the 3rd Annual World Shale Conference & Exhibition

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The Premier Meeting Place for the World’s Shale Oil & Gas Industry HOST ASSOCIATION:



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International Partnerships

Investment Opportunities


Market Drivers




The Must Attend Shale Oil & Gas Event The CWC Group, International Gas Union and American Gas Association are delighted to invite you to participate in the 3rd Annual World Shale Conference & Exhibition, which will be held in Houston, Texas on the 18 - 21 September 2012.

World Shale 2012 Event Overview

Bringing together senior level decision makers from across the value chain, World Shale is the must attend event for the North American and international shale oil and gas industry.

1 Day Interactive Workshops

10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA Why Participate?

18 September

3 Day Conference 19 - 21 September

• Meet investors and financiers looking for opportunities in the shale industry in North America and internationally • Uncover the latest investment opportunities in shale globally and meet the international resource holders • Build partnerships with IOCs, NOCs, and major service providers in the industry • Discover the potential for international knowledge and technology transfer • Showcase your company as a leader in shale technology and services to the major players from around the world

3 Day Exhibition 19 - 21 September (Open to Industry Professionals)

New for 2012 Increased focus on shale oil and liquids rich plays in line with industry developments Participation from key players in the North American and international upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors Extended World Shale Technical Forum looking at opportunities and challenges throughout the shale cycle

Extended 3 Day Technical Forum 19 - 21 September

“Best in the industry. All CWC events are first-rate” Rick Smead, Director, Navigant

Led By the Industry for the Industry HOST ASSOCIATION:


Annual World Shale Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner 19 September Hosted by

“Now expanded to cover both shale oil and gas, the World Shale conference is a great chance for all of the key players and stakeholders to come together, not only to keep up to date on shale developments around the globe but also to form new partnerships and share experiences.” Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General, International Gas Union

Evening Drinks Reception 20 September

10 |

The Premier World Shale Network With Senior Industry Leaders from over 30 Countries Uncover

the investment Dallas-Fort Worth, USA opportunities and identify new partners and clients across the shale Capitalize oil and gas value chain on the opportunities in North America for gas monetization through GTL, petrochemicals, utilities and LNG



investment into European shale projects

how the shift in focus from gas to liquids is impacting the industry in North America

“Very worthwhile and timely; excellent choice of topics and speakers”

Welcoming Over 500 Industry leaders 3 - 5 November 2010 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA From Over 30 countries

Easton Wren, V.P Exploration and Director, Americas Petrogas Inc.

Delegates by Job Title


8% 8%

the opportunities for investment in Latin America’s unconventional oil and gas projects and meet the key players

31% 12%


25% CEO/President /Chairman/MD

Head/Director/VP of Upstream/E&P/Unconventional Head/Manager of Business Development Geologist/Technology/Engineer Lawyer/Consultant Others





• •

Australia Poland






Canada •







Oil & Gas Industry Event and uncover the Opportunities in the Shale Oil & Gas Industry


the opportunities to form partnerships in upstream shale projects across the Asia region to maximize knowledge and technology transfer


first mover-advantage by hearing the latest updates on shale potential in MENA and network with potential partners


investors from Asia and keep up to date on supply and demand forecasts in this fast growing market

“Excellent, powerful networking” Orlando Francisquelo, Director, Emerson Process


abreast of regulatory developments world-wide to identify the most favourable business environments

Egypt •


France •




the prospects and drivers for shale development in APAC



Japan •


• •

Kuwait Ukraine

Netherlands •







For more information contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Bringing Together the Shale Oil & Gas Value Chain Distinguished Speakers Include

David Carroll Worth, Gregg 10 | Dallas-Fort USAKantor

J Michael Yeager

Steven Mueller

Vice President International Gas Union

Second Vice Chairman American Gas Association

Chief Executive BHP Billiton Petroleum

President & Chief Executive Officer Southwestern Energy

Deputy Executive Director International Energy Agency

Ibu Evita Lebowo

Masamutsu Shinozaki

Davis Thames

Dr Vladimir Mordkovich

Barclay Hambrook

CEO & President Mitsui E&P USA LLC

President Cheniere Marketing LLC

Chief Technology Officer Infra Technology

CEO Americas Petrogas

Director General Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia

Ambassador Richard Jones

Eduardo Camero Godínez

Saleh M Saleh

Tim Williams

Peter Clutterbuck

Jeff Wright

Director General of Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons Secretaría de Energía, Mexico

