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School Schedule In Person New Restaurants
Lakeview School District’s Board of Education met April 19, 2021, to decide whether the secondary level Lakeview Schools should continue with the hybrid schedule or go back in person full time. With the recent covid surge in not only Battle Creek, but the state of Michigan, the
Board decided against going back full time. Lakeview’s superintendent, Blake Prewitt, provided some extra information on why the Board decided to keep the hybrid schedule and why they were originally considering going back to a five-day schedule. “The goal has always been to return to five days of schooling when it was possible. This is what is best educationally,” Prewitt said. “In March, when it was proposed to consider going back five days a week, the COVID numbers were dropping and it looked like we could return to five days after spring break, which would have given us about two months left.
Now that we have seen a COVID surge, we can’t recommend leaving the hybrid model and it is highly unlikely that the COVID numbers will decrease quickly.”
According to the New York Times, Covid-19 cases began to surge in Calhoun County in the beginning of April and hit a peak around April 17, right around when the School Board was going to meet. Because of the surge, the School Board decided to not follow through with returning full time due to the fact it wasn’t in the best interest of the students or staff. Eric Greene, the president of the Board of Education for Lakeview School District, spoke on behalf of the Board of Education further explaining the desire to return five days a week but why they decided not to. “The Board understands that, for most people, teaching and learning are more effective for students and teachers in-person rather than online,” Greene said. “This is why the Board has sought opportunities to increase the levels of in-person instruction as pandemic-related case numbers and restrictions have allowed in recent months.” There are many advantages to in-person instruction and the Board feels as though there is really only one potential disadvantage at this time. “If there is another surge in Covid-19 cases, it may be more difficult to pivot classrooms -- or the entire district, if needed -- to virtual learning after having been fully inperson,” Greene said. If we were to go back full time then have to switch back to online, it would be a difficult change that would have to happen quickly. Since Lakeview School District is unable to go back to five days a week, the Board is currently planning to resume five days a week at the beginning of the 2021 school year. According to Greene, the Board’s number one priority is the safety of the students at Lakeview so they will not resume in person until it is safe to do so. “Our intention at this point is to resume five-days-aweek in-person instruction beginning in the fall of 2021, assuming case rates, vaccination rates and government restrictions allow us to do so,” Greene said.
Grace McGlynn, Opinion Editor
One Nation, Under Food
When construction started on what used to be Moonraker on Columbia Avenue, during a time when everyone could use some change, excitement sparked among Battle Creek residents. Then, in December, when the new sign went up, the indication of a brand new restaurant was captivating. One Nation Tap & Table is the newest locally owned restaurant in Battle Creek, owned and operated by Stephen Titus, who also owns Lucky Rooster, another successful local restaurant that features head chef Trent Mead. In addition to their own original dishes such as “Fork ‘N Knife” waffles, One Nation offers a wide variety of meals including traditional burgers and brisket. “This place is absolutely amazing,” sophomore Sofia Martinez said. “This is my second time eating here and I definitely recommend anyone who hasn’t been here to try it.” One Nation joins several new restaurants who have been adding to the local food culture in Battle Creek. “We definitely need more local businesses here in Battle Creek so I was super excited when my sister told me that this restaurant is actually owned by the same guy who owns Lucky Rooster, which is also really good, but this is just on a whole nother level,” Martinez said. “I’d even say this is my new favorite restaurant here in town.” One Nation is open every day of the week from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m., and they have quite an expansive menu that includes something for everyone. To view their menu, visit onenationbc.com/menu

Henry Saint, Reporter