World LNG Summit Brochure

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The World’s Leading Strategic LNG Summit

Lead Sponsors:

LNG Award Evening Co-Hosts:






The World’s Leading Strategic LNG Summit

“The event proves itself year after year to be the most important gathering of commercially-minded LNG professionals” Frederic Barnaud, President & Managing Director, Gazprom Global LNG

Lead Sponsors:

LNG Award Evening Co-Hosts:







Distinguished Speakers

Betsy Spomer

Hamad Rashid Al-Mohannadi

Vice President Regional Business Development, Americas and Global LNG BG Group

Frédéric Barnaud

Managing Director - CEO RasGas Company Limited

President & Managing Director Gazprom Global LNG

Simon Bonini

Hiroshi Kondo

Voka Mukoro


Vice President, LNG Europe Tokyo Gas Paris Office

Coodinator, Gas & Power Directorate Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation

Anthony Gelotti

Marleen Lord-Lewis

Philip Olivier

Vice President of Global LNG Marketing and Trading Chevron Global Gas

Vice President, Business Development National Energy Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago

Senior Vice President GDF Suez in charge of Global LNG

Jean-Pierre Cavé

Jonty Shepard

Dr Alirio Parra

Commercial & Shipping Manager Yemen LNG

Head of LNG Supply & Trading BP

Senior Associate CWC Group Limited

Rob Klein Nagelvoort

Steven Miles

Ulco Vermeulen

General Manager, Gas Technology Shell Global Solutions

Partner Baker Botts LLP

Director, Business Development Gasunie

Distinguished Speakers

Tom Cordano

Abdulla Al Hussaini

Ivan Sandrea

President ExxonMobil LNG Market Development Company

LNG Portfolio Optimization Division Manager Qatargas

Vice President Strategy, Exploration & Production Statoil

Laurent Maurel

Birger Balteskard

Serapio Sima Ntutumu

Senior Vice President, LNG Total Gas & Power

Head of Global LNG, Trading and Origination ConocoPhillips

Deputy Director General Sonagas G.E.

Hiroki Sato

Ken Kuroda

Eithne Treanor

General Manager, Contracts & Purchasing Chubu Electric Power Company

Senior Vice President, Energy Business Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc

Founder & Managing Director, Etreanor Media 2I¾FLDO 2Q $LU Conference & Web Cast Moderator, OPEC

Jay Copan

Octávio Simões

David Fuller

Senior Advisor American Gas Association

Vice President, Commercial & Development Sempra LNG

Global Head of LNG RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

Marco Arcelli

Steven Sparling

Alberto Alvarez

Executive Vice President, Upstream Gas Division Enel

Partner Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Commercial Director Repsol Gas Natural LNG (STREAM)


Where the World’s LNG Leaders Meet and Do Deals

“Excellent opportunity and forum for networking and connecting all the various players in LNG” Fanzi Mai Sari, Head (Projects), Petronas

Meet Contacts

Nurture Partnerships

Do Deals

Welcome Drinks Reception & Registration

Hosted by

29 November 2010 :HOFRPH WR %DUFHORQD -RLQ XV DW WKLV RI¾FLDO RSHQLQJ RI WKH 6XPPLW WR UHJLVWHU DQG enjoy a drink at this informal reception - the perfect way to make the most of your time RXW RI WKH RI¾FH DQG VWDUW \RXU QHWZRUNLQJ

Award Gala Dinner

LNG Award Evening Co-Hosts

30 November 2010 G L O B A



Celebrate industry innovation at this prestigious evening event, culminating in the presentation of the coveted CWC/WGI LNG Award. Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Casa Llotja de Mar, one of the greatest examples of two-storey Gothic architecture in the Mediterranean, the Award Gala Dinner is the highlight of LNG industry calendar.

Hosted by

Informal Spanish Drinks Evening 1 December 2010

Your chance to take a break from all the hard work and sample some famous Spanish hospitality. Change out of your suit, grab a drink and catch up with friends old and new at this brand new function designed with fun and informality in mind.

