Ocean County Woman - 2016 November/December

Page 1

Ce le br a ti ng O

ur 8th Year!

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families


The short answer is never. It is important to understand some basic facts about having a “fresh start.” Page 16



Our recently renovated hospital-withina-hospital provides 30 private rooms with state-of-the-art monitoring to the medically complex and critically ill. Page 25

In general, if you are healthy enough to have dental treatment, then you are probably a candidate for dental implant treatment. Page 41

Founded in 2004, Garden State Medical Center has grown into one of the leading pain management centers in the area. Read more about Dr. Mann, the Clinical Director, and their state-of-the-art clinical practices on pages 74 & 75.

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Photo By Tracy Harman Photography

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November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Home Safely: Preventing Falls at Home For many individuals, home is where the heart is. It can also be where many elderly individuals will suffer catastrophic falls resulting in injury, dependence and even death. Falls are one of the leading causes of injury in older adults and often result in emergency room admittance. Fortunately, many falls are easily preventable by simply modifying our home living environments. Physical therapists, specifically those trained in home environment modification, can quickly and easily assess a living space and offer practical solutions for home safety. For some people, modifying the home environment is only the start. Fall risk assessment and treatments provided by skilled physical therapists can greatly decrease your fall risk and help promote a healthier and safer lifestyle. Through these simple and easy tricks and techniques, the risk of falling can be greatly reduced or eliminated. Let’s look at the big picture: your home and your safety. Take a look around your home. Let’s start from the ground up. In an ideal situation, the floor should be clear of any obstacles. This includes throw rugs, extension wires, and excessive furniture and clutter. Removing throw rugs is an easy and simple solution to a common problem. Throw rugs often shift and slide underfoot and can pose a hazard to an individual who struggles to catch their balance. Items such as telephone or lamp cords should be coiled or taped out of the way. Even better, purchasing a cordless phone or a cell phone can eliminate this common trip hazard. Other obstacles that often cause falls included dog toys, piles of magazines or mail, and shoes. Make sure to pick them up and store in a location away from walkways. Ensure walkways are wide enough for walking with ease throughout the home. Removing excessive furniture that partially blocks a walkway may prevent a stumble when you are trying to squeeze on by. Take a look at stairwells around your home: are they well lit? Are the stairs free of clutter and items? Is there carpet on the stairs that is loose or fraying? Is there a handrail on both sides of the steps? For someone who struggles with steps, installing a secondary handrail can make the difference between climbing stairs and climbing stairs safely. By fixing these common issues and removing tripping hazards on steps, the likelihood of a fall is greatly reduced. You should be able to walk around your home with ease and without worrying about tripping or stumbling. Moreover, if you walk outside, make sure walkways are clear of litter and objects and walkways are in good condition. Handrails, especially on steps, should be inspected for sturdiness. This will ultimately make entry and egress easier and safer for yourself and your guests. If you are unable to install handrails, installing grab bars is your next best bet.


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Let’s talk about your kitchen and eating areas next. Are things you use most often within easy reach? Try to keep everything you use frequently at waist level and within easy reach. Avoid reaching into top shelves of wall cabinets. If you have to use a step stool, make sure it is sturdy and has a handle for safe operation. Avoid using chairs as step stools! Once again, avoid using a throw rug by the kitchen sink. Keep water off the floor and if it does get wet, dry thoroughly to avoid a potential fall hazard. Same goes for the bathroom. Make sure you have grab bars installed if you need support to get into and out of the tub. Use non-slip rubber mats as necessary on the floor of the shower or tub. Make sure the bathroom is well lit, especially for nighttime use. A bright night light is essential to make trips to the bathroom at night safer. And be careful about rugs within the bathroom environment. Trip hazards run rampant in the bathroom environment because of the small space and the lack of safety hardware. Take a look at your bedroom. Make sure your floor is free of clutter. Many of us read at night, but ensure last night’s crossword puzzle or magazine doesn’t end up on the floor. Use an end table and put things you utilize frequently on it such as books, magazines, television controllers and phones. Put lamps within easy reach for turning on and off. Utilize night lights that will provide a well-lit path from your bed to your bathroom. Similarly, utilizing a table lamp to illuminate a dark pathway at night can provide a safe walkway. Avoid going barefoot or wearing slippers. Make sure footwear is close to your bed so you can easily don and doff shoes. Socks alone can make hardwood floors or tile more slippery and pose a fall risk hazard. Position assistive devices, such as canes and walkers, close to the bed for easy access for use in middle-of-the-night runs and for your morning routine. Keeping your space safe is just one thing you can do to prevent falls in the home. Getting a thorough evaluation by a therapist is also a step in the right direction. Fall prevention is multifaceted and individual. Making sure you are taking the right steps to safety is a key ingredient of what physical therapists do on a daily basis..

We will be hosting an exciting program called ‘Matter of balance.” The goal is to reduce fear of falling, stop the fear of falling cycle, and increase activity levels among our older adult populations in the community. We will be announcing more information about this great program and how you can be a part of it soon.

Please call 732-849-9600 for more information.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com


Marissa is a triple graduate of Stockton University culminating in her doctorate in physical therapy. Moreover, she is a board certified geriatric clinical specialist and has contributed to the development of geriatric residency programs. Through her extensive experience in geriatrics, geriatric athletics, balance and vestibular dysfunction and post-concussive rehabilitation she has culminated numerous accolades and awards. From being published in the Journal of Geriatrics, GeriNotes and others she is versed in evidence based medicine and has proven results in her treatment sessions. Marissa strives to enhance the knowledge of other healthcare professionals and community members through numerous community and academic lectures spanning across many topics relevant to geriatric rehabilitation. She has been featured in APTANJ and was on the editorial advisory team for Perspectives – a national magazine dedicated to helping new physical therapy professionals. She assisted in the development of a post-concussion treatment protocol at a major medical center. She aided in the development of mobile outcome assessment utilizing technology and was a medical records auditor. Perhaps her proudest moment was being the keynote speaker at Stockton University’s white coat ceremony, a momentous occasion for all doctorate level healthcare professionals. Marissa could go on and on about her achievements but she is pretty humble. Got goals? Marissa will help you achieve them.

November/December 2016

Monmouth County Monmouth County Woman Woman Since 2008 Since 2008

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(Value $220)


(Value $370)

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Welcome Welcome to to the the Winter Winter Issue Issue Of Of The The Ocean Ocean County County Woman! Woman! The leaves are changing their hue and the air is getting The leaves are changing their hue and the air is getting crisp. Is it November already? It’s hard to believe the holidays crisp. Is it November already? It’s hard to believe the holidays are upon us! Many of our professionals offer fantastic ways are upon us! Many of our professionals offer fantastic ways to to look and feel your best during the holiday season. I hope look and feel your best during the holiday season. I hope you’ll you’ll heed their advice as you read their articles. Fall is also heed their advice as you read their articles. Fall is also the the perfect to shop locally for your holiday – there perfect timetime to shop locally for your holiday gifts –gifts there are so are so many businesses offering quality products and services many businesses offering quality products and services for you for yourmembers family members this season. andyou yourand family this season. Reflecting on the the past pastyear, year,IIam amincredibly incrediblyfortunate fortunatetoto Reflecting on work with an an amazing amazingteam teamofoftalented talentedwriters, writers,graphic graphic designers and and photographers. photographers.Many Manydays, days,I Iam amblessed blessedwith with from thethe emails, voicemails voicemails and andpersonal personalconversations conversationswith withreaders readerswho whohave havebenefited benefited from information we’ve work with andand information we’ve published. published.Additionally, Additionally,itithas hasbecome becomea apleasure pleasureto to work with and thethe promote the the professionals professionalsfeatured featuredininthe theOcean OceanCounty CountyWoman WomanPublication Publication and significant educational significant educationalimpact impactthey theymake makeononthe thereaders readersofofthethepublications. publication.Many Manytimes, times, the articles are critical to the reader’s personal health and wellness! the articles are critical to the reader’s personal health and wellness! On behalf Publications, we wish we youwish a safeyou anda joyful On behalf of of the the staff staffatatthe theCounty Ocean Woman County Woman Publication, safe holiday season and a prosperous New Year. and joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Warmest regards, Warmest regards, Lauren Shover, Production Manager Lauren Shover, Production Manager

“No“Nomatter Springisissure suretotofollow” follow” matterhow howlong long the the Winter, Spring Featuredononthe theCover Cover- Featured GardenState StateMedical MedicalCenter Center Garden

Pictured L-R:L-R: Stephen Wade, MD,MD, FAAPMR, ABPM, Pictured Stephen Wade, Dharam Mann, MD, Dharam Mann, MD, Manual DABA, DABPM, Manjula Singh, MD, DABA, DABPM, Singh, MD, Deepali Gupta, Deepali MD, DABA and Danial Khalifa, DPM.Dr. MD,Gupta, and Danial Khalifa, DPM. Read more about ReadMann moreand about Dr. Mann and his dedication to provide his dedication to provide state-of-the art state-of-the artfor treatment for people suffering fromchronic acute treatment people suffering from acute and and pain chronic pain on on pages 74 pages & 75.74 & 75. Cover photo by Tracy Harman Photography.

Schedule your portrait session today. See pages 2 & 73.

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November/December 2016

^ Fine Art Photography

Tracy Harman Photography......................................................... 2

^ Medical Professionals

All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC.............................3 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Heart Institute........................................................6 Shore Vascular & Vein Center........................................8, 9 Quality Dermatology........................................................11 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics.................................12, 13 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA............................17 AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center: The Center For Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness......19 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists...................................22 Ocean Plastic Surgery PA and Laser Center...................24 Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey.........................25 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County.............................31 University Urology Associates of New Jersey.................32 Ocean Hematology & Oncology......................................35 Barnabas Health Medical Group: Dr. Sumy H. Chang....36 Mona Lisa Touch North Dover.........................................37 Bella Derma Medi Spa.....................................................38 Kathy A. Banks, DMD......................................................41 Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery, PC........................43 Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey.................44 Dr. Park Avenue...............................................................46 Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine...47 Barnabas Health Medical Group: Ocean Gynecological and Obstetrical Associates .........49 Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center...............................54 Caring Heart & Brain Imaging..........................................60

Health & Wellness

The Body Wrap Shoppe & Spa.........................................5 Circle of Life Chiropractic................................................23 Karen Cooney, MA, CHHC..............................................26 Ideal Innovations, LLC.....................................................33 Holistic Health Spa..........................................................48



Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio....................................52, 61 Jersey Shore Pharmacy..................................................55 Princeton Behavioral Health............................................59

^ Facility Advisor

Kevin B. Riordan, Esq.......................................................7 Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq...................................................15 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law....................................16 The Matus Law Group.....................................................30

^ Hair Designs & Hair Replacement

^ Law

^ Real Estate

Paul Curatolo, REMAX at Barnegat Bay...........................7

^ Pediatric Dentistry

Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates.................................10

^ Exterior Improvement

Built Rite Windows..........................................................14

^ Precious Metal Buyers

Precious Metal Buyers....................................................15

^ Financial Management

Tony Karpowich, Wells Fargo Advisor.............................18

Connie Roberson, OASIS................................................42

^ Apartment Community

The Woods at Blue Heron Pines.....................................42 Abstrax Hair Designs.......................................................45

^ Massage School

New Jersey School of Massage......................................48

^ Business & Finance

Copiers Plus..............................................................50, 58 Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce...................63

^ Assisted Living

Spring Oak of Toms River................................................51

^ Fine Jewelry

The Jewelry Link..............................................................53

^ Funeral Planning

DeGraff Funeral Home.....................................................56

^ Professional Dentistry

^ Education

^ In-Home Care

^ Adult Community

^ Fashion & Beauty

^ Business & Personal Storage

^ Sub-Acute Center

^ Acupuncture

^ Permanent Hair Removal

^ Women of Ocean County

^ Reverse Mortgages

^ Theatre & Entertainment

Aesthetic Dental Creations..............................................20

Ocean County College....................................................56

Karing With Kindness......................................................21


Barbara’s Boutique..........................................................27

Airship Storage................................................................59

AristaCare..................................................................28, 29

Koehler Acupuncture.......................................................62

Monmouth/Brick Electrolysis..........................................30

Women of Ocean County..........................................64, 65

Barbara Sica, Homebridge Financial...............................34

Cagney............................................................................68 Not That Jewish..............................................................69

^ Elder Law

Rice Elder Law................................................................39

^ MediCare Insurance

The Buckley Insurance Group.........................................40

^ Featured on the Cover

Garden State Medical Center....................................74, 75 ^ Community...........................66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook! Health & Wellness


he Body Wrap Shoppe can help your skin with some popular facials & body wraps that will get your body ready for the cold winter months to come. Begin your path to more beautiful and healthier looking skin today! Below is an interview with Lynn Bancer, owner of The Body Wrap Shoppe & Spa about their winter specials.

What type of body treatment do you recommend to get ready for this holiday season? If you are trying to fit into a special holiday party dress, I would recommend a Mineral Body Wrap. You are guaranteed to lose 6-20 inches and it tightens skin and reduces cellulite. You have two choices of mineral body wraps. One is the Slim Wrap, which is an active wrap that really targets the lower hips, thighs and saddle bags. The Double Whammy is a more relaxing experience where, after being wrapped, you lie down in an infrared blanket, which burns over 1200 calories in one hour. The infrared heat boosts your metabolism and increases skin elasticity too.

What is the most popular facial treatment for the upcoming holiday season? If you want to look years younger, the Thermasculpt Facial paired with the O2Lift oxygenating facial is the way to go. The O2Lift exfoliates your skin, exposing younger, more youthful skin. The results of this facial last a month. Describe the holiday packages that are available for the upcoming holiday season. We will be offering quite a few spa day packages for the holidays, including facials, massages, steam and infrared heat therapies. Whether you are looking just to relax or to solve a problem, there will be a package to suit your needs.

Visit: www.TheBodyWrapShoppe.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com


277 Route 70, Suite 201 Toms River, NJ 08755 INTRODUCTORY OFFERS

Double Whammy

$175 (Value $220)

Slim Wrap

$99 (Value $159)

Thermasculpt Facial 02Lift combo

$275 (Value $370)

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals



Reverse Your Heart Disease With Our New Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Program If you or a loved one is recovering from a heart attack, heart surgery or living with heart disease, ask your doctor about taking part in Dr. Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease®, now offered by the Heart Institute at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC). You also may benefit from participating in this program if you are concerned about developing heart disease due to personal risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or family history.

What is Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™?

“AtlantiCare has the region’s only full-service cardiac program, and we are proud to introduce the nationally recognized Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ as part of our continuum of care for people diagnosed with, or at increased risk of, heart disease,” says Denise Sutor, B.S.N., R.N., the program’s clinical nurse manager.

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ is an intensive outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program designed to restore and maintain your heart health. “The program is scientifically proven, by more than 35 years of research, to prevent, stop and even reverse the progression of heart disease, through targeted lifestyle changes. People who go through the program report they have more energy, feel better, and are less dependent on heart medications,” Denise explains.

How does the program work? Participants in Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ attend half-day sessions at the AtlantiCare LifeCenter in Egg Harbor Township twice a week, for nine weeks. In each session, you’ll learn proven techniques to optimize your cardiovascular health, with a particular focus on four key areas: • Nutrition • Stress management • Fitness • Social support According to Denise, “Participants go through the program in a comfortable small-group setting, sharing the experience with other community members who also have the common goal of reversing their heart disease and improving their well-being. Our dedicated, multi-disciplinary healthcare team expertly guides you through the program’s various activities every step of the way.” In addition to the clinical nurse program manager, team members include: • Program medical director • Registered dietitian • Stress management specialist • Exercise physiologist • Nurse case manager • Group support facilitator

What diagnoses may benefit from intensive cardiac rehabilitation? • Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) within the preceding 12 months • Coronary artery bypass surgery • Current stable angina pectoris • Heart valve repair or replacement • Coronary stenting or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) • Heart or heart-lung transplant Your participation in Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ may be covered through Medicare or other insurance plans, depending on your medical history. We can help you verify coverage prior to enrollment.

Call us today to find out more! “The choices you make in your personal lifestyle have a powerful effect on your health. If heart disease is a concern for you, now is a great time to try Ornish Lifestyle Medicine™ at the Heart Institute at ARMC. Friends and family members are encouraged to sign up, too!” says Denise. To enroll in an upcoming session, please call Denise Sutor, B.S.N., R.N., Clinical Nurse Manager, Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation at 609-272-6326.

1-888-569-1000 • www.atlanticare.org

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016



Need An Experienced Injury Lawyer? I’m Here To Help You! Kevin Riordan, Esq. has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civial Trial Attorney. For over 30 years, personal injury attorney, Kevin Riordan, Esq., has handled a wide variety of legal cases. Being involved in an accident or incident that results in personal injuries can be devastating to an individual and their family. The personal injury field allows him and his staff to help innocent victims maneuver through the legal process, which can be complicated and time-consuming. Kevin adds, “We try to get the most compensation for their pain and suffering, while treating them with compassion, dignity, and respect.” Another benefit to hiring Kevin is that he is a sole practitioner. Sole practitioners can offer more advantages to clients over larger firms. You will have a more direct one-on-one working relationship with your lawyer. Your case will not get lost in the shuffle. They are also more willing to take on smaller cases and often have lower fees and costs. Kevin attended Kalamazzo College and received his law degree from New York Law School. He is a member of the Ocean and American Bar Associations.

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20 Hadley Ave., Toms River, NJ • Call: 732-240-2250 Email: kbrlaw@comcast.net • www.kbrlawfirm.com

Real Estate

Paul Curatolo

Your Jersey Shore Real Estate Authority As a full-time agent and a life long resident of northern Ocean County I’m intimately familiar with the area. The bulk of my business is by referral and with that said; I’m truly interested in satisfying every client. I’m humbled by the opportunity to serve you and will do everything in my power to make this a smooth and stress free transaction. I have strategically aligned myself with the finest professionals through the entire process and can recommend someone for every phase of the buying and selling process. This is a one stop shop! I have spent the last 16 years in luxury sales and look forward to providing you with the luxury experience you deserve.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Paul Curatolo REALTOR ASSOCIATE Office: 732-914-0074 Cell: 732-300-7034 curatolo140@gmail.com

www.jerseyshorehomesbypaul.com Buyers Agent • Listing Agent • Foreclosures Short Sales • Relocation • Retirement Communities

November/December 2016

Medical edical P Pro rof essionals M fessionals

# 8

Groundbreaking New Technology For Laser Tattoo Removal Shore Vascular & Vein Center / Aesthetic Laser Center announces enLIGHT en™, the newest, most complete solution available anywhere for laser tattoo removal.

enLIGHT en

treatments than required with other lasers. You can also anticipate more complete results. However, since the exact number of treatments will not initially be known,

is the most advanced

system to combine both picosecond and nanosecond technology with dual wavelength lasers. This allows individualized treatment of all colors of ink and skin types for the fastest, most complete laser tattoo removal ever available. Lasers remove tattoos by delivering high energy over a very short period of time to break up ink. Inks of


removing tattoos than longer duration pulses. Our new enlighten™ laser can deliver energy at picosecond intervals. A picosecond is one trillionth of a Picosecond, sometimes referred to as “pico,” lasers have been shown to remove tattoos more completely and with fewer treatments, than with lasers used in the past. - Flexibility - Picosecond lasers are the newest, most advanced tattoo removal technology available. Our enlighten™ laser combines this “pico” lasers. Never before has this combination of power and versatility been available. results in approximately half the number of treatments of prior lasers. - Number of Treatments Required and Result - People often ask how long it will take to remove their tattoo, and will it be able to be removed

gives you a set price in the beginning and eliminates the uncertainty of not knowing the exact number of can give you more information about pricing after we examine your tattoo.

- About Us years of experience in performing cosmetic vascular laser procedures using the highly acclaimed Excel V™ laser. Over those years, he has been asked by many patients if he could also remove their tattoos with his laser. While the Excel V™ laser is best-in-class for vascular applications, it is not When the new enlighten™ changed things. Dr. Gosin researched the technology, attended conferences, and personally consulted with laser experts from around the country who were involved in the very early use of this remarkable new device. It became clear that this technology would set the new standard in laser tattoo removal. We are very cutting-edge technology. If you are experiencing “tattoo regret” and would like to have your tattoo removed or changed, call us for a consultation.

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because tattoo ink is deposited deep into the skin and multiple treatments are needed to reach all of the ink and break it up completely. In addition, tattoos of various sizes, colors and ages may respond

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very beginning how many treatments will ultimately be needed or how completely it will be removed. However, our new enlighten™ the prior lasers used for tattoo removal. In fact, many people can expect to obtain excellent results in half the number of treatments, or less, than with prior lasers. Our doctor can give you a good idea of the number of treatments that will be needed after your tattoo is examined. - Partial Tattoo Removal - Due to change in circumstances, relationships and other factors, some people desire to have their tattoos changed. We can remove parts of tattoos, while leaving other parts intact, to allow for tattoo changes. - Cost - Cost will vary depending on a number of factors including the size of the tattoo and the number of treatments needed. Keep in mind that with enlighten™, you should anticipate requiring far fewer

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442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) www.EndTattooRegret.com November/December November/December2016 2016

B Business usiness S Spotlight potlight


very interested in science so it was a natural progression for him to pursue a career in medicine. His specialty is the treatment of disorders of the circulatory system – also known as vascular surgery. He grew up in a “surgical” family and his dad was his partner for 17 years until he retired last year. He adds, “When I was a child my Dad would bring me to the hospital to make rounds with him on weekends. I really looked up to him and what he did for a living.” It was his father’s dedication and satisfaction with his own career that had a lasting impression on the younger Gosin. Dr. Gosin: My specialty involves treating vein problems, such as varicose veins and spider veins. I also treat diseases of the arteries such as aneurysms, blockage in the arteries to the brain, called carotid artery stenosis and peripheral artery disease (PAD). As a surgeon, I am able to perform surgery when necessary. However, in many cases I am able to treat these vascular problems using modern, minimally invasive nonsurgical methods.

CW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Dr. Gosin:

better and healthier. In some cases, people experience dramatic improvements in their quality of life. It is a wonderful feeling to know that I was able to provide that.

CW: What is the most challenging?

