RELIGION IN THE BIBLE BELT In changing culture of southern religion, extremism still remains CULTURE PAGE 10
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Serving the University of Alabama since 1894
Vol. 120, Issue 1
*THEN photos courtesy ou urt rtes tessy of of H Hoole oo ole S Special peeciial Collections Library ryy *NOW photos byy Aus Austin Bigoney usstitin n Bi Bigo go one neyy (CW)) CW | Stephanie McNeal
Sites such as Rose Towers, the Ferguson Center, the Bryce Complex and the Kilgore House exemplify the perceived constant demolition olition of landmark buildings on campus to make room for the expansion of the University. Despite need for space, some say new construction destroys historically cally significant structures.
‘Historic’ buildings offered limited protection, recognition
UA consistently in construction to update, enlarge campus
By Megan Miller Staff Reporter
By Mark Hammontree News Editor
tural historian. “It is regrettable that the University chose to demolish the Kilgore House, which was an important part of In light of the recent destruction of its own history and that of the [Bryce] the Kilgore House on the University of hospital.” Alabama campus, many locals, students The University plans to save the outdoor and preservationists are raiskitchen or storehouse area ing into question what pieces of the Kilgore House as part It is regrettable that the Uniof history can be protected of a new outdoor dining versity chose to demolish the and what can be destroyed to area, which will be part of make way for newer, bigger the new Fresh Food. Kilgore House which was an projects. “The University’s intenimportant part of its own hisThe Kilgore House is an tion of ‘saving’ the outtory and that of the [Bryce] example of an historic site door kitchen or storehouse hospital. that, although it was deemed shows a complete misunderhistoric, was not offered a standing of the significance — Robert Mellown great deal of protection from of the site,” Mellown said. impending demolition. “The main house, not the “The first any of us knew outbuilding, had important of the impending demolition of the Kilgore historical associations with the manageHouse was the erection of a chain-link ment of Bryce Hospital and with the hisfence around it a couple of days before it tory of female education at The University was razed,” said Robert Mellown, retired professor of art history and architecSEE HISTORICAL PAGE 2
housing community, the renovation and repurposing of the Bryce compound, and the expansion of the Ferguson Center. At a school where the cutting edge and The second installment of Presidential the up-to-date are areas of pride, the cam- Village, and its accompanying student recpus of The University of Alabama is a con- reation center, is the biggest single project sistent construction zone at the moment. with new projects always on The reason for beginning the horizon. the second of the twin housThere was always a plan for And while there are many ing facilities so much later both buildings, but we had to sides to the debate of the than the first was the need have replacement beds ready benefits of expansion and for rooms in lieu of Rose before we could tear down renovation, there is no denyTowers, which was torn Rose, otherwise we would ing that change is happening down in order to make room have been in the negative all over campus, and it’s hapfor the Presidential Village for beds. pening constantly. project. Tim Leopard, assistant “There was always a plan — Tim Leopard vice president of construcfor both buildings, but we tion administration at the had to have replacement University, said there are beds ready before we could anywhere from 12 to 15 major construction tear down Rose, otherwise we would have projects currently taking place on campus. been in the negative for beds,” Leopard said. The most notable include the continued construction of the second Presidential Village SEE CONSTRUCTION PAGE 6
Bonner hopes to impact UA campuses, state economics By Katherine Owen Production Editor Following an announcement on May 23 about his plans to resign from his congressional office to take a position with The University of Alabama System, U.S. Rep. Josiah “Jo” Bonner, R-Ala., said he has a wealth of ideas for his new position but first wants to learn from those already in the system’s office. Starting August 16, Bonner will assume the position of vice chancellor of government relations and economic development with the UA system. Kellee Reinhart, vice chancellor for system relations, said the position was established from the outgrowth and er • Plea s
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of the UA system] and the other people in the system’s office for By helping our state prosper guidance,” Bonner said. “And economically, we are increasI want to touch base with Bill ing the state’s ability to Jones. He has been the director of the government relations financially support higher branch for many years and did a education. great job with that. He’ll have a wealth of knowledge about that — Kellee Reinhart aspect of this job.” Bonner said he has already reorganization of the govern- discussed the potential of his ment relations branch of the position with Witt and said he system under Bill Jones, the sees economic development recently retired director of the playing a much larger role than government relations initia- before with the government tive. Bonner’s official salary relations branch. “What made this so attracis unknown but will be determined closer to his start date, tive was, in addition to this opportunity to work for this Reinhart said. “First of all, I’m going to look system,” Bonner said, “it is to Dr. Robert Witt [Chancellor also exciting to see economic
INSIDE today’s paper
development become an enhanced part of this system.” He said each campus of the UA system – Tuscaloosa, Birmingham and Huntsville – has something valuable to offer, and it is his hope to figure out how to tie those together to enhance business in the state. “Dr. Witt was telling me his vision,” Bonner said, “and he was talking about a much more enhanced role for higher education to play and that the UA system could play. When you think about the unique nature of our system, all three universities have programs that overlap, but they also all [have] some programs that they are really good at.” Reinhart said focusing on the
Briefs ........................2
Sports ..................... 11
Opinions ...................4
Puzzles.................... 13
Culture ...................... 9
Classifieds .............. 13
strengths of the three campuses to benefit state economics was part of the intended role of Bonner’s new position. “By expanding the government relations position to formally include economic development, our goal is to harness the diverse strengths of the three campuses for the economic betterment of the state and nation,” Reinhart said. “By helping our state prosper economically, we are increasing the state’s ability to financially support higher education.” Bonner also cited the impact government relations could have on individual campus U.S. Rep. Josiah “Jo” Bonner will join the UA system as vice changrowth for UA system schools. cellor of government relations SEE BONNER PAGE 7 and economic development.
Chance of T-storm
Thursday 90º/72º T-storms
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