World Shale Gas Conference & Exhibition

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The Meeting Place for the World’s Shale Gas Industry ORGANIZER:








The Industry Acclaimed World Shale Gas Conference & Exhibition Unique platform to explore opportunities, develop your business and unlock the potential of shale gas globally World Shale Gas 2010 welcomed over 500 participants from over 35 countries, make sure you get involved for 2011! International participation from: t t t t t

40% 20% 20% 15% 5%

North America Europe Asia Pacific South America & Central America MENA

Aubrey K McClendon, Chairman & CEO, Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Delegates by job title t t t t t t t t

30% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5%

CEO/President/Chairman/MD/Senior VP/Director Head/Director/VP of Upstream/E&P/Unconventionals VP/Director/Head/Manager of Business Development Geologist /Technology /Engineer Government/Ministry/NOC Lawyer/Consultant Chief Operating Officer General/Regional/Project/ Manager

Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President, International Gas Union

International Representation Includes

Global Representation - Commercial Strategies Investment Opportunities Led By the Industry for the Industry Co-Sponsor:

Host Association:

“It was a great pleasure to work with you all and experience how well organised and successful the event was both professionally and socially.’’

“Both the conference and exhibition proved to add tremendous value to attendees, knowledge of the growing shale gas business.’’

Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General, International Gas Union

Bob Skaggs, Former Chairman, American Gas Association

New for 2011:

Key event benefits:

Increased focus on environmental concerns and challenges

Raise your profile in this game changing industry

Interactive panel on gas market dynamics and drivers

Uncover the real impact of shale on the global gas market

Half-day on Asian Shale Gas World Shale Gas Awards celebrating industry achievements & innovation

Find new business partners in new regions

Session examining the growth in shale oil development

Meet the pioneers of the shale gas industry

World Shale Gas Conference CDI Report providing a unique summary & independent expert analysis of the conference

Identify international investment opportunities

Shale gas technical sessions

Houston USA

Houston USA

The All-Encompassing World Shale Event World Shale Gas 2011 Timetable of Events Monday 7 November 2011 11.30am Workshop B: Water Management in

Wednesday 9 November 2011 8.00am

Networking Breakfast

Shale Gas Production Hosted by

1.30pm Workshop A: Addressing the Impact of Legal & Regulatory Issues on the Shale Gas Industry

8.00am Conference Day 2 & Exhibition


9.30am Technical Sessions

Welcome Drinks Reception & Registration

7.30pm Regulators’ Dinner (by invitation only)

12.45pm Networking Lunch 7.00pm

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Evening Drinks Reception

Thursday 10 November 2011

8.00am Conference Day 1 & Exhibition

9.00am Conference Day 3

10.15am VIP Tour of the Exhibition

12.45pm Networking Lunch


Networking Lunch Hosted by

Friday 11 November 2011 Site Visit to Haynesville Shale Play

7.15pm Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Hosted by

The World Shale Gas Awards The industry led World Shale Gas Awards will give recognition to companies that have made the greatest achievements in shale gas development internationally over the past 12 months. These prestigious Awards will highlight those companies making positive contributions to the industry through technological innovation; pioneering shale gas development outside of North America; and community engagement.

For more information contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Where the Governments, Operators and Solution Providers Meet Distinguished Speakers Include

Aubrey McClendon

J. Michael Yeager

Jean Michel Lavergne

Larry Borgard

Torstein Indrebø

Chairman & CEO Chesapeake Energy

CEO BHP Billiton Petroleum

President & CEO Total E&P USA

First Vice Chairman American Gas Association

Secretary General International Gas Union

Jeff Wright

Mark Boling

Dr. Asim Hussain

Tim Yeo

VK Rao

Director Office of Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, USA

General Counsel & Executive Vice President Southwestern Energy

Federal Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources Government of Pakistan

Chair of the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee, United Kingdom

Senior Vice President & OSD Reliance Natural Resources

Ford Nicholson

Davis Thames

Tomas Garcia Blanco

Marek Karabula

Liu Xiaoli

Chairman BNK Petroleum

President Cheniere Marketing

Upstream Executive Director YPF

Vice President Oil Mining PGNiG

Deputy Director of Center for Energy Economics & Development Strategy Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), People’s Republic of China

