Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference Brochure

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The Largest & Most Prestigious Oil & Gas Event in Nigeria & West Africa UNDER THE E AUSSPIC CES OF


Stra ateg gic Confe erence e & Exhib bition

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


NOG11 Sp ponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Nestoil PLC www.ccwcnnog.ccom

Where Deals are Done & NO OG11 will provvid de you with access to o preemiium nettworrkinng opporrtunittiess. Thhe neetwo orking seessio onss are dessiggned to bring deelegaates to ogetherr to o build d valu uab ble conntaacts, arrannge deaals and maxiimisee yo our time. Brrin ng you ur bussin ness cards!

Golf Day

Openiing Cerremony & Culttura al Eve ening

hosted by

21 February

21 February

r r r r

r Third annual golf tournament, highly anticipated by all delegates r Superb IBB Golf & Country Club r Great opportunity for informal networking

hosted by

High standing ministerial & keynote addresses Official opening of the conference Tour of the exhibition Stunning cultural show with Nigerian music & dancing

H.E. President Goodluck Jonathan leads the VIP delegation to open NOG

Opening Din nner

hosted by

21 February

Networkiing Din nner 22 February

r Glamorous networking opportunity for delegates to meet Ministers & senior NNPC representatives r Ideal setting to establish new business relationships & strengthen existing ones r Held in the prestigious Transcorp Hilton Hotel

W 11 NE 20 r fo

Energy Finance Seminar minarr

Independents Focus us Session - Conference Day 2 Corporate Responsibility Award

hosted by

r An exclusive opportunity for companies to foster business development in a relaxed environment r Enjoy famous Nigerian hospitality, meet old colleagues & make new contacts r Held in the Nicon Luxury Abuja Hotel

Sponsorsh hip Oppo ortu unitties Don’t miss the opportunity to reinforce your company’s position as a present and future player in Nigeria’s oil & gas industry. For further information contact Shaun Quinn on: Tel: +44 20 7978 0086 Email:


Commercial Opportunities are Explored Gala Din nner

hosted by

23 February r The most prestigious networking occasion to meet Nigeria’s top decision makers & industry specialists r Music & dancing from some of the country’s loved performers r A night that shouldn’t be missed

Networking Coffee Breaks & Lunches 21-24 February r r r

Enjoy a relaxed setting Promote your company Connect with the right people

Conference Day 1 Coffee Breaks hosted by Conference Day 1 Breakfast & Registration hosted by

Conference Day 1 Lunch hosted by

Drinks Recception 22 February r First class opportunity to trade business cards & discuss new ventures r Perfect occasion to discuss the day’s exciting announcements

Conference Day 1 Drinks Reception hosted by

Awards Cerrem mony 23 February r One of the biggest highlights of NOG r Presentation of the prestigious awards in acknowledgement of companies & projects that have made outstanding contributions to the industry

Walter Peviani accepts the award on behalf of Saipem

Meet with Governmentt & NNPC ϐ r Meet face-to-face with Ministers & senior government delegations r Secure your place in the Nigerian energy industry

Phillip Chukwu, Group Executive Director, E&P, NNPC meets delegates at the Strategic Conference

To registeer yourr intterest call Sha aun n Qu uinn on +44 20 7978 0086 or em maiil squin nn@thecw wcgrroup p.ccom


Th he Meetting Placce fo or Nigeria a Oil & Ga as Decission Makers Key Speakers Include

Diezani Alison-Madueke

Olusegun Aganga

Austen Oniwon

Honourable Minister of Petroleum Resources

Honourable Minister of Finance

Group Managing Director NNPC

Ernest Nwapa Executive Director Nigeria Content Development & Monitoring Board

Dr Emmanuel Egbogah P Eng, OON Special Adviser to the President on Petroleum Matters

Wale Tinubu

Mark Ward

Chima Jonathan Ibeneche

Group Chief Executive Oando PLC

Lead Country Manager ExxonMobil Companies Nigeria

Managing Director Nigeria LNG Limited

Guy Maurice

Andrew Fawthrop

Abiodun Arokodare

Ian Craig

Managing Director/Chief Executive Total Upstream Company of Nigeria

Chairman & Managing Director Chevron Nigeria Limited

GED Finance & Accounting NNPC

Regional Executive Vice President, Sub Sahara Africa Shell Upstream International

