Year 10 Programmes of Study 2023/24
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Year End Points
omponent 1 – C Portfolio Introduction Unit. “Erosion & Decay” - Focus on AO3 & AO1- recording observations and experimenting with media and image manipulation to create literal and developed images, inspired by critical studies references. Com
omponent 1 – C Portfolio Introduction Unit. “Erosion & Decay” Development - Focus on AO2 - experimenting with materials from the same starting point title but with 2 separate foci - ceramics & textile routes.
omponent 1 C – Main Portfolio Unit - Select a project title & focusing on AO1 & AO3 - initial investigations & observations. Demonstratin g understandin g of critical studies sources.
omponent 1 – C Portfolio Unit - Strengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for AO2.
omponent 1 – C Portfolio Unit - Strengthening observations at AO3 & exploring media options, choices and effects for AO2, linking to AO1 studies.
omponent 1 C – Portfolio Unit - Develop ideas, combining critical studies references, observations & media experiences to start designing potential final resolution(s)- AO4.
tudents will have S worked on projects related to GSCE art, developing skills that are used in producing a portfolio of work as part of the AQA course requirements. They will have developed skills of analysing and planning their practical work, writing brief critical analyses and evaluations of their work, using a wide range of appropriate technical language especially regarding their artist research and practical work. They will have been encouraged to reflect on their skills and media, and to have taken opportunities to experiment with materials and techniques.
Module 1.1
Module 1.2 -
Module 1.3
Module 1.3
Module 1.4
Module 1.5
To be able to show:
tudies S Edexcel
nterprise and E potting a S entrepreneurship business opportunity Topics 1.1.1 - Dynamic Topics nature of business 1.2.1 - 1.1.2 - Risk & Customer reward needs 1.1.3 - Role of business 1.2.2 - Market enterprise research ssessment 1- A Business Map
.2.3 - Market 1 segmentation
ssessment 2 - A end of unit test, MCQs Explain questions ( 3 mark questions)
.2.4 - The 1 competitive environment ssessment 3 A -Numeracy assessment ssessment 4 A -MCQs, Market reports and Describe and Analyse (6 mark questions)
utting a P utting a P business idea business idea into practice into practise
aking the M business effective
nderstanding U external influences on business
Topics .4.4 - Business 1 Plan .5.3 - 1 Legislation 1.5 - 1.5.4 - 1.4 - Making the Understanding Economy and 1.3.2 - business external business Revenues, effective influences on 1.5.5 - costs and business External profits 1.4.1 - Starts influences ups Topics 1.3.3 - Cash 1.4.2 - Business Assessment and cash flow location 1.5.1 - Business 11 -MCQ, 1.4.3 - stakeholders presentations Assessment Marketing mix and test to 5 -WHOLE 1.5.2 - include 1, 2, 3, SCHOOL Assessment 7 Technology and 6 & 12 mark Y10 -MCQs, business questions (1.5) assessment Evaluate week, in questions (12 Assessment 9 - Assessment lessons. 1 mark questions) MCQs, 12 -End of hour test on Contextualise COntextualise year c oncepts case studies. case studies, assessment - covered in T1 End of unit test 3,6,9 and 12 Theme 1 and T2 1.3 mark (MCQs, 3 and quotations. End 6 mark Assessment 8 of unit test 1.4 questions) -Marketing project Assessment 10 Assessment -Business 6 -MCQs Planning Project Justify questions (9 .3.1 - 1 Business aims and objectives
.3.4 - Sources 1 of business finance
reative thinking C Research skills Extended enquiry in to a a business of students choice reate a questionnaire and write a report C on their findings Interpret market research data Create a market map Introduction to context reak even calculations B Drawing break even graphs Calculation MoS Calculating profit Calculating costs (TC, VC, FC) Calculate cash flow Calculating revenue reate a business plan C Evaluate choice of technology Identify stakeholders
ark m questions) Contextualise case studies omputer C Science
odule: System M Architecture. Memory and Storage opics: The T purpose of the CPU, Von Neumann architecture. Primary and Secondary Storage ey Skills: The K ability to explain the process that a CPU goes through executing an instruction, the stored program concept and factors that affect CPU performance. Explain the difference between RAM and ROM, identify appropriate secondary
odule: Wired M and Wireless Networks opics: Types T of Networks, Client Server, Peer to Peer networks, Network hardware and the internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks
odule: M Network Topologies and Layers opics: Star T and Mesh Network Topologies, Protocols, Concept of Layers and Packet Switching
ey Skills: K Explain the Key Skills: difference Factors that between star affect the and mesh performance of network computers, the topologies, different roles discuss of computers in encryption a client server and network and frequencies. peer to peer The uses of networks. What IP hardware a addressing, network MAC consists of and addressing the concept of and protocols.
odule: System M M odule: Data Security Representation, Translators and Topics: Identify Facilities of Forms of Languages Attack, Threats Posed to Topics: Units, Networks, Number Identifying and Systems, Preventing Characters, Vulnerabilities Images, Sound and Key Skills: Compression Explain and identify threats Key Skills: How posed to data needs to networks be converted including into a binary malware, format to be phishing, social processed by a engineering, computer. brute force Binary to denary attacks, DDOS conversion, deal attacks, SQL with overflow injection and errors and poor network check digits. policy. Explain the relationship Identify and between the bits prevent per character in vulnerabilities a character set, such as ASCII, extended penetration ASCII and
odule: M Programming Project, Data Representatio n (cont)
nderstand the purpose of the CPU and U explain the role and operation of the following CPU registers used in Von Neumann architecture. Be able to describe how common characteristics of CPUs affect their performance: clock Topics: speed, cache size and number of cores. Analysis, Understand the purpose RAM and ROM Design, in a computer system. The ability to Development, evaluate suitable storage devices and Testing and storage media for a given application Evaluation using the following characteristics: capacity, speed, portability, durability, Key Skills: reliability, cost. Analyse and Understand the advantages of identify the networking stand-alone computers into a requirements local area network, explain the difference for a solution between a client-server and a to the problem. peer-to-peer network. Describe the Set clear differences between a local area network measurable and a wide area network such as the objectives. Internet. Design List some of the threats posed to suitable networks, including malware and algorithms to phishing and precautions which can be represent the taken to keep data safe from hackers. solution to a Be able to explain the functions of an problem. operating system. Understand the term Develop a ‘character set’, calculate file sizes and solution using explain why all data needs to be a suitable converted to binary before the computer programming can process it, including the need for language. Test
s torage from optical, magnetic and solid state. Explain virtual memory. MP1: End of Unit Assessment
v irtual networks.
P1: End of M Unit Assessment MP2: Past Paper MP2: Past Paper Questions Questions
xplain the E process of layers when transmitting data including what packets of data consist of. P1: End of M Unit Assessment P2: Past M Paper Questions
testing, network forensics, network policies, anti-malware software, firewalls, user access levels, passwords and encryption. P1: End of M Unit assessment
nicode. How U an image is represented as a series of pixels represented in binary. How sound can be sampled and stored in digital form. The need for lossy and lossless compression.
P2: Past M Paper Questions
P1: End of M Unit Assessment
nd evaluate a their solution producing a report that covers all aspects of the solution.
ther number systems and their use in o computer science. Follow through pseudocode solutions to simple problems involving sequence, selection and iteration
P1: Coded M Project Submission P2: Design M and Analysis Document
P2: Computer M Science Math Assessment Drama
duqas GCSE E Drama and Theatre
1 - Devising C Theatre
pecification - S cations/drama-a nd-theatre/gcse/ WJEC-Eduqas- GCSE-Drama-sp ecification.pdf.pd f?language_id=1
1 Devising C Theatre Exploring practitioners and their techniques and how to apply in performance.
1 Devising C Theatre and C3 Interpreting Theatre
3 Interpreting C C 1 Theatre performances of Devising Theatre and C3 C1 Devising Interpreting Theatre Theatre C1 Devising Rehearsal and Theatre realisation of C1 Devising Research and final C1. Theatre stimulus for Development of Final final C1. Portfolio of Performance Development Evidence (POE) and assessment of Portfolio of of Devised Theatre piece
1 C performance, POE & Evaluation Recording
.To complete C1 performance, portfolio 1 of evidence and evaluation.