Volodymyr Ignashchenko

Carl Michael Smith

Jan Dirk Bokhoven

Scott Anderson

A. Easton Wren

Executive Director Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission

Chairman EBN

Senior Policy Advisor Environmental Defence Fund

Vice President-Exploration and Director, Americas Petrogas Inc

First Deputy-Minister for Environment Protection Ministry of Ecology, Ukraine

Kyel Hodenfield

David L. Wochner

Brady Murphy

David Goldwyn

Christopher Goncalves

Vice President Unconventional Resources Schlumberger

Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Senior Vice President of East Hemisphere, Business Development Halliburton

President Goldwyn Global Strategies & Former Special Envoy International Energy Affairs US State Department

Vice President CRA

Guy Lewis

Andrew Moorfield

Vello Kuuskraa

Hugh Tucker

Cameron Thrutchley

Managing DirectorExploration & Production GTI

Managing Director and Global Head Oil & Gas Lloyds Banking

President Advanced Resources International

Partner Baker Botts

Director of Strategy Honeywell

The Premier Networking Event for

Welcome Drinks Reception & Registration Monday 7 November 2011

Welcome to Houston! Join us for the opening of World Shale Gas 2011 to register and enjoy a drink at this informal reception. Maximize your networking opportunities right from the start and introduce yourself to your fellow conference delegates.

Regulators’ Dinner (Invitation only)

Monday 7 November 2011

Extended Coffee Breaks & Lunches

The Regulators’ Dinner will provide a unique opportunity for senior government and regulatory officials to hold open and honest discussions about the legislative, regulatory, legal and environmental challenges they face in shale development. This function is strictly invitation-only.

8 - 10 November 2011 Through the extended coffee breaks and lunches you can ensure you maximize your networking time without missing out on any of the key sessions.

Day one lunch

Day two breakfast

hosted by

hosted by

“Strong platform with excellent international participation and relevant conversations” Guy Lewis, MD, Gas Technology Institute

Book you place online at

Networking Functions

the Global Shale Gas Industry

Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony Tuesday 8 November 2011 Join us for the official Gala Dinner of the World Shale Gas 2011 Conference & Exhibition. Take this opportunity to celebrate industry innovation and continue networking at this elegant evening dinner held at the Hilton Americas.

hosted by

“The place to be, network and get an impression of shale as the biggest revolution in natural gas ever� Phillipp Limbourg, Market Analyst, RWE AG

Evening Drinks Reception Wednesday 9 November 2011 This informal evening drinks reception is the perfect chance to relax and get to know your fellow conference delegates and speakers. This is your chance to make new contacts, have fun, and enjoy some of that famous Texan hospitality!

Maximize Your Involvement For further information about tailor made sponsorship packages contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Interactive Workshops

Workshop A: Addressing the Impact of Legal & Regulatory Issues on the Shale Gas Industry Monday 7 November 2011 Led By: David L. Wochner

Teri Donaldson

Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Partner Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

This interactive workshop will address the legal and regulatory challenges confronting upstream, midstream and downstream development and delivery to market of shale gas resources in the U.S. In particular, our industry experts will give insight into: t New and proposed regulations for safety and environmental matters at the federal, state, and local levels and their potential impact on the industry t Litigation risks associated with hydraulic fracturing processes and fluids disposal t Proposed projects for midstream assets and their ability to accommodate new shale gas t Policy updates in energy and climate change, including LNG exports and natural gas as a transportation fuel t Legal concerns in water management t Prospects for international shale gas development, including international governmental concerns over economic recoverability of shale gas resources

Agenda: 1.30pm

Workshop begins


Networking coffee


Workshop resumes


Close of workshop

“Good discussion, presenters knew subject matter very well� Larry Payne, Manager- Business Development, TD Williamson Inc

Workshop B: Water Management in Shale Gas Production Monday 7 November 2011 Session Two Flow-back and Produced Water Management, Treatment and Reuse in the Shale Gas Fields

Led by:

Led by: Trevor Smith

Constantin Ionesco

Business Development Manager GTI

Vice President - VWS Oil & Gas Manager Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