Prof Yinka Omorogbe

Bright Okogu

Hon Timipre Sylva

Dr Tim Okon

Company Secretary & Legal Advisor NNPC

Director General Budget Office of the Federation

Executive Governor Bayelsa State

Group General Manager Strategy NNPC

Engr Voka Mukoro

David Ige

Dr Alirio Parra

Dr Levi Ajuonuma

Co-ordinator Gas & Power Directorate NNPC

GGM Special Advisor to the GMD NNPC

Senior Associate CWC Group Ltd

Group General Manager Group Public Affairs NNPC


Nig geria’s No.1 1 Oiil & Gas Event Hon n. Chib buik ke Rotiimi Amaechii, Ex xeccutivve Governo or off Rivverss Sttate arrrives for the e Nigger Deltta Sesssion n

Austten Oniwon n Gro roup Managin aging Directo or NNPC

“TThe even nt has beeen very y impresssiive,, and thee preesencee off thosee who matt tter in n the Nig geriian oill and gas in nduusttry makes thee coonferrencce a huge suucceess.” Ademolu Israel, NNPC-NPDC

Mark Ward of Ex xxonMobil and Bunmi Obem mbe fr from Tot fro Totall

Andrrew w Faw wthrrop, MD Che evro on Niigeria a gree ets the Pressident durin ng th he ope enin ng to our

“Anotheer exxcellen nt ouuting. We havve wiitneessed a hug ge seensiitizatiion an nd im mprovvemen nt in n th he Nigeeria’s oil and gas industry y as a reesullt off CWC C ’ss effortss.”” Zachariah Suleiman, Brass LNG Ltd





21 Febru uary y


Energy Finance Seminar Registration


Welcome Remarks from the Chairman

Raissinng Lo ocal & Internnatiionall Finnance fo or Energyy Projeects inn Niggeriaa r Sector & country exposure: what will international banks finance & what are the key drivers? r The perspective of a major Nigerian bank in energy development r The role of multilateral financial institutions Ade Adeola Managing Director Project & Export Finance Standard Chartered Bank

r Developments in Nigeria’s banking sector & impact in energy projects r Implications of the new legislation & fiscal terms r Financing upstream projects – the perspective of the indigenous operator Olusegun Aganga Honourable Minister of Finance* Abiodun Arokodare GED Finance & Accounting NNPC


Closing Remarks from the Chairman & End of Seminar


Networking Lunch

“The programme has been impressive in terms of the quality of the presentation and addressing the key challenges and prospects of the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.”

High Chief (Dr.) O.B. Lulu-Briggs Chairman Moni Pulo


Onno Ruhl Country Director World Bank

Networking Coffee Break

Igwe Christian, NPDC-NNPC *

Subject to final confirmation

14:00 Official Conference Registration

17:00 Opening Ceremony & Cultural Evening

20:00 Opening Dinner

hosted by

hosted by

hosted by

Fo or more innforrmationn call Sha aun n Qu uinn on +44 20 7978 008 86 or emaiil sq quinn@ @thecw wcg group p.ccom m


Senior Representative Access Bank


Financinng Ennerrgy Pro ojeects inn the New Induusttryy Landsscaapee

Energy Finance Semin na r

A new feature for 2011, the Nigeria Energy Finance Seminar will bring together senior executives from oil and gas companies and international and Nigerian financiers to discuss current local and international finance for energy projects in Nigeria.


