2 minute read
Memories from Childhood
through the eyes of Seniors
1. What was cool back then, but isn’t now?
“When I was a kid, what was super cool for me was Heelys! I never owned a pair but I had a great desire for them, along with that I loved playing house with my siblings and other neighborhood kids.” Senior Brisa Hernandez
“...Riding your bike everywhere you went. Now, everyone has cars and it isn’t as cool to feel the breeze through your hair going down a hill after a few miles of pedaling. I wouldn’t let anyone stop me from going on a nice ride though.” Senior Leonardo Ramos Guzman

“Riding a bike out, playing board games, watching cable tv, making those rubber band bracelets ..I forgot what those were called.” Senior Deborah Marip
Gloria Aye, Reporter
2. What is your favorite memory?
“...when I was departing from Japan in Narita Airport and just when I was saying goodbye to my friends and host family my cousin- whom I hadn’t seen in 9 years- calls me by my name in spanish and it was so shocking. After all those years that we hadn’t seen each other we finally met once again, I definitely think it was fate.” Brisa
“...getting a dog for my seventh birthday after my birthday party. Once everyone left my uncle called me outside and there she was, just sitting there staring at me. Her name is Cookie, she’s about 9-yearsold and lives with my grandma in Mexico.” Leo
“Pretty hard question, but I would have to say the time when our youth group had driven to Chicago a couple of years ago, I think 2016? The music was blasting in the car at night and Sia was playing, such a throwback.” Deborah
3. Is there anything you’d miss in the future?
“...probably be my time. Since I’m young I can chill and relax here and then. I definitely feel like as I get older I just won’t have that anymore, but that’s okay because I know I’ll be doing it for the greater good of others.” Brisa
“...how much freedom we have as kids and teenagers. We really only have to worry about school and sports. Once you get a job you realize that you are going to be working for the rest of your life, but as long as you enjoy your job it’ll be fun and you won’t dread getting up in the morning.” Leo
“I’ll definitely miss all the memories that were made here with different people. I don’t plan to live in Michigan forever so that is one of the biggest things.” Deborah
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