The C&G | Volume II | Issue 1 | Winter Edition

Page 1

Volume II, Issue 1

December 2013

C&G is a student magazine dedicated to representing the voice of the Aher Bggh\^gml lmn]^gm [h]r' P^ Zk^ Z `khni h_ students, and therefore our focus is on studentl' P^ want to invite and to further discussion on the topics that are already trending through the halls of HI, ma^ \hffngbmr% Zg] ma^ gZmbhg' Ma^ ebgd [^mp^^g hnk lmZ__ Zg] ma^ lmn]^gml h_ AB bl d^r Zg] ]kbo^l ^o^kr Zli^\m h_ hnk in[eb\Zmbhg' Lh mh Zee ma^ lmn]^gml% k^Z]% k^Ü^\m% k^lihg]4 Ma^ < @ bl Zl fn\a rhnk ohb\^ as ours!

Lr]g^r <he^fZg

Staff Writer

Lauren McBroom

>kbg >kglm

Copy Editor

FZkr <Zma^kbg^ Mahflhg Print Editor

Clara Forrestal

Editor In Chief

:g® PZgebll

Online Editor

Arsema Hailemarian Staff Writer

Pabmg^r P^bll

Staff Writer

Lela Johnson

:erlhg Pkb`am

Staff Writer

Copy Editor

=Zgb^ee^ >efl

C&G Aher Bggh\^gml >ibl\hiZe L\ahhe 1). Fm' O^kghg Apr GP Atlanta, GA 30327


Staff Writer


<a^\d nl hnm hgebg^



In this issue Transformations Ma^ phke] bl \aZg`bg` Zg] lh Zk^ p^'



@eh[Ze >qiZglbhg3 The growth of the Program for Global Citizenship at HIES


@khpbg` IZbgl3


School growth through ma^ lmn]^gml ^r^


PaZm :[hnm L^qnZebmr8

An exploration of an unrepresented faction


;k^Zdbg` ma^ Fhe]3 : ehhd bgmh ma^ `Zi r^Zk trend

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“Transformation – a constant at HIES” My first stint at Holy Innocents’ began in the winter of 1999. The Middle School and Upper School were all in the Riley Building. South Campus didn’t exist. Construction on Groesbeck Hall was just underway. A football program was only a rumor whereas lacrosse was finally becoming a reality. More memories - we got our outgoing publicity based on press releases and phone calls. Our website didn’t yet exist. We sent out newsletters bi-monthly after weeks of gathering pictures on zip drives. If we wanted news we picked up the Atlanta Constitution and fought over it. Yes we have and are always transforming. It’s the 21st century now and we are successfully adapting. We put info on our website, watch newscasts put on by our Broadcast Media Department. We walk through an awesome Middle School building, enjoy a turfed lacrosse field and cheer for our beloved Bear football team each Friday in the fall. We walk through tunnels to get to this thing called South Campus. Alumni Hall has been bought, gutted, renovated and is now a major part of our school. We enjoy magazines, plays and music that are, quite frankly, ahead of its time. Our website rocks. We do all this while eagerly awaiting another building – the BIG one coming in the fall of 2015 with the renovation of the Riley Building. Transformation – it’s great to remember where we were, enjoyable to be where we are and anticipating where we’re going. Yes, it’s been a roller coaster ride, but I’m happy to say that where I am now and where I’m getting off is far and beyond where I got on. Great to be and have been a part of it!


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Where do you see transformation within our community

LR=G>R <HE>F:G3 I see transformation when I look at the sense of community within my class. Each year, our grade gets closer and closer. When I think back to freshman year, it’s cool to see all the new friendships I have made and how much more comfortable I am with my classmates. PABMG>R P>BLL3 Transformations within our community is evident every day. C.S. Lewis once said, “isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different...� I think this quote applies to our community because even though it seems like every day is alike, in the long run, one’s transformation evolves into the person they become. E>E: CHAGLHG3 Transformation’s everywhere. I think that’s HI’s main ambition - to instigate a transformation within each student, inspiring us to become the best academic and spiritual version of ourselves. <E:K: ?HKK>LM:E3 To me, transformation is most evident when simply walking through the hallways. It is clear that, compared to my freshman year, there are many more busy minds making their way to class. The hallways are very crowded with friendly faces.


:KL>F: A:BE>F:KB:G3 As , UHĂ HFW XSRQ P\ WLPU DW +, ,¡YH noitced a shift in my values. As I mature, I have progressed from a place of absorption in my own affairs to a place of interest in my community as well as global concerns. :GÂĄ P:GEBLL3As of this year I have been a student at HI for eight years. Being a senior I see transformation within myself DV , UHĂ HFW RQ P\ H[SULHQFH DV D member of the HI community. I’m sad my time on campus is FRPLQJ WR DQ HQG EXW , DP H[FLWHG to see the transformations in my life that await me! E:NK>G F<;KHHF3 I see transformation on the Upper School cross country team. Our numbers and successes have H[SORGHG LQ UHFHQW \HDUV DQG , couldn’t be more proud. F:KR <:MA>KBG> MAHFLHG3 I see transformation within the people in our community. Everyone students, faculty, staff - are all growing everyday, physically and mentally. The scrawny freshmen that walked through the doors of the high school with me four years ago are not the same peers that I see around me today. It’s funny looking back at how far we’ve come.


Lr]g^r Coleman

Lauren McBroom

>kbg >kglm

Mary Catherine Mahflhg

Clara Forrestal

:gÂŽ PZgebll

Lela Johnson

Pabmg^r P^bll


EXPANSION: The growth of the Program for Global Citizenship at HIES

By Sydney Coleman


that the addition of another perspective would only breathe positivity into the program. No matter who teaches the classes, continuing to “embrace the newness in education� is paramount to Walker’s vision of the program. Aware that students have been organized in “desks in rows since the earliest grammar schools in Massachusetts�, much of Walker’s time is devoted to making sure that his

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Q MXVW Ă€YH \HDUV 7KH 3URJUDP for Global Citizenship has grown IURP DQ DOSKD FODVV RI VL[ WR WKH current zeta class of 29. Along with all of the other transformations at Holy Innocents’, Global Citizenship has GHĂ€QLWHO\ FKDQJHG VLQFH LWV HVWDEOLVKPHQW LQ 4XLQWRQ :DONHU Ă€UVW VWDUWHG the program in the hopes of changing the way students at HIES learn from the world around them and igniting a worldly curiosity that Global students could take with them into the real world when their time at HI is through. 2ULJLQDOO\ H[SHFWLQJ LQWHUHVW from just 10 to 15 students, :DONHU¡V Ă€UVW *OREDO Citizenship event was attended by almost 100 students and parents eager to learn what the program was really about. Since then, WKLV H[FLWLQJ DQG dynamic part of Holy Innocents’ curriculum has H[SDQGHG LQ PRUH ways than one.


