Demolition magazine - Issue #38

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29/10/2020 15:06


Demolition Engineering • Bid-Writing and PQQ’s • Explosive Engineering • Principal Designer • Project Management • Health and Safety We are one of the UK’s leading ‘World award winning’ demolition consultants and have been involved in over 400 projects worldwide, ranging from the explosive demolition of 30 storey tower blocks, tower block by top down and high reach demolition, industrial demolition, inner city demolition, oil rig offshore work to numerous other smaller projects.

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29/10/2020 21/10/2020 10:49 10:22

NS TE New beginnings If anything good came out of the COVID-19 crisis (and, frankly, it’s a big ‘if’) it is the fact that it has afforded many of us the opportunity to stop; to reflect; to refocus; and to refresh. And that is precisely what we have done with the Demolition magazine, with, and with the various other publications and broadcasts that we produce.

Editorial Mark Anthony - Mark Anthony Publicity 07973 456166 Business Development Ben Cumberland 01903 777575 General Enquiries 01903 777570 Management Director Mark Anthony Director Jamie Wilkinson Subeditor Sam Seaton Design Kirsty Turek Printed by Pensord Press, Gwent, UK Published by Eljays44 Ltd 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA 01903 777 570 Demolition is published 6 times per year by Eljays44 Ltd. The 2020 subscription price is £30. Subscription records are maintained at Eljays44 Ltd, 3 Churchill Court, 112 The Street, Rustington, West Sussex BN16 3DA, UK. Articles and information contained in this publication are the copyright of Eljays44 Ltd and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or damage to, uncommissioned photographs or manuscripts.

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In September, we parted company with our former publishing partners. Within days, we had forged a new alliance with a reputable publishing company – Eljays44. Together, we are pushing this magazine forward on a professional footing. But there is more to this partnership than just the magazine. Like us, Eljays44 understands the potential of social media, of podcasting, industry-focused video content and of events both live and virtual. Just as importantly, this new partnership is built upon a firm foundation of mutual trust and respect. We haven’t stopped there. Amidst the coronavirus fallout, economic jitters and with the spectre of Brexit looming large on the horizon, many demolition workers face an uncertain employment future. And so we have forged another alliance – this time with industry recruitment website, UK Demolition Jobs – to help newly and long-term unemployed demolition men and women back into gainful employment. After an unplanned six-month hiatus, the Demolition News Radio podcast roared back onto the global airwaves in October, immediately racking up its two most listened-to episodes in quick succession. We have passed 123,000 followers on Instagram, further underlining our demolition dominance on the platform. Our Demolition Technology 2020 virtual event was watched – literally – around the world. Based on the success of that inaugural show, a follow-up event is already in the planning. We also worked with our sister publication Diggers and Dozers to produce a feature-length documentary to celebrate the 75th anniversary of construction equipment giant, JCB. All of this – and more – is born of the relationship established with Eljays44. With their skills, experience and professionalism, I can finally concentrate once again on providing the news and content the global demolition industry has come to expect; shining a light upon all that is good about the sector and holding up a mirror to reflect upon all that is bad. Maybe that is why the partnership with Eljays44 feels less like a new beginning, and more like coming home.

29/10/2020 15:04

See our web for contact info. More info on Social Media:

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STUFF STARK DIVIDE IN COVID RESPONSE Businesses have undoubtedly been affected during the pandemic, but not all in the same way, it appears. Demolition finds out the various ways in which the sector has been shaken, and how companies are coping in the era of the ‘new normal’. A survey of 100 construction companies across the UK, conducted by the MHA Association of accountancy firms, reveals a stark divide in how construction companies have fared during the COVID-19 crisis. While almost half of companies (49%) said the impact of COVID-19 has been substantial, more than four in 10 (44%) said it has had only minimal impact on their business. Only five percent stated the damage was critical. The division is also apparent in terms of expectations for the future. Almost a third (32%) said business activity was now back to normal, or nearly back to normal, while 30% believe it will take over a year to return to pre-pandemic levels. The biggest concern, shared by 61% of respondents, is economic uncertainty. Supply chain disruption also ranked high on the list of worries, mentioned by 45% of those who responded to the survey. Cash flow was cited as a concern by only 32% of companies surveyed. This reflects the fact that the industry entered 2020 with strong balance sheets, low debt risk and an increase in turnover of 8.3% from the previous year. In general, larger companies improved their cash flow situation prior to the pandemic to a great degree than smaller companies. The overwhelming majority of respondents (81%) have made use of the furlough scheme and a large majority of these companies (71%) plan to bring back all furloughed staff. Close to a third (32%) have had to make redundancies.

