A magazine for alumni, parents, and friends of The Covenant School
Winter 2018-19
Growing with Purpose
Connections Connections is published semi-annually by the Office of Advancement at The Covenant School. The Covenant School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, nationality, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, financial aid awards, or athletic and other school-related programs. Mack Barr Director of Institutional Advancement EDITOR Emily Forthuber Marketing Manager COPY EDITORS Mack Barr Sharon Campbell Becca Dickerson GRAPHIC DESIGNER Emily Forthuber CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Susan Albaugh Molly Crouch Emily Forthuber Lesley-Ann Tommey KMS Photography CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Molly Crouch Emily Forthuber Daisy Rojas Please send any comments, questions, or corrections to: Editor Connections The Covenant School 175 Hickory Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 You may also email your correspondence to eforthuber@covenantschool.org.
Kindergarten student Gianina Salamanca performs as the Star in the Christmas performance of B is for Bethlehem
Growing with Purpose 5
Headmaster’s Letter Headmaster George Sanker reflects on fufilling our mission at The Covenant School
The New Frontier The Class of 2025 is the last Sixth Grade to grace the halls of the Birdwood Campus as part of Lower School
The ARC of Covenant A new space and a revamped program mean big things for the Academic Resource Center
The Impact Report Hear from our Director of Institutional Advancement and our CFO about finances and fundraising
In Memoriam Honoring the members of our community who are no longer with us
Dear Connections Reader, Greetings to you and your family. I pray blessings for you in 2019 and opportunities to share your love and faith. Over the last year, Covenant’s Board of Directors has been working tirelessly to put the final details on our 5-Year Strategic Plan to provide vision and guidance for the future of The Covenant School. One of the overarching goals of the plan is to Grow with a Purpose. Simply put, we will be increasing enrollment across both the Birdwood and Hickory campuses in the next few years to expand our academic and extracurricular programs. This growth is intentional and strategic and, though it requires change and realignment, I believe it allows us to better live into our mission and vision as an institution. One of the specific ways the school will Grow with a Purpose in the next year is by realigning sixth grade from Lower to Middle School. This plan is detailed in the article, “The New Frontier” on page six of this issue of Connections. We believe that not only will sixth graders benefit from being at the Hickory Campus next year, but the entire Middle School program will be strengthened, allowing for expanded curriculum and increased opportunities for students to explore their interests in Arts and Athletics. I also invite you to read about the exciting programs and resources offered through the Hickory Campus’ new Academic Resource Center, dubbed “The ARC,” on page twelve. The ARC enables a team of colleagues—from academic support to registration to college counseling and even personal counseling—to work together in a shared space in order to manage the full trajectory of a Covenant student’s Middle and Upper School career. Based on positive student and parent feedback, the ARC is a wise addition to the Hickory Campus. I hope that by reading this edition of Connections, you are able to see how we are prayerfully and intentionally taking steps at Covenant to Grow with a Purpose in order to build on the good work that has been accomplished over the last 34 years. Please continue to pray for The Covenant School, our educators, and the bright minds we seek to cultivate. In Christ,
George Sanker Headmaster
“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” - Alexander the Great The Covenant School | 5
By Molly Crouch
Growing with Purpose Through Grade Alignment Changes on Both Campuses 6| Connections
It’s 8 o’clock on Monday morning, and for the Boersma family, this is the beginning of another week of commuting between Covenant’s Birdwood and Hickory campuses. Jake ’27 and Will ’25 arrive at Lower School and walk upstairs together, stopping at their lockers before heading off to their homerooms in Grades 4 and 6. (Just this year, fourth grade classrooms relocated to the second floor of the McIntire building to make room for additional sections of third and fourth grades). Sam ’22 is then driven to the Hickory Campus, The Covenant School | 7
housing Covenant’s Middle and Upper Schools. The Boersma brothers’ two-campus commute will continue for now, but soon all the boys will walk through the front doors of the Hickory Campus together each day. That’s because, starting in the 2019-20 school year, Covenant’s Middle School will include Grades 6 - 8, a distinct change from the longtime classification of Lower School encompassing sixth grade. In 2020, Jake will join Will in Middle School as a sixth grader. “Being part of the last sixth grade class at the Lower School means we are the final group of sixth graders to experience all the special traditions on this campus like Greek Olympics and special roles at Chapel,” says Will. “It’s hard to imagine next year’s sixth graders will be in the Middle School with us.”
former objective that Headmaster George Sanker and school administration began talking about the sixth grade move. “Moving our sixth grade to the Middle School enables us to make more room at Lower in order to grow with a purpose,” says Dr. Mo Gaffney, Head of Lower School. “Our near-term goal is to have three sections in Grades 1 - 5 with about 45 students per grade level, keeping in mind that our Birdwood Campus capacity is 280.”
Though additional sections will be added in many grades at the Lower School, Mo is committed to ongoing high admissions standards. With an opportunity to become acquainted with potential new families through the admissions process, coupled with testing to ensure that all learners will be challenged The impending transition of sixth grade from Lower and supported, Lower School will continue to grow to Middle School is inspired by the 5-Year Strategic with a purpose. “We are thankful for the growth on Plan created by Covenant’s Board of Directors. The our campus and are dedicated to sustaining academStrategic Plan, from 2018–2023, was shaped with ic excellence under the sovereignty of God,” says Mo. two overarching goals in mind: Grow with a Pur- Spencer Burton, Head of Middle School, agrees that pose and Create a One-School Culture. It is with the moving sixth grade to the Hickory Campus provides the means for strategic growth in Covenant’s lower grades. He also believes that incorporating sixth graders into Covenant’s Middle School is good for the students as well as the entire program. “Sixth graders tend to be stuck between the now and the not yet, wondering how they fit into the bigger picture of Covenant,” says Spencer. “Our Middle School is equipped to embrace the unique needs of this age, creating space to meet our students where they are, both developmentally and programmatically.”
Will Boersma (left) is ready for seventh grade
8| Connections
As one might guess, much pre-work is needed to make such a change for Covenant’s Lower and Middle Schools. A transition team—spearheaded by Spencer and including faculty on both campuses— has been formed to ensure the grade realignment be as smooth as possible. “We have many voices at the table considering all of the programmatic and logistical details,” says Spencer. One member of the transition team is Gretchen Feury, Upper School Science Chair, who is teaching
Gretchen Feury, part of the transition team, works with sixth grader Chad Blount
exclusively at Lower this year in order to become a liaison between the two campuses. “Having taught sixth grade science over the years, and with a passion for Middle School, I was approached by our administration with an opportunity to steward the transition of sixth grade to the Hickory Campus,” says Gretchen, who is teaching 5/6 Math and Science at the Birdwood Campus this year.
rent 5/6 team will move to the Hickory Campus next year, including Gretchen, providing invaluable perspective and expertise.
