Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas Conference

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The Place to Meet the Key Officials & Decision Makers Proud to be working with:

13-15 November 2011 – Erbil, Kurdistan

Iraq’s Untapped Oil & Gas Potential Principal Sponsor GULF KEYSTONE PETROLEUM LTD.

Gold Sponsors


Developed by the Industry for the Industry The International Conference Supported by the Kurdistan Regional Government, the Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Natural Resources – Kurdistan, this conference will explore Iraq’s new role in a global context. The conference will highlight the role of investors within Iraq’s economy.

Why Attend?

HEAR meet and network with

local government, international and local industry experts

MEET face-to-face with the key oil and gas projects decision makers in Kurdistan

ENGAGE in real dialogue –

exchange ideas with Iraqis, Kurds and international partners

MAXIMISE the potential of the investment opportunities available in the sector

LISTEN to the most up-to-date oil, gas and infrastructure information

LEARN more from the current investors on doing business in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region

Proud to be working with

Kurdistan Regional Government


Iraqi Government


Hear from the Decision Makers

H.E. Barham Salih

H.E. Ashti Hawrami

Qubad Talabani

Sir Jeremy Greenstock

Prime Minister of Kurdistan Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Representative to the US Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Michael Howard

Minister of Natural Resources Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Former UK Ambassador to the UN, Director, Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd

Sirwan Aziz

Communication Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Senior Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Gretchen Watkins

Dr Peter Wells

Regional VP International Production Marathon

Director Neftex Petroleum Consultants


Distinguished Speakers:

H.E. Michael Aron

Nadhim Zahawi

Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iraq British Embassy Baghdad

Member of Parliament UK Parliament

Alirio Parra

H.E. Abdul Razzak Alsaady

Senior Associate CWC Group Ltd

Todd F Kozel

Executive Chairman & CEO Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd

Jabbar Allibi

Former DG of the South Oil Company & Chairman of the Board of Directors The Minister’s Former Advisor for the South Oil Fields, Iraqi Ministry of Oil

Head of Iraq Finance Commission Iraqi Government

Mehmet Sepil CEO Genel Enerji

Nils A Bang

Exploration Manager DNO

Register your interest today, call Phillip Clarke on: +44 20 7978 0056 or email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com

Aydin Selcen

Turkish Consul General Turkish Consulate, Erbil

Saad Sadollah

Commercial & Business Development Advisor Ministry of Natural Resources Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Magne Normann

Managing Director DNO

J Jay Park Q.C.

Partner & Chair Global Resources Practice Group Macleod Dixon LLP


Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas at a Glance Sunday 13 November 2011

Monday 14 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Conference Day One

Conference Day Two

Workshops A & B

Registration & Welcome Breakfast

Welcome Breakfast

hosted by

hosted by

The Legal & Contracts Workshop

Networking Coffee Breaks

Networking Coffee Breaks

hosted by

hosted by

Networking Lunch

Networking Lunch

hosted by

Evening Drinks Reception

hosted by

Award Presentation for the Most Active Service Company in Iraq

Site Visit in Erbil

hosted by

Evening Drinks Reception

The Technical Workshop

hosted by

Places are limited, please book early to avoid disappointment!

Gala Dinner

hosted by

Discover Erbil, the Capital of Iraqi Kurdistan Visiting Erbil In the capital city, there are numerous historical sites to see. Amongst these there is the Sumerian-built Citadel, also known as one of the oldest continuously inhabited towns in the world. Located here is the famous Kurdish Textile Museum and just South of the Citadel is the Qaysari Bazaar which with its beautiful sights provides the perfect opportunity for shopping.

Conference Venue

Saad Palace Convention Centre Ideally located close to the Park Sami AbduRahman, the largest park in Iraq, the Saad Palace for Conferences and Meetings provides the perfect environment for networking, in a modern and attractive venue.

Accommodation Rotana Hotel 5 minutes away from the Venue, stay at discounted rates at the Rotana Hotel! Subject to availability. The 5 star hotel is built on strategically located land adjacent to the English village and less than ten minutes drive from Erbil International Airport.