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The sector was in relatively good shape going into the pandemic. The striking divide between companies saying the impact of COVID-19 was minimal and those saying it was substantial is partly due to company size and cash flow position More than two-thirds of companies surveyed (68%) have used the VAT deferral scheme. However, take up of other schemes was much lower, with only 13% making use of the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and 12% taking advantage of the Bounce Back loan scheme. Only 27% said it was “very hard to access government funding”, while 47% said “it was very easy”. Commenting on the results of the survey, Robert Dowling, head of construction and real estate at MHA, said: “The sector was in relatively good shape going into the pandemic. The striking divide between companies saying the impact of COVID-19 was minimal and those saying it was substantial is partly due to company size

and cash flow position. By and large, bigger companies proved more effective in improving their financial position after the collapse of Carillion, and this enabled them to better withstand the shock from COVID-19.

is no blanket solution for the companies that do need assistance. In particular, the government needs to be mindful that big infrastructure projects tend to benefit larger companies the most, and even disadvantage small ones by sucking in materials and labour. The smaller players must not be neglected when it comes to new contracts, especially as, broadly speaking, they have coped less well with the pandemic.”

“The future, however, is very uncertain. Government projects are now the most likely source of revival for the sector; house building, although currently buoyed up by strong demand, is likely to suffer from a rise in unemployment and commercial building is unlikely to thrive, with many companies questioning whether they need as much office space as before.

Meanwhile, with parts of the UK slipping back into lockdown, Womble Bond Dickinson has issued a timely reminder of the advice available to demolition and construction workers.

“The fact that companies have had such different pandemic experiences means any future government relief must be properly targeted; not everyone needs help and there

At the start of lockdown, the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) general approach was to work with employers to ensure compliance and to issue enforcement notices to help secure improvements where appropriate. However, as the phased return to work has progressed, the general tone has changed. HSE is now making it plain

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29/10/2020 12:31

STUFF Here’s what construction businesses need to know about the latest guidance: Social distancing: 2m/1m+ with mitigation – the two-metre rule has been relaxed in favour of a one metre plus approach. Employers and employees are now advised to maintain a distance of two metres apart, or one metre with risk mitigation where two metres is not viable. The primary objective remains to maintain a two-metre distance where possible. For the construction industry, the Construction Leadership Council’s Site Operating Guidelines (version five) provides further industry guidance, including on ways to mitigate risk where maintaining a two metres distance is not possible. The CITB has also produced a number of checklists and forms (under the section Site Operating Procedures/COVID-19 Site Safety Checklists and Forms) that tie-in with the Construction Leadership Council’s latest guidelines mentioned above. that prosecution will be a consideration in appropriate cases. It has reported more than 1,000 spot checks after it resumed inspections at the end of May. For many in the construction industry, work will need to be done on site or in the office, as it cannot be carried out at home – and that work will now need to be planned and carried out very differently than it used to be, with social distancing and other control measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in mind. The HSE will review the adequacy of these working arrangements during random spot checks. There will also be a significant number of workers who will be able to continue working from home, and if working from home becomes the new normal, resulting in new working arrangements for larger numbers of workers than before lockdown, then we expect the HSE to begin to look more rigorously at what measures employers are taking to ensure the safety of these workers, too.

Vulnerable workers – Employers should take into specific consideration any workers who may be particularly vulnerable. This includes “clinically extremely vulnerable” workers who have been advised that they should be shielded by remaining at home and also applies to workers living with someone in the shielded group. Businesses need to put in place controls to reduce the risk to those individuals: • Taking every possible step to enable working from home • If working from home is not possible, regularly reviewing your risk assessment and do everything ‘reasonably practicable’ to protect those workers from harm, e.g. offering the