From its start, Global has kept all of its students together in one class per grade level to foster the comfortable and open environment that allows for serious discussion. However, with the current sophomores split into two different classes, the time is quickly approaching for Walker to leave his “baby� in the hands of someone else. He is currently the only teacher of Global Citizenship, and although he teaches the material differently every year, Walker knows

classes are different. With the upcoming introduction of a new instructor, he promises that despite the different approach to certain topics, “the atmosphere is still the same� and whoever joins the teaching staff of

Global Citizenship must be able to nurture that environment. Travel and service have always been on the forefront of what it means to be a global citizen; therefore, travelling outside of one’s comfort zone has always been a requirement for students in the Global Citizenship program. Students have ventured to incredible places all over the world and have even stayed in our own country to immerse themselves in a culture, improve their language skills, or complete a service project. Often times, their trips are D OLIH FKDQJLQJ PL[WXUH RI WKHP all. Much to Walker’s delight, KH Ă€QGV WKDW SHRSOH RXWVLGH of the Global Citizenship program are taking this step on their own and turning to him for advice on how to do it. Walker knows that students want to travel anyway; Global forces its participants to do LW ´7UDYHO LV VH[\ Âľ KH says, and other students hearing the stories of a classmate after a VXPPHU LQ DQ H[WUDRUGLQDU\ country inspires them to do the same. Crediting much of WKH SURJUDP¡V LQĂ XHQFH WR KLV students, Walker is thankful that his students “just spread the ideaâ€? of Global Citizenship at Holy Innocents’. Despite all of the progress that the 3URJUDP IRU *OREDO &LWL]HQVKLS KDV made, Walker still has big and numerous plans for its future, but he has “two main goals: a full K-12 global studies GHSDUWPHQW DQG DQ H[WHQVLRQ FDPSXV Âľ

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The program at its best would universities look for in their include the middle and students. “Colleges are lower school students VWDUWLQJ WR H[SHFW early on, providing their applicants to them with a better have travelled, to foundation of what be curious about it means to be a the world around global citizen, their them� and the acceptance into 3URJUDP IRU - Quinton Walker the high school Global Citizenship program being is absolutely the culmination of producing students all of the things they that meet this standard. have touched on in earlier After his upcoming \HDUV 7KH H[WHQVLRQ FDPSXV graduation from Vanderbilt a center of the Global Citizenship in ZLWK D 3K' LQ (GXFDWLRQ /HDGHUVKLS Downtown Atlanta, would provide more DQG 3ROLF\ :DONHU ZLOO EH PRUH WKDQ UHDO ZRUOG H[SHULHQFH IRU VWXGHQWV LQ WKH capable of taking his program to its full program. “Imagine coming to school potential. from eight to ten, then getting on a bus with your class and heading downtown�, Walker outlines his concept for Growth of Global: Number of Global me. Hands-on problem solving and long-term service projects Students Each Progressive Year would be made possible with WKH FUHDWLRQ RI DQ H[WHQVLRQ campus, something that is well within Walker’s reach.

“Travel is sexy.�

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With all of his big plans and bright ideas, Walker feels no crunch for time. He knows that the idea of global citizenship is much more than a “fad that will pass.� Rather, he believes that it is “here to stay�, already seeing the notion of a global student changing what

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By Clara Forrestal


#1 AmericanRedneck Duck Dynasty


#2 SouthernPrep

Taylor Swift

#3 CowboysandCowgirls Carrie Underwood

Kenny Chesney


By Whitney Weiss


This year’s class of 2014

Contributed by Nick Roberts

K[`ggd _jgol` l`jgm_` l`] klm\]flk ]q]


rowded hallways, long lunch lines, lockers in obscure places, all of this and more are an affect of the population growth in the high school. Especially in the freshman class, $GPLVVLRQV KDV H[SDQGHG WKH FODVV VL]H numbers. At a record-breaking high, the


senior class of 2014 will be graduating with 116 students. This year’s sophomore FODVV LV WKH ÀUVW WLPH D JUDGH KDV H[SDQGHG from ninth grade with a total of 132. In addition to that, the freshman class of 2017 has the most number of students HI has ever had: 135, including 32 new students.

To put this into perspective, the JUDGXDWLQJ FODVV RI WKH ÀUVW LQ +, history, had 38 students. With this great increase, one would wonder the effects it has on daily life at school: academics, sports, and overall happiness.



t Holy Innocents’, one characteristic the school prides itself on is small, individualized classes. With an increase in the number of students attending the high school, does that equal larger FODVVHV" 7KH VLPSOH DQVZHU LV QR :LWK WKH H[FHSWLRQ RI D IHZ FODVVHV WKH school, to the best of its capabilities, has increased the number of sections within an academic class in order to decrease the number of students. However, in some classes, this was inevitable.

3ULQFLSOH &KULV 'XUVW VDLG ´7KH ELJJHVW FRUH FODVV LV $3 0LFURHFRQRPLFV – the biggest we’ve every had at 25. The reason for that is not that we wanted to make that class large but we had over seventy sign up for it.â€? Durst gave students the opportunity to change into a different class, but everyone declined. In a class such as this with more students than accustomed, many would be concerned about possible negative affects it would have on students. Durst said, “I think [larger classes] probably

does not affect academics as much as people think. The delivery of the content and the material is no different.� $3 0LFURHFRQRPLFV WHDFKHU $PLH 0XLU believes that the larger classes actually have had a positive impact on classroom possibilities. She said, “There are a lot of games and simulations that we do that are designed for larger classes and so it works out better with more people.� On the other hand, Muir said she has had to reevaluate lesson plans in order to ensure personal time with all of her students.



ithout a doubt, HI’s athletics is a culture within itself. This past year, Holy Innocents’ was four students away from becoming D $ VFKRRO $OWKRXJK QRW RIĂ€FLDO until January or February, according to Athletic Director Ruth Donahoo, there is a “99.99% chance that [HI] ZLOO EH LQ WKH $ GLYLVLRQ QH[W \HDU Âľ This means in terms of region games, the Bears will no longer be playing schools VXFK DV *DOORZD\ RU 3DFH EXW ZLOO PRYH on to schools such as Lovett, Westminster, Wesleyan, and Greater Atlanta Christian. In the 2012-2013 school year alone, +, TXDOLĂ€HG IRU SOD\RIIV DQG RU SODFHG in the state in twenty out of twentyone sports. If the bears go over the

hump to 2A, will the success rate the RI WKH UHJLRQ PD\ EH GLIĂ€FXOW IRU *ROGHQ VFKRRO LV DFFXVWRPHG WR GHFUHDVH" Bear fans, players, and coaches to swallow. Donahoo said, “For some sports it Fortunately, sports won’t matter, such as volleyball and but for others “I would give HI a swimming already it will. It will compete against up EH D VLJQLĂ€FDQW 99.99% chance that to 5A schools, so this challenge to difference will not have be successful D VLJQLĂ€FDQW LPSDFW ,Q we will be in the 2A and qualify for addition to that, an playoffs just increase in population division next yearâ€? because we would of the high school be completing positively affects -Ruth Donahoo with schools sports such as football [that] have and lacrosse by having upward three to four hundred more substitutes available for when the more students to choose from.â€? athletes get fatigued during the game. The possibility of not being at the top




very Wednesday and Thursday, all Ă€YH KXQGUHG VWXGHQWV LQ WKH KLJK school have lunch together in a cafeteria that does not have the capacity. ([WUD ORFNHUV KDYH EHHQ LQVWDOOHG LQFOXGLQJ ones in the Senior Commons. Hallways are the most crowded they have ever been. Sophomore Susanne Sokolowski said, “I have gone to this school for my entire life and it has never seemed this crowded.â€? So what does this mean for


learly, the Upper School is JURZLQJ EXW RQO\ WR ÀQLWH numbers. However, this increase is only improving the school. Assisant Headmaster of Admissions

WKH RYHUDOO KDSSLQHVV RI WKH VFKRRO" Durst said, “As long as people realize that the inconvenience is temporary then people will be okay with.� Sokolowski continued, “I am

