON THE WEBHealth ! & Wellness Peace Within Studio.................................................... 29 856.885.8066 WWW.THECOUNTYWOMAN .COM Health & Weight Loss.................................................. 34 WWW .THECOUNTYWOMAN .COM

Hypnosis for Women................................................... 35 www.TheCountyWoman.com And follow us on Facebook and AndTwitter follow us on Facebook and Twitter Living Healthy Naturally............................................... 38


Jersey Shore Pharmacy.............................................. 50 facebook.com/TheCounty Woman facebook.com/TheCounty @TheCountyWoman Cleansing Concepts.................................................... 51 Woman

Nina Radcliff, MD........................................................ 66

Upholstery & Décor

Superior Upholstery & Décor...................................... 29

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Tallwoods Care Center.......................................... 32, 33

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Enlightened Solutions.................................................. 36

Shoe Repair

The Friendly Cobbler................................................... 36

Pet Services

Funny Farm Rescue.................................................... 37 Atlantic County Animal Shelter.............................. 52, 53

Permanent Makeup & Cosmetic Tattooing

Permanent Makeup by Amy........................................ 38

Funeral Planning

Anchor Monuments..................................................... 44


Ocean County College................................................ 44

Wigs & Hair Restoration

Abstrax Hair Designs................................................... 45 Women of Ocean County................ 48, 49

Men’s Clothing

Lou Marchiano for Men............................................... 51


Koehler Acupuncture................................................... 55

Theatre & Entertainment

Atlantic City Ballet....................................................... 59 Cape May Stage.......................................................... 61 Gazillion Bubble Show................................................ 64 Harry Townsend’s Last Stand...................................... 65 Two River Theater........................................................ 69

Networking for Moms

Moms of Business....................................................... 63


The 107.1 BOSS.......................................................... 68

Fine Art Photography

Tracy Harman Photography........................................ 71 Community.............. 46, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62, 67, 70

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many

enter to win” “Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Assisted Living


WHERE THE CARING CONTINUES. If you’re too well to stay in the hospital or nursing home, but not quite ready to return home independently, The Havens’s Transition to Home program may be perfect for you.

We’re in this together.

CALL TODAY: 732.341.0880 1700 Route 37 West | Toms River, NJ 08757 | www.ccthehavens.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020


Legal Professionals Establish a plan, diffuse a crisis, or ask a question...

ANNEMARIE SCHREIBER, ESQ. Certified Elder Law Attorney*

has the knowledge and experience to help you!

Understanding Estate Planning Terms Do you find yourself overwhelmed by estate planning terms? Have you delayed preparing your estate planning documents because you are confused and uncertain what all the terms mean? The first step in overcoming these concerns is to have a basic understanding of some of the key words and phrases. Here’s a handy glossary to help you expand your knowledge:

Estate Planning is the process by which an individual arranges the transfer of assets in anticipation of death and arranges for protection while the individual is alive. Essentially, most basic estate planning involves preparing a will, a power of attorney and a living will/medical directive. Will is a legally executed document that directs how and to whom an individual’s assets will be distributed upon death. A will also names an executor to carry out the terms of the will. Executor is the person or persons named in a will to carry out its provisions. More than one executor can act together. Probate is the process for determining the validity of a deceased person’s will and governing the distribution of the estate’s assets. In New Jersey, all probate cases go through the county Surrogate where the decedent resided. At the time a will is probated, the county Surrogate will distribute the required legal documents called Letters of Testamentary for an executor to act on behalf of the estate. Beneficiary is an individual designated to receive under the terms of a will.

Certified Elder Law Attorney, Annemarie Schreiber answered questions and offered informaton on the Caregivers First TV show, hosted by Lynette Whiteman, Executive Director of Caregiver Volunteers Of Central Jersey. The episode aired last December 12th on local TV stations (visit www.scannj.com for listings). It is also be posted on SCAN’s YouTube channel and www.CLDDS.com.

Bequest is the property given to a beneficiary under the terms of a will. Intestate is the term used when a person dies without a will. Testate is the term used when a person dies with a will. Power of Attorney is a written legal document that allows an individual to designate another person, called an agent, to act on his or her behalf during the creator’s lifetime. Powers of attorney give the agent the power to deal with the person’s property or financial matters. Medical Directive is also known a health proxy a is also as known as acare health caredirective, proxy directive, durable power of attorney for health care or an advance directive. An a durable power of attorney for health care or an advance directive. An individual appoints a trusted person toto bebehishisororher individual appoints a trusted person herrepresentative representativeininthe the event the creator of the document can no longer make medical decisions event the creator of the document can no longer make medical decisions for for himhim- or orherself. herself. Living Will is a legal document in which an individual states his or her wishes regarding medical treatment andinend of life care. An individual’s is a legal document which an individual states his or preferences for medical treatment and end of life care are often her wishes regarding medical treatment and end of life care. Anincluded individual’s in the individual’s medical directive. preferences for medical treatment and end of life care are often included in

It is important to remember that by developing an estate plan, you decide who receives your assets when you pass away and you decide who will help you with your financial and medical decisions during your life. Without an estate plan, you relinquish your decision-making ability. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the key estate planning terms and begin the process of preparing your estate plan by scheduling a consultation with Annemarie Schreiber at 732-797-1600.

Estate Planning, Probate, and Administraton Wills and Trusts Powers of Attorney Advance Medical Directives Disabillity Planning

Guardianships/ Conservatorships Medicaid/Medicare Planning Asset Preservation and Protection Elder Abuse Cases

Healthcare Decisions Nursing Home Issues Social Security Counseling and Document Preparation Estate and Gift Taxes ...and More.

* As a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) by the ABA approved National Elder Law Foundation, Annemarie Schreiber is one of only 400 or so attorneys in the entire United States who is a qualified CELA. She is certified by the ABA approved Natonal Elder Law Foundation and has years of experience offering clients in Ocean and Monmouth counties the legal counsel they need to plan ahead for their future or the future of their loved ones work through difficult situations.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Financial Management


Think Hard Before Tapping Your 401(k) Balance One of the features that makes 401(k) plans so attractive is that your money is not completely out of reach should an emergency need arise. Most plans allow for loans that are completely tax free if repaid as agreed. (Interest payments will be required, but they will be credited to the account.) In a major emergency, a hardship withdrawal may be permitted, subject to income tax and, usually, a 10% penalty as well. Borrow?

At first glance 401(k) loans may look particularly appealing. After all, you make those payments of principal and interest to yourself. However, if the interest that you pay is less than your borrowed dollars would have earned in the plan, you will slow the growth of your retirement nest egg. Moreover, you pay with after-tax dollars—replacing your original taxdeferred contributions. Loans must be repaid in no more than five years. (Fifteen-year terms are allowed for loans to purchase a home.) If you leave your job before a loan is repaid, you’ll have to pay it off, or the open balance will be considered a premature withdrawal subject to income tax and penalty. Potentially more serious yet, the burden of loan payments may make it impossible to continue your 401(k) contributions.


It’s not easy to make a hardship withdrawal from your 401(k) account. You must show an “immediate and heavy financial need” for: medical expenses not covered by insurance; the purchase of a principal residence; postsecondary tuition; or to avoid eviction from or foreclosure on a principal residence. Many plans also include funeral and child support expenses. You also must show that you have no other resources reasonably available to meet these costs. This means that you first must fail to qualify for a plan loan. Once you take a hardship withdrawal, you will be barred from contributing to your plan for at least 12 months.

Pay now or pay later

To examine the effect of these options, let us compare the long-term results for Nancy Needful, a hypothetical 35-year-old worker with a $30,000 balance in her 401(k) plan. Nancy contributes $150 monthly to her account. Faced with a sudden emergency need for $10,000, Nancy has three options. Nancy can: A. Take a loan of $10,000 from her plan at an 8% interest rate and cease making contributions until the loan is repaid in five years, making monthly payments of $202.76, and resuming her $150 contribution after five years. B. Make a hardship withdrawal of $12,500 to provide the cash that she needs and cover her income tax and penalty, resuming her participation in the plan after one year. C. Obtain a $10,000 advance on an inheritance, continuing her participation in the plan.

Here’s how those choices will play out: The long-range cost of raising $10,000 Reduced plan accumulations

At age 55

At age 60

At age 65

Loan $199,384 $310,352 $470,186





Advance $236,007 $362,709 $551,476

Source: The Merrill Anderson Company. Assumes a steady 8% return on investment, does not represent any particular investment.

As we see, by taking the advance on her inheritance and continuing plan contributions, earning an 8% return on her investments, Nancy ends up at age 65 with 17.4% more than if she had taken the loan and fully 38.8% more than with the withdrawal. The lesson: Tapping into your retirement plan assets should be your very last resort.

© 2018 M.A. Co. All rights reserved.

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Fashion & Beauty

Book A Private Party At The Bra Boudoir Today The gift-giving holidays are over and the winter blues are starting to set in. Sounds like it’s time to book a party at The Bra Boudoir! Call up your favorite ladies, pick a date that works best for all of you and then contact us to book your party. Our parties are located in our comfortable and cute boutique, where we have a big beautiful couch for you to sit and gossip on. We will provide some light food and drinks, champagne or wine, it’s your choice. We’ll set the music to a playlist that you like, and you and your ladies are free to hang out, talk, shop and get bra fittings! It’s great for that woman you really want to get into the boutique but she’s too nervous to come in by herself. It’s also a great excuse to get out of the house and to do something fun with your ladies! If throwing your own party in our boutique is not something you are interested in, but shopping during after-hours with some drinks and snacks is something you are interested in, look out for our emails and social media updates announcing when we are hosting our own ladies night open to all who want to attend.





When it comes to undergarments, the right fit is key; but comfort is important too! We have the expertise and knowledge to help you shop for those crucial foundation pieces. Set up a private appointment to ensure our availability

and all the time you need; you’ll get the precise fit that is right for your body type. During a private appointment, customers can try on lingerie, shapewear, and loungewear, with or without our assistance. Finding bras or shapewear that not only provide support but also complement your body is a real game-changer. If you have ever gone to a department store to shop for a bra, then you know how frustrating it can be. The problem is that most of these large chain stores do not train their employees in proper sizing techniques and they don’t carry the sizes many women need to feel comfortable. Our team at the Bra Boudoir has been trained in New York City by an amazing group of bra-fitting experts. After fitting over one thousand women with a vast array of body and breast types, it is safe to say that we know what they are talking about. I have witnessed the transformation that occurs when a customer leaves my boutique feeling happy and confident, all because of an amazing bra fitting. That is why I love what I do! New arrivals come in on a monthly basis so be sure and pay a visit and stock up on all your basic needs.

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

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Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 Or Visit www.Facebook.com/TheCountyWoman to Enter Online!

One entry per person for the Bra Boudoir. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through 2/29/2020. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to the third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

January/February 2020

enlighten™ is the most advanced

laser system available for safe and effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first laser system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows individualized treatment of all colors of ne of the most ink and skincommon types for the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever circulatory available. system problems affecting

anticipate requiring far fewer treatments than required with other lasers. You can also9 Medical anticipate moreProfessionals complete results. However, since the exact number of treatments will Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center

are ne of var are m know how c laser h tattoo the nu a good exami

not initially be known, we offer complete tattoo removal packages. That gives you a set ™ announces en light en , the newest, most complete price in the beginning and eliminates the uncertainty of not knowing the exact number solutionthat available anywhere of treatments will ultimately be needed. for Ourlaser staff cantattoo give youremoval. more information about pricing after we™examine your tattoo. enlighten is the most advanced laser system available About Us and effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first for safe venous director, reflux disease Our medical Dr. and its laser system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond Part symptoms. Jeffrey Gosin, is a Board Certified technology dual wavelength lasers. This allows Due One of with the Vascular Surgeon. Hemost has years of individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for other effective treatments for experience in performing cosmetic chang thevenous fastest, laser tattoo removal ever available. refluxmost diseasecomplete is the individuals of all ages vascular laser procedures using the The “Pico” Difference leavin Closure Procedure, which is venous insufficiency, highly acclaimed Excel V™ laser. Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy The “Pico” Difference treats the abnormal veins with also known as “Venous Cost Over those remove years, hetattoos has been asked Lasers by delivering high energy over a very short period of time over aReflux very short period of time to break up ink. radiofrequency (RF) energy. The Disease”. This occurs Cost by to many patients if he could also break up isink. Inks of different types, colors and depth can provide significant Inks ofwhen different types, valves colors and depth can provide RF energy delivered through one-way in the includ remove theircalled tattoos with his laser. challenges to remove. It has been significant challenges a device a catheter that is shown that shorter duration pulses are more leg veins begintotoremove. fail andIt has been shown treatm While the Excel V™ isremoving besteffective in completely inserted into the laser diseased vein. tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new become leaky.pulses This causes that shorter duration are more effective in requir enlighten™ can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is in-class vascular applications, This for causes thelaser vein to close bloodremoving to pool in the legs completely tattoos thanand longer duration antici of second. itThis is one thousand times shorter than prior lasers it isone nottrillionth designed foraremoving removing down, essentially the development of pulses.can Ourlead newtoenlighten™ laser can deliver energy will n for tattoo removal. Picosecond, from the circulation. Thealso body large protruding legs veins, tattoos. Other prior lasers had sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been ond is one trillionth of a second. Thisknown is one thousand you a shown to remove more then redirects thetattoos blood into thecompletely and with fewer treatments, than with as varicose veins. Itsometimes can also cause significant limitations. Therefore, attoo removal. Picosecond, referred to exact normal Thisprovide eliminates lasers usedleg inveins. the past. a variety of painful or uncomfortable he previously would not this o remove tattoos more completely and with fewer more the venous reflux, markedly symptoms in the affected legs. service. Flexibility n the past. Abou relieving thelight symptoms Some of the most common of these ™ Picosecond lasers are the most advanced tattoo removal technology ennewest, When the new en Our and often improving laser combines this “pico” technology with the symptoms are leg pain, leg fatigue available. Our enlighten™ laser finally became available, that t, mostand advanced tattoo swelling removal technology He ha theboth appearance of and 532nm dual wavelength lasers. Never before has heaviness, and skin available. flexibilitychanged of 1064nm completely things. Dr. the hi “pico”itching. technology with the flexibility of both the varicose veins as In severe cases, this can thisresearched combination of power and versatility been available. This now allows for the Gosin the technology, well. The procedure gth lasers. before has defects this combination leadNever to permanent in the of power attended conferences, andinpersonally is performed a appearance and integrity of thetattoos and now allows for the treatment of all color consulted with laser experts comfortable officefrom setting skin ones, and even development ry difficult with athe single device. Thisofprovides “University Quality Care at the Jersey Shore” around the country who were and takes about 30 wounds,ofcalled venous leg ulcers. alf the number treatments of prior lasers. involved very no early use of or minutes. There in arethe usually incisions It is estimated that 20 to 40 million uired Americans and Results thisGeneral remarkable new device. It anesthesia is not required. suffer from venous insufficiency. sutures. ll take to remove their tattoo, and will it be able to Patients typically experience became clear that this minimal technology Both men and women are affected. The “University Quality Care oo removal typically takes multiple treatments. That discomfort and are able to return to their most common risk factors are occupations would set the new standard in laser at the Jersey Shore” eep intothat therequire skin and multiple treatments in aboutWe a day two.pleased standing, a family historyareofneededusual activities tattoo removal. areorvery up completely. In addition, tattoos ofover various sizes, ThetoShore Vascular & Vein varicose veins, pregnancy, being weight be the first center in Center, the entire ently toand treatment. colors aresome moreaffected difficult toin Somers Point, is the region’s premiere increasingSome age. However, Delaware Valley to be able to offer efore, itindividuals is impossible to know in the very beginning vascular and vein care center. Dr. Gosin do not have any of these risks. this cutting-edge technology. The diagnosis venous reflux disease ly be needed or how of completely it will be removed. has over 25 years experience in successfully of patients with varicose made physical secondislaser haswith been shownexamination to be faster and more treating thousands If you are experiencing veins. “tattoo They are one of New Jersey’s leading painless Doppler ultrasound testing.can expect to or tattoo removal. In fact, many people regret” and would like centers in performance of the Closure® Advances in treatment now make number of treatments, or less, than with prior lasers. to have your tattoo removed Procedure as well as other vein procedures, relief of the symptoms and appearance of JEFFREY442 S.Bethel GOSIN, MD FACS ea of the number of treatments that will be needed or changed, call us for a Road including microphlebectomy and varicose veins possible without the need consultation. Somers Point, NJ 08244 sclerotherapy for spider veins. for hospitalization or painful vein stripping


Varicose Veins: Not Just a Cosmetic Problem

surgery. For some people, wearing special

If you are experiencing signs or s, relationships and other factors,will some venous support stockings helppeople controldesire symptoms of varicose veins and For more information, can remove parts of tattoos,when whilestockings leaving other symptoms. However, aloneparts

venous reflux disease, Dr. Jeffrey are not sufficient, or when individuals 609-927-8346 Gosin ofcall Shore Vascular & Vein require a more permanent solution to The County Center is available to Woman help. CallMagazine or visit veins, new minimally invasive numbervaricose of factors including the size of the tattoo (609) 927-3030 to schedule a office procedures can often be used www.EndTattooRegret.com. ded. Keep in mind that with enlighten™, to youcure shouldconsultation.

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) 442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244 www.EndTattooRegret.com

(609) 927 VEIN www.TheCountyWom (8346) www.EndTattooRegret.com



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2018 January/February 2020

Legal Professionals


HELPING PEOPLE PROTECT ASSETS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AND CONDUCT SMOOTH REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS FOR OVER TWO DECADES. • Special Needs Trusts • Wills & Estate Planning • Guardianships • Health Care Proxies • Long Term Care • Powers of Attorney • Inheritance Tax Planning • Trusts 81 East Water Street Suite 2C, Toms River NJ 08753 732.281.0060 www.MatusLaw.com 125 Half Mile Road, 200 Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 This office by appointment only.

Christine L. Matus, Esq.

What Are The Estate Documents To Update When Going Through A Divorce? By Christine L. Matus, Esq.

