Programme of study Psychology

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GCSE Psychology (OCR) – Subject to change dependent on number of teachers

Paper 1

Topic of Study & Content

Research methods * Development (The Role of Learning on Development –Dweck’s Mindset Theory, Willingham’s Learning Theory / (Application The changing role of education) *

Criminal Psychology (Explanations of why criminal/anti-social behaviour occurs, Eysenck’s Criminal Personality Theory + Application: The changing nature of punishment)

Research methods * Psychological Problems (Key concepts + Theories / Explanations: Biological Explanations of Schizophrenia)

Research methods * Psychological Problems (Theories / Explanations: Psychological Explanations of Schizophrenia + Biological Explanations of Depression)

Research methods

Psychological Problems (Theories / Explanations: Psychological Explanations of Depression + Application: The development of treatments)

Revision Study Leave

To be able to: ● describe

apply ● analyse

● evaluate

…development, psychological ideas, processes, procedures and research in relation to developmental psychology, criminal psychology and psychological problems.

To be able to:

● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the features of planning and analysing research

● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strengths and weaknesses of research

Paper 2

Topic of Study & Content

Assessment Homework assessments x2 MOCK EXAM PAPER 2 in full. Partial PAPER 1 MARCHASSESSMENT FullexamsforPapers1&2


Homework assessment x1

● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of reliability and validity

Study Leave

GCSE Examinations

Paper 1

Topic of Study & Content Memory (models, types, forgetting, eyewitness testimonies)

Memory continued (eyewitness testimony, cognitive interviews)

Attachment (stages, theories, studies, cultural variations)

Attachment continued (deprivation, privation, institutionalisation, adult relationships)

Psychopathology (defining abnormality)

Social Influence (conformity)

Psychopathology (phobias, depression, OCD)

Social Influence

Continued (obedience)

Psychopathology (OCD)

Paper 2

Topic of Study & Content

Origins of Psychology (Wundt & Introspection)

The Behaviourist Approach continued (Classical & Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theory)

Research Methods (Experiments, validity, reliability, Case Studies)

The Cognitive Approach (Schema, models, cognitive neuroscience)

Research Methods (Observations)

Psychology as a Science (paradigms, objectivity, reliability, hypothesis testing, falsification)

The Biological Approach (genetic basis for behaviour, genotype, + phenotype, evolution and natural selection)

Biopsychology (the nervous system, neurons, the endocrine system)

Paper 3

Topic of Study & Content


Issues & Debates

The Nomothetic vs Idiographic debate

2 homework or in-class assessment assignments

Issues & Debates Culture Bias

Issues & Debates Nature v Nurture debate

2 homework or in-class assessment assignments InclassJANUARYASSESSMENTS 1hourpaper 30minsonpaper1,30minsonPaper2 APRIL/MAY MOCKS.FullPaper 1exam,partialPaper 2exam.

Social Influence

Continued (minority influence, resistance and social change)

To be able to:

● describe

● evaluate

… all research evidence (70+) and theory from the 4 topics in Paper 1

To be able to:

● describe

● evaluate

The Psychodynamic Approach (Personality, Ego defence mechanisms, Consciousness, Psychosexual Stages)

Research Methods (Self-Reports)

● apply behaviourist, cognitive and biological approaches to research and theory.

To be able to:

● describe the biopsychological processes of neuronal communication, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the fight / flight response

To be able to:

● identify

● describe

● evaluate research methods and techniques that psychologists use to investigate behaviour.

To be able to:

● apply these debates when evaluating research and theory in Paper 1 exam questions

1 homework or in-class assessment assignments

Paper 2

Topic of Study & Content

Research Methods (Correlational analysis, statistical testing)

Biopsychology (biorhythms)

The Psychodynamic Approach (Personality, Ego defence mechanisms, Consciousness, Psychosexual Stages)

Paper 3

Topic of Study & Content

Aggression (biological and social-psychological explanations)

Issues & Debates Reductionism & Gender Bias

Aggression (biological and social-psychological explanations)

Cognitive Development (stereotypes, androgyny, explanations)

The Humanistic Approach (Congruence, Self-Actualisation, Client-Centred Therapy)

Research Methods (Validity)

Approaches (Comparing approaches)

Research Methods (Self-Reports,)

Biopsychology (the brain)

Research Methods (Reliability & validity)

Research Methods (Content & Thematic Analysis, Writing a Report)

Biopsychology (the brain) Study Leave

To be able to describe, evaluate and apply psychological approaches to research and theory

To be able to describe and evaluate the biopsychological processes of biological rhythms, brain function, plasticity and brain investigation techniques

To be able to describe and evaluate content analysis, thematic analysis, case studies.

To be able to choose (and justify choice of) statistical tests, judge the statistical significance of research findings and understand and explain the limitations of statistical testing


3 homework / in- class assessment assignments NOVEMBERassessments.FullPaper1&2 exam.

Aggression (institutional aggression, influences on aggression)

Cognitive Development (media and cultural, influences, gender dysphoria)

Schizophrenia (diagnosis and classification, biological and psycho-social explanations)

Schizophrenia (treatments)

Issues & Debates Ethical and Socially Sensitive Research & Determinism Study Leave

1 homework or in- class assessment assignment A Level Examinations

To be able to apply debates when evaluating research and theory in Paper 1 and Paper 3 topic exam questions

To be able to describe and evaluate all research evidence (70+) and theory from the 3 topics in Paper 3 (Cognitive Development, Aggression, Schizophrenia)

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