The Place to Meet the Key Iraqi & Kurd Officials & Decision Makers Strengthen relationships & make the most of the new opportunities on offer in Kurdistan - Iraq Welcome Breakfast & Registration This official opening of the conference is designed to ensure you make the most of your time out of the office. Register and start networking in a relaxed environment.


hosted by

Evening Drinks Reception Enjoy refreshments with conference delegates and exhibitors; a great opportunity to network in a relaxed and informal environment. hosted by

Gala Dinner The Gala Dinner is a perfect setting for speaking to old, new and prospective clients, whilst enjoying delicious food and entertainment. hosted by

Hosted by

Extended Lunches Lunches provide the opportunity for key networking: build contacts and do business with government officials and key industry figures in the heart of Kurdistan-Iraq. hosted by

Networking Coffee Breaks Scheduled around the forum agenda, coffee breaks enable you to connect with the right people to drive your business interests and make the most of your participation. hosted by


Register your interest today, call Phillip Clarke on: +44 20 7978 0056 or email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com


Programme Day One Sunday 13 November 2011 07:45 Registration & Welcome Breakfast

13:30 Networking Lunch

Hosted by


Hosted by

14:30 Opportunities for Gas Monetisation

Chairman’s Opening Remarks

& Power Generation

Ministerial Keynote Addresses Iraq to Emerge Over the Next Few Years as a Major Oil Producer

The Role of Kurdistan in the Renaissance of Iraq

H.E. Barham Salih, Prime Minister of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Session 3

Dr Alirio Parra, Senior Associate, CWC Group Ltd

H.E. Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Natural Resources,

• • • • • •

Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

10:00 Oil & Gas Resource Potential; The Legal &

Session 1

Fiscal Investment Framework

• • • • •

Estimated oil reserves in Iraq and Kurdistan Region of Iraq Oil and gas resources potential in Iraq and the recent new discoveries Highlights from present development projects in Iraq Iraq’s hydrocarbon law and the revenue sharing and the coordination between regional and federal laws The revenue management law

Senior Representative, Ministry of Electricity Saad Sadollah, Commercial & Business Development Advisor, Ministry of Natural Resources, Kurdistan Regional Government Iraq

Saad Sadollah, Commercial & Business

Peter Wells, Director, Neftex Petroleum Consultants

Development Advisor, Ministry of Natural Resources, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

H.E Michael Aron, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Iraq, British Embassy

Overview and outlook for Iraq’s natural gas industry development in the new decade Achievements of power generation projects; success stories Local consumption, power generation, meeting regional demand and export to European market. Present utilisation of natural gas resources Export pipeline to Turkey and to Europe Prospects of the Southern Corridor including Nabucco pipeline hook-up with Kurdistan Region of Iraq export pipeline Opportunities for upstream gas investors, EPCs midstream facility suppliers and investors Successful gas development in the KRG Region and the rest of Iraq, the prospects for the South and West of Iraq Potential for LNG exports

Questions & Answers 15:45 Networking Coffee Break Hosted by

Sir Jeremy Greenstock, Former UK Ambassador to the UN, Director, Lambert Energy Advisory

16:15 Opportunities in Oil Refining & the

Todd F Kozel, Executive Chairman & CEO,

Downstream Oil Industry

Mehmet Sepil, CEO, Genel Enerji J Jay Park Q.C, Partner & Chair, International Energy Practice Group, Macleod Dixon LLP

Questions & Answers 11:45 Networking Coffee Break Hosted by

Session 2

• • • • •

• • • • • • •

Growth Opportunities for the Oil & Gas Industry: Project Potential


Session 4

Gulf Keystone Petroleum Ltd

Growth opportunities; Kurdistan Region of Iraq the new play area; exploration opportunities Drilling programmes; the drilling capacity and requirements Overview of the international oil and gas companies operating in Kurdistan-Iraq The role of foreign investment in technology transfer in oil and gas The 4th bid round in Iraq: the opportunities

Sirwan Aziz, Senior Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Magne Normann, Managing Director, DNO

Downstream; the value added opportunity for the economy The critical role of the private sector within downstream Demand for oil products in KRG and the rest of Iraq The distribution network, the storage capacity and infrastructure The state of existing refineries and the planned refineries Iraq and the potential to become a major exporter of refined products Iraq’s fields move into the production phase and the increase in petrochemicals feedstock: the opportunities

Aydın Selcen, Turkish Consul General, Turkish Consulate, Erbil Ben Montalbano, Senior Research Analyst, EPRINC