Energy Finance Sem min nar

Con nfe erencce Day One 22 Febrruary


Networking Breakfast & Registration hosted by


Welcome Remarks from the Conference Chairman

The Petro oleuum Indusstryy Refforms Im mplicatio ons fo or the Innduustryy & the Countr y The NOC Perspective on the New Legal Landscape

Dr Alirio Parra Senior Associate CWC Group Ltd

Prof Yinka Omorogbe Company Secretary & Legal Adviser NNPC

Nigeria’s Enerrgy Ind dusttry in the New Era

What the New Petroleum Legislation Means for Nigeria’s Oil Revenue Management Bright Okogu Director General Budget Office of the Federation

Ministerial Address: Diezani Alison-Madueke Honourable Minister for Petroleum Resources

The New Legal Framework & the View of the International Partners

The Role of the Long-term International Partner in Nigeria’s Future Ian Craig Regional Executive Vice President, Sub Saharan Africa Shell Upstream International

Mark Ward Lead Country Manager ExxonMobil Companies Nigeria


Wale Tinubu CEO Oando PLC


Networking Coffee Break hosted by

New Oil & Gas Projeects Unlo ockingg thhe Potenttial

r Evaluating the amnesty & the impact in oilil & ggas as op operations peraatio ons – have we achieved durable peace in the Delta? r Increasing local engagement – do the communities feel that they are part of the solution? r Infrastructure & job creation, how far have we come?

Chaired by:

Special Address:

John Simpson Author, Journalist & BBC World Affairs Editor

Dr Emmanuel Egbogah P Eng, OON Special Adviser to the President on Petroleum Matters

Phillip Chukwu Group Executive Director, Exploration & Production NNPC

Expanding the Resource Base through Exploration & Production

Ledum Mittee President Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People

Andrew Fawthrop Chairman/Managing Director Chevron Nigeria Ltd

Hon Timipre Sylva Executive Governor Bayelsa State

Increasing Capacity to Reach Further International Gas Markets

Tony Attah Manager Social Performance & Community Affairs Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd

Chima Ibeneche Managing Director Nigeria LNG Ltd


Networking Lunch hosted by

s r ge cu Ni Fo lta

Panel Disscuussionn: Progress towards a Peaceefuul & Prosperouss Nigger Delta


Transforming Nigeria’s Economy through Energy Projects

Networking Coffee Break hosted by


End of Conference Day One


Drinks Reception hosted by


Networking Dinner hosted byy


Confe erencce Day Two 23 Febrruary


Networking Breakfast & Registration


Welcome Remarks from the Conference Chairman

Utilissinng Niggerria’s Oil & Gas to Boost Ind dusstrrial Devvellopment Chaired by:

Dr Alirio Parra Senior Associate CWC Group Ltd

Transformingg NNPC intto ann Effificcient & Pro ofifitable Commercial Entitty Integrating NNPC’s Commitment to Nigeria’s Development with its Commercial Objectives

Henry Oki West African Area Manager, Cementing PSL Halliburton Developing the Necessary Infrastructure to Meet the Objectives of the Gas Masterplan David Ige GGM Special Advisor to the GMD NNPC Joining Forces to Supply Nigeria’s Domestic Demand The Plans of the New Consortia

The Building Blocks of Successful Transformation

Osten Olorunsola Regional Vice President Gas, Sub-Saharan Africa Shell Exploration & Production Africa Ltd Increasing Domestic Gas Supply to IPPs - the Case for SWAPS

Dr Tim Okon Group General Manager Strategy NNPC The New Incorporated Joint Ventures - An International Perspective

Olubunmi Obembe Executive General Manager, Gas & Power Business Total E&P Nigeria Ltd Optimising the Oil & Gas Value Chain for Nigeria’s Development

Guy Maurice Managing Director/Chief Executive Total Upstream Company of Nigeria


Networking Coffee Break

Ade Adeola Managing Director, Project & Export Finance Standard Chartered Bank plc


Engr Voka Mukoro Co-ordinator Gas & Power Directorate NNPC Latest Developments in Gas Regulations Oyetola Oshobi Partner Babalakin & Co

Th important session willll This look at how Independents and Junior Oil Companies will help to develop the next phase of Nigeria’s oil & gas industry.

