Chemistry Programme of Study

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VISION: Our primary aim is to insl a genuine love of the sciences and the confidence to queson our understanding of the natural and physical world. The programme of study aims to develop inquisive minds into crical thinkers through acquiring theorecal knowledge, praccal skills and scienfic literacy Students will understand how science connuously builds upon previous advancements and understanding; linking the topics studied with real-world applicaon ensures that our pupils develop key invesgave, analycal and evaluave skills to prepare for their life ahead.

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 YEAR ENDPOINTS

Year 9

AQA GCSE Chemistry (common content for GCSE Chemistry & GCSE Combined science)

Topics: Bespoke: Introducon to GCSE

Key Skills: Key words, Compound formulae, balancing equaons, raos, reacon observaons and praccal skills, calculaons. GCSE Required praccal.

MP: Introducon to GCSE Chemistry Test

Topics: Atomic Structure Periodic Table

Key Skills: Literacy (extended wring), creavity, ICT, history, analysing, comparing, evaluang, extended wring, command words, key words

MP : History of the atom & development of the PT assessment


Bonding, Structure & the properes of maer

Key Skills: Literacy (extended wring), creavity, ICT, history, analysing, comparing, evaluang, extended wring, command words, praccal skills, , drawing dot & cross diagrams, key words

MP: Half Year Exam

Topics: Bonding, Structure & the properes of maer Allotropes of carbon

Key Skills: key words, drawing dot & cross diagrams, comparing models, evaluang, comparing, extended wring, command words, applicaons to real world

MP: Exam Q assessment

Topics: Rates of Reacon

Topics: Rates of Reacon

- Understand how to write compound formulae correctly and how to balance symbol equaons

- Correctly idenfy bonding types and be able to explain how and why this occurs in terms of electrons

Key Skills: key words, command words, balancing equaons, building praccal skills, planning an invesgaon, extended wring, reacon observaons, comparing, evaluang, graph skills, calculaons from data and graphs, tangents. GCSE Required praccal.

MP: Bonding, Structure & properes of maer test

Key Skills: Key words, command words, balancing equaons, building praccal skills, planning an invesgaon, extended wring, reacon observaons, comparing, evaluang, graph skills, calculaons from data and graphs, tangents. GCSE Required praccal.

MP: Yr9 EOY Exam

- Using key-terms, explain how bonding type affects physical properes & structure

- Describe the different allotropes of carbon, their properes & uses

- Explain when a chemical reacon will happen, the factors that affect the rate and describe methods to measure this in the laboratory

The Crypt School - Chemistry Department KS4 PoS with endpoints (2023- 2024) [*Teaching order and assessments may change during year] Updated July 2023

Year 10





Bonding & Structure & maths skills revision

Quantave Chem Pt1

Metal reacvity series

Key Skills: standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, raos, calculaons, esmang, balancing equaons, moles, comparing, evaluang, analysing, praccal skills, key words, command words, applicaon to industrial process.

GCSE Required praccal.

MP: Quantave test

Topics: Electrolysis

Quantave Chem Pt2


Chemical changes

Acids and Salts

Key Skills: comparing, evaluang, analysing, balancing equaons, key words, command words, explaining, applicaon to industrial process.

Standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, raos, calculaons, esmang, moles, praccal skills.

GCSE Required praccal

MP: Reacvity series & Electrolysis test

Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equaons, praccal skills, planning an invesgaon, extended wring, command words, reacon observaons, comparing, evaluang, moles, raos, calculaons.

GCSE Required praccal MP: Half Year Exam

Topics: Energy changes in chemical reacons Revision for EOY Exam

Key Skills: Graph skills, calculaons, planning an invesgaon, command words, analysis, evaluaon, balancing equaons, moles, significant figures, raos. applicaon to industrial process

GCSE Required praccal

MP: Acids & Salts assessment


Organic Chemistry Pt1

Topics: Chemistry of the Atmosphere

Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evaluaon, command words, balancing equaons, volumes of gases, reacon observaons, extended wring, applicaon to industrial processes.