Guy Lewis Managing Director Exploration and Production, GTI

This session will help you to: t Assess the utility of life cycle modeling t Understand the implications of a recent analysis of the Marcellus and Barnett shale base cases t Identify what is required to estimate stochastic water flow over time t Develop a long-term shale gas water management plan

Agenda: 11.30am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.30pm 4.00pm 5.30pm

Workshop begins Networking lunch Workshop resumes Networking coffee Workshop resumes Close of workshop

Herve Buisson VP of Process Engineering Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

Bob Bradley Senior Process Engineer Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

Lnsp (Naggs) Nagghappan Director, Business Development Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

Jeff Brosdal Senior Manager Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies

This session will help you to: t Identify cutting edge technologies for produced water applications t Understand the process of BETEX and organic pollutants removal for shale gas produced water treatment and reuse t Learn about the latest reuse process in shale gas water treatment t Find solutions for high salinity shale gas fracking and produced water treatment

For more information contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or


Session One Life Cycle Water Management Planning

Conference Day 1 Tuesday 8 November 2011

7.45am Networking Breakfast


8.30am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Davis Thames President Cheniere Marketing

Dr. Alirio Parra Senior Associate The CWC Group

John Hattenberger President and Managing Director Gazprom Marketing and Trading USA

1. Opening Keynote Addresses What Next for Global Shale Gas Development? t What next for North American shale development? t Can shale gas be developed effectively outside North America? t Natural gas - powering the low-carbon economy

Malcolm Wells Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs, GTLpetrol LLC Michelle Michot Foss Chief Energy Economist University of Texas at Austin

3. International Case Studies: The

Aubrey McClendon Chairman & CEO Chesapeake

Shale Gas Revolution Goes Global? t Overview of global shale gas resources t Assessment of government policy towards shale gas in various countries t What is the real potential for shale gas in Argentina’s Neuquen basin? t Will Poland lead the shale revolution in Europe?

J. Michael Yeager CEO BHP Billiton Petroleum Larry Borgard First Vice Chairman American Gas Association

Vello Kuuskraa President Advanced Resources International Inc

Torstein Indrebø Secretary General International Gas Union

David Goldwyn President Goldwyn Strategies

Questions & Answers

10.15am Networking Coffee Break and VIP Tour of the Exhibition

2. A Global Market for Gas? t Can natural gas be the fuel of choice in a carbon conscious world? t What are the market risks relating to shale gas? t What will the development of shale gas in Europe and Asia mean for the global gas markets? t Will North American LNG export become a reality? t How do big industrial users view natural gas as an energy source? t How does global pricing impact of demand for gas?

A Easton Wren Vice President- Exploration and Director Americas Petrogas Inc Ruben Etcheverry Chairman Oil & Gas of Neuquen Marek Karabula Vice President Oil Mining PGNiG Questions & Answers

1.40pm Networking Lunch Hosted by

Session Moderator: Cameron Thrutchley Director of Strategy Honeywell

Lead Presentation: Christopher Goncalves Vice President CRA

“Excellent selection of speakers to give a comprehensive overview surrounding shale gas development” Keigo Hida, Senior GM, Osaka Gas

Jeff Wright Director Office of Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

4. Interview: The Big Environmental Debate t How can companies, regulators and communities work together to address the environmental impacts of unconventional oil and gas exploration? t Are there effective strategies, and best practices, for dealing with drilling, casing and cementing standards, well integrity and water management and disposal, reinjection and water recycling? t How should companies and regulators address the potential impact of reinjection on seismic activity? What are the linkages, and the precedents for managing the risks? t How can companies and communities communicate effectively over public health and environmental concerns: how can industry, environmental groups, and the public collaborate to take account of local circumstances? t What can we learn from the Arkansas experience? Can we derive model practices or pathways for government and industry collaboration?

Carl Michael Smith Executive Director Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission


Round Table Discussions

Grab a drink and pull up a chair to establish new relationships and business partnerships at the informal networking round table discussions

Interviewer: David Goldwyn President Goldwyn Global Strategies, LLC

Scott Anderson Senior Policy Advisor Environmental Defence Fund


Networking Drinks Reception On The Exhibition Floor


Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony

Questions & Answers

3.45pm Networking Coffee Break

5. The Regulators’ and Government Panel Discussion t How have state governments in the US differed in their approaches to regulating the industry and what has the impact been? t What can the industry expect of future regulations? t How does government view the role of environmental groups in helping to shape the regulatory framework? t How does the US government view the future role of shale gas in the energy mix? t How are regulations developing internationally?