W.A. Obaje Director Department of Petroleum Resources

André van Niekerk Chief Executive Officer LADOL

Scott Aitken CEO Seven Energy

Expanding Downstream Activities for Nigeria’s Development Ifeanyi Patrick Ubah Managing Director Capital Oil & Gas Industries Ltd

Networking Lunch


r Opportunities in marginal fields r Successful partnerships with indigenous companies & big players r Is there room for independents in Nigeria’s upstream sector? r How can independents add dynamism to Nigeria’s oil & gas industry?

Providing Infrastructure to Support Increased Capacity


W 1 NE 201 r fo

The Rolee of Ind deppendents inn Nigeria

A New Straateegy forr Niggeriaa’ss Gas Impact of New Legislation in Gas Developments Fiscal Terms & Midstream Regulation

Networking Coffee Break

Egbert Imomoh Chairman Afren


Close of Conference

For sp ponssorshipp oppportun nities call Sh haun n Quin nn on +44 20 797 78 0086 6 or em mail squiinn@th hecw wcgrroup

Strategic Conference

Austen Oniwon Group Managing Director NNPC

Award Winners 2010 Prroj oject of the Year Nigerrdock

11th Annual

Nigeria Oil & Gas Awards 23 February Hosted by

Maher Jarmakani, MD, Nigerdock accepts the award from Dr Levi Ajuonuma, GGM, NNPC

Com mpany of th he Year Oando Now in it’s 11th year, The Nigeria Oil & Gas Awards Gala Dinner brings together top industry executives, key national decision makers and international players to celebrate excellence and exciting projects and developments. The evening will combine the best of Nigerian cuisine and lively entertainment with the presentation of four awards in recognition of corporate contribution to the Nigerian oil and gas industries:

Wale Tinubu, CEO, Oando accepts the award

Exxcellence in Nigerian Content Saipem

Exccellencce in Nig eria Contennt Com pany off t he Year Proo ject of t he Year Corporate Res ponsibilityy MAKE YOUR NOMIN NATION N N OW ! To nominate a company, including your own, please ďŹ ll in and submit the online form on our website

www..cwcno om Walter Peviani accepts the award on behalf of Saipem

Nominations close on 21 January 2011

hosted by

Nigerria a Con ntentt Sem minar 24 Febru uary

A New Era for Nigerian Content 09:00

Networking Breakfast & Registration


Welcome Remarks from the Chairman

The Niggeriaan Conteentt Act One Year On r Progress on implementation – are the targets being met? r The crucial contribution of international operators to the implementation programmes r Measuring the impact in the development of indigenous industries

13:00 Networking Lunch hosted by

Buildinng Capaacity to o Meet the Demand forr Local Suppliierrs r Effective programmes to empower indigenous suppliers r Engaging local communities in oil & gas operations r How can small businesses join forces to become more competitive? Dr Levi Ajuonuma Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs NNPC

Ernest Nwapa Executive Secretary Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board

Bisi Soji – Oyawoye Manager, Nigerian Content Development Chevron Nigeria Ltd

Yomi Orenuga General Manager, Nigerian Content Total E&P Nigeria Ltd Chris Offokansi HR Manager, West Africa Halliburton

Networking Coffee Break

The Beneefifitts of Nigeeriann Content for Innternnattionnal Opperrattors r Lowering costs through procurement & contracting strategies that develop Nigerian content r Assessing the impact of the new bill & the creation of the NCDMB - an international perspective r Benefits of increasing Nigerian participation in senior management positions

Disscussio on: Moving Fo orw ward dStrategiess to o Tackle thhe Challlenges of the Year Aheead r How will the capacity needs of new projects be met? r Where are the main skills gaps & how can they be filled? r Will Nigerian Content meet the expectations of local communities?


Closing Remarks from the Chairman & End of Seminar

Engr Simbi Kesiye Wabote GM Nigerian Content Development SPDC C&P Manager, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Ltd Akin Odumakinde Managing Director Delta Afrik

Fo or more innforrmationn call Sha aun n Qu uinn on +44 20 7978 008 86 or emaiil sq quinn@ @thecw wcg group p.ccom m

Nigeria Content Semin nar


Clement Iloba Public Affairs coordinator Julius Berger Nigeria

Tecchnica al Sesssions

hosted by

24 Febru uary y

The Technical Sessions have become a key and very valuable feature of NOG. With our technical partner, Halliburton, once more we will put on a superb, informative forum for technical staff of the major oil companies in Nigeria.