1 C Performance (recorded and paper work all ready to send)
.To have a good understanding of C3 3 exam and of next year’s arrangements.
.To have explored and studied set text 2 for C3 DNA by Dennis Kelly.
. To experience professional live theatre 4 (and recorded allowed) in preparation for C3.
1 Theatre C Workshop (Prep Devising – How to devise a piece of theatre effectively) Stimuli – newspapers, articles, songs, objects etc. Questioning stimuli & exploring how to create theatre from an image for example. Working together in groups Transferable skills – decision making, communication, reflective learning, directing, leading others etc. Acting and directing skills
ssessment: x A 2 (one practical
ritten work – W looking at reflecting on work (Mock POE)
vidence E (POE)
3 Interpreting C Theatre: •Study DNA by C3 Dennis Kelly Interpreting •To explore the Theatre: text practically Read DNA by •To look at how Dennis Kelly to approach Assessment: exam-style To explore x 2 (one questions the text practical Opportunities practically assessment for Live Theatre serving as a To look at (ongoing) mock-up of how to final C1 also approach one written Assessment: x exam-style assessment 2 (one questions based on practical aspect of Opportunities based on POE). performing for Live AO1 DNA extracts, Create and Theatre one written on develop ideas (ongoing) exam-style to questions). communicate AO3 meaning for Assessment: Demonstrate theatrical x 2 (one knowledge and performance practical understanding AO2 based on of how drama Apply theatrical performing and theatre is skills to realise DNA developed rtistic a extracts, one and performed intentions in written on AO4 live exam-style Analyse and performance questions). evaluate their AO4 AO3 own work and Demonstrate the work of knowledge others.
( Dates TBC by centre) Submission of POE 3 Interpreting C Theatre: •Revision of DNA by Dennis Kelly in prep for mock exam •To explore the text practically •To look at how to approach exam-style questions Opportunities for Live Theatre (ongoing)
1 POE – C process report (750-900 words) completed. 1 Evaluation C – 1hour 30 mins invigilated assessment (2 sides of A4 notes allowed in exam). *computer room.
ssessment A X 3 = 40% of GCSE Coursework AO1 Create and Assessment: x develop ideas 2 (one practical to based on given communicate meaning for xtracts) one e theatrical written based performance on evaluating AO2 work from Apply practical theatrical skills assessment. to realise AO1 artistic Create and develop ideas to intentions in live communicate performance meaning for
easons R for SOW
ased on b nalyse and A practitioner in evaluate their performance, own work one written based on POE). AO1 Create and develop ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance AO2 Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance AO4 Analyse and evaluate their own work
nd a understandin g of how drama and theatre is developed and performed AO4 Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others.
o explore T influential theatre practitioners and companies To explore acting techniques and methods Collaboration and working as a group
o read the T text and explore in conjunction with the text to ensure depth and breadth of study.
o start to T explore exam-style questions and answering exam questions effectively - preparation for mocks.
llow for live A theatre opportunities and experience
llow for live A theatre opportunities and experience theatre through
o explore T practitioners and companies in more detail and build upon last term To start to write and evaluate strengths and outline improvements which need to be made.
theatrical performance AO2 Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance AO4 Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others
O4 A Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others Final recording of performance, evaluation & POE = 40% of GCSE.
ock Exam M Paper
o ensure T thorough completion of work and submission of POE written responses. llow for live A theatre opportunities and experience theatre through
omplete C1 C before end of Y10 to ensure focus on written paper can continue next year.
theatre r ecorded through performances. recorded performances .
n Inspector A Calls Aim: Aim: To formally introduce the 20th century text that they will be studying and provide a clear overview of both plot/characters as well as key contextual factors. To build students’ prior learning (play format) and get them thinking about the complexities of social responsibility and the key conflicts between socialism and capitalism.
Introduction to Language Paper 1: Aim: To formally introduce Paper 1 to students and develop their analytical skills when approaching an unseen piece of fiction. To guide them through the questions.
ekyll and J Hyde Aim: To formally introduce the 19th century text that they will be studying and provide a clear overview of both plot/character s as well as key contextual factors. To Skills: language build analysis, students’ structural prior learning features, (Macbeth/got evaluating a hic) and get text, writing to them thinking describe/narrat about the e in preparation complexities for life beyond of the human
Intro to Language Paper 2: Aim: To formally introduce Paper 2 to students and develop their analytical skills when approaching and comparing two non-fiction pieces. To guide them through the questions. kills: language S analysis, structural features, evaluating a text, transactional writing in preparation for life beyond
r ecorded performances. o revise C3 T text and ensure confidence in written exam style questions - prep for mocks. evision for R Mock Exams Aim: to prepare students for a full mock paper – essay and exam skills (e.g. timings).
ompletion of C Power & Conflict: Aim: To complete the study of the remaining poems from the cluster.
ompletion of C Power & Conflict: Aim: To complete the study of the remaining poems from the cluster.
kills: To S develop the skill of comparison and promote IT: L independent and alternative Write thoughtful, detailed and developed responses to literature, drawing on a viewpoints. wide range of references from the whole text, some of which will be learned by heart, and integrating this into a cogent line of argument. Detailed examination of the effects of language, structure and form supported by apt use of subject terminology. Examine ideas, themes, perspectives and contextual factors,
kills: To S develop the skill of comparison and promote independent and alternative viewpoints.
Reading: ANG: L Fluently read a wide range of temporal fiction and non-fiction. Recognise an increasing range of devices and key ideas, summarise and synthesise information confidently. Identify the difference between explicit and implicit information. Evaluate how a writer’s language, structure, form and presentation contribute to quality and impact; use terminology for analysis.
kills: language S analysis/ embedding context/ developing a critical viewpoint/ understanding writer’s methods and applying subject terminology.
CSEs G (copywriter/edit or/proof-reader/ lawyer/ semiotician/ web-content manager)
syche and p how societal expectations impact our behaviour. kills: S language analysis/ embedding context/ developing a critical viewpoint/ understandin g writer’s methods and applying subject terminology- these can steer students into the field of psychology, science, ethics of experimentati on, sociology, and history.