“Next year’s sixth graders will receive extra direct guidance in their day,” says Spencer. “In the mornings, we’ll provide them with space that accomplishes the tasks of their current morning meeting while inducting them into Middle School culture. They’ll “In science, observation is the first method we use also be placed into the first year of a three-year seto gain understanding about the world around us,” quence which will lead to a strong academic program says Gretchen. “It seemed natural to me to spend a meant to form them in good ways.” That program inyear at the Lower School engaged in the daily rou- cludes Latin, Debate, Theology, and many elective tines, soaking up the culture, and learning from my courses, in addition to their core subjects. colleagues the necessary practices to create a smooth transition.” Not only does bringing sixth grade to the Hickory Campus benefit the developmental stage of the stuAs current fifth and sixth graders move to Middle dents and help Covenant to grow with a purpose, School in 2019-20, Spencer is confident the team will Spencer also believes the move makes for a more be prepared. In addition to hiring faculty to teach complete Middle School experience. Middle School grades exclusively, some of the curThe Covenant School | 9
Fifth graders Dalton Weiss and Allen Howard will be at Hickory next year with their sixth grade friends
“Incorporating three grades into Covenant’s Middle School instead of just two assures that eighth graders become bigger stakeholders in their Middle School experience, modeling good leadership for their younger peers.”
art, and drama.” Three grades of Middle School also provide a critical mass of students for participation in Middle School Athletics.
With transition on the horizon, Lower School faculty are offering special opportunities for the final sixth One of the many ways Middle Schoolers will be in- grade class to shine as leaders of the school. Some spired by this good leadership is through the House of these things are being extended to current fifth program. Though Middle Schoolers primarily reside graders who are also in their final year at Covenant’s in the Yellow Wing for classes, have their own Chap- Lower School. el, attend elective courses unique to them, and participate in distinct Middle School sports, the House “In anticipation of sending current fifth graders to system gives those in Grades 6 – 8 the opportunity to Middle School, we have offered leadership opporbuild appropriate social bridges with Upper School tunities that would ordinarily be reserved for sixth students. “House is a safe and enjoyable social envi- graders,” says Karen Zimmerman, 5/6 Coordinator ronment for our younger students on the Hickory and Language Arts Teacher. Some of those include Campus,” says Spencer. Chapel ushers and leaders, and readers of schoolwide morning announcements. “The sixth grade will Other areas where the sixth grade transition to Mid- still have their special trip to Washington, D.C. this dle School will be felt most acutely are in the Arts year, and I have been assured that a unique sixth and Athletics departments. Though final details are grade trip will continue next year in Middle School still to come, Spencer believes both programs will as well.” benefit from a more robust Middle School student population. “I’m excited to see Middle Schoolers Will Boersma says it’s strange to be moving to Midpursue what they love through Arts and Athletics in dle School with the class below his own. “I feel like ways they couldn’t before,” he says. “Arts in Middle I am speaking for the whole sixth grade when I say School will build off the work Lower School teach- that there are both ups and downs with the fifth ers have done to cultivate the love of music, visual graders hitching a ride with us to the Hickory Cam10| Connections
pus. We will never be the youngest class at Hickory, opportunities for students to explore their interests but it will be good to experience everything with our and make connections across disciplines. That is exfifth grade friends.” actly the kind of program we think serves the mission of our school and our students best.” Will also looks forward to being with his brother Sam on the same campus next year, and knows his younger brother Jake is close behind. “In another year, we’ll all be at Hickory together. I didn’t think that would happen so soon.” As Covenant’s 5-Year Strategic Plan comes to fruition, Headmaster George Sanker looks forward to growing with a purpose on both campuses. “We plan to utilize the healthy growth we are already experiencing to provide a broad range of course offerings and activities, enabling us to enhance our Christian Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum,” says George. “More course offerings means increased
Middle School students will be able to participate more fully in sports for the benefit of their development (MS Volleyball pictured) The Covenant School | 11
The ARC of Covenant
12| Connections
Providing Vital Support and Services at Covenant’s Hickory Campus By Molly Crouch
It’s just after lunch on Covenant’s Hickory Campus and the school is buzzing with energy. The colonnade tables are full, the breezeway set against stunning autumn foliage. Students and faculty are playing a 3-on-3 pick-up game in the gym, Middle Schoolers are making their way back to afternoon classes, and Upper School students have begun S period (S standing for Schole, the Greek word for school and leisure). During this time, individuals have the freedom to choose their activities from a variety of options, and while the basketball courts and soccer fields are tempting, many make their way to the ARC. Opening at the beginning of the year, the ARC—Covenant’s Academic Resource Center—is a hub for silent and collaborative study, college advising, peer-to-peer learning, group forums, and individual counseling. The ARC occupies what was formerly a large storage room over the school’s library and was made possible by the vision of administrators and the generosity of donors. The space was transformed into a state-of-the-art academic center complete with resource offices for four full-time staff, two tutoring rooms and a large, central area available for study, workshops, and meetings. Today, the ARC is packed. A senior has an appointment with Laura King, Upper School Registrar, while two tables fill with students studying together for an upcoming exam. Math and Writing Labs, led by Department Chairs Colin Anderson and Asher Spruill, meet in tutoring rooms. Covenant alumna Julia McCartney ’15 stands by a white board as she leads a group through an interactive workshop on healthy dating. It is clear that the ARC is more than just a new space on campus; it is a place where academic study meets collaborative and practical application, all within the framework of biblical teaching and advising. “We had a number of goals in creating the ARC,” says Leslie Moeller, Head of Upper School. “The first was to give appropriate space to services we were already providing at Covenant. We also wanted to expand the assistance we offer beyond specialized, fee-based support and create a resource center that every student in Middle and Upper Schools can use. Finally, we felt it important to add a Director of Academic Resources to coordinate these efforts.” The Covenant School | 13
Brian Nelson, Director of Academic Resources
(continued...) The new Director of Academic Resources, Brian Nelson, is an experienced teacher, college advisor, and personal counselor. Brian coordinates what had always been related, yet separate, services: academic support, college counseling, personal counseling, and registrar. “Bringing our resource team together in one location and creating a useful, aesthetically pleasing, and student-friendly space is invaluable,” says Brian. With these functions now working together, the ARC is positioned to manage a student’s full academic trajectory at Covenant’s Hickory Campus from class scheduling and registration, to the final steps of college commitment and graduation.
Academic Support
New Middle School students are likely already familiar with the academic support offered through the ARC. Several years ago, Covenant introduced an Academic Support program to the Birdwood Campus (Pre-K through Grade 6). Last year, Carol Fishwick, Director of Academic Support for Middle and Upper Schools, expanded the service to the Hickory Campus. Fee-based tutors are in place to meet the needs of students requiring more specialized assistance as they advance through the grades. However, not all support comes with a cost. Faculty members are available in the ARC’s tutoring rooms for math and writing help on a first come, first served basis to all students at no additional fee during S period. Cum Laude Society members also regularly use the space for peer tutoring. Academic Support tutoring with Middle School Students 14| Connections
Mary Layman, College Counselor (left)
College Counseling
In addition to academic support, several days a week the ARC is home to a new course designed by Covenant’s College Counselor Mary Layman, to guide Juniors through the college admission process. They meet in small groups to discuss necessary preparation for college applications, test taking tactics, and workshops that help them discover and match natural talents with calling and career plans. “Mary has always had a heart for helping individual students understand themselves, their God-given gifts, and their wide array of college choices so that they can better select a college they are likely to find rewarding and satisfying,” says Leslie. “Now, in addition to counseling Seniors, Mary has the space and the time to work with the Junior class once a week throughout the year.”