Cars in the 115 l^gbhk iZkdbg` ehm

school for my entire life and it has never seemed

H[FLWHG IRU WKH PXFK QHHGHG UHQRYDWLRQ DQG H[SDQVLRQ RI WKH KLJK VFKRRO with the rising number of students.� With the One School Capital Campaign underway, the nuisance caused by the amount


&KULV 3RPDU VDLG ´, WKLQN WKDW D ODUJH upper school is better because there is more students available to populate everything we do after school - whether its cheerleading or the musical or

football or the robotics club or students interested in whitewater rafting or BBQ - there are enough students here to fully populate all of those interests and programs and activities.�

HI by the numbers +

“I have gone to this

107 Cars in

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this crowded� -Susanne Sokolowski






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40 lbs of

cheese eaten at lunch

250 Dollars spent

daily on food at the campus shop


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41 Classrooms in ma^ Ab`a L\ahhe



IZ`^l ikbgm^] bg ma^ library daily


in the high school


Ma^ < @ bl ehhdbg` [Z\d to see how far p^ o^ \hf^

;r FZkr <Zma^kbg^ Mahflhg


2013 1960

Contributed by @^flahml Iahmh`kZiar



<hgmkb[nm^] [r E^Zgg^ P^Zo^k




2013 1986

2013 1986

2013 1996


Contributed by @^flahml Iahmh`kZiar



1980 1986 1993 2013

& Future



Fake it till you make it: teenagers are spending their four \HDUV RI KLJK VFKRRO VWUDWHJLFDOO\ PDUNHWLQJ WKHPVHOYHV IRU WKH ÀJKW to the death for a golden ticket to college. ;r >kbg >kglm


The college admissions process has become increasingly more aggressive within the last decade, and consequently the the culture of high school has become just as aggressive.


hile most people are aware of HIES’s reputation for being a prestigious private school that values education with high regard, the competitive and rigorous college-preparatory culture at HIES may come as a surprise to some. Every year, the school welcomes its incoming freshman class with a magnet on each of their lockers that reads ‘Your `magnet on each of their lockers that reads ‘Your high school transcript starts today!’ However, any student at HIES can tell you that, at times, it can seem as if the words ‘high school transcript’ and ‘college résumé’ are interchangeable. HIES holds its students to standards of H[FHOOHQF\ HQFRXUDJLQJ WKHP WR JHW LQYROYHG and participate in activities that will best suit them and their interests. However, as a college-preparatory school, HIES also puts an emphasis on things H[SHFWHG RI VWXGHQWV WR EH FRPSHWLWLYH IRU college. As a college-prep resource for HIES, WKHUH LV D FROOHJH FRXQVHOLQJ RIÀFH HTXLSSHG with knowledgeable counselors ready to help students put their best foot forward in the college admissions process. Starting in the spring semester of junior year, students are DVVLJQHG WR D VSHFLÀF FRXQVHORU WR PHHW ZLWK for guidance in their college search process.

Holly Raiford, the Associate Director of College Counseling, shared some insight into some of the most important factors considered in college admissions decisions in KRSHV RI UHOLHYLQJ VRPH RI WKH DQ[LHW\ FDXVHG by students aiming for unclear standards in the dark. Farewell to the storied high school summer of blissful laziness. Raiford noted that some sort of summer enrichment is encouraged and helps students to stand out in the admissions process. Internships, opportunities to study abroad, specialized study enrichment programs at universities and summer school classes are all ways that students can improve their resĂşmĂŠ while VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ H[SORULQJ WKHLU Ă€HOGV RI interest. “If we’ve got two students side by side,â€? she said, “then somebody who’s really interested in doing something in their downtime‌ is helpful.â€? ´, DP YHU\ FRQĂ LFWHG ÂśFDXVH , ZDQW VWXGHQWV to be able to live life and be teenagers because it’s almost over; they’re about to have to be adults.â€? Regarding her role as the encourager of these standards, Raiford felt torn: “I want them to be able to have this wonderful life, yet I also know that it’s my job to say to them, ‘this is what the colleges tell us.’ I want them to know; I want them to be prepared.â€? Raiford said that she tries to encourage VWXGHQWV WR VKRZ FROOHJHV WKHLU H[SHULHQFH in the niche where their passion lies “rather WKDQ D WKUHH SDJH ORQJ UpVXPpÂľ Ă€OOHG ZLWK evidence of random involvement purely for involvement’s sake. “Rather than participating in numerous activities, whether they’re here

at school or in the community, doing what really gladdens your heart is what colleges really want to see.â€? Raiford really stressed the idea of quality over quantity when it comes to H[WUDFXUULFXODU DFWLYLWLHV ´7R GR RQH RU WZR things that you really love and that you can really dig deep into,â€? she said, “that would be impressive.â€? There seems to be a misconception among high school students that colleges are looking for perfect, well-rounded students, when in reality, colleges are generally more interested in a student with a visible focus. Involvement in an activity may enrich a student’s resumĂŠ, but if it isn’t really enriching you, then it’s not worth the time. If you go to an admissions session for almost any university or college, the DGPLVVLRQV RIĂ€FHU ZLOO WHOO \RX WKDW WKH PDMRU factors that they consider most seriously for admissions decisions are standardized test scores from the SAT and or ACT (even though a handful of colleges have begun to make their admissions processes ‘test optional’), high school grade-point average *3$ DQG VWUHQJWK RI VFKHGXOH MXGJHG RQ the overall rigor of a student’s course load. The mere uttering of the acronyms “SATâ€? or “ACTâ€? is enough to elicit groans RI H[DVSHUDWLRQ IURP D JURXS RI MXQLRUV Although not required by HIES, students are strongly encouraged to invest in an SAT/ACT prep course or tutor. As one of the major factors in admissions decisions at most colleges, standardized test scores are common causes of stress for students, and

precalculus quiz, AP US history test, physics quiz englihs project, spanish test, journalism article due

Students often spread themselves too thin with involvement in too many activities There is a lot of pressure to be really involved in extra-curricular activities

english essay, global citizenship article physics test, spnaish worksheet, precalculus test SAT prep homework in book

prep courses and tutors make it their business to help students improve these scores. 6WXGHQWV¡ KLJK VFKRRO *3$ ZLOO YDU\ EDVHG on the way that each college recalculates it. Colleges take the raw, unweighted grades from the high school transcript and reweight WKH JUDGHV DQG FDOFXODWH WKH *3$ EDVHG RQ their scale. The number they produce is the *3$ WKDW ZLOO EH FRQVLGHUHG IRU WKH VWXGHQW¡V admission. $W +,(6 *3$ LV ZHLJKWHG DQG FDOFXODWHG on a 4.0 scale. The report cards that HIES students receive include their unweighted averages in all of their classes as well as WKHLU ZHLJKWHG *3$ 7KH DSSHDUDQFH RI WKLV ZHLJKWHG *3$ RQ WKH WUDQVFULSW DOORZV VWXGHQWV WR KDYH D IDOVH VHQVH RI FRQĂ€GHQFH in their level of achievement based on an LQĂ DWHG QXPEHU WKDW XOWLPDWHO\ ZLOO QRW EH used in the decision regarding their admission. “Colleges always talk about academic rigor,â€? said Raiford, “I would say that is the number one thing that we hear across the board.â€? She noted that at HIES, this type of rigor is considered in terms of the number RI $3 FRXUVHV ´KRZ PDQ\ $3V DUH \RX WDNLQJ" $UH \RX WDNLQJ DQ DGGLWLRQDO \HDU RI ODQJXDJH" $UH \RX GRLQJ DQ\WKLQJ DERYH DQG EH\RQG WKH FROOHJH SUHS FXUULFXOXP"Âľ $W HIES students have the opportunity to take KRQRUV DQG $3 FRXUVHV DV PRUH FKDOOHQJLQJ substitutes for the standard college prep FRXUVHV +,(6 RIIHUV $3 FRXUVHV DOWKRXJK there are some courses that are off limits to certain grade levels. Raiford confronted the myth of a ‘magic QXPEHU¡ RI $3V ´,W¡V MXVW JRLQJ WR GHSHQG on each student.â€? Each student is required WR WDNH DW OHDVW RQH $3 FRXUVH WR JUDGXDWH +,(6 6LQFH WKH QXPEHU RI $3V YDULHV based on the student taking them, it is hard to create a standard, but Raiford was able to SURYLGH VRPH JHQHUDO VWDWLVWLFV ´)RU H[DPSOH because so many people in our community know about the University of Georgia, last year we saw, for Holy Innocents’, they were looking for students who had—overall— Ă€YH $3V Âľ 5DLIRUG H[SUHVVHG KHU ZRUU\ RYHU giving a number that might make students feel like they have to meet a certain standard: “I don’t want this to cause any angst.â€? But it’s too late for that; students are already DQ[LRXV ,Q D FROOHJH SUHS HQYLURQPHQW like the one present at HIES, the intense FRPSHWLWLRQ DQG KLJK H[SHFWDWLRQV WKDW UXQ rampant inevitably result in widespread angst among students.


