2 minute read
When do you do your homework? • I scramble to finish it in class (1pt) • I get it done whenever I have some time. (2pt) • I start my homework the day it’s assigned and I’m always done way before it’s due. (3pts)
Would your best friend describe you as … • A Hot Mess. (1pt) • Pretty laid back. (2pts) • Really organized. (3pts)
How much does your resolution mean to you? • I just decided on the night of New Year. (1pt) • I’ve been thinking of it for a week or so. (2pts) • I’ve wanted to improve this for months and I have a plan. (3pts) What would you do if you missed a day of your resolution? • Probably just leave it at that and forget about resolutions. (1pt) • Psshhhh I won’t miss a day. (2pt) • I’d be a little discouraged, but everyone deserves a cheat day. (3pt)
How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions? • It’s completely pointless. (0pts) • Why change on January 1st when you could do it literally any other day? (1pt) • I think it can be healthy to set goals, even if it takes a few tries for them to stick. (2pts) • I’m keeping my resolution this year, no matter what! (3pts)
How big is your resolution? • My resolution will change a lot about me. (1pt) • I want to make few changes this year. (2pts) • I just want to break a little habit or something small. (3pts) Add up your score!
5-8 = Yikes! Your resolution might not last too long… 9-12 = You have a fair idea of you want to do this year and if you stick with it, you can do it. 13-18 = You’ve already got this under control! You’re going to rock your New Year’s Resolution!
- Tyler Harless, teacher “They will work if you’re able to stick to them for seven days; that’s what psychologists have been saying. It also helps to do something small. Like saying ‘I want to be healthier’ is easier than saying ‘I want to lose 100 pounds.’”
- Carrie Hindenach, teacher “No, no I really don’t. When I go to the gym in January, I see like 500 people there, and by February it’s just me again.” - Emily McLaughlin, teacher “On the whole I would say no. I think intentions are good, but it just kind of fizzles out after a month.”
- Bobbie Mathis, teacher Do New Year’s Resolutions stick?
Student Poll : Do New Years Resolutions Last?
5% - Yes!
95% - Nope!