Covenant’s Registrar, Laura King, meets with students to discuss course scheduling, report cards, transcripts, and testing. School Administrators strategically placed her office in the ARC so that she is readily available to assist students as they prepare for the upcoming academic year and college application processes.
Alumna Julia McCartney (’15) does a presentation for personal counseling
Personal Counseling Finally, Brian not only coordinates and oversees ARC activities and staff, but offers academic and personal counseling as well. Currently, he sees 10-12 students a week. “We were hopeful that our community would eventually embrace the services of the ARC,” says Brian. “To our surprise, the students have warmed up much more quickly than we anticipated, and have brought energy and life with them. I have no doubt we will continue to serve a greater number of students as the years progress.” Through the hard work of its staff, the services available through the ARC mirror resource centers at the collegiate level, and that, says Brian, is a dream. “My vision is for the ARC to become an integral part in shaping Covenant students into the Portrait of a Graduate and promoting the practice of living well during their tenure here and beyond.” The Covenant School | 15
17-27 Report on Philanthropy
Sources of Support
Covenant Fund
Total Giving
Financial Statement
In Memoriam
Dear Friends, The Covenant School’s faculty and staff are engaged in the awesome task of “teaching the next generation to live well.” But we don’t do it alone. Because you give your time, money, and energy to Covenant, you are our partner in these labors. The Apostle Paul had many partners in his labors. In 2 Corinthians 8, he lauds the Corinthians for their partnership. He first commends them for excelling “in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness, and in the love we have kindled in you.” Excellence in faith, speech, knowledge, earnest love —sounds like a pithy definition of “living well.” And since they have strived to live well in these ways, Paul then encourages them also to pursue excellence in another arena—the “grace of giving.” Paul rightly recognized that part of living well is giving well. And giving well graces God’s people. We are pleased to bring you this Report on Philanthropy, to recognize your excellence in giving. Wise teachers engaging with eager students every day at The Covenant School show how God is using these gifts for his glory. Thank you for your partnership. May you know all of his excellence, grace, and goodness in abundance.
Mack Barr Director of Institutional Advancement
“But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace o f g i v i n g .” 2 C o r. 8 : 7 The Covenant School | 17
27% Friends 15% Grandparents 12% Alumni Parents, 10% Faculty and Staff 4% Alumni
2% Foundations, Corporations, Businesses
DISTRIBUTION 3% Our Sure Foundation 19% Auction
25% Scholarships
26% Special Projects
27% Covenant Fund
18| Connections
When you donate to The Covenant Fund, you can choose for your money to be allocated to any of these five major categories. Last year, donors who elected to allocate their gift gave in this way:
$245,000 raised
5% Facilities
43% Academics
20% Athletics
20% Arts
12% Professional Development
Unspecified gifts are allocated where the need is greatest.
SPECIAL PROJECTS Special Project Giving allows donors to supply funding for specific items and initiatives that help the school flourish and grow. For example, donors this year gave about $135,000 to purchase: • • • • • •
Chromebooks for Students iPads for Teachers Weight Room Equipment Classroom Tables Library Books Musical Instruments
• • • • • •
Nicaragua Mission Trip Needs Language Arts Materials Theater Resources Auditorium Sound System New Eagle Mascot And much more!
Additionally, the Our Sure Foundation debt reduction campaign, begun in 2012, received $30,000in donations. If you’d like to learn about Special Projects for which Covenant could use your support this year, contact Mack Barr at mack.barr@covenantschool.org or call 434-220-8124.
The Covenant School | 19
t Covenant Fund
Special Projects
V Scholarship
Gift in Kind
l Our Sure Foundation
TOTAL GIVING to the Covenant Fund & Other Funds by Household in 2017-18
McIntire Circle Silver Circle Eagles’ Circle
Anonymous (6) tvV Byrd Abbott t Cricket and Dick Abidin t Mary and Stephen Acker V Fred Adamst Susan and William Adamst Alyson Ainsworth ‘01t Lynn and George AinsworthV Susan and David Albaught Michael AlbintV Kristy and Babak Alimardt Elizabeth and Greg Allent Sile and Jim Allent Simone and David Alleyt Eleonora Allorto ‘18v Kathy and Paul Amayat Elizabeth and CT Andersont Kim and Colin Andersont Martha Hayes and Ward AndersonV Wynston Archer '18v Alicia and Mike ArnoldV Ginger and Chuck Arringtonv Elyse and John Ashley tV Margaret and Drew BaileyV Eliza Baker '18v Julie and Jonathan BakertvV Lori BakerV Karen and Mike Ballt Martha and David Bart Ann Barrvo Charlie Barr '23t George Barr '27t Jack Barr '21t Katie and Mack BarrtV Mary Mack Barr '25t Julia and Matt Barrettt Kay and David Barrettt Denise BattagliniV Jeffrey Beattie '18v Mary Beattie '18v Peggy and Dan BeattietvV Nick Becker '01t Lori and Peter Bensontv Kim and Bobby Berreytv Nancy and Frank Berrytv Michelle and Steven Bessettt Carmen and Alan Bewleyt Judy and Adrian Bewleyt Sally and Josh BlacktV Will Black '18v 20| Connections
Up to $249 $250-$499 $500-$999
Andrea and David Blountt Ashley and Matt Blurtont Carol and Jonathan Boersmatvl Susan and James Boersmat Chinako and Karl BohnV Laurie and Brad Bookert Betsy and Marvin BoswelltvV Jennie Bottas '15t Liza and Steve Bottast Paige and Thomas BradfordV Miriam and Matthew Bradleyt Kathy and Steve Brasheart Elisa and Edward Brickert Mitzy and Bill Brickert Nancy and Carl BriggstV Nancy L. Briggst Georgia and Norm BrinkmanV Nancy and Peter BrooksV Cameron Brown '18v Mary-Burnam and Jeff Browntv Kathleen Brumbaughv Debbie and Ted Bruningt Jerry Brunkv Heather and Wes Bryant Jake Bryan '18v Dana and Chris Burnstv Debbie and Spencer Burtontl Mary and Jeff Burtont Arlene and Pat CampbellV Lucile Campbellv Sharon and Paul CampbelltV Gail and Al Carrt Carrie and Bo Carrington '04t Christy Dominguez-Carr and Hunter Carrt Martha and Riley CarrollV Betsy and Christian Cartert Laura and Bruce Cartert Annabelle Boyd and Jim CatonV Janet and Lou Centinit Ashley and Joe ChapmanV Teresa and Greg Chapmant Amanda and Nathan Charettet Jennifer and Nathan Charltont Lois and Rick Charltont Charlee Channing and Brian Chasev Crystal Chen '18v Anne Chesnutt Kevin ClunieV Anne and Craig Colbergt
