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schola Cryptiensis

Vision- Wthin Persona Educational Development, lessons explore persona issues, relatonships, and aspirations. Students cover key ssues facing them and the lessons at The Crypt School stress the importance of discussing topics such as physical and mental wellbeing, consent, relationships, and sexua orientation An equally mportant focus for our students is their academic life: how to use study sklls productively – whlst understanding how to dea with the pressures these can brng The Crypt School also focuses on the students’ pathways towards the working world; and this enables every student to reflect on potential careers, the sklls requred and the routes towards achieving their goals Our aim is to allow students to feel safe and to feel informed We encourage all to work productvely and creativey, to build strong and postive relationships with others, and to contribute to their community Our goal is to enable our students to flourish by ganing empowerment over their lives and resilience whilst helping them value themselves as individuals in a pluralistic society

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Year 7

3 lessons per fortnight

12 LessonsOrganisation. New school anxieties; peer pressure; dealing with change in friendships. Emotional managementmeditation; self soothing; empathy.

9 LessonsPuberty; healthy relationships, impact of negative experiences; consent; sexual orientation; transgender; same sex relationships; marriage & civil partnerships. The breakdown of a relationship & divorce. Personality types, relationships, friendships and coping strategies. The impact of sleep, diet & exercise on learning.

9 LessonsBullying; dangers of the digital world; information generation, collecting, sharing and usage. Resilience; optimism vs. pessimism

9 LessonsCPR, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, vaping, cannabis; with a focus on student perceptions of social norms. The Kindness Project - encouraging kind behaviour in schools to increase social and emotional wellbeing.

9 LessonsCommunity, Equality Act 2010. The Kindness ProjectEncouraging kind behav iour to increase social and emotional wellbeing.

9 LessonsMental health and emotional wellbeing, digital resilience. Self harm and eating disorders. Dealing with loss.

Students will have explored ways to settle in a new secondary school; to talk about their emotions and understand that these may be connected to others They will have a developing understanding of how to recognise the early signs of mental wellbeing concerns and the need to evaluate when something impacts on themselves/others They will have explored the key facts about puberty, the changing adolescent body - in males and in female bodies; menstrual wellbeing and about personal hygiene. They will have discussed why young people may use drugs/alcohol/(E)cigarettes; how to avoid these pressures and understand the potential impact of substance misuse. Information will have been shared on there being different types of committed, stable relationships. That living together, marriage and civil partnerships are ways that people freely and without coercion, demonstrate their commitment to each other. Facts on stereotypes will be shared, in particular stereotypes based on sex, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability, can cause damage and encourage prejudice Tolerance & respect will have been explored with the understanding that in school and in wider society they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and that in turn they should show due respect to others, including people in positions of authority and due tolerance of other people’s beliefs, the different ways in which a citizen can contribute to the improvement of their community They will have been informed about different types of bullying (including cyberbullying), the impact of bullying, the responsibilities of bystanders to report bullying and how and where to get help. They will have had an introduction exploring a range of occupations and to set aspirations. They will have knowledge shared on how to administer CPR. To appreciate the physical and mental effects of a healthy lifestyle, eating habits, sleep patterns, meditation and self- soothing. Students possess an understanding of how kindness among young people directly reduces bullying and disruptive behaviour and helps to increase social and emotional wellbeing.

Year 8

12 LessonsSocial media – FOMO, cyber bullying, online safety.

9 LessonsSexualisation, stereo types, influences, pornography, sexual

9 LessonsDrugs - County Lines. Positive emotions,

9 LessonsCPR, Knife crime, Role models,

9 LessonsHuman rights,Equality and Diversity, Children’s rights, Extremism.

9 LessonsHealth checkpersonal hygiene, dental hygiene, sun

Students will have an understanding of the differences between the online world and the physical world and the risks of the on-line world. The characteristics of positive and healthy relationships (in all contexts, including online) including boundaries, abuse, and consent.

3 lessons per fortnight

Well-being & mental health & how to self-soothe. Mind/body connection - the effects of sugar; the importance of sleep; the benefits of physical exercise.

bullying, grooming, impact of negative experiences, exploitation Healthy relationship – respect & equality, contraception & STIs.