Sessio on Topics In nclude IOR/EOR

Financed by CWC & Halliburton, the technical sessions are free to attend and open to all to learn about the latest trends on an international scale for techniques and technologies that can be applied in Nigeria. Last year saw the strongest gathering yet with speakers represented from Shell, Chevron, GE, Saipem, Nigeria LNG, Honeywell, Cameron and Aker Solutions to mention only a few.

Deepwater Advances in reservoir management Deepwater drilling Sub sea technology FEED support for offshore production Real time production Software technology (smart fields) Upstream HSE & support systems Metering at the well head Oil in place vs oil recovery Subsurface imaging & hydrocarbon discovering Exploration of the marginal fields Gas Utilisation

Held on the 24 February after the Strategic Conference, we expect over 150 participants to attend this series of Technical Presentations and Q&A panels designed to enhance levels of specific expertise within the industry. The programme and topics are put together by industry experts from Halliburton and focus on up-to-date technical issues facing Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. These sessions bring together industry specialists from JV companies, NAPIMS, NNPC and indigenous companies, as well as technical experts and promising students from some Nigeria’s top academic institutions.

Call for Papers You are invitted to subbmitt an exxtractt to You o preeseent a papper fo or thee Technicaal seesssionns now w. Pleeasse do thhis by vissitin ng thee NOG11 webssitte or contactinng Shanne Whitte:

TEL: +44 4 20 79 978 00 090 EMAIL L: swhite@thecwccgroup WEB: om Pleeasee notte that plaaces aree not guarrannteeed annd fifill faast, so do regiistter your innterresst beeforre 07 7 Janu uary 20 011 1.

“TThis iss my secoond tim me att tten nding g this evventt and d eaach h timee I go backk full of know wledg ge and d ab breast witth thee lattestt devellopm men nts in the Oill & Gas indusstry” Pepple Donald TM, River State IPP

To reggisster youur interrest call Shaane Whitee on +44 20 79788 0090 or em maiil om

hosted by

Exhib bitiion n

22 - 24 February

There are only 5 stands left at the NOG Exhibition! NOG is the largest and most prestigious oil and gas exhibition in Nigeria Advertis e in the exhibitio ns 5000 cop ouvenir catalogu e. ies are d istrib all exhib itors, visit uted to ors an delegate s at NOG d !

180+ Exhibiting Companies 3000m2+ Exhibition Floor Space 3500+ Exhibition Visitors NOG is a sell out exhibition every year so contact us today to book one of the last remaining stands available.

H.E. President Goodluck Jonathan takes an interest in Nigerdock’s stand

Contact Danny Grogan to secure your involvement on: Tel: + 44 20 7978 0089 Email:


International Exhibition

Ma axim mise Yourr Expossure Exhibition sponsorship packages are available and are an excellent way to make your company stand out from the crowd. With over 3500 exhibition visitors, maximising your exposure at the exhibition is a cost effective way to heighten your company profile and ensure that maximum business is secured. Sponsorship options include; exhibition coffee breaks, exhibition signage, T-shirts, exhibition lunches and many more!

Upcomin ng Afrriccan Events Ghana Summit

12 - 14 April 2011, Accra

Supported by GNPC, Ministry of Energy and H.E. John Dramani Mahama,Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, the 2011 Ghana Summit promises to be again the biggest gathering of stakeholders in the country. Ghana Conference & Exhibition 2011 will unite international and regional experts, key decision makers, contractors and service providers to discuss how Ghana will be positioning itself as a key African oil producing country. Opportunities for the country are immense; opportunities for local and international investors are tremendous. Join the platform, join the dialogue, this event should not be missed!

Nigeria Oil & Gas Tech

7 - 9 June 2011, Lagos

NOG Tech is the premier industry backed Conference and Exhibition focusing on technology and training within the upstream oil and gas markets in Nigeria. It will bring together leading service companies, operators and suppliers from the international and local community to add economic and technology value to the industry and to Nigeria. Technological opportunities and challenges will be discussed, new cutting edge solutions will be showcased, best practices and quality control will be debated and skill development and local content will be promoted.

