Christian Waterfowler Magazine - Winter 2018

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Learn about how the Christian Waterfowlers Association came to be.

Tips for success.



The encouraging presence of God

D U C K A L’ O R A N G E


Orange duck recipe



Training your faithful companion



That still work today

CTheHgreatness O O S ofE GodN O W


SENIOR EDITORS Ti m & R a c h e l l e S a l l e e CREATIVE DESIGN & EDITING Va n c e K l e m p l e COVER PAGE PHOTO K i p Pe c k





“Preserving our Christian and Waterfowling Heritage” The Christian Waterfowlers Association was formed by Tim and Rachelle Sallee in September of 2009. However, the idea for the CWA originated back in 2002 while on a duck hunt with his brother Anthony Sallee on the banks of the Arkansas River. Tim was first introduced waterfowling while serving as a youth minister in Fort Smith, Ark. almost thirty years ago. One of his youth members demonstrated using a duck call during a “Gong Show” talent night. He was fascinated with the call and after inquiring about the call and duck hunting was invited to go on a hunt by the youth and his older brother. The hunt experience was incredible, with awesome weather and the perfect sunrise. Right after daybreak about fifteen mallards flew over our backs and circled back with their wings cupped and feet down. “Take Em,” yelled the youth, as Tim raised his gun to shoot. He was so moved by seeing ducks decoy, that he shot three times and did not hit one duck. However, a few weeks later on his second hunt he bagged his first ever mallard and was hooked on duck hunting for life. Tim then introduced waterfowling to his older brother Mark Sallee, his younger brother Anthony Sallee and Mark’s sons Mitchell and Matthew. He always looked forward to spending time in the duck blind with his family and friends each year. Anthony moved to Nashville, Tenn. in the 1980’s and early 1990’s to play bass for the Christian band “White Heart.” He went on to play for Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant and Matthew West to name a few. While taking a break from the road, 3


he drove in to spend time with family as well as some time in the duck blind. While on a hunt in 2002, Tim and Anthony first brought up the idea combining a passion for Christ with the passion for waterfowling, as well as the idea of a Fellowship of Christian Athletes for waterfowlers, but the idea didn’t get much further than Anthony designing a sample logo or two. After hosting a Wild Game Dinner in September of 2009, Tim saw firsthand the impact of bringing sportsmen together for fellowship and introducing them to Christ. The idea for CWA resurfaced. After much prayer and consideration, he felt it was time move forward with the launching of the CWA website and forum as well as crafting the CWA mission statement: Since that time the CWA has launched close to fifty chapters in fifteen states and continues to add new chapters each month. Chapters meet monthly for food, fellowship, pro-tips, devotion and an invitation to know Christ. Chapters also hold annual outreach/fundraiser dinners, along with various youth hunting, conservation and CWA Wounded Veterans Waterfowl Events. The CWA also hosts an annual meeting and festival. In 2014 the CWA celebrated its 5th Annual International Waterfowl Festival & Outdoor Expo. Over the past eight years, thousands have attended from nineteen states and Canada, with many accepting Christ during the two day event. The event features many competitions including the CWA International Duck

Waterfowler’s Trap Shooting Competition, 3D Archery Competition and Wild Waterfowl Cook-off Competition. Other activities include our Blue Wings Youth Kidz Zone featuring a fishing derby, seminars, Outreach/ Fundraiser Dinner, Sportsman’s Chapel, concerts and more. In 2012 the CWA held its first Blue Wings Youth Waterfowl Hunting Event during the Oklahoma youth waterfowl hunt. After receiving requests to organize a Wounded Veteran’s Duck Hunt, the first ever CWA Wounded Veteran’s Waterfowl event took place in January of 2014 at the Crooked Slough Hunting club in east Arkansas. Since the beginning of CWA, hundreds of lives have been impacted by the Gospel of Christ. We invite you to join the Christian Waterfowlers Association today in preserving our Christian, waterfowling heritage. To become a member visit or call 479-957-3033 for more information. (The Christian Waterfowlers Association is incorporated in Arkansas as a non-profit religious organization. The Christian Waterfowlers Association is also registered with the IRS as a 501 (C)(3)non-profit religious organization. All donations are tax deductible except for any gift items and magazine received with your support membership)