The story of a divorcing couple in Arizona demonstrates why you need to update your estate plan at divorce. The couple, who were in their early 40s and had been married for several years, had created a multimillion-dollar business together. When they filed for divorce, the process became bitter and full of disagreements about small issues. They were thinking in the moment about the immediate dollars and cents, but didn’t consider what would happen with assets at death. During divorce, update your will to ensure your assets go where you want them to go. One night the wife had dinner with friends. Sadly, she died in a tragic car accident on her way home. Neither she nor her husband had changed their wills. As a result, everything she had, including the half of the business that belonged to her, went to the husband. Her family was left with nothing. In this case, an interim will could have stated that her share of the marital estate would go to her parents. The lesson: during divorce, update your will to ensure your assets go where you want them to go, such as to your parents or to a child from the current marriage or a previous one. In addition to changing your will, you must also change the following: 1. Power of attorney documents. It’s essential that you change your powers of attorney during

divorce. You need a medical power of attorney to ensure that your estranged spouse can’t make medical decisions on your behalf. Remove any financial powers of attorney as well. 2. Guardian for your minor children. If you have chosen a guardian for minor children in your will, any change will have to be agreed to by your estranged spouse. You cannot create an interim will that excludes the other parent as a guardian, unless your spouse’s parental rights have already been removed. 3. Accounts with named beneficiaries. While you’re in the process of divorcing, you typically cannot change the named beneficiaries on 401(k) plans or life insurance policies, though if needed, you might be able to obtain an interim order to authorize a change. Once your divorce agreement is in place, it might state which beneficiary designations can and cannot be changed. Once your divorce is final, remember to review interim documents and other documents again. Any trust you have with your former spouse will have to be revoked or amended. The assets will have to be moved to a new trust. The Matus Law Group can help make sure all documents are properly changed along the way.

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Nasal Congestion And The Dangers Of Over-The-Counter Nasal Sprays Nasal congestion is a common problem. Almost everyone has had a stuffy nose at some point in their lives. Causes can vary, including allergies, sinusitis, viral infection, and anatomical abnormalities. Most people self-treat before seeking medical advice. Over-the-counter intranasal decongestants, drugs such as phenylephrine, can bring near instant relief. These medications are meant for short-term use only, three days or fewer. If used for more than three days, overuse of intranasal decongestants can lead to worsening nasal obstruction and dependence on the medication. The name of this condition is rhinitis medicamentosa. Rhinitis medicamentosa is drug-induced swelling of the nasal passages due to a rebound phenomenon. The more you use the medicine, the more stuffy your nose becomes. People find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle.

Here are some clues that you have rhinitis medicamentosa:

1. Your main and only symptom is nasal congestion. 2. You cannot identify triggers typically seen with allergies.

Christina Gillespie, MD

3. The spray is no longer helping. 4. You experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit the spray, such as headaches, sleep trouble, restlessness, and anxiety.

There is only one long-term solution to this problem: you have to stop using the nose spray. If you suspect you are addicted to your nose spray, it is time for you to see an ENT physician. We can help you get off your nose spray. There are medications that can be prescribed for both shortand long-term use to help treat rhinitis medicamentosa. We can also help identify the cause of your nasal congestion and help solve the problem safely for the long term. There are a wide variety of diseases that can cause nasal congestion, conditions such as allergic rhinitis, nonallergic rhinitis, deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, use of CPAP machine, upper respiratory infection, chronic sinusitis, and pregnancy. ENT physicians have the training and the tools to make the correct diagnosis and get you down the path of breathing clearly through your nose.

Dr. Christina Gillespie is a board certified Otolaryngoloigist who has been in practice in Toms River since 2013. She completed her internship and residency in Otolaryngology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Before moving to Toms River, she served as Chief of Otolaryngology at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas for eight years. At Ocean Otolaryngology, Dr. Gillespie sees patients of all ages with a variety of medical problems. Her specialties include pediatric otolaryngology, sinus surgery, and surgery for sleep apnea. She also treats common medical conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus, hoarseness and chronic cough. Dr. Gillespie resides in Monmouth County with her husband and daughter. She enjoys spending time with her family as they explore the Jersey Shore. She is also an avid tennis player.

Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS

Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS

Nurse Practitioner Rajat Sood, APN

54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 1707 Atlantic Avenue, Wall Township, NJ

Happy Valentine’s Day

X and O Rice Krispy Treats- A Fun Unique Craft For Kids

1. In large saucepan melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat. 2. Add KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES cereal. Stir until well coated. 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 3. Using buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into 15 x 10 x 1-inch pan coated with cooking spray. Cool slightly. Using 1 package JET-PUFFED Marshmallows cookie cutters coated with cooking spray cut into X and O shapes. Decorate with frosting and/or candies. Best if served the same day. 6 cups Kellogg’s® Rice Krispies® cereal Microwave Directions: In microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes. Stir Canned frosting or decorating gel until smooth. Follow steps 2 and 3 above. Microwave cooking times may vary. Food coloring Note: For best results, use fresh marshmallows. 1 jar (7 oz.) marshmallow crème can be substituted for marshmallows. Diet, reduced Assorted candies calorie or tub margarine is not recommended. Store no more than two days at room temperature in airtight container. To freeze, place in layers separated by wax paper in airtight container. Freeze for up to 6 weeks. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving.

You will need:

• • • • • •

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Reliance Medical Group For A Healthier Happier You! Dizziness: Definitions, Causes and Treatments, Part I

Dizziness is a term used to describe everything from feeling faint or lightheaded to feeling weak or unsteady. Dizziness that creates the sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving is called vertigo. Dizziness is one of the most common reasons adults visit their doctors—right up there with chest pain and fatigue. Although frequent dizzy spells or constant dizziness can keep you from doing much of anything, dizziness rarely signals a serious, life-threatening condition. Treatment of dizziness depends on the cause and your symptoms, but is usually effective.


Vertigo usually results from a sudden or temporary change in the activity of the balance structures in your inner ear (vestibular system) or in the balance structures’ connections into the brain. These connections sense movement and changes in your head position. Sitting up or moving around may make it worse. Sometimes vertigo is severe enough to cause nausea, vomiting and balance problems. But the good news about vertigo is that it generally won’t last long. Within a couple of weeks, the body usually adapts to whatever is causing your dizziness.

“Quality Healthcare Is A Right, Not A Privilege”


Feeling of faintness


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Disequilibrium is the loss of balance or the feeling of unsteadiness when you walk. Causes may include: • Inner ear (vestibular) problems. Abnormalities with your inner ear can cause you to feel like you are unsteady while walking, especially in the dark. • Sensory disorders. Failing vision and nerve damage in your legs (peripheral neuropathy) are common in older adults and may result in difficulty maintaining your balance. • Joint and muscle problems. Muscle weakness and osteoarthritis can contribute to loss of balance when it involves your weight-bearing joints. • Neurological conditions. Various neurological disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, can lead to progressive loss of balance. • Medications. Loss of balance can be a side effect of certain medications, such as anti-seizure drugs, sedatives and tranquilizers.












Other “dizzy” sensations that are more difficult to describe may include feeling “spaced out” or having the sensation of spinning inside your head. Your doctor may refer to this as nonspecific dizziness. Some causes include: • Medications • Inner ear disorders • Anxiety disorders • Low iron levels (anemia) • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) • Ear infections • Overheating and dehydration • Chronic subjective dizziness If you are experiencing dizziness, Reliance Medical Group can help answer your questions and treat any related condition that may be causing your discomfort. Call to make your appointment with one of our medical professionals today!


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Loss of balance (disequilibrium)

Other dizzy sensations such as floating, swimming or heavy-headedness




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Dizziness may make you feel faint and lightheaded without losing consciousness. Sometimes nausea, pale skin and clamminess accompany a feeling of faintness. Causes of this type of dizziness include: • Drop in blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension). A dramatic drop in your systolic blood pressure may result in lightheadedness or a feeling of faintness. It can occur after sitting up or standing too quickly. • Inadequate output of blood from the heart. Certain conditions or diseases of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) or a decrease in blood volume may cause inadequate blood flow from your heart.




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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Legal Professionals Medical Professionals

7 19 13

PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS – WHEN YOU NEED A LAWYER When bad things happen to good people, a lawyer’s services are necessary to ensure that you get the most compensation for your injuries. Why do I need a personal injury attorney?

Law offices range in size from sole practitioners to firms with hundreds of lawyers. While large firms may be more attractive, there are undeniable benefits to hiring a smaller firm.


Small Firm

Small firms can be an excellent choice and so you may want to consider retaining one if it makes sense, given the nature of your legal problem. Although no two firms are the same, potential benefits of hiring a small firm include: • A more direct working relationship with your lawyer.


Experience and expertise. Personal injury attorneys often have: • Trial experience (whereas other types of attorneys may not); • Negotiation experience; • An in-depth understanding of medical diagnoses and processes associated with personal injuries; and • An in-depth understanding of negligence law and other torts.


Your case is not going to get lost in the shuffle.

Factors to consider

When you begin the process of choosing a personal injury attorney, you will want to understand what makes a good lawyer. One important factor is trial experience. While not all cases go to trial and most settle out of court, you will MD, FAAD want to hire anMordechai attorney whoM. is a Tarlow, certified trial attorney and is not intimidated by a trial. Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology

Know the facts of your case andSchool haveof as much documentation as University of Pennsylvania Medicine possible. Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology

Size Matters

• Lower fees and costs. It is not unusual for a small firm to charge less than a big firm might charge for doing the same type of work. • A more informal working relationship. You are likely to get to know everyone in your lawyer’s office if he or she is with a small firm. This can lead to a better working relationship, which may make you feel more comfortable.

Adult and Pediatric General Dermatology

For a free consultation, Oncologic Skin Disease please contact Kevin Riordan, Esq., at 732-240-2250. (skin cancer)

Surgical Treatment Kevin B. Riordan, Esq.

Before meeting with an attorney an initial consultation, write down and Fellow, American Societyfor of Mohs Surgery know as many facts of your case as possible. Fellow, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery The attorney may want to see any or all of the following: • Police or incident report Esther Stern, NP-C • Medical documents, including bills, diagnoses, and test results Fay Prag, NP-C • Pictures of the location of the incident or accident, damage, injuries or anything Pesha M. Cohen, NP-C from the scene • Written statements from witnesses • Your insurance policy (if applicable)

With over 20 years of trying cases in New Jersey, you Cosmetic Dermatology can rest assured that if you hire Kevin Riordan he will not

Mohs Micrographic are necessary to ensure Surgery you get the most compensation

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Feel comfortable with the attorney our goal is to provide you with the highest

You are going to beskin spending a good amount of time with your lawyer, so you quality health care in a nurturing and want to make compassionate sure they make you feel comfortable, will be available to answer any environment. questions you may have, and will have a positive outlook about your case. Our experienced providers work side by side in an atmosphere of collaboration.

settle for less than the fair amount. A lawyer’s services

for your injuries. Kevin attended Kalamazzo College and received his law degree from New York Law School. He is a member of the Ocean and American Bar Associations. He is certified by the Supreme Court as aaccepted. Civil Trial Attorney. Most major insurance plans

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We look forward to creating a trusting “I am a long-time client of Kevin Riordan. Among other things, he relationship, in which we can work together has represented my mother for a fall and me in a worker’s compensation 456 Chestnut Street, Lakewood, NJ 08701 to keep your skin looking and feeling its best! case, with great results. Sometimes the process gets complicated, but I feel 20 Hadley Ave., Toms River, NJ 08753 confident when he is battling on our side because I know he has a great reputation as a trial attorney.”— William H., Manahawkin www.kbrlawfirm.com




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September/October 2018 November/December 2019 January/February 2020


Medical Professionals

Cancer Screening Dr. Apurv Agrawal

Screening for cancer does not mean that your physician thinks that you have cancer. Ideally cancer screening is recommended when there is testing available that can help diagnose cancer at an early stage and there are treatment options to cure that cancer. The aim is to utilize testing that has few false positive and false negative results. For the purpose of this article we will review cancer screening in “standard risk” patients and not “high risk” patients. “High risk” patients include among others: those with a personal history of cancer, family history of cancer, and gene mutations associated with cancer. We will focus here on screening for breast, colon, and lung cancers. Of note there is more than one organization that issues cancer screening guidelines.

(1) Breast Cancer: The American Cancer Society recommends giving women the choice to start annual mammograms from age 4044. They recommend women get annual mammograms from age 45-54. Screening mammograms every 1-2 years in women aged 55 and older as long as they are in good health and expected to live 10 years or more.

(2) Colon Cancer: The American

Cancer Society recommends regular screening starting at age 45. Based on clinical factors that screening can be performed by a stool based test or visualization in the form of a flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Findings on screening testing may precipitate more frequent or additional testing. The method and need for continued testing may change based on findings and age.

(3) Lung Cancer: The American Cancer

Society recommends a low dose CT scan for people aged 55 to 74 in fairly good health who

Wishing You A Happy & Healthy New Year!

currently smoke or have quit smoking within the past 15 years. Patients should have smoked a pack/day for 30 years or 15 cigarettes/day for 40 years. It is important for physician to explain to patients the benefits, limitations, and harms of screening prior to proceeding with any testing. Additional information can be found on the American Cancer Society or US Preventive Services Task Force web sites.

For more information, call 732-840-8880 or visit www.NJHOA.com.

New Jersey Hematology Oncology Associates

Girish Amin, M.D. Apurv Agrawal, M.D. Jayne Pavlak-Schenk, D.O. Randi Katz, D.O. Brick • 1608 Route 88 West, Suite 250 • (732) 840-8880 Toms River • 508 Lakehurst Rd., Suite 1-B • (732) 244-1440 Whiting • 63D lacey Rd. • (732) 606-4060 Neptune • 19 Davis Ave. • (732) 206-6226 Fax • (732) 840-3939 • www.NJHOA.com

Exceptional Care Without Exception

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


What is this?

This is a surgical technique that is performed through very tiny incisions, only a few millimetres long. This is in contrast to traditional surgery performed through large incisions on the foot. Dr. Baskin offers this technique with advantages over open surgery. Much less soft tissue stripping and dissection is required to gain access to the bone in order to make the corrections. This may alleviate the need for wires, implants, or screws.

This may lead to:

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Open Surgery

• Reduced surgical time • Walking the same day in a surgical shoe. • Less damage to tissues • Less internal scarring • Minimal external scarring (sometimes stitches are not needed) • Less joint stiffness • Same day surgery • Quicker recovery time • Faster return to work and normal activities • No need for pins or implants in the toes • Possibly a better result

What conditions can be treated this way? • Bunions (hallux valgus) • Lumps, bumps, corns, calluses on or in between the toes. • Hammer toes • Metatarsalgia (pain under the balls of the toes) • Big toe arthritis (Cheilectomy for Hallux Rigidus) • Morton’s Neuroma • Plantar Fasciitis • Some aspects of flat feet surgery • Some aspects of ankle arthritis surgery • Diabetic ulcers most places on the foot

Can any surgeon perform this kind of surgery?

No. Very specific training in minimally invasive techniques are required and these training courses have restricted access. A new range of surgical tools, not normally used in traditional open surgery are used and these require a new set of technical skills in order to master the different surgical techniques. This requires training and experience. Not all foot and ankle surgeons perform minimally invasive foot surgery.

Is it for me?

Most people are eligible to have minimally invasive surgery, however it is not for everyone. Some deformities are too large to be corrected using minimally invasive techniques. A consultation with Dr. Baskin will allow you to discuss this in detail and decide which method of foot correction is appropriate for you. n

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020


Pediatric Services Child Developments: What To Know

Written By Brielle Caucino, M.S., CCC-SLP Seashore Pediatric Therapy Center.

Not all children achieve their developmental milestones at the same time. Children develop at different rates, starting at infancy and continuing on through their childhood as their brains are absorbing and processing sounds, sight, movement, smells, and tactile input from their environment. The brain is forever changing and learning, creating neural pathways as we learn new skills. That being said, the first three years of a child’s life are the most critical and intensive period for acquiring speech and language skills, as this is when the brain is first developing and maturing and demonstrates the greatest plasticity. When discussing developmental milestones, you may hear parents talk about the “wait and see” approach, typically when a child is experiencing delays in achieving their developmental milestones, and specifically in relation to speech and language. However, in a recent study that was completed by my graduate professor Nina Singleton (2018), it is suggested that the wait-and-see approach is a controversial ‘approach’ due to the parental perception that late talking is “self-correcting.” This theory assumes that the majority of children who are identified as late talking are simply “late bloomers.” However, not all late talkers meet their same-age peers in language performance in all areas of development, including language, social skills, and academic skills. According to Singleton, “toddlers are more likely to persist in language delay the older they are when identified. At 24 months of age, 50% to 70% of toddlers could ‘catch up’ to peers,” while 30-50% of them do not. It was also reported “82% of toddlers who failed screenings at 30 months of age were not recovering by age 6.” What this means is that those toddlers who were unable to catch up, whose parents chose the “wait and see” approach, have missed that prime time between birth and three years of age when the brain is best able to process, absorb, and learn language…and they can’t actually get that time back. Of course there is always room to grow and learn; it just may take longer and be a little more challenging than if it was addressed earlier on. Early language intervention can help support a child’s long-term

outcome in terms of catching up to their sameaged peers, which may be reflected on a standardized test, in addition to in the classroom. As a speech-language pathologist in both a hospital and private setting, I have learned that it is important for children to receive speechlanguage services as early as possible because children are less stimulated in multiple areas of learning and are just focused on speech and language. As mentioned, a young brain displays the greatest plasticity, so toddlers are more likely to absorb and learn new information at an earlier age. It is typical for parents to wait until a teacher in school identifies their child with a speech delay before beginning intervention. However, parents who wait to begin intervention may be taking a risk and their child could fall behind their same-aged peers in school. Children who fall behind and are unable to “catch up” to their peers are at continued risk for language delays. Studies have shown that late talkers often have difficulty with reading and decoding skills, which could later impact reading comprehension, which is a necessary skill for written language. Parent involvement is essential during early development. Auditory bombardment of vocabulary and having the child look at your face when speaking will only help with language development. Parents are often considered a “child’s first teacher” and children often learn the most from the people they are familiar with and know the best! Children are able to generalize learned skills when they are embedded in their daily routines such as bath time, bedtime, play or snack time. Parents also interact with their child every day, which offers multiple learning opportunities for their children to learn and grow. Speech and language services may often take a while to start due to frequent waitlists at an outpatient facility, which could potentially allow for a child to fall even further behind their peers. At Seashore Pediatric Therapy Center, not only do we provide high quality speech and language services, but we offer occupational and physical therapy. Our therapists are collaborative and compassionate, and we have a mutual understanding of how important it is to provide services and intervention as early as possible. If you are concerned with your child’s development, there is never harm in talking with a speech and language pathologist about what you are seeing and your concerns to see if therapy is appropriate and warranted. After all, you are your child’s best advocate, and we are here to help guide you and your child as needed so they can reach their full potential!

Toms River: 950 Hooper Ave • Unit 2 Toms River, NJ 08753 848-251-5355

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Manahawkin: 230 Division Street Manahawkin, NJ 08050 609-607-7400 January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Helping Small Miracles Happen

What Can I Do If I Haven’t Been Able To Get Pregnant? Although pregnancy may seem like an inevitable event in a woman’s life,1 in 8 women will have difficulty conceiving. If you have been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful, you do not need to feel like you are alone. There are many resources available to help, and discussing your concerns with your gynecologist or infertility specialist may be the first step to achieve that goal. How long do I try before visiting my doctor? A healthy fertile couple has approximately a 20% chance of achieving pregnancy per month, with a cumulative pregnancy rate of 85% over the course of a year. It is recommended for a couple to seek infertility counseling and evaluation after the course of 1 year of monthly unprotected intercourse. Since the likelihood of pregnancy success decreases with female age, for women over age 35, it is recommended to seek further evaluation after a 6 month period of attempting conception.