An awareness of how viewing habits & listening habits can affect mood & mental health. Exploring happiness and its meaning.

gratitude & fulfilment.

Misogyny, Values, Democracy.

Year 9

1 lesson per fortnight

4 LessonsMental healthstress, anxiety, depression. Body image, positive influences,eating disorders, self-esteem.

-3 lessons Consent,pornography, upskirting, sexual pleasure & communication, impact of negative experiences, contraception, unplanned pregnancy, FGM & HBA.

3 LessonsYouth Employment UK. Skills, strengths, weaknesses, goals. Pre & post GCSE options.

3 LessonsAlcohol- impact on body & decision making; nicotine & vaping.

3 LessonsEconomic well being, The Bank of England, Consumer choice.

safety, prevention of infection, self-examination. Peer & other influences linked to gambling.

This includes different (non-sexual) types of relationship with practical steps they can take in a range of different contexts to improve or support respectful relationships personally, locally and nationally and a reminder they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and that in turn they should show due respect to others, authority and show due tolerance of other people’s beliefs to demonstrate the legal rights and responsibilities regarding equality They will consider the lives of people living in other places, and people with different values and customs to develop understanding of how the United Kingdom is governed and the rights and responsibilities of its citizens They will have explored how the political system of the United Kingdom has developed as a democracy, including the role of the monarchy, the development of our constitution and Parliament. They will have had the opportunity to again consider some of the growing career areas and consider the skills that will be needed. They will have knowledge of the law relating to the illegal substances and an awareness of the dangers of drug gangs who exploit the young and vulnerable. Students deepen their understanding of the physical and mental effects of a healthy lifestyle, eating habits, sleep pattern. The understanding of what happiness is and its effects on one’s moods and relationships. Students can review the impact of meditation to effectively alleviate anxiety. Students will have considered a life beyond their own to reflect on social values and the wider community.

3 LessonsHate crimes, Malicious communication, Trolling, Prejudice.

They will have examined the positive associations between physical activity and the promotion of mental wellbeing and the characteristics of what a healthy lifestyle looks like and its benefits to physical & mental health Also, how to take increased responsibility for maintaining and monitoring their own health A Knowledge of how the media portrays young people; to recognise its possible impact on body image and health issues Then how to manage mental wellbeing concerns the causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies, such as self-harm and eating disorders; how to recognise when they or others need help, sources of help and strategies for accessing it They should know the concepts of laws relating to sexual consent and other related areas such as exploitation, abuse, and FGM They will have investigated the personal and social risks and consequences of alcohol use. They should have knowledge about the unacceptability of all forms of discrimination, and how to challenge it, prejudice and bigotry in the wider community. They will have some experience of the functions and uses of money, the importance of personal budgeting, money management and a range of financial products and services. They will have had the opportunity to explore GCSE option choices and the implications and options going forwards with these choices.

Year 10

2 lessons per fortnight

8 LessonsGCSE preparationStudy & revision skills

6 LessonsRelationships - body image, pornography, consent, contraception, STIs. Abuse & its effects, domestic violence, HBV, FGM. Fertility impacts, menopause, miscarriage. Parenting, teen parenting, abortion, fostering, adoption, surrogacy, breast feeding.

6 LessonsMoney Management.

6 LessonsSextortion, gaming & online safety, information generation, collecting, sharing and usage. Digital detox. Gambling.

6 LessonsPropaganda, Conspiracy, Extremism, Hate crimes, Equality & Diversity.

6 LessonsWellbeing - Reliable sources of medical help available Self-harm, eating disorders. Cancer prevention, screening & self-examination. Blood, organ & stem cell donation. Tattooing, piercing, use of sunbeds. BHF basic CPR.

They will have discussed the impact of viewing harmful content and know that pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners That they can expect to be treated with respect by others, and they should show tolerance of other people’s beliefs and the legal rights and responsibilities regarding equality

They will have investigated the readiness for sex and the benefits of delaying sexual activity with the pathways available in the event of unintended pregnancy, to include, fostering, adoption or abortion and surrogacy The issues around breastfeeding How STIs are transmitted and how risk can be reduced through safer sex How and where to access confidential sexual and reproductive health advice and treatment.

They will have acknowledged the risks related to online gambling and gaming. They will have explored social and moral issues about the use of money, to recognise and manage influences on their financial decisions.