CWA Founders Tim & Rachelle Sallee

Anthony Sallee (Left) Tim Sallee (Right)



Whenever I first started duck hunting 30 years ago, I didn’t have a boat. Therefore, all of my duck hunts in Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma were walk-in hunts, unless I was with friends who had a duck hunting boat. As a result, I discovered several tips early on that helped to assure a successful hunt.

Not only should you file a safety plan, but rehearse your hunt in the daylight, making a note of landmarks and general location markers, water depths, etc. Remember that things look totally different in the dark while only wearing a headlamp. Planning ahead can not only help lead to a successful hunt, but it can also save your life.


1. SCOUT FOR SUCCESS I once spoke at one of our CWA chapter meetings in Shreveport, Bossier City, LA, and invited the late Eli Haydel to share some duck hunting tips. He walked up to the front, sat down in a chair, and said, “find where the ducks want to be and be there.” There is a lot of truth to that statement. Before any hunt, drive around, and scout for ducks and geese. Take note of their feeding and loafing areas, along with where they are roosting at night. In other words, find out where the ducks are, and then find a way to walk into where they are holding up. Many times, even while hunting out of a boat in a particular area that we scouted the day before, we witnessed birds changing their loafing area to a slough or pothole next to the lake or river that we were hunting, so we picked up, boated to the area, then walked into where they wanted to be. Being flexible can lead to some incredible, memory making hunts.

2. PLAN YOUR HUNT Alan Bland, from the Army Corp. of Engineers here in Northwest Arkansas, spoke during one of our Springdale, AR. CWA Chapter meetings about the importance of having a safety plan in place before you begin your hunt. He stressed sharing with your family the location of your hunt beforehand, as well a time that you planned on returning, and what to do if they had not heard from you after a certain time. He shared how this safety plan had saved someone’s life while on Beaver Lake.

I scale down everything that I would normally take to hunt in a boat or on an ATV with a trailer to only enough gear that can be carried in on my back, shoulders, and two hands etc. I like to use anywhere from six to two dozen water keel decoys depending on where I hunt, rather than weighted keel decoys. The species of decoys that I use depends on what duck species migrate through the area that I am hunting. If it is early teal season, then I use teal decoys. If I am hunting a wooded area, such as flooded timber or a slough close to a river, then I will include a couple of Wood Duck and Teal decoys in with some Mallard Decoys, etc. I also prefer to carry a smaller blind bag, such as my Lock and Load blind bag made by Rig’Em Right Waterfowl, with only one box of shells. Another option is to use a gear cart type dolly, as well as a floating sled. Wearing lighter clothing, as well as breathable waders or hip waders will help you to travel lighter, as well as not overheat while walking in. In some cases, if you are not walking that far from your boat or vehicle, you can make a couple of trips carrying less gear each trip back and forth etc. It is always great to have others hunting with you to help carry the load, but remember that more hunters means more gear to carry in and out, as well as carrying all of the ducks or geese out following the hunt.

4. EXERCISE BEFORE THE SEASON Waterfowling takes an incredible amount of energy and strength due to wading in the marsh or muddy slough bottoms, unloading and setting up gear, as well as adding the extra weight while carrying all of your gear to your hunting spot. That is why it is important to begin to prepare your body physically before the season begins. Prepare by walking or running to get some cardio in, as well as lifting weights to mimic carrying in gear. Another way to get into shape if you don’t have weights is to place heavy items in a backpack while walking etc. to help build up endurance. CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER |



KEVIN HUTCHESON 479.601.1299


“Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29 In recent years, I’ve become more fascinated with ducks, duck hunting and the habits of ducks. I was reading the other day about the habits of mother ducks just before their ducklings hatch from the nest. It seems that about two or three days before they hatch, ducklings begin to peep inside the egg. As they begin to make their peeping noise, the mother duck begins to quack back to them. She is actually communicating with them. She is allowing them to become accustomed to her voice. Studies have been conducted and those ducks that hatch without the benefit of hearing their mother’s voice are less likely to survive that critical first year. You know, life is tough and the environment can be hostile for a young duck. He needs all the help he can get.