Dr. Gosin: Every case can provide its own unique challenge. It is important to remember that each patient I treat is an individual. Certain elements of his or her care may be more challenging than a similar condition in another person. It is that variation that makes my job so interesting.

CW: Are varicose veins a genetic problem? Can they be prevented?

Dr. Gosin: Genetics are one of the most important risk factors in the development of varicose veins. Individuals with a family history are more likely to develop the condition themselves, than individuals who do not have that family history. However, genetics are just one of a number of recognized risk factors. Other risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, increasing age and being overweight. It is also interesting to note that some people will develop varicose veins without any of those risk factors. Although there is no way to absolutely prevent the development of varicose veins, certain precautions, like wearing compression stockings, may help to keep the symptoms at bay.



Dr. Gosin: Treatment varies based on an individual’s particular obtain their care from a specialist. While varicose veins may cause cosmetic concerns for some people, others with this condition will actually have an underlying abnormality with the valves in the leg

diagnosing and treating the underlying condition, then treatment will likely be incomplete and provide only temporary improvement.

recovery with minimal pain and “down time.”

CW: How do you stay current with trends happening in your profession? Dr. Gosin: Vascular surgery is a specialty that has seen fantastic in a program of “lifelong learning” and current with the major specialty journals and regularly attend conferences. Dr. Gosin grew up on the Jersey Shore, and after graduation from the Medical College, he completed his training and was delighted to come back and begin his practice. He completed his residency in general surgery and a fellowship in vascular surgery at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. He has three children and enjoys spending time at the beach and boating. Dr. College of Surgeons and a member of Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, and numerous other national surgical and vascular societies.

VISIT www.GetGreatLegs.com

442 Bethel Road • Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) • www.GetGreatLegs.com

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November/December 2016 November/December 2016


Pediatric Dentistry


By Dr. Elisa Velazquez, Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates

Dental insurance can be very confusing and daunting for your family. We would like to introduce our amazing team at the front desk who are available to help you understand your dental benefits. Our front desk team works hard to schedule appointments for your children and keep the office running smoothly. They often have the difficult task of explaining dental benefit plans and working with the financials of dental visits. Almost all dental plans are a contract between your employer and an insurance company. Your employer and the insurer agree on the amount your plan pays and what procedures are covered. It is best to understand your individual plan. To provide the highest quality of care in a private practice atmosphere, we participate with only a few dental insurance plans. However, most of our patients go OUT OF NETWORK to receive the best quality care with our office. The out-of-network benefits will result in your out-of-pocket payment and we will do the best we can to maximize your insurance benefit. As a courtesy to your family, we will get a breakdown of how your individual plan works. We will submit a pre-determination to know exactly what your plan will pay for any treatment. We will submit all claims for all procedures performed for your children. All financials will be presented and transparent to help you make decisions necessary for your children. These professional women are here to help navigate your insurance plans and guide you though the process. Marianne S. has been with the practice from its inception nearly 19 years ago! She is our office manager and is affectionately referred to as our Mama Mare. Mare lives in Toms River and is a member of the Howell Elks Special Children’s Committee. She enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach, and singing karaoke.

Lisa C. has been with the office for 15 years. She is the orthodontic coordinator for our practice. Lisa lives in TR with her husband and two daughters and has a son proudly serving in the US Air Force. When not in the office, you will find her on the sidelines watching her daughters cheer!

Dr. Elisa Velazquez (Dr. Lisa) is the owner of Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates. She graduated from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey in 1999 and completed her pediatric residency program as chief resident in 2001. In 2002, she received a Master of Science degree in Oral Biology. Dr. Lisa earned her board certification in pediatric dentistry and is a Diplomate of the AAPD. Dr. Lisa is a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD), & New Jersey Dental Association (NJDA). She is past president of the Monmouth-Ocean County Dental Association (MOCDS) and serves as state trustee and is the Vice-President of the NJ Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (NJAPD). She is the staff dentist for Children’s Specialized Hospital and the Ocean County chairperson for children’s dental health. Dr. Lisa is on the surgery staff at St.Barnabas’ Community Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center. She holds a specialty permit to perform conscious sedation in the office. Dr. Lisa has been named “TOP DENTIST” by her peers for NJ Monthly magazine.

Sue I. has been with our team for 14 years and is the office manager for our Manahawkin office. She loves working with children and her OPDA family. Sue enjoys baking and making people smile. She lives in Lacey with her husband and dog Meadow and is waiting for the birth of her first grandchild.

These women are a slice of the elite team of Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates. Next time you are in the office, please give them a BIG THANK-YOU! Angela K. has been with OPD for 10 years. She handles the insurance payments for our office. Ang lives in Brick with her family and their two dogs. When not in the office, you will find her at her daughter’s field hockey games or at karate with her son. Her passions are training in the gym and running marathons.

Casie C. has been with OPD for over two years. She is friendly, energetic and loves working with children. When Casie is not in the office, you will find her with her nephews, at Island Beach State Park, with her fur baby or traveling.

WE PARTICIPATE WITH: • Delta Dental Premier Plan • Blue Cross Blue Shield Dental Option • We can work with out of network PPO plans • We accept Care Credit

Your Child’s Dental Home Toms River 368 Lakehurst Rd. Toms River, NJ 08755 732-473-1123

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Eczema Nearly 31 million Americans suffer from eczema-related symptoms. Eczema can affect newborns, kids, women and men of any race or ethnicity. Those embarrassing patches of rough, reddened, intensely itchy skin can keep eczema sufferers from enjoying their lives, and for a parent, it’s difficult to watch your child go through it. Also, sometimes eczema is associated with some other conditions and needs a complete workup by your dermatologist. It also can be aggravated by infections, which your doctor might need to treat with oral medications. Dr. Renata Flaks, DNP

WHAT IS ECZEMA? Eczema is a skin condition caused by inflammation of the skin. Typically, eczema causes skin to become itchy, red and dry – even cracked and leathery. Eczema can appear on any part of the body any time of the year, but mostly during cold months. Eczema is a chronic problem for many people. It is most common in infants, many of whom outgrow it before adulthood. People with eczema have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions like asthma or hay fever. Also secondary fungal and bacterial infections are possible to get through the cracks in the skin. WHAT CAUSES ECZEMA? There are different types of eczema. Your dermatologist will be able to tell you what kind of eczema you have. Eczema tends to run in families. Certain genes can cause some people to have extra-sensitive skin. An overactive immune system is thought to be a factor, as well. Also, it’s thought that defects in the skin barrier contribute to eczema. These defects can allow moisture out through the skin and let germs in. People who wash their hands a lot, use hand sanitizers or antibacterial soap, work with gloves or chemicals (health care professionals, hairdressers, mechanics, teachers, police officers, and housekeepers) or those who take long or hot showers are usually more affected by eczema. You can try to treat eczema by moisturizing with over-the-counter emollients and creams, but seek a dermatologist if it is not getting better in a few weeks. Among other factors that may trigger eczema are: • Stress • Contact with irritating substances • Heat and sweat • Cold, dry climates • Dry skin TREATMENTS FOR ECZEMA Your dermatologist can put you on one or a combination of these: • Steroid creams or ointments • Creams or lotions that lubricate the skin • Antifungal medications • Antibiotics to treat secondary infections

Because eczema sometimes mimics other conditions like ringworm, psoriasis, rosacea, folliculitis and some autoimmune diseases, we don’t recommend patients to self-treat. If, after moisturizing your rash for few days or weeks, it is not getting better, you have to see your dermatologist. Also, in certain cases dermatologists might check your blood work if they believe it’s necessary; sometimes a simple test called a biopsy, done in the dermatologist’s office, will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Remember: On the day of the appointment we ask you not to apply any topical medications or over-the-counter moisturizers so we can diagnose a condition properly.

Call us for an appointment or your comprehensive skin cancer screening today.

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Welcome to

Specializing in orthopedic and podiatric care, Samuel Epstein, DO, Judy Kerlin, APN, Eric Baskin, DPM, and James Morrow, DPM will get you back into action.

Our physicians recognize and appreciate that getting back into action, work, and play is a priority for those who lead active lifestyles. Our patients range from student athletes at the top of their game to ‘backyard quarterbacks’, ‘weekend warriors’, and ‘soccer moms.’

Our goal is to provide patients with both courteous and quality professional care. We strive to provide the best orthopedic and podiatric care that today’s technology can offer, treating the whole patient in the context of his or her life and circumstances. We value the clinician-patient relationship, high quality patient service, and accountability of clinicians and staff to meet the needs of our patients.

Contact Advocare Stafford Orthopedics to schedule your appointment. 1168 Beacon Ave. • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 • 609-597-6092 • www.advocarestaffordortho.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Business Spotlight


Meet Judy Kerlin, APN: A Competent & Caring Nurse Practitioner As an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) at Stafford Orthopedics for 20 years, Judy Kerlin has seen her fair share of injuries and orthopedic problems. A graduate of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, she is also board certified in community/adult health and medical surgical nursing by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She adds, “I have always favored caring for patients with orthopedic problems. My interest was heightened while furthering my education and conferring with Dr. Epstein at Stafford Orthopedics. His expertise, guidance, and encouragement enlightened me on my ability to comprehensively care for patients in an office setting as an APN.”

OCW: How do you stay current with the advances made in your field? Judy: I attend conferences and obtain continuing education from current articles and webinars. As a group, Dr. Samuel Epstein, Dr. Eric Baskin and Dr. James Morrow and myself share our knowledge Judy Kerlin to remain updated. I am required to submit documentation of continuing education credits every five years to maintain board certification.

OCW: Tell us about what you do at Stafford Orthopedics. Judy: I mainly specialize in orthopedics and am able to assess, evaluate, diagnose, and treat injuries and complaints that pertain to a patient’s muscles, bones and joints. I treat all age groups and common orthopedic injuries including, but not limited to neck, back, shoulder, elbows, wrists, hands, hips and knees. I also evaluate and treat the pain associated with arthritis. Sports medicine and arthritis are two of the most common areas of focus in our practice.

OCW: What makes Advocare Stafford Orthopedics unique? Judy: Working alongside the physicians, we bring a varied approach to the care of our patients, which leads to a holistic approach. As an APN-NP, I treat orthopedic problems but always view and care for the patient as a whole person. Additionally, whenever appropriate our philosophy is to try non-surgical forms of treatment first, recommending surgery only if conservative measures fail.

OCW: What is the most rewarding part about your profession? Judy:The most rewarding aspect of my job is watching my patients get better and live normal lives with less or sometimes, no pain. Additionally, working with Dr. Epstein for the past 20 years along with the professional staff at Advocare Stafford Orthopedics has afforded me benefits in sharing knowledge and transferring the best care to my patients.

The overall goal at Advocare Stafford Orthopedics is to provide their patients with courteous and quality professional care. It’s about treating the “whole” patient in the context of his or her life and circumstances. While the treatment of broken bones is a large part of their practice, they also treat carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist ganglions, trigger fingers, arthritis, bursitis, tendon and ligament conditions. The entire professional staff at Advocare is proud of their strong commitment to Southern Ocean County along with their extensive ties to the local community.

OCW: What is the most challenging part? Judy: The most challenging aspect of caring for orthopedic patients is keeping up with new research and cutting edge treatments in order to provide the best care for my patients. I always embrace that challenge.

Judy is a member of the Academy of Nurse Practitioners and Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Due to her longevity and experience in the field, it is safe to say that a patient certainly is “in good hands” when under her care.

Contact Advocare Stafford Orthopedics to schedule your appointment. 1168 Beacon Ave. • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 • 609-597-6092 • www.advocarestaffordortho.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Exterior Improvement

Built Rite Windows is the window installation and replacement window specialist in Central NJ, Ocean County and Monmouth County. Their experienced staff will help you determine the window type and style that best fits your home. They sell and install the highest quality products at the most reasonable prices, with full service included. All products meet Energy Star Requirements. A second-generation family owned business; Built Rite Windows is owned and operated by Lucia and Ron Dambrosio. Lucia, who is involved in local charities, and Ron, a Vietnam Vet, has served the Jersey Shore area for over 37 years. Lucia’s son, John, is responsible for sales and her son, Vincent, is responsible for installations. You can also find Ron installing windows, that is, when he is not on the golf course.

MORE THAN JUST WINDOWS If your looking for additional year round comfort, check out their patio enclosures, sunrooms and decks.

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Come visit Built Rite Windows at their new location: 1591 Rt. 37 W, Toms River, NJ, Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM www.builtritewindows.com

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016



Avoid Slip And Fall Injuries At Work! Too many NJ workers suffer needless injuries as a result of a slip and fall. Consider these easy tips to avoid an avoidable accident. • Make sure your workspace is well lit and bulbs are replaced promptly. This will help you avoid tripping over items that are difficult to see. • Avoid leaving loose wires and cords out where people walk. When it isn’t possible to store a cord behind a table or desk, tape cords and wires to the floor or conceal them with brightly colored plastic covers secured to the ground. • Fasten rugs to the ground with double-stick tape and use rugs with nonskid backing. Nonskid rug padding, sold in many sizes, will also help to secure the rug to avoid slipping. • Install handrails on each side of every staircase for support and ensure they are securely attached to the walls. • Avoid using chairs and benches in lieu of stepstools or ladders to reach items placed high up. Place items within easy reach and have stepstools available at all times. Avoid storing things too low or too high. • Wear comfortable, nonskid shoes and avoid wearing shoes such as flip flops or clogs that may cause you to trip. If you or a family member had a slip and fall injury at work, NJ Workers’ Compensation Benefits entitle workers to fully paid medical benefits (no co-pays or deductibles), wage replacement AND a monetary settlement if the injuries are permanent. There are important deadlines to consider, so don’t hesitate to call me to protect your rights.


Call 732-228-7534 Today! Your consultation is free! 225 Washington St. The Cottage, Toms River, NJ 08753 Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq. was raised in Westwood but spent weekends and summers at her family’s shore house in Ocean Beach. Eventually, she made the move to Ocean County to live full time. She says:

“This is where my heart is and where I was meant to live, practice law, and help others.” Precious Metal Buyers

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016




Ask Daniel Straffi, Jr. Esq.



When is it too late to investigate my bankruptcy options?

he short answer is NEVER. It is important to understand some basic facts about having a “fresh start.”

“Normalcy” is defined as being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning. How we each come to define those limits over time is a whole other story. For many of the people I work with, a “normal” day starts at 8 am, when they are arisen by a cacophony of debt collectors ringing their house phone and/or cell phone, harassing them for money they simply do not have. A normal day may include a similar call made to their workplace, or in some cases a neighbor or relative. A normal day usually ends with a trip to the mailbox, where various forms of threats against one’s home, wages and belongings await. Of course, all of the aforementioned say nothing of the other daily stresses that we all know broaden our limits of normalcy by the day. There is a breaking point for everyone. The symptoms of approaching this breaking point can manifest in any number of emotional and physical ways,

all of which I have heard and seen in my daily interactions with clients. The question is whether or not a person can identify these symptoms and be proactive in addressing them, so that the limits of normalcy can, once again, become more defined. My answer to anyone seeking to redefine these limits is simple: it is never too late, and it is never too early to investigate one’s options. Bankruptcy is no longer a “four letter” word (alas, math was not my finest subject in school). Rather, it stands for a fresh start - an opportunity to redefine the normalcy in your own life. Bankruptcy is not for everyone. However, understanding what it encompasses and whether or not it is an option for you takes nothing more than being proactive. It is the will to move forward that one must find within themselves to take that next step of investigating their options. I hope this article proves helpful in realizing that a new normalcy is always within reach.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, Visit : Daniel Straffi, Jr. at 670 Commons Way Toms River, NJ, CALL: 732-341-3800 or

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Recurrent Ear Infections Ear problems are common among children. Children frequently have ear infections, otherwise known as acute otitis media. Children with acute otitis media can have fever and ear pain. Acute otitis media is usually treated with antibiotics. Children are predisposed to ear infections for various reasons. There is a tube called the eustachian tube that drains fluid from the ear to the nose. In children, the eustachian tube is horizontal, preventing drainage of fluid. Also, children often get colds and other infections leading to ear infections. Following the ear infection, children frequently have persistent fluid in their ears. Children usually no longer have pain. However, they may feel fullness in the ear and have mild hearing problems and mild discomfort. Some children will be asymptomatic. It is estimated that about 90% of all children will experience otitis media with fluid by five years of age. It represents the most common cause of hearing loss among children. Most cases of otitis media with fluid will go away on their own within 3 months. Repeated cases of otitis media with fluid or otitis media with fluid that lasts more than three months can be a problem. These long-lasting or repeated cases of otitis media may be linked to hearing loss, balance problems, middle ear disease, poor school performance or behavioral issues. It can also be linked to speech and language problems. Children who have frequent ear infections or persistent ear infections should be seen by an otolaryngologist. After examination, a hearing test will be obtained. Each child is assessed on an individual basis. After examining the ears, reviewing the hearing test and discussing any other concerns, your doctor will make treatment recommendations. Some children can be observed, meaning monitored by the doctor. Alternatively, some children would benefit from the insertion of ear tubes. Ear tubes allow the fluid to drain, usually returning hearing to normal and preventing future ear infections. A board-certified otolaryngologist is the person best qualified to assess your child and discuss treatment options.

Christina Gillespie, MD

Dr. Christina Gillespie is a board certified Otolaryngoloigist who has been in practice in Toms River since 2013. She completed her internship and residency in Otolaryngology at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Before moving to Toms River, she served as Chief of Otolaryngology at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso, Texas for eight years.At Ocean Otolaryngology, Dr. Gillespie sees patients of all ages with a variety of medical problems. Her specialties include pediatric otolaryngology, sinus surgery, and surgery for sleep apnea. She also treats common medical conditions such as hearing loss, tinnitus, hoarseness and chronic cough. In addition, Dr. Gillespie is also involved in the American Academy of Otolaryngology, American Academy of Otolaryngology Allergy and the American Rhinologic Society. Dr. Gillespie resides in Monmouth County with her husband and daughter. She enjoys spending time with her family as they explore the Jersey Shore. She is also an avid tennis player.

Stephen Kupferberg, MD, FACS Bruce W. Peters, DO, FACS

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Financial Management

Women And Investing When it comes to investment planning and goal-setting, women often take a different approach than men — which can create both challenges and advantages. Many studies have suggested that, for example, compared with their male counterparts, women may be more risk-averse when it comes to their money and that they sometimes lack investing confidence. On the other hand, women may do a more effective job of considering philanthropic goals and connecting money with their family’s independence and security. According to Cindy Boyle, Senior Financial Advisor for Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, while some of these trends hold true, gender assumptions don’t tell the whole story. But because of the unique ways women look at their finances, experienced financial advisors try to take potential “gender traits” into consideration when working with female clients, either on their own or as part of a couple.

Long-term thinking

So-called “gender differences” can be beneficial — especially for couples who blend their investment strategies. “The key always is to help couples blend their investing goals — whatever they might be — into a mutual agreement,” says Boyle. Having one partner who watches for short-term opportunities and another who champions “the long-haul approach” can make for a good balance, says Boyle. The long-term thinker (often a woman) can help ensure that the couple doesn’t trade excessively within their portfolio — a move that may help reduce fees and potentially provide a better return on investment. Another reason why women may focus more on long-term planning, and a reason why women’s planning habits may differ from their male counterparts, is their traditionally longer lifespans, which may necessitate a longer-lasting retirement income plan. “Many women may need to learn to invest more aggressively than men if they don’t want to outlive their money, given the same time horizon to achieve their goals,” notes Boyle.

Caring for others versus oneself

Another issue Boyle has noticed that may be gender-influenced: Women often place a higher priority on caring for others with their investments than creating a comfortable lifestyle for themselves. For instance, they may value supporting their elderly parents, leaving a legacy for their children, and other items, even at the expense of their own lifestyle. For single women, Financial Advisors work to help ensure that their clients don’t help everyone else at the risk of jeopardizing their own financial security. At Wells Fargo Advisors, Financial Advisors use the Envision® planning process or My Retirement Plan® to help guide clients through a detailed financial planning conversation that helps pinpoint their goals and clarify their values.

Building confidence

Although times and expectations are definitely changing, older generations of women grew up hearing: “Men are naturally better than women at math,” which may manifest itself in some women — particularly older women — as a lack of confidence about making investment decisions. Boyle says it’s important to remind women clients that even if they are good at math, investing is about more than just numbers. “Women are great at understanding trends, interconnections and relationships — all of which matter when making investment choices,” she says. “Also, most women don’t feel the need to be ‘right’ all the time, so they’re good at listening to financial advice and making it work for them.”

Obtaining information

Some surveys indicate that women tend to ask more questions than men when it comes to investing, which can make a close relationship with their advisor that much more important. Boyle finds that to be true, for the most part. However, she says that doesn’t mean women don’t understand their money: it means they’re often more thorough. “My women clients tend to want to go into any investment plan with full expectations of costs, benefits and risks,” notes Boyle. “One theory is that women tend to double-check and protect their money more fiercely than men due to their brain’s natural wiring — the instinct that prompted them to protect the home and hearth in ancient times.” Boyle says she specifically encourages women investors to empower themselves with information. This could include reading more about the economy and current events, and thinking about how their lives as consumers relate to their investments. According to Boyle, all investors — not just women — should feel connected to and confident in the products in which they choose to invest their money. “The more you understand about your investments, the easier it can be to make decisions,” says Boyle. “We’ve found that when women are instilled with good information about their money, they tend to make really well-reasoned investment decisions that include a lot of excellent reflection.” This article was written by Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Tony Karpowich, Senior Financial Advisor / Registered Principal in Toms River at 848-200-1170. Investments in securities and insurance products are: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANK-GUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE. Investment products and services are offered through Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LLC (WFAFN), Member SIPC. Gold Star Wealth Management is a separate entity from WFAFN. ©2016 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0116-00532 (99661-v1) 07/16

For more information, call 848-200-1170 or visit www.goldstarwealthmanagement.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Tony Karpowich

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


LOSE THE WEIGHT. IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH. CHANGE YOUR LIFE. The Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center Is your body mass index 40 or higher? Is your body mass index between 35 and 39.99 and you have a medical problem associated with weight, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, or elevated cholesterol and triglycerides? Are you frustrated and discouraged after years of trying to lose weight through dieting, exercise and/or medication?


