Atlantic County Woman - March/April 2019

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12th Year

An Educational Resource for Women and Their Families

FREE ~ Please Take One SAFE TANNING.

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As nicer weather approaches, I encourage you to be safe when trying to obtain that tan look.

March has been designated by every U.S. President as Women’s History Month since 1987. Page 23

The neck and back are two of the most common areas that physicians treat for chronic/acute pain.

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Dr. Peggy Avagliano, the Head of Women’s Imaging at Atlantic Medical Imaging, specializes in ultrasound, mammography, and minimally invasive breast biopsies. Read more about Atlantic Medical Imaging and Dr. Peggy Avagliano on pages 22 & 23.

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Premier Dental Spa

You Slept A Full Eight Hours But You’re Still Tired. Why? If you, your partner, or someone else you know is waking after a night of sleep feeling completely unrested, there is a chance that they may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airway is intermittently blocked during sleep, reducing or completely stopping airflow.

sleep apnea are CPAP (Controlled Positive Airway Pressure) or OAT (Oral Appliance Therapy). Both of these treatments are covered under both medical insurance and Medicare.

Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Treatments for sleep apnea vary widely depending on the severity and type of sleep apnea a person suffers from. Suggested treatments can include: • Losing weight • Quitting smoking / drinking • Eating healthy and controlling blood pressure • Sleeping on your side • Oral devices • Surgery in extreme cases • CPAP (breathing machines)

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are three primary types of sleep apnea that can be caused by a person’s physical structure or We are now a medical conditions. Dental Sleep Medicine 1. Central Sleep Apnea Member Center of One type of sleep apnea is called central sleep Federici Dental the New Jersey apnea (CSA) and it happens when you stop works closely breathing because the muscles involved in the act Sleep Society. with both local of breathing don’t receive the proper signal from respiratory the brain. Causes of CSA can be brain stem pulmonologists This is the appliance we injuries/concussions, congestive heart failure, and your primary care provider to have use at Federici Dental. Opioid usage, and CNS diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. your home sleep studies completed. They 2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea are proud members of both the American The most common form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine and NJ Sleep Society, and are on (OSA), and occurs due to a physical blockage, usually the collapsing of the soft tissue in the back of the throat. Loud snorers may have a serious the cutting-edge of sleep apnea knowledge and treatment. case of blocked air passages, known as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). In these cases, the blockage of air is so great that no air can get Testimonial: through, causing repeated awakenings throughout the night. “…Dr. Federici’s compassion and patience is much appreciated. My oral device was 3. Mixed Sleep Apnea custom made for me! It’s small and comfortable, plus I can easily take it with me when I Mixed/complex sleep apnea is a combination of CSA and OSA. travel. Dr. Federici is very cautious with making adjustments to my device so I will not Obstructve sleep apnea can contribute or lead to many other conditions have jaw pain. His staff was friendly and handled the billing to my insurance company such as hypertension, A-Fib, diabetes, GERD, stroke, and increased risk with ease. Finally, I’m getting a good night sleep! Thank you Dr. Dave!” -Michelle D. for car accidents to name a few, so it is important to be diagnosed by a medical professional if you experience any sleep-related symptoms. While each individual case is different, the first step in diagnosing sleep apnea is with a sleep study. Our office works with both respiratory pulmonologists directly or through a written prescription by your primary care physician with Meridian Hackensack SOCH to provide home or in-lab sleep studies. We will do an oral screening and have you answer some questions which will assist in informing your • Dental Implants • Hybrid Dentures • Sleep Apnea medical doctor why we feel you should have a home sleep test done. Once the study is completed and both the respiratory pulmonologist/ Treatment • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns • Bridges primary physician and our office receive a copy of the results, we will both • ZOOM Teeth Whitening • Partials • Root Canals coordinate the best treatment for you. Oral appliances work by gently moving • Cleanings • Exams • Digital X-Rays your lower jaw and tongue forward thereby opening up your airway at back of your throat.

Insurance Coverage for Sleep Apnea

Your respiratory pulmonologist or your primary care physician referred hospital dispensed study will be covered again, by your medical insurance not your dental since it is a medical condition. The two standards of treatment for

Call our office today at (609) 597-1234. We look forward to seeing you!

1301 Route 72 W. • Unit 230 • Manahawkin, NJ 08050 Just one minute off the parkway!

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Pet Services

Are You In Pain?


Pulsed Electro Magnetic Wave Frequency Therapy Is Here!

Yes, that’s right, at Newkirk Family Veterinarians, a Registered Nurse is doing PEMF therapy on HUMANS!

And we’re so impressed your first visit is FREE. What Is Magna Wave PEMF?

Magna Wave PEMF is a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequency delivered through a coil that is placed on your body by a Magna Wave Certified Practitioner. The blood oxygenation is said to increase, activate the lymphatic system and stimulate acupuncture points. This process reduces pain and inflammation and promotes healing. If we can relieve the pain and swelling, the body can begin to heal naturally.

Magna Wave PEMF Can Relieve Pain From…

• Arthritis & Osteoporosis • Sprains & Strains • Autoimmune Disease • Headaches & Migraines • Aging & Stress • Depression • Urinary Incontinence • Accelerate Healing Time of Fractures & Wounds • Reduce Inflammation • Sleep Disturbances & Much More Tender Tear Relief

“Jenn has an ankled brace she has been wearing for over one year for a severe tendon tear. Her entire body was compensating on a diagonal. She was suffering headaches, shoulder pain, lower back pain, and tightness in her calves. We worked on her angled and basically on the extreme compensation areas to relieve pain and tension. She sat down after the session and asked when I was coming back! She booked a PEMF appointment for her and her husband. The next days she said she could not believe how much better she felt. Thank you Pat and Alane!” - VickyLynn Toporek, LMT, CMWP

Call the veterinary hospital, 609 645 2120, and tell them you want the HUMAN treatment! The staff will take your name and have Judy, a registered nurse, call you and discuss this amazing breakthrough in pain therapy.

And your first visit is FREE!

Reduced Inflammation

“My outer ankle got swollen and sore because of my high arches. I saw my family Dr. and my podiatrist took two different Rx medications, completed several physical therapy sessions, applied ice for several days and wore a prescribed boot. After all of this I was about 10% improved. After four consecutive days of Magna Wave treatments I am 90% better!!” - Angela Cornes

Relief from Plantar Facilitis

“I had my first Magna Wave PEMF session with Maria April 18th. Looking for relief of plantar fasciitis, neck and back problems. I got 100% relief from the plantar fasciitis, and dramatic relief in my neck and back. Very excited for my next session with Maria and Magna Wave PEMF!!!” - Windy King

Come Join Our Family! Dr. Mark Newkirk

“Through the years, many clients have asked if I knew a doctor who could treat humans with some of the amazing alternative therapies I use on animals. Until now, I could not recommend any physician (other than nutritionists, or acupuncturists) who could help humans with their pain. Now with PEMF, an FDA approved therapy modality, I CAN share the use of this device on pets with humans!”

Winner Best Of The Press, Best Veterinary Hospital multiple times!

3085 English Creek Ave • EGG HARBOR TWP. • 609-645-2120



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Manager’s Note


All correspondence be addressed to: be addressed to: Allshould correspondence should

The County Woman The County Woman Ce leb rat r ing Our 11th Yea

P.O. Box 619 P.O. Box 619 Turnersville, NJTurnersville, 08012 NJ 08012

Welcome to the March/April Issue of the Atlantic County Woman!

The County Woman’s Newspaper is published bi-monthly and is available free of charge at and is available free of charge As The County Woman’s is published bi-monthly at 2019 begins, I can hardly believe that come April 14th I will be celebrating five years Publisher Chris LamNewspaper display stands in approved private and public and authorized only,and authorized distributors at display standsestablishments in approved private and publicdistributors establishments only,the Atlantic County Woman. Over these past five years, one of the many pleasures of or by paid mail subscription. or by paid mail subscription. being the Production Manager is the wide variety of people that I get to meet on a weekly Manager Lauren Shover Trademark Production and U.S. Copyright Laws protectand The County Woman’s part ofWoman’s Newspaper. No part of Trademark U.S. Copyright LawsNewspaper. protect TheNoCounty basis. I have been able to learn something new almost every day and when a reader tells me this paper may be reproduced without the written the publisher. this paper may be permission reproduced of without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s NewspaperThe is not responsible forNewspaper any editorial comment (otherforthan County Woman’s is not responsible any editorial comment (other than that the information provided by one of our contributors has helped them, it makes my day. Regional Sales Director Kathy Sabol its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted camera ready or anysubmitted reproduc-as camera ready or any reproducits own), typographical errors asfrom advertisements As the Winter ends and Spring begins, I look forward to the anticipation of new and tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. tions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet ouradvertisement standards of acceptance, we our maystandards revise or cancel it at we may revise or cancel If an does not meet of acceptance, it at existing opportunities. Springtime marks a time of rebirth in nature, and the conditions Billing Manager Jennifer Hartsig any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged previously published. Theand/or previously published. The any time, whether or not it and/or has been already acknowledged of our lives change much like nature seasons. I remind myself that good things often result from difficult times, advertiser assumes sole responsibility for allassumes statements in submitted copy andcontained will advertiser sole contained responsibility for all statements in submitted copy and will protect and indemnify Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, against protect andGolden indemnify the Woman’s Newspaper, its owners, publishers, and employees, and endings are alsoagainst beginnings. Our lives have both abundance and deficiencies. It’s our choice what we will GraphictheDesigner Design LLC any and all liability loss or expense of claims libel, unfair trade patents, anyarising and allout liability loss for or expense arising outnames, of claims for libel, unfair trade names, patents, focus on inor other ourviolations lives. I choose to be grateful for the abundance that’s present – love, health, family, friends, CEO copyrights and propriety rights, and all Lynn violations ofWolf the right of and privacy or other violations copyrights and K. propriety rights, all violations of the right of privacy resulting from the publication ofresulting this newspaper its advertising copy.newspaper or its advertising from theorpublication of this work,copy. the joys of nature and my personal pursuits. The publisher shall be under no The liability for failure, any reason, to insert advertisepublisher shall for be under no liability for an failure, for any reason, to insert an advertise any This issue has so many helpful articles for everyone in your family. Please let the writers know when their For advertising call: ment. The publisher shall not bement. liableinquiries, by reason of error, omission and/or failure of to error, insertomission The publisher shallplease not be liable by reason and/or failure to insert any articles have a difference in your life. On behalf of our staff, we wish you a wonderful Spring season! part of an advertisement. The publisher willadvertisement. not be liable for or failure part of an Thedelay publisher will in notperformance be liable for delay or failure inmade performance in publication and/or distribution all or any portion of an issue isifdelayed or portion suspended forissue is delayed or suspended for in ifpublication and/or distribution all or any of an Best, any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgmentwill in exercise these instances and judgment will make any reason. The publisher reasonable in these instances and will make adjustments for the advertiser where and when adjustments forappropriate. the advertiser where and when appropriate. Lauren Shover, Production Manager at the Atlantic County Woman Publication The Woman’s Newspaper assumes noWoman’s responsibility for unsolicited material or reproducThe Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. tions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be publishedThis by the 15th of will everybeother month. newspaper published by the 15th of every other month. TM COPYRIGHT 2008. LLC TM COPYRIGHT 2008. Representations by The Monmouth County Woman, LLC Representations by The Monmouth County Woman,


Contact us: P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ • 08012



What our happy clients have to say…

“We have been working with Lauren and the team at Atlantic County Woman for more than two years and we could not be more pleased. THE WEBAs an advertiser, the caring and professionalism shown us is exhibited in the quality of their publications.” – Ira J. Brower, President, Garden State Trust Company


WWW.THECOUNTY .COM WOMAN WWWW .TOMAN HECOUNTY .COM “Lauren and the staff at the County Woman are wonderful to work with, and we love being a part of such an informative and Find us on Facebook and Twitter

And follow us on Facebook and And follow us Twitter on Facebook andinteresting Twitterpublication in our community.” – Annie Jones, All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC

an The County Woman’s Newspaper is published @TheCountyWoman @TheCountyWoman Wom Wom an bi-monthly and is available free of charge at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only, or by paid mail subscription. Trademark

and U.S. Copyright Laws protect The County Woman’s Newspaper. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The County Woman’s Newspaper assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of every other month. Representations by CW Media Group, LLC, COPYRIGHT 2008.



It’s what you want to do with your life, and BAYADA gives you the tools, training and opportunity to live up to your— and our—values of compassion, excellence and reliability. Your passion is our passion. Together, we can help home health clients and their families stay safe at home with exceptional skilled nursing care, especially on weekends and overnight. Find out more about how you can follow your heart and give your life to something bigger than yourself. You belong at BAYADA. Call 609-926-4600 to care for our adult clients. BAYADA specialty practices include Home Health Care, Pediatrics, Hospice, and Habilitation. EOE

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Table of Contents Premier Dental Spa

Federici Dental............................................................................. 2

Pet Services

Newkirk Family Veterinarians....................................................... 3 Jolly Pets Supplies & Grooming................................................. 41 Funny Farm Rescue................................................................... 50 Atlantic County Animal Shelter............................................. 60, 61

Home Health Care

BAYADA Home Health Care......................................................... 4

Fashion & Beauty

The Bra Boudoir........................................................................... 5 Seagrass Boutique..................................................................... 16

Medical Professionals

Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa............................... 6 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility................................................. 7 Shore Vascular & Vein Center....................................................... 8 Certified Dermatology................................................................ 12 Sood Center for Plastic Surgery................................................. 15 Bella Derma Medi Spa................................................................ 24 Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick.................................................... 29 Kathy A. Banks, DMD................................................................. 30 Relievus...................................................................................... 31 Barbara Greenling, MD......................................................... 44, 45

Business & Finance

Copiers Plus, Inc.......................................................................... 9

Permanent Makeup

Beau Institute....................................................................... 10, 11

Health & Wellness

Hummingbird Yoga..................................................................... 13 Hot or Not Yoga.......................................................................... 20 Hypnosis for Women.................................................................. 21 Body in Balance......................................................................... 25 Living Healthy Naturally.............................................................. 27 Breathe Studio............................................................................ 36


Nina Radcliff, MD....................................................................... 42 Curexa Pharmacy....................................................................... 62

Cape May Stage......................................................................... 47 Atlantic City Ballet...................................................................... 49 Two River Theater....................................................................... 64 Gazillion Bubble Show............................................................... 68 Sincerely, Oscar.......................................................................... 69

Legal Professionals

Russell & Marinucci.................................................................... 14 Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq.............................................................. 20 D’Amato Law Firm...................................................................... 26

Wigs & Hair Replacement

Elder Law

Styles by LaRonne..................................................................... 41

Permanent Makeup & Cosmetic Tattooing

Rice Elder Law........................................................................... 17

Financial Management

Permanent Makeup by Amy....................................................... 43

Coffee Shop

Garden State Trust Company............................................... 18, 19

Featured on the Cover

Barista’s Coffee House............................................................... 43

Men’s Clothing

Atlantic Medical Imaging...................................................... 22, 23

Cake Shoppe & Tea Room

Lou Marchiano for Men.............................................................. 46

Nutrition & Wellness

A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe & Tea Room............................. 28

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Vitality FYI................................................................................... 46

Specialty Wigs

Enlightened Solutions................................................................. 28


Wigs by Pat and Cubby............................................................. 48

Fabulous Food

Charles Meusburger, MD...................................................... 32, 33

Home Improvement

Clay’s Climate Control................................................................ 33

Cutting Board Creations, LLC.................................................... 53 Women of Atlantic County............................ 54, 55

Seashore Gardens Living Center............................................... 34

Vagabond Travel Agency............................................................ 56

Assisted Living


Women’s History

Shoe Repair

National Women’s History Theme for 2019................................ 35

The Friendly Cobbler.................................................................. 63

Higher Education

Family Portraits & Headshots

Atlantic Cape Community College............................................. 36

Donna Andrews Photography.................................................... 75 Community........................................................................... 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74


Koehler Acupuncture.................................................................. 37

The County Woman

Instagram................................................................................... 38 Testimonials................................................................................ 39 Subscription Form...................................................................... 63

Please Take Advantage Of Our Many “Enter To Win” Contests Throughout The Paper And On Facebook!

Theatre & Entertainment

Axelrod Performing Arts Center................................................. 40

Fashion & Beauty Spring Has Finally Arrived! Ladies, the weather is finally starting to warm up! Which means it is time to get your get your spring/summer wardrobe in order, this includes your bras and fact these are the most important for making your clothes fit and look the best. You can come in yourself for a one on one fitting or if you and your friends are in a need of new essentials you can book a lingerie party for during or after regular business hours. The whole objective of our lingerie party is to get you into bras that fit great, give you great support and are actually comfortable. We’re here to teach you which bra styles and sizes fit you best and why. As well as lingerie that compliments your body type and makes you feel sexy. If you want shape wear we’ll choose great pieces to fit your needs that don’t strangle the life out of you. A typical party itinerary starts with a light bite and champagne mimosa toast to the hostess! We

will share our secrets of success with your party, answering any questions you may have. We will take you back into the fitting room one at a time where you will learn everything you need to know and get all of the bras you need to complete your wardrobe. After our fitting you are welcome to try on anything you want in the store, with or without assistance. Take pics, have fun, laugh with your girls, sip, shop, treat yourself, giggle. Feel free, feel pretty, feel confident. Our lingerie parties are suitable for 2-8 in our boudoir OR as many as you’d like in yours. Each party package has different inclusions. Great for couples, mother & daughter, BFF’s, sisters, bridal parties, bachelorette parties, divorce parties, ladies’ nights, boudoir photography and more. We have a lounge with water, mini fridge stocked with champagne, wine, soda and other goodies. We are sure you will love this experience and want to share it with all of the ladies in your life!!

Testimonial “I went in to get fitted for a bra as I knew I wasn’t wearing the right size. I am not a small woman and Julie was so very helpful finding me the proper fit. I will not buy my lingerie from anyone else. Superior service and very friendly. Thank you for a wonderful buying experience.”-SLB

The County Woman Magazine

More Than A Measurement

A charming and relaxed boutique for all of your undergarment needs. Specializing in bra, lingerie and shape wear fittings. • Over 100 different bra styles in sizes 28A-46O • Sticky bras and lingerie solution products • Lingerie and shape wear XS-3X • Hosiery by thigh measurement and Swimwear by bra sizes

6024 Main Street • Mays Landing, NJ 08330 *Parking in the back* • 609-829-2867


Enter To Win A $50 Gift Certificate! Name: Address: City:





Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012 Or Visit to Enter Online!

One entry per person for the Bra Boudoir. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entries will be accepted through 4/30/2019. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to the third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

March/April 2019

Medical Professionals ‘Volumizing’ ... A Different Way To Rejuvenate Your Face


Dr. Nicola DeLorio, Owner

The use of cosmetic fillers to add volume to areas of the face has long been available to patients. Minimal side effects and increased longevity are just two attributes of injectable fillers that make them an excellent choice for facial rejuvenation. Thanks to recent advances, better, more natural looking results can be obtained. Originally, cosmetic fillers were used to fill lines, most commonly, the nasolabial folds, lines extending from the nose down to each side of the mouth. With advances in products, marionette lines as well as the area under the eyes, temples and brows and jaw lines can all be enhanced.

Raise the Volume!

Many patients approach their cosmetic surgeon thinking they may need their “eyelids” done, a procedure known as a blepharoplasty, or perhaps they feel a facelift would stop their face from “drooping.” Often surgery is not what is needed. Volume is what is needed. Surgery can remove tissue but it cannot add volume!

Dark Circles under my eyes make me look tired.

Puffy eyes can be a common complaint but upon closer inspection, the area known as the tear trough which appears as a dark circle under the eye is often lacking in volume. The absence of volume in this area makes the eyelid appear puffy and swollen, lending a tired, worn out look. Placing filler in this area wakes up the face resulting in a fresher more vibrant appearance. Much like inflating a balloon, volumizing firms and smoothes the skin and adds lift to the nasolabial folds as well.

Turn a Frown into a Smile!

Volumizing can aid the appearance of hollowed out cheeks and help turn a frown into a smile by defining the jaw line and softening the jowl areas. Adding volume to a face helps to rejuvenate the entire appearance of the face, something that filling lines cannot do. The addition of volume brings back what mother nature and time have taken away. Even in patients due to undergo blepharoplasty or a face lift, volumizing can be performed first helping to eliminate the possibility of excess tissue removal which could result in a gaunt or “pulled back” appearance. A face lift performed on a patient with pre-existing poor midface volume will actually accentuate the problem not remedy it. Often, the addition of volume alone will eliminate or delay the need for surgical intervention. For clients in their 40’s or 50’s, the use of fillers can result in additional collagen stimulation leading to extended life of their fillers and the need for less product in the future.

Which Fillers are best for Volumizing? Radiesse® and Bellafill® are the two most effective and economical fillers for adding volume to the face. Each however, possess their own qualities and advantages.




Comprised of calcium hydroxyapatite. A true cosmetic filler combined with lidocaine, a local anesthetic, for minimally painful injection. It requires multiple injections and the results are immediate. Typically, only a single treatment is required with a small touch up to be performed seven to Before After ten days afterward. Risks include: injection site redness, bleeding, bruising and lump formation that is temporary. The effects are noticeable immediately but optimum enhancement is seen seven to ten days after injection. By this time, any swelling and bruising has subsided and the product has completely softened. Early on, the product can sometimes be felt under the skin. The above mentioned softening of the product no longer allows this and the tissues feel like your own. Results typically last twelve to eighteen months. Cost varies but usually ranges between $700.00 to $1000.00 per syringe. For most patients two to three syringes are needed for the initial treatment. Photo Courtesy of Dr. Nicola DeLorio/Accent Aesthetics Medical & Laser Day Spa


Is the only dermal filler that stimulates collagen growth long term to help maintain your youthful appearance for up to 5 years. As we age collagen production slows resulting in a loss of volume. Bellafill immediately reduces volume loss and lines . Over time your body uses PMMA microspheres to create a scaffold onto which your own collagen can develop. These natural looking results feel soft and smooth for up to 5 years.

Take on “Father Time”

Consultation with your medical specialist is essential to achieve optimal results. Both products should be injected by board certified plastic and facial plastic surgeons only. Do not trust your appearance to any one else! A properly trained physician will take the time to thoroughly evaluate your needs and work with you to obtain the best results. In turn you will be left with a vital, rejuvenated and natural appearance that will truly “turn back the hands of time.” Call now to schedule your appointment 609-652-6550.

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The County Woman Magazine

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March/April 2019

MMedical edical P rofessionals Professionals

3 7

Is Your Cycle Normal? Submitted by Salvatore Carfagno, DO, FACOOG

Life is filled with surprises! Your period should not be one of these surprises. Heavy Menstrual Cycles

In this edition, I will be discussing the issue of heavy menstrual cycles. For most women, their menstrual cycle occurs about once every 28 to 30 days. The period may last three to seven days. The flow is described as moderate. Menses start somewhere around eleven to fourteen years old. This monthly gift will continue until fifty-one.

Unscheduled Bleeding

Bleeding outside of your normal cycle day or heavy scheduled cycles are considered abnormal. Unscheduled bleeding is vaginal bleeding at times other than your normal menses. This may be patterned or totally irregular in nature. This can be spotting to period like in flow. If the flow is excessive, it may result in anemia (low hemoglobin).

Heavy Cyclic Bleeding

Heavy cyclic bleeding (plain old heavy periods) is when a woman has regular periods with heavy flow and possibly longer duration with more bleeding days. This may be associated with cramps or pelvic pain. Pain may become severe enough and or bleeding profuse enough to change what you do on a daily basis. To be more specific, pain and/or bleeding can keep a woman from her doing her normal, everyday activities. Women may become fearful to leave their home, as they worry about bleeding through clothing in public. This can force a woman to lose work time, kid time, husband time etc. The cost of sanitary products and replacement clothing may also play a role in how this affects a person.

Evaluating Heavy Periods

In this article, I will be concentrating on heavy periods or menses. The evaluation of this problem starts with a

detailed history. The history can provide direction for selecting diagnostic testing. It can sometimes be difficult for a woman to keep an accurate record of her period. I find it helpful to use a menstrual diary. The patient is given a copy of this and asked to complete and return to the office with it. Initial lab testing includes complete blood count, thyroid hormone and a pregnancy test. An ultrasound of the pelvis will enable a noninvasive way to view the uterus and ovaries. If one is over the age of thirty-five, a tissue biopsy of the endometrium or a D&C may be needed. The pathological report will exclude diseases such as endometrial cancer or hyperplasia. If testing revels a diagnosis of benign heavy menses (hypermenorrhea) then a treatment plan can be made.

Medical and Surgical Treatment Options

Treatment options shall be separated into medical and surgical categories. Both options are designed to control cycle duration and flow. Most commonly, birth control medications are used. Combined oral contraceptives are easy to use and provide cycle control. Other contraceptives that can be used are the vaginal ring, patch or the depo provera shot. The intrauterine device containing a contraceptive medication is a good alternative. It is placed by a doctor in an office setting and provides long-term cycle control. With this alternative, about 30% of users do not get a menstrual cycle. The other 70% usually have a light spotting type of period. The patient has no need to take a pill or place a patch. Surgical options can also be considered. Endometrial ablation is the use of various devices to destroy the endometrium. These include a balloon with circulating hot water, circulating hot water, cryotherapy and electrical current. I use the balloon device or the device employing electrical current as my devices of

choice. Usually these types of procedures are performed in an outpatient surgery setting. The procedure itself lasts only several minutes. Post-op course is usually unremarkable and short. Return to activities is rapid, with very little down time. Post-op pain is usually restricted to menstrual-like cramps. The cramps can be controlled with non-steroidal medications such as Naproxen. The response to treatment is varied and highly individualized. Most patients have no further periods. The amenorrhea rate (no periods) approaches 70%. Of those that have a return of their cycle, it most commonly light in flow and/or short in duration. The benefit of this type of surgical intervention is related to the lack of medication side effects. Birth control medications do have some undesirable side effects. The most notable are decreased libido (sex drive) and weight gain. These are real issues for most women.

Advanced Care Can Help!

This is a common problem in all ages. One does not have to tolerate this problem. As a Gynecologist, I have very good treatment options to help take care of women with heavy, benign vaginal bleeding.

If there are concerns about your periods and how heavy they are, feel free to contact my office for an evaluation.