The great thing about the God who created everything is that He cares about you. In fact, He’ll tell you what you need to hear. He wants you to know Him personally and the only way that you can come to know Him is through His Son Jesus, the very Word of God who became flesh to share God’s love with you. Surrender your life, your day, and your situation to Him so that you can be encouraged and be the encourager you were created to be. That’s the bottom line…about ducks and encouragement, in God’s Country.

Question: Who do you need to encourage today?

Prayer: Lord, I surrender myself and my situation to you. Encourage me with Your presence today and help me encourage others.

The world can be a hostile environment, too, and people need all the help they can get. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21 that there is, in the tongue, the power of life and death. Have you ever been around people that just tear you down, who don’t really help you through the hard times or even through the everyday situations of life? The Bible tells us, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Rather than tearing others down we ought to be building others up. I’m convinced that most relationships fall apart because of the tongue, because of what we say. When we should be helping others, many times we are hurting them. 13 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

Chuck McAlister Founder Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program Founder Promise of Hope Ministries Board Member CWA




1 whole duck

2 teaspoons chili powder

1 tablespoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon salt

1 large granny smith apple

2 cloves garlic

2 sage leaves

1 teaspoon light olive oil

For Orange Sauce: •

2 tablespoons peach preserves

1-1/4 cup fresh orange juice

3 tablespoons of duck drippings,

from pan

1/4 cup beef or chicken broth, and

or cranberry juice


Sprinkle chili powder, garlic powder, and salt over duck.


Cut 1-inch slice in skin of ducks on both sides of breasts.


In a blender, puree garlic, sage and olive oil and add to the skin slices of duck breast.

4. Chop apple into 1-inch pieces and stuff inside the cavity of duck. 5.

Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 1 hour 30 minutes for a slightly rare duck, or 2 hours for a well done duck.


Put the ingredients for the L’Orange sauce in saucepan and heat for about 6 minutes.


Serve L’Orange sauce over sliced duck breasts or other parts.

Recipe adapted from



retrieves. Start off in a hallway or confined area where your puppy has to come to you with the bumper, or whatever you are using for retrieving. Give the puppy lots of praise when it brings the bumper or toy to you. Again, only start out with a few retrieves at a time. As your puppy gets older, the distance and training time can increase. I like to start formal training at 5-6 months, because at this time, the puppy’s brain has developed enough to begin formal training. Prior to beginning formal training, the puppy should be very well socialized and have basic commands completed. The solid foundation is there at this point, so now it’s time to start building up your pup’s skill set. Your faithful hunting companion needs proper socializing, whether it be with people, places, or things. As soon as you get your new pup, start introducing it to everything and everyone. At the beginning, things around your home and kennel are perfect for this. Remember, your pup more than likely hasn’t had all of its’ immunizations. After all shots are complete, take your puppy everywhere. Your puppy needs to meet as many people as possible. However, always make your puppy behave and have good manners. For example, do not let your puppy jump all over people; teach them to be patient and then reward them with pats on the head for being good. Remember, it may be cute when a puppy jumps up on someone, but not a 60-100 pound dog, which is what they’ll eventually become. Another important aspect of socializing your sporting dog is to introduce them to all kinds of sounds, sights, and smells. Let them explore any and all sounds, sights, and smells when possible. This can be done by taking them to as many places as possible, as mentioned above. Take them in stores that allow pets, such as pet stores, Lowe’s, or Tractor Supply, just to name a few. I know some of you are probably asking, “what does all of this have to do with my hunting companion?” The answer is, everything. All the socializing will make a confident pet. Confident pets makes much better and well rounded hunting companions. All of this should happen before the real training begins. I believe socializing sets the bar for your training, as well as how good your hunting companion will be. Another tip is to start building drive into your puppy. Start building this up by playing retrieves, or fetch. Short stints of fun, or play, to start with, are fine. Only do a few at first. This keeps the puppy wanting to do more. To achieve this, stop after 3-5


