Australia Gas 2011 Conference

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The Premier International Gas Conference in Australia Co-Hosted by

IGU Member

31 October - 2 November 2011 Four Seasons Hotel | Sydney, Australia

Maximising Gas Project Potential

Breaking New Global Frontiers


Optimising Gas Resources

Supported by

Official Media Partner

Learn About Groundbreaking Projects & Identify Investment Opportunities About Australia Gas An all encompassing gas event for Australia, this conference will provide an invaluable opportunity for the international gas industry to meet the Australian decision makers; highlighting Australia as a groundbreaking gas province and enabling industry players to maximise the investment opportunities on offer in this booming market. Australia Gas will welcome industry leaders from the across the globe and include focused sessions and topics such as project showcases, partnerships, growth opportunities, environmental challenges and international trading, reinforcing the importance of gas as the fuel of choice globally. Co-hosted by:

IGU Member:

Endorsed by:

Why Attend

Gain unique insights into the growth and investment opportunities available

Optimise your organisation’s portfolio by identifying new players

Truly Australian an all encompassing gas conference representing every state

Participate in premium networking with international delegations

Meet and do deals with Australian and international LNG buyers and suppliers

Understand what is needed to unleash Australia’s full project potential

“Australia Gas will focus exclusively on the natural gas market and the forum will promote future opportunities within Australia and showcase development in conventional and unconventional gas projects. CWC has worked closely with the IGU over many years and is highly recognized in the gas industry for providing leading gas forums” Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General, International Gas Union

Meet International Delegations & Leading Players from Across the Globe



South Korea














CWC - 100% Focused on Energy & Infrastructure with an Impressive Track Record Since forming in 1997, CWC has organised over 500 events around the world. Below you will find out why CWC is globally trusted for delivering every time:

Recognised Queen’s Award Winners Twice winners of the prestigious Queen’s Award for International Trade, for outstanding achievements and contribution to international trade. This is the highest honour a UK-based business can earn, awarded by the Queen on the advice of the British Prime Minister.

Distinguished Speakers Speakers at CWC events are drawn from the highest level of government, industry and commerce attracting high calibre delegates, featuring keynote addresses from government officials, senior industry executives and major sector players.

Developed by the Industry, for the Industry Each year CWC delivers events fully backed by industry leaders, government departments, ministries and royalty, designed in conjunction with the industry, for the industry.

Highly Relevant & Driven by Expertise CWC events are highly relevant and designed to inform on the topical issues affecting the oil, gas and infrastructure markets, whilst also providing first-rate networking opportunities with the people who matter. The CWC Group are renowned industry experts and through their events, provide firms with platforms for finding commercial solutions and opportunities.

Who We Have Worked With

Proudly Introducing Our Australia Gas 2011 Partners Co-Hosted by:

The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded in 1931 as a worldwide non-profit organisation. The objective of IGU is to promote the technical and economic progress of the gas industry. The members of IGU are associations and entities of the gas industries in 73 countries, cooperating with many global energy organisations.

Endorsed by:

Supported by:

The Australian Gas Industry Trust (AGIT) is Australia’s representative of the International Gas Union. The objectives to AGIT are to contribute to the advancement of study, education and research in the field of gas utilisation, application development and related fields and to recognise and support excellence in those fields. To do this, the AGIT provides funding for education, professional development and research for young people in the gas industry and, through industry representatives, participates on a number of IGU committees.

NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services (DTIRIS) drives sustainable economic growth in New South Wales. This is achieved by working with and supporting the vast range of businesses and industries across the region to advance investment, innovation, activity and improvements across all industry sectors.

CWC Delivers 6 Outstanding Inaugural International Events in One Year!

11 T, April 20 N E V E H LAUNC GAS IA OIL & ance COLOMB and attend ll backing , with the fu d Energy - Colombia Launched an of Mining Gas event of Ministry mbia Oil & lo o C l ra the inaugu itself with: established s: 401

elegate ference D Total Con rs: 1102 ion Visito it ib h x E l to Tota NH, Toron

Held in conjunction with the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, under the Royal Patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques: King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, this launch event exceeded all expectations:

Total Conference Delegates: 591 1 Total Exhibition Visitors: 500 Total Exhibitors: 31 Supported by: National Industrial Clusters Development Programme ce (NCIDP), Saudi Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Saudi Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Saudi Ministry of Finance, Saudi Aramco ee, Sponsors: Sabic, Saudi Aramco, Tasnee, Xenel, AlTurki, Parsons, Ma’aden, Zamil, Shell, Natpet, Dow, Exxon Mobil, UMIC, Worley Parsons, 3P O Petro, Nalco, Lube Ref, KPMG, EDCO

Under the patronage of H.E. Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Minister of Oil, Minister of Information, Chairman of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s (KPC) board of directors, Kuwait Oil and Gas has established itself as the premier forum for doing oil and gas business in Kuwait, with participants from over 120 different organizations.