We’re With You All The Way

Old-Fashioned Care With State-Of-The-Art Technology Quality, Compassionate Healthcare for All Stages of a Woman’s Life Courtyard Professional Offices 707 White Horse Pike, Suite D4 • Absecon, NJ 08201 609.272.0506 • Fax: 609.272.0607 Linwood Commons 2106 New Road, Suite D10 • Linwood, NJ 08221 609.927.2244 • Fax: 609.927.2242

PICTURED: Salvatore A. Carfagno, DO, FACOOG, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with his beautiful family

Affliated with: AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center and Shore Medical Center The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2017 March/April 2019

Medical Professionals

10 8

Medical Professionals

Varicose Veins? Painful Swollen Legs?And Help Answers Is Available! The Most Common Questions

Concerning Varicose Veins

An Interview With Dr. Jeffrey S. Gosin...

is the cause of most varicose Varicose veins and their underlying cause, known as venous reflux disease, veins. We have now performed thousands of theseveins procedures are theare most circulatory aricose veins one ofcommon the most common vascular How are varicose and venous reflux diagnosed? and results have been excellent.” problems that affect individuals of all conditions affecting women...and men of all ages. An experienced vascular specialist can make the diagnosis with “One of theofsignificant ages. Treatment options have improved greatly in a combination a medical history, physical examination and a advantages to seeing a vascular These conditions are twice as common as recent years. In spite of these advancements, painless vascular test called a Doppler ultrasound (also known as surgeon for vein care is that coronary heart disease. They occur when vein many people mistakenly still believe that treat- a venous duplex scan.) Making the correct diagnosis is essential we treat the full spectrum of valves in the legs become damaged, causing ment for this problem is difficult, painful, and in properly treating this condition. vascular diseases, from routine abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. simplyConsequently, considered “cosmetic.” Other people arecomplicated varicose veins to very ones”and saysvenous reflux treated? blood is allowed to pool in the How may experience leg pain and other symptoms Sometimes stockings will be sufficient to control Dr. Gosin. “Wecompression have experience lower legs. This causes a variety of physical Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS but they don’t realize what causing their with conventional opencomplications. surgery, symptoms such as leg is pain, leg swelling, symptoms and prevent When procedures are needed, condition. This article will answer some and aretechnology certainly prepared heaviness and fatigue, and skin itching. It can also cause the appearance of current and techniques, allow for treatment WITHOUT is thattreatments modern common to do that when necessary. unsightly varicose and spider veins.questions regarding varicose veins, the need for painful surgery. One The of thegood best, news most proven Jeffrey S. Gosin, MD, FACS the associated symptoms, and such treatment. more and we areProcedure, People who have occupations that require standing, as casino vein care forHowever, venous reflux is themore Closure® nowallows referredfor to astreatment Venefit™. able to treat our patients with employees, food servers, school teachers, and many other similar jobs are many of these problems What are varicose veins? This minimally invasive procedure of is performed right in the office in minimally invasive procedures. especially prone to these problems. In addition, people who have a family Varicose veins are swollen veins that can be seen through the skin. in less than 30 minutes, with no incisions, minimal discomfort, a far less invasive way than in This is especially true for history of varicose veins, who are overweight, or who have been pregnant They often have a bulging, twisted appearance. Some varicose veins and excellent results. the past. varicose veins and venous are at risk. It is also possible to have varicose veins without any of these risk may be very large and discolored. Others may be smaller. They can How long is the recovery from vein treatment? reflux.” factors. occur anywhere on the legs, including the groin area. you are suffering from the appearance of varicose InIfmost cases individuals cansymptoms return toortheir usual activities within Venous reflux disease and varicose veins become more common veins, or if you have leg symptoms that you think might be related to your with age. Existing varicose veins can also become more prominent or What causes varicose veins? a day of the procedure. the Board Certified Vascular Surgeon at Shore Vascular & Vein symptomatic individuals get older. Into more cases, Blood mustasflow up, against gravity, exitsevere the legs andpeople returnwith to long Is circulation, varicose vein treatment covered by health insurance? Center is available to help. Most health insurance is accepted. standing varicose veins and chronic leg swelling can develop permanent loss the heart. Our leg veins have one-way valves that assist in this process. Venous reflux disease is a medical condition. Therefore, in many of integrity andmalfunction discolorationand of the skin, leg wounds, andflow blood clots. Those valves can leak, causing blood to in the


cases, varicose vein treatment is covered by health insurance. An The good news The is that modern care allows treatmentthe of pressure many of wrong direction. blood thenvein pools in the legs,forincreasing Please for a center consultation or for additional experienced veincall treatment will have insurance specialists who these problems in a far less invasive way than in the past. in the veins. This is known as venous reflux disease or Chronic Venous will work with your insurance(609) company to confirm (8346) coverage. information. 927-VEIN Insufficiency (CVI). Venous reflux one of thesurgery most are common causes Hospitalization and painful veinis stripping not necessary. or visit us at VISIT Jeffrey Gosin, of varicose veins.M.D., a Board Certified Vascular Surgeon with Shore Vascular & Vein Center states, “In our practice, we have been caring for

What are the symptoms of varicose veins and venous reflux disease? individuals with vascular problems, such as varicose veins, for our entire People with varicose veins and venous reflux may feel leg pain, leg careers. In recent years there have been fantastic advancements in the heaviness, legoffatigue and/or legInswelling. Itching of offer the skin the legs is treatment vascular disease. many cases we can theseofstate-of-thealsoarta treatments very common complaint. Standing may worsen symptoms. Many to our patients. As a result, we are able to treat most of the people will notice the appearance of bulging legs veins. However, some vein problems that people experience with minimally invasive, outpatient people will only feel of discomfort but not notice cosmetic changes. procedures. Many these are performed right any in the office. These procedures have the advantage very problem. safe and effective. I thought varicose veins are justofabeing cosmetic Is that Patients true? usually experience minimal discomfort, are able to walk immediately It is important to understand that varicose veins and venous reflux following the procedures, and have fast recovery.” are NOT necessarily simple cosmetic problems. This can be a sign of One of the advancements in vein care is the Closure Procedure. This an abnormal condition in the circulation. In addition to pain, some indiprocedure treats varicose veins at their underlying source, by eliminating viduals may be atDr. riskGosin for chronic swelling, permanent skin venous reflux. states, “The Closure Procedure hasdiscoloration, greatly open wounds and even blood clots. With early diagnosis and treatment, improved the way that we treat patients with varicose veins and venous long-term complications can usually be prevented. Treatment often has reflux disease. It is performed in a comfortable office setting. General theanesthesia added benefit improving even iniscases thatbyare not is notof necessary. Theaesthetics, whole procedure guided ultrasound. considered “cosmetic.” Therefore, incisions and sutures are not needed. That means less pain and faster recovery forvaricose our patients. Who is at risk for veins?The procedure takes about 20 minutes to perform and standing is over 95% successful venous reflux, which Prolonged or sitting on in oneeliminating place, family history of varicose veins,TESTIMONIAL and being overweight are all known risks. In addition, increasing age and are risk people may develop varicose “Mypregnancy legs look and feel factors. so muchSome better! Making appointments was veinseasy without having any of these conditions. and they worked with myknown crazy schedule. Dr. Gosin and his staff

• The The Venefit ClosureProcedure Procedure • Microphlebectomy

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442 Bethel Road Somers Point, NJ 08244

(609) 927-VEIN (8346) were very understanding about my care. Highly recommend!” - K.R. The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

May/June 2016 March/April 2019

Business & Finance


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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Permanent Makeup


Beau Institute Is The Leader In Natural And Beautifully Applied Permanent Cosmetics. Call Today To Schedule Your Appointment With Our Master Artists.


As seen on Fox 29 News and 6 ABC Action News!

Our Skilled Practitioners will create the most beautiful and natural permanent makeup: Eyebrows ~ Choose Microblading or

traditional method for natural-looking hair strokes or a soft powder effect. After

Wake up every day with the ease and confidence of knowing your makeup is perfect and designed for your face!

Eyeliner ~ Smudge-free liner that stays

put. Choose from a Lash Enhancement to a wider liner for a look tailored to you. Before

Reshaping, Full Lip Color ~ Give your lips the extra definition and touch of color they need for a fuller, more defined shape.




3-D Areola Tattooing ~ The finishing

touch for breast cancer survivors. Restore the natural-looking appearance of your nipple and/or areola through this noninvasive procedure.

Scalp ~ Create the look of close, cropped hair, thicken remaining hair, or camouflage transplant scarring. This procedure is popular with both men and women.

See what our happy clients are saying:

I may not be PERFECT but my MAKEUP is!


“This place is amazing! Rosemarie and her staff are wonderful. I had the eyeliner procedure done in November and I am so happy with the results. I would highly recommend this Institute to anyone interested in this type of service.” - Dawn B. PERFECT



“I had such an amazing experience at COLOR the Beau BROWS LIP with 3D hair that defines EYELINER that never strokes and Microblading and shapes runs or smears Institute. Everyone was warm and caring. I am Turn back the clock with the hottest trend in skin rejuvention extremely happy with my brow procedure!!!” - Michele B.


damage Share the•• Sun Love Fine lines and & wrinkles • Dark spots Give the Gift of Beauty! • Improve skin texture • Minimal to no down time Gift Certificates Available! Call today to learn more and schedule a free consultation

Bring This Ad & Save $50 OFF A New $50 Procedure BRING THIS AD AND SAVE

856.727.1411 • 2000 Academy Drive, Suite 400, Mt. Laurel, NJ

& A

Expires 4/30/19 OFF ANY NEW PROCEDURE (including Microblading and Microneedling) We Offer FREE 3-Dimensional Areola Tattooing for Breast Cancer Survivors

2012 -15

For more information or to schedule a free consultation, visit us online at or400,call (856)NJ 727-1411. 2000 Academy Drive, Suite Mt. Laurel, 856.727.1411

Inspirational Quote


2012 -15

April is National Stress Awareness Month!

Here are some tips from the experts on coping with your every-day anxieties: “Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life.” - Marilu Henner “There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” - Sylvia Plath

“Organization isn’t about perfection; it’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money and improving your overall quality of life.” - Christina Scalise

“There’s a lot of stress out there, and to handle it, you just need to believe in yourself. Always go back to the person that you know you are and don’t let anybody tell you any different, because everyone’s special and everyone’s awesome.” “Stress is something that’s created - McKayla Maroney in the mind, basically. It’s how we look at things. So our greatest busy is a distraction and I defense against stress is the ability “Being am sure that doing nothing, resting to change our minds; to change our and sleeping are all good cures for thinking.” - Goldie Hawn modern life. I am not suggesting we

The County Woman Magazine

all do nothing but sleep, however, sometimes stopping long enough to ‘be’ can be very powerful.” -Joanna Runciman “Exercise is really important to me- it’s therapeutic. So if I’m ever feeling tense or stressed or like I’m about to have a meltdown, I’ll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan.” – Michelle Obama

March/April 2019

Business Spotlight


So Much More Than Skin Deep Micropigmentation, otherwise known as permanent makeup and microblading has taken the beauty world by storm. With the precise touch of a tattoo pen onto the skin or microblade, self-confidence can immediately be restored. It has been called a transformative experience and able to make unquantifiable improvements in a persons life. Beau Institute is a leading center for permanent cosmetics and is renown for their permanent makeup applications. Often recognized for their training and professional backgrounds, Beau offers state of the art equipment in a warm, comfortable setting. Get to know the women involved in this dynamic industry.

Joan O’Donnell ACW: Please describe the process of permanent makeup and how it is applied. How long does it take and is there any pain involved?

Joan: A health history is critical so we ask several pre-procedure questions. This helps us pre-screen to ensure the client is a candidate. We analyze their skin type, tone, and facial shape. Together with our client we decide what style they prefer. Next, the needles are selected, we consider them our paintbrushes. Color is implanted at the very top layer of the dermis, which allows colors to heat vividly and clearly. The next step is to draw a sketch of our design. The brow designs we commonly create are the hair stroke, powder, or fusion brow. Lips are filled with an overall blush of color or an ombre effect. Eyeliner can have a soft smokey effect; lash enhancement, or densely lined effect. To create a permanent version of our sketch, we use a digital permanent makeup machine. The procedure takes about one to two hours and there is minimal discomfort due to the efficacy of our topical anesthetics. They are applied prior to, and throughout the procedure to ensure the comfort of our clients.

ACW: Which type of permanent makeup is the most popular?

Joan: Eyebrows are the most requested procedure since most women fill their brows in daily. In the last several years’ eyebrows have become a focal point of a woman’s makeup routine, leaving women to search for alternatives to penciling in daily, which is super time consuming.

ACW: How would someone remove the permanent makeup, if necessary?

Joan: At the Beau Institute we use a Sterile Saline Removal System. It works for permanent makeup removal of the face and provides wonderful results.

ACW: Has the surge in social media usage caused an increase in the number of clients you see? Joan: Yes, absolutely. Social media of all types gives us a visual platform to present our work. We now reach potential clients via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Using a myriad of social media outlets helps us reach a more diverse demographic.

ACW: What is the average age of your clientele?

Maria Concepcion ACW: What do you enjoy most about sharing your knowledge of micropigmentation with others?

Maria: I love sharing my knowledge and giving guidance and confidence to new artists coming into the field. Teaching the proper skills and techniques and watching them execute them properly during a procedure, either in class or an apprenticeship, is exciting. I am passionate about building my reputation on support, as well as delivering the most current information and trends to my students. Showing them the proper needle angle, speed, and hand movements helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses. It gives me great joy to see them execute their skills from the classroom to their own practice. Their success is my reward.

ACW: Why would someone consider permanent makeup? What are the main advantages to the procedure? Maria: Permanent makeup can be life changing for women with thinning brows from post chemotherapy or from continuous plucking over the years. Blonde haired women with light blonde brows and lashes, and people with trichotillomania also benefit from the procedure. It’s also a great advantage for those who feel limited by daily makeup, especially women with demanding careers and active lifestyles. It leaves them little time for a full face of makeup in the mornings. With permanent makeup, they can swim and go to the gym without having to reapply anything. It will enhance their beauty and inevitably, make them feel good about their appearance.

ACW: Are there any safety concerns or contraindications for specific clientele?

Maria: Your safety is in the hands of the practitioner, so be sure and select a Board Certified Practitioner for any permanent makeup procedures. Avoid those that have only a 2-day class education. That is not enough time to learn safety and contraindications. Here at the Beau Institute, we take our clients health history into great consideration. For example, heart valves, joint replacements, diabetics, and fever blister history require medical clearance and pre-medications. We are extremely thorough in this area and realize that not everyone is a candidate for permanent makeup.

Joan:We see clients from age 18 to 80 years of age. One day I had three clients all getting their brows designed. What made the day special was the clients were a grandmother, mother, and daughter. All three generations wanting to feel more confident in their appearance.

856.727.1411 Mount Laurel, NJ

Bring This Ad & Save $50 OFF A New Procedure The County Woman Magazine Expires June 30, 2017

March/April 2019

Medical Professionals


Safe Tanning

As nicer weather approaches, I encourage you to be safe about trying to obtain that tan look. An American Academy of Dermatology survey reveals that nearly 25% of young adults were unsure about the safety of indoor tanning beds. So, just to be clear – tanning Lisa M Ledden beds are not safe! Just one MSN, APN-C indoor tanning session can increase the risk of developing melanoma by 20%, squamous cell carcinoma by 67%, and basal cell carcinoma by 29%.

The facts: 1. Women who tan indoors before the age of 30 are 6 times

3. Not using or quitting indoor tanning can reduce your risk of skin cancer. It’s a fact that your body can repair some of the damage with UV avoidance. 4. Tanning (indoor or outdoor) causes wrinkles, loss of skin firmness, brown spots and changes in the skin texture or “leathery skin.” No 30-year-old wants to look 50! 5. Self-tanners or spray tanning can afford you a tan look all year around without the risks of skin cancer, wrinkles, and premature aging. Applied correctly, self-tanners look natural without orange skin or splotches.

One in five Americans will get skin cancer in their lifetime. Always protect yourself with a broad spectrum sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher; re-apply every 80-90 minutes or after swimming/ sweating; wear sun-protective clothing including large-brim hats and sunglasses; and seek shade.

And don’t forget to schedule your annual skin cancer screening!

more likely to get melanoma – the deadliest form of skin cancer. 2. Dermatologists recommend eating a healthy diet (not sun exposure) to obtain vitamin D. If you are not getting enough vitamin D, supplements are the safe alternative.

Happy, healthy spring and summer 2019!

Certified Dermatology


“Lisa Ledden is the epitome of a very knowledgeable, caring professional; I say this as a caregiver of my partner Patte, a patient of Lisa’s for over 10 years; I want to speak as a caregiver, because I wonder if the loved ones of patients are considered in their feelings about a partner with a potentially fatal disease, and how someone like Lisa can be the difference between anxiety and peace; I truly believe that Lisa has kept Patte alive, by diagnosing her 5 melanoma’s at early stages; Lisa has a very special gift of melanoma recognition...which has gone undetected by others; so, as a caregiver, I am extremely grateful for Lisa...she gives the whole family a sense of comfort and trust; to me, she is a real blessing.” - Linda Wexler

“I had been going to the same dermatologist for years. She was selling her practice and moving to New York. I was a little nervous about that but just stayed in her office and stayed with the dermatologist that took over her practice. I went to make an appointment and could not get in with a doctor but they told me they had a female nurse practitioner named Lisa that I could see, So I agreed. When I first met her I was thrilled! I knew we would be friends but I knew she was good at what she does. She has a better eye than any doctor I have ever seen! She found a melanoma on my back that was .3 cm was very deep and I had to have a wide excision done at Robert Wood Johnson hospital with a specialist. If that had grown I’m sure the outcome would’ve been different than today. I am fine and healthy. That was January 2003 when we got the results that it had not spread. I continue to see her every year. She cuts off 3 moles and we talk! We have become friends! I love her! She is bright, professional, timely and accommodating! I recommend her to everyone I can at every opportunity I can! She is the best dermatologist I’ve had and I hope to keep seeing her for a long, long time! Thank you, Lisa Ledden!” - Kerri Byrne

The County Woman Magazine

Specializing in General and Cosmetic Dermatology 732-456-7777 (Main) 609-940-3100 (Office) 609-437-6921 (Cell)

599 Shore Road, Suite 202, Somers Point, NJ

Lisa M Ledden MSN, APN-C

Nurse Practitioner March/April 2019

Health & Wellness


Embrace the Spirit of Spring Springtime is just around the corner! Yoga and Ayurveda teach us to be fully present and engaged as we shift seasons and open to new perspectives. Spring is a time of growth, renewal, new life and cleansing. It can be a wonderful time to shift the focus of your yoga practice to match the changing season, attuning your body and spirit to the promise of new beginnings. We begin to shift from the hibernation of winter months to an awakening of rebirth. With the arrival of spring, we are invited to open up, delight in warmer days and cultivate a spirit of aliveness. Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science and the world’s oldest surviving system of healing, shows us that the key to feeling in step with seasons is to harmonize with nature, to follow her lead and dance to her rhythm. To enjoy a healthy spring, you need to understand the Doshas (Kapha, Pitta, Vata). Kapha, which is damp, heavy and dense, falls in the early spring season. Pitta, which is warm, comes in summer and early autumn. Vata, which is light, dry and cool, bridges late autumn and winter. That takes us through the complete yearly cycle. As we enter the spring, we move from the heaviness of Kapha and winter to the warmth of spring. Shed your coat and wake up! Sometimes we experience excess phlegm in the lungs, unhealthy weight gain, water retention or heaviness in the limbs. Bring the body into balance and empty yourself of emotional dullness and lethargy. Rid yourself of excess Kapha. Start with pranayama or breathing techniques to create sukha (good space) in the body. Let your prana (vital energy) flow freely. Prana will propel Kapha, wringing out excesses. Practice Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath), which is excellent for strengthening your lungs and clearing your head and sense organs. Circulate prana in your body by engaging it willfully and circulate prana in the internal organs by engaging in relaxation. Balance the will to hold with the willingness to let go. Now turn up the heat. According to the principles of Ayurveda, a healthy digestive Agni or fire is key for health. Agni gives us the power of digestion as well as the energy to digest our sensory impressions, thoughts and feelings. Strong Agni allows us to discern what is essential, healthy and wise. It prevents us from producing ama, a heavy residue left in the body when you experience or consume things that you cannot assimilate or digest. It is the root cause of many diseases. Ama is a poison that contributes to fatigue, weakened immunity, inflammation, cravings and depression. If left unchecked, it can lead to more serious diseases. To balance Kapha, you can stoke the Agni in your practice, generating inner heat or tapas. Strong standing poses, Sun Salutations, and backbends pump prana throughout your body. The prana acts like bellows and gradually builds the heat of tapas. By concentrating on your breath, you can support and sustain tapas mentally. Try practicing Uddhiyana Bandha Kriya, a traditional cleansing practice. This is done with external breath retention, encouraging the mind to focus, which stabilizes the flame of Agni. Likewise, creating a smooth, rhythmic breath while performing postures is key for maintaining concentration and ensuring prana spreads heat equally through the body. When you breathe this way, you sweat less because heat stays inside, melting the Kapha and breaking down the ama in your tissues, allowing the body to eliminate it. After practice, you should feel warm, light and invigorated, with an alert mind, clear sense and fluid emotions. Showing up on your mat ensures your body will get what it needs for a gentle, gradual reduction of Kapha, and your mind will wake up from the fog of wintertime. Eat lighter. Bring more awareness to your diet. To ensure a healthy Agni, eat at regular intervals during the day. Having routine meals with time in between them strengthens the body and mind. Easy-to-digest foods during springtime with at least 3 or 4 hours in between is key to waking up that sluggish bear. Try eating less Kapha foods like dairy, fried or oily foods and iced drinks. Instead of snacking, do a short pranayama practice. Remember that strengthening your willpower is an exercise for taming monkey mind and stoking your digestive fire. Consider a cleanse for five days, eating only

Lillian Montero, April Elias, Heidi Farber, and Elaine Sherpa fruits and vegetables. This will improve your digestive system and eliminate ama. Drink chamomile tea, which is beneficial to your digestive and circulatory systems and helps rid the body of excess mucus. Tune into nature. Create harmony with the seasons through acts of mindfulness and devotion. Look around and get inspired by renewal and transformation, which are literally welling up from the ground in the spring. The natural world is being reborn. Make a connection to this amazing process. Devote your practice to nature with a prayer or Sun Salute. Head outside and observe the beauty all around. Slow down, observe and appreciate this wonderful transformation that’s happening around you. Begin to fill yourself with energy, light and inspiration. Savor springtime. Keep it simple as you slow down. This will revitalize your body and soul. Don’t get distracted by cultural demands, which can overstimulate you. Turn off electronic devices, go on a retreat or commit to doing nothing. Begin to create more positive space, sukha, in your life. Ultimately, this will increase the flow of prana, stoking your Agni and burning away excess Kapha and ama. You’ll feel healthier and lighter. Revel in the glory of spring. Springtime poses. Your yoga practice this time of year should be stimulating and invigorating. This helps to jumpstart sluggish digestion to get your lymph moving, prevent congestion and aid in the detox process. Sun Salutations pump prana throughout the body, filling you with oxygen, giving you the zest for life. Backbends are heart openers that energize and revitalize. Try Bridge, Wheel and Camel poses. Twists help to detoxify the organs and strengthen metabolic fire. Forward Folds, whether seated or standing, help to tone the kidneys and bladder, which regulate water and emotions in the body. Wind Relieving pose will help to stimulate the large intestine, aiding in detoxification. Foods to enjoy. A spring diet includes more bitter, spicy and astringent tastes. These can help open the channels of elimination in the body. In order to clear mucus and moisture from the body, avoid sweet, sour and salty foods. Favor warm and lightly cooked meals. Whole grains and vegetables, combined with legumes, fish, and eggs, balance your carbohydrates with protein. Reduce your intake of oils and flavor foods with cumin, pepper and cloves. Eat fruits like pears and berries. How do we move from one season to another? What are we leaving behind as we approach spring? With the rebirth of life, there is a feeling of uncertainty as you move from old self to new self. Shed the skin of comfort and insights emerge. A willingness to dip into the river of mystery allows us to experiment with a new experience. Be willing to inhabit this new place. Shift perceptions of the world. Be willing to shift and change with the world around you.


200 Hour Yoga Alliance Certification begins Spring 2019 Charm Yoga - A Joyful Kripalu Approach to Teacher Training. Join other Hummingbirds at the Studio for this comprehensive instruction. Explore the many aspects of yoga including philosophy, history, alignment and anatomy. In the process you will discover your own path to peace. Take this journey with us and transform your life. Enhance your yoga practice. Transform your life. Cost: $3000.00 (includes most reading materials)




Heidi Farber • Certified Kripalu Teacher • Teacher Training

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Medical Professionals


Puppy Love— Unleashing Who Gets the Family Pet(s) in Divorce By Marla Marinucci, Esq.


nyone who knows me will confirm that I am a very proud dog owner of two German Shepherds. Maybe even a little too proud. After 40-plus years of living, I got my first dog, Dakota, in January 2014. She quickly became the love of my life, so much that I became the proud owner of another German Shepherd, Shiloh, later that July. Never before had I understood the amazing bond between a dog and a human. Ever since I was a very young child, I’ve had cats. I still have one cat, as a matter of fact, but the difference between owning a cat versus owing a dog is something I have truly never understood until I became a dog owner. Owning a cat is like…well, it’s pretty much a nonevent; whereas owning a dog (or dogs)…there are no words that can describe how rewarding an experience it is. My point here is not to offend all the cat-lovers out there, but rather to bring to the forefront how dogs become real members of the family and special considerations need to be given when a family is breaking up and the parties cannot agree on where the dog(s) will reside.

This newly found passion of mine has added a new perspective to how I handle my divorce cases where there are dogs involved. Over the years the issue hasn’t come up too much in my practice but recently I have been hearing a lot of stories from my colleagues who have been facing dog “custody” issues. Additionally, my research on this issue has revealed that proponents of animal legal rights have been working hard to change the way courts treat animals. Traditionally, in most states, animals have been treated as chattel, meaning property. They would fall into the same category of: Who gets the dining room table? And, What about the living room furniture? Believe it or not, cats and dogs for a long time were thrown into the “personal property” category. Family courts especially have generally applied principles of property law when deciding who gets Fido, though some judges have recognized that the family companion should not be treated the same as a couch. However, it varies all over the country as well as in the State of New Jersey.

There was a very interesting case from 2009 in New Jersey that dealt with an unmarried couple who had a long-term relationship of 13 years who were engaged to be married, but decided to break off their engagement. During the relationship, together, they purchased a pedigree dog for $1,500, which they registered with the American Kennel Club as joint owners. Initially after their split, there seemed to be an agreement between them that ex-girlfriend would keep the dog because she, in fact, kept it and ex-boyfriend did not challenge her. But when she went on vacation and left the dog with ex-boyfriend while she was away, upon her return, he refused to give her the dog back and suit was filed. The trial court found that while there was an oral agreement between the parties that ex-girlfriend would keep the dog, because the dog was still in the possession of ex-boyfriend at the time of trial, the judge awarded the dog to ex-boyfriend and awarded ex-girlfriend $1,500 since the parties agreed that was the amount it cost to purchase the dog. Apparently, the judge presiding over the case stated at one point, “Dogs are chairs; they’re furniture; they’re automobiles, they’re pensions. They’re not kids.” Thankfully, ex-girlfriend appealed the court’s ruling to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey. The Appellate Court found that monetary damages were inadequate due to the special subjective value one derives from possession of a particular piece of property: in this case, a dog. The Court further stated that courts of equity should not be hesitant to consider one party’s sincere affection and attachment to a particular object, which includes family heirlooms, inanimate objects, and of course, animals. In other words, while the Court still held that while a dog is technically still a piece of property, it is unique property with special value and should be treated as such when one owner seeks judicial intervention to decide who gets to keep the pet. When dealing with a divorce that involves dogs and school-aged children, oftentimes the unofficial rule of thumb is to have the dogs follow the children. In other words, when the children change residences to spend time with the other parent, the dogs should be included. And in the majority of situations, including my own personal situation, this is a good practice to follow. Just as children should not be deprived contact with the other parent, dogs shouldn’t either. Going through a divorce when there are dogs involved shouldn’t be ruff. Don’t paws any longer and call me now for a consultation.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Marla, call 609-398-1900.