View our weight loss webinars at

www.atlanticareweightloss.com to learn more about procedures.

Alexander Onopchenko, MD MBA, FACS, FASMBS Medical Director & Bariatric Surgeon NJ Top Doc

Are you tired of living your life on the sidelines? Have you ever wondered if bariatric (weight-loss) surgery might help you achieve the healthier, more active life you’ve always dreamed of? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, AtlantiCare’s Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness may have the solution you’ve been seeking. Since our center was established in 2002, we have helped thousands of people achieve a healthier weight, improve their well-being and self-esteem, and enjoy a new outlook on life. “Recognizing obesity and morbid obesity as true disease states, we can formulate a treatment plan for you whether you need to lose 10 or 100 pounds or more. Yes, your appearance also will change, but our comprehensive weight-loss center has been developed by health professionals to make sure that weight loss to improve health can be achieved in a safe, effective and durable fashion,” says Alexander Onopchenko MD, FACS, Medical Director ofAtlantiCare’s Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness, who is board certified in bariatric medicine and general surgery.

We believe in helping you achieve your weight loss goals. Join us to learn about minimally invasive surgical procedures for weight loss: • Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy • Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Roux-En-Y • Laparoscopic Biliopancreatic Diversion (BPD) with Duodenal Switch (DS) • Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAP-BAND®) • Revisional Surgery

Samir Patel, MD, FACS, FASMBS Bariatric Surgeon

Lucian Panait, MD, FACS Bariatric Surgeon

Debbie Gullo, RN, BSN, CBN Bariatric Coordinator

For more information call 1-888-569-1000

Peggy McFarlane, MS, RD, CDE Registered Dietician

Why AtlantiCare? • Our Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness is the most comprehensive program of its kind in southeastern New Jersey — providing the education, support and guidance and you need to succeed before, during and after weight-loss surgery. • When you choose AtlantiCare, you have the convenience of selecting the surgeon and surgical procedure that are best for you. • Our surgical team has a long-term record of success in performing the bariatric procedures considered most effective in treating morbid obesity.

For more information about our program, visit www.atlanticareweightloss.com or call 1-888-569-1000.

The Center for Surgical Weight Loss & Wellness at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center is designated as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.

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November/December 2016

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Professional Dentistry

Professional Dentistry

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November/December November/December 2015 2016

In-Home Care


A Health Care Agency With A Heart! Stop In and Visit!

Home Health Care Agency

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We accept MediCare and Most Insurances. We have Delivery and Set-Up Services.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Provides Sound Alternative to Traditional Open-Back Surgery Judith Millman, a 72-year-old shuffleboard enthusiast, is ready to get back to the game after minimally invasive lumbar fusion If you suffer from neck, back or leg pain, and you’ve been told its time for surgery, know your options … because you have some. That’s what Judith Millman, a 72-year-old shuffleboard enthusiast from Toms River, learned. She has suffered with leg pain for years. To no avail, she tried epidural shots, electric stimulation – and one doctor suggested she have screws inserted. Judith kept searching for answers and then learned about minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) and the potential benefits it could bring her. “Judith was suffering from a slipped disc, or spondylolisthesis, where one of the bones of her spine was out of alignment causing the nerves going to her legs to be compressed. If left alone, this could have led to permanent damage,” explains Dr. Pinakin Jethwa, a neurosurgeon at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS). ANS, the largest neurosurgical practice in New Jersey, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment Minimally invasive spine of disorders affecting the surgery – an alternative to nervous system – the delicate traditional surgery – gave Judith Millman immediate and complex command, control and communication relief from a slipped disc that caused crippling pain network in the body that’s in her legs. made up of the brain, spine and neurovascular system. “When Judith came to me, she had severe back pain that was not getting better. Even worse, she wasn’t unable to walk for more than a few feet without crippling pain in her legs.” Dr. Jethwa determined the best approach for the optimal outcome was minimally invasive spinal fusion. With minimally invasive spine surgery, the surgeon makes one small incision – about an inch and a half long – directly over the problem area. This is in stark contrast to open surgery where a much larger incision is made over the middle of the spine, and then muscles and soft tissues are mobilized to

access the area. Because there’s no long incision with MISS, there’s less trauma, less blood loss, less muscle injury, less need for post-op pain medication – plus a lower risk for infection and a better cosmetic result. It’s often done as same-day surgery with a shorter, more comfortable recovery period and a faster return to daily activities than traditional surgery.



“Once the small incision is made, dilators are used to provide access to the problem area,” Dr. Jethwa details. “A retractor is placed over the dilators, providing a one-inch-wide conduit to the spinal area. The entire procedure is done through this conduit with illumination and magnification provided by a microscope and without stripping the muscles from the spinal column.” MISS is being used to treat a wide range of spine issues from degenerative disc disease to herniated discs, lumbar spinal stenosis, deformities including scoliosis, spinal infections, spinal instability, vertebral compression fractures and spinal tumors. Thanks to its positive outcomes, the field of MISS continues to rapidly develop. “In Judith’s case, we relieved the pressure on her nerves by releasing the bones and ligaments. We then removed the offending disc material and realigned the spine just as we would in traditional surgery,” Dr. Jethwa continues. “For patients like Judith, MISS achieves all of the goals of traditional open surgery without the risk and discomfort. Often, two weeks after surgery, patients are ready to get back to their lives.”

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists For more information, visit www.ansdocs.com or call 732.455.8225.

Judith is a prime example. She was operated on in August and a week later, was released from rehab. “My recovery was incredible,” she shares. “I had surgery on a Thursday, entered rehab the following Monday and was released that Friday. I quickly graduated from each level of self-sufficiency, and before I knew it, I was home. I exercise daily, and I’m ready to get back to shuffleboard. Life is good!”

Neptune | Morristown | Jefferson Summit | Teaneck

To learn more about minimally invasive spine surgery, visit ansdocs.com.

MCW/OCW How We Operate ad #1051_r3.indd 1 The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

10/5/16 11:17 AM November/December 2016

Health & Wellness


A Different Approach As colder months are approaching, most people are pulling out winter coats, stocking up on soup and preparing for the holidays. Like clockwork, Christmas is here before we know it, and in the midst of all of our preparation, we find ourselves run down, feeling ill, and having to miss work or school because of it. Do we automatically become sick because it’s cold out? Do we get sick because there are more germs floating around in winter than there are in the summer? I want to introduce you to a different way of thinking. Maybe we become sick for different reasons. What starts happening around Halloween? We start consuming sugary treats, start skipping the gym, and fail to drink as much water as we did during the summer. If you’re like most families, you are stressing over added house guests and crazy travel plans. Remember that beautiful sun that made us nice and tan during the summer at the shore? It’s long gone, and most of us don’t supplement with a high-quality Vitamin D. All of these ingredients are a recipe for illness when they’re combined. To be more precise, our bodies exceed our stress threshold. Each of us has a different threshold. If you are someone who eats a clean, unprocessed diet, works out regularly, and takes high-quality supplements, your threshold is going to be higher than the average person. Each stress we encounter, whether it be chemical, physical or emotional stress, decreases the adaptive potential our bodies have. The recipe we discussed above is an example of each type of stress at once, and this is why our bodies become overwhelmed and we begin feeling ill.

Meet Dr. Stephanie

Pediatrics & Pregnancy

The body is either in a state of decline or adaption or in a process of building a threshold. Repeated stress, whether it be chemical, emotional or physical, creates the need for continued adaptation. This results in fatigued systems and the body becomes sick or in a state of disease. Chiropractic plays a key role in shifting this stress cycle. It works with the body’s nervous system to re-pattern the cycle of adaptation, allowing the body to build up reserves, thereby increasing its threshold. Good health is more than just the absence of symptoms, and it is up to us to determine how healthy we are going to be. Every lifestyle choice we make is either moving us towards wellness or towards illness. Which are you choosing? Work with your chiropractor to understand the stress cycles and how to achieve even higher levels of health and well-being…even through the season of colds and flu.

Dr. Stephanie Wigner

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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Add to your skin’s beauty with a PicoWay® treatment. This is a whole new way to get smooth, soft skin with a more balanced, even tone and color. No matter what your age is, your skin can be rejuvenated so you can look your best. It is truly new beauty at the speed of light. We are the first to offer this groundbreaking treatment in New Jersey and one of a few practices in New Jersey to even offer pico-technology. PicoWay® is a revolutionary picosecond laser which delivers laser light in a picosecond or one trillionth of a second. What this means for the beauty of your skin: it is a fast, effective, safe treatment, which can be used to enhance all skin colors. Traditionally, fractional treatments with a CO2 laser would be recommended and these treatments are still great for severely sun-damaged skin, but the downside of these treatments is prolonged healing, due to the disruption in the top layer of your skin, of about a week and a more painful treatment. PicoWay® works by giving you a fractional treatment but in a completely new and incredible way. The PicoWay® ultrafast pico-laser light beam is holographically fractionated (separated) to rejuvenate your skin. We call this treatment PicoResolve®. The PicoResolve® fractional skin treatments regenerate new collagen and elastin to your skin. This laser fractional treatment can target the top layer or second layer of your skin; this creates a skin-regenerating response to your skin by the laser light itself, the vibration of the laser light signaling other cells to start skin renewal, and initiates other cells to start signaling the regeneration of new, beautiful skin. It is truly amazing! We are excited to be able to offer this treatment. The best part about these treatments is that they do not affect the top layer of the skin, which means NO downtime and less discomfort. In fact, treatments can be done every 2-4 weeks with a nice improvement seen on average after 2 treatments. We recommend at least 4 treatments for optimal skin rejuvenation, but some patients look to improve further with a series of 6 treatments. The average treatment time is about 15-20 minutes. PicoResolve® fractional is the only picotreatment that can target the top layer and middle layer of the skin, and this unique combination gives us the flexibility to individualize your treatment, which will smooth fine lines, soften roughened skin texture, and even your skin tone by removing blemishes and brown spots.

Call Today For Your PicoWay® Consult! 732-255-7155 www.OPSNJ.net Artistry • Beauty • Rejuvenation Non Invasive

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Contact Us at www.OPSNJ.net or call 732-255-7155

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December Holiday Specials PicoResolve $100 off ........... Botox Cosmetic $11/unit Call Today for a Complimentary Consultation Disclaimer Offer subject to change without notice. Void where prohibited by law. Can not be combined with any prior promotions. Must be 18 years of age or older. Treatments are not transferrable or divisible. Promotional discount for PicoResolve is for the series of PicoResolve skin rejuvenation treatments. Not for individual PicoResolve treatments, Nor PicoWay brown spot or tattoo treatments. All treatments must be redeemed in one year or forfeited. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for free, discounted fee, or reduced fee. Promotion ends December 31, 2016.

November/December 2016

Photos: David Friedman, M.D.

PicoResolve® PICOWAY® TO WOW!

Medical Professionals


“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” —Melody Beattie Written by Claire Brown, BSN, RN, Director of Provider Relations When Mr. William “Bill” Allen walked into a local radiology outpatient office on July 5th of this year, he had no idea that his life would inexplicably be changed forever. Just as he walked through the front door of the office, he somehow fell backwards, fracturing his skull, causing him to become unconscious. Due to the skull fracture, Bill sustained a large hemorrhage to his brain and a blood clot within the lining of his skull. Bill, 68, does not remember much after that. He was taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center – Mainland Campus, where he was stabilized. He was then airlifted to AtlantiCare Regional Trauma Center in Atlantic City to receive further emergency care. Bill had to be intubated and placed on a ventilator Bill Allen in order to stabilize his breathing. He was also diagnosed with pneumonia on admission and a chest tube was placed for the drainage of secretions. Bill received excellent care in the Trauma Unit at AtlantiCare Regional Trauma Center. On 7/18/16, he was transferred to Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey for further care, with a focus on removing him from the ventilator. His condition was critical and his future was uncertain at that time. His partner, Diane was very overwhelmed, and remembers little about that very frightening time in their lives. Diane remembers a Nurse Case Manager at AtlantiCare who was very kind and patient. “She explained the care and services offered by Acuity Specialty Hospital. She helped me to understand why it would be the right place for him to go after receiving his initial trauma care.” While at Acuity Specialty Hospital, Bill received a tracheostomy and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube. He was then successfully Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey is a long term acute care

For Information or Referrals, Call 609-441-8123

hospital located inside AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in

A Simple Choice for Complex Patients

Atlantic City. Our recently renovated hospital-within-ahospital provides 30 private

rooms equipped with state of the

art monitoring to the medically

complex and critically ill. Patients are seen by physician specialists daily and typically discharged to acute and sub-acute

rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities or their homes.

Jennifer Brown, BSN, RN, Employee of the Year 2015 and Kathy Kerstetter, MSN, RN, ACNP-C, Leader of the Year 2015

Our achievements speak for themselves:

• •

First hospital in New Jersey to achieve ISO 9001:2008 certification, maintained since 2012 New Jersey Hospital Association Excellence in Quality Improvement Award- 2016 American Association for Respiratory Care Center of Excellence 2012-present Current ventilator weaning rate over 80% Wound healing rate over 80%

Our team specializes in the following needs of our patients: • • • • •

Ventilator weaning Complex wounds Infectious diseases Medically or surgically complex care Multi-system organ dysfunction


liberated from the ventilator and his tracheostomy was removed. Unfortunately, he did experience a further stroke and a heart attack during his stay at AtlantiCare and Acuity Specialty Hospital. Bill has many memories of the staff at Acuity Specialty Hospital. “They kept me alive,” he said. “They came into my room with such care and concern. Lynette, the Speech Therapist, was fantastic. I had a hard time understanding why she cared about me so much, a total stranger, but it was very obvious that she did.” He particularly remembers Kathleen Angello, a Registered Nurse at Acuity. Kathleen shared that “My son Brian was in one of the top 5 drum and bugle corps in the country as a cadet. Mr. Allen, a Vietnam veteran, was also very familiar with drum and bugle corps. He had been in the Presidential Honor Guard when Lyndon Johnson was President.” Kathleen said, “I showed him a picture of Brian in his uniform and Mr. Allen became very emotional. It gave us some common ground. I think it served him well, getting him through some of the trying days of his recovery.” Diane remembers Michael DeCesero, MSW, Director of Case Management at Acuity. “He talked to me on the first day of Bill’s admission. He said, ‘If you need anything from me, come to the nurses’ station and ask for me.’ He proved to me that he was very well educated and prepared. In fact, he helped me to get Medical Power of Attorney for Bill.” She also remembers the first day that Bill was awake and alert and said, “Hello, cookie buns!” (Bill’s nickname for Diane, his partner). That was when she knew he was on the road to recovery. He said, “Physical Therapists came every day to help me walk in the hallways. They gave me pointers and tips on how to correct my posture, which was so important to improve my ability to ambulate.” Bill was finally discharged to a local acute rehabilitation hospital on 8/23/16 and then home with Diane. When he was asked how he was doing recently, he said he could run up and down his stairs and was hanging pictures in his lounge. “I can’t do somersaults, but then again, I couldn’t do them before,” he joked.

For more information, call 609-441-8123 or visit www.acuityatlanticcity.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Health &Wellness


The Nutcracker

Presented by Atlantic City Ballet with The Garden State Philharmonic

There’s no better way to spend the holidays with family & friends than by sharing Atlantic City Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker.

The ATLANTIC CITY BALLET along with THE GARDEN STATE PHILHARMONIC will delight you with. The Nutcracker, one of ballet’s treasured classics!

December 18, 2016 4:00pm-6:00pm

Strand Center For The Arts Lakewood, New Jersey 08701

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Tickets are $40 Orchestra, $50 Loge, $25 Mezzanine & Tier, $20 Seniors all seats, $15 Student all seats (Plus $5 fee per ticket). Please by tickets online:


November/December 2016



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com


November/December 2016


Sub-Acute Center

Your local Inpatient, Post-Hospital, Short Term Rehab Centers specializing in Post-Hospital, Cardiac, Neuro, Pulmonary, and Orthopedic Care AristaCare at Whiting 23 Schoolhouse Rd., Whiting, NJ 08759 AristaCare at Manchester 1770 Tobias Ave., Manchester, NJ 08759

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Sub-Acute Center


HealthCare Reform and YOU A trip to the hospital or doctor’s office, be it an un-planned visit or simply a routine checkup, can be a very stressful experience for both the patient and caregiver a like. Adding to the uncertainty is the ever changing healthcare industry, signs in waiting rooms highlighting the new Affordable Care Act, Healthcare reform, and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) can leave you wondering what does it all mean and how will this impact me and my loved ones. At the center of this industry overhaul is the patient and the quality of care they are receiving. ACO’s which are Accountable Care Organizations, will address one of the biggest obstacles in this area, which is the communication between health care providers. With the vast number of doctors and specialists working together in the hospital, the sharing of information has always proven to be a challenge. With the implementation of ACO’s the flow of information between physicians, hospitals, and post-acute care facilities will mean less wasted trips to various offices, less duplication of testing, and the elimination of unneeded procedures. This streamlined approach should result in fewer medical errors as well as fewer rehospitalizations, ultimately improving the quality of care you receive while also decreasing out of pocket spending for the patient and caregivers. For years the Medicare system has been under fire and has been at risk of going bankrupt due to overspending and lack of government funding and little oversight. With many seniors living on fixed incomes and pensions Medicare is relied on as their primary source of healthcare funding. Reducing out of pocket spending not only guarantees that today’s seniors will continue to enjoy the Medicare benefits but also many generations to come. In addition to the increased quality transparency, a third party company will be systematically gathering data as it pertains to wasteful spending and continuous readmits to hospitals and inpatient facilities. In addition to the data monitoring, Medicare has been very mindful that all these changes, even with better quality should not come at the expense of consumer satisfaction. Patients need to be engaged in their care and if they are unhappy with a provider in the end, the quality of care they receive will ultimately decline. With that in mind Medicare has contracted with a third party company, that will also be contacting patients (at times on a human to human level) to find out about their healthcare experience, they will be making sure the patient has received excellent care and are happy with the overall experience. And Hospitals ratings now include consumer experience in their overall rating. This practice will ensure that you the patient receive the same standard of care throughout the industry. Furthermore, this increased accountability will ensure that the patient is cared for correctly before they even get to the hospital. Medicare realizes that a mistreated small issue that is left untreated will cost way more down the line. Primary care doctors will now play a key role in early detection and preventive measures. Medicare has set goals for less admissions to the hospital that can only be achieved by a better doctor patient relationship. To remain at the forefront of the post-acute care industry, AristaCare has always positioned itself a step ahead of the competition by implementing paramount clinical programs by using cutting edge technology systems and therapy equipment. Programs like Telemedicine, which allows for a face to face doctor consult during off hours and our Cardiac Boot Camp gives an extra layer of care to our patients ensuring fewer emergency room visits, which is ultimately best for the patient and their care plan. AristaCare has worked very hard the last few years to credential many primary care physicians who are able to round in the facility. Primary Care physicians who know their patients past medical history creates a better continuum of care and therefore better care in general. Patients and their families feel more at ease knowing their primary care physician who they have been seeing for years is treating them post hospitalization. Knowing that the same physician who cared for them in the hospital and post-acute care setting proves to be a great benefit to the patient and their overall course of care. AristaCare is proud to be a part of an ever changing industry that continues to raise the bar of expectations, but understand all of these changes can seem foreign and overwhelming. With the implementation of any new system there will be growing pains along the way but it is important for patients and caregivers to understand that we have finally reached a point where the consumer’s voice is being heard the loudest.

AristaCare at Whiting 23 Schoolhouse Rd., Whiting, NJ 08759 AristaCare at Manchester 1770 Tobias Ave., Manchester, NJ 08759

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016



Advantages And Disadvantages Of Creating A Revocable Trust Revocable trusts are similar to irrevocable trusts with one key exception—revocable trusts are, as the name suggests, revocable. This means that the trust can be terminated or changed by the grantor of the trust as he or she sees fit. Depending on your circumstances, there are both advantages and disadvantages to having the control afforded by a revocable trust. We have outlined a few of the most important below.

Christine L. Matus, Esq.

Keep in mind, this article is not intended as legal advice for your specific situation. When it comes to creating and navigating a trust, you should always consult with a skilled estate planning attorney like Christine Matus of The Matus Law Group. Give us a call today to learn more.

ADVANTAGES 1) Flexible to grantor’s needs The biggest benefit to revocable trusts is their flexibility. Revocable trusts—also known as “living” trusts—can be terminated or updated at any time during your life. Revocable trusts are also more flexible than wills in many circumstances. Wills require stringent policies to be revoked or even amended. It is generally much easier to amend a revocable trust. What this means is, as your circumstances change during your life, you can update your revocable trust to better suit your needs. Conversely, an irrevocable trust cannot be changed or terminated after you create the trust.

death, both become irrevocable. However, the property held in revocable trusts usually does not need to undergo potentially lengthy and costly probate proceedings. Revocable trusts can provide a much more efficient and flexible vehicle to allow you to distribute your property to your heirs. DISADVANTAGES 1) Creditors Assets in a revocable trust are usually subject to creditors or legal judgments against you, such as in a personal injury lawsuit. The same ownership over the property that you maintain during life that allows you to change or revoke the trust also means the property remains accessible with regard to the satisfaction of debts. During your lifetime, creditors can petition the court to reach into your trust to satisfy any outstanding debts, and you will have little or no protection against such actions. 2) No tax benefits While an irrevocable trust may serve to help you avoid or minimize estate taxes, since the assets will not be counted towards your estate, assets held in a revocable trust can and will likely be includable in your estate since you maintained full control over the assets during your lifetime. If you are considering setting up any type of trust, whether revocable or irrevocable, it is essential that you consult with a knowledgeable estate planning attorney who will take the time to understand your unique circumstances and advise you on the best course of action based on your needs and goals.

2) May bypass probate Probate applies mostly to wills and any property which was not properly planned for in a will or with some other vehicle. Revocable trusts are somewhat similar to wills in that they can each be revoked during the life of the grantor. Upon

For more information, call 732-281-0060 or visit www.MatusLaw.com. Helping people protect assets for Special Needs Children and conduct smooth real estate closings for almost two decades.


