VISION: Our primary aim is to ins l a genuine love of the sciences and the confidence to ques on our understanding of the natural and physical world. The programme of study aims to develop inquisi ve minds into cri cal thinkers through acquiring theore cal knowledge, prac cal skills and scien fic literacy Students will understand how science con nuously builds upon previous advancements and understanding; linking the topics studied with real-world applica on ensures that our pupils develop key inves ga ve, analy cal and evalua ve skills to prepare for their life ahead.
AQA GCSE Chemistry
(common content for GCSE Chemistry & GCSE Combined science)
Bespoke: Introduc on to GCSE Chemistry
Key Skills: Key words, Compound formulae, balancing equa ons, ra os, reac on observa ons and prac cal skills, calcula ons. GCSE Required prac cal.
MP: Introduc on to GCSE Chemistry Test
Topics: Atomic Structure Periodic Table
Key Skills: Literacy (extended wri ng), crea vity, ICT, history, analysing, comparing, evalua ng, extended wri ng, command words, key words
MP : History of the atom & development of the PT assessment
Bonding, Structure & the proper es of ma er
Key Skills: Literacy (extended wri ng), crea vity, ICT, history, analysing, comparing, evalua ng, extended wri ng, command words, prac cal skills, , drawing dot & cross diagrams, key words
MP: Half Year Exam
Bonding, Structure & the proper es of ma er
Allotropes of carbon Nanopar cles
Key Skills: key words, drawing dot & cross diagrams, comparing models, evalua ng, comparing, extended wri ng, command words, applica ons to real world
MP: Bonding, Structure & proper es of ma er test
Topics: Rate of Reac on
Key Skills: key words, command words, balancing equa ons, building prac cal skills, planning an inves ga on, extended wri ng, reac on observa ons, comparing, evalua ng, graph skills, calcula ons from data and graphs, tangents. GCSE Required prac cal.
Topics: Rate of Reac on
Graph & Prac cal skills
Key Skills: Key words, command words, balancing equa ons, building prac cal skills, planning an inves ga on, extended wri ng, reac on observa ons, comparing, evalua ng, graph skills, calcula ons from data and graphs, tangents. GCSE Required prac cal.
MP: Yr9 EOY Exam
- Understand how to write compound formulae correctly and how to balance symbol equa ons
- Correctly iden fy bonding types and be able to explain how and why this occurs in terms of electrons
- Using key-terms, explain how bonding type affects physical proper es & structure
- Describe the different allotropes of carbon, their proper es & uses
- Explain when a chemical reac on will happen, the factors that affect the rate and describe methods to measure this in the laboratory
Year 10 Triple
AQA GCSE Chemistry
Bonding & Structure & maths skills revision
Quan ta ve Chem Pt1
Metal reac vity series
Key Skills: standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, ra os, calcula ons, es ma ng, balancing equa ons, moles, comparing, evalua ng, analysing, prac cal skills, key words, command words, applica on to industrial process.
GCSE Required prac cal.
MP: Quan ta ve test
Topics: Electrolysis
Quan ta ve Chem Pt2
Topics: Chemical changes
Acids and Salts
Key Skills: comparing, evalua ng, analysing, balancing equa ons, key words, command words, explaining, applica on to industrial process.
Standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, ra os, calcula ons, es ma ng, moles, prac cal skills.
GCSE Required prac cal
MP: Reac vity series & Electrolysis test
Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equa ons, prac cal skills, planning an inves ga on, extended wri ng, command words, reac on observa ons, comparing, evalua ng, moles, ra os, calcula ons.
GCSE Required prac cal
Energy changes in chemical reac ons
Revision for EOY Exam
Key Skills: Graph skills, calcula ons, planning an inves ga on, command words, analysis, evalua on, balancing equa ons, moles, significant figures, ra os. applica on to industrial process
GCSE Required prac cal
Organic Chemistry Pt1
Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evalua on, command words, balancing equa ons, volumes of gases, reac on observa ons, extended wri ng, applica on to industrial processes.