MP: Exam Week : AQA Paper 1

Key Skills: Key words, command words, balancing equaons, comparing, evaluang data, graph skills, calculaons from data and graphs, ICT, extended wring, debang, applicaon to current global issues – polluon, climate change & global warming

MP: Organic Pt1 & Chemistry of the atmosphere test

- To analyse and evaluate chemical reacons mathemacally using a variety of formulae, to successfully calculate moles, masses, concentraons, yields, atom economy and gas volumes

- Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms of reacvity; how it is ulised in reacons and in extracon of metals from ores

- Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic compounds to reform elements, the type of reacons occurring and how to test for the products

- Understand the pH scale in terms of H+ concentraon, the difference between weak and strong acids

- Describe detailed methods to make salts from acids

- Describe reacons in terms of bond energy changes

- Know how metal reacvity and electrolysis can be ulised as a chemical cell to produce an electric current

- Understand the basis of fuel cells and be able to compare them to baeries and convenonal fuels

- To draw simple organic molecules and funconal groups, and explain their properes

- Describe the evoluon of the atmosphere and the modern problems that are affecng the balance of gases and life on Earth; explain some measures and possible new methods which could be deployed to migate the effect of the changing balance of these gases

Year 10




Science: Trilogy


Bonding & Structure & maths skills revision Quantave Chemistry

Key Skills: standard form, significant figures, rounding, percentages, raos, calculaons, esmang, balancing equaons, moles, comparing, evaluang, analysing, praccal skills, key words, command words, applicaon to industrial process.

MP: Quantave Chemistry Test


Metal reacvity series

Extracng metals from Ores

Key Skills: comparing, evaluang, analysing, balancing equaons, key words, command words, explaining, applicaon to industrial process.

Praccal skills.

GCSE Required praccal



Chemical changes: Acids and Salts

Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equaons, praccal skills, planning an invesgaon, extended wring, command words, reacon observaons, comparing, evaluang, moles, raos, calculaons.

GCSE Required praccal

MP: Reacvity series & electrolysis Exam Qs

MP: Half Year Exam


Energy changes in chemical reacons

Revision for EOY Exam

Key Skills: ICT, pH probe, key words, balancing equaons, praccal skills, planning an invesgaon, extended wring, command words, reacon observaons, comparing, evaluang, moles, raos, calculaons. Command words and exam technique.GCSE Required praccal

MP: Acids & Salts assessment

Topics: Energy changes in chemical reacons


Chemistry of the atmosphere

Key Skills: Graph skills, calculaons, planning an invesgaon, command words, analysis, evaluaon, balancing equaons, moles, significant figures, raos.

GCSE Required praccal MP: Exam Week : AQA Combined Chemistry

Paper 1

Key Skills: Key words, balancing equaons, comparing, evaluang data & looking for paerns, praccal skills graph skills, calculaons from data and graphs, ICT, debang, applicaon to current global issues –polluon, climate change & global warming

MP: Chemistry of the atmosphere test

- To analyse and evaluate chemical reacons mathemacally using a variety of formulae, to successfully calculate moles, masses, concentraons, yields

- Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms of reacvity; how it is ulised in reacons and in extracon of metals from ores

- Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic compounds to reform elements, the type of reacons occurring and how to test for the products

- Understand the pH scale in terms of H+ concentraon, the difference between weak and strong acids

- Describe detailed methods to make salts from acids

- Describe reacons in terms of bond energy changes

- Describe the evoluon of the atmosphere and the modern problems that are affecng the balance of gases and life on Earth

The Crypt School - Chemistry Department KS4 PoS with endpoints (2023- 2024) [*Teaching order and assessments may change during year] Updated July 2023

Year 11 Triple

AQA GCSE Chemistry

Topics: Organic Chemistry Pt2 Reacon rates and the extent of chemical change

Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evaluaon, balancing equaons, raos, applicaon to industrial processes & applicaon to unfamiliar processes, link to natural processes.

MP: Organic Chemistry Pt2 Test


Extent of chemical change

Revision for Mock exam

Key Skills: comparing, evaluang, analysing, key terms, analysis, evaluaon, balancing equaons, raos, applicaon to industrial processes & applicaon to unfamiliar processes. Exam skills, command words, key terms

MP: Extent of Chemical Change assessment

MP: Mock Exam: AQA Paper 1

Topics: Analycal Chemistry Using Earth’s resources

Key Skills: praccal skills, ionic equaons, reacon observaons, key words, extended wring, applicaon to industrial process GCSE Required praccal.Evaluang data & interpreng graphs. Applicaon to current global issuessustainability

MP: Analycal Chemistry assessment


Revision for Mock Exam Specific maths and praccal skills revision

Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, key terms. Planning, modifying and improving praccal methods. Evaluang data & interpreng graphs, mole calculaon revision.

MP: Mock Exam 2- AQA Paper 2


Revision of topics 1-5, Paper 1

Revision of topics 6-10, Paper 2

Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, me management, wrien praccal skills, evaluang and interpreng data, core skills.