CSEs G (copywriter/edit or/proof-reader/ lawyer/ semiotician/ web-content manager/ letters for job applications/ media communications and so on)
ossibly including alternative p interpretations and deeper meanings. Writing: P ● roducing clear and coherent texts ● Writing effectively about literature for a range of purposes such as: to describe, explain, summarise, argue, analyse and evaluate; discussing and maintaining a point of view; selecting and emphasising key points; using relevant quotation and using detailed textual references. ● Accurate Standard English: accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. ● Write effectively and coherently using Standard English appropriately. ● Use grammar correctly, punctuate and spell accurately. ● Acquire and apply a wide vocabulary, alongside a knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. racy: O Debating a wide range of issues that arise from the non-fiction and Literature texts they are studying, beginning to challenge and evaluate others’ ideas.
roup and paired discussions looking at G complex issues in order to reach an agreed decision, adapting appropriately for context and audience. Geography
Climatic azards H Global tmospheric a circulation. Extreme Weather: drought, tropical storms, floods hanging C Climates Long term changes in temperature. Evidence for climate change.
hanging C Climates Human and physical causes of climate Change. Impacts of climate change.
ustaining S Ecosystems – Polar environments.
istinctive D Landscapes
rban U Fieldwork – Gloucester
Geomorphic processes in F ieldwork write Polar coasts, up tasks. climates with Holderness foci on the case study, Distinctive management Landscapes Arctic and strategies Antarctica. Geomorphic Urban Distinctive Sustaining processes in Landscapes Fieldwork – Ecosystems rivers; River Gloucester Tees Characteristic Overview of case study Preparing for global biomes. s of including human fieldwork landscapes, Impacts and actions. and carry management of human and out human activity physical fieldwork impacts on in Tropical landscapes Rainforests.
ivers R Fieldwork – Forest of Dean
now the characteristics of polar K environments. nderstand the impacts to, and U management of, polar environments. Understand how global air circulation affects weather patterns and the global distribution of biomes.
reparing for P fieldwork, Carrying out fieldwork in the Forest of nderstand the causes and impacts of U Dean, Fieldwork write extreme and hazardous weather events. Understand the causes, impacts and up tasks management of volcanic and seismic Distinctive events. Landscapes Understand the long and short term River Tees causes of climate change; the evidence case study to support climate change, and the including effects on the UK and wider world. human actions. Understand the characteristics of landscapes which make them distinctive. Understand how geology and climate can influence the morphology of river and coastal landscapes, and how human activity, including management, can alter these landscapes.
In groups, complete guided fieldwork investigations in human and physical environments outside of the school grounds. se OS map skills to describe physical U landscapes in less familiar situations. Apply analytical skills to a wide range of geographical data. rovide well-developed explanations for P varied geographical features. Select and apply relevant knowledge in order to discuss, assess and evaluate geographical issues and reach balanced judgements. History
opics: USA – T boom, bust & New Deal
inish F economic bust
ontent: Causes C of economic boom, changes in USA cities, racial inequality, impact of New Deal & Great Depression Assessment: Why was there an economic boom? & In what ways did radio lead to changes in society?
opics: Impact T of WW2 & post-war changes ontent: Social C & political impact of WW2, Civil Rights campaign, Feminist movement
opics: T Medicine – medieval & Renaissance
inish F Renaissance
opics: T Medicine: 20th century & overview
opics: T Medicine – 19th Content: century ontent: C Supernatural Penicillin, causes of Content: Germ Impact of wars, disease, Theory, creation of the public health, changes to 19th NHS, Modern role of the C surgery, surgery church, Impact of impact of Industrial Assessment: renaissance Revolution April mock exam & re-write Assessment: Assessment: based on January mock Compare feedback exam & cholera & the usefulness of Black Death –
opics: T Norman Historic Environment (Subject to change annually) ontent: C Subject to change ssessment: A Based on Norman historic environment
nderstanding of the long term causes U of cultural, social & economic change. Identification of what forces can oppose change in history. ppreciation of how history is relevant to A & has created modern day USA/ British medicine. eveloping explanations of significance D using ‘complex thinking’ (differentiation by group/type/length). tudents are able to provide a more S developed explanation of the usefulness of sources using greater historical context & provenance.
kills: S Comparing causation ultural Capital: C Nature of materialism, race relations in the US, women breaking tradition roles, role of government in economy
aths M umber & N SoW Equations GCSE Higher Tier Indices
urds S Recurring decimals Solving linear equations Solving inequalities Simultaneous equations
ssessment: A New Deal interpretations & Civil Rights interpretations
edieval m sources
s imilarities? & Significance of Germ Theory?
kills: S Usefulness of S kills: source’s Developing Skills: provenance & significance Evaluating & content comparing Cultural Capital: multiple Cultural Poverty in sources capital: case British towns, study of Black Germ Theory Cultural capital: Death, revolution, Civil Rights Islamic nature of relevance Empire’s pioneering today, feminism impact on medical relevance European techniques today, Red medicine, Scare Scientific r esponsibility thinking revolution, Edward Jenner impact quations & E Graphs
Statistics &
uadratic Q formula Creating and solving equations Y=mx+c Parallel lines Perpendicular lines Recognising
verages A Cumulative Frequency Box Plots Histograms
Proportion &
Trigonometry Transformatio
ythagoras P Exact
kills: Thematic S nature of change
kills: S Evaluating & linking factors
ultural Capital: C Medical development during wartime, importance of the NHS, morality over future treatments
ultural C Capital: Subject to change
ngles & A Shapes
roduct rule P for counting Direct and Set notation inverse Venn diagrams proportion Congruency and Tree diagrams Similarity Conditional Construction & probability Loci EOY Exams Non-Calc and Vectors Transformations Calc Rotation ngles in A polygons
tudents are able to apply their S understanding of GCSE content to explain what key events are significant and what is the driver of change. evelop a thematic view of history, and D what factors influence a theme over a longer period of time.
● C onvert between recurring decimals and fractions ● Simplify Surds and rationalise a denominator ● Understand similarity and apply it to length, area and ● volume. ● Know what is meant by congruency SSS, SAS, ASA and RHS ● Describe transformations using the correct mathematical
olving S quadratics by factorising
raphs g Real life graphs Velocity time graphs
rigonometric T values 3D Trigonometry Sine Rule Cosine Rule
eflection R Translation Enlargement including negative scale factors unction F notation Graph Transformations
rawing and D understanding vectors Adding, subtracting & scalar multiples Vector Geometry Parallel vectors Co-linear
● language and describe the invariance achieved by ● combinations of transformations ● Solve Loci Problems ● Factorise expressions including quadratics ● Solve quadratic equations ● Solve quadratics by using the quadratic formula ● Finding equation of line given two points ● Find equations of perpendicular and parallel lines ● Solve linear simultaneous equations algebraically and ● graphically ● Draw and interpret cumulative frequency diagrams ● including quartiles ● Draw, interpret and compare boxplots ● Draw and interpret histograms ● Know gradients are rates of change and apply this ● Gradients and areas underneath velocity time graphs ● Use formula for speed, density and pressure ● Use Pythagoras and SOHCAHTOA for right angled triangles ● in 2D and 3D ● Apply sine and cosine rule ● Recognise quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential ● graphs ● Apply graph transformations given using function notation
A ● pply product rule for counting ● Understand set notation ● Find probabilities form Venn Diagrams and tree diagrams ● Understand Vectors and use them for geometric proof aths M SoW GCSE & AQA Level 2 Further Maths
umber & N Equations
raphs & G Statistics
Trigonometry Proportion &
Indices Surds Recurring decimals Solving linear equations Solving inequalities Simultaneous equations Solving quadratics by factorising Quadratic formula Creating and solving equations
=mx+c Y Parallel lines Perpendicular lines Recognising graphs Real life graphs Velocity time graphs Averages
OHCAHTO S A Pythagoras Exact trigonometric values 3D Trigonometry Sine Rule Cosine Rule Direct and inverse proportion
& Proportion Transformations onstruction & C Loci Transformations Rotation Reflection Translation Enlargement including negative scale factors
ngles & A Shapes
Product rule ongruency and for counting C Similarity Set notation Circle Theorems Venn diagrams EOY Exams Tree diagrams Non- Conditional Calc and Calc probability Vectors rawing and D understanding vectors Adding, subtracting & scalar multiples Vector Geometry Parallel vectors Co-linear
● C onvert between recurring decimals and fractions ● Simplify Surds and rationalise a denominator ● Understand similarity and apply it to length, area and ● volume. ● Know what is meant by congruency SSS, SAS, ASA and ● RHS ● Describe transformations using the correct mathematical ● language and describe the invariance achieved by ● combinations of transformations ● Solve Loci Problems ● Factorise expressions including quadratics ● Solve quadratic equations ● Solve quadratics by using the quadratic formula ● Finding equation of line given two points ● Find equations of perpendicular and parallel lines ● Solve linear simultaneous equations algebraically and ● graphically ● Draw and interpret cumulative frequency diagrams
including quartiles ● ● Draw, interpret and compare boxplots ● Draw and interpret histograms ● Know gradients are rates of change and apply this ● Gradients and areas underneath velocity time graphs ● Use formula for speed, density and pressure ● Use Pythagoras and SOHCAHTOA for right angled ● triangles in 2D and 3D ● Apply sine and cosine rule ● Recognise quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential ● graphs ● Apply graph transformations given using function ● notation ● Use Pythagoras and SOHCAHTOA for right angled ● triangles in 2D and 3D ● Apply sine and cosine rule ● Recognise quadratic, cubic, reciprocal and exponential ● graphs ● Apply graph transformations given using function ● notation ● Create equations for direct and inverse proportion ● Create the nth term for a quadratic sequence ● Apply product rule for counting ● Understand set notation ● Find probabilities form Venn Diagrams and tree diagrams
● U nderstand Vectors and use them for geometric proof FL M French
QA Exam A Board Unit 1 kills: S Discussing family and social relationships. rammar: G Using reflexive verbs in full paradigm, direct object pronouns, the simple future tense. Using don’t. ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x Foundation 2 Listening 1 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 1 x Higher Reading
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
kills: S Discussing the pros and cons of social media and staying safe online.
