World LNG Series: Americas Summit

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The Premier Global LNG Gathering in the Americas

Impact of Shale Gas

Liquefaction Potential

Latin American & Caribbean Updates


International Markets & Users

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Innovation & Opportunities in a Changing Market The LNG industry in the Americas has undergone huge change and uncertainty in the last few years. This year is no exception, with key terminals applying for liquefaction licenses, environmental and political uncertainty facing shale gas production, and banks changing the shape of the industry. With so much going on, World LNG Series: Americas Summit is the only place to hear from and network with the key international LNG buyers and suppliers, get the latest industry developments, and set the Americas LNG market in a global context.

2011 Highlights Packed programme of networking activities LNG Buyers & Sellers Meet - networking roundtable discussions hosted by

NEW! Focus on liquefaction, re-export and other changing business models Senior level speakers - the true ‘movers and shakers’ of the Americas LNG industry Informal Texan dinner hosted by


5 Reasons

Why You Mu ust Be The ere e! 1

It’s the only LNG event which sets the Americas in a global context, bringing you key LNG buyers and suppliers from across the globe


The senior level speaker panel guarantees you exclusive presentations from the true industry ‘movers and shakers’ with key insights into upcoming developments


Unrivalled networking opportunities: Golf Tournament, International Buyers and Sellers Meet, informal Texan dinner, drinks receptions, coffee breaks, lunches, online networking and much more!

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Pre-Summit Golf Tournament

NEW! Technical Session - understand the latest technology and how it will impact on your company’s bottom line The impact of shale gas - strengthen your understanding of the opportunities and threats presented by this ‘game-changing’ energy source and develop your shale strategy ahead of the competition

NEW! Latin American & Caribbean focus Spotlight on the impact of shale gas Improved online networking LNG Terminal site visit to

Maxim mizze You ur Involvvem ment! As the premier strategic LNG & gas conference in the Americas, World LNG Series: Americas Summit is a proven forum where relationships are formed, projects are discussed and deals are done!

With our tailor-made packages you can: • • • •

Highlight your position as a key LNG player Showcase your company’s activities Reinforce your commitment to the industry Gain prime exposure to senior LNG decision makers

For more information contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

To get involved contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

Key Speakers Include:

Alaa Abujbara

Davis Thames

Jean-Pierre CavĂŠ

Serapio Sima Ntutumu

Marketing Director Qatargas Operating Company Limited

President Cheniere Marketing Inc

Commercial & Shipping Manager Yemen LNG Company

Deputy Director General Sonagas G.E.

Marco de la Rosa

Rodrigo Vilanova

Carlos Reyes

Raymond E Jones

General Manager AES Dominicana

Gas & Power Trading Manager Petrobras Americas Inc

General Manager EcoElĂŠctrica Puerto Rico

President Golden Pass LNG

Guy Caruso

Silvia de Marucci

Jeff Wright

Bill Cooper

Senior Advisor Center for Strategic & International Studies

Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment Panama Canal Authority

Director, Office of Energy Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

President Centre for LNG

Rob Bryngelson

Steven Miles

Rick Smead

President & CEO Excelerate Energy LLC

Partner Baker Botts

Director Navigant Consulting

Edmar Luiz Fagundes De Almeida

Jay Copan

Guy Dayvault

Martin Hutchison

John Fahy

Executive Director LNG 17

Principal Energy Deal Solutions LLC

Managing Director International Resources Consulting Ltd

Managing Director Eras Consulting Limited

Professor, Institute of Economics Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

The Premier Global LNG

With thanks to CWC’s Industry-Led

Steering Committee Stee

Is there the political appetite for the export of LNG from the USA?

Is shale gas genuinely an “energy game changer”?


