Today is your last day to drop a class with a “W”
Anthony Grant emerges as top candidate
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Serving the University of Alabama since 1894
Taking the title
Vol. 115, Issue 104
UA license plate gets new design By Hannah Mask Contributing Writer
The University’s new collegiate license tag design is available this month in any state courthouse or license office, according to the alumni association. Pat Whetstone, UA’s director of alumni affairs, said funds from the tags cost about $50 more than regular tags and go towards undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships. The Capstone’s alumni association raised about $3 million • UA license plates cost with the car tag program from 2007 to 2008, more than any $50 extra — $48 of which other university in the state. are tax deductable Auburn raised about $2.43 million, according to press releas• From 2007 to 2008, UA es. alumni affairs raised nearly “Out of the $50 the tags cost, $3 million from UA license $48.50 deductable, so most of tag purchases the money is considered a gift to the University,” Whetstone • The license tag money is said, adding that tags can also used to fund undergraduate be personalized. “If a person scholarships and graduate wants BAMADOG or JIMBO on
UA Athletics The Alabama gymnastics team poses after winning the sixth SEC Championship in school history over the weekend. The Tide has battled injuries all year but stepped up at the right time to fend off No. 1 Georgia and take the title. By Jason Galloway Senior Sports Reporter
“Middle of the season, things were looking pretty grim,” sophomore All-American A month ago, this did not Kayla Hoffman said. “It was a pretty down time for us, but we seem possible. The Alabama gymnastics never completely lost hope.” The team needed something team had lost its last four meets against SEC opponents, to happen, some kind of spark having scored just lower than to pull itself back into the cona 196 for the second week in a versation as one of the best. On Feb. 27, the Crimson Tide row. The injuries were plentiful, and it seemed as if this sea- trounced No. 5 Auburn with son would just be accepted as a a score of 197.35, its seasonhigh score by a long shot at down year.
the time, reminding the Tigers and the rest of the country why Alabama had five SEC titles to its name in the last 20 years. In the past month, Alabama has averaged better than a 197 in each meet. On Saturday, the Tide posted its second highest score of the season, a 197.3, to capture its sixth SEC Championship and first since 2003. “This is just so sweet because of everything that’s
See LICENSE, page 2
been thrown at us, all the adversity and injuries,” junior All-American Morgan Dennis said. “Every little thing that we never would have thought happened this year.” Alabama’s biggest competition, top-ranked Georgia, opened the door for the Tide by counting a fall on the balance beam in the first rotation, posting a dismal 48.6 on
See SEC, page 10
Stimulus funds to help UA
cutting spending in anticipation of a massive deficit,” said representative Artur Davis in a press release. “But the fact is that our economy is suffering the most severe downturn since the early seventies and it will likely get worse. Our state By Josh Veazey government is facing a billion Senior Staff Reporter dollar shortfall even with the The American Recovery fiscally conservative choices and Reinvestment Act, passed we have made in Alabama.” Money that might help stuon Feb.17, invested an estimated $247.5 billion in health- dents include an increase care, education and scientific in maximum Pell Grant, an research, much of which has increase in “higher educapotential to end up at the tion tax credits” for people saving up or currently payUniversity. “This bill is expensive and ing for college or repaying in an ideal world, we would be student loans, and a state
Money could help students attend college
UA weather
TODAY 68º/58º
Today’s paper
Libertarianism is similar to anarchy ...................4 National: Obama: The U.S. economy is improving ..........................5
Scattered thunderstorms
Lifestyles: Food expert talks at Gorgas.........6
Sports: Baseball tops UAB 10-7.........................12
Scattered thunderstorms
See STIMULUS, page 2
By Drew Taylor Senior Staff Reporter On March 10, Sen. Shelby announced federal funding on a number of projects within West Alabama and the University. Of the $90 million in earmarks going to West Alabama, nearly half will be going to the University. Of this, $4.03 million will be given to the University’s Transportation Services, including $2.468 million for the Ridgecrest South parking deck.
In a written statement, Shelby, who graduated from the University in 1957, said it is important to think about how this bill can best serve the people who elected him in the first place. “I believe the people of Alabama elected me to represent their interests in Washington and I am willing to defend any funding or project I have secured for Alabama,” Shelby said. “I
See SHELBY, page 3
FAST FACTS • This month, Shelby announced $90 million of federal funds will support projects in West Alabama
• Nearly half will come to the University
• $4.03 million will be given to Transportation Services
INSIDE Facebook dangerous to privacy, job offers Opinions: Ideology doesnʼt ensure wins ..4
Scattered thunderstorms
restabilization fund designed to prevent layoffs and budget cuts. Most of the money for research will come through federal agencies, and research institutions like the University will apply to get specified grants from them. For example, the National Science Foundation received $3 billion, and the National Institutes of Health received $10.4 billion. Joe Benson, UA vice president for research, said he thinks this is a good way to allocate money based on merit and to give departments at the
Sen. Shelby earmarks money for University
P.O. Box 870170 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Newsroom: 348-6144 | Fax: 348-4116 | Advertising: 348-7845 | Classifieds: 348-7355 Letters, op-eds: Press releases, announcements:
By Danielle Drago Senior Staff Reporter It is the week after spring break. This means returning from the sand and sun to not only piles of unfinished work and creeping deadlines, but also inundation of spring break pictures posted on Facebook. Although it may be fun to flip through friend’s pictures in their varying states of sobriety, some students post their good times had over the break online without stopping to consider the consequences. “Photos not only document your fun times, but also the places you’ve been and people with whom you associate. These are clues that others can easily piece together to find you,” according to a report issued by Vivian Wright, associate professor of instructional technology. Privacy is something that is
often compromised when students divulge valuable information, such as phone numbers or addresses, on their Facebook accounts. Being an open book puts you at risk of sharing a little too much, according to the report. “I think Facebook’s safe depending on what you put on it,” said Amanda Wachtel, a junior majoring in mathematics. “I think if you put too much information it’s really easy for people to track you down. Putting your address isn’t a good idea.” She said only accepting friend requests from people she knows is also a good rule of thumb. The best ways to protect your privacy are by keeping phone numbers and addresses private, as well as reviewing the privacy settings provided by Facebook. You are only as vulnerable as your privacy
settings allow, according to the report. In addition to limited privacy, posting pictures and information can also limit job opportunities. “Employers do look at Facebook,” said Gayle Howell, a consultant with the Career Center. “A couple of years ago, there was discussion if it was ethical for employers to look at [potential employee’s] Facebook pages and other networking sites. We’re not even having that discussion anymore; it’s just so prevalent.” In the current job market, students have to be mindful about their Facebook profiles, she said. “Now what we talk about it how students can be very careful about what they post or how they post it so that employers don’t change their mind about wanting to offer them a job,” Howell said.
Taking down any pictures or content of questionable appropriateness is key, she said. “As they approach the job search, they need to clean up their Facebook, and not post any pictures or any links that would take employers to information that was inappropriate,” she said. Facebook is changing the way employers look at future job candidates. “I think employers have done background checks for years and years and Facebook allows employers another way to do a background check on what kind of person the [job] candidate is. I’ve heard countless stories from employers who have not made a job offer because of what they have been able to access through Facebook,” Howell said. Students are aware of the
See FACEBOOK, page 3