Issue 09, Volume 51

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thecurrent the student newspaper of green river college

May 5, 2017

issue9 volume51

Meet The New President Of GRC Find out more on Pg. 6&7

Photo provided by Suzanne Jonson




ASGRC Election Candidates

Composting in College?

2018 bringing new home ground for baseball

Find out about your choices to vote for in the umcoming election.

Learn about the views that students have about waste product disposal.

learn a about the possibility for a new home field in the upcoming year.




campus Meet Your Student Body President And VP Candidates 2


Cameron Kerner| Campus Editor


Presidential Candidate: Juan Tampubolon By: Annie Chan Staff Writer

that so I can know what is going on and understand what I am getting myself into,” Tampubolon said. The Associates Students of If elected as the ASGRC PresiGreen River College (ASGRC) dent, Tampubolon hopes to conPresidential Candidate Juan nect more with the student body. Tampubolon enjoys being “There involved have been and sees issues with himself as a the student very active body feeling person. disconnectAfter two ed with the quarters and student currently government in his third because they at Green don’t know River College much about (GRC), Tamit,” Tampupubolon has bolon said. “I attended the want to conStudent of nect with the Color Constudents so ference and I can get to volunteered know them for both the and hear Halloween their stories Party and and what Lunar New they have to Year festival. say.” For extraAlong with curricular connecting activities, he with the is a member Annie Chan | The Current students, Tampubolon also looks of the Latino Student Union and forward to connecting with the Smile Club, as well as being an administrators and newly-elected officer for the Indonesian Student school President Suzanne Johnson. Organization. When teamed up with the Tampubolon’s most memorable ASGRC Vice-President, Tampuboexperience was attending the Stulon hopes to bring more promotion dent of Color Conference just a few within the public relations commitweeks ago. tee and to encourage more student “It was a very eye-opening exinvolvement with campus activities. perience and I got to understand “By encouraging more involvedifferent identities and culture,” ment in campus activities, that will Tampubolon said. “Throughout really unify everyone,” Tampubolon the whole weekend, it was just said. filled with positivity in all of the With the hopes of being elected workshops introduced, which was as ASGRC President, Tampubolon empowering and inspiring.” is also looking forward to workWhen it comes to the Associates ing with new senates for the next Students of Green River College school year. While working with (ASGRC) President position, the new senates, he will have the Tampubolon has been interestchance to understand how commited in the position since he first tees work and to also know more found out about it during his first about the campus. quarter at GRC. He often attends “I like to help people and present the ASGRC meetings held in the them,” Tampubolon said. “By beStudent Union (SU) every Tuesday coming the ASGRC President, I can and Thursday to get a grasp on how do that because it will be my job to student government functions. present the students and connect “When I heard about the open meetings, I decided to start up with with them.”

Voting Begins May 10!! Done forget to vote for your favorite candidate!

Kaylee Huang: ASGRC Presidential Candidate By: Camdyn Smith Staff Writer Kaylee Huang, a 19-year old from China, is currently running for the position of Associated Students of Green River College (ASGRC) President. She has had a lot of previous experience as a student in a leadership position while in China. These experiences include being club president of her school for 10 years from elementary to high-school, as well as being chairman (the Chinese equivalent of being president) for her school’s student union for four years. Huang enjoyed her leadership positions very much and said, “they helped me grow up a lot, they’re not only the experiences I have got, it is the skill set I have developed from the experience. I developed organization and communication skills, as well as responsibility.” She continued, “Leadership is not just a title, it’s a service that serves the students and school,” Huang said, “ I want to be helpful in the school, and help the students to enjoy the life in the school.” One of her goals is to improve the connection between the international and domestic students of Green River College, thus creating unity. This will be a challenge, she explained, since domestic students often don’t have time to connect with international students due to job commitments and schedule

differences. Huang hopes to create America was hard for Huang since more opportunities for both interher family is still in China, and it national and domestic students was hard making friends at first. to get together so they can “talk to “Family is the most important thing each other and know each other for me,” Huang said, telling how more.” This goal stems from the she talks with her family every Frifact that she is hoping to major in day night. When she told them she international relations and work was running for the new ASGRC as a cultural President, they ambassador in voiced their supthe future. port for her. Originally, Huang’s GRC wasn’t her friends also statfirst choice, ed their confiHuang wanted dence in Huang to attend saying, “You’re University of gonna get it! Go Cambridge in for it!” Huang England. She is thankful for came to GRC such supportfirst because it ive friends and is less expena family that sive, and also believes in her. in hopes to one Her father is a day transfer bus-driver and to Cambridge. her mother only “I won’t give has a part-time up my dream, job, so money is and I will work tight, but Huang hard,” Huang is determined said. She has to make it work been attending and live her GRC for a year Camdyn Smith | The Current dream. When now and has so far appreciated asked what possible advantages her stay here. “I’ve always wanted she may have over other current to explore western countries, I applicants, Huang said that she just want to learn more about this has a had a lot of experience in this world,” Huang said, explaining why area and believes a student leader she chose to study abroad. should be a “representative exterThe initial move from China to nally and a manager internally.”

ASGRC VP Candidate: Chandani Mandhar By: Annie Chan Staff Writer

Annie Chan | The Current

The Associates Students of Green River College (ASGRC) Vice-President Candidate Chandani Manandhar believes that attending Green River College (GRC) has been the most adventurous and lively experience of her life. After having come abroad to seek

better opportunities, Manandhar has been engaged in many multinational and professional clubs at GRC. Clubs include Thai Club and Japan Club. Throughout the three quarters Manandhar has been at GRC, she also enjoyed volunteering in school activities such as the club fair. With experience from being a part of the services and activities budget committee, Manandhar now serves as a Senate in the ASGRC By-Laws Committee. For the next school year, she hopes to take on the role of ASGRC Vice-President so she can engage more with the GRC community and increase fellowship for all Gators. “I believe being a Vice-President is about having an utter leadership and integrity to familiarize every fellow student with an evidence-based support and encouragement,” Manandhar said. “My vision is to enlighten the possibility of engaging in community service to all students and allow healthy and effective communication within the working body and every

non-participant.” As a leader, Manandhar envisions herself to be self-disciplined while aiming to run by rituals and drive with commitment. Engaged with GRC in every way possible, Manandhar believes that she can effectively optimize the allocation of resources and connect individuals with services on campus. Manandhar proudly calls GRC her second home. She is honored to work on welcoming new students from around the world and helping current students enhance their college experience. To Manandhar, there is always another level out there that is ready to be unlocked. “With the help of jolly and cooperative mentors and faculty, I believe we can activate opportunities for all Gators to connect and unite,” Manandhar said. “I look forward to strategic planning of making students best utilize their time here and rise up to become global leaders in the near future.”