Dinner hosted by

Session Moderator: David L. Wochner Counsel Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Panelists: Michael H. Shapiro Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water, United States Environmental Protection Agency*

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Conference Agenda

Mark Boling General Counsel & Executive Vice President Southwestern Energy

Conference Day 2 Wednesday 9 November 2011

8.00am Networking Breakfast Hosted by

8. The Shale Pioneers - Is Oil Shale the Next Big Thing?

9.00am Chair’s Opening Remarks 9.10am Opening Keynote Address Jean Michel Lavergne President & CEO Total E&P USA Questions & Answers

7. Innovative Technology

- Driving the Commerciality of Shale Gas - Impacts on the Bottom Line

t Fracking without water - is this the way forward? t Utilising technology to minimize the environmental impact of shale gas production t The role of technology in driving down costs of production in Europe t Technology from the US - will it work in the rest of the world? t Effective systems for water management

t Prospects for shale oil production in North America t How much future development is possible in light of potential environmental and economic constraints? t What role will independents and majors play in developing shale internationally? t How will shale oil fit into major players’ global portfolios? t With high oil prices and low gas prices are key shale gas players now moving into shale oil? t What are the challenges of moving from shale gas to shale oil production? t What are the prospects for developing shale oil outside of North America?

Keith Barnett Executive Vice President Spring Rock Production Tomas Garcia Blanco Upstream Executive Director YPF Questions & Answers

12.30pm Networking Lunch Session Chair: Guy Lewis Managing Director - Exploration & Production GTI

Brady Murphy Senior Vice President of East Hemisphere, Business Development Halliburton Kyel Hodenfield Vice President Unconventional Resources Schlumberger Robert Lestz, Chief Technology Officer, GasFrac Energy Services*

9. Can European Shale Gas Become a Reality? t How much gas does Europe need? Opportunities in growing gas demand t Understanding the market dynamics and interaction of LNG, piped gas, and shale gas t The impact of the energy market on the development of shale gas in Europe t Updates from key regional players including Poland and Ukraine t How does the UK view shale gas development? Tim Yeo Chair of the House of Commons Energy and Climate Change Select Committee United Kingdom

Questions & Answers

10:40am Networking Coffee Break

Volodymyr Ignashchenko First Deputy-Minister for Environment Protection, Ministry of Ecology, Ukraine Jan Dirk Bokhoven Chairman EBN Ford Nicholson Chairman BNK Petroleum Florence Geny Senior Research Fellow Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Questions & Answers

Share Knowledge and Experiences 4.00pm Networking Coffee in the Exhibition

10. Panel Discussion: Mergers, Acquisitions & Financing in the Shale Gas Boom t Mergers & acquisitions - what makes shale gas investment so attractive? t How will takeovers and new partnerships change the shale gas industry? t Project finance and changing requirements for lenders t Assessing economics for shale gas projects globally t Cost-effective shale gas models t What are the critical factors for investors in Europe, South America and Asia? t Midstream asset financing in shale gas

Session Moderator: Hugh Tucker Partner Baker Botts

Panelists: Andrew Moorfield Head of Oil and Gas Lloyds Banking Group Christopher Manning Partner Trilantic Capital Partners Questions & Answers

5.30pm Close of Conference Day 2


Evening drinks reception

Wednesday 9 November 2011 This informal evening drinks reception is the perfect chance to relax and get to know your fellow conference delegates and speakers. This is your chance to make new contacts, have fun, and enjoy some of that famous Texan hospitality!