kills: S Discussing new technologies, free time activities, including sport, food, eating out and music, cinema & TV.
kills: S Discussing France & customs and francophone festivals.
kills: S Describing your house, your ideal home and aspects of your city and region.
rammar: G recapping the present tense of regular and irregular verbs. ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Writing) x Foundation 2 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x 90-word writing
rammar:The G imperfect tense, the perfect infinitive structure, using Grammar: perfect and Using depuis imperfect + present tenses together. tense, Recapping en & recapping the à / au / aux + perfect tense countries & using avoir & towns. être as auxiliary Assessment: verbs, End of Unit demonstrativ Assessment e pronouns, (Reading, using Listening and pronouns en Writing) & y. Recapping 1 x Foundation GCSE Listening opinion verbs. 2 x Higher Listening Assessment:
rammar: G Negative phrases followed by de, conditional tense, recognising possessive pronouns and demonstrative adjectives. ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Writing) x 150-word 1 writing 1 x Higher Translation into TL ynoptic Exam S (Reading,
nit 6 & U speaking skills kills: S Describing and understanding the importance of charity work. Comparing old and new health habits.Consoli dation and revision of skills from year 10. Preparation of role-play, photo card and general conversation for mock exams. rammar: G Consolidation of KS3 grammar. Consolidation of complex phrases for speaking exam
y the end of year 10, students will be B able to… understand and produce language on … the topics of family and relationships, technology, free time, festivals, where they live and social problems. conjugate verbs accurately in at least … five tenses. respond to 90-word and 150-word … writing tasks. respond to role plays and photo cards … in the speaking exam and be prepared for Theme 1 of the general conversation.
x Foundation 1 Translation into TL 1 x Higher Translation into English
nd of Unit E Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x 2 Foundation Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL
x Foundation 1 Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL 1 x Higher Translation into English
riting, W Listening, Translation)
ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x Foundation 2 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL peaking S Mock
Unit 1: Family kills: S Discussing relationships with family and friends, Marriage and partnerships rammar: G Using reflexive verbs, Cases recap, use of separable verbs, using comparative and
nit 2: U Technology
nit 3: Free U Time
nit 4: U Festivals
nit 5: Where I U live
nit 6: Social U Problems
y the end of year 10, students will be B able to…
kills:Mobile S technology, pros and cons of social media
kills: S Hobbies, Sports, cinema and TV, music, food and drink
kills: Learning S about Germany’s customs and traditions, Discussing festivals in German speaking countries, Using infinitives as nouns
kills: S Describing rooms and what is in them, talking about facilities in your town and different areas
kills: Talking S about living on the street, talking about experience volunteering abroad, talking about health issues.
understand and produce language on … the topics of family and relationships, technology, free time, festivals, where they live and social problems.
rammar: G Imperfect tense, wenn clauses, um zu, G rammar: modal verbs. gern/Lieber/a m liebsten, Assessment: reflexive End of Unit verbs in other
rammar:Use G of prepositions using accusative and
conjugate verbs accurately in at least … five tenses. understand the use of all four cases … and a wide range of prepositions.
rammar: G Consolidating … respond to 90-word and 150-word um….zu. using writing tasks.
s uperlative adjectives. ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x Foundation 2 Listening 1 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 1 x Higher Reading 1 x Foundation Translation into TL 1 x Higher Translation into English
ssessment A (Reading, Listening and Writing) x Foundation 2 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x 90-word writing
tenses, separable verbs, pluperfect tense
rammar: G Learning to use adjectives as nouns, Consolidate use of the perfect Assessment: tense with nd of Unit E irregular verbs, Assessment using personal (Reading, pronouns in Listening and nominative, Translation) accusative and dative case : 2 x du/dich/dir, Foundation Revision of Listening word order with 2 x Higher Time/Manner/Pl Listening ace 2 x Foundation Assessment: Reading End of Unit 2 x Higher Assessment Reading (Reading, 1 x Higher Listening and Translation Writing) into TL 1 x Foundation Listening 2 x Higher Listening 1 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL
ative, use of d modal verbs, asking questions, revision of future tense, revision of adjectival endings after direct and indirect articles ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Writing) x 150-word 1 writing 1 x Higher Translation into TL ynoptic Exam S (Reading, Writing, Listening, Translation)
enn clauses : w wenn respond to role plays and photo cards … ich….würde in the speaking exam and be prepared ich, using als for Theme 1 of the general conversation. when talking about the past ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x Foundation 2 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL peaking S Mock
x Higher 1 Translation into English Spanish
Unit 1: Family
nit 2: U Technology
nit 3: Free U time
nit 4: U Festivals
nit 5: Where I U live
nit 6: Social U Problems
y the end of year 10, students will be B able to…
kills: S technology / social media / mobile phones / pros and cons
kills: free S time activities / film and TV / sport / role models rammar: G preterite tense / real future tense / stem-changin g verbs / forming adverbs
kills:House / S home / town / region activities in town / directions / prepositions / what town used to be like / ideal town/house
kills:Healthy S living, body, illnesses, resolutions, daily routine, Social issues, volunteering helping others
understand and produce language on … the topics of family and relationships, technology, free time, festivals, where they live and social problems.
rammar: G Grammar: perfect tense / present tense / present ser and estar / continuous reflexive verbs / tense / future near future tense tense
kills:customs S and festivals from Spain and Latin America / traditions at different times of the year
kills: family / S physical and personality description / marriage and relationships / future plans
ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation)
ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Writing)
x Foundation 2 Listening 1 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 1 x Higher Reading 1 x Foundation Translation into TL
x Foundation 2 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x 90-word writing
ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Translation) x 2 Foundation Listening 2 x Higher Listening 2 x Foundation Reading
rammar: G imperfect tense / more irregular preterite tense / using different past tenses together ssessment: A End of Unit Assessment (Reading, Listening and Writing) x Foundation 1 Listening 2 x Higher Listening 1 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading
rammar: G Grammar: expanding use Recap of se of negatives, puede, hay / no recap si hay, clauses, recap prepositions, imperfect and complex opinion conditional, phrases and reflexive verbs r easons, ir and in 3 tenses, hacer in all me duele, tenses, modals, recap introduce comparisons imperfect, recap conditional, Assessment: simple End of Unit imperatives for Assessment directions (Reading, Listening and Assessment: Translation) End of Unit Assessment 2 x Foundation (Writing) Listening
conjugate verbs accurately in seven … tenses. understand the use of modal verbs, … reflexive verbs and a range of connectives. respond to 90-word and 150-word … writing tasks. respond to role plays and photo cards … in the speaking exam and be prepared for Theme 1 of the general conversation.
