3 minute read
Astrology and Moon Magic for Beltane
If you follow our job on social media, you know that I post some articles about astrology and moon phases or moon magic. I do it for Arcannum and La Magia del Bosque, and I always post about new or full moon, and add astrological information at that moment, or write some information about horoscope, with some ritual information or some tips for housework or gardening tips.
We celebrate Beltane as special form, because it’s Saturday and we can add a moon phase that, normally, I don’t post about it. e are on a waning moon phase in Capricorn sign at 17,18h (+1,00).
The waning moon phase is a harvest time, on that moment we see the results of our intentions on the last new moon phase. This phase is in harmony with the Ancient phase, it invited us to transmit our knowledge and experiences to others, on the other hand we start to look inside us.
Under the Capricorn influence, it’s possible that this day we feel our patience, or our strength shoot up. We can feel that our responsibility expands too. At work, things will be better from now. It will be a good time for buy or sale. It could be a good time too, for make plans for our future journey.
This moon phase it’s the best time for take care of our body, it can be a new nutrition plan, for an
operation, change our hair color, hair removal, massage time, moisturize our skins and take care of our legs.
In the garden, it’s the perfect time for eliminate plants infestations, plant carrots or potatoes or fertilize the garden plants. It’s a good time too, harvest or dry seeds.
After all that information, we are going to start with planets transition.
We have a Capricorn moon trigone with the Sun, Venus, and Uranus. That trigones send to us very positive energies; we are going to feel that we can resolve anything. That moment we are going to have a very good communications or relations with the others. In addition, we are going to feel very good with our spirituality. It’s going to be a good time for look at to the future. In the other side, we have an opposition between the Capricorn moon and Mars in Cancer sign. In this moment we are going to have mixed feelings between our feelings and our common sense. We must be careful with express ourselves.
We have a quadrature between Capricorn moon and Kiron in Aries, that strengthen the last up information, make us see conspiracies or have bad feelings, it turns us aggressive. The best thing that we can do, in this moment, is control our feelings.
And last, we have a quincunx between the Capricorn moon and the north node in Geminis. This relationship could be a complicated moment for us. We are going to be afraid of our future while we have an extraordinary imagination for our future. What can we do? We have to be realistic and make little steps to be more near to our goals.■ Author: Astrid
Photo by Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash
A part of course based on the book El arte de echar las cartas by Emilio Salas: The four of gold
The right side meaning of this card depend of the other cards meaning around it. If the Four of gold goes with the Two swords announce grateful gifts. If the Four of golds goes with the Gold horse announce the successful of our wishes and their manifestation in our lifes. But if it goes with the King of Gold, have an advice for us, we need to make a gift to the person that we need his or her help. If the four of gold goes with the horse clubs, advise us that these gifts can make changes (not necessarily good for us), we have to see the meaning of the card around this couple to know that it could be good or bad for us. The reversed side of this card advise us about any type of obstacles for make real our wishes. In that case is necessary look around and see the meaning of every card on the table, and later we can see the resolution to evaluate alternatives.
Author: Agiah
Picture of Agiah
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