The Crypt School is a leading city co-educational grammar school, committed to providing access and support to the brightest students, regardless of their individual background.
At the centre of school life, is a powerful sense of community, dedicated to achieving academic excellence within a strong ethos of pastoral care.
An educational approach based on personal challenge enables each individual to fulfil their own potential whilst making long and lasting friendships for life.
Since 1539 students have been educated at The Crypt School. Today we are proud to continue this enduring legacy through our educational philosophy and our pioneering approach which we believe provides the best framework for all our students to excel.
At the centre of school life is a strong sense of belonging, where students are supported and encouraged to learn and engage with each other and the wider community. Whilst we rightly focus on academic achievement, we place a greater emphasis on the importance of learning for its own sake, and through this approach aim to develop each child’s full potential. Our broad and balanced academic curriculum provides opportunities for all students to discover new skills and develop the confidence that prepares them for university, the world of work and life in general.
The school is a vibrant and innovative environment in which all students can progress. I am very proud, not only of each student’s achievements and contributions to the life of the school, but also of the generosity of our teachers who dedicate their time to ensure that all students make outstanding progress in both their academic work and in their personal projects. Confident, friendly and respectful; the high quality of our student's personal development is remarkable and is one of the greatest strengths of the school.
I urge you to visit us on one of our open days so that you can experience the sense of community and curriculum innovation that makes The Crypt School a stimulating environment in which each student can flourish.
On my first day everything felt unreal: everything was way bigger than I expected; but I was ready and raring to go. Every member of staff made me feel welcome and secure. I have enjoyed all my subjects and I always aim to do the very best I can in everything I do. Every day at The Crypt School is amazing with engaging lessons and fantastic facilities. I was worried about making friends; however, , I have made lots of friends in my form group, House and in the other classes. I can't wait to further my journey at Crypt!
Celebrating our diverse and inclusive school community
Students are educated for life in the 21st Century: a century which demands that young people and adults collaborate, think creatively together, are open-minded, inclusive and adaptable. All our students will grow and develop in an aspirational and nurturing environment, with the ambition that they will, together, achieve highly and progress to become successful, caring and considerate role models.
As our students progress through the School they form friendships with their peers and get to know each other through their tutor groups, academic classes, our House system, team sports, music, drama, and other co-curricular activities. Our students are educated to respect one another, to value themselves and others, to help support the work of younger students and to excel academically.
Our wonderfully inclusive environment provides the best framework for all students to discover who they are; to develop an understanding of new ideas; to enhance their skill set and to be enthusiastic and optimist about their lives. Through learning and developing together in our caring and accepting environment, it is our firm belief that all our students will be able to flourish in everything that they do, both at school and in their later adult lives.
Students and staff welcome being part of our proudly diverse and inclusive school community, in which every young person and member of staff is made to feel welcomed and is supported to fulfil their potential.
Dame Joan Cooke established a new free grammar school to be located in a brand new building next to St Mary de Crypt Church using monies left by her husband John, who had been Mayor of the City of Gloucester. Their aim in founding the School, was to provide a free education in grammar for the students of the City in an age where few students received any formal education at all. The original school room still stands to this day.
Founded in 1539 in the City of Gloucester by Joan Cooke with monies from her husband’s will, The Crypt School continues to uphold the legacy of its founders who were both committed to providing an outstanding education to students regardless of their background.
Today, the School continues to flourish and grow, now educating over 1000 students on site and working in partnership with many other schools, universities and employers in the area.
Old Cryptian George Whitefield helped develop the Methodist movement and he now has a School House named after him.
It was not until the Autumn of 1943 that The Crypt School moved to its fourth and current site, at Podsmead on land originally bought by Joan Cooke at the time of the School’s foundation.
Only two months before the outbreak of World War Two, on the 4th July the foundation stone of the fourth new site of the School was laid at Podsmead. The foundation stone, of Cotswold stone from Painswick was laid by H.R.H The Duchess of Gloucester.
Our legacy 1539 1740 s 1939 1987
The School became a National Teaching and Support school.
Admission of girls to the Sixth Form – the number of girls in the Sixth Form now stands at about 35% of the total.
2013 1943
Old Cryptian John Moore becomes Archbishop of Canterbury. Moore now has a School House named after him.