Cornerstone Circle $1,000-$2,499 Directors’ Circle $2,500-$4,999 Headmaster’s Circle $5,000+
Cathy and Mike Colleytvo Jacqui and John Collmustv Megan and JP Collmus '06V Krista and Lee Coppockt Joanne and John CostelloV Brenda and Frank CoxtvVo Sharon and Thomas CoxV Anne and Waugh CriglerV Barbara and David CrispensV Linda Crosst Molly and Graham Croucht Joey Crowt Beauty and George Crummettet Barbara and Peter Dalbyt Trish and Alan DalkinV Sara and Clay Danielt Lisa and Jim Davist Mackenzie and Ben Davis '02tV Matthew Davis '18v Donna and Steve De JongV Margareta and Peter De JongV Mary De JongV Karen and Giovanni Degiorgist Olivia Degiorgis '18v Stephen Denby '18v Cindy and Tom Denomet Denise and John Deziotl Latricia and Jim Dickmant Lynn and David Diducht Janice and Joe Digirolamot Michael Digirolamo '18v Adam Dillard '18v Angela and Trey Dillardt Penny and Alan Dillardt Maryellen DiLucchioV Les Disharoont Beth and Carlton Dixonl Karla and Andy Dofflemyert Cindy DonnellytV Karen and Peter DontasV Jennifer and Dennis Dorant Brady Doyle '13V Jacquie and Kevin DoyleV Sandra and Vaughan Driskillt Lucia and Tom Dulant Bob DunnV Pam and Bill Dunnet Raynor Duntont Amy and Preston DupreytV Cort Durham '18v
Tom EaglesonV Christine and Chuck Eichlert Betsy and Jim Fernaldt James Fernald ‘99t Carol and Jeffrey Fishwickt Bonni and John Fostert Amy and Jim FranklinV Karen Frasert Kelly (Sauer) ‘01 and Mark Frazier H'96t Melissa Fraziert Carolyn FreyV Scottie Ann and Bruce Freyt Pansy and Lester Fryet Barb and Bob Fuhrmant Mary Pat and Bill Fulkersont Helene Gaffneyt Mo and Jeff Gaffneyt Tyler Gaines '15V Caitlin and Sean GallagherV Sarah Gardnert Holly Garmont Ann Marie GathrightV Anna and John Gaylet Linda and Jeff Gaylet Elizabeth and Chris Gilbert '01t Sue and Ron Gilbertt Heather and John Gildeat Ginnie and Pete Gillent Richard Gilliamt Caroline and Chip Godinet Mindy and Daniel Goodallv Caroline and Lloyd Goodet Kathy and Scott Gorryt Sarah and Duane Grant Karen and Bill Grantt Megan GrantV Braden GreenV Elaine Greimst Harriet and Bill Grosht Cathy and Charlie GrossV Heidi and Ned Gumblet Karen HackelV Aaron HagewoodV Cathy and Chris Hallv Jan and Steve Hallt Kerry Hallt Stuart (Crigler) ‘97 and Clayton Hallt Jennifer and Gardiner Hallockt Sheryl and Martin Hararl
Julie and Matt Kingt Laura and Jerry Kingt Professional Development Funds allowed Sam Heath, Upper School Amy and Bradley Kippt Cindy and James Kippt History Faculty, not only to join many other faculty at The Society for J.J. KlaverV Classical Learning 2018 Annual Conference (SCL), but also to visit the Emily Klein '09t National Lynching Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama. He said, “I tV Noelle and Rich Klein t was excited to go to SCL; I thought it was neat it was in Alabama but I Karen and Buck Klintworth V JoEllen and Dennis Knecht got really excited when I learned it was only 80 miles from the Kim and Mike Knowlestvo National Lynching Memorial. I spoke with [administration] and we Jenny and Gene Kowalskit had access to funds that allowed me to rent a car and go.” Kristen Kowalski '18v t Alice and Steve Krum David KruseV Nancy LaFrancat Paul Lambert ‘99t Stacey Anderson and Cary Lancastert Michele LavatoriV Polly Lawsontv Mary and Mike LaymantV Cathy and John Meaneyt t Vanessa and Al Layne Gary Merrillt Edward Leatherst Joey Merrill '08t Michelle and Thomas PajewskiV Lynn and Troy Leathersv Karen and Bill MerrilltV t V Leah and Jason Paladinot Bri and Brian Lee Mitzi Messall t v Julie and Andrew PappasV Nancy and John Lee Chris Messimer '18 V Amelia Park '18v Joan Lendener Kelly and Lee Messimert v v Vanessa and Gary ParkhillV Leslie and David Lepage Molly Messimer t t Sally PascuttiV Jill (Ashley) H’94 and Patrick Lerner Lois Metcalf t Jennifer and Scott Pattersont Gail and Jan Lesser Carolyn and Bob Michiet t tV Makenna Patterson '18v Kelly Lindauer Ginny and Jamie Miller tv V Linda PaulaitisV Candy Liu Deborah and Richard Milligan t Lisa and Phillip Paynet Ann and Tony Longenecker Mary K and Dave MillrossV t Marilyn and Richard Paynet Jim Longenecker Pam and Gary Mintert V t Barb Pembertont Clare and Jack Longworth Forrest and Dave Mitchell tv t Angela and Rick Perraultto Sandra and Bob Luck Renee and John Mitchell Mary Katherine and Barrett Peterst Emily (Wood) '02 Ann and John Moellert t tv Carole and Richard Peterst and Steven Luck '02 Leslie and Eric Moeller t V Jackie and Lance Pickettt Nicole and William Lynch Joan and Tom Monro t Lisa and Greg PorterV Anna and Mac MacDonald Marsha and Harry Montaguet t t Rosemary and Rick Postleto Laura and Bob Marks Sylvie and Tom Moore V t Meggie and Evan Powerst Susan and Russ Marks Alicia and Steve Morales t Monica and Michael Prichardt George Marotta Catherine Morales '17t t Christy and Christopher Ranneyv Susie and Ray Marotta Kris and Travis MoranV V V Linda and Steve Ranneyv Sarah Marshall William Morgan t t Patty and Pat Rannigant Ellen Martin Katherine and Robbie Morris Amy RappaportV Melissa Gardiner Tiffaney Morrist t t Forbes RebackV and Francois Martin Emily and Doug Morrison v t John Reidenouert Fernando Martinez Ramirez '18 Tina and John Munchmeyer t Tracy and Jeff Reidenouert Alyson and Zip Maupin David MurphyV t t Joan and Howard ResnickV Ellen Gray Maybank Stuart and Rex Murphy v t Shannon and Rob Reuterv Abby McCartney '18 April and Dan Murrie t Cindy Reynoldst Amy and Chris McCartney Jake Murrie '18v V Ondrej Rieglt Geraldine and Richard McCartney Susan and Rick Netemeyert v V Cole Riegle '18v Caitlin McClain '18 Frances Neuwirth t v Mary RigauV Jessica and Jason McClain Chris Newton '18 t Ellen and Mark Robersont Meredith and Matt McClellan Susan and John NicholasV t v Mark Robertst Leah and Kevin McCurdy Kristie and Barry Nichols v t Lea and Mike Robinsont Joy McGill '18 Patsy and Nick Nichols t Susan and Mike Rodriguezt Kim and Keith McGinnis Seth Nichols '19V t V Angela Rogerst Jennifer and Rob McGlothlin David Nieman v t Daisy and Geiner Rojast Lucas McGraw '18 Kelly and Jack Oakes t Margaret and Tim RosetVl Amy and Jeff McNish Debbie O'Brient t Whitley and Chuck Rotgint Burtie and Randy McPhee Allison and Ben Ochs '01V tvV t Aaron RubinV Liz and Tim Meakem Cindy and Brian O'Connor t t Tabitha and Don Rudet Carolyn and Thomas Meakem Tara O'Donnell The Covenant School | 21