option of the safest available on-site roles, enabling them to maintain social distancing • If they cannot maintain social distancing, you should carefully assess whether this involves an acceptable level of risk. PPE (face masks) – the guidance remains that the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as face masks and visors, should be a last resort. The guidelines for nonmedical workplaces state that the risk of COVID-19 “… needs to be managed through social distancing, hygiene and fixed teams or partnering, not through the use of PPE”. Employers should stress that the control measures put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as those relating to hygiene and social distancing, must still be adhered to by those who choose to wear PPE. There is a danger that the use of PPE provides a false sense of security, and may increase the risk of transmission if not used and disposed of appropriately. It is, however, recognised that some workers feel more comfortable wearing a face mask even if it’s not required by their employer. Employers are encouraged to support these workers by, for example, providing information regarding their safe use and disposal. It is worth noting also that wearing a face covering is required by law for travelling on public transport in England, including travelling on public transport for work, such as for site visits. Commuting from home to your ordinary place of work is not within the remit of health and safety legislation. However, if the travel is required for work purposes, like a site visit, then the employer should provide a face covering/mask if the employee is required to use public transport.

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29/10/2020 12:32

STUFF COVID CONCERNS OVER ASBESTOS TRAINING The UK’s Asbestos Training Association speaks out after seeing huge decline in workers taking asbestos awareness courses during the pandemic.

immediately after exposure to asbestos. It takes between 15 to (potentially) 60 years before deadly asbestos-related diseases present themselves.

The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) has raised concerns about the lack of asbestos training in the construction industry that has been undertaken since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The latency period of asbestos, coupled with a substantial drop in training numbers, could mean that the UK will be facing a greater amount of deaths from asbestos over the next 15 to 60 years. To reduce this risk, it is important that delivery of asbestos training returns to pre-COVID levels.”

Despite the re-opening of construction sites in May, the number of workers undertaking asbestos training courses continues to

The number of workers undertaking asbestos training courses continues to remain well below average remain well below average and are at their lowest level for five years, prompting UKATA to speak out.

Deaths from asbestos exposure have increased dramatically in the last 15 years after widespread use between the 50s and 70s. Since 2018, there have been more than 5,000 deaths annually in the UK from asbestos-related cancers – the largest single industrial killer ever seen in the UK. The HSE recommends that asbestos refresher training courses should be undertaken to help ensure knowledge of asbestos awareness is maintained. The asbestos

regulations also make it clear that training for non-licensable and licensable asbestos works should be carried out at least annually. To ensure asbestos training continues to be accessible during the pandemic, UKATA approved its 200 member companies and individuals to deliver asbestos courses by video conference technology. “It is now vitally important that all construction and demolition employers and workers ensure that all asbestos training is up-to-date,” Craig Evans concludes. “These are difficult times, but this is a matter of life or death.”

Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, an average of 18,000 workers a month completed asbestos training. Between March and August, an average of 6,000 workers a month undertook asbestos training delivered by UKATAapproved training providers, a fall of more than 66%. “Our concern is that health and safety training is being overlooked as construction and demolition sites push to make up for time lost during the lockdown,” says Craig Evans, chief operating officer of UKATA. “This not only increases construction workers’ risk of exposure to deadly asbestos but also the buildings’ users. “Asbestos-related health issues, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma, are not identified

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29/10/2020 12:26

STUFF SCOTS SHARE SPOILS Demolition looks at the benefits of the Scotland Excel framework for the sector Twenty-three Scottish SMEs are set to benefit from a £18m-a-year contract to offer demolition and deconstruction services to all local authorities and housing associations. The Scotland Excel framework is the second-generation framework for demolition designed to help councils deliver planned demolitions and deconstruction as part of regeneration and improvement work. The improved framework, with sustainability at its core, went live on 1 August and has been redesigned to include deconstruction. Viewed as more environmentally focused, materials from deconstruction are more likely to be reused in future construction projects. Quick response to dangerous structures, including bridges or monuments with emergency demolitions or safeguarding with a three hour or less response time has also been built into the framework after detailed research and discussion with contracting authorities.

competitions that will allow them to drive competitive pricing and tailored work packages through the framework. The new framework is also good for local business with 24 of the 25 suppliers small to medium enterprises and 23 of the 25 based in Scotland.

It will bring value for money, has sustainability at its core and is good for business Councillor John Shaw, convener of Scotland Excel, said: “The renewal of our Demolition and Deconstruction Works contract comes at an important time for Scotland’s construction sector. “Several of our members have indicated that affordable house building will be one of their priorities as we move out of COVID-19 lockdown and this framework will support them to clear vital land to build new vibrant communities.