x Higher 1 Translation into English
x Higher 2 Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL
x Higher 1 Translation into TL 1 x Higher Translation into English
x 150-word 1 writing 1 x Higher Translation into TL ynoptic Exam S (Reading, Writing, Listening, Translation)
odule:1.1 – M Area of Study 1 (My music) Topics .1.1 – 1 Developing instrumental skills .1.2 – 1 Introduction to composition .1.3 – Listening 1 and theory
End Point: reative C thinking.
odule:1.2 – M Area of Study 2 (Concerto through time)
odule:1.3 M Area of Study 3 (Rhythms of the World)
odule:1.4 M Area of Study 4 (Video Game and Film Music)
odule:1.5 – M Area of Study 5 (Conventions of Pop)
.2.1 – 1 .3.1 – 1 Concerto Indian/Bhang through time ra (study/listening) (performing/li 1.2.2 – stening) Composition 1.3.2 – exercises Greek/Palesti 1.2.3 – Solo nian/Israeli performance (performing/li stening) 1.2.4 – Developing 1.3.3. – theory skills Samba/Calyp (intervals/cade so/African nces/keys) Drumming
.4.1 – Video 1 .5.1 – Rock n 1 Game/Film roll of the Music 1950s/1960s (performing/liste ning)
.4.2– 1 Developing learner set brief composition
.4.3 – 1 Solo/ensemble
.5.2 – Rock 1 anthems/pop ballads of the 1970s/80s/90s
.5.3 – 1 Developing learner set brief composition
x Higher 2 Listening 2 x Foundation Reading 2 x Higher Reading 1 x Higher Translation into TL peaking S Mock odule:1.6 – M Revision/revie w of the year
o understand Areas of Study 1-5 and T be able to answer Listening paper questions
o be able to prepare a solo/ensemble T performance
.6.1 – 1 Revision of AOS 2,3,4,5 .6.2 – 1 Completing Learner set brief composition (for submission to OCR-year 11 term 5) .6.3 – 1 Solo/ensemble performance refining
o be able to complete Learner Set brief T composition o understand a range of Theory T concepts/musical literacy skills
erformance P skills reliminary P composing skills heory and T listening skills ssessment 1 - A Instrumental presentation
Assessed solo erformance p otation/time N signatures/key signatures/basic theory tests (using “Step Up to GCSE/Focus on Sound”)
End Points:
( performing/li stening)
repare an P expressive solo 1 .3.4-Ensemb performance le Performance Use a range of composing 1.3.5-Theory/ skills composing skills Develop theory (modulation/o skills ther Understand the clefs/aural development of tests)
erformance p refining .4.4 – 1 Advanced composing techniques .4.5 – Theory 1 (revision so far/aural tests)
End Points:
.5.4 – 1 Preparing performances for the year 10 exam .5.5-Revision 1 on all styles covered over the year.
End Points:
the Concerto through time/detailed knowledge of Baroque/Classi cal/Romantic stylistic features.
.3.6-Learner U 1 nderstanding Set brief Video game/film composition music and be able to answer exam questions.
nderstanding U “Conventions of pop” and their stylistic features and being able to answer exam questions
End Points:
ssessment A 3:Concerto through time exam style End of unit listening test
erform a P high quality ensemble performance
eveloping a D finished first draft of learner set brief composition
ssessment A 4:Theory tests (chords, intervals, modulation)/Sh
nderstand U all key features of “Rhythms of the world” and be able to answer
repare a high P level solo/ensemble performance e able to B complete advanced aural tests e able to B develop learner set brief composition using more
erforming a P very high level solo/ensemble performance reparing for Yr P 10 exam.
.6.4-theory/au 1 ral skills revision (using Focus on Sound)
oncert C visit/trip (TBC) June 2023 – to enable students to attend a concert/worksh op with professional musicians ssessment A 13:Learner set brief composition- final assessment. ssessment A 14:End of Year assessment –Complete Exam paper/ performance
rt composition o tasks
xam e questions
ssessment A 5:Solo performance (with dynamics/expre ssion) (peer assessment of work)
se a range U of compositional techniques to complete first draft of Learner Set brief composition ssessment A 6:Exam questions based upon “Rhythms of the world” End of unit test (sort/long answer questions) ssessment A 7: Learner set brief composition first draft ssessment A 8: Ensemble performance
dvanced a composing techniques. ssessment 9: A Video Game/film music end of unit test/exam questions/aural tests (short/long answer questions) ssessment A 10: Solo and ensemble performances
ssessment A 11: onventions of C pop end of unit test/exam questions/aural/t heory tests/revision (short/long answer questions) ssessment A 12: ompleted first C draft of learner set brief composition
ssessment/re a view
D P 2 lessons per fortnight
CSE G preparation -
elationships - R body
areers - C UniFrog.-
extortion, S gaming & ;
areers- C UniFrog. Basic
tudy & ; S revision skills
image, pornography,
ersonality p types.
online safety,
mployment e rights.
c onsent, contraception,
Money Management.
information generation,
TIs. Abuse & ; S it’s
c ollecting, sharing
ffects, e domestic
nd usage. a Digital
v iolence, HBV, FGM.
etox. d Gambling.
ertility F impacts, menopause, iscarriage. m Parenting, teen parenting, bortion, a fostering, doption, a surrogacy, breast feeding.
Propaganda, onspiracy, C Extremism, ate crimes, H Equality & iversity. D Equality Act 2010.
ellbeing - W mental
tudents will have revisited the S characteristics of positive and healthy friendships in all contexts. That living health triggers, together, marriage and civil partnerships are ways that people freely and without reliable coercion demonstrate their commitment sources of to each other and that some types of behaviour within relationships are help available, criminal to include the impact of use of domestic abuse and the law in relation to consent. They will have discussed the NHS, sleep, impact of viewing harmful content and diet, know that pornography presents a distorted picture of sexual behaviours, exercise. can damage the way people see Self-harm, themselves and negatively affect how they behave towards sexual partner. eating That they can expect to be treated with disorders. respect by others, and they should show cancer tolerance of other people’s beliefs and prevention, the legal rights and responsibilities regarding equality.They will have screening & investigated the readiness for sex and self- the benefits of delaying sexual activity with the pathways available in the event examination. of unintended pregnancy, to include, Bloo, fostering, adoption or abortion. The issues around breastfeeding. How STIs organ & stem are transmitted and how risk can be cell reduced through safer sex. How and where to access confidential sexual and onation. d reproductive health advice and Tattooing, treatment. They will have acknowledged the risks related to online gambling and piercing, use gaming. They will have explored social of and moral issues about the use of money, to recognise and manage sunbeds. influences on their financial decisions.
Introduction to Psychology emory - key M concepts & theories/explana tions: he Multi-store T Model of Memory
leep and S Dreaming - Key concepts & theories/explana tions: he Nature of T dreaming
Memory heories/Expla T nations: he Theory of T Reconstructive Memory
leep and S Dreaming (continued) he Freudian T Theory of Dreaming, The Activation Synthesis Theory of Dreaming
evelopmen D t
HF basic B CPR.
hey will have recognised abuse both in T person and online to promote exploitation or extremism and to have the strategies to manage being targeted or if witnessing others being targeted. They will continue to build a skill set of personal skills to cope with the strains of examinations and how they can continue to prepare themselves for a world of changing employment opportunities.