Leta and Jim Hardwickt Donna and Bob HarristvVo Laura and Keith Harrist Rie and Byron Harrist Renee and Sean Hartt Cole Harvey '18v Kirstan and Rob Hattlert Louise and Bill Hayt Ali Haynes '18v Jeff HeatwoleV Connie and Gary Hegemiert Chris HeinemannV Melissa HelderbrandV Emerson Helmbrecht '18v Kelli and Brandon Henningt Judith Henscht Gerry and Horace Higginst Jen and Roger Higginst Kelly HigginsV Kemp and Tommy Hillt Wendy and Norm Hillt Elizabeth HoaglandV Mary Margaret and Hunter Hollart Angela and Chris Holsteget Noah Holstege '18v Danielle and Justin Hopkinsvo Jill and Rob Hoppint Susanne and Chris Hornert Dori Boudreau and Paul Huddlestont Lisa and Brycen HudocktV Jackie and Eric Huemmet John Huemme '18v Cami and Brad Huntertv Judy and Jack Huntert Melissa and Dave Hurstt Tiffany Mills-Hutchens and Eddie Hutchenst Sarah and Ed Hutchinsont Joan and Chauncey Hutterv Walker Hutter '18v Laurie and Rich HynestvV Deb and Hardy Indoet Jane and William Indoet Jill and Dave Inouyet Donavan Jackson '18v Gretchen Jacksont Jennifer and Rick Jacksont Melissa Jacksont Helen JamisonV Dawn and Bobby JenkinstV Linda and George Jennert Jane and Michael JenningsV Michelle and Joe JenningstvV Pam and Jay Jessupt Joyce and Owen Johnsont Laura and Todd Johnsont Elizabeth Taliaferro-Jones and Bruce Jonest Kim KaadiV Beth Ann and Eric Kallent Janet and Ed KassesV Kim and Tom Kellyt Sheri and Jim Kentt Marybeth KephartV Jee Young and Yong Seo Kimt
Cheryl and Mac Russellt Jeannette and George Sankert Orlando SantangeloV Sue Sargeantt Donna and Matt Savinskyt Jacob Savinsky '13V Cata and Russ Sawyert Denna and David Sawyert Roberta and Gerald Schlesingerv Jessy Schlichting '18v Nancy and John Schlichtingtv Margaret and Peter Schmidtt Daniel Schneider '18v Judy and David Scottv Micah Scott '18v Nancy and Kelly Scottt Peggy and Carl Seelmant Jennifer and Michael Seilert Tina and Jeff Sextont Angela and Sam Shackelfordt Donna Shirley and Todd Shallenbergert Mary and Pat Sharkeyt Lizzy Shim '18v Libby and Paul Showaltert Katherine and Gregory ShumateV Erin and Travis Simpsont Penney and Greg Smieciucht Carol and Mark SmithV Laurel and Jedd Smithtv Mairin and Justin Smitht Sue and Craig Smitht Cheryl and James SmolenV Alana Spetht Maureen Spokest
Jennifer and Geoff SpringertV Jacque and Asher Spruillt Jane Dittmar and Frank Squillacet Leigh Cantrell and Christian Stevenst Helle and Chris Stewartt Denise and Dave Stinchcombt Dee Stippt Heidi and Bill StobbartV Rene and Edward StraubV Diana and Richard Stricklert David Szatkowski '18v Amy and Jay Taggart H’92vo Esther and Everett Taylort Jill Tebbenkamp t Sarah and Ernest Terrillt Brogan Thomas '14V Jane and Roy Thomast Jane and Wayne Thomast Susan and Tres ThomasV Nassima and Mo Tiouririnet Karen Traderv Sutton Trader '18v Rosemary and Paul Triblet Marie and Drew TrottertV Lynda and Michael TubridyV Ellen and David TurnerV Pam and Chris TurnerV Doris and David Vander Meulent Farrell and Angelo Vangelopoulost Heidi and Joel Verbruggev Judy and Ken VerbruggetvV Kathleen Verbruggev KC and Bryan VerbruggetvV Marcia and James Verbruggev Genevieve Verlaakt
Beth VillafrancaV Tracey and Mark WagnerV Taylor Hong and Tucker Waldrufft Maria and Jimmy Walicekt Ann Walkert Jennifer and Clark Walkert Fiona Wang '18v Jenny Chen and Wilson Wangt Carol and Richard Wardt Karen and Jeff WardtV Senem and Ben Wardv Kara and Andrew Watsont Margaret Wattsv Leah and Chad Waynert Mira Weaver '18v Edwina and Tom Webstert Faith and Harlen Weenert Leslie and Steve Weinhardtt Terri and John WeiserV Kathy and Thomas WhalenV Charlene and Billy Whitet Nancy and John Whiteheadt Kim and Chris WhittenvVo Cynthia and Roy Wieset Alex Wilcox '18v Danielle and Brad Wilcoxt Kailyn and Tegan Wildt Bob Wilderv Martha and Miles WilhelmV Sandra and John Willt Mary Sherlin and Roger Willettst Susan and Andy Wistt Claire (Leggett) ‘00 and Rob Wood ‘00tv Lisa and Craig Woodt
Michele and Win Woodtv Katey Woodwardt Thea and John Yanceyt Nancy Yin '18v Helen and Dick Yowellt Cindy and Ed Zakt Helen Zak '18v John Zhong '18v Selina Zhu '18v Karen and Bill Zimmermant
Anonymous (2) A.G. Dillard, Inc. AEGON Transamerica Foundation Allen Family Charitable Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Unit 74 Automated Office Systems Ayco Charitable Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts Foundation Benevity Community Impact Fund Bill and Pam Dunne Family Fund Calvin and Flavia Oak Foundation Capital One Services, Inc. Carrington Charitable Giving Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
22| Connections
Henley Middle School Hunter and Margaret Hollar Donor Advised Fund Investure LLC JBC Holdings, Inc. Joyner Fine Properties LJCentini Associates, LLC Lohmann Specialty Coatings, Inc The Merry Christmas Fund Orange County Economic Development and Authority Orlando J. Santangelo Revocable Trust Panera Bread Plante & Moran, PLLC Plantscapes Florist
Prospect Heights Middle School Ralph and Genevieve B. Horween Foundation Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Rivanna Garden Club S&P Global Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Stoney Run, LLC Covenant School Parent - Teacher Community U.S. Charitable Gift Trust W. E. Brown, Inc. Walnut Hills Home Owners Association Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Program
These funds provide donors with opportunities to restrict current-use donations to support Covenant’s financial aid program.
Faculty Scholarship Fund
Provides assistance for children of The Covenant School faculty members.
Founders Scholarship Fund
Provides assistance for those students who show promise in academics, athletics, or the fine arts.
George P. Inge Scholarship Fund
Established in 2011 by John and Terri Weiser in honor of the prominent 20th century African-American Charlottesville businessman, this fund provides need-based tuition assistance.