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alberto Alvarez, LNG Advisor Alirio Parra, Senior Associate, CWC Group Limited Bill Cooper, President, Center for LNG Clay Harris, President & CEO, GDF Suez LNG North America LLC David J Steely, Director, Gas Americas, BP America Inc Davis Thames, President, Cheniere Marketing Inc Fisoye Delano, Senior Vice President, CAMAC International Andrew Jupiter, President, National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago Geoff Couper, Executive Director, LNG Marketing & Trading, JP Morgan Guy Caruso, Senior Advisor, Center for Strategic & International Studies Guy Dayvault, Principal, Energy Deal Solutions LLC Jay Copan, Executive Director, LNG 17 Jean Pierre Cavé, Commercial & Shipping Manager, Yemen LNG John Fahy, Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited Jupiter Ramirez, Senior Marketing Advisor, QG3, Qatargas Martin Hutchison, Managing Director, International Resources Consulting Limited Michelle Michot-Foss, University of Texas at Austin Mohammad Buhari, General Manager, LNG, NNPC Patricia Roberts, Managing Director, LNG Worldwide Limited Rodrigo Vilanova, Gas & Power Trading Manager, Petrobras America Inc Scott Atha, LNG Commercial Negotiator, Gazprom Marketing & Trading, USA Serapio Sima Ntutumu, Deputy Director General, Sonagas, G.E. Simon Bonini, LNG Expert Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts Steven Sparling, Partner, Sutherland

“Great networking tool” Joey Berry, VP & BD - LNG, Aker Solutions Canada

“Excellent opportunity to meet great players in the industry” Oleg Kostin, Trader, Gas Natural Mexico

“First Punters Sign Up at Born Again Sabine Pass planned addition of liquefaction capacity tempts out a big crowd”

How are small scale LNG markets developing in the Caribbean??

LNG Unlimited 12 November 2010

“Columbia Looks to LNG” WGI, December 1, 2010

“Demand St ill High in South Am erica” World Gas In telligence, 13 October 20 10

How is natural gas pricing affecting the global LNG trade - what does this mean for the Americas?

To catch up with your peers in the LNG industry, contact

Gathering in the Americas

e “…despite th mestic surge in do US demand production, rts po im G LN r fo shed ni va ’t sn ha overnight” source, June 10, 2010,

“Great social networking events”

How will key players’ business models change to enable liquefaction to work?

Braxton Scherz, Director of Maritime Advisory Service, DNV

few “In the last America years, Latin as one has emerged s of the World’ LNG most dynamic markets...” E&P, May 14, 2010

“First LNG Cargo from US to UK in 50 years arrives at Grain LNG” 19 November 2010

“Interest in US LNG is Spreading Worldwide” e, World Gas Intelligenc December 21, 2010

“Qatar Ready to Supply North America” 13 October 2010

Global LNG trading where do the Americas fit in the global picture?

How are trade flows throughout South America influencing the global LNG trade? “Second Cargo Lands at Golden Pass LNG” LNG Unlimited 19 November 2010

“I am back for the fifth time!” Michael Diemert, Vice President & General Manager, CH-IV International

“Macquarie Joins Freeport LNG to open Export Taps” LNG Unlimited 26 November 2010

Will environmental concerns and cost issues limit the potential of shale gas - what does this mean for LNG in the Americas?

Paving the way to LNG 17 Jay Copan, Executive Director, LNG 17

“With LNG 17 coming to Houston in 2013, I am delighted to be involved with World LNG Series: Americas Summit which will be an ideal forum for exploring the issues and opportunities facing the LNG industry globally and throughout North America”

Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

Interactive Workshop

Monday 23 May 2011

Co onttracts, Trading & Pricing Pre-conferrence Worrksshop Workshop Leaders John Fahy, Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts LLP

Led by:

Jason Bennett, Partner, Baker Botts LLP

Morning Session: Trading, Hedging, Contracting & Portfolio Management of LNG

Afternoon Session: Optimizing Trading - New Ways of Creating Value

This Briefing will help you to:

This Briefing will help you to:

• Understand gas / LNG hedging, risk management and portfolio optimisation strategies • Profit from cargo diversions and market arbitrage opportunities • Discover how to boost profits and reduce risk through the use of hedging and trading tools in contracts

• Develop strategies for obtaining LNG supply in a competitive market - how to best take advantage of changing terms in LNG purchase agreements (SPAs, MSAs, and options) • Gain access to markets - how to make new types of regasification and storage agreements work for the trading environment • Overcome the most persistent legal problems for closing deals when the clock is running out

“Well planned, nice mix of industry leaders” Joerond Moseid, Torp LNG

Golf Tournament Monday 23 May 2011 Our fifth annual Golf Tournament has become a popular feature at the Summit and this year we’re returning to the renowned Quarry Golf Course.This is a great opportunity for informal networking and an ideal setting to make new business relationships and deepen exisiting ones.

