The Crypt Science Department - KS3 PoS 2024-25. updated July 2024
Key : Black; all 3 science strands or skills, Green; biology, Red; Chemistry, Purple;physics.
Note: There are two teaching strands per year, and therefore the teaching order/assessments may not sit in the term shown but all units will be taught to checkpoints at half year & end of year
Floreat scholar Cryptiensis
Our Vision
Our primary aim is to instil a genuine love of the sciences and the confidence to question our understanding of the natural and physical world. The programme of study aims to develop inquisitive minds into critical thinkers through acquiring theoretical knowledge, practical skills and scientific literacy Students will understand how science continuously builds upon previous advancements and understanding; linking the topics studied with real-world application ensures that our pupils develop key investigative, analytical and evaluative skills to prepare for their life ahead.
In years 7 and 8, our bespoke curriculum embeds the key foundations of biology, chemistry and physics whilst allowing students’ natural enthusiasm and curiosity to flourish. From year 9 onwards, the three science strands are taught separately through challenging and enriching lessons which build students’ resilience. Additional opportunities beyond the classroom at all key stages further strengthen the curriculum and reinforce the key role science and its applications have in understanding contemporary issues, future developments and the challenges of the modern world.
Year 7 Topics:
A1 Working Scientifically
C1 Particle Theory
Key Skills:
Practical and Investigative Skills (working safely, using equipment, collecting data, analysing data, evaluating)
Key words, modelling theories, evaluating models
A1 Working Scientifically Test
C1 Particle Theory test
P1 Energy
B1 Cells, Tissues Organs and Organ Systems
C2 Mixtures & Separating techniques
P2 Waves
Key Skills:
Calculating, planning, analysing data, literacy, comparing, evaluating, ethics of energy resources, biological drawings Assessments:
P1 Energy Test
B1 Cell, Tissues, Organs and Organ Systems Test
Key Skills: Calculating, practical skills, evaluating techniques, analysing data, applying knowledge, key words,
C3 Atoms, elements, compounds & the periodic table
B2 The Digestive System
P3 Forces and Motion
B3 Reproduction
A2 Y7 Project
Assessments: Half Year assessment
C2 Separating Mixtures Test
Key Skills: Planning, analysing data, literacy, evaluating, key words, analysing patterns, interpreting data, understanding the development of scientific thinking Assessments:
P2 Waves test
C3 Atoms, elements, compounds & PT test
Key Skills:
Calculating, applying, describing, explaining, comparing, literacy
Key Skills:
Interpreting and analysing data, dissection, practical skills, comparing biological structures and functions Planning, investigation and presentation skills
B2 Digestive System Test
P3 Forces and Motion Test
End-of-Year Exam
B3 Reproduction Test
● Use a range of laboratory apparatus safely, evaluating risk and suggesting control measures
● Plan an appropriate method to investigate a question
● Evaluate the accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility of data and identify sources of error
● Present observations and data using appropriate tables and graphs and interpret data, including identifying patterns and drawing conclusions
● Use simple equations to make calculations
● Understand that energy is a quantity that can be calculated; describe the energy changes that take place for a variety of situations.
● Understand the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of objects and draw and interpret force diagrams
● Understand the properties of light and sound waves and explain wave phenomena like reflection and refraction
● Identify solids, liquids and gases based on their properties.
● Understand that everything is made up of small particles, which are known as atoms.
● Understand that these particles/atoms can remain separate as elements, join as elements or compounds.
● Use simple separation techniques to identify if a substance is an element, mixture or compound.
● Use of light microscope to identify and complete biological drawings of cells
● Understand structure and function of different cell types and exchange between the cell and its environment.
● Understand the importance of a healthy diet, testing techniques for different molecules and the structure and function of the digestive system.
● Understand processes occurring in reproduction in plants and animals, including germination, puberty and the menstrual cycle.
The Crypt Science Department - KS3 PoS 2024-25. updated July 2024
Key : Black; all 3 science strands or skills, Green; biology, Red; Chemistry, Purple;physics.
Note: There are two teaching strands per year, and therefore the teaching order/assessments may not sit in the term shown but all units will be taught to checkpoints at half year & end of year
P4 Electricity and Magnetism
B4 Gas Exchange and Health
Key Skills: Learning equations, calculating, describing, practical skills
C4 Chemical reactions
P5 Pressure and Moments
Key Skills:
Calculating, analysing, drawing circuit diagrams, explaining, applying knowledge, observations, developing theories, explaining, developing & balancing equations
B5 Inheritance
P6 Matter Key Skills:
Understanding the role of scientists in developing theories, using theories to make predictions, collecting and analysing data, practical skills, developing & balancing equations
C5 Metals and Acids
P7 Space
Key Skills:
Calculating, explaining, application of knowledge, practical skills, evaluating data, research techniques, sourcing information, discussing, debating, concluding, ethics, evaluating human impact on environment
B6 Photosynthesis
C6 Our Atmosphere & Us
Key Skills:
Applying knowledge, explaining, describing, modelling, practical skills, chromatography, microscopy
B7 Ecology
Y8 Maths skills
Y8 project –
Key Skills:
Literacy, design, creativity, presenting, evaluating, ethics, numeracy, working scientifically, sampling, evaluating the human impact on the environment
● Understand that science is about working objectively, modifying explanations to take account of new evidence and ideas and subjecting results to peer review
● Evaluate our use of plastics and their impact on the environment. Understand the role of scientists in developing alternatives and advising governments.
● Apply knowledge to a range of different contexts
● Rearrange and use a range of equations to make calculations
● Use the particle model to explain energy transfer through solids, liquids and gases and what happens when substances change state
● Build simple circuits and measure the current and potential difference. Explain, in simple terms, the meaning of current and pd
● Understand how magnets interact, what we mean by a non-contact force and the applications of magnets and electromagnets
● Explain how the Earth fits into the universe and the origin of day and night, the seasons and eclipses
● Begin to understand that a chemical reaction is balanced and hence mass is conserved.
● Begin to write and balance simple chemical equations.
● Understand that the earth’s atmosphere has evolved over time.
P4 Electricity and Magnetism test
B4 Gas Exchange and Health test
C4 Chemical reactions test
P5 Pressure and Moments test
Half year Assessment
B5 Inheritance test
P6 Matter test
C5 Metals and Acids test
P7 Space test
B6 Photosynthesis test
C6 Our Atmosphere & Us test
B7 Ecology test
End of Year Assessment
● Understand that the products of the reactions which are occurring now are changing the balance of gases in the atmosphere.
● Understand some of the impacts of the changing levels of different gases in our atmosphere
● Understand the function of the gas exchange system in humans, including the importance of exercise and impact of some drugs such as caffeine and alcohol.
● Understand the role of DNA in inheritance, and the impact of the environment on variation and adaptations within a species.
● Understand the process of photosynthesis and the impact of the environment on it.
● Understand relationships between organisms and their interactions with the environment.