Paper 1
ey concepts & K theories/explan ations
he role of T learning on Development
To be able to:
( key concepts)
iaget’s Theory P of Cognitive Development
pplication A Techniques used for recall
ocial S Influence ( key concepts)
he Changing T role of Education
weck’s D ocial S Mindset Theory, Influence Willingham’s continued Learning Theory Social Application - Influence changing attitudes Theories/explan Social tions a Influence continued Situational Research Factors Theories/explan Methods ations: Planning Dispositional research Factors + Research Application Methods
● ● ● ●
escribe D Apply Analyse Evaluate
psychological ideas, processes, … procedures and research in relation to development …studies by Piaget (1952) Blackwell et al (2007)
Paper 2 To be able to: D ● escribe ● Apply
Assessment nd of term E assessment based on content in this column
leep & S Dreaming Application evelopment D of treatments for insomnia
esearch R Methods oing D research
Doing research
c hanging attitudes
Assessment nd of term E assessment based on content in this column
Assessment nd of term E assessment based on the content in this column
Assessment UNE J MOCKS, Full Paper1 exams, partial Paper 2 exam
A ● nalyse ● Evaluate psychological ideas, processes, … procedures and research in relation to social influence, sleep & dreaming, memory
…studies by Bickman (1974) NatCen (2011) Wilson, Kopelman and Kapur (2008) Braun, Ellis and Loftus (2002)
Freud (1918)
Williams et al. (1992)
To be able to: emonstrate knowledge and D understanding of the features of doing research and their associated strengths and weaknesses including reliability and validity and the type of research objectives for which they are most suitable
cience S Biology
odule: M Enzymes and
odule: M Organisation
odule: M odule: M Bioenergetics Communicable
( Differenc es between triple and combine science noted)
opics: T Transport in
nd a nd a Communicabl Non-communic e able
opics: T Enzymes, igestive D System, ransport in T animals ey Skills: K Planning and nalysing a investigations, valuating e treatments of the heart, calculating r ates and volumes, nalysing a graphical data. P1:Exam M Questions MP2: Test
nimals and a plants, c alculating stomatal ensity, plant d tissues and rgans o (*Transport in lants triple p only). ey Skills: K Interpreting raphs, g practical design, analysing data P3: Exam M questions P4: M Assessment week
opics for T Triple Biology:
opics for T Triple Biology:
lant diseases, P Photosynthes health and is, lifestyle. Respiration, Diseases and Topics for Combined Vaccination. Science: Topics for Diseases and Combined vaccination Science: Plant tissues, Key Skills: Revision photosynthesi techniques, s and interpreting Respiration. and analysing Key Skills: graphs, Interpreting research skills, graphs, *aseptic investigating technique (*triple only).
odule: M Homeostasis
on-communica N ble opics: T Thermoregulati diseases and on Homeostasis and the Topics for endocrine Triple Biology: system. The Brain, The Eye, The Additional topics for Nervous System. Combined Science: Topics for Combined Nervous system. Science: Health and Key Skills: Analysis and Lifestyle. evaluating Key Skills: charts, Designing and evaluating performing an treatments for investigation, interpreting Diseases. nd analysing a graphs, r esearch skills, *dissection
To understand disease and the effect of plants and animals. o understand the processes of T respiration and photosynthesis and their importance for biology. To understand how to study ecosystems nd the effect that humans have on a them. To understand the structure and function of the nervous and endocrine system. To have an appreciation of how evelopments in technologies can d benefit society. o develop a range of practical skills T using living organisms. To have the ability to transfer their athematical skills to a biological m context. To develop a range of scientific writing skills in a biological context.
hotosynthesi M p P5: Exam s, practical questions
s kills (*triple only).
esign, d analysing data,
P6: Exam M Questions
P7: M Assessment week
* evaluating uses of onoclonal m antibodies (*triple only). P5: Exam M Questions MP6Test
Chemistry Topics: riple T AQA GCSE
onding & ; B Structure & ; aths skills m revision uantitative Q Chem Pt1 etal reactivity M series
hemical C changes
nergy changes O E rganic in Chemistry Pt1
hemistry of C the
cids and A Salts
c hemical reactions
uantitative Q Chem Pt2 ey Skills: K comparing, valuating, e analysing,
ey Skills: K ICT, pH probe,
evision for R EOY Exam
ey Skills: K Drawing s tructures, key terms,
ey Skills: K Key words, ommand c words,
- To analyse and evaluate chemical reactions athematically using a variety of m formulae, to uccessfully calculate moles, masses, s concentrations, yields, atom economy and gas volumes - Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms
ey Skills: K standard form,
alancing b equations, key
k ey words, balancing
ey Skills: K Graph skills,
nalysis, a evaluation,
alancing b equations,
f reactivity; how it is utilised in reactions o and in
s ignificant figures,
ords, w command words,
quations, e practical skills,
c alculations, planning an
c ommand words,
omparing, c evaluating
extraction of metals from ores
xplaining, e application to
lanning an p investigation,
investigation, command
alancing b equations,
ata, graph d skills,
industrial process.
xtended e writing,
tandard form, S significant
c ommand words, reaction
r ounding, percentages, r atios, calculations, stimating, e balancing quations, e moles, c omparing, evaluating, nalysing, a practical skills, k ey words, command ords, w application to industrial process. CSE Required G practical. P1: M Quantitative test
figures, rounding, ercentages, p ratios, c alculations, estimating,
valuating, e moles, ratios,
words, analysis, v olumes of gases, evaluation, balancing reaction observations, equations, moles, extended writing, significant figures, ratios. application to industrial application to industrial Processes.
bservations, o comparing,
oles, practical G m CSE skills. Required practical GCSE Required MP5: January practical Assessment MP3: Electrolysis Qs MP6: Acids & ; Salts Test MP4: Reactivity series
CSE Required G practical P7: Energy M Exam Qs P8: Energy M Test
P9: Year 10 M EOY Exam
alculations c from data nd graphs, a ICT, extended riting, w debating, pplication to a current
- Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic ompounds to reform elements, the type c of reactions ccurring and how to test for the o products - Understand the pH scale in terms of H + concentration, the difference between weak and strong acids - Describe detailed methods to make salts from acids
lobal issues – g - Describe reactions in terms of bond pollution, energy changes. climate change - Know how metal reactivity and & ; global electrolysis can be warming
tilised as a chemical cell to produce an u electric current
P10: Organic M Pt1 & ; - Understand the basis of fuel cells and be able to compare atmosphere them to batteries and conventional fuels exam Qs - To draw simple organic molecules and functional groups, and explain their properties
P2: Reactivity M series
; Electrolysis & test
- Describe the evolution of the atmosphere and the odern problems that are affecting the m balance of gases
; prac skills & exam Qs
nd life on Earth; explain some a measures and possible ew methods which could be deployed n to mitigate the ffect of the changing balance of these e gases
cience S opics: T Combined Bonding & ; Structure & ; AQA GCSE Combined maths skills revision Science: Triology Quantitative Chemistry ey Skills: K standard form, s ignificant figures, r ounding, percentages,
etal reactivity M series
nergy changes Energy changes Chemistry of E in in the
xtracting E metals from Ores
ey Skills: K comparing, valuating, e analysing, alancing b equations, key
hemical C changes: cids and A Salts
ey Skills: K ICT, pH probe, k ey words, balancing
c hemical reactions evision for R EOY Exam
c hemical reactions
ey Skills: K Key Skills: ICT, Graph skills, pH probe, calculations, key words, planning an balancing investigation, equations, command practical skills, words, analysis,
ey Skills: K Key words, alancing b equations, omparing, c evaluating ata & ; d looking for
- To analyse and evaluate chemical reactions athematically using a variety of m formulae, to uccessfully calculate moles, masses, s concentrations, yields - Know and understand why metals can be ranked in terms f reactivity; how it is utilised in reactions o and in extraction of metals from ores - Describe how electricity is used to breakdown ionic
r atios, calculations, stimating, e balancing quations, e moles, c omparing, evaluating, nalysing, a practical skills, k ey words, command ords, w application to industrial process. P1: Bonding M Qs
ords, w command words,
quations, e practical skills,
xplaining, e application to
lanning an p investigation,
industrial process.
