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Slippery Tips
Teen drivers are the most likely to experience difficulties while diving. But driving in the snow is hard, even for experienced drivers. Here are some tips on how to drive safely during the course of these next few snowy months:
1. DRIVE SLOW Even if you think you’re driving slow, you are probably going too fast. 2. STOP SOONER Stopping early is okay, it’s better to be safe than to be sorry. 3. ALLOW MORE TIME Roads can get pretty bad and others are taking their time to be safe on their way to their destination, so get up earlier so you aren’t running late. 4. MAINTAIN SPEEDS Do not use cruise control when driving on any slippery surface (wet, icey, sandy). 5. FILL UP Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze-up. 6. WATCH THE WEATHER Watch weather reports prior to a long-distance drive or before driving in isolated areas. 7. KEEP IN SHAPE Always make sure your vehicle is in peak operating condition. 8. STAY HOME If you really don’t have to go out, don’t. Even if you can drive well in the snow, not everyone else can.