Extended Coffee Breaks & Lunches 29 November - 2 December 2010 Through the extended coffee breaks and lunches you can ensure you maximise your networking time without missing out on any of the key sessions. Day One Lunch hosted by

Unique Participation Opportunities

Day Two Lunch hosted by

Online Networking Network online before, during and after the conference

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the leaders in the LNG industry and be part of this most prestigious event.

Find out who’s attending, set up meetings and follow up conversations

Call Tyler Forbes on +44 20 7978 0061 Email your enquiry to Visit to register your place

Plus, join us on

Available to all registered delegates prior to and following the event - full details will be sent with your joining instructions.


“Insightful, well prepared, well structured and relevant” Thorsten Möller, LNG Project Manager, E.ON Ruhrgas

“Quality discussion with widely different perspectives” Erik Skramstad, Director - LNG Segment, Det Norske Veritas (DNV)

Pre-Summit Executive Briefings 29 November 2010 Executive Briefing A:

What Are the Long-Term Prospects for LNG? 7KLV %ULH¾QJ ZLOO JLYH \RX An overview of the state of the LNG industry at the end of 2010 A forecast of the outlook for LNG supply and demand over the next decade A review of the challenges facing new liquefaction projects and a forecast RI ZKLFK DUH EHVW SODFHG WR UHDFK DQ HDUO\ ¾QDO LQYHVWPHQW GHFLVLRQ ),'

An assessment of recent developments in LNG pricing and the prospects for a move away from oil-linked prices in Europe and Asia $Q XSGDWH RQ /1* VKRUW WHUP WUDGLQJ ZKR DUH WKH QHZ SOD\HUV DQG ZKDW are the prospects for future development?

Executive Briefing B:

Led by Andy Flower, Independent Consultant, Flower LNG

Contracts, Trading & Pricing Led by


Morning Session: Trading, Hedging, Contracting and Portfolio Management of LNG

Speaker: John Fahy, Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited

7KLV %ULH¾QJ ZLOO KHOS \RX WR Understand gas/LNG hedging, risk management and portfolio optimisation strategies 3UR¾W IURP FDUJR GLYHUVLRQV DQG PDUNHW DUELWUDJH RSSRUWXQLWLHV 'LVFRYHU KRZ WR ERRVW SUR¾WV DQG UHGXFH ULVN WKURXJK WKH XVH RI hedging and trading tools in contracts Afternoon Session: Optimising Trading - New Ways of Creating Value 7KLV %ULH¾QJ ZLOO KHOS \RX WR Develop strategies for obtaining LNG supply in a competitive market - how to best take advantage of changing terms in LNG purchase agreements (SPAs, MSAs, and options) *DLQ DFFHVV WR PDUNHWV KRZ WR PDNH QHZ W\SHV RI UHJDVL¾FDWLRQ DQG storage agreements work for the trading environment Overcome the most persistent legal problems for closing deals when the clock is running out

Executive Briefing C:

Multiple User LNG Terminal Insights Led by


Morning Session: Multiple Shipper Terminal Operations - Lessons Learned On and Off Shore

Speakers: Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts LLP Kevin Keenan, Partner, Baker Botts LLP

Speakers: Gianluca Formenti, LNG Project Manager, E.ON Ruhrgas Andrea Glücksmann, Commercial Manager, Offshore LNG Toscana SpA

Afternoon Session: Small Scale Use of LNG - a New Market Opportunity? 7KLV %ULH¾QJ ZLOO JLYH \RX Practical insights about multiple shipper terminal operations Interactive discussion with the audience about key parameters for successful multiple shipper terminal operations Methods, tools and analysis for understanding multiple shipper LNG terminal operations Discussion of new LNG market opportunities, especially in the maritime arena

All Executive Briefings run from 08.00 to 16.30 with a one hour networking lunch.


