Ocean County Woman - May/June 2018

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ur 9th Year!

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One THE NEWEST FDA- CLEARED BREAKTHROUGH IN WOMEN’S HEALTH TREATMENTS. The MonaLisa Touch is the most studied vaginal laser treatment. Page 17

MOVING FORWARD: WHEN ENOUGH BECOMES ENOUGH. Bankruptcy is not for everyone. However, understanding what it encompasses and whether or not it is an option for you takes nothing more than being proactive. Page 23

JERSEY SHORE PHARMACY EMPHASIZES A HEALTHY APPROACH. At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, our philosophy is simply to provide outstanding services. Pages 54 & 55

Photo By Tracy Harman Photography

Since 2004, Dr. Mann has established the practice as one of the leading pain management centers in the area. Teaming up with the area’s leaders, Garden State Medical Center has been recognized for achieving the highest standards in patient care, ranking the center among the most prestigious medical institutions. Read more on pages 73, 74 & 75. Smartphones Scan Here



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May/June 2018

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thickens and shortens, forming knots, creating a thick cord that can pull one or more fingers into a bent position. The lumps or knots that form are uncomfortable to some Dupuytren’s contracture mainly affects rofessionals 2people; however, rarely is it painful.edical the ring and small finger, followed by the long finger, but it can occur in any digit. In many cases, both hands are affected, but each hand can be affected differently.

Chronic Ankle Instability

CAUSES AND RISK FACTORS The cause for Dupuytren’s contracture is unknown and there is no cure touch your pointer finger you to your with your eyes closed). By Rebacca Kashdan, DPT, Jackson Facility Therapist helping tonose maintain finger extension for this disease. However, the condition usually develops slowly and is non-life-The proprioceptors in the ankle are extremely important performed and regain functional use of y Theyou disease is seen in more threatening. With every step take,onset your feet are the only middle-aged adults. It is shown when it comes to balance and the ability to adjust your ankle will tobeprevent designed falling. specifically When the tissuesfor you. The connection your thewomen ground. and particularly those of Northern on uneven surfaces to be morebetween common inbody menand than surrounding the ankle are disrupted, the proprioceptors do not Your feet support you and transmit the force exercises to treat range of motion and str European descent. Certain things may make you more likely to develop Dupuytren’s collect the information that they need to help you adjust. All from each step through your ankles, through canrecipe include: of these factorsdeficit. combinedTreatment make up an ugly for repeated contracture. your lower leg,They and toinclude: the rest of your body. Many ankle sprains as well as increasing the risk for falling. An people have, or will have, a sprained ankle at A custom-fabricated splint for the in • Drinking alcohol unstable ankle•can change the way the forces are transmitted some point throughout their lifetime. An ankle from the foot through the rest of your body, causing problems This splint would be worn during ac • Diabetes sprain can impact the way you move, whether beyond your foot and ankle. • Stretching and strengthening exercis • are Smoking you a competitive athlete or simply walking Physical therapy can help! around the grocery store, and can lead to a functional use of hand. • Seizures Physical therapy can help to break the cycle of chronic chronic condition called ankle instability. • by preventing Modalities as therapeutic ultras ankle instability futuresuch ankle sprains. We use • Having a family history of Dupuytren’s normal motion, and What is a sprained ankle and why is chronic ankle instability a big deal? exercises that focus on normalizing muscle imbalances, to relieverestoring pain and inflammation. AND SYMPTOMS improving ankle proprioception. Your physical therapist will evaluate your imbalances SIGNS Your ankle is made up of several bones that not only allow you to point and flex • designed Providing education on feel adaptive tec order to createto a program specifically for you. For instance, if you your allow you to tilt footin inward and outward • anklefoot, Lumpsbutoralso knots start to your form the (inversion) palm. The lumps mayin be tender touch. fine while standing on flat, stable surfaces but you have difficulty on a plush carpet or (eversion) so that you can adjust to uneven surfaces such as cobblestones, a sandy enhance functional abilities. • Over time it may be difficult to lay your hand down flat.

an uneven sidewalk, your therapist may have you practice standing and walking on beach, or divots in your backyard. The bones in your ankle are connected by several surfaces to functionally strengthen your ankle-stabilizing muscles. Physical ligaments, a typecords of connective tissue, on both thefeel insidelike and outside to increase the tounstable • Thick may develop that they are attached the skin. therapy will not repair a torn ligament; however, the therapists atcontracture All-Care are trained stability of the joint. can have One more afingers bendusually or curl in toward theresulting palm of the hand,a program makingthatitwill promote healingDupuytren’s to develop as well as maximize the stability in • When youor experience sprained ankle, the ankle rolls inward, activities, making them difficult to comp your ankle by strengthening the surrounding musculature. in overstretching on the outside of the ankle. Occasionally the ankle difficultthetoligaments straighten. help slow the progression of the disease a is forced outward, resulting in overstretching of the ligaments on the inside of the Is barefoot exercise good for me? ankle; however, that is much less common. Ankle sprains are often graded based on TREATMENTS OPTIONS Physical Therapy, our hand therapists sp While proper footwear can provide excellent support for a person with chronic the severity of overstretching, with grade I meaning the ligaments are overstretched Occupational therapy can help treat your symptoms conservatively. ankle instability, exercising barefoot inand a controlled environment build natural they can createhelps custom-fabricated sp but not torn, grade II meaning there is a mild to moderate tear, and grade III meaning stability. Often patients with ankle instability perform physical therapy exercises However, because is a progressive disease, there is a significant tear in Dupuytren’s the ligaments. Symptoms may also include swelling,the pain,contracture cannot be experiencing these conditions and ask if without shoes to increase reliance on the natural stabilizing muscles instead of relying bruising, and difficulty putting weight on the affected foot. If you have experience a changed unless there is some type of surgical intervention. In severe cases, various on support from your shoes. You mayPhysical notice that ifTherapy you stand on onehelp. foot with a hand the can OT sprained ankle with any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor. supportive sneaker and compare it to standing on one foot without shoes, you tend to options are available to straighten the finger. treatment Chronic ankle instability is the result of several factors, causing a person to These options may include Toms River (732-505-1300), Whiting (7 “wobble” more without the shoes. That is exactly why we focus on barefoot stability. sprain their ankle repeatedly.medicine, The first factor overstretched or torna ligaments, needles, injectable oris surgery. After surgical intervention is performed, While barefoot exercise in a controlledlocations. environment can be beneficial, high-impact resulting in decreased ankle stability. The second factor is muscle imbalance. When barefoot training, such as running or jumping without proper conditioning, can lead occupational therapy is recommended to evaluate your condition, focused on the ligaments are stretched or torn, the muscles and tendons surrounding the ankle to many other injuries. Make sure to speak with your doctor or physical therapist may also be stretched and irritated, resulting in muscle weakness. The third factor is before beginning your own barefoot program. impaired proprioception. Proprioceptors are tiny nerve receptors located in soft tissue throughout the body that sense your position in space (these receptors allow you to

For an appointment, please call: Whiting 732-849-0700 Toms 732-505-1300 • Jacks Please call the Jackson location to• make anRiver appointment 732-833-1133. Rebecca Kashdan, DPT Jackson Physical Therapist


Rebecca graduated from Rutgers University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science. She continued her education at Rutgers University and received her Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy in 2015. Rebecca has completed clinical rotations at Duke Regional Hospital in North Carolina as well as Applewood Estates Rehab in New jersey with a focus on post-op orthopedic, cardiovascular, bariatric and neurological conditions.

Our founder, Michael Yorke, graduate in 1997, majoring in Exercise Scien Trainer. He continued his education a earning a Master’s degree in Physica for a facility that encourages an em Rebecca has a particular interest in manual therapy, patients, All-Care was founded in 20 athletic injuries, balance dysfunction and pathologies of the foot and ankle. She has also worked with and clinicaldancers excellence. several pre-professional from The RockAll-Care ha School for Dance Education as well as The University and Monmouth County. Thro of theOcean Arts in Philadelphia and is currently a member of the International Association for Dance Medicine & stayed the same: people thei Science. Rebecca firmly believesto thatgive understanding the needs of her patients is the key to successful care in a setting ideal recovery.

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The County Woman Magazine


May/June 2018

Fine Art Photography

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May/June 2018


Manager’s Note

An Educational resource for Women and Their Families Monmouth Since 2008 County Since 2008


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Publisher.............................................................. Chris Lam chris@thecountywoman.com • 856-885-8066 Production Manager ...................................Lauren Shover staff@thecountywoman.com • 856-885-8066 Regional Sales Director................ Kristina Wheeler Pruitt kristina@thecountywoman.com • 1-866-398-0898 Billing Manager……………........................ Jennifer Hartsig billing@thecountywoman.com • 856-885-8066 Graphic Designer..................................Golden Design LLC CEO.................................................................. Lynn K. Wolf

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Welcome to the May/June Issue of The Ocean County Woman Publication! Despite the late snowfall and colder temperatures in April, the pair of Canada geese began nesting near our mailbox. This means for the next 24 to 28 days, we will try to be careful when venturing out to our mailbox or trash cans. However, as we did two years ago, we are hoping to witness the baby goslings hatching and leaving the nest under the watchful eye of their mother and father. Speaking of mothers and fathers, now is the time of year where we get to honor the mothers and fathers in our own lives. First, Mother’s Day is May 13th, a time to recognize how special Mom is and to make sure she feels loved and appreciated. Then, on June 17th, we celebrate Father’s Day, a time to appreciate the special men in our lives who have guided us through life’s triumphs and troubles. In addition to these two holidays, Memorial Day is celebrated on May 28th. Memorial Day is a time to honor all those men and women who have died in service to their country. Memorial Day is also the unofficial beginning of summer in New Jersey, as the beach communities come alive with activities. Another occasion I celebrated in the month of April was my four-year anniversary of beginning my career at the Ocean County Woman Publication. Over the past four years, I have met some wonderful people, from our talented staff to our clients, who are highly skilled in their professions. I am looking forward to continuing my career at the Ocean County Woman Publication as the Production Manager and I thank each and every one of you for continuing the success of the Ocean County Woman Publication. As the weather heats up and all the beach communities come alive with activities, we want to wish you a safe and fun summer. Take advantage of everything the Jersey Shore has to offer, including the many wonderfully popular events you can read about in the Community section of this publication. In addition, don’t forget to visit our Facebook page, where you can enter to win tickets to see an amazing show. Best, Lauren Shover and the Staff at the Ocean County Woman Publication

“Summer is coming and the memories are just waiting to happen.” Featured on the Cover - Garden State Medical Center With a focus on state-of-the-art clinical practices and a culture of compassion and discovery, the physicians at Garden State Medical Center are dedicated to promoting and restoring the health and well-being of patients and their families in the Tri-state area. Pictured L-R: Debra Wisniewski, PA-C, Dharam Mann, MD, Manjula Singh, MD, and Jani Samir, MD, MPH. Read more on pages 73, 74 & 75.

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Photo by Tracy Harman Photography. Schedule your family photographs today. See page 3.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Contents ^Medical Professionals

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC.............................2 Shore Vascular & Vein Center............................................7 Kathy A. Banks, DMD........................................................8 Personal Enhancement Center........................................11 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics.......................................13 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates..................................16 Be Well Women’s Health.................................................17 Quality Dermatology........................................................18 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists...................................22 Hackensack Meridian Int. Health & Medicine...........24, 25 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.............................26 University Urology Associates of New Jersey.................31 Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey...........34, 35 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center...............................36 Bella Derma Medi Spa.....................................................39 Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC............................43 Ocean Hematology & Oncology................................46, 47 Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine.......48 Dr. Park Avenue...............................................................51

^Fine Art Photography

Tracy Harman Photography..............................................3

^Health & Wellness

Spa Virtue..........................................................................5 Living Healthy Naturally...................................................19 Lice Lifters.......................................................................30 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio..........................................32 Hot or Not Yoga...............................................................41 Hypnosis for Women.......................................................42 Jersey Shore Pharmacy............................................54, 55

^Professional Dentistry

Aesthetic Dental Creations................................................6

^Fashion & Beauty

Barbara’s Boutique............................................................7 Mrs. B’s Boutique............................................................27

^Financial Management

Garden State Trust Company....................................10, 76

^Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Tallwoods Care Center....................................................12

5 ^Pets

Funny Farm Rescue..................................................44, 45


Vagabond Travel Agency.................................................49


Ocean County College....................................................53

^Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC...............14

Enlightened Solutions......................................................53 ^Women of Ocean County......................56, 57

Sharon Flaherty, PHD......................................................15

DeGraff Funeral Home.....................................................58

^Elder Law


^Speech Therapy

Wise Words.....................................................................15


Kevin Riordan, Esq..........................................................19 The Matus Law Group.....................................................21 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law....................................23 Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq...................................................30

^Pediatric Dentistry

Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates.................................20

^Men’s Clothing

Lou Marchiano for Men...................................................27

^Permanent Hair Removal

Brick Electrolysis.............................................................29

^Wigs & Hair Replacement

Abstrax Hair Designs.......................................................33

^Business & Finance

Copiers Plus....................................................................38 Brick Township Chamber of Commerce.........................60

^Funeral Planning ^Acupuncture

Koehler Acupuncture.......................................................58

^Theatre & Entertainment

Atlantic City Ballet...........................................................67 Show Score.....................................................................68 This One’s For The Girls..................................................68 Desperate Measures.......................................................69


B 98.5..............................................................................72

^Featured on the Cover

Garden State Medical Center..............................73, 74, 75 ^Community.............................................................. 28, 37, 40, 50, 52, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Professional Dentistry

Dr. Balaji Srinivasan and

his team at Aesthetic Dental Creations set the bar quite high when it comes to patient care and service. Their fantastic effort to provide optimal dental health and appearance is what makes Aesthetic Dental Creations one of the best in the County.

What our happy patients have to say… “The staff were incredible, friendly and very professional. Dr Balaji is both very knowledgeable and an expert in his field. I felt so confident in their care. I had a time sensitive case and Dr Balaji and staff went above and beyond to not only accommodate my deadline but they did it with upmost care and patience. I am so grateful to them for their dedication I am coming into my wedding day smiling from ear to ear with professional cosmetic dentistry and calmness because of their amazing care. Thank you!” - YN

“Very professional and friendly environment. Dedicated and focused attention to the patient and details of the medical issue(s). Very responsive and timely treatment. Recommended!” - DL

“Best of the best from the time you step foot in the office... not to mention one of the nicest, caring most sincere guy you could ever meet! First class team all the way.” - MP

Scan here for more testimonials, including videos!

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

M Medical edical P Pro roffessionals essionals


Professio The Most Common Questions M Andedical Answers Concerning Varicose Veins Groundbreaking New Technology fo

Varicose veins are one of the most common vascular conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. Treatment options have improved greatly in recent treatment of all c years. In spite of these advancements, many people mistakenly still believe that ones, with a sing treatment for this problem is difficult, painful, and simply considered “cosmetic.” number of treatm Other people may experience leg pain and other symptoms but they don’t Number of T People often as realize what is causing their condition. This article will answer some common be removed com questions regarding varicose veins, the associated symptoms, and treatment. That is because t

are needed to rea of various sizes, How are varicose veins and venous reflux treated? are more difficul Sometimes compression stockings will be sufficient to control symptoms and prevent complications. When procedures are needed,Laser currentCenter technology andknow in the very Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic how completely techniques, en allow for treatment WITHOUT the need for painful surgery. One announces lighten™, the newest, most complete laser has been sh of the best, most proven treatments for venous reflux is the Closure® Procedure, tattoo removal. solution available anywhere for laser tattoo removal. What are varicose veins? now referred to as Venefit™. This minimally invasive procedure is performed right the number of tr Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin. They often ™ less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, and the office enin light enin is the most advanced laser system available a good idea of th have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins may be very large and excellent for safe andresults. effective tattoo removal. It is the world’s first examined.

discolored. Others may be smaller. They can occur anywhere on the legs, including laser system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond Partial Tatto How long is the recovery from vein treatment? the groin area. technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows In most cases individuals can return to their usual activities within a day of Due the to change individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for other factors, som What causes varicose veins? procedure. changed. We ca Blood must flow up, against gravity, to exit the legs and return to the heart. the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever available. varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? leaving other par Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Those valves can TheIs“Pico” Difference Cost Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many cases, varicose malfunction and leak, causing blood to flow in the wrong direction. The blood Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy over a very short period of time Cost will vary d vein up treatment is covered by health insurance. An experienced vein treatment then pools in the legs, increasing the pressure in the veins. This is known as venousto break ink. Inks of different types, colors and depth can provide significant including the siz centerto will have insurance specialists who will work with your insurance company reflux disease or Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux is one of the challenges remove. It has been shown that shorter duration pulses are more treatments neede to confirm coverage. most common causes of varicose veins. effective in completely removing tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is one trillionth of a second. This is one thousand times shorter than prior lasers For removal. more Picosecond, information, for tattoo sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg heaviness, legshown call 609-927-VEIN (8346) fatigue and/or leg swelling. Itching of the skin of the legs is also a very common lasers used in the past.

What are the symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease?

or visit www.GetGreatLegs.com.

complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many people will notice the Flexibility appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some people will only feel discomfort Picosecond lasers are the newest, most advanced tattoo removal technology available. Our enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” technology with the but not notice any cosmetic changes.

I thought varicose veins are just a cosmetic problem. Is that true?

It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux are NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some individuals may be at risk for chronic swelling, permanent skin discoloration, open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has the added benefit of improving aesthetics, even in cases that are not considered “cosmetic.”

Who is at risk for varicose veins?

Prolonged standing or sitting on one place, family history of varicose veins, and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and pregnancy are risk factors. Some people may develop varicose veins without having any of these known conditions.

About Us

Our medical d He has years of e flexibility of both 1064nm and 532nm dual wavelength lasers. Never before has the highly acclai S. Gosin, MD, FACS this combination of power andJeffrey versatility been available. This now allows for the patients Excel V for remo “University Quality Care at the Jersey Shore” Therefo When complet conferen country device. laser tat Delawar

How are varicose veins and venous reflux diagnosed?

An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with a combination of a medical history, physical examination and a painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential in properly treating this condition.

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www.TheCountyWoman.com May/June 2017

May/June 2018


Medical Professionals

Dr. Kathy A. Banks wants you to join her for one of her

2018 FREE INFORMATIVE SEMINARS Find out what every patient needs to know about implant dentistry options

Tuesday May 15th Holiday Inn Manahawkin Tuesday June 5th Sea Oakes Country Club Wednesday June 13th Circle Landmark Hotel Restaurant Wednesday July 11th River Brick Rock Location TBA

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Dinner and Dessert Included RSVP - Space is Limited - call 609-488-2325 Kathy A. Banks, DMD ABOMS Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Specialty License # 4070

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018





ow that we are certain that spring has finally arrived, it’s time to finish our spring closet cleaning. We’re purging the clothes we haven’t worn for a variety of reasons…some were never quite right but we had tried hard to make them work. The best part, though, is making room for the new fashion or accessory that will complete our spring wardrobe.

Barbara’s Boutique allows us to shop for the newest trends without having to travel to New York! The travels savings we enjoy by shopping at Barbara’s will allow us to purchase that accent purse, scarf or jewelry that will complete a new spring ensemble. Spring’s fashion options are wildly varied, from skinny-cropped trousers to wide legged pants. There is something for everyone. The trend is more about being laid back and masculine than girly.

The six biggest fads of the seasons are: • Midi Skirts. Skirts are definitely at the calf-length rather than over the knee length. • Crop Tops/Jackets. • Athletic styles with a high fashion twist. • Pastels are fashionable for spring. You can pair soft pastels with vivid bights to create a colorful equilibrium. The designers have used colors to refresh, revive and define a piece of fashion. The colors Placid Blue, Violet Tulip and Hemlock compliment the sand color. Additional color favorites are Paloma, Freesia, Celosia Orange, Cayenne, Radiant Orchid and Dazzling Blue. These colors can be seen as paint swirls, color-blocking and geometric prints in trousers, jackets and brightly colored shirts. • Garden inspired prints take center stage in tops, pants, and dresses. • Metallic. Embellishments on your accessories, sequin jackets, dresses, skirts and suits. This season, casual is chic – no matter what your age. Fashion’s new wave is about freedom and comfort. Sporty sandals replace the platforms and flowing pants and skirts replace restrictive skirts. Whether you’re creating a stunning new outfit or fine-tuning an existing one, Stephanie and Karen at Barbara’s Boutique will ensure that your new spring look is easy and cool!

So step out of ordinary, everyday life for a little while and feel the magic at Barbara’s Boutique, where they always keep the fun in fashion!

Enter To Win

Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great Show! “Powerful, funny and uplifting!

A musical that both sexes can enjoy.” - Talkin’ Broadway

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Photo: Carol

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p Desperate Measures

p Show Score

Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012

Or Visit www.Facebook.com/TheCountyWoman to Enter Online! One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Entries will be accepted through June 30, 2018. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Financial Management

Keeping Our Seniors Safe: Watch Your Wallet Article by Ira J. Brower, Founder, Garden State Trust Company

• Revocable living trust. A trust creates another layer of financial

A few months ago, I received a message at home from an IRS agent and a few days later from someone who had a buyer for my new home. I knew that both calls were a sham. At Garden State Trust we primarily work with retired and soon-to-be retired individuals. I knew that a company we worked with, Merrill Anderson & Co., created a booklet about Keeping Our Seniors Safe that we purchased and placed on our website. I would like to share the booklet with you. The following anecdotes are composites of true stories, with the names omitted to protect the innocent. Mrs. X got a telephone call from the fire department telling her that her chimney needed to be inspected promptly under the new fire code. The caller was a scamster; there was no new fire code; he was looking for a way to be admitted into her home. The fire and police departments subsequently issued public warnings against this sort of scam. After Mr. Y’s wife died, his nephew moved in with him to help with the household. Then the nephew’s girlfriend moved in as well. Then the nephew started helping with the money management. Mr. Y’s monthly statements began to show large, unusual withdrawals. Mrs. Z was approached by a stranger in a parking lot who claimed to have a winning lottery ticket. The stranger claimed that he could not claim the prize because he was in trouble with the law, but he would sell it to Mrs. Z at a steep discount. Another passerby confirmed the winning numbers on the ticket. Actually, the second person also was part of the scam. These are three examples of financial exploitation of seniors, and unfortunately there are thousands more. By some estimates, 20% of those over 65 will experience financial exploitation at some point during their retirement—which at this date tallies some $3 billion every year. The three stories above have happy endings. In each case, the individual involved or family members were able to step up and take responsibility for remedying the situation. But the better course is to take early steps to head off the possibility of neglect or financial abuse.

protection against con artists and scamsters. Assets are placed in the care of a trustee, who manages them, collects dividends and interest, and makes distributions on behalf of the trustor as provided in the trust agreement.

With these protections in place, the opportunity for neglect or financial exploitation of the senior is reduced sharply. Signs of Financial Exploitation • You spot unusual financial activity, such as unexplained credit card activity, withdrawals incurring penalties, newly authorized signers on accounts. • You are confused about recent financial arrangements/transactions. • Recent changes to property titles, deeds, refinanced mortgages, power of attorney documents, wills, trusts or other documents that you do not understand or did not authorize. • A caregiver or beneficiary has refused to use your funds for your necessary care and treatment. • Someone has threatened to place you in a long-term care facility unless you give him or her control of your finances. • Food or medication has been manipulated or withheld to make you weak and compliant. • You have become financially responsible for a family member or friend without regard for your own needs. We Are A Resource Financial exploitation and neglect of our seniors is a serious and growing problem. Garden State Trust Company is doing our part to fight back, being alert to the protection of our seniors and raising awareness of the issue in the community. Now you need to do your part, taking the initiative to protect your loved ones, with the tools that are available to you. What To Do When Financial Abuse Of An Elderly Person Is Suspected If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911 or the Detective Division of your local Police Department.