When I see an infertility specialist, what will happen? A reproductive endocrinologist will take a medical history of both the female and partner. This includes a review of your menstrual history, and a discussion of any corresponding medical conditions, current medications, and surgical history. In addition, a physical exam and pelvic ultrasound should be performed as part of your infertility workup. Blood testing is done to determine hormone levels that affect your ability to achieve pregnancy. Finally, a uterus and fallopian tube assessment is performed to determine if any factors exist that can impair your ability to get pregnant.

If there is a male partner, a semen analysis to evaluate for the presence and function of normal sperm should be performed. Approximately 30-40% of couples will have an identified “male factor” that contributes to their infertility.

What are my options if I need treatment? Depending on your infertility evaluation, your physician will recommend an individualized treatment plan that increases your chances of conceiving. In some cases, a woman needs help releasing an egg (ovulating). There are medications that promote the development and release of an egg from the ovaries. Oftentimes, pelvic ultrasound examination will be carried out to monitor and determine the response of the ovaries to stimulation medications. As mentioned previously, the cause of infertility may stem from the male, and a concentrated sperm sample can be placed directly inside the uterus via an “intrauterine insemination”, thus increasing the chances of the egg and sperm meeting to fertilize. In more severe cases of infertility, including blocked fallopian tubes, severely decreased ovarian function, or severe sperm abnormalities, your physician may recommend that you undergo in-vitro fertilization to best increase your likelihood of conceiving. At the Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey, we are available to answer your fertility questions, perform a complete fertility evaluation, and present you with individualized options for conception all in a comfortable and caring setting. Our patients are made to feel like guests in our home. We are a full service fertility center experienced in all the latest technologies and look forward to help you achieve success. Reproductive Science Center of NJ has three locations, Lawrenceville, Eatontown, and Toms River. Our center offers convenient hours along with Free Phone Consultations and Free Second Opinions.

For more information call our Toms River office number at 732-240-3000 or visit www.FertillityNJ.com.

Pregnancy Services

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Pictured (L-R): Dr. William F. Zeigler • Dr. Alan M. Martinez

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Personalized Treatment Plans Free Phone Consultations

South Jersey’s Premier Prenatal 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging Studio Bellyssimo Imaging, a 3D/4D elective prenatal ultrasound studio in Mays Landing, New Jersey. We offer an incredible ultrasound experience in our spacious, comfortable studio, which will accommodate 15 or so of your family and friends to see your baby projected on a giant screen. We start gender ultrasounds at 14 weeks and recommend around 30 weeks for “chubby cheek” pictures. Follow us on Instragram and Facebook @Bellyssimo or check out our website at www.bellyssimo.net. Festival at Hamilton Shopping Center • 4450 E Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing, NJ 08330

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Cannot be combined with any other offers/specials. Limit one coupon per customer per pregnancy.

January/February 2020


Medical Professionals


Medical Professionals

If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dr. Banks’s office: SEE DR. BANKS! It’s More Than Just Wisdom Teeth

Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.”

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost all patients, according to Dr. Banks. Wisdom teeth, or third molars, can to remove the unerupted or When the gum ridge wherebe teeth are missing isand too thin to place a dentalimpacted implant, tooth, and together troublesome painful if there bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What means is with that the a bone orthodontist, Dr. is not enough space for thethat teeth replacement product, or even the patient’s own erupt bone, can placed into theBanks deficient will area, discuss options for to completely intobethe mouth stabilized, and allowed to heal.into Following healing, dental implants can be placed into that future tooth replacement. a useful position. Wisdom area and then restored with porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” Extra teeth: Some patient teeth that have not surfaced out and can be accomplished in both the top andthrough bottom jaws. have extra teeth, called of the bone the gums into teeth. These mouth are called impacted When teeth are missing, thethe sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand supernumerary downward can occur anywhere in the teeth and usually will need to be into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according mouth and usually need to removed to prevent gum disease to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antral Sinus Augmentation – commonly called a ‘Sinus Lift Procedure’ – can be be removed, especially when the presence of the extra tooth is and other types of infections and performed, sometimes even at the time of implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of impeding the eruption or causing damage to the other teeth. cysts from forming. bone in the area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, a bone replacement product or Sometimes other teeth do not erupt into the The supernumerary tooth could be impacted, as in the case of a even the patient’s own bone mouth can be properly, used.” and this is generally noted mesiodens, an extra tooth that forms in between the two upper Kathy A. Banks, DMD frontthe teeth. If the supernumerary tooth is impacted, Dr. Banks will assess a child is in what we call thethe “mixed A common misconceptionwhen is that the bone is placed into sinus. In reality, sinus membrane the position the supernumerary tooth in the jaws with a cone beam thereit are somebe, and is actually lifted up (hence to name dentition” “sinus lift”)phase back(when to where should the boneofgraft material CT scan in the office, so that surgical removal can be discussed and baby teeth and some adult teeth). is placed under the sinus membrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one planned. Dr. Banks removes supernumerary teeth in the office setting or Impacted teeth can occur anywhere procedure. the operating room, depending on the difficulty of the procedure. in the mouth: incisors, canine teeth, Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D beam CT have scanning cone Some patients congenitally missing teeth; that is when all the bicuspids and molars. In most cases, of the face and jaws, to evaluate her once patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately teeth don’t develop. This condition is also called partial agenesis of teeth. the child is under the care of an diagnose the magnitude of the boneorthodontist, loss in the area place implants and the lateral incisors andquality lower second bicuspids are common areas for Dr.where Bankswe willwould assess like to Upper of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” this condition to occur, but it can occur in any area of the mouth. In the position of the tooth in the jaw Sheprecisely also prepares advanced materials intoshow grafting as the L-PRF somesuch cases, primary tooth, if present, will be retained until the patient with a and coneuses beam CT scanbiologic in the office, and will the procedures (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which areismade right in the officeitat the time of surgery. matures and facial bone growth is complete. At this stage, using a cone patients and the parents where the tooth and determine whether beam CT for guidance, is possible to there move isthe tooth with orthodontic traction whether the And finally, a preconceived notion that these or procedures are painful procedures. “There Dr. Banks will coordinate with the dentist and orthodontist, and a plan tooth is so badly positioned in the jaw that it must be removed. are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offerwill be formulated to remove the primary tooth and so place restoration If the impacted tooth is a candidate to be nitrous moved orthodontically, intravenous general anesthesia and sedation, oxide and local Dr. anesthesia” thatanallimplant her patients can in the area to replace the tooth. In all these situations, Dr. Banks will coordinate care with your Banks will discuss and plan a procedure to expose the tooth crown be treated comfortably. orthodontist and your general dentist to ensure the optimal outcome and to bond a special orthodontic bracket with an attachment for “Of course, I’m making it sound easy but these procedures are technically demanding and years and experience. Astake a Board-Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon the orthodontist to use to move of practice gain proper expertise. You only want your bone grafting procedures and board performed certified by by theaNational Dental Board of Anesthesiology, Dr. the toothtointo itsthe correct position. well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon.” Banks is your surgical expert in conditions of the face, mouth and jaws. These procedures are performed in the office with the comfort of sedation anesthesia. If the unerupted or impacted tooth cannot be moved orthodontically, then Dr. Banks will discuss and plan a surgery

For more information, call 609-488-2325 Call Dr. Banks Today! 609-488-2325 • www.drbanksoms.com or visit www.drbanksoms.com

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 www.drbanksoms.com www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 January/February 2020

Legal Professionals Legal

7 19 19

PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS – WHEN YOU NEED A LAWYER When bad things happen to good people, a lawyer’s services are necessary to ensure that you get the most compensation for your injuries. Why do I need a personal injury attorney?

Experience and expertise. Personal injury attorneys often have: • Trial experience (whereas other types of attorneys may not); • Negotiation experience; • An in-depth understanding of medical diagnoses and processes associated with personal injuries; and • An in-depth understanding of negligence law and other torts.

Factors to consider

When you begin the process of choosing a personal injury attorney, you will want to understand what makes a good lawyer. One important factor is trial experience. While not all cases go to trial and most settle out of court, you will want to hire an attorney who is a certified trial attorney and is not intimidated by a trial.

Know the facts of your case and have as much documentation as possible.

Before meeting with an attorney for an initial consultation, write down and know as many facts of your case as possible. The attorney may want to see any or all of the following: • Police or incident report • Medical documents, including bills, diagnoses, and test results • Pictures of the location of the incident or accident, damage, injuries or anything from the scene • Written statements from witnesses • Your insurance policy (if applicable)

Feel comfortable with the attorney

You are going to be spending a good amount of time with your lawyer, so you want to make sure they make you feel comfortable, will be available to answer any questions you may have, and will have a positive outlook about your case.

TESTIMONIAL “I am a long-time client of Kevin Riordan. Among other things, he has represented my mother for a fall and me in a worker’s compensation case, with great results. Sometimes the process gets complicated, but I feel confident when he is battling on our side because I know he has a great reputation as a trial attorney.”— William H., Manahawkin



Size Matters

Law offices range in size from sole practitioners to firms with hundreds of lawyers. While large firms may be more attractive, there are undeniable benefits to hiring a smaller firm.

Small Firm

Small firms can be an excellent choice and so you may want to consider retaining one if it makes sense, given the nature of your legal problem. Although no two firms are the same, potential benefits of hiring a small firm include: • A more direct working relationship with your lawyer.

Your case is not going to get lost in the shuffle.

• Lower fees and costs. It is not unusual for a small firm to charge less than a big firm might charge for doing the same type of work. • A more informal working relationship. You are likely to get to know everyone in your lawyer’s office if he or she is with a small firm. This can lead to a better working relationship, which may make you feel more comfortable.

For a free consultation, please contact Kevin Riordan, Esq., at 732-240-2250. Kevin B. Riordan, Esq. With over 20 years of trying cases in New Jersey, you can rest assured that if you hire Kevin Riordan he will not settle for less than the fair amount. A lawyer’s services are necessary to ensure you get the most compensation for your injuries. Kevin attended Kalamazzo College and received his law degree from New York Law School. He is a member of the Ocean and American Bar Associations. He is certified by the Supreme Court as a Civil Trial Attorney.

Kevin B. Riordan

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney

732-240-2250 kriordan@kbrlawfirm.com


20 Hadley Ave., Toms River, NJ 08753


Health &ToWellness Recipe Enter Win Health Wellness CoachTheater! Ferrentino Chicken Pastry Two Tickets: In ToPuff The& Cape May Stage Compliments of Chef Steph

Who is ready to transform their mind and body? What if, just what if, you FINALLY found the answer Nice weather is just around the corner! Dawn Ferrentino, a transformation specialist, has been to being at your optimal health? No more yo-yo dieting. No more crashes. All natural solutions backed Preheat oven toWhether 400 degress. coaching of people on theirthawed transformations the pastthe sixthousands years. you are 1 sheet puff pastry, and rolled by science.thousands Dawn Ferrentino, a transformation specialist, has for been coaching of people on their Name: __________________________________________ Roll out puff pastry, cut into four equal sized pieces. into 14in square. looking to lose weight, gain someWhether extra energy, some lean muscle, or extra age more youthfully, transformations forout over six ayears. you arecreate looking to lose weight, create energy, improve Place 1 1/2 tablesoons of herbed cheese in the center of each piece. performance, just feel overall better, this may be the program you! With guaranteed 4program boneless chicken breasts, cooked this may beorthe for you! With guaranteed resultsfor and custom programs,results, backed by Address:_________________________________________ customized programs, and one on one coaching, you will make the right decision to say yes to Top herbed cheese with a chicken breast and then chopped parsley 1/3 cup soft cheese science, you will make theherbed right decision to incorporate this program into your lifestyle. With a 405 Lafayette St. City:_____________________State:______Zip:___________ incorporating this program into your lifestyle. With a money back guarantee, you get your body back or Next, fold the corners of the pastry over the chicken breast. 1/4back cup fresh parsley , chopped money guarantee, you get your body back or your money back. have nothing to lose! Except maybe some unwanted pounds. Dawn Ferrentino your money back. 1You CapeinMay, NJ Place chicken pastry seam side down on a baking sheet covered parchement. large egg

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Lightly brush the top with a whisked You Deserve ToOptional Feel Your Absolute Clip BEST! Let’s Start Your Transformation Today!egg. ingredients-chopped spinach, and Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012*


diced roasted red peppers, additional Bake for 20-25minutes or until crust is golden brown. www.capemaystage.org *Only one entry per person. cheese, etc. dawnferrentino07@gmail.com Web: dawnferrentino.com dawn.baronferrentino

Feel free to add any of the optional ingredients as well & enjoy!

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March/April 2018 2017 March/April January/February 2020

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room


Committing to ‘Memory’ – Designer Turns Her Baking Hobby Into a Full-Blown Career

AnnMarie Cooney AnnMarie Cooney did not grow up dreaming of becoming a baker. Visions of sugar plums and intricately decorated cakes were not dancing through her head as a young girl. By trade, Cooney was a kitchen designer, but retired early to raise her daughters. “With three girls, my job was to raise good women,” Cooney says. It was a special request from her daughter that would eventually turn her into a highly sought-after cake designer and baker. “It all started because my daughter wanted a cake,” Cooney says with a smile. Cooney’s middle girl, was born with health issues that resulted in special needs. So when she wanted a circus cake for her fifth birthday, Cooney made her the best circus cake around. That was 14 years ago, and her girls quickly caught on to their mom’s special talent. At every birthday, they requested a special cake. “It became, ‘what can we do next’ and ‘how can we top that,’ Cooney says. Then she began making cakes for friends. Cooney’s husband had to build an additional kitchen at her house just to accommodate all of the special cake requests. When Cooney’s youngest daughter entered kindergarten six years ago, Cooney decided she wanted to go back to work. “But, I needed to figure out what I was going to do,” Cooney says. Sadly, Cooney’s grandmother, with whom she was very close, passed away during this time. “I was sitting at home, just very sad, and my cousin called me to meet her at the park with her kids,” Cooney says. However, in the midst of grief, she didn’t feel up to it. “My cousin sad, ‘come on grandma would want us to.’ So I went, Cooney says. On the way to the park, she saw the real estate sign. She checked it out and immediately knew that it would be the perfect location for her bakery, A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room. “My grandmother left each of her grandchildren a small inheritance and it was just enough for me to open my business,” Cooney explains. Cooney spent about five years at that location before moving to another larger space six months ago just two miles down the road in Waretown. A beautiful picture of her grandmother has watched over her since the day she opened. It’s difficult to simply call Cooney’s creations “cakes.” Some designs are so intricate that they look like art. Cooney and her team created a three-dimensional depiction of Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” that captured the essence of this masterpiece with sweet, swirly curves and lines of vividly hued icing. Then there’s the adorable panda birthday cake that could easily be mistaken for a cuddly toy. The list of unique, edible masterpieces goes on and on, That’s because they average a minimum of 30 specialty cake orders per week, mostly by working with different catering and special event venues in and around Long Beach Island. However, they also have a long list of loyal customers. “Some of our customers started with a gender reveal and now we’re doing their fifth birthday cake,” Cooney says. Customer Kathy Helm of Waretown got her grandson’s birthday cake from Cooney close to five years ago. “It was perfect, I brought a couple pictures of what I wanted and they just did their thing,” Helm says. And she has been coming here ever since. “I’m in sales, so I bring my clients treats from here all the time,” Helm says. She’s also brought her granddaughter to Sweet Memory’s princess tea parties. “Our clients really do become our friends,” adds Cooney. In addition to the special-order cakes, A Sweet Memory, has a selection

of seasonal cakes, mini desserts, cookie sandwiches and other baked goods readily available daily. Other creative creations include their cake pies; cakes topped with pie filling and decorated to look exactly like a pie. “Our baking is very seasonal,” Cooney explains. Winter flavors includes a tasted snowball cupcake, which is a chocolate cake filled with marshmallow and chocolate fudge, frosted with coconut buttercream, rolled in toasted coconut, drizzled with chocolate and topped with marshmallows. Or their gingerbread scone with maple cream. Or the orange, cranberry Christmas scone with orange cream. “My grandmother used to always have her ‘lady friends’, as she called them, over for tea,” Cooney explains, adding that she wanted to honor her grandmother by adding a high tea to her bakery. “We squeezed one table in our previous location and began hosting afternoon teas.” They were all so well-received Cooney has expanded her operation to include a full-time tea room. Decorated with a lovely mix of china and flowers, the tea room serves tea, lunch and snacks from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. They also offer a high tea, but reservations are required. “Our clients have really created the charm of this place,” says Cooney, who adds almost of her china, platters and place setting have been donated by her customers. High tea ($27.95) is served on tiered platters and begins with an individual pot of tea, chosen from their selection of more than 50 teas. Followed by seasonally inspired salad and homemade soup, four varieties or tea sandwiches, freshly baked scones served with their specialty creams, and completed with a selection of their miniature desserts. “Everything from our meats to spreads, our dressings and chutneys, our soups are all made fresh in-house,” Cooney says. Cooney also places an emphasis on healthy fare. “We source organic whenever possible and offer a large selection or vegetarian friendly dishes,” she says. With the extra space the tea room has added to A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe and Tea Room, Cooney is able to host special events. “We’ve done cake-decorating classes and other ladies events,” Cooney says. They’ve also hosted princess teas, American Girl teas, unicorn teas and more. They even carry a line of tea geared towards little ones. “We even have a dress up section that ladies and little ladies love,” Cooney says. A little help from above has turned Cooney’s one-time hobby into a business that brings customers joys bite by bite. The business that Cooney started out of her home has grown into a full-time operation with a staff of eight. “We work hard and we work a lot, but we really do love each other,” Cooney says. She says they have become a great team and she couldn’t do all of this without them. Cooney’s brother-in-law, Paul Cooney, recently joined the team as chef and baker. There’s also Sarah Rod, the head decorator, and Cindi Reider, head fondant who works in fine detail. “Sarah and

Cindi are so talented, they really are the best around, they’re artists,” Cooney says. Together, what they create can easily be considered art, but at the end of the day-or party or wedding or afternoon tea- and after the last bite, their masterpiece has been turned into a sweet memory.

Our tea room serves lunch Wednesday to Sunday 11am to 4pm.

Specialty Cakes • Wedding Cakes Cupcakes • Cookie Favors Loose Leaf Tea • Vintage & New Tea Pots Tea Related Gifts & Baskets 609-242-0153 • www.asweetmemory.net 521 Route 9 • Waretown, NJ • asweetmemorycakeshop@gmail.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

MedicalLaw Professionals



Do You Need an Attorney if You’ve Been Injured at Work?