Minority Scholarship Fund
Provides assistance for minority students.
Ministry Scholarship Fund
Provides assistance for children of full-time clergy or missionaries.
General Scholarship Fund
Provides financial assistance for any applicant.
ENDOWMENT FUNDS The Covenant Endowment Fund is a local 501(c)3 established in 2008 to support The Covenant School. We are truly honored to be the beneficiary of the Fund’s 5% annual distribution of resources, which are allocated for the following need-based scholarships.
Alec De Jong Memorial Fund
Established by Steve and Donna De Jong in memory of their son, Alec ’15, this fund honors his life by providing need-based financial aid to an Upper School student.
Janet Baker Murphy Memorial Fund
Established by David Murphy in memory of his wife Janet, mother of their daughters, Margaret ’07 and Alina ’10, this fund provides need-based financial assistance for a female student.
Brad Arms Memorial Fund
Established by Bob and Betty Arms in memory of their son Corporal Bradley Thomas Arms ’02 who died in service to his country in 2004. This memorial fund provides a full, need-based scholarship for a qualified student (above).
John M. Cornachio Memorial Fund
Established in memory of former Covenant parent John M. Cornachio by his wife, Jackie and their children, Catherine ’97, John ’98, and twins Laura and Joan ’00, this fund provides financial aid for a student of the Catholic faith. Betty Hogan was The Covenant School’s first Latin teacher, 1987–1999. Her husband Ray and their daughters, Anne, Katie, Sara, and Laurie, established this fund in Betty’s memory. The fund provides financial aid for a high school student who pursues Latin 3 or beyond. It also supports the Betty Hogan Latin Award.
Story Jenks Memorial Fund
Established by Dr. John and Chardon Jenks in memory of their son, Story ’02, this fund provides need-based financial aid to a male Upper School The Covenant School | 23 student.
Betty Hogan Memorial Fund
| GIFTS IN HONOR OF | In Honor of Susan Albaugh Meggie and Evan Powers
In Honor of Kirsty Fittro Meggie and Evan Powers
In Honor of Colin Anderson Crystal Chen ʹ18 Amelia Park ʹ18 Fiona Wang ʹ18
In Honor of Heather Gildea Cameron Brown ʹ18
In Honor of Kristin Baltes Jeffrey Beattie ʹ18 In Honor of Ann Barr Mack Barr In Honor of Penney Blair-Smieciuch Daisy and Geiner Rojas In Honor of Mark Brumbaugh ʹ18 Kathleen Brumbaugh In Honor of Spencer Burton Caroline and Chip Godine In Honor of Sharon Campbell Debbie and Spencer Burton Daisy and Geiner Rojas In Honor of Betsy Carter Meggie and Evan Powers
In Honor of Sarah Green Eliza Baker ʹ18 In Honor of Annie Gumbs Olivia Degiorgis ʹ18 Cole Harvey ʹ18 In Honor of Chloe Hannah ‘20 Dana Burns In Honor of Robby Hannah ‘23 Dana Burns In Honor of Donna Harris Sharon and Paul Campbell In Honor of Finn Boyer Indoe ʹ29 Jane and William Indoe In Honor of Donavan Jackson ʹ18 Melissa Jackson
In Honor of Graham Carter ‘23 Laura and Bruce Carter
In Honor of Jerry King Olivia Degiorgis ʹ18 Emerson Helmbrecht ʹ18 Sutton Trader ʹ18
In Honor of Susannah Carter ‘21 Laura and Bruce Carter
In Honor of Laura King Daisy and Geiner Rojas
In Honor of Cory Clayton Lucas McGraw ʹ18
In Honor of Noelle Klein Daisy and Geiner Rojas
In Honor of John Collmus Mary Beattie ʹ18 Will Black ʹ18 Cole Harvey ʹ18 Donavan Jackson ʹ18 Joy McGill ʹ18 Chris Newton ʹ18 Makenna Patterson ʹ18 Sutton Trader ʹ18 Alex Wilcox ʹ18
In Honor of Brian Lee Ali Haynes ʹ18
24| Connections
In Honor of Sandra Luck The Merry Christmas Fund In Honor of Becky Lynch Meggie and Evan Powers
In Honor of Margaret Marshall Eliza Baker ʹ18 Olivia Degiorgis ʹ18 Ali Haynes ʹ18 In Honor of Jessica McClain Cole Harvey ʹ18 In Honor of Julia McCurdy ʹ07 Jennifer and Nathan Charlton In Honor of Amy McNish Jennifer and Nathan Charlton In Honor of Kalley McNish ʹ27 Amy and Jeff McNish In Honor of Kate McNish ʹ29 Amy and Jeff McNish In Honor of Nora McNish ʹ30 Amy and Jeff McNish In Honor of Dylan Mitchell ʹ22 Whitley and Chuck Rotgin
In Honor of Alana Speth Jeffrey Beattie ʹ18 In Honor of Bryan Verbrugge Susan and Russ Marks In Honor of Clark Walker Chris Messimer ʹ18 In Honor of Seth Wilson Jen and Roger Higgins In Honor of Caroline Wood ʹ30 Cindy Reynolds In Honor of Kate Wood ʹ28 Cindy Reynolds In Honor of The Lower School Parent Prayer Group Barb Pemberton In Honor of Upper School Teachers Jake Bryan ‘18
In Honor of Emma Mitchell ʹ19 Whitley and Chuck Rotgin
In Honor of the Exceptional Faculty at The Covenant School Marie and Drew Trotter
In Honor of Lochlan Peters ‘29 Laura and Bruce Carter
In Honor of My Students Ash White
In Honor of Truitt Peters ‘30 Laura and Bruce Carter In Honor of Ondrej Riegl Katherine and Robbie Morris In Honor of George Sanker Mary Beattie ʹ18 In Honor of David Sawyer Will Black ʹ18 Olivia Degiorgis ʹ18 In Honor of Mariko Schaper Olivia Degiorgis ʹ18 Caitlin McClain ʹ18
for Full and Half-Day Pre-Kindergarten
S av e the D at e !
Shenandoah SoirĂŠe
The covenant School AUction Gala M arc h 2 3, 2019 The Covenant School | 25
Around the Worl
With grateful thanks to our event night sponsors:
Corporate Sponsors Platinum AG Dillard, Inc.