“This event was very informative. The networking and presentations were excellent. I would definitely attend next year” Jaime Roman, Business Development Manager, Fountain Quail

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

World Shale Gas Series: Asia Summit Thursday 10 November 2011

VK Rao Senior Vice President & OSD Reliance Natural Resources

8.15am Networking Breakfast 9.00am Chair’s Opening Remarks 9.10am Opening Keynote Address Dr. Asim Hussain Federal Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources Government of Pakistan


Cooperation and Collaboration to Make Shale Gas a Reality in Asia

t What lessons can be learned from the USA? t US perspectives on global opportunities t Key perspectives from Asian players investing in North American shale plays t What are the drivers for Asian investment into shale projects internationally? t Crucial variables for US companies to enter the Asian market t Creating synergies – US and Asian shale gas developments

Questions & Answers


Focus on China

t What are the prospects and drivers for shale gas development in China? t What role will international investment play in shale gas development? t What are the timescales for shale development? t What are the regulatory, fiscal and environmental challenges? t Can the US experience and technology be transferred to China and enable faster development? Senior Representative Weir Oil & Gas Professor Liu Xiaoli Deputy Director of Center for Energy Economics & Development Strategy, Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), People’s Republic of China

Hajime Uchiike President Summit Discovery Resources LLC* Questions & Answers

12.45pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

10.00am Networking Coffee Break

12.45pm Networking Lunch



Close of World Shale Gas 2011

Focus on India

t Identifying potential shale gas basins in India t What are the prospects and drivers for shale gas development in India? t What role will international investment play in shale play development? t What are the timescales for shale development? t What are the regulatory, fiscal and environmental challenges? t Can the US experience be transferred to India and enable faster development? t What are the drivers for Indian investment into North American shale?

*Denotes subject to final confirmation. Please check the website for up to date program.

“Very well organised and good quality of presentations” Gustavo Cavazzoli, Stimulation Domain Manager, Schlumberger

SK Srivastava Director General Directorate General of Hydrocarbons, India*

Led By The Industry for The Industry

Steering Committee Aubrey McClendon Chairman & CEO Chesapeake Energy Corporation Inc

Guy Caruso Senior Advisor Center for Strategic and International Studies

Jay Copan Senior Advisor American Gas Association AGA

Melvyn Giles Global Theme Leader for Unconventional Gas Shell Exploration and Production

Torstein Indrebø Secretary General International Gas Union IGU

Abdulla Al-Naim Vice President - Exploration Saudi Aramco

Alirio A Parra Senior Associate CWC Group Ltd

Brad Boister Vice President Gas Marketing Anadarko

David L. Goldwyn President, Goldwyn Global Strategies & Former Special Envoy International Energy Affairs, US State Department

Florence Geny Research Fellow Oxford Institute of Energy Studies

Frances Morris-Jones Global Business Development Manager ConocoPhillips

François Lorant Project Manager Institut Français du Pétrole IFP

Michelle Michot-Foss Chief Energy Economist (Program Manager) The University of Texas at Austin

Mitchell Baer Director Office of Oil & Gas Analysis US Department of Energy

Rick Smead Director Navigant Consulting

Scott Barber Senior Commercial Advisor Devon Energy

Scott Reeves Head of Unconventional Resources BG Group

Steinar Eikaas Vice President Global Joint Ventures Shale Gas Statoil

Wang Qing Deputy Director of International Department of the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC

For speaker enquiries contact Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or

Where Deals are Done, Partnerships Exclusive Exhibition

World Shale Gas Exhibition 2010

Datuk Abdul Rahim, President, IGU networking with exhibitors at WSG 2010

World Shale Gas Technical Forum The Technical Forum will provide a unique platform for showcasing the leading technologies designed to tackle the major issues in shale gas and shale oil exploration and production. Your opportunity to meet senior experts in gas & oil engineering, geology, logistics, construction, refining and project management from both service companies and operators. Topics to be discussed included: t t t t t

Oil shale surface mining - surface facilities and disposal Deep unconventional drilling Fracturing and stimulation technologies Waste water managements And many more

For further information visit

Submit your paper Contact Shane White to secure your involvement on: Tel: +44 20 7978 0090 Email:

Submission deadline - 10 October 2011

For further information contact Shunker Goel on +44 20 7978 0080 or

are Formed and Potential is Realized 8 - 10 November 2011 Entrances to the Delegate Lunch Area

