The Crest: Issue #6

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Hilton Head Christian Academy's Monthly Publication Issue #6 1 April, 2023

Spring Soirée

Spring Soirèe

Prom is a night filled with joy, excitement, and lasting memories. It is a well-loved tradition here at HHCA filled with events such as fundraisers and promposals. One of the fundraisers is the Junior’s Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser, where all students, not just juniors and seniors, can buy donuts to help raise money for prom. Another fundraiser is setting up and taking down gymnastics equipment for the gymnastics competition. The gymnastics competition is hosted by Rockdale Gymnastics at Marriott Beach and Golf Resort. Both of these fundraisers raise plenty of money for HHCA’s prom.

Besides the amazing prom fundraisers, all around campus, there are exciting prom proposals that leave shocked students saying yes left and right With that, prom preparation starts to happen. During prom preparation, junior and senior girls get to pick out their dresses, and junior and senior boys pick out their suits. After all of the preparation and fundraising, the juniors and seniors get to enjoy a fun night with all of their dates and friends. With all of that fun, there is also an enjoyable tradition that was started last year by the junior class: The juniors get to write personal letters to a senior of their choosing, and it is passed out to all of the seniors

This tradition is bittersweet but also emotional for both the juniors and seniors.

This year’s prom theme is Spring Soirée. Students can buy tickets on HHCA’s website under Prom 2023 by March 31st 2023. Prom will be held at the country club of Hilton Head on April 21st 2023 at 6pm.

Student Life April 1 2023

Spring Gardening

As winter ends and trees begin to bloom, and the weather becomes milder, the spring gardening season begins Gardening is an enjoyable and therapeutic pastime; watching something you planted become fruitful and even edible is peaceful. Most people want to garden but need help knowing where to begin. It's very simple. You can start with a soil test. Because most people here live close to the water, the soil is typically composed of sand and dirt Purchasing or making your own better soil is wise if the soil is unhealthy for the crops.

There are many ways to garden, the most preferred method being gardening in garden boxes. This way of gardening limits the number of insects that could harm your plants If you're using storebought soil, the best way would be in the garden boxes. However, some people may choose to instead grow straight from the ground. It is more challenging, but it's a cheaper and more feasible way of gardening. Crops grown from the earth have access to the natural nutrients from the soil, unlike those planted in garden boxes, which have restricted access

After determining how you want to garden, choosing what you want to grow is essential. Check the growing season before planting your crops; you would like to avoid producing a fall crop in the middle of spring The south, however, is notorious for its long growing seasons, so it would be good to begin planting a little outside of said crop-growing season. When planting, you want to ensure that the plants are adequately watered and fertilized for the best success. To do so, you will need to figure out the best method of irrigation to fit your gardening needs It could be by hand or with a sprinkler, but it is essential to gardening. Gardening is an enjoyable and relaxing pastime, and it may be a rewarding hobby for you. Happy gardening!

Student Life April 1 2023

Inspirational Musicians of HHCA

Hilton Head Christian Academy is home to many talented and inspiring musicians who have performed a variety of impressive pieces over their years in musi M f ight k hat d ve these musicians to become so great? What inspired them in their have tasked ourselves with answering these questions right here i

Ruby Chapman is brand new to HHCA this year, and is curre member of the Eagles jazz band. Ruby has been playing the flute three years and is a member of the South Carolina Region Band asked what has inspired her in music, Ruby stated, “My main motivation when it comes to playing a musical instrument is the t competition, and I’m inspired by all of the talent that surrounds She has also stated that she is inspired by talented flutists such as Jasmine Choi and James Galway.

Nic Panzarella has been attending HHCA for three years and has been a part of the band for all three years. However, he has been playing the piano for nearly seven years Mr Panzarella also placed third out of twenty five acts in the ISCA Rising Stars talent competition, which took place last month. When asked about his musical inspiration, Nic stated that acclaimed musician Vince Guaraldi has been his greatest inspiration in music. “Vince Guaraldi inspires me because he has a very unique style of songwriting and arranging.”

April 1 2023

Sean Cullen has been attending HHCA for eleven years, and has played the drums in the band for the past seven years. He is also the leader of the popular band “Sean Cullen and the Sax Quartet,” which has performed in many concerts and events throughout the year Sean has stated that his musical inspiration comes from watching others his age excel on their instruments. “I just think it’s so cool that that much talent can be used by such young people, and the fact that they enjoy and love what they do inspires me to learn even more and to go as far as I can in the music scene.”

March Musicians

On March 9th 2023, the HHCA bus departed campus with 15 musicians ready to display their talent at the annual SCISA music festival. After a stop for coffee, the bus arrived at the University of South Carolina campus. Highlights of the SCISA music festival include 10+ gold medalists and the diversity amongst the fine arts community represented

The contestants' acts varied from cello, to saxophone, to vocalists to violin Everyone who played at the festival showed a passion and talent for music. HHCA is home to a wonderful Fine Arts department and students are looking forward to performing again next year!