To report cases of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation, you can visit on our website: http://gstrustco.com/assets/Garden-State-WYW.pdf and you will find phone numbers for New Jersey Adult Protective Services throughout the State. Or you can call our office at 732-255-5000 and we can mail you these important telephone numbers.

Plan Now, Avoid Being A Victim Later No one expects to be a victim of neglect or financial exploitation. Unfortunately, as people reach their most senior years, the chances of financial exploitation occurring increase significantly. What can you do? • To nearly eliminate telemarketing calls, join the National Do Not Call Registry. Visit www.donotcall.gov or call 888.382.1222 to register your phone number. Remember that charities, politicians and On You. On Your Family. On political parties are exempt from penalties for ignoring the list. • Stay in touch with others, because isolation can make you more vulnerable. • Never, ever send anyone personal information to collect a prize or reward. • Consult with someone you trust before making a large purchase or investment or signing a legal contract. • Special bank accounts with a trusted family member. Such accounts may be used to handle all the routine financial expenses of retirement. • Durable power of attorney. This gives a third party, normally a trusted family member, greater authority over one’s financial life. The authority may extend to making investment decisions, even making gifts to family members. Powers of attorney need to be drafted with care by a lawyer who specializes in elder law, and some supervision is warranted. Unfortunately, for all the good that they can do, powers of attorney have been the source of financial exploitation in some Toms River, NJ | Cherry Hill, NJ | Lebanon, NJ cases.

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May/June 2018

Medical Professionals

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com


May/June 2018







Tallwoods Care Center May April 18 - Spring30th Fling Brunch with Musical Entertainment Community Breakfast 11:00 am to 12:15 pm with door


Tallwoods Care Center A Premier Nursing, Rehabilitation, & Long-Term Care Center 18 Butler Blvd., Bayville, NJ 08721 www.TallwoodsCareCenter.com 732-237-2220

9:45am to 11:15am ________

RSVP @ Foutainview Care Center 732-237-2220 x 121 April 18 - Community or receptionist Bingo 12:00 pm to 1:15by pm May 18

Fountainview Care Center Discover Ocean County’s Fountain of Youth 527 River Ave., Lakewood, NJ 08701 www.FountainViewCareCenter.com 732-905-0700

How To Choose the Best Care Facility for Your Loved One The following checklist will help to give a general idea of the quality of care provided in a nursing home. Depending on a resident’s needs, preferences and payment source, questions will vary. 1. Ask to see the entire facility, not just the nicely decorated

lobby and one wing or floor. Remember that appearances can be deceptive. Though environment is important, try to get a feel for the care provided and how the residents are treated by staff.

2. Staff

• Are the staff courteous to residents? • Does the administrator/manager and director of nurses appear to know the residents? • Is the administrator friendly and receptive to questions? • Is privacy respected (e.g., knocking on doors before entering rooms, keeping privacy curtains drawn while care is being given)? • Are there therapists on staff or does the facility contract out for therapy? • Is there a licensed social worker on staff? Full–time? • Does the facility have permanent full–time nurses and certified nurse assistants (CNA’s) or are registry nurses and aides used? • Are the staff visible and actively assisting residents? • Does the facility conduct background checks before hiring staff?

3. Resident Rooms

• In which area of the facility would the resident’s room be located? • How many residents share a room? • Does each bedroom have a window? • Is there a bedside stand, reading light, chest of drawers, and at least one comfortable chair for each resident? • Are call buttons accessible to residents? • Is there fresh drinking water at the bedside? • Are residents allowed and encouraged to bring any of their own belongings or furniture?

4. Bath and Shower Rooms • • • •

Are bathrooms conveniently located? How many residents share a bathroom? Do bathrooms have handgrips or rails near all toilet and bathing areas? Is there a call button near the toilet?

5. Menus and Food

• Is the food listed on the menu actually being served? • How often are meals repeated? Are alternatives available, as required by law? • Is it nutritious? Are fresh foods used, or is it mostly canned or frozen?

6. Activities • • • • •

Are activity calendars posted? Do the activities cover a broad range of interests? Are activities tailored to individual preferences? Does the facility have outside areas for resident use? What activities are available to residents confined to their rooms?

Deciding to move a parent into a nursing home is a big decision – and one that is best done by making numerous small decisions. At Tallwoods Care Center and Fountainview Care Center, we offer Say Hello to Tallwoods Care Center Newest member Pet tours to help family and Therapy Dog “Dakota” friends of aging loved Dakota is a well-trained, ones. Call 732-237-2220 smart, caring, comforting Therapy or 732-905-0700 for Dog who loves people. your tour today. Dakota will be available the fourth Thursday of every Month at 10:00am

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Medical Professionals


A Treatment for Arthritis, Tendinopathy, Muscle Strain and More! any famous athletes-Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Hines Ward, tennis star Rafael Nadal, and several others—have received Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for various problems, such as sprained knees and chronic tendon injuries.

What is PRP and why are famous athletes turning to this?

To begin, blood is a liquid (plasma) that contains red and white blood cells, and platelets. Platelets help clot blood and also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors important in the healing of injuries. PRP has 5 to 10 times more platelets than what is typically found in blood. The concentration of platelets and growth factors has important applications in healing and can potentially regenerate tissue and cartilage.

What conditions can be treated with PRP?

It has been used to treat tendon, ligament, cartilage and bone injuries, as well as arthritis.

How does PRP work?

Similar to having blood work drawn for lab tests, blood is drawn from a patient into a test tube. Then it is placed in a centrifuge to "spin". Low gravitational force seperates the plasma and platelets from the red and white blood cells. The increased concentration of platelets (PRP) can be carefully injected into the injured area of inflamed tissue.

How many injections are needed?

A physician may recommend a single injection or series of injections based on the injury being treated and a patient’s initial response to the therapy. Your doctor may use an ultrasound or an X-ray as a guide to placing the injection.

Are there risks?

While more clinical research is needed, the risks associated with PRP therapy are minimal. There may be increase pain at the injection site, but the incidence of other problems appears to be less than that associated with cortisone injections.

Considering PRP treatment?

For more information on PRP call Stafford Orthopedics at 609-597-6092 to schedule an appointment today.

Samuel E. Epstein, DO Diplomate: American Orthopathic Board of Orthopedic Surgeons

Eric S. Baskin, DPM Fellow: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Wayne Esptein, DPM Fellow: American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons

Judy Kerlin, APN Board Certified: American Nurses Credentialing Center


www.advocarestaffordortho.com 1168 Beacon Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Elder Law

Establish a plan, diffuse a crisis, or ask a question...

ANNEMARIE SCHREIBER, ESQ. Certified Elder Law Attorney*

has the knowledge and experience to help you!

Spring Cleaning Your Last Will and Testament As the weather is warming and the flowers and trees are beginning to bloom, our attention turns to our spring cleaning. We begin to wash our windows, rake our flower beds and plant our annuals in anticipation of spring. While you are spring cleaning your yard and home, now is a good time to dust off your Last Will and Testament to give it a thorough review. Frequently, people think that preparing their Will is a one-time task. That is not the case. Circumstances in your life are constantly changing and those changes often trigger a need to revise your Will.

Here are some life changes that may prompt your need to update your Will:

• You Have Moved. If you have moved to a new state, you should consult an attorney to determine whether your Will is still valid. Different states have different rules related to the preparation of a Will. You will want to ensure your Will is still valid. In addition to ensuring your Will’s validity, it is crucial to understand how the new state handles probate, property, and estate and inheritance taxes. • You Have Had A Change In Relationships. Family dynamics and romantic relationships can change drastically over the years. Children get married. Grandchildren are born. Family members get divorced. Spouses and relatives pass away. Second marriages occur. You lose

contact or rekindle relationships. It is recommended that you review your documents following any significant change in your family or personal life. • You Need To Change YourisExecutor OrasGuardian. Your children also known a health care proxy directive, may be grown nowofand no longer need care a guardian. Your executor a durable power attorney for health or an advance directive.was An an old friend who has passed away or is too ill to handle the duties individual appoints a trusted person to be his or her representative in the and responsibilities of serving as an executor. event the creator of the document can no longer make medical decisions for • You Have An Increase Or Decrease In Assets. A substantial him- or increase or herself. decrease in the value of your estate is a good time to review your estate plan. There maydocument be tax consequences with your is a legal in which an associated individual states his or existing Will. You may want to consider a charitable bequest in light her wishes regarding medical treatment and end of life care. An individual’s of your newly acquired wealth. You may have bought or sold a large preferences for medical treatment and end of life care are often included in asset such as a house. Or you may have started a new business. Even if the changes to your estate are small, you may wish to change how your assets are dispersed.

If, after reviewing your Will, you have questions or revisions need to be made, the Law Offices of Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle and Sacks, LLC will be happy to help.

Call 732-797-1600 for more information!

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018



Medical Professionals Medical P rofessionals 15 Psychotherapy to Opt for Pellets Over Subcutaneous Pellet Therapy Reasons Other Forms of BHRT?

Heatand Stroke Vs. Heat Exhaustion Counseling Psychotherapy First And Foremost Is To Listen To Your Body! NOT ALL FORMS OF HORMONE ADMINISTRATION ARE CREATED EQUAL

1. Ease of administration-it is painlessly implanted under the skin and lasts four to Are you currently receiving treatment for low or imbalanced hormones? six months. Are you feeling any better? Perhapsbyyou are feeling worse? health-empowering HEAT STROKE: Thethe words ‘counseling’ andNOT the humidity and uncomfortable and replaced We all enjoy summer season but 2. No fluctuating levels as is seen with all beliefs. therapy Whether you are atoman a woman, thisBrain-based month’s isform goingutilizes to heat set yourelated straightillnessother • Most article severe of thatforms can lead to death if not treated heat associated with record breaking According theorCenters ‘psychotherapy’ are often usedtemperatures. of administration. discoveries about the brain, regarding most effective safestnew “bio-available” form of hormone restoration as an emergency for Disease Control and to Prevention, on average, overthe 600 people dieand from interchangeably refer to “talk (See Diagrams). available in theStates world-today. has been aroundany since the 1930s. This plus…… • Same symptoms of heat exhaustion which show that virtually complications to extreme heat eachtherapy year in the United morePellet thantherapy therapy,”related or talking out one’s 3. Maintains constant levels throughout the concept is similar to the once most prescribed drug in America -Premarin, but much like • Body temperature greater than 104 degrees tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, lightning or any other weather event combined. problem can be corrected if the problems with a mental health day avoiding the ups and downs seen with other bioidentical hormones, a lack ofclient approval thetemps FDA has leftdo anwhat unnecessary These lead to brain, muscle, kidney, heart and total body failure if not has•from the motivation to suchbetween as a psychologist. What’sprofessional, the difference heat exhaustion and heat stroke? other forms of BHRT. and unjustified public fearful of the “consequences” associated withtreated their use. is needed. appropriately is interesting toprecursor learn thatto‘talk Heat It exhaustion is the heatstroke and is a direct result of the body 4. Your body absorbs only what it requires In 2008, the FDA gave its blessing to Slate One of Pharmaceutical’s the most revolutionary overheating. therapy’ can produce visible changes based on activity andmany metabolic needs ICAM offers a variety of intravenous medical drips that level benefit patients Testopel, a bio-identical testosterone pellet therapy designed processes to come along in HEAT EXHAUSTION: in the brain that can be seen on a during the day. exclusively for men. (To date, the FDA has yet to admit the and conditions from “fatigue to fantastic”. Whether you think you are healthy or psychology is Eye Movement Desensitization and • Heavybrain Sweating scan. These visible changes reflect thefor desired NEED testosterone in women). you are not, IV supplementation is a quick and efficient way to promote health Middlesex, 5. Convenience - other forms of hormone • Rapidchanges Pulse made by the client. Reprocessing, EMDR. Since being developed and combat illness. administration require a once or twice daily Mercer and • Dizziness in the 1980s by Dr. Francine Shapiro, decades Yours in Health When choosing a psychotherapist, inquire intoand Wealth, During the summer season ICAM is offering our “Hydrator IV” for those who dosing. • Fatigue Ocean Counties of research have confirmed the effectiveness their qualifications, and see that they are trained, wish to optimize their hydration either before and/or after extreme MarK • Cool, Moist Skin 6. The difference between asun/heat medication and of EMDR, and it has been used around theyou choose the IV or oral licensed and certified. Spend some time talking exposure. Whether routeis of fluid administration, always Mark James Bartiss, MD • Goose Bumps When In The Heat a poison the dose. Pellet form of BHRT world. Dr. Shapiro discovered that a series of eye This is especially New Jersey to them, to see if you feel comfortable with them; be sure to keep hydrated. important in the very old and the very • Muscle Cramps utilizes 1/20th the same dose of hormone movements could help people overcome trauma License #2091 young and of course our furry little friends! rapport is as important as the 100 techniques • PROCEDURE: Nausea that other forms would require to achieve more quickly and effectively than ever before. used. There are different types of psychotherapy; optimal levels over the same time frame of • Headache Insertion is a simple in-office non-invasive painless minimal surgery under local anesthesia. A ¼” incision is made in the upper EMDR is very helpful for children and adolescents, therapists use a combination of come techniques, pellet therapy (3-6 months). These symptoms develop oversmall timepellets or onare suddenly, hip areasome followed by may placement of the which about halfespecially the size of a Tic-Tac. No suturesRead are required as the incision is email: dr.sharon@verizon.net the full article at www.Icamnj.Com as well as adults. It has also been used to enhance depending on the client’s needs. during or following periods of prolonged exercise AND IF NOT ADDRESSED, small and can be closed through the use of a butterfly bandage. people’s strengths, and cultivate creativity. can Psychodynamic psychotherapy helps the client heatstroke follow. website: www.sharonflahertyphd.com understand and overcome current problems by Dr. Sharon Flaherty has advanced tracing their connections to past events, often from Manahawkin Wayne Medford • • childhood. Cognitive-behavioral therapy considers training in EMDR and years of experience. 609-654-5900 current problems to be the result of irrational She can609-978-9002 be reached at 908-242-4618. 973-790-6363 thoughts and beliefs, which are then challenged

Sharon Flaherty, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist 902-242-4618

Speech Therapy

Massage School

Speech Therapy

Begin The Spring Season With A Fresh Start Neuromuscular Electrical StimulationWorthwhile, Therapy for Swallowing Disorders Make This Summer For You Or Your Loved One! Become A Massage Therapist!

function. NMES therapy is completed by a specially Many family events, such as birthday parties and weddings, The spring season brings to mind new beginnings, and for many familiespathologist. of those withSmall communication trained speech-language electrodes or have one thing in common – lots of food! Adults with swallowing spring can be a wonderful time toare begin therapy. speech-language pathologist placed uponAthe patient’s face or neck area,evaluates and an disorders can be faced withswallowing not only issues, health challenges, but also and treats across the lifespan withina goal of maximizing functional language, voice, cognitive NMES device providesspeech, an electrical stimulation circuit the challenge of social isolation andpatients decreased enjoyment to enhance muscular lost contraction therapeuticfor family mealtimes. How can speech therapy help these or swallowing abilities. Therapy canpatients focus on developing skills, regaining function,during or compensating New Jerseymeals Schoolwith of Massage We strive to ensure that you will be trained to enjoy a exercises. The process is pain-free, and sessions last 45 find The joy in sharing their families again? abilities that are damaged or delayed within these domains. offers extensive training with a personal succesful massage career upon to graduation. not only prepare 60 minutes.We NMES therapy is appropriate for a wide What is We dysphagia? LANGUAGE SPEECH SWALLOWING & FEEDING touch. care about YOU, YOUR life, you in spa massage, sports, medical, prenatal and geriatric variety of patients, and contraindications are discussed and Dysphagia the medical term for YOU impaired Dysphagia can result YOURisisfuture. We prepare to swallowing. Language a system of communication, using Speech the ability toin produce and is the medical term for impaired but we willis also bring Cheryl Chapman, aDysphagia cancer massage prior to initiation of therapy. from diseases disorders suchorasgestures. strokes, or cancer, amongst spoken or written words, pictures, articulate sounds to express wants, needs and swallowing. Dysphagia can be caused by a become a and confident, professional andbrain injury, Cathleen Cathleen Givney, Textbo Givney, therapist and trainer for over thirty years. oks an Outcomes many others. Dysphagia can result in frequent pneumonia, weight loss, and loss CCC-SLP Languagelicensed disorders massage can impacttherapist. both what is “said” or ideas. disorders canher occur in both at four variety of diseases or disorders such as stroke, da scMS, h MS, CCC-SLP oo SheSpeech has presented programs AMTA national l T-shir Swallowing therapy, with and Dysphagia without NMES includ t are ofexpressed, interest or in what meals. Signs and symptoms Delayed of dysphagia include coughing during is “heard” or understood. children and adults and result from muscle brain injury, or COPD. can result e d in the conventions and authored articles on cancer and mastectomy tuition treatment, help accelerate recovery by strengthening meals, sensation of food stucktoindevelop the throat or chest,weakness, drooling, and changes in language is a failure as in apraxia, incan frequent pneumonia, weight loss, and loss . Newacquisition Jersey School of Massage language offers massage.discoordination This cancer such massage training is open to existing muscles for swallowing. Patients who undergo swallowing therapy often report vocal quality. skills correlated with age-appropriate milestones. or delayed development of age-appropriate of interest in meals. Feeding disorders occur primarily in children, and state approved 600 hour massage massage therapists, in which they can earn 16 CEU quality life,credits. and improved enjoyment meals. NJSchoolofMassage.com Acquired language disorders,We suchcan as aphasia, sounds. An individual’s language skillsenhanced may are oftenofcharacterized by aversions to certainoffoods, lack of growth and certificate programs. try to Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation register online or call typically occur in adults and are often related to be intact, however impaired speech skills may weight gain correlated with age, and significant meal time refusals andfor SINGLE MOMS OR SEMI-RETIRED ACTIVE adjust our program to meet your needs Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is an evidence-based therapy Would you or someone you know benefit more information stroke, brain injury, or degenerative diseases. make communication ineffective. tantrums. ADULTS. The best thing about this career is that you can financially and your life schedule. We modality that, when combined with strengthening exercises, can enhance therapy from swallowing therapy? 732-505-0055 outcomes. NMES therapy can help recruit muscles swallowing have your ownfor private clients and set up your own schedule offer a full time day program, whichand re-educate Call Wise Words today – 848-235-3389 . or work for a spa or treatment center. is three days a week, completed in Located On: 6 - 7 months and a part time evening Corner of Route 37 & 166 Established in 1995, the NJ School of Massage has grown to be one of program, which is two nights a week, the preeminent institutions for massage therapy education in the state. NJ Corinne 270 Drum Point Road, Suite 102D • Brick, NJ Jewlers 08723 Plaza completed in 10-12 months. School of Massage is privately owned by Alice Marin, LMT, CMA.

Call Wise Words today – 848-235-3389 Phone: 848-235-3389

The County Woman Magazine

Wisewordstherapy.com www.TheCountyWoman.com

Toms River, NJ

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wisewordstherapy@gmail.com July/August 2017


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March/April 2018 May/June 2018


Medical Professionals

May Is Better Hearing Month May is Better Hearing Month! Help raise awareness about hearing loss prevention by scheduling a hearing evaluation and reviewing the common signs of hearing loss listed below as recommended by Ocean Otolaryngology Physicians.

Most Hearing Loss and Other Communication Disorders Are Treatable

As you walk, your ears pick up subtle cues that help with balance. Hearing loss mutes these important signals, Lin notes. “It also makes your brain work harder just to process sound. This subconscious multitasking may interfere with some of the mental processing needed to walk safely.”

9 Medical Pro essionals Ear Infections in Children And The Role of Ear Tubes

According to the NIDCD (National Institute on Deafness & Communication Disorders), most communication disorders are treatable, but are often overlooked. And the longer hearing loss or f related conditions are overlooked, the harder they Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss Risk! Hearing loss is a common health concern for can be to treat or manage. Early detection and early Thirty-six million Americans have hearing loss. people of all ages. It can adversely impact speech intervention of hearing loss or speech and language One in three developed their hearing loss as a and language development, communication, and disorders contributes to shorter treatment periods, result of exposure to noise. This May is “National learning in children. In adults, untreated hearing child may referredquality for a hearing test. Additional testing as Children are prone to issues involving the ears. Babies andreduced costs, and be a better of life. Bettersuch Hearing Month” and Ocean Otolaryngology loss can children negatively impact social, academic young in particular are prone to gettingand recurrent ear x-rays may also be ordered. After a thorough consideration of all the Associates are encouraging everyone to protect vocational andyoung has also beenarelinked to social infections.success Babies and children more prone to ear RESEARCH information, you and your otolaryngologist will discuss if your childby wearing hearing protection when SHOWS their hearing isolation, reduced quality of life. infectionsdepression, due to their and immature immune systems and the anatomy will benefit from ear tubes. around loud sounds and by turning down the Many Causes, Early Symptoms of their ears. There is a tube called the eustachian tube that drains Ear tube placement is the most frequently performed surgical Common signs of hearing loss in children: fluid from the ear into the nose. In babies and children, the Everything fromingenes and States, noise exposure to670,000volume procedure the United approaching cases perwhen listening to the radio, the TV, and • Lack of attention to sound player. eustachian tube does not drain well due to its position and extremely medications, injuries and infections can play a inMP3 year.head The procedure can improve the quality of life children small size. Additional (birth to one year)risk factors for ear infection include bottle Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by damage with recurrent role in hearing loss. ear infections and improve hearing in children with feeding, secondhand smoke, and daycare attendance. Ear infections • Does not respond when his/her name the of hair fluid in the ears. Ear tubes are extremely tiny (about to 1/20th an cells that are found in our inner ear. be caused by both bacteria cells are small sensory cells that convert the hearing well just iscan called (seven months toand oneviruses. year)If you suspect your childNot inch). They are placed in theisn’t operating room with theHair assistance has an ear infection, it is best to take your child to your pediatrician of an operating microscope. Ear tubes are known by sounds other names, we hear (sound energy) into electrical • Failure to follow simple directions or other qualified medical personnel for assessment and treatment. frustrating; it can bring including PE tubes, ventilating tubes, signals that travel to the brain. Once damaged, our (oneMany to two years) children with recurrent ear infections get better without pressure equalizing tubes, and grommets. surprising health risks. Here’s hair cells cannot grow back, causing permanent • Delays in speech/language development intervention. However, some children continue to have a buildup Once in place, they usually last 6-18 hearing loss. of fluid in their ears that does not resolve. Persistent fluid in the ears (birth to three years) months.you They are designed to know. fall out on what need to can result in a hearing loss. Hearing loss in a young child can affect • Pulling/scratching at his/her ears their own. Children with canwho swimhave it If you would like more information or you speech development. Persistent fluid in the ears has also been linked Hearing loss is frustrating fortubes those • Difficulty achieving academically, and bathe like before tube placement. to balance issues, poor school performance, and ear discomfort. would like to schedule an appointment to and for their loved ones. But recent research from especially in reading math After tube placement, a follow-up If your child continuesand to get recurrent infections, it may Johns be see one of our specialists, please call us at Hopkins it also isYou linked hearingreveals test willthat be obtained. will with • Social and feeling unhappy time to isolation see an otolaryngologist. Commonly known as ENT doctors, walking problems, andotolaryngologist even dementia. 732-281-0100. continue tofalls see the untilIn a are specialists in the treatment of ears and ear inotolaryngologists school tracked 639fallen adults 12 years, tubes have outfor andnearly your child is infections. Atear your initial visit, aafter historyexposure will be obtained and study your thatthe • Persistent discomfort www.OceanENTFacialPlastics.com Johns Hopkins expert Frank Lin, M.D., Ph.D., and willnoise be examined. Depending on the findings of the exam, your no longer getting ear infections. tochild loud his colleagues found that mild hearing loss doubled Common signsVisit of hearing loss in adults: www.OceanENTFacialPlastics.com dementia risk. Moderate loss tripled risk, and • Buzzing or ringing in the ears people with a severe hearing impairment were five • Failure to respond appropriately to times more likely to develop dementia. spoken words Christina Gillespie, MD, Ocean Otolaryngology The Links Between Hearing Health who has been in practiceand in Toms River since 2013. • Muffled hearingDr. Christina Gillespie is a board certified Otolaryngoloigist “Brain scans show us that hearing loss may Before She completed her internship and residency in Otolaryngology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. • Constant frustration hearing speech and as Chief ofcontribute moving to Toms River, she served Otolaryngology at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El to a faster rate of atrophy in the brain,” Dr. Gillespie sees patients, at the Toms River other sounds Paso, Texas for eight years. At Ocean Otolaryngology, Lin says. “Hearing loss also contributes to socialand Whiting locations, of all ages with a variety of medical problems. Her specialties include pediatric otolaryngology, sinus • Avoiding conversation isolation. You may notconditions want to be with peopleloss, as tinnitus, Bruce W. Peters, surgery, and surgery for sleep apnea. She also treats common medical such as hearing Christina Stephen Kupferberg, • Social isolation when you are, you of may not engageShe in currently DO, FACS hoarseness and chronic cough. In addition, Dr. Gillespie is alsomuch, involvedand in the American Academy Otolaryngology. Gillespie, MD MD, FACS • Depression serves on multiple committees which include the Board of Governors and Governance, committee committee. Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS conversation as much.Media These factors and mayEducation contribute Dr. Gillespie resides in Monmouth County with her husband and daughter. She enjoys spending time with her family as they to dementia.” explore the Jersey Shore. She is also an avid tennis player.



