Craft100 - Beer List

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Craft100: london’s largest pub beer festival

Welcome to Craft100 Welcome back to this, our third Craft100 beer festival! At The Craft Beer Co. we think craft beer is simply good beer, hand crafted with genuine passion and love by talented people. The focus of this festival is the UK’s rich Cask Ale heritage, which during this age of ‘craft’ beer, is occasionally overlooked. We passionately believe the term ‘craft beer’ can equally be applied to cask, keg or bottled beers. This festival celebrates that sentiment and brings together many of the UK’s best breweries, as well as a smattering of international guests. It also includes a large number of incredibly rare or one-off beers for your enjoyment. We would like to raise a glass to all of the wonderful breweries being showcased at this event and thank them for their continued brewing excellence. Thank you for supporting our pubs, this festival and more importantly; good beer in general. Martin Hayes Founder, The Craft Beer Co.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. Special edition, oversized, lined glasses are £3.00 from both bars and you will need to buy one of these to partake in our beer festival. (Unless of course you attended our previous festivals and have remembered your glass, then you are more than welcome to use this.) 2. Prices at Craft100 are the same as our normal pub prices with a few exceptions. 3. Unfortunately, tabs cannot be run during the festival, even at the inside bar. 4. Due to our licence the outside bar must close at 10:30pm each evening, the outside areas must be clear by 10:50pm. 5. Finally, we ask you to remember that this is a residential area, so please be as considerate as possible, especially when leaving the premises.

the barS outsiDe

At the rear of the garden you will find 70+ cask ales from some of the UK’s greatest breweries.

KeG bar

Inside the pub you will find our keg bar with a mixture of some fabulous one-off beers brewed just for us, alongside some other rarer beers.

the lonDon bar

Also located inside. The ‘London Bar’ offers a unique selection of cask ales from ten of London’s most exciting breweries.


We’ve been joined by the incredible Liberty Cheesesteak Company, serving London’s greatest and only authentic Philly cheesesteak.

STYLE GUIDE Find your perfect beer from the style guide below:

session ipa


Pale ales with little malt character, featur- Belgian farmhouse style beers, usually ing pronounced hop character giving lots contain wheat, but generally showcase of fruit and bitterness. yeast character. Can become funky depending on the yeasts used.



Amber to brown in colour, usually around session strength with a good mix of malt Some beer just don’t fit into the usual and hop balance. styles categories. You can expect the unexpected from these!

imperial iPa (iiPa)


Pale to amber but giving little malt character, stronger in alcohol and full of hops. Dark to black in colour, all about roasted, coffee and chocolate flavours from the malts. The hop character is usually subdued to maximise malt character. Pale to amber but giving little malt character, high in alcohol and the finest way to showcase hop character.

inDia pale ale (ipa)

imperial stout/porter Dark to black in colour, huge malt character or roasted, coffee and chocolate flavours. Big, complex and very rich beers.

pale ale

Lighter bodied session ales. Pale in colour, little malt character which gives the hops space to shine.

EXCLUSIVE BREWS & LAUNCHES We are extremely privileged to be presenting many exclusive beers that have been brewed just for this event. In addition, we are also proud to be launching some fantastic beers for the first time.

#3 Almanac – Golden Gate Gose

Quite possibly the first time this beer has been seen in the UK. A very rare import from California, slightly sour, slightly tart. Speciality - 5% ABV - KEG BAR

#7 Anspach & Hobday – Cream Ale

Craft100 exclusive. This is the first time this beer has appeared on cask it is normally kegged and bottled, so enjoy it while you can. Speciality - 4.6% ABV - LONDON BAR

#8 Ascot Ales - TRIple Vanilla Infused Anastasia Craft100 exclusive. Ascot’s impressively rich Russian Imperial Stout infused with vanilla. Imperial Stout - 8% ABV - LONDON BAR