Total Conference Delegates: 269

A Ecopetrol, Energy,, Sponsors: en, Bolivar ex N e, g n a h a, Puerto Stock Exc quion, Vetr E s, le a er ecnicos Petromin Servicios T e d l ra g te Bahia, In



Sponsors: Ernst & Young, KJO, Total, Shell, Accenture, Kuwait Energy, Heston, Baker Botts, Veolia Water


The inaugural W orld Shale Gas Conference, supported by Am erican Gas Asso ciation (AGA) and Inte rnational Gas U nion, established itself as the premier gl obal networking foru m for the shale gas industry, where invaluable contacts were m ade, partnerships we re formed and deals were done .

Total Conferenc e Delegates: 45 6 Total Exhibitio n Visitors: 253 Total Exhibitor s: 60

Sponsors: Ches apeake, Exxon Mobil, Schlumberger, St atoil, Sutherland , CRA, ANGA, Dresser, SNL Financial “The in

augural Worl d Shale Gas proved with 2010 out a doubt CWC’s abilit WR GHOLYHU Z y RUOG FODVV ¿ events, attr UVW \HDU acting key senior-level representati ves in the industry fr around the om world. Havi ng exceeded of my expect all ations, I am World Shale ce rt ai n th Gas will gr at ow year upon DQG EHFRPH D year SHUPDQHQW ¿ [WXUH LQ WKH industry’s calendar.�

Jay Copan, Ex ecutive Director, LNG17

Find out how you can be part of CWC’s next inaugural event, Australia Gas 2011, contact


Developed with the full support of Ministry of Energy, Ghana and GNPC (Ghana National Petroleum Corporation), opened by Dr Joe Oteng-Adjei, Minister for Energy, Republic of Ghana, the inaugural Ghana Oil & Gas Summ it established itself delivering the following:

Total Conference Delegates: 400 Total Exhibition Visitors: 1800 Sponsors included: Tullow Oil, Lukoil, Eni, Standard Chartered Bank, Ecobank, RWE, Ghana Commercial Bank Ltd, Shell, Expro, Cirrus Oil Ghana, Aker Solutions, Technip, Transocean, Bell Oil & Gas, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Schlumberger “the Ghanaians were there in full-force to express their interest in forming alliances with international companies to HQWHU DQG RU H[SDQG LQ WKH ÂżHO G DQG WR develop their national skill base. It was very apparent from the Presi dency, to the Ministry, to GNPC, to indigenous private sector players, that the count ry is very serious about fast tracking not only the -XELOHH ÂżHOG EXW DOVR DOO DVS HFWV RI WKH country’s nascent oil industry.â€?

Petroleum Africa

T, October 2010 LAUNCH EVEN ROJECTS IRAQ MEGA P t focused on

augural even This successful in at the Iraq was backed major projects in els: Falah lev l ria ste and mini highest industry d NOC, ember of SOC an Al-Khawaja - M C, North OD CN ell, Kogas, Ministry of Oil, Sh il. d Luko Oil Company an

5 e Attendance: 35 Total Conferenc 6 n Visitors: 1,16 Total Exhibitio s oces SGS, Emerson Pr Sponsors: OXY, oup, Gr e iv Ol A, OIEC, Management, SK li Ah l, oi at ell, TP, St Total, Lukoil, Sh of mmercial Bank Co , nk Unites Ba aq, Ir gy er En lf il, Gu Iraq, ExxonMob ga Shipping Caterpillar, Belu

Angela Hands on +61 2 8003 5524 or email

To see more of CWC’s event success stories, visit

Where the International Gas Industry Meets Australian Decision Makers Distinguished Speakers Include

“Excellent opportunity to meet great players in the industry” Oleg Kostin, Gas Natural Mexico

Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim

Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP

Richard Sellers Director General Department of Mines & Petroleum, Government of Western Australia

Phil Byrne

Bruce Steenson

President North West Shelf Australia LNG

Vice President Prelude & Technical Shell Australia

Kerrie-Anne Lanigan

Atsunori Takeuchi

President International Gas Union

Minister for Industry & Trade Government of South Australia

Nigel Kuzemko

Graeme Bethune

Global Director LNG Development Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore

