3 minute read
The skull of Doom
• Erecting a Maypole; Choose a bright ribbon of the color that symbolizes your wish, and dance and weave the strands...
• You can make the Great Rite with your partner, in your garden, in the woods or in your sacred space at home.
• The fullness of spring, the ideal time to defend oneself against evil.
Beltaine's symbols: Tiangles, stars, pentagrams, spirals ( not to use more than two at the same time) Beltaine’s plants: Willow, hawthorne flowers and another spring flowers. Beltaine’s eatings: Cereals, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and another red fruits from the woods. Beltaine’s inciense: Jasmine, vanilla Beltaine’s colours: Orange, yellow, red and white. Beltaine’s stones: Coral, jade, pearls, emerald, sapphires and rose quartz ■
Photo by Ant Rozetsky on Unsplash
Author: Morgann
In 1,927 the British explorer FA Mitchel Hodges found a glass skull in “Ciudad de las Piedras caídas” in the midle of the jungle of the modern -day Belice. This glass skull was found inside a Mayan temple, in the pre-Columbian city of Lubaantum, It was in a good condition but it was incomplete, the lost piece was the jaw. Few time later, it was possible to complete, because it was found the jaw in the same Mayan temple. The unusual skull was found by the explorer's stepdaughter, Anna Mitchell Hodges, who was 18 years old in that moment.
In 1,927 the british explorer FA mitchel Hodges found a glass skull in “Ciudad de las Piedras caídas” in the midle of the jungle of the contemporaneal Belice.
This glass skull was found inside a Mayan temple, in the pre-columbian city of Lubaantum, It was in a good condition but it was incomplite, the lost piece was the jaw. Soon thereafter, it was possible to complete, because it was found the jaw in the same Mayan temple. The unusual skull was found by the explorer's stepdaughter, Anna Mitchell Hodges, who was 18 years old in that moment. Its a big mystery because it was made with a pure glass stone and in only one block. The skull has occult prisms inside, and joined to lens in the socket. It make a strange flash, nearly hypnotic. In addition, sometimes the glass lobe fog up and the skull turns white. It's a strange thing! It's12,7cm tall and it's more than 5kg weight. It was made by a quartz stone block, this date is the result of Hewlett-Packard laboratories study, and according to that fact, it was the job about 300 years, for make it real!
Another mystery of the skull its the carving perfection which go again the quartz glass structure. Another big mystery is the using of sophisticated tools. How do they did it? What was the skull purpose? The Mayan high priest that had the glass skull, used it in witchcraft rituals, for eliminate their enemies. The purpose of this skull was agent of charge from the death. With exceptional blinding shine proprieties, it was used to went into a trance state and look up the oracle and knew the future. After that, a lot of people died, they were victims of the magical and suggestive power of the skull. Anyway, for the people who find this object, from an esoteric eye, had a very good luck. The explorer Mitchell had the skull for 30 years with him, in every travel, in his bag. And it said that the skull had save him from 11 murder attempted. When he passed away at 77, leaved the skull to his stepdaughter, who really find the skull, and started her travel to a successful life. Independently that fact, the skull has another totally and inexplicable mysteries, for example: How did they do it? How can they do it perfectly without today tools? The Mayans never had any tools for do it with that absolutely perfection.
Another mystery is the fact about the anatomical knowledge from Mayan people for do it. At present days, the skull of doom remain in a private collection. But exist another identical skull who can be see in the Museum of Mankind (added to The British Museum) in London. The antique dealer value of the original skull is more than