Welcome Drinks Reception & Registration hosted by

All conference delegates are invited to official opening of the Summit to register and start networking early!

Carlo Buccisano, Principal Consultant, DNV Steven Sparling, Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Lars Petter Blikom, Segment Director, LNG DNV Giulio Tirelli Marketing & Application Director Wärtsila


“Interesting, entertaining and educational. It’s an eye-opener to the latest trends in the global LNG trade” Joseph O Odulate, Marketing & Communications Development Manager, Brass LNG

Programme Day One 30 November 2010

Master of Ceremony:

Eithne Treanor, Founder & Managing Director, Etreanor Media 2IžFLDO 2Q $LU &RQIHUHQFH :HE &DVW 0RGHUDWRU OPEC


Welcome Coffee & Networking


Opening Remarks from the Summit Chairman Dr Alirio Parra, Senior Associate, CWC Group Limited


Jay Copan, Senior Advisor, American Gas Association David Fuller, Global Head of LNG, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH Ulco Vermeulen, Director, Business Development, Gasunie


Panel Discussion:

Keyno ote Addresse es

Opening Keynote Address: The Outlook for LNG – How are the Dynamics Changing? Betsy Spomer, Vice President Regional Business Development, Americas & Global LNG, BG Group Keynote Address: The Completion of the RasGas Story



BC Tripathi, Chairman & Managing Director, GAIL (India) Ltd*

Networking Coffee Break

Hiroki Sato, General Manager, Contracts & Purchasing, Chubu Electric Co Ltd

Panel Discussion: H ow Do Reg gio onal l Mark r ets s In nterf face wit th the Glo oba al LN NG Marke et? Market t Driive ers and Str rateg gie es

Marco Arcelli, Executive Vice President, Upstream Gas Division, Enel Jason Bennett, Partner, Baker Botts LLP

‡ Regional and global players speak ‡ :KHUH GRHV /1* žW LQWR WKH HFRQRPLF VWDFN RI JDV VXSSO\"

Ric Frasse, Executive Vice President GS Caltex Corporation

Hiroshi Kondo, Vice President, LNG Europe, Tokyo Gas Paris OfďŹ ce Simon Bonini, $GYLVRU WR WKH &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IžFHU Centrica Energy

Key ynote Add dre ess s: Benjamin Palomo, Managing Director, LNG Repsol*

OctĂĄvio SimĂľes, Vice President, Commercial & Development, Sempra LNG Alberto Alvarez, Commercial Director Repsol - Gas Natural LNG (STREAM)


The Imp por rta ance e of f Coop o era atio on an nd Coll lab borat tion n – Unlock c ing g Po oten ntia al throug gh Pa art tners ship

‡ Promoting collaboration along the value chain ‡ The importance of NOCs throughout the value chain – strategies, impact on the market and on IOCs ‡ Partnerships to promote LNG ‡ Collaboration, changing relationships

Hamad Rashid Al-Mohannadi, Managing Director - CEO, RasGas Company Limited


Networking Coffee Break

Networking Luncheon hosted by


Close of Summit Day One


Buses will depart from the foyer of the Hotel Arts to take all delegates and speakers to Casa Llotja de Mar for the LNG Award Gala Evening.


Pre-Gala Dinner Drinks Reception hosted by

Panel Discussion:

3. ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Majo or Chal lle enges s in n th t e LNG Mar rke ets s: Has the Role & Im mpo ort tance e of LNG G Chan nged? ?

Are you going to adjust the share of LNG in your portfolio? What are the challenges to LNG in the different regions? +DV /1* LQFUHDVHG ¿H[LELOLW\ IRU \RXU EXVLQHVV LQ WKH FXUUHQW FOLPDWH" With new piped gas sources coming on stream, how do you see the interaction between piped gas and LNG? ‡ What are the current attractions of LNG? ‡ Following the US shale revolution do you think that unconventional and new sources of gas have the potential to reshape the gas markets elsewhere?