Cameron Kerner | Campus Editor



3 2016-2017

A Chat With The ASGRC’s President And Vice President

The To-Be Former Student Body Leaders Reflect The Past Year And Hope For The Upcoming One By: Annie Chan Staff Writer

Harjot has been involved with the student body since last year and in has been the ASGRC President since fall. When asking Singh about how he felt about the candidates in his departure from office, he responded, “there is still a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of the bylaw changes, working on the structure of student government, making sure that it is all solidified, getting more events for the students.” However Singh also said “I feel this year has been a year of a lot of progress,” referring to the changes that the ASGRC were able to make to the bylaws and trying to change the election system towards a 50/50 selection and election type. The ASGRC also worked on the 522 budget plan that is responsible for lowering the cost of some event for the students. Though not yet finished with all the changes Signh hopes that all issues are thoroughly addressed. Signh said, “I think we left them a strong legacy to follow.” When asked if Signh had expectations for the new candidates and what would he expect, and to that Sing said that he hopes whoever follows next into the office continues to work and better the 522 budget and

By: Princess Kollie-Blaye Staff Writer Green River College Associates Students President has named hard work, sacrifice and time as tools needed for the successful operations of the next leadership. Patricia Argie said for the next government to achieve its goals, the leaders must be willing to sacrifice their time and work extra hard to make the college a better place. Speaking to the Current Newspaper over the weekend, Argie said that it is not just about bearing the title but also representing the student body by connecting with administration and the different clubs. “The next leaders will have to work hard, sacrifice a lot and work on time to meet up with their goals,” said Argie. She calls on the various candidates to exercise patience and commitment to lead the students if elected. She added that without hard work, time and sacrifice, her government would not have achieved its goals. The 18-year-old student leader said that her major achievement since she took office has been discussing and addressing students concerns to the school’s president during the regular Presidential meetings. Argie said, during meetings with the president she puts forth the plights of the students and seeks solutions to their problems. “My greatest achievement is mainly with the presidential meetings, being able to address students concerns to the president”, said Argie. The ASGRC President said her government has also helped in strengthening smooth and effective communication between the student community and faculty; something she said was her major campaign promise. Argie said, though there have been some challenges along the way but the level of communication has improved greatly. During her leadership, all has not been bread and butter as she outlined conflicting

the bylaws along with all the other changes yet to be made. Signh revealed when asked if he would keep communication with the new ASGRC President and Vice President, in the event that they looked to him for advice he said yes, however that it would be a long distance relation and he would like to give them space to grow and build their own student government. Resibayi Ayisilu Chief Justice joined student government in the fall and has been the chief justice since this quarter. Resibayi had Annie Chan | The Current this to say when asked what legacy they thought would be important to leave behind. “I think it is important to leave the legacy schedule as a major challenge confronting her leadership. She said there has always been conflicting schedules between her class time and attending meetings at the college council “my class time has been conflicting with meetings at the college council”, said Argie. Moreover, Argie who is an international student at green river, is expected to complete both her high school and Associates degree this year. The political Science major, she said is still being contemplated, as well as the university to transfer to upon graduation from this institution. She also said she’s not very certain as to whether she will continue to participate in student politics, adding that time might not permit her to do so at the university level. “I am not sure if I will continue to participate in student politics at the university level, I do not know if time will permit me.” said Argie. Before being the ASGRC 2016-2017 President, Argie has been involved with the student government since Fall of 2015 serving as a Senator in the Public Relations committee. she feels excited having to leave power with her major goals achieved. She then pledges to support the next student body leadership even after graduation.

of [the information] and why we did something and took some actions that we didn’t thought we would do,” she said. Resibayi gave the example of changing the constitution. When they initially thought of doing one thing and are now considering something different from their starting point. Resibayi said, “Green River is such a unique place, we have so many international students, we have a diverse community here, so we wanted to try something that is fit for us instead of just following somebody else” Resibayi said, “those are the reasons we have to write down so the new people will understand why we did things that way.”

With that in mind I asked Singh and Resibayi what advice they would give to the future ASGRC President and Vice President. Signh said, “I say to the candidates and whoever is elected, that I think it is important to look at the history, so I mean all these binders that have been left here behind, really focus on those and look at what people have done. There might be things you are trying to do and maybe the issues you are encountering you are not the first person to encounter those issues.” In short always look at the history, he continued with advising to always seeking advice from advisers. They have been there and have a lot of useful information. Lastly he mentioned to have a “feel” for every person and have strong goals. Resibayi said, “I especially agree with the third part because they have to have a specific expectation of what they will face.” She wants them to know and to expect that this will be a challenge for them and they have to overcome it. Resibayi said “this is also for yourself, your own growth, to be able to take responsibilities and do well to represent all the students in this community.” On a finishing note, Singh said, “come out and vote.”


to do

Attend A trAnsfer InformAtIon sessIon! To register visit:


campus ASGRC VP Candidate: Jessica Cuevas


4 2016-2017

Campus Crime Blotter

Campus Safety responded to the following incidents from Apr. 19 to Apr. 25, among others. All information is from Campus Safety incident reports.

4/03 11:09 a.m. Parking lot P8 Drug law violation

Campus safety happened to walk by a car in parking lot 8, and observed the smell of marijuana emanating from a car. According to one safety officer, “He identified the possible source as a gold colored sedan with four occupants inside of it. I identified the vehicle Officer Stevens reported, beige colored Toyota Camry.” Inside the car, three females and one male, with one of the females being the driver. After the campus safety officers asked the female driving to roll down her window, the officer “…could smell a strong odor of burnt marijuana in the vehicle,” And asked them if anyone had been smoking on campus. All five occupants said no, and then the male in the back seat admitted to everyone smoking prior to entering campus. The driver of the vehicle was underage and admitted to smoking marijuana off campus. When the campus safety officer asked her if she drove her vehicle to campus after smoking, her response was that she wasn’t the one who drove the vehicle to campus. The male from the back seat revealed that he had two pipes, which were confiscated, while they awaited Auburn Police Department to arrive on scene. who reminded them that smoking on campus is not allowed.

4/06 1:45 p.m. Parking lot p13 Auto Theft

When the Dispatch for campus safety was alerted that a car had been stolen, an officer was sent to the scene. An eighteen year old student reported that her car—a red Honda civic which in fact had been locked— had been stolen. The suspect’s description is described as being a male with long dirty blonde hair, with a black snapback cap. When they pulled in the East entrance around the Campus Corner Apartment entrance, the owner of the vehicle noticed her car was passing her and her friends truck. She reported that the driver had long dirty blonde hair with a black snapback cap. She then stated that her friend turned the truck around to follow the suspect but the suspect ran the red light at 320th and 110th but he didn’t want to run the red light to chase the car. The owner of the vehicle called Auburn Police and an officer responded.

4/20 6:55 p.m. Administration building

Auburn fire department responded to the scene of what appeared to be a woman in the administration building having a medical issue. The woman stated she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to go home but when she came into the Administration building, she proceeded to cry and complain that she wasn’t feeling well. The individual almost vomited on the front desk security guard called 911. According to dispatch, “The Auburn Fire Department arrived on scene, arriving though the East entrance at 1902 hours and began diagnosing her at 1904. Fire determined that [she] needed medical attention and called American Medical Response. AMR arrived through the West entrance and arrived at the AD building at 1915 and began treating [her]”

By: Eduardo Lopez Staff Writer Jessica Cuevas is originally from Mexico and moved to Washington 9 years ago. In which she attended elementary, middle school and high school here. Cuevas started at Green River as a running start student, and then stayed here at Green River College to finish her Associates of Science degree. Cuevas wanted to run for Vice President because she says, “I got really involved recently, [these] past few quarters in like student life and club activities and I think [I want] to take a step up and just take a challenge of [having] more responsibility as a vice president.” Cuevas also said she wanted to get more involved in student government. Currently she’ a part of the student senate however Cuevas wants to find out more of what she can do. One way to grow is to become the student Vice President so she can become more integrate into the campus and the advisory and go to conferences. Cuevas use to be part of the public relations senators and she was in charge of promoting and doing posters. Cuevas’ voiced the word of coming events around campus and the events that the student government had.