For minor injuries, you probably don’t need the services of an attorney unless you need help getting Dealing with insurance companies regarding your your medical bills paid. If any of the following is true, however, you probably do need the services of an Workers’ Compensation attorney who is well-versed in the area of Workers’ Compensation law. claim can be daunting, • You need surgery. especially when you should • Your injuries will impair your ability to function as you did before the accident. be concentrating on feeling • You can no longer do your job because of limitations or pain. by Dr. Haroldo ND, DDS Sadly, since the moment we were born,better. we areWithout the assistance •Written You have to change yourMagarinos, job to accommodate your limitations. of an experienced attorney to several factors can compromise the • The insurance company is contesting your claim and willexposed not pay to your medical bills orthat wage Hello, readers, friends, patients and represent your interests, you’ll replacement. integrity of these microbes. Unfortunately, many colleagues! It has been nearly two be subject to the actions and • Your doctors have released you from treatment prematurely. if not most of these damaging environmental opinions of those who may have interests contrary to yours. Don’t go decades that I have been providing • You would like a second opinion regarding your condition. exposures are difficult if not impossible to avoid. this process alone. Contact the Law Office of Kathleen M. through principles •CAM You’ve been fired orand haveFunctional had your hours significantly reduced as a result of to your workadditives, accident. overuseDotoli From C-sections food of for courteous and experienced legal representation for your Therapies to thousands •Medicine The process is overwhelming and you would like the opinion of someone who is well-versed Workers’ Compensation matter. antibiotics and disinfectants, we are in a constant of patients. in this area. During this time I have process of killing these living forms that we need

Could This Be The Missing Piece to Unresolving Chronic Illness?

Happy New Y ear!

furthered my education and knowledge forof every basic metabolic bodies. Kathleen Dotoli received recognitionthe fromlatest the American Legal Counsel for “10 Best process Attorneysin forour Social Security and Disability for Client Satisfaction” and 2017 how to Law keepDivision it healthy. Gathering the2016 right base to offer our patients andInstitute Collectively and cumulatively, these factors information allows us to give you personalized greatest technology in regaining and often lead to a permanent loss of these unique strategies for detoxing safely and effectively using maintaining optimal health. Despite our nutrition, stress management, supplements and excellent results and patient satisfaction, and precious microbes, thus increasing the risk of developing a host of chronic conditions and more so that your organ and lymphatic health can there has been a missing piece in the illness, largely through the negative impact the continue to thrive with you. therapies that we provide here at ICAM. lack of these protective organisms has upon our REMEMBER: You are your own best health Many people—including physicians—are immune system. There is ongoing data linking a care provider. Get educated and keep in touch unaware that a significant percentage of our variety of conditions—such as obesity, diabetes, with what your body is starving for as you bring immune system lies within our intestines and autoimmune disease, autism, depression, and life back to all of your cells, organs and systems is often referred to as the “GALT” (or Gut Alzheimer’s, among others—to damaged and/or through the use of our HEART (Hormone Associated Lymphoid Tissue). Unfortunately, imbalanced human microbiome. Endocrine Adrenal Rejuvenative Therapies) and all of us, including newborns, are exposed to a Despite a few variations in skin color, facial our new Gut Restoration Programs! heavy environmental toxic load, which includes structure and body contour, nearly all humans air and soil pollution, radiation, intentional and Medical Professionals lookedical alike. But the Humanro Microbiome that Haroldo Magarinos is a Naturopathic Doctor fessionals incidental exposure to antibiotics and steroids, was innately given us changes over time, and the and the director of the Human Microbiome which leads to an imbalance of our intestinal flora number of human cells vs microbial cells differ Balancing Program at the ICAM clinic. His (bacteria) that leads to an increase in intestinal from one person to the next. This means that passion is to empower patients and physicians permeability, aka “Leaky Gut.” When this internally (at least terms inflammatory of our gut bacteria) as alike with a personalized approach treatment both acute andin chronic conditions A popular trend junctions is now sweeping acrossharmful the coun- with achieve optimal and therapeutic levelsand both in terms happens, the tight preventing humans, we are far from the same. Even though protocols needed to repair, restore and rejuvenate of daily dosage and weeks try that is utilizing a simple concept to assist our body including but not limited to: fibromyalgia, heart dissubstances from passing through our small we share common factors, we need to know versusmicrobiome months of time inintestines achieving our the daily requirements through what your and requiring regain and maintain depression, Lyme and other infectious diseases, HEAT STROKE: We all enjoy summer season but NOT the humidityease, and uncomfortable don’t work properly, and the harmful these high-dosing schedules. and understand thedisease differences thatsevere makes us of heatoptimal some IV Nutrition. chronic fatigue, disc and more. Mostform patients health.that can lead It • Most related illness todoes death if not treated heatcall associated with record breaking temperatures. According to the Centers substances are allowed to pass through to the come at a price, however—meaning unique to achieve optimal and long-lasting results after receiving IV Supplementation report increased A new “FAD” has been sweeping across America as an emergency In the meantime, on behalf of us all at ICAM, we for Disease Control and Prevention, bloodstream and cause symptoms on andaverage, chronicover 600 people die from out-of-pocket expense. Drips range in Holiday enhanced mood, decreased stress and anxiety, • Same symptoms of heat exhaustion plus…… complications related to extreme heat each year in theenergy, United States - more thanMagarinos’s through the use of Dr. protocols and that is opening the eyes and minds of those suffering wish you the Happiest and Healthiest illness. price from just over $100 to as high Body temperature than 104 tornadoes, lightning or and any other weather event combined. improved sleep, more energy, immunity, with fatigue, hurricanes, generalized flooding, malaise, aches/pains the current therapies you are•heightened receiving. UtilizinggreaterSeason anddegrees pledge to continue keeping updated as $400 forkidney, highly heart specific formulations. • These temps lead to brain, muscle, and total body failure if not improved hydration, and quicker recovery time after just about everything in between. From housewives tested quality biologic products and “reWhat’s the difference between heat exhaustion and heatand stroke? with the most recent and beneficial therapies appropriately treated THE BOTTOM LINE: to construction workers, to athletes, children Heat exhaustion is theactors precursor to heatstroke and is aexercise. direct result of the body introducing” them through a controlled and worldwide and bring them to you. HUMAN Once again ICAM is offering toTHE grandparents, literally MICROBIOME thousands of Americans are overheating. HOWprocess DO THESE IV’s WORK? Using medtechnical of implantation, Dr. Magarinos, ICAM offers a variety of intravenous medical drips thatHealthcare benefit many patients OPTIONS to and for your Yours In Health, self-searching answers to their medical needs and a HEAT EXHAUSTION: ical vitamins, chemicals, aftergrade many years ofminerals researchand andother experience in “fatigue to fantastic”. REBALANCING PROGRAM and conditions from Whether you think you are healthy or Needs.Margaret, For more information, contact • Heavy to Sweating resolution their troubling symptoms. Mark, Donna, Vickie, Haroldo and the these “custom-made” IV’s are similar to IV’s used in the field of “Microbiome Health,” has been Dr. Haroldo Magarinos, ND, DDS you are not, IV supplementation is a quick and efficient way to promote health • Rapid ICAM to crew speakattoICAM. one of the highly of the WHYPulse IV NOT ORAL? IV Vitamin Drips deliver outpatient clinicscomprehensive, and hospitals where the illness. ingredients rest and combat able to develop individualized, • Dizziness knowledgeable medical staff members vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly to the are based on desired outcomes and patients’ defi- season ICAM is offering our “Hydrator During thereverse summer IV” for those who tailor-made programs and protocols to • Fatigue The human microbiome is defined as our to see how you may benefit from body for maximal absorption, thus allowing for nour- ciencies/specific needs. The IVwish route of medication to optimize their hydration either before and/or after extreme IVFor more information pleasesun/heat call • Cool, Moist Skin entire population of microbes (including bacteria, the damage and rebalance the conditions in the Nutrition. ishment on a cellular level. In addition, higher doses delivery allows for a much higher dosage of nutrients exposure. Whether you choose the IV or oral route of fluid administration, always • Goose Bumps When In The Heat viruses and fungi, among others) that inhabits our human microbiome. ICAM at 609-978-9002 andold schedule an can be given, providing higher, yet safe levels without to be administered safely and be sure to keep is especially important in the very and the very effectively whilehydrated. having This • Muscle Cramps With your immune system, inflammatory entire body—both inside and out. These microbes appointment with one of our providers young of course our furry littleinfriends! the• Nausea limitation these doses have upon the oral route Yours Health and Wealth, the potential of 100% absorption onand a cellular level, responses, mood regulation, metabolism, and have a huge role in our biology as they perform (gastrointestinal which far exceeds that of the oral, sublingual and top- to discuss which therapies are most • Headache side effects, etc.). so many other bodily functions on multiple necessary physiologic functions that we ical vehicles of administration. Fordepending many, this decreasThese symptoms may develop over come especially IV nutrition/supplementation has time been or used suc-on suddenly, MarK Read the full articletoatyour www.Icamnj.Com suitable needs. your microbiome, it is important that you know need to remain alive and function optimally. during as or primary following periods of prolonged IFthe NOT ADDRESSED, cessfully and adjunctive therapy exercise for thoseAND es Mark James Bartiss, MD amount of oral supplements one may need to

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January/February 2020

Medical Medical Professionals Professionals



3D Mammography Blood In The Urine suspicious, patients need to be called Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death year one my friends called me, expressing that her family back for additional concern views. The multiple among women. One Last in 8 women willof develop breast images created byexamination. 3D mammograms She couldn’t found in her urine a routine Cancersee in cancer in her lifetime.doctor Each year it isblood estimated that overduring have such increased accuracy that this breast any blood, and in fact she felt fine. This condition, called hematuria, has many 252,710 women in the United States will be diagnosed there is decreased need for this. On benign butwomen my friend worried becauseisitdifficult couldto also be with breast cancer and more causes, than 40,500 will was understandably average 3D mammograms reduce detect on die from the disease. a This is why early is so condition such as cancer. symptom of adetection more serious callbacks by up to 40% compared to this standard important. With early detection, the five-year survival traditional mammograms. This means mammogram. Cyrus Khorrami, M.D. 100%. The latest weapon ina cystoscopy. is a procedureless thatradiation uses a tinyexposure, camera toincreased The good news for my friend is that her CT urogram rate is nearly the fightThis against look inside the bladder to provide a more detailed view. negative and her hematuria was cleared up without breast cancer is 3D mammography (also known as breast convenience for our patients,was and more treatment. Much to her relief, her hematuria was due to tomosynthesis). This new technology has increased early peace of mind. aggressive exercise (she was training for a marathon around Q What are the types and causes of Q especially What is a CT detection over traditional mammograms, in urogram? time). But only by taking pro-active steps to obtain The diseases that cause hematuria can occur can hematuria? Q:makes What can I expectthat when women with dense breasts. Greater accuracy means an accurate diagnosis was she able to obtain this peace of anywhere from the kidneys (which urine) to the Hematuria (blood in the urine) can be seen in up to mind. better breast cancer detection. having a 3D mammogram? bladder (which stores the urine) to the ureters (the tubes 21 percent of the population. In fact, up to 18 percent of

Medical Professionals


that carry urine from the kidneysA:toThe the bladder). One process of having a 3D normal individuals can have some degree of hematuria. of the most effective diagnostic tools for this condition However, it can be a symptom of an important medical mammogram is the same as a Q: What is a 3D mammogram? How is itis the different from CT urogram. During this conventional process, a CT (CAT) condition requiring work-up and treatment. 2D exam. The mammograms? scan uses an x-ray beam that rotates around a patient’s regular Things that can cause hematuria include kidney technologist will position you, body to the be absorbed A computer processes stones, or injury to the bladder and/or kidneys, A: 3Dinfection mammogram--also called breast tomosynthesis--is one of most by detectors. compress your breast, and take images the information to create images. Intravenous contrast overly aggressive andcancer cancer.detection. In men, prostate advanced formsexercise, of breast It uses a very low level of radiation to from different angles. Last year one of myisfriends called herupfamily injected intome, the expressing patient so concern it can bethat taken by the There’s no enlargement or pictures prostate infection can cause take multiple of the breast. Thehematuria. x-ray tube moves over the breast in an Using 3D mammogram additional bladder.examination. Using the most sophisticated doctor found isblood in kidneys, her urineureters duringand a routine Shecompression couldn’t see required, and it arc,There are twomultiple types of hematuria. hematuria capturing images of Gross each breast from different angles. A computer technology, the only takes a few seconds. software, the radiologist can recreate and analyze visible blood in the urine. Often the urineany is red or brown blood, and inpicture factcomputer sheoffelt fine. This A condition, called hematuria, hasextra many reconstructs these pictures to create a 3-dimensional the breast. regular was able to be the kidneys, ureters, and bladder in exquisite detail. This and occasionally contains clots. Microhematuria iscauses, indicated “The staff arecancer professional and they benign but my friend was understandably worried because it could also becompanies mammogram takes a single picture of the breast. Q: Do insurance clearly seen. examination can accurately look for kidney stones as well f by red blood cells in the Khorrami, urine and M.D. can only be seen under a Cyrus work as a team. They go above and a symptom of a more serious condition suchThe as cancer. as kidney infections. real advantage of3D this mammograms? test is the microscope. Microhematuria is often an incidental finding CT urograms provide exquisite detail of the kidneys, ureters, cover beyond the callandofbladder. duty.” Q: What is the advantage of medical 3D mammogram? ability to detect very small cancers in these organs. discovered on urine testsWhat as partare of a the routine types and causes of hematuria? A: Medicare, and many private insurers, cover 3D mammograms. In the past, not A: One of the challengesHematuria of interpreting mammograms is normal dense breast evaluation. (blood in the urine) can be seen in up to 21 percent of the population. In fact, up to 18 ~ Michael, Manchester

Blood In The Urine

Medical Pro


Patient Testimonials...

Q Urine od In The

all private insurance tissue hiding breast cancer. Additionally, overlapping areasQof normalifdense breast a patient have a CTcompanies covered 3D mammograms. However, in August percent of normal individuals can have some degree ofWhat hematuria. However, it cancannot be a symptom of an important 2018, New Jersey enacted a mandate requiring nearly all the major health insurers tissue canis look suspicious. This is why up? detecting breast cancer in women with dense medical condition requiring work-up and treatment. Q How hematuria worked urogram? to cover 3D mammograms. “I was informed by the staff regarding Things that can cause hematuria includeof kidney infection or injury to the bladder aand/or iscalled more difficult. The 3-dimensional images breast tomosynthesis help Painful hematuria is more likely to that have a non-cancerous stones, The CT urogram requires injecting smallkidneys, amountoverly x-ray one of my breasts friends me, expressing concern her family mybeen procedure and what it entailed. aggressive and cancer. men, prostate enlargement or prostate suchthe as the passing ofexercise, a that kidney or In acouldn’t urinary dye intodistinguish the veins. Ifinfection a patientcan hascause a Toms dyehematuria. allergy or hasX-ray poor has decrease tissue overlap canstone obscure cancers. It also helps normal River performing mammograms blood incause her urine during a There routine examination. She see hematuria are two types of hematuria. Gross is visible blood in the urine. Often the urine is red or brown This really relieved any anxieties tract infection.breast Painless hematuria may also have a benign kidney function that prevents the safe administration of overlapping tissue from breast cancer. serving the community for over 30 years. Our 3D I nd in factcause; she felt fine. This condition, hematuria, has many and occasionally contains clots. is the indicated by reda blood cellswithout in the and urine and caninjection only be seen however, cancer is also acalled possibility that Microhematuria should x-ray dye, CT scan a contrast can may have had!” Studies have shown that 3D mammograms significantly improve the a microscope. oftenbean incidental finding discovered on urine tests as part of a routine mammogram is the latest on the market and has the most s, but mybefriend was understandably worried because it should couldisalso considered. A under detailed analysis of Microhematuria the urine be breast performed instead. detection of breast cancer, especially in women with denser tissue. It alsoIn addition, MRI and ultrasound of medical evaluation. advanced technology. It is our mission provide be performed to look for signs of kidney disease and to the kidneys and bladder can be performed to examine these Subtle cancer in theto right kidney whichthe was very a more serious condition such as cancer. ~ Jean, Toms River picks up breast cancer at anisearlier stage, which may up? be missed traditional CTby urograms provide exquisite detail of the kidneys, ureters, How hematuria worked only detected using a CT urogram. detect cancer cells. Often a urologist will have to perform organs. best for our patients. We thank you for trusting us with your and bladder. mammography. 3D mammograms find is20-65% more invasive breast cancers Painful hematuria more likely to have a non-cancerous cause such as the passing of a kidney stone causes of hematuria? and the health of your loved compared mammograms, increase of 41%. or a urinary tract infection. hematuria may also have a benign cause; however,health cancer is also a possibility e) can be seen in up to to 21 traditional percent of the2D population. In Painless fact, upwith to 18an average




ones. We lookdisease forward to offering that should bebe considered. analysis of the urine should be performed to look for signs of kidney ome degree of hematuria. However, it can a symptomAofdetailed an important and to detect cancer cells. Often a urologist will have to perform a cystoscopy. This is a procedure that uses a tiny Q: Is there increased radiation performing a 3D you this significant advance in breast d treatment. theand/or bladder to provide a more detailed view. ude kidney stones, infection camera or injurytotolook theinside bladder kidneys, overly cancer screening. mammogram? rostate or prostate infection can cause hematuria. see enlargement What is a CT urogram? A: isMammograms expose veryislow levels of radiation. The level of oss visible blood in the urine.patients Often thetourine red or brown anyhematuria The diseases thatcan cause can occur can anywhere from the kidneys (which makes urine) to the maturia is radiation indicated byexposure red bloodfrom cells ina the and onlyhematuria seensame 3Durine mammogram isbethe as that from a traditional bladder (which stores the urine) to the ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder). One of lso be ften an incidental finding discovered on urine tests as part of a routine Cyrus Khorrami, M.D. mammogram. So patient receives all the without isany risk. the amost effective diagnostic toolsbenefits for this condition theincreased CT urogram. During this process, a CT (CAT) scan uses Medical With traditional when a aradiologist finds areaSubtle that is cancer in the right kidney which was CT urograms provide exquisite detail of the kidneys, ureters, Subtle bladderDirector cancer in a patient with hematuria that is best seen an x-raymammograms, beam that rotates around patient’s body to bean absorbed by detectors. A computer processes the informaed up? and bladder. using a CT urogram. onlysodetected CT urogram. tion to create images. Intravenous contrast is injected into the patient it can beusing takena up by the kidneys, ureters ly to have a non-cancerous cause such as the passing of a kidney stone and bladder. Using the most sophisticated computer software, the radiologist can recreate and analyze the kidneys, 8 aturia may also have a benign cause;and however, cancer is also adetail. possibility ureters, bladder in exquisite This examination can accurately look for kidney stones as well as kidney rtant PARVIZ KHORRAMI, M.D. CYRUS. KHORRAMI, M.D. Patient Testimonials .. alysis of the urine should beinfections. performedThe to look signs ofofkidney disease real for advantage this test is the ability to detect very small cancers in these organs. Founder Medical Director ist will have to perform a cystoscopy. This is a procedure that uses a tiny “The staff are professional and they work as a overly PARVIN MOTEMADEN What if a patient cannot have a CT urogram? ide a more detailed view. team. They go above andM.D. beyond the call of KHORRAMI, The CT urogram requires injecting a small amount x-ray dye into the veins. If a patient has a dye allergy duty.” brown or has poor kidney function that prevents the safe administration of the x-ray dye, a CT scan without a contrast 1.5~ Michael, T and 3 TManchester High PET/CT een uria can occur can anywhereinjection from thecan kidneys (which makes urine) to the MRI and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder can be performed be performed instead. In addition, ne Field Open Bore MRIs eters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder). One of to examine these organs. “I wasUltrasound informed by the staff regarding my 3-D Mammography s condition is the CT urogram. During this process, CT (CAT) CT Scan The good news for myawhich friend is thatscan heruses CT urogram was negative and her hematuria was cleared up without Subtle cancer in the right kidney was procedure and what it entailed. This really relieved bladder cancer a patient with hematuria that is best seen nt’s body to be absorbed byonly detectors. AMuch computer processes informa-was dueSubtle Nuclear Medicine detected using a CT treatment. to herurogram. relief, herthe hematuria to aggressive exercisein(she was training for a marathon around Diagnostic X-Ray any anxieties I may have had!” using a CT urogram. st is injected into the patientthat so ittime). can be taken the kidneys, ureters ne But onlyup byby taking pro-active steps to obtain an accurate diagnosis was she able to Bone Densitometry ~ Jean, Toms River dlity computer software, the radiologist can recreate and analyze the kidneys, obtain this peace of mind. his examination can accurately look for kidney stones as well as kidneyPark • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 sease Deer Chase Professional Patient Testimonials . . . is the ability to detect very small cancers in these organs. tiny “The staff are professional and they work as a 5 5 ot have a CT urogram? As always, contact our office team. They go above and beyond the call of cting a small amount x-ray dye into the veins. If a patient has a dye allergy where our staff will be more duty.” sothe of the x-ray dye, a CT scan without a contrast The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com January/February 2020 thesafe administration ~ Michael, Manchester than happy to assist you. www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine September/October 2018 dition, One of MRI and ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder can be performed