Fine Arts April 1 2023

All Shook Up!

Have you ever wanted to see a play that only contains music from the King of Rock himself? If you have, then you can see how this incredible performance filled the house all weekend from the 23rd-25th!

From the Elvis style songs performed by a LIVE band, to the extended stage, people couldn’t help falling in love with this play and all of the amazing performers from Mrs. McElroy-Cox’s theater class!

This play contained the 3 L’s: Love, Laughs and Live music. In fact, All Shook Up may very well go down as one of HHCA’s best performances!

All Shook Up was originally going to be performed in the year 2020 but sadly, only four days before the performance, Covid struck and many of the cast members graduated before rescheduling could happen. Although, it was certainly worth the wait and there’s no question as to why!

April 1 2023 Fine Arts


1½cupof warmmilk


2½tspof activedry yeast

Recipes with Jill presents


Inthismonth'sRecipeswithJill,the authorofthissectionwouldliketo shareoneofherfavoritetreats: homemadecinnamonrolls!


Therecipecanservefrom 8to 16people




5tbspofmelted butter

1egg Splashof

DoughMix: vanilla

Itissuggestedtoadd milkwhilemakingthe dough,asitcangetdry Theprocesscanbelong. Itcantakeuptothree hourstotal. Planahead!


1)First,mixtheyeastmixturetogether Aftermixing,setitaside Inaseparatebowl,mixtogetherthedoughmix

2.)Afterhalfingyourtwomixtures,slowlyaddtheyeastmixtureto thedoughmixture.Kneedthedoughuntiltheflouriscompletely mixedinandtherearenoairbubbles.




1stickof 1softenedbutter cupofbrown sugar

2tbspof Acinnamon dashof nutmegand clove

7.)Afterrollingoutthedough,spreadthefillingmixoverthe surface.

8.)Afterspreadingthefilling,rollupthedoughfrombottomto top.

9)Afterrollingitup,cover thedoughwithclingwrapandletthem riseforanhour

10)Afteranhour,unwrapitandcutintoslices Themeasurement oftheslicesdependsonhowtallyouwantthecinnamonrolls 11)Finally,puttheslicesontoanoilybakingpan Pour1tbspof heavycreamontopoftheslices.Settheovento350andbakethem for25minutes.


Features and Announcements April 1 2023


Southeastern coasts hold more than just seashells and driftwood Beneath the surface, further than oak tree roots, rich history can be found. However, a vast majority of it is rarely talked about, and this includes the history of the indigenous people who used to call Hilton Head home.

When asked about Native Americans in South Carolina, many instantly think of the Cherokee, which is not incorrect However, the Cherokee and many others, like the Catawba and Saluda, lived in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge regions For the coastal plains, like Hilton Head, two specific nations inhabited the island: the Yemassee and the Escamacu. In the Act of 1707, the Yemassee were given marked territory next to the mouth of the Savannah River. Little is known about them due to the lack of archeological evidence. However, a key historical artifact, which is usually left out of history books, are their mysterious shell middens

What is a shell midden? A shell midden, also known as a shell ring, is what it sounds like. These rings, ranging from 3-16 ft tall and 209 ft wide, are the result of oyster shells piled up over a period of time. These rings served various purposes for the coastal nations. One reason was solely to create a dumping ground for the leftover oyster shells. Usually, the dumping grounds aren’t shaped like a ring

The second reason was, with the leftover oyster shells, they would create a doughnut-shaped space for a multitude of reasons, mainly to host trade, tribal gatherings, and a greeting spot for visiting tribes.

Oyster shells were not the only things left behind, though.

In proximity of the shell rings, pottery, arrowheads, and animal bones can also be found. Tribal nations made their own specific pottery, all differing in color and texture, depending on the resources at hand When found, shards of pottery prove that the tribes took pride in their pots and the ornate designs Because of their knowledge in pottery, they were able to cook a variety of different protein sources. The same can be inferred about the arrow heads. The arrowheads were made of different materials, like stone and bone, and shaped into varying designs, dictating the purpose of the arrowhead. Considering the arrowhead patterns, archeologists are able to differentiate between the tribes It can now be assumed that, because of the pottery, hunting tools, and designated shell rings the Yemassee and Escamacu were both hunters and gatherers, symbolizing a structured society at one point.

But what happened to them? The Escamacu were the first tribal group to settle on Hilton Head. Due to European settlements expanding, the Escamacu migrated to the interior, resulting in Hilton Head becoming vacant However, at the same time, the Yemassee migrated from the North to avoid Christianization attempts, eventually settling on Hilton Head.