They will have recognised abuse both in person and online to promote exploitation or extremism and to have the strategies to manage being targeted or if witnessing others being targeted. They will continue to build a skill set of personal skills to cope with the strains of examinations and how they can continue to prepare themselves for a world of changing employment opportunities

Year 11

1 lesson per fortnight

4 LessonsWellbeing- dealing with pressure, stress & depression. Careers Pilot, Post 16 pathways.

2 LessonsSexual & gender identity & diversity.

3 LessonsRSHE- Consent, impact of negative experiences, contraception, STIs.

3 LessonsRecreational drugs, vaping & alcoholtheir use & effects.

3 lessonsBritish Values, Democracy and Prevent

Students will have had a reminder of how to recognise the signs concerning wellbeing and how to deal with pressures of exams and teenage life Strategies for managing mental health including stress, anxiety and depression; a broader range of strategies for promoting their own emotional wellbeing e g how a lack of sleep can affect mood and ability to learn

They will have an understanding of the similarities, differences and diversity among people such as different race, culture, gender identity and sexual orientation and the impact of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.

They will have explored how to take increased responsibility for maintaining and monitoring their own health such as the benefits of regular self-examination and screening for illnesses, and about cancer prevention, including healthy lifestyles. Illegal substances such as drugs, - the short and long-term consequences of substance use and misuse for the health and mental and emotional wellbeing of individuals, families and communities They should have deepened their understanding of how the United Kingdom is governed, as well as other forms and systems of government They will have explored recognising abuse both in person and online to promote exploitation or extremism and have the strategies to manage being targeted or if witnessing others being targeted They will have finalised options available for post 16 study pre exam results and have continued to build a skill set of personal skills to cope with the strains of examinations and how they can continue to prepare themselves for a world of changing employment opportunities.

Year 12

1 lesson per fortnight

-4 lessons

Goal setting- making the most out of 6th form life. Post 18 options- Uni, Apprenticeships, employment, gap year.

-3 lessons

RSHE - Healthy & unhealthy relationships.

-3 lessons CPR, self –examination, screening.

-3 lessons Financial health

-3 lessons Driving theory, practical & finance

-2 lessons Post 18 options.

Year 13

1 lesson per fortnight

-4 lessons

Post 18 optionsPersonal statements, UCAS/ apprenticeship/ employment applications, gap year.

-3 lessons

RSHE - Healthy & unhealthy relationshipsPornography; impact of negative experiences, alcohol & (risky) decision making, contraception, STIs.

-2 lessons Money management.

-3 lessons

Drugs- Psychoactive substances, Steroids, Prescription drugs.

-3 lessons

Prevent - Equality Act & Democracy, Respect, Tolerance.

Students will have been advised to consider a collection of options post A level study and received guidance on how to access those opportunities and been supported through an understanding of the application processes and should have made a start with this to encompass apprenticeships and Further Education colleges in the UK and internationally They will have discussed healthy and unhealthy relationships and come up with strategies to deal with situations relating to relationships, the pressures exerted by society and by peers or partners. They will be aware of the impact of viewing harmful content and that pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners. They will have revisited the risks associated with substances and its impact on decision making. They will have had a reminder of how to recognise the signs concerning wellbeing and how to deal with pressures of exams and early adulthood issues. They will have explored the functions and uses of money, the importance of personal budgeting, money management and a range of financial products and services They will have been advised on the dangers of driving and the impact dangerous driving can have on passengers, other road users and pedestrians and on the families of those concerned How to administer CPR and how to self screen will have been revisited

Students will have been supported with finalising applications for a collection of options post A level study to help students to make the best choices and submit the strongest applications. They will have deepened their understanding of the impact of viewing harmful content and that pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, can damage the way people see themselves and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partners. The physical and psychological risks associated with alcohol and how it may impact on decision making; as well as the facts about some legal and illegal drugs and their associated risks, to include an awareness of the dangers of prescribed drugs Money management as they move towards an independent lifestyle will have been explored, to include wages, taxes, credit, debt, financial risk and a range of more sophisticated financial products and services They will have revisited recognising abuse both in person and online to promote exploitation or extremism and have the strategies to manage being targeted or if witnessing others being targeted

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