54 Bey Lea Rd., Suite 3, Toms River, NJ 61 Lacey Rd., Whiting, NJ 1673 Rt. 88 W, Brick, NJ

For more information, call 732-281-0100 or visit www.OceanENTFacialPlastics.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com Health & Wellness

May/June 2018

Medical Professionals


The Newest FDA-Cleared Breakthrough In Women’s Health Treatments Innovative Laser Procedure

Dr. Adebola Nnewihe

Be Well Women’s Health is a comprehensive gynecology practice. Our focus is a holistic approach to women’s health. We offer evidencebased medical and surgical options for women of all ages. Our full range of services include, but are not limited to, family planning, treatment of abnormal bleeding, fibroids, ovarian and other pelvic masses, vaginal and urinary disorders, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease, menopausal symptoms, and osteoporosis. We partner with our patients to set wellness goals that address the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

“With these kinds of outcomes, the MonaLisa Touch is a gamechanging breakthrough for women of all ages. There is no better time to empower women to take control of all aspects of our sexual health.” – Dr. Nnewihe

For more information visit www.bewellgyn.com and call us today to schedule a free consultation 609-383-4042!

Dr. Adebola Nnewihe, a board-certified gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, is the first physician in both Cape May and Atlantic Counties to offer the MonaLisa Touch therapy which is designed to help women suffering from dryness, itching, urinary symptoms, and painful intercourse. The MonaLisa Touch is the most studied vaginal laser treatment and is only offered by urologists, urogynecologists, and gynecologists all over the country. It works by stimulating the vaginal wall tissue cells to heal themselves gently and naturally. Patients undergo three treatments, spaced six weeks apart, and each treatment time is less than five minutes. Results have shown that patients treated with the MonaLisa Touch Laser showed statistically significant improvement in the vaginal tissue after the first treatment and experienced minimal to no side effects. Patients also showed an escalation of progress with each subsequent treatment.

Northfield, NJ • 609.383.4042 • www.bewellgyn.com 611 New Road, Northfield, NJ 08225

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals What You Need To Know About MOLES #

Moles, or nevi, are skin growths made up of cells called melanocytes.


What Is A Skin Cancer Screening?

A skin cancer screening is a What You Need To Know About MOLES visual inspection of your skin by a

Moles, or nevi, has fewer than 30-40 are skin growths moles. Moles can be made up of cells called melanocytes.

dermatology medical professional. No blood work is conducted at a screening.

range in color, and are Why are skin cancer screenings has fewer than 30-40 primarily genetically necessary? moles. Moles can be determined, although aSkin ultraviolet (UV) exposure can play role. cancer is the most common cancer in range in color, and are

the United States; in fact, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. People of determined, although all ages, colors and races can get skin cancer. ultraviolet (UV) exposure can play a role. There aredeveloping many different types of skin cancer have 10 or more have 12 times the risk of melanoma compared ATYPICAL MOLES are unusual-looking moles, also known as dysplastic with the general population. and precancer, including actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma H and melanoma. Withcompared early detection have 10 or more have 12 times(SCC), the risk of developing melanoma with the general population. atypical moles plus a family history melanoma have a very high riskrate of for BCC and andofproper treatment, the cure ATYPICAL are unusual-looking moles, also known as dysplastic primarilyMOLES genetically

developing H melanoma. People who have atypical moles, but no family history atypical moles plus a family history of melanoma have a very high risk of developing melanoma. People who have atypical moles, but no family history

SCC is about 95 percent. When melanoma is detected before it spreads, it also has a high cure rate. Regular self-skin exams and a yearly examination by a dermatologist help people find early skin cancers.

How long will the screening take?

Screenings take approximately 10 minutes.

Which areas of my body will be screened for skin cancer?

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends full-body examinations. Yearly screening, means head-to-toe of melanoma,full-body are also at higher risk ofwhich developing melanoma compared examination of your skin, is the most accurate with the general population. All of these high-risk individuals, as well as rest of us, should practice dailycancers sun protection, perform Screenings a yearly skin way to rigorous detect skin or precancer. of melanoma, are also at higher risk of developing melanoma compared examination head to toeinclude with dermatologist, report any mole that changes. an exam ofand patient’s scalp, with the generaltypically population. All of these high-risk individuals, as wellface, as rest mouth, feet, andperform extremities, and ule ofhands, melanoma skin cancer are guidelines to help of us, should practice rigorous daily sunortrunk protection, a yearlyeyes skin determine ifhead aeyelids, mole is normal or abnormal. A report is for asymmetry, B changes. is for Border, examination to toe with any mole that ears,dermatologist, fingers, toesand and toenails. C is for Color,I D is for Diameter, and E cancer isexam for Elevation Evolving. ule ofhad melanoma or skin are guidelines help just my yearly withand/or myto primary Normal moles generally follow the ABCDE rules: they are symmetrical, determine if a mole is normal or abnormal. A is for asymmetry, B is for Border, care physician. Do I still need anaEvolving. exam smooth have uniform smaller than pencil eraser in Chave is for Color, borders, D is for Diameter, and Ecolor, is forare Elevation and/or with my dermatologist? diameter, andgenerally are uniformly elevated above the they skinare surface and not changing Normal moles follow the ABCDE rules: symmetrical, over smooth time. Aborders, normal mole that suddenly breaks ABCDE rules might Yes.have Your annual exam withtheyour have uniform color, are smaller than aprimary pencil eraser in be diameter, uniformly elevated above the skin surface and not changing abnormaland or are atypical. care provider does not substitute for a yearly over time. A normal mole that suddenly breaks the ABCDE provider. rules might be examination with your dermatology abnormal or atypical.



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March/April May/June 20182018 March/April 2018




When bad things happen to good people, a lawyer’s services are necessary to ensure that you get the most compensation for your injuries.

Why do I need a personal injury attorney?

Experience and expertise. Personal injury attorneys often have: • Trial experience (whereas other types of attorneys may not); • Negotiation experience; • An in-depth understanding of medical diagnoses and processes associated with personal injuries; and • An in-depth understanding of negligence law and other torts.

Factors to consider

When you begin the process of choosing a personal injury attorney, you will want to understand what makes a good lawyer. One important factor is trial experience. While not all cases go to trial and most settle out of court, you will want to hire an attorney who is a certified trial attorney and is not intimidated by a trial.

Size Matters

Law offices range in size from sole practitioners to firms with hundreds of lawyers. While large firms may be more attractive, there are undeniable benefits to hiring a smaller firm.

Small Firm

Small firms can be an excellent choice and so you may want to consider retaining one if it makes sense, given the nature of your legal problem. Although no two firms are the same, potential benefits of hiring a small firm include: • A more direct working relationship with your lawyer.

Your case is not going to get lost in the shuffle.

• Lower fees and costs. It is not unusual for a small firm to charge less than a big firm might charge for doing the same type of work. • A more informal working relationship. You are likely to get to know everyone in your lawyer’s office if he or she is with a small firm. This can lead to a better working relationship, which may make you feel more comfortable.

For a free consultation, please contact Kevin Riordan, Esq., at 732-240-2250.

Know the facts of your case and have as much documentation as possible.

Before meeting with an attorney for an initial consultation, write down and know as many facts of your case as possible. The attorney may want to see any or all of the following: • Police or incident report • Medical documents, including bills, diagnoses, and test results • Pictures of the location of the incident or accident, damage, injuries or anything from the scene • Written statements from witnesses • Your insurance policy (if applicable)

Feel comfortable with the attorney

You are going to be spending a good amount of time with your lawyer, so you want to make sure they make you feel comfortable, will be available to answer any questions you may have, and will have a positive outlook about your case.

TESTIMONIAL “I am a long-time client of Kevin Riordan. Among other things, he has represented my mother for a fall and me in a worker’s compensation case, with great results. Sometimes the process gets complicated, but I feel confident when he is battling on our side because I know he has a great reputation as a trial attorney.”— William H., Manahawkin Health & Wellness


Kevin B. Riordan, Esq. With over 20 years of trying cases in New Jersey, you can rest assured that if you hire Kevin Riordan he will not settle for less than the fair amount. A lawyer’s services are necessary to ensure you get the most compensation for your injuries. Kevin attended Kalamazzo College and received his law degree from New York Law School. He is a member of the Ocean and American Bar Associations. He is certified by the Supreme Court as a Civil Trial Attorney.

Kevin B. Riordan

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney

732-240-2250 kbrlaw@comcast.net


20 Hadley Ave., Toms River, NJ 08753


Dawn Ferrentino : Health & Wellness Coach Nice weather is justisaround the corner! DawnWho Ferrentino, transformation specialist, has been The summer right around the corner. is readya for the beach? Dawn Ferrentino, a transformation specialist, hason coached thousands of people onpast their coaching thousands of people their transformations for the sixtransformations. years. Whether you are Whether you weight, are looking loseextra weight, create extrasome energy, or just feel looking to lose gain to some energy, create leanimprove muscle,performance, or age more youthfully, overall better, this may be the program for you! With guaranteed results, customized programs, this may be the program for you! With guaranteed results and custom programs, backed by and one on one coaching, you will make the right decision to incorporate this program into a science, you will make the right decision to incorporate this program into your lifestyle. With your lifestyle. With a money back guarantee, you get your body back or your money back. money back guarantee, you get your body back or your money back. Dawn Ferrentino

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You Deserve To Feel Your Absolute BEST! Let’s Start Your Transformation Today!

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

dawn.baronferrentino May/June 2018

Pediatric Dentistry


Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates Will Give Your Kids Something to Smile About Dr. Elisa Velazquez (Dr. Lisa) has had an obsession with teeth for as long as she can remember. It is this passion that drives her practice, Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates. As pediatric dentists, Dr. Velazquez and her talented team of professionals are highly adept at understanding the needs of children and have received specialized training to enable them to work in this environment. She adds, “Our common goal is to alleviate your child’s anxiety which will lead to a more pleasant experience.” It’s all about creating a comfortable environment so that their dental experience is a positive one. OCW: WHAT ATTRACTED YOU TO THE FIELD OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY?


Dr. Lisa: I didn’t see a dentist regularly as a child but was always obsessed with my teeth. For my high school graduation my gift from my parents was to get my teeth cleaned. We did not have dental insurance so this was a big deal. I want this generation of children to have more positive experiences with dental care as part of their overall health. While in college I worked as a dental assistant for an orthodontist and loved the environment. My goal has always been to make a difference for children.

Dr. Lisa: By talking to them and

explaining each step very slowly we show them exactly what needs to be done. We use child-friendly words and try to alleviate their fears of the unknown. Our entire team is highly empathetic to our young patients needs and knowledgeable in children’s behavior.


OCW: WHAT IS THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECT OF YOUR PROFESSION? Dr. Lisa: It can be tough to work against the fears

Dr. Lisa: Cavities stem from the bacteria in our

that some children (and adults) have of the dentist. Dentistry, in general, is sometimes difficult for kids and it is hard to see them be afraid. Our team works hard to help parents overcome their fears so they aren’t transferred to their children.

mouth and consume sugars and release acids in the mouth. It can be transmitted from caretakers. The acid breaks down the enamel and dentin of the teeth. The enamel of the teeth can also be affected by a variety of factors including medications and some medical conditions. Unfortunately some people are more susceptible and have higher risk factors. We also explain to families that not all healthy foods are good for your teeth. For example, orange juice is naturally acidic and high in sugar.


Dr. Lisa: I love seeing kids smile and leave our

office happy. I get a few hugs a day and it makes my day awesome! I especially love when I can influence a patient and they tell me they want to be a dentist when they grow up.

Dr. Velazquez resides in Monmouth County with her family and enjoys traveling and experiencing new cultures. “I hope to visit every national park in our country,” she says. She plays an active role in several dental associations and helps guide legislation for dentists in New Jersey. She adds, “I have had the great privilege of lobbying in Washington D.C. and making our legislators aware of ways we can improve dental care for the children of our nation.”

Your Child’s Dental Home Toms River 368 Lakehurst Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755 732-473-1123

Manahawkin 1301 Rt 72 W, Suite 305 Manahawkin, NJ, 08050 609-597-9195


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

L aw Law

21 11

Four Reasons What A WillWhy CanDropping Do ForMedicaid You Is Usually Not a Good Idea, Even After a Large Award or Settlement By Christine L. Matus, Esq. Written By Christine L. Matus, Esq.

Wills are an extremely beneficial estate planning tool. However, they have limitations. Say you or ado loved onesome with special needs Below is a quick just won a multi-million-dollar lawsuit award description of the most important things that wills can and or settlement. While the case was pending, cannot dowas forpaying you. the medical bills. By Medicaid setting up a special needs trust, you can preserve

What a Willeligibility CANforDo for You the beneficiary's Medicaid and other government benefits. But many newly

1.“wealthy” A will can helpask youwhat avoid clients theintestacy value is oflaws. staying

What a Will the provider charges, called “balance billing.” Here’s an example from an actual case for the CAN’T Do for You

total cost of all services rendered to a Medicaid

1. A will cannot deal with beneficiary over a two-and-a-half-year period: property outside your estate.

• Providers billed: $1,034,079.35 Many people choose to use other estate planning tools in addition to a will, • and Medicaid paid: including life insurance, trusts, property held$129,524.04 in joint tenancy. Generally speaking, a will does not have anyYou effect onsee that type of property. Youof will need to can that with these kinds costs, take additional steps to ensure that these award other types property provided to even a large couldofbe quicklyareconsumed the correct beneficiaries afterbyyou pass. non-Medicaid medical bills.

on If you do not use a valid will to describe whom Medicaid. After all, shouldn’t millions of you would like to get your 2. A will cannot provide funeral or Medicaid’s memorial bill instructions. Finally, doesn’t come due assets, anything you own thefor time of your death will automatically go to your dollars be sufficient toatpay health care? Why Your will is generally readuntil afterthe yourbeneficiary funeral. That means that putting burial or dies, which could be 40 do as weset need needslaw. trust? heirs out abyspecial New Jersey Many people want the freedom to name who funeral instructions in this document will not be your loved ones. You or 50 years down thehelpful road. for And there is no should get their and dictate how much each isperson can receive. A will can There areassets a number of reasons why this will need to use another method to convey information family and friends. interest on thisthis Medicaid debt.toTo the contrary, help you accomplish usually not a goodthis ideagoal. and staying on Medicaid 3. A will does not reduce estatemarch taxes.of inflation should reduce theyour inevitable is the far better choice. 2. A will allows you to give more to specific individuals. home and community-based services that thetools size that of the debt in dollar terms. And Only those estate planning decrease thereal value of your estate will help Medicaid often provides. you Moreover, Medicaid Intestacy in New Jerseyinsurance, often divide property equally among your First,laws without health theup person Medicaid is, of course, repaid onlydevices. if thereAare reduce your estate tax obligations. A will is not one of those will can provide residential that you’ll never withYour special not be specific able to get any that should heirs. will needs allows may you to craft amounts go to each person. services funds remaining at time of death. simply describes how your property should be distributed; it does not remove that findtocovered in of standard insurance all. toMedical – such It treatment also permitsatyou exclude providers people whom youasdo not want have any your private asset from your estate to avoid taxes. should use other if you want to ThisYou is why special needsmethods planners policies. doctors, laboratories typicallyunder wantintestate assets, evenhospitals, if they would have been–included laws. reduce estate taxes. recommend setting up a special needs trust to to bill some type of insurer. This is an area with Medicaid you will not be 3.where A willcash letsisyou choose who should administer yourThird, estate. Wills can be extremely useful if utilized properly. In many definitely not king. Medicaid preserve Medicaid in most cases,situations, even afterhowever, a paying the provider’s regular “fee-for-service” solves If youthis do not have a will, the court will appoint someone to administer your health care access problem (as long as it is just one of several estate planning tools that you should use as part of your seemingly large award or settlement. If you are but thebe. state’s far lower pre-negotiated estate for you. This person is often aoffamily member, but itrate does notrather have to the provider accepts Medicaid, course). estate plan. wondering about the value of a special needs rates for services. And according to federal If you want to have someone distribute to setcan’t out bill the patient for the trust for yourself or a loved one, contact the law, you the need provider Second, even the bestspecial private health your property, that information your will. the full range of insurance doesinnot provide difference between what Medicaid pays and what Matus Law group today.

To learn more, contact the team at Matus Group at 1 (732) and schedule an appointment. For more information, call Law 732-281-0060 or 281-0060 visit www.MatusLaw.com. HELPING PEOPLE PROTECT ASSETS FOR SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AND CONDUCT SMOOTH REAL ESTATE CLOSINGS FOR ALMOST TWO DECADES. • •

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Christine L. Matus, Esq. with her family

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May/June 2018 March/April 2018


Medical Professionals

The “False Brain Tumor” That’s Increasingly Affecting Americans Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists advises on lookalike symptoms during Brain Tumor Awareness Month in May.

Because adventure awaits … The ANS Brain Center at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists We’re here so you can live life again.

May is Brain Tumor Awareness Month, which serves as a reminder that it is important to be familiar with the signs of a brain tumor. They can include headaches, loss of vision, blind spots, poor peripheral vision, double vision, temporary blindness, ringing in the ears, and neck and shoulder pain. But, did you know these same symptoms can also be due to a “false brain tumor?” Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) is not something you hear about every day. In fact, this condition – caused by cerebrospinal spinal fluid (CSF) pressure within the skull that is too high – is considered a rare disorder because it affects only one in 100,000 Americans. Yet, with the epidemic of obesity in our country, a key factor in IIH, the number of cases is increasing. The most common symptoms of IIH resemble those of a brain tumor, which is why IIH is often called a “false brain tumor.” “While IIH’s symptoms, in isolation, are often commonplace and dismissed as nothing – it can lead to blindness,” Dr. Pinakin R. Jethwa, a board-certified neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS), explains. While IIH is most common in overweight women aged 20 to 50, it can also occur in patients who are pregnant, have recently given birth or take oral contraceptives.

After undergoing surgery to treat Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension – often the last option for treating a “false brain tumor” – Nancy Collins was back in action at home with her husband, Kevin, and sons William (l) and Michael (r) … and at work, starting a new career three weeks later.

That was the case for Nancy Collins, a 31-year-old mother of two young boys from Jackson, NJ. “I was in so much pain I couldn’t look at the walls in my room,” Nancy describes. “A few days of testing in the hospital didn’t reveal any issues. Finally a spinal tap resulted in the diagnosis of IIH.” Nancy was in intensive care at Jersey Shore Medical Center when she met Dr. Jethwa. “Surgery is usually the last option for treating IIH,” Dr. Jethwa details. “However, in Nancy’s case, we didn’t want to wait for fear she would lose her vision and her quality of life would further decline.” Dr. Jethwa proceeded with surgically implanting a shunt in Nancy’s brain to drain the CSF and lower intracranial pressure. “I returned home the day after the hour-long surgery, and three weeks later, I started a new career,” Nancy continues. “Most importantly, I can be a wife and a mother again. Dr. Jethwa truly gave me my life back.”

MCW/OCW Because_Adventure #448.indd 1

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May/June 2018



Ask Daniel Straffi, Jr. Esq. Moving Forward: When Enough Becomes Enough


ormalcy” is defined as being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning. How we each come to define those limits over time is a whole other story. For many of the people I work with, a “normal” day starts at 8 am, when they are awakened by a cacophony of debt collectors ringing their house phone and/or cell phone, harassing them for money they simply do not have. A normal day may include a similar call made to their workplace, or in some cases a neighbor or relative. A normal day usually ends with a trip to the mailbox, where various forms of threats against one’s home, wages and belongings await. Of course, all of the aforementioned say nothing of the other daily stresses that we all know broaden our limits of normalcy by the day. There is a breaking point for everyone. The symptoms of approaching this breaking point can manifest in any number of emotional and physical ways, all of which I have heard and seen in my daily interactions with clients. The question is whether or not a person can identify these symptoms and be proactive in addressing them, so that the limits of normalcy can, once again, become more defined.

My answer to anyone seeking to redefine these limits is simple: it is never too late, and it is never too early to investigate one’s options. Bankruptcy is no longer a “four-letter” word (alas, math was not my finest subject in school). Rather, it stands for a fresh start - an opportunity to redefine the normalcy in your own life. Bankruptcy is not for everyone. However, understanding what it encompasses and whether or not it is an option for you takes nothing more than being proactive. It is the will to move forward that one must find within themselves to take that next step of investigating their options. I hope this article proves helpful in realizing that a new normalcy is always within reach.

For more information or to contact Dan, call 732-341-3800!

For more information or to schedule an appointment, Contact : Daniel Straffi Jr. at 670 Commons Way, Toms River, NJ. CALL: 732-341-3800

VISIT: www.straffilaw.com. Daniel Straffi, Jr., Esq. Protect Yourself Against Foreclosures, Judgments, & Harassing Creditors

Your light at the end of the tunnel starts here. We are a debt relief agency that helps people file for relief under the bankruptcy code.