The day will end with a group simulation exercise where you will be given the opportunity to apply what you have learnt over the course of the day.

Registration & Welcome Drinks Reception

Hosted by

Monday 23 May 2011 Start networking early at the official opening of the conference. Make the most of your time out of the office to enjoy a drink, avoid the registration queue and maximize your networking opportunities right from the start.

To get involved contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

Summit Day One 7.45am Welcome Coffee

• • • • •

8.30am Chair’s Opening Comments Pat Roberts, Managing Director, LNG Worldwide Ltd.


Tuesday 24 May 2011

Raymond E Jones, President, Golden Pass LNG

Opening Keynote: Will Natural Gas Be the Clean Energy Choice for the Americas?

• Where does natural gas fit into the energy mix in the Americas? • Is natural gas the fuel of choice in a carbon conscious world? • What impact will carbon offsetting and carbon reduction have on demand for LNG? • Gas as a competitor to coal • What will energy policy mean for LNG? • How are geopolitical factors affecting energy policy in South America?

Guy Caruso, Senior Advisor, Center for Strategic & International Studies

Guy Branden, Senior Vice President Commercial Operations, GDF Suez Kevin D Keenan, Partner, Baker Botts LLP Questions and Answers

12.45pm Networking Lunch


John Somerhalder, Chairman, American Gas Association (AGA) Questions and Answers

9.45am Networking Coffee Break hosted by


Changing business models to react to the current market dynamics LNG as a key source of energy security in South America Floating regas The challenge of opening a regas terminal in uncertain times The importance of community engagement in the successful development of a terminal

Can North American Liquefaction Revolutionize the LNG Trade?

• Shale Gas vs LNG: What are the long-term implications of unconventionals on the LNG trade? • Do the costs and environmental challenges surrounding shale production limit its potential in North America? • Shale gas as a feedstock for LNG liquefaction • How will the potential development of shale gas in South America impact the region? • How is the natural gas price responding to shale gas production?

Jim Duncan, Director, Market Research, Conoco Gas and Power

• • • •

Is North America the new Qatar? Can the US turn from a net importer to net exporter of LNG? Is there a political appetite for the export of gas in the USA? How does liquefaction and regas fit into the terminal operators business models? • Without liquefaction what are the long term prospects for US LNG regas terminals? • How will the Panama Canal expansion plans open up LNG trade from the Americas?

Session Chair:

Shale Gas - Hype or Reality?

Jeff Wright, Director, Office of Energy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Rick Smead, Director, Navigant Consulting Questions and Answers

Guy Dayvault, Principal, Energy Deal Solutions LLC

3.15pm Networking Coffee hosted by

Davis Thames, President, Cheniere Marketing Inc Silvia de Marucci, Leader, Liquid Bulk Segment, Panama Canal Authority Bill Cooper, President, Centre for LNG Questions and Answers

Evolution of Regasification - How are 3 The American Terminals Reacting and Adapting to Changing LNG Trade Dynamics? • Betting on re-export - what role will key American players play in global trade?

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Caribbean Panel: Is the Caribbean the Perfect Candidate for Small-Scale LNG?

Making small-scale markets work Business models in the Caribbean LNG vs other fuels Project updates

Carlos Reyes, General Manager, EcoEléctrica, Puerto Rico Marco de la Rosa, President, AES Dominicana Questions and Answers

Summit Day Two 6

8.00am Networking Coffee

Buyers & Sellers Meet

8.30am Opening Remarks from the Chair

hosted by


These expert-led discussion groups are an ideal opportunity to share ideas, make new contacts and discuss key issues in depth over a drink at this fun, informal networking gathering.