Chief Explorationist, Unconventional Gas Exploration Division Saudi Aramco

Vice President- Upstream and Feedstock Acquisition Methanex Corporation

CEO 3Legs Resources

Director, Office of Energy Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

David Porter Railroad Commissioner Railroad Commission of Texas

Nicolas Mallo Huergo

Duaine Priestley

Professor Liu Xiaoli

Dr Ramon Alvarez

David Wochner

Senior Scientist Environmental Defense Fund

Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Non-Executive Director Andes Energia

Principal Deputy Director of Center Priestley International Consulting for Energy Economics and and Queensland Government Development Strategy LNG Senior Advisor Energy Research Institute Queensland Trade and Investment of National Development and Reform Commission, China

Professor Kenneth B. Medlock III

James A. Baker, III, and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics James A Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University

Hugh Tucker Partner and Head of Oil & Gas Practice Baker Botts LLP

Michelle Michot-Foss Chief Energy Economist, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin

Pan Jiping Director of Oil & Gas Resources Centre for Strategic Studies National Ministry of Land & Resources, China* * Denotes subject to final confirmation

For Speaker updates visit

The Industry Acclaimed Global

10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA

Register online at

“Good learning experience, excellent networking�

Shale Networking Forum

19 September

Networking Functions

Ram Rammathon, Strategy Consultant, Saudi Aramco

Gala Dinner & World Shale Awards Ceremony

3 - 5 November 2010 | Dallas-Fort W

Join us for the World Shale 2012 Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony to celebrate industry achievements from around the world over the past year.

Hosted by

20 September

Evening Drinks Reception in the Exhibition Hall Take advantage of this opportunity to relax, network, and explore the exhibition at the informal drinks reception.

19 - 21 September

Coffee Breaks & Lunches Extended coffee breaks and lunches across the event program give you the perfect opportunity to meet fellow participants and expand your business network.

Maximize your involvement! Contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

“I was very pleased with the content and speakers at the water management workshop. Based on this workshop, I plan to attend future World Shale Gas conferences� Paul Horbaly, Business Development, AT&F Advanced Metal

10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA

Dynamic Workshops 18 September 2012

Workshop A: Environmental and Regulatory Issues in Shale Gas & Oil Led by Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP, the Environmental and Regulatory Issues in Shale Gas & Oil workshop will delve into and address the challenges surrounding:

3Led - 5 By: November 2010 | Dalla

»» Water issues: Usage, treatment, disposal »» Seismic activity and the shale industry »» Aquifer contamination • Analyzing government approaches to handling environmental concerns internationally • Working with local communities and governments to raise awareness about shale production • Engaging key stakeholders to minimise disruptions • Litigation update

David Wochner

Teri Donaldson

Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Partner Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Workshop B: Water Management in Shale Oil & Gas Projects Water Management in Shale Oil & Gas Projects will explore the challenges and opportunities in developing robust strategies and best practices in water management in shale oil and gas projects. This interactive workshop will give insights into: • Assessing the best practices to optimize your water management strategy • Identifying the most appropriate type of water and overcoming sourcing issues • Exploring solutions to mitigate costly transport challenges • Uncovering the latest technologies and methods for flowback and produced water treatment and re-use • Understanding and mitigating the risks of induced seismicity in shale production • Evaluating the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods for waste-water disposal

Brent Halldorson Chief Operating Officer Aqua-Pure / Fountain Quail

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or


• Addressing the key environmental risks-real and perceived-associated with shale production, including:

Conference Day 1 19 September 2012 8:00am Registration and Welcome Coffee


LIQUIDS: The Golden Age of Shale Oil?

8:30am Chair’s Opening Remarks

• Low gas prices and high oil prices - have we entered the shale oil boom?

Welcome Remarks

David Carroll

• Exploring opportunities for shale oil development globally

Vice President

• How are service companies coping with the high demand for personnel and equipment for shale and tight oil projects?

Gregg Kantor

International Gas Union 10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA Second Vice Chairman

American Gas Association

Questions & Answers

• What impact will the boost in oil production in the US have on the international oil markets? • How do major investors view the future of shale gas in the US?

Session Chair

Lessons Learned in the Shale Gas Industry and Assessing the Shift to Shale Oil

1. OPENING KEYNOTES: Fulfilling the Industry’s Future Potential: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Michelle Michot-Foss

Chief Energy Economist Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin

Hugh Tucker Partner and Head of Oil & Gas Practice Baker Botts LLP

• What key lessons have been learned during the shale gas boom and how can they be implemented as operating strategies moving forward?