Once you begin formal obedience, it becomes more of a job, which isn’t always fun. Now, instead of asking your puppy to do something, it becomes a demand. Start implementing the commands slowly, but surely. Work with your hunting companion daily; 5-15 minutes a day. Five minutes a day is better than ten hours, one day a week. Try to keep training fun by changing it up to keep your puppy on their toes, and to prevent boredom. As it gets closer to hunting season, try to set up training in realistic settings. Make sure you have introduced gun fire and live birds before season begins, and don’t set expectations too high. Remember, your puppy is like a toddler, so lots of patience and repetition is required. Good luck, and God Bless. My name is Kevin Erdmier, and I am the owner of Southern Pine Kennels. I have owned and trained my own dogs for many years, and have trained many breeds of dogs for a variety of tasks. Three years ago, I opened Southern Pine Kennels. I had wanted to train dogs professionally for years, but had been afraid to take the risk. After much prayer, I felt conformation to start SPK. I started small, training hunting dogs and some obedience training pets. After about a year, I built a luxurious, indoor kennel, and added a second full time trainer, Ryan Erdmier. We are a small family business that trains pets in obedience, behavior modification, socialization, and hunting retrieves.

Kevin Erdmier

Owner - Southern Pine Kennels CWA Member Blackshear GA





When I first started duck hunting some 30 years ago, I would seek out hunting advice and tips from older duck hunters. The older generation back then still hunted with lead shot, used wooden or cork decoys, and did not have all of the high tech gadgetry that we have today, yet using time proven methods were very successful. The field proven tips given to me back then are still applicable today.

“scout to find out where the ducks and geese are, and go there.”

1. SCOUT, SCOUT, SCOUT. The number one tip that I was given back then, and still hear today, is to scout to find out where the ducks and geese are, and go there. After locating the general area of where ducks or geese are frequenting, it is important to take note of their roosting, feeding, and loafing patterns in the area. This is helpful, because it is best to set up in good cover where the birds come to feed or loaf, but to stay away from where they are roosting.

2. SET UP YOUR BLIND WITH THE WIND AND SUN AT YOUR BACK There are two things to always take into consideration whenever planning your hunt; which way the wind is blowing, and if the sun will be at your back. Ducks and geese naturally want to land into, or facing, the wind whenever decoying. Sometimes you can’t always set up with both the sun and wind at your back, but it is better when hunting waterfowl to try and set up with the birds landing into the wind if you have to choose between the two. Whenever birds decoy facing the sun, the sun creates shadows that help to hide you.

3. COVER YOUR FACE Old school waterfowlers were quick to share with me the importance of making sure your face is covered so that it will not stand out and look unnatural to approaching waterfowl. You can wear natural colored clothing or camouflage from head to toe, but if your face is not covered, the waterfowl will easily notice it and flare from your decoy spread. Many old timers would grow a beard, or wear a facemask to cover their faces. Others would take a cork, burn the end of it, and rub the burned, blackened end on their faces and hands to help take the glare off of their skin. Whether you use some type of cover for your face, or a large billed cap, the old school waterfowlers said to always keep 23 | CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER

Tim Sallee (Left) & Brother Mark Sallee (Right) Mid-90’s in Dewitt, AR.