6th Annual LNG Award Gala Dinner hosted by


“My colleague said that this was ‘the’ LNG event worldwide and he was right!” Magnus Evardsson, Team Leader – Exploration, Statoil

Programme Day TWO 1 December 2010


Welcome Coffee & Networking


Session Chair:


Unconvent tio onal Gas: Op Oppo ort tunit ty or Threat t to o LNG G?

Keynote Address: Shale vs LNG: How do They Compete?

Steven Miles, Partner, Baker Botts LLP

Ivan Sandrea, Vice President Strategy, Exploration & Production, Statoil

Keynote Address: Same Gas, Same Markets? Frédéric Barnaud, President & Managing Director, Gazprom Global LNG

The Challenge of Building South America’s First Liquefaction Facility Building Martin Meyer, Director, LNG Technology CB&I

LNG Leaders’ Panel:

The LNG Leaders’ Panel: Outlook for LNG in Outloo ok fo or LNG in n the h Next 10 Ye ear rs: How the Next 10 Years: How Are Business Models Are Bus siness Mode els Ch han nging g? Changing?




Networking Coffee Break

Panel Discussion:

Tom Cordano, President, ExxonMobil LNG Market Development Company Birger Balteskard, Head of Global LNG Trading and Origination, ConocoPhillips Laurent Maurel, Senior Vice President, LNG, Total Gas & Power


New Wa ave e? The Emerge enc ce of Fina anc cia al Pla ayers s in n LNG G Markets t

+RZ DUH ¾QDQFLDO SOD\HUV UHVKDSLQJ JDV DQG /1* PDUNHWV" :K\ DUH WKH ¾QDQFLDO SOD\HUV EHWWLQJ RQ /1* QRZ" What has changed to encourage this trend in the last couple of years? How are their business models different from traditional LNG players?

Session Chair:

Anthony Gelotti, Vice President of Global LNG Marketing and Trading, Chevron Global Gas

John Fahy, Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited

Philip Olivier, Senior Vice President, GDF Suez in charge of Global LNG

Panellists include: Paul Kettlety, Director, Barclays Capital

Jonty Shepard, Head of LNG Supply & Trading, BP

Keynote Address:




Networking Coffee Break What at Are Th he Game-C Chan ang ging g Tech hnol log gies of the Futu ure e?

Panel Discussion )ORDWLQJ /1* ,V LW D UHDOLW\ RU D EOLS" What can we learn from Snohvit? Does CBM work? – Is it a good idea? – Why are the Chinese interested? – Do the business models stand up to scrutiny?

Qatar Qat rgas Market ting Optim mis satio on Pr roc cess

Abdulla Al Hussaini, LNG Portfolio Optimization Division Manager, Qatargas


Close of Summit Day Two


Informal Spanish Drinks Evening hosted by

Rob Klein Nagelvoort, General Manager Gas Technology, Shell Global Solutions International BV Frederich Deybach, Vice President Commercial, GTT


Networking Luncheon hosted by


“Very well organised, excellent topics, very informative� Talib Al Mashari, Marketing & Business Analyst, Qalhat LNG

Programme Day Three 2 December 2010



Welcome Coffee & Networking

John Fahy, Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited

LNG Producers’ Panel:

Sup ppl lie ers Maint n ain n a Comp pet tit tive e 10. HEdogewe Dinnothe e Cu urren nt Ma Mar rke et?

Panellists: Voka Mukoro, Coodinator, Gas & Power Directorate, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Serapio Sima Ntutumu, Deputy Director General, Sonagas G.E.



Pat Roberts, Managing Director, LNG Worldwide Ltd Panel Discussion: How Do We Optimise Our Trading Portfolios? What innovative tools are there in terms of buying and supplying options? ,V WKH PDUNHW PRUH ¿H[LEOH WRGD\" :KDW HQDEOHV WKLV ¿H[LELOLW\" Storage for seasonal arbitrage Destination swaps Will investment banks change the face of trading?