High level queson analysis, linking topics and concepts

MP: Paper 1 assessment

Understand and explain the formaon and reacons of organic compounds

Link structure of organic compounds to their physical and chemical properes, including understanding of pH scale

Analyse and evaluate data on our diminishing finite resources, including order of magnitude esmaons, and carry out Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new materials

Understand how a reversible reacon in a closed system can reach equilibrium and understand how its posion can be altered

Successfully write compound formulae; know charges of complex ions and be able to balance symbol equaons

Use different analycal techniques to idenfy unknown substances

Applicaon of the scienfic process to industrial scaling

Complete understanding of all eight Required Praccal Acvies

Confidently analyse, interpret and manipulate data

Be able to answer high demand quesons by linking knowledge from different topics and applying it to unfamiliar situaons

Year 11



Combined Science: Trilogy

Topics: Organic Chemistry

Reacon rates and the extent of chemical change

Key Skills: Drawing structures, key terms, analysis, evaluaon, balancing equaons, raos, applicaon to industrial processes & applicaon to unfamiliar processes, link to natural processes.

MP: Organic Chemistry


Topics: Analycal Chemistry Revision for Mock exam

Key Skills: command words, key terms, reacon observaons. GCSE required praccal. Exam skills, command words, key words, extended wring

MP: Extent of Chemical Change assessment

MP: Mock Exam: AQA Combined Chemistry Paper 1

Topics: Using Earth’s resources

Topics: Revision for Mock Exam Specific maths and praccal skills revision


Revision of topics 1-5, Paper 1

Revision of topics 6-10, Paper 2

To draw simple organic molecules and explain their properes

Analyse and evaluate data on our diminishing finite resources, including order of magnitude esmaons, and carry out Life Cycle Assessments to evaluate new materials

Key Skills: comparing and evaluang data, analysing, key words, extended wring. Evaluang data & interpreng graphs. Applicaon to current global issuessustainability

MP: Module 10 assessment

Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, key terms. Planning, modifying and improving praccal methods. Evaluang data & interpreng graphs, mole calculaon revision.

MP: Mock Exam- AQA Combined Chemistry Paper 2

Key Skills:

Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, me management, wrien praccal skills, evaluang and interpreng data, core skills.

High level queson analysis, linking topics and concepts

MP: Paper 1 assessment

Understand how a reversible reacon in a closed system can reach equilibrium and understand how its posion can be altered

Successfully write compound formulae; know charges of complex ions and be able to balance symbol equaons

Applicaon of the scienfic process to industrial scaling

Complete understanding of all six Required Praccal Acvies

Confidently analyse, interpret and manipulate data

Be able to answer high demand quesons by linking knowledge from different topics and applying it to unfamiliar situaons

The Crypt School - Chemistry Department KS4 PoS with endpoints (2023- 2024) [*Teaching order and assessments may change during year] Updated July 2023


A-level Chemistry

Yr12 Organic Chemistry


Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 YEAR ENDPOINTS

Module 2: Foundaons in Chemistry

Topics: Electrons & bonding Shapes of molecules & Intermolecular forces

Key Skills: Understanding models, development of scienfic thinking, analysis, evaluaon, extended wring, applicaon of knowledge to properes, 3D drawing, angles. Praccal skills.

MP: Shapes & IM forces assessment

MP: Module 2 (Ch 5 & 6) Test


A-level Chemistry


Physical Chemistry


Module 2 Foundaons in Chemistry

Topics: Atoms, Ions and Compounds

Amount of Substance

Key Skills: Wring formulae, changing the subject of an equaon, working with standard form and significant figures, using raos, fracons, percentages, praccal skills.

MP: Baseline test

MP: Calculaon exam


Module 4 Core Organic chemistry & analysis

Topics: Basic concepts Alkanes & Alkenes

Key Skills:

IUPAC rules, raos, logical thinking & looking for paerns, drawing in 3D, visualisaon in 3D, analysis, evaluaon, extended wring, radical substuon mechanism, electrophilic addion mechanism, applicaon of structure to properes. Praccal skills.

MP: Alkane & alkene test

Module 3 Periodic table & energy


Acids and Redox

The Periodic Table

Key Skills:

Using algebraic equaons and solving them, plong variables from experimental data, drawing and using the gradient of a tangent to a curve to measure rate, recognising and explaining paerns, analysing experimental data, praccal skills

MP: Module 2 (Ch 2-4) Test

Module 4 Core Organic chemistry & analysis

Topics: Alcohols Haloalkanes

Key Skills:

IUPAC rules, logical thinking, drawing & visualisaon in 3D, analysis, evaluaon, nucleophilic substuon mechanism, applicaon of structure to properes. Ethics, environmental concerns. Praccal skills.