• Fax: 732-244-1428


Featured On The Cover


Dr. Cyrus Khorrami: Changing Lives – One Patient at a Time

ed Dr. Khorammi pictur

with his family

As a Radiologist, Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and ultimately directing the treatment of disease and injury by using medical imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT, MRI, mammography, and ultrasound. Born into a family of physicians, he has been surrounded by medicine his entire life. “Growing up, I would hear fantastic stories my parents told about how they were able to change people’s lives. I knew this was what I wanted.” He adds, “Radiology answers the question of why someone is sick or why they are in pain. We work closely with all types of medical professionals to diagnose and treat patients. Every case is unique, which makes this field challenging. Reading hundreds of studies a week, I potentially diagnose and help hundreds of patients each week, which makes my job extremely rewarding.” After graduating from George Washington University, he moved to Philadelphia and conducted research at the University of Pennsylvania in creating a melanoma vaccine. He stayed in Philadelphia and attended medical school at Temple School of Medicine. After obtaining his medical degree, Cyrus spent the next four years at Cooper University Hospital for his radiology residency. After becoming a Board Certified Radiologist, he went on to Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore for a Cross Sectional Body Imaging Fellowship. Although his work has taken him all over the tri-state

area, he moved back to Ocean County and enjoys living close to his family. Both of Dr. Khorrami’s parents are physicians. His father, Parviz Khorrami, is also a Radiologist and founded Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center. The practice began in 1981 when his father decided to leave the hospital system and open his own practice. He opened a small office on Route 37 with a single X-ray machine. Dr. Parviz Khorrami has slowly built his practice up over the last 30 years to now having over 40 employees and offering all imaging modalities. “We are the oldest and the largest privately owned imaging center in the area,” he says. Dr. Khorrami enjoys the field of radiology because there are constantly new technologic breakthroughs and advances in imaging happening. He adds, “It is extremely important to have the most state-of-the-art methodologies and to hire and retain the best staff.” He makes it a priority to keep in close contact with the referring physicians he works with. “All doctors should work together as a team to provide the very best and most complete care for our patients.” Part of his responsibility involves working with other referring physicians to help guide diagnosis and treatment for his patients. Once he is able to help figure out the cause of a patient’s symptoms, he can quickly direct appropriate treatment. This can potentially result in catching life-threatening illnesses in a timely fashion. Patients will immediately feel a different level of comfort when treated at Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center. “Large corporations or hospitals run most radiology practices,” he explains. “Ours is a family-run practice, which is very unusual in radiology. My father founded our practice. My mother has been the office administrator for many years. I serve as the medical director. As with any family-run business, we take pride in what we do and work hard to provide the very best service possible. We care deeply for our patients and strive to treat each and every one like they are a part of our family.” All of their radiologists are highly trained and have many years of experience. Almost all of them have advanced subspecialized training from top academic centers. This allows them to provide the type of quality care seen at any university hospital while still providing the personal attention and level of service of a family-run business. Dr. Khorrami has been married to Dr. Ladi Khorrami for last eight years. “Ladi is incredible. She is the most amazing wife, mother, partner, best friend, doctor, and confidant anyone could dream of.” Ladi is originally from New York and has been working for Hackensack Meridian Health as a primary care physician. Cyrus and Ladi have been blessed with two beautiful healthy boys, Dean (3 years old) and Dylan (2 years old). “Family is so important to us. We are overjoyed we can all work and live near each other. It is exciting to me that I can raise my children right here where I grew up.” Cyrus and Ladi often look to the future. “Perhaps one day our children will become doctors, to grow our practices and to keep the legacy alive.”

732-244-0777 • www.TomsRiverXray.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Burning Questions

About Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease Written by: Kenneth Glazier, MD Gastroenterologists of Ocean County Most of us at one time or another has suffered from heartburn. We have all seen the ads for the numerous acid suppressing medicines. The question is when to take notice of these symptoms and to seek the advice of a doctor. What is GERD? Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition related to stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. The esophagus is the food tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus is a muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The job of the LES is to squeeze the bottom of the esophagus tight to prevent the stomach acid from splashing up and burning the esophagus. It is supposed to stay closed at all times except when we swallow, belch or vomit. The LES can inappropriately relax causing acid to enter the esophagus. When stomach acid enters the esophagus it can damage the lining of the esophagus and cause symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest called heartburn. Reflux may be so severe that a person may believe they are having a heart attack. Atypical symptoms can also occur like excess belching, hoarseness, sore throat, asthma, or chronic cough.

What is Endoscopy? Upper endoscopy is a painless procedure that is performed in our outpatient endoscopy center. The test may only take five minutes to perform. The test is performed by a gastro-enterologist while you sleep. An anesthesiologist is also involved to provide sedation through an intravenous needle. The doctor will take a pencil thin tube with a light and a camera on the tip and slide it into your mouth and follow the pathway the food takes down the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. These areas can be carefully examined, photographed and biopsied. The risks of complications from the test are very small. There are no alterna-tive tests that can allow the doctor to take important biopsies of the esophagus which are necessary to diagnose Barrett’s esophagus and cancer of the esophagus. As you can see heartburn may not just be a symptom to grin and bear, but may represent a serious health problem. It is therefore very important to talk to your doctor if your symptoms are long standing, require chronic medication therapy or are associated with alarm features.

What can I do to prevent GERD? There are a number of lifestyle and dietary changes that can be tried for most people with GERD. Avoiding foods and beverages that can inappropriately relax the LES is recommended, such as fatty foods, spices, tomato products, coffee, alcohol and sodas. Stopping cigarette smoking and losing weight if overweight can improve symptoms. Behavior modifications such as elevating the head of your bed on blocks or using a specifically designed wedge will help keep the stomach contents and acid in the stomach. Decreasing the size of portions of dinner and eating dinner 2 to 3 hours before bedtime can also avoid night time GERD. What medicines are used to treat GERD? Medicines used to treat GERD include antacids which neutralize acid already produced by the stomach. Other medicines like H2-blockers and proton pump inhibitors suppress the production of acid by the stomach. These medicines are used to prevent symptoms of heartburn and aid in healing of acid induced injury. These medicines are available both over the counter and by prescription. Prescription medications are usually stronger and may give better relief of symptoms. When should I worry about GERD? There are certain alarm symptoms that may indicate a more serious condition than just typical GERD. If someone with heartburn has problems swallowing, weight loss, nausea, anemia, or blood in the stool then they should tell their doctor. Patients who have had heartburn more than five years or have heartburn starting after the age of 45 should also be concerned and notify their doctor. Alarm symptoms may indicate bleeding ulcers, scars in the esophagus called stric-tures or even cancer of the esophagus. If medications are required for more than an occasional use or for prolonged periods of time it is important to discuss with your doctor. Patients with heartburn for a long time dramatically increase their risk for developing Barrett’s esopha-gus and cancer of the esophagus.

Omar Tamini, MD Jill Collier, MD Edgar Bigornia, MD Kenneth Glazier, MD Jai Mirchandani, MD Teresa Menadier, MD

• Colonoscopy and colon polyp removal • Colon cancer detection and screening • Rectal bleeding evaluation • Ulcer pain evaluation and treatment • Swallowing disorders

What is Barrett’s Esophagus? Barrett’s Esophagus is a permanent change in the type of cells lining the esophagus in a reaction to chronic acid injury. This condition is associated with an increased risk for the development of cancer of the esophagus. Esophageal cancer is increasing in incidence more rapidly than any other type of cancer. Barrett’s esophagus is most commonly diagnosed in Caucasian males in their fifties to sixties. Barrett’s Esophagus and cancer of the esophagus are best diagnosed with upper endoscopy.

• Endoscopic treatment of hemorrhoids • Capsule Endoscopy • Breath testing • Esophageal and anorectal manometry

A Division of Allied Digestive Health

Happy New Year!

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com

ty Woman Magazine

January/February 2020

March/April 2018



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Now the big question is:

feels both country-club and cozy at the same time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views from every room, Watersports a gameanother room and the Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and diving Add aand fewwaterskiing, more tee More fun, more memories! • Part of raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts visitors have the same idea: restrictions the airlines have to most The beach is 12-day beautiful leading a• turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruisingClub. destinations, Bordeaux like will Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags youra children cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. villages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. imposed for baggage, you will have to consider leaving your entire closet • Vatican City, the Colosseum, and Trevi River cruise, or 7-day Danube, offer cruise guests the to local Today’s opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. travel asfor a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve at home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may be the hottest Fountain. Theforget keyyou is cruising From From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. April’s • Whatever you can purchase on board or at the tion.carry-on warm to exciting adventures, every destination offers a new long awaited vacation and other airlines let you board first if you have no bags.beaches So was what created to be the ultimate get trend around in 2017 -even though river when to destinations go and howwill let you dream of your next escape. tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsampleknowing ofports some with your Travel or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have been operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re there. Aget few years from nowand what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that to ready to pack your (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by Travelof & miles Leisure) watersports and unlimited scuba diving exciting Six Hawaiian Islands , (at each its own personality, youExamples will remember is the total canals, span thousands of Continental of some of thewith best morning tickets special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: might help with the process. Cruise lines uppedEarly their with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to Blackamenities Sea. 7:30 am) to see the Sistine and intriguing itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the things you forgot to pack.andANTIGUA CURTAIN BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same can’t reach. ✿ River cruises aregives luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: Chapel you access What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestvessels ways we • Viking Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits the crowds. know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Virtuoso Travel Professional can diving riverboats withand focus onbefore current themes. from every room, Watersports waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many new including fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. • The Colosseum top floor opened to the public last 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups imposed baggage, haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value andthe added year for firstfor time inyou 40 years. Smaller groups of 25 or for wet suits. ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, orwill 7-day cruise guests local home from on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings diningprivate on the atbeach &are 1now Pareo) experience theEarly long rides. From touches tobus make your a Whatever you forget you can • purchase on board or at the •tour Avalon Waterways tours booking is aexperience must. and other airlines available. let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what“Austrian ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & created to beHighlights” the ultimate getfrom tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. •ships Thetogether biggest crowds are at Trevi Fountain (bring getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in Best thewhich Caribbean by• Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its a few pennies). way in is a hired golf cart to the youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting waterways, North Sea to Black Sea. Bridges program, including family cooking right spot. Alsowaterslide. the 2nd floortheRiver CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers and warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with lessons. of the Benetton store over theSesame fountain isand the perfect *Remember, your Vagabond* Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Street the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Travel Professional can offers Viking cruise guests  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun “Facebook Like” spot. (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. Having a Virtuoso travel advisor with entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to makeWaterways your experience a •the Avalon “Austrian and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line Highlights” from The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) qualified contacts can make your travel and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families inas mind. Along deluxeships Ocean view  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has its highlights, such the and the • 2 shorts and 2 tees and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska experience tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) amazing! • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island orExperience. cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines www.virtuosolife.com • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation www.virtuosolife.com byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out www.virtuosolife.com *Check out www.virtuosolife.com for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas.

amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

website: www.vagabondtvl.com 732-222-2792 Direct *Check out www.virtuosolife.com *Check out www.virtuosolife.com

732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some www.TheCountyWoman.com e County Woman foramazing ourwww.TheCountyWoman.com Digital Magazineand some The CountyMagazine Woman Magazine travel ideas. www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 January/February 2020

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Business &&Finance Business Finance Business & F inance


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www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

March/April 2017 November/December 2019 September/October 2019 January/February 2020

Health & Wellness


Peace Within Studio

“Where Mediation and Peace Exist, Anxiety and Doubt Cannot.”

Christiane Valentine

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


You Don’t Need Open-Back Surgery www.jaspermd.com • 732-262-0700 74 Brick Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 124 Brick, NJ 08723

4• After walking for a short time

you need to sit to relieve the pain. • Leaning over the shopping cart at the grocery store helps with your pain. • Weakness & difficulty walking up stairs without pulling yourself up by the bannister. • You lean forward when walking. • You are unable to stand straight up. • You have been told by your Doctor/MRI that you have Spinal Stenosis.

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SPINAL STENOSIS You Might Just Have It “My legs felt 30 lbs. lighter when I stand to work. I called Dr. Jasper from home the same day, excited. I was able to walk up the stairs without pulling myself up by the railing for the first time in months.” – Patient Vinnie Dr. Gabriele Jasper is now known as New Jersey’s leading pain physician due to his widespread reputation in the medical community here and abroad. This status was established by the various presentations of advanced minimally invasive procedures he has perfected and taught to fellow physicians.

See why Dr. Jasper is known throughout New Jersey as the Master of Pain.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Be Well Women’s Health

Range of Services

Compliments Of The Season From Be Well Women’s Health!

• Fibroid Management • Abnormal Bleeding • Ovarian and other Pelvic Masses • Vaginal and Urinary Problems • Endometriosis • Poly-Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOS) • Menopause and Peri-Menopause • Osteopenia and Osteoporosis • Pelvic Pain • Painful Intercourse • Painful Cycles • Premenstrual Symptoms • MonaLisa TouchTM

A new year of making the same decisions that did not move you forward last year is simply not enough. An old proverb states that when a child falls down they look up and ahead, when an adult falls they look back! If you feel like you fell short this year in caring for yourself and being well, look forward with the hope of a child...knowing that your best days are always ahead!

We offer evening appointments.

Focus your insight on being well this year and make 2020 decisions, not predictions!


Dr. Nnewihe is Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, and a member of the American Medical Association. She has been practicing medicine in the Pennsylvania/ Southern Jersey region for over 12 years. She founded Be Well Women’s Health to focus on providing a holistic approach to women’s health. Dr. Nnewihe graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, in Cleveland, Ohio and completed her medical residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Upon graduation, she was recruited and served as an Attending Physician at Thomas Jefferson Hospital, where in addition to seeing her own private patients, she dedicated time to academics, research, teaching and supervising residents. Dr. Nnewihe believes that how we navigate the journey defines who we are at the destination. She resides in South Jersey with her husband and two children.

- Dr. Nnewihe



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January/February 2020

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center




Tallwoods Care Center Tallwoods Care Center Breakfast Community April 18 18 - Spring Fling April - Spring Fling Brunch Bingo Brunch with Musical Entertainment with Musical Entertainment February 26th, 2019 11:00 amam to 12:15 pmpm with door 11:00 to 12:15 with door

Tallwoods Care Center Tallwoods Care Center A Premier Nursing, Rehabilitation, & Long-Term Care Center A Premier Nursing, Rehabilitation, & Long-Term Care Center 18 Butler Blvd., Bayville, 08721 18 Butler Blvd., Bayville, NJ NJ 08721 www.TallwoodsCareCenter.com www.TallwoodsCareCenter.com 732-237-2220 732-237-2220

10am to 11:30am Breakfast Buffet, ________Games ________ Assorted Bingo & Prizes. Foutainview Care Center Foutainview Care Center

April - Community April 18 18 - Community Fountainview Bingo 12:00 pm toBingo 1:15 Bingo 12:00 pm to 1:15 pmpm Community

January 15th 12:00pm

Fountainview Care Center Fountainview Care Center Discover Ocean County’s Fountain Youth Discover Ocean County’s Fountain ofof Youth 527 River Ave., Lakewood, 08701 527 River Ave., Lakewood, NJNJ 08701 www.FountainViewCareCenter.com www.FountainViewCareCenter.com 732-905-0700 732-905-0700

How To Choose the Best Care Facility for Your Loved One


New Ye ar!

The following checklist will help to give a general idea of the quality of care provided in a nursing home. Depending on a resident’s needs, preferences and payment source, questions will vary.

4. Bath and Shower Rooms

1. Ask to see the entire facility, not

• Is the food listed on the menu actually being served? • How often are meals repeated? Are alternatives available, as required by law? • Is it nutritious? Are fresh foods used, or is it mostly canned or frozen?

• Are bathrooms conveniently located? • How many residents share a bathroom? • Do bathrooms have handgrips or rails near all toilet and bathing areas? • Is there a call button near the toilet?

5. Menus and Food

just the nicely decorated lobby and one wing or floor. Remember that appearances can be deceptive. Though environment is important, try to get a feel for the care provided and how the residents are treated by staff.

6. Activities

2. Staff

• Are the staff courteous to residents? • Does the administrator/manager and director of nurses appear to know the residents? • Is the administrator friendly and receptive to questions? • Is privacy respected (e.g., knocking on doors before entering rooms, keeping privacy curtains drawn while care is being given)? • Are there therapists on staff or does the facility contract out for therapy? • Is there a licensed social worker on staff? Full–time? • Are the staff visible and actively assisting residents? • Does the facility conduct background checks before hiring staff?

