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Jersey Shore Pharmacy
25 ❆❆❄ ❄ Cough And Cold Season Is Here— ❄Are You Ready?❅ ❄ ❅
Believe it or not, cough and cold season is upon us. Our nights are becoming very cold and children have been back in school for about six months now. This is the season everyone dreads. It seems we see people with the sniffles everywhere—at work, at the mall and even at home. Now is the time to take some steps that will reduce your risk of catching a cold and stock up on things that will help with the symptoms when the inevitable happens.
You can reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu. Here are some helpful hints:
WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY: This will help stop the spread of germs. Everything you touch potentially has cold germs on it— doorknobs, handrails, pens, PIN pads, etc. Also, keep hand sanitizer easily accessible—keep it in your car and your desk at work.
REDUCE STRESS: Whenever a big day is coming up, or a deadline you have been rushing to meet, you are more likely to become sick. Relax, your health is more important. Also, try to get at least eight hours of sleep per night.
EAT WELL: Certain foods combat colds. Try to include as much of the following as possible in your diet: broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions, citrus fruits, and whole grains. Some evidence also exists supporting using vitamin C and Echinacea to boost your immune system.
DRINK PLENTY OF WATER: Drinking plenty of water helps flush germs out of your body. Water also helps keep your mucous membranes moist, allowing them to trap the virus and dispose of it.
BREATHE FRESH AIR: Try to breathe as much fresh air as possible. Recycled, contaminated air can make you sick! Get outside as much as possible. Cold air will not give you a cold!
For the most part, everyone catches some degree of a cold at least once a year. Once you feel the symptoms coming on, then what? For starters, continue the above tips. Also, cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (no one else wants your germs). And most importantly—
There are many cough and cold medications on the market that can help with your cold or cough symptoms. Decongestants in a pill form or a nasal spray can help with a stuffy nose. Antihistamines can help with itchy, watery eyes. Cough suppressants help control a nagging cough. Cough drops or throat lozenges help with a sore throat. Tylenol or Motrin can help any body aches or fever. Before taking any medications, please consult with your pharmacist or doctor to be sure the medication you are buying doesn’t aggravate any existing medical conditions or interact with any current medication you are taking. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Many over-the-counter cough and cold medications can cause adverse effects. Don’t be afraid to ask us, that is what we are here for.
Once you have determined which medications are safe, keep some at home so that you are prepared when that cold comes along.
Jersey Shore Pharmacy is an independently owned and operated full service pharmacy. Our pharmacists and technicians are here to answer your questions. Stop by and see what a pharmacy experience should be!
For more information, call 609-660-1111 or visit www.jerseyshorepharmacy WWW.JERSEYSHOREPHARMACY.COM

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Hypnosis for Women
Professional Hypnosis & Coaching

Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080 www.HypnoForWomen.com

Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Show Your Body Some Love and Gratitude This Holiday Season and Beyond
How have you been treating that body of yours? Have you been nurturing it? Neglecting it? Abusing it?
Maybe it’s not perfect, but it does so much for you – things you take for granted. . . like pumping 2000 gallons of blood through your heart chambers each day, regulating body temperature, contracting and expanding your lungs, digesting food, transporting you, allowing you to see, hear, smell, touch – and on and on.
By the lifestyle choices you make, you exert substantial control over how your body performs. Since lots of “food holidays” are approaching, consider what messages your body might want to convey to you now, before the festivities begin.
If Your Body Could Write . . .
“Please decide to do better this holiday season. Treat me like you care about me. I don’t like carrying around excess weight, feeling uncomfortable, and getting out of breath so easily.
My body doesn’t need as much food as you’ve been giving me, especially the junky processed stuff. I don’t like that heavy, bloated feeling. I love feeling light and free and energized. Let me remind you that that food is for fuel. Eating isn’t meant to be a form of entertainment or a way to handle your feelings. Make smart choices most of the time. I’d like to be proud of my lab results for a change.
Sitting around is terrible for me. I need to move and get all that oxygenated blood circulating. Let’s go for walks and bike rides. Take me swimming. How about some yoga or tai chi? It’s never too late to get more active, even if it means chair exercises.
I want to be able to keep working well for you, to take you where you want to go, to allow you to feel energized and enjoy your life. I promise that if you take good care of me, I’ll take good care of you. You can do this!”
When January rolls around, you don’t have to deal with excess pounds and inches. This year, approach the holidays in a totally different way. Instead of expecting to pack on extra weight, change your mindset now. Here are some affirmations to help you get started . . .
• This is the only body I’ll have in this lifetime, and it deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. • Food is for fuel; I handle my feelings and emotions appropriately. • Overeating and junk food eating prevent me from being my best self. • I choose to enjoy the holidays in wonderful, loving, sensible ways.
If you need help moving forward, hypnosis is an efficient, holistic, and empowering modality. It works optimally for people who truly want to change, believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of creating change, and who understand they need to be a partner in the process.
For a brief No-Charge Phone Screening Consult, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.
Hypnosis For Women
Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence
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