Jean-Pierre Cavé, Commercial & Shipping Manager, Yemen LNG

Ken Kuroda, Senior Vice President, Energy Business, Mitsubishi Corporation International (Europe) Plc

Marleen Lord-Lewis, Vice President, Business Development, National Energy Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago

Davis Thames, President, Cheniere Marketing


Networking Coffee Break

Pric cing g, Inn novatio on an nd Trad din ng: New w Str rateg gie es in a Changiing g Glo obal Market t

Confer rence e Chair r’s s Clo osiing g Rem mar rks: Wha at at are the e Key Tr ren nds s, Them e es s & Outc com mes & What at do th hey y Mea an Dr Alirio Parra, Senior Associate, CWC Group Limited

Panel Discussion: The Future of Pricing


Networking Luncheon


Close of Summit

Session Chair: Steven Sparling, Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

* Denotes awaiting final confirmation

The World’s Leading Strategic LNG Summit

“One of the few conferences worth going to these days” Paul Heijkoop, Business Development Manager, Worldwide Offshore Solutions


H.E. Dr Ibrahim B Ibrahim (right) receiving the LNG Visionary Award from Dr Alirio Parra, CWC Group Limited

“It is a pleasure to accept this prestigious award with both pride and humility; I must acknowledge the outstanding individuals working in the gas industry in Qatar whose significant contributions made Qatar’s LNG vision a reality, and I thank the Selection Committee for granting me this award” H.E. Dr Ibrahim B Ibrahim, Economic Advisor to H.H. the Emir & Secretary General, General Secretariat for Development Planning, Qatar - Winner of the 2009 LNG Visionary Award

Award Gala Evening Programme 18.30

Buses will depart from the foyer of the Hotel Arts to take all delegates and speakers to Casa Llotja de Mar.


Pre-Gala Dinner Drinks Reception hosted by G L O B A


20.00 6 Annual LNG Award Gala Dinner hosted by



6th Annual

Now in its 6th year, the CWC/WGI LNG Award Gala Dinner brings together the leading lights in the LNG industry to celebrate industry innovation, culminating in the presentation of the coveted CWC/WGI LNG Award. The winner of this prestigious Award is selected by members of the LNG industry, through the Award Selection Committee, and bestowed on the company that is deemed to have made the greatest contribution to the LNG industry in the past 12 months. Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Casa Llotja de Mar, one of the greatest examples of two-storey Gothic architecture in the Mediterranean, the Award Gala Dinner is the highlight of LNG industry calendar and promises to once again be an unforgettable evening for all those in attendance.

Previous Esteemed Winners

2009 - RasGas Company Ltd

2008 - GDF Suez

2007 - BG Group

2006 - Qatar Petroleum 2005 - Cheniere LNG Inc

Award Gala Evening Co-Hosts






An Elite Global Gathering

With thanks to CWC’s

Industry-Led Steering Committee LNG

Khalid Al-Kuwari Marketing Executive, RasGas Company Ltd

Alberto Alvarez Commercial Director, Repsol Gas Natural LNG S.L. (STREAM)

FrĂŠdĂŠric Barnaud President & Managing Director, Gazprom Global LNG

Simon Bonini $GYLVRU WR WKH &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IžFHU Centrica Energy

Phil Byrne President, North West Shelf Australia LNG Pty

Mohammad Buhari General Manager, LNG, NNPC

Jean-Pierre CavĂŠ Commercial & Shipping Manager, Yemen LNG

Jay Copan Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, American Gas Association

Geoff Couper Executive Director, LNG Marketing & Trading, JP Morgan

John Fahy Managing Director, ERAS Consulting Limited

Andy Flower Independent Consultant, Flower LNG

Dr Anouk Honore Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

Martin Hutchison Managing Director, International Resources Consulting

David Ledesma Independent Consultant

Steven Miles Partner, Baker Botts LLP

Dr Alirio Parra Senior Associate, CWC Group Limited

Jupiter Ramirez Senior Marketing Advisor QG3, Qatargas

Pat Roberts Director, LNG Worldwide Ltd

Steven Sparling Partner, Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Phillip Weems Partner, King & Spalding LLP