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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

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Medical Professionals


Bloating And Gas And What You Can Do About It PATIENT TESTIMONIALS

Abdominal distention and bloating are thought to be due to too much gas and are some of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. These symptoms can be eliminated with the help of your gastroenterologist. Q: How do salads and vegetables cause gas? A: There are bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that convert foods such as salad, broccoli, and beans into gas. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth occurs when too many bacteria form in the small intestine and can cause gas, bloating, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea and anemia. It can be caused by slow motility of the Kenneth Glazier, MD intestine that can occur in normal aging, diabetes and scleroderma. Other causes include decreased stomach acid from medications such as omeprazole or gastric surgery, NSAID use, Crohn’s disease, pancreatitis, cirrhosis, celiac disease, diverticulosis of the small bowel and prior surgeries. Bacterial overgrowth can be diagnosed in our office with a simple breath test and is treated with antibiotics. Q: I never had a problem with milk when I was younger but now it gives me gas, how is that possible? A: Lactose is present in most dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream and is digested by an enzyme in the lining of the intestine. This enzyme can sometimes be missing at birth. The enzyme can also be lost later in life due to injury of the intestine from an infection, celiac disease, alcoholism, and Crohn’s disease. More commonly, the enzyme simply disappears with aging. This late-onset lactose malabsorption affects people more depending on their race and ethnicity and can affect close to 100% of Asians in the U.S., 80% of African Americans and 70% of Italians. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include abdominal cramps, distention, flatulence, diarrhea and/or vomiting. Lactose intolerance is also diagnosed with a simple breath test offered in the office.

“I have nothing but the best to say about Dr. Glazier and his staff. They are very attentive, knowledgeable, caring, and very pleasant. I recommend Dr. Glazier to anyone who asks!” ~ Sandra, 50, Lanoka Harbor “I have been a patient for many years. Dr. Glazier is the best and so is his staff in all offices.” ~ John, 68, Jackson “First of all, I want to thank Dr. Glazier and his staff for taking care of me during my colonoscopy procedure. He is very precise when explaining the procedure and very kind. I would give them all 10 stars for the job well done. And, of course, I will recommend Dr. Glazier to my family, friends and neighbors.” ~ Patricia, 62, Toms River

Q: Yogurt makes me distended, does that mean I am lactose intolerant? A: No. The cultured yogurt at the grocery store does not contain lactose. More likely you are having trouble digesting the fruit on the bottom part of the yogurt, which contains fructose. Fructose is a sugar found in candy, soda, barbecue sauce, ketchup, jellies, fruit-on-the-bottom yogurts, apples, mangos, watermelon, canned fruit, honey, corn syrup and many other food products. Fructose can be malabsorbed by the intestine and produce symptoms of gas and bloating. Fructose intolerance can also be diagnosed by a simple breath test in our office. Q: Is there a diet for bloating? A: My first approach is to have patients write a diet/symptom diary of what they eat and how they feel. This can be used to pinpoint what foods are causing bloating and eliminate those foods from the diet rather than making drastic dietary changes. These results can also help guide which breath tests to start with. An alternative is to follow the low FODMAP diet. This diet tries to eliminate foods that can commonly cause bloating. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-Di-Monosaccarides and Polyols. These include fructose, lactose, sweeteners, beans, wheat, onion, garlic, lentils, and some fruits. This elimination diet is usually followed for 6 weeks. After this, high FODMAP foods are added one at a time to see if foods trigger symptoms. Q: How do breath tests work? A: Bacterial overgrowth and lactose and fructose malabsorption can be detected using a hydrogen breath detector. Patients either drink a can of soda for fructose intolerance or a glass of whole milk for lactose intolerance at home. Three hours later patients come to the office and blow into the machine once, which takes a few seconds. For the bacterial overgrowth test, patients drink something one hour before coming to the office and have to blow into the machine every 20 minutes until the test is positive. This can take from one hour up to three hours. Our practice has an entire office dedicated to breath testing at least one morning a week.


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Medical Professionals


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For the fourth consecutive year, the doctors of University Urology Associates of New Jersey have been recognized by fellow medical pracitioners to be among the best urologists in the Garden State. __________________________________________________ University Urology Associates of New Jersey is proud to welcome Imani J. Rosario, MD to the group. Dr. Imani Rosario earned her medical degree from the Georgetown University School of Medicine and her postgraduate training in urology at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Prior to joining UUANJ, she was an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Urology at Rutgers NJ Medical School, where she was responsible for training and teaching medical students, general surgeons, and urologists in training.


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November/December 2016

Health &Wellness


Lose Weight And Live Healthy With The Help Of

Ideal Innovations, LLC

An Ideal Protein Weight Loss Management Center If you want to lose weight, be healthier, increase your energy, improve your nutritional intake and reclaim a healthy glow, you need to take charge of yourself! When it comes to losing weight, changing your life isn’t as difficult as you may think. New research has indicated that even a small weight loss can result in potentially life-altering changes. You can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease—such as heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke—as well as cancer, dementia and more, just by losing 10 pounds! UNDERSTANDING YOUR CRAVINGS Hormones that our body produces can influence how, when and why we eat certain foods. Eating sugar, fat and/or salt triggers the release of dopamine, a “feel good” brain chemical that can also make you want to eat when you’re not really hungry. Another hormone, serotonin, tends to decrease during specific times of the month. Both PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) and PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) are characteristic of a significant drop of serotonin. Both respond favorably to CARBOHYDRATES. This clearly magnifies food cravings. A PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR YOU The wellness and weight loss program offered at Ideal Innovations is medically designed and nurse supervised with one-on-one coaching. It is a 4-phase protocol that results in fat loss while sparing muscle. (Muscle is a fat-burning engine.) Our method helps to control carbohydrate cravings and stabilize blood sugar by controlling the amount of carbohydrates (and sugar) that your body consumes. It is also an excellent support for cellulite reduction! We will educate you about the three types of foods that affect your weight—those that cause weight gain, those that do not, and those that can prevent you from losing weight. You will also add our protein-based foods (from a choice of over 60 delicious food items). They consist of high-biological-value proteins to build complete meals. Weight loss is quick and permanent if you follow our recommendations during maintenance.

IDEAL PROTEIN SUCCEEDED WHERE ALL THE OTHERS FAILED! My story is familiar to anyone who has tried to lose weight. I tried all the well known diet plans with limited success. My weight loss was never as much as I desired, and the pounds always returned. My weight was at its highest, and my self esteem at its lowest. I’ve lost 81 pounds in less than 8 months! I’ve dropped 6 pants sizes, wearing clothes again that I had stored away for years. The food is enjoyable and easy to prepare. Thank you Sue for everything you’ve done! And thanks to you and Ideal Protein, I’m never going back! —Michelle R., Cedar Run, N.J.

Please call our office at (609) 350-2524 and speak with Susan for more information email Idealpinnovations@gmail.com. Recipe

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November/December 2016

Reverse Mortgage Lending



ReversRevers MortgagMortgag

MYTHS MYTHS Mortgage will causewill me to lose my home. A Reverse Mortgage cause me to lose my home. MYTH 11 A Reverse MYTH A reverse mortgage is a lien; you still own you your home. You will havehome. to continue A reverse mortgage is a lien; still own your Youtowill have to continue to FALSE paypay XX FALSE youryour property taxes andtaxes insurance oninsurance the home. on the home. property and



The income I receive from my Reverse Mortgage will affect The income I receive from my Reverse Mortgage will affect mymy Social Security and otherand benets. Social Security other benets. This is a wonderful benet ofbenet a Reverseof Mortgage. It is a Mortgage. loan, and therefore is not This is a wonderful a Reverse It is a loan, and therefore is not

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MyMy children will bewill responsible for the repayment children be responsible for the repayment

MYTH 33 of of MYTH thethe Reverse Mortgage loan. Reverse Mortgage loan.


If aIfborrower or theiror estate wants to retain ownership of the property, the balance ofproperty, the balance of a borrower their estate wants to retain ownership of the

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Call Callme me today today and and let’slet’s see ifsee a Reverse if a Reverse Mortgage is Mortgage right for you!is right for you! Barbara Sica Barbara Sica

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277 Route 70, Suite 201 Toms River, NJ 08755



November/December 2016

Medical Professionals November Is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month:

What You Need To Know


Ocean Hematology & Oncology Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders

Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the U.S.? Approximately 200,000 new cases are diagnosed each year and 27 percent of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer. What causes lung cancer? Smoking. Smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. Even though non-smokers can also get lung cancer, the risk is much higher in those who smoke. The more you smoke, the higher your risk. The likelihood of getting lung cancer decreases after you quit smoking. Tobacco smoke damages cells in the lungs, causing the cells to grow abnormally. Regular exposure to smoke from someone else’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes (called secondhand smoking) can increase a person’s risk of lung cancer, even if they are non-smokers. Exposure to asbestos. Certain jobs such as shipbuilding, asbestos mining, insulation or automotive brake repair may cause exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers can irritate the lung and cause cancer. When combined with smoking, the risk of developing lung cancer is much higher. Radon. Radon is an invisible, odorless gas released by soil and some rocks. Exposure to higher levels of radon can cause cancer, especially lung cancer. What are the types of lung cancer? There are two different types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell. This difference is based on the type of cancer cells. Most lung cancers are non-small cell. Among the non-small cell lung cancers, there are several subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell and large cell. What are the symptoms and signs? Symptoms and signs include coughing, hemoptysis (coughing up blood), shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue and weight loss. Most often, the symptoms do not manifest until the cancer is advanced. Sometimes lung cancer can be detected as a shadow in the lung on an X-ray done for other reasons. What is the diagnosis? Once your doctor suspects that you have lung cancer, you will be sent for CT scans and in some cases, a PET scan. A PET scan can detect cancer more accurately than other tests. The diagnosis is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the suspicious lesions seen on the X-ray or CT scans. The scans also help to see if the cancer has spread to any other organs, a process called metastasis. Are there different stages? Staging is different for small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. Small cell lung cancer has only two stages: limited stage (confined within the lungs) or extensive (spread outside the lungs). Non-small cell lung cancer has four stages: stages I to IV. Stage I is a small tumor that is confined to the lung, that has not spread to the lymph glands. Larger tumors and those that are spread to the lymph glands come under stages II and III. When the cancer has spread to other organs, it is stage IV. What are the treatment options? Treatment is based on the stage and the type of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer is mainly treated with chemotherapy. In limited stage small cell lung cancer,

radiation can be combined with chemotherapy. Early stage non-small cell lung cancer is best treated by surgical resection. An experienced surgeon removes the tumor, surrounding normal lung tissue and the lymph glands around it. Even after removing the tumor, cancer cells can remain and cause recurrent cancer, either in the lung itself or in other organs. Chemotherapy, radiation or both are used after surgery to reduce the chance of recurrent cancer. Advanced stage lung cancer is treated with chemotherapy. The types of chemotherapy drugs used are based on the type of lung cancer, age of the patient, other medical illnesses, etc. There is ongoing research to improve the outcome in patients with lung cancer. What’s new in lung cancer? Targeted agents: Medicines that target certain proteins or receptors on the cancer cells are being developed for the treatment of various cancers. These targeted agents attack the cancer cells specifically, sparing other cells. Targeted agents cause less severe side effects than chemotherapy. A few different targeted agents are found to be beneficial in lung cancer. Tarceva (erlotinib) is a drug that works in certain types of lung cancers carrying a mutation in a receptor called EGFR. A new drug called crizotinib was approved recently for the treatment of lung cancer that carries a gene called ALK fusion oncogene. No two tumors are alike! Even among lung cancers, there are different distinguishing features. Your oncologist chooses the type of treatment based on a number of factors, including the cell type, stage, different biological markers on the cancer cells and your other medical problems. What you should know: • If you are a heavy smoker, and have been smoking for several years, ask your doctor if you need to do an X-ray or a CT scan. • Ask your MD about different methods to help you quit smoking. • If you are diagnosed with lung cancer, ask about the type of cancer you have, stage and other features such as EGFR mutation. • What is your treatment plan? • What are the side-effects of treatment? • Are there support services available?

To learn more about lung cancer and the treatment of other cancers, contact Dr. Sarah Easaw at 732-961-0010 or visit www.oceanhemonc.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Compassionate Care, Close to Home  We offer a full range of Hematology and Oncology services.  We are dedicated to providing state-of-the-art cancer care in a warm and personalized manner.  Our newly renovated, spacious infusion room provides a peaceful and friendly atmosphere to patients while they receive chemotherapy and other infusions.  We have a highly qualified, experienced and compassionate staff.


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Sarah J. Easaw MD, FACP

Diplomate of the American Board of Hematology, Oncology & Internal Medicine

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Breast Cancer Surgery and Aesthetics Dr. Sumy H. Chang Sheds Light Now that breast cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, survivorship is on the rise. Following breast cancer surgery, many women are thinking about long-term aesthetics and choosing breast reconstruction to restore the look and feel of their breasts. Fellowship trained Sumy H. Chang, MD, FACS, a board-certified breast cancer surgeon, provides perspective on aesthetics after breast cancer surgery. A member of Barnabas Health Medical Group, in partnership with Community Medical Center, Dr. Chang provides Ocean County women with access to the latest in prevention, detection and treatment for breast-related issues – including breast cancer. She is also a core member of the multidisciplinary team at the Jacqueline M. Wilentz Comprehensive Breast Center at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch. Dr. Chang notes that many women have a misconception about how their breasts will look after breast cancer treatment. “When facing cancer, most women aren’t initially concerned about aesthetics. But, once the cancer scare is over, that may change and women may have concerns or regrets about how their breasts will look and feel. It’s critical for women to have the reconstruction conversation with their breast surgeon and a plastic surgeon experienced in breast reconstruction. We understand that

reconstruction can help women feel better about their bodies and feel better about themselves.” Dr. Chang works cooperatively with plastic surgeons to provide her patients with reconstruction options, following breast cancer surgery. CMC’s commitment to referring breast cancer patients to plastic surgeons for reconstruction is one of the requirements that helped CMC’s Breast Center earn full accreditation from the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a highly rigorous assessment program of the American College of Surgeons. The Breast Center – part of the J. Phillip Citta Regional Cancer Center – is the only NAPBC-accredited program in Ocean and Atlantic counties.

Q: What types of breast cancer surgeries are coordinated with plastic surgeons for reconstruction surgery? Mastectomy (including Nipple Sparing Mastectomy) A mastectomy is removal of the entire breast. It is usually performed by removing the nipple and the areolar complex, which is the darker skin around the nipple. A nipple-sparing mastectomy may be considered in some cancer patients and is considered a preventive option for some patients when they decide to remove the opposite breast. It is especially

Sumy H. Chang, MD, FACS Fellowship Trained Breast Surgical Oncologist Dr. Chang is affiliated with Community Medical Center in Toms River and the Jacqueline M. Wilentz Comprehensive Breast Center at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch and Monmouth Medical Center, Southern Campus in Lakewood. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Chang, contact: Community Medical Center 67 Highway 37 West Riverwood 1 Building, First Floor Toms River, NJ 08755 732.557.2153 Jacqueline M. Wilentz Comprehensive Breast Center at Monmouth Medical Center 300 Second Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740 732.923.7702

Jacqueline M. Wilentz Breast Center 600 River Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701 732.923.7702

About Barnabas Health Medical Group Barnabas Health Medical Group is a multi-specialty group practice comprising highly trained and experienced world class primary and specialty care physicians. Barnabas Health Medical Group physicians provide compassionate and innovative cutting edge care for people at every stage of life at easily accessible facilities conveniently located throughout New Jersey. Backed by the vast continuum of resources throughout RWJBarnabas Health, our dedicated physicians and expertly trained supporting staff continuously strive for clinical excellence. For more information, visit www.BarnabasHealthMedicalGroup.org. appealing to women with high risk of breast cancer such as having a hereditary gene – BRCA or other genes. It’s also recommended for patients based on outcome. With a nipple-sparing mastectomy, the breast tissue is removed without removal of the nipple, skin or areola. However, not all patients are candidates for this procedure when they do the elective, preventive surgery. It’s contingent upon a number of factors, including the location of the tumor. In this procedure, breast tissue is removed, the skin envelope is left intact, and the loose skin remains. A person with this procedure would likely be a candidate for reconstruction. While there is risk of additional surgery, most women are pleased with keeping their own nipple. With nipple sparing mastectomy, women don’t have to recreate the nipple or areola. Some women may choose to remove it based on aesthetic outlook. But there are ways of reconstructing it. Tattooing is an option. Lumpectomy A lumpectomy – or breast-conserving surgery – removes cancer or other abnormal tissue from the breast - not the whole breast. “Most patients opt for a lumpectomy if they have a small cancer. In terms of aesthetic outcome, I was trained in breast surgery fellowship to make sure the appearance of the breast remains natural or as close to the natural breast as possible, including after radiation,” says Dr. Chang. “As breast surgeons, we need to anticipate some changes that can occur with the breast. I take this into account and make sure my patients are happy with the shape and appearance.”

Q: What are some of the aesthetic issues

women may face during breast cancer surgery and treatment? Some patients may need multiple surgeries which may lead to more tissue removal. As a result of the surgeries, patients are concerned about a possible indentation in the area, or a change in the natural shape of the breast. That’s where the training in fellowship gave me the experience to close the cavity while maintain the natural contour of the breast and giving the patient the best aesthetic outcome that they are happy with. After radiation, the breast tissue may change as well.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Accreditation Requirements Centers accredited by NAPBC have demonstrated they provide: • Outstanding care and patient outcomes. • A full range of the most advanced services. • A multidisciplinary team approach, to ensure and coordinate the best treatment options for each patient. • Ongoing access to clinical trials and new treatments. As a breast cancer surgeon, my number one focus is to remove the cancer. However, I also understand that aesthetics are important, too. Long term – a scar or indentation can be a constant reminder to patients about their disease. With this in mind, I take great care to meticulously remove the cancer and handle proper closure so the wound heals as best as possible. Aesthetic outcomes are a priority for some patients because it is their battle scar.

Q: Why do women choose

reconstruction? Women choose reconstruction for many reasons including regaining the shape of their breast, balancing their breasts, avoiding using a prosthesis and generally feeling better about themselves. Whatever the case, women need to do what’s in their best interest. Making a decision on breast reconstruction while coping with cancer may be too much to handle. It’s perfectly fine to wait until after breast cancer surgery. The bottom line: communicate with your breast surgeon and plastic surgeon to understand your reconstruction options before surgery. By doing so, you’ll be better prepared with the outcomes.

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


New FDA Approved Laser Treatment for Vaginal Symptoms of Menopause For over 30 years, Dr. Sutherland has worked with CO2 lasers in many gynecological treatments and is the first doctor in Monmouth and Ocean Counties who is trained in the MonaLisa Touch® application, a minimal-invasive treatment for woman that treats problem vaginal symptoms such as dryness, itching, irritation, burning and painful intercourse. Vaginal atrophy, a result of decreased estrogen, affects naturally menopausal women and women who have “induced” menopause either through surgery or chemotherapy, in the case of cancer treatments.

Before the MonaLisa Touch application, treatments were either estrogens or estrogen-like medications, or over-the-counter lubricants. For women who do not respond to, or wish to avoid pharmaceuticals, or for women who cannot take estrogen medications due to cancer, blood clot risks, or other medical reasons, MonaLisa Touch® offers a non-pharmaceutical, quick, safe and proven alternative treatment for their vaginal symptoms. According to Dr. Sutherland, the procedure takes only about five minutes and patients can return to work or to their regular activities right away. “This is a revolutionary treatment,” adds Dr. Sutherland, who performs this procedure

One simple treatment lasting only a few minutes, without pain, side effects or recovery time can give that tissue the time and elasticity it once had, with positive effects on one’s quality of life and personal relationships.

in his Toms River office, “Our patients have reposted improvement of their symptoms literally within days of the treatment.” MonaLisa Touch® uses CO2 fractional laser technology to reverse vaginal atrophy and laxity, often caused by hormonal changes in pre- and post-menopausal women. MonaLisa Touch® received FDA approval in late 2014 and launched in March 2015. The procedure, which is typically three treatments spaced six weeks apart, has been met with excellent results in Europe, Australia and South America, where MonaLisa Touch® has been performed on more than thousands of patients.

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Koehler Acupuncture 128 Drum Point Road • Brick, NJ 08723


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November/December 2016


Medical Professionals Medical Professionals



Health &Wellness Elder Law

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November/December 2016 January/Feb January/February 2016

Elder Law Law



YAsk Nancy M. Rice, Esq. Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania

your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

Will Contests: How Do They Work? We Atlantic Wediscussed discussedA)A)Fraud Fraudand andB)B)Due DueExecution Executionininthethe Atlantic County Woman September/October 2016 issue, Part 1 Part 1 of of 2.2. Today, we will continue in our discussion discussion with with C) C) Testamentary Testamentary Capacity and D) Undue Influence.

Part 2

there are “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of proof will shift to the defender of the Will.

C) Testamentary Capacity

of that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. At

the level of capacity needed to execute a Will is less than that required to enter

Testator and: an adult child; other relative; a healthcare provider; a neighbor; an

(called the “Testator”) understood:

naturally exists between a husband and wife, the presumption of undue

1 2

what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will.

next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them anything under the Will, the Testator needs to know who they are).

3 4

disinherited. Will contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious attorney to prepare the Testator’s Will, and where a nursing home patient was days later.


If you believe that a Will should be challenged because it was not executed properly (i.e., it was forged, didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or because the deceased was not competent when he/she signed it, or because

Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the presumption of capacity, the contestant must prove lack of testamentary capacity at the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is important to know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted to drugs or alcohol; you must prove that the person was under the

your decision to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow window of time during which a caveat and/or a Will contest may be

Nancy Rice can answer your questions and concerns!

Call 609-398-3447 today!

mental or moral exertion. Mere suggestions, persuasions or the exertion of

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November/December 2016 November/December 2016

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Court Appointed Special Advocate Visit: www.casaofoceancounty.org

For details please call CASA at 732-797-0590 or email Kara@casaofoceancounty.org

www.TheCountyWoman.com The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

September/October 2016 November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Ask Dr. Banks: 10 Frequently Asked Questions



Why do I want to replace missing teeth?