The Crypt School student WE Henley writes the inspirational poem Invictus whilst recovering in hospital. Henley is the name of one of the four school houses.
The Crypt School moved into a third set of purpose-built buildings on the site known to generations of Old Cryptians as “Friars Orchard”. This site was the orchard of the medieval Franciscan Friary of the Grey Friars.
Born in Gloucester, England, poet, editor, and critic William Ernest Henley was educated at The Crypt Grammar School. At age 12 Henley was diagnosed with tubercular arthritis that necessitated the amputation of one of his legs just below the knee; the other foot was saved only through a radical surgery performed by Joseph Lister. As he healed in the infirmary, Henley began to write poems, including Invictus, which concludes with the famous lines “I am the master of my fate; / I am the captain of my soul.”
Many students fought in WWI; some 55 were killed and together with some 80 Cryptians who were killed in WWII, they are today commemorated on two plaques in the Crush Hall of the School.
Admission of first cohort of 50 girls into Year 7 – the School becomes co-educational in the main school, building upon the success of its co-educational sixth form.
In October 2022, The Dame Joan Cooke Educational Trust is to be established.
1889 1918 1783 1875 Future
Well being
From the moment your child is offered a place at the school, they become part of our supportive and welcoming school community. In the term before your child starts at the school, we will visit them in their primary school; two taster days in July allows your child to make new friends and meet their Form Tutor before they start with us in September. Form Tutors have overall responsibility for the welfare of students, and will be their first point of contact. Form Tutors are supported by Heads of Year who have specific responsibility for overseeing the pastoral needs of the students in their year group. The school’s pastoral care system is overseen by a Deputy Headteacher who is a member of the senior leadership team. Alongside this pastoral team, we have a dedicated team of Pastoral Support Workers (one for each Key Stage), a School Nurse, School Counsellor and an Attendance Officer. Students belong to one of the five School Houses –Robert Raikes, William Ernest Henley, David Waboso, John Moore and Dame Joan Cooke.
Houses offer the chance for students to come together for House assemblies, competitions, charity events and most importantly, friendship.
It is our view that a successful, broad education depends on an effective partnership between students, teachers and parents so that everyone is focused on the same priorities. This approach enables personal concerns to be addressed promptly and sensitively for the benefit of each student. We aim to develop positive relationships with all parents early on and establish strong channels of communication between home and school.
These relationships formed between school, parents and students often extend beyond school: The Crypt School Parent Teachers Association (CSPTA), is active and immensely supportive of the school and its development, while former students keep in touch with each other and the school through the Old Cryptian network and The 1539 Foundation.
different languages are spoken in the School
Space to Grow
The Crypt School offers a stimulating environment in which students can learn and develop: we have wonderful grounds of 32 acres and this open space gives students the time and freedom to think, play and socialise. The landscaped campus and open public spaces provide a safe environment where all students can enjoy their time at school.
Environment Space
Space to be yourself
Space to Learn
Academic success Success
Outstanding teaching and learning at the School places the student at its heart, enabling each student to reach their full potential while focussing on celebrating individual success. Teachers are encouraged to develop their own teaching skills and expertise and, through this, raise the standard of learning throughout the school. Students go on to achieve exceptionally well in their academic work which is shown in our outstanding examination results and the progression of our students on to university and highly-respected apprenticeships.
Our teachers work hard to challenge all our pupils to reach their potential in every subject. Our results speak for themselves, with pupils achieving fantastic outcomes at The Crypt
Our aim is to develop an inspirational teaching and learning community which supports the progress of each and every student.
Accelerated Reader
motivates, monitors and manages student's independent reading in Years 7 and 8, providing reading practise and developing a love for books.
Years 7 & 8
7 & 8
Students entering Year 7 will join form groups of up to 30. Form groups are given very careful consideration and we try to ensure students are in a form with at least one familiar face. We assess all our students on entry to establish their potential in each subject and cater for their individual needs. Students and their parents receive regular information on progress and achievement. There is no streaming on ability since admission is already an academically selective process, although in Year 8 students are divided into sets for Maths. Year 7 is very much about ensuring all students make a successful transition from primary school, where our aim is to build their confidence in the full range of subjects that they will be studying. The Head of Year 7 and the Year 7 tutor team ensure that all students settle in well and liaise closely with teachers to monitor the welfare and academic progress of each student.