Topics: Chemistry of the Atmosphere
MP: Half Year Exam
MP: Acids & Salts assessment
MP: Exam Week : AQA Paper 1
Key Skills: Key words, command words, balancing equa ons, comparing, evalua ng data, graph skills, calcula ons from data and graphs, ICT, extended wri ng, deba ng, applica on to current global issues – pollu on, climate change & global warming
MP: Organic Pt1 & Chemistry of the atmosphere test
- To analyse and evaluate chemical reac ons mathema cally using a variety of formulae, to successfully calculate moles, masses, concentra ons, yields, atom economy and gas volumes
- Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms of reac vity; how it is u lised in reac ons and in extrac on of metals from ores
- Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic compounds to reform elements, the type of reac ons occurring and how to test for the products
- Understand the pH scale in terms of H+ concentra on, the difference between weak and strong acids
- Describe detailed methods to make salts from acids
- Describe reac ons in terms of bond energy changes
- Know how metal reac vity and electrolysis can be u lised as a chemical cell to produce an electric current
- Understand the basis of fuel cells and be able to compare them to ba eries and conven onal fuels
- To draw simple organic molecules and func onal groups, and explain their proper es
- Describe the evolu on of the atmosphere and the modern problems that are affec ng the balance of gases and life on Earth; explain some measures and possible new methods which could be deployed to mi gate the effect of the changing balance of these gases Year 10
Combined Science: Trilogy
Bonding & Structure & maths skills revision Quan ta ve Chemistry
Key Skills: standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, ra os, calcula ons, es ma ng, balancing equa ons, moles, comparing, evalua ng, analysing, prac cal skills, key words, command words, applica on to industrial process.
MP: Quan ta ve Chemistry Test
Metal reac vity series
Extrac ng metals from Ores
Key Skills: comparing, evalua ng, analysing, balancing equa ons, key words, command words, explaining, applica on to industrial process. Prac cal skills.
GCSE Required prac cal
Electrolysis Chemical changes:
Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equa ons, prac cal skills, planning an inves ga on, extended wri ng, command words, reac on observa ons, comparing, evalua ng, moles, ra os, calcula ons. GCSE Required prac cal
MP: Reac vity series Exam Qs
Topics: Acids and Salts Revision for EOY Exam
Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equa ons, prac cal skills, planning an inves ga on, extended wri ng, command words, reac on observa ons, comparing, evalua ng, moles, ra os, calcula ons. Command words and exam technique. GCSE Required prac cal
Energy changes in chemical reac ons
Key Skills: Graph skills, calcula ons, planning an inves ga on, command words, analysis, evalua on, balancing equa ons, moles, significant figures, ra os. GCSE Required prac cal
Topics: Chemistry of the atmosphere
Key Skills: Key words, balancing equa ons, comparing, evalua ng data & looking for pa erns, prac cal skills graph skills, calcula ons from data and graphs, ICT, deba ng, applica on to current global issues –pollu on, climate change & global warming
- To analyse and evaluate chemical reac ons mathema cally using a variety of formulae, to successfully calculate moles, masses, concentra ons, yields
- Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms of reac vity; how it is u lised in reac ons and in extrac on of metals from ores
- Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic compounds to reform elements, the type of reac ons occurring and how to test for the products
- Understand the pH scale in terms of H+ concentra on, the difference between weak and strong acids
- Describe detailed methods to make salts from acids
- Describe reac ons in terms of bond energy changes
MP: Half Year Exam
MP: Acids & Salts assessment
MP: Exam Week : AQA Combined Chemistry Paper 1
MP: Chemistry of the atmosphere test
- Describe the evolu on of the atmosphere and the modern problems that are affec ng the balance of gases and life on Earth
Year 11 Triple AQA GCSE Chemistry
Topics: Organic Chemistry Pt2
Rate of reac on - the extent of chemical change
Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evalua on, balancing equa ons, ra os, applica on to industrial processes & applica on to unfamiliar processes, link to natural processes.