Cameron Kerner | Campus Editor

Cuevas and her team are currently working on updating the college campus constitution for the elections that are coming the following year. They are planning to do an election referred to as a “50/50.” We will follow up on that when we near the next year. Cuevas has said that her goals as a student Vice President are to “get students more informed on how the 522 budget works,” and “get students more involved in what they like doing” too get students to “stay longer” here at the campus. Essentially what Cuevas is aiming for is the inclusion of the student body with the campus activities. Cuevas plans to get her goals done by advertising workshops about 522 budgets and how it works. Cuevas said “There’s workshops for the 522 budget, so promoting that…. to the students and getting the work across better like the posters

emails….newspaper, the radio, pretty much anything we can use to communicate to the students.” Cuevas is getting students more involved working on promotion on 522 and how it works. Cuevas has been a student senator for 2 quarters and has attended two workshops of the 522 budget planning. According to Cuevas the workshops are presentations given by the finance committee and they go through each one of the budgets they have and finalize it. When asked if Cuevas would keep communication with the current sitting student president Cuevas said “Yes, I will definitely” and “we pretty much see each other every Wednesday and Thursday, so yeah, I’ll keep contact with them.” Cuevas would like to be seen as somebody people can approach if they have any concerns around campus. When asked if Cuevas had anything else to say to the Current, Cuevas added, “Thank you very much for this interview.”

NEW Leadership Plans to Diversify Leadership Roles

By: Jacob Martin Staff Writer

AUBURN, Washington – NEW LeadershipTM (NEWL) aims to bring more women and non-binary college students into leadership roles and make them more politically active. NEW Leadership (NEWL) is a program developed by Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at the State University of New Jersey and more recently brought to Green River Campus with 2 one-day programs so far and on May 5th, they will have their third. Striving to educate students, Rebeka Ferreira finds herself at

cal events have highlighted this.” the forefront of the fight for better says Rebeka Ferreira as she discus representation and inclusion in the field of politics, “it provides women should be more politically active. students, who may not be taking Not only does the NEW Leaderany gender studies courses, with ship Program benefit women, but it a glimpse into how philosophical concepts affect their everyday lives.” also helps those of the Transgender community as well. Speaking upon Education is key, especially in today’s world. NEW Leadership NEWL’s inclusiveness Ferreira states , “ is member and Green River Student well suited for members of the Pauline Elevazo has found the transgender and gender nonprogram extremely helpful, stating conforming that, “she has felt more comfortable communities. “It’s an amazing experience In the past, we engaging in politiand I would never have have had a trans cal conversations” speaker who and learning thought I would gain so that as a woman much power from expressing discussed their she “faces more perspective on my interest for change” barriers facing adversities that - Pauline Elevazo women and we affect her day to continually aim day life”. to make our program as inclusive as Men have had a more dominant role in society throughout time but possible.” While the wait for the next line of more specifically in politics, and future politicians to appear you can that’s what NEWL aims to change. catch the NEW Leadership Insti“I am a firm believer that to remain tute’s program on May 5th. silent or inactive on an issue is to “It’s an amazing experience and I be complicit. Although, in many respects, we have come a long way would never have thought I would gain so much power from expresstowards gender equality, there is ing my interest for change”, said still so much work that needs to be Pauline Elevazo. done, and I think recent politi-

Mollie Clements | a&e Editor




2016 -2017

Student Life Plans May Movie Mayhem By: Annie Chan Opinion Editor

The Movie Mayhem of May will consist of four free movies for students to enjoy at Green River College. On each Thursday in the month of May, students are welcome to enjoy a selected movie on the Cascade Steps in the Student Union building. Sponsored by the Student Activities Board (SAB), this event aims to bring students together to gain both artistic and cultural exposure. The SAB has selected four specific movies for several reasons. The first movie will be the 2016 film Loving, a historical drama that provides us with many insights on the impacts of American reality today. Dating back to the 1960’s, this drama and romance film touches on interracial marriage and its im-

pacts on American individuals. Another 2016 film, called Moonlight, will be presented the following Thursday. It is a personal film that takes a hard look on American reality as well. A young African American, who happens to be gay, plays the main character and the story surrounds his everyday struggles. Although this film is centered around a personal struggle within a rough neighborhood in Miami, it can also be very relatable to some young individuals. Both Loving and Moonlight provides alarming insights on American lives that are not typically shown in theaters today. A more recent film called Get Out will be the third movie presented for this event. This 2017 film is different than the previous two because its theme is more of a horror-comedy. Social critiques are thrown in that connects to the mysteries throughout the film, with the

purpose of reviewing something rather insidious about racism. On the last Thursday of May, Beyoncé’s 2016 film Lemonade will be presented. This film touches on black identity, marital infidelity, self-esteem, and sisterhood. The SAB chose this film with Women’s Empowerment Week in mind and has invited students from Kentlake High School to watch and discuss this film with students at GRC. The SAB’s Arts and Culture Chair Pauline Elevazo hopes that students will gain new insights from the important topics covered in the films. “While these films are, in essence, works of art, they discuss themes that are relevant in many students’ day-to-day lives,” Elevazo said. Members of the SAB has been busy passing out flyers and spreading word on social media to promote this event. This is the first time for a Movie Mayhem to be

Helen S. Smith Art Exhibit: Fragments of a Narrative #12 By: Alyssa Guthrie Staff Writer

become immersed in the artwork itself,” Metivier said. “The viewer becomes a participant as soon as they walk into the gallery.” Fragments of a Narrative #12, Bryson used many mediums for an art exhibit by Green River this exhibit including photograalumni, Ouida Bryson, was feaphy, ceramics, and other mixed tured in the Helen S. Smith art media. She used unusual supplies gallery in April. like handmade rice paper for the Bryson was invited to exhibit her paper to print her photography. art at Green River by Paul Metivier, Her sculptures are made from the the gallery director. Bryson gradurice wraps from spring rolls. She ated from Green River in 2013 with also used old a President’s award. resin frames Bryson had great “Essentially Ouida has and muslin to aptitude toward created an environment for make a platthe creative arts form holding the viewer to become imduring her time at a skeleton Green River, Metiv- mersed in the artwork itself” representing ier said. —Paul Metivier the deceased. Bryson took “This [exhibmany art classes it] is part of a at GRC including lifelong project I’m working on, and painting, ceramics, photography it’s mostly dealing with the concept and 3-dimensional art. Her art of self-actualization,” said Bryson. instructors from GRC include Gary Bryson uses her work to explore Oliveira, Paul Metivier, Cindy her individuality and history to find Small, Matt Johnson, and Patrick her self-actualization. She wants Navin. to know how her family history “All of them are my favorites,” Bryson said when asked her favorite impacts her as an individual. Her art exhibit features photoart instructor at the college. graphs of all different people. The Bryson transferred to Seattle photographs are all people importUniversity after GRC but had to ant in Bryson’s life, such as family take an emergency leave. She is members. now a professional artist and will Although Bryson herself is not in soon earn her Bachelor of Fine Arts any of her photographs. “I’m in the degree. center of all of these people who The exhibit shows the colleges have somehow affected my life,” current art students what is posBryson said. sible after they graduate, and that Most of the people in her phothey don’t have to stop creating art. tography have passed on. However, “Essentially Ouida has created through their lives and passing, she an environment for the viewer to was able to grow as a person and

channel these inspirations into her artwork. Some photographs have hidden messages in them. They represent the person in the photograph. Although that person didn’t necessarily say that message, it is meant to represent them, and the messages are what she thinks of the person in the portrait. “Some of [the photographs] have messages because I’m familiar with who they are,” Bryson said. “Some of them I gave a voice to.” Bryson made the messages subtle because she didn’t necessarily want the viewers to notice them at first. She wanted the viewers to notice a message and then go back to see which other portraits also had a message. The center of the exhibit features sculptures with a skeleton beneath. Although this shows death, it is important to remember what the impact of your loved ones had. The skeleton represents an awareness from death, self-reflection, and the learning experience from the loss of loved ones. Bryson had a lot of female role models in her life and expressed this through her art. Her emphasis on family shows the impact these role models had on her. Bryson’s exhibit also featured wedding photographs with a blurry child in the center. These are typical wedding photographs, and although they do not talk about the child yet, it is important to remember the child is still there, Bryson stated.

held at GRC and Elevazo encourages students to take advantage of this opportunity. Students are welcome to bring friends and family members to enjoy these free movies with. Elevazo hopes to also have popcorn to go along with the movie setting. According to Elevazo, it is not very often we can watch these movies for free. Students like Iqra Mohamud, a running start student, look forward to this opportunity because it is a good cultural experience. The first three films - Loving, Moonlight and Get Out - will be playing at 5 p.m. each Thursday on the Cascade Steps in the Student Union building. Lemonade will be playing from 2-4 p.m. on May 25 in the Community Room of the Campus Corner Apartments. There will be a discussion on critical issues following the showing of Lemonade.