“Our demolition contract is the only national framework of its kind to offer demolition and deconstruction services to all 32 councils. It will give them the tools to quickly and efficiently source work from specialist contractors that have gone through a detailed tender process. “As well as securing the competitive rates – additional value can be driven through mini competitions for planned works that will ensure councils get competitive prices, quick turnaround, and tailored work packages to meet the specific needs of each scheduled demolition programme.” He added: “It will help Scottish councils get the best value for money when responding to emergency situations, and in driving forward improvement programmes for communities where scheduled demolitions are needed. It will bring value for money, has sustainability at its core and is good for business.” The framework is expected to account for up to £18m worth of demolition work a year as councils deliver a range of works throughout their communities.

Twenty-five UK SME suppliers have been awarded onto the framework, with suppliers committed to recycling up to 95% of materials. The Scottish Government’s declared climate emergency was a key element when the redesign of the framework was taking place. Every supplier on the framework pays the Real Living Wage, which was a significant consideration for Scotland Excel when evaluating the bids. The framework will also help councils source planned demolitions via mini

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29/10/2020 12:54

of dust entering the cab. And once it’s in, there is no removal systems.” of dust entering the cab. And once it’s in, there is no removal systems.” The system is controlled control panel that of dust entering the cab.using And aonce it’s in, there is no automatically increases the pressure if a leak occurs removal systems.” The system is safety controlled using a control panel that to ensure the is maintained. If a window is left automatically increases the pressure if a leakshut occurs open, the system is not able to work. It will down The system is controlled using a control panel that to ensure the safety is maintained. If a window is left and an alarm will start. If any filters are removed automatically increases the pressure ifIta will leakshut occurs open,the thesystem system is not able to work. down from the control panel will alarm so the to ensure the safety is maintained. If a window is left and an alarm will start. If any filters are removed operator theable machine is notItsafe to use. open, theknows systemthat is not to work. will shut down from the system the control panel willcab alarm so the An indicator may also be fitted to the so the alarm and an alarm will start. If any filters are removed operator knows that the machine is not safe to use. can bethe seen by others. from system panel willcab alarm so the An indicator may the alsocontrol be fitted to the so the alarm operator knows that the machine is not safe to use. can be seen by others. “The stricter rules set in An indicator may also beplace fittedby tothe theHealth cab soand the Safety alarm Executive means that the lung health of workers is one can be seen rules by others. “The stricter set in place by the Health and Safety of the most important things in the work place,” Gary Executive concludes. means that the lung health ofdemolition, workers is one Thomson “Ifplace you are in “The stricter rules set in bythe thethe Health and Gary Safety of the most important things in work place,” quarry, recycling, or compost industry Executive means remediation that the lungare health ofdemolition, workers is then one Thomson concludes. “If you in the this level of protection should be a priority.” of the most important things inorthe work place,” Gary quarry, recycling, remediation compost industry then Thomson concludes. “If you are in the demolition, this level of protection should be a priority.” Full details of theremediation Health andor Safety Executive’s quarry, recycling, compost industry then Work Right campaign can be found here: https:// this level of protection should be a priority.” Full details of the Health and Safety Executive’s Work Right campaign can be found here: https:// Full details of the Health and Safety Executive’s Work Right campaign can be found here: https://

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29/10/2020 11:01

STUFF PREVENTING DELAYS AND DISPUTES Mitigating complaints and upholding the regulations within a Section 61 application are key factors to ensure that demolition projects remain on track with minimal delays. Hamid Hosseini, head of Mabey Hire’s Environmental Monitoring Division, discusses how environmental monitoring solutions offer robust compliance methods that can be used to ensure contractors can boost their environmental credentials and are protected against public disputes or legal action. Demolition contractors across the UK are returning to normal operations (for now at least) after a few difficult months brought about by the emergence of COVID-19. This shutdown has

contributed to the biggest monthly decline of UK civil engineering output since April 1997. With this in mind, it is important that demolition contractors are able to easily move past this difficult moment in time. By incorporating environmental monitoring within operations, contractors will be able to mitigate some areas of risk by successfully complying with certain protocols, such as Section 61 applications. Contractors are aware of their responsibility to the environment and the local population, and Section 61 still remains an important consideration across all manner of demolition projects. Through the application, local authorities request information about proposed site operating hours, as well as details of the plans in place to assess noise, vibration and dust levels on-site. Overlooking this important process could see demolition contractors fined at a time when so many

