LIFESTYLES ‘Saw V’ doesn’t quite make the cut
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Speaking up: Q-and-A with Javier Arenas
Serving the University of Alabama since 1894
Homecoming court announced By Dave Folk News Editor Homecoming court was announced Tuesday night after voting concluded Tuesday afternoon. In alphabetical order, the Homecoming court will be: Caroline Ball, PattyAnn Green, Caroline Gwaltney, Phillips Thomas and Maegen Wrenn. The resolution involving the make up of the student judicial board also passed overwhelmingly.
Vol. 115, Issue 47
Class studies female VP noms By Karissa Bursch Staff Reporter Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska has become a media sensation almost overnight after the Republican candidate for president, Sen. John McCain, chose her as his running mate. While the choice of a female vice-presidential candidate is unusual, a similar situation also happened in politics
24 years ago with the campaign of Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro. Ferraro was chosen as presidential candidate Walter Mondale’s running mate when he ran against incumbent President Ronald Reagan. And here at the Capstone, a class on gender and political communications will be exploring the similarities and differenc-
Light it up
es between these two women and the treatment they each received from the media. Janis Edwards, associate professor of communication studies in the College of Communication and Information Sciences, is leading the class in the research project titled “The Palin Watch.” She said after Palin was chosen as McCain’s running mate, it seemed like a
great case study for students in her class, which is a mix of both graduate and undergraduate students. “There’s a lot of ways to look at media coverage of female candidates,” Edwards said. The students are finding three common themes in the relationship between the media
See STUDY, page 2
Project Health holds annual health fair By Sydney Holtzclaw Contributing Writer
CW | Marion R. Walding Members of the Air Force ROTC prepare wooden pallets for the Homecoming bonfire which will take place Friday night on the Quad. There will be three or four ROTC cadets sleeping in tents each night until Friday in order to guard the wood from early flames.
Project Health will be hosting its second annual UA Student Health Fair today, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Ferguson Plaza to promote healthy living. The peer educators of Project Health are working to promote a holistic approach to health. Michelle Harcrow, Project Health’s adviser, said a holistic health approach involves wellness as a whole. “Being healthy is more than just not having an illness or cold,” Harcrow said. “Not only
does your health relate to your physical health but also to your mental, spiritual and emotional well being. It is important for students to realize that a lack of sleep or high levels of stress [are] directly related to their immunity to colds and their health as a whole.” Over 30 vendors from around campus and the community are going to be present at the fair featuring live music by students, games, crafts and snacks. Among the featured crafts will be coloring and face painting. “Many students don’t
See HEALTH, page 2
‘100 Lenses’ takes a look at the Black Belt region By Xavier Burgin Contributing Writer
Staring into the stark reality of dilapidated houses, double-chained pit-bulls and the street-savvy eyes of young, troubled black children may not seem an ideal venture for the average person, but Elliot A. Knight and the students of Greene County High School and Warrior Academy would beg to differ. In a joint enterprise between the Black Belt Community Foundation and the University’s Center for Community Based Partnerships, a collection of racially provocative pictures will be displayed in the Crossroads Lounge of the Ferguson Center for the “Black Belt 100 Lenses, Greene County” photo exhibition, which will run throughout this
UA weather
month in 232 Ferguson Center. The exhibition is aimed at illuminating the customs and plight of American citizens living in rural Alabama’s Black Belt Region. The Alabama Black Belt, a lower region of the state representing the larger Black Belt region of the southern United States, was first named for its geography, which featured a thin layer of illustrious black topsoil. The significance of this region’s meaning would change once cotton plantations transformed into the main source of revenue for Alabama, rendering it the largest density of African-Americans within the state. After the emancipation of slaves during the Civil War, many of their children remained on the land once
INSIDE Today’s paper
News: Bragg to discuss new book tonight......3 Opinions: Our View ...4
Clear Clear
Poetry adds twist to Homecoming ...........6 Lifestyles: Saw V movie review .....................6 Volleyball: Salstrand aggressive on court ..8 Sports: Football Q-and-A with Arenas ........... 10
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cultivated by their parents, making “Black Belt” a name more closely associated with its racial demographic rather than geological significance. The region suffers from a high rate of poverty, unemployment and lack of education defining it as one of the worst expanses of the United States. Knight decided to enlighten others of this dilemma through the use of photography. Building on the 2006 UA 100 Lenses Project at Crossroads Community Center and Black Belt 100 Lenses program in Sumter County, Knight enabled Black Belt students to use Photovoice, an intermeshing of photography and social action. This allowed participants to publicly and intimately connect with the surroundings and people of the region, giving voice to the problems of the area.