Barcelona: Alive with History & Culture Conference Venue 44 stories of exposed glass and steel designed by Bruce Graham make the Hotel Arts the tallest building in Spain and a prominent feature of Barcelona’s skyline. A hotel of innovative design and contemporary interiors showcasing a 20th century collection of specially commissioned works of contemporary Catalan and Spanish artists, Hotel Arts Barcelona has a unique location on the seafront in the city’s Olympic Port area.

La Sagrada Familia 7KH 6DJUDGD )DPLOLD $QWRQL *DXGtÂśV XQžQLVKHG PDVWHUSLHFH LV RQH RI %DUFHORQDÂśV PRVW IDPRXV DWWUDFWLRQV 7KH EXLOGLQJ LV LQ WKH FHQWUH RI %DUFHORQD DQG ZLWK LWV PDJQLžFHQW mix of neo- Gothic and modernist architecture it has become one of the most universal signs of identity of the city and the country. Work started in March 1882 and has been ongoing ever since, with estimates for completion of between 30 – 50 years from today!

Las Ramblas Barcelona wouldn’t be Barcelona without Las Ramblas. A wander up and down these famous boulevards is a ritual well worth observing. Just soak up the atmosphere and admire the buildings, from the Canaletes fountain to the Columbus Monument, which connect the old and modern city with places like Liceu and Boqueria. A walk through the life and history of the city.

Port Olímpic The Mediterranean is the focus of one of the city’s busiest leisure and entertainment hotspots, regenerated for the 1992 Olympic Games. The twin towers mark the gateway to a whole host of bars, restaurants, discotheques and even a casino. A sophisticated party atmosphere by the sea where you can enjoy the night to the full on the doorstep of the Hotel Arts.

Art & Museums Barcelona is home to over 55 museums, covering a plethora of subjects including art, KLVWRU\ DUFKLWHFWXUH VFLHQFH VSRUWV ZDU DQG PDULWLPH 6RPH RI WKH KLJKOLJKWV LQFOXGH Catalan National Art Museum (MNAC), Picasso Museum, Egyptian Museum, and Museum of Modern Art (MAM).

Booking Your Accommodation CWC has reserved an allocation of bedrooms as the Hotel Arts, Barcelona. You can book online directly using the following link: You will need to enter your requested dates, enter the following group code: OIYOIYA, then follow the instructions. A credit card for each guest will be needed as a guarantee.

Barcelona will be very busy at the time of the event so please book early to avoid disappointment. Please note that after 28 October 2010 rooms and rates will be subject to availability, and any cancellations made after this date will be subject to a cancellation fee.

Unlocking the Potential of the LN G Industry

Why You Need to Atte end Be part of the world’s leading strategic LNG Summit žQG QHZ SDUWQHUV GR GHDOV and develop future projects Network in a truly global forum - 2009 delegation spanned 40 countries across 5 continents Meet and do deals with partners and clients from across the entire value chain Participate in spirited industry debate with senior LNG experts Keep up-to-date on what the key players are doing and how this impacts your business Align your corporate strategy in a global FRQWH[W DQG žQG QHZ SDUWQHUV LQ QHZ UHJLRQV Optimise your travel budget and time meet 400 LNG leaders under one roof



ONLINE - at The quickest & easiest way to book


FAX - Your completed form to +44 20 7978 0099


POST - Your completed form along with payment to CWC Group Limited, Regent House, 16-18 Lombard Road, London, SW11 3RB UK


Please complete in block capitals or attach a business card

Summit & Executive Briefing A: €4297 + 18% IVA 2. Summit & Executive Briefing B: €4297 + 18% IVA 3. Summit & Executive Briefing C: €4297 + 18% IVA 4. Summit Only: €3897 + 18% IVA