Exhibition Entrance

Conference Entrance

Integration of the conference and exhibition creates enhanced access to delegates as the drinks reception and extended coffee breaks on the exhibition floor give exhibitors the chance to highlight their products and services in a relaxed atmosphere The VIP Tour of the exhibition ensures the presence of senior level representatives from the companies leading the shale gas revolution around the world Exhibitors are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to pre-select key personnel from the industry to whom the WSG Exhibition Visitors Committee will send personalized invitations to visit the exhibition

Contact Us Exhibition booths are selling out fast! Contact us today to secure your place Contact Shunker Goel to secure your involvement on: Tel: + 44 20 7978 0080 Email:

To register your place visit


The World Shale Gas Exhibition, developed by the CWC Group in partnership with the American Gas Association & International Gas Union, provides a fantastic opportunity to network with your peers from the international shale gas industry

Rig Tour 11 November 2011

Haynesville Shale Play Rig Tour Join us for a rig tour at one of Chesapeake Energy Corporation’s operating locations in the robust Haynesville shale gas play. Don’t miss this opportunity to see Chesapeake’s operations and have your questions answered by the most active operator and one of the largest producers of natural gas in the United States. One of the largest natural gas fields in the world, the Haynesville shale play continues to be a prolific producer of clean, abundant, American energy. Chesapeake Energy is focused on discovering and developing unconventional natural gas and oil fields onshore in the US and maintains a leading position in all major US shale formations. Hosted by:

Highlights: Drilling operations in action Completed wellsite tour Question and answers

Agenda: Morning visit 06:00

Coaches depart from Hilton Americas


Arrival at Haynesville Shale Play


Coaches depart Haynesville


Arrival at Hilton Americas

Please note that places are strictly limited To secure your place on the tour please contact:

Afternoon visit 10.00

Coaches depart from Hilton Americas


Arrival at Haynesville Shale Play


Coaches depart Haynesville


Arrival at Hilton Americas

Robert Beckmann on +44 20 7978 0025 or email Timings are subject to change

To register your place visit

The inaugural World Shale Gas 2010 attracted key senior-level representatives in the industry from around the world. Having exceeded all of my expectations, I am certain that World Shale Gas will grow year upon year and become a permanent fixture in the industry’s calendar. Jay Copan, Executive Director, LNG17

Celebrating innovation and achievements in the shale gas industry


World Shale Gas Awards 9 November 2011 Gala Dinner Hosted by

Join us for the inaugural World Shale Gas Awards, celebrating innovation and achievements in the industry in the last 12 months. Chosen by the anonymous Awards Selection Committee made up of industry experts, these prestigious awards are a chance for companies to gain international recognition from their peers for their work in developing shale gas. We invite members of the industry to propose one company for each of the following three categories:

Technological Innovator: Recognizing the technological breakthrough of the year in shale gas exploration and production

International Pioneer: Recognizing the company making the most significant progress in shale gas development outside of North America

Community Engagement Leader: Recognizing the best example of leadership in a community context by any company involved in the shale gas production value chain

Eligibility and Nomination Procedures The winners must be active members of the shale gas industry. Nominations are welcome from any part of the shale gas supply chain and from companies large and small. Companies are also welcome to nominate themselves.

Members of the industry are invited to propose a one company for each of the three awards. Nominations are welcome from any part of the shale gas supply chain and from companies large and small. Companies are also welcome to nominate themselves.

Nominations close on Wednesday 31 August 2011.

To send your nominations visit

Awards Ceremony Rig Tour

Have your say!

Suppliers of Gas & LNG Expertise Providing

CWC School for Energy Unconventional Gas Training Series

Unconventional gas training series learning outcomes: Building on the CWC’s Group expertise in shale gas, we have developed an exciting series of courses specifically addressing the industry’s main issues such as technology, regulation and economics & strategy of shale gas projects. By attending these hands-on and up-to-date training courses, participants will boost their knowledge on:

t t t t t t

The main shale production and exploration issues The latest shale technology developments Current regulatory and legal structures Economics of shale projects and factors influencing a return on investment Environmental concerns and water management in shale projects Impact of shale on global gas markets

Shale Gas - Strategy, Technology & Economics t 10 - 11 October 2011 - Warsaw, Poland t 13 - 14 October2011 - Singapore