#11 Beavertown - Gamma Ray with Lime Craft100 exclusive. A beer that turned a generation onto ‘craft beer’, a perfectly balanced American Pale Ale spiked with lime! Why not?! APA - 5.4% ABV - LONDON BAR

#18 Brixton - Mangoes to Brixton

A collaboration brew between The Craft Beer Co. and Brixton Brewery. This Atlantic APA was brewed with a big helping of fresh mango. Pale Ale - 5.4% ABV - LONDON BAR

#21 Burning Sky – Porter (Aged in Foudre) Known for their Farmhouse style ales but loved for their more experimental beers. This is a rich, robust Porter aged in Foudre barrels to mature. Porter - 4.8% ABV - OUTSIDE

#25 By The Horns - Sour to the People (with cherries)

A Craft100 exclusive. By The Horns’ fabulous ‘Sour to the People’ with an addition of tart cherries. Speciality - 4.8% ABV - LONDON BAR


Extremely Rare. You don’t often stumble upon kegs of Belgian brewing legends Cantillon, but we made it happen. Speciality - 5% ABV - KEG BAR

#29 Dark Star – BRIGHTON ROCKS

#30 Dark Star – SIX HOP ALE




#34 EVIL TWIN - MOLotov cocktail (simcoe Edition)

Craft100 exclusive. Our collaboration brew. A big, hoppy, brown ale. Bitter with tropical fruit notes from the Galaxy, Moteuka, Centennial and Amarillo hops. Brown Ale - 7% ABV - OUTSIDE

Extremely Rare. 100% organic Belgian style Tripel from Sweden. Pours golden with a gentle haze, packs big and fruity aromas. Speciality - 8.5% ABV - KEG BAR

According to Evil Twin ‘Molotov Lite is a understated tour de force in rebellious hoppiness,it’s a subtle spark for action and yet by far one of the most anti-authoritative beers ever made by Evil Twin.’ IPA - 8.5% ABV - KEG BAR

Launching at Craft100. This once a year release is quite something, six hops used during six stages of the brewing process by six brewers... well, you get the idea. IPA - 6.5% ABV - OUTSIDE

Extremely Rare. An orange IPA from Sweden. Aromas of orange and melon, mellow into a slightly sweet, citrus flavour. IPA - 6.4% ABV - KEG BAR

Evil Twin’s world famous Molotov Cocktail has been subjected to a serious SSH: Simcoe single hopping. Double IPA - 13% ABV - KEG BAR

#35 Five Points Brewery – London Oak Smoked Craft100 Exclusive. A subtly smoked Imperial Porter with hints of dark fruit, chocolate, coffee, and liquorice. Imperial Porter - 7.8% ABV - LONDON BAR

#39 Fyne Ales & Siren - Wee Milky Way The first of many new beers from Fyne Ales, a jet black IPA with a big hop aroma and smooth mouth feel from the added lactose. Black IPA - 3.1% ABV - OUTSIDE

#46 Hawkshead & Wild Beer Co. – Oat Wine Brewed with 40% oats, rye and Maris Otter malts and gently hopped with two English varieties, Admiral and First Gold. Barley Wine - 8.8% ABV - OUTSIDE

#48 Hopcraft - Special Blend

Craft100 exclusive. A special blend of Deutsche Project & Mate Spawn and Die. Pale Ale - 5.0% ABV - OUTSIDE

#50 HORN – Vladimir P.

Extremely Rare. If Tsarina Catherine could drink a Russian Imperial Stout this may well be her drink of choice. Imperial Stout - 12% ABV - KEG BAR

#54 Ilkley & Yeastie Boys – 3.74 DeGREES




London Launch at Craft100. The long awaited collaboration between Yorkshire’s Ilkley and New Zealand’s own Yeastie Boys. Speciality - 6.2% ABV - KEG BAR

A breakfast Stout with coffee, very rarely seen. Speciality - 4% ABV - KEG BAR

Launching at Craft100. Yuzu fruit is incredibly rare, incredibly delicate and packs a unique citrusy punch. Yuzu fruit shines through in this brand new beer from Kent Brewery. Pale Ale - 5% ABV - OUTSIDE