Africa Afric ca E Energy nergy Week

12 - 14 September 2011, Cape Town

Africa Energy Week is the largest gathering of governments, NOCs and corporate investors in Africa. Combining an international exhibition and strategic oil and gas summit, AEW is your opportunity to meet everyone that matters. With the confirmed participation of Ministers from South Africa, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, DR Congo, Liberia, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone as well as senior representatives from Petroci, PetroSA, Tanzania Development Petroleum Corporation, Libya National Oil Corporation, NNPC, Sudapet, National Oil Corporation of Kenya, AEW will be the biggest pan-African event of the year.

Gulf of Guinea Oil & Gas

15 - 17 November 2011, London

In its 14th successful year, this high profile event will once again provide a platform for governments, NOCs and IOCs in West Africa’s top producers to discuss vast investment opportunities and the region’s economic growth. The Gulf of Guinea is one of the most significant petroleum producing areas in the world and is becoming a major focus of interest for international oil & gas companies – don’t miss your chance to be a part of this niche gathering!

Nigeria Infrastructure

22 - 24 November 2011, Lagos

NIF is the must-attend event for anyone involved in Nigeria’s infrastructure development or looking to become part of this dynamic and fastmoving market. Developed by the industry, for the industry, NIF 2011 boasts an impressive speaker line-up from both industry and public sectors, bringing together the thought-leaders in Nigeria to find solutions, raise awareness and create the right framework for the development of a much needed infrastructure; construction of rail and road transport, waterways and intensification of efforts for increased and reliable power supply.

EG Gas Forum

2011, Malabo

The Equatorial Guinea Gas Forum is your opportunity to hear detailed plans for the investment programmes for the region’s vast gas reserves, as well as details for long term and sustainable management of these resources.You will hear from Ministers and senior Sonagas, G.E. and GEPetrol executives who will discuss the expansion of gas exploration and LNG project development.

Cote d’Ivoire Oil & Gas Summit

2011, Abidjan

Organised in partnership with the Société Nationale d’Operations Pétrolières de la Côte d’Ivoire (PETROCI), the Côte d’Ivoire Oil & Gas Summit will connect top-level decision makers and stakeholders from the industry and government. Join your industry peers in Abidjan to uncover investment opportunities and explore the future of oil and gas in Côte d’Ivoire.

Media Partners om/africa

N O G O r ga n i s e r s NCI Having recently celebrated ten years of successful operations in Nigeria, CWC Group is proud to announce the opening of their Nigerian Company – NCI Ltd that is involved in CWC’s Conferences, Exhibitions and School for Energy courses taking place in Nigeria. Local content has always been a key priority for CWC. Having held ten editions of Nigeria Oil & Gas (NOG), following industry needs and expanding into the infrastructure and technology industries as well as hosting telecoms events, it was a natural progression to open a local office. CWC operations in Nigeria have always had the unprecedented support of the Nigerian Government and NNPC and are carried out in consultation with the Nigerian stakeholders including the Ministries, State Companies, NGOs and Nigerian industry experts. CWC has made a point of using Nigerian contractors wherever possible, before, during and after our events.

African Exh hibitiion Services African Exhibition Services has grown to become one of the leading West African companies in its field. It is proudly a Nigerian based company spreading its professional services to neighbouring countries such as Angola, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal and even Mali. AES specialise in octanorm shell scheme, furniture hire, fabrication and hiring of exhibition tent structures, exhibition venue development and personalised stands.