Moderators include: • • • • •

Jay Copan, Executive Director, LNG 17 Bill Cooper, President, Center for LNG

Building Relationships, Creating Flexibility & Enabling Trade Perspectives on the Americas from the World’s LNG Suppliers

Key suppliers’ strategies What cargoes will flow into the US? How does the US fit into a global supply outlook? The importance of relationship building and partnerships Latin America as an emerging LNG buyer

Session Chair: Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts

Martin Hutchison, Managing Director, International Resource Consulting

Keynote Address: Alaa Abujbara, Marketing Director, Qatargas Operating Company Limited

6.15pm Close of Summit Day One

7.00pm - 10.00pm

Welcome to Texas! Informal Networking Dinner

Jean-Pierre Cavé, Commercial & Shipping Manager, Yemen LNG Company

hosted by


In celebration of LNG 17 coming to Texas in 2013 we invite you to an evening of informal Texan networking and fun. Pull on your jeans, kick up your heels and prepare yourself for an evening of music, fun and networking - Texan style!

Serapio Sima Ntutumu, Deputy Director General, Sonagas G.E. Marleen Lord-Lewis, Vice President, Business Development, National Energy Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago* Questions and Answers

10.00am Networking Coffee


Technological Innovation: Focus on FLNG, Small Scale LNG, Storage & Pipeline

• From design to operation - how can FLNG concepts be translated into real projects? • How can the challenges and safety issues of offshore liquefaction be overcome? • Small is beautiful - small scale liquefaction, regas and LNG shipping • Small LNG carriers • Small scale regas for regional markets

David Colson, Commercial Vice President Gaztransport & Technigaz Questions and Answers

To get involved contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

Wednesday 25 May 2011


Panel Session: The Global LNG Trade Where do the Americas fit into a Global LNG Market?

• Global trade flows – setting the Americas in a global market context • Emerging buyers – what are their strategies and how will they impact the Americas? • Is the market more flexible? • US as a potential exporter of gas – how will that change trading dynamics? • How are banks changing the face of LNG business?

John Fahy, Managing Director, Eras Consulting Limited Rodrigo Vilanova, Gas & Power Trading Manager, Petrobras America Inc


Site Visit

Thursday 26 May 2011


LNG Terminal Site Visit to Golden Pass LNG Thursday 26 May 2011 Hosted by Join us on this visit to the Golden Pass LNG Terminal. Coaches will leave from San Antonio to the facility. On arrival lunch will be served followed by a presentation and tour of the site. Coaches will then return to Houston for your onward journey home. Take this fantastic opportunity to visit this brand new facility.

Martin Hutchison, Managing Director, International Resources Consulting Limited Questions and Answers

1.00pm Networking Lunch hosted by

Demand - Creating New Markets, 10 Driving Uses & Opportunities for LNG • • • •

What are the demand drivers for natural gas and LNG? Emerging market demand – global consumption patterns LNG as a source of power Alternative uses for LNG - natural gas vehicles, LPG extraction, CNG

Rob Bryngelson, President & CEO, Excelerate Energy LLC

Visit Timetable

Questions and Answers


11 The Great Natural Gas Pricing Debate

1.00pm Arrival at Golden Pass LNG & Lunch

• • • • •

Should gas should be decoupled from oil prices? Should there be a gas economy? Why indexation and why not? Gas/oil price ratio – level of parity Gas on gas competition, where can that be fostered? What are the consequences?

Edmar Luiz Fagundes De Almeida, Professor, Institute of Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Questions and Answers

3.30pm Close of Summit

*Subject to final confirmation

To ensure the sessions are as topical as possible we will be confirming speakers right up to the event.

Coach departs from San Antonio

2.30pm Site Visit Commences 6.30pm Arrival in Houston

How do I book my place? Places are strictly limited and therefore we are only able to accept bookings for the site visit directly through our sales department. To secure your place please call our LNG sales team on +44 20 7978 0027 or email

Pla aces Limitted dBook k Now w!

For the most up-to-date list of speakers visit

Where the LNG Decision Makers Meet and do Business

Golf Tournament 23 May 2011 Our Golf Tournament has become a popular feature at the Summit and this year we’re returning to the renowned Quarry Golf Course. This is a great opportunity for informal networking and an ideal setting to make new business relationships and deepen exisiting ones.

Pre-Summit Registration & Welcome Drinks Reception

hosted by

23 May 2011 The official opening of the conference, this drinks reception is designed to ensure you make the most of your time out of the office. Enjoy a drink, register and start networking at this relaxed drinks reception.