Director Australian Gas Industry Trust & Chief Executive Officer EnergyQuest

Gas & Power Marketing Director ExxonMobil Australia

Chief Representative Asia Pacific Regional Office Tokyo Gas Co

Philip Weems

Shigeki Sakamoto

Robert Pritchard

Tony Petersen

Peter Dighton

Partner King & Spalding LLP

Senior Researcher Asia Pacific / Global LNG Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corporation

Executive Director Energy Alliance of Australia

Chairman DomGas Alliance

Senior Commercial Advisor Flex LNG Ltd

David Casey

Maurice Brand

CEO & Managing Director EasternStar Gas

Managing Director LNG Limited

Managing Director Senior Energy & Utilities Research Analyst Deutsche Bank

National Secretary Australian Workers’ Union

Eric Robial

Jane Melanie

Adrian Wood

James Arnott

Sietse Gerssen

Chief Representative Asia Pacific GDF Suez Trading

General Manager Bureau of Resources & Energy Economics (BREE)

Energy Analyst MacQuarie Bank

Senior Executive Accenture Energy

Offshore Sales Manager Loading Systems FMC Technologies

John Hirjee

Sid Bambawale

Dan Rogers

Pat Roberts

Director Asia Pacific LNG Citi Commodities

Partner King & Spalding LLP

Managing Director LNG Worldwide Ltd

Paul Howes

Pan Jiping Director of Oil & Gas Resources Centre for Strategic Studies National Ministry of Land & Resources, China

Rob Wheals General Manager Commercial APA Group

Visit for speaker updates

For speaking opportunities contact Angela Hands +61 2 8003 5524 or

How Will the Dynamics of the Global

Can Russian LNG NG remain commercially ally viable for the Asian an market?

RUSSIAN FIRMS COMPETING with Qatar and Australia




become the

LNG sponge?

Top LNG exporter Qatar boosts shipments to Asia

Nigeria focuses on


exporting LNG to China as U.S. demand dwindles

How will ill key African A players comp compete in the market et globally?

Energy demand surging as industries and cities expand in

India and China

look to import as they face


LNG import facility

Growing likelihood

East Africa holds enough gas to support LNG exports

Indonesia and Malaysia

positioned to start receiving cargoes

in 2013

How will future e liq liquifaction projects in Australia stral maintain commercial viability? al v

dwindling output and rising demand from

power plants

Australia expected to be

largest LNG supplier by 2015 and biggest gas producer in Asia-Pacific

Make sure your company is represented at the leading gas conference in Australia,

Gas Market Affect Australia?

“Increasing demand for gas and plentiful supply heralds a golden age of gas� International Energy Agency (IEA)

QUESTIONS over future expansion of

nuclear power in Japan

Will LNG fr from North America meric be more competitive mp than Australia? us

and elsewhere

US receives first

governmental approval to export

natural gas for

What wi will the impact mpa be off th the US Shale boom? e bo

over 40 years

Are there opport opportunities for Australia to benefit from o be J.V partnerships hip with Japan? How much gas does South America need and

Emerging as the game

who will supply it?

changing gas province of the future

Will Australia become the a be FLNG capitall of the world?

contact Angela Hands on +61 2 8003 5524 or

Discuss Projects t Build Contacts t Form Partnerships CWC events are renowned for their premium networking opportunities, and Australia Gas 2011 is no exception. Throughout the 3-day event there is plenty of time scheduled to enable delegates to meet contacts, partners and suppliers, discuss projects and build key relationships. Networking functions are friendly and set in an informal environment, encouraging dialogue and knowledge exchange.

“CWC attracts key players and ensures that discussions are timely and networking events are well attended and highly valuable” Philip Weems, Senior Partner, King & Spalding LLP

Exclusive Evening Reception hosted by Enjoying the spectacular location of the famous Sydney Harbour, the evening reception provides delegates with the opportunity to network, discuss and share with contacts old and new whilst enjoying an evening of quality food and wine.

Networking Roundtables Join us for the informal networking roundtables to discuss and debate the latest issues around natural gas development in Australia and the international market. Facilitated by industry experts, this is a great opportunity for further networking and building relationships.

Lunches & Coffee Breaks Extended lunches and coffee breaks, scheduled around the conference agenda, will provide a relaxed setting for relationship building, strategic networking and knowledge exchange.

Stay Connected Australia Gas LinkedIn Start networking online now. Join our LinkedIn group and network with delegates, speakers and event partners prior to the start of the event.