3. Resident Rooms

• In which area of the facility would the resident’s room be located? • How many residents share a room? • Does each bedroom have a window? • Is there a bedside stand, reading light, chest of drawers, and at least one comfortable chair for each resident? • Are call buttons accessible to residents? • Is there fresh drinking water at the bedside? • Are residents allowed and encouraged to bring any of their own belongings or furniture?

• Are activity calendars posted? • Do the activities cover a broad range of interests? • Are activities tailored to individual preferences? • Does the facility have outside areas for resident use? • What activities are available to residents confined to their rooms? Deciding to move a parent into a nursing home is a big decision – and one that is best done by making numerous small decisions. At Tallwoods Care Center and Fountainview Care Center, we offer tours to help family and friends of aging loved ones. Call Tallwoods at 732-237-2220 or

FountainView at 732-905-0700 for your tour today. Say Hello to Tallwoods Care Center Newest member Pet Therapy Dog “Dakota” Dakota is a well-trained, smart, caring, comforting Therapy Dog who loves people.

Dakota will be available the fourth Thursday of every Month at 10:00am

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Business Spotlight


Tallwoods Care Center

Studies show that the average caregiver provides care for 18 hours per week, yet one in five provide constant care or 40 hours per week. As our elderly family members age, their care becomes a central point in our lives. It’s never an easy decision to move an aging loved one into a nursing home or long term care facility. However, life with our elderly family is constantly changing and family members must be adept at making decisions that best serve them. Sometimes, care can be provided at home, but at some point an assisted living facility or a nursing home will be the optimal choice. After all, caring for an aging parent is hard work and burnout by family members is a common occurrence. Because so many caregivers also work outside the home and have their own families to tend too, it places an enormous amount of stress on them. At times, they even neglect their own lives and health. When the time comes for your loved one to move into a facility, there are many ways to make the transition easier. For example, once they are settled in, encourage them to get involved in the different activities. Explain the importance of staying active and alert, as well as socializing. Stay on top of how they are eating and feeling once they get acclimated. It is also a good idea to develop a positive relationship with the different staff so that if a problem ever comes up, there is some foundation and familiarity between family and staff. The amenities at Tallwoods Care Center are extensive and include the gamut of clinical, quality of life, hospice care, and more. There is also daily recreation and entertainment for the residents. At Tallwoods, it’s all about making each day comfortable and rewarding in an effort to facilitate optimal healing and recovery. Essentially, they take a three-way approach to healing utilizing mind, body, and spirit. Whether residents are recovering from an illness or an injury, or have a longterm ailment, their specialized staff will provide the exemplary care and treatment they deserve. Director of Nursing Regina Appiah-Mends has held her position for over 20 years. She is responsible for all clinical


aspects of the patients’ care. Her passion for geriatric care as well as the love she has for the residents shows in the way she does her job. CW: Tell us about your educational background. Regina: I have a BSN from Felician College and my certification is in Geriatric care. I also have advanced training in wounds. CW: Describe what your job entails. Regina: I am essentially responsible for the clinical aspect of the patient’s care. I write policies and procedures and ensure that care render is appropriate. CW: What is the most rewarding part about your job? Regina: I have always had a love for bedside nursing. My day is complete when I am able to give direct care to the patients. Nursing is an incredibly rewarding job. When I went to nursing school, I always knew that I would work in a nursing home and that is basically what I’ve done for my entire career. CW: What sets Tallwoods Care Center apart from others like it? Regina: When I began working here, I immediately knew this is the best nursing and rehab facility that I’ve ever been to. The staff is extremely caring and go above and beyond their normal responsibilities. Several of the staff has worked here for many years, which means there has been little turnover. In fact, many bring their own loved ones here, which shows how much faith they have in the facility. Tallwoods is a five star in overall ratings, but I take pride in the quality indicators that show the incredible care we give here. I’ve seen families cry tears of joy due to the positive outcomes their loved ones have received. CW: Describe some of your favorite leisure activities. Regina: About two years ago I started flower gardening and decorating halls for functions.


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Health & Wellness


Weight Loss

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Health & Wellness Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080 www.HypnoForWomen.com

The Thought of NOT Smoking Scares Me Maybe you recognize that you need to stop smoking, but you have a hard time imagining your life without it. After all, it’s been woven into almost everything you do; and you do it on automatic pilot – when you’re on the phone, driving, using the computer, reading, having coffee, etc. Often, without realizing it, you’ve used smoking to handle emotions and deal with challenges, telling yourself: “It relaxes me.” “It helps me concentrate.” “I deserve it.” “It’s my friend.” “It’s something to do.” “I need it.” But none of those makes sense. You probably know that. Nicotine is actually a stimulant that increases your blood pressure and heart rate, and compromises your health in numerous ways. Smoking affects every organ and system in your body, and often leads to chronic disease and dependence on others. It will probably shorten your life. Change may seem scary. The thought of cigarettes no longer being a part of your life may seem scary. But the thought of continuing to smoke is the most frightening path of all. With the right guidance, tools, and techniques, you are absolutely capable of changing – and living a life that’s much more full and satisfying than the one you’re living now. Imagine what it will be like to not have that cloud hanging over you – the worry, the guilt, the burden, the imprisonment. So instead of being afraid of quitting, start focusing on what you’ll be gaining:

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.


• A sense of freedom and empowerment • Improved health and healing • More energy and stamina • Thousands of extra dollars each year • Extra hours every day/week • Clean, fresh-smelling car, home, clothes, hair, breath

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• A more youthful appearance – fewer wrinkles • Dealing with feelings instead of smoking them away • Being a positive role model…and so much more Are you ready to end the “tug of war” that’s going on inside of you – the battle between the part of you that wants to quit smoking and the other part that’s afraid to let go? Each year, over one million people in this country quit. And those who participate in smoking cessation programs have a much higher rate of staying smoke-free. You can do this! Private hypnosis smoking cessation programs have been successful in creating permanent change for motivated individuals. It’s a drug-free approach, based on neuroscience, that makes becoming smokefree easier and builds your sense of empowerment. It addresses key physical, behavioral, and emotional issues. You’ll be prompted to replace the ritual of smoking with healthier, smarter behaviors, and you’ll love how good you feel about finally being free. This approach is ideal for people who are motivated to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing, and understand they need to be a partner in the process.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


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Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • www.HypnoForWomen.com 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment


Shoe Repair

It’s UGG Season- Are You Ready? After Before

Winter’s arrived, so grab those Uggs

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1442 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225

January/February 2020

Pet Services


Teamwork Written by Matt Reeves


they may even disappear altogether. Working a full-time job and When a family who just lost all of their earthly running a family can sometimes possessions in a house fire be a challenge. Imagine working shows up at the Funny a full-time job, and then when you get home, you have 550 Farm Rescue to help others, and to donate supplies they received but cannot use, you have a whole new perspective of animals to feed!!! You do that twice each day!!! It’s like feeding an army timesplaces a day, in every with daysthe off,meaning ever!!! of what’s most important in your own life. One of two the best the day, world tono learn When an 8-year-old boy has his birthday party and asks The Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary, located in Mays Landing, is a private charity and “unconditional love” is thereceives Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary inof his friends to bring food and supplies for the animals all no Federal or State funding. The Founder, of the Funny Farm instead of asking for presents for himself, Mays Landing, NJ. Laurie Zaleski, finds a way to meet every challenge you realize how one person really can change the world! Your that comes her way. In the past, she was able to do If you’ve ever had a pet, you haveitaalone. prettyNow, goodsince ideathe how much they love you and getheart melts. farm has grown so rapidly, When a very sick child has just days to live and his excited when you come home and howshe sad they are when you leave. Those are theneeds lucky ones. needs all the help she can get. In short, she very last wish is to come to the Funny Farm and touch the Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. volunteers, donations, support, supplies, but most beautiful faces of the animals living in harmony, you realize The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands importantly, people who love animals!!! of people each year who come to visit and give them the love they need. Most animals how beautiful life itself really is, and you appreciate your own Teamwork is the secret ingredient to success! come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or life in a whole new way. Some people can’t volunteer due to time or physical unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were People who “team up” ease the burdens of others. We are they canmust writebe thank-you or animals help gone and the animals had nowhere to ailments, go. How but scary that for thesecards sweet all in this life together. Helping each other makes our own inthat a gift shop, organize files, answer phones or even emails. gave their owners so much love. lives better, and sometimes it almost seems as if it’s perfect. Coming to the Funny Farm, youlittle get toblack see animals that once little or anobroken hope, living One example is a nameless and white babyhad goat with leg. At less Teamwork at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary means happiness. When someone does the lives of celebrities. Most free and and are with their and than a month old, he wasroam injured wasvery in ahappy lot ofbeing pain.social His future wasbrothers dark. Through asomething nice for you, the first thing you want to do is something nice in return. It’s the same ts sisters visitors. What youZaleski, don’t seethe is the incredible behind-the-scenes “machine” that out runsabout seriesand of miracles, Laurie Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found with animals. Show them the smallest amount of love and care and in return, they’ll give you 24/7 all on teamwork. this –little goat’s situation and didn’t waste any time rescuing him. love, which seems to be the magical ingredient to make life better than you ever imagined. We people made acome custom splint stabilize his leg because couldn’t stand on at all. He When together fortoa common purpose, miracleshehappen. Everyone hasittalents Thank you all for your love and kindness and support and “teamwork” that you show to the needed andtowater brought tothe hislives mouth while herescued lay in aanimals new warm bedthey made and ideas food on how improve to make of these 550 the best can just for Funny Farm Rescue this holiday season and always! him. Farley Farm Manager, 1-year-old Australian Shepard, him under be. When youthe team up, you feel likea there is nothing we as humans can’ttook accomplish. You his feel wing a y in We appreciate you all so much, not only those of you who come to the Funny Farm Rescue, and gave him a lot of love and attention. part of something bigger than yourself. but also to those who support us from afar. The little goat was black and white and looked so much like a cow that he earned the get When you have troubles, think of others and how you can y ones. name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took Happy holidays from everyone at the Funny Farm Rescue! help them, and soon your own troubles seem small…or… to him to the University of Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several thousands of dollars were spent trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage and ls amputation. He lived in the house so he could be cared for properly and received much ess ha socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, out he thinks he’s a dog! He for Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over ng the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations the Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has dea he’s a goat, an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he f people all over appreciates his life now. “Donations to get out of The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that ou laugh and has was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting e for him and he to meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. tional love that comes from an animal that life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, unny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary All are waiting iends is very difficult. the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget. ect it, in nearly all cases,


“Unconditional Love”


Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org : funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com

Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski

The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue” The Funny Rescue is by open Sundays from 8am-4pm Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There isRailRoad no admission asNJFarm we operate entirely donations and weand don’tTuesdays have any paid positions. Come at see 6908 us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org us on Facebook: to: Funny Farm There Rescue • 6908is Blvd., Mays Landing, 08330. no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us!Follow www.funnyfarmrescue.org For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com “Funny Farm Rescue” ________________________________________


For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com

Gift Amount:

To donate to the_____________ Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

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________________________________________ r generous donation!


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March/April 2020 2017 January/February

Health & Wellness


Dawn Ferrentino : Health & Wellness Coach Now Is The Time To Take Your First Step To A Healthier You!

Dawn Ferrentino

Health & Prosperity Specialist

The holidays are over and the new year is upon us! Did you overindulge during the holidays? Do you feel bloated from all of the turkey, ham, potatoes and sweets? Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you having trouble losing weight? The average weight gain during the holidays is 10-12 pounds! If you are one of those that enjoyed the holidays maybe a little too much, this may be exactly what you are looking for. Dawn Ferrentino specializes in helping thousands of people achieve their desired physical goals and feel their absolute best they possibly can! If you are ready to make a healthy lifestyle change that will help you shed weight and be healthy at the same time, this is exactly what you are looking for. Here are some main points to know about this program: • Easy, convenient and sustainable life style • Guaranteed results - get your body back or get your money back • Weight loss/energy/improved performance • One on one coaching • Customized packages to fit your needs.

Call: 908.208.0002 Email: dawnferrentino07@gmail.com Web: dawnferrentino.com


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Legal Professionals



Finding The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

he theme of this article is that you do have control over your debt; it’s just a matter of taking action. There is no hole too big or too difficult to dig out from underneath. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you take that first step: Don’t be afraid. I cannot tell you how many clients come into my office with unopened envelopes of credit card bills and mortgage statements. It’s a coping mechanism. If I don’t open the mail, then it is not a concern...it’s not real. Don’t be afraid of your position. It is what it is – it’s about how we are going to fix it that matters. Acknowledging the problem is an important first step. Communicate. Being in debt can be a very lonely feeling. We all want to pay our bills. It is a matter of pride. In fact, many of the people I help are current on their present obligations and have outstanding credit, but are overwhelmed with the amount in which they owe. Many of my clients feel isolated from their friends and family – even their spouse – because of trying to “keep up” an image or lifestyle that is simply no longer sustainable. Communicate with those who

matter and seek help. I can assure you, that you are not alone. Be proactive. There are solutions to any and all debt related problems. Every situation is unique and requires a different analysis based upon the specific circumstances pertaining to one’s assets and liabilities. No two cases are alike. The important thing to remember is that, unless you are proactive, nothing will change. I treat every consultation as an information session. It’s an opportunity for you to receive the information you need about bankruptcy and other debt solution options, and it is an opportunity for me to set a strategic course for helping a client find relief. I hope this article proved helpful in not giving up hope and trying to move forward. Like with this dream of Spring passing, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, Contact : Daniel Straffi Jr. at 670 Commons Way Toms River, NJ, CALL: 732-341-3800

Daniel Straffi, Jr., Esq. VISIT: www.straffilaw.com. Protect Yourself Against Foreclosures, Judgments, & Harassing Creditors

We are a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code.

Happy New Year Wishing you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year in 2020! “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning, but a ‘going on’, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”

- Oprah Winfrey

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”

- Helen Keller

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” - Edith Lovejoy Pierce

“Each New Year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year—the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer.”

“We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives... not looking for flaws, but for potential.”

- Peggy Toney Horton

- Ellen Goodman

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Medical Professionals


Got An Itch That Can’t Be Scratched? Nina J. Paonessa, D.O., F.A.C.O.S.

the perianal skin may be thickened. An examination of the anal canal via an anoscope will also be performed in order to ensure there is not any intra-anal pathology causing the symptoms such as hemorrhoids, warts, a polyp or tumor. Considering the serious diseases that may cause the symptoms of pruritus ani, it is very important not to selfdiagnose, but rather to seek consultation with a physician. In certain situations, a small skin biopsy may need to be performed.

As we enter the New Year, a common ailment affects many individuals. This is the time of year when How is pruritus ani treated? people make New Year’s resolutions The first goal of treatment of pruritus ani is to make a correct diagnosis. That means to eat “healthy” and diet in order to determining if the condition is primary pruritus ani or secondary pruritus ani caused lose weight for spring break or in preparation for by a medical condition/disease. Once this has been accomplished and it is confirmed that the patient has primary pruritus ani, the goal of therapy is to restore clean, dry and the summer. This is also the time of year for football intact perianal skin. This will help to alleviate the symptom of itching. The first step is to season and tailgating parties and all of the foods alter the consistency of the stool so as to avoid seepage of stool from the anus. This may that are associated with it. Because of these unique be accomplished with diet modification and adding a fiber supplement. The second step in treatment is to discontinue any offending agents such as cortisone situations, many people suffer from aggravating symptoms of perianal itching, burning, and discomfort ointments, hemorrhoid creams, lotions, perfumes, soaps and baby/toilet wipes. Topical agents containing alcohol are very irritating to the perianal skin. Likewise, any topical as well as a “wet” or moist feeling in the perianal agent that causes the perianal skin to remain moist should be avoided. This includes area. Vaseline, witch hazel, A & D ointment, antibacterial ointments, etc. Additionally, it is important to remember not to over-clean the perianal area. This causes further skin What is pruritus ani? Pruritus ani is a Latin term literally meaning “itchy anus.” It is an uncomfortable sensation around the anus which produces the desire to scratch. Scratching causes irritation of the perianal skin, which in turn causes the desire to scratch more. The skin becomes more irritated and damaged, which causes the desire to scratch even more. This becomes a vicious cycle. Pruritus ani affects 1% to 5% of the population. Although it affects both men and women, it is four times as common in men. This condition is most often encountered in patients in their 40’s to 60’s. Pruritus ani is treated medically. An accurate diagnosis is mandatory for proper care.

What causes pruritus ani?

The symptom of pruritus or itching is common to many anorectal conditions. Disorders such as hemorrhoids, skin tags, fecal soilage and/or incontinence, anal fistulae, anal fissures and anal warts all may be associated with itching. This is termed secondary pruritus ani. However, pruritus ani may be independent of these conditions. This is called primary pruritus ani. The cause of the syndrome in these cases is usually from topical agents applied to the perianal skin and/or the pH of the stool. The pH of the stool is determined by foods which we eat. In addition to inadequate hygiene, overzealous or aggressive hygiene using irritating soaps, fragrances and lotions may cause pruritus ani. Overzealous cleaning and the use of topical steroids can destroy natural skin barriers and cause trauma to the anal skin, making the problem worse. As such, attempting to keep the perianal skin too clean, is harmful and may worsen the problem. The use of baby/toilet wipes is a common culprit for many patients suffering from pruritus. It is very important to note that there are many medical conditions that may cause perianal itching and are treated differently from basic, primary pruritus ani. There are infectious conditions such as bacterial skin infections, fungal infections, parasitic infections (pinworms or scabies) and viral infections (anal warts). Skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and lichen sclerosus may cause secondary perianal itching. Local cancers such as Bowen’s disease or Paget’s disease are also potential causes of pruritus ani. How is pruritus ani diagnosed? In order to accurately diagnose pruritus ani, your physician will obtain a complete history and physical examination. The timing and duration of the symptoms are important factors. Toileting rituals/behaviors, stool frequency and consistency, and hygiene/cleansing routines are noted in order to help make a diagnosis. Travel history, medical history and medications taken are also important. It is crucial to include any supplements taken, topical ointments/creams used and whether or not baby/toilet wipes are being used. A careful diet history is also taken in order to identify any possible contributing agents. Your doctor will perform a physical examination. This will include a careful inspection of the perianal skin and a digital rectal examination. Common findings are irritated, swollen, reddened skin that may have linear ulcerations/cracks. Sometimes

breakdown and irritation. Believe it or not, plain water is the best way to keep the perianal skin clean and healthy. Finally, the last step in treatment is to modify the diet to avoid a change in pH. Foods related to pruritus ani include caffeine, colas, citrus, dairy, tomatoes, nuts and beer. As mentioned earlier, these foods are very common during this time of year while watching football or trying to lose weight.

Where can you find help?