Today’s Families Face Many Challenges...

We’re Here to Help Your Family Through Them.

Divorce • Alimony • Custody • Child Support • Marital Settlement Agreements Post-Judgment Modifications • Emancipation • Prenuptial Agreements • Appeals



117 Atlantic Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • CALL: (609) 398-1900 Fax: (609) 398-7292 • Email: Marla Marinucci, Esq.

Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney

Marla Marinucci, Esq., is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. She has been certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney. Her primary focus is Family law matters. She received a B.A. in French from Rutgers Camden, and received her law degree from Rutgers School of Law- Camden.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Medical Professionals


It Is Not All About the Smoke Everyone is aware that smoking is bad for your health due to resulting disease states such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and many other health risks. Nearly all organ systems are affected by the exposure to tobacco. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one out of five deaths per year are caused by cigarette smoking.

Dr. Sood is dedicated to giving you the best surgical outcome, and there are many resources that could help you kick the habit. • Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) and speak confidentially with a highly trained quit coach who will assist you in developing a personalized plan. • Download a stop smoking app such as quitStart or Quit Smoking on your mobile device. The apps will monitor your progress and offer tips and information such as how to manage cravings and bad moods in healthy ways. • Some patients have had success with hypnotherapy. • Follow CDC Tobacco Free and the Tips from Former Smokers® campaign on Facebook and Twitter, watch videos on YouTube, and pin images on Pinterest. Join the conversation and share facts and compelling stories with your friends and family to remind them of the dangers of smoking and tobacco use. You’ll also find inspirational posts and interactive ways to support loved ones who are trying to quit smoking and stay quit. • Find more at

If you are considering having plastic surgery, you need to be honest with your surgeon regarding your tobacco usage. Sound advice would be to stop smoking for a designated amount of time before and after elective cosmetic or reconstructive Dr. Sood is a double Board Certified Plastic and plastic surgery. However, this does not mean you should reach for a substitute. The main concern Reconstructive Surgeon located in Central Square Shopping in this arena is nicotine. This includes nicotine gum, patches, snuff, Center in Linwood, New Jersey. Call for a complimentary consultation: 609-904-5390. chewing tobacco, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and the ever-so-popular e-cigarettes. Why is this so important? Blood carries oxygen, which is [\ paramount in the healing process. Nicotine damages blood vessels and can make them thicken and grow narrower, which For more information subsequently decreases the amount of oxygen supplied to an call 609-904-5390 area that has already been compromised by surgery. It is a major concern when it comes to plastic surgery because it impairs the or visit capacity for wound repair and can even result in the death of otherwise healthy tissue. Complications due to nicotine usage may include infections, Dr. Sood delayed wound healing, thick or wide scars, loss of nipples, loss of skin in the surgical area, increased pain, loss of breast implants, and emotional distress from a poor surgical result. Dr. Mohit Sood is a board certified plastic and Further necessary procedures such as revisionary reconstructive surgeon who is passionate about helping his patients achieve their surgery or wound debridement, to name a few, overall aesthetic goals. are typically not covered by third party payors Procedures/Products Available: (insurance) due to the nature of the primary procedure being a cosmetic surgery. This • Facelift • Breast Augmentation furthers a financial obligation on the patient. • ZO Skin Health • Breast Lift • Liposuction • Tummy Tuck If you smoke and you are planning to have • PRP Hair Restoration • Mommy Makeover plastic surgery: QUIT! Follow your plastic • Buttock Augmentation • Advanced Scar Treatment surgeon’s recommendation, which may be to • Laser Skin Resurfacing quit three to six weeks before surgery through three to six weeks after (though forever is best). 199 New Rd., St. #31

Enhance Your True Beauty

Linwood, NJ

The County Woman Magazine

609-904-5390 March/April 2019

Fashion & Beauty


Well Hello Spring!

Faux Leather Party

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Metallics and Neutrals

Stay Shady

 ❀

1055 Shore Road, Linwood, NJ 08221 • 609-365-8899 752 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609-938-2398

Happy St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick’s Day Recipe: How To Make Irish Potatoes Ingredients:

• 1/4 cup butter, softened • 1/2 package cream cheese • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 4 cups confectioners’ sugar • 2 1/2 cups flaked coconut • 1 tablespoon cinnamon

1. In a medium bowl, beat the butter and cream cheese together until smooth. 2. Add the vanilla and confectioners’ sugar; beat until smooth. 3. Using your hands, if necessary, mix in the coconut. Roll into balls or potato shapes and roll in the cinnamon. 4. Place onto a cookie sheet and chill to set. If desired, roll potatoes in cinnamon again for darker color.

The County Woman Magazine

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light, May good luck pursue you each morning and night. -Irish Blessing

March/April 2019

EElder lderLawLaw

17 17

Rice ElderM. Law Nancy Rice, Esq. YAsk

Nancy M. Rice, Esquire, CELA

Pamela A. Quattrone Esquire, CELA

Certified Elder Law Attorneys Certified Elder Law Attorney Rice Elder Law has been assisting clients with their Estate Planning and Elder Law needs since 1992.

Nancy Rice has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law in New Jersey and Pennsylvania Both Nancy and Pamela have been Certified as Elder Law Attorneys (CELA) by the National Elder Law since 1986. She wasThe Certified as an Elder LawinAttorney 1997,(Linwood) and has maintained offices in (Cherry Hill). Foundation. firm maintains offices Atlantic in County and Camden County Camden Cape May specifically in Cherry Hill and Ocean City. She can answer Riceand Elder Law cancounties, answer your questions and concerns – just call 609-398-3447. your questions and concerns- just call 609-398-3447.

“ WILL CONTESTS: How Law? Do They Work? ” What Is Elder

Part 2 of 2

We discussed A.) Fraud and B.) Due Execution in the Atlantic

Nancy M. Rice, Esquire, CELA County Woman September/October Pamela A. Quattrone, Esquire, MBA, CELA2015 issue, Part 1 of 2.

Today, we will continue in our discussion with C.) Testamentary Capacity and D.) Undue Influence. Q: What is “Elder Law”?

Elder Law is a sub-specialty within the practice of law. Until the early 1990’s, C.)area Testmentary this of practice was moreCapacity generally known as “Estate Planning.” Elder Law developed a sub-specialty Estate Planning in the late 1980’s. The testasfor determiningof testamentary capacity is rather permissive. Indeed, theThe National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) was founded 1987 level of capacity needed to execute a Will is less than that required toin enter asinto a professional association of attorneys who arethe dedicated to improving a contract. The key questions are whether person who made thethe Will quality of legal services provided to seniors. (called the “Testator”) understood:

1 2

Q: What “Estate Planning”? Theisnature and extent of the property subject of the Will; in other words,

Estate Planning generally involves the drafting of Wills and planning for the what assets the Testator had and planned to leave under his or her Will. disposition of estates upon death. Estate Planning can also include tax planning to reduce or eliminate the various death taxes which can, in some cases, seriously The “natural objects of his or her bounty,” that is, who are the Testator’s deplete an estate. next of kin (whether or not he or she wants to leave them anything under Q:the DoWill, Estate Planning Lawyers issues in the the Testator needs to know address who they planning are).

event I become incapacitated?

3 4

enjoyed a special or “confidential relationship” with the Testator, and there are • Housing issues, including discrimination and home equity conversions “suspicious circumstances” surrounding the execution of the Will, the burden of (“reverse mortgages”) proof will shift to the defender of the Will. • Retirement, including public and private retirement benefits, survivor benefits, and pension benefits can be found where there is some special trust A “confidential relationship” between Most Elder attorneys not specialize every one of where these areas. For of the Law Testator and a do beneficiary underinthe Will and the nature example, our office does not handle Social Security Disability appeals orAt Elder that special relationship creates some type of reliance or dependency. times, Abuse cases. Additionally, some Elder Law attorneys handle matters for clients a special or confidential relationship has been found to exist between a Testator who elderly. example, draft Willsprovider; for clients of all attorney; and:areannot adult child;For other relative;we a healthcare a neighbor; or an accountant. Notably, while a confidential relationship naturally exists beQ: If I see the designation “CELA” after an attorney’s name, what tween a husband and wife, the presumption of undue influence will not generdoes that mean? ally arise even when the Testator’s children are disinherited. One of the ways to evaluate the experience and knowledge of an attorney who claims to practice Elder Law is to consider whether he or she is Certified as an As to the “suspicious circumstances” component of an undue influence Will Elder Law Attorney (CELA). contest, the evidence on this issue can be “slight.” Suspicious circumstances have The purpose of this certification program is to identify those lawyers who been found where a beneficiary of the Will engaged his attorney to prepare the have the enhanced knowledge, skills, experience, and proficiency to be properly Testator’s Will and where a nursing home patient was removed from the facility identified as Certified Elder Law Attorneys to the public. by the beneficiary of a Will that was signed a few days later.

The criteria for certification include:

Thetheeffect of the thatEstate the Will wouldwas dispose of property following During 1980’s andWill; 1990’s, Planning expanded to include 1. Licensure - Thethat attorney be licensed to practice law itinwas at least one state If you believe a Willmust should be challenged because not executed planningdeath. for incapacity as well. This was a necessary expansion because if you are or in the(i.e., District of forged, Columbia. properly it was didn’t have the correct number of witnesses, etc.) or in a car accident or suffer a stroke, leaving you unable to tend to your legal affairs 2. Practice - The attorney have practiced lawhe/she duringsigned the five (5)because years the because the deceased wasmust not competent when it or relation of eacha of these factors to little the other. or makeThe medical decisions, Will would be of use to you as it is effective preceding hisproduct or her application and mustyou be currently practicing, Will was the of undue influence, should hire a seasoned only upon death. 3. Integrity/Good Standing - The beDo a member in with goodyour standing who has significant experience in attorney this area must of law. not delay deci Thus, most lawyers today will talk to you about Durable Powers of Attorney of the state bar in all places in which he or she is licensed. sion to engage an experienced attorney because the law allows only a narrow Notably, the law presumes that all Testators are of sound and competent and Advance Medical Directives (“Living Wills”) when you meet with them to 4.window Substantial Involvement - The attorney musta have anmay average of at least of time during which a caveat and/or Will spent contest be filed. mind when a Will is executed (assuming he/she was at least 18 years of age and talk about drafting a Will. 16 hours per week practicing Elder Law during the three years preceding his or has not been declared by a court to be legally incapacitated). To overcome the her application and must handled your at least questions 60 Elder Law matters during those Nancy Rice canhave answer and concerns! Q: If an attorney focuses on Eldermust Law,prove what of law would presumption of capacity, the contestant lackareas of testamentary capacthree years. ity atinclude? the time the Will was executed, by clear and convincing evidence. It is that 5. Continuing Legal Education - The attorney must have participated in at important know that it is not enough to show that the Testator was addicted Elder Lawtoincludes: least 45 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) in Elder Law during the drugs or alcohol; youofmust prove that the personspousal was under the influence of •toPreservation/transfer assets seeking to avoid impoverishment preceding three (3) years. a when substance at theenters time of the execution a spouse a nursing home of the Will. Nor is it sufficient to show 6. Peer Review/Professional References - The attorney must obtain five the Testator was forgetful at the time, so long as he or she had some capac•that Medicaid references from attorneys who are also CELAs to manage his or her business •ity Medicare advocacy, claims and affairs. appeals 7. Examination – The attorney must pass a full-day certification examination. • Social Security and disability claims and appeals Nancy has been practicing Estate Planning and Elder Law since 1986 and has •D.) Supplemental long-term health insurance issues. Undueand Influence been Certified as an Elder Law Attorney since 1997. In 2002, 2007, and 2012 • Disability planning, including use of Durable Powers of Attorney, Living she satisfied the conditions for re-certification. Pamela has been practicing Estate Undue influence has been defined as any type of exertion that can prevent Trusts, and “Living Wills” Planning and Elder Law since 2012 and recently became Certified as an Elder the Testator from following his/her free will. This can include physical, men• Conservatorships and guardianships or moral exertion. Mereand suggestions, persuasions the estates exertion of some Law Attorney earlier this year. •tal, Probate, administration management of trustsorand influence is not enough to invalidate a Will. Ordinarily, the challenger has the • Long-term care placements in nursing home and life care communities of home proving undue influence.questions If, however, the Will rights benefitsand onenursing who •burden Nursing issues, including of patients’ Nancy M. Rice, Esq., CELA • Pamela A. Quattrone, Esq., CELA home quality can answer your questions and concerns. Call 609-398-3447. • Elder abuse andAdministration fraud recovery cases Estate/Trust • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trust • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care & Disability Planning

Call 609-398-3447 today!

200 Asbury Avenue • Ocean City, NJ 08226 • 609.398.3447 | 1236 Brace Rd., Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048

Estate/Trust Administration • Guardianships • Will Contests • Special Needs Trusts • Medicare, Medicaid, Long-Term Care, and Disability Planning

2021 New Road, Unit #9 • Linwood, NJ 08021 • 609.398.3447 I 1236 Brace Road, Suite F • Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 • 856.673.0048 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

November/December 2015 March/April 2019


Financial Management

Making It Easier To Reach That Destination Using A Trust

Now that the holidays are behind us, we are already starting to look back with fondness at families traveling long distances to see and bond with one another. We may not all look forward to getting on an airplane, or car, or train, but we generally look forward to what’s at the end of that day of travel: the destination and family! Some of the time, the expense of traveling with family members limits some family members from participating, and so a parent or grandparent may help subsidize that cost. Is there a way to make it easier to reach that destination using a trust? Yes. A trust may be created with a travel provision to provide that the funds could only be utilized for travel by the beneficiaries. Here’s a fictionalized example: Jeannette’s parents came to America when she was a child. The family kept in close touch with their European relatives, and two of Jeannette’s children settled there. To facilitate family reunions, one year Jeannette announced that she would provide $25,000 every year to help defray travel expenses. Some years the gettogether was in the U.S., some years in Europe, but each year the $25,000 would cover the transatlantic airfares plus incidental expenses for the extended family. The reunions became so important to the family that Jeanette built them into her estate plan. At her death an irrevocable trust was created with the express purpose of funding family travels. Though it was one part of the overall plan, this additional provision would ensure that this tradition continues for many years to come.

Why not just give them the money, and let them decide? The largest reason to favor a trust over a direct gift is to direct the inheritance toward creating a specific experience or memories, and there are many ways travel can be a factor. Your impact would continue through the experiences directly tied to your wishes. Such experiences could include creating the opportunity for children to connect with their heritage or religion, study abroad, or even promote doing philanthropic work in another country. Another great use of leaving an inheritance for travel could be to provide for travel expenses if the family members are separated into different states or countries, designating a way to have family reunions, relieving the burden of paying for flights and tension that comes with it. Perhaps your beneficiaries are workaholics, and you want to make sure they reduce their anxiety levels and take a break so you designate places you’ve been inspired by—such as the Grand Canyon— and a fund that encourages them to share in that experience. Can the trust designate the use of funds toward other goals? That depends entirely on the values of the trust creator, and what is set forth in the terms of the trust. Trusts are created so that the desires and values of the creator are respected. Most trusts don’t have restrictions placed on them at all, but some suggest the funds can only be used for specific purposes to ensure they create positive change for the beneficiaries. This wouldn’t have to be travel—more conventional examples include categories such as education, or a home purchase. There are a variety of imaginative and appealing ways that one might be able to provide for one’s heirs. Once you decide on your goals and how best to achieve them using a trust, your estate planning attorney should be able to incorporate them into your overall estate plan.

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The County Woman Magazine

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March/April 2019

Business Spotlight

The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2019


Health & Wellness Psychotherapy



Saturday, March 2nd Sharon Friday,Flaherty March 22nd Recovery From Trauma Dr. ALL EVENTS Community Samadhi: Being Yoga $60 Holi Festival Sutra Sangha OPEN TO THE

Acupuncture When someone goes through any kind COMMUNITY! of trauma, he or Massage she may heal over time. But if the trauma is tooShares much for Reiki the mind to handle, help may be needed to get over it. WEDNESDAYS If the person WELLNESS develops symptoms nightmares, Yoga For like Health Series flashbacks, anxiety, fear or depression, • Digestion March • Sleep April they may fit the criteria for PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. One • Weight Loss May does not have to have PTSD to benefit from talking to a professional about an upsetting event. However, if symptoms linger over time, counseling/psychotherapy is recommended.

Decades of research since then has confirmed its Sunday, March 24th effectiveness. Dr. Peter Levine at UCLA took PET scans of the brains of patients and after Harmonize &before Restore EMDR, and found significant differences; areas Triaxial Yoga $60 of overactivity, or “hot spots,” disappeared, Saturday, March 9th along with the patient's symptoms. EMDR Rhythm of the Heart Saturday, 30th has been placed in theMarch “A” category by the Department of Veterans Affairs as “strongly Bhakti Retreat $100 Subtle Body recommended” for the treatment of trauma. Experience $80 EMDR has been used with veterans, crime Sunday, March 10th victims, police officers, and victims of crime, Mantra & Kirtan $60abuse and accidents. It works on large or small traumas for people of the all ages, including children. In teacher in you most cases it works much faster than traditional psychotherapy.

Tuesday, March 5th Shivaratri Sangha


Traditional “talking” therapy can be very effective with Yoga Improves One treatment that has shown tremendous success in Flexibility treating & Joint Health • Yoga Improves Balance & Stability • Yoga Improves these problems, too. Dr. Sharon Flaherty has advanced training in Respiration Yoga Reduces trauma is called Eye Movement Desensitization and •Reprocessing, or Anxiety • Yoga Reduces High Blood Pressure • Yoga Helps Reduce Weight EMDR, and years of experience doing EMDR and traditional EMDR. EMDR involves a series of eye movements, sounds or tapping psychotherapy. She can be reached at 908-242-4618 or at via her Try awho med ve while recalling the upsetting event. EMDR was discovered by Dr. • Manahawkin, 8 N. Union Street 08050 websiteNJ Veterans arei tati having s trol l th rou g h ou r Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s when she was working at the Veterans difficulty with issues likes these can call their local Veterans Services l ab y ri n th l ocated i n Officer: in Ocean County 732-929-2096.ou r b ack g ard en ! Administration.

1-855-SANTOSHA •

Sharon Flaherty, PhD • 908-242-2618 • • Law

Legal Professionals

You’ve Been Hurt at Work. Do You You Need anYour Attorney? How Workers’ Compensation Protects and Family

hurt your neck but or back, broke How Can a benefit Lawyer Help? Many people have heard If of you Workers’ Compensation, few people knowa Employers from workers’ compensation also. Highly managed We help our clients with items you may notcompanies anticipate are afterthought a work to keep bone, ruptured ligaments tore your what it really means until they themselves are injured at work. or Here’s a primer healthcare by workers’ compensation insurance injury. Sometimes theinjured workers’ compensation carrier rotator cuff, yourights. may have long-term meant to give you a basic understanding of your costs down and return workers to work insurance more quickly thanterminates if they pursued treatment prematurely as a cost-saving measure. Sometimes a second physical that entitle you to Over a 100 years ago, business andproblems labor treatment independently. medical opinion is necessary or perhaps medical bills aren’tsociety being by paid. In came to a compromise that monetary benefits both compensation workers Overall, the system has benefited reducing from your some cases, the entire claim is denied, often leaving the injured worker and employers in the event employer’s of a work injury.workers’ For conflict, improving work safety and protecting taxpayers compensation with no assistance whatsoever. helped our clients these of workers, it allowed for prompt medical and wage Even if all of your medical from theWe’ve burden of paying for thewith care all andofneeds insurance carrier. scenarios so they receive the medical treatment and compensation to replacement benefits as welltreatment as an opportunity disabled workers. and wagetoreplacement was paid, a cash which they are entitled. This all works theoretically, of course, but there are times receive compensation for thesettlement ongoing physical may still be possible for you, something the Contact Lawyer? limitations that occur after ainsurance trauma. company It also may not tell you about. Calculating When Should You when medicalatreatment is withheld, wage replacement is Consulting me sooner rather than later can help you avoid the manydenied. created a no-fault system, one where an employee not paid or a workers’ comp claim is completely permanency benefits can be a complicated negotiation pitfalls you may encounter when dealing with a big insurance company. need not have to prove negligence in order to If you’ve been injured at work and feel you are being that addresses the injury, doctors’ opinions, pre-existing There is never a fee for a consultation and our fees are set only if you receive these benefits. The goal was to lessen the shortchanged, call us for a free consultation to discuss conditions, and occupation. In that scenario, hiring an receive an award. negative health impact for injured workers and your case immediately as there are important deadlines to attorney experienced in workers’ compensation matters maintain their financial stability. which you must you must adhere. is a smart thing to do. Kathleen Dotoli received recognition the American Institute of Legal Counsel forBest “10 Best Attorneys for Social Security and Disability Law Division for Client Satisfaction” 2016 and Kathleen Dotoli received recognition fromfrom the American Institute of Legal Counsel for “10 Attorneys for Social Security and Disability Law Division for Client Satisfaction” 2016, 2017 and 2017 2018.

If you need guidance, call 732-228-7534 today for a free consultation. With respect and compasson, Kathleen has helped thousands of Ocean and Monmouth County residents receive the benefits they deserve for over 20 years.

Call today to learn more about how you may qualify for Workers Compensation Benefits

Testimonial “Kathleen handled my workers comp case. Our first meeting set the bar on what I realized would be above any expectations I may have envisioned. Kathleen was extremely detailed, caring and very professional.” - Denise 2018 The information on this article is legal advertising and is not to be considered legal advice. If you have already hired or are represented by an attorney, you should disregard the information in this article. If this article is inaccurate or misleading, report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, CN 037, Trenton, New Jersey 08625.

The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019 March/April 2018

Health & Wellness Hypnosis – A Powerful Tool for Improved Health & Well-Being

Hypnosis for Women Professional Hypnosis & Coaching Rhoda Kopy, Director 1541 Rt. 37 East, Suite E Toms River, NJ 08753 732-270-0080

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You! Rhoda Kopy is a nationally certified consulting hypnotist and wellness coach, with specialty certification in complementary medical hypnotism. She earned a B.S. degree in Biomedical Communications from Richard Stockton College of N.J., has an academic background in nursing, and 20+ years’ experience in community health education and coaching. Rhoda adheres to strict ethical standards of the National Guild of Hypnotists.

In the past, it wasn’t unusual for hypnosis practitioners to hear clients say, “Hypnosis is my last hope. I’ve tried everything, but nothing has helped me.” Today, however, many people – including health care professionals – recognize that it is an effective, empowering, and holistic approach. And it generally achieves results in three to six sessions. It’s no longer considered an approach of last resort. People seek hypnosis services for many reasons: To eat healthier, stop smoking, stress less, overcome a fear, boost confidence, sleep better, etc. Think about times that you desperately wanted to make a change in your life, but just couldn’t do it. You may have been aware of the actions you needed to take to reach your goal, but you kept reverting to the old negative patterns. Relying on logic and common sense often isn’t enough to make changes. By tapping - to interrupt into the subconscious, hypnosis helps those patterns and develop newer, smarter ones. It makes challenges much easier to surmount and helps develop a sense of empowerment. Unfortunately, misconceptions about hypnosis prevent some people from seeking services that could benefit them. Sometimes stage shows, along with movies and TV programs, depict hypnosis in a bizarre fashion, in an attempt to be entertaining. So it’s not surprising that misinformed individuals may equate hypnosis with mind control, a zombie-like state, sleep, or unconsciousness – all of which are incorrect. Hypnosis actually brings about a heightened state of awareness, while relaxing the body and helping the subconscious mind to be more receptive to positive suggestions. There is no surrender of control; and no one can be forced to do, say, or think anything that runs counter to his or her beliefs and values. In this state, people are more receptive to suggestions in harmony with their values and goals.

Hypnosis For Women ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Weight Control Smoking Cessation Relaxation/Comfort Fear Release


In addition to helping people reach their goals, hypnosis offers side benefits. Most clients report that it helps them feel more centered and empowered, and has a positive impact on sleep quality. While this approach is very effective, it’s not for everyone – and it’s not a magic bullet. Most practitioners, during a preliminary phone discussion, are able to determine if this approach is suitable for a prospective client. It works best for people who: 1) Are motivated to change 2) Believe that with the right tools and techniques they are capable of changing 3) Understand that this is a process 4) Are willing to be a partner in the process Hypnosis services are not a replacement for licensed medical or mental health care. If you need help with a significant health issue, seek appropriate assistance. Consulting hypnotists often work in tandem with health care providers, as this approach helps improve focus and clarity, and helps clients adhere to their practitioners’ recommendations. It’s important to be selective in choosing a hypnosis practitioner. Look for professionals who are certified by reputable organizations like the National Guild of Hypnotists and/or the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. Both require specific training, continuing education, and adherence to ethical standards. Find someone who seems interested in helping you, communicates openly, and addresses your concerns. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to ask questions. For a Free Phone Consultation, call me at 732-270-0080. Integrating hypnotic techniques and coaching paves the way for successful outcomes and boosts your sense of well-being.

Make Your Mind Work FOR You – Instead of Against You!


Focus/Concentration Sleep Improvement Studying/Testing Lifestyle Changes Interviewing/Auditions

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Athletics Public Speaking Flying/Driving Socializing Confidence

Make Your Mind Work For You – Instead of Against You

732-270-0080 • 1541 Rt 37 East, Suite E, Toms River, NJ 08753

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Featured On The Cover


To schedule your appointment, please call 609-677-XRAY (9729) or 732-223-XRAY (9729).

CMCH • EHT • Galloway • Hammonton • Manahawkin Northfield • Somers Point • Brick • Manasquan • Toms River amiradiology

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Featured On The Cover


Who is Reading Your Mammogram Matters: Meet Dr. Peggy Avagliano, A Pioneer in the Field of Radiology

about their cancer journey. We have a team of patient navigators that help guide them and their loved ones through the process of recovery.

ACW: What are some of the positive attributes of your job? Dr. Avagliano: It’s incredible to be able to save someone’s life. The

death rate for patients with breast cancer was unchanged for decades before screening mammography began in the mid 80’s. Over 30% fewer women die from breast cancer today compared with death rates prior to the mid 1980’s. Early detection really saves lives.