What about sexuality? An Exploration of an Underrepresented Faction

;r :gÂŽ PZgebll Zg] :kl^fZ AZbe^fZkbZg


n the progressive 21st century, a great deal has changed in the viewpoints of the American people UHJDUGLQJ VH[XDO RULHQWDWLRQ 'LVFXVVLRQ RI KRPRVH[XDOLW\ KDV EHFRPH increasingly prevalent in mainstream media. In just the beginning of this new century, conversation regarding KRPRVH[XDOLW\ KDV WDNHQ SODFH RQ HYHU\ platform imaginable in media, from hard-hitting politics to the lighter tones of pop culture. Just last month, New Jersey passed legislation legalizing gay marriage, totaling 16 states where gay marriage is legal. On another front, this past summer, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’s “Same Love�, a ballad professing VXSSRUW RI KRPRVH[XDOLW\ WRRN WKH UDGLR by storm, joining a pool of recent pop culture statements backing gay rights. In light of the nationwide discussion RI /HVELDQ *D\ %LVH[XDO 7UDQVJHQGHU (LGBT) rights, many high schools have taken it upon themselves to continue this dialogue in hopes of normalizing WKH GLVFXVVLRQ RI KRPRVH[XDOLW\ DQG raising awareness on what it means to be a part of the LGBT community. With


this in mind, the question arises as to what the Holy Innocents’ community is doing to immerse themselves in this nationwide discussion. During the annual convocation service, Headmaster Gene Bratek imparted the community with a clear illustration of a few aspects of diversity that HI strives to nurture saying, “we should respect and support everyone, regardless of his or her race, FRORU QDWLRQDO RU HWKQLF RULJLQ RU VH[XDO orientation.â€? Being a school that prides itself on championing diversity, the GHĂ€FLHQF\ LQ DGGUHVVLQJ KRPRVH[XDOLW\ does not align with the school’s mission statement. Some students look upon LGBT affairs as a taboo subject in the HI community, leading them to shy away from openly discussing it. Junior D’Khorvillyn Tyus feels as though, “we tiptoe around the subject, we don’t really put it out thereâ€?, and advises the community to, “[be] more forward with talking about it,â€? in order to create an environment that embraces such a prominent tier of diversity. A potential reason as to why the subject

is viewed as taboo lies in the school’s geographical location. Residing in the Bible Belt, a region with historically FRQVHUYDWLYH UHOLJLRXV YLHZV +, H[LVWV as a product of its environment, being DW RGGV ZLWK LWV UHOLJLRXV DIĂ€OLDWLRQ Traditionally, the Episcopal faith is more accepting towards members of the LGBT community than other factions of Christianity. According to the General Convention of Episcopal Church, ´KRPRVH[XDO SHUVRQV DUH FKLOGUHQ RI God who have a full and equal claim with all other persons upon the love, acceptance, and pastoral concern and care of the Churchâ€?. However, 24% of WKH +, SRSXODWLRQ LGHQWLĂ€HV WKHPVHOYHV as Episcopalian, while 76% associate themselves with other religious or nonreligious doctrines. In reference to these percentages, it is false to assume that everyone on campus is as welcoming as those who follow the all-inclusive Episcopalian beliefs. Along with religion, parental LQĂ XHQFH LV DQRWKHU IDFWRU WKDW PD\ affect student’s openness about the WRSLF $V 7\XV ZHQW RQ WR VD\ ´3DUHQWV

affect their kids opinions even if they know it or not; kids go off of what their parents feed into them.â€? Guided by their parents’ SHUVRQDO EHOLHIV DQG H[SHULHQFHV FKLOGUHQ tend to internalize the same principles, integrating them into their own lives. Having previously worked at a boarding school, Father Ned Mulligan realizes the impact that constant parental H[SRVXUH KROGV LQ WKH OLYHV RI VWXGHQWV ´3DUHQWDO FRQQHFWLRQ LQ D GD\ VFKRRO LV much stronger because of going home at night‌ In terms of being yourself LW LV PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW WR EH \RXUVHOI DW D GD\ VFKRRO Âľ +DYH SDUHQWDO LQĂ XHQFH and religion, among other factors, conditioned our school community to DYRLG DGGUHVVLQJ KRPRVH[XDOLW\ GHVSLWH WKH FRQVWDQW SUHVHQFH LQ WKH PHGLD" A meaningful club that many high schools have adopted in attempts to promote dialogue on this topic is the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), which works to create an environment ZKHUH SHRSOH RI DOO VH[XDOLWLHV IHHO comfortable addressing LGBT and KHWHURVH[XDO LVVXHV (VVHQWLDOO\ LW LV DQ outlet that aims to cultivate a sense of camaraderie among individuals that LGHQWLI\ ZLWK GLIIHUHQW VH[XDOLWLHV $V there are members of the HI community who identify themselves in ways other WKDQ KHWHURVH[XDO WKLV FOXE KDV WKH SRWHQWLDO WR EH EHQHĂ€FLDO RQ FDPSXV Upper school English teacher Alysia 2DNOH\ ZKR LGHQWLĂ€HV DV D PHPEHU RI the LGBT, believes that having a GSA on campus would offer much needed support to kids “who are trying to come out and have very little supportâ€? and would have a huge impact on the lives of those “who are silenced and have to suffer in silence.â€? A possible reason as to why students may not feel comfortable is for fear of