Dr. Paonessa is very familiar with diagnosing and treating pruritus ani as well as all the other diseases/conditions that may be mistaken for pruritus ani. Since there are many serious diseases that may be mistaken for primary pruritus ani, it is very important to see a physician trained in treating this condition. It is incredible how a fairly simple ailment such as pruritus ani can alter a patient’s daily life and affect his/her quality of life. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call for a consultation. Stop suffering and begin to live life again.

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January/February 2020

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Medical Medical Professionals Professionals Medical Professionals Medical Professionals



Experienced Specialists. Compassionate Staff. State of the Art Treatments.


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Business Spotlight Featured On The Cover

Meet The Doctors Of Meet The Doctors Of Meet The Doctors Of University ofNew NewJersey Jersey UniversityUrology Urology Associates Associates ofof University Urology Associates New Jersey Mukaram Gazi, MD, FACS Dr. Mukaram Gazi, the founding member of UUANJ, graduated from the University of Miami School of Medicine and completed his post-graduate training in urology at UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (now known as Rutgers RWJ Medical School) in New Brunswick, NJ. In practice since 2003, this exceptionally skilled, minimally invasive surgeon treats the full range of urinary tract and male reproductive disorders—from no-scalpel vasectomies, erectile dysfunction, and urinary incontinence to state-of-the-art robotic surgery for prostate cancer and enlarged prostate (BPH). Dr. Gazi is devoted to his patients, treating them like family in a Professor at Fox Chase Cancer Center and Clinical Assistant Professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Gazi’s background and expertise, combined with honest communication, have earned him recognition as one of America’s Top Urologists by Consumers’ Research Council of America and Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd., and again this year as a Top Doctor by New Jersey Monthly.

Parvez Mahmood, MD, FACS Dr. Mahmood has been in practice in Ocean County since 1974. He received his training in New York City at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York University Medical Center, Bellevue Hospital Center and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He is currently an Adjunct Clinical Professor at Fox Chase Cancer Center and Clinical Assistant Professor at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. of the American College of Surgeons.

AlexanderGotesman, Gotesman,MD MD Alexander Dr. Gotesman earned his medical degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and completed his urology residency training program at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York in 2005. After graduation, Dr. Gotesman he currently specializes in adult and pediatric ambulatory national medical societies and is a member of the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. Dr. Gotesman has received several awards and recognition for his, patient-centered care philosophy. He Joined UUANJ in 2012.

WHAT IS A UROLOGIST? A urologist is a physician who has been trained to treat disorders of the male and female urinary tract (bladder, ureter, kidney, and urethra) and the male reproductive system. Urologists encounter many issues and must have knowledge of internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, and other specialties as they are used regularly. surgical subspecialty. A urologist with advanced may be a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).


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November/December January/February2018 2020

Business Featured OnSpotlight The Cover

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Meet The DoctorsOf Of Meet The The Doctors Meet Doctors Of UniversityUrology Urology Associates Associates University Urology Associatesofof ofNew NewJersey Jersey Featured On T New Jersey

Meet The The Do Meet Do 1374 Urology Whitehorse University Assoc University Urology Assoc Hamilton Sq. Rd. Sam A. Qassab, MD

Imani Rosario, Imani Rosario, MD MD


Dr. Qassab completed his general Dr. Rosario earned her medical surgical internship and his urology Dr. Rosario earned her medical degree from the degree from the internationally residency training at the prestigious Georgetown University School of Medicine and acclaimed Georgetown University Emory University in Atlanta, completed her post-graduate training in urology at School of Medicine and Georgia. HeNJ is a08690 DaVinci certified Hamilton, Rutgers Jersey Medical School. After completing completed herNew post-graduate robotic surgeon and isMD extensively Imani Rosario, her in training, Rosario was appointed Assistant training urologyDr. at Rutgers trained in minimally invasive New Professor Jersey Medical School. After of Surgery in the Division of Urology at Rutgers urologic surgery including robotics completing her training, Dr. New Jersey Medical School. In this position, she was Dr. Rosario earned her in medical deg and laparoscopy. While training Rosario was appointed Assistant responsible for training and teaching medical students, Georgetown School of Med Atlanta, Dr. QassabUniversity had the distinct HOWELL Professor of Surgery theurologists in training. Dr. Rosario is general surgeonsinand completed her post-graduate training in pleasure of completing an extra Division of Urology at Rutgers 2364 Route South Rutgers New Jersey 18-months of 9 training andMedical researchSchool. Af New joined Jersey Medical School. In UUANJ in 2016. her training, Dr. Rosario was appointed in urology at the Atlanta Veteran’s Howell, NJ 07731 this position, she was responsible Administration Medical Center where he tookProfessor care of our nation’sin heroes. of Surgery the Division of for training and teaching medical students, general surgeons, and Dr. Qassab joined UUANJ in 2018. New Jersey Medical School. In this pos urologists in training. Dr. Rosario is Board by the American BobCertified Peterson, DC, PA-C responsible for training and teaching m Board of Urology. She joined UUANJ in 2016. general surgeons and urologists in train Mr. Robert Peterson is a retired Chiropractor FREEHOLD joined UUANJ in 2016. and has been a Physician Assistant for 18 years. Mr. Peterson has been working with UUANJ 495 Iron Bridge Rd. for the last six years. He has been an Adjunct Bhaskara Changala, Ph.D., Freehold, NJ 07728 BobPeterson, Peterson, DC,PA-C PA-C Bob DC, Associate Professor at Mercer County College APN-C for 10 years, teaching Biology, Pathology and Mr. Robert is a retired Physiology, and an Assistant Dr.Anatomy Bhaskaraand Changala received Mr. Peterson Robert Peterson is a retired Ch Chiropractor been a Assistant for 1 his Ph.D. in toxicology from SouthUniversity Physician Professor at the Philadelphia and has and beenhas a Physician Physician for 18 years. GujratAssistant University in India and his Studies Program. He has also mentored Mr. Assistant Peterson has been working with U TOMS RIVER Mr. Peterson has been working training as a Nurse Practitioner other Physician Assistants and Licensed Practical for the last six years. He has been an Ad with UUANJ the last at sixMercer years. County C from Nurses. Monmouth University in Bob joined UUANJ in 2011. Associatefor Professor 20 Hospital Drive He has been an Adjunct Associate West Long Branch, New Jersey. for 10 years, teaching Biology, Patholog Professor at NJ Mercer County He completed preclinical research Toms River, 08755 Anatomy and Physiology, and an Assist College for 10 years, in pharmaceutical toxicology also Professor at theteaching Philadelphia University Bhaskara Ph.D., Biology, Pathology and AnatomyHe has also while in India.Changala, Dr. Changala has APN-C Assistant Studies Program. and Physiology, and an Assistant been a registered nurse and critical other Physician Assistants and Licensed Professor at the Philadelphia care nurseDr. since 2008 and workedreceived his Ph.D. in Bhaskara Changala Nurses. Bob joined UUANJ in 2011. University Physician in the toxicology Post Anesthesia Care Unit at University in India from South Gujrat my PSA test came back abnormal. My wife and I were devastated Assistant Studies Program. He has Community Medical Center for several years to joining andprior his training as UUANJ. a Nurse Practitioner from also mentored other Physician Assistants and Licensed Practical Nurses. He joined UUANJ in January 2018. Monmouth University in West Long Branch, Bobresearch joined UUANJ in 2011. Bhaskara Changala, Ph.D., APN-C New Jersey. He completed preclinical in pharmaceutical toxicology also while in India. my options and discussed the pros and cons of each treatment Dr. Changala has been a registered nurse and Dr. Bhaskara Changala received hi For Appointments critical care nurse since 2008 and worked in toxicology Univers my PSA test came back abnormal. Myfrom wifeSouth andGujrat I were dev the Post Anesthesia Care Unit at Community and his training as a Nurse Practitione (609) 581-5900 and provided us with all the literature so we couldyears refer back to it Medical Center for several prior to joining Monmouth University in West Long B He joined UUANJ in January 2018. when needed. I couldn’t ask forUUANJ. a better team.” New Jersey. He completed preclinical (732) 928-5300

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in pharmaceutical toxicology also whi — 2364 B.BRoute Howell, NJ 9 South 495 Iron Bridge Rd.the pros20and Hospital Drive my options and discussed cons of each treatm

Dr. Changala has been a registered nu UUANJ.COM Toms River, NJ 08755

critical care nurse since 2008 and wor the Post Anesthesia Care Unit at Com and provided us with all the literature so we couldyears refer b Medical Center for several prior www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine November/December 2018 He joined UUANJ when needed. I couldn’t ask forUUANJ. a better team.” The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com January/February 2020in Janua




Want to get a head start on your New Year’s resolutions? Take advantage of the Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG) at Ocean County College. Prospective students have until February 15 to file their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and qualify for free college tuition at New Jersey’s leading community college. CCOG allows students who have an gross adjusted income of $65,000 or less per year to receive a grant covering the entire cost of a semester of college tuition, along with several associated fees. Students can take up to 18 credits tuition-free, allowing them to save up to 30 percent of the total cost of an associate degree program. In order to receive the CCOG grant, you first need to apply to Ocean County College, even if you’ve previously attended. Next, file your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Visit fafsa.ed.gov to complete this step, or complete the NJ Alternative Aid Application at hesaa.org. Finally, create your HESAA NJFAMS account, answer the necessary questions, and complete documents on the NJ Financial Aid Management System at njfams.hesaa.org. If your New Year’s resolutions are focused on self-improvement, applying for free college tuition will help you achieve them. College graduates earn more money, are more likely to be satisfied in their careers, and are much less likely to experience poverty than high school graduates. CCOG will allow you to enjoy those benefits by making a college degree more affordable and accessible than ever. To learn more and apply to Ocean County College, visit go.ocean.edu/free, or call 732-255-0481.



FAFSA completion deadline

Spring 2020: February 15, 2020 For more information, visit Ocean County College 1 College Drive | Toms River, NJ | 08753

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*Eligibility requirements apply. Please see go.ocean.edu/free for a full list of eligibility requirements.

Funeral Planning

“Buddy” Bears Anchor Monuments donated teddy bears to The Children’s Art Therapy “Buddy” Program at Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, NJ in April 2019. Anna Farro, owner of Anchor Monuments, realized the importance of the program when her daughter attended during the loss of her grandparents. It benefited her family through the grieving process and helped her daughter with providing the support she needed to overcome the loss. This program provides the support and tools needed in helping children deal with grief and long-term illnesses of family members and loved ones. The “Buddies” are a part of the program that provide a feeling of comfort and safety for children going through a tough time in their lives. Each child attending the art therapy program will name their bear and it is theirs to keep.

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Anchor Monuments is proudly woman owned and operated. Learn more about Anna Farro on our website: www.anchormonuments.org.

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Wigs & Hair Restoration


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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020



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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Business & Finance


HappyN New Happy ewYear Happy New Year Year





very year it seems we resolve to eat better, exercise more, lose ten pounds, stop stressing, and start meditating. But while our intentions are good, our follow-through is often lacking. Research has found that after just six months, more than 50 percent of us have given up the goals we set in January. Not this time! The Oprah Magazine featured a series of rules on how to make resolutions so you can set yourself up for success- all year long. We share four of them with you here! Read more in the January 2015 issue of O Magazine!


There’s Nothing Magical About January 1st


Your Slipups Are Only Detours

Day one of the new year may seem like the perfect time for a fresh start, but let’s face it: After a season of indulgence, going cold turkey on anything is iffy at best. Spend a week ramping your brain up for a new behavior and take it a little at a time.

You will give into temptation- but that doesn’t mean you should ditch your goal entirely. Don’t let yourself get sucked into


Resolutions Can Be Small and Fun!


Tech Is Your Friend

Yes, this can be the year you finally give up sweets or get a new job. But why can’t it also be the year you read more books, laugh daily, and daydream freely? These habits belong on everyone’s list.

There are several apps available to help you reach your goals. If you are trying to quit smoking, you may want to check out MyQuitCoach, a free app developed by livestrong.com that allows you to track cravings and devise a quitting plan with short-term and long-term goals. There are also apps to help you count calories (like Countertop) or give you tutorials on getting started with meditation (Headspace).

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Art Gallery

“screw-it syndrome”- instead, say to yourself Yes, I got off track, but I don’t need to make it worse. It’s easier to dig out of a 300-calorie hole than a 3,000-calorie one.

Written by: Arianna Davis & Sarah Z. Wexler

January/February 2020

Women Of Ocean County


Olivia Santa Maria Physical Therapist, All-Care Physical Therapy Center Olivia graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health and a Minor in Gerontology from The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey in 2012. She continued her education at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ in Newark, where she received her Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2015. While in graduate school, Olivia and her colleagues conducted a study entitled “For individuals with lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries, do off-the-shelf video games, compared to standard of care, improve balance, function, and patient satisfaction?” The abstract was accepted and Olivia presented the poster at the National Combined Section Meeting in 2015. Since graduating in 2015, Olivia’s primary professional focus has been in the orthopedic outpatient setting, although she has also worked and completed clinical experiences in both acute care and acute rehabilitation. Olivia is a certified LSVT Big clinician, and she has been trained in Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization. Olivia is interested in non-operative and operative orthopedic conditions, sports rehabilitation, balance and gait dysfunction, and manual therapy. Her future professional plans include becoming a Board Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. For more information, call 1-855-3ALLCARE or visit www.AllCarePTC.com.

Jennifer Courlas

Administrator, Complete Care at The Havens

Jennifer Courlas currently resides in Bayville. She was born in Washington, DC, and grew up in Maryland. At 16 she moved to New Jersey with her family. She graduated from Montclair University with a degree in Psychology. She is a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and a Certified Assisted Living Administrator. Jennifer’s current position is Administrator at Complete Care at The Havens, a 78-apartment Assisted Living Community nestled on the campus with Silverwoods Independent Living and Complete Care at The Arbors, a Sub-acute Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Facility. She is very proud of their “Transition to Home” program. Some patients leaving a rehabilitation stay could benefit from additional therapy before heading home. They can come to The Havens, to a private furnished apartment, and enjoy the amenities including nursing and therapy services, planned social programs and three nutritious meals a day, for one all-inclusive fee. Jennifer is married to her husband of 40 years; Sam, and they have two daughters, Jillian and Samantha. Jillian and her husband, Jay, gave them their first grandchild, Colton, who will be three in February. Samantha and her boyfriend, Doug, will be giving them their first granddaughter in May of 2020. Bentley and Kenzie, Samantha’s two French Bulldogs, are an integral part of the family. Jennifer enjoys being a grandmother, listening to county music and following the weather. For more information and a tour of The Havens, please call 732-341-0880.

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Teresa Menadier, MD,

Cynthia B. Clark

Client Relations Coordinator The Matus Law Group

Gastroenterologists of Ocean County

Doctor Teresa Menadier recently joined Gastroenterologists of Ocean County after completing her Gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Virginia. She is a graduate of Tufts University. She obtained her medical degree from Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School in 2012 where she was elected President of the NJMS chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Society. Dr. Menadier went on to complete her Internal Medicine residency at the University of Pennsylvania. Sponsored by the ANMS Clinical training program in GI Motility and Neurogastroenterology in October 2017, Dr. Menadier received specialized training in high resolution esophageal and anorectal manometry and pH/impedance interpretation under the supervision of Dr. Henry P. Parkman at Temple University. Her clinical interests include esophageal and anorectal motility disorders, as well as liver diseases. Doctor Menadier loves spending time with her family, baking, dancing and listening to flamenco guitar. For more information, call 732-349-4422 or visit www.GastroOfOcean.com.

Cynthia is the first person to greet you at the firm with her warm and friendly personality. Cynthia is full of energy, has excellent inter-personal skills and is always willing to go that extra mile to assist clients and her co-workers. Her experience comprises 15+ years serving in the public sector. She has been in customer service industries, including law enforcement, event planning and coordination as well as disaster case management for Superstorm Sandy. Cynthia enjoys big family gatherings, spending time with her daughters, grandsons and going for motorcycle rides with her fiancé in her free time. For more information, call 732-281-0060 or visit www.TheMatusLawGroup.com.

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

January/February 2020

Women Of Ocean County


Maria Jerome

Elicia Salmons

Certified and Registered Dental Assistant Aesthetic Dental Creations

Senior Administrative Assistant Garden State Trust Company Having grown up in Point Pleasant Borough, Elicia Salmons has been a Jersey Shore resident her entire life. She began her career working for a law firm in Monmouth County as a full-time legal assistant specializing in estate planning. Elicia also has experience in other areas of law, including criminal law, real estate sales/ purchases and real estate tax litigation. Elicia became part of the Garden State Trust Company team in January 2018, bringing with her six years of experience providing administrative support. As senior administrative assistant, she is responsible for accounts payable and oversees the internal office management. She works closely with the trust officers to ensure the clients’ daily needs are met, including corresponding with clients, managing client bill pay, caregiver payroll, and assisting to coordinate and facilitate internal account operations. Outside of the office, Elicia enjoys spending time with her family, traveling and boating. She currently resides in Lacey Twp. with her husband and two children. You can reach Elicia at (732) 2555000 or esalmons@gstrustco.com. Visit www.gstrustco.com to learn how Garden State Trust Company may be able to help you.

Maria Jerome has been practicing as a dental assistant for 6 years. She presently holds licenses as a Certified and Registered Dental Assistant. Maria currently works with Dr. Balaji Srinivasan at Aesthetic Dental Creations in Jackson, NJ. She enjoys the family atmosphere the office provides for the patients; they give every patient their full attention and time. Dr Balaji is one of the few dentists to treat TMJ disorders and its very rewarding for to watch patients’ lives improve. Such improvement in a patient’s life is one of the many reasons Maria began a career in the dental field. Maria resides in Brick NJ and has lived in Ocean County her whole life. In her spare time, Maria enjoys several crafting hobbies including crocheting, drawing and woodburning. For more information, call 732-363-5370 or visit www. AestheticDentalCreations.com.

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Dawn Ferrentino

Jill Houston

Dawn is a health and transformation specialist who has assisted thousands of people in reaching their health goals. She coaches people on weight loss, gaining extra energy, helping with increasing athletes’ performance, and overall health improvement through nutrition. Dawn’s mission is to help everyone she knows, and those she doesn’t know yet, feel good about themselves from the inside out. She works globally throughout 19 different countries. Dawn has assisted her clients in losing as much as 105 pounds. She also works with professional athletes and college students. Her programs are a fit for everyone, no matter the age or the goal! Dawn’s passion for helping others and her oneon-one coaching has led to countless success stories. Dawn grew up in West Orange and moved to Colonia after getting married before settling in Brick in 2016. She has coached, inspired and motivated thousands of people and helped transform their lives. She inspires, motivates and empowers others to be the best they can be. Dawn believes in the mind/body connection. She loves fitness and is certified in Pilates. Dawn is a trainer, speaker and author. She loves the beach, fishing and being outdoors. Living a healthy lifestyle in all areas is something Dawn is committed to doing for herself and her clients. For more informaton call 908.208.0002 or visit dawnferrentino.com.

