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UM Homeworks Communities
18 Home Health Care Be Thankful for the Advice of Nonagenarians
By: Deborah Walsh, Corporate Director of Home Care Service, United Methodist Communities
America’s population of persons aged 90 (Nonagenarians) and over has almost tripled since 1980, reaching 1.9 million in 2010, and will continue to increase in the coming years. Elders can be a source of wise words and sage advice on dealing with and enjoying life to its fullest. Older generations have decades of experience to share. The younger generation can spend years slowly gaining the experience and making the same mistakes or they can draw on the wisdom of those who’ve already been down the same road. Here are some practical tips elders would like to pass on to younger folks.
Quit worrying so much
Older adults have the lowest stress levels among the generations since the American Psychological Association began conducting its annual Stress in America survey.
Take time to craft the story of your life
As we age what ends up mattering most is how our life story has played out. It’s important to know that your life has mattered.
When it comes to love, take your time
Don’t rush into anything and choose your partner carefully. Love yourself first and get to know the person you love very, very well in all circumstances, the happiest parts, and the stressful parts. You can’t mold your spouse into something that you want.
Find romance in the small stuff
Encourage and find comfort in even the smallest aspects of your relationship. Emphasize on thinking small – the small minute to minute, day to day interactions that make up a relationship.
Don’t give up on love (at any age)
Its easy to give up on love when you’re single and all your friends are married. Keep an open mind and leave room for love and companionship, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
Make time for family
Parenting means spending quality time with your children, even if work and other obligations make it challenging.
Never stop learning
The key to a purposeful life is an education and insatiable curiosity. Seeking out new learning opportunities regularly enriches the lives of seniors.
Travel while you are young
Novel experiences keep elders young and inspired. Don’t wait until the children have grown or you’re retired. Don’t worry about the money…the experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.
Listen to your elders and be thankful for them
People who have lived through generations play a vital role in how our society functions. Listening to the stories and experiences of older generations can help us understand history and how to better shape our future.

For more information, call 732-838-1950 or visit www.UMCHomeworks.org.

In-home care for seniors. Call today for a free in-home assessment. 732-838-1950 • UMCHomeworks.org.
54 Olin St, Ocean Grove, NJ
Chicken In Puff Pastry
Compliments of Chef Steph

1 sheet puff pastry, thawed and rolled out into a 14in square. 4 boneless chicken breasts, cooked 1/3 cup herbed soft cheese 1/4 cup fresh parsley , chopped 1 large egg Optional ingredients-chopped spinach, diced roasted red peppers, additional cheese, etc. Preheat the oven to 400 degress. Roll out puff pastry, cut into four equal sized pieces. Place 1 1/2 tablesoons of herbed cheese in the center of each piece. Top herbed cheese with a chicken breast and then chopped parsley Next, fold the corners of the pastry over the chicken breast. Place chicken pastry seam side down on a baking sheet covered in parchement. Lightly brush the top with a whisked egg. Bake for 20-25minutes or until crust is golden brown.