being victimized by their classmates. As a member of The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education the National Association of Network (GLSEN) 2011 National Independent School (NAIS), HI is School Climate Survey reported that H[SHFWHG WR ZRUN ´GHOLEHUDWHO\ WR LQ *HRUJLD VWXGHQWV H[SHULHQFHG ensure that the board of trustees, YHUEDO KDUDVVPHQW EDVHG RQ WKHLU VH[XDO administration, faculty, staff, and RULHQWDWLRQ 3URYLGHG WKDW VWXGHQWV DW VWXGHQW ERG\ UHĂ HFW GLYHUVLW\ WKDW HI may not feel comfortable with the is present in the rapidly changing idea of coming out “[it] creates a culture and increasingly diverse school age that can be negative about gay people, population in our country,â€? as stated in pushing them aside‌sweeping them WKH 3ULQFLSOHV RI *RRG 3UDFWLFH (TXLW\ aside,â€? Oakley stated, overcome with and Justice*. Another NAIS member emotion. VFKRRO 3KLOOLSV ([HWHU $FDGHP\ Along located in New Hampshire, has “Speaking for me with faculty successfully sustained a GSA since and other gay kids in DV SDUW RI IXOĂ€OOLQJ WKHVH members, students are the Holy Innocents’ H[SHFWDWLRQV $FFRUGLQJ WR -RDQQH DOVR FRQĂ€GHQW the head advisor to the community, it would Lembo, in the changes *6$ RQ FDPSXV ([HWHU KDV PHW a GSA could GHÂżQLWHO\ PDNH D some opposition in their outreach bring to UHJDUGLQJ VH[XDO RULHQWDWLRQ safer environment campus. An Regardless of the school’s goal and people might be WR H[SRVH VWXGHQWV ´WR GLIIHUHQW HI student ZKR LGHQWLĂ€HV able to come out...â€? kinds of activitiesâ€?, it is inevitable DV ELVH[XDO that some members of the - Anonymous community will not agree with and prefers to remain them and therefore the school anonymous, practices a precept of mandatory wholeheartedly believes in the power of H[SRVXUH ZKLFK GRHV QRW ´JLYH >VWXGHQWV@ a GSA’s ability to foster an environment a pass if [they] don’t want to hear WKDW LV PRUH HPEUDFLQJ RI DOO VH[XDOLWLHV something.â€? “Speaking for me and other gay kids in $QRWKHU IDFHW WKDW KDV DOORZHG ([HWHU¡V the Holy Innocents’ community, it would GSA to maintain such longevity is its GHĂ€QLWHO\ PDNH D VDIHU HQYLURQPHQW DQG consistency with hosting meetings. The people might be able to come out...and club has been meeting every Tuesday they could be themselves everywhere on night in the same location for the past campus.â€? In a school wide survey 52.6% twenty years, and this constancy offers of voters responded that they were students a sense of assurance. “A kid “neutralâ€? to the belief that HI provided may walk by it 15 times before actually a welcoming environment to the LGBT coming inâ€? said Lembo, “but they know community while 20.6% of students that it’s thereâ€?. A sense of privacy also UHVSRQGHG ´QRÂľ $OWKRXJK QRW UHEXIĂ€QJ contributes to the overall success of the school’s efforts, this reveals that a ([HWHU¡V *6$ ´$ VWXGHQW FDQ FKRRVH WR VLJQLĂ€FDQW SRUWLRQ RI WKH VWXGHQW ERG\ LGHQWLI\ WKHPVHOYHV LQ D FHUWDLQ ER[ RU feels as though there is not much the school has done on the subject.










26.8% AGREE











Sources: Freedom to Marry GLSEN 2011 National School Climate Survey The Episcpal Diocese of Atlanta, Georgia

*All statistics were up to date as of 11/20/13

class; however, we never ask them.â€? This It was the support from those who guideline leaves it up to the discretion ZHUH KHWHURVH[XDO WKDW IRUPHU +, of the student as to whether or not student Mallory Vaughn-Perkins WKH\ GLVFORVH WKHLU VH[XDOLW\ FUHDWLQJ was seeking when she attempted to an elevated level of comfort in the form a GSA during her junior year. meetings. Identifying as part of the LGBT Student testimonials nationwide FRPPXQLW\ 9DXJKQ 3HUNLQV UHDOL]HG reveal the positive effects GSAs have had KRZ EHQHĂ€FLDO D *6$ FRXOG EH IRU on school communities. At Mercersburg HI. After a failed attempt to create a $FDGHP\ LQ 3HQQV\OYDQLD WKH *6$ *6$ RQ FDPSXV 9DXJKQ 3HUNLQV OHIW KDV KHOSHG VWXGHQWV DGGUHVV VH[XDO HI in order to immerse herself in an orientation, including alumnus Grey environment in which she “could be 3LHUFH ´$V VRPHRQH ZKR VWUXJJOHG WR openly gay,â€? although she makes it FRPH RXW LQ KLJK VFKRROÂľ VDLG 3LHUFH clear that she “could’ve put up with itâ€? ZKR LGHQWLĂ€HV DV WUDQVJHQGHU ´ WKH *6$ for one more year. Contributed by James Barker Photography helped me in that it While VaughnBolden and her prom date in 2013 at the put a wall between 3HUNLQV OHIW +, HI Senior Walk “People were going to my internal emotions to attend a school of struggling with my accept me or they weren’t where LGBTQ unnoticed. identity and dealing programs were Already making a difference with going to, either way I was in place, alumna with how the ‘real small initiatives, HI is capable of world’ would perceive going to feel better about Mckenzie KDYLQJ DQ HYHQ JUHDWHU LQĂ XHQFH LI that identity.â€? GSA Bolden, made myself.â€? WKHVH LQLWLDWLYHV ZHUH H[KLELWHG DFURVV allows students to a statement all divisions. The lack of undertakings - McKenzie Bolden ‘13 addressing her discuss issues that across all three factions of HI impacted relate to the LGBT identity when senior Ashlyn Masters when she was a community such she brought a lower school student: “In lower school as dealing with family and friends, gay girl as her prom date. Bolden asserted I remember a girl who I thought was rights, and coping with bigotry. The idea WKDW ´3HRSOH ZHUH JRLQJ WR DFFHSW PH my friend saying ‘you have two moms of forming an alliance including those or they weren’t going to, either way I ULJKW"¡ $QG , ZDV OLNH \HDK DQG VKH ZKR LGHQWLI\ DV KHWHURVH[XDO PD\ RIWHQ was going to feel better about myself.â€? said that’s weird I don’t like it .â€? The be overlooked despite their inclusion Much to her surprise, she received an absence of education offered to younger LQ WKH WLWOH 0UV /HPER FRQĂ€UPV WKH overwhelming amount of support from students regarding how to handle such LPSRUWDQFH RI KHWHURVH[XDO LQYROYHPHQW a vast number of those in attendance sensitive situations generates a sense “It’s going to take the allies on campus, and even students from other schools of intolerance within them, which will the people who are safe, to give a start that were at the prom. One guest in FRQWLQXH XQOHVV WKH\ DUH H[SRVHG WR to this group.â€? The idea of involving particular, Allison Burns, was so moved VLWXDWLRQV DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ WKDW H[SDQG those who are not a part of the LGBT by the courage Bolden displayed that their limited views. According to Upper community is a key component in she later messaged her on Facebook School principal Chris Durst, as of now formulating supportive environments. and said “You’re an inspiration and an “there’s not a cross divisional sort of H[DPSOH RI ZKDW /RYHWW¡V engagement around [LGBTQ issues]â€?, community strives to be which does not allow members of the open to.â€? Often times, student body to rid themselves of those EHFDXVH JUDWLĂ€FDWLRQ VXFK views. as Burns’ statement is If given the proper attention, a not offered immediately, Gay-Straight Alliance has the power to people may feel that their HOLPLQDWH MXGJPHQWDO YLHZV DQG UHGHĂ€QH actions will go unnoticed, HI’s standards as to what it means to be thus discouraging efforts an accepting community. In conjunction for progressive change with a GSA, is it not worth the effort on their part. Burns’ to engage all divisions in meaningful comment goes to show GLVFXVVLRQ UHJDUGLQJ VH[XDO RULHQWDWLRQ that even the smallest in order to further solidify HI’s goal of of efforts do not go EHFRPLQJ 21( VFKRRO" Masters and her moms


breaking the mold F

or most of us, these four years of high school feel like a giant conveyor belt shaping us for the season of college applications and the coming of life-or-death acceptance and rejection letters. College feels like an inevitable deadline just down the road to everyone. However, a number of high school graduates overseas turn to a program considered for the most part out of the ordinary at HI – the gap year. A gap year could mean many different things to many different people. It could mean a necessary period of time to hone in on a student’s focal skill set. It could mean traveling abroad to widen KRUL]RQV DQG H[SHULHQFH QHZ FXOWXUHV 2U LW FRXOG PHDQ D \HDU WR MXVW ÀJXUH things out. Despite the popularity of


