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Thank You, Mrs. Elms 42
THANK y u, Mrs. ElMs
Past and present members of The C&G staff reflect on Mrs. Elms’ time as the staff adviser as she retires from the position. In the 2021-22 academic year, Mrs. Elms will teach more AP Lang and Global classes while The C&G staff will welcome Mrs. Rebecca Rivera as the new staff adviser.
There is nothing Ms. Elms wouldn’t do for the people she loves and I have had the pleasure of experiencing that first hand. Ms. Elms is rare: she will fight for you “ when it feels like no one else is willing, she will push you harder than any other teacher, and she will go out of her way to make sure you are doing well. The C&G will certainly never be the same without Ms. Elms and I will miss her dearly. “ MAggiE BElENKy ‘21
To me, the best teachers help you learn more than just what you need for the classroom. Mrs. Elms was the for me––teacher, mentor, friend––and I have “ used what she taught me being on the staff of the C&G in nearly every aspect of my life since. Some of my most cherished HIES memories center around her. “ oliviA MArTiN ‘19
Ms. Elms was one of my biggest advocates and mentors at HIES. I use what I learned at the C&G all the time, not only when it comes to journalism and graphic design, but in terms of leadership, and making my voice heard. “ “ ETHAN MullEN ‘19 From exploring the streets of New York City to helping me write my first lede, Mrs. Elms was an all-around delight of an adviser. I was blessed to have Mrs. “ Elms as a teacher for all my years on The C&G staff. Water to a plant, Mrs. Elms is a nurturer -- fertilizing minds and fostering ideas. Her dynamic energy and adventurous attitude led the staff to new frontiers. She truly knows how to harness the potential energy of students and encourage them to do even better. Personally, Mrs. Elms has been a deeply empathetic I came to HIES knowing absolutely no one. I knew none of the teachers and I knew none o the students. My first few weeks were rough, but then “ mentor for all the struggles I have experienced inside and outside the classroom. I love her dearly, and I know she will be phenomenal at whatever she conquers next. “ I met Ms. Elms in my Intro to Journalism elective and I knew everything would be okay. She exudes an jAylEE dAvis ‘20 overwhelming positivity, in all her interactions, and Of all of the teachers at HIES, Mrs. Elms has seen me change the most. She pushed me to get out of my comfort zone, and she created an environment “ carries herself in a genuine manner that is all too rare. Ms. Elms has been my favorite teacher during my time at HIES and I am eternally grateful to her for her counsel and friendship. “ To begin, Mrs. Elms has a pleasant knack for giftgiving, as she would offer her students a Trader Joe’s-brand chocolate bar. Yet inscribed on the cyan, “ ZAK KErr ‘21 where I felt safe. Having a teacher believe in me like Mrs. Elms did was life-changing, and I am grateful for the time I spent with her writing for The C&G. “ MAddiE PocH ‘21 gold, or maroon paper were three adjectives that she would use to describe you. Simple, yet significant. Now, I will attempt to return that gesture, albeit sans chocolate. I settled on Generous, Self-possessed, Dedicated. Eight years she spent as the adviser of the C&G, guiding its evolution from humble beginnings in volume II to the award-winning publication soon to Teachers like Mrs. Elms are rare. She’s a teacher who pushed me to find my confidence as a person and a writer. “ “ publish the last of volume IX. She was our defender. sHEA FlEMiNg ‘19 Our mentor. Our torchbearer. The C&G will certainly miss her presence but I wish her the best of luck when facing this next frontier. “ MATTHEw rAEsidE ‘20