2 minute read



Waterfowl have 3 basic needs that an effective waterfowl hunter will use to their advantage. In the same way, you and I have similar needs.



1 To Belong

Waterfowl are not lone creatures. They travel in flocks. That is why the skilled use of decoys is a vital part of attracting waterfowl.

2 To Believe

Waterfowl instinctively know that safety is found in realizing the absolute truth about whatever situation they are facing. They must believe that they are safe. That is why camouflage and concealment done well are so important in effective waterfowl hunting.

3 To Become

Like all creatures, waterfowl are motivated to survive, to become what they were meant to be. They will find the places on their migratory route that affords them the best opportunity to meet their need for food to ensure their survival. That is why site selection is vital to have a successful hunt.


1 To Belong

No man is an island. We need to love and be loved. We need relationships.

2 To Believe

In our day of information overload, many people live confused lives wondering what is and is not true. It is a basic need for us to know the truth. Our soul craves it.

3 To Become

We want to survive, but we also want more. We want to thrive. We are driven to become who we were meant to be, someone whose life matters.

People will succumb to a substance, betray a friend, work themselves to exhaustion, or embrace the latest and greatest just to move a little closer to possibly resolving these cravings. The irony is that there is nothing we can do to meet these needs in our own lives. Our Creator placed these cravings in us, and only He can satisfy them. They are there to draw us into His embrace. Jesus provided us with the answer to our dilemma when He stated,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.“ John 14:6

Only in Jesus do we find “the way” to unconditional love, we belong to His family; “the truth” we can believe; and the opportunity to become, to have “the life” that we were created to have, the life that counts. How do we come to Jesus so that we can have the peace of having our deepest desires satisfied?

Jesus said,

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him…” Rev 3:20

These desires are lodged in our hearts. Jesus, at your invitation, will come into your heart and satisfy these cravings. He will give you peace. You can invite Him into your heart today by simply praying this prayer:

“Jesus, I need You. Please forgive me for the mistakes that I have made as I have attempted to satisfy the longings of my soul apart from You. I admit that I have sinned against You. Please forgive me. I surrender my life to You and invite You to come live in my heart. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me.”

If you prayed that, and you meant it with all your heart, you are on the road to recovery. Welcome to the family of God. Jesus has brought you to the Father today. The cravings of your soul will now be satisfied… FOREVER!

Chuck McAlister Founder

Adventure Bound Outdoor TV Program


Promise of Hope Ministries

Board Member


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