MP: January Assessment

Module 3 Periodic table & energy

Topics: Reacvity Trends Enthalpy

Key Skills: Using algebraic equaons and solving them, plong variables from experimental data, recognising and explaining paerns, evaluang, analysing experimental data, logical thinking, praccal skills

MP: January Assessment

Module 4 Core Organic chemistry & analysis

Topics: Organic Synthesis Mass & IR Spectroscopy

Key Skills: Praccal skills, purificaon techniques, analysis, logical thinking & looking for paerns, idenficaon, data analysis, applicaon of data and spectra to structure.

MP: Alcohol to organic synthesis test

Module 3 Periodic table & energy

Topics: Equilibrium and Reacon Rates

Key Skills: Applying the conservaon of energy principle, data analysis, logical thinking, interpreng diagrams, looking for paerns, drawing and using the gradient of a tangent to a curve, construcng enthalpy cycles, calculang constants, praccal skills

MP: Bond enthalpy & Hess cycle assessment

Module 4 Core Organic chemistry & analysis

Topics: Spectroscopy Revision

Key Skills: Analysis, logical thinking & looking for paerns, idenficaon, data analysis, applicaon of data and spectra to structure. Exam skills, command words, understanding mark schemes

MP: EOY Exam - Paper 2 assessment

Module 3 Periodic table & energy

Topics: Revision Rates of reacon

Key Skills: Drawing and using the gradient of a tangent to a curve, calculang constants, exam skills, command words, understanding mark schemes.

MP: EOY Exam - Paper 1 assessment

Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis

Topics: Aromac chemistry

Direcng groups

Key Skills: Understanding models, development of scienfic thinking, IUPAC rules, logical thinking & looking for paerns, analysis, evaluaon, extended wring, nucleophilic substuon mechanism, applicaon of structure to properes. Praccal skills.

MP: Aromac Chemistry assessment

Module 5 Physical chemistry

Topics: Rates of Reacon

Key Skills: logarithms and their inverse, algebraic equaons, plong experimental data, graphical analysis, working with indices, praccal skills

- Apply new terminology and concepts to previous understanding of structure and bonding

- Describe how the shape and polarity of molecules gives rise to their properes

- Understand that these properes can relate to forces that exist between or within molecules

- Apply new ideas about sigma- and pi-bonds to explain bonding and reacvity of organic molecules

- Be able to represent and name organic molecules and funconal groups using IUPAC nomenclature

- Represent the reacons of different organic molecules in terms of reacon mechanisms, reagents and condions

- Invesgate the reacons of organic molecules using a variety of praccal equipment and techniques

- Be able to apply knowledge of praccal organic chemistry techniques in wrien exams

- Idenfy the structure of organic molecules using spectrometry and spectroscopy

- To have a deep understanding of atomic, isotopic and ion c structure in terms of subatomic parcles and be able to interpret this using mass spectrometry

- To analyse and evaluate chemica reacons mathemacally in terms of determining their formulae, moles, mass, volume, yield, and raos through manipulang mathemacal equaons appropr ately.

- To be able to apply and explain a range of praccal and analycal techniques to idenfy chemical species and determ ne mass, concentraon, energy change by experiment

- To be able use the Periodic Table to describe and explain in detail a wide range of trends in the properes, bonding and structure of e ements thinking in Groups (horizontal) and Periods (lateral)

- To understand and explain the trends in reacvity of Group 2 and Group 7 elements and their uses

MP: Rates of reacon assessment

- To understand how energy (enthalpy) plays a fundamenta role in driving chemical reacons and to be able to calculate and measure this by experiment and theorecally using Hess’ Law

- To arculate and explain how reacons can be manipu ated to affect the rate of reacon and posion of chemical equilibrium, and to express this posion mathemacal y

The Crypt School - Chemistry Department KS5 PoS with endpoints (2023- 2024) [*Teaching order and assessments may change during year] Updated July 2023


A-level Chemistry

Yr13 Organic Chemistry


Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis


Revision of arenes & reacons

Carbonyls, carboxylic acids,esters and acyl chlorides

Key Skills: IUPAC rules, logical thinking & looking for paerns, analysis, evaluaon, nucleophilic addion mechanism, applicaon of structure to properes.

3D-visualisaon and drawing. Praccal skills.

MP: Module 1,2,4 assessment

Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis


Amines, amino acids, amides & chirality Condensaon polymers

Key Skills:

IUPAC rules, logical thinking & looking for paerns, analysis, evaluaon, nucleophilic addion mechanism, applicaon of structure to properes.

3D-visualisaon and drawing. Praccal skills.

