3 minute read
From the President
Canadian Cinematographer November 2012 Vol. 4, No.6
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Joan Hutton csc
Donald Angus
Susan Saranchuk admin@csc.ca
Fanen Chiahemen editor@csc.ca
Karen Longland
Berkeley Stat House
Michael Jari Davidson www.csc.ca
Guido Kondruss gkondruss@rogers.com
131–3007 Kingston Road Toronto, Canada M1M 1P1 Tel: 416-266-0591; Fax: 416-266-3996 Email: admin@csc.ca
131–3007 Kingston Road Toronto, Canada M1M 1P1 Tel: 416-266-0591; Fax: 416-266-3996 Email: subscription@csc.ca
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Joan Hutton csc
Ispent a sun-fi lled week in glorious Vancouver in September on CSC business. Besides the fantastic weather, I am thrilled to report that production on the west coast is in an upswing with many CSC members and sponsors experiencing a very busy period.
There were many highlights during the week, but the one that stands out the most was the inaugural Vancouver CSC pub night. Held at the Cove Neighbourhood Pub, 26 people attended this fi rst event to enjoy laughs, lots of talk and to connect with fellow cinematographers and other industry members. It was a terrifi c gathering fi lled with great gusto. Good job, Vancouver! CSC members in attendance were Brian Whittred csc, Jericca Cleland csc, Karl Herrmann csc, Jill MacLauchlan Parks, Doug Baird, Vincent de Paula, Jan Kiesser csc, ASC, Michael Balfry csc, Vic Sarin csc, Norm Li csc, Keith Young and of course myself.
Besides fun, my Vancouver trip also highlighted an issue that has always worried the CSC. For a national organization we are very Toronto-centric. There are several obvious reasons for this, such as distance and the membership concentration in Ontario, but I do believe we now have the technical means at our disposal to remedy this situation, if not fully, at least partially.
We would like to open the CSC executive for representation especially from Vancouver and Montreal. The Executive meeting could be attended via video conferencing or Skype. We’ve had great success with Skype in other CSC situations, so why not our executive meetings? If any CSC member is inclined towards serving on our working executive, please let us know.
As much as we would love to hold the Annual CSC Awards Gala in other cities, the logistics and expense makes this far too prohibitive. However, the 55th CSC Annual Awards Gala was broadcast live over the internet to a great response from those who could not attend. We would like to take this a step further with live two-way Internet hookups with simultaneous gala parties in Vancouver and Montreal. This would also benefi t nominees and winners who cannot make it to the Toronto event but would fi nd it easier to attend the gala via Montreal or Vancouver. This obviously, requires a great deal of commitment from our membership in these two cities. We would very much like to have your feedback on this gala idea.
Finally, I would like to thank Steve Demeter and Ken Anderson from Sim Digital, Steve Goetz from Technicolor, Jeff Ramsay from PS Production Services, Garry Gosnell from Clairmont Camera, Jeff Flowers from Panavision and Brian Whittred csc from IATSE 669 for taking the time to meet with me.
A special thank you goes to CSC member Gillian Stokvis-Hauer for opening her home to me and for guiding me around Vancouver including many trips to Burnaby.
To everyone: good shooting!