By Lela Johnson this opportunity overseas, the amount of Holy Innocents’ graduates that have continued on into a gap year program can be counted on one hand. Is Holy

“a gap year could mean many different things to many different people” Innocents’ missing out on a progressive WUHQG" Gap years are very much the norm in Europe and could even be considered a rite of passage. Georgina Bingham,

Milton Abbey School graduate, is from southwest England where it is “very popular to take a gap year. Most of my classmates went travelling after school, some are still travelling and some are teaching abroad.” It could be said that European students are raised in an environment where taking a gap year is a given, where in the United States, this idea is just now hinting at becoming widespread. In fact, a study from 2007 YHULÀHG WKDW RI DOO %ULWLVK VWXGHQWV delayed admission to take a gap year. A VLJQLÀFDQWO\ VPDOOHU SHUFHQWDJH RI American rising freshmen did the same. :K\ LV WKLV WKH FDVH" ´0DQ\ >(XURSHDQ@ students choose to take a gap year because they see it as an opportunity to try something new and take a break from formal schooling,” says Laura Hosid, DQ H[SHUW IURP Vinik Educational 3ODFHPHQW Services, Inc. “A gap year can EH DQ H[FHOOHQW opportunity to actively pursue an interest or passion and thereby gain H[SHULHQFH WKDW will be attractive to employers.” Also, many SURJUDPV H[LVW with the mission to promote and carry out successful gap years for European and American students alike. Dozens of programs rave about their

opportunities ranging from work H[SHULHQFH LQ &KLQD WR PHGLFDO SURJUDPV LQ WKH 6RXWK 3DFLĂ€F and even to wildlife protection in Africa. According to Hamish Murphy from Australian Lattitude Global Volunteering, in actuality, the market for volunteer gap years is oversaturated. “There are so many competing organisation’s for volunteering overseas, there is no lack of choice for opportunities,â€? says Murphy. “In North America, there is a huge under-tapped pool of young people. There are programmes like 3HDFH &RUS LQ WKH 86 EXW WKH\ DUH

“the gap year trend is just now beginning to catch on in the statesâ€? generally targeted at more skilled and H[SHULHQFHG YROXQWHHUV Âľ ,W DFWXDOO\ comes as a surprise that the gap year trend is just now beginning to catch on in the states. RO\ ,QQRFHQWV¡ GHĂ€QLWHO\ LVQ¡W WKH RQO\ VFKRRO H[SHULHQFLQJ D shortage in gap year students. Riverwood college counselor Ann Wilson resided in Europe for several years and noticed that compared to British students, “students [don’t] take advantage of [this] very often. I am only aware of two students on my caseload who have taken this in the four years I have been at Riverwood.â€? The two who partook in a gap year found the H[SHULHQFH WR EH YHU\ EHQHĂ€FLDO HYHQ “life-changingâ€?. One particular student had just recently converted to Judaism DQG YHQWXUHG WR ,VUDHO WR H[SORUH KHU new faith. “This year gives them a less VWUHVVIXO RSSRUWXQLW\ WR H[SORUH DUHDV they are considering a career, develop hobbies and interests and simply take the time to consider what they want to do with their lives without the pressure of traditional school,â€? says Wilson.


Although the number of HI graduates who have continued on into a gap year program are so few, the C&G was able to get in touch with former swim star Bates Jones who is currently taking a gap year himself. A gap year had not been part of his game plan until it presented an easy opportunity to focus on training for swimming. “I’m changing my diet up and doing weights during the times I would usually be in school,� says Jones. “I am now able to get more sleep and do a lot of things I would not be able to do because of schoolwork.� He KDV QRW IRXQG WKH H[SHULHQFH GHWULPHQWDO at all, instead advancing his swimming

career in many ways that wouldn’t have been possible had he been trying to balance school at the same time. “My plans for the future are to swim in a college and see how far I can go,â€? says Jones. “Who knows, maybe I could even PDNH Ă€QDOV RU WKH 2O\PSLF WLPH WULDOV DW some point in the future.â€? olleges are becoming more and more interested in and accepting of the prospect of admitting a gap year student despite the fact that they have vacationed from traditional schooling. In fact, Harvard encourages them. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Elon University




ffer funding for gap years which many students take advantage of. College counselor Holly Raiford points out that “a growing number of colleges and universities will even help FRRUGLQDWH WKH H[SHULHQFH IRU \RX Âľ This surprising level of support actually makes sense considering the fact that students return to a school setting more focused and motivated than they would KDYH ZLWKRXW WKLV H[SHULHQFH EHKLQG WKHLU belts. Regardless of their reasoning for taking a year off, many are proven to UHWXUQ LQWR WKH DFDGHPLF SOD\LQJ Ă€HOG a much better student than they left it as. According to a study by the Dean of Admissions at Middlebury College, WKH DYHUDJH *3$ IRU 0LGGOHEXU\ students who had taken a gap year was consistently higher than those who had not. Speak to anyone about their gap \HDU H[SHULHQFHV DQG WKH\ ZLOO EH VXUH to encourage any interested students to consider the program. “One can travel, OHDUQ DQG VSHQG WLPH H[SDQGLQJ KRUL]RQV at the same time,â€? says Alice Lindsay, a graduate from Marlborough College. She spent her year saving up money, working in a Southern Indian orphanage, and traveling India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Bali. “It allows you to learn about other cultures, as well as yourself. I cannot recommend taking a gap year enough.â€?




mma Scott and Georgina Bingham participated in the same gap year SURJUDP ERWK Ă€QGLQJ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ LQFUHGLEO\ EHQHĂ€FLDO WR SODQV IRU WKH future. Emma studied at a high school located in North West England until the age of 16 when she couldn’t help but return to a few of her favorite places for travel. “I had travelled before to Australia, Hong Kong and East Coast USA during my summers,â€? says Emma. ´, ORYHG WKHVH H[SHULHQFHV VR PXFK WKDW I wanted to do more.â€? Not only did (PPD JHW D FKDQFH WR WUDYHO DQG H[SORUH WR D JUHDW H[WHQW EXW VKH DOVR VSHQW this time living her dream to volunteer with young children. “ [I] felt that volunteering abroad would give me both FDUHHU DQG OLIH H[SHULHQFH Âľ VD\V (PPD Emma spent her gap year teaching and traveling Thailand, where she was responsible for planning and teaching English to children from ages 9 through 12. She gives this opportunity much credit for her ensuing successes, including making her more employable. Her current employer was very interested to here about any life skills she had gained during her time on gap year. ´7KHVH H[SHULHQFHV LQVSLUHG P\ IXWXUH plans in a huge way,â€? says Emma. “I

DP QRZ D IXOO\ TXDOLĂ€HG WHDFKHU DQG KDYH SODQV WR VSHQG QH[W \HDU WHDFKLQJ in Spain. I would never have thought about doing this had it not been for my SRVLWLYH WUDYHO H[SHULHQFHV Âľ Georgina Bingham similarly graduated at the age of 16 from a high school in Dorset where “it is very popular to take a gap year,â€? says Georgina. “Most of my class mates went travelling after school, some are still travelling, and some are teaching aboard.â€? It had always been a strong GHVLUH RI KHUV WR WUDYHO DQG H[SORUH cultures apart from her own. This opportunity came in the form of an orphanage and street child’s centre in Nepal, where she taught English, games and hygiene tips. “The children even taught the volunteers how to paint Henna on someone else’s hands,â€? says Georgina.


