3 minute read



As a waterfowler, there is nothing quite like duck hunting in flooded timber in the south. I remember hunting some flooded timber in Oklahoma with my brother and nephew several years ago that could have easily turned into a rescue situation instead of a hunt.


The area surrounding the place we were going to hunt had received some heavy rain and thunderstorms the previous evening. Even though the rain and storms had dissipated, the overflow of ponds, lakes, and streams which were left in the wake of the storm had not yet reached our hunting area.

Everything seemed normal as we carried our gear down the levee to the turn off to enter the flooded timber. After wading back to our spot, we placed our gear on a mound of dirt about two feet above the water, and began to set up our decoy spread. The ducks started flying into, and landing in, our decoy spread at a fast and furious pace. It seemed that no sooner than we would shoot and begin retrieving our birds, that another group would begin to come down through the timber to our spread. After about 30 minutes, when we were only about two ducks shy of our limit, we noticed that the water had risen without us even noticing it to the top of the dirt mound where we had placed our gear as well as up to the bottom of our Mojo spinning wing decoys. We really wanted to stay and finish our limit, but felt we needed to pick up and quickly leave the area.

At that point, the water had risen so fast, that as we made it out to the levee, the ditch we had to cross was now almost chest deep, and about a foot of water was spilling over the levee. We were able to make the long walk in time, as well as snap a photo or two, then load up and drive out. We later learned that by the end of the day, the whole area was completely flooded and covered with flood water.

I began to think about how when we are tempted to sin, it seems attractive and enticing. However, once we give in to the temptation, sin begins grow to the point that it becomes frightening and overwhelming like rising flood water with no way of escape.

In chapter 1:14-15 of the book of James, it says “14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” In another translation, this verse reveals that each one “is carried away and enticed by his own lust.” A great way to illustrate this is to use fishing. A fisherman baits his hook and casts it out into the water. A fish swimming along sees the bait and it lures, or draws, him toward it, thinking that he will get some food. Instead, he gets hooked and reeled in, where he becomes the food. The temptation to sin is just like that; we see sin as something appealing that will satisfy us, but instead, it hooks us and drags us to destruction.

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10:13, that when we are vulnerable to falling into sin, “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out.”

When tempted to sin, you may feel that God is nowhere to be found, but this verse assures us that He is faithful and will provide a way out so we can endure it.

So, the next time you feel tempted, remember that you are not on your own.

God is with you and will provide a “way out!”

Tim Sallee

CWA - Founder


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