By Louren B. Aranas and Xian Louis Patrick R. Arcayera
he XU community witnessed a more competitive atmosphere in this year’s campus elections, as two newly established political parties contend against 28-year-old party, Alyansang Atenista (AA). Three groups vying for seats in the student government is deemed a dramatic change in XU’s political scene, considering that candidates were unopposed since 2012—save for those in 2013 when AA rivaled with an independent candidate for Central Student Government President and Vice President. This year, the Union of Students for the Advancement of Democracy-XU (USADXU), Guided Ateneans for Better Advocacy and Yield (GABAY), and AA claim that being in the position enables them to better serve the 10,000-strong student body.
Alyansang Atenista Founded in February 10, 1987, AA prides itself in being the “second longest-running student socio-political organization in the Philippines” and being the “premier” one in XU. It is grounded on four pillars: pro-student, propeople, pro-country, and pro-God. For Raymund Acedera, co-founder of AA, the organization is being sustained because of three major factors: “principles which bring us together, structure we are organized around, and, most importantly, the people part of that movement.” He recalled AA’s birth when student activism was at its peak during the Martial Law era. “The need we saw at that time was to come together to present an option for the students of Xavier, which was reflective of the values of the Ateneo and was responsive to the genuine needs of the students,” he shared. Different groups existed in the campus and were united through
these “principles.” Establishment, experience Joseph Roldan Tagalog, presidential candidate of AA, said he ran under the political party because “we want to provide authentic service.” He emphasized that parties external to XU did not intervene in their political ideology, assuring that it is “made by the Xavier students for the Xavier students.” Rodyard Camarin, its vice presidential candidate, shared that AA being an established group is a primary reason for him running under the said banner, as he believed its 28 years of experience can develop leadership skills which can be applied in CSG. For them, constant mentoring from their elders—student leaders who have already graduated—with decades worth of experience in the student government is a huge advantage to the party. Tagalog and Camarin shared that
mentorship coupled with a strong sense of belonging have sustained AA for almost 30 years, as they see AA not only as a political party but also as family. As Camarin put it, “We believe being a student leader should not be a transactional one. We believe [in] transformational [leadership]. Not limited to being a leader, but to build relationships with co-leaders.” ‘Maximizing student services’ What, then, can students expect should CSG be led by AA? Tagalog remarked, “I think there’s no big change but constant improvement of the system. The structure is there. The party wants to improve para ma-provide ang better service for the students.” They plan on prioritizing three agenda: widen student representation, organizational integration and collaboration, and upscale student services.
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XU programs undergo PAASCU accreditation By Rezza Mae B. Tolinero
lassroom observations, group and individual interviews, and infrastructure visits highlighted the University on February 5 and 6 as the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) paved the way on accrediting select XU programs. XU programs that went through the reaccreditation include the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business and Management, and School of Education. These programs were already accredited as level four, the highest level attainable. PAASCU results for these programs are expected by May 2015.
Heeding the need One importance of accreditation is by providing an educational institution the opportunity for critical self-analysis. This leads to improvement in quality, services, and operations—benefits reaped mainly by the students. PAASCU does not evaluate a school in comparison to others; instead, it evaluates based only on the school’s own criteria. It ensures that an institution fulfills expectations in aspects it claims to excel in. “Go for Level 4,” became the mantra before the accreditation was held. According to PAASCU’s primer, incentives for being in a level four program include: (1) full autonomy
for the program for the duration of its level four accreditation status and (2) authority to offer new graduate programs allied to existing level four courses, open learning or distance education and extension classes without need for prior approval by CHED, provided that the concerned CHED Registration Office is duly informed. Some students reacted negatively to the University’s method of preparation. “The University rushed its renovation which resulted to disturbance in classes, negative feedback from alumni, and the majority’s distrust whether our tuition is truly put into good use,” said Jose Angelo Lorenzo
Gomos, third year development communication student, referring to how some teachers seemed to thoroughly prepare for class and how facilities were improved only during PAASCU visits. Quality Management Office (QMO) Director, Sr Clare Cecilia Salvani, RA, explained that “these improvements came up not only because of PAASCU” and were already planned and scheduled before their visit. As for the delay, she pointed out that “the implementation is difficult because the University is so huge and there are so many things to attend to.” She said the Pope Francis’ visit last January also contributed to the temporary halt of operation.
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