Movie Schedule May

Loving @ Cascade Steps in SU @ 5 p.m.


Moonlight @ Cascade Steps in SU @ 5 p.m.


Get Out @ Cascade Steps in SU @ 5 p.m.


Lemonade @ Community Room in CCA @ 2-4 p.m.


11 18 25

The Interpretation of Espial By: Johnathan Thom Staff Writer

as half pages, and featuring some pictures that take a page and a half. The curatorial and English teams Since 2002 the Espial team decided on which poems to include has been compiling art made by and which art to pair them with. Green River College students for Trysteen Tran, the English instrucGRC students. tor for the class, had this to say Espial is Green River College’s about the selection process: “As an student produced literary and fine instructor it can be hard to just take arts journal. All content is crafted a step back and let things unfold.” by students, faculty, and alumni It’s a student produced journal, of the college. The definition of so the students make the choices Espial is the action of watching of what goes in, but sometimes or catching sight of something or they still need guidance from their someone or the fact teachers. of being seen. Each Sarah Dillon issue of Espial is “The biggest thing is really Gilmartin how this centered around honoring and respecting the class helped to a theme, a theme submissions.” shape the lives of determined by the —Sarah Dillion Gilmartin some of her previcurrent student’s ous students and interpretation of she answered that the word Espial. being on a creative team can really The new theme is confidential, but help you get a job. It sounds like a previous issues have been centered good class to put on your resume if on ones such as the fluidity of time you lack work experience. and looking out into space. The Submissions to the Espial are team is able to dream up beautiful anonymous to prevent any bias ideas from just one subject word. playing a part in the selection It takes a very creative workforce to process. Gilmartin had this to say craft each Espial journal. about the goals of the Espial: “The The people who run the Espial are biggest thing is really honoring students from the classes ART150 and respecting the submissions.” and ENG239. David, a member of Sometimes the different Espial the cover design team, was able to teams can be a little overzealous in go in depth into just what went into their designs and it’s important to the Espial. He explained that pretty take a step back sometimes in order much any sort of picture or poem to honor the art that’s going into can end up in the Espial journal. the journal. The Espial’s aim is to The Espial class is made up of four create a “snapshot of creativity on teams: English, curatorial, cover campus.” design, and layout. “The whole The next issue of the Espial is process takes a super long time” scheduled to be released on June 8 said David. accompanied by a poetry reading Kellie from the layout team from 12a.m. to 1:30p.m. with snacks explained that they’re trying out available. The journal costs $10. some new things this issue such

An In-Depth Exchange W Presid By: Cameron Kerner Staff Writer

Q: You are in New York that’s correct? A: this is true, I’m on Long Island Q: So, what is your moving plan for moving to Green River? Do you have any relatives here? A: No I don’t, I have some friends there in the Seattle area. I have friends in the Portland area, im actually working on the logistics of that now, I know that my first day of work is officially July first at the college, and I will be getting myself and my family out there prior to that Q: There’s a Board of Trustees meeting the third Thursday of this may, do you think you’ll be making that? A: I don’t, well, I’m not sure yet. I’ve been speaking with the interim president Scott Morgan, I will likely be out to Auburn a couple of times before my official start, but any date has not been confirmed yet. Q: Ok, one of the big questions we wanted to ask is why Green River, I know you mentioned that the Pacific Northwest is kind of a home to you. Is that one of the reasons why? A: well, obviously it’s lovely you live in the Pacific Northwest, but however, that’s not the reason. The primary reason, certainly not, the primary reason is because it’s Green river. Green river college is, and I spent time researching the school when the job was posted and I find it just, a school that when I first visited, when I was a semi-finalist, I fell in love with what I thought, and I hoped I would see, when I was actually there physically. Reading about the various programs, the mission of the school, the core scenes of the school, the fact that you have such a broad diversity of students, local and international, the fact that the school has developed very recently the Bachelorette degrees, just really drew me to the school. Very committed to the mission of a community college, very committed to helping be part of a team that’s committed to student success, helping students reach their goal, and green river just has a lot of, all the things you could wish for in a school. The Faculty seems fully dedicated and committed, staff as well. There seems to be a great affection and love and dedication to the school. I could see that from what I could read online, and in the accreditation reports, but I could definitely see it when I was there personally, so there’s so many things that drew me to the college and this institution, and I knew that this was a place I wanted to be a part of and be a member of a team that’s really making a difference as well. Q: Is that something you would like to continue to convey through the face of Green River? A: absolutely, I think that we all have the privilege, but no matter what the role, president, vice president, faculty member, a

person who works on the grounds, security, it doesn’t matter what the role is. When you have the privilege of working in a community college, were all working towards students who come to us with goals and hopes and dreams, so I see my role as very much being service oriented, and very much there to facilitate student success and however I can best support faculty and staff at helping in their roles for student success, that’s why we’re all there. Were all there because of you. And all the other students that are coming there to get to the next step of their life. Q: How would you characterize your leadership style? It sounds like you prefer more open ended conversations.

of our efforts, we can’t go wrong. So I am actively a very collaborative very inclusive person. I like to have good process and discussion about decision making and I really see my role, significantly as being facilitative and supportive of the institution and all the groups that work together to create a quality educational environment for you and your fellow students. Q : Ok so that sounds like a pretty big priority, do you have any other priorities you would like to address before others, like in terms of what you’re going to be putting on the ground immediately when you’re put into office here, what would you be prioritizing? A: sure, well ok, so I need to say,