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277 Route 70, Suite 201 Toms River, NJ 08755 www.SpaVirtue.net 732-323-3000 May/June 2018

Medical Professionals

24 What is Your Morning Routine?

Do you start off your day feeling stressed, reactive, or foggy? Is your mind racing with to-do lists and challenges ahead? Is your body sluggish or achy? How you start off in the morning sets the stage for the day. You can cultivate intention, balance in your mind and body, productivity, and resilience to the day’s challenges. Even if you have just a few minutes, there are many self-care ideas to prepare for the day ahead by calibrating your mind, body, and energy. Here are some activities to consider as you put together your morning routine. 1. Meditation/guided imagery 2. Deep breathing 3. Imagine yourself accomplishing your main priorities 4. EFT/Tapping 5. Stretch, yoga, tai chi, qigong 6. Essential oils to regulate mood and tension 7. Journaling 8. Prayer 9. Read an inspirational passage 10. Read self-development book 11. Listen to a favorite song 12. Exercise 13. Get outside in fresh air 14. Gratitude practice 15. Draw or color 16. Mindfully prepare and eat a nourishing breakfast 17. Smile in the mirror; say “I love you,” name qualities you like 18. Text or tell a friend what you did that morning and how it made you feel 19. Meet a friend for a walk 20. Listen mindfully to the sounds around you 21. Connect with your pet, partner, kids or friend 22. Congratulate yourself for taking the time to intentionally prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the day There are many self-care activities to create a morning routine that’s right for you. Commit to doing a morning routine practice for two months, and then check in with yourself on how you feel in the mornings and through your day, and what’s different than before you started. If you miss a day (or more), don’t panic; just pick up your routine the next day, without being critical of yourself. The new neural pathways and habits need time to take hold and create lasting change in your body and mind. It’s well worth the wait!

empowering our community

to reach your highest level of health and well-being Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine has developed a comprehensive health and well-being program like no other. Completely customized and focused around our Five Pillars of Health and Well-Being: Sleep, Activity, Purpose, Nutrition and Resilience. Begin your path to optimal health with one of our clinical experts: integrative medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, health coaches, health psychologists, acupuncturists, nutritionists, massage therapists, and movement & energy specialists. To learn about the events and classes we offer or to schedule a consultation, call 732-263-7999 or visit HackensackMeridianHealth.org/IntegrativeMedicine.

Life years ahead

Visit our Center for Integrative Health & Medicine at Hackensack Meridian Health Village in Jackson, 27 South Cooks Bridge Road, Suite 2-3, Jackson, NJ 08527.

— By Lisa Sussman, Psy.D. HMIntegrativeHealth

Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Medical Professionals



Count Basie Theatre Health and Wellness Series

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals

Bloating And Gas And What You Can Do About It Medical Professionals 22 Bloating And Gas And What You Can Do About It Dr. Glazier was selected as one of Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much gas and are somedistention of the most common Abdominal and bloatinggastrointestinal are thought to complaints. be due to tooThese much symptoms cansome be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist. gas and are of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. These

symptoms can be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist.

Q: How do salads and vegetables cause gas? A: Q: There gastrointestinal Howare dobacteria salads in andthevegetables causetract gas?that

convert foods as salad, and beans into A: There aresuch bacteria in thebroccoli, gastrointestinal tract that gas.convert Small foods intestinal occurs suchbacterial as salad,overgrowth broccoli, and beanswhen into toogas. many bacteria formbacterial in the small intestine and can Small intestinal overgrowth occurs when cause bloating, diarrhea Kenneth Glazier, MD too gas, many bacteriaabdominal form in thediscomfort, small intestine and can and anemia. It can be abdominal caused by slow motilitydiarrhea of the cause gas, bloating, discomfort, intestine that can occur normal aging,motility diabetesofand and anemia. It can be in caused by slow the scleroderma. Other causes include decreased stomach Kenneth Glazier, MD intestine that can occur in normal aging, diabetes and acid from medications such as omeprazole gastriccauses surgery, NSAID use, Crohn’s scleroderma.orOther include decreased stomach disease, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small bowel and prior acid from medications such as omeprazole or gastric surgery, NSAID use, Crohn’s surgeries. Bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed in our office with a simple breath test disease, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small bowel and prior and is treated with antibiotics.


PATIENT TESTIMONIALS New Jersey’s top doctors for 2017!

“I have nothing but the best to say about Dr. Glazier and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, PATIENT TESTIMONIALS caring, and very pleasant. I recommend “I have nothingDr. butGlazier the besttotoanyone say about Dr.asks!” Glazier who and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor caring, and very pleasant. I recommend Dr. Glazier to anyone who asks!” “I have been a patient for many years. ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor

Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.” “I have been a patient years. ~ John,for68,many Jackson

Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.”

surgeries. Bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed in our office with a simple breath test ~ John, 68, Jackson and is treated antibiotics. Q: I never hadwith a problem with milk when I was younger but now it gives me gas, how is that possible?“First of all, I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for

A: Lactose is present in most dairy as milk, cheese and ice cream and ishow digested an enzyme Q: I never had a problem with milkproducts when I such was younger but now it gives me gas, is thatbypossible? in the lining of the intestine. This enzyme can sometimes be missing at birth. The enzyme can also be lost A: Lactose is present in most dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream and is digested by an enzyme later in life due to injury of the intestine from an infection, celiac disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s disease. in the lining of the intestine. This enzyme can sometimes be missing at birth. The enzyme can also be lost More commonly, the enzyme simply disappears with aging. This late-onset lactose malabsorption affects later in life due to injury of the intestine from an infection, celiac disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s disease. people more depending on their race and ethnicity and can affect close to 100% of Asians in the U.S., 80% More commonly, the enzyme simply disappears with aging. This late-onset lactose malabsorption affects of African Americans and 70% of Italians. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal cramps, people moreflatulence, dependingdiarrhea on theirand/or race and ethnicityLactose and can affect closeis to 100% of Asians U.S.,breath 80% distention, vomiting. intolerance also diagnosed withinathe simple of African Americans and 70% of Italians. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal cramps, test offered in the office. distention, flatulence, diarrhea and/or vomiting. Lactose intolerance is also diagnosed with a simple breath Q: Yogurt me distended, does that mean I am lactose intolerant? test offeredmakes in the office.

“First I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for taking careofofall,me during my colonoscopy procedure. of mewhen duringexplaining my colonoscopy procedure. Hetaking is verycare precise the procedure He is very precise when all explaining and very kind. I would give them 10 starsthe forprocedure the job and very kind. I would give them all 10 stars for the well done. And, of course, I will recommend job well done. And, of course,and I will recommend Dr. Glazier to my family, friends neighbors.” Dr. Glazier to my family, friends62, andToms neighbors.” ~ Patricia, River ~ Patricia, 62, Toms River

A: No. The cultured yogurt at the grocery store does not contain lactose. More likely you are having trouble

Q: Yogurtthe makes that I am lactose intolerant? digesting fruitme on distended, the bottom does part of themean yogurt, which contains fructose. Fructose is a sugar found in A: No. The cultured yogurt at the grocery store does not contain More likely you arewatermelon, having trouble candy, soda, barbecue sauce, ketchup, jellies, fruit-on-the-bottomlactose. yogurts, apples, mangos, digesting the fruit on the bottom part of the yogurt, which contains fructose. Fructose is a sugar canned fruit, honey, corn syrup and many other food products. Fructose can be malabsorbed byfound the in candy, soda, barbecue sauce, ketchup, jellies, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts, apples, mangos, watermelon, intestine and produce symptoms of gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be diagnosed by a simple canned fruit, corn syrup and many other food products. Fructose can be malabsorbed by the intestine breath test in honey, our office. and produce symptoms of gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be diagnosed by a simple breath test Q: our Is there in office.a diet for bloating?

A: My first approach is to have patients write a diet/symptom diary of what they eat and how they feel.

Q: Is can there diettoforpinpoint bloating? This be aused what foods are causing bloating and eliminate those foods from the diet rather A: My first approach is to have patients writeresults a diet/symptom diary of what eat and theywith. feel. than making drastic dietary changes. These can also help guide whichthey breath testshow to start This can be used to pinpoint what foods are causing bloating and eliminate those foods from the diet rather An alternative is to follow the low FODMAP diet. This diet tries to eliminate foods that can commonly than making drastic dietary changes. These results can also help guide which breath tests to start with. cause bloating. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides and Polyols. These include An alternative is to follow thebeans, low FODMAP diet. garlic, This diet tries and to eliminate foods thatelimination can commonly fructose, lactose, sweeteners, wheat, onion, lentils, some fruits. This diet is cause stands Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides includetrigger usuallybloating. followedFODMAP for 6 weeks. Afterforthis, high FODMAP foods are added oneand at aPolyols. time to These see if foods symptoms. fructose, lactose, sweeteners, beans, wheat, onion, garlic, lentils, and some fruits. This elimination diet is usually followed for 6 weeks. After this, high FODMAP foods are added one at a time to see if foods trigger Q: How do breath tests work? symptoms.

A: Bacterial overgrowth and lactose and fructose malabsorption can be detected using a hydrogen breath

Q: How do breatheither tests drink work?a can of soda for fructose intolerance or a glass of whole milk for lactose detector. Patients intolerance at home. Three to the office blow intousing the machine once, which A: Bacterial overgrowth andhours lactoselater andpatients fructosecome malabsorption canand be detected a hydrogen breath takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming detector. Patients either drink a can of soda for fructose intolerance or a glass of whole milk for lactose to the office and have toThree blow hours into the machine testinto is positive. This can from intolerance at home. later patientsevery come20tominutes the officeuntil andthe blow the machine once,take which one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one morning takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming to a week. the office and have to blow into the machine every 20 minutes until the test is positive. This can take from one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one morning a week. If you suffer from symptoms of bloating and gas,

contact your proper If you gastroenterologist suffer from symptomsto of initiate bloating and gas, testing. contact your gastroenterologist to initiate proper testing.

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Men’s Clothing


Fashion & Beauty

Mrs. B’s will take you anywhere you need to go! From our amazing new active wear line to a night on the town and everything in between! Our Shoe Collection is better than ever, including Donald Pliner, Earth, Eric Michael and so much more! Stop by anytime to see our fabulous finds.

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May/June 2018



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Permanent Hair Removal


STOP TWEEZING AND WAXING!! YES, YOU!! At Brick Electrolysis, we can help you eliminate unwanted hair PERMANENTLY!

Please do yourself a favor, call us today: 732-477-9040. We offer hours seven days a week by appointment. We will help you feel more self-confident, clean and uninhibited. We know how it feels; we are not just Permanent Hair Removal Experts, we are clients too.

FAQ about Electrolysis What is Electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. Electrolysis is permanent hair removal. Regardless of the cause - heredity, metabolic, or hormonal conditions - electrolysis will permanently remove unwanted hair to help you feel more feminine for ladies and groomed for men. There are no exceptions. It works on all skin colors and hair types.

How long does it take to get rid of the hair?

The frequency of visits, the length of time needed for each visit, and the overall amount of time it will take to successfully clear an area is different for each client. There are many factors to take into consideration: the amount of hair the client wants removed, if they have used temporary methods of hair removal, hormone function, medications, etc. After a complete consultation and health background evaluation, a recommended schedule of treatment can be determined to achieve the best results.

After one treatment is the hair gone forever?

Your hair grows in cycles. We shed our hair on a regular basis and grow new. After each treatment

a good percentage of the hairs treated will be permanently removed; there will be a percentage that come back finer due to damage caused by the treatment; and then some will come back as new growth and regrowth. This is the normal pattern. It could take several visits before each hair is treated for the first time due to the shedding cycle. Every time we do a treatment, hair has been permanently removed. Keep in mind there are approximately 350+ hair follicles per square centimeter of skin!

Can hair be removed from any part of the body?

Almost. These are the most commonly treated areas for women, men and teenagers: ❀ CHIN ❀ SHOULDER ❀ UPPER LIP ❀ BACK ❀ EYEBROWS ❀ LEGS ❀ HAIRLINE ❀ CHEST ❀ EARS ❀ UNDERARMS ❀ CHEEKS ❀ TOES ❀ ABDOMEN ❀ HANDS ❀ BREAST ❀ BEARD ❀ BIKINI LINE ❀ NECK

Does it hurt?

It is impossible to destroy the hair growth tissue without some sensation. Depending on the client’s tolerance, it can actually be a very relaxing experience. Some clients sleep through the treatment while others are more sensitive. If you find you are sensitive, we can make adjustments to the treatment settings, and there are topical anesthetics available as well.

For more information, call 732-477-9040.

Permanent Hair Removal Brick Electrolysis 522 Brick Blvd. • Brick, NJ 08723 Community

732.477.9040 • bhairfree.com

Lorraine Fetherman, L.E., C.P.E. & Debbie Matusas, L.E., C.P.E. Lorraine Fetherman, L.E., C.P.E. I am proud and excited to say I just celebrated my 23rd year as an Electrologist in March 2018. I love what I do. I am one of the lucky people who look forward to going to work. I get to help people feel better about themselves, feel more confident and less inhibited. I am passionate about what I do and the people I help. I am always looking to learn more. I attend several lectures, workshops and seminars every year in the U.S., keeping up with the constant changes in the health and beauty world. Debbie Matusas, L.E., C.P.E. Debbie has been an Electrologist for over 20 years. She is a great asset to our practice and her clients love her. I hear wonderful feedback all the time. She is very accommodating to our clients’ needs, offering her services days, nights and weekends at our Brick location. Debbie also continues her education attending workshops, seminars and lectures every year. Mention this article and receive

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Offer cannot be combined. By appointment only. Expires 6/30/2018

“It’s a butterfly effect...”

Licensed and Certified Electrologists Lorraine Fetherman, L.E., C.P.E Debbie Matusas, L.E., C.P.E.


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Wells Fargo Ocean County

May/June 2018

47 Funeral Planning Law How Workers’ Compensation Protects You and Your Family Workers’ Rights are Human Rights Sharon Flaherty, PhD • 908-242-2618 • dr.sharon@verizon.net • www.sharonflahertyphd.com



Degraff Funeral Home Answers Your Questions

Many people have heard of Workers’ Compensation, but few people know Employers benefit from workers’ compensation also. Highly managed If you’ve ever had an injury at work and been met with disdain, That kind of thinking diminishes us as a society and should not be tolerated. what it really means themselves are that injured at work. Here’s a primer healthcare by workers’ compensation insurance companies are thought to keep Q. My father hasconcerning auntil life they insurance policy distrust, or delays your medical treatment and When I meet a new client for the first time, I often sense meant to give you aHe basic understanding of your rights. costs down and return injured workers to work more quickly than if they pursued is paid up in full. is now in the process wage replacement either by your employer or an something apologetic in their tone. They tell me they’ve never filed Over a 100spend-down. years ago, businessthere and labor way treatment independently. of a Medicaid insurance company, you’re not Is alone. Soany many times, a claim “like this” before, they are “not one of those people,” came a compromise benefits both workers Overall, the system has benefited society by reducing to savetoare this policy to that use toward funeral workers made to feel guilty or embarrassed or that their injuries are “real” and should be taken seriously. and employers in the event of a work injury. For conflict, improving work safety and protecting taxpayers expenses? when they exercise their right to receive Worker’s There is no need to feel that way! We respect our clients and workers, it allowed for prompt medical and wage from the burden of paying for the care and needs of Compensation benefits. their right to pursue these lawful benefits when they sustain A. Yes, if thebenefits insurance policy paid in full.to replacement as well as anisopportunity disabled workers. As a society, we must make sure that all workers’ serious injuries. Furthermore, criticizing workers who have After making funeral for arrangements, your funeral receive compensation the ongoing physical This all works theoretically, of course, but there are times rights are protected. We should not accept suffered a work injury is antiquated and insulting. director canthat assist youafter in irrevocably limitations occur a trauma. Itassigning also when medical treatment is withheld, wage replacement is substandard medical care, deny wage replacement If you or a loved one has suffered a work accident and the policy for the system, insured’s expenses. created a no-fault onefuneral where an employee not paid or a workers’ comp claim is completely denied. or fail to care for injured workers when they cannot need more information about Workers’ Compensation All excess funds from the insurance policy will need not have to prove negligence in order to If you’ve been injured at work and feel you are being do the jobstofor which were Jersey hired due injury or benefits such as wage replacement or medical treatment, get paid Statethey of Asset receive thesethe benefits. TheNew goal was tofor lessen the shortchanged, call us for a free consultation to discuss occupational exposure. We must not assume that theare other areas to examine which may better suit your contact us today for your free consultation. Recovery due toimpact Medicaid requirements. There negative health for injured workers and your case immediately as there are important deadlines to person making thecontact claim is us “trying to milk information. the system.” situation. Please for further maintain their financial stability. which you must you must adhere. Kathleen Dotoli received recognition from the American Institute of Legal Counsel for “10 Best Attorneys for Social Security and Disability Law Division for Client Satisfaction” 2016 and 2017


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If you would like additional information on the services we offer or prearrangement options, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated staff at 732-657-7868 or you may visit our website at www.degrafffuneralhome.com. Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2018

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March/April May/June 2018 2018

Medical Professionals

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May/June 2018

32 42

Health & &Wellness Health Wellness

Summer Detox with YogaYou Ready? Now the Practice of Yoga Begins…Are Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT, Owner

“Every gesture of the hand, signs everyandMudra hasofadisease deep Vyakta little (clear manifestation) – clear-cut symptoms get manifested. meaning – the entire philosophy of life is contained in opens important Sanskrit texts, means “now” and has the connotation of Bheda (differentiation or further complication) – the disease shows these gestures. They convey a whole history of God’s auspicious beginnings…like saying “behold!”: it acts at once as an imperative— further complication as it affects more parts of the body. How “detox” as the body? This is the of year “wake up,”can we areyoga beginning—and a “blessing” for those whotime are ready to in the universe.” of the disease (due to Is it possible to prevent the manifestation that ItI frequently thisfinally question. answer withthe yoga’s self-manifestation begin. insinuates thatget we are ready to The get real, and “tolies discover Atha Yoganushasanam (yoga sutras 1.1) “Now the practice of yoga begins”

Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT500 The first sentence of the bible of classical yoga is this. Atha, which often Owner, Yoga Nine, Ventnor & LBI

accumulation of toxins) and even remove these toxins from your body? – Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati That is what most detox programs are about – eliminating the toxins from the body, thereby preventing the onset of a future disease or alleviating a Mudras play a very important role in Taoist alchemy, Buddhist meditation, disease which has already manifested. yoga, and Indian classical dance and theater. The word mudra stems from dathus, the seven types of substances that constitute the Sanskrit A traditional hatha yogameans practice eliminates toxins promotes Yoga is a very varied practice. There are many different styles, diverse the root mud, which “bliss.” This hints at theand power of body. Improper eating or lifestyle, however, are called ama. a healthy lifestyle by eliminating ama through the creation of tapas practices, and distinct lineages, but there is also an underlying web of similarity these beautiful gestures to evoke deep feeling in the observer and joy in the – Thisjoins ama gets accumulated the intestines remains that these different approaches. AninIndian folktale tells and of a man who is INTERNAL HEAT. This is not the same as external heat, but “heat” practitioner. The word mudra also denotes “seal” in yoga and is employed to digging well. begins by down lining five feetof andthe when there is notube water,all explain thereaas a He coating ondigging the inner intestinal that isthe created “concerted effort” inthebreathwork processthrough of sealing and strengthening body’s vital (pranayama), energies. In hethe is discouraged by his hard work, and he climbs out of the hole, moves a few classical Indian dance, mudras are used to express the vast array human way to the large intestine. postural practice (asana) involving controlling locks in the of body (mudras yards away and begins digging again, only to be met by disappointment again and experience; to communicate deep feelings intricate stories. Ayurveda describes the process of disease creation called shad kriya kala: emotion and bandas), and through the single-pointed focusand andtellconcentration and again. This goes on and on, and he never finds water, but labors endlessly. Ininthe yoga tradition mudras are DISCIPLINED used for spiritual concentration, healing,with the six stages of development of a disease. Ama gets absorbed into the meditation (dhyana). This EFFORT, coupled Most traditions of yoga inspire us to engage in deep self-exploration. They ask removing obstacles, and other subtle energetic practices. through intestinal lining and becomes a toxin. it enters healthy eating of fresh, nutrient-rich whole foods, is what rebalances the usbody to stick with it,the work hard, and dig deeper and deeper. WhatOnce we tend to do Please join us at Yoga Nine for awithin deeper (inflammation) exploration of theand “now.” accumulates in any just organ tissue, causing disease; body and come allowsand it to reduce the agitation inthe ourbloodstream, lives is leave aitpractice (any practice) as itorbecomes challenging. We We will always offer challenging, guided practice to every student as we dig understood as “inflammation”: heal itself. This practice is SELF-CONTAINED, and free from external jump from regimen to regimen, diet to diet, relationship to relationship, career into experience. dig “the deeper…the is now! “soothing massage,” stimuli like “calmingCome music,” smells oftime incense,” toChaya career. In yoga we are asked to stick it, so that through the body (accumulation) – the toxintoaccumulates at a fixed place.and breath deeper we can investigate deep and subtle –feelings, responses, and reflexes in relation to or “empowering words,” although these things may be the pleasures we Prakopa (increase/aggravate) the toxin increases. the conditioned mind. We do this by slowing everything down and observing depend on for our well-being. The tools for true well-being are already Prasara (to spread) – the toxin spreads all over the body. it closely with fresh eyes. We try to look past the rapid evaluations of our contained within us... Sthana Samshraya a specific organ or place) – toxins conditioned minds. Atha(collection is therefore in about being present, here, in the moment. Yoga 101: accumulate at one specific point, causing pre-manifestation symptoms. The diverse styles of yoga accomplish this focus and concentration in 5 Week Course for different ways. Some study texts and philosophy (jnana), some engage in new beginners chanting and other forms of devotion to a higher cause (bhakti), some engage March 26-April 23 in good works (karma), and still others look to the movement of energies in Sundays: 11:30 theUPCOMING body to create deep experience (hatha). The body in hatha yoga is seen as DATES: includes instructional an arena for metaphysical experience. It is manipulated through body postures, course, free rubber mat Super bandhas (locks),Summer and mudras (bodySpecials: & hand gestures),Available which enhance the now! and 5 weeks access to all channeling of energy and therefore experience. These practices are ancient Valid May 25-September 3 classes at both locations essence our existence in the core of our own heart and at the centeratofthe our sisterofscience, a body of knowledge consolidated being” (Freeman). It signals our ability to be in the present moment (“now!”). same time as Hatha Yoga. According to Ayurveda, food and Anushasanam refers to a systematic, scientific teaching; a teaching which is only othertostimuli that we “digest” converted to the saptha offered a qualified student—one who gets is ready to fully commit.

and are found in many Eastern artistic traditions. Indian classical theater and • Super Pass May dance make use Summer of postures and mudras to feel$425 and express emotion and create • Night Owl (classes 4 pm) $275in particular help transformation in the performers andafter the audience. Mudras to focus the gross body energy through delicate and precise movements of the • Student Summer Pass $300 hands. We are familiar with “anjali,” the mudra of prayer, which focuses our • Lokal Yokel $350 bodies on our vital energy and the essential energy of others, but there are many • 5-pack 60 min Thai Massage $550 (Regular $625) mudras with many intentions.