MP: Organic Chemistry Pt2 Test
Topics: Extent of chemical change - Haber process
Using Earth’s resources - green chemistry Revision for Mock exam
Key Skills: comparing, evalua ng, analysing, key terms, analysis, evalua on, balancing equa ons, ra os, applica on to industrial processes & applica on to unfamiliar processes. Exam skills, command words, key terms
MP: Extent of Chemical Change assessment
MP: Mock Exam: AQA Paper 1
Year 11
Combined Science: Trilogy
Topics: Organic Chemistry
Reac on rates and the extent of chemical change
Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evalua on, balancing equa ons, ra os, applica on to industrial processes & applica on to unfamiliar processes, link to natural processes.
MP: Organic Chemistry Test
Analy cal Chemistry
Revision for Mock exam
Key Skills: command words, key terms, reac on observa ons.
GCSE required prac cal.
Exam skills, command words, key words, extended wri ng
MP: Extent of Chemical
Change assessment
MP: Mock Exam: AQA
Combined Chemistry
Paper 1
Chemical Analysis
Using Earth’s resources - corrosion & metal extrac on
Key Skills: prac cal skills, ionic equa ons, reac on observa ons, key words, extended wri ng, applica on to industrial process. GCSE Required prac cal.Evalua ng data & interpre ng graphs. Applica on to current global issuessustainability
MP: Analy cal Chemistry assessment
Topics: Using Earth’s resources
Revision for Mock Exam
Using Earth’s resourcesmaterials
Specific maths and prac cal skills revision
Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, key terms. Planning, modifying and improving prac cal methods. Evalua ng data & interpre ng graphs, mole calcula on revision.
Revision of topics 1-5, Paper 1
Revision of topics 6-10, Paper 2
Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, me management, wri en prac cal skills, evalua ng and interpre ng data, core skills.
High level ques on analysis, linking topics and concepts
Understand and explain the forma on and reac ons of organic compounds
Link structure of organic compounds to their physical and chemical proper es, including understanding of pH scale
Analyse and evaluate data on our diminishing finite resources, including order of magnitude es ma ons, and carry out Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new materials
Understand how a reversible reac on in a closed system can reach equilibrium and understand how its posi on can be altered
Successfully write compound formulae; know charges of complex ions and be able to balance symbol equa ons
Use different analy cal techniques to iden fy unknown substances
Applica on of the scien fic process to industrial scaling
Complete understanding of all eight Required Prac cal Ac vi es
Confidently analyse, interpret and manipulate data
Be able to answer high demand ques ons by linking knowledge from different topics and applying it to unfamiliar situa ons
Key Skills: comparing and evalua ng data, analysing, key words, extended wri ng. Evalua ng data & interpre ng graphs. Applica on to current global issuessustainability
MP: Module 10 assessment
MP: Mock Exam 2- AQA
Paper 2
Revision for Mock Exam
Specific maths and prac cal skills revision
Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, key terms. Planning, modifying and improving prac cal methods. Evalua ng data & interpre ng graphs, mole calcula on revision.
MP: Mock Exam- AQA
Combined Chemistry
Paper 2
Revision of topics 1-5, Paper 1
Revision of topics 6-10, Paper 2
Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, me management, wri en prac cal skills, evalua ng and interpre ng data, core skills.
High level ques on analysis, linking topics and concepts
To draw simple organic molecules and explain their proper es
Analyse and evaluate data on our diminishing finite resources, including order of magnitude es ma ons, and carry out Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new materials
Understand how a reversible reac on in a closed system can reach equilibrium and understand how its posi on can be altered
Successfully write compound formulae; know charges of complex ions and be able to balance symbol equa ons
Applica on of the scien fic process to industrial scaling
Complete understanding of all six Required Prac cal Ac vi es
Confidently analyse, interpret and manipulate data
Be able to answer high demand ques ons by linking knowledge from different topics and applying it to unfamiliar situa ons