@CWCGas on Twitter You can also follow us on Twitter and get the latest updates about speakers, programme information and industry news.

“Energizing and engaging experience, where I got to mingle with some of the most influential and knowledgeable people in the industry across all aspect of the value chain”. Aleksandra Szczepanowska, Shell Gas and Power

Maximise Your Involvement To discuss tailor-made sponsorship packages contact Andy Orr on +61 4 0505 6413 or email

Conference Programme Day One 31 October 2011 08:30

Registration and Networking Coffee


Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks Pat Roberts Managing Director, LNG Worldwide Ltd


The Transformation of the Global Gas Markets: New Dynamics and Commercial Drivers

t Supply and demand forecasts - how much supply will be needed and what will the impact be for Australian gas? t Which areas are emerging as the new major buyers and suppliers?



Australian mega projects: On time, on budget- can it be done? ‘Two P Projects’ -drivers and constraints in gaining project financing in Australia Bridging the skills gap: Labour constraints, costs, and skill development Can Australia emerge as a major gas producer with such high EPC costs? Boom and Bust? Making sure the Australian gas projects benefit local communities long-term t How much shipping capacity is needed for LNG trade? t Beyond the headlines: Positioning for high performance in capital project

Adrian Wood Energy Analyst, MacQuarie Bank James Arnott Senior Executive, Accenture Energy

Kerrie-Anne Lanigan Gas & Power Marketing Director, ExxonMobil Australia

Paul Howes National Secretary, Australian Workers’ Union

Questions & Answers

Networking Coffee

Questions & Answers



The Next Major Gas Province: Why Australia and why now?

Natural gas in Australia-what resources are actually available to be produced? What makes development of Australia’s gas viable now? How will the numerous Australian projects compete against each other? Assessing the timing of projects and their potential impact on the global gas market t How does the Australian government view the role of the gas industry in the economy? t What role does local content and capacity building play? t t t t

Phil Byrne President, North West Shelf Australia LNG Senior Executive Santos Graeme Bethune Director, Australia Gas Industry Trust, and Chief Executive Officer, EnergyQuest Questions & Answers


Unconventional Gas in Australia: Expanding the Opportunities-What Is The Impact?

t What are the prospects of developing shale gas in Australia? t Upstream potential for unconventional gas in WA t The impact of US shale gas on LNG – what can Australia learn from the emergence of US shale gas and how could it change the dynamics of the gas market in Australia? Can Australia have its own shale gas boom? t Developing CSG in Australia- what makes it viable now? t CSG to LNG: What are the advantages and challenges of this model and will it be transferable to other countries? t Can new technology help overcome the environmental challenges facing the gas industry in Australia?

Richard Sellers Director General, Department of Mines & Petroleum, Government of Western Australia John Hirjee Managing Director, Senior Energy & Utilities Research Analyst, Deutsche Bank

Identifying and Overcoming the Major Barriers to Project Success

t t t t t

Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim President, International Gas Union


Networking Lunch

5 t t t t t t t t t t

Networking Coffee

Gas Optionality- Exploring Options to Maximise Commercial Returns

Domestic demand - Where is it and what is required to meet it? To what extent is power driving the demand for domestic gas? What are the infrastructure needs for commercializing gas in the country? What are the economic drivers in the Australian domestic market? A new business model? Distributed LNG in Australia Domestic and export considerations - what are the deciding factors? The impact of divergence in domestic gas pricing in Australia Small to mid-scale LNG-an expanding new market? How attractive is CSG to LNG for buyers? The role of buyers in key partnerships-security of supply for Asia and Australia?

Tony Peterson Chairman, Domgas Alliance David Casey CEO & Managing Director, EasternStar Gas Maurice Brand Managing Director, LNG Limited Jane Melanie General Manager, Bureau of Resources & Energy Economics (BREE) Questions & Answers

17:10 Networking Roundtables Discuss and debate the latest issues around natural gas development in Australia and the international market. Facilitated by industry experts, this is a great opportunity for further networking and building relationships.