ACW: What attracted you to the field of Radiology? Dr. Avagliano: A radiologist uses state of the art technology to

It was a love of solving puzzles that attracted Dr. Peggy Avagliano to the fascinating field of Radiology. As the Head of Women’s Imaging at Atlantic Medical Imaging, she has special clinical interests in ultrasound, mammography, and minimally invasive breast biopsies. Dr. Avagliano is part of this full service radiology practice, which operates 12 offices throughout New Jersey. From standard X-rays to more complex procedures, their board certified fellowship-trained radiologists get accurate results to your doctor. They are known for utilizing cutting-edge equipment and the most advanced imaging services and procedures available. ACW: As head of Women’s imaging, what is the most challenging aspect of your profession? Dr. Avagliano: Early detection of breast cancer on a screening

mammogram. The incidence of cancer is low in the screening population, about 5-7 cases for every 1,000 women screened will have cancer. Cancer can have many different appearances from calcifications, to subtle changes in architecture, to a mass. Normal breast tissue, benign masses, and cancers are white on a mammogram; only fat is black. Although every person’s cancer journey is unique in many ways, it begins with someone like me, confirming your worst fears. The air seems to be sucked out of the room as patients sit teary eyed. We comfort them as best we can and begin the discussion

take a look inside patient’s bodies; without having to cut them open. We scour the images to uncover clues, taking note of everything we discover. We examine the findings in conjunction with the clinical information and any pertinent history we have available to come up with a possible diagnosis.

ACW: What sets AMI apart from other Medical Imaging offices? Dr. Avagliano: We are committed to improving the health and

wellness of our own communities. Our sub-specialization ensures academic quality in your own back yard. In 2003 we created the AMI-Foundation, a non-profit entity that allows us to serve the most vulnerable in our community. Our mission includes: free screening mammograms to the uninsured in October; backpacks filled with supplies for children in need, and sponsoring Noogieland at Gilda’s (for children whose lives are touched by cancer).

ACW: Please walk us through a typical day at the office. Dr. Avagliano: I typically start the day at 7 am batch reading 3D

screening mammograms. Morning tomography guided biopsies are followed by diagnostic mammograms and breast ultrasounds (these are patients who have symptoms such as a lump or pain, or were called back from a screening mammogram). I speak to every one of my diagnostic patients, so they leave our office knowing what I know. The afternoon is dedicated to ultrasound–guided and MRI guided breast biopsies. Patients returning for biopsy results or consults are typically seen on the day I get the results. For over 50 years, Atlantic Medical Imaging has brought state of the art technology to the Jersey Shore. They are an organization on the cutting edge, constantly looking to the future and partnering with imaging vendors, and academic centers to advance new technologies; such as: Coronary CTA (for heart disease), PET/CT scanning (for Alzheimer’s disease), and artificial intelligence (AI). All the advances in technology such as 3D tomography increase the visibility of cancers. Just as finding Waldo becomes easier after you have looked through many puzzles, breast experts have improved cancer detection. At AMI, radiologists read about 50,000 mammograms a year.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Medical Professionals Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


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March/April 2018 2017 March/April March/April 2019

Health & Wellness


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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

inues The Tradition Of Giving Back To Our Community 26 “Massimo has Autism. Are Legal Professionals have been practicing as an You would think that you should be able to recover money for your pain and

The MRI shows that there are no tears or injuries to the ligaments surrounding your ankle. You go back to physical therapy and are then discharged to do home exercises. place to live, in the moment. My denial house came crumbling you surprised?” the doctor from down shortly Allnot of your the kids suffering, right? The thereafter. collision was fault. The other driver was drunk. Your attorneysaid forwhen 13 years Philadelphia Massiand was were playing together and the extent of kids were in the car. Thankfully, they were not injured, but you were off your feet for sixteen months old. Myhonor husband Alex have the distinct Massi’s delay truly hit me. My nephews, one month and hobbling around for a few more. You still suffer occasionally with pain. said he surprised and set out to Jerard and Caprio, who are about nine of was being my father’s law Unfortunately you have elected the Limited Right to Sue on your auto insurance policy. months younger than Massi, were playing prove the doctors wrong. If I am being Your fracture was not and it is not alid Permanent Injury because the fracture partner. I started working with with this red displaced box that had a yellow honest with myself, I was not surprised healed and theholes MRIofwas negative any additional injuries. You cannot recover shapes. Myformom, Sandi D’Amato, is the most influential person in with various Inside the Gatta myatdad, all. Paul R. D’Amato, when myshape life! of Shetheloves me and my sisters, Ava and Ashley, unconditionally. boxyour werepain toysand in suffering. the holes. 1214 months age,All Massi speak,money for I At was yearsofold. we didn’t do and The idea was for the to put Shechild never triedthetoshape change us and always encourages us to do our Written By to his name. make eye contact or respond What should I do? through the appropriate hole.would tell us that we “can do anything a man can do, but have our when firm for many best. She Alexa D’Amato Barrera, He onlydone wouldatlaugh you threw him I’ll never forget that Unfortunately, I have seen scenarios likemom’s thisMassi many Don’t better.”moment. My dad,times. Louis, waslethitthis byhappen a tree to in a lightning storm Esquire up in theis airrepresent or look atpeople you when you made a years that The Children’s Holiday Party had been in therapy for two months and died when she was only 8 years old. Her mom took on two jobs you! If you have selected the Limited really loud noise. Our Pediatrician, Dr. Dana seriously injured. While we Submitted by Sless Kare asi M. G ifford , E squirE working on putting the shape into the usually a magician, games, toinsurance financially support my mom and her older brother, leaving my with Brighton Pediatrics in Egg HarborRight to Sue,includes call your auto right hole and there was Jerard, nine pizza,immediately sweets, pictures with Santa to take care of the house, cook the meals and walk miles to Township had me fill out questionnaire at company handle most types of apersonal and mom ask them rtified Civil Trial Trial Attorney am proud to have recently joined tified Civil Attorney months younger than Massi, playing with Paul, 6-years-old, Massi, 5-years-old, and while she My mom worked and studied hard, and Massi’s well visit. The results concerned her and and lots gifts. thesnow. to change yourofpolicy to Members theschool NO inofthe ra, Counsellorthe at Law injury cases, we get many calls this toy with ease. It just seemed like such D’Amato Law Firm that in Egg Harbor Rocco, 3-years-old rera, Counsellor at Law she recommended I contact The New Jersey up hundreds of miles away from my father, she too understood Atlantic County Bargrew Association Limitation. Auto insurance policies arch has been designated by every U.S. a silly and easy game for Jerard, but yet for Township.Early I formerly clerked the She didn’t and the Atlantic County about car accidents. Intervention Systemfor (NJEIS). the of education. She knew the only way to escape the drudge of Superior can be confusing so if you’re notvalue sure President as Women’s History Month since 1987. Massi he had to actually work to be able do that. James Savio,itJ.S.C. ofthe thethings that Court staff love to watch at Massi Honorable had Autism, but she didP.mention as one of the factory town she to lived in was to get a scholarship to college. Back the chaos ed that over 90% of drivers in New Jersey elect the Limitation on and whatcaught coverage you have and want to It started with a week in 1978 such delays. Certainly Alex and I were worried, but our oldest son Paul Superior Court of New Jersey, Civil Division, in the ’60sgifts, young women only had a chance of getting a scholarship at asabout the students unwrap talk it, please schedule aniftheir office Right to Sue for theirRocco autothat insurance coverage. If in youthe aren’t sure traction by 1980 President Carter designated March What do you do someone you love may haveCollege Autism? was pregnant with and we were leaving next few days for in Atlantic County. I was born and raised aevery women’s college. Wilson had the wherewithal to and the excitement time a new Thankfully visit and I will review your policy elected the Limited Right to Sue then you probably have. 2-8 as National Women’s History Week. He said this in When a child you love is diagnosed with a developmental delay or neurological happiest place on Earth! see the intelligence and work ethic my mom gained from her parents. in Galloway Township; thus when it came gift is revealed. The children are so with you at no charge. condition like Autism, it can be a very scary, lonely time for the family. Alex andthey I had so best, I pulled myself into histomessage the nation: job, my She met my dad (a love story for another article) and time look for atopost-clerkship my Right to Sue? appreciative and their smiles and many family’sright future, while weShe are blessed Massi wasn’t talking because From theto first settlers who came our shores, from the firstquestions about wereour married outand of college. workedtotohave putmany him friends through top priority was find a local firm to that laughter fill everyone’s heart with and family that love us dearly and were incredibly supportive, it was hard to find anybody forselect him the andLimited that heRight wasn’t Forand overwomen 40 years, theGeorgetown D’Amato Law Firm has been representing people ungcan to Sue option and savebefriended money on them, men American Indian families who Law School while they were living in Washington, DC. nvolved in the local community, and to continue and gratitude. be we able who could truly relate toTo what were going me because called him have together build thisyour nation. the women were That sounds we great, butworked in reality, you aretohampering right Too often happiness When they came to through. theinjured area, she who have been injured. If you have beenback seriously in aworked motor at Glenn Insurance which have grown near and dear to my heart. I cannot thank FACES 4 Autism enough, as well as all of therapists to make the children’s holiday season interchangeably. And really unsungbut and contributions r your injuries. God forbid, let’ssometimes imagine fortheir a minute that a went unnoticed. and then took off a few years to have and the raise me andand myteachers sisters. was just the place. From the second I stepped foot vehicle collision or by a defective product, or if you have been in a situain Massi’s life who have helped him become the fabulous little guy he is today. He has ebarreling contactdown anyway!? We went off so special is truly the greatest gift I But the leadership, courage, When my youngest sister, Ashley, was old enough to go to school full the road and achievements, crashes into your minivan with you strength and love of irmourand met Paul and I could tell it was a grown in leaps and bounds and while II am afraid heWe willpride always struggle to keep up both in stomachs, “It’s a women Small Alexa, or any of my colleagues could ever the who built America was as vital as that of the men tion where your civil rights were violated, can help. ourselves time, my mom went to work as the bookkeeper at my father’s law ow (that’s how I roll). You would thatonno what or Massi hismatter first for birthday! an everlasting and think appreciation allyou things academically and socially, canroom see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together easier and easier heads and a suitcaselove of denial. receive. The excitement inallIthe whose names we know so well. firm, while volunteering her timeofonprofesthe Board of Atlantic Cape ies are, you should be able to recover money. That’s not the case if in assisting those in our area or elsewhere who in need as the years progress and am excited about hisare future. e we stood a As family to take Lerner a picture thenoted, photographers would fforts thatas make Atlantic County a better place tosay,is Women’s Dr. Gerda has “Women’s History Right. – that day takes you back to being a County College, as President of the Linwood PTO, and coaching ted to Sue option. andRight smile.” Massi would not look. Every singlt time the photographer irm attorneys and staff are encouraged to attend sional, caring and effective legal representation. It is an essential and indispensable heritage from kid,which and reminds you the magic of the Cheerleaders, holiday season. theofLinwood Panthers just to name a few. I love that Massi’s namewith was. charities He would then say “Massi, over here buddy.” If you thinkshe your child may be delayed developmentally or have nvolved andpride, the locallook community. we can draw comfort, courage, and long-range vision.” continues to work at the D’Amato Law Firm today – hera office is tlantic look at the camera. It was not until the photographer or his assistant Ifneurological you wouldcondition like to learn more about the Young Lawyers mitedCounty, Right toI am Sue affect involved me andNonna, my family? actively with the Young Autism, right next like to mine.  call your family physician or see would My great-grandmother, lived withon usthat in Longport when oise that Massi turn and look at the camera. I realized Division or find outneurologist. how you can contribute to the Children’s at elantic of drivers who know that they the Limited Right mother to County Bar Association. Originally established a developmental Reach outencouraged, to FACES 4 Autism I am proud, comforted, and honoredonline to have come I was growing up.have Sheelected was my mom’s dad’s and came to was really wrong with our baby. Holiday Party, please visit our website at orthese! like I ply means they can’t recover if they have whiplash. In reality, you nty Bar Association is States dedicated promoting theand legal from aor line of Isabelle strong, smart, hardworking women such as the United whentoshe was 14. She Nonno (Italian for call Mosca at (609) 412-3750. Facebook page “ACBA Young Division.” orse injuries than whiplash and not recover. he public’s trust and confidence in our civil and thank my foremothers forLawyers being awesome! I can only hope I make grandfather) hadstilla bed and breakfast in criminal the Catskillsour called Gatta What is Autism? ervedand on you the Executive Committee of the Young them proud with the work I do for my clients and as a member of the Farm. What ontothe they bought fresh at the ccurs have selectedthey the didn’t Limitedgrow Right Sue,farm, you can If you search the Internet for a definition of Autism you’ll find Bar, the charitable work and volunteering I do for my community, haritable Outreach Chair. my position came the even as a child going market and wereWith very successful. I remember for different your injuries if you: any results. That’s because Autism comes in many forms and and raising my 3 boys to honor and respect women. he Young Lawyers Holiday Party, to their Division home andChildren’s enjoying her life stories while the smell of freshly Visit u know one child with Autism, you truly only know one child with gnocchi washed over me. Her hugs were the best and made me Chaired themade Young Lawyers Division in 2004 and has At its core, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder part feel safe and loved. childhood and is characterized byD’Amato, difficulty inmy social and The D’Amato Law Firm focuses their practice in Grace Anselmo mother, awyers Division ofor the Atlantic County Bardad’s Association disfigurement scarring representing those who have been seriously injured Paul R. D’Amato lsant including using language, understanding abstract concepts, was a and hardtheir worker out ofand necessity. Her greate Bar members friends family, where in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney ps and communicating with others way that many of us easily laced fracture (the bones havethe completely separated) grandparents came from royalty and her parents collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the 1 pose of 1holding our annual Children’s Holiday Party. w Jersey in 45 children has autism. country with a primary focus on representing victims rmanent injury; or to the travelled U.S. for vacation. Her life Alexa D’Amato Barrera rtytell is the of the year the Young Lawyers will you highlight that early diagnosis andfor intervention play a crucial injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law drastically changed when her mom died and she Counsellor at Law (fetus) diesevent. y child a life-changing success of a child’s outcome. When we came back from Disney Firm has a national reputation for excellence. and PA BAR and her brother were placed in an orphanage. The D’Amato LawLaw Firm Firm focusesfocuses their practice The D’Amato theirinMember practiceNJ inPaul R. D’Amato Paul R. D’Amato, Esquire ment with NJEIS and CHOP for your an Autism evaluation. My next is that made possible through the donations of uParty realize you were limiting rights in such a way? representing those who have beenbeen seriously injured injured Paul R. D’Amato Member Bar Mom-mom worked hard to educate herself representing those who have seriously Certified Civil TrialNJ Attorney Ken raised and Isabelle created FACES in 2002 Bar after d Autism. the money at theMosca Young Lawyers Division in construction, products liability and motor vehicle Certified Civil Trial Attorney Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esquire grammatically and taught herself how to play in construction, products liability and motor vehicle hat collision with the drunk driver that wasn’t your fault.that You Ihave 2900cases Fire Road, iagnosed with Autism. When I called Isabelle I knew had Alexa D’Amato Member NJBarrera & PA Bar collisions. The firm handles throughout theSuite 200 With those proceeds, members of the Young Lawyers collisions. The firm handles cases throughout the country the She children, not butpiano. itput is fractured, so youher have stay offincluding of different it for my Counsellor at Law M. Van Natten, Esquire ourdisplaced, baby. Isabelle me in taught contact with atonumber of countryEgg with aHarbor primary focusTownship, on representing victims Stephen Newinjured Jersey 08234 go shopping for children’s holiday gifts. The gifts are with a primary focus on representing victims Alexa D’Amato dad, Paul, that “education is the one thing no Member &Barrera PA Bar at with 3I contacted kids!) When return to theIsabelle doctor,recommended the x-rays showfor injured in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Member NJ and PANJ BAR ources. Sueyou Elmer whom at a wrapping party, and then they are brought to the P: 609-926-3300 in Southern New Jersey. The D’Amato Law Firm has a Counsellor at Law one can take from you!” Firm has a national reputation for excellence. Kasi M. Gifford, Esquire ed, but still in pain andaway haveSue, difficulty walking. TheAnselmo doctor hin onlyyou’re a few sessions with Ms. Massi saidGrace his first word!!!! StephenNJM. Van NJNatten, & PA Bar Esq. Member and PA BAR national reputation for excellence. use in Atlantic City for the Children’s Holiday Party. went publish F: 609-926-3883 Member NJMember l therapy for D’Amato 1 month. Still it’son notto better so youthree have books, an MRI.the and PA BAR m Atlantic County with of a high of economically most notable whichratio is Chance of a Lifetime, 2900 Fire Road, Suite 200 • Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 chosen toMagazine participate in thethe Children’s Holiday Party. which highlights 500 Club and Atlantic Woman 2900 FireNovember/December Road, Suite 200 2014 een the doctor in Philadelphia and Massi was starting to reallyCity, P: 609-926-3300 • F: 609-926-3883 stand second-graders to attend the Children’s Holiday when she was referred to as the Naughty Queen. o his speech therapy sessions with Sue and the beginning of Early Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey 08234 Division above all else,Ithe children s. I startedrequests to doubt that, my earlier concerns. started to takewho my The Woman Magazine March/April 2019 eand good students, example of kindness respect P: 609-926-3300 set out toCounty proveset thean doctor’s wrong. Denial is aand much happier

’Amato Barrera, D’Amato Barrera,Counsellor Counselor at at Law Law


Women Who Have Made A Difference 3


ncially in need.




Health & Wellness


Now Is The Time To Take Your First Step! Are you tired of feeling tired? Are you having trouble losing weight or can’t believe what the holidays did to your pant size? Dawn Ferrentino has helped hundreds of people realize their desired body weight and energy level. You can read for yourself how these clients have finally realized their potential through this easy, convenient, nutritional program. Here are some main points to know about this program:

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at the time if we would like it or even see results, we were willing to say yes and give it a try. It took us less than a week to realize that Nutritional Cleansing was the lifestyle we desperately needed. I still can’t believe the outstanding positive changes it has brought to our lives in the past year. What started out as a way for me and Michelle to improve our own health and wellness has created a ripple effect throughout our entire family. Our daughter, Paige, joined us in January, followed by our son, Zane, who hopped on the health train a month later. I can say without a doubt that we’ve had many meaningful family experiences simply because we decided to make a long-term commitment to the system. This new lifestyle has changed our children’s lives in so many positive ways. I can see they have more confidence, self-esteem, energy, and enthusiasm as well as a willingness to pursue things they have never done before. To date, they’ve tried hiking, kayaking, and running, and we all have gym memberships now, too! It’s not about weight loss anymore. Reinventing our quality of life was an unexpected effect that has become the sustainable goal. We’ve easily adjusted our mindset to ‘eating to live, not living to eat,’ and collectively, we are down more than 330 pounds!* Our family is always happy and excited to share our experience with anyone who wants to learn how to make a change.”

“30 days, just give it 30 days...”

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The County Woman Magazine

dawn.baronferrentino March/April 2019

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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Medical Professionals


Your Painful Heel Could Mean A Visit To The Podiatrist

Pain on the bottom of your foot, whether sharp or dull, that lingers for days or weeks deserves a visit to the podiatrist. Heel pain can interfere with your ability to do the activities you love and become chronic, making simple tasks such as standing or walking uncomfortable or impossible. At Go Feet, the podiatry team can evaluate your heel pain and offer relief. They can also help determine if the heel pain is a symptom of a structural problem of the feet or ankles. Don’t just tolerate heel pain – in most cases, heel pain can be treated with conservative measures. A visit to the podiatrist may help you resolve it before it becomes chronic and debilitating.

Symptoms Of Heel Pain

You should see a podiatrist if you have a sharp pain at the bottom of your heel. It might be most intense when you first wake up in the morning or when you stand up from a chair after a period of inactivity. The pain feels like a knife stabbing your heel at first, then becomes a dull ache over the course of the day. If you’re active – as in running or playing

Stuart W. Honick, D.P.M., P.T. Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery Board Certified In Foot Surgery

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sports – the pain may fade during your activity, only to return with a vengeance later in the day or the next morning.

Causes Of Heel Pain

A common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, a strain of the ligament that supports your arch. Plantar fasciitis often develops due to overuse, such as lots of running or wearing shoes that are unsupportive or too tight. Flipflops, high heels, and worn-out tennis shoes are often to blame. A heel spur, which is a growth of bone on the front part of the heel bone, is another common cause of heel pain. A spur forms when the plantar tendon pulls away from its attachment to the bone and a calcified spur forms. Causes include wearing worn-out or poorly fitting shoes, carrying excess weight, running on hard surfaces, or gait abnormalities. Heel pain can also develop due to warts or cuts or cracks that just don’t heal.

Help From A Podiatrist

At Go Feet, the podiatrists can evaluate your heel pain to find the cause. If you have an underlying problem such as a flat foot or a bunion, heel pain may just be a secondary symptom caused by the irregular gait these structural problems cause. A podiatrist can treat bunions or flat feet, and your heel pain disappears along with the primary structural issue. If you have plantar fasciitis, going for a long time without treatment only prolongs your pain – it takes longer to heal the longer you allow it to fester. The Go Feet podiatrists can advise you how to amend your activity temporarily to reduce symptoms and let your heels rest. They can also help you find shoes that fit properly, so you don’t aggravate heel pain. In some cases, you might benefit from orthotics or other custom inserts. Podiatrists can also remove warts or help heal abrasions, blisters, cracks, and sores that aren’t healing because of a compromised immune system. Heel pain rarely requires surgery. Call the podiatry team at Go Feet if you’re experiencing heel pain to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible.

Don’t go another day.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 609-704-9001 or visit


Dr. Stuart W. Honick

Diplomate American Board of Podiatric Surgery, Board Certified in Foot Surgery

Dr. James R. Williamson

Board Certified by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Medical Professionals

Medical Professionals


If You Have Been Told You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants: If You Have Been Told That You Are Not A Candidate For Dental Implants:



Often, patients are told that they are not candidates for dental implants because they “don’t have enough bone” or their “sinus is too low.”

Both conditions are correctable problems in almost are all patients, Dr. Banks. Banks incorporates Often, patients toldaccording that to Dr. state-of-the-art diagnostic When the gum ridge where teethare are missing is too thin to placefor a dental implant, they not candidates procedures, bone grafting can be performed to correct the problem. What that means is that a bone such a 3D cone dental implants because they beam scanning of the replacement product, or even the patient’s own bone, can be placed into the deficientCT area, faceinto andthat jaws, to evaluate her “don’t have enough bone” orplaced stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants can be area and then restored with their porcelain teeth. This procedure is called “ridge augmentation” patients for bone grafting “sinus is too low.” Bone Graft and can be accomplished in both the top and bottom jaws. procedures. “That way, I Both conditions are can accurately diagnose the When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw will expand downward correctable problems in magnitude the bone loss in into the ridge and cause bone loss in the gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, of according where we would all patients, according to Dr. Banks. “A Sub-Antralalmost Sinus Augmentation – commonly called a ‘Sinus the Liftarea Procedure’ – can be like place implants, theofquality performed, sometimes evento at the of implant placement. This procedure to increases the amount Dr.time Banks. the patient’s bone ridge bone in theA.area where replacement product or in Kathy Banks, DMDwe would like to place a dental implant. Again, a boneof that area, and pre-plan the even the patient’s own bone can be used.” “When the gum ridge where teeth are missing is too thin to place surgery to ensure the best A common misconception is that the bone is placed into the sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane Bone Grafted to Replace Lost or a dental implant, bone grafting can be performed to correct the possible outcome.” She also Deficient Bone is actually lifted up (hence to name “sinus lift”) back to where it should be, and the bone graft material problem. What that means is that a bone replacement product, or prepares and uses advanced is placed under the sinus membrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one even the patient’s own bone can be placed into the deficient area, biologic materials into grafting procedure. stabilized, and allowed to heal. Following healing, dental implants procedures such as L-PRF Dr. Banks incorporates state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, such as 3D cone beam CT scanning can be placed into that area and then restored with porcelain (leukocyte-platelet rich fibrin), of the face and jaws, to evaluate her patients for bone grafting procedures. “That way, I can accurately teeth. This procedure is called ‘ridge augmentation’ and can be which are made right in the diagnose the magnitude of the bone loss in the area where we would like to place implants and the quality accomplished in both the top and bottom jaws.” office at the time of surgery. of the patient’s bone ridge in that area, and pre-plan the surgery to ensure the best possible outcome.” When teeth are missing, the sinus that lies above the top jaw And finally, there is a She also prepares and uses advanced biologic materials into grafting procedures such as L-PRF will expand downward into the ridge and cause bone loss in the preconceived notion that these (Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin) which are made right in the office at the time of surgery. gum ridge. This is a correctable problem as well, according to Dr. are painful procedures. “There Sinus Lift And finally, there is a preconceived notion that these procedures are painful procedures. “There Banks. “A sub-antral sinus augmentation – commonly called a ‘sinus are multiple anesthesia options are multiple anesthesia options for the surgical part of the at bone she surgical says. “We offer lift procedure’ – can be performed, sometimes even the grafting time of process,” for the part of the bone grafting process,” she says. “We offer intravenous general anesthesia and sedation, nitrous oxide and local anesthesia” so that all her patients can and sedation, nitrous oxide and local implant placement. This procedure increases the amount of bone intravenous general anesthesia be treated in thecomfortably. area where we would like to place a dental implant. Again, anesthesia” so that all her patients can be treated comfortably. a bone replacement product or easy evenbut thethese patient’s own bone can be “Of course, I’m making it sound procedures are technically demanding and I’m takemaking years it sound easy but these procedures “Of course, of practice performed by a used. to gain the proper expertise. You only want your bone grafting procedures are technically demanding and take years of practice to gain well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral isand maxillofacial “A common misconception that the bone issurgeon.” placed into the the proper expertise, and you only want your bone grafting sinus. In reality, the sinus membrane is actually lifted up (hence procedures performed by a well-trained, ABOMS-certified oral and to name ‘sinus lift’) back to where it should be, and the bone graft maxillofacial surgeon.” material is placed under the sinus membrane, restoring the gum ridge and the sinus contour together in one procedure.” Call Dr. Banks Today!

For more information, call 609-488-2325 or visit 609-488-2325 •

Kathy A. Banks, DMD Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Your Expert in the Face, Mouth and Jaws 249 S. Main Street Barnegat , NJ Specialty Lic #4070

609-488-2325 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

8 AM - 5 PM (Mon. - Fri.) Bone Grafting • Dental Implants General and Intravenous Anesthesia Jaw Pathology and Reconstuctive Jaw Surgery

November/December 2017 March/April 2019

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Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)/Rhizotomy An Effective Treatment for Chronic/Acute Neck and Back Pain The neck and back are two of the most common areas that physicians treat for chronic/acute pain. At Relievus , Dr. Pryzbylkowski uses Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) as an effective treatment for those patients suffering with these symptoms. Radiofrequency Ablation is a minimally invasive procedure where the nerve will be numbed and radiofrequency will create a lesion so that this nerve can no longer transmit pain signals to the brain. Radiofrequency Ablation is a procedure used to mainly reduce axial pain. Axial pain is confined to a specific area such as the neck or lower back. This procedure is essentially used to treat patients with chronic long lasting pain in the neck and lower back. In order to be a candidate for the Radiofrequency Ablation you must undergo a Diagnostic and Comparative Medial branch block injections which helps to discern the source of pain or reduce inflammation and pain. A medial branch block is an injection of local anesthetic. If a patient pain relief is greater than 50% after the Diagnostic and Comparative medial branch block, then a Radiofrequency Ablation can be performed.