All of our natural teeth are held by their roots in the jaw bone. When we lose a tooth, during the healing process and afterwards, the surrounding bone ridge is no longer stimulated by the tooth root and it immediately begins to collapse and shrink. Over time the ridge of the jaw bone becomes much thinner, limiting the options and possibilities of tooth replacement. Also, the remaining teeth no longer have the support that the lost teeth and bone provided. Without this support, the remaining teeth become overloaded, and begin to drift and erupt towards the open areas of missing teeth. Drifting of one tooth may lead to the drifting of several teeth, resulting in a significant amount of movement. The amount of bone loss and the pattern of drifting will vary depending on the individual and the location of tooth loss. Periodontal disease may begin to form after your teeth have drifted and erupted, because it becomes difficult to properly clean your gums in those areas. The overloaded and weakened condition of the shifted teeth in the face of periodontal disease often leads to additional tooth loss.

In simple terms, what exactly is a dental implant?

Dental implants replace missing teeth. A natural tooth is one piece commonly described as having two main parts. The first part is the tooth crown. That is the part of the tooth that you see in your mouth above the gums. The second part is a root which sits securely in your jaw bone. The design of a dental implant is based on the design of a natural tooth. A dental implant treatment also has two basic parts: One part is a restoration that is custom fabricated to match the shape of a natural tooth crown. The second part is the dental implant itself which replaces the function of a natural tooth root. Implants are made of titanium or titanium alloys. Unlike most materials, our body normally accepts titanium without infection or rejection.



Is dental implant surgery painful?

Can you explain more about the implant treatment process?

The first phase of implant treatment involves creating an opening in the jaw bone in preparation for the implant. The dental implant is placed, followed by a healing cover. Depending on the implant system, the gums may be sutured and a temporary restoration placed. The site immediately begins No. Dental implant surgery to heal. A process known as can be performed painlessly osseointegration takes place in the office setting with local where bone molecules begin to anesthesia, with or without attach themselves to the surface intravenous sedation or general of the implant. It usually takes anesthesia. Generally the between two to four months for patient is sore for a few days the bone to securely bond to the afterwards, and may need to take entire implant surface. medications for discomfort for The final phase involves one or more days. the custom restoration being fitted and attached to the dental implant.


Part 1

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

In general, if you are healthy enough to have dental treatment, then you are probably a candidate for dental implant treatment. There are precautions for certain medical conditions: Growing children: Implant tooth replacement in children is usually deferred until their jaw growth is complete. In some instances a dental implant may be appropriate as part of the child’s orthodontic treatment plan. With the exception of growing children, dental implants are options for patients of all ages. Certain medications: Some antineoplastic (cancer-fighting) drugs and certain drugs used to treat osteoporosis might interfere with the ability of your jaw bones to heal. Otherwise, most patients with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and COPD are candidates for dental implants. Although smoking lowers the success rate of implants, it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of getting them.

Stay tuned in the January/ February issue for five more frequently asked questions.

Dr. Kathy A. Banks

Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

249 S. Main St. # 4 Barnegat, NJ (609) 488-2325 www.drbanksoms.com Specialty Lic # 4070

Office Hours: 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. (Monday – Friday) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstructive Jaw Surgery

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Facility Advisor


Finding the Right P lace Just Got Easier

Connie Roberson, CSA

Speak With Connie Roberson Today!

There are so many options today for senior care and living, that navigating through them can be confusing, but you don’t have to do it alone! Oasis Senior Advisor, Connie Roberson, makes finding your Mom or Dad’s next oasis a breeze.

Lakewood, NJ 732-675-3140 - Phone 732-438-8487 - Fax

As a Certified Senior Advisor serving Ocean, Monmouth and Mercer counties, Connie Roberson is specialized in personally educating and informing seniors and their family members on the distinctions and options pertaining to Assisted Living, Memory Care and Independent Living communities. Connie will work with seniors and their family members to identify lifestyle preferences and health care needs, as well as location and financial considerations. She will personally assist you throughout the entire process…and her service is Free!

CRoberson@YourOasisAdvisor.com Lakewood.OasisSeniorAdvisors.com

Our mission is to positively impact families during a difficult time in their lives.We do this by providing a FREE, personal, and compassionate service to help families find the perfect next step for their loved ones.

“I have been given an opportunity to embark on a more rewarding career, one where I can focus on my passion for helping others through senior care. I warmly embrace being an Oasis Senior Living Advisor because it provides the perfect outlet for me to lend

my services to families in need of locating a senior living community for a loved one, which in itself can be challenging and overwhelming. For myself, being part of a family who’s been touched by brain related illness, the issue of Memory Care is near and dear to my heart. I strongly support the fight to eradicate Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. In the same way I care for my family, I am dedicated to offering my knowledge and expertise on senior living communities and providing “hands on” service to help families as their loved ones transition to a new season in their lives. I look forward to working with you and your family as you go through this transition decision process.” Our personalized approach can’t be beat - and it’s FREE! We’ll never send you a generic list of options that hasn’t been qualified and we will not share your information with communities without your consent. Oasis Senior Advisors works with you to find the “right place” - your next oasis. This free service is made possible through the financial contributions of local senior housing communities, many of whom reimburse us for our services.


The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Hemorrhoids: The Bottom Line Did you know we are born with hemorrhoidal tissue? It’s a part of our anatomy. Hemorrhoidal tissue lies within the anal canal and perianal area and consists of blood vessels, connective tissue, and a small amount of muscle. Hemorrhoids are described as varicose veins of the anus and rectum because they are enlarged, bulging blood vessels in the anus and lower rectum. The only time we actually feel hemorrhoids is when they become enlarged or symptomatic. Dr. Paonessa likes to use the analogy: “We all have teeth, but we all don’t have cavities.” Likewise, we all have hemorrhoids, but we all don’t have symptomatic Dr. Paonessa hemorrhoids. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Each can have different symptoms and often different treatments. Internal (inside) hemorrhoids form in the anus beneath a lining called mucosa, which is not sensitive to touch, pain, stretch or temperature. As such, internal hemorrhoids are commonly associated with painless bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements. It is only when the hemorrhoid completely prolapses from the opening of the anus and cannot be pushed back inside that it becomes severely painful. Internal hemorrhoids are classified in four grades: Grade One: The hemorrhoid is not protruding from the opening of the anus (no prolapse). Grade Two: The hemorrhoid protrudes from the anus but it goes back in on its own. Grade Three: The hemorrhoid protrudes and requires the patient to push it back inside the anus. Grade Four: The hemorrhoid cannot be placed back into the anus by the patient. This is often very painful. External (outside) hemorrhoids form around the anus and are covered by very sensitive skin. The most common complaints associated with external hemorrhoids are occasional swelling, pressure or discomfort. When a hemorrhoid is symptomatic, it becomes a bluish-colored, painful lump outside the anus. If the external hemorrhoid develops a clot (thrombosis), it becomes a hard, painful lump. When the pressure becomes elevated, it can cause the thrombosed hemorrhoid to break down the overlying skin and the clot begins to leak out. Even after the hemorrhoid has healed, some patients complain about soft tissue outside the anus called an anal skin tag. An anal skin tag is the residual effects from the thrombosed external hemorrhoid. A skin tag may hinder a patient’s ability to clean after a bowel movement. Although there is no treatment for anal skin tags, they can be removed if hygiene becomes an issue for the patient. There are several factors that can cause hemorrhoids, although the exact cause is unknown. Upright posture alone increases pressure on the rectal veins and can cause them to bulge. Additional factors include aging, chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during pregnancy, heredity, straining during bowel movements, overuse of laxatives or enemas, and extended periods of time on the toilet (i.e., reading). Here are some symptoms you should be aware of to determine if you may have a hemorrhoid problem: if you are having bleeding during bowel movements, itching in the anal area, pain, sensitive lumps or prolapsing during bowel movements. If you do experience any of these symptoms, do not treat with over-the-counter medication. Call and make an appointment with your doctor. It is very important to understand that NOT all rectal bleeding is caused by hemorrhoids. As such, it is crucial to seek consultation with a specialist such as a colon and rectal surgeon to be sure that the rectal bleeding is not caused by a serious disease such as anal or colorectal cancer. How hemorrhoids are treated depends on how severe the condition is. If the symptoms are mild, your doctor may simply have you increase your fiber intake in your diet (i.e., fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals) or add an oral fiber supplement. It is recommended that you consume 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It is very important to make sure that you drink 8-10 glasses per day of water. Other beverages that contain caffeine or alcohol will dehydrate you, so try to decrease your intake of those beverages. These measures help to create a soft, formed stool, thereby eliminating excessive straining during bowel movements. This, in turn, will decrease the pressure on the hemorrhoids. The use of warm water soaks (sitz baths) will also provide relief. There are several outpatient treatments that may be performed in the office to help treat symptomatic hemorrhoids. These include rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation and sclerotherapy. All of these procedures are painless. Dr.

Paonessa’s procedure of choice in the office is sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves an injection of a chemical irritant into the hemorrhoid which causes scarring and shrinkage of the blood vessels present within the hemorrhoidal tissues. This procedure is painless and has few, if any, complications. Sclerotherapy is safe for patients on blood thinners. As with any procedure, you will need to discuss this with your physician. External hemorrhoids may be treated on an outpatient basis as well. Excision of the hemorrhoidal tissue can be performed. The hemorrhoid will be injected with a numbing agent and excising of the hemorrhoid, along with any blood clot (thrombus), is done. In this case the entire external hemorrhoid is removed, not lanced, so as to avoid any residual skin tag once healed. This procedure provides instant pain relief for those patients suffering from severe pain. Often hemorrhoids that are not thrombosed can be treated with dietary change and sitz baths. There are other procedures that can be done on an outpatient basis at surgery centers or hospitals. These include traditional hemorrhoidectomy, transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD), and stapled hemorrhoidectomy. As with any surgery, you will need to have your physician evaluate your condition and see what the best option for you is. With advances in local anesthetic and surgical technique, hemorrhoidectomy is not the painful procedure it had been associated with in the past. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms or conditions discussed,

please contact Paonessa Colon and Rectal Surgery to make an appointment with Dr. Paonessa. Dr. Paonessa is well trained in all aspects of hemorrhoid management and surgery. In fact, she is the co-editor of the textbook Surgical Treatment of Hemorrhoids, 2nd edition, and authored three of the chapters within this textbook.

To schedule an appointment, please call 732-282-1500 or visit www.paonessacrs.com.

Colon and Rectal Surgery

Board Certified in General Surgery and Proctology • laparaoscopic surgery • colonoscopy • anorectal surgery • abdominal/pelvic surgery • fecal incontinence • pelvic floor disorders • endoanal/rectal ultrasound • office proctology • anorectal manometry/physiology 2101 Route 34 South, Suite H Wall, NJ 07719

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

1172 Beacon Avenue, Suite B Manahawkin, NJ 08050

Phone: (732) 282-1500 Fax: (732) 282-1501

Office Hours: M-F 9AM to 5PM

www.paonessacrs.com November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Male Factor Infertility… Why We Shouldn’t Forget About the Sperm! Often times, a couple experiencing difficulty trying to conceive may assume that the cause of infertility is an inherent problem with the female partner. However, the contribution from the male fertility perspective should not be overlooked. It is estimated that in 20-40% of couples experiencing difficulties conceiving, a male problem may be a contributing cause, and may be the sole factor in 20% of couples. Therefore, it is important to understand sperm abnormalities and their potential impact on fertility.

How is the male evaluated?

The first step, along with a detailed medical history and physical exam, is completion of a semen analysis. This test consists of collection of semen and analysis of various sperm parameters. Total volume, sperm numbers (concentration), sperm movement (motility), and sperm shape (morphology) are recorded, and abnormalities in these values can influence the likelihood of pregnancy success.

What defines male infertility?

Some cases of male infertility include low sperm count (oligospermia), lack of any identifiable sperm (azoospermia), and abnormally shaped sperm (teratospermia). The effect of sperm abnormalities on pregnancy outcomes is constantly under re-evaluation; however, it is evident that these parameters contribute to pregnancy success.

What are the causes of male infertility?

In approximately 40-50% of men with fertility issues, the cause remains unknown. Other identified causes include problems with sperm or testicle development, a problem with sperm transport, or other structural problems that

affect sperm development. Common anatomical conditions that directly influence sperm number include swollen veins around the testicles, and a current hernia or history of a hernia repair. Urological evaluation allows identification of whether the problem is due to abnormal anatomy, as in the case of a blockage, or because of suboptimal production of sperm, as in a hormonal imbalance. Other cases of male infertility can be attributed to poor movement (poor motility) or abnormally shaped sperm (poor morphology). Even with minor changes in sperm number or shape, there is a lower chance of pregnancy, especially when there is a low proportion of normal sperm.

semen analysis values are grossly abnormal, a complete hormonal evaluation and examination by a male infertility urologist can help determine if the problem can be treated medically or surgically. In the case of patients with more severe abnormalities not amenable to surgery, use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) with injection of a single sperm (ICSI) directly into a mature egg has allowed couples with male infertility to have a family of their own. At the Reproductive Science Center of New Jersey, we are available to answer your fertility questions, perform a complete fertility evaluation of both the male and female partners, and present you with individualized options for conception, all in a comfortable and caring setting. Our patients are made to feel like guests in our home. We are a full-service fertility center experienced in all the latest technologies and look forward to helping you achieve success.

For more information call our Toms River office number of 732-240-3000.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment of male infertility depends both on the cause of abnormal sperm values and the extent to which the numbers are abnormal. In some cases, mild abnormal sperm findings can be approached by performing an intrauterine insemination (IUI), which is placement of a concentrated sperm sample directly in the uterus. If the


Norterre Selects Chief Operating Officer To Execute Multigenerational Vision The developers of Norterre have begun appointing leadership for their first-of-its-kind multigenerational neighborhood. Steve Shields, chairman and managing partner of Norterre, has announced Melissa O’Hara as Chief Operating Officer. O’Hara has more than 30 years of experience in the health and senior living field, and shares the desire to create a lifestyle focused on multigenerational wellness. O’Hara will join the experienced and established culture-changers involved with Norterre to ensure the operational side of the neighborhood is just as forward-thinking in its approach as the architecture and interior design. Norterre will be truly unlike anything that has existed in modern healthcare, wellness and multigenerational living. Norterre is the first of its kind multigenerational health, wellness and residential neighborhood currently under construction in Liberty, Missouri. The master-planned community will serve Northland residents for all stages of life, including young families, active adults and seniors. It will change the way we live, play and heal. O’Hara has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in speech disorders and audiology, communications, and psychology from Montclair State University, and a Master’s of Science degree from Columbia University where she studied communications, speech and language disorders, and has a Six Sigma certification. She joins Norterre from New Jersey, where she worked in all facets of senior healthcare administration, including managing rehabilitation departments, speech pathology, and as both vice president of operations and director of operations. In these roles, she has successfully operated within industries that are highly-regulated, while building leadership and increasing morale. For more information about Norterre, the public can visit www.norterre.org or call 816-550-8544.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Melissa O’Hara

November/December 2016

Hair Designs


Hair Replacement


We Have Real Solutions IN THE WORDS OF THE EXPERTS, Theradome™ Laser hair therapy, the most powerfuland effective treatment for hair restoration, is exploding on the market with the introduction of Theradome. With its revolutionary technology, four out of five hair rejuvenation experts such as Bosley, Hair Club and other prominent medical clinics and high-end salons recommend the FDA-cleared Theradome LH80 PRO from all around the world. Multiple clinical trials prove that our powerful helmet is one of the safest and most effective hair loss solutions amongst all other medications. How does it work? The Theradome™ LH80 PRO brings you advanced technology to enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Unlike Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) devices, our laser light targets the stem cells at the base of hair follicles. This allows the formation of a new photonic pathway that canrestore hair to a healthy state. Our one-of-a-kind laser helmet was engineered based on four crucial scientific criteria, which together provide the most powerful and efficacious laser hair therapy out on the market. What to expect? Good things come to those who wait. When it comes to achieving the thicker, luxurious hair* you’ve been dreaming of, a little patience will go a long way. While not an overnight solution, the process couldn’t be simpler. All it takes is a commitment to using your Theradome helmet twice a week for just 20 minutes. You are taking the best action possible against hair loss with the next-generation Theradome LH80 PRO. Results may vary from person to person.

Human Hair Eyebrows Now Available! A beautiful, delicate arch is yours with these 100% human hair eyebrow wigs. Restore your confidence. Hand woven on a ultra thin micro-mesh, they are easy to apply and re-use. Prices start at $115, includes consultation, initial application and additional adhesive. Each application lasts about three to four months.

A Variety Of Hair Replacement And Wigs Abstrax Hair Designs offers many styles of hair replacements and wigs. Our hair replacement systems are individualized to satisfy your specific needs and desires. Services are offered with compassion and integrity to ensure your confidence and trust. In addition, Abstrax also offers a selection of wigs at reasonable prices. Wigs are available in silky straight, curly, multidirectional, layered, and much more! The professionals at Abstrax feel the more natural you look, the better you’ll feel not only about your appearance, but yourself, too, which is why they are meticulous with the maintenance and styling of your hair.

For more information, call Abstrax Hair Designs at 732-255-1733 or visit www.abstraxhairdesign.com.

2494 Moore Rd. Ste. #1 Toms River, NJ 08753 (In the Stone Hedge Prof. Bldg.)

732.255.1733 www.abstraxhairdesign.com

We at Abstrax Hair Designs would love to give you an individualized, amazing look. Call 732-255-1733 to schedule an appointment today. You will not be disappointed. Your time is precious,we will not waste it! Laura Cole, AHLC Secretary, Master Certified, Tricology Specialist

Appointments are required. Call today for your FREE consultation!

Purchase a $50 Gift Certificate and Receive a Complimentary $10 Gift Certificate! Cannot be combined with any other offer. Gift certificates can be used for hair services. Not acceptable for hair replacement services. Expires 12/31/2016.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Who Is A Good Candidate For SmartLipo? If you are unhappy with the shape of your body and are in good health, then you are likely a good candidate for SmartLipo. Age and genetics alter the shapes of our bodies, causing the accumulation that is resistant to diet or exercise. SmartLipo is best suited for that healthy individual who eats right, exercises and generally lives a healthy lifestyle, but can’t seem to lose weight from a trouble area – such as hips, saddlebags, back of the arms, etc.

Here’s what our happy clients have to say!



How much downtime will I have? Immediately after your procedure, you will walk out and be able to perform mild activities. Unlike the need for prolonged recovery and possible overnight stay when liposuction is performed with heavy anesthesia, downtime is minimized. SmartLipo significantly reduces tissue trauma and post-procedural pain while completely eliminating post-anesthesia recovery. Most patients are able to return to normal desk-type work in 1 to 2 days and some patients are able to return to work the same day, depending on the area treated. Why doesn’t the SmartLipo procedure need heavy anesthesia? SmartLipo only requires local numbing. This ensures patient safety and improved recovery. In traditional liposuction procedures, heavy anesthesia allows the surgeon to use larger instruments with more aggressive and quicker movements, which result in faster overall procedure times. Faster procedure times means more procedures can be performed, but because they are using heavy anesthesia, larger instruments and more aggressive movements, their patients are exposed to greater risks and have longer and more painful recoveries. SmartLipo is done using smaller instruments; patients have more uniformity in their result, less bruising due to the characteristics of the laser, and generally just a better cosmetic result. $50 for a How many SmartLipo sessions will I need? customized Only one session per area is needed to achieve full results. facial Will SmartLipo results be permanent? As adults, we do not create new fat cells; when we gain weight, our fat cells fill up. When SmartLipo is done, the fat cell is destroyed and no longer has the ability to hold fat. The body will readjust to not having those fat cells and will place fat in cells in other parts of the body. For this BEFORE AFTER reason, we advise that clients do not use this procedure as a diet. After SmartLipo it is very important that clients eat well and exercise to avoid weight gain in other parts of the body.

“I had been considering SmartLipo for the last 2 years. After meeting Dr.Fondacaro..I was sold! He was so polite and friendly. He took his time and explained everything. I am always worried about complications and risk factors with everything when it comes to my health but I felt 100% content with this doctor. Anna is great too! She is always available to answer any questions and promptly replies to all missed calls. I had my flanks done and will be going back for my lower abdomen next month. I’m very happy and have great results so far but it has only been 10 days! I would highly recommend this doctor.” “I went for laser lipo in Brick. Anna was my contact person. The experience, start to finish, was fantastic! The doctor is the best-- witty, experienced, helpful and compassionate. Anna is a kind and gentle person. So far, I am thrilled with my results. It wasn’t painful, per se, but felt very strange. They provided meds and local for the procedure. Worth every penny so far.”


Happy Veteran’s Day

74 Brick Blvd., Bldg. 3, Suite 207 • Brick, NJ 08723

For more information, call 732-262-5476 or visit www.drparkave.com

Veteran’s Day - Friday, November 11, 2016

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as “the Great War.” Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the United States, an official wreath-laying ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, while parades and other celebrations are held in states around the country. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day–a common misunderstanding, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May) honors American servicemembers who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle, while Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans – living or dead – but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.

Did You Know? Red poppies, a symbol of World War I (from their appearance in the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae), are sold in Canada and the United Kingdom on Remembrance Day to raise money for veterans or worn in the lapel as a tribute.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


FLU SHOT – Is There An Alternative? Flu Season is upon us and as usual, not only are physicians preparing for the potential “epidemic,”so are pharmacists, grocery clerks and Wal-Mart greeters all encouraging you to get your flu shot! For those of you who are seasoned readers of the OCW Magazine, you know my take on this and other conventional mainstream medical myths. For you novices, my prior history in conventional medicine resulted in my existence as a frustrated Family Physician. Having had the fortitude to break away from the “conventional wisdom” taught to me in medical school, it is appalling how much of that instruction I later found to be misguided, if not completely inaccurate. Today in my practice, it is my personal and professional goal to thoroughly research the most cutting-edge solutions for the medical problems that are brought before me. I assure you that anything I ever write or say is not based solely on my opinion but rather on factual evidence-based medical literature. Most of you know that I am not a fan of any vaccination with perhaps the exception of the rabies vaccine for those at very high risk, since the death rate of rabies, once contracted, is not less than 100%. Although the discussion of general immunization practices in America is not the purpose of this article, it will soon be available to you once I launch my new website. I hope that it will give parents more information and guidance in making an informed decision as to how to approach options for their own as well as their children’s immunization schedule.