18:30 Exclusive Evening Reception hosted by

Questions & Answers

For speaking opportunities contact Angela Hands +61 2 8003 5524 or

Conference Programme Day Two 1 November 2011 08:00

Networking Coffee


Ministerial Address


Hon Tom Koutsantonis MP Minister for Industry & Trade, Government of South Australia 09:15

t t t t t

Beyond the Northern Territory

Why Australia as the FLNG frontier and will it happen? Developing FLNG: From concept to FID and reality What does FLNG offer that LNG does not and can it compete? A new dawn fades? Is the excitement over FLNG justified? Transfer Systems Solutions - paving the way for Offshore LNG

Bruce Steenson Vice President of Prelude & Technical, Shell Australia

H.E Alfredo Pires Secretary of State for Natural Resources, Timor-Leste*

6 t t t t t t

Peter Dighton Senior Commercial Advisor, Flex LNG Ltd

The LNG Market in Asia: Expectations of the Impact of Australian Gas on Asia

Meeting the growing gas demand in Asia As long term contracts in Asia expire, where are buyers looking next? Price review challenges under LNG sales contracts Is there a pre/post Japan crisis outlook for the market? What are the critical factors for Australian LNG in Asia? New plans for gas usage in China

Session Chair: Robert Pritchard Executive Director, Energy Alliance of Australia

Sietse Gerssen Offshore Sales Manager - Loading Systems, FMC Technologies Questions & Answers


International Trading- New Contracts, New Market Drivers and New Opportunities

t Pricing and trading - Are global prices converging? - How are short-term trading patterns evolving? Is the market becoming increasingly global?

Nigel Kuzemko Global Director LNG Development, Gazprom Marketing & Trading Singapore Atsunori Takeuchi Chief Representative - Asia Pacific Regional Office, Tokyo Gas Co

t Australian LNG - How much of the LNG from Australian projects is fully contracted? - How much is/ will be spot or available for market?

Eric Robial Chief Representative Asia Pacific, GDF Suez Trading

Pan Jiping Director of Oil and Gas Resources Centre for Strategic Studies, National Ministry of Land and Resources, China Philip Weems Partner, King & Spalding LLP

Sid Bambawale Director Asia Pacific LNG, Citi Commodities 13:00

Questions & Answers

Networking Coffee

Chair’s Closing Remarks Pat Roberts Managing Director, LNG Worldwide Ltd

Shigeki Sakamoto Senior Researcher - Asia Pacific / Global LNG, Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corporation


Breaking New Ground: Pioneering FLNG


Networking Lunch


Close of Australia Gas 2011

More speakers to be confirmed, visit

With thanks to

CWC’s Industry-Led Steering Committee Datuk Abdul Rahim Hashim President International Gas Union

Phil Byrne President North West Shelf Australia LNG

Torstein Indrebø Secretary General International Gas Union

Maurice Brand Managing Director Liquefied Natural Gas Limited

Andrew Jamieson Chairman Zanthus International Ltd

Pat Roberts Managing Director LNG Worldwide Ltd

Register Your ur Interest & Win a Free Delegate Place ace


Complete your details online at by 1st September 2011 and you’ll be entered into the prize draw to win a delegate place or an ipad!

*Subject to final confirmation. For all speaker updates visit

Workshop Programme 2 November 2011

Coal Seam Gas Project Reality



Led by:

Don McMillan Principal Engineer Oil & Gas CBM Pty


Phillip Weems Partner King & Spalding LLP

Dan Rogers Partner King & Spalding LLP

Registration and Coffee

Barbara Campany Manager, Stakeholder Engagement GHD Consulting

Chris Hertle Global Market Leader – Water GHD Consulting

Session 2 continued Legal Considerations

1 t t t t

Introduction to Coal Seam Gas

Overview of the coal seam gas industry Coal seam gas upstream operations Appraisal of recoverable resources and main areas of production Reserves in Australia


Morning Coffee Break

t Key contracts and basic project structures t Importance of the “contract chain” to ensuring project viability t Striking the balance to maximise joint venture partner investments

Pricing, Marketing & Trading t Basic pricing issues for coal seam gas to LNG projects t Competition with conventional LNG projects



Project Development – Turning reserves into commercial reality

Factors and considerations surrounding project feasibility t t t t

Policy and regulation involved Domestic vs. export market opportunities and obligations Factors influencing return on investment Project execution for small to mid scale efforts


Environmental Issues

t Challenges for coal seam gas operators t Coal seam gas associated water management t Community engagement and external stakeholder management

17:00 12:30

Afternoon Coffee Break

Close of Workshop

Networking Lunch

By attending this workshop you will:

To find out more about the workshop or to book your place, contact Angela Hands on +61 2 8003 5524 or email

Fast track your understanding of the legal and commercial aspects of the Coal Seam Gas industry Broaden your knowledge of the commercial dynamics in developing unconventional gas projects Identify the key legal considerations to a viable commercial venture Grasp the strategic approaches needed to ensure project reality Understand how legal and contract issues in unconventional gas ventures differ from commercial gas ventures