Questions & Answers

• Identifying best practices in shale production that can be applied globally

12:10pm Developing Mexico’s vast shale resources

• What impact has the US shale revolution had on global markets? • Evaluating and overcoming key operating challenges in US shale production

J Michael Yeager

Chief Executive

BHP Billiton Petroleum

Steven Mueller President & Chief Executive Officer

Southwestern Energy

Questions & Answers

Eduardo Camero Godínez Director General of Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons Secretaría de Energía, Mexico

12:30pm Networking Lunch

Assessment of Current and Future Trends in the Gas Market: Supply, Demand, and Their Impacts on Pricing


10:15am Exhibition Opening and Tour Led by

FOR MONETIZATION: LNG, XTL, Petrochemicals, and Utilities

• Identifying the major gas markets and determining future demand • Will there be a US industrial renaissance and how would it impact gas usage?

10:30am Networking Coffee Break

• What impact would LNG exports from the US have on gas prices domestically, if any? • What price does the industry need for full development moving forward? • How much gas is produced along with oil and liquids and what are the opportunities for monetization? • Developing the necessary pipeline infrastructure to meet demand

Register online at

“The event succeeded in exchanging dialogue on the challenges and opportunities of shale gas, as well as bringing focus to complicated U.S. regulations.” TJ Paulick, Coordinating Manager- Global Supply, Marathon Oil

Gregg Kantor Second Vice Chairman American Gas Association

Tim Williams Vice President- Upstream and Feedstock Acquisition Methanex Corporation

Jeff Wright Director, Office of Energy Projects Federal Energy Regulatory Commission



Grab a drink and pull up a chair to establish new relationships and business partnerships at the extended networking round table discussions

3 - 5 November 2010 | Dalla

Update on Cheniere’s US LNG Export Plans:

Davis Thames President Cheniere Marketing LLC

Questions & Answers

3:00pm Networking Coffee

4. PANEL DISCUSSION: Supply, Demand,

• How does shale gas fit into the energy mix around the world? • How do buyers in Asia and Europe view US gas supply and how does it fit into their energy portfolios? • What opportunities do international markets offer to US suppliers?

6:30pm Pre-Dinner Drinks Reception



• Assessing the lasting impacts of Fukushima on the global gas market • Is Henry Hub the most relevant price point and how price points developing globally? • What impact will US LNG exports have on international gas markets?

David Carroll Vice President International Gas Union

Duaine Priestley Principal, Priestley International Consulting, and Queensland Government LNG Senior Advisor, Queensland Trade and Investment

Masamutsu Shinozaki CEO & President

Mitsui E&P USA LLC

Questions & Answers

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Conference Agenda

and Price Spreads Driving Investment: Evaluating International Price Spreads to Determine the Best Strategies for Your Business

Conference Day 2 20 September 2012 Addressing Key Concerns and Potential Set-Backs to Ensure The Continuity of Shale Growth

8:15am Morning Networking Coffee 9:00am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Investing in the Future: Solidifying the Foundations Needed to Drive the Industry Forward


ISSUES: Furthering Efforts to Best Handle Concerns Among the Public and Stakeholders

10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA

6. MIDSTREAM INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: Assessing the Challenges and Opportunities to Overcome Constraints

• What are the infrastructure needs for the shale industry and can they be met? • Exploring incentives for increasing pipeline capacity to overcome bottlenecks • Investigating the benefits of GTL as a solution for stranded gas in liquids rich plays • Examining the potential market impacts of coastwise LNG trade in the US

Dr Vladimir Mordkovich Chief Technology Officer Infra Technology

Questions & Answers


Building Mutually Beneficial Partnerships for Advancing Shale Oil and Gas Development

• Identifying the commercial drivers for foreign investment into the US shale oil and gas industry • How will partnerships between independents, NOCs, and IOCs shape the future of shale development internationally?

• How has the environmental movement evolved in the US and internationally? • Engaging key stakeholders throughout the value chain to minimize the risks of operational disruption • Enhancing strategies and technologies for effective water management in shale production • Evaluating the risks and impacts of greenhouse gas emissions from shale operations • Identifying best practices in water resource management: Sourcing, treating, and disposal • Assessing and mitigating the risks of fracking on seismic activity

Dr Ramon Alvarez Senior Scientist Environmental Defense Fund

Professor Liu Xiaoli Deputy Director of Center for Energy Economics and Development Strategy, Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission, China

Peter Clutterbuck CEO 3Legs Resources

Questions & Answers

1:00pm Networking Lunch

• Evaluating the gas buyers’ strategies for investing in upstream shale gas projects • How can the industry work with governments at the local, state, and federal level to ensure mutually benefit from shale? Barclay Hambrook CEO Americas Petrogas