learn and listen first and then we will collectively help forge priorities. I do know, having said that, I do know that it is very much a focus and desire for the institution n to build enrollment, I know and I will tell you that I just visited there’s focus and desire to improve Tuesday night, and I got the call equity and achievement among from Claudia Kauffman (Board our diverse student population, of trustees member) offering me and I know that there’s a desire to the presidency at the college, I strengthen all the academic procommunicated with her and let her grams that we have, and to make know what I was about to do, and them the best we can possibly be. the interesting thing about this is So as far as I can say, collectively, I she was very pivotal to me when I know that those are names which was in high school, you know, I was I’ve heard resonate on my visits to going through a variety of things, the campus, so I think these will that so many teenagers go through, be, absolutely on the priority list, and she spent time with me outside but my approach to this role is very the classroom, and she would much aligned with learning about talk to me for hours on end in her the culture and listening to those office, and who have she never, I commitdon’t think ted their she ever lives and realized careers to how sigthe institunificant of tion to best a difference inform me her being as to how in my life we should at that time collectively made, and access and I remember Suzanne Johnson address our what she agenda. had written Q:You in my high have a Ph.D. in developmental school year book, and she had psychology; do you think that written it to me when I was graducontributes to how you handle ating, that she hoped that I would situations, like you do? never lose my idealism that I may A: I think it certainly helps, yes, in my adult I think my background in psycholyears. And I ogy, in particular developmental communicatpsychology, my area of focus, in my ed with her dissertation research when I was on Tuesday working on my doctoral degree, night, and was on young adults and so I think I said guess I come to this position with a good what this background in terms of, a large is what I’m range of students, you know, life going to be growth issues that a lot of students doing, and are facing and are experiencing in I wrote and college, although we have many said to her, I don’t know whether non-traditionally aged students in you realize how significant you college as well, but I also think my were to me, and how you inspired background in psychology helps me and helped me believe In me approach interactions with myself. others, which benefits me for sure. Q: Did she respond? And it’s just being an active listener A: Yes! She did, and she was very and in terms of being able to work touched that she had, she was just in a way that allows me to take glad that, “oh I was a part of your other perspectives as well, I think life when I needed it”, you know, my training in psychology certainly sort of minimized it a bit, and then helps me. And I think that would I wrote her back and I said: “I want be the case no matter what the position I was in, or no matter what to be really clear about this, you were one of the most significant job I had. The background, you adults in my life at the time and know, I think benefits me for sure. you made a crucial difference to me Q: do you have any inspiraat that point when I needed it, and tional mentors or figures that helped you along this process, or I just want to thank you for that.” Q: And her name was? processes in your past? A: My tenth grade English A: oh sure, I will tell you that teacher? Her name was Suzanne, there has been, well this might we have the same name, her name sound kind of strange, but there is Suzanne, and her last name is are two people who come to mind. neske “N-e-s-k-e”. When I had her One is more recent, and one it was before she was married, and has been with me in my life in a so her last name was Shultz, but significant way, and it was actually her married name now is neske. my tenth grade English teacher. and she’s retired now but I would That’s my life inspirational person,

“I also think my background in psychology helps me approach interactions with others, which benefits me for sure.”

This is ab I can best school, and best serv

Suzanne playing with her dogs at the beach. A: Definitely, I have been described by others as being very collaborative, very inclusive, and I believe that that is an accurate description. I’m very much one to get as many opinions as I can, feedback, information, guidance, suggestions. I find this process and having a good inclusive process using this decision making as key to success for this institution. Everyone, all stakeholders at the college have a very important perspective to bring to the table. As long as we keep students and their goals and objectives at the center of our conversation and at the center

first and foremost, one of the first priorities, actually the most important priority I believe I should have hitting the ground running at green river. I’m the new person, I’m the new gator at green river, and I need to listen to students. I need to listen to, faculty and the staff and administration, and hear their views, learn the culture, listen to what they consider to be important, and priorities for them, and then for us to collectively identify priorities that we will move forward with. I’m not an individual that will go in and then say “ok here is what we’re going to do”. I need to

With The Newly Elected dent Of GRC say she has been an influential inspirational figure, I was in tenth grade, she was very young and new English teacher, and I thought she was just the coolest thing ever, and so smart, and she got me to like Shakespeare, which I never thought I could do, and I remember reading death of a salesmen in her class, so vividly, she just turns on a world of literature that I had never felt connected to and I just thought she was the coolest person ever and such a huge role model for me and I thought wow, here’s this young independent woman who is really hip and happening at the time, and she just, her work stayed in my mind, and her positive feedback to me carried me through college and graduate school and it was so nice to be able to circle back to her and share that with her. So that’s a very inspirational figure to me, and it happened all the way back in high school. More recently, I have to tell you, is that the most inspirational figure has been at the Valencia College, a community college in Florida. And he’s the president of that college, his name is sandy shugart. And I got to meet him a number of times this past year, I was part of the aspen presidential fellowship. And there were 39 of us chosen nationwide from community colleges by the aspen institute to be part of a yearlong development process for potentially being a college president. And he was a part of that process, and he was a mentor to that group and I find him to be profoundly inspirational. A visionary in the talk of community colleges, and his values and morals and efforts, I aspire to emulate, and he has had such an impact on me in terms of how to prioritize my efforts, and why I do the work I do and why I want to be at green river, or Florida community college in general and how significant we are for students, and careers and goals in life. That would be a more recent inspirational figure in my life for sure, sandy shugart. He’s just remarkable. Q: Awesome, so you said he’s almost a visionary, could you briefly just give me, how is he a visionary? A: well he wrote, well how I got to know him was, I read his book first I didn’t know him personally, and this was a couple of years ago, he wrote a book on leadership, and it was about leadership, and academics within educational environ-

bout how t serve the d how I can ve others

ments, and a lot of his self-reflection, and I’m looking for the book right now because I was going to tell you the title of it, um, because I’m at my house now. Ah! Here we go, his book is called” leadership in the crucible of work. Discovering the interior life of authentic leader.” It’s by Sandy Shugart. And he, it was the first book I ever read that resonated in me, because it was all sutured on how to be an effective leader not in the context of your own personal achievements, it was how to be an effective leader to elevate others. To celebrate, and elevate others ability to do their jobs, and be part of a team where you bring everyone to a higher level. It’s very much oriented around service leadership, or servant leadership, and it really captures, I think, a lot of the ways, I think people would describe me, and I think it’s how I would describe myself. This is about how I can best serve the school, and how I can best serve others. And his book really is a different way to think about being a president, or being a leader in an organization or an institution. It’s not about yourself, it’s not about that individual’s ego, it’s about how you can best serve the school, and how you can serve people who look to you for leadership. And I think that’s a different way to think about leadership, for sure, it’s sometimes described as transformational leadership, that’s another way its described as being organized around transformational leadership, and he sees community colleges as a vital and integral part of our society. He’s also been a visionary in terms how to best support faculty to help them do the best for the students, I think most people who reside to be faculty at community colleges are just wholeheartedly invested in community colleges and their mission. But it’s important for the institution to find ways to support them really well, so they can do their jobs well in the classroom. Q: And that transitions perfectly into what was going to ask you, I was going to ask what your relationship with adjunct faculty is, because we do have a lot of adjunct faculty her, I heard you even had you own presentation on it, the elephant in the room, which nobody else did, which they should have. Could you go over that? A: Sure! One of the, in fact I would say this is one of the most critical issues that community colleges in particular, need to look at and address, and I have to learn more about the statistics at green river, but at the institution where I am currently at, which I will soon be leaving, and many others that

I am familiar with, the majority of the courses are being taught by part-time faculty, and we need to ensure that we are supporting those faculty effectively as well, you know there are different responsibilities, obviously, whether your part time faculty or full time faculty member, I understand that, but if we have a large percentage of part-time faculty, which I know you Green River does, we need to ensure they’re receiving adequate support in terms of professional development, in terms of those things which we think are important for any instructor to know about the institution that they are working at to be better resources for the students. so I think about part-time faculty, these are diverse groups, right, some part-time faculty they are experts in their field, and they just enjoy teaching part time, and that’s efficient, that’s what they want to do, there are others that very much would like to become a full0time faculty member and so they are looking to find ways to expand their role, and then there’s others who are trying to put a living together by being a part-time faculty member at green river and maybe several other institutions in the area and I believe that in the context of social justice and equity, that we need to provide part-time faculty as well as we can as we would for full-time faculty. So we have a lot of work to do, and I don’t