In Year 8, students build upon their work in Year 7 and develop their skills and knowledge across the full range of subjects under study. In these two years, all students follow a broad and balanced curriculum which lay the foundations for their future academic success.
'I really wanted to come to The Crypt because it felt like a nice environment to learn in and as both of my brothers attend, I wanted to be part of that tradition. I've already made some good friends and settled in really quickly. I'm very happy here.'
The Crypt School is a positive, inviting and warm community which is made up of individuals who are motivated to learn thanks to the help of the extremely supportive teaching staff. Through my experience, I have had nothing but good things to say about school. When I think about my school, I am overcome with a sense of pride, determination and joy. I love this school, and the people that I have met and the memories that I have made will be treasured all of my life.
9, 10 & 11 Years 9, 10 & 11
Students in these years are working towards their GCSE examinations. In Year 9, students follow GCSE-style programmes of study, to help prepare them for their GCSE studies in Years 10 and 11 and also to help them make the right combination of GCSE subject choices. In Years 10 and 11 students work on their GCSE courses: all students will study 9 or 10 GCSEs, with additional courses such as Further Mathematics available for the most able.
All students will continue to participate in Games and PE lessons and receive careers education and guidance in a structured programme which will also include the personal, social and health curriculum.
Years 12 & 13
12 & 13
We combine an enjoyment of academic study with a lively Sixth Form life that prepares students for university study, highly-regarded apprenticeship programmes and the wider world. Entry to the Sixth Form is based on academic attainment at GCSE and most of our Year 11 students stay on into Year 12, where they are joined by up to 50 new students each year.
Our outstanding Sixth Form enables all students to make a successful transition to a more adult learning environment where students increasingly take charge of their own learning and development. It is during these two final years at school where students play a leading role in the life of the School, support the work and development of younger students and are well prepared for their next step into the wider world.
The Crypt School has changed and shaped my life in many different ways. Whilst initially I lacked confidence in School, with the encouragement of both teachers and other staff, my talents emerged and my self-esteem grew. There are so many opportunities and activities to involve yourself in and enjoy on a personal level. An active participant in the lower school, I have been form captain and a member of many committees that had significant impact on school life, while further developing personal skills to enable great relationships throughout the School. I could never have imagined myself having the confidence to be a member of the Student Executive; managing teams of students, making presentation speeches or helping organise events. However, I am now who I want to be, ready and prepared for my future at university.
Education in the classroom is enhanced through a programme of enrichment opportunities, designed to broaden the intellectual and cultural horizons of our students. Prospective engineers can develop their knowledge thanks to our links with Renishaw, a locally based but global company while coding clubs enable students to develop their computing skills. Students are also given opportunities to learn other languages, develop business and entrepreneurial skills, write poetry, attend study and support sessions and take part in academic competitions.
Quiz Club Journalism Club MATHS Maths Challenge CITIZENSHIP Infobuzz Drugs Education Parliament Day Homelessness Education Talk Voluntary Work BUSINESS STUDIES Tenner Challenge GCHQ Young Entrepreneurs Competition Multi-Faith Day Visiting Speakers Spelling MFL Film Club EDL Poster Competition Languages Day French for Armistice Careers Fair CAREERS Maximise Study Skills Charity Events Rising Aspirations GFutures Employability Passport F1 Challenge GE Aviation Employability Award ENGINEERING Girls Get SET Lego Robotics Engineering Day MUSIC Founders' Day Service The Crypt School Sinfonia Basketball
Primal Beat Paper Craft Orchestra Medieval Day Civil War Day HISTORY WW1 Battle elds Trip History Club Psychology ART & DT GEOGRAPHY Field Study Trips Public Speaking ENGLISH DRAMA Visiting Speakers Holocaust Education Trust RELIGIOUS STUDIES Shakespeare’s Plays Debating Society Creative Writing Iceland Residential Trip GA World Wise Quiz Biology Olympiad SCIENCES Go4set Black Country Living Museum Trip P.E. Annual Ski Trip Fitness Suite Correze Trip South Africa Rugby Tour Sports Academy Barbados Cricket Tour Strength and Conditioning Pathway Cambridge Chemistry Challenge Physics Olympiad RSC Analytical Chemistry Competition Drama Club German Market Visit MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES French Trip Spelling Bee French Poems Armistice German Market Visit Köln Trip RSC Top Of Bench Competition SCHOOL PARLIAMENT The Voice Robotics Chess Club Choir Lacrosse Dodgeball Boccia Rugby MAG & T Workshops Forensic Psychology Club
All are given opportunities to shine through a rich mix of sport, creativity and music regardless of their ability. The students develop a respect for each other’s talents and abilities and this is promoted well through events, for example the Crypt Enrichment Challenge and school theatrical and musical productions.