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VENTNOR VENTNOR Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor 5301 5301 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor

May/June 2018 January/February 2017

Wigs &Hair Replacement Wigs & Hair Replacement

33 53

Give Your Your Scalp Give Scalp What What ItIt Needs Needs IS YOUR SCALP HEALTHY? Scalp conditions are a common occurrence and symptoms can be unpleasant: itching, redness, dandruff, oily scalp, unwanted odors, and in some cases hair thinning and hair loss. It is possible to stabilize or delay hair thinning or hair loss in the same way that scalp conditions can be controlled or checked. It is essential to start targeted treatment as soon as problems arise.

WHAT IS HEAD FIRST? In short, Head First is hair loss prevention. The causes of your hair thinning or hair loss can be identified by drawing up a complete scalp assessment, including an analysis of your scalp using a sophisticated microcamera and a unique software. Our Head First Trichology specialist will then be able to elaborate a treatment plan to meet your needs. Your plan could include in-salon treatments, home care products and laser therapy. Act now and book an appointment for a private consultation with one of our trichology hair and scalp specialists.

Even if you have a full head of hair, it may be time to take your scalp health into consideration. We have solutions for the most common problems and conditions that can affect your scalp. •

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March/April 2018 May/June 2018

Medical Professionals


Preimplantation Genetic Testing and In-Vitro Fertilization With the ever-increasing awareness and use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) to achieve pregnancy, women may be surprised to learn that their embryos can be tested to check for problems that may affect their likelihood of a successful pregnancy and the future health of their offspring. Preimplantation genetic testing can be performed on high-quality embryos, and this technology can improve the selection of a genetically normal embryo that in turn has the possibility of reducing future genetic disease.

What is preimplantation genetic screening (PGS)?

What is preimplantation genetic testing (PGT)?

Although both PGD and PGS utilize the latest cutting-edge laboratory technologies and are helpful in selecting the best embryos for transfer into the uterus, the success and pregnancy rates are affected by many factors. This includes the age of the patient, presence of good ovarian reserve, and creation of fairly large numbers of high-quality embryos for testing. Your individual success rate should be discussed with your physician, and a tailored treatment plan will be constructed to give you the highest chance of pregnancy and delivery of a healthy child.

PGT is a laboratory technique where a few cells of an embryo are removed and tested, providing genetic information that is used to select the best embryo/embryos suitable for transfer. Patients undergo an IVF cycle, and embryos are then tested either for their chromosome number or for a specific genetic mutation.

What tests are done with PGT?

Embryos undergo genetic testing to check for either a specific disease, or are screened to look at the number of chromosomes present. The results tell whether an embryo carries a specific genetic mutation, or if it has a normal number of chromosomes. There are two techniques that correspond to each testing condition. This includes preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS).

What is preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)?

For women with hereditary or familial cancers, one way to avoid the risk of potentially transmitting genetic mutations is to perform PGD. PGD involves testing for specific genetic mutations, such as the BRCA breast cancer gene, cystic fibrosis, and other single-gene disorders. PGD can dramatically decrease the chances of disease in patients undergoing IVF.

PGS involves testing an embryo for chromosome abnormalities and chromosome number. This testing becomes more important in older women or in those with advanced ovarian aging following fertility testing. It does not test for specific genetic mutations or diseases as with PGD. Since many women and men will have eggs and sperm that are not chromosomally normal, use of PGS can help increase the pregnancy success following IVF and embryo transfer.

What is the success rate for PGT?

Should I have PGT done?

We welcome you to schedule an appointment in our office to speak with one of our physicians about whether PGT is right for you. At the Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey, we are available to answer your fertility questions, perform a complete fertility evaluation, and present you with individualized options for conception, all in a comfortable, caring setting. We are a full-service fertility center experienced in all the latest technologies and look forward to helping you achieve success.

For more information call our Toms River office number at 732-240-3000 or visit www.FertillityNJ.com.


Summer Quiche~ Compliments of Chef Steph

Serves 4-6

Prepared pastry for 1 pie crust 1 medium onion, finely chopped 1 medium zucchini, thinly sliced 1/2 red bell pepper, finely chopped 3 roma tomatoes, sliced 2 T basil, frech, chopped 1 cup heavy whipping cream 4 egg yolks 1 dash of cayenne 8oz Colby-Jack cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 375°. If not using a pie shell, lightly grease a 8 inch square foil pan and set aside. Saute all the vegetables, except for the tomato. Stir in the basil and put the mixure into the crust. Top with tomatoes and cheese. In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and heavy whipping cream, adding the dash of cayenne after they have been thoroughly mixed. Pour this mixture over the top of the pie shell contents and bake for 30-35 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean.

Feel free to sub out any of the vegetables or add a protein based on what you like. Even the seasonings or cheese can be changed- the possibilities are endless!

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Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

May/June 2018 March/April 2018

Meet The Physicians


The Physicians at RSCNJ Help Small Miracles Happen Everyday The pressure to raise a family can be enormous, especially if you are dealing with infertility. When you factor in living in this digital age where everyone advertises their every joy or milestone with their children, it can feel especially daunting. The good news is that many couples treated for infertility can go on to have a family using assisted reproductive technology. The physicians at Reproductive Science Center of NJ are as close to miracle workers as you can get. They are charged with the incredible feat of bringing new life into the world for couples that otherwise thought it would be impossible. Widely recognized for their expertise and success in assisted reproduction, RSCNJ combines a commitment to compassionate care with a cuttingedge fertility program.

Pictured L-R: Dr. Alan Martinez, Dr. William Ziegler, and Dr. Virginia Mensah

Dr. William Ziegler OCW: What is the most challenging aspect of your profession?

Dr. Ziegler: Trying to balance high-quality medical care with a patient’s insurance coverage can be very difficult. When we established the first egg donor program in New Jersey insurance did not cover the procedure.

OCW: What are the pros/cons of using an egg donor as a means for treating women who can’t conceive on their own?

Dr. Ziegler: The procedure allows women who have severe ovarian dysfunction to carry a child and it is highly successful. However, one of the negative aspects is that it can be expensive.

OCW: What are some common misconceptions about using an egg donor? Dr. Ziegler: Some folks believe the donor still has ownership rights to their eggs, the embryos, and the offspring. This is far from the truth. The law varies by state. However, the legal mother is determined either by birth mother or genetic partner so this possibility of the donor wanting the offspring is not possible. Additionally, the donor waives the right for ownership of the gametes.

Dr. Virginia Mensah OCW: What attracted you to this specialty?

Dr. Mensah: I became an OB/GYN because of my love for women’s health, but what attracted me to Reproductive Endocrinology was my desire to help couples achieve their goal of healthy pregnancies. Additionally, this field is at the forefront of science and medicine, which provides a satisfying intellectual challenge.

OCW: What is the greatest misconception about IVF and other fertility treatments?

Dr. Mensah: Probably the greatest misconception is that it will work the first time around. Many of the treatments we provide are successful on the first round and when that happens it’s wonderful. But for a large majority of couples it may take several cycles of treatment before we are successful.

OCW: What traits do you like to see in your patients undergoing fertility treatment? Dr. Mensah: Optimism and resilience go a long way in this journey. Couples that come in with a positive perspective and are willing to hang in there despite the ups and downs of treatment will often do the best.

OCW: What is the most challenging part of your profession?

Dr. Mensah: Dealing with the stress and emotions of the fertility journey with

732-240-3000 • FERTILITYNJ.COM Toms River-Eatontown-Lawrenceville our patients can be quite difficult. As physicians, we feel our patient’s failures as well as their successes. It can be emotionally trying, but I find that positive thinking goes a long way.

Dr. Alan Martinez

OCW: Why do you think the rate of infertility have increased in recent years?

Dr. Martinez: Unlike prior generations, today’s patients bring an increased awareness of infertility. This stems from the availability of web-based information, use of social media, and education from their medical providers. In addition, there is a general trend of delayed childbearing, for a multitude of reasons. Therefore, although overall infertility rates have remained constant, these factors result in more patients seeking infertility care.

OCW: What are some suggestions for couples trying to conceive?

Dr. Martinez: I encourage my female patients to track their menstrual periods to better understand when they are ovulating. Also, a discussion of maintaining an ideal body weight is important for conception and a successful pregnancy. Finally, discussing fertility with your gynecologist during a well visit can help identify those couples that should seek consultation with an infertility specialist sooner, rather than at a later time.

OCW: Who is a good candidate for fertility testing and why?

Dr. Martinez: In general, couples devoid of any significant medical conditions should initiate testing based upon the female patient’s age. In women under 35, attempting conception for a duration of one year qualifies as infertility, and in those over 35, a six month duration is adequate. Achieving pregnancy is based largely on egg quality and this stems from overall health and maternal age. This is the primary reason why these general guidelines exist.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Medical Professionals

Advances In X-Ray The x-ray machine is the grandfather of all radiology equipment. When it was invented in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Roetgen in Germany, it was the first time doctors could look inside the human body without dissection. This spurred an entire science of imaging that created the field of radiology as we know it today. We now have amazing machines like ultrasounds, MRIs, CAT scans, PET/CTs, nuclear medicine imaging, and others that can image the human body like never before. Despite these new cutting-edge modalities, standard x-rays are still the most ordered and most used test, and there continue to be advances in the field of x-rays.

Q: How are x-rays created? How do they make images?

A: Electrons are subatomic particles that encircle all atoms. X-rays are created when we can take electrons and use them to strike special metals. Those metals then emit x-rays. This is all created within x-ray tubes. Those x-rays pass through a patient and strike the x-ray film, and the x-ray turns the film black. As the x-ray passes through a person’s body, the different densities within the body block the x-ray beam. If the beam is partially blocked, the film is gray. If the x-ray is blocked completely, then the film stays white. So, for example, bones block the x-ray beams completely, which is why the bones are white, the skin is gray, and the surrounding space is black.

Q: What new advances are there in x-rays?

A: There have been many advances in x-ray technology over the decades. The metal used to create the x-ray beam has been improved to create more efficient x-ray beams. The x-ray film used to be like the film used in a camera. Now that our cameras are digital, so are our x-rays. The x-ray beams now strike a computerized “digital film.” This immediately creates an image of the patient’s body and sends it wirelessly to a computer that displays the image. This is called digital radiography.

Q: What are the advantages of digital radiography?

A: There is markedly increased speed in using digital radiography. In the past when x-rays were taken, we had to wait for the films to be processed in order to see the images. Now, the x-rays taken by the technologist are faster and the images are created immediately. Our patients love the improved speed and efficiency, and our radiologists are able to diagnose disease faster than ever. Much like how pictures Bones of the hand block taken on the newest cameras the x-ray beams making are sharper and clearer, digital them appear white. radiography is the latest technology and creates the clearest images. Our ability to detect subtle infections and fractures has never been better. Digital radiography uses the latest computerized images to process x-rays and there are new, more efficient metals used in the x-ray tubes. These advances have significantly reduced radiation dose in our x-rays. Keeping radiation doses as low a possible while producing the highest quality images is our primary goal. Toms River X-ray uses the most advanced digital radiography available on the market. We believe this is the best thing we can provide for our patients. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff at (732) 244-0777. PARVIZ KHORRAMI, M.D. CYRUS KHORRAMI, M.D. Founder Medical Director PARVIN MOTEMADEN KHORRAMI, M.D.


PET/CT Ultrasound CT Scan High Field Open Bore MRI

Diagnostic X-Ray Digital Mammography Nuclear Medicine Bone Densitometry

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 • Fax: 732-244-1428



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


MAY 17, 2018 SUCCESSFUL AGING FESTIVAL Celebrating Older Americans Month


Theme: Engage at Every Age Lectures, Demonstrations, Exhibits

Stockton University Campus Center 9:00am – 3:00pm

Free Admission Give Aways

Ample Parking Visit www.stockton.edu/scosa for full updated program

Three Engaging Tracks:

Featuring Keynote Address by Donna Butts, CEO of Generations United Washington, DC

Civic Engagement Educational Engagement Health and Wellness

SCOSA Stockton University 101 Vera King Farris Drive Galloway, NJ 08205

SCOSA offers educational programs and workshops throughout the year at several Atlantic County locations and in Manahawkin, in southern Ocean County. For more information visit www.stockton.edu/scosa.


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Happy Father’s Day

“Who’s my hero? That’s a great question... Well, I think my dad is my hero, because he’s someone I look up to every day.”

Happy Father’s Day Father’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of having a father. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our father for all he has done for us. On June 17th, strive to make Father’s Day absolutely hassle free for your father and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper him a little on this special day of his just as he pampers you all the year round. Give him a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish him a Happy Father’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

usiness Business


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TWO GREAT LOCATIONS SERVING ALL OF SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY INCLUDING OCEAN AND MONMOUTH COUNTIES Equipment Showroom & Commercial Printing 3112 Fire Road/Unit C Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Office: 609-645-7587 info@copiersplus.com

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For more info contact: Robert Matthews 609-645-7587 • info@copiersplus.com

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May/June 2018 2017 May/June


Medical Professionals M edical Pro roffessionals essionals Medical P

39 39

Expires Expires 4/30/18 6/30/18

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March/April 2018 2017 March/April May/June 2018


★ 40


★ ★★

★ ★

★ ★ Alzheimers Association -

Team up with the Alzheimer’s Association® and select any activity you love to help end Alzheimer’s. Register a team today at alz.org/tld. - Alzheimers Association

Ronald McDonald House of Southern ★ New Jersey -

On March 27th, the 9th Annual “Change the Luck of a Child” CBS 3 and CW Philly Telethon was held. The Red Shoe Society from the Ronald McDonald House of SNJ donated $5,000. On behalf of the Red Shoe Society, we would like to thank everyone who donated to the #RMHCCBS3! - Lauren Shover


Steve & Ronnie -

Congratulations on your wedding on June 23rd! We all couldn’t be happier for you! - The Kendle Ave Crew

★ ★

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018





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Happy Mother’s Day

Mom is such A special word the lovliest I’ve ever heard. A toast to you, Above all the rest Mom, you’re so special You are simply the best.

Happy Mother’s Day Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the joys of

having a mother. There is simply no way we can ever really thank our mother for all she has done for us. On May 13th, strive to make Mother’s Day absolutely hassle free for your mother and take the responsibilities on yourself for a day. Pamper her a little on this special day of hers just as she pampers you all the year round. Give her a warm hug and a big kiss as you wish her a Happy Mother’s Day!

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching




Your Mind Shapes Your Body

- The Missing Ingredient in Weight Management You may have bought into a belief system that says the key to being slender is to alter your eating patterns, like consuming fewer calories, limiting portion sizes, etc. While it’s true that changing behaviors is critical to getting slimmer, there’s more to the story.

Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 The messages you give yourself have 732-270-0080 www.HypnoForWomen.com an impact.

When a person contacts me regarding weight issues, I pay close attention to what they say and how they say it. Most eventually reveal that they’ve been repeatedly embedding negative statements and beliefs, such as . . . • I’m fat like the rest of my family – it’s in our genes. • I can’t stick with any diet. • Nothing works for me – I lose, I gain, I lose, I gain. • My metabolism is so slow. • I look at food and I gain weight. • Most people eat a lot worse than me, but I’m the heavy one. When we constantly repeat something, it can become our reality; it impacts how we feel and behave. Even the healthiest lifestyle plan is doomed if those beliefs aren’t adequately addressed.

So how does your mind play a role in making you – and keeping you – chunky? Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Those negative and limiting beliefs may make you throw your hands up in the air and say, “I just have to deal with being fat.” You may become resigned to being overweight and dealing with the physical and emotional fall-out. Or you may start on a healthy path, then hear those whispers that say, “You’ll never stick to this; you’ll fail just like before.” Maybe your weight loss slows down

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release

or plateaus, and you grow impatient, telling yourself, “This is it; my body refuses to go below this weight.” You’ve heard the saying, “As you think, so shall you be.” Your thoughts and beliefs precede your actions. Every thought you have releases brain chemicals. Thinking positive, optimistic thoughts decreases the production of stress hormones and boosts the production of “feelgood” chemicals. This increases your motivation and performance. When you repeatedly get caught up in negative, defeatist thinking, the brain changes sap your energy and motivation, and it becomes all too easy to give up.

Work on challenging your negative selftalk, and engaging in encouraging selftalk.

Instead of saying, “I have no control over sweets,” say, “Sweets have lost their hold on me.” A lot of people benefit by writing down affirmations, leaving them in plain sight, and repeating them often. Encourage yourself instead of berating yourself. Remember that what you feed your mind will impact your weight and overall well-being. Hypnosis and coaching can equip you with tools to think and act in ways consistent with your goals.

For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • www.HypnoForWomen.com 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Medical Medical Professionals Medical Professionals P rofessionals

31 31 43

MakingCancer: SenseAre of You aYou Complicated Condition: Colorectal Aware? The Colorectal Cancer: Are Aware?What’s What’s TheBig BigHype? Hype? Inflammatory Bowel Disease

How common is is colorectal cancer and who is is atat risk? How common colorectal cancer and who risk?

herher patients, but sheshe performs a majority of of herher colorectal cancer surgeries using patients, but performs a majority colorectal cancer surgeries using laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a minimally invasive Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States among laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic colorectal surgery is a minimally invasive Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in the United States among surgery in in which small incisions areare made toto perform major surgery. allows both men and women. affects 140,000 people annually and causes 50,000 surgery which small incisions made perform major surgery.This This allows both men and women.It It affects 140,000 people annually and causes 50,000 disease, a doctor may increase a patient’s medication or may even add new deaths. Over two million individuals are affected by Crohn’s for shorter hospital stays, decreased incisional pain and earlier return to work and The average person has a one in 20 chance of developing colorectal cancer and deaths. The average person has a one in 20 chance of developing colorectal cancer for shorter hospital stays, decreased incisional pain and earlier return to work other activities. medications. If the flare-up is not controlled, the patient may need to be in his/her lifetime. This risk is increased if there is a family history of colorectal disease orlifetime. ulcerative colitis. These two isdiseases are of known other activities. in his/her This risk is increased if there a family history colorectal polyps oror cancer, and is is even higher still in(IBD). those patients with a history of of breast, as inflammatory bowel disease IBD can attack polyps cancer, and even higher still in those patients with a history breast, hospitalized in order to rest the bowel and administer steroids intravenously. colorectal befor prevented? uterine or ovarian cancer, and patients with a history of extensive inflammatory Can Surgery may becancer required patients suffering from chronic forms of Can colorectal cancer be prevented? uterine ovarian cancer, and patients with aThe history of extensive inflammatory both theorsmall and large intestines. large intestine is Colorectal cancer is one of the few cancers that isofis preventable. a a bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis. Additionally, a person’s is one of the fewconditions cancers that preventable. Obtaining bowel disease ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s colitis. a person’s theColorectal disease orcancer from life-threatening IBD such asObtaining massive comprised ofsuch theascolon and rectum, and the Additionally, small intestine screening colonoscopy at regular intervals is the single best way to prevent risk for developing colorectal cancer increases significantly with age. screening colonoscopy regular intervals is the singlea best way tofor prevent risk for developing cancer increases significantly age.of the bleeding, perforation, or at infection. Before becoming candidate surgery, is made up of thecolorectal jejunum and the ileum. Anywith area colorectal cancer. Your colorectal surgeon oror specialist is is able toto review thethe colorectal cancer. Your colorectal surgeon specialist able review must have tried medication therapy and experienced no improvement. intestine can colorectal be affected with IBD, and the distribution of the you guidelines for screening colonoscopy based upon your age, medical history What causes cancer? guidelines for screening colonoscopy basedan upon your age, history What causes colorectal cancer? Patients whohistory. suffer for years with UC have increased riskmedical of developing disease canagreed vary from patient toand patient. and family notnot definitively proven, studies published in in thethe It It is is generally that nearly allall colon rectal cancer begins in in benign and family history.Although Although definitively proven, studies published generally agreed that nearly colon and rectal cancer begins benign large bowel (colon) cancer. Definitive surgery for UC is curative for treating literature mention additional factors that may lower your risk of developing polyps, called adenomas. pre-malignant polyps, oror growths, occur in in thethe literature mention additional factors that may lower your risk of developing polyps, called adenomas.These These pre-malignant polyps, growths, occur Crohn’s Disease this form ofcancer IBD. Itand isinclude very important discusslow-fat surgical options with your colorectal and eating a high-fiber, diet; maintaining a a wall of the colon and/or rectum and may eventually increase in size and become colorectal cancer include eating ato high-fiber, low-fat diet; maintaining wall of the colon and/or rectum and may eventually increase in size and become cancer, Crohn’s disease is commonly found in patients ages 16-40 but can be colorectal surgeon because timing of surgery and the procedure chosen are very healthy weight; and engaging in regular, vigorous exercise. or medically speaking, carcinoma. This is known as the “adenomahealthy weight; and engaging in regular, vigorous exercise. cancer, or medically speaking, carcinoma. This is known as the “adenomafound to affect other ages as well. This disease is approximately 20% genetically carcinoma sequence.” Several factors have been mentioned in the literature that important to each patient. carcinoma sequence.” Several factors have been mentioned in the literature that may increase a person’s forfor developing cancer and include age, a of diet transferred from familyrisk member who hascolorectal been diagnosed with some form may increase aaperson’s risk developing colorectal cancer and include age, a diet Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are serious diseases that require a high in fat and cholesterol, an inactive/sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and “After I had mymy colonoscopy found out Ipreventative had colon cancer, mymy IBD. Crohn’s disease has several symptoms, such aslifestyle, abdominal pain, cramping, to closely monitored and and to schedule testing to limit high in fat and cholesterol, an inactive/sedentary obesity, smoking and patient “After Ibehad colonoscopy and found out I had colon cancer, environmental exposures. primary physician recommended I see Dr. Paonessa. Not only is she exposures. analenvironmental pain, joint pain (arthritis), unexpected weight loss, and/or diarrhea. Fever his/her risk ofphysician cancer. Make sure that ifIyou anyonly or allisofshe the primary recommended see are Dr.experiencing Paonessa. Not

anan excellent surgeon, I would recommend Dr. Paonessa toto anyone and may accompany these symptoms. symptoms discussed above, you schedule an appointment with your physician excellent surgeon, I would recommend Dr. Paonessa anyone and What are the symptoms of colorectal cancer? of colorectal cancer? everyone.” What There isare nothe curesymptoms for Crohn’s disease and its cause is still unknown. Several andeveryone.” a colorectal surgeon promptly. Unfortunately, polyps and early cancers dodo notnot produce any physical signs oror Unfortunately, polyps and early cancers produce any physical signs Josephine B.B. theories have centered on the immunological system, which is the body’s Dr. Paonessa is a fellowship-trained colorectal surgeon- who has over - Josephine symptoms. Therefore, symptoms usually indicate late oror advanced disease. The symptoms. Therefore, symptoms usually indicate late advanced disease. The defense system, symptoms or possibleofbacterial causes. Although there is currently no cure most common colorectal cancer areare rectal bleeding and changes in in fourteen years of experience in treating patients with IBD. She is experienced most common symptoms of colorectal cancer rectal bleeding and changes “I“I credit Dr. Paonessa forfor saving life. Her thoroughness and attention for Crohn’s disease, medication can be administered to treat early onsets and/ ongoing maintenance care andmy surgical care ofthoroughness patients with IBD. credit Dr. Paonessa saving my life. Her and attention bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are common in bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms are common in in the to detail made the difference for my recovery. I’ve never met a doctor like ormany temporarily relieve the pain and symptoms associated with the illness. The she frequently performs surgery) other disorders of of thethe gastrointestinal tract soso it is very important toto have to detail made the difference forlaparoscopic my recovery.(minimally I’ve neverinvasive met a doctor like many other disorders gastrointestinal tract it is very important have Additionally her-so attentive and caring. most commonly dispensed medications are corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory a thorough examination should you experience them. NOT ALL RECTAL for those patients who require surgery for IBD and who are candidates for her-so attentive and caring. a thorough examination should you experience them. NOT ALL RECTAL BLEEDING ISIS DUE TO HEMORRHOIDS. is is very important forfor patients totothis type of surgery. Call Dr. Paonessa’s office today for a consultation - Patricia E.ifE. agents, and immunosuppressants. BLEEDING DUE TO HEMORRHOIDS.It It very important patients - Patricia remember this and seek evaluation if they are experiencing rectal bleeding. Other remember In some cases be needed if the condition becomes severe Other you are experiencing any of the above symptoms or have IBD and require this surgery and seekmay evaluation if they are experiencing rectal bleeding. such as as abdominal pain and weight usually late symptoms and symptoms, such abdominal pain and weight are usually late symptoms and management. orsymptoms, complicated. Not all cases require surgery soloss, itloss, isare best to schedule a quite possibly indicate advanced/extensive disease. quite possibly indicate advanced/extensive disease. consultation with a colorectal surgeon. A colorectal surgeon, in conjunction with your gastroenterologist, can best determine treatment for each individual How is is colorectal cancer diagnosed? How colorectal cancer diagnosed? case. Evaluation of colorectal cancer is first begun with a complete history and physical Evaluation of colorectal cancer is first begun with a complete history and physical