Questions & Answers 17:30

End of the Conference Day 1

18:00 Evening Drinks Reception Hosted by

19:00 Gala Dinner Hosted by

Gretchen Watkins, Regional VP for International Production, Marathon

Questions & Answers



Programme Day Two Monday 14 November 2011 08:00 Welcome Breakfast

13:00 Networking Lunch Hosted by

Hosted by


Chairman’s Opening Remarks

14:30 The Role of Banking & Services in Financing

Investment in the Energy Sector

Session 5

& Capacity Building • • • • • • •

Requirements of oil and gas industry and the local market Maximising local content and local manpower Assessment of the service sector support and the opportunities Midstream production export facilities and export goals The private sector in KRG and wider Iraq Drilling programmes and new technologies in improving project efficiency and effectiveness Community development and environment

Session 7

09:30 Oil Services; Driving Local Content • • • • • • • • •

The present banking services and the potential Building investment portfolio in the oil and gas sector Investment and financial requirements Short-term and long-term market growth Incentives for investment in oil and gas The taxation system in Iraq and finance of the energy projects Local financial resources Corporate responsibility The insurance policy in Iraq

H.E. Abdul Razzak Alsaady, Head of Iraq Finance

Keynote: Qubad Talabani, Representative to the US, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Commission, Iraq Government

Nadhim Zahawi, Member of Parliament, UK Parliament

Senior Representative, HSBC

Jabbar Allibi, Former DG of the South Oil Company &

Questions & Answers

Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Minister’s Former Advisor for the South Oil Fields, Iraqi Ministry of Oil

16:00 Networking Coffee Break Hosted by

Keegan de Lancie, Displacement Monitoring and Needs Assessments Officer, IOM Iraq

Questions & Answers

16:30 Positioning Iraq & Kurdistan on the World Energy

11:00 Networking Coffee Break

Creating an Integrated Infrastructure for the Oil & Gas Industry


Session 6

Concluding Panel

Hosted by

• • • • • • •

Logistics for the oil and gas industry Exploration logistics, drilling, manpower and catering Suppliers of equipment for oil and gas Suppliers of pipelining, excavation of pipelines, pipe supply Transport and logistics services Telecommunications for the oil and gas industry Infrastructure security in the South and North of Iraq

• • •

Overview of the oil and gas future plans and the way forward Encouraging stable investment climate for the benefit of Iraq Business opportunities for all oil and gas investors in Iraq and Kurdistan

H.E. Ashti Hawrami, Minister of Natural Resources, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Questions & Answers


Concluding Remarks

Michael Howard, Communications Advisor to the Minister of


End of the Conference Day 2

Questions & Answers

18:00 Evening Drinks Reception

Natural Resources, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq

Hosted by

“ Iraq will continue with its plans to boost exports by modernizing its energy infrastructure, and as Iraq’s oil industry continues its recovery, I expect Kurdistan Region to play an active role and H.E. Barham Salih, Prime Minister, important role ”

Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq The Oil & Gas Year 2011

Register your interest today, call Phillip Clarke on +44 20 7978 0056 or email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com


Map; Attracting Investors & Showcasing Opportunities


Conference Workshop A Tuesday 15 November 2011 Workshop A Investing in Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas Opportunities: Understanding the Laws & Contracts


Welcome Breakfast & Registration




Networking Coffee Break • • • • • •

J Jay Park Q.C.

Partner & Chair Global Resources Practice Group Macleod Dixon LLP • • •

The Emerging Iraq Petroleum Regime Constitution Laws & regulations - Enacted - Expected

• •

Comparing Contract Types Designing contracts to suit state needs - Service contract - Production sharing contract

• • • • •

Understanding Iraq’s service contracts Focus: developing discovered fields Key service contract terms Meeting state needs Addressing investor needs

• • •

Understanding the Kurdistan Region production sharing contracts Focus: finding undiscovered resources Key PSC terms Satisfying state requirements Meeting investor needs Review of selected key terms of KRG PSC - State participation - Third party participation - How it works? - Issues it raises - Benefits to state - Benefits to investor Expected future developments Endorsement of KRG-awarded PSCs - Explanation of expected process under draft federal oil law Filling the remaining gaps in Iraq’s petroleum regime


Networking Lunch & Award Presentation for the Most Active Service Company in Iraq


End of Workshop A

Site Visit in Erbil - 15:00 Make the most of the fantastic opportunity to visit one of the foundational pieces of Iraqi Kurdistan’s infrastructure, visit one of the privately built refineries in Erbil, then the historical site of Erbil Citidal and much more! The Iraqi Federal Government and Kurdistan Regional Government are working on encouraging the development of dynamic – upstream and downstream sectors. This site visit organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources of Kurdistan – Iraq, will shed light on the main areas of development in Kurdistan. This includes a site visit to one of the major facilities of its kind in the region and the main field development areas. Return transfers to the Rotana Hotel will be provided.