Beyond the classroom
122students are currently signed up to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh award
Over 60 clubs
and activities take place at lunchtimes or after school.
Our huge range of co-curricular pursuits reflects the skills, interests and enthusiasms of our school community. We create opportunities for a demanding and enriching programme of physical, creative and community activity. Exciting events, such as the Crypt Enrichment Challenge and school theatrical and musical productions allow students to develop a respect for each other’s talents and abilities. Through our sports and physical education programme, students can develop skills and talents and enjoy sport as a member of a team, as an individual or simply for recreational purposes.
Drama, Art and Music offer further opportunities for students to develop their creative talents. Students enjoy a rich and varied range of travel opportunities which extend their learning through the exploration of new ideas and cultures, and stretch their personal boundaries though outdoor challenge and adventure. Many students from Year 9 upwards enjoy participating in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. These and other activities encourage those ‘soft’ skills which young people need to become effective team members and leaders.
The Crypt School has always enjoyed a strong reputation as a centre of sporting excellence. Many students have achieved representative honours in a wide variety of sporting disciplines. With over 32 acres of grounds, our sports facilities include a newly refurbished sports hall, a dedicated fitness room, rugby and football pitches, access to an athletics track and a grass and an all-weather cricket wicket and nets. A new sports pavilion and an allpurpose sports area , which houses netball and tennis courts, was completed in the academic year 2018-19 to complement these outstanding facilities.
For students who love sport, the school have a busy timetable throughout the year with competitive fixtures played in team games such as rugby, football, cricket and netball, complemented by individual sports such as athletics, tennis and skiing. Fixtures take place between local schools and many teams enter local and national competitions such as the Rosslyn Park Rugby 7’s tournament. Sporting tours at home and abroad complement the fixture list.
The school caters for every level of enjoyment and ability and for those students who wish to develop their own performance further, we have a unique elite performance sports academy. Sports Science is taught at both GCSE and A Level in two new purpose built teaching rooms housed next to the refurbished Sports Hall.
A unique feature of the school is the on-site athlete academy which focuses on preparing students to compete at high levels through personal strength and conditioning work. Programmes are tailored specifically, to meet the needs of teams andindividual competitors.
Every student will study Drama until at least Year 9, and they can then choose to continue their studies at GCSE and A Level if they wish. Each year, the school stages a whole-school production which gives students the experience of involvement in a production, not just as actors, but as producers, directors and lighting and sound technicians. A dedicated drama studio is complemented by a main stage housed in the School Hall. Past productions have included the hit musicals School of Rock, Grease and Billy Elliott and in 2022, the school performed The Jungle Book.
I have been involved in the music department for nearly 6 years now. It is a fantastic department which as a student and now as their Musician in Residence, has enabled me to improve my skills and grow as a person. The social aspect is also so great; we’re all like a big family. Without the music department, I wouldn’t be nearly as good as I am today with the aspiration of a career in music.
music lessons are taught each year
Music is a key feature of life at The Crypt School and all students are encouraged to sing and listen to and play music. Music is part of the Year 7-9 curriculum and taught at both GCSE and A Level. Over 10 ensembles rehearse weekly and regularly perform in school and public events: The Crypt School Sinfonia and Choir have presented concerts in Devon and Gloucestershire and always give an outstanding performance at the annual Founders’ Day Service in Gloucester Cathedral. Recent music tours to Italy and Germany have also given our musicians and choristers an opportunity to perform abroad in settings such as Cologne Cathedral.
There is a range of ensembles to cater for students with some musical ability to those who are keen on studying music for a career. Many of our students have achieved great distinction with their music, being selected for local and national youth orchestras, for example. Each year several students go on to study music at degree level at leading conservatories and universities and our Musician-in-Residence scheme offers a leading school musician a opportunity to teach at the School for a year after their A Levels.
I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.