Nicolas Mallo Huergo Non-Executive Director Andes Energia Senior representative Bureau of Energy Resources, US Department of State

Questions & Answers

11:15am Networking Coffee

“Strong platform with excellent international participation and relevant conversations” Guy Lewis, MD, Gas Technology Institute


the Relative Benefits and Potential Drawbacks of Driving Forward the Shale Oil and Gas Industry

• Assessing the rhetoric and the reality of government support for shale gas production • Evaluating the US tax regime and its impact on the domestic industry

10. RESOURCING THE SHALE INDUSTRY: Filling the Talent and Equipment Gaps

• How large a talent gap is the industry facing and what are its potential impacts? • What conditions are needed to attract equipment and qualified people to new regions?

3 - 5 November 2010 | Dalla

• The role of the shale revolution in creating jobs and wealth in the US

• How do governments weigh up the costs and benefits of backing the shale industry?

• Forming partnerships between industry and universities to bring in fresh talent

• The role of environmental groups in shaping regulations around the world

Thomas B Murphy

Extension Educator and Co-Director

• What does the industry need from governments to be able to provide cheap, domestic sources of energy? • Defining the impact of shale gas on the renewable energy sector: Can they complement each other? • What strategies can governments employ to help win public opinion for the local shale industry?

Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research* Questions & Answers

5:00pm Close of Conference Day Two

Session moderator: David Wochner Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP David Porter Railroad Commissioner Railroad Commission of Texas

Pan Jiping Director of Oil & Gas Resources Centre for Strategic Studies National Ministry of Land & Resources, China*

Erik Milito Group Director, Upstream and Industry Operations American Petroleum Institute

Questions & Answers

3:15pm Networking Coffee

For speaker updates visit

* Denotes subject to final confirmation

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Conference Agenda


10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA

Register online at

Conference Day 3 21 September 2012 9:00am Morning Coffee 9:30am Chair’s Opening Remarks


KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER: Maximizing the Potential of the Shale Oil and Gas Industry Internationally

Morning Keynote:

Ambassador Richard Jones Deputy Executive Director International Energy Agency

Questions & Answers

The Global Revolution? Identifying Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges to Develop Shale Around the World

11. PINPOINTING NEW INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR SHALE OIL AND GAS WORLD-WIDE • Where are the most promising new opportunities for shale development? • Strategy for unconventional gas exploration in Saudi Arabia

• Assessing political risk in areas with little to no experience with the oil and gas industry • Building sustainable business models to ensure a lasting future for shale • Which areas to financiers see as the most (and least) promising for shale development?

Ibu Evita Lebowo Director General Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia

Saleh M Saleh Chief Explorationist, Unconventional Gas Exploration Division, Saudi Aramco

Senior Representative CNPC

3 - 5 November 2010 | Dalla

• Technology and knowledge transfer from the US: Can US expertise be applied elsewhere?

• Identifying the most efficient and effective technologies for developing new shale plays • Commercialization of new technologies to drive down costs of production internationally Questions & Answers

13. PANEL DISCUSSION: Can the US Shale Revolution Be Replicated Elsewhere?

• Will the shale revolution be confined to the US? • What regulatory structures need to be in place to attract investment into new shale projects? • How do different geological factors impact the industry’s ability to develop shale in a cost-effective manner? • What technological advancements will be needed to push the industry forward in China? Argentina?

Session Chair:

Senior Representative Americas Petrogas Inc

Professor Kenneth B. Medlock III James A. Baker, III, and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics James A Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

1:15pm Close of World Shale 2012 Conference

10:45am Networking Coffee

1:30pm Networking Lunch

For speaker updates visit

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Conference Agenda

• What does the future hold for shale gas exploration and production in the US?

• What role will the pioneers of the US shale industry play in developing shale internationally?

Where Partnerships Are Formed, Deals Are Done The World Shale Open to industry

The World Shale Exhibition

19 - 21 September 2012 10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA Is unlike any other exhibition focused on shale oil & gas - showcase your company and latest technologies on an international platform, whilst networking with local and global experts all under one roof.

Why Exhibit at World Shale? Showcase new investment opportunities Highlight best practices Unique platform to see and demonstrate new technologies and strategies Meet decision makers from across the value chain

To book your exhibition booth contact Adam Edwards on +44 20 7978 0060 or

And New Technologies Are Showcased Exhibition Floor Plan professionals

World ShaleTechnical Forum

19 - 21 September 2012 3 - 5 November 2010 | Dalla The World Shale Technical Forum will run concurrently with the main conference and be held within the exhibition hall. The Forum provides a unique platform for exploring new technologies and processes and assessing best practices to increase efficiency and drive down costs.