Portland community college, you attend but are you thinking and did you learn anything from of coming on a separate occathat? sion and have a meet-and-greet? A: Well when I was at Portland, What’s the deal with that? the conversation around the workA: Ok well, so, I mean I officially ing conditions of part time faculty, begin on July one, that’s my official absolutely was on the table, there start date, I do know that I will be was a great deal of advocacy, on the out there once or twice prior to part of the faculty union to improve that, my hope is to be moving there the working conditions of part-time and settled in mid-June, my hope faculty members, and If memory is that whenever I’m on campus I serves, the part-time and full-time will be able to do some meeting faculty were in the same union at and greeting with people that are Portland, which around prior is also the case to me being at Suffolk, the there, but part-time and “what can we do effectively within our once I’m, you full-time facknow, so those financial landscape to optimize good ulty are part of faculty recourses and good faculty full- days would be the same union, determined, time and part-time ratios.” and so they can right. But once - Suzanne Johnson I’m there I bargain together, and then of absolute plan course there to have regular are times when opportunities there’s separate kinds of bargaining to sit with students to have regular issues, but they at those locations, opportunities to mingle and meet part-time and full-time are in the to sit with faculty and staff, all the same bargaining unit, and so at different stakeholders. Its very these locations looking to find ways important to me to have ongoing to improve the support that we can contact with all of the groups that provide to part time faculty, and constitute the college and that then of course there are other acameans that sometimes the formally demic concerns that center around “ok we’ll have a meeting on this the present desire to have as many particular day.” And so on, I mean, full-time faculty as we can, you you know in terms of, especially know, full-time faculty are on the with students and so on, but I like campus more often, they have more to have opportunities where there accessibility to students, they have less formal, or less prescribed, I can office hour responsibilities, there anticipate that I will be mingling are benefits to trying to maximize in the student union as I’m walking how many full-time we have as well. about in the various buildings on Of course you always want to look campus. I do have very much an open door policy, and there are times where I set office hours where anybody can drop by and talk about anything they would like, or I can come to them. I’ve always operated in that way, and in fact today, the college I’m at has three different campuses, and my office is on what we call the main campus, so the oldest original campus, but today for example, I spent the day at another campus, and I had office hours all day, open hours, some people call to schedule a time slot, and other times people just, stop by. Q: Just to talk about anything? A: yeah, they can talk about anything and everything, students as well, so they know that I’m there, and they compare us a lot of the Suzanne (second from left) with her family. times I’ll get emails that say, ”I can’t make it that day, I’ve got a conflict, think necessarily for green river and at that as best you can; you know are you gonna be back, or could you understand how things are going “what can we do effectively within meet another time?” and I always there but I know this is a national our financial landscape to optimize seem to be able to find time to concern. And I believe that we need good faculty recourses and good accommodate, so I’ve been like that to create working environments faculty full-time and part-time for years and years, I used to be like that are effective full-time or partratios.” that when I was a faculty member, time, so that’s something that I will Q: Awesome, yeah thank you and I don’t see that changing at want to look at, and really discuss so much, I just wanted to close all, in fact that’s one of the things with faculty, and the faculty unions off with one more question and I want to be very intentional in and look to see where we are and that should be it, I just wanted maintaining that be the way I’ll be where we might want to go to know when people will have at green river, very accessible, and Q:Ok so did you have any exa chance to meet you personally visible president to everyone perience with an adjunct faculty and get a chance to see what you problem in terms of the budare all about. When do you think geting kind of crisis things, did that would be? I know you said that ever happen to you when June 1st would be the day that you were interim president at

8 2016-2017



Mollie Clements| A&E Editor a&

April Artist Spotlight Shows the Power of Art Classes

Photos from right to left. “Little Boy” Colored Pencil 11x14, “Tempest” Digital Mixed Media A3

Source Credit: Courtesy of the artist

Photo of Jamie Parker

By: Mollie Clements A&E Editor The fine arts faculty here at Green River College chose Jamie Parker, 34, to be the April artist spotlight. Parker was born and raised in Kennewick, Wash. and currently lives in Puyallup, Wash. She has been attending GRC since last spring. She is a stay-at-home mom with two sons ages 6 and 9. Currently she is earning her Associates in Fine Arts and is hoping to transfer to a four-year university to earn her Bachelors in Fine Arts. As far as outside hobbies go, art is her real hobby and besides that Parker and her husband are season ticket holders for University of Washington football. They enjoy going to the games together. She is a painter now, however it wasn’t always like this. For most

Gilmartin’s color theory class. of her childhood and forward she J.M.W. Turner, Parker’s other believed that art wasn’t in her tool favorite artist, she had said that his box. “use of color is breathtaking”. Parker said, “In [the] third grade A good amount of her current I burst into tears during a craft works have been influenced by her project” she continued, “ I couldn’t own struggles with mental illness. get everything folded the correct With her bipolar disorder she is way and that was the day I decided currently working on a sequence of that I had no artistic ability”. paintings that explores the many She stated that it wasn’t till five emotions that Parker associate’s years ago that she started watercolor painting and lettering. She never with her own mental illness. This current quarter Parker is expected she would end up at GRC. taking a 3-D design class which she After her first drawing class she had said is way far out of her comremembers thinking “[w]ow, I can fort zone. Howevactually draw!” er, she is looking said Parker. Her favorite “I really think that anyone forward to trying something new artist, Edvard can draw/paint, it just takes and working with Munch, had said once “my more work for some of us” welding sculptures. will exceeds my —Jamie Parker talent”. With Parker enjoys drawing/painting her dedication the human figure and hard work and has found she was able to that most of her recent works reget to a level of artistic ability that she wasn’t able to do at a young age. volve around the human body. Even though she is older than “I really think that anyone can half of her classmates she feels draw/paint, it just takes more work as though she is more dedicated for some of us” said Parker. than when she was 18-19 years old Parker has taken quite a few art and she enjoys being the “older” classes, however, she saw the most student. improvement in her skills while Her all-time goal is to create piectaking Intermediate Drawing. She es that give you a unique physical said that she had enjoyed taking reaction. classes under Matt Johnson. JohnParker strongly believes that truly son gave her helpful advice on how amazing art can take your breath to improve her paintings. away. The art doesn’t have to be Sarah Dillon Gilmartin was Parkgreat she said. Sometimes it is just er’s first art teacher at GRC and she a matter of being struck by the was able to learn quite a lot while oddity or creativity of an art work. in her classes and took a liking to

Parker considers herself an artist but would love to pursue a professional art career after getting her degree. Her youngest son loves to be drawn and is constantly bugging her to be drawn or painted. Parker doesn’t use her familty for inspiration in her works but she is planning to in the future. One of my her quotes by the poet Rupi

Kaur is “Your art is not about how many people like your work. Your art is about if your heart likes your work, if your soul likes your work. It’s about how honest you are with yourself and you must never trade honesty with relatability.” Parker creates art because she feels the need to create art and can find joy in the process of creation.

“Hopeless” Oil on Panel 11x14

Annie Chan | Opinion Editor



9 2016-2017

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month


Throughout the month of May each year, Americans participate in raising the awareness on mental health around the country. The awareness is centered around the inner struggles of having to deal with mental health conditions on a daily basis. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), one in five adults in America will experience a mental health condition sometime in their life. This means that we are all essentially affected by the impact of mental illnesses. Even if we do not personally deal with a mental illness, there is a chance that our friends or family members are dealing with a condition. With that being said, it is important to educate both ourselves and individuals around us on factors that may lead people to develop a mental illness or those that serve as signs of a mental illness. Along with understanding, there is also the acceptance and assurance for those who have mental health conditions to

they know that they are not alone. Individuals who fall victim to mental health issues tend to feel secluded from others, given how different they feel. Their conditions just seem to be a subject that is not usually easy to talk about. Mental Health Awareness aims to allow these individuals to feel more accepted and indifferent. This helps to reduce the chance of anxiety and depression, as well partaking in self-abuse. Each year, Americans come together through personal gatherings, events and media platforms to show support to those facing different conditions. The unity of Americans coming together to express overwhelming support really helps to fight the residing stigma. It is more or less a national movement that aims to seek out more participants and raise overall awareness. According to NAMI, this national movement seems to be growing stronger each year. On the first day of May, the top of the

Empire State Building in Manhattan, New York was lit up with green. This green light helped kick off mental health awareness for the nation. All around our nation, participants of mental health awareness month are wearing and presenting the color green to represent this purpose. The green symbolizes the aim to “break the stigma.” On the NAMI website, there are many opportunities for us to learn more about mental health issues, as well as taking part in raising awareness. There are pledges for us to take, facts and images to learn from, discussions and fundraising campaigns. There are also websites where individuals who are dealing with a mental illness or know of somebody dealing with conditions share their experiences. Overall, the overwhelming support and awareness for those with mental illnesses has been significantly crucial. Many communities, such as ours, can make a huge difference.