‘International Buyers & Sellers Meet’ Networking Session hosted by 24 May 2011 Come and relax over a drink and discuss key industry issues at the ‘International Buyers & Sellers Meet’. Be ready to indulge in spirited debate and bring lots of business cards to exchange with all the new contacts you will meet!

Informal Texan Dinner

hosted by


24 May 2011

Dinner functions have become the trademark of CWC’s LNG events and this year’s LNG Americas Summit is no exception. Delegates are invited to put on their jeans and cowboy boots and join us for a unique evening of networking, music and authentic Texan fun!

LNG Terminal Site Visit

hosted by

26 May 2011 Take this fantastic opportunity to visit the Golden Pass LNG Terminal, coaches will take you from San Antonio straight to the terminal where lunch will be served followed by a presentation and tour of one of the largest terminals in the world. Places on the tour are limited, to secure your place contact our LNG sales team on +44 20 7978 0027 or email

Online Networking Join the LNG Americas group and network prior to the event.

Follow CWC Gas to receive first hand updates about the event.

To get involved contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email

Suppliers of Gas & LNG Expertise Providing Commercial Solutions 12-15 April 2011 | Rio de Janeiro Hosted by Petrobras for the second consecutive year, this exclusive senior-level Forum provides the opportunity to meet with key players and uncover the many investment opportunities in the region. Reinforce your commitment to Petrobras and hear about new projects and pre-salt developments.

23-26 May 2011 | San Antonio World LNG Series: Americas Summit is the ‘must attend’ strategic LNG conference in the Americas. Benefit from the industry led programme, which attracts high quality speakers guaranteeing dynamic discussions on the issues you really want to hear about. The event is a must to keep up with LNG developments in the region, meet the key players and also have some fun!

14-16 June 2011 | Warsaw The CWC Group is proud to announce the addition of the Europe Summit to its highly successful World Shale Gas series. Dedicated to uncovering the investment opportunities for exploration and production of shale gas in Europe, the Summit is your unique opportunity to meet the pioneers of the European shale gas industry.

19-21 September 2011 | Singapore World LNG Series: Asia Pacific Summit is the region’s leading gathering of LNG professionals. The 2011 summit features country specific presentations focusing on emerging, as well as existing, buyers and sellers. Meet and do deals with Asian and international LNG buyers and suppliers and showcase your products, services and technology at the Country Pavilion, which covers all the key countries within the region. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from key decision makers from across the region and get essential updates on demand recovery and the outlook for 2012.

31 October - 2 November | Sydney CWC is excited to launch Australia Gas Conference, a new addition to our Global Gas Series of events. This event will identify the exceptional opportunities for domestic and international investors and cover the entire value chain, studying new commercial and technological breakthroughs.

14-17 November 2011 | Rome World LNG Summit has become an established, important fixture in the industry’s calendar. Every year this highlevel bespoke event, offers you topical industry insights with presentations from leading LNG players. It also permits outstanding networking opportunities for senior executives.

7-10 November 2011 | Houston Following the runaway success of the inaugural World Shale Gas Conference which brought together over 500 senior level players from over 35 countries, the conference has established itself as the world’s largest and most important gathering of shale gas experts and industry leaders.

Contact Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 or email Media Partners


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Payment should be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of booking. Full payment must be received for entrance to be guaranteed. A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent to you on receipt of your booking. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the event, you will then receive a credit note for 100% of the contract fee paid to be used at another CWC Group event which must occur within one year from the date of issuance of the credit note. In the event that CWC cancels or postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend the rescheduled date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another CWC event, which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation or postponement. Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no refunds given under any circumstances. Non-payment or non-attendance does not constitute cancellation. The booking fee does not include accommodation or travel costs; these are the responsibility of the Delegate. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timings or venue. The Company will not accept liability for any transport disruption or individual transport delays and in such circumstances the normal cancellation restrictions apply.


DATA PROTECTION The personal information provided by you will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the CWC Group Limited. Sometimes your details may be made available to external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose please write to: Database Administrator, CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16-18 Lombard Road, London SW11 3RB, UK or email

REGISTERED OFFICES CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16-18 Lombard Road, London SW11 3RB, UK

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ACCOMMODATION The conference fee does not include accomodation. Accomodation information will be sent to you with your confirmation letter by our Client Services team when you register.

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