Aged in Tormore and Port Dundas Barrels. Speciality - 10.2% ABV - KEG BAR

#59 Kernel - London Sour (Damson) #60 Kernel - SaiSon Last seen in September 2014 this beer has left the cellar of Kernel to make a very rare appearance at Craft100. Speciality - 3.2% ABV - KEG BAR

A very special edition of Kernel’s Saison, re-fermented with honey. Speciality - 5% ABV - KEG BAR


Incredibly Rare. This is a thick, rich Imperial Brown Stout aged in Grand Marnier barrels to give it an orange kick. Who need easter eggs when you can drink this? Speciality - 10.5% ABV - KEG BAR


Incredible Rare. This unblended lambic is more approachable than it’s more complex blended cousins. This paticular batch has been aged in the legendary Châteauneuf-du-Pape barrels. Speciality - 5.7% ABV - KEG BAR

#72 PARTIZAN – RASPBERRY RIPPLE PORTER Exclusive to Craft100. Speciality - 5.5% ABV - LONDON BAR

#81 Sarah Hughes – Dark Ruby Mild

A rare treat. A multi CAMRA award winning classic. Put aside all your expectations of ‘mild’ and try this. Mild - 6% ABV - OUTSIDE

#83 Siren - Liquid Monstrous

A Craft100 exclusive. Brewed to celebrate batch number 200 of Liquid Mistress! This is a liquid monster and Craft100 is the only place you’ll find it on cask. Double IPA - 8.5% ABV - LONDON BAR

#85 Stewart - Oak Aged Elysium

(Single Barrel – Glenrothes 1995 Edition)

Incredibly rare. Only 200 litres of this beer have been made. That means this keg is 1 of only 10 in existence, try it while you can! Speciality - 11.5% ABV - KEG BAR

#89 Thornbridge – Clopeham

A collaboration brew between Thornbridge and members of The Craft Beer Co. brewed on the pilot kit in Thornbridge Hall. Pale Ale - 5% ABV - OUTSIDE

#97 Tyne Bank - Farmhouse Saison

Launching at Craft100. Tyne Bank’s newest beer, a farmhouse Saison. Saison - 4.5% ABV - OUTSIDE

BEER LIST #1 Alechemy - 10 Storey Malt Bomb

#11 Beavertown - Gamma Ray with Lime

#2 Alechemy - Citra Burst

#12 Bewdley - William Mucklow’s

#3 Almanac - Golden Gate Gose

#13 Black Jack - Devil’s Bed Post

#4 Anarchy - Anti-Venom

#14 Black Jack - Gold Coast

Scottish Ale - 4.5% - OUTSIDE Pale Ale - 5.4% - LONDON BAR APA - 5.4% - OUTSIDE

Speciality - 5% - KEG BAR IPA - 6% - OUTSIDE

Dark Mild - 6% - OUTSIDE APA - 5% - OUTSIDE

Pale Ale - 4.2% - OUTSIDE

#5 Anarchy - MAD DOG CHILLI PORTER #15 Blue Monkey - Right Turn Clyde Porter - 4.5% - OUTSIDE

Pale Ale - 4.3% - OUTSIDE

#6 Anarchy - Strait Jacket

#16 Blue Monkey - Vanilla Guerilla Stout - 4.9% - OUTSIDE

Pale Ale - 3.6% - OUTSIDE

#7 Anspach & Hobday - Cream Ale #17 Brass Castle - Sunshine Speciality - 4.6% - LONDON BAR APA - 5.7% - OUTSIDE

#8 Ascot - Vanilla Infused Anastasia

Imperial Stout - 8% - LONDON BAR

#9 Atom - Bragg’s Law Oz

Pale Ale - 5.2% - OUTSIDE

#18 Brixton - Mangoes to Brixton

Pale Ale - 5.4% - LONDON BAR

#19 Burning Sky - Cuvee

Speciality - 6% - KEG BAR

#20 Burning Sky - Plateau (Dry Hopped)