Beverly Hawk, director of the University’s involvement in the event, expanded on the subject. “Knight went to The Black Belt Greene County, gave cameras to high school students, and asked them to bring the developed pictures back while talking about their experience and culture in The Black Belt.” Hawk further noted the significance of Greene County on the University. “This is a chance for all of us to appreciate the many things Greene County has given the University … everyone should come see The Black Belt through the eyes of our youth so we invite all to come by and look at the exhibit,” he said. Knight’s colleague, Patty Submitted by Kandy Wesson Vaughn, explained why it is Samory Pruitt, vice president of community affairs, talks with beneficial for kids to express Black Belt 100 Lenses participant Joshua Finch. Finch was a senior at Greene County high school when he took photographs for the project, but he is now a freshman at the University. See LENSES, page 2
Moral Forum finalists faced off Monday night By Kellie Munts Contributing Writer The fourth annual tournament of the James P. Hayes Jr. Moral Forum concluded Monday with Alex Flachsbart and David Lindsay being awarded first place in the competition and a scholarship award of $2,500 each. Flachsbart is a senior majoring in political science, economics, and international studies. Lindsay is a senior majoring in political science and economics. The second place winners were each awarded $1,500 scholarships. William Bloom, a senior majoring in political science and history, and Walt Johnson, a sophomore majoring in political science competed alongside Flachsbart and Lindsay in the final stage of the competition. “They’re all such outstanding students, in the end no one was
surprised to see either team on stage,” Research Project Coordinator Lea Bourland said. There were 60 participants in Moral Forum this semester, comprising 30 debate teams. The teams read countless pages related to the topic and prepared to address the resolution to be debated. “The continuing success and expansion of Wal-Mart has led to a more just society for American citizens” was the focus of the weeks of preparation. Many of those that chose to participate had no prior experience with debate, and learned key factors of debate in this very intensive course. Increasing the challenge even further, those participating had to be prepared to argue either side of the resolution at any given moment. “I just choose the topics each year, and I try to pick something with which very convincing arguments can be made,”
said Stephen Black, director of the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility. Throughout the semester Black said he has seen an even level of argument both on the affirmative side and the dissenting. He said he expected more discrepancy between the two sides of the argument, but saw an even split leading up to the final debate. The preparation required for this variety of debate is enormous, he said. “Moral Forum is a normal fall semester course with a very high work load in the beginning of the semester,” Black said. Prior to the final night of competition, the entire body of students participated in a series of debates that gradually eliminated teams until the final two pairs remained. Those teams were then prepared for a period of intense debate in front of a crowded 400-member audience in Morgan auditorium.
“I think that’s a great turnout for a Monday night academic debate,” Black said. The focus on Wal-Mart was fodder for interest in the final round of Moral Forum. “It’s something everybody can relate to in some way, especially with the economy sort of tanking the way it is now. We’ve all shopped at Wal-Mart, so it’s something that we all know about,” Bourland said. Enthusiasm for the event did not end with those participating. In the moments before the announcement of a winner, Bourland said he noticed a murmur through the audience. “The whole purpose of Moral Forum is to get people talking about the issue. Even after the debate, there was a split in the audience about which argument was stronger,” Bourland said.
See FORUM, page 2