Gold R.L. Beyer Custom Homebuilders
Silver Roslyn Farm SunTrust Bank Bronze Automated Office Systems Brandscape Hantzmon Wiebel, LLC Primary Eyecare Stifel UniFirst
Paddle Taylor’s Auto Body, Inc. Table Albemarle Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Mayank and Sejal Gala (3-Netsolutions) The Rojas Stevens Company
Personal Sponsors Platinum Frank and Brenda Cox William and Nicole Lynch Gold Tom and Kim Kelly Silver Anonymous Brad and Laurie Booker David and Lynn Diduch Rob and Jill Hoppin Brad and Cami Hunter John and Renee Mitchell Jeff and Karen Ward David and Nicole Weiss 26| Connections
Bronze Anonymous Matt and Ashley Blurton Carl and Nancy Briggs Riley and Martha Carroll Ron and Sue Gilbert Bill and Louise Hay Ed and Sarah Hutchinson Michael and Monica Prichard Scott Insurance Geoff and Jennifer Springer Tom and Gayle Trevillian McClung Companies Angelo and Farrell Vangelopoulos Daniel and Louise Veliky
Friend Anonymous Steven and Michelle Bessett Alan and Daphne Dillard James and Rita Doughton Rick and Jennifer Jackson Nick and Patsy Nichols
ld in Eighty Days 685 items sold 267 attendees 256 donated items 182 donors 55 volunteers 47 gift certificates 35 faculty experiences offered 20 pieces of art displayed 15 gift baskets packaged 9 student projects created 6 Paddle Raise opportunities 5 vacation destinations 4 Gala night games 3 Auction sections 2 Heads or Tails winners 1 trip to London
Total Auction Revenue: $160,000 Paddle Raise
with dedicated funds for Professional Development, Academics/Technology, Arts, and Athletics.
Duane and Sarah Gran Byron and Marie Harris Donna and Bob Harris Sean and Renee Hart Justin and Danielle Hopkins John and Cami Hunter Eddie Hutchens and Tiffany Mills-Hutchens Ed and Sarah Hutchinson Bruce Jones and Elizabeth Taliaferro-Jones Kim and Tom Kelly Jon and Kibble Kessick Rich and Noelle Klein Louie and Melissa Lerner Patrick and Jill Lerner Jeff and Marcie Llera Steven and Emily Luck Sean and Abby Lunn William and Nicole Lynch
Matt and Meredith McClellan John and Renee Mitchell Justin and Kathryn Mutter Richard and Susan Park Daisy and Geiner Rojas Tabitha and Don Rude Matthew Soccoli John and Libby Taggart Ellen and David Turner Angelo and Farrell Vangelopoulos Bryan and KC Verbrugge Karen and Jeff Ward Chad and Leah Wayner Nicole and David Weiss Michele and Win Wood John and Thea Yancey
The Covenant School | 27
Rob and Sandy Archer Mike and Karen Ball Mack and Katie Barr Matt and Ashley Blurton Laurie and Brad Booker Marvin and Betsy Boswell Nancy and Carl Briggs Randy and Mary Caldejon Lou and Janet Centini Frank and Brenda Cox Jim and La Tricia Dickman Lynn and David Diduch Preston and Amy Duprey Nick and Diane Flack Ray Forthuber Bill and Mary Pat Fulkerson Melissa Gardiner and Francois Martin Chris and Elizabeth Gilbert Diane Gilliam Kurt and Patti Goodwin
A LETTER FROM FRANK BERRY, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The fall semester is in the books here at Covenant: Rockbridge, Birdwood Enchanted Forest Book Fair, Fall Fest, Homecoming, Football State Championship, etc., and everyone has returned from Christmas break rested and ready to go. Fall was also a busy time in the financial life of the Covenant School: accounting audit wrap-up, budget implementation for the new school year, briefings for our banking stakeholders and annual IRS filings. While the Greek Olympics with our Lower School students was likely more exciting, I am encouraged by the financial position of The Covenant School as I reflect on fiscal year 2018. The revenue position of the school remained steady during the 2018 fiscal year. Once again, our revenue stream was buoyed by generous donor giving from so many of the school’s constituents – thank you! We continue to methodically reduce debt and carefully steward our expenses to maintain a balanced budget. You have likely seen tangible examples of donor generosity and allocated budget dollars at both campuses: newly constructed Academic Resource Center at Hickory which has quickly become a “crossroads” for students; completion of a three-year interior painting program at Birdwood; wireless controls for Hickory athletic scoreboards; new furniture in several classrooms at both campuses. In addition to those, there are items that may be less visible such as increased professional development for faculty, enhanced computer network with additional RAM and hard drive capacity for each desk top computer, and enhanced custodial program to better maintain our buildings. Additionally, as part of our long-range financial plan, we have retired over $6 million of principal debt over the last five years. It is exciting to see tangible evidence of our increasing enrollment which will provide greater opportunity to invest in our students, faculty, programs and facilities. Thank you for your continued support of our school and your encouragement of our employees as they work faithfully to support and develop every student at the school.
Frank Berry Chief Financial Officer
2017-18 Financial Operations Gross Tuition and Fees Gifts and Contributions Other Revenue
Total Revenue Instructional/Program Expense Administrative Builiding and Technology Financial Aid Interest Expense Total Expenses Net Income 28| Connections
$8,905,332 $994,907 $740,804 $10,641,043 $5,532,868 $1,595,197 $1,490,210 $1,876,835 $218,944 $10,714,054 ($73,011)
Mr. Frank Cox, Chair
Mrs. Nancy Briggs
Ms. Polly Lawson
Mrs. Sandra Luck, Secretary
Mr. Lou Centini
Mr. Mark A. Roberts (Not pictured)
Mr. Jonathan Boersma, Treasurer
Mr. Craig Colberg
President, The Cox Company CPA, Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates CFA, CEO & Founder, Basis Point Solutions
Mr. Rob Archer
Covenant School Parent
Mrs. Kim Berrey (Not pictured)
Registered Nurse, UVA Medical Center
Mr. Marvin Boswell
Covenant School Retiree
Covenant School Parent
Covenant School Parent
CEO, LJ Centini & Associates, LLC
Managing Director, Alvarez & Marsal Holdings, LLP
Mr. George Sanker, Ex Officio
Covenant School Alumni Parent
Mr. John A. Dezio (Not pictured) Attorney at Law
Headmaster, The Covenant School
Mrs. Karen Ward (Not pictured)
Interior Designer, Karen Ward Interiors
Mr. Joe Jennings
Mrs. Michele Wood
BeHealth Solutions, LLC and Carden Jennings Publishing, Ltd.
Covenant School Parent
Mr. Robert Wood
Mrs. Noelle Klein, Ex Officio
President, Parent-Teacher Community
Market President, SVP, United Bank Covenant Alumnus
Amy Duprey
Jennifer Springer
Mary-Burnam Brown
Tina Sexton
Cheryl Russell
Secretary/Communications Treasurer
KC Verbrugge
Faculty Life - Hickory Family Life- Birdwood Family Life - Hickory
Maria Walicek
Fundraising - Birdwood
Nancy Scott
Mary Pat Fulkerson
Spiritual Life - Hickory
Jenny Moore
Faculty Life - Birdwood
Fundraising - Hickory
LaTricia Dickman New Families
The Covenant School | 29
Spiritual Life - Birdwood
| IN MEMORIAM | Alec De Jong ’15, Alumnus Debra Douglas, Alumni Parent and Former Faculty Tana Taylor, Alumni Parent Ron Wilson, Former Board Member
“ I am the Resurrection and the Life. ” John 11:25 Alec Jonathan De Jong, 21, of Charlottesville, went to be with his loving God in Heaven on Saturday, December 16, 2017. He was the beloved son of Steven and Donna De Jong, twin brother of Brandon and big brother to sister, McKensie. He graduated from The Covenant School in 2015, where he played on their soccer, basketball, lacrosse and golf teams. One of his proudest moments was leading the Covenant Soccer Team to its 2014 State Championship. He travelled to Nicaragua for missionary work. He also participated in Young Life, and was a life guard at ACAC - but his greatest love was coaching the young Dolphins on the swim team. He was a marketing major with a minor in sports management at Clemson. He had hoped to begin his career in sports or music communications. His greatest joy at Clemson was being a leader with Tri-County Young Life. Alec was a young man of strong faith and believed in the power and strength of Jesus Christ’s love. Peggy Debra Arnold Douglas of Charlottesville, died on Tuesday, July 24, 2018, at her home. Born on April 7, 1953, in Ashland, KY she was the daughter of the late Charles Warren “Hap” Arnold and Wilma Jean Litteral Arnold. Debbie was a 1975 graduate of the University of Virginia, a beloved mathematics teacher in the Charlottesville City Schools and at The Covenant School, known to many as “Mrs. D,” and a supporter of all their athletic teams, especially baseball. She will be remembered for her accepting and loving spirit and many acts of kindness toward others.