Radiofrequency Ablation gives longer-term pain relief.

Many types of chronic/acute pain respond well to RFA including, but not limited to: • Injuries such as whiplash • Neuropathic pain conditions like: • Complex regional pain syndrome • Peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes • Prior spine surgeries • Spinal arthritis (spondylosis)

anatomy. After the anesthesia is used specialized insulated needles are placed next to the nerve at the region of the facet joint. A small radiofrequency current is directed to the medial branch nerve of the joint capsule for 60 to 90 seconds. The radiofrequency waves produce heat and create a lesion in the nerve tissue that is sending the pain signals to the brain. This procedure is done with sterile technique to minimize the risk of infection. During the immediate days following the Radiofrequency Ablation, you may experience some soreness in the area of your treatment (which can be relieved with ice pack), which is normal. However, it is caused by muscle and nerve irritation. This Healing process usually takes up to one week. However, you may be able to resume everyday activities one to two days’ after your procedure. One of the best features about RFA is that a patient can experience relief for up to six to nine months and it can be repeated in the future when needed. RFA/ Rhizotomy, allows a patient to feel improvement, able to continue with their daily activities, enhance the ability to straighten the back, bend and/or move more frequently without feeling any discomfort. Many of Dr. Pryzbylkowski’s patients have improved range of motion in the particular region being treated and no longer wake up with severe stiffness and or pain. When combined with a moderate exercise regimen, it can last even longer. It is extremely important to build up strength and fitness gradually. This is a life-changing procedure for many people. Many of her patients were told they had to live with the pain because there was nothing that could be performed on them. Many of the patients felt like they were trapped or a burden to their family or friends not having someone to help them with their pain. Patient status post RFA/Rhizotomy, 70 percent of patients experienced pain free which has been proven to be a cure and safe way to proceed with this treat for specific pain. It is rewarding to watch, how patients are able to improve their quality of life after being treated with RFA. The patients no longer feel isolated because of their limitations.

Dr. Pryzbylkowski states, “The RFA procedure is effective and extremely safe. RFA/Rhizotomy is one of the most common methods for treating back and neck pain.” During the procedure, the patient is placed in a prone position and a fluoroscopic x-ray machine is utilized to visualize the spinal column and spine

For more information, call 888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit Peter G. Pryzbylkowski, MD

Central Park East, • 222 New Road, Suite 102 • Linwood, NJ 08221 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

Anesthesiologist Interventional Pain Specialist • Board Certified Interventional Pain Specialist • Interventional Pain Management Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania • National Board Certification, American Board of Anesthesiology • Anesthesia Residency: University of Pennsylvania • Medical Internship: Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia • Former Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania • Medical Degree, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

March/April 2017 March/April 2019



By Charles E. Meusburger, M.D. There is a new enemy on the horizon. It’s creeping along behind the well-known killer opioid crisis, but soon to claim its own throne in the realm of Substance Use Disorder. This enemy is STIMULANTS. It is in no way to suggest the opioid epidemic will be replaced by the stimulant epidemic; it, in fact, is a double explosion of grave concern. “Everyone, correctly, is focused on opioids and should be because of the known problem there. But this other problem is catching up with us very rapidly. “We’re now facing a very significant stimulant epidemic,” said John Eadie, coordinator for the National Emerging Threat Initiative, who spoke at the National Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Atlanta. For every kilogram of heroin – a commonly abused opioid – seized over the last 5 years, Edie says, drug enforcement agents seized 15 kilograms of stimulants.

Stimulants Described

The term “stimulants” is an overall description of anything that increases the activity of the central nervous system and body, called a sympathomimetic effect. They are also referred to as psychostimulants and “uppers.” The reference is to the excitation effect one feels, even exhilaration. Among the most frequently prescribed stimulants are lisdexamfetamine, methylphenidate and amphetamine. Stimulants may be screened for in clinical or treatment settings, but have a high sensitivity and low specificity in the screening process. This means that stimulants can be caught or identified among people actually using them, but there is also a high rate of false positives on drug tests; that is people who test positive, but are not actually using stimulants. The use and abuse of stimulants is not new, but reemerging. Stimulants are used legally and illegally for performance enhancement or just recreationally. A Review Of The Literature According to the United Nations World Drug Report of 2017, trafficking of amphetamines is increasing dramatically. Complicating the issue is that the global market for moving drugs country to country is interconnected where there used to be more independence among drug markets. And of great concern in the interconnections are the diverse methods for processing stimulants. For instance, esters of phenylacetic acid is an ingredient used in foreign countries as a chemical predecessor for making amphetamines. Esters of phenylacetic acid is not internationally controlled. As a result, drug traffickers can alter their approaches to production in response to getting around national and international drug controls. One example of such clandestine production is PMMA, sold as “ecstasy.” Its adulterated chemical makeup does not have the usual immediate euphoric effects of stimulants, so individuals who have taken it have the impression the dose is too low. As such, they increase their dose with the expectation of “hurrying” the desired euphoria, but with a deadly outcome because it results in overdose. The psychoactive stimulant known as MDMA, also sold as ecstasy and Molly, is usually taken recreationally and creates feelings of altered sensations, increased energy, empathy and pleasure. Its effect occurs within 30 to 45 minutes and lasts 3 to 6 hours. According to a study by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA), the number of meth users rose from 314,000 in 2008 to 569,000 in 2014. It should be noted that this agency changed its measurement process after that, making it not possible to compare meth use with more recent data. Concurrently meth overdose more than doubled from 2010 to 2014 (National Centers for Health Statistics), and meth seizures by law enforcement “exploded from 7,063 kilograms in 2006 to 44,077 kilograms in 2015, according to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (“Twin Plagues: Meth Rises in the Shadow of Opioids,” USA News). In a book entitled “The Methamphetamine Industry in America: Transnational Cartels and Local Entrepreneurs” by Henry Brownstein, Director for Public Policy at the Virginia Commonwealth University, there is a discussion about the evolution of

The New Crisis

meth that was produced in small, local labs, and shared and sold among families and friends. This small-time local activity evolved “to a sophisticated network driven by Mexican drug trafficking organizations.” Brownstein cites the change as a result of the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2006 that put the kibosh on local labs by placing tight controls on over-the-counter cold medicines used to cook drugs. Subsequently these labs went out of business so there were fewer meth prosecutions, fewer users and fewer hospital admissions. But not to be outdone, “entrepreneurial traffickers” enabled the great comeback through Mexican superlabs that created cheaper, more potent versions of meth for transfer across the border to the South, West, and Midwest. After saturating the markets, the price of meth dropped dramatically in 2007, according to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, while the “purity rose to nearly 100%.”

Stimulants, in the Shadow of Opioids

Opioids or stimulants: cause or effect or both? Melvin Patterson, a spokesperson for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in Washington, D.C., offers the fact that people seek different kinds of highs. Opioids create a rather calming and euphoric effect, while stimulants, like its name implies, gives one a burst of energy and focus. On the other hand, there is some overlap because people who are addicted to opioids have trouble staying awake and may take stimulants to function. An emergency room doctor stated that people she encounters may take heroin, but in order to do other things, like take the kids to school, they take stimulants. Cocaine production is up. Cocaine powder or cocaine rocks give a very quick and intense high. Cocaine derives the name “crack” from the fact that it crackles when it is cooked. According to the DEA, record-producing crops are being grown in Colombia. As a matter of fact, 92% of all cocaine seized in the US came from Colombia in 2016. Deaths from cocaine totaled more than 10,000 Americans in 2016. A critical causal fact regarding these increased deaths from cocaine is that it may be mixed with fentanyl also known as ‘ChinaWhite’, a potent opioid much stronger than heroin or oxycodone. The cocaine-fentanyl mixture may be unknown to its user, and fentanyl use is spreading, both known and unknown to the users, putting the risk of overdose very high. Cocaine blended with heroin and taken together usually intravenously, called “speedballs” are not uncommon and are potentially lethal. The physical effects of stimulants are harsh. Blood pressure rises and there is the potential for end organ failure, creating heart disease, lung disease and stroke. The rise in blood pressure narrows the arteries. In the brain, this can potentially cause a ruptured blood vessel to occur; in the heart, the reduced blood supply due to narrowing can lead to a heart attack. Additionally, the ability of the body to regulate its temperature is impacted because stimulants increase dopamine, the chemical that regulates body temperature. With the increase in stimulant-caused activity, the body cannot cool itself, creating a dangerously high temperature, leading to a failure of the body organs. Symptomatically, a person may experience rapid and/or irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, heart attack, excessive sweating, and overheating, leading to dehydration, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The cheap cost of meth makes it easily accessible, even though the government has cracked down on obtaining pseudoephedrine, an over-the-counter drug used to make meth. The move helped to dry up some of the production in the US but production has moved to Mexico, where P2P (phenyl-2-propanone), a chemical commonly used to clean swimming pools, is used to make meth more pure, cheaper and plentiful. In addition to illegal stimulants, legal prescriptions for methamphetamines such as Ritalin and Adderall have increased. These medications are typically used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) in adults and children, but can be

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



“Stimulating” America abused. In Oregon, the rate of prescriptions for ages 30 to 44 increased about 50%, and interestingly, the rate of prescriptions for adults between the ages of 65 and 74 represented the largest increase. These meds can be life-altering in very positive ways with increased functional improvement. The caution is they can lead to both physical dependence and addiction if abused.


Opioid cravings can be treated with medications like buprenorphine and methadone. An overdose may be reversed with Narcan. There is no treatment for stimulant overdose. The demand for treatment has risen exponentially and services are overwhelmed. There are treatments that include 12-step programs, community support networks, drug caches, cognitive behavioral psychotherapies and the application of “comfort meds” to help manage severe withdrawals. A residential treatment center may be required to treat people taking this more pure form of meth due to the psychotic break they may experience.

and spiritual capital to rally to the cause, and to find achievable options for tearing down the walls of public despair, hopelessness, loss of direction, and loss of self because we are engulfed in a drug-induced false sense of reality, safety and security!

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It is one thing to discuss illegal drug production, use and abuse in the United States and other countries; it is quite another to understand what is causing the demand for these drugs. One can surmise there are many factors behind it, but the empirical evidence as to cause and effect is not well documented. It seems that families and individuals are struggling overtly and covertly. If the seizures of illegal drugs and the data for illegal drug use can serve as a proxy for the American struggle with substance use disorder, then we are screaming for help. The ability to answer the cry for help is not going to come from any one sector or one political party, or emerge from the heavens. This crisis of humanity requires the coming together of our human, social, political, economic, intellectual,

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The County Woman Magazine

Emergency services available

March/April 2019

Seashore Gardens Living Center 34 Assisted Living Caregivers: How to Cope This Winter

Seashore Gardens Living Center Wanted: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress position, no vacations or days off, and zero monetary Stepping Out For A Great Cause compensation

Seashore Gardens Living Center Est. 1916

have yellow feet. Don’tfor worry; it’s not aabove. medical Chances are youI wouldn’t even apply the position But Services 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. I docountry, hope that it’s have contagious. for millions of condition. caregiversBut in our they no choice. They Galloway Township, NJ 08205 The Simon & Sylvia Zisman Seashore have a loved one in need, they’re thetaking designated caregiver. Because my and yellow feet are “steps” to help • p. 609-404-4848 Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit those with Alzheimer’s and dementia. The winter months pose an especially tough time to be a home for the aged, guided by Jewish My feet are part of a fundraising effort for the 9th Annual caregiver. With inclement weather and an increase in colds and tradition, law, and charity, dedicated to Seashore Gardens 5K Run, Health Walk & 7K Run. The event flu, it’s harder to get out of the house. The reduction in sunlight also can affect our The Simon & Sylvia Zisman is scheduled for Sunday, April 28,whom 2019 onyou the Atlantic City enriching the qualityLiving of life Center for eachis of mood. Being in the same home 24/7—even with someone care about— Seashore Gardens a Boardwalk at Tropicana Casino & Resort. Proceeds benefit the our residents. can take its toll, and lead to caregiver burnout. nonprofit home for the aged, guided


Alzheimer’s Outreach Services at Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC). Caregiver Burnout: Know the Symptoms Anger at your loved one; moodiness We raise money in several ways, one of which is selling paper feet • and irritability • Exhaustion, preventing youfor from $3.00completing at SGLC. Wedaily want totasks fill our entranceway with colored • Sleeplessness, worrying about your loved onefor my team. But a purchase of pink or feet. Of course, I’m partial to yellow, because that’s the color • Anxiety about how for your loved one if he/she becomes worse blue will work as well, and you’ll provide care much-needed support. • Social withdrawal from the activities you used tocause. enjoy We put on our sneakers and run or walk for this important We run to increase awareness about Alzheimer’s and dementia, which affects one in nine people over age 65. We run to raise the funds Help isforOn the Way the services that make a difference. We run because we can help people suffering from Alzheimer’s You’re not in this alone. Reach out to family, friends and community resources. It You can run/walk to help yourself. It’s a great exercise goal and a factor that mitigates could and be dementia. as simple as arranging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your loved dementia. one. SGLC has Support Groups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away

by JewishLiving tradition, law, and charity, Assisted dedicated to enriching the quality of ShortNursing Care life for and eachLong-Term of our residents. Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Assisted Living Respite (Vacation) CareNursing Care Short- and Long-Term Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Rehabilitation (Vacation) Care •Respite Physical Therapy Rehabilitation •• Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy •• Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy Put Your Best and need a place forFoot yourForward loved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. • Speech Therapy Independent Housing You can help. Visit and click on the red and yellow run logo at the top. Home Health Care Finally, take to care Exercise, eat acolor healthy getTogether, enoughwesleep. Remember Register walkoforyourself. run, or choose your favorite feet to diet, purchase. can make a Independent Housing to schedule own health appointments. differenceyour by stepping out for this important cause.You’ll be a far better caregiver – if you take care of yourself.

You can find more information about our us services Join for our first Alzheimer’s at Call us anytime at Group of the Year! Sincerely, Support (609) 404-4848 to set up a visit. January 9, 2018 at 5:30pm

ardens Living Center Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA Janice Cambron, LNHA, CALA For more information email Alysia Price How to Cope Executive Director This Winter Seashore Gardens Living Center

: Dedicated worker available 24/7 for a high-stress , no vacations or daysDirector off, and zero monetary Executive sation Seashore Gardens Living Center

Est. 1916

S eashore ousing H 24 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. Galloway Township, NJ 08205 p. 609-748-4455

are you wouldn’t even apply for the position above. But 22 W. Jimmie Leeds Rd. ons of caregivers in our country, they have no choice. They Galloway Township, NJ 08205 oved one in need, and they’re the designated caregiver. • p. 609-404-4848

ter months pose an especially tough time to be a er. With inclement weather and an increase in colds and the house. The reduction in sunlight also can affect our ome 24/7—even with someone whom you care about— caregiver burnout.

Enter To Win

Services TwoTheTickets ToZisman The Cape May Stage Theater! Simon & Sylvia

e Symptoms one; moodiness and irritability ng you from completing daily tasks ing about your loved one ou’ll care for your loved one if he/she becomes worse m the activities you used to enjoy

Seashore Gardens Living Center is a nonprofit home for the aged, guided by __________________________________________ Jewish tradition, law, and charity, Name: dedicated to enriching the quality of Address:_________________________________________ life for each of our residents.

City:_____________________State:______Zip:___________ Assisted Living Email:___________________________________________ Short- and Long-Term Nursing Care

Clip and Mail to: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012* Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care *Only one entry per person. Respite (Vacation) Care ach out to family, friends and community resources. It Rehabilitation ging for someone to provide a meal or give a ride to your • Physical Therapy t Groups and a Respite Program if you’d like to get away • Occupational Therapy oved one. Call us at 609-404-4848 to find out more. • Speech Therapy The County Woman Magazine Home Health Care . Exercise, eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep. Remember

405 Lafayette St. Cape May, NJ


March/April 2019

Women’s History


The National Women’s History Theme For 2019 Visionary Women: Champions Of Peace & Nonviolence March is National Women’s History Month and every year the National Women’s History Project selects a theme to honor women in history who have made a significant impact in the efforts to improve the lives of women. The theme for 2019 is “Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence.” The honorees being recognized in this year’s theme represent women who “have led efforts to end war, violence, and injustice and pioneered the use of nonviolence to change society.” Each and every honoree noted has displayed the ability to provide a voice for social change without the use of violence to get their messages heard across the country.

The 2019 honorees are as follows: Kathy Kelly, Co-Coordinator of Voices for Creative Violence. Kathy Kelly is known as a “peace activist” and is one of the founding members of Voices in the Wilderness. Kathy has displayed that she is a trailblazer for peace and even served a prison sentence for four months. Kathy has traveled to Iraq in order to “disturb the peace” and work toward ending war and violence. As noted by the National Women’s History Project (2019), Kathy is currently focusing efforts in Afghanistan and Gaza protesting the US drone policy. Zainab Salbi, founder and former CEO of Women for Women International, a “grassroots” organization that has its focus on women survivors of wars. The organization provides support, “tools and access to life-changing skills to move from crisis and poverty to stability and economic self-sufficiency” (National Women’s History Project, 2019). Zainab is a writer and host of a television series.

Sarah Brady, gun control advocate. Sarah Brady became a gun control advocate after her husband was shot while providing security coverage for then President Ronald Regan. Sarah’s husband became disabled as a result of his injuries. Sarah worked toward the passage of the “Brady Bill,” which was the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.

Dorothy Cotton, civil rights activist. Dorothy Cotton is reported by the National Women’s History Project (2019) to be one of the most influential women in the civil rights movement. Dorothy developed education programs for disenfranchised individuals, teaching the importance of advocating for the rights of others.

Peace Pilgrim, spiritual leader and peace activist. Peace Pilgrim was known as a spiritual leader, pacifist and vegetarian activist (National Women’s History Project, 2019). It is reported that she would travel cross-country spreading her messages for peace.

Dr. E. Faye Williams, president and CEO of the National Congress of Black Women. A peace and human rights activist, Dr. E. Faye Williams has traveled across the globe. Dr. Williams traveled with more than 200 women in an effort to stop the first Gulf War. Dr. Williams is currently the National Chair of the National Congress of Black Women.

Sister Alice Zachman, founder and former director of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission USA. Sister Alice Zachman has focused her energies to end war and violence, which she began during the Vietnam War. The Guatemala Human Rights Commission supports survivors of torture and abuse.

Graciela Sanchez, co-founder and director of the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center. Graciela Sanchez is a unique woman in her culture. She has dedicated herself to providing services to deprived communities. Graciela is an advocate for the rights of individuals who are victims of society, including but are not limited to homophobia, racism and sexism.

Deborah Tucker, president of the Board of Directors of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. Deborah Tucker has been a longtime advocate for women’s rights. Deborah is noted for drafting and working to pass the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. Deborah Tucker is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence.

Elise Boulding, creator of Peace and Conflict Studies. Elise Boulding was known as a Quaker sociologist and author. It is reported that she was a “major contributor” to the programming of Peace and Conflict Studies at her university.

Mary Burnett Talbert, anti-lynching activist, orator and suffragist. An icon and founder of what was known as the Niagara Movement in 1905 and known today as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Mary Talbert was an activist against lynching and focused on fundraising to raise public awareness of the trauma associated with this crime.

The eleven honorees each have a unique and distinct connection and yet they are from very diverse backgrounds. Although not all of the honorees this year are living among us, their advocacy continues to live on through their heroic and historic efforts in search of peace among violence. May we always remember that “Peace Begins with a Smile” (Mother Teresa). References: The National Women’s History Project: Retrieved on February 4, 2019. Retrieved on February 4, 2019. Rita King, LCSW is the Associate Director of Justice Involved Services at Jewish Family Service. In this role, Rita currently supervises a Re-Entry program for incarcerated individuals as well as a community based diversion program for consumers experiencing mental illness and involvement with the criminal justice system. Rita is a “De-escalation for Individuals with Special Needs” training facilitator and has trained approximately 1,200 law enforcement professionals to date. Rita is also a CIT trained mental health professional. Rita has a strong passion for women’s history and in her free time she continues to raise awareness of the importance of women’s history through lectures and community speaking engagements.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Higher Education

Health & Wellness 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Consider Pilates

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March/April 2019






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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



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The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Theatre & Entertainment

AXELROD PAC PRESENTS “MAMMA MIA!” The Hit Musical Based on the Songs of ABBA

Mamma Mia!, the smash hit musical based on the songs of ABBA, will feature four Broadway veterans, including Matt Bogart (Jersey Boys), when it premieres at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center, running March 8-24. Over 60 million people worldwide have fallen in love with Mamma Mia! The longest-running jukebox musical in Broadway history, with nearly 6,000 performances, it has played in 50 countries and inspired two major motion pictures. This singing and dancing extravaganza is the story of a young woman’s search for her birth father—it features a hilarious web of relationships between a mother, a daughter, three possible dads, and an unforgettable trip down the aisle. ABBA’s signature 1980s score, including the title song and hits like “The Winner Takes It All,” “Dancing Queen,” “SOS,” and “Knowing Me, Knowing You,” make Mamma Mia! one of Broadway’s most entertaining musicals of all time. The Axelrod production is the first on the Jersey Shore and is being directed and choreographed by the legendary Barry Ivan. Artistic Director Andrew DePrisco, whose guidance and vision has transformed the Axelrod PAC into one of the most talked-about professional theaters in the state, is thrilled to welcome Ivan and his team to the production. A nationally recognized director and choreographer, whose career includes work in the New York theater as well as TV and film, Ivan’s long resume of New York and regional credits includes many of the top theaters in the nation. “I look forward to bringing this production of Mamma Mia! to audiences at the Axelrod,” said Ivan. “It’s guaranteed to make you ‘dance, jive and have the time of your life,’ while at the same time, illustrate how relationships forged in the past resonate in the present.” Matt Bogart, whose recent appearances on Broadway include leading roles in Jersey Boys, Elton John and Tim Rice’s Aida and Miss Saigon, will make his Jersey Shore debut starring as Sam. “We’ve never assembled a cast with so many stars,” said DePrisco. “Matt Bogart is one of the go-to leading men on Broadway, and all three female leads have Broadway credits.” Playing Sam’s ex-wife, Donna, is Michelle Mallardi, whose Broadway career started in fairy-tale fashion as Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. Playing Sophie, her daughter, is Sarah Lasko, the Dorothy from the spectacular national tour of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Wizard of Oz. Her fiancé, Sky, will be played by a promising University of Michigan actor, Charlie Patterson. In addition to Mallardi as Donna, her best girlfriends, Tanya and Rosie, will be played by Doreen Montalvo (In the Heights and On Your Feet) and Heather Jane Rolff (Shrek), respectively. The production team features Broadway lighting designer Paul Miller (Legally Blonde and Amazing Grace), musical supervisor James Cunningham, music director/conductor Garrett Taylor, sound designer D.J. Potts, costume designers Mark Happel and Bob Jacobson of Scaramouche, set designer Fred Sorrentino, prop designer Susan Bloir, stage manager Sean Patrick Francis and wig designer Derek Alfano.

“For an evening or afternoon of feel-good entertainment, nothing beats Mamma Mia! Who can resist an ABBA tune? Few shows leave the audience literally dancing in the aisles,” says DePrisco. “We’re perfectly aware that Mamma Mia! is the height of fluff, but we’re giving this the Broadway treatment, and let’s face it, even the ancient Greeks did a comedy once in a while!” To purchase individual tickets, visit or call the box office at (732) 531-9106 ext. 14. Ticket prices for Mamma Mia! are: Premium Adult: $64, Regular Adult: $58, Premium Senior: $56, Regular Senior: $50. Group and student discounts are available.

MATT BOGART (Sam) is very happy to be

performing Mamma Mia! at the Axelrod PAC in NJ. His Broadway credits include: Jersey Boys, Aida, Miss Saigon, The Civil War, Smokey Joe’s Café (TV/ DVD) and Camelot (Tour). Off-Broadway: James Joyce in Himself and Nora (Outer Critics Nom.) and in Dublin, Ireland. TV: HBO’s Vinyl as Robert Goulet, Smash as JFK, Law & Order and L&O: SVU. For more info:

About the Axelrod Performing Arts Center

The Axelrod Performing Arts Center is New Jersey’s newest professional theater, offering main-stage musicals with casts and production teams from New York City and beyond as well as original concerts throughout the year. The Axelrod fosters artistic excellence by showcasing varied and distinct cultural programs that enrich the imaginative, intellectual, and creative soul, while cultivating an appreciation of diverse communities through the pursuit of the arts. For more information, please visit

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Wigs & Hair Replacement

Suffering From Hair


Loss ?


Cancers, auto-immune conditions, genetic thinning, and scarring alopecias are on the rise! We tend to experience ‘imbalanced bodies,’ hair and scalp issues as a result! Arm yourself with everything you’ll need to provide your hair growth with a fighting chance! We are Atlantic County’s Certified I.A.T. Trichologist, hair loss & wellness specialist. We aim to meet your needs holistically and get to the root of your hair loss through the following services: • ZYTO galvanic skin response nutritional scanning Client has peri-follicular • a review of your health history • a program to rebuild your health naturally through inflammation and swelling due to supplementation to balance your body systems auto-immune • H.T.M.A. testing & analysis issues. • hair-pull test • dermascope analysis • blood typing and/or allergy testing for autoimmune triggers • customized restoration packages • travel to your home or office within the tri-state area!

609-553-7079 or visit our website for more information

Laronne Quarles

Undetectable non-surgical hair replacement using Human or Synthetic Hair starting at $499

Visit us online at and schedule your consultation or stop in for more information! 1420 So. New Rd. Pleasantville, NJ 08232

(across from This & That Uniforms)•

Pet Services

Spring Cleaning - Dogs Need It Too! Submitted by Barb Jolly, Owner, Jolly Pets

We have set our clocks forward, browsed the outdoor décor section, and packed away the scarf and gloves, but are our pets ready for spring too? After a good brushing, nail trimming, and bath your furry friend will be ready to bark goodbye to winter. All pet parents have seen it, you just finished cleaning yet thanks to our four legged friends there are hairballs and dust bunnies everywhere. As temperatures rise, animals begin to shed their fur (usually all over your house!) Make an appointment with the groomer to cut that winter coat and start a new brushing regimen. Brushing your animal’s coat a few times a week will remove any excess fur and debris from their coat, not to mention add a little extra bonding time. Trying to chase your dog down, corralling him/her into the tub, protecting yourself and the bathroom from the unavoidable water shake off, and then cleaning up afterward… bath time isn’t always easy, but it is a must. Dogs and cats both need a bath this time of year to remove the dander and smell of winter. It is important to trim your dog’s nails throughout the year, but spring is the time to trim them a little closer than normal. We suggest having either the vet or a professional groomer trim

the animals nails. While there are many at home options, it is difficult to cut the nail to the desired length. Many pet parents either trim the dog’s nails too close to the quick, resulting in bleeding and pain for the dog, or do not trim them 9400 Atlantic Ave., short enough, causing an overgrown quick. Margate, NJ At Jolly Pets, we offer a full-service groomer for your dog. Your 609-350-7518 dog can get a haircut, bath, nail clippings, ear cleanings, or anything else that contibutes to the overall health and beauty of your dog. The groomer only does one dog at a time, allowing for a wonderful, one-on-one experience. Additionally, for your pets health, we offer shampoos, conditioners and pest control solutions for at-home care. Spring is the perfect time to give your dog some TLC and before you know it Summer will be here. Call 609-350-7518 today to schedule your dog’s personalized grooming appointment or bring your pet in for a special trip to socialize.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Health & Wellness

Tips To Improve Your Sleep, Tonight


id you awaken this morning feeling well rested? Or feeling like you were still in a state of sleep but had to get up and get moving? If you answered ‘yes’ to the latter, there is good news. You can take some simple steps to have a good night of sleep—starting tonight!