HRUJLQD LV Ă€UP LQ KHU EHOLHI WKDW WKLV gap year opportunity strengthened her rĂŠsumĂŠ and taught her life skills that couldn’t be taught outside of WKLV H[SHULHQFH ´$W WKH PRPHQW , DP studying Education at University, and I am planning to become a primary school teacher after I graduate,â€? says Georgina. ´7KLV H[SHULHQFH ZLOO help my future plan as it gives me a different kind of knowledge and understanding of different cultures and methods of teaching. Volunteering in Nepal has really inspired me to carry on with my plan to become a teacher. It has really opened my eyes, and I know I want to keep helping, developing and changing the lives of children in poverty.â€?

Who is taking a gap year?

Bg +))03

of British students deffered admission to mZd^ Z `Zi r^Zk pabe^


Only 5% of American universities and colleges have a deferral policy for prospective colleges. 2.5 million people in the UK planned on taking a gap year in 2012


h_ NL students mhhd iZkm in a gap year


in Australia students mhhd iZkm in a gap year

;^g^Ûml h_ Z @Zi R^Zk I^hie^ pah ^qi^kb^g\^] Z `Zi r^Zk3


mhhd ma^bk Z\Z]^fb\ phkd fhk^ l^kbhnler

mabgd maZm ma^ `Zi r^Zk a^ei^] ma^f ]^\b]^ paZm ln[c^\m mh concentrate on in college


said the gap year had added to their employability

do not apply to colleges before the gap year



phkd bg ;kbmZbg Zm lhf^ ihbgm ]nkbg` ma^ `Zi r^Zk

80% 24

Kim Phuc Phan Thi sat down to further discuss her story with a group of students over lunch.

1,000 Words the Picture Couldn’t Tell By Lela Johnson



rior to HI’s celebrated speaker series, most of us only knew Kim 3KXF 3KDQ 7KL DV WKH IHDWXUH of the groundbreaking photograph “Vietnam Napalm� and a catalyst of the war’s resolution. Now, Kim has become a communal inspiration to forgive and to free hearts from hate. Although the heartbreaking story behind what Oprah tearfully sdubbed “the photo of the century� was anticipated, everyone left the auditorium tremendously moved by the overarching message buried in Kim’s catastrophic past. Kim was a smiling 9-yearold girl completely oblivious to tragedy of war the day a napalm bomb demolished her home. She, among the other children of her

village,0. saw the emergency evacuation to a temple as an adventure. As such a holy and safe place, “how could [they] KDYH LPDJLQHG WKH KRUULEOH Ă€UH WKDW GURSSHG IURP WKH VN\"Âľ 7KH ZRUOG WKDW ZDV RQFH KHU KRPH FDXJKW RQ Ă€UH )LUH

burned clothes right off of her body. A photographer would capture this PRPHQW LQ D 3XOLW]HU 3UL]H ZLQQLQJ photograph that would touch people’s heart all over the world. The moment Kim entered the hospital doors, doctors gave up hope on her recovery. She had HQGXUHG WRR PDQ\ KRUULÀF EXUQV for hope and was left to die in the hospital morgue. Her parents found her on the brink of death three days later and desperately sought the medical assistance she had been denied. However, the physical suffering did not end here. Kim endured several months RI H[WHQVLYH SDLQIXO SURFHGXUHV to return the quality of life that had been so quickly stolen from her. She would never think or feel

“Vietnam Napalm” by Nick Ut/Associated Press

the same. “The doctors were my heroes,” says Kim. “But I envied my friends for their looks.” The burns permanently distorted the skin of her arm and back, greatly scarring it and leaving it as hard as a rock to touch. Not only was Kim burdened with physical pain, but she also was faced with “a private battle on the road to forgiveness,” says Kim. “Why [did] they >KDYH WR@ GLH"µ +HU GUHDP RI PLUURULQJ the careers of the doctors that had saved her life was stolen from her once again because the Vietnamese government LGHQWLÀHG KHU LQ WKH QRZ ZRUOG IDPRXV photograph. They wanted her to serve as a symbol of war and triumph when all she wanted was to be left alone. Kim’s 1982 acceptance into medical school was eclipsed, as she “became a victim again,” says Kim. “I felt like a bird in the cage. :K\ PH"µ 6KH ZDQWHG HYHU\RQH ZKR had taken a part in victimizing her two times over to suffer more than she had. “I knew I had to change my heart or die

from hatred,” says Kim. ne day, Kim discovered a copy of the Bible in a local library. This new god answered the prayers that had long gone unanswered and her heart began to foster the idea of forgiveness. Her life full of hurt began to look up as her family was permitted to live in Canada with “no money, no friends, and no knowledge of the culture,” says Kim. “Just faith.” Here, Kim had countless rights and opportunities that she had been denied during life as a war symbol. Able to ÀQDOO\ IDFH KHU SDVW ZLWK D IUHH DQG OHYHO head, Kim began to “learn to forgive those who had caused [her] suffering,” says Kim. “It seemed impossible. I had a lot of scars, emotionally and physically. I didn’t just wake up one day and forgive.” First returned her love to laugh. Investing so much in a new relationship with God allowed her to accept that she can’t change history, but she can change


her mindset. “I stopped asking ‘why PH"·µ VD\V .LP ´, EHJDQ WR DVN ¶SOHDVH help me, God.’ I should have died. This showed me that God had power and I count my blessings.” Even the pilot UHVSRQVLEOH IRU WKH GHYDVWDWLRQ LQÁLFWHG on Kim’s village has been received as a friend in Kim’s heart. “Forgiveness is more powerful than any weapon of war,” says Kim. “Forgiveness is a choice. I will

Illustration and top photo by Anne Bayin. Bottom photo by Nick Ut/ Associated Press


Behind the Story Book and Movie Reviews

The Book Thief

Gho^e [r FZkdnl SnlZd4 =bk^\m^] [r ;kbZg I^k\boZe Reviewed by Lela Johnson


nne Frank won over innumerable hearts as a young, resilient Holocaust victim blossoming in a constrictive, colorless world. Because of her, the role of the persecuted target is universally sympathized. Markus Zusak opens many eyes to the horrors of the Holocaust from an entirely different perspective in his quintessential novel The Book Thief. The C&G had the opportunity to attend a VKRZLQJ RI LWV EHDXWLIXO Ă€OP adaptation, devoted to the life of a maturing orphan girl living during the Holocaust. Chronicled through the eyes of 'HDWK WKH Ă€OP UHYHDOV ´ZKHQ life robs you, sometimes you have to rob it back.â€? While the horrors of the Holocaust seize the world around her, protagonist Liesel Ă€QGV VRODFH LQ ERUURZLQJ ERRN DIWHU ERRN WR Ă€OO WKH DEVHQFH that not even her adoptive family can occupy. A shared \HDUQLQJ IRU ZRUGV LQWHQVLĂ€HV D ERQG EHWZHHQ /LHVHO DQG 0D[ D \RXQJ Jew harbored in Liesel’s basement, WHDFKLQJ KHU KRZ WR Ă€QG ´WKH PHDQLQJ