MP: November Assessment - Paper 2 Organic exam


A-level Chemistry


Physical Chemistry


Module 5: Physical chemistry & transion elements

Topics: Rates of reacon Acids, Bases and pH

Key Skills:

Changing the subject of, substung numbers into, and solving algebraic equaons, plong experimental data, graphical analysis, logical thinking, calculang constants, praccal skills

MP1: Module 1,2,3 assessment

Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis

Topics: Organic synthesis, Praccal techniques, Synthec routes

Chromatography & funconal group analysis

Key Skills: IUPAC rules, logical thinking & looking for paerns, analysis, evaluaon, visualisaon, extended wring Praccal skills.

MP: RSC Olympiad

MP: Synthec Routes assessment

Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis

Topics: Chromatography & funconal group analysis

Mass & IR Revision

Carbon-13 NMR

Key Skills: Analysis, evaluaon, idenficaon, visualisaon, mathemacal skills, logical thinking

MP: MOCK Paper 2

Module 6 Organic Chemistry & analysis


Proton-NMR Combined Techniques

Synopc concepts REVISION

Key Skills: Analysis, evaluaon, idenficaon, visualisaon, mathemacal skills, logical thinking. Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, applicaon, evaluaon, praccal skills, applicaon of knowledge to a variety of unfamiliar molecules and reacons.

MP: Spectroscopy

Exam Qs

- Recall and explain the synthesis of organic funcona groups; their typical reacons and properes.

- Full understanding of how reacons happen and be ab e to apply these to unfamiliar situaons

- Be able to idenfy and explain opcal isomerism, and chiral ty

- Be able to explain and show mechanisms for extending the carbon chain in aliphac and aromac molecules

- Invesgate and explain how to pracca ly synthesise molecu es containing funconal groups from Yr12 and 13

- To purify an organic solid and to test for the funconal groups and purity

- Compose mul-stage synthec routes for preparing organic compounds

- Effecvely use carbon-13 and proton-NMR in connecon with previous analycal technique to correctly idenfy complex organic molecules

- Be able to combine knowledge from all modules to successfully answer synopc/unfamiliar quesons

Module 5: Physical chemistry & transion elements

Topics: Acids, Bases and pH Buffers, Neutralisaon

Key Skills:

Changing the subject of, substung numbers into, and solving algebraic equaons, plong experimental data, graphical analysis, logical thinking, calculang constants, using indices praccal skills

MP: November Assessment - Paper 1 Physical exam

Module 5: Physical chemistry & transion elements

Topics: Redox and Electrode Potenals

Key Skills: Analysis, evaluaon, applying conservaon of energy, logical thinking, manipulang and solving algebraic equaons, plong experimental data, graphical analysis, praccal skills

MP: RSC Olympiad MP : Redox assessment

Module 5: Physical chemistry & transion elements

Topics: Enthalpy and Entropy Transion Elements

Key Skills: Manipulang & solving algebraic equaons, plong data, graphical analysis, interpreng data, logical thinking, applying principles to unfamiliar electrochemical cells, praccal skills

MP: MOCK Paper 1

Module 5: Physical chemistry & transion elements

Topics: Synopc concepts REVISION – modules 2, 3, 5 and praccal techniques

Key Skills: Exam skills, command words, subject specific key words, applicaon, evaluaon, praccal skills

MP: Enthalpy & entropy test

- To apply mathemacal skills to analyse chemical reacons quantavely in terms of equilibrium, rates and energy for the first me

- To determ ne by ca culaon the extent, speed and feasibility of chemical reacons.

- To evaluate the quantave effects of temperature, pressure and concentraon on the rate of reacon and chemical equ librium, and understand how these can be manipulated to control industrial processes

- To understand the importance of acids, bases and pH in chemical and biological processes

- To calculate pH of strong acids, weak acids, alkalis and buffer soluons and analyse pH curves

- To understand the role of buffers in maintaining blood pH as a case study for the essenal role of acids and bases to health and wellbeing

- To determ ne whether chem cal reacons are feasible and spontaneous by applying the principles of energy and entropy and studying electrode potenal and electrochemistry

- To understand the importance of redox reacons in e ectrochemical cells, including fuel cel s and those used to power portable devices (baeries)

- To develop praccal skills with techniques including connuous monitoring, measuring pH us ng pH meter, redox traons, measuring potenal difference of electrochemical cells

- To understand in detail the chemistry of the transion metals/d-block elements, inc uding the colours, shapes and reacons of their ions, how complexes form, and how and why chemical and physical properes change in the centre of the Periodic Table

The Crypt School - Chemistry Department KS5 PoS with endpoints (2023- 2024) [*Teaching order and assessments may change during year] Updated July 2023

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