Maximise Your Involvement Attending A S Sponsorship

Speaking N Networking

To discuss tailor-made sponsorship packages or to book your delegate place contact Andy Orr on +61 4 0505 6413 or email

For further information contact Angela Hands +61 2 8003 5524 or

Suppliers of Gas & LNG Expertise Providing Commercial Solutions & Opportunities Australia Gas is part of CWC’s enviable Gas and LNG portfolio, which includes events that involve the industry’s leading players addressing the key issues facing the global energy sector. The portfolio includes:

World LNG Series: Asia Pacific Summit

19 - 21 September 2011, Singapore

World LNG Series: Asia Pacific is the largest international LNG-focused strategic conference in the Asia Pacific region. A true buyers and sellers forum, this is the event to meet contacts, form partnerships and do deals.

World Shale Gas Conference & Exhibition

7 - 11 November 2011, Houston, USA

Following the runaway success of the inaugural World Gas Conference and Exhibition which brought together over 500 senior level players, the event has established itself as the world’s largest and most important gathering of shale gas experts and industry leaders.

12th Annual World LNG Summit

14 - 17 November 2011, Rome, Italy

The World LNG Summit is the world’s leading strategic conference for LNG professionals. With an unrivalled reputation for delivering the highest quality networking with the people that matter and delivering cutting-edge discussion, the Summit is the best place to get deals done, develop new projects and form partnerships.

Global Gas Series: Rio Gas Forum

20 - 22 March 2012, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Hosted by Petrobras for the third consecutive year, this exclusive senior level forum provides the opportunity to meet with the key players of the gas industry and to uncover the many investment opportunities in Brazil and South America’s growing gas market.

World LNG Series: Americas Summit

20 - 23 May 2012, San Antonio, USA

The leading strategic LNG conference in the Americas, the Summit brings the major LNG producers to the region and offers commercial opportunities and solutions for the swiftly evolving Americas market.

12th World XTL Summit

June 2012, London, UK

Now in its 12th year, the World XTL Summit unites the major players across the entire value chain and provides invaluable networking opportunities, as well as the latest developments in strategies, policies and technologies that are determining the future of gas, coal and biomass to liquids.

CWC School for Energy CWC School for Energy has a long term vision and purpose to help build capacity for development in the energy sector. As a global market leader we have an unprecedented track record in providing high-level and interactive training services. We use top industry experts as our lecturers in order to stamp our commitment to the industry. The School for Energy will be running the Australia Gas 2011 Coal Seam Gas Workshop; for other Australia based courses please visit:

“Good and friendly atmosphere. Good networking with very open people. Very efficient organisation!’ Pascale Grieve, GTT

Register Your Place

There are four easy ways to register your place for Australia Gas 2011: By Telephone Call Angela Hands on +61 2 8003 5524

By Email


By Post Complete the accompanying registration form and post to the following address along with your payment: The CWC Group Limited Regent House 16-18 Lombard Road London SW11 3RB UK

Group Discounts are offered on bookings of 3+ people

CWC Dynamic Insights Strategic Insights from Industry Leaders for Industry Leaders

Complimentary to

Australia Gas Delegates usually AUD$375

Global Gas Series of Reports

Australia Gas Summit 2011 CDI Report Written by Pat Roberts, MD, LNG Worldwide Ltd

Unique summit summary plus independent expert analysis on: t The latest insights from key players in the Australian industry - stay connected to market developments t Major factors which could affect the Australian gas industry - make informed business decisions t Key gas statistics and data - keep up to date t Forecasts on where the Australian gas industry is heading - shape your commercial strategies t All the essential information you need in one concise document - save time

Subscribe to the Global Gas CDI Series! Eight reports and analysis from CWC’s Series of Global Gas Events... June 11 June 11 July 11 September 11 October 11 October 11 November 11 November 11

World LNG Series: Americas World XTL Iraq Petroleum - Focus on Gas World LNG Series: Asia Pacific Australia Gas Latin America Oil & Gas - Focus on Gas World Shale Gas World LNG

SUBSCRIBE NOW! A must read for executives in the global gas industry Get the global picture by subscribing to the complete Global Gas Series. 8 CDI reports

For more information, please contact Tanya Crossick at or +44 20 7978 0059


Maximise Your Involvement Contact the Australia Gas Team

Angela Hands

Andy Orr

Head of Business Development Asia Pacific + 61 2 8003 5524

Business Development Manager + 61 4 0505 6413

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