xtended e writing,
Practical skills.
c ommand words, reaction
CSE G Required practical
bservations, o comparing,
evaluating, P3: Reactivity m M oles, ratios, series calculations. & ; electrolysis Exam Qs GCSE Required practical
lanning an p investigation,
valuation, e balancing
atterns, p practical skills
ompounds to reform elements, the type c of reactions
xtended e writing,
quations, e moles,
raph skills, g calculations
ccurring and how to test for the o products
c ommand words, reaction
s ignificant figures, ratios.
from data and graphs,
- Understand the pH scale in terms of H + concentration,
bservations, o comparing,
CSE Required ICT, debating, G practical application
valuating, e moles, ratios, c alculations. Command ords and w exam technique.GCS E Required practical P5: Acids & ; M Salts Test
P2: M Quantitative
MP4: January
Chemistry Test
P6: Year 10 M EOY Exam
the difference between weak and strong acids
- Describe detailed methods to make to current alts from acids s global issues – - Describe reactions in terms of bond pollution, energy changes. climate change - Describe the evolution of the & ; global atmosphere and the warming modern problems that are affecting the balance of gases MP7: Chemistry of and life on Earth the tmosphere a exam Qs
riple T AQA GCSE Physics
opics: Heating, T T opics: Circuit Static Electricity
opics: T Household
opics: T Nuclear,
opics: T Revision,
opics: T Magnets
ey Skills: K Calculations,
lectricity, E Radioactivity
investigations to test hypotheses, make
pplication of a knowledge,
ey Skills: K Calculating,
ey Skills: K Calculating,
ey Skills: K Ethics,
nd a Electromagnet s
practical skills,
- interpret observations and other data,
practical skills
orking w safely, analysing
ey Skills: K Practical
odelling, m literacy,
ey Skills: K Calculations, ractical skills, p analysing, xplaining, e predicting
P3: Static M Test
P1: Y10 M Equations GAT
P4: Equation M Test
P2: Heating M Test
P5: M Mid-year Exam (Circuits)
xtended e writing P6: M Radioactivity
interpreting diagrams
kills, s explaining,
Use scientific theories to develop hypotheses and plan and carry out
observations and explore phenomena
including identifying patterns and trends; make inferences and draw conclusions
application of
- Evaluate data in terms of accuracy,
P8: M End-of-year
recision, repeatability and p reproducibility
P9: Pressure M Test and identify potential sources of random
P10: M Electromag Test
P7: Nuclear M Test
and systematic error - Design and build circuits that can be used to investigate the I-V characteristics of different components - Solve circuit problems to determine the urrent through and pd across c components in series and parallel; define current and pd
hysics P Topics: Heating AQA GCSE Combined
opics: Circuit T Electricity
opics: T Circuit Electricity
opics: T Household
opics: T Radioactivity
opics: T Magnets
- Explain how energy is used in the home and
cience: S Triology
ey Skills: K Calculations,
ey Skills: K Calculations,
ey Skills: K Calculations,
ractical skills, p analysing,
pplication of a knowledge,
pplication of a knowledge,
xplaining, e predicting
practical skills
practical skills
P1: Y10 M Equations GAT
P2: Heating M Test
P3: M Mid-year Exam P4: Circuits M Test
Key Skills:
alculating, C practical
ey Skills: K Calculating, working safely
P5: M Household Electricity Test
nd a Electromagnet s
Key Skills: skills, modelling, P ractical
Define power Investigate the magnetic fields of permanent magnets and electromagnets nd explain their applications in a everyday
literacy, extended
kills, s explaining,
application of
- Explain the link between electricity and
P6: M End-of-year
P8: Magnets M and
agnetism and how this is used in m motors,
P7: M Radioactivity
lectromagnet E s Test
generators (triple only) and transformers - Use the particle model to explain density, changes of state and pressure. Calculate the energy changes when substances are heated or change state. - Explain how scientists’ understanding of the atom has changed over time, and how odels are constantly being developed m as ew evidence is discovered; the n importance of publishing results and peer review
- Understand radioactive decay and the importance of nuclear fission and fusion as energy resources
S / R Philosoph y AQA Short Course GCSE
hristianity - C nature of God
S R Equqas Full Course GCSE
ood & evil G (esp. Christian, Muslim and atheist ethical thinkWhat makes actions right or wrong? What influences our morality? Why do some people commit
ttributes of A God, the problem of evil, the Trinity, Creation, the afterlife.
hristianity - C Jesus Christ and Salvation he life of T Jesus, salvation and atonement.
Good and Evil ow should we H treat those who commit crimes? What is the purpose of punishment, and what forms are most effective?
Revise Islam
evise R Relationships the 5 roots / 6 and families articles, Tawhid, the Sexual and role of familial angels, relationships, predestinatio and the range n and human of religious and responsibility, non-religious the afterlife, attitudes prophets, towards them. holy books and the Imamate.
Revise P&C
ife and L Death
Life and Death
Human Rights
Human Rights
ebates over D abortion, euthanasia and animal rights.
hat rights do W all humans enjoy, and why? Why are they important? what figures have fought for them?
ow do we H prioritise rights when they clash?
here does W life come from? What makes it valuable? Should creation stories be
he legitimacy T of violence in the name of justice: just war, holy war, extremism and terrorism.
xams / E Philosophy through film fter A completing the external assessment on the short course, Y10 will explore philosophical themes in films such as The Matrix.
tudents will have completed the short S course RS GCSE, having applied their revision skills and exam technique in their first external assessment.
tudents will understand the demands of S the Eduqas full course GCSE, and be able to critically evaluate a range of religious and non-religious perspectives on moral and philosophical issues.
s ins / crimes?ing)
taken literally?
