6 minute read
Global Capstone
A look back at the class of 2021’s global cohort and their capstone projects
MAGGIE BELENKY, co-editor-in-chief
Go Phish!: Robert McDonald Lets Talk: Logan Jackson
There’s no better teacher than experience. When someone experiences an online scam,it makes that person more aware of techniques that scammers used to take advantage of them. Therefore, I believe that by simulating a fake phishing attack, I can safely and effectively raise awareness of this issue and educate users on how to recognize cyber fraud. The experience of almost falling victim to a potential plot will reveal the potential danger that lurks on the internet to people who have never been in this kind of situation before. By combining my simulation with educational resources already provided by the AARP, I can help people learn to protect themselves from being taken advantage of, a strategy that will decrease the amount of cybercrime overall by reducing the number of potential victims. After completing my simulation, participants will be able to recognize a potential scam before it happens and avoid it falling victim to it. Young adults deserve to explore their identity and feel comfortable asking for help about topics such as sex and knowing the signs of a violent relationship. Students need a platform or safe space where they can be heard and understood in order to prevent the feeling of isolation. The lack of support in schools around this topic is a very urgent and troubling matter that needs to be solved very intentionally around the needs of students. These efforts will be lead by student leaders. Once that level of trust is established, leaders can begin to demand change within school curriculums (Sex Education in particular) and demand support from high power that can help them gain professional guidance and support from other organizations. Change will happen because people will begin to have open conversations about not only finding their identities but also about their personal relationship struggles.
You are not Alone: A Suicide Prevention Podcast: Regan White
I believe that by creating a podcast for teens struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts, we can increase the use of the suicide prevention resources and decrease the number of teen suicides. By providing an engaging and informative podcast we can make the information many teens lack on where to go when they need help more easily accessible. By creating a platform to discuss issues around suicide we also provide an outlet for teens to meet and talk with people in similar situations, creating a strong community and connections that teens would otherwise lack. The inclusion of information on organizations, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, will increase the use of those resources by teens and has the potential to decrease the number of teen suicides in the US.
Beyond the Buzzer: Eric Francis
I believe that representation of the adaptive community is extremely important. Creating a space for people with disabilities to have a platform to share their story beyond their disabilities. Through access to platforms of stories about disabilities and inclusivity. Young disabled Americans are able to see and hear experiences of others that are able to promote and provide good self esteem and ideas that they are not alone in their fight. There is someone that is just like them that has gone through a similar experience that was able to succeed and thrive. While promoting inclusivity within the able bodied community pushing ideas that people with disabilities are more than their disabilities.
Project U: Maggie Belenky Air Pollution Awareness + Action: Sarah Sullivan and Iris Kase
Louder Than Words is a podcast based social movement that believes in the power of storytelling to inspire activism. However, we believe that activism can only be successful if it is sustainable and educated, that is why we are committed to a rounded approach to narrative podcasting focusing on four key steps, listen, educate, discuss, and act. We are a global network of story gathers committed to creating a better more just world, join us as we change the way the world thinks about activism.
If we utilize resources such as free tutoring, free college counseling, and scholarships that already exist and bring it directly to families at the church in lower income communities, specifically the Latino community, and raise awareness of the opportunities and options of college, then we will lower the number of children dropping out of high school because they don’t know that college is an option and raise the amount of children enrolled in a four year or two year college with a scholarship. I believe that all victims of wrongful convictions deserve a platform to tell their story. I also believe that increasing awareness of the problem would lead more people to become involved in a solution and donate resources to organizations that can offer more immediate help to those wrongfully convicted and their families. And I believe that providing a platform that includes information, sharing outlets, and related sources, the number of people wrongfully convicted will decrease while those who are able to tell their stories get some sense of closure.
Our plan is to host a Gala Event at Piedmont Park in the summer time in order to raise money for the Nature Conservancy of Georgia who we will be partnering with. This will also raise awareness towards the Conservancy and help towards their future funding and projects. We also plan to educate those who attend this Gala about what types of things their money goes towards and small ways in which they can help implement positive change within the environment and ways which it will benefit them too!
Walls Between Us: Mary Evelyn King The Civic Engagement Fair: Arin Francis
Horizons Thrift Store: Caroline Berkey
Through a short stage play, attention is grabbed from the start and held throughout the telling of our message. And with a post show conversation, the trust that has been built throughout the show can have a place to sit. My mission is To provide a safe space for students lacking vulnerability surrounding tough topics and give them the opportunity to see themselves represented through art to further empower them to keep a conversation going. When children and teenagers are exposed to the polarization and contentiousness that characterizes modern politics, they close themselves off before they’re even eligible to vote. But, by that same principle, if they are exposed to positive discussions and productive discourse in non threatening environments they will become more open to politics as a whole. Thus the environment a politics fair provides will generate engaged, eager young citizens.
Recycling Concession Stand: Gaby Diamonon
Recycling is a strong way to reduce one’s ecological footprint. By promoting this at sports stadiums, fans will associate recycling with recreation, which will encourage behavioral change to reduce one’s harmful impact on the earth. Repurposing further decreases the amount of raw materials we are using to create sustainable alternatives for consumers. The Horizons Online Thrift Store is a non-profit that provides affordable, high-quality clothing to customers across the United States and donates its profits to Horizons at HIES to provide the best educational resources and opportunities to underserved students in the Sandy Springs, Georgia community.