of hope� in a dark, unforgiving world. Actress Emily Watson perfectly portrays the role of Liesel’s stern adoptive mother

unsuccessfully masking a soft, affectionate heart. Despite persistently harsh behavior, “Mamaâ€? betrays her desperate love for her husband and daughter when the time is right. Golden Globe nominee Geoffrey Rush faultlessly HPERGLHG =XVDN¡V ´3DSDÂľ ZKR “would welcome death with his arms wide open.â€? He was H[DFWO\ ZKDW 7KH %RRN 7KLHI fans would have imagined welcoming, warm, rebellious 3DSD WR DFW OLNH LQ HYHU\ ZD\ While the movie could be described as long, it could not be considered slow or drawn out. Each and every scene was clearly thought out and included to serve a purpose to the greater plot. Captivating cinematography captured HYHU\ H[SUHVVLRQ DQG HPRWLRQ perfectly. Movie adaptations are generally found to be lacking, especially for a plot so labyrinthine and poignant as Markus Zusak’s. However, The Book Thief constituted everything that could’ve been asked of it. Zusak is sure to be one of IHZ DXWKRUV ZKR DUH VDWLVĂ€HG ZLWK WKLV rare accomplishment.

The Prince of Tides ;r IZm <hgkhr

Reviewed by Molly Marcus-Dower


ooks possess an often understated power to change people. My way of speaking, acting, and thinking has undoubtedly been shaped by great works RI OLWHUDWXUH QRQH PRUH VR WKDQ 3DW &RQUR\¡V 7KH 3ULQFH RI 7LGHV 7KRXJK not the newest novel to hit the shelves, Conroy’s quintessential tale of Southern hardship and beauty is timeless in its own sense.


idyllic surroundings of low country South Carolina offer sharp contrast to this family with each member stumbling over their own set of obstacles, forcing them to relive their startlingly scarring pasts. As the story begins, Tom is leaving the South after his sister has once again attempted suicide. Demons have haunted Savannah Wingo since childhood, her only successful outlet for peace of mind EHLQJ SRHWU\ GHVFULELQJ WKH DEXVH Ă€OOHG days of her youth alongside Tom and their older brother Luke. Growing up, the Wingo family has every necessary element of a broken home: drunken father prone to violence, mother obsessed with status in a small town, and a pet tiger named Cesar. The Wingo family suppresses a painful dark secret that draws you in and breaks your heart upon its telling. What this novel lacks in fast paced action it more than makes up for in breathtaking imagery and verism. “My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide.â€? Sentences like these make reading this book a pleasure much akin to the viewing of a masterful work of art.

)RU WKRVH ZKR DUH ZDU\ RI WKH Ă RZHU\ JORULĂ€FDWLRQ RI &RQUR\¡V FRPPDQGLQJ use of description and literary devices OHW LW EH HPSKDVL]HG WKDW 7KH 3ULQFH RI Tides truly has something for everyone. From accounts of high school victories RQ WKH IRRWEDOO Ă€HOG WR FRPSOLFDWHG nighttime affairs above the streets of New York City this book has the power to speak to all. Conroy has, without a doubt, achieved greatness with this sensational work. For anyone interested in visiting South Carolina through the eyes of a master, I sincerely recommend this book.


A Thousand Splendid Suns By Khaled Hosseini


rom Khaled Hosseini, the author of The Kite Runner, comes another emotional thrill ride that takes place in the heart of Afghanistan. Like its predecessor, A Thousand Splendid Suns features a main villain and a best friend ZKR FRPPLWV D QREOH DFW RI VHOI VDFULĂ€FH to aid the protagonist. However, unlike The Kite Runner, which focuses on the relationships between fathers and sons, Splendid Suns features themes of mothers, daughters, and friendships between women. While The Kite Runner


Reviewed by Lauren McBroom

opens with heartbreak, Splendid Suns gradually builds up emotional power as the story progresses. The story begins with a little girl named Miriam and her rancorous mother who live in a shack on the outskirts of the city of Herat. Jalil, her father, is a wealthy man who lives inside the city and occasionally visits Miriam at her home, much to the chagrin of her mother. In WKH ÀUVW SDUW RI WKH QRYHO ZH OHDUQ WKDW 0LULDP LV WKH UHVXOW RI DQ H[WUDPDULWDO affair between Jalil and her mother, who

was his housemaid. Her illegitamy is the reason why she lives on the outskirts of the city; Miriam is not welcome in Jalil’s home with his legitimate children. After attempting to see her father on her ÀIWHHQWK ELUWKGD\ 0LULDP UHWXUQV KRPH to discover her mother has committed suicide. Naturally, she is devastated and blames herself for her mother’s death. Soon after, she is forced to marry a shoemaker in Kabul named Rasheed, ZKR DW ÀUVW VHHPV KDUPOHVV HQRXJK EXW becomes increasingly violent with his

new wife. Rasheed forces Miriam to wear a burqa and treats her with contempt, which later turns into full-on abuse. 0HDQZKLOH WKH FRXSOH QH[W GRRU welcomes a baby girl into the world named Laila. She is the daughter of an intellectual who encourages her to pursue an education and make something of herself. However, a rocket ÀUHG E\ RQH RI WKH ZDUORUGV ÀJKWLQJ for control of the war-ravaged Kabul, killing both her parents and leaving Laila orphaned homeless. Her secret boyfriend, Tariq, and his family have DOUHDG\ à HG WKH FLW\ VR VKH VWD\V ZLWK KHU neighbors, Rasheed and his docile wife Miriam. Having no other place to turn, Laila agrees to become Rasheed’s second wife and is immediately seen as a threat by Miriam. This changes after Laila gives birth to her daughter Zalmai, who, unbeknownst to Rasheed, is actually fathered by Tariq. The two women soon forge a deep connection, spurred on by their mutual antipathy of their husband and fear of the Taliban, who has now

taken over Kabul. ,Q WKHVH ÀUVW VHFWLRQV WKH FKDUDFWHUV are very one dimensional in personality. Laila is the beautiful daughter of educated parents and has a clichÊ secret

Khaled Hosseini masterfully weaves Z a^Zkm[k^Zdbg` mZe^ maZm pbee fZd^ you laugh, cry, and question how much rhn k^Zeer dghp love affair. Miriam is the illegitimate child of an embittered woman and GLVOR\DO IDWKHU ZKR H[SHULHQFHV QRWKLQJ but hardships and grief. Rasheed is the abusive husband whose misogynist attitude makes the women’s lives a living hell. However, Hosseini uses character

relationships to illustrate that the world is far from black and white. This can EH H[HPSOLĂ€HG E\ 5DVKHHG¡V ORYH DQG devotion for his the son he and Laila KDYH WRJHWKHU RU 0LULDP¡V Ă€QDO VDFULĂ€FH for her friend. In the end, A Thousand Splendid Suns is a story about friendship, love, and injustice. Khaled Hosseini masterfully weaves a heartbreaking tale that will make you laugh, cry, and question how much you really know about a culture few Americans truly understand. The book blends together the tragic and oftentimes violent history of Afghanistan with a genuinely captivating narrative so that it is both informative and fun to read. I myself am not a huge fan of history, but found Splendid Suns to be absolutely FDSWLYDWLQJ DQG H[WUHPHO\ GLIĂ€FXOW WR SXW down. Hosseini truly is one of the great authors of our generation and I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a powerful and enlightening story.

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