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Candle holders
Candle holders
Materials - core
Mini NEA Task
Mini NEA Task
kills: S ● to learn about a range of measuring, marking out and cutting tools ● to learn about a range of natural and manufactured timbers and boards including their sources and origins, their physical
kills: S ● to learn about a range of timber joining methods including a cross halving ● to learn about the wasting process with chisels ● to learn about the use of 2D and 3D CAD for modelling ● to learn about the use of
Term 6
EA task in N response to the Skills: Skills: Skills: Contextual ● to learn about ● to learn about ● to learn about Challenge Skills: the working a identifying the need to ● to learn about properties, design produce a identifying advantages, opportunities manufacturin design disadvantage ● to learn about g drawings opportunities s, the needs ● to learn about ● to learn about characteristic and wants of range of a the needs s and a range of manufacturin and wants of pplications a potential g techniques a range of for the different to enable to potential following users manufacture different groups of ● to learn about of a chosen users materials; the different design idea ● to learn about metals, types of ● to learn about the different papers and research to typical stock types of boards, be carried out
End Points y the end of B Year 10 students will have: emonstrated D their understanding that all design and technological activity takes place in contexts that influence the outcomes of design practice eveloped D realistic design proposals because of the exploration of
c haracteristic producing polymers, s, working sketch textiles and properties, models timbers social and to learn about ● ● to learn about ecological different a range of footprint adhesives mechanical ● to learn about including devices setting up the PVA and including; the pillar drilling contact types of machine to adhesive movement, drill blind ● to learn about levers, holes itmapping to b linkages, ● to learn about create cams, laminating silhouette-ba followers, solid timber sed images pulleys and and flexibly for Christmas belts, cranks ● to learn about tree and sliders a range of decorations and the surface ● to learn about different finishes for the way in types of timbers which natural gears and ● to learn about manufactured lectronic e timbers are systems influenced including; the use of sensors, control devices, outputs, how to make flowcharts, switch
hen w forms, types investigating and sizes potential to learn about ● design alternative opportunities processes ● to learn about that can be the need and used to purpose of a manufacture design typical specification products ● to learn how ● to learn about to use pecialist s different techniques, design tools, strategies equipment ● to learn about and different processes design that can be techniques used and the need for modelling ● to learn about the impact of forces and stresses on natural and manufactured timber
r esearch to be carried out when investigating potential design opportunities ● to learn about the need and purpose of a design specification ● to learn how to use different design strategies ● to learn about different design techniques and the need for modelling ● to learn about how energy is generated and stored including; fossil fuels, biofuels, tidal, wind, solar, hydroelectric, batteries and
esign d opportunities and users’ needs, wants and values sed U imagination, experimentation and combined ideas when designing evelop the D skills to critique and refine their own ideas while designing and making ommunicated C their design ideas and decisions using different media and techniques, as appropriate for different audiences at key points in their designing eveloped D decision-making skills, including the planning and organisation of time and
c omponents on and off, how to process analogue inputs and to make simple routines with delays, loops and counts
ells, solar c r esources when managing their cells, mains electricity and own project work wind power Developed a broad knowledge of materials, components and technologies and practical skills to develop high-quality, imaginative, and functional prototypes een ambitious B and open to explore and take design risks to stretch the development of design proposals, avoiding clichéd or stereotypical responses onsidered the C costs, commercial viability, and marketing of products emonstrated D safe working practices in
esign and d technology sed key design U and technology terminology, including those related to designing, innovation and communication; materials and technologies; making, manufacture and production; critiquing, values and ethics. Assessment
eekly W homework and practical outcomes
eekly W homework and practical outcomes, progress test
eekly W homework and practical outcomes
eekly W homework and practical outcomes, mock exams
eekly W homework and practical outcomes
eekly W homework and NEA task
Y10 Food Tech
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
End Points
Food & Health
Food Science
Food Safety
Food Choice
Food Provenance
Pupils will have
The functions, uses
Healthy eating &
The cooking of food
Food spoilage &
Importance of
British &
worked on written
& main food
Eatwell Guide
& heat transfer
personal hygiene
and practical
sources of macro &
Making informed
Different cooking
micro-organisms &
when preparing
cuisine: products,
choices for a varied
methods i.e.
cuisines, distinctive
developing skills
protein &
& balanced diet for
steaming, & how
Enzymic browning &
Using a temperature
ingredients, specific
that are used in
different target
each method affects
conditions needed
probe correctly
preparation &
producing food
groups incl. energy
nutrients & sensory
for yeast and mould
Food choice -
cooking methods/
products and written
needs and nutrients
factors that
pieces as part of the
vitamins & minerals
providing energy in
Functional &
influence why we
presentation &
AQA course
NSP (dietary fibre)
the diet
chemical properties
used in food
choose the food we
serving techniques
requirements. They
& water &
Specific dietary
eat, incl. cost
of British & two
will have developed
know the (DRVs) for
groups: vegetarian
food: denaturation,
Sources of bacterial
How to cost a recipe
other cuisines –
skills of analysing
different groups.
and vegan, coeliac,
contamination and
Religious, cultural &
choice of 2 - Spain,
and planning their
Nutritional analysis
lactose intolerant,
gluten formation,
how to control their
ethical reasons,
Italy, India and
practical work,
& recipe costing.
high fibre diets,
foam formation,
medical reasons
writing brief critical
Sensory evaluation
Main types of
Sustainability & the
analyses and
techniques used in
disease. obesity,
pathogenic bacteria
es) Current food &
evaluations of their
food production.
high blood pressure
& general
nutritional labelling
using less energy,
work, using a wide
Type 2 diabetes,
reducing the
range of appropriate
bone & dental
aeration, plasticity,
Safe purchase and
How food marketing
consumption of
technical language
health (rickets
& emulsification
storage of food &
influences food
water, avoiding
especially regarding
Raising agents:
role of the
waste, recycling,
their practical and
refrigerator and
reusing as much as
written work. They
will have been
Raising agents:
freezer in safe food
Organic, free-range,
encouraged to
biological (yeast)
GM food produce
reflect and to have
Food ‘security’
taken opportunities to experiment with food materials and techniques during practicals.
Explain the
Analyse the
State why food is
Understand the
Understand the
Define cuisine.
functions & sources
nutrients in a recipe
cooked & identify
conditions needed
general principles of
Explore food and
of protein, fat &
using computer
ways in which heat
for yeast to ferment
food safety &
food products from
CHOs in the body;
software & cost a
is transferred;
& develop skills in
importance of
British cuisine and
Describe key terms
Identify different
bread making and
personal hygiene
two other
Describe current
types of cooking
using yeast
Understand the
dietary guidelines
methods &
Describe growth
importance of
Different target
understand how the
conditions of
temperature control
Explore the
saturated fat,
groups: describe
methods of cooking
when cooking food
distinctive features
how nutritional
affect nutrients &
yeasts, moulds,
& how to use a
of British and
fat and
needs change
sensory qualities of
bacteria & explain
temp. probe
polyunsaturated fat,
through life.
how to control food
cooking, equipment,
CHO classifications;
Justify planning
Understand the
Identify and explain
methods of cooking,
Recall the maximum
balanced meals for
importance of
Explain how
the factors that may
eating patterns and
amount of each
different life stages:
steaming as a
enzymic browning
influence food
presentation styles.
young children,
cooking method.
takes place in some
choice & costing
recommended in
teenagers, adults
Explain the key
foods, how yeast
relevant practical
the diet to stay
and the elderly.
terms: denaturation,
can affect food &
coagulation, gluten
skills in food preparation and
Describe the effects
Justify planning
formation, foam
how moulds grow
Demonstrate how to
cooking recipes
of a deficiency &
balanced meals for
on foods
alter the cost of
from Britain and
excess of the
each different group
Identify which
other cuisines
different nutrients;
& energy
Explain how food
Explain sensory
Name the different
used in food
choices are
testing methods,
groups & types of
Describe key terms:
production &
influenced by
why sensory testing
water-soluble &
BMR, PAL etc.
aeration (by
describe how
religion and culture.
is used & how to do
fat-soluble vitamins
creaming), plasticity,
Justify why food
& key minerals:
used in food
choices are made
Identify food
Analyse the
for ethical reasons
nutrients in a recipe
Explain key term:
Identify the main
& describe the
Explain how
raising agent.
types, different
medical conditions
seasonality of
receptors work
Explain how
sources &
foods, sustainable
chemical &
symptoms of
intolerances) that
farming methods,
mechanical raising
affect food choices:
food miles, organic
agents work in food
Investigate the
food, local produce,
Describe how to
acceptability of a
packaging, carbon
Explain the term
control pathogens
gluten-free product
footprint, global food
biological raising
‘The Danger Zone’
Identify & explain
& food safety
what is meant by all
principles when
the information on a
storing food in a
food label.
refrigerator & freezer
ractical P Dishes
Quiche Lorraine
Sausage rolls &
Steamed sponge
Stuffed mushrooms
Lemon Meringue
Apple Jalousie
Chelsea Buns
& garlic mayonnaise
Pie (blind baking)
Black Forest Swiss
chicken curry
Sponge Fruit Flan
Pasta making
Fruit Tart with creme
Choux buns/Salmon
roll/Chocolate log
Fish filleting:
Cold lemon souffle
Gingerbread & very
fishcakes (en
& Savoury roulade
rich (Xmas) fruit
Batters – Clafoutis & Toad-in-the-hole
Danish Pastries