To the right is a picture of Shell Ring. Above, there is what shell rings used to lo
Features and Announcements April 1 2023
To the right photo of Green's Shell Ri It is now gro over with gr
and tre

The Lord Proprietors of Carolina actually leased Hilton Head to Altamaha, the Yemassee chief Although the Yemassee lived in a somewhat peaceful environment, in the absence of interference, they migrated to the Ashepoo River basin for about ten years around 1700. "natives" who inhabited the island were the In the following ten

years, the only Yemassee’s enemies, the Tuscarora, who were employed to scout against the Yemassee and Spanish invasions.

In the top right corner, shards of broken pottery can be seen

To the left, there is an authentic arrowhead found in the low country Below, you can see a picture of archeologist digging up artifacts at the Sea Pines Shell Ring.

Above is a sketch of what the Shell Rings used to be used for The sketch can be found on the placards at the Sea Pines Shell Ring

If you would like to learn more, you can visit local archaeological sites, such as the Sea Pines Shell Ring, and the Green’s Shell Ring.

Features and Announcements April 1 2023

Let's get crackin'

Here are 10 creative Easter egg designs that are sure to make plain eggs Easter ready!


Gingham Easter Eggs


Any color acrylic paint

Hollowed out/wooden eggs

A small, flat brush


Water down acrylic paint until its consistency is similar to heavy cream

Paint vertical stripes down the sides of the eggs. Avoid drips by using small amounts of paint. After the vertical stripes dry, paint horizontal stripes on the egg.

Let the egg dry.

2. 3. 4.

2. Terrazzo flakes


Modge podge

A brush

Terrazzo Eggs



Paint a thin layer of glue or modge podge on the egg

Sprinkle some terrazzo flakes on the egg

Seal the flakes with another thin layer of modge podge

Let dry

3. Temporary Tattoos

Tattoo Eggs


Hollowed-out or boiled eggs


Apply the tattoo to the egg just like you would apply it on yourself

Place the temporary tattoo on the egg and pat with a damp cloth for 1 minute or more

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2.

4. Eggs

Whirled Eggs



Egg dye Boil the eggs


Dry the eggs with a cloth

Scribble swirls on the eggs with a crayon

Dye the eggs with egg


5. Large White Eggs

Ice Cream Eggs


Hot fudge, Cherries

Sprinkles, Ice cream cones


Hard boil or hollow your eggs

Set your egg in the cone upside down. Squeeze your hot fudge on the top of the egg, letting it drip down the sides.

Add sprinkles and top with a cherry

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.

6. Eggs



Foam dauber

Paint Boil the eggs


Dip the foam dauber in paint and gently press dots on the eggs

You can do different shapes, sizes, and colors to make them unique

7. Eggs



Puffy paint

Easter egg dye


Boil the eggs

Dye the eggs with egg dye

Dot on puffy paint and let it dry

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.


Lemon Easter Eggs


Yellow acrylic paint

Green cardstock

Hot Glue



Paint your eggs yellow

Cut your cardstock into leaf shapes

Hot glue your “leaves” unto eggs

Use your sharpie to create texture


9. Paper cups


Dried grains, beans, or nuts

Liquid food dye

Hard-cooked eggs, plain or dyed


Hard boil or hollow your eggs

Put different types of beans/nuts in cups and drop food dye in the cup

Put the egg in the cup and shake/swirl it around

Let the egg dry

1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.



Different color pipe cleaners

Hot glue

Hollowed-out or craft eggs


Hollow out the eggs

Attach one end of a pipe cleaner (you'll need three to four for each egg) to the top center of the egg with a small dot of hot glue and let it dry

Wrap the pipe cleaner around the egg using hot glue

Continue this until the egg is completely covered

1. 2. 3. 4.

March Poetry

The Big Question

April Daisies bloom

Buzzing bees fly

They swarm to the hive

For that is there drive Spreading the pollen

Until they too have fallen

Then pass on to the afterlife

What happens then? The cycle repeats again

Everything has a beginning and end

To what end?

You may ask, To what finish line?

Where will you draw the line?

You can’t draw yours and I can’t draw mine

There is only one answer I have to offer

Do it not for yourself or to please others

Search for praise from the one who's been here from the beginning and will be here after

Nothing in this physical world will come with me when I pass I will simply be a soul lifted from earth

Waiting for judgment to pass Where will I go Will I reconnect with my father

With the one who has known me since the beginning of time

The one who has forgiven me for all of my crimes

Arts and Culture April 1 2023



1. Which Native American tribe first inhabited Hilton Head?

4. How many acts were in the SCISA rising stars competition?

7. How many years has Nicolas Panzarella played the piano?

8. What is the name of April's flower?

9. How many fundraisers are mentioned in the prom article?


1. How many people do the cinnamon rolls serve?

2. What month is the spring concert in?

3. Doing a soil test is the step of gardening.

4. According to "Let's get crackin'",what are the flakes called that look like specks?

5. What iconic musician is the play All Shook Up based on?

6. How many Easter egg designs were shown in "Let's get crackin'"?

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