Company Name:

Group Discounts

Address 1:

Group discounts are available for those companies sending 3 or more delegates. Please email or call +44 20 7978 0061

Address 2: Town/City:



Cheque: I enclose a cheque made payable to CWC Group Limited. Please send to CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16-18 Lombard Road, London SW11 3RB, UK

Postal/Zip code: Country: VAT Reg No: Contact for payment: Telephone:




Bank Transfer Account No: 78794933 Sort Code: 20-78-58 Swift code: BARCGB22 BarclaysBank UK IBAN: GB81 BARC 2078 58787949 33 All bank transfers must be marked clearly with the delegate name/invoice number Debit/Credit card Please debit my card (tick and complete details) An additional 1.5% finance charge will be applicable on all card transactions

Delegate 1: Surname: (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss) First Name(s):

Security code

Card No

Position: Department: Email:

Today’s Date:

Telephone: Package Option:

Name on Card: 1




Billing Address:

Delegate 2:


Surname: (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss)


First Name(s):

Department: Email: Telephone: 1




Delegate 3: Surname: (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss) First Name(s): Position: Department:

Payment should be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of booking. Full payment must be received for entrance to be guaranteed. A confirmation letter and invoice will be sent to you on receipt of your booking. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge. Cancellations must be received in writing not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the event, you will then receive a credit note for 100% of the contract fee paid to be used at another CWC Group event which must occur within one year from the date of issuance of the credit note. In the event that CWC cancels or postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend the rescheduled date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another CWC event, which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation or postponement. Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no refunds given under any circumstances. Nonpayment or non-attendance does not constitute cancellation. The booking fee does not include accommodation or travel costs; these are the responsibility of the Delegate. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timings or venue. The Company will not accept liability for any transport disruption or individual transport delays and in such circumstances the normal cancellation restrictions apply.


Email: Telephone: Package Option:




Package Option:

Expiry Date:





Hotel Arts Barcelona Marina 19-21 8005 Barcelona Spain

Tel: +34 93 221 10 00 Fax: +34 93 221 10 70



The personal information provided by you will be held on a database and may be shared with companies in the CWC Group Limited. Sometimes your details may be made available to external companies for marketing purposes. If you do not wish your details to be used for this purpose please write to: Database Administrator, CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16-18 Lombard Road, London SW11 3RB, UK or email

The conference fee does not include accommodation. A limited number of reduced room rates have been reserved for delegates at the Hotel Arts Barcelona. Accommodation information will be sent to you with your confirmation letter by our Client Services Team when you register.


CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16-18 Lombard Road, London SW11 3RB, UK

To book your accommodation at the Hotel Arts online, visit CAN/ TO


Suppliers of LNG Expertise: Providing Commercial Solutions & Opportunities

The Eleventh Annual World LNG Summit is the jewel in the crown of CWC’s portfolio of quality LNG events that bring together the industry’s leading players to address the key issues facing the global energy sector. :H XVH RXU H[SHUWLVH WR KRVW ZRUOG UHQRZQHG FRQIHUHQFHV VXPPLWV WUDLQLQJ FRXUVHV H[HFXWLYH EULHžQJ VHVVLRQV DQG JDOD GLQQHUV with the annual CWC/WGI LNG award now acknowledged as the ‘one to win’. As well as providing insight into the industry, our events offer world class networking opportunities where you can widen your contacts, share experiences and facilitate further business development.

Global LNG Leaders CWC is proud to be the professional conference organiser of:

is part of CWC’s renowned portfolio of LNG events, including:

Expert Led LNG Training Courses

Media Partners

For more information contact: Tyler Forbes tel +44 20 7978 0061 email Registered OfďŹ ce: CWC Group Limited, Regent House, Oyster Wharf, 16 - 18 Lombard Road, London, SW11 3RB, UK

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