Ulcerative Colitis exam, including a digital rectal exam and possibly testing thethe stool forfor blood. exam, including a digital rectal exam and possibly testing stool blood.A A

is is thethe definitive test used to(UC). diagnose cancer. colonoscopy Another form ofmost IBD isdefinitive ulcerative colitis Thiscolorectal causes inflammation colonoscopy most test used to diagnose colorectal cancer.A A colonoscopy is performed by a colorectal surgeon or other specialist in order toto of the lining of the large intestine (colon and/or rectum). onset for colonoscopy is performed by a colorectal surgeon or otherThe specialist in order get a direct visualization of the inside of the colon and rectum. A colonoscopy get a direct of the colon and rectum. colonoscopy developing UCvisualization occurs during twoinside stagesofofthelife: between the agesAof 15 to 30 is a safe, painless, outpatient procedure performed under a light sedation. is a safe, painless, outpatient procedure performed under a light sedation. and between the ages of 70 to 80. Like Crohn’s disease, the cause of UCBased isBased upon thethe findings onon colonoscopy, your colorectal surgeon oror other specialist may upon findings colonoscopy, your colorectal surgeon other specialist may unknown. recommend other testing such as blood work, a CT scan of the abdomen and recommend other testing such as blood work, adisease CT scan of include the abdomen and pelvis, The symptoms of UC are similar to Crohn’s and abdominal pelvic MRI and/or ultrasound. pelvis, pelvic MRI and/or ultrasound. pain, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, and/or rectal bleeding. Some patients may even experience incontinence from the diarrhea. Medications can be How is is colorectal cancer treated? How colorectal cancer treated? administered to control the active disease associated with UC.and This may Nearly all cases of colorectal cancer require surgery. chemotherapy Nearly all cases of colorectal cancer require surgery.Radiation Radiation and chemotherapy areare sometimes required in in addition toto surgery. If If the cancer is is diagnosed and keep patients from requiring hospitalization. The most commonly dispensed sometimes required addition surgery. the cancer diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages, approximately 80-90% of patients are restored toto medications are antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents. If those medications treated in the earliest stages, approximately 80-90% of patients are restored their normal health. The cure rate decreases to 50% or less when the cancer is is fail,their yournormal physician mayThe prescribe prednisone immunomodulators, health. cure rate decreases (steroids), to 50% or less when the cancer diagnosed in the later/advanced stages. Less than 5% of all colorectal cancer in the later/advanced stages. Less 5% oftoallmaintain colorectal cancer anddiagnosed amino salicylates. Immunomodulators canthan be used the disease patients require a colostomy oror “bag,” thanks toto modern technology. Dr.Dr. Paonessa patients require a colostomy “bag,” thanks modern technology. Paonessa for a longer period of time. prides herself in in being able toto maintain this standard of of care in in herher own practice. prides herself being able maintain this standard care own practice. Not Occasionally patients can experience flare-ups. In order to control thefor only is she able to minimize the number of colostomies/“bags” created Not only is she able to minimize the number of colostomies/“bags” created for Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, anan established Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, established Nina Paonessa, DO, FACOS, an established colorectal surgeon practicing in Ocean and colorectalsurgeon surgeonpracticing practicingininOcean Ocean and colorectal and Monmouth Counties, answers questions about Monmouth Counties, discusses Inflammatory Monmouth Counties, answers questions about Bowel Disease, a common, yet complicated colorectal cancer, one ofof the leading cancers inin colorectal cancer, one the leading cancers condition. both men and women. both men and women.

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March/April March/April2018 2018 May/June 2018



Pets 70 Human/Animal Bond The

“Unconditional Love” Written by Matt Reeves

One of the best places in the learn the meaning of Everyone is a volunteer and 100% of all Theworld Funnyto Farm Rescue & feeds and cares for the Funny Farm “unconditional love” is theSanctuary Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuarydonations in was just inducted animals. Nothing is wasted. into the New Jersey Veterinary Mays Landing, NJ. Kids ask their friends to donate to the Funny

Medical Association Animal Hall Farm instead of bringing them birthday presents. If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty good idea how much they love you and get of Fame because of the incredible ones. have coin drives to raise money for the excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the luckySchools animals. The Pre-K to 2nd grade classes of the human/animal Not all animals are so lucky to have someone love them. bond that affects The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. TheyFunny have thousands numerous lives at the Farm local John Milanesi Elementary School alone of people each year who come to visit in andso givemany them the love theyways. need. Most animals raised over $800 to help feed and care for the positive come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or animals of the Funny Farm! Nearly all arrangements of the 550+ animals the after Funny unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make for theiratpets they were The human/animal bond makes miracles Farm are rescues. Most of them would have beenanimals gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet happen. You have no idea what you are capable euthanized if it wasn’t for the Funny Farm and our of unless you try. At the Funny Farm, we never that gave their owners so much love. One example is a nameless incredible little blackteam and white baby goatdonors, with a broken leg. At less of volunteers, supporters, give up. We do all that we can to provide the best than a month old, he was injuredand andveterinarians. was in a lot of pain. His future was dark. Throughlife a possible for animals that once faced uncertain series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found out about When an animal comes to the Funny Farm, futures. Pets 70this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste time rescuing him. they seemany to know they have been given a second Today, we bring the animals and visit entire schools to read We made a custom splint tochance. stabilize his leg because When you come he to couldn’t the farm,stand on it at all. He the anti-bullying children’s book needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for just look around you in all directions “Farley the Funny Farm Dog,” which him. Farley Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wing One of the best places the in theFarm world to learn the meaning of and you will see playing, running, teaches kids that we can all get along and gavelove” him a Funny lot ofFarm loveRescue and&attention. “unconditional is the Sanctuary in jumping, andlooked pure happiness! You will that he earned the Mays Landing, NJ.little goat was black and like the animals at the Funny Farm The white and so much like a cow hear little heads callsvisits to tell the world how If you’vepeacocks ever had a pet, youwith have a pretty good idea how much making they love you andloud get name “Cowboy.” Over the next few days, and to many veterinarians, Zaleski took do. excited when you come home and how sad they are when you leave. Those are the lucky ones. Not all to animals are so lucky to have You someone love them.hear happy they are. will pigs oinking and rolling around. You’ll hear him to the University of Pennsylvania, where they had the best equipment. Several They see the famous Adele the house chicken riding on The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue are the exceptions. They have thousands ofducks people each year who comeof to visit and give them theway love they need.an Most animals to save quacking on their to important meeting. Something thousands dollars were spent trying his leg from possibleisnerve damage and the back of Hollywood the goat, and they see Brooklyn the come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or unwanted. Some happening! people simply didn’t makeIt’s arrangements their pets after they amputation. always just forbeautiful toweresee, especially knowing that they gone and the animals had nowhere to go. How scary that must be for these sweet animals golden retriever showing kids how to be gentle and kind that gave their owners so much love. in the house so he could be cared for properly and received much lived once hadHe orblack noandhope. One example is a little nameless little white baby goat with a broken leg. At less to animals. The children get to meet Farley, the star of the than a month old, he was injured and was in other a lot of pain.animals future was dark. Through a with and people. And because of this he has no idea he’s a goat, ofsocialization When come to Histhe Funny the animals come up interaction, and series miracles, Laurievisitors Zaleski, the Founder of the Funny Farm Rescue, found outFarm, about book! No message is more effective to kids this little situation andhe’s didn’t waste any time rescuing him. hegoat’sthinks a roam dog! greet Most freehe couldn’t andstand make you We madethem. a custom splint to stabilize his leg because on it at all. He feel like a celebrity. There is no than teaching through the animals. They all needed food and water brought months to his mouth while he lay in not a new warm bed made just Cowboy’s for Seven later, only has leg healed, hebest hasfriends. captured the hearts of people all over him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, tookstage. him under his wing awkward getting-to-know-you You’re just automatically love each other despite their differences and and gavethe him a globe!! lot of love and He attention. makes everyone that laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations The The little goatFounder was black and whiteand and looked so much like a cow he earned the President of the Funny Farm, Laurie Zaleski, makes so can we! name “Cowboy.” Over the nextWhen few days, andvisitors visits to many veterinarians, Zaleski took Inspector.” come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of toimpossible him to the University ofthings Pennsylvania,possible. where they had theShe best equipment. Several help from her family, friends, solicits thousands of dollars were spent trying tothey save his legdiscover from possible nerve damage and is already inside their car! The human/animal bond brings so their cars when Cowboy amputation. visitors, and supporters alikeattonothing to make you laugh and has He lived in the househas so he could be cared for properlyvolunteers, and received muchsweet much happiness to both humans and animals He a wonderful, lovable, personality and will stop socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s a goat, makeEveryone the Funny Farm one of the happiest placeswhat on was done for him and he he thinks he’s unlimited a dog! an supply of kisses! is his friend! Somehow he knows and is one of the most rewarding things in Seven months later, not only has Cowboy’s leg healed, he has captured the hearts of people all over Earth. Nothing stops Laurie and if you’re in her way, look the globe!! He makes everyone laugh and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations appreciates his life now. life. Showing just a little love will come back Inspector.” When visitors come and donate food for the animals, they barely have time to get out of their cars when they discoverunconditional Cowboy is already inside theirlove car! out!!! The that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that to you tenfold. Your life can be anything you He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality and will stop at nothing to make you laugh and has an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone is his friend! Somehow he knowsshort what wascome done for him and he hundreds Visitors from of miles away, many from was once in distress is nothing of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting want it to be, but one thing is for certain: the appreciates his life now. The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that Farm comes from is anjust animal thatbut to meet you and your family!! Coming to the easy leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. other states and countries, to see what one woman was once in distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting love in your heart wasn’t meant to stay there. to meet you and your to the Farm is easy If but leaving your is newsomething furry friends is very difficult. Allfamily!! lifeComing is precious. there we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases, built from All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and nothing, protect it, in nearly into all cases, such an amazing place that it is Love isn’t love until you give it away. the unconditional love you receive in return is love somethingyou you willreceive simply never forget. the unconditional in return is something you will simply never forget. today! The Funny Farm Rescue is open Sundays and Tuesdays from 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There is no admission as we operate entirely by donations and we don’t have any paid positions. Come see us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski

“Unconditional Love”

The FarmFarm RescueRescue is open Sundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. TheFunny Funny is openandSundays and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm at 6908 Railroad Thereis isnonoadmission admission as we entirely byentirely donationsbyanddonations we don’t haveand any we paid don’t positions. Comeany see paid us! www.funnyfarmrescue.org There asoperate we operate have positions. Come see us!Follow www.funnyfarmrescue.org us on Facebook: ForFor information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: funnyfarmrobin@gmail.com “Funny Farm Rescue” Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation!

www.TheCountyWoman.com TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com The

March/April May/June2017 2018



4th Annual

All proceeds benefit the Funny Farm Rescue 501(c)(3) Charity

Funny Farm Rescue Golf Outing

Join us as we golf for the animals of the Funny Farm. The Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charity. We are personally and professionally committed to the well being of abused and abandoned animals. We provide food, shelter, medical care, compassion and love for the rest of their natural lives in a permanent, safe and healthy environment.

Thursday, August 16, 2018 BE A HOLE SPONSOR! Registration Time: 12:00 pm Four Person Scramble Shotgun Start: 1:30 pm Cost: $125 Per Golfer Includes: 18 holes of golf, cart & Italian Dinner Buffet Dinner Only $25.00 (6pm) Prizes Awarded for: Closest to Pin & Longest Drive 50/50 and Basket Auction

550 W. Country Club Drive Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215

$1,000 Includes: Golf 4 some & 2 hole sponsor signs Coop King $500 Includes: Golf 2 some & 1 hole sponsor sign Pasture Prince $250 Includes: Golf for 1 & 1 hole sponsor sign Stable Stud $100 Includes: hole sponsor sign Barn Master

For questions or additional information, contact Laurie Zaleski at (609) 742-9410 or via email laurie@funnyfarmrescue.org. Make Checks Payable to: Funny Farm Rescue 6908 Railroad Blvd. Mays Landing, NJ 08330 Or Register online:


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Medical Professionals

Getting To Know Your Blood Cells There are three types of cells in our blood: red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets. RBCs contain a pigment called hemoglobin that

gives blood its red color. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the different parts of the body. Hemoglobin contains two parts: heme, which is made of iron, and globin, which is a protein. Iron is essential to make hemoglobin. When there is less iron in the body, the production of hemoglobin becomes slow and that will affect the supply of oxygen to the different parts of the body. Having not enough RBCs/hemoglobin is called anemia, regardless of the reason behind it. Anemia can result from a lack of production, or excessive loss. Lack of production of RBCs mainly occurs due to deficiency of iron, vitamins such as B12, folic acid or other nutrients. Diseases that affect the bone marrow can also result in less production of blood cells. Excess loss of blood mostly occurs due to severe bleeding. In young women, this usually occurs due to excessive menstrual blood loss. If you are experiencing increased menstrual bleeding, your requirement of iron increases. If the body does not get enough iron to keep up with the loss of blood, then the production becomes less and results in iron deficiency anemia. Hence menstruating women need to have enough iron in their diet. Iron-rich foods include red meat, green leafy vegetables and liver. Another cause of blood loss, especially in people older than 50, is from the intestines. Occult bleeding in the stool would be from a bleeding polyp or cancer in the colon. Anyone over 50 is strongly encouraged to get a stool test annually to look for the presence of blood. A colonoscopy is also required at age 50 to screen for colon cancer, even in the absence of anemia. Excess blood loss can also be due to destruction of blood cells, a process known as hemolysis.


White cells (WBCs) fight against infections. Our body is constantly exposed to infectious agents such as bacteria, and the body’s defense mechanisms fight them off. This process is mainly mediated by the white cells. There are different kinds of white cells: mainly neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils. Neutrophils fight against bacterial infections. Lymphocytes are important in the production of antibodies that help in the body’s defense mechanisms.

WBCs: Too many or too few?

Normally, the WBC count in the blood ranges from 4,000-10,000. Too many white cells in the blood would be an indication of an infection or an inflammation in any part of the body. If there is no evidence of an infection or the number of white cells is very high, a bone marrow disorder such as leukemia has to be considered.

When the white cells are low, a person becomes susceptible to infections. The number of neutrophils in the body is more important than the actual white count. If the absolute neutrophil count (ANC) is lower than 1,000, risk of infections is high. Neutropenia can be transient, from viral infections or from medications; or it could be an indication of an underlying bone marrow disorder. Cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation, can lower the neutrophil count temporarily, thus increasing the risk of infections.


Leukemia refers to a bone marrow disorder where the production of white cells becomes excessively high. This usually happens as a result of some mutations that affect the normal production of white cells. There are two main kinds of leukemia: acute and chronic. Acute leukemia is a life-threatening illness if not treated urgently. There is rapid production of immature white cells, called blasts. There are two different kinds of acute leukemia: AML and ALL, depending on the cell that is affected. The prognosis and treatment are very different for the two. Chronic leukemia runs a slower course. Depending on the cell type, there are two different kinds: CML and CLL. CML typically results from a specific genetic mutation that results in an abnormal chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph chromosome). Development of newer treatment modalities that target the Ph chromosome has been a major breakthrough in this disease. Now, almost 95% of CML cases can be cured by taking a pill. Diagnoses of leukemia and other bone marrow diseases are made by examining the bone marrow cells. This is done by doing a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. Some people confuse bone marrow tests with bone marrow transplants. When obtaining a sample from the bone marrow, a few drops of the red marrow are drawn into a syringe and the cells are examined carefully. The sample is sent to special laboratories for analysis. A bone marrow aspiration and biopsy is an outpatient procedure that is easily done in the hematologist’s office. The test takes less than thirty minutes and is done under local anesthesia. There are few complications associated with the procedure and the patient will be able to resume normal activities almost immediately.

Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

Compassionate Care, Close to Home  We offer a full range of Hematology and Oncology services.  We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer care in a warm and personalized manner.  Our newly renovated, spacious infusion room provides a peaceful and friendly atmosphere to patients while they receive chemotherapy and other infusions.  We have a highly qualified, experienced and compassionate staff.


www.OceanHemOnc.com Easily Accessible Location!

1255 Route 70, 31S Near Exit 88 on GSP

Lakewood, NJ 08701 Accepts Most Insurances. Affiliated with Kimball Medical Center and Community Hospital Access to Clinical Trials.

You can read part 2 of Dr. Easaw’s article in our next issue.

To learn more about blood disorders or cancer treatment, please contact: Sarah J. Easaw, MD 732.961.0010 www.oceanhemonc.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP

Diplomate of the American Board of Hematology, Oncology & Internal Medicine

May/June 2018

Business Spotlight


Compassionate Acute Cancer Care, Close To Home…

Treating Patients and Families With Respect and Care her profession are dealing with people facing a terminal illness. It takes a lot of patience and compassion from the caregivers as well as the physician. She adds, “In our practice, we give emphasis to taking care of each patient and family as unique individuals, and pay attention to their special needs.” She has worked with many patients over the years, but one that stands out is that of a 32-year-old woman diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at age 30. “She is a beautiful woman, mother of a 9-month-old daughter. Both of her breasts were surgically removed and she had to start chemotherapy. She lost her hair and was sick during treatment but her attitude remained positive and her outlook was marvelous. She never complained and always had a smile on her face. Taking care of her was a pleasure. Her positive outlook made a remarkable difference in her outcome. She is now six years post diagnosis and is disease-free.”

Early Detection...

Dr. Easaw also stresses education about early detection of curable cancers such as breast cancer by screening. “In this day and age, seeing patients with late stage cancers, where it could have been detected early, is very frustrating and disappointing.” Early detection is key in many of these cases.

Dr. Sarah Easaw is a board-certified hematology and oncology specialist. In her practice, Ocean Hematology & Oncology, located in the heart of Ocean County, she takes care of patients with different types of cancer and blood disorders. Her practice is a state-of-the-art cancer care center. Founded in 2006, this center provides much more than just patient care. Their highly qualified staff is dedicated to treating each patient and his/her family with respect and care. They give chemotherapy infusions, draw blood, diagnose abnormal blood cells, and do bone marrow tests in the office.

An Early Interest...

Dr. Easaw always had an interest in oncology even as a student in medical school. She adds, “It was a challenging specialty which most physicians hesitate to choose as a profession. Once I started my training in the specialty, my interest grew in the subject.”

Currently, there is a nationwide shortage of some chemotherapy drugs. Because of that, the appropriate treatment may be delayed in some patients. Misinformation or lack of information about their illness can mislead patients and that can impair delivering the right treatment at the right time.

A Clean & Peaceful Environment...

Ocean Hematology & Oncology offers immaculately clean and peaceful surroundings, and their newly renovated infusion room allows patients to relax while receiving chemotherapy. Families can enjoy the comforts of the waiting area, which is supplemented by a large library, coffee bar and snacks. Their office was chosen by American Cancer Society as one of the sites to conduct their “Look Good, Feel Better” program for cancer patients.

Family Life...

Dr. Easaw is married to a physician and has two children pursuing higher education, her son in medicine and her daughter in law. When she is not in the office, she enjoys reading and writing articles for Indian Americans and publishes a cultural magazine in an Indian language. Dr. Easaw is also involved in charity projects to promote palliative care services in India.

There is a great deal about her profession that she finds rewarding, especially since the treatment of cancer and related illnesses has evolved tremendously in the last several decades, and more research is being done in oncology than any other specialty. The good news is that more and more people are cured from cancer than ever before. Cancer has now become a chronic illness like diabetes and hypertension, a disease that more people live with than die from. “I am proud to be a part of a worldwide team in the fight against cancer,” she says.

Calming the Fears...