#10 Atom - Uncertainty Principle Pale Ale - 3.5% - OUTSIDE IPA - 6% - OUTSIDE

#21 Burning Sky - Porter (Aged in Foudre)

Porter - 4.8% - OUTSIDE

#22 Buxton - Axe Rocks

Black & Tan - 6.4% - OUTSIDE

#23 Buxton - Jacob’s Ladder

Pale Ale - 2.8% - OUTSIDE

#24 Buxton - Nth Cloud

#32 Dugges - Orange Haze IPA - 6.4% - KEG BAR

#33 Evil Twin - Molotov Lite IPA - 8.5% - KEG BAR

#34 Evil Twin - Molotov (Simcoe Edition) Double IPA - 13% - KEG BAR

Double IPA - 8.2% - KEG BAR

#35 Five Points - London OAK Smoked

#25 By the Horns - Sour to the People (with cherries)

#36 Fyne ALES - Fyne State

Speciality - 7.8% - LONDON BAR

Speciality - 4.8% - LONDON BAR Pale Ale - 4.6% - OUTSIDE

#26 Cantillon - Iris

Speciality - 5% - KEG BAR

#37 Fyne ALES - Sunset Boulevard APA - 5.6% - OUTSIDE

#27 Chorlton Brew - Calibration #38 Fyne ALES - Wheat Russian Sour White Stout - 4.8% - OUTSIDE Speciality - 5.5% - KEG BAR

#39 FynE ALeS & Siren Wee Milky Way Imperial Stout - 10.5% - OUTSIDE #28 Dark Star - Imperial Stout

Black IPA - 3.1% - OUTSIDE

#29 Dark Star - BRIGHTON ROCKS Brown Ale - 7% - OUTSIDE

#30 Dark Star - Six Hop Ale IPA - 6.5% - OUTSIDE

#31 Dugges - Father Yod

Speciality - 8.5% - KEG BAR

#40 Harbour - Belgian IPA

Belgian IPA - 7% - OUTSIDE

#41 Harbour - Black IPA

Black IPA - 7.4% - OUTSIDE

#42 Hastings - American Stout Stout - 6.1% - OUTSIDE

#43 Hastings - Down Under IPA IPA - 5.8% - OUTSIDE

#44 Hawkshead - Black & Tan

Speciality - 7.5% - OUTSIDE

#45 Hawkshead - Hop Black IPA Black IPA - 5.6% - OUTSIDE

#46 Hawkshead - Oat Wine

Barley Wine - 8.8% - OUTSIDE

#47 Hobsons - Mild

Mild - 3.2% - OUTSIDE

#48 HopCraft - SPECIAL BLEND Pale Ale - 5.0% - OUTSIDE

#49 HopCraft - Straight to The Light

#53 Ilkley - Olicana (Dry Hopped)

Pale - 3.5% - OUTSIDE

#54 Ilkley/Yeastie Boys 3.74 DEGREES

Speciality - 6.2% - KEG BAR

#55 Joules - Waterlo0

Pale Ale - 4.3% - OUTSIDE

#56 Kent - Yuzu Pale

Pale Ale - 5% - OUTSIDE

#57 Kernel - Coffee Table

Speciality 4% - KEG BAR

#58 Kernel - ImpERIAL Brown Stout (Whiskey BA Tormore & Port Dundas Barrels)

Speciality - 10.2% - KEG BAR

Speciality Stout - 4.2% - OUTSIDE #59 Kernel - London Sour (Damson) Speciality - 3.2% - KEG BAR

#50 HopCraft - Temple of Lover Pale Ale - 3.8% - OUTSIDE

#51 Horn - Vladamir P.