Editorials reflect the opinions of the entire editing staff of the Current.

Advantages of Partaking in Summer Quarter By: Annie Chan Opinion Editor

Class registration for the upcoming summer and autumn quarters have been open for over a week, but many students are seemingly not considering summer quarter. We are nearing the middle of Spring quarter for the 2016-2017 school year and many students may be looking forward to a much needed summer vacation rather than figuring out if summer quarter will be beneficial. Some students consider summer quarter for the purpose of staying on track or getting ahead with their prerequisites. Others may be behind on their credits and are in need of catching up. For whatever reason it may be, there are definitely more benefits to partaking in summer quarter than not doing so at all. If students find themselves lacking certain credits required for graduation, they should take the opportunity to catch up. Many of us assume that we have time to take our required classes, but there is a chance that we may fall behind. Given that the fall, winter and spring quarters are busier, students may have a hard time getting into their preferred classes. Yes, there are more courses offered with more availability. However, we still have

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risk of not getting into classes due to campacities or the availability of these classes may not fit our schedules during these quarters. As an alternative, summer quarter is there for us to fall back on. There are usually less students taking classes during the summer, so that yields more availability to the students who are behind. For those students who choose to enroll, they are likely going to experience smaller class sizes. As many of us know, smaller class sizes allow us to get more out of the learning experience. We are more likely to have stronger social interactions and relationships with our classmates and face less distractions in the classroom. A smaller student to professor ratio in a classroom also mean closer bonding between the students and their professors. Many of the opportunities we wish to have more of in a regular classroom, such as asking questions, can also likely be granted during summer quarter. In some cases, there are certain classes only offered in the fall, winter or spring. Similarly, this also applies to summer quarter. There may be some courses only offered during the summer and may even have better availability. Some of us may have missed the opportunity to take certain classes due to non-availability or they were not even offered in previous quarters.

The Current is a public forum for student expression. Student editors make all content decisions without censorship or advanced approval. The opinions of the opinion stories are that of the writer and the writer alone. If you have an opposing viewpiont feel free to write The Current a Letter to the Editor at

This gives us a good reason to take advantage of summer quarter. Whether or not we should partake in summer quarter is entirely up to us, but missing the opportunity as a whole my place a heavy weight on our degree progress. Degrees we are seeking all require different courses and amount credits, so it is up to us to decide when and how we will fulfill those requirements. Even if it means just taking one class during the summer, it can come out to be more helpful than we thought in the first place. Personally, I have taken a single course due to it only being available in the summer. I have not regretted it once. Having only one class to focus on allowed me to spend more time studying the course material and to complete assignments in a timely manner. It also helped knowing that taking this class during this quarter meant being one step closer to obtaining my AA degree. I felt as if I was more competent in terms of getting into my future major of communications. Although there are many benefits of partaking in summer quarter, many students still ponder if it is really necessary. Students point out that there are a lot fewer courses offered in general, which minimizes their chance of getting into classes they really want.

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While it is true that there are generally fewer courses offered, it still is a gem to land in classes that you may not have had the opportunity to get into during past quarters. Students may even point out that summer quarter is held in a shorter time period than the other quarters. They worry that they will not have sufficient amount of time to study. Yes, summer quarter only runs for a little less than two months. Material may be covered in a quicker manner, but I have confidence that professors know how to efficiently sort out material and teach students similarly to other quarters. If students end up considering to partake in summer quarter, they have the course catalog available for them to plan in advance. Taking a look at the catalog, there are many similar courses offered as the other quarters. Many of the classes also seem to run longer than an hour during the summer, but the bright side of that is that those classes usually meet less than five days a week. In essence, summer quarter seems to be more advantageous than not. While it depends primarily on each individual, students should still weigh their options and figure out if it is necessary for them to consider summer quarter. They may need it for their degrees more than they think.

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Letters to the Editor


Riley Agnew Co-Editor-in-Chief 253-833-9111 x2377

Mariya Mubeen Co-Editor-in-Chief Photographer Kartik Sarda Web Editor Ads Manager

Cameron Kerner Campus Editor

Mollie Clements A&E Editor

Annie Chan Opinion Editor

Alec Downing Sports Editor

Staff Writers: Alyssa Guthrie, Camdyn Smith, Colton Popp, Christopher Holmes, Eduardo Lopez, Isabel Barni, Jonathan Thom, Mohamed Mohamud, Pannarin Kachintaksa, Princess Kollie-Blaye, Senett Ferris, Thomas Garrett Photographers: Mariya Mubeen, Cameron Kerner

Corrections On page 2, in GRC’s New Deans: Robinson, Lovitt: “bachelor’s degree from Western Governors University.” is incorIf you find a This factual error rect, Mr Lovitt earned his or simply a name spelled bachelor’s is from Seattle incorrectly, University and his please contact usmasat: ter’s from WGU. - - 253-288-3457 - or find us OEB 17

The Current encourages its readers to be involved and will accept letters of 400 words or less for publication. Anonymous letters are not accepted and the editors reserve the right to reject or edit letters for space, taste and legal concerns. All letters become property of The Current. Send letters to editor@

10 2016-2017



Annie Chan | Opinion Editor

Food for Thought: Composting on Campus?

Weighing the options for managing food waste on campus

Photo by Isabel Barni | The Current

Photo by Annie Chan | The Current

Left: Trash cans and recycle bins found on the first floor of the Student Union building. Right: Teriyaki is among the wide variety of hot entrées found at the Gator Grille in the Student Union building. Batin is usually serving at the Teriyaki Wok section, one of the more popular areas for students to get their entrées.

By: Isabel Barni Staff Writer Based on the amount of food waste produced at Green River College (GRC), some students are wondering if the college should supply compost bins around campus. This consideration comes with the need for further research. How much compostable waste does the kitchen produce? Does the average college student throw out enough food for a compost bin to be worthwhile? Does the campus even have enough space for a composting area to be provided? Michael Batin, a current GRC student and worker at the Gator Grille, was able to provide us with an estimate. “If I had to put a rough estimate, it would only be 15 percent,” Batin said. “It’s very little.” According to Batin, the Gator Grille was once inefficient with leftover food. It would be a common occurrence to have plenty of extra food at the end of the work day. More efficiency has recently been intact since the kitchen is

now under a new contract with the Based on research provided on company called Spectra. the National Public Radio (NPR) Spectra’s expectations of food website, “the average college stuwaste differs from the expectations dent generates 142 pounds of food of the previous company. Accordwaste a year.” With the amount of ing to Batin, people atthis helped tending GRC, GRC’s food that amount “We must consider where of average conservation. Currently, wasted food on campus could be additional food will quickly sanctioned just for the that are left accumulate at the end of decomposition of food.” into a signifieach work shift cant statistic. are given away Taking this - Isabel Barni to employees information Staff Writer most of the into account, time. Practices all of it won’t like this greatly signify much reduces GRC’s food waste. if the campus doesn’t have room for However, the amount of coma composting area. postable materials being impropAs the degrading process takes erly disposed at GRC does not end a fair amount of time, a large area in the kitchen. The students also would need to be designated to play a role in the total food waste food waste. However, we must numbers. consider where on campus could be From food brought from home sanctioned just for the decomposiand thrown away on our campus to tion of food. the food purchased in the cafeteria, We must also consider the a lot of the wasted food on campus unpleasant smell of deteriorating can be traced back to college matter. This area would have to be students. out of the way.