Jill Houston, born a Toms River native, has been dedicated to the field of wellness for most of her life. Jill is Director of Health & Weight Loss in Toms River and is on the Executive committee for The Ocean County Advisory Commission on the Status of Women. Commissioners represent the diverse roles that women assume in our society. The Commission is dedicated to analyzing the needs, concerns, problems and interests as well as identifying services and resources for women in Ocean County. As Vice President of Central Ocean Rotary of Toms River. She enjoys giving back to the community including the charity work she has been providing to many local charities in Ocean County. Jill supports Dotties House, Providence House, Veterans, Mental Health, & Juvenile Diabetes, as these are just some of her passions including being on the board of ocspca as animal safety is very important to Jill . She began her career in wellness as a Certified Massage Therapist and Lymphatic Technician. Jill became Clinical Director of Ocean Health & Weight Loss located in Toms River. Jill has spent many years studying the process of human chorionic gonadtropin (HCG). Secure in her learning of HCG, she has now been working with many medical doctors to help others with weight loss, cholesterol control, diabetes and just overall health for all who need or desire to remain in good health. Her position as Director of health and weight loss and Licensed Nutritionist has been a passion of Jill’s for many years. . To contact Jill about your journey to health www.oceanhealth4you.com.

Owner, Living Healthy Naturally

Director of Health & Weight Loss

Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Health & Wellness



Cough And Cold Season Is Here— I G H Are You Ready? G G I

Believe it or not, cough and cold season is upon us. Our nights are becoming very cold and children have been back in school for about six months now. This is the season everyone dreads. It VHHPV ZH VHH SHRSOH ZLWK WKH VQLIà HV HYHU\ZKHUH³DW ZRUN DW WKH mall and even at home. Now is the time to take some steps that will reduce your risk of catching a cold and stock up on things that will help with the symptoms when the inevitable happens. <RX FDQ UHGXFH \RXU ULVN RI FDWFKLQJ D FROG RU à X Here are some helpful hints: WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY: This will help stop the spread of germs. Everything you touch potentially has cold germs on it— doorknobs, handrails, pens, PIN pads, etc. Also, keep hand sanitizer easily accessible—keep it in your car and your desk at work. REDUCE STRESS: Whenever a big day is coming up, or a deadline you have been rushing to meet, you are more likely to become sick. Relax, your health is more important. Also, try to get at least eight hours of sleep per night. EAT WELL: Certain foods combat colds. Try to include as much of the following as possible in your diet: EURFFROL FDXOLà RZHU JDUOLF RQLRQV citrus fruits, and whole grains. Some evidence also exists supporting using vitamin C and Echinacea to boost your immune system.


DRINK PLENTY OF WATER: 'ULQNLQJ SOHQW\ RI ZDWHU KHOSV à XVK germs out of your body. Water also helps keep your mucous membranes moist, allowing them to trap the virus and dispose of it. BREATHE FRESH AIR: Try to breathe as much fresh air as possible. Recycled, contaminated air can make you sick! Get outside as much as possible. Cold air will not give you a cold! For the most part, everyone catches some degree of a cold at least once a year. Once you feel the symptoms coming on, then what? For starters, continue the above tips. Also, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (no one else wants your germs). And most importantly— CONTINUE TO WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY. There are many cough and cold medications on the market that can help with your cold or cough symptoms. Decongestants in a pill form or a nasal spray can help with a stuffy nose. Antihistamines can help with itchy, watery eyes. Cough suppressants help control a nagging cough. Cough drops or throat lozenges help with a sore throat. Tylenol or Motrin can help any body aches or fever. Before taking any medications, please consult with your pharmacist or doctor to be sure the medication you are buying doesn’t aggravate any existing medical conditions or interact with any current medication you are taking. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Many over-the-counter cough and cold medications can cause adverse effects. Don’t be afraid to ask us, that is what we are here for.

Once you have determined which medications are safe, keep some at home so that you are prepared when that cold comes along.

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The County Woman Magazine


January/February 2020

Health & Wellness


Cleansing Concepts Of Red Bank Is Now Offering Therapeutic Cupping Karen Palmer offers both Medicupping Therapy and Sports Cupping Therapy. Medicupping is a gentler form of cupping, utilizing a machine with different size cups where the patient chooses intensity. It usually does not leave the marks like traditional cupping therapy. Both cupping therapies relieve pain and inflammation, open chest and lungs, and sedate the nervous system, which helps insomnia, anxiety and headaches. Cupping is known for opening lymphatic flow and circulation, which helps dissipate cellulite and improve overall health. At Cleansing Concepts we offer a combination of cupping therapy followed by an ionic foot detox. This helps to remove the toxins from the body,

further reducing inflammation. This combination alleviates pain and stiffness in joints and reduces stress. Conditions that respond to cupping therapy are fibromyalgia, arthritis, IBS, stagnant lymph, toxicity, migraines and headaches, high blood pressure, plantar fasciitis and much more.

Karen Palmer, Certified Medicupping Therapist B.A. Health, Sports Medicine, CMT, Sports Cupping Therapist

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Vanessa Galati-Drew is the founder of Cleansing Concepts, an exclusive detoxification facility with a new location at the Galleria in Red Bank, NJ. For more information, visit www.cleansingconceptsworld.com.

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Men’s Clothing

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Pet Services


Adopt Your New Best Friend Today The incredible bond between people and their pets and the many benefits that pets bring to our lives is a celebration of how positively animals can influence our lives. Pets not only provide their owners with companionship, but also with several health benefits. They may help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels and ease tension, anxiety and depression. When people come in contact with animals they tend to experience a general feeling of peace and wellbeing and are perceived as being more happy and healthy. Pet ownership increases the opportunity for exercise and socialization with other pet owners. The therapeutic value of animals for individuals in hospitals and nursing homes has also been documented. Children learn to be more nurturing and compassionate adults by being raised among animals. Taking guardianship of an animal that has been abandoned is a wonderful and fulfilling experience rewarded by unconditional love and companionship. Animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate the public’s support, as do the many pets that are fortunate to find forever homes. Kathy Kelsey Manager

Visit www.aclink.org/animalshelter to learn more.

Chester is a 1 year old male who will encourage you to free up memory on your phone for taking extra cute pictures of him.

Billie is a playful 4 month old female who loves to hide and then make a clever ambush on an unsuspecting passerby.

JoJo is a nice 2 year old male who had a hard life and is looking forward to a better one.

Tales of the Olive

Chloe is a special 3 year old female who is hoping for someone that will make her a permanent part of their life.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020

Pet Services

Whiskey is a 10 year old male who reveals a depth of knowledge when looking into his soulful eyes.

Larry is an inspiring 1 year old male who wants you to send a positive message by adopting him.

Cutting Board Creations

Enigma is a 2 year old female who will bring you an incredible amount of joy for changing her entire world.


SPONSOR A PET TODAY! Juneau is a warmhearted 4 year old female who is looking for someone to be invested in her care and wellbeing.

Interested in Sponsoring a Pet? Help a furry friend find a forever home! Anyone can sponsor a pet! It’s only $25 for a two-month pet sponsorship. Makes a great gift! CONTACT: Lauren Shover, staff@thecountywoman.com The Atlantic County Animal Shelter 240 Old Turnpike Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-2345

FREE RABIES VACCINATION & Pet Adoption Incentives each month! Contact shelter for more information. Open 7 days a week

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020


Medical Professionals

It Took 40 Years and Four Physicians to Diagnose One Man’s Intense Back Pain – and One Day for Him to Feel Relief Jan Mondrus was in his 20s, riding in the back seat of a car when he arched his back and felt a flood of pain. It was the first time the musician, now in his mid-60s, experienced an intense spasm in his lower back. Little did Jan know this would be the start of a tumultuous 40-year journey toward beating back pain. “After a few more occasional back spasms, I went to my doctor and had an MRI,” says Jan. “He said I had herniated discs and at that point, there was nothing he could do for me.” Years later, after more painful spasms that temporarily left Jan unable to walk, he saw another doctor and got the same answer.

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists

Jan’s spasms continued intermittently over the next 20 years.

and Altair Health, specialists in

“Then my leg started hurting. Soon I couldn’t walk, stand up for very long or even sit down in most chairs. My leg was threequarters numb and I was essentially incapacitated,” he explains. Fast forward through a consult with an orthopedic surgeon, a diagnosis of spondylosis – essentially a fractured spine – and Jan found himself researching spine surgeons. “Dr. Scott A. Meyer at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists stood out because of his expertise with complex and minimally invasive spine surgeries,” Jan notes.

comprehensive spine care, are After decades of pain, musician and avid gardener Jan Mondrus finally found a spine surgeon who could treat his fractured spine.

now seeing patients in Freehold. How can we help you?

ANS, New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice and one of the most advanced in the country, is a proud partner of Altair Health, one of the nation’s first physician-managed healthcare systems devoted to comprehensive spine care. Dr. Meyer, a board-certified neurosurgeon, performed decompression surgery to alleviate the pressure Jan’s spine was exerting on his nerves, as well as spinal fusion to correct the structure of his vertebrae. “Going into surgery, I had no guarantees I would ever feel my leg again. Lo and behold, I regained feeling and felt relief the very next day,” says Jan. One month later, Jan was back to digging in his garden and cleared to play tennis, which another physician said he would never be able to play again. “Jan’s story highlights how important it is for patients with spine injuries to consult with a neurosurgeon who focuses specifically on the spine,” notes Dr. Meyer. “If Jan had resigned himself to being restricted by his pain, the ending to his story would be quite different.” Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) is New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice and one of the most advanced in the country. ANS is steering Altair Health’s efforts to take the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of spine conditions to the next level. To learn more, visit www.ANSdocs.com and www.AltairHealth.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

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January/February 2020


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January/February 2020



2019 Champion Lexi Thompson

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

January/February 2020


58 #


10 Ways To Love Start now. It’s never too late or too early to incorporate healthy habits.

BREAK A SWEAT. Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates heart rate and increases blood flow. Studies have found that physical activity reduces risk of cognitive decline.

Your Brain

Growing evidence indicates that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits. When possible, combine these habits to achieve maximum benefit for the brain and body.

HIT THE BOOKS. Formal education will help reduce risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Take a class at a local college, community center or online

BUTT OUT. Smoking increases risk of cognitive decline.

Quitting smoking can reduce risk to levels comparable to those who have not smoked.

FOLLOW YOUR HEART. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease and stroke — obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes — negatively impact your cognitive health.

Visit alz.org/nj or call (973) 437-3931 to learn more. 24/7 Helpline, (800) 272-3900. Alzheimer’s Association Greater New Jersey Chapter 23 Vreeland Road, Suite 105, Florham Park, NJ 07932

HEADS UP! Brain injury can raise risk of

cognitive decline and dementia. Wear a seat belt and use a helmet when playing contact sports or riding a bike.

FUEL UP RIGHT. Eat a balanced diet that is higher in vegetables and fruit to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

CATCH SOME ZZZ’s. Not getting enough

sleep may result in problems with memory and thinking.


studies link depression with cognitive decline, so seek treatment if you have depression, anxiety or stress.

BUDDY UP. Staying socially engaged may support brain health. Find ways to be part of your local community or share activities with friends and family.

STUMP YOURSELF. Challenge your mind. Build a piece of furniture. Play games of strategy, like bridge.

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Theatre & Entertainment


Spring Season Begins

March 2020

Saturday, Mar. 28, 2020- 7pm

Papa & Sinatra: Their Way

Sunday, Apr. 19, 2020 - 4pm

Midsummer Night’s Dream

Sunday, May 17, 2020- 4pm

Romeo and Juliet

Season 37 Circus Maximus Theater • Caesars Atlantic City Tickets On Sale Now

www.acballet.org • 609-348-7201

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January/February 2020



What’s Your Superpower? Mine is being a CASA. Children in foster care need you to be their voice. CASA of Ocean County needs everyday people like you to be volunteer advocates for the hundreds of Ocean County children in foster care.

Are you ready to be a superhero?

As a volunteer advocate, you will be a real-life superhero as you advocate on behalf of a foster child.

No child should ever feel that they are alone and without a voice.

CASA volunteers provide these children with a consistent and steady presence as they navigate through the confusing and often tumultuous time in foster care. Visit us at www.CASAofOceanCounty.org to sign up now!

Join us on Saturday, March 28, 2020 for

CASA Go Bragh! Celebrate the Season with an Afternoon of Lunch, Music & Auction at P.J. Sweeney’s in Brick NJ CASA of Ocean County · 1035 Hooper Avenue, Suite 3 · Toms River, NJ 08753 · Tel. 732.797.0590 · www.CASAofOceanCounty.org

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SEPT 30-OCT 30






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January/February 2020



Supervised Transitional Living Program (TLP) ~Ages 16-21~ 808 Conifer St., Toms River

Emergency Youth Shelter ~Ages 10-19~

2445 Windsor Ave., Toms River

For Over 30 years, Ocean’s Harbor House has been a Safe Haven for Youth in Ocean and Monmouth Counties. If you know of a youth that is homeless or in crisis, please call our emergency 24/7 hotline 732-929-0096 Did you know we offer services besides housing programs?

đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Our Family Crisis Intervention Unit is available to the public (not just for residents), which is a FREE family counseling service. No health insurance necessary. đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Group Sessions are held weekly. Updates on topics and meet times are posted monthly on our website. đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Young Women’s / Men’s Group đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Teen Rap Group đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Teen Clean Living Group đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Anger Management Group đ&#x;? đ&#x;? Family Workshops

For more information, please visit our website: www.oceansharborhouse.org

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January/February 2020

Networking For Moms


Moms Of Business is a community of mom entrepreneurs that uplift, motivate and help one another online and in person on their journey to abundance. Not only do we strive to educate and empower each other through our Facebook groups & resourceful website, but we're all about having fun, making new friends and growing our businesses too.

Add a little bit of body text

Join for FREE or really promote your business when you take advantage of upgrading to one of our VIP packages! Learn more about us on & upcoming events at momsofbusiness.com today!

The rewards are endless. I stride to succeed with my clients and find them I spent 14 years in the Financial Services industry as a salesperson and relationship manager. I found

the best place to make a home or make the transition of selling a home as simple and easy.

myself wanting to restart my career. Throughout my life I have bought and sold homes and have a passion for helping people.

I thought, what

would be the perfect marriage of the two to become a real estate agent?

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Become so confident in who you are that no ones opinion, rejection, or behavior can rock you!

January/February 2020


Theatre & Entertainment


Telecharge.com or 212.239.6200

For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.


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January/February 2020

Theatre & Entertainment


“Touching & hilariously funny.” – Broadway World





GEORGE EASTMAN DIRECTED BY Sometimes it’s harder to like someone than it is to love them


New York City Center Stage II, 131 W. 55th St. | NYCITYCENTER.org | 212-581-1212


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January/February 2020


Health & Wellness

Your Commitment to Your Health and Well-Being

Resolve to Be the Best You – Healthy: You Living Well in 2020


hat I really want to ask is, as you step into your new year: “Are you making a commitment to your health this year?” As a medical physician, my driving passion is to touch lives and make a difference through medical practice and communications – to help you be your best possible you…living healthy and in wellness. I know you want that too. The question is, are you committed to it? Every day? According to dictionaries, the word ‘commitment’ is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, relationship or anything else. Bottom line: You want to be healthy in 2020? It’s possible – if you make a commitment to it.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need To Know: Your Commitment to Your Health and Wellness Your Health Starts Here –Your Commitment: Above

all, making a commitment to yourself to be healthy takes just that – commitment!! You can be as educated on weight loss, nutrition, hydration, sleep, stress relief, active lifestyles as you’d like, but unless you make a commitment to being healthy and making good choices, you won’t be able to accomplish your goals and reach your optimal health. It’s a Journey: Your commitment to your health means understanding that it’s a journey that begins with a single step, each day. It means understanding that a lasting commitment is more than a week or a month or any secret, magical number of days. (It’s actually even more than a year. It’s plural. It’s years.) This year…each day, commit to take your health to the next level, no matter your age. And avoid quick fixes, that one key object – supplement, shake, formula – that claims it will magically transform your life. A lasting commitment is comprised of small steps leading to milestones that you will overcome and attain healthy results.

5. having healthy core relationships (including with medical health professionals you trust); 6. avoiding/stopping/steering clear of risky behaviors and quick fixes; 7. establishing/maintaining healthy disciplines and boundaries.


• Educating yourself (or in some cases re-educating yourself ) in each area of the 7 Touchstones is important. There are countless wives’ tales and myths in the atmosphere. You’d be surprised how medical science has moved on from yesterday’s advice. By taking the time to properly educate yourself on food nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, relaxation tips, hydration, you’ll be much better able to choose efforts (and develop habits) that are right for your health. • Also, be specific. Look again at the “7 Touchstones of Good Health.” Saying “I want to be healthy” is vague and difficult to achieve. Or another example is “I want to get quality sleep.” Instead, define precisely what you need for that Sleep Touchstone (quieter environment? new pillow?). Read and educate yourself as you grow in your knowledge about each of the areas. This will help you to make wise decisions. • Write it down and speak it out, regularly. Thinking about or wishing for something is very different than speaking it out and writing it down. When you write it or say it, this helps to bring it to life. It helps to make it real and less likely to be forgotten. • Build trusted support. Invite your trusted tribe to achieve better health goals with you. • Living in the moment. Mindful living is your commitment to the daily practice of being mindful of your decisions, choices and actions – as well as being mindful of your heart meditations. Well-being comes as much from how you approach experiences – how you choose to see and work with (frame) them – as it does from what’s going on around you and what actions you take. Learning how to live healthy in each of the 7 Touchstones of Good Health® can take some time, but it can be a very rewarding experience (and as you grow in your understandings, it gets easier). It starts with your commitment.

Your Plan – Making Smart, Healthy Choices: For your best

mental, physical and spiritual health and overall well-being, your commitment is about your dedication to making good choices when it comes to you: 1. getting quality sleep and rest; 2. following a solid nutrition plan (including hydration); 3. maintaining exercise and mental activities; 4. managing stress;

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

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January/February 2020




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January/February 2020



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January/February 2020

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January/February 2020



Are you a compassionate and caring individual looking to make a difference in the lives of others?

Our no cost 40-hour training will certify you to advocate for people who have experienced sexual violence. The training infuses principles of anti-oppression and multiculturalism in every step. Advocates will gain a strong understanding of how racism, oppression, and inequality intersect with sexual violence, which will help them best serve every survivor they interact with in their role.

Advocacy is based on the principle that the individual is the best person to make decisions in their life. Once trained you will be on call to provide crisis intervention, educational information and resources to survivors of sexual violence. All potential advocates encouraged to apply. Bilingual advocates needed.

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January/February 2020

Fine Art Photography

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January/February 2020

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January/February 2020

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