“I stand to be corrected, if any other group has been as successful as CWC, with the various capacity building programmes, initiated by them for the Nigerian Oil & Gas industry.” Dr Levi Ajuonuma, Group General Manager, Group Public Affairs, NNPC

NIBUC CCA The CWC Group is a member of the Nigerian Business Coalition Against AIDS (NIBUCAA). We share NIBUCAA’s belief that the private sector should respond to the growing challenges of HIV/AIDS ensuring equal rights and opportunities for employees infected or affected by the virus. NIBUCAA’s operational strategies are to: r Support the development of actionable activities around HIV & AIDS, by individual member companies through technical advice and advocacy r Increase the range and quality of business sector involvement in HIV & AIDS and by extension, tuberculosis and malaria r Facilitate information sharing on good price guidelines, policies and access to training sessions r Offer direct service provision to communities where business operate r Provision and dissemination of current research information on the “three big diseases” - ATM This is a very important initiative and one we are proud to support. Given our long history of working in Africa and our extensive local contacts we are keenly aware of the impact of HIV and AIDS. Last year, proceeds totalling N 231.400,00 were donated to NIBUCCA at the end of the 10th Nigeria Oil & Gas Conference and an exhibition stand was made available free of charge throughout the event.



In 2011, CWC would like to once again demonstrate their passion and commitment to the noble vision behind NIBUCCA and is donating $50 from each delegate booking (made by 31 December 2010) to the organisation.

NOG11 at a Gla a n ce “Relevant and concise in content. A forum where all relevant stakeholders are brought together to resolve conflicts and enhance the growth of the entire sector.” Okeogun OPlufunmilola, Skye Bank Plc

WHAT’S ON Exhibition hosted by


NEW Ene erg gy Finan nce Se emin nar Golf Day hosted by

21 1

Pre-Registration of NOG Conference hosted by

Opening Ceremony & Cultural Evening hosted by

Opening Ceremony & Cultural Evening hosted by


Exhibition hosted by CO ONFE ERENCE E DA AY 1


Networking Breakfast & Registration hosted by

Networking Coffee Break hosted by

Networking Coffee Break hosted by

Drinks Reception hosted by


Networking Dinner hosted by Networking Lunch hosted by

Exhibition hosted by


CO ONFE ERENCE E DA AY 2 Networking Breakfast & Registration

Networking Lunch

Networking Coffee Break

Drinks Reception

Gala Dinner hosted by

Awards Ceremony

Exhibition hosted by


NIIGERIA A CONTEN NT SEMIN NAR hostedd by Networking Breakfast & Registration

Networking Lunch hosted by

TECHNICAL SESSIIONS hosted ed by Networking Breakfast & Registration

Networking Lunch

Networking Coffee Break

Networking Coffee Break


Networking Coffee Break Networking Coffee Break


Max xim misse Your In nvolvement

To register your interest & request more information about:

Branding Opportunities



Contact Shaun Quinn on: +44 20 7978 0086 | Email:

NOG10 news







DAY 2- 23RD



e is Power Outag Continued le - Jonathan Unacceptab sage of PIB as priority DAILY NEWS

...Identifies unam By Frank Uzuegb Ishola & Stephen



NOG Newspaper returns to NOG 2011!