Most patients and families have a lot of fear about their disease and certain preconceived ideas that are difficult to deal with. Some challenging aspects of

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

732-961-0010 May/June 2018


Medical Professionals

Importance of Oxygen to Enhance Treatment From pacemakers to artificial hearts and limbs to stem cells, America has found its rank in the world health league for being an innovator of medical technology. Unfortunately, the cost of these medical therapies prohibits those who would benefit most from obtaining them, thus contributing to one of the several reasons our country, USA, ranks 38th in world healthcare. But what would you say to the idea of steering away from conventional medical thinking and open your eyes and minds to therapies that are considered “alternative” or “outside the box”? You know, medical modalities that offer a cure for an underlying condition rather than a Band-Aid to mask the symptoms of disease? Specifically, I am referring to the use of oxygen to enhance the treatment and cure of nearly every medical condition known to man. For those of you who are avid readers of OCW magazine or are patients of ICAM, you are aware of the several articles I have written introducing you to therapies involving OZONE. In a nutshell, ozone is a form of Bio-Oxidative Therapy, which simply means that we are introducing oxygen into the body. Of the various vehicles used to expose the body to ozone, the topical, rectal and intravenous routes are the most commonly prescribed. As I progress and advance my knowledge and skills, I become even more dismayed by mainstream medicine and more intrigued with the alternative side. As a founding member of AAOT (American Association of Ozonotherapists), guest lecturer and presenter of ozone therapy to hundreds of medical practitioners, I feel that it is my duty to further understand and promote this amazing form of medical intervention that has remarkable capabilities and endless possibilities. Until now, I thought what I studied, researched, learned and was offering my patients in terms of Bio-Oxidative Therapies was the ultimate high-tech state-of-the-art therapy that was literally changing the course of disease and life for those with chronic illness. A few weeks ago I was invited to attend a conference/workshop in California sponsored by Drs. Robert Rowen and Howard Robbins just a few days after spending several days with Dr. Frank Shallenberger – another one of the gurus and pioneers of ozone therapy whom I have nicknamed “The Three Kings.” What I didn’t know was that I would be one of only fourteen attendees throughout the world who was present for the lecture by Dr. Lahodny from Austria, who shared his work

and experience utilizing ozone in much higher concentrations than was previously “accepted” as being safe and effective. He presented a different vehicle of administration for ozone through the utilization of the Boltzmann Ozon 2000 machine from Germany that is commonly used in Europe by hundreds of medical practitioners. Because space is limited here I need to be brief, but if you go to my website I will post a review of my entire experience with this new form of ozone therapy coined as HOT or High-Dose Ozone Therapy. In a nutshell, HOT can deliver a nuclear warhead to the ailing body, ridding it of nearly every toxin, inflammatory invader, autoimmune disorder or chronic condition the body may develop, and do so safely at a concentration of ozone that is more than 10 times what was previously recognized as safe. And those of you who have experienced the current methods of ozone here at ICAM know of the miraculous healing effects it has provided hundreds of you for ailments ranging from allergies, arthritis, cancer, and Lyme disease to everything in between. Now for the real treat… A single treatment of HOT, which requires 10 passes of your blood through the Boltzmann machine, is equivalent to 30 to 50 MAH treatments (the current IV form of ozone therapy used here at ICAM). Although ICAM has two of only perhaps a dozen machines currently available in the United States, the cost of a single 10-pass treatment is a fraction of the cost of what the $9,000 – $15,000 MAH treatments would deliver. Most practitioners are charging a reasonable price of $1500. As an introductory cost we are offering this medical modality at a cost of “only” $1000 to our patients. Sure this is a lot of money, but you need to invest in your health. I encourage all interested readers to go to my website and review the articles I will make available to you over the next several weeks pertaining to HOT. For those interested in obtaining this therapy, whether it be for enhancing a weakened immune system, improving overall energy, treating an established acute or chronic medical condition, or just as a prophylactic therapy to ensure health, longevity and quality of life, you should call the office to obtain more information and make an appointment as we already have over fifty treatments to be scheduled once we are up and running in mid-September.

In the meantime I look forward to assisting you all back to optimal health and longevity. Be Well and God Bless. Mark James Bartiss, MD

Institute For Complementary & Alternative Medicine 24 Nautilus Drive, Suite 3, Manahawkin, NJ 609-978-9002 504 Hamburg Tpk., Suite 202, Wayne, NJ 973-790-6363 By Appointment Only: 639 Stokes Road, Suite 202, Medford, NJ 609-654-5900 www.ICAMBartissMD.com

Mark James Bartiss, MD is a medical writer, lecturer, and author, and is recognized as a top ten specialist in the field of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). He has helped numerous individuals take their lives back and reclaim their health.

REMEMBER... When it comes to your health, you do have options and a choice.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018


Travel ravel “Create Lasting Memories” River Cruising: An Extraordinary “Create Lasting Memories” Taking With A Packing More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family You: is making memories that

55 63

Experience Primer

Travel At Any Age

will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve


At every stage of life, a traveler’s experience and destination changes. cruises have been operating for decades. level T 70 ravel Professional and you’re iver cruising may be the hottest cruising


paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -- even though river A sample of some Romantic destinations will let you dream of your next escape. with your Travel experience.

We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations with ravel ready to pack your , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded



 Six Hawaiian Islands

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ocean-going ravel 56 Now big of question is: family. Great choices for them could be a wonderful by some members Virtuoso.com, found: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at theorsame vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced Mediterranean or Caribbean cruise, an exciting Whatout do of youcollege, take to those with T ravel Those fresh ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships and onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views Kenya Safari. with you? travel, If Memories” you’re cruising in the Caribbean “Create Lasting decades of world revealed insights riverboats with focus on current themes. “Create Memories” from every room, including and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many newLasting fees and diving

suitcase. A recent in- depth look at generational travel, They want to see the world now, and see it with their surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

55 63

River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience

Taking It With You: A Packing Primer  Greece The beach is beautiful leading to a turquoise Caribbean Sea. The river cruisingClub. destinations, like a 12-day Bordeaux Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, • Lightweight sweater, rain poncho, and zippered plastic bags Add a few more tee another More fun,, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing more memories! • Part of raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts about their trends. *MATURES tend to: restrictions the airlines have your children will cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories.

Cruising rates highly imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local leaving your a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. Today’s opportunities to travel to: asfor a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve *Millennials tend with planned itineraries at home from now on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may be the hottest cruising From paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the tion. warm beaches to exciting adventures, every destination offers a new long awaited vacation and leisurely adventuring. and other airlines let you board first if you have no carry-on bags. So what Want to gotrend NOW, have high was created be the ultimate get river around into2017 -- even though tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsample ofports some Romantic destinations will let you dream of your escape. with your Travel or resorts. experience. Packing andnext unpacking are the essentials to pack? expectations and are price conscious. cruises have been operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The protected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and you’re A few from nowand what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with only once is a great Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that Great choice for NOW might beyears Turks ready to pack your (rated theand best in the Caribbean by Travel & Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, Milestone you will remember is the total canals, which span thousands of miles of Continental Examples of some of the best special activities and amenities the entire family will enjoy: advantage. might help with the process. and Caicos a have few days their ofthat wonderful Cruisefor lines upped game with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to service, Blackamenities Sea. celebrations, Priorities and intriguing itineraries toCruise places Beautiful white sand, and escape River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the things you forgot to pack. ✿ CURTAIN BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy the same vessels can’t reach. schedule. River body cruises are luring experienced are about Amazing waterparks with slides, lazy rivers andthrough surf and Bucket Lists top at their from fast ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: What doRiver you take A Europe Cruisechildren. is one of the bestthe ways wepaced • Viking Cruises, partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Perhaps chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views requests. a Danube River cruise from Prague with simulator are atofavorite the kids. Thevisiting Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play Viking IfDucasse-trained you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits know exploreofinland Europe, cities, towns and PBS “Downton Abby” offers cruise guests Virtuoso Travel Professional can riverboats with focus on current themes. from every room, Watersports including diving and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee With so many newtofees and • Addora few goand where in a private chapel in Florence’s counBudapest anprovide Asia journey onanother Regent all-inclusive more tee shirts and pair of shorts Kids *Gen Xers tend to:  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you canships right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children families. 19access. SpecialtyClub. restaurants and children’s dining areas great choices. villages that traditional big usually can’t 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation restrictions the airlines havepassenger The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruising destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain 700 ship. tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. memory. Refer to School 2 cover-ups imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation with the most value andthe added ofoffer the famous house. River cruise, 7-day cruise guests local for wet suits. home from on.without Some airlines are charging for carry-on bagsApril’s now, calendars to at dictate (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the beach & 1now Pareo) experience the touches long tour rides. From tobus make your experience a WhateverHighlights” • you forget you can purchase on board or at the • Avalon Waterways “Austrian and other airlines let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & to be the ultimate getfrom great tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of created ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops timing; they seek are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand family ships traveltogether ideas, and and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by•Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, spanathousands of of Continental might for consider Disney’s of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect a family of 4 or 5. There’s 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers). waterways, connecting North Sea to Black Sea. Bridges program, family cooking It including will be our pleasure to assist you with on site resorts or the Four River Cruise Line Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck,flat or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazy to rivers and Resort warm friendly Conde’ Nast Traveler ForBEACHES a week inresorts thepeople. Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, through partnership with Seasons Orlando lessons. groups, celebrations and special occasions to *Remember, your Vagabond* Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! for the more pampering experience. Also family biking Virtuoso Professional can  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s counwherever your travel dreams takeprovide you. (put 1 in your carry-on so you canThere goand right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children families. 19access. Specialty restaurants dining areas great choices. are several brand new River cruise lines villages that big ships usually can’t 3youdays inchildren’s England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist inand planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Advisor and hiking, through Utah for traditional great outdoor activities. tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. • 2 cover-ups It will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining the beach & 1 Pareo) touches to makeWaterways your experience a •the Avalon “Austrian Highlights” from Please Contact Carole and Scenic cruises to fill Each lineKaiman, The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to demand. • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) *BOOMERS tend to: and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships built with families inas mind. Along deluxe Ocean view  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” Our dedication tofamily our clients before, duringAgency and after every vacation has itswere highlights, such the ships the Vagabond Travel, aand Virtuoso • 2 families, shorts 2Alaska tees and an evening purse and Since they’re well established South Africa for tours (Perfect for summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. Vagabond Travel stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s a 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids makes a world of difference. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses in their careers and have more time next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges732-859-5513 program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler off, or are retired, they tend to spend lessons. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Yourisland TravelorExperience. *Check out or Europe Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private cruising • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation bythecontacting Advisor & Romance Specialist most on travel. This is whereTravel the their for • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines www.virtuosolife.com • Sunglasses with special highlights kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond www.vagabondtvl.com Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel multigenerational travel peaks, since entering the market such as Emerald Waterways Packable sun foldablefor beach bag Digital Agency hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at• Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and our Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. the focus is on “if not now, when?” and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.

R  Barbados


 Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation www.virtuosolife.com byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out www.virtuosolife.com *Check out www.virtuosolife.com for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

email: carole@vagabondtvl.com website: www.vagabondtvl.com 732-222-2792 Direct *Check out www.virtuosolife.com *Check out www.virtuosolife.com

732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some www.TheCountyWoman.com e County Woman Magazine foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas. www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. www.TheCountyWoman.com www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

“Tan Like A Goddess” M


ionary benefits of advanced skin solutions from emulsions infused with antioxidants, vitamins A through E, hyaluronic edical rofessionals ing. Athenas is devoted in giving you a beautiful glow acid, CoQ-10 and other ingredients for repair of free radicals and skin l have you looking like a goddess. We use Suvara damage. ur skin look and feel its best while hydrating and Suvara Airbrush Sunless Solutions are emulsion-based rom within. Suvara’s mission is to educate and provide formulations using ECO Cert DHA and uniquely fortified with a vitamin ternative to the damaging effects of UV tanning. and antioxidant enriched “super serum.” Suvara’s solutions are loved by an utions are free of parabens, petrochemicals, alcohol, A-list of clientele who seek a natural, health y, sunless spray tan. Blended Discover the revolutionary of advanced skin solutions fortified antioxidants, vitamins through rtificial preservatives. All natural benefits and organic, as well by Dr. Park Ave, youremulsions custom infused Suvarawith spray tan will leave yourAskin feeling Tanning. is devoted in givingradiant you a and naturally E, hyaluronic acid, CoQ-10 and other ingredients for repair of free glutenfrom free,Athenas SuvaraSpray solutions are Athenas vitamin-fortified sun-kissed. beautiful glow in your skin that will have you looking like a goddess. radicals and skin damage. is formulated as a means to fight Sanida Skin Nurture solution Suvara Airbrush emulsion-based formulations We use Suvara products to make your skin look and feel itsback best against while skin damage and Sunless visibleSolutions signs of are aging while reducing ECO Cert DHA and uniquely fortified with a vitamin and hydrating and nourishing the skin from within. Suvara’s mission is to using inflammation and skin enriched irritations. Delivered weekly by airbrush, your skin antioxidant “super serum.” Suvara’s solutions are loved by an A-list educate and provide a safe and healthy alternative to the damaging will appear smooth, supple, and hydrated. Sanida promotes repair, of clientele who seek a natural, healthy, sunless spray tan. cellular Blended by Dr. effects of UV tanning. increases elasticity, reduces fineSuvara lines spray and wrinkles, and fades sun spots Park Ave, your custom tan will leave your skin feeling radiant All Suvara solutions are free of parabens, petrochemicals, alcohol, and redness. and naturally sun-kissed. formaldehyde and artificial preservatives. All natural and organic, as


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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Health & W ellness Health & Wellness Education


21 19 53

– Eliminate Lice Now!

Through support, counseling, and training, the Imagine losing your primary source MENTION THIS • divorce, Displaced Homemakers Program can assist you in of income due to separation, Mention This Ad AD TODAY FOR working toward reaching your full potential. disability, or the death of your family’s • Lice Lifters Product is natural, non-toxic, and pesticide free For $5 Off Program services are intended to enhance primary provider. Now imagine losing A FREE HEAD • We offer a full line of and both treatment and prevention products employability earnings, and to impact your own job … or never having worked Each Head positively on the quality of life for the displaced before. Just imagine the toll• that it would CHECK AT THE Rebecca Kolas, Relax in our family friendly treatment center with snacks, movies, and free Wi-Fi Check At The homemaker and the entire family. Services take on you financially, physically, and Woman Owned TREATMENT include career, employment, life counseling; located next to the and Garden State Parkway and Community Medical emotionally. Where would •you Conveniently go? What Treatment connection to social and community organizations; and Operated would you do? How would youCenter cope? Who in Toms River CENTER Center assistance with the job search; and help with would help you? • One Quick Treatment. Done! self-sufficient. Other becoming economically Have you lost your major source of financial support Since 2007, the Displaced Homemakers available services include academic advising, because of death, disability, separation or divorce? Program of Ocean County has been helping educational and training opportunities, career The Displaced Homemakers Program individuals who have lost their primary source of planning, pre-employment counseling and of Ocean County can help! income, showing them how to become financially training, health and wellness programs, supportive self-sufficient by providing training and assistance counseling, self-esteem and confidence building, in finding employment. g offices on the Ocean and information and referrals to community ServinWith County CollegeAMain Campus c, in Toms River, the resources and social services. ti n a tl program is managed by Ocean & County College’s So, if you have lost your major source of n a e Oc Counseling and Student Development Services, th financial support because of death, disability, u o m Mon SERVICES AVAILABLE and is funded through a grant from the New Jersey separation, or divorce, Displaced Homemakers s e ti n u Co Division on Women, Department of Children and may be able to help. If you are emotionally or Career, employment, and Educational and training Families. opportunities life counseling vocationally unprepared to enter the job market One Treatment. Displaced homemakers are typically women or need additional training or education, the One Quick Treatment. Connection to social and Quick Health and wellness programs Done! of various ages who span a wide range of ethnic Displaced Homemakers Program is here for you. community and much more! Done! organizations and socio-economic backgrounds, and who must Assistance with the job search Questions? Contact us! For additional information on the obtain or upgrade their skills for transition into Displaced Homemakers Program of Ocean Help with becoming 732-255-0400, ext. 2297 the paid labor market. As a displaced homemaker, economically self-sufficient County, located at Ocean County College, www.ocean.edu you may even be working but are underemployed. call 732-255-0400, ext. 2297.

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May/June 2018 2017 January/February May/June 2018





Customizing Medications for Your Entire Family!

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Jay has been a pharmacist since 1992, after graduating from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He moved to the Jersey Shore and then worked at Thrift Drug in Tuckerton, NJ. After working for several different chains and small independent pharmacies he decided to open his rst pharmacy in Barnegat in 1999. After selling the franchise in 2007, Jay now owns and operates his own private retail f pharmacy in Barnegat, NJ with his own compounding lab on site. Jay is a member of IACP, PCCA, NCPA, and NJPhA. Jay is an active member in the community and lives locally. He is a Board of Directors member at Coastal Volunteers In Medicine, which is a free clinic located at 239 South Main Street in Barnegat, NJ. Jay & his partners also run Jersey Shore Pharmacies, one specializing in compounding and the other specializing in long-term-care facilities.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Business Spotlight


Jersey Shore Pharmacy Emphasizes a Healthy Approach Jay has been a pharmacist since 1992, after graduating from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He moved to the Jersey Shore and then worked at the Thrift Drug in Tuckerton, NJ. After working for several different chains and small independent pharmacies he decided to open his first practice in Barnegat in 1999. After selling the franchise in 2007, Jay now owns and operates his own private retail pharmacy in Barnegat, NJ with his own compounding lab on site. Jay Greco adds, “We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow.”

are lots of books and websites where they can find information. They can ask also their doctors or pharmacists for help. Hospitals, doctors and pharmacies have health fairs to get information out to patients in their area.

OCW: What other services do you provide? Jay: In addition to our custom-compounding, we

fill traditional medicines, and have a full line of overthe-counter medicines. We take most insurance plans, offer free local delivery and pickup of prescriptions, and provide free shipping within New Jersey.

OCW: Why did you decide to become a pharmacist?

Jay: I decided to become a pharmacist because of

Thomas Esposito, RPh. He was a family friend and pharmacy supervisor for Genovese drug stores. He worked his way up to the corporate offices in New York and commuted there on a regular basis from Connecticut. I was always good at math, chemistry, and biology, so Tommy thought pharmacy was a good career for me. He showed me that with hard work I could accomplish anything. I have managed and owned several drug stores and could not have asked for a better career choice for myself.

OCW: How would you describe your Pharmacy’s philosophy?

Jay: Our pharmacy’s philosophy is simply to

provide outstanding service. We treat people with respect and kindness. We try to provide solutions to our patients’ health needs.

OCW: What sets Jersey Shore Pharmacy apart from other pharmacies?

Jay: What sets us apart is the personal care we give every patient that most

pharmacies don’t have the time to provide. There is always a short wait time for those people who are in a hurry. We work with patients and doctors to help them get affordable medicine if the drugs they need are not covered under their insurance. We mail out compounded medication to our patients in the New Jersey area.

OCW: How do customers benefit from a Compound Pharmaceutical?

Jay: The benefit of compounding is that it can provide doses and dosage

forms that are not currently available. We can customize strengths that are not commercially available or medicines not being made anymore. For people with allergies to certain fillers we can custom compound prescriptions just for them. We can help patients with hormonal imbalance, and compound for physical therapy and sports medicine. We can even provide prescription compounds to pets.

OCW: What advice do you give customers who would be interested in using a compound pharmaceutical product?

OCW: What is your biggest challenge today as a pharmacist?

Jay: My biggest challenge today is insurance companies telling doctors how to practice medicine. When a patient brings in a prescription and it is not covered by their insurance plan, it is my job to tell the doctor, and that’s a hard thing to do. My other challenge is getting proper reimbursement from insurance companies. Drug costs are going up on a weekly basis and insurance reimbursement can take up to 90 days or more to catch up.

OCW: How has your business changed over the past 10 years?

Jay: Over the last ten years pharmacy has changed in a big way. Pharmacists now have the respect we deserve. We are being recognized as health care professionals. We can consult with patients on their medicine and make recommendations to doctors. We can do immunizations now for most injections, including flu and pneumonia. We are a big part of the health care triangle of patient, doctor, and pharmacist.

OCW: What do you like to do in your leisure time?

Jay: I work six days a week so when I get a day off I like to spend it with family

and friends. I have played roller hockey with the same group of guys every Sunday morning for over ten years now. I like to travel when I can, usually to a pharmacy conference for education and relaxation. Even when I get away, I am always learning and trying to improve my staff and pharmacy.

Jay: I advise patients to be their own advocates and do some research. There


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Women Of Ocean County


Laura Cole, Master Accredited Specialist in Hair Replacement, Abstrax Hair Designs Laura Cole is a Master Accredited Specialist certified in hair replacement, trichology, extensions and wigs. A second-generation hair stylist working in family-owned and operated full-service salon for 42 years, she also offers cuts, color, perms and straightening along with the latest trends and styles. She is a member of the Professional Beauty Association and she volunteers her services to Children With Hair Loss and Wigs For Kids. Both organizations provide hair replacement systems and support for children who have lost their hair due to medical issues at no cost to the children or their families. She continues to attend educational classes and hands-on demonstrations so she can provide exceptional care for her clients and educate them on the latest methods and products that the industry has to offer. The industry has come a long way with proven hair loss solutions with FDA- or health-approved pharmaceutical and topical treatments. The most natural surgical and non-surgical hair replacement depends on your situation. Laura resides in Ocean County with her husband and two sons. She loves spending time with her family, enjoying outdoor activities. For a complimentary consultation and to understand what options would be best for you, please call Laura at 732-255-1733.

For more information, call 732-255-1733 and visit www.abstraxhairdesign.com Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Stefanie Armstron, DPT, All-Care Physical Therapy Center

Stefanie graduated from Ramapo College of New Jersey in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Biology. She continued her educational career at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey where she graduated with her Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy in 2009. As a physical therapist, Stefanie believes in All-Care’s mission to provide exceptional care for all patients. She believes in developing treatment programs tailored to each patient with an emphasis on manual therapy to improve quality of movement and restore prior level of function. Since joining the All-Care team in 2009, Stefanie has expanded her knowledge and manual skills through several continuing education courses. After eight years of being in the outpatient setting, she is bringing her passion and expertise to Home Care Physical therapy in the Whiting/Manchester area where she can provide one-on-one treatments to improve function and help restore quality of life. This year Stefanie will be taking the LSVT BIG certification course, a program designed for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

For more information about All-Care Physical Therapy, please go to www.allcareptc.com. Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Siobhan M. Connolly, Vice President and Trust Officer, Garden State Trust Company Siobhan Connolly moved from New York with her husband and two girls to Howell, NJ in 2008 to be closer to her father, who lives in Manasquan. While in New York she taught high school, worked with at-risk students teaching career skills and employment preparation, and owned a retail business. Siobhan joined Garden State Trust Company (GSTC), Toms River, NJ, in January of 2009. As Vice President and Trust Officer / Senior Relationship Manager, her responsibilities include meeting the needs of trust & estate, investment management, and charitable foundation clients. With a Master’s in Education, and having recently earned her CTFA (Certified Trust and Financial Advisor) designation, Siobhan has found her passion focusing on Special Needs Trusts, which often require navigating the dilemmas faced by special needs clients and their families. Siobhan is honored to work with these families and takes pride in helping them provide the best life possible for their loved one. Siobhan currently serves on the Board of Directors for SCAN (Social Community Activities Network), serving the large retiree population of Monmouth and Ocean Counties by providing education and resources to enhance their quality of life. To learn more about GSTC, visit www.gstrustco.com.

Siobhan can be reached at 732/255-5000 or Email: sconnolly@gstrustco.com Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Lisa Sussman, Psy.D., Health Psychologist, Hackensack Meridian Integrative Health & Medicine

Dr. Sussman is a clinical psychologist licensed in NJ and CA who earned her graduate degree and doctorate at Florida Tech. She is also certified in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which combines using acupressure from Eastern Medicine with traditional psychology interventions to facilitate health and well-being. Dr. Sussman has over 20 years experience working in inpatient and outpatient medical, rehabilitation, and behavioral health settings. Her passion is to help people who are under duress and in physical and emotional pain connect with their inner wisdom and outer resources and learn skills to take great care of themselves and thrive in body, mind, and spirit. As a health psychologist for the Integrative Health & Medicine program located in Jackson, she uses several modalities such as cognitivebehavioral therapy, mindfulness, positive psychology, and EFT and other energy based interventions. Dr. Sussman guides people in learning skills which not only help them adjust to their medical status and improve quality of life and change their mindset, but to shift into and maintain a lifestyle aligned with the Five Pillars of Health & Well Being, positive mind-body change and healing.