There are multiple preventive things you can do, such as hand washing, and covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Eating healthy and getting adequate sleep is also very helpful, as are many herbs and supplements. But none are as effective as vitamin D. It has been well established that obtaining and maintaining high optimal levels of vitamin D will prevent the flu far better than the flu shot with literally no risks attached to its use. In fact if you develop the flu, you should take excessive amounts to combat the symptoms and length of disability associated with it. Dr. Bartiss’ Daily Vitamin D Recommendations for this season’s Flu 1. Get a blood test for vitamin D (OH-25) 2. Make sure your whole family has adequate blood levels of vitamin D this flu season (>50-80 ng/ml). Most children’s and adults’ vitamin D blood level is <30 ng/ml. 3. Adult (and children >100 lbs) maintenance .......................... 10,000 IU daily. 4. Children’s maintenance: <100 lbs............................................ 5,000 IU daily. 5. At the first symptoms of a cold or flu 1,000IU/ lb. daily for 7 days. Examples:


50 lbs ...................................................................50,000 IU daily as a single dose

Do you remember reading about the 1918 flu pandemic involving H1N1 influenza virus that killed 5 percent of the world’s population? Fear of this recurrence has brought about the multitude of vaccines given to our children and adults in America today (which has also provided a fat payday for Big Pharma). Once again: a great idea by man but a bad idea for mankind. This is because the flu shot is ineffective in protecting those most vulnerable from the life-threatening effects of the flu, namely the very young and the elderly above age 65.1 In a 2012 study conducted by the Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy at the University of Minnesota, the authors concluded that evidence for “consistent highlevel protection is elusive.” Although vaccination was found to provide modest protection from infection in young healthy adults who rarely have complications of flu, the authors found that “evidence for protection in adults 65 years of age and older [who represent over 90% of deaths from flu] … is lacking.2” The same has been concluded in dozens of similar studies in infants and toddlers. Yet, in spite of the evidence disputing the benefits of the flu vaccines, hospitals and state legislators around the nation have been implementing flu vaccine mandates for employees, under threat of termination. This includes everyone working for the hospital, whether they have patient contact or not. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The CDC plans to revaccinate all children and adults; hospital workers just have the misfortune of being at the top of the list.

100 lbs.................................................................100,000 IU daily as a single dose 150 lbs................................................................ 150,000 IU daily as a single dose 200 lbs................................................................ 200,000 IU daily as a single dose 1. CDC. Interim Adjusted Estimates of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness— United States, February 2013. MMWR Feb. 22, 2013;62:119-23. 2. www.cidrap.umn.edu

Contact Dr. Bartiss at ICAM to schedule an appointment, 609-978-9002.

Institute For Complementary & Alternative Medicine 24 Nautilus Drive, Suite 3, Manahawkin, NJ 609-978-9002 504 Hamburg Tpk., Suite 202, Wayne, NJ 973-790-6363 By Appointment Only: 639 Stokes Road, Suite 202, Medford, NJ 609-654-5900 www.ICAMBartissMD.com

Mark James Bartiss, MD is a medical writer, lecturer, and author, and is recognized as a top ten specialist in the field of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). He has helped numerous individuals take their lives back and reclaim their health.

REMEMBER... When it comes to your health, you do have options and a choice.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Health &Wellness

Meditation Guidelines 1. Choose a quiet, comfortable spot where you will not be disturbed by other people or by the phone. This extends to pets as well. Choose a time when you will be free from essential duties. 2. Ensure physical and mental confort. Wear loose, comfortable clothes and empty your bladder and bowel. 3. Assume a poised position.It is essential to have a straight back without rigidity, a comfortable body, and stillness. The ideal meditation posture is one in which you can sit for the duration of the meditation without having to move the body unnecessarily. 4. Close your eyes. This makes it easier to concentrate. 5. Relax your muscles – starting with your scalp down to the tips of your toes. Become aware of each part of your body in succession, letting go as much as you can each time you exhale. Starting with your forehead, become aware of tension to some degree as you breathe in and then let go of any obvious tension as you breathe out. This need only take a minute or two. 6. Become aware of your breathing. Notice how the breath goes in and out. Listen to your breathing – it should be regular, slow, and rhythmical.

7. Choose a word, a sound or object to focus on. The meditation object can be physical like a fruit, a flower vase, a candle, or a mandala, or a word or phrase repeated mentally or aloud, or a body rhythm like breathing. Count your breath from 1 to 10 on exhalation and start again. Try several methods until you find one that is right for you. 8. Don’t think about the “right” way to meditate. Don’t think about the “right” way to meditate. If you are worrying about whether you are doing it right, then you are not meditating. But don’t be critical of yourself – just shift your attention back to the object of your meditation. 9. Passive awareness. This is very important. You need to develop a passive and relaxed attitude toward distraction. Each time you become conscious that your mind has wandered (and this will happen many times), just bring it back easily and effortlessly to the object of your meditation. As you become more experienced, distracting thoughts and images will lessen. Accept that they are inevitable and maintain an attitude of indifference to them. 10. Regular practice. Practice at least once a day for 10 to 20 minutes. With regular practice it becomes easier to still the mind and meditation becomes deeper and more peaceful.

Massage School

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for more information or to register online call the school at 732-505-0055

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Located On: Corner of Route 37 &166 917-5 North Main Street, Toms River, NJ

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


Dr. Michalewski on the Latest Advancements in Urogynecology Martin P. Michalewski, MD, FACOG, has an impressive list of credentials as a nationally and internationally recognized expert in minimally invasive laparoscopic Urogynecology and Robotic Surgery. He helped pioneer many procedures that have improved the quality of life for thousands of women who have experienced urinary or fecal incontinence, prolapse of uterus, bladder, rectum or vagina, bleeding, pelvic pain, fibroids and other female pelvic floor issues. Dr. Michalewski received the achievement award from the Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons, distinguishing him as among the best laparoscopic surgeons, and he is a recipient of Outstanding Researcher Status for his past research activities. He currently serves as a proctor, consultant and lecturer for major surgical companies, and teaches the newest minimally invasive surgical techniques to other physicians. In practice for over 20 years Dr. Michalewski was among first 500 U.S. physicians to hold double board certification by ABOG and subspeciality board certification in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

Small interventions = Big improvements Dr. Michalewski believes that many women tolerate pelvic issues such as urinary or fecal incontinence, uterine or bladder prolapse, pain, bleeding and fibroids needlessly, when multiple options, often non-surgical, are available for treatment. Currently one out of three women over the age of 45 and one out of two over age 65 experience some degree of pelvic floor dysfunction and only 13-16% seek care. As the population matures, more women have pelvic floor problems.

Many women think these conditions are just a normal part of aging, but they are not. According to Dr. Michalewski, although some issues – such as bladder or uterine prolapse – seem like just a nuisance to some women, they can lead to more complicated medical problems such as chronic urinary infections, incomplete bladder emptying, urine retention, stone formation or sepsis that can affect kidneys, and should be addressed in a timely fashion before a more serious condition ensues.

Minimally Invasive = Maximally Effective “There have been more advancements in medicine and technology in the past two decades than in the last century,” states Dr. Michalewski. Robotics and smaller advanced laparoscopic instruments have allowed the field of urogynecology to offer new procedures that result in better outcomes and are much less invasive. This means patients go home the same day, have faster recovery, fewer complications, less pain and better medical and cosmetic outcomes. For example, the standard procedure until today for hysterectomy, unchanged since the 1920s, is to have a large abdominal incision that results in a longer hospitalization and months of painful recovery, creating major disruption in the patient’s life. As a robotic and a Single Incision Laparscopic Surgery (SILS) expert, Dr. Michalewski can perform a hysterectomy and any urogynecological, prolapse or incontinence procedure with a very small, pencil size incision and typically send the patient home the very same day.

Martin P. Michalewski, MD, FACOG Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Director of Minimally Invasive Urogynecology, Gynecologic and Robotic Surgery Dr. Michalewski is affiliated with Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch and Community Medical Center in Toms River. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Michalewski, contact: 310 Route 34, Colts Neck, NJ 07722 255 3rd Avenue, Long Branch, NJ 07740 1 Route 70 W, Lakewood, NJ 08701 732.901.0211

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

About Barnabas Health Medical Group Barnabas Health Medical Group is a multispecialty group practice comprising highly trained and experienced world class primary and specialty care physicians. Barnabas Health Medical Group physicians provide compassionate and innovative cutting edge care for people at every stage of life at easily accessible facilities conveniently located throughout New Jersey. Backed by the vast continuum of resources throughout RWJBarnabas Health, our dedicated physicians and expertly trained supporting staff continuously strive for clinical excellence. For more information, visit www.BarnabasHealthMedicalGroup.org.

“Ninety-nine percent of my patients are home the same day after minimally invasive procedures, one day it’s done, one week it’s forgotten,” says Dr. Michalewski. According to Dr. Michalewski, new technologies such as SILS, natural orifice transluminal endocscopic survery (NOTES) or integrated CT scans with intraoperative real-time mapping will continue to develop, advancing the field very quickly, helping more women with pelvic health issues.

Experience Counts Female pelvic floor problems stem from a variety of factors, such as hormonal changes, childbirth, heavy lifting, obesity, and most commonly, age. As life expectancy increases and the large baby boom generation needs advanced medical services, more women will need to address these issues and will need an experienced specialist like Dr. Michalewski. “Patients should look at the true experience level of any physician, and question them as to the number of cases performed in any given time frame as multiple studies have unequivocally proven that outcomes of high volume surgeons are far superior,” says Dr. Michalewski. “Many patients come to me for a second or third opinion and unfortunately, often after suboptimal outcomes from less experienced centers.” With a world-class reputation in his field and thousands of successful procedures during his career of more than 20 years, Dr. Michalewski provides his patients with the care they expect and deserve.

November/December 2016

50 66

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At Copiers Plus ~ Custom Work Is Our Specialty!


Copiers Plus Copy Center Ocean City ing, sign fabrication, vehicleExpands wraps, vinyl banners, signs, and window Copiers Plus Their Printing Services Division…Part CPI Custom Graphics Two! graphics continues to grow from their Ocean City location. print from their smart phones, are designed to produce 609-398-7676 EmailCopy rpm@copiersplus.com Copiers• Plus Center Ocean City Their services have expanded to vehicle and boat lettering. They pride opiers plus’ expansion into specialized large format print-

mainly outdoor work such and send and receive faxes. themselves on versatility and innovative design coupled with cutting edge techas vinyl banners and signs. Our printing services nology and are able to meet the needs of a wide of customers. division hasbase developed quickly With this equipment we will

935 West Ave, CPI Custom Graphics Ocean City, N.J. 08226 935 West Ave, Ocean City. N.J. 08226 609-398-7676 Email rpm@copiersplus.com

be expanding our services and offers a wide ranging listcut-outs Custom work is their specialty and they enjoy creating life-size for Truck into motor vehicle and boat of up commercial and personal special events, scanning and touching original artwork, along with custom Before lettering, along with full and printing services including: greeting cards, photo collages, and much more. partial vehicle wraps. • business cards Robert and Debra Matthews founded Copier’s Plus in 1986. Their goalWhat is really works out • real estate postcards to continue growing their company by•educating their customers and maintaingreat is that we use many direct mail ing the loyalty they have experienced for many years. As your business grows, of the products we sell in • letterheads Truck and Trailer After Vehicle Wrap Copiers Plus is able to meet your needs• in all areasand including copier salesthe or equipment leasdivision to booklets binding Written By: ing, service, repairs, supplies and all of•your regular commercial and personal produce the work created in invitations and Vehicle Wraps Are A Great Way To Advertise Robert P. Matthews our copy centers. This enables announcements printing needs. President, Copiers Plus Inc. us to become experts on • promotional items As a reminder, their printing services include: the capabilities of all of the • format banners and Business cards, real estate postcards, direct mail, letterhead, booklets and products we represent and posters binding,e invitations and announcements, promotional items, blue prints, graph-extremely competitive had just finished remain • blueprint new shredding. with our pricing. • reprographic services ic designrenovating services andour document store in Ocean City when • graphic design services Lastly, Copiers Plus sells andcian services the award winning linesof of weather, Lanier, format copiers and printers; black & may encounter in terms n By: Robert P. Matthews Hurricane SandySr. hit. So NEW JERSEY • document shredding “Custom work Ricoh, Samsung, and Kyocera office products. They offer traditional office Look for future white and full color multi-function prod- is our specialty!” traffic or any unforeseen event that may nt Copiers here Plus we Inc.are a year later to Custom work is our Copiers Plus is your placephoto when everyone else says no. From announcements we drawn copiers, large our format copiers and printers; black & white and full color multiFromas hand invitations to go lifetosize COPY PRODUCTS reintroduce newest I find this part ofproblem. ucts, printers, scanners, fax machines, delayspecialty. the resolution to their hand drawn invitations to life size photo cutouts to elaborate function products, printers, scanners, faxbusiness machines, andthe all most the software necesexpand our service cutouts to elaborate memorials…..we do it all. let printing services location. the to be and all the software necessary to improvedo it all. Let our expert staff help you create your As a medium sized office products memorials…..we 1-800-834-3598 saryCopiers to improve workflows.rewarding. Plusbusiness is now offering ourprocesses. expert staff help you create your next project. offerings. We gethas to the be very Look for future announcements next project. business dealer, Copiers Plus advantage printing services at our newest creative with theasvarious weagreements, continue to expand to offer custom service billAdditional Services... location at 935 West Ave. requests we get. Things ourlike offerings. Draw ing and financing programs tailored Ocean City, N.J. scanning and touching up In addition, we attention to any businesses’ individual With this latest addition, to fitoriginal artwork, creating life-needs. are an Authorized your we are bringing much neededDecisions are made locally,events, speeding up size cut-outs for special DocStar Dealer, proservices to the businesses, along with custom greeting the entire process - from the acquisition business viding a variety of residents, and tourists of cards, photo collages, almost of equipment, to billing - timely and with electronic document n independent Oceanoffice City. equipment anything you can imagine. accurately. Life Size storage and retrieval We have a very compecomfortable Out latest capabilities we are constantly battling We have implemented all the same Cut-Outs retail store solutions. Boat Graphics include a 64” wide eco-solvent om all fronts. Fromwhere large customers nationand programs that the large compacanRobert come P. inMatthews and use our PC’stoolsplotter, a 64” laminator and Copiers Plus now ufacturers and chain stores, to the use to analyze overallproducts copy and print offers our products to send and receive e-mails, nies contour cutter. These



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Window Graphics 2014 “Custom July/August work is our2016 November/December


Assisted Living


Welcome To Spring Oak Of Toms River We are a leader in affordable assisted living communities. We own and operate communities for older adults that feature independent living, assisted living, and specialized memory support apartments. Our communities are designed to serve older adults and provide a wonderful alternative to struggling alone at home while still helping to maintain their independence.

For more information, call 732-905-9222 or visit www.springoaktomsriver.com.

We strongly believe that the need for assistance as we age does not mean having to give up one’s independence. Our emphasis is on helping each resident to maintain their health, wellness, dignity and enjoy socialization our communities provide. At our affordable assisted living communities, residents live in private apartments that feature a kitchenette, bathroom and emergency call system. A variety of floor plans are available, with residents furnishing and decorating the apartment to their taste. Staff is on-duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide personal assistance with medications and a full array of activities. Meals, housekeeping and laundry services are also included in our affordable monthly fee. This valuable combination of housing and optional services provides a home-like setting with the right balance of health and wellness without compromising an individual’s choices, dignity or independence. Visit our community and learn more about what we have to offer.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Health &Wellness


Yoga for Therapy & Conditioning for Everyone Written by Laurie Greene, PhD, ERYT Owner, Yoga Nine Ventnor & Ship Bottom, LBI Yoga is incorporated into many training regimens for competitive athletes, and used in therapeutic applications for everything from chronic conditions like MS, scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis, to the physical challenges of aging like arthritis, high blood pressure and degenerative disc disease.It is also therapeutically used to reduce the side effects of treatments for cancer and the more common struggles of anxiety and depression. When a practice regimen is structured around the appropriate protocol, yoga may be adapted therapeutically and to a myriad of conditions. Using props and apparatus which accommodate physical limitations and a practitioner’s level of ability and limitations. Along with the more common blocks and bolsters and straps, BKS Iyengar developed a system of ropes and slings secured into a wall. Called “yoga karunta,” this apparatus can be used to target strength training, conditioning and alignment, and allow access to yoga’s benefits for individuals who are recovering from injuries. Along with the general expansion and deepening of asana practice, the Great Rope Wall provides the following benefits: • • • • • •

Hold poses longer Improve flexibility Allow access to inversions (handstand & headstand) Build strong and reliable muscles Recruit various muscle groups to attain poses not yet accessible on the mat Therapeutic benefits: supports the healing of athletic injuries, arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and sciatica • Athletes can incorporate a Great Rope Wall practice into cross-training and preparation for competitions • Open joints and connective tissues using movement, breath, awareness, postures and positioning • Improve postural alignment in asana For those who are disabled, or have more severe physical limitations while recovering from injuries, the rope wall offers access to the benefits of yoga, by providing assistance with standing and sitting, or allowing access to yoga from a wheelchair or other assistance device.

SCHEDULE Vinyasa Krama: Targeted Sequencing & Adjusting in Support of “Deep Learning” Wednesdays, 6-9pm: Specialized training for yoga teachers. One Wednesday a month--Learn the art and science of coupled sequencing and adjusting to bring students into a deeper practice and help them to overcome obstacles to advancement.’

2016 DATES: November 9: Twists and Binds-Closing the Loop December 7: The Kinetic Chain: Adjusting the Body with Ease $45/session, $400/10 session certification pre-registration required. 3 CEU's per session-Specialty Certificate issued with completion of 30 hours, (all 10 sessions). CEU certificate issued for each session. YA Certified. 4 week Intro class series Oct. 4,11,18 and 25. $10 per class. $40 series.

If you would like to see what yoga can offer you in terms of optimal functioning, come to Yoga Nine, and give our certified therapeutic services a try. SHIP BOTTOM LBI 2512 Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom

www.yoganine.com 609.404.0999

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VENTNOR 5301 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor November/December 2016

Fine Jewelry



Recipe Heading Here:

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Medical Professionals

Facts Every Woman Should Know About Breast Cancer There has been a lot of talk about breast cancer screening in the news lately. Mostly this is due to the recent report released by the United States Preventive Service Task Force which, amongst other things, recommended biennal screening mammography beginning at age 50 instead of age 40 and discouraged applying breast self-exams. Immediately, these recommendations were challenged by The American Cancer Society, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, the American College of Radiology, the American Society of Breast Disease, and the Susan B. Komen Foundation, just to name a few. With all of this information, it can be confusing for most people to understand the facts about breast cancer and what guidelines should be followed. Below, I will answer some of the more commom questions about breast cancer and breast cancer screening. Q: How common is breast cancer? A: A woman’s chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime is 1 in 8. Only lung cancer causes more cancer deaths in women. Each year about 240,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed (one every 2.5 minutes). Sadly, 40,000 women die from breast cancer each year (one death every 13 minutes). Q: How effective is mammography screening? A: Screening mammography reduces breast cancer mortality by 25-30% for women ages 50-70 and 18% for women ages 40-50. Early detection is incredibly important. The 12-year survival rate is 95% for cancers detected that are less than 1 centimeter in size. Q: What are the screening guidelines? A: Women should have a yearly screening mammogram beginning at age 40. Women should perform a breast self-examination each month. Q: If the technology is so good for detecting breast cancer, why do I have to perform breast self-exams? A: Breast self-exams are extremely important! Approximately 5% of breast cancers cannot be visualized on imaging and are only detectable with physical exam.

For more information, call 732-244-0777 or visit www.TomsRiverXray.com.

Q: Why did this Preventive Service Task Force make their recommendations? A: : In an attempt to be efficient with limited resources, a decision was made to lower the detection rate sensitivity from 90% to 70%! Any limitation in screening will increase the rate of breast cancer mortality. In my opinion, this is unacceptable. Q: Why is bringing my prior mammograms important? A: Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between dense breast tissue and cancer. Prior mammograms allow a radiologist to determine what is stable, benign breast tissue and what is cancer. Q: Is there a difference between digital and analog mammography? A: Digital mammography is considered to be superior in breast cancer detection both due to sharper resolution as well as overall reduced radiation exposure. The Hologic digital mammogram system used at Toms River X-ray, CT, and MRI Center is one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art tools offered in women’s health care today. By combining advanced technologies with qualified, experienced staff, a beautiful facility and an excellent group of radiologists, we’ve managed to offer women a better overall experience.

As always, contact our office where our staff will be more than happy to assist you.

About The Author...

Dr. Cyrus Khorrami is an Ocean County native who attended kindergarten through twelfth grade in Toms River. He is a graduate of Temple University Medical School and completed his radiology residency at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Khorrami completed a Cross Sectional Imaging Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center. He has returned to Toms Ricer to work with his family as Medical Director of Toms River X-Ray, CT, and MRI Center.

732-244-0777 • PET/CT • Diagnostic X-Ray • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • CT Scan • Nuclear Medicine • High Field Open Bore MRI • Bone Densitometry

Deer Chase Professional Park • 154 Route 37 West • Toms River, NJ 08755 Cyrus Khorrami, M.D.

Tel: 732-244-0777 • Fax: 732-244-1428



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com


EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE you can count on.