The Forum will cover issues including: Geology & geophysics Reservoir characterization Sweet spot identification New methods and technologies in drilling New technologies in fracturing and stimulation Water management Gas processing Minimizing environmental impacts in all areas of shale production

Speakers will include: Schlumberger Ingrain Ecologix Environmental Systems Merrick

For further information visit

For more information contact Adam Edwards on +44 20 7978 0060 or

Exhibition & Technical Forum

Tyco Flow Control

“We are pleased to have received such a prestigious accolade and it is great recognition from our industry peers for the work that we are doing.� Peter Clutterbuck, CEO, 3Legs Resources

Winner of International Pioneer 2011: 3Legs Resources

World Shale 2011 Awards Winners

Winner of Community Engagement Leader 2011: Talisman Energy

Winner of Technological Innovator 2011: GasFrac Energy Services

Celebrating innovation and achievements in the industry

World Shale 2012 Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner 19 September 2012 Hosted by

These prestigious awards are a chance for companies to gain international recognition from their peers for their efforts in developing shale oil and gas world-wide. Members of the industry are invited to propose one company for each of the following three categories:

Technological Innovator Recognizing the company making the most significant progress in shale gas/oil development outside of North America

International Pioneer Recognizing the technological breakthrough of the year in shale gas/oil exploration and production

Community Engagement Leader Recognizing the best example of leadership in a community context by any company involved in the shale gas/oil production value chain

The deadline for submission is 16 August 2012 To send your nominations visit

World Shale Awards 2012

Nominations are welcome from any part of the shale oil and gas supply chain.

World Renowned Experts Independent Analysis from CWC’s Global Gas Events to Shape your Business Strategies

Gas Dynamic Insights Series: World Shale Conference

10 | Dallas-Fort Worth, USA

• Understand the key issues affecting the shale industry to make the right business decisions • Grasp potential threats to avoid in order to drive your strategies in the right direction • Pinpoint opportunities and areas to include in your future strategy to guarantee your company’s success • Analyse possible scenarios that may evolve and how they might impact your business • Employ this unique tool back in the office to unlock your business potential

Subscribe and receive 4 reports on CWC’s Global Gas Series Subscribe to the Gas Dynamic Insights (GDI) series and receive the latest industry news, insights and analysis on the following events:

SUBSCRIBE NOW! CONTACT Tanya Crossick on +44 20 7978 0059 or

World LNG Series: Americas Summit World Shale Conference World LNG Series: LNG Asia Pacific Summit World LNG Summit

in Energy & Infrastructure CWC Core Values The CWC Group is a globally-recognised expert in oil, gas, power and investment sectors, particularly in emerging markets. We have developed strategic, long-term partnerships with many governments, NOCs and private sector bodies across the world and work extensively to promote investment opportunities to an international audience.

3 - 5 November 2010 | Dalla

Our well-established portfolio of global products includes strategic high-level conferences, technical seminars, strategic workshops, private retreats, managed events and large scale exhibitions. The CWC Group has an unparalleled wealth of experience spanning 15 years in the oil, gas, power and investment sectors: • • • • •

600 events delivered by CWC Group / CWC PCO & PEO 700 hours of content, discussion and networking delivered in 2011 40 events in 2012 hosted across 20 territories 155 courses organised by the CWC School for Energy during 2011 and 2012 Better World Foundation launched to manage CWC charity projects in West Africa

Twice Winner of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade The CWC Group is exceptionally proud that it has twice won the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade (2007 and 2011); one of the most prestigious industry awards in the UK. These awards are bestowed by Queen Elizabeth II on the advice of the Prime Minister, assisted by an advisory committee and recognise the winners for being among the most successful companies in the UK and for their outstanding achievement in international trade.

Our Partners & Clients

For Further Information visit:

CWC’s World Shale Series



Package Options A. Conference, Workshop B. Conference only

3 Easy Ways To Register

$3,597.00 $2,997.00

Group Discounts

Group discounts are available for companies sending 3 or more delegates. Please email or call +44 20 7978 0000 for further details


ONLINE at The quickest & easiest way to book

2. 3.

FAX your completed form to +44 20 7978 0099 POST your completed form along with payment to CWC Group Limited, Regent House, 16-18 Lombard Road, London, SW11 3RB, UK

For more information contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025

Adam Edwards on +44 20 7978 0060

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