Your daily sleep practices and habits, known as “sleep hygiene,” play an important role in whether you are going to have a restless night or restful slumber. Falling asleep generally occurs on a continuum, gradually over time—not as an abrupt transition. In other words, it doesn’t work like an on-off flip switch, but more like a dimmer, transitioning from one good state to another. And even if you don’t have trouble getting your ZZZ’s, these influences can prevent developing future unhealthy sleep issues.

Dr. Nina’s What You Need to Know: To Improve Your Sleep, Tonight • Create a bedtime routine filled with relaxing activities such as playing soft music, reading, taking a warm bath,

praying, meditating, preparing for the morning, or having quiet time. Avoid stimulating or stressful activities like working late on projects for home or work, heated discussions or things that send you into a “fight or flight” mode. Triggering your body and mind to be awake is the opposite of where you want to go, which is powering down to help transition—lulling your body and mind—to sleep and quality slumber.

• Dim the lights. As the light of day breaks, your retinas sense

sunlight and send signals to suppress the release of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep. Along with the natural light of day, artificial light also has the same effect on your body, continuing to inhibit melatonin release. And yes, that includes light from televisions, computers, tablets, and smart phones. Turning down the lights helps our body release melatonin, which makes us sleepy when it becomes dark at nighttime. So as you get closer to your chosen bedtime, dim all the lights in your home. And, today, home LED lighting can help to emit less and less blue light, which also has been found effective in allowing you to doze off and sleep well throughout the night. In addition to unplugging and powering down our technology, consider using heavy curtains, blackout shades, or an eye mask to enhance melatonin production.

The National Sleep Foundation’s Bedroom Research found that respondents rated elements of comfort in their bedroom having the greatest impact on their sleep as follows: comfort of their mattress (93%) and pillows (91%); the feel of the sheets and bedding (85%); sleeping on sheets with a fresh scent (78%); a quiet (74%) and dark room (73%); temperature (69%); and fresh air free of allergens (63%). The goal is to optimize these. Additionally, our body has an internal thermostat that drops a degree or two at the initiation of sleep. It is believed that this “cooling off” induces sleep. As a result, if your room is too warm or too cold, it makes it more challenging to doze off. Aim for a bedroom temp of 60 to 67oF.

• Stay on schedule. Going to sleep and waking up at the same

time every day—even on weekends—is crucial for setting your body’s internal clock (your circadian rhythm). Staying consistent also means that the quality of your sleep will be better.

• Watch what you eat and drink, and when. Eating

heavy close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep. The best practice is to eat lightly several hours before your designated bedtime to avoid discomfort that can make it hard for your body to settle and relax. And spicy foods can also cause heartburn, all too often interfering with sleep. Nicotine is a stimulant that increases blood pressure and heart rate, the opposite of rest and relaxation. And, too, it can cause you to wake up earlier than the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep needed. This is because smokers often experience withdrawal symptoms before it’s time to rise and shine. Caffeine is a stimulant that takes time to wear off and may make it difficult for you to fall (and stay) asleep. Avoid caffeine (including teas, sodas, energy drinks and caffeinated food items, like chocolate) for at least 6 hours before bedtime. And while alcohol may initially make you feel sleepy, it lowers the quality of your sleep, interfering with the deeper, restorative stages of your sleep. Experts agree it is best not to drink it in the late evening.

• Think comfort for sleeping. In our bedroom, bedtime comfort is not just a luxury, it is critically important to the quality of our sleep. Research shows that the conditions of our bedroom—sights, sounds, feelings, textures, temperature and even smells—as well as our comfort, all can have a direct impact on our ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling well rested, fresh and energized.

Nina Radcliff, M.D., is a practicing physician; a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists where she serves on committees for young physicians and communications. Often called upon by media to speak to medical health topics impacting our lives today, Dr. Nina is passionate about sharing truths for healthy, balanced living as well as wide preventative measures.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional. Dr. Nina has used all reasonable care in compiling the current information but it may not apply to you and your symptoms. Always consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019




Medical Tattooing

Permanent Makeup &Contents Cosmetic Tattooing Table ofYou est In Your Skin, It’s Going to Represent For A Very Long Time Pet Services

Hypnosis for Women ................................................................. 33



Invest In Your Skin, It’s Going to Represent You For A Very Long Time

the weather so does your skin, that’s why Ninaoffering Radcliff, MDa...................................................................... 44 Newkirk changes Family Veterinarians ...................................................... 2 I am Koehler Acupuncture ................................................................. 45 Curexa Pharmacy ...................................................................... 46 Funny Farm Rescue .................................................................. 51 Wigs & Hair Designs kin analysis during January and February. As an aesthetician of 29 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .................................................... 50 Senior Pets ................................................................................ 52 Abstrax Hair Designs ................................................................. 47 Fashion & Beauty Pets Supplies &offer Grooming ................................................ 53 , it is myJollypromise to you my expert advice so that you can Women of Atlantic County ........................... 48, 49 When the temperature changes, so does your skin. As an experienced esthetician Barbara’s Boutique .................................................................... 15 Atlantic County Animal Shelter............................................ 72, 73 Men’s Clothing uately satisfy your skin care needs while achieving your goals for of 30 years, I can analyze your skin to determine the best treatment for your desired results. The Bra Boudoir ........................................................................ 22 Medical Professionals Lou Marchiano for Men ............................................................. 53 Amy Druding I pride myself in offering the newest and most effective skincare services. Seagrass Boutique .................................................................... 29 Advanced Care Ob/Gyn Infertility ................................................ 3 New year, the New You and Your New Skin! Theatre & Entertainment Assisted Living Shore Vascular & Vein Center ...................................................... 6 C.P.C.T. 54 Cape May Stage ........................................................................ Some of my most popular skin7treatments include: nvite you to bring inMedical your& current skin care products soSeashore I may Gardens Living Center............................................... 16 Accent Aesthetics Laser Day Spa .............................. Amy The Other Josh Cohen .............................................................. 56 Microbladed BoardDruding Certified Certifiedas Dermatology ............................................................... Psychic Advisor Custom Facialare Treatments •10 Stem Cell Infusions Show-Score............................................................................... 57 ide guidance to what products best suited for you , your Advocare Stafford Orthopedics................................................. 11 C.P.C.T. 59 Mark Nichols ............................................................................. 16 Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... eyebrow Microdermabrasion • Waxing Center season. for Plastic Surgery ................................................ 17 • Microneedling and the Sood current Financial Management Remember, yourTwoeyebrows River Theater ...................................................................... 67 Board Certified Go Feet: Dr. Stuart W. Honick ................................................... 25 Classic 5 Tips Treatments for Sustaining Financial Health ....................................... before and 18 Brightening Treatments • Skin Shoe Repair ide myself in offering the newest most enhances skincare Atlantic Medical Imaging ........................................................... 26 Garden State Trust Company .................................................... 19 introduceafter you before you Cobbler speak. The Friendly ................................................................. 55 Banks, DMD 27 Permanent Makeup niques. IKathy willA.assist you................................................................ in choosing theisone or more methods that FREE Skin Classic a wonderful high frequency tool that allows me Gourmet Shop Relievus ..................................................................................... 30 Beau Institute ............................................................................ 22 Tales of the Olive ....................................................................... The microblading technique is a to crystallize and remove any unwanted skin irregularities. Many most help you achieve your skincare goals: Bella Derma Medi Spa............................................................... 38 FREE 55 Bakery Analysis


see amazing results after 40, just41one session, sometimes Barbara Greenling, DNP ...................................................... Simplybut Sweet Cupcakesadditional ........................................................... 23

Fabulous Food

Cutting Board Creations, soft enhancement to accent theLLC ................................................... Home Health CareSkin Analysis treatments may be required order Legal to fully Professionals fade the abnormalities. treatments canininclude and 1 58 Travel BAYADA Home Health Care ........................................................ 4 My clients are ‘wowed’ by their brighter skin!Law Firm ..................................................................... 24 D’Amato Vagabond Travel Agency ........................................................... andSpot 1 63 frame to your face and soul, “your Customized treatments Coffee Shop Free Higher Education In need of an extra • pick me up? Considerfacial microblading. Enhancing your eyebrows with Women’s History Barista’s Coffee House ................................................................ 5 Atlantic Community College 28 Free Spot 64 this soft “hairline” tattoo technique accents your eyebrows to your Cape preferences, while still ............................................ Susan Burton............................................................................. eyebrows.” Premier Dental Spa• Waxing • Stem cell infusion Treatment Professional Tutoring looking natural - like real hair! Proudly voted “Best of the Press 2018: Microblading” Holistic Life Coach Federici Dental ........................................................................ • Micro needling 8, 9


Study Smarter .......................................................................... 28

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A. ................................................... $25 value 71

Home Improvement achieve your goals and prepare your files for your board exam. Specialty Wigs • Skin classic treatments Clay’s Climateme Control ............................................................... 13 Contact for more information! Wigs by Pat and Cubby............................................................. 36 After The County Woman Publications Nutrition & Wellness

Donna Andrews Photography ................................................... 75 Community .... 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74

Interested to eligible students Elder Law in a career in permanent makeup? I offer apprenticeships Featured on the Cover

Ricewho Elderhave Law........................................................................... 12 already taken primaries. I cantreatments help you • their Brightening Russell & Marinucci ............................................................. 34, 35 Subscribe Today ........................................................................ 13 Instagram .................................................................................. 20 Testimonials ............................................................................... 21

Health & Wellness

Breathe Studio........................................................................... 14 Body in Balance Fitness Center ................................................ 31 Hot or Not Yoga ......................................................................... 32


Family Portraits & Headshots $25 value

Take Advantage cell treatmentOfPlease Our Many “Enter To Win” before and afterContests Throughout The Paper Charles Meusburger, MD........................................................... 37

Vitality FYI .................................................................................. 37 Stem


Business & Finance

And On Facebook!

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Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Availability Availability For Students For Students

Coffee Shop

What Is Acupuncture?

upuncture is a holistic medicine - it sees symptoms in relationship the entire body, rather than focus solely on the symptoms, and empowers the body to heal itself. It is a natural healing method pports the body and addresses the root of the problem, not just the ms. It is very gentle and relaxing to receive, and has an extremely low lity of side effects. The purpose behind all acupuncture therapy is evement of balance - specifically the balance of the flow of Qi. Qi unced “chee”), or vital energy, flows throughout the body.

toms are seen as imbalance in this flow, and the correction of the imbalance ed in good health. The Qi flows in pathways throughout the body. Each runs on the skin surface and is accessible via acupuncture points, and also ply into the body and connects to the internal organs. The pathway brings ment from the superficial level into the deeper levels. uncture has been used for centuries as preventative medicine and to relieve nditions and chronic conditions, such as asthma, chronic pain, anxiety and

depression. Acupuncture also treats pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammatory bowel syndrome, menstruation, fertility, menopause, and so much more... Over 2500 years old, it is a time-tested method of preventative care that speaks for itself. Acupuncture has been used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease, as well as to improve general health. Acupuncture treatments are done individually or community-style. Community acupuncture is practiced in a group, rather than a one-on-one setting. The treatments are primarily on the front of the body and mainly on distal points (legs, arms, hands, feet, ears, head). Community-style clinics are more affordable so you can get the amount of treatment you need in a shorter period of time. The idea is to make acupuncture accessible and affordable!

It’s time to feel better, feel good, feel GREAT!

Maria DeAngelis Lascheid, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.

Atlantic Holistic Health Center Maria is a Licensed Acupuncturist who holds a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the Won Institute 6717 Atlantic Avenue of Graduate Studies in Glenside, Pa. She developed Ventnor, NJ 08406 an interest in Acupuncture during her career in the casino industry. She is drawn to natural methods of healing and, in particular Eastern Medicine, which has perspective health and healing. Magazine She believes in the body’s The Woman TheofCounty County Woman Magazine ability to heal itself and utilizes various therapies in addition to


March/April 2019 November/December 2018


Professionals MMedical edical P rofessionals


Do Artificial Sweeteners Help with Weight Loss? Written By Barbara Greenling, DNP, MSN, APN-C

Do you drink diet soda, versus regular, thinking you’re doing your body a favor? Are you under the impression that artificial sweeteners are a healthier alternative, especially for weight loss? You are not alone. Recent statistics show that close to a third of Americans say they use artificial sweeteners daily. Typical examples include aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), sucralose (Splenda), and stevia (Truvia, Pure Via). They’re all available in packets and are also added to soda, yogurt, and other foods.

But do these sugar substitutes actually help you lose weight? New research suggests they do not. In fact, these zero-calorie additives may have the opposite effect — and possibly even increase the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Researchers reviewed 37 studies that included a total of more than 400,000 people. But only seven were “gold standard” randomized controlled trials, which compared people who used artificial sweeteners with a control (placebo) for six to 24 months. Those studies found no clear proof that the fake sugars helped overweight people shed pounds. Perhaps a different approach to dropping the pounds is in order. Instead of focusing on replacing sweetness in your food and drinks, maybe re-training your palette to less – sweet alternatives would be best in the long run. For example, unsweetened iced tea is far more thirst-quenching and refreshing than the sweetened version. You may actually find you prefer it if given the chance! Start to experiment by leaving your comfort zone a bit and trying new ways to limit and enjoy your sweets. This is especially important if you are overweight so as to prevent bigger problems down the line. If, however, you’ve already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and you’re overweight, you should get started as soon as possible on a weight loss plan. It

is important to work with a medical professional or registered dietitian to help you figure out a plan that will work for you—a healthy meal plan, physical activity, and realistic goals will help you reach a healthy weight.

There are many advantages to losing weight (and not just diabetes-related ones):

• Boost your energy level • Lower your cholesterol levels (especially important for people with type 2 diabetes) • Protect your heart (also important for people with diabetes, since heart-related complications are very common) • Make it easier to control your blood glucose level As you may already know, losing weight can be a challenge, but don’t let that stop you. Do whatever you need to in order to stay motivated. It is the amount of calories we eat that contributes to weight gain. Make small changes. Learn portion sizes and reduce the amount of snacks in your day to reduce the total amount of calories you consume each day. Find cookbooks with healthier recipes using low-fat options. A Final Note on Weight Loss For some people, losing weight doesn’t help them have better control of their blood glucose levels, and that’s all right. They may need to use medications or insulin to keep their blood glucose level in the normal range, but they should also still eat healthy foods and increase physical activity. Everyone should strive for a healthy weight. Losing weight can help lower your body’s insulin resistance, but if it doesn’t help you achieve better blood glucose control, that doesn’t mean you’ve failed—or that you should give up. Losing weight and then maintaining a healthy weight are healthy choices for life—whether you have type 2 diabetes or not.

Call 609.625.9146 for information or an appointment.

About the Practitioner Barbara was born in Trenton, eventually settling in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degrees. Many years of diverse experience working in the medical field as she continued her education finally culminated in a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2013. She joined Reliance Medical Group in 2014 and now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township, an accomplishment of which she takes immense pride. She is affiliated with Shore Medical Center. Barbara takes special interest in her community, with a practice focused on family, veterans and the trans-gender population. She personally has volunteered in the Wounded Warrior project since 2009, and donates her time and resources to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Dr. Greenling also takes great pride in the level of care her office provides. It is a safe-haven office with a friendly and easy-going staff. They take all insurances, including Tri-Care for veterans. When Barbara is not practicing medicine, she enjoys golfing, gardening, entertaining and spending time with her family.

• Endocrinology • Diabetes • Metabolism

3069 English Creek Avenue Veteran Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 s!!

“She is very caring and intelligent. I would recommend her especially to anyone with diabetes and thyroid conditions.” - Wendy, Mays Landing, NJ

Primary Care Practitioner specializing in:


Testimonials “I have been a patient of Barbara Greenling for about a year and a half. She is an excellent practitioner who cares about her patients. As a person who makes their living working with medical staff, I have seen both the good and the not so good, I highly recommend her to all who are looking for a knowledgeable, compassionate and caring practitioner!!!!!” - Ann, Mays Landing, NJ

Barbara Greenling, DNP The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

(609) 625-9146 March/April 2018 March/April 2019

Business Spotlight


Compassion & Expertise Are Priorities For This Practitioner As a Primary Care Practitioner specializing in Diabetes and Endocrinology, Barbara Greenling, DNP, has a reputation for showing a level of compassion and care that is hard to come by in today’s world. In fact, once you become her patient at Reliance Medical Group, you will be in the hands of a “care team” whose sole purpose is to focus on your medical needs and requests. She adds, “We are part of a national effort to improve healthcare across the country. It’s about highly personalized healthcare and remembering that basic healthcare is a right, rather than a privilege.” It is this philosophy that sets them apart and governs everything they do, and patients they see. She says, “I take great pride in the level of care our office provides. We refer to it as a safe-haven office. When you are a patient at Reliance Medical Group, your care will be in the hands of a care team. This could consist of a physician, physician’s assistant, and a nurse practitioner. There will be managers to help organize your visits, medical needs, and requests.” Reliance Medical Group is part of a national effort to improve healthcare across the country and has transformed their practices into “Patient-Centered Medical Homes.” Among many other things, Reliance Medical Group has become known for their progressive, multispecialty medical practice, as well as their commitment to patients having the ability to access affordable managed medical care. Just some of the services they offer are primary care services including pediatric, family medicine, and internal medicine. In fact their family and internal medicine team has been trained to provide complete medical care to the entire family. Other services offered are EKGs, cardiovascular risk assessment, and cancer screenings, among many others.

Barbara Greenling, DNP

3069 English Creek Avenue Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234

(609) 625-9146

With over 15 years of diverse experience working in the medical field, she earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2013 and joined Reliance Medical Group the following year. She now has her own practice in Egg Harbor Township. While her practice is primarily focused on family, veterans, and the transgender population, a large portion of her practice is also dedicated to metabolism issues and diabetes. Although extremely busy, Barbara still makes time for volunteering in her community. She adds, “I have worked with the Wounded Warrior project since 2009 and I also donate my time to the American Cancer Society and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.” Born in Trenton, New Jersey has always been in Barbara’s blood. She eventually settled in Atlantic County in 2005 while working on her medical degree. Graduating with honors from Thomas Edison State College, she later attended the St. Francis School of Nursing. Most recently, she received her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Chatham University. Barbara holds many advanced certificates and licensures and is part of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and the American Nurses Association. Some of her certifications include Certified Emergency Nurse, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, American Cardiac Life Support, and Substance Awareness Coordinator. While her passion for her career is strong, she also loves to spend time in her garden and with her family.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Men’s Clothing


Nutrition & Wellness Retirement Planning

Want to learn to eat for energy? Want to drop the weight, reduce the inflammation, improve your sleep and just feel better? Eat clean and feel the difference

Sharon Garland’s

You did the financial planning, now plan for some lasting health so you can actually enjoy retirement. Invest in a Health Coaching Package Learn to build energy while eating delicious food

• Short food diary review to establish your likes and dislikes • Comprehensive health history to pinpoint healing opportunities • Programs designed for you with your goals and abilities in mind • Meal plans created for you that you can adhere to for your best results • Recipes, shopping lists, product recommendations, no guess work • Weekly email and phone support

Sharon Garland FDN-P Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

Eat real food, no deprivation, no hunger Participants typically experience increased energy, improved sleep, 3-7 lb weight loss and a greater understanding of which foods serve their body and which foods cause inflammation.

contact me at or call 609 431 0824

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Theatre & Entertainment CAPE MAY STAGE



May 22-Jun 21 HEISENBERG


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TUES-SUN | 8:00 PM








Packages & Memberships for the 2019 are now for Sale! Receive discounts off of regular ticket prices. Complimentary Exchanges - change dates with no fees. Choose your seats all at once or on a show-by-show basis.

These one night only events feature stellar talent from Broadway & Beyond Steve Ross July 8th 8 PM Lucie Arnaz July 15th Carole Bufford August 12th Will & Anthony Nunziata November 30th


The Robert Shackleton Playhouse 405 Lafayette Street, Cape May

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Specialty Wigs


Wigs By Pat And Cubby Most of us will experience changes in our hair at some point during our lives. Some may have a lot of thinning or some of us may have just a little. It can happen at any time, for countless reasons. One reason for hair loss could be due to medical conditions and/ or treatments. Thankfully, wigs, hair ‘toppers’ and hair extensions of today are nothing like those of the past. There is something available for everyone.


There are wigs and accessories to suit everyone. A one on one consultation is the only way to be sure you’ll get what will work best for YOU. We take a process that can be completely overwhelming, and make it a pleasant experience instead. Its what we do. Being prepared for hair loss can give you back a feeling of control and make the process of hair loss much less traumatic, because it can be just that.

What do you do when your doctor tells you that you will lose your hair?

PREPARE! Scheduling a consultation prior to hair loss makes all the difference in the world.In most all cases, hair loss is a very difficult and emotional journey. Having everything you will need prior can be an enormous help- and a relief. Though we may not be able to stop hair loss, being prepared provides a feeling of having some control. What a difference that can make. Bringing a close friend or family member for support and even their opinion is always encouraged. Pictures are helpful if you have a specific style/color in mind. We will work with you

in whatever way is most comfortable for you. If your hair is on the longer side now, but you plan on wearing a shorter style wig you may want to have your hair cut into a shorter hair style prior to help ease the transition. Hair follicles and scalp may feel extra sensitive during hair loss/treatments. Wigs are now made to address these issues. There are wigs designed to suit every taste, and comfort level. They are being made so lightweight and comfortable, you’ll forget you’re even wearing it. If hair loss is due to chemo, your hair will generally begin growing back about a month after your last treatment. Remember, regrowth will also take time. This means you will be wearing a wig for at least quite a few months. A quality, breathable wig will allow new hair to grow in while protecting it at the same time. Some Ladies prefer to wear a cap (even if just for sleep), or a turban, etc, rather than a wig. Again, there are lots of choices here as well. The fabrics used are ultra soft and extremely comfortable. Pat and Cubby are continually educating themselves so they can offer the best of the best to their clients. They have both worked in the beauty industry for many years, and have also been salon owners as well. They offer private consultations in a relaxed atmosphere. Their goal is to take each client through the selection process - STRESS FREE. They have volunteered for the American Cancer Society, Look Good Feel Better program, and more. From these and additional trainings, they can provide you with much practical information as well. Their goal is for every client to leave with a smile on their face, feeling comfortable, confident, and ready to CONQUER! We truly care, and hope to help.

Pat and Cubby at Micchelli’s Hair Design

609.645.3811 •

2500 New Road, Northfield, NJ, 08225

Hours by appointment


Recipe Spring Spaghetti Frittata Compliments of Chef Steph

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9 inch dish (pie plate) and set aside. Melt the butter and saute the vegetables until they are tender crisp, adding the peas and ham at the end. Let cool slightly. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk, adding any seasonings that you like. Stir in the vegetables and pasta and then put the whole mixture into the prepared pan. Top with cheese and bake for about 30 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve with a salad and viola! Another great home cooked meal.

1 oz butter 4oz sliced mushroom 1 red bell pepper, seeded & chopped 4oz ham, diced 1/2 cup peas, frozen 6 large eggs 1 cup of milk 3 1/2 oz spaghetti, cooked/ chopped 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated

The County Woman Magazine

Serves 4 March/April 2019

Theatre & Entertainment


Atlantic City Ballet Spring Season 2019 Sun 3/31- 4pm

Romeo and Juliet


Sun 4/28 - 4pm



Sleeping Beauty

Sat 5/18 - 7pm


Season 36 Circus Maximus Theater • Caesars Atlantic City Tickets On Sale Now • 609-348-7201

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Pet Services


Kindness 70

Written by Matt Reeves


People come from all over the Chucky, the Miracle Dog is world to see it. It’s listed as one of Funny Farm’s second the top 10 places to visit with your New Jersey. can’t of children’s book. It’s One of the best places in thefamily worldinto learn theKids meaning all about never giving stop talking about it. Excitement “unconditional love” is the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary up, inno matter what is in the air! What is it? The Funny challenges we face, Mays Landing, NJ. Farm Rescue in Mays Landing, NJ – special needs, and enjoying each day we’ve been right good hereidea in our If you’ve ever had a pet, you have a pretty how own much backyard! they love you and get given, and always having fun! There’s even a movie

“Unconditional Love”

they Hundreds of animals, all rescues, no the longer excited when you come home and how sad are when you leave. Those are lucky ones. about the life of Chuck. It’s called Chuck, The Not all animals are so lucky to have someone sit inlove glassthem. cages. Now, they run, and jump, Funny Farm Story. It’s a truly inspiring story about The animals at the Funny Farm Rescue theThey’re exceptions. and are play! allowedThey to behave freethousands and you’re a miracle dog. of people each year who come to visit andallowed give them the amongst love theythem. need.Most Mostwill animals to walk come to the farm from very difficult situations. Many were disabled, abused, injured, or The Funny Farm Rescue is also a sanctuary come right up to you, hoping for a pet or a unwanted. Some people simply didn’t make arrangements for their pets after they were for hundreds of animals that once had no hope. like that they must are saying thank to you! gone and the animals had nowhere to go.kiss. HowIt’sscary be for theseyou sweet animalsTheir all-volunteer staff works tirelessly around the Thank you for coming! Thank you for loving clock to save animals and give them something that gave their owners so much love. us!and Thank youbaby for giving us a second chance! One example is a nameless little black white goat with a broken leg. At less they could only dream of…a happy, healthy life! ts youoffor kindness! than a month old, he was injured and wasThank in a lot pain. His future was dark. Through aSchools are allowed to schedule visits on Tuesdays series of miracles, Laurie Zaleski, of theRescue Funnyhas Farm Rescue,children’s found out about the TheFounder Funny Farm 2 popular where the kids can come to the farm to see all of this little goat’s situation and didn’t waste time rescuing him. Both books have books withany plans to release 8 more! the animals! It’s an experience that no one forgets We made a custom splint to his leg because couldn’t stand onthem! it at all. He an stabilize anti-bullying theme and he kids absolutely love – including parents! There is a $5 per person y in needed food and water brought to his mouth while he lay in a new warm bed made just for Kids learn, from the Funny Farm animals, that it’s okay him. Farley the Farm Manager, a 1-year-old Australian Shepard, took him under his wingsuggested donation if a group is coming to the if someone looks or acts differently than you; in fact, get farm, which includes a behind-the-scenes tour and and gave him a lot of love and attention. y ones. it’s white better and thanlooked okay! Everyone is The little goat was black and so much gets like along! a cow Kindness that he earned thea hayride with the animals. It goes all around the at the Funny Farm!veterinarians, Zaleski took beautiful property of the Funny Farm Rescue & name “Cowboy.” Over the nexteverywhere few days, and visits to many to him to the University of Pennsylvania, they book had the equipment. The firstwhere children’s theybest released is calledSeveral Farley Sanctuary. ls thousands of dollars were spent the trying to save his leg from possible nerve damage Funny Farm Dog. In this book, a baby duck getsand The Funny Farm Rescue isn’t just a place ess amputation. ha lost and Farley, the Farm Manager, recruits others to you visit…it’s a place that becomes a part of you out He lived in the house so hehelp could behim. cared forbook properly and received muchin find The highlights the strengths forever! hard to leave, even for adults! At work He socialization with other animals and people. And because of this interaction, he has no idea he’s aIt’s goat, for others and how our differences are so important to not the next day, there’s talk of this magical place! ng he thinks he’s a dog! onlyhas accomplishing buthetohas friendship seemsall everywhere you go, people are talking the Seven months later, not only Cowboy’s lega goal, healed, capturedand thelove hearts of It people over itself. and gets into everything! He is now known as the “Donations the globe!! He makes everyone laugh about it. Fridays, animal residents gothey to schools Inspector.” When visitors come andOn donate food for the animals, barelywith have time to getThere’s out of something very special in Mays their cars when they discover Cowboy is already inside their car! Farm, and she reads Laurie, the Founder of the Funny dea he’s a goat, Landing that literally does make the world a better He has a wonderful, lovable, sweet personality andthis willforstop at nothing to of make youplace: laughit’s and to the children. They do entire assemblies f people all over thehas Funny Farm Rescue! “Donations an unlimited supply of kisses! Everyone hisfree! friend! Somehow he knows what was done for him and he children –isfor to get out of Everyone gets along. Your heart is filled with appreciates his life now. After the book reading, kids are anxious to line up ou laugh and has something that is so refreshing…unconditional love! Kindness is in the air at the Funny The unconditional love that comes from an animal is astounding, but the unconditional love that comes from an animal that e for him and he and pet the animals on their way out. You’ve never seen Farm Rescue and that’s something you won’t soon forget! tional love that comeswas from anonce animal thatin distress is nothing short of miraculous! Nearly 400 of these animals at the Funny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting unny Farm Rescue & Sanctuary are waiting kids line up so fast! iends is very meet you and your family!! Coming to the Farm is easy but leaving your new furry friends is very difficult. Photos by Matt Reeves and Laurie Zaleski ect it, in nearly all cases, All life is precious. If there is something we can do as humans to preserve and protect it, in nearly all cases,


the unconditional love you receive in return is something you will simply never forget.

ailroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. itions. Come see us! :

Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue” Follow us on Facebook: “Funny Farm Rescue”

TheThe Funny Farm Farm Rescue Rescue is open Sundays andSundays Tuesdays from at 6908 Blvd., at Mays Landing, NJ 08330. Funny is open and8am-4pm Tuesdays fromRailroad 8am-4pm 6908 Railroad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330. There isis no as weasoperate entirely byentirely donationsby anddonations we don’t haveand any paid positions. Comeany seepaid us! There noadmission admission we operate we don’t have positions. Come see us!Follow ________________________________________ us on Facebook: Gift Amount: ________________________________________ For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: For information on scheduling your next event, please contact Robin at: “Funny Farm Rescue” _ Zip:___________________________________ to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.