November/December 2016

Health &Wellness


It’s That Time Of Year Again…

Should You Get a Flu Shot?


he flu is a respiratory infection that’s caused by many different viruses. Up to one in five people get the flu in the U.S. each year.1 It comes on suddenly, causes worse symptoms than the cold and can be serious for some people. As you know, last year, a new strain of flu was thrown into the mix. Called swine flu at first, then H1N1, it caused symptoms similar to regular flu, such as fever, cough, aches, chills and fatigue.2 Did you get a flu shot last year? If you’re someone who’s always thought flu shots are just for your grandparents, think again. For the Jay Greco, RPh 2016-17 flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that almost everyone get a flu shot. That is, everyone six months and older. These changes will simplify guidelines that have been confusing to many people. You should know that the new flu vaccine will include the H1N1 strain. Any shortage in vaccine supplies this season may slightly alter a plan to vaccinate everyone at once, however. In that case, the CDC may prioritize vaccines as it has in the past. It would first target people who are at higher risk of developing complications from the flu. This includes people who are 65 and older and pregnant women. Also, people with certain chronic medical conditions, such as asthma or heart disease, would take priority. In addition, it is also important for those coming into close contact with these people to get vaccinated early.3 Now, if you’re pregnant, you may wonder if it is safe to get a flu shot. The short answer is, yes. However, this is not true if you have a severe allergy to eggs. That’s because the ingredients for flu shots are grown inside eggs. Also, you should not get a vaccine if you have had a severe reaction to a flu shot in the past. If you’re pregnant, request the flu shot, not the nasal spray vaccine. It is made from an inactivated virus. This makes it safe for you and your baby during pregnancy. Avoid trying to get pregnant for four weeks after a vaccination with a nasal spray vaccine.4 So, when should you get a flu vaccine? Now is a good time to start thinking about it. Flu season runs from November to April. Most cases hit between the end of December and early March. You can probably get the vaccine starting in September. It’s best to do it as early as possible so you can head off any infections “at the pass.” Getting the flu shot early gives your body time to build up immunity. This means it will protect you better against the flu.5 If you haven’t gotten the vaccine by December or so, or if it hasn’t been available for some reason, still go ahead and get it when you can. Remember that the nasal mist vaccine is only for healthy, non-pregnant people who are between 2 and 49 years old.5 If you do develop cough and cold symptoms, stop in to see us. We can help you select the best over the counter medications to help put you on the road to recovery.

For more information, call 609-660-1111 or visit www.JerseyShorePharmacyBarnegat.net.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

20% OFF

Valid for Over-the-Counter Items ONLY. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 12/31/2016.

MedlinePlus. "Flu." http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ medlineplus/flu.html


MedlinePlus. "H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)." http://www.nlm. nih.gov/medlineplus/h1n1fluswineflu.html


Health Day. "Virtually Everyone Should Get a Flu Shot: CDC"http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/news/ fullstory_95735.html


MayoClinic. "Seasonal flu shot in pregnancy: Is it safe?" http://www.mayoclinic.com/print/influenza/AN00651/ METHOD=print


Nemours Foundation. "Is the Flu Vaccine a Good Idea for Your Family?" http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/ body/flu_vaccine.html


November/December 2016

Funeral Planning


“Where Knowledge And Courtesy Go Along With Years Of Compassion And Understanding”

Written by: Sherry DeGraff

DeGraff Lakehurst Funeral Home is family owned and operated. Founded by Donald & Wanda DeGraff in 1979 in historic downtown Lakehurst. The building itself has a funeral history dating back to the early 1900’s. In 1990 the DeGraff family saw the future trends were leaning toward cremation, as a result, their daughter Sherry opened DeGraff Cremation Service offering a wide variety of cremation service options. The move towards more cremation represents the largest shift in the funeral industry. In fact, many consumers believe the cremation itself is performed at the individual funeral home or cremation service they hired. This is not correct. Crematories are owned by cemeteries. Most people are surprised when they hear that. Many people are unaware that cremation must be authorized by a spouse or blood kin under New Jersey State Law. This can cause undue stress for people who do not have a spouse or family.

unmarried co-habitants, civil unions or just close personal friends may find this provision beneficial. This designated person is called a “Funeral Representative” and must be named as such in a will. With this designation, they can bypass any blood kin and can authorize a cremation and control the funeral. Choosing cremation for final disposition in lieu of traditional burial does not change service options for a family. A funeral celebrates someone’s life bringing together family and friends to console each other and share memories of a life well lived. In addition to cremation, the services can still include a traditional viewing, memorial service at the funeral home or church or graveside services when or if the cremains are placed at a cemetery. Providing excellence, honesty and dedication to every family we serve is our primary goal.

In 2004, New Jersey law provides for the designation of an individual to control the funeral or cremation of another person regardless of whether or not the named person is related by marriage or blood. People in relationships involving

If you would like additional information on the services we offer or prearrangement options, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated staff at 732-657-7868 or you may visit our website at www.degrafffuneralhome.com

DeGraff Lakehurst Funeral Home 119 Union Ave. Lakehurst, NJ 08733 www.DeGraffFuneralHome.com

Call: 732-657-7868 Family Owned and Operated Serving All Faiths Sherry DeGraff

Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3921


An Affordable College Education Awaits You at Ocean County College! Obtaining a college degree doesn’t have to break your budget. With a combination of low tuition, financial aid, grants, scholarships, and loans, you can afford to attend Ocean County College (OCC)! Over the past several years, Ocean County College has kept tuition down. OCC still has one of the lowest tuition rates in New Jersey, just $112* per credit for spring 2017 tuition! Plus, high school students can get a Jump Start on their college education by taking college courses in their junior or senior year – tuition is just $80** per credit (excludes e-learning). If you need financial assistance, OCC administers federal and state financial aid programs to help eligible students pay for school. Federal aid programs include the Pell Grant, and William D. Ford Direct Stafford and Parent PLUS loans, among others. State programs include the Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG), Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF), and many more. You may apply for these need-based and non-need-based programs by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at www.fafsa.gov and listing Ocean County College as your school of choice. Data from this application is forwarded to the New Jersey Higher Education Student Assistance Authority to determine state financial aid eligibility. To qualify for state aid consideration, you must be a legal resident of the state of New Jersey. In order to assist you in earning money during the academic year, OCC also offers work-study programs, which allow you to be employed on-campus or perform community service work off-campus. Most on-campus jobs include various work assignments in academic departments, administrative offices, laboratories, or the library. If you have a specialized skill or training, you may find a job in your area of expertise. You may also qualify for a private scholarship or grant, available from local and national organizations and foundations, including the OCC Foundation. All students are encouraged to investigate their eligibility for these funds. There are even state and federal assistance programs that provide student aid for veterans, members of Selected Reserves and National Guard, veterans with ratable disabilities, dependents of veterans who died or became disabled as a result of active duty, and dependents of military service personnel who are officially declared “Prisoners of War” or “Missing in Action.” If you want to attend classes, don’t let finances keep you from achieving your goal of a college education. OCC’s Financial Aid Office is ready to answer any questions you may have. (*college, student, and technology fees extra) (**technology fee extra)



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Because a college education should be worth a fortune. It shouldn’t cost one. www.ocean.edu Source: http://www.state.nj.us/highereducation/documents/pdf/statistics/tuition/Tuition2015.pdf. Kean-Ocean amounts based on two years of 2013-14 OCC tuition/fees + two years of 2013-14 Kean University tuition/fees.

For more information on Ocean County College, call 732-255-0400 or visit www.ocean.edu.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Adult Community


Staying Close To Be Independent, Home Choices For 55+ There are so many choices to make in the time preceding retirement, where to live or when to move can be simplified. Consider a land lease community. After the financial aspect of the adjusted earnings and income create the budget, and it is checked and double-checked, that is the right time to make the decision to move or not to move. Careful, prudent planning has led you to retirement; careful, prudent shopping will lead you to the right home decision. With so many active adults in the marketplace, there are just so many active adult residential choices, as well as the unlimited opportunities in the general real estate market. Of the active adult choices, land lease communities offer a refreshing selection of right-priced, right-sized homes. What most people want is to eliminate as much uncertainty as possible, reduce personal stress, and in retirement have the time to enjoy the things that make them happy. Land leasing offers the solution to reduction of uncertainty and reduced personal stress. A solution this satisfying deserves a careful examination. We are familiar with the satisfaction that comes with leasing our car, leasing our vacation location, leasing formal wear, leasing the modem for our communication and Internet access. These kinds of leases provide specific services for specific financial commitment and for a defined period of time. We are comfortable with leases, we understand them, they move us towards reducing uncertainty and less personal stress. The land lease communities accomplish the same things, and we have a nice place to live within our means for many years to come. The land cost and location are the major contributors to any home purchase. When the land cost is not part of the purchase, the home price can fit reasonably and logically into the adjusted income and more limited earnings potential, allowing for a comfortable transition to a right-sized home that is right-sized for the carefully planned budget. Some land lease communities can add a level of comfort through municipal rent control. Buyers who are aware of how inflation contributes to the increased costs of everything will be able to validate their decision to lease their home site rather than make another purchase of land and home. In the land lease scenario there’s room left over in the budget for a new energy-efficient home; a purchase in scale with the new everything that comes to be in retirement. Fountainhead is a land lease community for people at least 55 years of age, thinking about retirement, thinking about right-sizing and right-pricing a new home. The new ranch homes at Fountainhead range from about 1000 square feet. Several floor plans are available. All homes are one-level ranch homes, very well-designed and proportioned for your most precious possessions and hosting family gatherings. Energy-efficiency, Energy Star certifications will help the world by using less energy for heat and cooling, lending an element of certainty that the utilities will be reliably lower than most other slightly older homes. It will cost you less all around to reside in a land lease community; and that’s a very good thing. The living is easier all the way around in a land lease community. A place where likeminded people will find each other, and where there is “just enough” to keep you busy but not so much to drain your energy. With our divided entry, we are a well-defined community, and it feels like we are miles away from the busy bustle of the heart of Jackson Township. Fountainhead offers a respectable buffer surrounding each home for maximizing privacy and maintaining community. Home maintenance is easier when owning a ranch, less hazardous with less acquaintance with ladders. Like everything else, if you put the time in to take good care of what you own, you will reap the benefits for years and at resale. New Fountainhead homes come with a well-planned, clearly stated one- to ten-year warranty. Home buyers are well-informed at every milestone in the selection, construction and final building approval of each new Fountainhead home. Satisfaction is built-in. Style and convenience will impress the first-time new home Fountainhead visitor. The community is very residential – mature trees, very wide streets, off-the-street parking – with easy lease terms and experienced on-site staff to increase your security and validate your decision to commit to this easier lifestyle. The Viviano Family has owned and continues to build this community for 55+ people. Our experience spans 60 years in the land lease community market, but that’s a story for another day. There are many land lease communities in NJ, some exclusive for 55+, and others that are perfect for growing families. The trade association offers interested buyers resources, www. njmha.org. When it comes time to make the change, visit Fountainhead and receive all the details you need to post that For Sale sign in your not-so-right current home. Please visit us at www.njfountainhead.com or on Facebook at Fountainhead NJ for directions and office hours.

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November/December 2016




Business & Finance



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November/December 2016 2015 November/December

Business & Personal Storage


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The road to recovery starts with Hope. Introducing Princeton House Behavioral Health’s outpatient center at 615 Hope Road, Eatontown.

Princeton House Behavioral Health, a unit of Princeton HealthCare System, is a regional leader in behavioral healthcare. Our Women’s Program — the premier service of its kind in New Jersey — is now available at our new outpatient center in Eatontown. The Women’s Program is sensitive to the special needs of women facing acute behavioral health crises involving trauma, trauma and addiction, or life transitions. Our multidisciplinary team of board-certified psychiatrists and highly qualified counseling professionals use evidence-based practices to provide comprehensive, compassionate care in a healing, comfortable environment. Treatment options include a partial hospital program (five days per week) and an intensive outpatient program (three days per week). Treatment programs include: Women’s Trauma Women’s Trauma and Addiction Women’s Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Women’s Emotion Regulation

For more information or to make a referral, please call

888.437.1610 or visit princetonhouse.org.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Medical Professionals


When Does Forgetting Become An Issue? Is it memory loss or am I just being forgetful? Did I just lose my keys or will I never remember where I put them? Is it OK that I can’t remember how to do basic chores because I’m “getting older”? The first answer brings good news because you are asking these important questions, not someone on your behalf, and, even more important:

there are answers!

When your memory has significantly declined, is poor compared to performance typical for your age but DOES NOT interfere with independent, day-to-day functions, you can be described as having Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI. Dementia is an advanced deterioration of MCI and means that you no longer are able to independently perform day-today functions. Alzheimer’s Disease or AD is the most common form of dementia, and we know that a proteinbased plaque exists in the brains of these patients at abnormally high levels. We also know that this plaque begins to accumulate and clump together within the brain as early as a decade or more before you may experience any memory loss, impairment or dementia. On a positive note, we are living longer and could prepare to enjoy this new stage of living proactively and productively. Exercise, proper diet and remaining busy,

active and engaged are proven factors that minimize developing symptoms of dementia. But the research, proper diagnosis and treatment options leave much to be desired and are far from where we need these areas developed at this era of science, technology and awareness.

But as we said earlier, there are answers: The Memory Enhancement Center of New Jersey in Eatontown and Caring Heart & Brain Imaging in Manasquan. Dr. Joel Ross is the founder of the Memory Enhancement Center and is an expert in the detection and evaluation of dementia. Dr. Ross is currently directing some of the most advanced research studies sponsored by the leaders in pharmaceutical research for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the first imaging facility on the Jersey Shore to offer expert PET imaging of the brain to diagnose dementia and differentiate between

2412 Highway 35, Manasquan, NJ 08736 732-292-1008 service@caringheartcoronaryimaging.com • www.CHCI.biz

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging has an impeccable and extensive track record because our interpreting radiologist is an expert in interpreting PET Lorraine Catalano, scans with extensive training CNMT and in interpreting brains affected Imaging Director by dementia. We are the only facility in New Jersey that has performed over 90 AMYVID PET scans to identify the protein plaque associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging is the only dedicated PET scanner in New Jersey and that means less radiation exposure because there is no CT scan involved. Call for an appointment to meet with Dr. Ross and you will have an intensive consultation, expert scan and a future of knowledge and answers, all provided with absolutely no charge or out-of-pocket costs. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging can even provide transportation if you need a ride!

Take charge of your life, your future and the promise of hope for you and your family!

Cardiac Breakthrough Slipping Away At The Jersey Shore… The Jersey Shore has suffered some great losses in the recent past due to Super Storm Sandy and the Nor’easter…and now, another great loss seems inevitable. Caring Heart & Brain Imaging has made the latest cardiac technology available to residents of the Jersey Shore, who could only benefit from this same testing of they traveled to New York City, Philadelphia or Northern Jersey. Unfortunately, educating patients and doctors is taking time, and not enough patients are aware that they can ask their family doctor or cardiologist to write a script for the test that will accurately and specifically determine if your heart muscle is receiving adequate blood flow and if that blood flow is evenly distributed. The test to ask for is called a Cardiac PET Perfusion study for Rubidium. The Cardiac PET Perfusion study is the newest version of a cardiac stress test. For those people who have had the old test, the most compelling reasons for having the Cardiac PET Perfusion study performed at Caring Heart & Brain Imaging are:

Speedier Scan Times – approximately 45 minutes as opposed to 2-1/2 to 4 hours for the old SPECT scan.

Patient Exposure to Radiation is cut in half - the Attrius scanner reduces patient exposure to radiation, and Rubidium, the agent used in the scan, has a short half-life, so the amount of radiation exposure is substantially less than a chest x-ray.

Improved Images – PET provides clearer, more precise 2D images better suited for detection of disease.

Avoidance of Unnecessary Procedures – Test images are so accurate, procedures such as stent implantation and even coronary bypass surgery might be avoided.

We will provide transportation, if necessary. If you have some, or all of the risk factors mentioned below, you should see your family practice doctor and ask if you would benefit from the Cardiac PET Perfusion study performed at Caring Heart & Brain Imaging.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Don’t let this opportunity to receive the best and most accurate technology for cardiac care slip away from you. Tell your doctor you want only the best. We are happy to answer any questions you or your doctor may have. We can be reached at 732-292-1008.

At Caring Heart & Brain Imaging,

you are in our caring hands! November/December 2016



Yoga Nine Retreat to Morocco

March 10-17, 2017 Join us in the breathtaking UNESCO World Heritage Site city of Essaouira, a relaxed fishing town on the coast of Morocco. (For television enthusiasts, the recent series Game of Thrones was filmed here.) Of late there have been many amazing press pieces on this lovely part of Morocco. We have been going to Morocco for the past four years and to Essaouria for the last three. It is the perfect location for a yoga retreat in Morocco as it offers a more relaxed medina and some of the best shopping in the country!


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VENTNOR 5301 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor November/December 2016



The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Business &Finance


Join The Greater Toms River Chamber Today! The Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce offers many member-only, no-cost or cost-effective ways of promoting your business & reaching your target audience. Website – no cost to chamber members! Members receive a free alphabetical/category listing in our online membership directory with a link back to your website. Your online member listing also includes a free map showing your exact business location. As a member, you are also encouraged to contribute your expert information in the form of a blog article on our news page. Website sponsorship opportunities are available! Member Connect – no cost to chamber members! Our monthly networking event on the secon Friday of the month at 7:45am at the Tuscan Bistro Bar is a must-attend for business owners and operators! Business After Hours – no cost to chamber members! For-profit businesses partner with non-profit members to bring you a meaningful event that you can feel great about attending. Our only request – give freely to the event’s non-profit.

Jeremy Grunin, Chairman

Email Marketing – no cost to new members (one-time, no-cost email valid within the first year of membership); $50 per email for current chamber members. Chamber Newsletter – no cost to chamber members. We encourage our members to take advantage of the member news section in our monthly newsletters.

Member-to-Member Directory – no cost to chamber members!

Event Sponsorships – investment varies.

Partner Member Opportunities – investment varies. We love doing business with our members…and we want you to, too!

Noelle Carino, CEO

Other Benefits Include: • Notary Public service • Inclusion of business literature in racks at chamber office • Membership plaque, e-plaque, and window cling

Welcome New Members Two River Community Bank Assisting Hands of Greater Ocean County Garden State Philharmonic Symphony Lice Lifters of Ocean County LLC First Financial Federal Credit Union The Production House, LLC TriNet Alive Again Alliance Church Bacchus Winemaking Club

• Eligibility to participate in affinity programs • Complimentary ribbon-cutting ceremony • Customer Referrals – Each week the chamber receives inquiries asking to be referred to a business which will meet their needs. The chamber will only recommend their members to the public. • Committee opportunities • Receive email alerts on timely topics, such as when a new member joins the chamber, upcoming chamber and community events, and important issues that impact your business As a new member, you will be featured in our e-newsletter, our Facebook page, and at your first member connect.

To take advantage of these opportunities, please contact the chamber office at 732-349-0220, or send us an email at info@tomsriverchamber.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Women Of Ocean County


Marissa Furka, DPT, Physical Therapist, All-Care Physical Therapy Center Marissa Furka is a home physical therapist for All-Care Physical Therapy Center. She is a triple graduate of Stockton University, culminating in her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree. She received her prestigious board certification in geriatrics from the American Physical Therapy Association in 2010. As a physical therapist, Marissa strives to improve quality of life and enhance mobility through evidence-based treatments. As a board-certified geriatric specialist, Marissa is well versed in the latest techniques to help our aging population achieve their goals safely and effectively. Working as a home care physical therapist with All-Care, she focuses on getting her patients independent in the home while reducing falls and promoting return to prior level of function. Many of her patients do so well they transfer into the outpatient clinic environment seamlessly.

For more information about All-Care Physical Therapy at Home, please visit our website at allcareptc.com or call 1-855-3ALLCARE. Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Denise Sutor, RN, BSN, Clinical Nurse Manager, Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Denise was born in Philadelphia, raised in Cherry Hill and spent her summers in Margate and Ventnor growing up. When her daughter was born in 2010, she moved to Margate permanently to give her daughter the same shore experience that she loved as a child. Denise has been a nurse for 25 years, and chose nursing as a profession because of the many options a nursing career allows, “There is always opportunity to learn and to grow in this profession,” she says. She started her career in Philadelphia at Hahnemann and Jefferson Hospitals, in cardiology, then moved to the emergency department, then the recovery room and is now back to cardiology for her role as Clinical Nurse Manager, Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation at AtlantiCare. Denise’s hobbies include swimming, scuba diving, skiing, golf and traveling. She loves being outdoors with her daughter and enjoying the what shore life has to offer; riding bikes on the boardwalk, playing at the beach, swimming in the ocean, playing mini golf or just spending time with family and friends.

For more information about AtlantiCare’s Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation, call Denise at 609-272-6326.

Nikki Troisi, Director of Community Relations and Physician Liason, AristaCare Nikki Troisi has been working as the Director of Community Relations and Physician Liaison for AristaCare since August of 2008. Nikki has always had a passion for seniors; at the young age of 16, she had already begun working with the geriatric population. Little did she know that her first job as a dining room server at an assisted living facility was the beginning of her career. Nikki graduated cum laude from Quinnipiac University with her BA in Gerontology. She combines her knowledge and education with her passion and personality in creating her position at AristaCare as the Community Liaison. In this position she facilitates education and socialization, which is so important for the health and empowerment of seniors. Through these educational and social programs, she has helped many seniors connect with their peers as well as professionals who can be of service to them. AristaCare is a sub-acute rehab facility located in both Manchester and Whiting. AristaCare prides itself on being a leader in the healthcare industry and is committed to giving the highest level of treatment, compassion, and service to our patients.

For more information please visit www. Aristacare.com, or call 732.983.8760. Photo by Tracy Harman Photography

Barbara Sica, Director of Reverse Lending, Homebridge Financial Born and raised in Ocean County, Barbara Sica has been a trusted source in the local mortgage and real estate community for 30 years. As HomeBridge’s Director of Reverse Lending, not only has Barbara helped thousands of local residents finance their own homes, she has also assisted countless New Jersey seniors maintain their quality of life by explaining to them how to utilize reverse mortgages for their own benefit. Modern reverse mortgages are not the deceptive loans many thought them to be decades ago. Today, reverse mortgages allow seniors to leverage the equity in their home so they can live the life they’ve become accustomed to, in addition to financing unplanned medical expenses, vacation travel, as well as for other things of interest to themselves and their families. Barbara considers her approach in the mortgage industry “old school” and takes pride in the information sessions she provides potential customers, as well as being there for them every step of the way during these incredibly important financial transactions. HomeBridge itself is one of the faster growing, mortgage specific lenders in the country, licensed in 49 states, as well as Washington, D.C.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call 732-569-4830 or visit www.homebridge.com/barbarasica.com.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Women Of Ocean County


Stephanie Wigner, DC, Circle of Life Chiropractic Dr. Wigner was born and raised in Dodge City, Kansas. She attended the University of Kansas and then went on to Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. She specializes in pregnancy and pediatric chiropractic. She currently is completing an exam that will make her the only Certified Pediatric Chiropractor in Ocean County. She has always loved working with children, and was a Montessori preschool teacher before she became a chiropractor. She loves supporting and empowering women through the birth process. She enjoys teaching people of all ages what a healthy, natural lifestyle feels like and makes it a top priority to practice one herself. She recently moved to Point Pleasant Beach from North Jersey and loves the small knit community PPB offers. Outside of the office, Dr. Wigner enjoys relaxing next to the beach, reading and traveling. She can be reached at 732-295-4000, or email at drsteph@circleoflifechironj.com.