For more information, call for more information, call 732-263-7999 or visit HackesackMeridianHealth.org/IntegrativeMedicine. Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Women Of Ocean County


Loren Russo, Yoga Instructor, Hot or Not Yoga Before she was introduced to yoga, Loren lived in northern New Jersey and grew up with a very close family that was mixed with Jewish and Catholic faiths. From an early age both influenced her greatly. She was exposed to Jewish customs from her mother’s parents, and the Catholic faith from her aunt, who lived as a cloistered nun her whole life. The diverse mix of spirituality made her able to relate to many different kinds of people from all faiths, races and ethnicities. She took her first yoga class at the age of 17 as a course requirement while majoring in “Display & Exhibit” at the Fashion Institute of Technology. One day in NYC in the early ’90s, she was coming out of her Little Italy apartment building and saw a poster that said “Guru of Ashtanga Yoga Workshop.” The workshop took place every day for one week. The spark of Guruji’s presence lit a fire in her that never stopped. She is still practicing Ashtanga yoga 24 years later. In 2001 Loren completed a 200-hour Iyengar Yoga Certification; in 2003 completed 200-hour Jivamukti Yoga School; 2005 her first 2-month Ashtanga in Mysore, India; 2006, 2007, 2008 200-hour Ashtanga Yoga in Miami. In 2009 she moved to Hare Krishna Temple and studied Vedic philosophy, and lived as a devotee in service of the temple and sadikas. Her life now is teaching yoga in the area that’s close to her parents. She says it is an honor to teach and explore the various styles of yoga in South Jersey, leading 200-hour teacher trainings out of Hot or Not Yoga in Manahawkin, NJ.

For more information, call 609-488-0691 or visit www.lorenrusso.com.

Dawn Ferrentino, Owner, Living Healthy Naturally Dawn is a health and transformation specialist who has assisted thousands of people in reaching their health goals. She coaches people on weight loss, gaining of extra energy, helping with increasing athletes’ performance, and overall health improvement through nutrition. Dawn’s mission is to help everyone she knows, and those she doesn’t know yet, feel good about themselves from the inside out. She works globally throughout 15 different countries. Dawn has assisted her clients in losing as much as 105 pounds. She also works with professional athletes and college students. Her programs are a fit for everyone. Dawn’s passion for helping others and her one on one coaching, has led to countless success stories. Dawn grew up in West Orange and moved to Colonia after getting married before settling in Brick just under two years ago. She has coached, inspired, and motivated thousands of people and helped transform their lives. She inspires, motivates, and empowers others to be the best they can be. Dawn believes in the mind and body connection. She loves fitness and is certified in Pilates. Dawn is a trainer, speaker and author, loves the beach, fishing and being outdoors. Living a healthy lifestyle in all areas of life is something Dawn is committed to doing for herself and her clients.

For more information call 908-208-0002 or visit dawnferrentino.com.

Lorraine Fetherman, L.E., C.P.E., Brick Electrolysis Lorraine Fetherman is a Licensed and Board Certified Electrologist. She graduated from the Florence Acquire Institute of Electrology in 1995 . Lorraine has a well established business in Brick Township for 21 years. She is a people person and with that comes a passion for helping people. This plays an important role in the profession she loves! She is helping people feel more self confident and uninhibited, through permanent removal of unwanted hair. She cares for each client with compassion and empathy. In addition to her passion for helping people, Lorraine is also involved in supporting assorted animal charities and environmental causes. Lorraine grew up in Ocean County the majority of her life and currently resides in Manchester with her family. In her spare time, she enjoys being outdoors in and with nature , traveling, just about any social gathering with a great assortment of friends. And spending time with her extended family in the surrounding area.

For more information or to speak with Lorraine and her staff call 732-948-9547 or go to Bhairfree.com. Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Rebecca Kolas, Certified Lice Technician and Owner, Lice Lifters of Ocean County Rebecca Kolas is both a Certified Lice Technician and Owner of Lice Lifters of Ocean County in Toms River, which opened in August 2016 and serves Ocean, Monmouth and Atlantic Counties as the premier lice removal company. Since that time she has opened a second location, Lice Lifters Central Jersey in Hamilton which serves Mercer, Middlesex, and Burlington Counties. Rebecca was introduced to the Lice Lifters franchise when her two youngest children contracted lice. Trying over the counter and prescription medication, she was unable to conquer lice, which have become resistant to the harmful pesticides, chemicals and toxins contained in those products. Rebecca was then introduced to Lice Lifters as a customer and found that it was the only treatment that was successful, as well as safe and natural. A true believer of the Lice Lifters franchise and its product, Rebecca knew she wanted to deliver this service to the people of the Jersey Shore and to help others afflicted with unwanted head lice. She truly understands the needs and fears of her customers, having been a customer herself, and takes the time to educate and calm others during the stress of dealing with lice. Rebecca resides in Ocean County with her husband and five children. When not at Lice Lifters, she serves as a staff attorney for a local non-profit organization.

For more information call 848-238-7331 or visit www.lliceliftersoceancounty.com. Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

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May/June 2018

Funeral Plannin g 55 Senior Living Advisor “Mom Help and- IFamily Don’t Know Where To Start!” DeGraffNeeds Funeral Home Owned and Operated 58

This is how many of our phone conversations begin. Some folks need light home care to help with light tidying, meals and bathing. Others need medical assistance at home, or possibly an assisted living residence. Another may show alarming signs of becoming forgetful only to be diagnosed Do Funeral Homes or Cremation Does Social Security contribute with Alzheimer’s. Where do you start? With the myriad of options available today, it is hard to know where to go and who to trust. The stress can Services have a crematory on site? money toward funeral expenses? be unmanageable for those in the position of caring for children as well as a parent. This is where Oasis Senior Advisors can change everything. No. New Jersey law does not allow funeral No. Security pays a one-time We know each individual requires a very unique set of solutions. With one phone call we can get you Social and your loved one on the right path.death

DeGraff Lakehurst Funeral Home

homes or cremation services to perform

benefit of $255.00 to a surviving spouse. If you

What To Expect theyour actual cremation. Only cemeteries are single, there is no death benefit. 1. A meeting scheduled to discuss personal needs, lifestyle, and budget.have crematories. The Funeral Director arranges for 2. Once matches are found, your advisor will arrange tours of communities in your area, including Assisted Living, Memory Care and Independent Living Communities. the cremation and plans any services selected, 3. Oasis offers a local hands-on such approach, with extensive knowledge andburial compassion as viewing, memorial service, of of all services and communities in your area - your worry and confusion stops here. cremains, etc. The options with cremation are for clients and their families. You Won’t Pay A Penny! Connie Roberson, CSA 4. Our services are absolutely FREE endless.


119 Union Ave. Lakehurst, NJ 08733


Can I consent to90 my own cremation? “About a month ago I started looking into assisted living communities for my year old mother. I was totally new to the process and felt overwhelmed. Fortu No. New Jersey law requires that spouse me as to the different living options and explained nately, I found Connie Roberson who was a God send. From our first telephone conversation your she educated or bloodguidance, kin in order relationship consent to but always asked me how I felt about what each what to look for in an assisted living community. She provided and of support every step of the way, However, think community had to offer. Connie visited every assisted cremation. living community with if meyou so that weyour couldwishes debrief afterward and compare notes. She asked the questions I didn’t know to ask or ones I forgot to ask. Connie is awill beautiful and truly caresappoint about helping people find the right home for them. My mom moved in to not beperson honored, you can a Funeral a place a couple of weeks ago and Connie is still following up on how she is doing. I cannot recommend Representative in your will to consent for Connie highly enough.” — Caryn Cullen cremation. This designated person can bypass a OCEAN, MONMOUTH & MERCER COUNTIES spouse or any relative.

Call: 732-657-7868

Family Owned and Operated Serving All Faiths Sherry DeGraff

Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3921

Acupuncture Acupuncture


732-675-3140 - Phone

“Words alone cannot express the gratitude in my heart for your compassion, empathy and 732-438-9179 kindness in my time of - Fax loss. I cannot thank you enough for all your efforts & patience. You certainly went above and beyond & I am forever croberson@youroasisadvisor.com grateful. The world is certainly a better place because of people like you. Thank you for all your support.”

The County County Woman Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com The Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December May/June2017 2018


Community Community


Ocean’s Harbor House: Ocean’s Harbor House: a Safe Haven for Youth A 732.929.0660; Safe Haven for Youth Shelter hotline: www.oceansharborhouse.org

Shelter Hotline: 732.929.0660 • www.oceansharborhouse.org

Ocean’s Harbor House is a non-profit agency dedicated to assisting homeless, runaway, abused, Ocean’s Harbor House is a non-profityouth, agencyages dedicated to assisting homeless, runaway, abused, neglected neglected and abandoned 10-21. Our mission is to provide a safe haven and andabandoned caring youth, agesenvironment 10-21. Our mission is to provideyouth a safe haven and caring for vulnerable youth enableskills themthat to unlock for vulnerable to enable themenvironment to unlock their potential andtolearn will their and learnhealthier skills that lives, will empower them to build healthier lives, relationships and futures. empowerpotential them to build relationships and futures.

Save The Date


Bike Ride 2018

CHANGING LIVES 30TH The Ride will take place from July 11-15, 2018. The route is ANNIVERSARY Toms River- Cape May- Atlantic City and back. Riders will travel a total of 320 miles in the 5-day period. BIKE RIDE 2017 TEEN PROGRAM GALA A three-day ride is also available.


Registration is now open for the Ocean’s Harbor House 21st Annual “Ride For New Beginnings” bike ride.

L to R: John Piscal, Ocean’s Harbor House Executive Director; Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg; Heidi Hartmann, OHH Director of Youth Services.


Ocean’s Harbor House held its 21st annual “Ride For New Beginnings” bike Close to 100 community partners attended an extremely thought-provoking and ride from June 23-25, 2017. The three-day ride raised over $75,000 to support informative presentation by Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, nationally recognized author of Registration for 5-day riders is $100 and $75 for three-day programs for the homeless youth Ocean’s Harbor House serves. Reaching Teens: Strength-Based to Build Resilience and Friday,Communication OctoberStrategies 12, 2018, 6-10 pm riders. Riders must also raise a minimum of $750 to participate. Close to 40 riders pedaled an average of 75 miles a day. The riders started Support Healthy Adolescent Development. Spring Lake Golf Club, Spring Lake Heights Hotels are included. in Toms River, pedaled through the Sourlands Mountain Area in Princeton and The area of focus for Dr. Ginsburg’s seminar was trauma informed care; completed the ride at the Transitional Living Program house in Toms River where Tickets: $150 includes cocktail for hour, adolescent brain development, grief and loss, each and self-care/mindfulness youth Ride overbarbecue $75,000 annually tofriends support they wereThe greeted withraises a celebratory for riders and their and programs 4-hour open bar, and sumptuous buffet dinner, workers. Attendees were mesmerized by Dr. Ginsburg’s insightful presentation about families. for homeless youth, ages 10-21, primarily from Ocean and youth development and50/50 the audience was rapt withring attention almost cash raffle, wine toss, throughout gift basketthe auction Monmouth counties. Ocean’s Harbor House is the ONLY youth shelter of its kind serving 4-hour program. and entertainment homeless, abused and neglected youth, ages 10-21, in all of Ocean and The seminar was provided free for Harbor House staff and our community annual ride has enabled House to expand its MonmouthThe Counties. The annual ride has enabled Harbor Harbor House to expand its partners, who included DCP&P, OPC, PCANJ, Anchor House and Collier House. facilitiesfacilities and enhance its programs. Theitsride has raised over $2 ride millionhas sinceraised its SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE and enhance programs. The over The$2 event was hosted by Ocean’s Harbor House and was supported by a Justice and inception! million since its inception! Mental Health CollaborationFor Program grant from the US Department of Justice to more information or to register, The 2018 Ride is scheduled for July 11-15, 2018 starting in Cape May. the Ocean County Department of Human Services. please call 732.929.0096, X205 or

For more information or to register, please call

For more information, please call 732.929.0096 For more information about Ocean’s Harbor House, please call e-mail: jeven@oceansharborhouse.org 732.929.0096 or visit www.oceansharborhouse.org 732.929.0996 or visit us at www.oceansharborhouse.org. or visit www.oceansharborhouse.org.

“Our mission is to help keep at-risk youth safe and off the streets.” 808 Conifer Street, Toms River, NJ 08753 732-929-0096 www.oceansharborhouse.org

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November/December 2017 May/June 2018





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May/June 2018


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May/June 2018




August 23rd 6pm - 10pm $75 per person

Beneeting Ocean Mental Health Services

Crystal Point Yacht Club 3900 River Road Point Pleasant, NJ 08742

Clambake Buffet and BBQ

Open Bar Live Music 50/50 Silent Auction Evening Program

OceanMHS.org Recipe

Caponata~Compliments of Chef Steph 3/4 cup olive oil 1 large eggplant (about 2 lbs) cut into bite size pieces 6 medium zucchini (about 2 lbs) cut into bit size pieces 1/2lb mushrooms, thinly sliced 1 1/2 cups onion, chopped 1 cup celery, sliced

1 garlic clove minced 1/2 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 cup capers, drained 2 T sugar 3 large tomatoes, cut into bite size chunks 4 1/2 oz pimento stuffed olives, drain & cut in half

In a large saucepan over high heat, cook eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, onions, celery and garlic in the oil for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the vinegar, capers, sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until vegetables are fork tender. Stir in tomatoes and olives and bring to a boil over high heat. Spoon mixture into a bowl, cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or until well chilled. Recipe by: Cutting Board Creations

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Serves-12 May/June 2018



OCEAN COUNTY LIBRARY Visit www.theoceancountylibrary.org for information about other great programs and library resources


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May/June 2018



National Women Build Week May 7-13 Toms River

A Night of Hope June 8 The Grenville Bayhead

Building Homes from the Heart July 26-27 Berkeley Twp.

I believe that one of the most important things to learn in life is that you can make a difference in your community no matter who you are or where you live. - Rosalynn Carter

to volunteer or learn more about our upcoming events, visit nohfh.com or call or (732) 228-7962

Walk to Build Sept. 8 Lavallette

Habitat ReStore located at 1214 Rt. 37 East in Toms River Open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. To schedule a free donation pick-up, visit nohfh.com/restore or call (732) 818-9500

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018



Will You Speak Up For A Child In Need? Abused and neglected children need you to be their voice

There are children living in our community that have no one to speak up for them. They are the over 700 children residing in Ocean County’s foster care system.

When parents are unable, unwilling or unfit to care for a child, the child is removed from the home. The time they spend in foster care is often confusing, scary and, unfortunately, leaves them feeling isolated and alone.

Everyday citizens like you can make an enormous difference in the lives of Ocean County’s foster children.

Dining For A Cause Friday, June 15, 2018

Woodlake Country Club in Lakewood, NJ

2018 Honoree Of The Award

Wells Fargo Ocean County To purchase tickets, visit www.CASAofOceanCounty.org

No child should ever feel that they are alone and without a voice. A CASA volunteer works to ensure that a foster child’s needs are recognized and their best interests are considered. Call our office today to become a volunteer or sponsor a child. Please call us at 732-797-0590 or visit our website at www.casaofoceancounty.org.

Inspire A Child! There are many ways CASA volunteers help a child in need. By spending time with them and encouraging their imagination, these children are better able to express themselves and cope with the uncertainty and fear. The Creativity Fund is a partnership with the Creativity Studio that funds art and creative activities for CASA kids.

Will you help us inspire a child with creativity & imagination? CASA of Ocean County · 1035 Hooper Avenue, Suite 3 · Toms River, NJ 08753 · Tel. 732.797.0590 · www.CASAofOceanCounty.org

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018




Walk To End Alzheimer’s Bradley Beach

Saturday, October 20th 2018 Bradley Beach Boardwalk 5th and Ocean Avenues Bradley Beach, NJ 2018 NATIONAL PRESENTING SPONSOR


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018




World Premier

Atlantic City Ballet’s

May 6th • 4 pm Circus Maximus Theater Caesars • Atlantic City For Tickets

www.acballet.org 609-348-7201

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018




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2018-02-08 10:41 PM

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May/June 2018




3 Lucille Lortel Award Nominations including








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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018



Every Day Heroes in Your Community Ordinary people can do extraordinary things by volunteering their time to help others with the American Red Cross. You can have a positive impact on your community – and yes, help save lives. The Red Cross awarded some of its outstanding volunteers in Monmouth, Ocean and Atlantic Counties who go above and beyond to help others in need. Highlighted here are a few of the every day heroes honored recently.

American Red Cross of Southern Shore New Jersey

Providing Red Cross services in Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem counties

Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Susanne and Harry Miller

Susanne and Harry Miller began volunteering with the Red Cross in early 2017, bringing their passion, energy, and sincere desire to help make a difference. Within a week, they both attended weekend-long training during the region’s Disaster Training Institute, displaying a zest for service that has yet to diminish. In one short year, both Susanne and Harry have been extremely active responding to home fires in southern New Jersey, helping provide Red Cross

emergency financial assistance to families displaced by fires. The couple also volunteers with Red Cross Blood Services, greeting and registering blood donors, as well as helping with blood transportation. When large disasters like Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit, Susanne volunteered to deploy for two weeks to other parts of the country to assist with relief efforts. Most recently, she helped drive a Red Cross emergency response vehicle to Kentucky, where she helped those affected by major flooding in the state. The couple is also active with the Red Cross Home Fire Campaign, volunteering during numerous Sound the Alarm home fire safety and free smoke alarm installation events. Susanne and Harry are dedicated volunteers willing to jump in to help with special projects like Disaster Services shelter surveys or to work at Service to the Armed Forces events helping veterans. Susanne and Harry Miller are amazing assets to the Red Cross and the people of New Jersey.

American Red Cross Jersey Coast

Providing Red Cross services in Ocean and Monmouth counties

Outstanding Volunteer Service Award Jodi Bocco

Jodi Bocco’s dedication to the safety and wellbeing of disaster victims is what drives her and makes her one of the Red Cross New Jersey Region’s most cherished Disaster Mental Health Services volunteers. Her compassion for those affected by disasters, as well as for fellow members of the Red Cross Disaster Services team, is constant. She is professional, dedicated, and selfless, demonstrating a calmness that is infectious and has a huge impact on those around her, which is particularly important during times of disaster. Jodi has been a volunteer with the American Red Cross for more than five years. This past year, Jodi volunteered virtually as a Disaster Mental Health worker following large disasters like Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, and the wildfires in California. She provides a compassionate ear and effective coping mechanisms while working with people in very difficult situations. In addition to Disaster Mental Health Services, Jodi also volunteers with Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces and is an instructor, trained to teach Psychological First Aid, CPR and First Aid, as well as other Red Cross courses. Jodi has dedicated her life in service to others, and provides exceptional service through the American Red Cross.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Community Community




Sobrevivientes Latinos de Abuso y Asalto Sexual


Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Look for us in the community or contact us to attend your event!

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March/April 2018 May/June 2018



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May/June 2018

Medical Professionals

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May/June 2018

Featured On The Cover


Meet The Staff At Garden State Medical Center

Pictured L-R: Debra Wisniewski, PA-C, Dharam Mann, MD, Manjula Singh, MD, and Samir Jani, MD, MPH.

Dharam Mann, MD

Dr. Mann is a board-certified pain management physician with over 20 years’ experience, who specializes in minimally invasive interventional pain management procedures, spine surgery, and spinal cord stimulator implants. Dr. Mann performs over 5,000 procedures a year in both office and outpatient settings. Dr. Mann has been selected a Vitals.com Patient Choice Award winner 8 years in a row since 2008. He was also awarded with a Most Compassionate Doctor Award for 6 years. New Jersey Monthly magazine has awarded Dr. Mann as one of “New Jersey’s Top Doctors” for 6 years in a row since 2012. Dr. Mann is one of a select few pain management specialists to be recognized. Dr. Mann is a diplomate of the American Board of Pain Medicine and is TEE Board Certified by the National Board of Echocardiography. He has taught at St. Barnabas Hospital, has been published in numerous journals, and has contributed CD-ROMs for medical training. Dr. Mann earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences in Rohtak, India, before coming to the United States in 1997. Once in the United States, Dr. Mann completed his surgical internship and anesthesia residency at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, NJ, and his fellowship in cardiac anesthesia at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Now a board-certified anesthesiologist and pain management specialist, Dr. Mann has dedicated his career to helping those in pain.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

May/June 2018

Featured On The Cover


Manjula Singh, MD As an anesthesiologist and pain specialist, Dr. Manjula Singh sees her fair share of patients dealing with pain. After graduating with her medical doctorate from Patna Medical College in India, Dr. Singh completed a oneyear residency in internal medicine at United Hospital Medical Center-UMDNJ. She then decided to pursue her anesthesia residency at Long Island University Hospital. Dr. Singh’s background in critical care led her to the field of Anesthesiology and Pain Management. Here, she specializes in the diagnosis and pharmacological management of acute and chronic pain. Dr. Singh works hand-in-hand with Dr. Mann to provide anesthesiology services to patients whose procedures require sedation. She adds, “I chose anesthesia because I enjoy the high intensity and hands-on nature of critical care in the surgical setting. My anesthesia training also granted me the opportunity to take care of patients with post-op acute pain. I am able to help my patients and see the results of my treatments instantaneously.” Because pain is so subjective, it makes it very difficult to measure. To help her better understand her patients’ pain, she tries to measure it on how it affects their lives on a daily basis and whether or not they are able to do the things they need to do.

Samir Jani, MD, MPH Samir Jani, MD, MPH, is a board-certified anesthesiologist and chronic pain management specialist. A New Jersey native, Dr. Jani completed his anesthesiology residency at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. It was during this time he was first exposed and drawn to pain medicine, dedicating part of his residency to learning from leaders in the field. He is a graduate of the prestigious TriInstitute Pain Fellowship, training at three of the nation’s top hospitals (New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center – top 10 US News and World Report hospital, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center – top cancer center in the United States, and Hospital for Special Surgery – top orthopedic and rheumatologic hospital in the United States). This training offered a broad experience utilizing the latest methods to treat various pain syndromes including chronic spine, musculoskeletal, and cancer-associated pain. Dr. Jani has published multiple peer-reviewed articles – many on improving the safety of providing anesthesia in an office. He has also written book chapters on interventional techniques to treat pain. In addition, he has presented his original research at scientific meetings around the country and has been an invited speaker at several medical schools to educate other doctors on pain management. Dr. Jani is a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, previously serving on the National Committee for Patient Safety and Education for several years. The goal of this committee is to make every patient’s interaction with the healthcare system a safer and more informed one. This is a practice he actively engages in with every patient. He is also an active member of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians.

Debra Wisniewski, PA-C Debra is a nationally certified Physician Assistant, licensed in the State of New Jersey. She attended Douglass College / Rutgers University for her undergraduate studies, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and Sports Studies. Debra decided to continue her education and attended The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey / School of Health Related Professions, earning a Master of Science degree in Physician Assistant Studies. Debra has been practicing as a Physician Assistant since 1999. She has worked in inpatient hospital settings as well as outpatient offices. Debra began her career at St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, NJ, working in the Burn Unit for the Department of Surgery, taking care of burn victims and assisting in surgeries. She then moved on to work with the Anesthesia Department at St. Barnabas Hospital on Labor & Delivery, specializing in Obstetrical Anesthesia. During the 17 years she spent at St. Barnabas Hospital, Debra realized that she truly loved being able to help treat patients in pain. She finds it very rewarding to treat and manage patients with acute and chronic pain. She also focuses on helping to keep patients functioning and maintaining their independence. Debra then decided to shift the focus of her work to the outpatient setting, specializing in Pain Management.

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May/June 2018

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May/June 2018

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