________________________________________ r generous donation!

To donate to the Funny Farm Rescue, fill out the below information and mail to: Funny Farm Rescue • 6908 RailRoad Blvd., Mays Landing, NJ 08330.

March/April 2017

Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Gift Amount:

Town: _______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip:___________________________________


Phone: Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you, in advance, for your generous donation! The TheCounty CountyWoman WomanMagazine Magazine

March/April 2019 2017 March/April



Creating Autism Awareness And Acceptance For Those We Love and Support

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



Save The Dates

Seashore Gardens Foundation Golf Tournament Ron Jaworski’s Blue Heron Pines Golf Club Egg Harbor City

May 20, 2019

Seashore Gardens Foundation Annual Gala Honoring Janice T. Cambron

2019 Martin H. Klein Leadership Award

Letty & Steven Chang

2019 Labov Bernstein Community Service Award

August 1, 2019

Seashore Gardens Living Center, Galloway

For more information call Sharon D’Angio at 609-748-4614 or email

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Fabulous F ood Fabulous Food Fabulous Food

Springing into The FreshBox Vegetables Drop

Holiday Giving – Foodie Style

As we come into the spring season and (hopefully) shake off the end of winter doldrums, we are starting to think more Companies that deliver “fresh” groceries to your home about the ith fresh produce that will start to pop up in ournaturally grocery the holidays thoughts along with recipes for you toapproaching, make your meals seem to be stores. While we’vefood, been able to get produce all through turn and“fresh” family. Here are cropping up all to over. Thefriends TV commercials show families all the winter,some it won’t be long until things grown more locally will alternatives to athe abundance working togetherhealthy in the kitchen to create gourmet meal –of lots start to be available. (Think about those wonderful greens and cookies are always this time of year. Better of smilingthat faces and happyaround bellies. They highlight the fact that Jersey asparagus!) That means that you’ll have the chance to eat options for you greatfresh for gift-giving as and well!there is no the groceries are and delivered to your home meals prepared with lots of fresh items that haven’t had to travel waste as the groceries delivered are –the exact amounts that Healthy Apple Walnut Muffins Makes long distances to get to your plate. Here are a12few dishes that are needed each recipe. until you to start 2 cups flourfor might inspire you. Don’t haveSounds the timegreat or the desire do to all dig this ayourself? 1 bit tspdeeper. baking soda Chef Steph with Cutting Board Creations and Contact How fresh are those ingredients, if they’ve been packed, sent to the shipping company, 1/4 tsp she’ll doground all for Simply heat andsitting eat! on your front porch moved again to gothe on cinnamon awork truck to deliver you and then perhaps 1/4 you tspgetground ginger until home? What happens if there are ingredients in a given recipe that you don’t like or can’t eat due to a food allergy? What if there is a VEGETABLE kitchen disaster and a key ingredient 1/4 tsp ground allspice can’t be used? Will you know what to substitute? 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg How long will it take you to make the recipes? Sure,FRITTATA you don’t have to go to the grocery 1/4 to tsp salt store make the purchases, but you still need to process and prepare before dinner is ready. – Serves 4-6 2 eggs For many people, this is the part that takes up the mostBreakfast time. Plus, you will then for dinner? Yup!have In all those additional dishes to do. 1 cup plus 2 T apple juice this dish a colorful selection of As a Personal Chef and owner of Cutting Board Creations, LLC, I take care of all the vegetables pair with protein rich concentrate, frozen and thawed menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, packaging and clean-up of your meals, leaving eggs for a hearty meal. Add a salad, cupthat buttermilk a2/3 kitchen smells great and a refrigerator and freezer full of delicious dinners. All the or perhaps a quinoa or brown rice cooking is done and equipment needed to prepare 2 T oat branin your home, and I bring all the supplies side, and you are ready to go! Feel your pre-approved, customized with peeled, me. I use only fresh and ingredients purchased on 2 small Granny Smith menu apples, cored chopped freecook to mix theprepare vegetables you liketastes andand what’s available. make the day,up and mealsbased basedon on what each client’s dietary needs. Just Special diets 1/3 cup walnuts, chopped are at your fingertips – ready to heat and serve within are at all. surenotoproblem cut them intoDelicious pieces ofmeals a similar size so that they all cook consistently. apple, peeled andwhat cutto into 12dinner thin minutes. NoGranny waste. NoSmith effort. Your biggest challengecored is deciding have for •1 small 2 T butter that for garnish •slices, 1night. onion, chopped • Preheat 1 smalloven zucchini, thinly sliced to 375 degrees. Prepare muffin pan by spraying or lining with GREEK STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS 12 muffin papers. • 1 cup mushroom, sliced – Serves 4 together soda, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, nutmeg and • Mix 1 large redflour, bellbaking pepper, diced Oven baked chicken breasts stuffed salt in a medium bowl. • 1 cup asparagus, cut into small pieces with a savory Greek-inspired filling. together eggs,dried apple juice and buttermilk in a large bowl. Stir the flour • Mix ¼ tsp thyme, 4 chicken boneless, into theeggs, egg mixture until the dry (you ingredients arebreasts, just moistened, •mixture 6-8 large lightly beaten can also use egg skinless being careful to or notaovermix. Gently stir in the and as nuts. substitute mixture of eggs anddiced eggapples whites, desired) 1 cup spinach, fresh, Spoon batter into the prepared pans, filling cups about 2/3 full. Garnish • 2 T parmesan cheese chopped


#53 #

eggs are runny. Put into a preheated 375 degree oven for 5 minutes to finish cooking. Let rest in pan for a few minutes before slicing and serving. (Leftovers are really great for lunch Preheat to 375 degrees. the oven next day!) Carefully cut a pocket in the thickest part of the chicken breast, ensuring that you do not cut all the way through. Bread Pumpkin Combine the spinach, roasted pepper, feta and spices in a small bowl. Place approximately ¼ cup of this mixture into each breast, spreading across the length of the 2 cups flour pocket. 2 tsp cinnamon Place chicken on baking 4 sheet and pour a bit of the tomato sauce over each. Bake - Serves 1 tsp baking soda chicken for is25-30 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. Barley paired with fresh spring

SPRING CHICKEN AND BARLEY SOUP 1/4 tsp baking powder

MEDITERRANEAN BAKED ORZO – Serves 4 vegetables and chicken in this 1/2 tsp salt tasty soup. Again, feel free to mix 1 1/2cups sugar up the vegetables based on your 3/4 cup vegetable oil Use preferences. Don’t like barley? 3 large rice, pasta eggs or farro instead, just 1 tspthe vanilla adjust cooking time appropriately.

Orzo, feta cheese, olives and Greek seasonings in a tasty casserole.

1 cup orzo 1 cup feta cheese, •3 cups 1 tablespoon shreddedolive freshoil pumpkin crumbled •1 cup 1/2 cup onion, finely seeds toasted pumpkin 6 kalamata olives, chopped Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare pans. This recipe will make one chopped •large 1/2loaf, cup celery, finely chopped or you can make multiple smaller ones. 2 roma tomatoes, seeded • 2 clove Siftgarlic the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt together. and diced •In a6 separate cups chicken low-fat, reduced sodium bowl, mixbroth, the sugar, vegetable oil, 2eggs and vanilla. minced garlic cloves, • 12 ounce chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cut into Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin andchopped pumpkin ¼ cup onion, cubes seeds. When all are incorporated, pour into pans. 1 T oregano, fresh, • 1/3 pearlloaf barley Bakecup one large for 30 minutes or until cooked throughout. (Smaller chopped •loaves 1 15will oz. diced tomatoes take less time, so check!) Cool for 15 minutes in the pan. 1 T basil, fresh, chopped •Remove 1 cup(s) asparagus trimmed and diagonally and put loaf on a cooling rack to cool completely. sliced 1/4 inch 1 T olive oil.

• 1 cup peas to 350 degrees. as fresh a gift? Wrap tightly and put into aPreheat pretty oven basket or box. •Giving 1/2 cup basil leaf - torn Cook orzo according to package with small decorative plates and a pretty knife. If this is for a coffee •Give 1 tablespoon orange zest directions. Drain and set aside.

lover, not give with coffee and coffee Heatwhy oil in large saucepan over medium heat;mugs. add onion andorzo celery and cook,sauté stirring, While is cooking, until beginning to soften, 2-4 minutes. Grate or finely chop 1 clove garlic; add to pan onion and garlic in olive oil the until and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add softened. broth, chicken and barley; bring Add tomatoes and stir to a gentle simmer. Cover and cook over lowGive heat until theGift chicken through 2-3 minutes. Remove from and thefor of isacooked Personal heat. on the type of barley you are barley is tender. This may take up to 30 minutes depending Chef thisAdd holiday the olives,season! oregano, basil, using. drained orzo,and andpeas. feta When the barley is done, add the tomatoes and gift juice, asparagus Returnand to Our certificates arecheese stir. Put mixture into a prepared pan and bake, uncovered, for 15-20 minutes or until hot simmer. Cover and cook over low heat until always the asparagus is tender - 5 minutes. with an 1apple slice. a welcome surprise Melt T butter in a large, oven safe, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add vegetables and lightly browned on top. Coarsely chop the remaining garlic clove. Gather basil, orange zest and garlic and 1 roasted red pepper, Bake until lightly golden and cooked through, about 25 minutes. Transfer and thyme. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, or until the vegetables are and make a unique gift too. sprinkle over soup. chopped to a wire rack to cool completely. cooked through. 1 cup feta cheese In a medium bowl, combine the eggs and cheese. Set aside. For more information, call 609-841-8567 Giving as a gift? Place muffins in a pretty basket lined with a cloth ½ tsp Melt the remaining 1 T of butter in the skillet with the oregano vegetables, turning to coat the For more information, call 609-841-8567 napkin. Tie cinnamon sticks around a decorative andpepper include a jar of or visit ½ tsp lemon vegetables thoroughly. Turn the heat on the pan down tospoon low. Pour the egg mixture over preserves. or visit cup tomato sauce the vegetables and cook without stirring, for 10-15½minutes or until only the top of the

Stephanie Hopkins

Cutting Board


Certified Personal Chef

(609) 841-8567 LLC

Personal Chef Service

“In your kitchen for a dayYour dinner worries melt away!”

Celebrating 16 YYears 13 Celebrating of Celebrating12 15 Years ears of Delighting our Clients! Delightingour ourClients! Clients! Delighting

Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was professionally Stephanie was trained the Culinary Business trained at at the Culinary professionally trained at the Academy, is a Certified Business Academy, a Culinary BusinessisAcademy, Personal Chef, a Certified Food Certified Personal Chef, Chef, is a Certified Personal Safety Manager, and Finalist a Certified Food Safety a Certified Food Safety for the USPCA Personal Chef Manager, and Finalist for the Manager, and Finalist for the of the Year in 2012 and 2013. USPCA Personal Chef of the USPCA Personal Chef of the Services are provided on a first Year. Year in 2012 and 2013. come, first served basis and ForFor more information on theremore are noinformation contracts – ever! ouron services or Gift or Gift services Forour more information on our Certificates, references, and Certificates, references, services or Gift Certificates,and fees, contact Cutting Board fees, contact references, andCutting fees, Board Creations, LLC today! Creations, LLC today! Stephanie Hopkins contact Cutting Board Stephanie StephanieHopkins Hopkins Certified Personal Chef Certified CertifiedPersonal PersonalChef Chef Creations, LLC today. The TheCounty County Woman Woman Magazine Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April2019 2018 March/April November/December 2016

Women Of Atlantic County


April Elias, Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master, Hummingbird Yoga April Elias is a 200 Registered Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master, whose interests revolve around various healing modalities and the power of the subconscious mind. Her spiritual path, which includes Heartfulness Meditation, influences her yoga classes. Every yoga class flows with careful consideration of each of her yogis. April’s classes begin with mindfulness, grounding, and centering. Her standard warm-ups are a time for the student to not only physically prepare for the practice, but also mentally. It gives them time to settle their thoughts. Her creative sequences keep her yogis’ attention on their bodies and their breath. Through stretching, strengthening, and balancing the physical body, we calm the fluctuations of the mind. The intention of this practice is to balance the mind, body, and spirit. Make an investment in your health and wellbeing by joining April at Hummingbird Yoga Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am. For more information, call 609-927-8010 or visit

Michaelle Cooke,

Certified Personal Trainer, Body in Balance

Michaelle Cooke’s passion for health and physical fitness can be traced back to the 2007 Philadelphia Olympic Distance Triathlon, when she spent significant time working on training for the event and fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Michaelle is delighted to be working at Body In Balance. The intimate, family-like feel encourages everyone who sets foot through the doors to strive to be their best. As a Certified Personal Trainer (NASM), she specializes in senior fitness, encouraging a fitness discipline and increasing positive attitudes towards physical fitness. Michaelle is a transplant to Atlantic County, settling in West Atlantic City in 2016. However, Michaelle’s roots lie in the Midwest, where she was a Chicago resident for over 30 years. For more information, call 609-365-8499 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Erin Intessimoni,

Heidi Farber,

Erin Intessimoni is a Jersey girl. She was born and raised in Winslow Township. She is a current resident of Waterford Township, where she lives with her husband of 12 years and their two children. From a young age Erin felt very passionate about helping others. She became a registered nurse in 2003 and worked at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for 10 years. While working she continued her education and obtained her master’s degree in Nursing as a Nurse Practitioner. Erin presently works at Relievus pain management. She has worked for Relievus for five years. Working as a nurse practitioner in pain management has been very rewarding for Erin. Being able to help her patients have a better quality of life is her main goal. At Relievus she is able to work with a multi-disciplinary team in offering the most up-to-date procedures. Working for Relievus allows Erin to increase her patients’ productivity and self-worth, which is very valuable in pain management. When Erin is not working, she is spending time with her family. They enjoy going on road trips and outdoor activities. She and her husband recently built a new house and they are working on making it a home. For more information, call 1-888-985-2727 (ASAP) or visit

Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Heidi considers herself a native of New York. She holds a BA in English and an MS in Special Education. Upon arriving in New Jersey over 30 years ago, she became part of the South Jersey community. She raised two lovely ladies to adulthood. From mother to public school educator and yoga instructor, Heidi enjoys sharing her love of knowledge. Teaching and learning has always been a part of her life. With years of study, Heidi’s passion for yoga philosophy is contagious. Students at Hummingbird Yoga attend classes to gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them through the practice of yoga. Creating a yoga community was her ultimate goal, which she has achieved through her commitment and the solidarity of her yoga students. Practice is more than just postures. It is a lifestyle of well-being that integrates a strong and healthy body, clear mind and open heart. Our connection to ourselves, others and something larger is paramount to life itself. For more information, call 609-927-8010 or visit

Nurse Practitioner, Relievus

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

Owner, Hummingbird Yoga

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

March/April 2019

Women Of Atlantic County Karen Laverack, Practice Manager, Advanced Care OB/GYN Karen grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and moved to South Jersey when she married her husband John, of 30 years! Karen and John, and their children Christopher and Brooke, then moved to Florida where they spent the last 24 years until moving back to South Jersey in May 2018. Karen’s heart had never left Philadelphia, where her parents, family and friends are. Karen and John bought a fixer upper on the Mullica River in Green Bank, New Jersey, where John is utilizing his lifelong building skills and are doing a complete renovation. Karen has a strong GYN background as practice manager in Florida, as well as a 15-year history of owner of a medical transcription company. Karen has a great passion for animals, and often fosters kittens and puppies until they are healthy enough for adoption. In her spare time, she enjoys playing with her three dogs Oscar, Laci and Bella, cooking, reading, and spending time with friends and family. If you would like to speak to Karen at Advanced Care please contact her at 609-272-0506, or for more information please visit our website at

Alexa D’Amato Barrera, Esq. Counselor at Law, D’Amato Law Firm Alexa is a Personal Injury attorney representing those injured in most types of accidents. Alexa received both the New Jersey State Bar Associations and the Atlantic County Bar Association’s Young Lawyer of the Year Award. Alexa has been recognized as a Top 40 under 40 in Atlantic County and as a top young lawyer by New Jersey Super Lawyers Rising Stars since 2008 and as a New Jersey Super Lawyer since 2013. Alexa has been a speaker and moderator for NJAJ and on the national level for AAJ. The New Jersey State Bar Association, NJESQ Magazine and the American Associate for Justice have published her writings. Alexa lives in Linwood with her husband, Alexander J. Barrera, Esquire, their three children, Paul (10), Massimo (9), and Rocco (7), their Goldendoodle Emme, and two cats, Mickey and Minnie. For more information, call 609-926-3300 or visit

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Julia Mastalski Owner, The Bra Boudoir Julia grew up in Egg Harbor Twp. She later attended college at Moore College of Art and Design, where she earned her BFA and discovered her love for lingerie. After college she moved back to NJ in 2012. She started working for The Bra Boudoir in Somers Point. That’s where she learned all about and fell in love with doing bra fittings. Getting to see the transformation from a woman coming in insecure and uncomfortable to leaving comfortable, confident and happy from receiving a great bra fitting gave Julia just what she was looking for in a career. It combines her love for lingerie, knowledge of garment construction, and being able to help people all in one awesome job. Julia worked for The Bra Boudoir for four more years down in Rio Grande and took over ownership in October 2017. She moved the store to her hometown on Main Street in historic Mays Landing, where it resides today. Providing everyone a comfortable place to get a bra fitting, great fitting bras as well as shape wear, lingerie, swimwear and solution accessories. For more information visit or call 609-829-2867.


Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

Lisa Ledden Nurse Practitioner, Certified Dermatology Lisa Ledden has been a nurse practitioner specializing in dermatology since 1996. Before this, she had a broad background in civilian and military medicine. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts in 1985, she was awarded a military commission and accepted into a competitive internship with the U.S. Air Force. As an officer, she practiced trauma and emergency/critical care nursing and was part of a field medicine deployment team. She was awarded the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal in 1991. After seven years of service, Lisa left the military as a captain to pursue a civilian career. She accepted a position as nurse manager of the Heart Group of Oklahoma (the largest cardiac practice in central Oklahoma) and subsequently managed emergency services at Milford Memorial Hospital in Delaware while pursuing a master’s degree in nursing at Wilmington College in Georgetown, DE. At that time, she developed a special interest in dermatology. While continuing to practice in dermatology, she was an adjunct professor in the graduate program at Wilmington College. In 1998, she relocated to Michigan to practice dermatology and expanded her knowledge of cosmetic and surgical dermatology. Missing the East Coast, she then relocated to southern New Jersey, where she now practices with Certified Dermatology. For more information call 609-940-3100.

Photo by Donna Andrews Photography

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019




55 Travel ravel 63 “Create Lasting Memories” An Extraordinary Experience River Cruising: “Create Lasting Memories” Family Escapes Taking With You: A Packing Primer More fun, more memories! PartIt of raising a family is making memories thatFor Everyone

56 56

will cherish Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, your children forever. A family vacation is part of those memories. opportunities a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical Today’s to travel as a family arebooked as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve


Family vacations are the fastest

iver cruising may be the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. tion. From warm beaches to excitinglong adventures, destination offers a new awaitedevery vacation trend around in 2017 -even though wayriver to building A sample of some willfun, let youand dream of your nextmemories escape. withRomantic your Traveldestinations experience. cruises have been operating for decades. 70 Travel

T ravel and bonding together. I think many ready to pack your  Six Hawaiian Islands , each with its own personality, special activities andhave amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: Cruise lines upped their with expanded 00

trips when TSTARRING FAMILY VACATIONS THE “KIDS” ROMANCE TRAVEL you were young that are etched in

Professional andand you’re We have some suggested kid’s focused resorts destinations with

amenities and intriguing itineraries to the places ravel 56 Now big ocean-going question is: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. BLUFF, ANTIGUA feels both country-club and cozy at the same vessels can’t reach. ✿ RiverCURTAIN cruises are luring experienced What do you take ravel T ravel ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with If Memories” you’re cruising in the Caribbean “Create Lasting riverboats with focus onevery current themes. “Create Memories” from room, including and waterskiing, a game room and the Ceebee Kids WithWatersports so many newLasting fees and diving

suitcase. of you remember family surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices

55 63

River Cruising: An Extraordinary Experience

your memories forever. Add aWith few more tee Taking It You: Aanother Packing More fun,, think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing more memories! • Part of raising a family is shirts makingand memories thatpair of shorts Primer  Greece restrictions the airlines have to a• turquoise The beach beautiful leading Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, a 12-day like is Bordeaux Whether you’re dreaming of a romantic escape or celebrating an anniversary or wedding, Lightweight sweater, rain your children will cherish forever. A family vacation is part of those memories.

imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider entirethe closet River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests local leaving your a travel expert can create a carefully tailored itinerary to suit your desires. Discover a tropical wet suits. Today’s opportunities to travel asfor a family are as wideyour open as your imaginaYou’ve Here are a few ideas that cater to every generation, with childat home from now on. Some airlines are charging for carry-on bags now, iver cruising may bebooked the hottest cruising paradise and surround yourself with remarkable sunsets, fine dining, and world class accommodations. experience without the long tour bus rides. From April’s • Whatever you forget you can purchase on board or at the tion.carry-on From warm to excitinglong adventures, every destination offers a new awaited vacation and other airlines let friendly you board hotels first if you haveadventure-filled no bags.beaches Sotours what was created to be the ultimate get and for your next family escape. trend around in 2017 -even though river tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds Aofsample ofports some with your Traveldestinations will let you dream of your next escape. or Romantic resorts. experience. are the essentials to pack? cruises have beenof operating for beaches decades. together getaway, where everything is Included and unlimited. The protected white sand • Pizza-making lessons with Essence ,you’re and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers Professional and A few years Sicily from now what We have some, with beautiful beaches and great suggested kid’s focused resorts and destinations with Here isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that ready to pack your (rated theand best in thewhich by Travelon & miles Leisure) watersports and unlimited scuba diving exciting Six Hawaiian Islands , of each its own personality, aCaribbean Virtuoso onsite the activities island of Sicily. you will remember is the total canals, span thousands of of Continental of some thewith best special and amenities thatgame the entire family will enjoy: might help with the process. Cruise lines have upped Examples their with expanded suitcase. restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. surrounded by blue waters, and where happiness is a way of life. Top choices of yourBridges vacation, for NOT (for certified divers). waterways, North in Sea London to Blackamenities Sea. • connecting See sights and Parisexperience with Tauck and intriguing itineraries toCruise places River Line Now the big ocean-going question is: Themes: are Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. the things forgot to pack.andANTIGUA CURTAIN BLUFF, feels both country-club and cozy at the same can’t reach. ✿ River cruises areyou luring experienced are about children. Amazing waterparks with body slides, lazy rivers surf ForBEACHES a week inresorts the River Caribbean: curated family What doRiver you take A Europe Cruise is onevacations. of the bestvessels ways we • Viking Cruises, through partnership with *Remember, your Vagabond* ocean cruisers off the mega-ships andyou? onto intimate time. This charming resort with an Alain Ducasse-trained chef for wonderful dining has Ocean views with simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOX play If you’re cruising in the Caribbean • 2 swimsuits know to explore inland Europe,avisiting cities, towns PBS “Downton Abby” offers Viking cruise guests • Tube down river in Jamaica while staying in new a Montego Virtuoso Travel Professional can diving riverboats withand focus on current themes. from every room, Watersports including waterskiing, a game room and Ceebee Kids With so many fees and where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun• Add aand fewprovide more teegreat shirts and another pairthe of shorts  Greece , think Santorini or Mykonos with small fishing (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas choices. villages that traditional access. 3 days in England Countryside, and special tour assist you in planning a vacation Bay resortbig ships usually can’t restrictions the airlines have The beach beautiful leading to a• turquoise Caribbean Sea.poncho, and zippered plastic bags The river cruisingClub. destinations, like isa 12-day Bordeaux Lightweight sweater, rain tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups imposed for baggage, youorwill haveDanube, tovillages, stunning beaches, accentuated by whitewashed buildings. consider leaving your entire closet It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. River cruise, 7-day offer cruise guests the local • Island-hop in the Caribbean onarea charging fun-filled cruise with for wet suits. home from on.without Some airlines for carry-on bagsApril’s now, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining on the atbeach & 1now Pareo) experience the touches long tour rides. From tobus make your experience a Whatever you forget you can • purchase on board or at the • Avalon Waterways and other airlines let you board first if you have noCAICOS carry-on bags. So was what“Austrian ✿ BEACHES, TURKS & created to beHighlights” the ultimate getfrom zip lines and slides. tulips to December’s Christmas Markets, hundreds of ports or resorts. memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tank tops are the essentials to pack? to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. together getaway, where everything isVienna Included and unlimited. TheAprotected white sand and barges glide along Europe’s historic rivers shipsMexico were with families in mind. A deluxe Ocean view few during years from now whatbeaches , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” • All-inclusive family vacation in Riviera Maya to Our dedication tofamily our clients before, and after every vacation Here built isriverboats a packing primer from Carole Kaiman, Travel Professional that  Barbados , with beautiful beaches and great • 2 shorts and 2 tees (rated theand best in thewhich Caribbean by•Travel & miles Leisure) exciting watersports and unlimited scuba diving Tauck offers family river cruises with its youExamples will remember is the totalTauck canals, span thousands of of Continental of some of the best might help with the process. stateroom with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. some of Virtuoso’s best resorts. enjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches • 3 sundresses restaurants to rekindle your spirit and feed the soul. experience of your vacation, NOT (for certified divers).connecting NorthBridges waterways, Sea to Black Sea. program, including family cooking River CruisetoLine Themes: with no fearFlip onflops, deck, or for thewith younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. things you forgot pack.and surf • SHOES: sandals, wedges, sneakers are about children. Amazing waterparks withthe body slides, lazy rivers and dolphins warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler • flat Swim in Hawaii while staying at the Kahala Hotel ForBEACHES a week inresorts the Caribbean: A Europe River Cruise is one of the best ways we • Viking River Cruises, lessons. *Remember, your Vagabond* through partnership with Enjoy Your Travel Experience. Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island or cruising Europe simulator are a favorite of the kids. The Caribbean Adventure with Sesame Street and the XBOXoffers play Viking cruise guests • 2 swimsuits • Pashmina know to explore inland Europe, visiting cities, towns and PBSTravel “Downton Abby” in Oahu. Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Virtuoso Professional can  Italy where in a private chapel in Florence’s coun (put 1 in your carry-on so you can go right to the beach) lounges are so popular with children and families. 19 Specialty restaurants and children’s dining areas provide great choices. There are several brand new River cruise lines villages that traditional big ships usually can’t access. days in England Countryside, and special tour • Sunglasses assist 3 you in planning a vacation with special highlights for the kids enjoy. in California and Your Travel Virtuoso Advisor • Drive thetoPCH seeVagabond the beautiful Pacific with tryside you can renew your vows and have a candlelit Dinner over the Arno River. 2 cover-ups It•will be a great family vacation memory. with the most value and added of the famous house. entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun foldable beach bag hat and A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, For on over 25 years, (1 with sleeves for evenings dining the beach & 1 Pareo) stops in Legoland and Disney. touches to makeWaterways your experience a •the Avalon “Austrian and Scenic cruises to fill demand. Each line Highlights” from The go on to Mexican resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and memorable one. • Yoga pants and 2 tankall-inclusive tops Carole Kaiman Vienna to Munich highlighting a Beer theme. ✿ DISNEY CRUISE ships were built with families inas mind. Along deluxeships Ocean view  Bermuda , the “Jewel of the Atlantic,” There are so many wonderful choices for your family vacation that will Our dedication tofamily our clients before, during and after every vacation has its highlights, such the and the • 2 shorts and 2 tees and an evening purse South Africa for families, Alaska tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) • Tauck offers family river cruises with its Tauck to help you realize your romantic dreams. with Verandah is perfect for a family of 4 or 5. There’s amakes 3 story AquaDunk body slide for kids a world of difference. • 3 sundresses build memories and stateroom experiences for years Vagabond toenjoy beautiful weather, pink sand beaches come. Contact me for assistance next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: Bridges program, including family cooking no fear onflops, deck, or for the younger set, there’s the AquaLab with a looping waterslide. and fabulous with Tauck tours of Europe. • SHOES: Flip flat sandals, wedges, sneakers and warm friendly people. Conde’ Nast Traveler lessons. • Insect Repellent,in Sun Protectionthe (with at least 30 SPF) choosing perfect family vacation for you. It’s a great new cruising experience! Enjoy Your Travel *Check out Disney destinations vary from Caribbean cruises with Disney’s own private island orExperience. cruising Europe • Pashmina Readers have voted Bermuda “Best Island in the Caribbean” 17 times! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer There are several brand new Advisor River cruise lines • Sunglasses with special highlights for the kids to enjoy. Your Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman Advisor Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole atCarole Vagabond Travel entering the market such as Emerald Waterways • Packable sun hat and foldable beach bag A Travel Professional with years of expertise will work for you, • Make up Bag: waterproof mascara, eyeliner, Carole Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, aVirtuoso Virtuoso Agency inForLittle today! over 25Silver, years, and for our Digital Magazine Agency for latest information 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. and Scenic cruises to fill the demand. Each line The go on to Mexican all-inclusive resorts, exciting travel to • Costume jewelry, (leave the realoptions jewels home) and her only objective is to give you the best experience possible and hair conditioner and shampoo Carole Kaiman and some amazing travel ideas. amenities. has its highlights, such as the long ships and the 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create that will last a lifetime. and an evening purse South Africa memories for families, tours (Perfect forTravel summer vacation) to help you realize your romantic dreams. Create memories that willAlaska last aVagabond lifetime.



 Barbados  Italy


next generation Space-Ships. Must Haves: and fabulous Tauck tours of Europe. • Insect Repellent, Sun Protection (with at least 30 SPF) It’s a great *Check out new cruising experience! Start your unforgettable vacation by contacting Travel Advisor & Romance Specialist • Facial and body moisturizer Start your unforgettable vacation byContact contacting TravelKaiman AdvisoratCarole Kaiman, at Vagabond Carole Vagabond Travel • Make up Bag: waterproof eyeliner, Carolemascara, Kaiman at Vagabond Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver, today! for our Digital Magazine Virtuoso Agency732-222-2792 for latest information and or 732-842-2600. Travel, a Virtuoso Agency in Little Silver today. hair conditioner and shampoo and some amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist

Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency amenities. 732-222-2792 or 732-842-2600. Create memories that will last a lifetime. Create memories that will last25a Years lifetime. Over 542 Prospect Ave. Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

*Check out *Check out for our Digital Magazine and some foramazing our Digital Magazineand some travel ideas.

amazing travel ideas.

Carole Kaiman, Travel Specialist 732-859-5513 732-222-2792 Direct Vagabond Travel Virtuoso Agency 542 Prospect Ave. 732-842-2600 Office Little LittleSilver, Silver New NewJersey Jersey07739 07739

Over 25 Years

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732-842-2600 Office

for our Digital Magazine and some e County Woman foramazing Digital Magazineand some The CountyMagazine Woman Magazine travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine website: amazing travel ideas. he County Woman Magazine unty Woman Magazine

November/December 2016 March/April 2019

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2018 Champion Annie Park

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



NJ Native, Veteran Nonprofit Executive Kristina Fransel is Alzheimer’s Association’s New Regional Leader and Delaware Valley Chapter Executive Director

Kristina Fransel

Kristina Fransel joins the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research as head of the Alzheimer’s Association® region that is the home of the association’s Delaware Valley, Greater New Jersey and Greater Pennsylvania Chapters.

In addition to her Regional Leader role, Fransel will serve as executive director of the Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fransel, originally from Toms River, New Jersey, is a 21year veteran of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Previously, she led community outreach efforts at the MS Society, Greater Delaware Valley Chapter and most recently was president of a multi-state MS Society Chapter based in North Carolina. “I am excited to return to the Delaware Valley for this new opportunity with the Alzheimer’s Association,” said Fransel. “I look forward to working with all three chapters in our

region to drive toward our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s. We pride ourselves on being the region’s leading provider of resources, services and information to families impacted by dementia while also being the global leader in research.” She reports to Eastern United States Area Leader Kenann Cassidy. “Kristina is a driven professional with remarkable fundraising success, excellent project management and strategic planning skills,” said Cassidy. “She is experienced at assembling dynamic volunteer leadership focused on resource development, programs and advocacy.” Fransel began her new role the week of January 21.

About the Delaware Valley Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, operates Regional and Branch Offices that serve 18 counties in Delaware, southern New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania, providing programs and services to more than 294,000 individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. The Chapter’s Atlantic County Branch Office is located at 25 Dolphin Avenue, Building D, Ground Floor, Northfield, NJ 08225. More information about dementia, resources, chapter programs and services is available at The chapter is present on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

About the Greater New Jersey Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association Greater New Jersey Chapter is headquartered in Florham Park, NJ and serves 14 counties in northern and central New Jersey. Additional chapter information is available online at

About the Greater Pennsylvania Chapter

The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Pennsylvania Chapter’s six offices serve 59 counties in central, northeastern and western Pennsylvania. Additional chapter information is online at

The Alzheimer’s Association is also available at its 24/7 Helpline, 800.272.3900.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



Grandparent Respite Care Program The Katz JCC Margate and Camp By The Sea announce a Grandparent Respite Care Program for grandparents raising grandchildren. Grandparents face various challenges when taking on the demanding role as a caregiver. Respite care options, particularly when school is not in session, are essential to encouraging the long-term health of the caregiver(s). The JCC’s Camp By The Sea respite camp program will provide one week of camp during the summer months when schools are not in session. During these times grandparent caregivers are faced with the financial and social burden of finding alternative programs and activities for their grandchildren. Eligible grandparents raising grandchildren would be given the opportunity to select the week of their choice for their grandchildren to attend Camp By The Sea’s day camp from 9am – 4pm of the selected week. Camp By The Sea offers the ultimate summer camp experience at the Jersey Shore. “We are excited to offer grandparents and their grandchildren the opportunity to experience all that camp has to offer, including fun, age-appropriate activities, trips and exciting programs for children ages 2-16, all under the supervision of experienced teachers and counselors,” says Francesca Parisano, Camp By The Sea Director. Programs are partially funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, through a grant by the Division of Intergenerational Services and is only available to Atlantic County Residents 60 years of age and older. Donations to the program are welcome, and will be used to enhance and expand existing services.

To learn more about how to qualify for the Grandparent Respite Care Program, contact 609-822-1167 today.

Surf more than just the web this summer!

AGE 2 - GRADE 10 JUNE 24 - AUGUST 16 Milton & Betty

Katz JCC

501 N. Jerome Avenue | Margate, NJ 08402


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Pet Services


Adopt Your New Best Friend Today The incredible bond between people and their pets and the many benefits that pets bring to our lives is a celebration of how positively animals can influence our lives. Pets not only provide their owners with companionship, but also with several health benefits. They may help lower blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels and ease tension, anxiety and depression. When people come in contact with animals they tend to experience a general feeling of peace and wellbeing and are perceived as being more happy and healthy. Pet ownership increases the opportunity for exercise and socialization with other pet owners. The therapeutic value of animals for individuals in hospitals and nursing homes has also been documented. Children learn to be more nurturing and compassionate adults by being raised among animals. Taking guardianship of an animal that has been abandoned is a wonderful and fulfilling experience rewarded by unconditional love and companionship. Animal shelters and rescue groups appreciate the public’s support, as do the many pets that are fortunate to find forever homes. Kathy Kelsey Manager

Visit to learn more.

Liana is a lighthearted 7 year old female with a zest for life and the spirit of a puppy.

Brian is a 3 year old self sufficient male that you won’t have to worry about freaking out when you’re not there.

Boop is a 2 year old female who thinks she is being cute when she pounces on your feet as you walk by.

Tales of the Olive

Ruby is a lively 4 year old female that will encourage you to put away your phone and go for a walk.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Pet Services

Bambi is a 2 year female who appreciates simple things like a good snuggle and a kiss on the nose.


Jelly is an adorable 1 year old male fluffball waiting to bring a ridiculous amount of joy to your life.

Cutting Board Creations

SPONSOR A PET TODAY! Admiral is a robust 2 year old male that will conquer the word after his nap.

Elroy is a 5 year old male who is easygoing, trusting and calm just waiting to spend his days by your side.

Interested in Sponsoring a Pet? Help a furry friend find a forever home! Anyone can sponsor a pet! It’s only $25 for a two-month pet sponsorship. Makes a great gift! CONTACT: Lauren Shover, The Atlantic County Animal Shelter 240 Old Turnpike Rd., Pleasantville, NJ 08232 • 609-485-2345

FREE RABIES VACCINATION & Pet Adoption Incentives each month! Contact shelter for more information. Open 7 days a week

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


Health & Wellness

Allergies And Allergic Reactions

Can Compouding Help You?

Allergies are usually defined as an overreaction of the immune system to a foreign protein substance, also known as an allergen, that is eaten, breathed into the lungs, injected or touched. This overreaction causes coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose. Severe allergic reactions can result in rashes, hives, difficulty breathing and even death. Unfortunately, there are no cures for allergies. However, allergies can

be managed with proper prevention or treatment. For instance, if you have seasonal allergies, you may want to start taking your allergy medications leading up to that particular season. If you are already having an allergic reaction, get to your physician or local emergency room immediately so that the allergy can be treated right away with the proper medications. Here are some allergy facts from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: • More Americans than ever before say they are suffering from allergies. It is among the country’s most common, yet often overlooked, diseases. • An estimated 50 million Americans, one in five, suffer from all types of allergies including indoor/outdoor, food and drug, latex, insect, skin and eye allergies. Allergy prevalence overall has been increasing since the early 1980s across all age, sex and racial groups. • Allergy is the fifth leading chronic disease in the U.S. among all ages, and the third most common chronic disease among children under 18 years old. • Nearly 400 Americans die each year due to drug allergies from penicillin, 200 deaths occur each year from food allergies and 100 die due to insect allergies.

Make your current medication in an allergy free form. For example, if you are allergic to a dye or filler in your manufactured medication, we possibly could make that medication without fillers or dye free. Make your discontinued allergy medication. Some manufacturers stop making certain medications from time to time. If you had an allergy medication you had been taking for years with success that suddenly became unavailable, we may be able to make that same medication for you in our compounding lab. Flavor your medication while still keeping it allergen free. Many flavorings contain sweeteners or dyes. If you are allergic to these products, it is very difficult to find a medication that smells and tastes good. In many cases, we can still flavor your medication with dye free flavorings and make your medication taste great!

Curexa Pharmacy is an independently owned and operated full service pharmacy. Our pharmacists and technicians are here to answer your questions. Stop by and see what a For more information call 609-927-0390 pharmacy experience should be!

or visit Visit

Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award!

Mark Taylor, Owner

At Jersey Shore Pharmacy, we deal with allergy treatments virtually every day. As a compounding pharmacy, we help physicians treat allergic reactions,

3007 Ocean Heights Ave, Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 Phone: 609-927-0390 Toll Free (855) 927-0390 Fax: 609-927-0392

formulate medications that don’t contain allergens and work with patients/parents to treat their particular allergic reaction. At Curexa Pharmacy, we can: Mix different medications together to treat allergic reactions. An example would be mixing several topical creams together such as antihistamines, steroids and moisturizers to be used to treat a rash or itchy skin.

Compounding Excellence Formerly Jersey Shore Compounding Pharmacy


Compoundingcombines combinesananageless ageless with Compounding artart with thethe latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art latest medical knowledge and state-of-the-art technology, technology,allowing allowingspecially speciallytrained trainedprofessionals professionals to prepare customized medications to meet to prepare customized medications to meet each patient’s specific needs.

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Table Contents Shoeof Repair Medical Professionals

Elder Law

Carluccio, Leone, Dimon, Doyle & Sacks, LLC ........................... 8 All-Care Physical Therapy Center, LLC ....................................... 2 Shore Vascular & Vein Center ..................................................... 6 Health & Wellness Quality Dermatology .................................................................... 7 Living Healthy Naturally ............................................................... 9 Hypertension and Kidney Group of Ocean County ..................... 9 or Not Yoga ......................................................................... 32 WithCenter spring in the air, it is10 timeHot to freshen up your footwearReproductive Science of NJ .......................................... Hypnosis for Women ................................................................. 33 Advocare Stafford Orthopedics ................................................. 11 and The Friendly Cobbler isNina the perfect place to do so. Radcliff, MD ...................................................................... 44 Ocean Otolaryngology Associates, PA...................................... 15 Lice Lifters ................................................................................. 49 Advanced Sleep Center of New Jersey..................................... 17 Yoga Nine Mind/Body Studio .................................................... 50 man orCenter woman knows how hard it is to22find that perfect pair of shoes that both looks and feels amazPersonalEvery Enhancement .................................................. Jersey Shore Pharmacy ............................................................ 53 ing. So when you finally do get the holy grail of footwear, you want to extend its life as long as possible. Whether Hackensack Meridian Int. Health & Medicine ........................... 26 Professional Dentistry Kathy Banks,your DMD ................................................................ youA.found dream sandals, sneakers, or shoes,27Domenick, owner of Creations The Friendly Cobbler, can help12, you! Aesthetic Dental ............................................ 13, 14 Gastroenterologists of Ocean County ................................. 28,shoes, 29 When it comes to extending the life of your preventative care can do wonders. Before you hit the Cake Shoppe & Tea Room Be Well Women’s Health ........................................................... 31 A Sweet Memory Cake Shoppe &new Tea rubber Room............................ streets with a new pair of leather-soled shoes, visit Domenick to put in comfortable, inserts. For 16 Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists ....................................... 34, 35 over 15 years, Domenick has been cleaning and servicing all different kinds of shoes. With friendly, personalized Financial Management Toms River X-Ray, CT & MRI Center ......................................... 37 5 Tips for around SustainedatFinancial Healthof ........................................ 18get service, will attend to those kicks that have lying the bottom your closet. You can Bella DermaDomenick Medi Spa............................................................... 38 been Garden State Trust Company .................................................... 19 Ocean & Oncology ......................................... 46, in 47time for yourHematology favorite sandals or sneakers patched up just spring! Paonessa Colon & Rectal Surgery, PC ...................................... 48 Bakery Not only does Domenick repair shoes, he also offers services for Uggs, handbags, belts, and anything leather. Bio-Behavioral Health................................................................ 49 Simply Sweet Cupcakes ........................................................... 23 It’s getting warm out quickly, so grab those colorful handbags, wedges, or sneakers and come on over to the Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine ............. 52 Pediatric Dentistry Cobbler at 1442 New Road, Northfield,55NJ to turn them intoDental new, Associates stylish fashions for all to see! 24 Dr.Friendly Park Avenue ......................................................................... Ocean Pediatric ........................................... GardenSpringtime State MedicalisCenter .................................................... 75 the perfect time to express gratitude towards a a loved one or friend! Come see the beautiful,

Step Into Spring With a Fresh New Pair of Old Shoes

Permanent Hair Removal Fine Artleather Photography Electrolysis 25a unique bands that were hand-crafted by DomenickBrick himselfyou ....................................................................... can customize them by choosing from Tracy Harman Photography......................................................... 3 variety of styles, studs and charms, and you can personalize them by & adding your loved one’s name directly onto Nursing Rehabilitation Center Legal Professionals Tallwoods Care Center .............................................................. 30 the band. They are absolute must-haves! Kathleen M. Dotoli, Esq. .............................................................. 4 Business & Finance

The Friendly Cobbler

The Matus Law Group ............................................................... 25 Straffi & Straffi, Attorneys at Law .............................................. 36

The County Woman Publicatons


Arocho Insurance Agency ......................................................... 40

April 30, 2019. Featured onExpires the Cover

University Urology Associates of NJ ............................. 41, 42, 43

Holistic Substance Abuse Treatment

Enlightened Solutions................................................................ 45


Koehler Acupuncture ................................................................. 45

Wigs & Hair Designs

Abstrax Hair Designs ................................................................. 51

Funeral Planning

DeGraff Funeral Home............................................................... 52

Theatre & Entertainment

Cape May Stage ........................................................................ 54 The Other Josh Cohen .............................................................. 56 Show-Score............................................................................... 57 Atlantic City Ballet ..................................................................... 59 Two River Theater ...................................................................... 73 Women of Ocean County ........................ 60, 61, 62


The Boss 107.1 ......................................................................... 63


Ocean County College .............................................................. 67

Women’s History

Susan Burton............................................................................. 69

Holistic Life Coach

Jessica L. Conrad, M.A., B.A. .................................................. 71 We66, Clean Community ...................... 58, 64, 65, 68, 70,Uggs 71, 72, 74

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At Ocean Hemat to treating each ology & Oncology, Dr. Easaw, a multi special and every patient and his/her board-certified hematology ty Read more on physician network affiliated family with respect and care.and oncology specialist, and pages 48 & 49. her highly qualifie with RWJBH, the Most recently, she joined most comprehensive d staff are dedica ted health care deliverBarnabas Health Medical Group, Smartphones y system in New Jersey.

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In New Jersey, the probate of a Will and the appointment of an Executor is most commonly not a formal procedure.

Monmouth An Educational


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November/December March/April 2018 2019

Theatre & Entertainment


Crafted from diary entries, letters, and poems by Emily Dickinson, The Belle of Amherst is a spellbinding and insightful look at the life of one of America’s greatest poets.


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



Saturday March 23, 2019 Tavistock Country Club 100 Tavistock Lane, Haddonfield

10:00 am to 12:00 Noon Recommended for families with Children ages 3-12 Sit-Down Breakfast * Parade of Characters Face Painting * Arts & Crafts

ADULTS: $30 CHILDREN: $22 No Highchairs Available

LIMITED SEATING Reservation Required Online at



Ronald McDonald House Charities Philadelphia Region

Telethon will air LIVE

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tune in to CBS 3 to join our efforts in supporting programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and their families. Ronald McDonald House Southern New Jersey 550 Mickle Blvd. Camden, NJ 08103 856-966-4663

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019



Save the Date

Let’s Talk Bags

Greate Bay Country Club

July 24, 2019 Raffles from Robert’s Fine Jewelers, EZ Memories, Heer and much more. Tickets $50 Each For invitations or questions call Renee at 609.823.6371 To make a donation by mail, send to RNS, 3 S. Newport Avenue, Ventnor, NJ 08406. To make a donation online, send to Roe Magliocco at 3 South Newport Ave. • Ventnor, NJ 08406

609-487-1190 • RNS welcomes new members to our “Because We Care” RNS Family. A $25 donation a year can help someone with Cancer or Heart Disease. You might just need that little extra help needed to relieve the pain.


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2019


Theatre & Entertainment


The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

Theatre & Entertainment


Limited Engagement March 27th – June 30th

F O O R P 410 West 42nd St.



SO.NJCountyWoman-1.10x11.5.4C.indd 1 The County Woman Magazine

2019-02-08 4:55 PM

March/April 2019



Thursday,, May 9th

10am to 3pm




Free Admission and open to the public

Vendors Yoga Sessions Health Screenings and


Sponsorship and Vendor Opportunities available

Enter To Win Enter to Win a Pair of Tickets to See a great Show! Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Limited Engagement March 27th – June 30th

Phone: __________________________ Email: _________________________________________ “

p Sincerely, Oscar


Mail To: The County Woman • P.O. Box 619 • Turnersville, NJ 08012


Or Visit to Enter Online! or 212.239.6200

One entry per person. All winners will be emailed tickets. Multiple entries will be disqualified. Entrants may enter for tickets to multiple shows. Some shows will be drawn sooner based upon run date. Winners are responsible to redeem their tickets. No refunds or exchanges. Transportation or meals will not be provided. Company does not provide any personally identifiable information to these third party ad servers or ad networks without your consent.

For groups or birthdays call 866.642.9849

New World Stages 340 W. 50th St.

410 West 42nd St. SO.NJCountyWoman-1.10x11.5.4C.indd 1

p Gazillion Bubble Show



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2019



The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019


The County Woman Magazine


March/April 2019


The County Woman Magazine

Community Community

The County Woman Magazine


November/December 2018

March/April 2019

Family Portraits Headshots Family Portraits& & Headshots


Donna Andrews Photography How Professional Are You?

In a digital era where we are inundated by imagery, it is more important than ever to have your visual representation of your business be the best it can be. Literally, making sure you put your best face forward. That is why having an updated professional headshot is so important. People’s attention span is very short and they tend to judge whether they want to do business with you in a matter of seconds. In today’s climate it is vital to create a visual brand of not just your business but of yourself. You need to focus on creating the image that best fits the message you want to convey. Donna Andrews spends the necessary time with each of her clients to make sure their image portrays a message that stand out as approachable, friendly and professional in this competitive world.

For a limited time only, professional headshot photo sessions with one retouched file only $75.00. For office or group discounts, please call for special discounted pricing. Offer good for 30 days. mobile: 609.412.5123 studio: 609.646.5374 The County Woman Magazine The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2018 March/April 2019

Curexa Pharmacy

Customizing Medications From Juniors to Seniors to Pets Pain Management

Mark Taylor

Owner, Curexa Pharmacy

We specialize in making topical pain cream formulations (both prescription and over the counter). These creams incorporate many different medications in a propietary base that penetrates the skin directly to the painful area. The advantages of topical pain management are: Less side effects, no addiction and the creams can be applied where you need them.

Mark Taylor is a 1991 graduate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Mark has pharmacy experience in hospital, retail, home IV and compounding. Mark is the current treasurer of the South Jersey Pharmacists Association and is also a member of the New Jersey Pharmacists Association, NCPA, APhA, PCCA and NJHSP. He is the Fellow of The American College of Veterinary Pharmacists and an adjunct faculty member of Temple University School of Pharmacy and The University of The Sciences in Philadelphia, PA. Mark also serves as a Pharmacy Preceptor for pharmacy students from The University of The Sciences, Jefferson University, Temple University and Rutgers University.

Hormone Replacement for Men & Women Hormone replacement involves treating menopausal symptoms (women), andropause (men) and thyroid deficiency just to name a few. Hormones can be made into many different dosage forms including creams, troches, injections and oral drops or capsules.


Since veterinarians treat animals as small as a mouse and as large as an elephant, the dose of medications vary greatly. With compounding, we can create a dosage form that treats the issue at hand and if necessary, make it taste great! We also specialize in veterinary flavoring so that your pet will not know it is getting medication. We have over 30 flavors to choose from!

3007 Ocean Heights Ave., Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234 P: (609) 927-0390

Wound Care/Scar Care

Wound care can sometimes be helped greatly with compounding. We can incorporate antibiotics, steroids and medications that promote tissue growth into a gel that is applied topically. For scars, there are new products on the market that greatly reduce or eliminate scars appearance and/or color.

Call Toll Free: 855.927.0390

Mark Taylor received the Independent Pharmacist of the Year Award!

Free Rx Pick-Up and Delivery!

We have everything you need for a healthier tomorrow!

The County Woman Magazine

March/April 2019

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