FEB. 2010


gained from Nigeria has an NOG - Lukm the opening address at

In his welcome the Minister the NOG10, ceremony of le Rilwanu , Honorab of Petroleum D Nigeria has said that CTING President Lukman from the NOG Jonathan immensely r. Goodluck 10 years benefitted in London, ied the has decr since its inception will deal with d power that NOG10 continue ago. He said while the described of the reform outage and agenda . Implications with the reform criticized the on for NOG9 dealt able. He to solid foundati it as unaccept laid continues Industry NOG9 Nigeria s on the Petroleum situation where of Nigerian of discussions while majority ensive piece a farmer export gas likened it to Bill, a compreh Nigeria's energy He . sells his ever in are in darkness legislation he noted led bountiful harvest discussions who after a proceeds on sector. These er which in , spends the of stakehold entire foodstuff leaves his family to s changes to wide interest and to numerou g to the other goods turn has resulted in response hunger. Accordin cannot draft of PIB wallow in the original Nigerians to t, ers. acting Presiden darkness anymore to the stakehold live in be used afford to gas which can the serve while we export to enough power declare to generate , Goodluck the tape to acting President of nation. The Jonathan cutting tion & Welcome d the passage t Goodluck 08:00 Registra FMC Technologies Jonathn identifie bill (PIB) as one of Acting Presiden by Industry the Coffee hosted Petroleum administration open NOG10 Lodge – ICC reform while tasks of this ent of ons of the the primary agenda . in the Executive Remarks n and Implicati to the developm He ’s Opening with the reform for this generatio as PIB is critical ion for 09:00 Chairman industry. NOG9 dealt gas sector oil and gas to him, oil e room – ECOWAS solid foundat to the and According the Nigerian Industry in the conferenc NOG9 laid ity to appeal Petroleum those unborn. Nigerians and n ns on the seized the opportun in the passage of benefit to all He discussio Break in piece of legislatio building should be a to hasten ing Coffee nt of violence. lawmakers a comprehensive sector. These 11:00 Network energy not an instrume and the people of Bill, the PIB. interest the Executive Lodge- ICC out that ever in Nigeria's Nigerians led to wide hosted by g the amnesty is thanked He also pointed ns he noted ing Lunch for embracin ring NNPC has resulted the discussio Niger Delta 13:00 Network the Ballroom of the of restructu which in turn that all draft according challenge in stakeholder . He said to the original aimed at of The new NNPC, run as a program ConocoPhillips programmes irreversible. be numerous changes stakeholders. Hotel n of the to developmental president, will to the Nicon Luxury Break in to the acting will operate tion and integratioaddressed of PIB in response ing Coffee yesterday has which off rehabilita Network be kicked which 900 16:00 pay taxes business venture people will the NOG10 with over Lodge – ICC boundaries; Nigeria delta he said that past records the Executive across national ent like other broken all Nigerians, 180 the same time ’s Closing Remarks to governm of which are the Niger Delta he and at Chairman in s, half and royalties 18:00 Nigerian criminals delegates The challenge e room – ECOWAS activities of have over 50% . business ventures. e. exhibitors which presenters of which 45 in the conferenc will not be tolerated Minister of achievabl atives, 80 address, the believe, are , Goodluck including building n u represent hosted by Acting President and gas In his welcome H o n o r a b l e R i l wa ing Drinks s, 55 sponsors , the are Nigerian operators, banks 18:45 Network that the oil Pe t r o l e u m Ballroom of Nigeria has jors, Nigerian hasized Jonathan said NOG10 ExxonMobil in the said that be overemp the NOG super-ma chip companies. In all, Lukman cannot to from Hotel ly sector industry blue immense of the Nicon Luxury 10 years and benefitted importance participants. in London, due to the said that this has over 7,000 its inception economy. He will deal with ed to since the Nigerian said that NOG10 is committ oil ago. He adminis tration ities in the the opportun maximizing



Day 1

Sponsored by

Launched last year, the daily NOG Newspaper became an immediate success with delegates and visitors. Due to popular demand, the NOG Newspaper is now becoming a permanent feature of Nigeria Oil & Gas and will be even bigger next year! For advertising opportunities in the NOG Newspaper contact Rehia Giwa - Osagie on Tel: +44 20 7978 0083 | Email:

To book your de ele egate place VISIT

POST your form along with payment to

CWC Group Ltd, Regent House, 16-18 Lombard Road, SW11 3RB, UK



your completed registration form to +44 20 7978 0099

Saul Akerman at

To check stand availability & exhibiting opportunities Contaactt Da ann ny Grrogan on Tel: +44 20 7978 0089 Em mail: dgrrog gan@tthecw wcgroup om

Mak ke the Mostt of Yourr Nettwo orking g Experrie e n ce

Start your networking early & maximise your time before the event! Find us on: Join the Nigeria Oil & Gas Group that has been created to enable past and future participants, but also people who are new to this flagship event to network together prior to the event.

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The Large est & Most Pre estigiious Oil & Gas Even nt in n Nigeria & Westt Africca

“I would like to thank the organisers of the Nigeria Oil and Gas Conference… this annual oil event has grown to become one of the most prestigious assemblages of experts and investors interested in the Nigerian oil business and its environment.” H.E. Goodluck Jonathan, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Platinum Sponsors

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Nestoil PLC

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