Imperial Stout - 12% - KEG BAR

#52 Ilkley - Mary Jane IPA IPA - 6% - OUTSIDE

#60 Kernel - Saison (re-fermented with honey)

Speciality - 5% - KEG BAR

#61 Kirkstall - Absolute Shambles Double IPA - 8.2% - OUTSIDE

#62 Kirkstall - Shambles IPA - 6.1% - OUTSIDE

#63 Magic Rock - BA BEARDED LADY #73 PILOT - Blønd

(Grand Marnier - Chocolate Orange) Pale Ale - 4% - OUTSIDE

Speciality - 10.5% - KEG BAR

#64 Magic Rock - High Wire APA - 5.5% - OUTSIDE

#65 Magic Rock - Ringmaster Pale Ale - 3.9% - OUTSIDE

#66 Marble - Antipodean

Pale Ale - 4% - OUTSIDE

#67 Marble - Pint

Pale Ale - 3.9% - OUTSIDE

#68 Northern Monk - Faith

Pale Ale - 5.1% - OUTSIDE

#69 Northern Monk & Soul Rebel - Peated Scotch Ale Scotch Ale - 8.4% - OUTSIDE

#74 PILOT - Mochaccino

Porter - 5.5% - OUTSIDE

#75 Red Willow - Faithless XLI Pale Ale - 4.1% - OUTSIDE

#76 Red Willow - Thoughtless

Imperial Stout - 9.4% - OUTSIDE

#77 Redemption - REDCraft

Pale Ale - 3.7% - LONDON BAR

#78 Salopian - Aphelion

Black IPA - 5.5% - OUTSIDE

#79 Salopian - AuTomaton IPA - 7% - OUTSIDE

#80 Salopian - Kashmir

APA - 5.5% - OUTSIDE

#70 Northern Monk & Bad Seed #81 Sarah Hughes - Dark Ruby Mild Salted Lime Wit Speciality - 7.4% - KEG BAR

Mild - 6% - OUTSIDE

#71 Oud Beersel - Lambiek (aged in Chateauneuf-du-Pape barrels)

#82 Sarah Hughes - Sedgley Surprise

Speciality - 5.7% - KEG BAR

Bitter - 5% - OUTSIDE

#83 Siren - Liquid Monstrous

#72 Partizan - Raspberry Ripple Double IPA - 8.5% - LONDON BAR Porter - 5.5% - LONDON BAR

#84 Stewart - 80/-

#95 Totally Brewed - Hop Warren

Scottish Heavy - 4.4% - OUTSIDE APA - 5% - OUTSIDE

#85 Stewart - Oak Aged Elysium #96 Two Roads - unorthodox (Single Barrel, Glenrothes 1995 Edition)

Speciality - 11.5% - KEG BAR

#86 Stewart - OSTRINUS

Speciality - 7% - KEG BAR

Imperial Stout - 10.9% - KEG BAR

#97 Tyne Bank - Farmhouse Saison Saison - 4.5% - OUTSIDE

#98 Tyne Bank - Heavenly Porter

#87 Stonehouse - KPA

Porter - 5.4% - OUTSIDE

#88 Stonehouse - Sunlander

#99 Weird Beard - Boring Brown BEER

Pale Ale - 3.7% - OUTSIDE

Brown Ale - 7.4% - LONDON BAR

#89 Thornbridge - Clopeham

#100 Wild Beer Co. - Millionaire

#90 Thornbridge - Wild Side

#101 Wild Beer Co. - Wild Goose Chase

Pale Ale - 4.6% - OUTSIDE

Pale Ale - 5.0% - OUTSIDE Pale Ale - 4.5% - OUTSIDE

#91 Tiny Rebel - Cereal Killer

Breakfast IPA - 3% - OUTSIDE

#92 Tiny Rebel - Loki Lite

Session IPA - 4.5% - OUTSIDE

#93 Tiny Rebel - One Inch Punch Pale Ale - 3.9% - OUTSIDE

#94 Totally Brewed - Captain Hopbeard APA - 5.5% - OUTSIDE

Speciality Stout - 4.7% - OUTSIDE

Saison - 4.5% - OUTSIDE


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