Conference Workshop B Tuesday 15 November 2011 Workshop B Advanced Oil Field Techniques


Welcome Breakfast & Registration



Reservoir Management & Reservoir Solutions:

Infrastructure and Facilities for the Oil and Gas Fields:

• • • •


Design Construction Operation Repair

Nils A. Bang

Exploration Manager DNO • • • • • •

Equipment Pipelines Solutions and renovation of existing facilities

Well Technologies:

• • • •

ew well solutions N How to optimise and enhance production and recovery? Remote well control systems Intervention techniques and new applications Monitoring systems Completion systems

Challenges Data acquisition Processing Interpretation Drilling Safety

Health and Safety Measures: • HSE management across the upstream sector • Human factors, emergency procedures • Risk management, environment impact assessment, waste management


Networking Lunch & Award Presentation for the Most Active Service Company in Iraq


End of Workshop B


• •

echnical methods to enhance production in T (IOR/EOR) Understanding of previously discovered but unexplored reservoirs


Maintenance of Oil & Gas Processing Facilities:

• • •

Networking Coffee Break

Register Your Interest Today Phillip Clarke Tel +44 20 7978 0056 Email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com



About CWC in the Middle East & North Africa The CWC Group is the market leader in providing products and services to the international energy sector, particularly in North Africa and the Middle East. Over the past 14 years, our events have attracted thousands of delegates, sponsors and exhibitors. Ministers, government delegations and industry experts support and attend all CWC events. The CWC Group is also proud to announce that it has won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise – International Trade for the second time. This is one of the most coveted awards in UK industry for 2011. These awards are made by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister, assisted by an Advisory Committee and recognise the winners for being among the most successful companies in the UK and for their outstanding achievement in international trade. www.thecwcgroup.com CWC School for Energy is the global market leader in providing high-level, up-to-date training services to the energy sector. Operating globally over the last 14 years including Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE, our courses are widely acknowl­edged within the energy community for quality and up-to-date information. www.cwcschool.com

CWC’s portfolio of Middle East & North Africa events includes:

18-20 Oct 2011 Istanbul, Turkey www.cwcimp.com

28 Feb - 1 Mar 2012 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia www.protex-arabia.com

25-27 Oct 2011 Istanbul, Turkey www.iraqtelecoms.com

6-7 Mar 2012 Jubail, Saudi Arabia www.saudidownstream.com

4-7 Dec 2011 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia www.ksawpf.com

25-28 Mar 2012 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia www.sidiforum.com

11-14 Dec 2011 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia www.saudi-infrastructure.com

Dubai, United Arab Emirates www.cwcoilgasandwater.com

13-15 Feb 2012 Kuwait City, Kuwait www.cwckuwait.com

June 2012 London, United Kingdom www.cwciraqpetroleum.com

22-23 May 2012

Stay Connected! Start networking online now prior to the event. Get the latest updates about speakers, programme information and hot topics.

linkedin.com Kurdistan-Iraq Oil & Gas


twitter.com/CWCMENA #KIOG



CWC Working Together with Our Industry Partners Proud to be Working With: The Iraqi Federal Government Iraq, the holder of the world’s third-largest oil reserves, has opened nearly 90% of its reserves to international oil companies for development. Iraq with at least 115 billion barrels in reserves, plans to add 4 million to 4.5 million barrels a day within four to six years to help build its infrastructure and develop its economy.

The Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq “ I’m confident that this will be an important year for Iraq’s oil industry, as production and export continues to rise significantly. The resulting increase in revenues will underpin the acceleration of the country’s economic reconstruction programmme. ”

H.E Barham Salih, Prime Minister, Kurdistan Regional Government - Iraq The Oil & Gas Year 2011

Principal Media Partner

Gold Media Partners

Silver Media Partners

Bronze Media Partners


Register Your Interest Today: Phillip Clarke Tel +44 20 7978 0056 Email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com



Iraq’s Untapped Oil & Gas Potential




Phillip Clarke Tel +44 20 7978 0056 Email pclarke@thecwcgroup.com


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