The land that the 36-year-old Student Affairs and Success Center (SA) occupies could be an option. GRC acknowledges that it is one of the most suitable choices for replacement. This is due to the building’s lack of usage, poor structure and mediocre layout. But is the land out of the way? Not really. This leads to the conclusion that it might not be in GRC’s interest to create a designated area for composting. The kitchen is not producing much extra food, so it is safe to assume that the majority of waste comes from the hands of others. Rather than creating an entire secluded section on campus for deterioration, the problem may be solved by reconsidering student and teacher investments. There would not be as much wasted food if people only ate the food they needed. As nice as it would be, the problem may not be solved by providing a composting area for GRC. The problem seems to rest more on the decisions of the people attending.

Benefits of Composting • Composting improves the health of plants while reducing the need for fertilizers and other chemical pesticides • Composting helps to preserve nutrients of plants and conserves water • If we stop throwing away compostable waste, we can help reduce landfill or trash buildup

Alec Downing | Sports Editor



11 2016-2017

Green River Baseball Hopes for New Home Field in 2018 By: Alec Downing Sports Editor

There can be no true “home field advantage” when you have no home field. This is something Green River baseball knows all too well as they currently play their home games over 20 miles away from campus all the way in Puyallup. This means long commute times for athletes and coaches. The current home field, Heritage Park, is an over 30 minute drive from campus and the trams current practice facility, Diamond Sports Training Center, is about a 20 minute drive from campus. Though head baseball coach Brian Embery does not allow his players to use the lack of a nearby home field as an excuse he and Athletic Director Bob Kickner are aware of the unnecessary and unwanted extra stress it puts on the whole team. Aside from how this affects the team it also makes it a challenge for students to attend games and can at least in part account for the less than stellar turnouts at most games. There may, however, be a solution and while nothing is official Green River baseball may be moving home fields next season. The Gators potential new home would be Brannan Park, which is approximately a 10 minute drive from campus and has its own baseball field, though in its current condition it is unplayable due to a deteriorated infield. The City of Auburn’s Parks and Recreation department is currently waiting on the legislature to approve funding for a project that would buy field turf this Summer and begin installing it in the Fall at Brannan Park. If this were accomplished it would provide the Gators a nearby and high quality field to both practice and play games at. Practicing at an indoor facility like the Gators currently do is a huge disadvantage, “You don’t train indoors all the time and go

outside and have success” said Kickner. A move to Brannan Park would resolve this and allow the team the necessary outdoor practice time they currently lack. Playing and practicing at the same field would allow the team to become more comfortable with their playing environment and help the Gators be more consistent. Unlike in other sports baseball fields are not identical and becoming familiar with one’s home field is important for all players. Outfielders can feel confident in judging their range in that specific outfield, infielders will know how a grounder will skip off the turf, pitchers will know whether to play to flyball or groundball tendencies based on the size of the outfield, and batters will know when and where to expect shadows from nearby objects which could impede their vision when in the box. These are just a few of the numerous intricacies to baseball created just by one’s playing environment and why it imperative to every individual of any position and overall team success that these be learned. It could also improve the previously mentioned issue of fan attendance at games. By simply having the Gators play closer to campus it would be far easier for students to physically get to games. There also may be increased overall interest as many on campus are unaware of the team and where they currently play. When asked the odds that the Gators would play at Brannan Park next season Kickner said he’s 60-40 in favor at this point but is very much in “wait and see” mode at this point in the process. It is currently unknown when or if any action will be taken by the city of Auburn to further pursue this project but it would be a game changer for Green River’s baseball program and its athletes.

Golf Team Persists In Possible Final Season By: Thomas Garrett Staff Writer

The Green River College (GRC) men’s golf team performed impressively in their league match at Druids Glen, which took place from April 23 to 24. The team has struggled the past few matches, generally due to some players not being able to participate, as well as adverse weather causing some difficulty in play. At their Druids Glen match, however, all six players on the men’s team were able to play for the first round, although Christian Letts had to withdraw thereafter due to sustaining a back injury. The Gators team placed 9th overall in the tournament, with a total score of 633. “Not having six players at these events puts extra pressure on the players each and every shot, as they know that no matter what they score individually, it counts towards the team scores,” said Brian Baldwin, head coach of the golf team since February. “They have done a great job handling this pressure. I’m very proud of these four young men,” Baldwin said. As they work towards the final Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC) at the Home Course in Dupont, which will take place at

the end of May, Baldwin says that there is still a long way to go, but he sees their efforts in practice and matches continually improving as they grow closer to this goal. Baldwin is fully committed to the program despite the golfs funding being cut in the most recent budget talks. The 522 funds that formerly covered Baldwins salary and the teams travel budget are completely gone but Baldwin has generously offered to continue as head coach without pay and has suggested fundraising to help supplement the lost funds. Athletic Director Bob Kickner does not want to have one of his coaches go unpaid but is in a tough spot. Him and his staff are considering all options to keep golf around. Over the next few weeks Baldwin and Kickner will have conversations with the athletes to find out their intentions for next season. “I am very excited for the remainder of the season and look forward to building the teams back to the level of success they have had in the past,” said Baldwin. Despite the circumstances the current team remains resilient and both Baldwin and Kickner are doing everything they can to keep the sport alive for 2018 and beyond in some capacity.

Sydney Lindell | Photographer

The Grays Harbor’s dugout and lineup card from the Gators last matchup with the Chokers who they will face in the final series of the season.

Track & Field Athletes Strive to Qualify By: Alec Downing Sports Editor

The Gators men’s and women’s track and field team is nearing the end of its regular season and eyes are now on the standings to see who has qualified. The Ralph Vernacchia Memorial Meet was held at Western Washington University in Bellingham on Saturday April 29. It is essentially the final meet the the whole team participates in as from this point forward only those who qualified for the NWAC (Northwest Athletic Conference) championship will be continuing. The next scheduled meet is the Ken Shannon Meet at the University of Washington in Seattle on May 5. This event is unlike the previous meets “The University of Washington Meet is for the elite level athletes. It’s more of a bonus for track and field athletes who are excelling” said Athletic Director Bob Kickner. This meet is used more to prepare athletes for the higher levels of competition they will be facing in the NWAC championship and as such only those who have qualified for the championship attend. Kickner is currently working with Olympic College to potentially schedule what they call

a “last chance meet” on May 12 which would give athletes, as the name implies, one final chance to qualify for their events. The current status of this “last chance meet” is uncertain at the moment due to the current lack of a facility for the event but this would be a meet in which all runners could potentially participate in. Following the Ralph Vernacchia Memorial Meet the Gators currently qualify for the NWAC championship in six events though this could potentially fluctuate. During this meet the men’s 4 x 100m Relay team qualified. The members of the 4 x 100m relay team are Cannon Sires Brandon Swanson, Caden Sparks, and Kawika Jones. Brandon Swanson also competed in and qualified in the high jump at this meet along with Abigail Oosterhout who competed in and qualified in the 3,000 m Steeplechase. Athletes who had previously qualified include LaRee Graham for her performance in the 10,000m, Taylor Sterling for her performance in the high jump, and Peyton Dungan for her performance in shot put. The standings will continue to shake out and we will see if any other Gators who are currently on the bubble qualify and make it to the NWAC championship.

Sydney Lindell | Photographer

The Gators current home field, Heritage Park, during their 8-4 win over Grays Harbor College.






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