3 minute read
Productions Notes / Calendar
Au secours de Béatrice (series); DP Richard Ciupka csc; to September 26, Montreal
Backstorm (series); DP Stephen McNutt csc, asc; to October 9, North Vancouver
Cedar Cove II (series); DP Kamal Derkaoui csc; to July 21, Burnaby
Covert Affairs V (series); DP Mike McMurray csc & Colin Hoult csc; First Assistant Mark Giles; to September 19, Toronto
Degrassi: The Next Generation XIV(series); DP Mitchell Ness csc; to October 17, Toronto
The Greatest Christmas Party Ever (TV movie); DP/Operator Russ Goozee csc; to June 12, Hamilton
Haven V(series); DP Eric Cayla csc; Christopher Ball csc; to December 19, Chester
Heartland VIII (series); DP Craig Wrobleski csc; B Camera Operator Jarrett Craig; to December 8, Calgary
Intruders (series); DP Philip Linzey csc; to June 6, Burnaby
The Lottery (series); DP Bernard Couture csc; Montreal
Lost Girl V(series); B Camera First Assistant Marcel Janisse; to August 25, Toronto
Max and Shred (series); DP Bentley Miller; Pedestal Operator Matt Phillips csc; to October 15, Toronto
Moblees (series); DP Alastair Meux csc; to July 22, Dartmouth
Murdoch Mysteries VIII (series); DP James E. Jeffrey csc; Camera Operator Brian Gedge; First Assistant Kevin Michael Leblanc; to November 28, Scarborough
Republic of Doyle VI(series); DP David Herrington csc; to October 2, St. John’s
Rookie Blue V (series); DP David Perrault csc; to October 1, Toronto
Schitt’s Creek (series); DP Gerald Packer csc; Camera Operator Peter Battistone; to June 26, Toronto
The Stanley Dynamic (series); DP Matt Phillips csc; to August 25, Toronto
Suits IV (series); Camera Operator/Steadicam Michael Soos; B Camera Operator Peter Sweeney; to November 7, Toronto
Toute la vérité V(series); DP Marc Charlebois csc; to September 15, Montreal
Yamasaka VI (series); DP Daniel Vincelette csc; to December 12, Montreal
Calendar of Events
JUNE 5, Hommage à Roger Racine csc, Montreal, csc.ca
8-11, Banff World Media Festival,
14-16, Toronto Animation Arts Festival
International, taafi.com AUG
OCT 21-September 1, The Montreal World Film Festival, ffm-montreal.org
4-14, Toronto International Film Festival, tiff.net
15-16, ProFusion, profusionexpo.com
$4 September 2013 www.csc.ca CANADIAN SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS $4 January 2014 www.csc.ca Canadian So C iety of Cinematographer S $4 m arch 2014 www.csc.ca
VANCOUVER CALGARY VANCOUVER CALGARY 604-527-7262 403-246-7267 604-527-7262 403-246-7267 TORONTO TORONTO 416-444-7000 416-444-7000
Craig Wrobleski csc : Capturing
V02 #03
04 Cooke Lens Test New series Mohawk GIRLS Paul Sarossy csc, bsc, asc hfR READY FOR ITS CLOSE-UP OR WORK IN PROGRESS? dAVId moXness CSC THE TOMORROW PEOPLE heLICAm PLATfoRms TAKe off Devil’s Knot Pompeii talks
10 Wine with Peter Benison csc John Bartley csc , asc Checks into the Bates Motel Wine with Peter Benison csc John Bartley csc , asc Checks into the Bates Motel
0 9 56698 94903
CSC_September_2013.indd 1 Blu-ray: The war That everyone Lost
07/08/2013 17:20 CSC_January_2014.indd 1 17/12/2013 19:31 0 9 56698 94903 CSC_March_2014.indd 1
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