“sometimes just a little calling, or none at all, can be better than overcalling

your head down as much as possible when ducks or geese were approaching your spread to keep them from seeing your face and flaring.

4. DON’T RIG YOUR DECOYS ALL FACING THE SAME DIRECTION One mistake that many make when rigging decoys is to attach the decoy cord to the front of all of the decoys. It will appear more natural if you attach your decoy cord to about a quarter of your decoys at the tail end of the keel. Whenever birds are facing the same direction, they are alerted to danger and getting ready to take flight. This is something that you can simply change by tail-rigging several decoys. The only exception to this is if you are hunting birds in high winds or when you are hunting fast-moving water, because they will look and ride unnaturally in these conditions.

5. ADD MOTION TO YOUR SPREAD If you are hunting where the wind is blocked from your spread, or just not blowing, you need something to make your decoys appear natural, or alive, in your decoy spread. When hunting in flooded timber, you can simply kick your feet to create motion, but when hunting out of a blind several feet or yards from the decoys, you can use a jerk cord attached to several decoys, then tied to a bungee cord that is secured to an anchor to pull back and forth to create motion. You can purchase one already made, or simply make one yourself. I personally prefer, and use, the Rig’ Em Right Waterfowl Jerk Rig.

6. DON’T OVERCALL Many seasoned waterfowl veterans will be quick to tell you that down through the years, they have learned that sometimes just a little calling, or none at all, can be better than overcalling. Experience will teach you that in certain hunting situations and weather conditions, simply not calling will mean the difference between ducks decoying, or flaring from the alarm of overcalling to approaching ducks. A big part of being a successful caller is knowing when to be aggressive, subtle, or not calling at all, allowing the ducks to work themselves.

Tim Sallee with his first Mallard Mid-80’s CHRISTIAN WATERFOWLER | 24

Blue Wings is our initiative to teach and engage young people with the great recreation that is waterfowl hunting. We all have a call to pass on the knowledge and heritage of our pasttime to the next generation. At the Christian Waterfowlers Association, we do that through our Blue Wings events.



In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God There is a reason why the hair stands up on the back of your neck when you watch the ducks as they prepare to land in your decoys or even when the tip of your fishing rod snaps down towards the water. God made you to know Him and is seeking you through the outdoors...And through His Son Jesus. In the outdoors you will see the greatness of God and in Jesus you see the grace of God.

WE HAV E ALL MIS S E D T H E M A R K Romans 3:23 - “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” It’s like trying to make a clear shot when the sight of your rifle is off. No matter how hard you try - you are going to miss. We have all missed the mark of the perfection that is required to get into heaven.

YOU ARE BE IN G H U N T E D Hunting, as we know, involves pursuing game. The Bible tells us that we don’t have the ability to pursue God, but He is pursuing us! Romans 3:10-11 - “As is it written: There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.”

HE PURSU E S YOU BE CAUS E H E L OV E S YO U Romans 5:8 - “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” However, you are also hunted by another! 1 Peter 5:8 - “Be self-controlled and alert, your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”


You are being pursued by Satan as well as by God. You get to choose who captures you.

W E H AV E AL L MI SS ED TH E MARK How do I let God capture my heart? Romans 10:9-10 - “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scriptures say, anyone who trusts Him will never be put to shame.” TO CONFESS JESUS AS LORD AND SAVIOR OF YOUR LIFE AS WELL TO DEMONSTRATE YOUR TRUST IN HIM, YOU CAN PRAY THIS SIMPLE PRAYER:

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I want You to capture me. I believe that You are God’s Son. I believe that You gave your life for me on the cross and was raised from the dead to save me. I surrender control of my life to You. I invite You to come into my life. I will follow You for the rest of my life. Thank you Jesus for saving me. If you prayed that prayer, please contact us as (479) 957-3033 or email and we will send you some information about the decision you just made as well as where to go from here.

Chuck McAlister Founder Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program Founder Promise of Hope Ministries Board Member CWA

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