30| Connections
Tana Morris Taylor, 54, wife, mother, and dear friend to many, died peacefully at her home in Charlottesville on August 27, 2018, surrounded by her beloved family. Tana is survived by her loving husband of 35 years, Gary Taylor; her beloved children, Kari, Hilary, and Morgan. Tana was born to Irma Jean and Bobbie Randolph Morris in Charlottesville and, aside from several years in Roanoke as a child, lived her entire life in the Charlottesville community that she loved so much. Through the years, Tana gave generously of her time and resources and held leadership positions with many organizations including the Children’s Community Theater, the Paramount Theater and various groups supporting the schools and interests of her children. Tana loved traveling with her family, but always enjoyed coming home. Her friends, kids’ friends, business colleagues, or community gatherings were always welcomed with open arms and heart. Ronald Emerson Wilson died June 8, 2018 after an extended illness. He was born on January 21, 1932, grew up outside of Boston, served in the U.S. Army, and received his bachelor’s degree from Gordon College. He earned a master’s degree in journalism from Syracuse University. His career as a writer and editor spanned several decades, beginning at Moody Monthly and continuing at Youth for Christ, David C. Cook Publishing, OMF, World Vision, and Serge. Ron’s love for missions and mentoring led him to travel to 50-plus countries, and to live and work in Peru and Holland, also several years in Ireland working alongside his wife Mary. As a member and elder at Trinity Presbyterian Church, he served on the Missions Committee and was part of the Trinity Writers Group, where he was able to use his gifts for writing to help aspiring writers. He also served on the first board of directors of The Covenant School.
| GIFTS IN MEMORY OF | In Memory of Cpl. Bradley Arms ‘02 Margaret and Drew Bailey Martha and Riley Carroll Mackenzie and Ben Davis ‘02 Ginnie and Pete Gillen Martha and Miles Wilhelm In Memory of Helen Bridges Martha Hayes and Ward Anderson Elyse and John Ashley Betsy and Marvin Boswell Paige and Thomas Bradford Georgia and Norm Brinkman Sharon and Paul Campbell Martha and Riley Carroll Sharon and Thomas Cox Anne and Waugh Crigler Chris Heinemann Helen Jamison Joyner Fine Properties, Richmond Geraldine and Richard McCartney Karen and Bill Merrill Mitzi Messall Deborah and Richard Milligan Heidi and Bill Stobbart Marie and Drew Trotter Ellen and David Turner Kathy and Thomas Whalen In Memory of Christine Davis Lisa and Jim Davis In Memory of Alec De Jong ‘15 Anonymous (2) Mary and Stephen Acker Alicia and Mike Arnold Julie and Jonathan Baker Lori Baker Katie and Mack Barr Denise Battaglini Benevity Community Impact Fund Sally and Josh Black Chinako and Karl Bohn Jennie Bottas ‘15 Arlene and Pat Campbell
Sharon and Paul Campbell Annabelle Boyd and Jim Caton Ashley and Joe Chapman Kevin Clunie Megan and JP Collmus ‘06 Joanne and John Costello Barbara and David Crispens Trish and Alan Dalkin Mackenzie and Ben Davis ‘02 Margareta and Peter De Jong Mary De Jong Maryellen DiLucchio Cindy Donnelly Karen and Peter Dontas Brady Doyle ‘13 Jacquie and Kevin Doyle Bob Dunn Amy and Preston Duprey Tom Eagleson Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Amy and Jim Franklin Karen Fraser Carolyn Frey Tyler Gaines ‘15 Caitlin and Sean Gallagher Ann Marie Gathright Megan Grant Braden Green Karen Hackel Aaron Hagewood Donna and Bob Harris Jeff Heatwole Melissa Helderbrand Kelly Higgins Elizabeth Hoagland Linda Hogancamp Lisa and Brycen Hudock Jackie and Eric Huemme Laurie and Rich Hynes Dawn and Bobby Jenkins Jane and Michael Jennings Michelle and Joe Jennings Kim Kaadi Janet and Ed Kasses Marybeth Kephart J.J. Klaver Noelle and Rich Klein JoEllen and Dennis Knecht
David Kruse Michele Lavatori Mary and Mike Layman Joan Lendener Lohmann Specialty Coatings, Inc Clare and Jack Longworth Susan and Russ Marks Abby McCartney ‘18 Joan and Tom Monro Kris and Travis Moran William Morgan David Murphy Frances Neuwirth Susan and John Nicholas Seth Nichols ‘19 David Nieman Orange County Economic Development and Authority Michelle and Thomas Pajewski Julie and Andrew Pappas Vanessa and Gary Parkhill Sally Pascutti Linda Paulaitis Plante & Moran, PLLC Lisa and Greg Porter Matthew Porter Amy Rappaport Joan and Howard Resnick Mary Rigau Ellen and Mark Roberson Karen Robey Margaret and Tim Rose Aaron Rubin Jacob Savinsky ‘13 Katherine and Gregory Shumate Carol and Mark Smith Cheryl and James Smolen Victoria and Peter Sorensen Jennifer and Geoff Springer Susan and Tres Thomas Brogan Thomas ‘14 Marie and Drew Trotter Lynda and Michael Tubridy Pam and Chris Turner U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Judy and Ken Verbrugge KC and Bryan Verbrugge Beth Villafranca
Tracey and Mark Wagner Walnut Hills Home Owners Association Karen and Jeff Ward Kim and Chris Whitten In Memory of Debbie Douglas Elyse and John Ashley Jane and Wayne Thomas In Memory of Stella and Charles Dulan Lucia and Tom Dulan In Memory of Mary V. Gibson Rosemary and Richard Postle In Memory of Dorothy Hamilton Tara O’Donnell In Memory of Story Jenks ‘02 Mackenzie and Ben Davis ‘02 In Memory of Gus Norvelle Sarah Marshall In Memory of Linda Reidenouer John Reidenouer In Memory of Walter Savory Sharon and Paul Campbell Sarah Marshall Karen and Bill Merrill Forbes Reback In Memory of Charles Staton Melissa Jackson In Memory of David Tebbenkamp Jill Tebbenkamp In Memory of Mary L. Webb Sarah Marshall In Memory of Oliver Brenton Wolfe ‘02 Mackenzie and Ben Davis ‘02
“ To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. ” Thomas Campbell
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