Shale Gas - Joint Ventures t 29-30 September 2011 - Houston, USA

For more information please contact Barri Sassa on (+44) 20 7978 0007 or email

CWC Dynamic Insights C G Wo ompli as rl me d nta us d Sh ry to ua el e lly g al $3 a e 75 te s

Strategic Insights from Industry Leaders for Industry Leaders

Global Gas Series of Reports

World Shale Gas CDI Report In-depth Summary plus Independent Expert Analysis on: t The latest insights from key players in the shale gas industry speaking at the Conference t t t t

stay connected to market developments Major factors which could affect the shale gas industry - make informed business decisions Key shale gas statistics and data - keep up to date Forecasts on where the shale gas industry is heading - shape your commercial strategies All the essential information from the Conference in a single, concise document - save time

Every delegate will receive a complimentary copy of the World Shale Gas CDI Report - usually $375 - sent by email no later than 10 days after the conference

Global Gas Industry Leaders’ Perspectives


Latest Knowledge & Discussion


Analysis by Independent Experts


Cutting Edge Strategies for You

For more information contact Tanya Crossick at or +44 20 7978 0059

Commercial Solutions & Opportunities 2011 Calendar of Gas & LNG Events World LNG Series: Asia Pacific Summit

19 - 21 September 2011, Singapore

World LNG Series: Asia Pacific is the largest international LNG-focused strategic conference in the Asia Pacific region and the only place to listen to real-time discussion from the right experts. Build contacts, form partnerships, discuss projects and do deals at the leading LNG buyers and sellers meet in Asia Pacific. Global Gas Series: Australia Gas

31 October - 2 November 2011, Sydney, Australia

Australia Gas is a strategic international conference co-hosted by the International Gas Union and supported by the New South Wales Government. The conference offers delegates the opportunity to learn about ground breaking projects and investment opportunities in this rapidly expanding market. World Shale Gas Conference & Exhibition

7 - 11 November 2011, Houston, USA

Following the runaway success of the inaugural World Gas Conference and Exhibition which brought together over 500 senior level players, the event has established itself as the world’s largest and most important gathering of shale gas experts and industry leaders. 12th Annual World LNG Summit

14 - 17 November 2011, Rome, Italy

The World LNG Summit brings together 500 of the most senior and elite LNG professionals from all over the globe and is fully recognized as the foremost gathering of senior, commercially-minded LNG executives in the world. This is the must-attend event for the LNG industry. Global Gas Series: Rio Gas Forum

20 - 22 March 2012, Rio de Janiero, Brazil

Hosted by Petrobras for the third consecutive year, this exclusive senior level forum provides the opportunity to meet with the key players of the gas industry and to uncover the many investment opportunities in Brazil and South America’s growing gas market. Reinforce your commitment to Petrobras and hear about new projects, opportunities, joint ventures and pre-salt developments. World LNG Series: Americas Summit

May 2012, San Antonio, USA

The leading strategic LNG conference in the Americas, the Summit brings the major LNG producers to the region and offers commercial opportunities and solutions for the swiftly evolving Americas market. 12th World XTL Summit

June 2012

The World XTL Summit unites the major players across the entire value chain and provides invaluable networking opportunities, as well as the latest developments in strategies, policies and technologies that are determining the future of gas, coal and biomass to liquids. For further information please contact Gustavo Aranda Tel: +44 20 7978 0081 Email:




ONLINE at The quickest & easiest way to book

A. B. C. D.

Alternatively, request your registration form at

2. 3.

Conference, Workshop & Rig Tour Conference & Workshop Conference & Rig Tour Conference only

$3,797.00 $3,597.00 $3,107.00 $2,997.00

*Conference fee includes a complimentary copy of the World Shale Gas CDI Report worth $375

FAX your completed form to +44 20 7978 0099

Group Discounts

POST your completed form along with

Group discounts are available for companies sending 3 or more delegates. Please email or call +44 20 7978 0000 for further details

payment to CWC Group Limited, Regent House, 16-18 Lombard Road, London, SW11 3RB, UK

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Follow WSG event to receive first-hand updates about the event. Star discussions and share industry news with other people.



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