For more information, visit call Rita directly at 609-677-6010. To learn more about Dr.www.atlanticare.org/cancer Wigner visit her website at or www.circleoflifechironj.com.

Gerry Viggiani, LCSW, LCADC, Senior Primary Therapist, Princeton House Behavioral Health

A life-long Jersey Shore resident, Gerry Viggiani is a licensed clinical social worker and licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor. She works as a Senior Primary Therapist at Princeton House Behavioral Health’s new outpatient Women’s Program at Eatontown. Gerry graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in women’s studies. She recently pursued her goal of returning to school to obtain her master’s degree in social work, and has worked at Princeton House for the past four years. “Empowering women has always been important to me,” says Gerry. “Many of the women who come to us are struggling with past trauma or addictions. It’s really amazing to help them grow, achieve their goals, and be the best that they can be.” One of 10 clinical staff seeing patients at the Eatontown site, Gerry was just voted Employee of the Quarter by her co-workers for her dedicated service. She currently lives in Colts Neck with her husband, Mark, and their two daughters, Jessica and Lauren.

For more information, call 888-437-1610 or visit princetonhouse.org. Photo by Annette Jenkins Photography

Suzanne McGettigan, ACNP-BC MSN, RN, Acuity Specialty Hospital of New Jersey

Suzanne McGettigan has been an Acute Care Advanced Practice Nurse at Acuity Specialty hospital for over 2 years. She received her Bachelor’s degree in nursing from Trenton State College and worked as an RN for over 20 years. She received her MSN from Drexel University and has worked as an Infectious disease and Hospice Advanced Practice Nurse. Her years of clinical expertise and her ability to communicate with patients and their families made her a perfect fit for Acuity. “I love the staff at Acuity and feel that collectively we are able to provide comprehensive care to this patient population to give them the opportunity for the best outcome possible.” Suzanne was born and raised in Atlantic County and enjoys spending time at the Atlantic City beaches and experiencing the entertainment that Atlantic City has to offer. She is a self-proclaimed football fanatic and can watch any game on any given day. She lives in Absecon with her husband PJ and two sons, Sean and Brett.

For more information, call 609-441-8123 or visit www.acuityatlanticcity.com.

Laura Cole, AHLC, Master Certified, Abstrax Hair Designs I am a third-generation stylist and have been a member of the Professional Beauty Association since 1977. I joined the American Hair Loss Council in 1983 and have established my AHLC Accredited Masters Certification. Over the years I’ve attended many professional classes and seminars to expand and hone my talents in cutting, coloring, straightening, extensions, and hair replacement (for men, women and children) and to study trichology. I continue to attend educational classes and hands-on demonstrations so I can provide exceptional care for my clients with the latest methods and products that the industry has to offer for successful hair choice options. Hair loss is such a personal journey. All services are provided in an atmosphere of respect and confidentiality. I strive to help clients match their needs with an array of solutions and choices.

For more information, call Abstrax Hair Design at 732-255-1733 or visit www.abstraxhairdesign.com.

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November/December 2016



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November/December 2016



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November/December 2016






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November/December 2016





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The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016


Health &Wellness Living with osteoarthritis pain?

LEARN ABOUT A LOW-DOSE TREATMENT OPTION “The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that NSAIDs be used at the lowest possible dose and the shortest time needed for your treatment.” —Dr. Paul Doghramji Dr. Paul Doghramji

What is osteoarthritis (OA)? Characterized by joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting approximately 27 million US adults. If you are living with osteoarthritis, it is important to stay informed about advances in treatment, while focusing on information you can trust. Here are some facts I offer my patients to help them manage their osteoarthritis pain: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) NSAIDs are the most frequently used medicines to help manage pain and inflammation. NSAIDs are found in nearly 550 over-the-counter and prescription medicines, including aspirin, Aleve® (naproxen sodium), and Advil® (ibuprofen), to name a few. Other NSAIDs are only available as a prescription. The higher the dose, the higher the risk While NSAIDs can be effective, using them can also put you at risk for serious heart, stomach, and kidney problems. In fact, 16,500 people with rheumatic diseases (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) are estimated to die each year due to NSAID-related gastrointestinal complications. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that NSAIDs be used at the lowest possible dose and the shortest time needed for your treatment.

A welcome innovation Using SoluMatrix Fine Particle TechnologyTM, Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC has developed NSAID products that can help manage pain at low doses. This technology: • Creates NSAID drug particles that are approximately 10 to 20 times smaller than their original size • Helps drugs dissolve quickly so they can be rapidly absorbed in the body The role of meloxicam and VIVLODEX® Meloxicam is an NSAID that is used to manage pain caused by osteoarthritis. VIVLODEX is a low-dose SoluMatrix® meloxicam for patients with osteoarthritis pain. VIVLODEX is FDA-approved at 5-mg and 10-mg doses to be taken once daily. Ask your doctor if you are taking the lowest effective NSAID dose. Then ask about VIVLODEX. To prepare for a talk with your doctor about osteoarthritis pain and its treatment, you can download a helpful discussion guide at www.LowDoseMatters.com. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Important Safety Information All non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like VIVLODEX, increase the risk of heart attack or stroke that can lead to death. This risk may happen early in treatment and may increase with increasing doses and longer use of NSAIDs. Avoid taking NSAIDs after a recent heart attack. Do not take VIVLODEX right before or after a heart surgery called a “coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).” NSAID medicines can cause ulcers, tears, and bleeding in the esophagus, stomach and intestines at any time during treatment. These events can happen without warning symptoms and may cause death. The risk of a person getting an ulcer or bleeding increases with: a past history of ulcers or bleeding in the stomach or intestines, increasing doses or longer use of NSAIDs, taking other medicines called “corticosteroids”, “anticoagulants”, “SSRIs”, or “SNRIs”, smoking, drinking alcohol, older age, and having poor health, liver disease or bleeding problems. Please see Important Product Information and Medication Guide on the following page. The ‘Swirl Design logo’ and SoluMatrix Technology™ are trademarks of iCeutica Pty Ltd., and are licensed to Iroko. SoluMatrix Fine Particle Technology™ is a trademark of iCeutica Inc., and the technology is licensed to Iroko for exclusive use in NSAIDs. SoluMatrix® is a registered trademark of iCeutica Pty Ltd., and is licensed to Iroko.

©2016 Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC VIV-0084 08/2016

Printed in USA.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Health &Wellness

71 VIVLODEX® (meloxicam) capsules / Rx only


The information below does not take the place of talking with your healthcare professional. Only your healthcare professional knows the specifics of your condition and how VIVLODEX may fit into your overall therapy. Talk to your healthcare professional if you have any questions about VIVLODEX (pronounced viv’ loe dex). VIVLODEX is a prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medicine used to manage osteoarthritis (OA) pain at low 5 mg and 10 mg doses. The most common side effects in people taking VIVLODEX are diarrhea, nausea and abdominal discomfort. Read the Medication Guide that comes with VIVLODEX before you start taking this drug and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. Medication Guide for Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) What is the most important information I should know about medicines called Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)? NSAIDs can cause serious side effects, including: • Increased risk of a heart attack or stroke that can lead to death. This risk may happen early in treatment and may increase with increasing doses of NSAIDs; with longer use of NSAIDs Do not take NSAIDs right before or after a heart surgery called a “coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)." Avoid taking NSAIDs after a recent heart attack, unless your healthcare provider tells you to. You may have an increased risk of another heart attack if you take NSAIDs after a recent heart attack. • Increased risk of bleeding, ulcers, and tears (perforation) of the esophagus (tube leading from the mouth to the stomach), stomach and intestines anytime during use; without warning symptoms; that may cause death • The risk of getting an ulcer or bleeding increases with past history of stomach ulcers, or stomach or intestinal bleeding with use of NSAIDs; taking medicines called “corticosteroids”, “anticoagulants”, “SSRIs”, or “SNRIs”; increasing doses of NSAIDs; longer use of NSAIDs; smoking; drinking alcohol; older age; poor health; advanced liver disease; bleeding problems NSAIDs should only be used exactly as prescribed; at the lowest dose possible for your treatment; for the shortest time needed What are NSAIDs? NSAIDs are used to treat pain and redness, swelling, and heat (inflammation) from medical conditions such as different types of arthritis, menstrual cramps, and other types of short-term pain. Who should not take NSAIDs? Do not take NSAIDs if you have had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergic reaction with aspirin or any other NSAIDs; right before or after heart bypass surgery. Before taking NSAIDs, tell your healthcare provider about all of your medical conditions, including if you have liver or kidney problems; have high blood pressure; have asthma; are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are considering taking NSAIDs during pregnancy. You should not take NSAIDs after 29 weeks of pregnancy. • are breastfeeding or plan to breast feed. Tell your healthcare provider about all of the medicines you take, including prescription or over-the-counter medicines, vitamins or herbal supplements. NSAIDs and some other medicines can interact with each other and cause serious side effects. Do not start taking any new medicine without talking to your healthcare provider first. What are the possible side effects of NSAIDs? NSAIDs can cause serious side effects, including: See “What is the most important information I should know about medicines called Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)?” • new or worse high blood pressure • heart failure • liver problems including liver failure • kidney problems including kidney failure • low red blood cells (anemia) • life-threatening skin reactions • life-threatening allergic reactions • Other side effects of NSAIDs include: stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Get emergency help right away if you get any of the following symptoms: • shortness of breath or trouble breathing • slurred speech • chest pain • swelling of the face or throat • weakness in one part or side of your body Stop taking your NSAID and call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms: • nausea • vomit blood • more tired or weaker than usual • there is blood in your bowel movement or • diarrhea it is black and sticky like tar • itching • unusual weight gain • your skin or eyes look yellow • skin rash or blisters with fever • indigestion or stomach pain • swelling of the arms, legs, • flu-like symptoms hands and feet If you take too much of your NSAID, call your healthcare provider or get medical help right away. These are not all the possible side effects of NSAIDs. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist about NSAIDs. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. Other information about NSAIDs • Aspirin is an NSAID but it does not increase the chance of a heart attack. Aspirin can cause bleeding in the brain, stomach, and intestines. Aspirin can also cause ulcers in the stomach and intestines. • Some NSAIDs are sold in lower doses without a prescription (over-the-counter). Talk to your healthcare provider before using over-the-counter NSAIDs for more than 10 days. General information about the safe and effective use of NSAIDs Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use NSAIDs for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give NSAIDs to other people, even if they have the same symptoms that you have. It may harm them. If you would like more information about NSAIDs, talk with your healthcare provider. You can ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information about NSAIDs that is written for health professionals. Manufactured (under license from iCeutica Pty Ltd) for and Distributed by: Iroko Pharmaceuticals, LLC One Kew Place 150 Rouse Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19112 For more information, go to www.iroko.com or call 1-877-757-0676.

This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

Issued or Revised: October 2015

November/December 2016



CASA of Ocean County Seeks Volunteers for Winter Training Classes Court Appointed Special Advocates is a unique volunteer organization that has been serving as a child’s rights advocacy program in Ocean County for over a decade. CASA’s mission is to advocate for the best interest of vulnerable children in foster care who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. The CASA volunteer serves as the child’s voice in court and is committed to moving the child towards a safe and permanent home. CASA of Ocean County exists to recruit, screen, provide training and supervise the CASA Volunteers. The vision of CASA of Ocean County is to provide a CASA Volunteer for every foster child in Ocean County. CASA is actively seeking volunteers, especially males, to advocate for children in foster care so they thrive in a very complicated Child System of Care. Children in foster care, through no fault of their own, become a part of the system, and they are taken away from much more than their homes and parents/siblings. When a child is placed in foster care, the child is assigned multiple case workers, a law guardian and the Children in Court Judge. A CASA Volunteer is appointed by the Judge on the most complicated cases to ensure the child’s medical, educational, and emotional needs are met while in foster care. A CASA Volunteer is the one compassionate, consistent and caring advocate who will make an investigation into the changes involving the child’s life. The volunteer will prepare court reports to the Judge with recommendations that will assist the Judge in making the best decisions on behalf of the child. The CASA Volunteer serves as the child’s voice in court that is often unheard. A foster child faces a multitude of problems while in foster care due to the lack of integration and coordination of efforts and services that exists inside and outside of the Family Court System. This directly contributes to delays in case handling and

decision making that are not optimal for the child who is waiting for a forever home. CASA is in the process every day of screening and interviewing concerned citizens who are willing to attend a 30-hour child’s rights advocacy training class. The advocates will commit to visit their child/ children at least once a month, attend quarterly court hearings, and serve for 12-18 months. The volunteer will be trained to prepare objective court reports that make recommendations in the child’s best interest. The ultimate goal of the CASA would be assist all parties involved during the process so the child would ultimately return home to healthier parents, become adopted by a family member, and/or adopted by a foster family. This program is so truly rewarding to know that your volunteer work can change the course of a child’s life forever. In 2015-2016, CASA served 168 children with the service of 70 volunteers and 18 active Board Members. The volunteers donated over 10,000 hours of time. CASA celebrated 14 adoptions and 36 family reunifications. CASA relies on the volunteers from Ocean County to assist these children and need more volunteers to step up and say, “I am for the child.”

Thank you to the Ocean First Foundation for supporting the Aging Out Project with a $10,000 Grant.

For more information on volunteering, please visit the website at www.casaofoceancounty.org or call the office at 732-797-0590.

Drop your new unwrapped toys for children ages 0-18 to the CASA Office until 12/1/2016. Address: 1108 Hooper Avenue Building 1 Suite B, Toms River, NJ, 08753 Open Daily Monday to Friday 9am to 5 pm.

www.casaofoceancounty.org • 732-797-0590

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November/December 2016

ommunity Community

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Thank You

From The American Red Cross As we make our way into the holiday season, all of us at the American Red Cross New Jersey Region wish to express our gratitude to the many in New Jersey who make the work of the Red Cross possible, especially our blood donors, volunteers and financial donors. Two simple words that come to you expressing so much more than mere gratitude. Behind our gesture is the gratitude of the hundreds we help every day in New Jersey. Behind our “thank you” is a family devastated by a home fire being helped through the caring gift you gave, a military member needing to reconnect with his or her family, someone receiving donated lifesaving blood, or a volunteer who gained a new purpose to their life through their work helping someone else. This appreciation and so much more comes with our “thank you.” We’re continuously inspired by the dedication of our volunteers. Those who jump out of bed at 2:00 a.m. to help a family in need, the attention given to someone donating blood, the compassion to brighten a veteran’s day and the wisdom of our youth members developing new ways to be philanthropic. It’s a point of pride for us to know there are so many of you who really care for people, the community and the Red Cross mission. It’s that keen awareness of your unselfish acts that inspires us all to do our very best. When you take a good look at the benefits derived from time, blood and or dollars donated to the American Red Cross mission, the simple words “thank you” illuminate in a much greater light.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Ana Montero Regional CEO

American Red Cross New Jersey Region

The www.TheCountyWoman.com The County County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December November/December 2016 2016

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Finally finding relief after 6 years of back pain NEW FDA-approved, drug-free, same-day procedure relieves acute and chronic pain inflammatory medicine into the irritated area. Last year, Jane was Jane Crognale, 82, referred by her Orthopedic from Whiting New Jersey Surgeon to Dharam began struggling with Mann, MD at Garden low back pain in 2010. A State Medical Center.Dr. combination of an injury Mann is a board certified and degenerative disease Pain Management left her with debilitating Specialist who specializes pain that quickly in minimally-invasive worsened over the years interventional treatment to the point where she options. Seeking an could not walk more than alternative to high doses a few feet or drive. of pain medication and “The pain was off the surgery, Dr. Mann offered charts... It started at my her a permanent solution waist and went down my to manage her pain side down to the knee. that she never thought It was unbearable at she would qualify for. times if I didn’t take pain He suggested that she medication,” said Jane. might be an appropriate “You are alive, but you candidate for spinal cord don’t enjoy it when people stimulation. have to wait on you.” “A spinal cord stimulator Jane’s pain was kept in is an implantable system check with a combination that delivers electrical of daily medication and impulses to nerves in steroid injections that the spinal cord,” says Dr. were given several times Mann. “These impulses a year. The injections are able to mask pain deposit long-acting, anti- signals before they reach

By Dharam Mann, M.D., D.A.B.A., D.A.B.P.M.

the brain. The device is proven to provide significant long term pain relief and reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications. As an intervention for chronic back and/or leg pain, spinal cord stimulation can be an effective alternative or adjunct treatment to other therapies that have failed to manage pain on their own.” “I was surprised to hear about this treatment option, because I had never considered it. And I just had so much confidence in everything they did, so when Dr. Mann recommended it the decision to try it was easy,” says Jane. A temporary spinal cord stimulator was externally implanted on Mrs. Crognale in Garden State Medical Center’s out-patient surgery center as the first step to confirm a successful

Dharam Mann, MD is Medical Director of Garden State Medical Center, a unique multi-specialty, out-patient medical facility serving the health and well-being of patients and their families in the Tri-State Area. Founded in 2004, the practice has grown into one of the leading pain management centers in the area. Focusing on state-of-the-art clinical practices and a culture of compassion and discovery and new expanded services including medical imaging, out-patient surgery, and functional medicine, the group at GSMC has developed second-to-none expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and care for a wide variety of medical conditions.

Jane Crognale (pictured above) is successfully managing her back pain with the help of spinal cord stimulation, a minimally invasive relief treatment offered by Dr. Mann at Garden State Medical Center. Watch her video testimonial online: www.gsmedicalcenter.org/stories

response. The results were very encouraging and a permanent device was soon implanted. The procedure itself is minimally-invasive, requiring just a few stitches and no cutting of bone, ligaments or tendons. That means there is no hospital stay, as patients are discharged

from the out-patient surgery center within an hour and then require no post-op rehabilitation. “This has completely changed my life. I sleep now almost all night without pain and was able to cut back on most of my medication,” says Jane. “Nobody else had been able to help me.”

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Do you suffer from back, neck, or joint pain? We can help!

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Offices in Toms River, Brick, West Long Branch, Manahawkin, Marlboro, and Whiting

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

Featured on the Cover


Dr. Mann Is Dedicated To Providing Patients With The Most Advanced Care


r. Dharam Mann founded his solo medical practice over a decade ago with a single goal: to provide state-of-the-art treatment for people suffering from acute and chronic pain. Garden State Medical Center has since grown into a thriving group. The team, which also includes Drs. Sunita Mann, Manjula Singh, Deepali Gupta, Danial Khalifa and Stephen Wade, provides cutting-edge care at seven New Jersey offices. As the only multispecialty practice of this kind in the area, patients are able to have pain issues diagnosed and treated at one location. “They benefit from efficient, timely care and advanced imaging technologies that enhance both safety and diagnostic capabilities,” said Dr. Mann, a diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology and the American Board of Pain Medicine and a five-time New Jersey Monthly Top Doctor. Spending extra time with patients, Dr. Mann assesses the cause of their pain and educates them about treatment options. These include traditional and alternative modalities, as well as minimally invasive procedures, such as spinal cord stimulation and kyphoplasty. Dr. Mann has taught at St. Barnabas Hospital, has been published in numerous journals, and has contributed CD-ROMs for medical training. A seven-time recipient of the Vitals Patients’ Choice Award, Dr. Mann has also earned the Compassionate Doctor Award. “The most rewarding aspect of my job,” he says, “is when patients smile and thank me for helping them.” Having a surgical background, Dr. Mann saw that there are many people who need help managing their pain. “It’s a new field,” Dr. Mann says. “It’s not like any other field and I just wanted to help people in pain.” He chose Whiting as his first location to open his practice due to the large population of senior citizens there with conditions causing acute and chronic pain. Dr. Mann succeeds in his goal of giving patients the ability to live with pain at a functional level through his comprehensive services and diagnostic capabilities. He is committed to providing patients with the most advanced and state-of-the-art technologies and medical equipment. It was important to Dr. Mann that he build a strong staff that is

highly capable and follows the mission and goals of the practice. He feels fortunate to have found such a great staff of physicians, radiology technologists and medical assistants. One of Dr. Mann’s colleagues is his wife, Dr. Sunita S. Mann, who practices Functional Medicine and Medical Rejuvenation. Together they have three children. Though he runs a busy practice, Dr. Mann always makes time for his family, attending his children’s sports activities and family events. Dr. Mann and his wife have struck a positive balance of home and work life, and Dr. S. Mann commends her husband’s work ethic. “He works six days a week and he loves it,” she says of her husband. “You could send him to the office all seven days and he would be completely fine because he loves what he does.” “If I could help somebody and they come back to see me and say, ‘Thank you, Doctor,’ that makes my day,” Dr. Mann says. “If we change their life and put a smile on their face…that’s the main thing.”

Pictured L-R: Stephen Wade, MD, FEEPMR, ABPM, Dharam Mann, MD, DABA, DABPM, Manjula Singh, MD, Deepali Gupta, MD, DABA, and Danial Khalifa, DPM.

Dharam P. Mann, MD, DABA, DABPM Garden State Medical Center, Clinical Director MEDICAL TRAINING: • Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India (MD); • Saint Barnabas Health Medical Center (surgical internship, anesthesia residency); • Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School (fellowship in cardiac anesthesia and pain management)

Do you suffer from back, neck, or joint pain? We can help!

Call Today: 732-202-3000 www.gsmedicalcenter.org

The County Woman Magazine www.TheCountyWoman.com

November/December 2016

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November/December 2016

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