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29/10/2020 15:18

STUFF businesses are working hard to preserve profits. Section 61 applications are a complex and time-consuming procedure, especially when noise, vibration and dust levels on demolition projects tend to be elevated. In fact, previous monitoring approaches often comprised of laborious and timeintensive endeavors, which reduced on-site productivity. Fortunately, this has now changed. The development of environmental monitoring systems provides contractors with a more robust solution to compliance concerns and makes the Section 61 process easier to complete. Many of these solutions can be used to track site performance across a wide range of variables, including dust, noise and vibration. By adopting them, contractors are able to reduce their risk of receiving environment-related fines, as the systems will immediately alert the nominated personnel of any breaches, so that they can be rectified straight away. In turn, this will help to ensure projects remain on-time, on budget and as much profit as possible remains within the project. On demolition projects in particular, local authorities will be concerned about excess noise, which has the potential to adversely affect those that live and work in the surrounding area. Therefore, demolition contractors will know that authorities are likely to impose restrictions on noise levels, which must be adhered to. To ensure that noise levels do not cause annoyance or distress to those within the local surroundings, many councils will require either ongoing or ‘spot’ monitoring of noise levels. In such circumstances, contractors must be able to rely on an effective

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29/10/2020 15:19

STUFF monitoring solution that can provide accurate and responsive decibel readings, to report disturbance to surrounding areas and actual noise levels for onsite workers.

automated system obtaining real-time data throughout the entire life cycle of the works. In the event of an alarm trigger, the Enviroguard unit will provide an email alert to the contractor delivering analytical data from Mabey Hire offers an all-in-one the measurement obtained. By incorporating environmental monitoring solution that this solution within operations, contractors can be tailored to the requirements of any can make sure that construction activities project: the Enviroguard. This is a completely remain within decibel threshold limits. In turn, this helps to greatly reduce the Mabey Hire offers an all-in-one risk of councilenvironmental monitoring solution that imposed fines, can be tailored to the requirements of any or worse still, project: the Enviroguard site shutdowns. Dust monitoring is another highly important factor, as well as the monitoring of ground-borne vibration levels. On demolition projects, vibration levels will be particularly relevant on sites near other structures, such as bridges. Historically, vibration measurement has been considered a specialist field, which often required external consultations. However, through the utilisation of the Enviroguard, it is possible to receive truly accurate and reliable vibration and dust level readings by investing in an

effective environmental monitoring solution. With the solution, contractors can compile real-time vibration monitoring data, which in turn, provides an invaluable resource to detail what did, or didn’t happen should a dispute occur. Contractors are also able to examine the readily available data quickly, should any concerns be filed from workers or those in the surrounding area. One such example of a contractor that incorporated environmental monitoring systems on a project to reduce the risk of pollution and minimise environmental impact is Deconstruct UK Ltd. As part of a renovation project, Deconstruct UK Ltd was appointed to undertake the demolition of a section of the Kings College London building. While carrying out the demolition works, Deconstruct UK Ltd needed to monitor the structural integrity of nearby structures, reduce the risk of pollution to students and staff and minimise environmental impact. As such, the contractor incorporated Mabey Hire’s Enviroguard solution and opted for the following sensors: a PM10 dust and particulate monitor, a Class 1 noise monitor and tri-axial vibration sensor. Enviroguard was the ideal choice due to the familiarity of the system and ease of use for the project team. The modular system design also allowed for the units to be changed during the project duration, so sensors could be added or removed as the project demanded. Streaming real-time measurements to Mabey Hire’s web portal, LIVEsite, Deconstruct UK Ltd’s managers could view data from one or multiple stations/ sensors via a single page view or via multi-site. Trigger levels were also pre-programmed into the system to generate an email to authorised users as soon as a threshold level was breached. This allowed Deconstruct UK Ltd’s management team to react quickly and ensure corrective action was taken. For more information about Mabey Hire, please visit:

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29/10/2020 15:20


Despite steady progress, falls from height remain a common cause of injury and death across Europe. Tim Bissett, technical manager for Fall Protection at MSA Safety, looks at the relevant standards relating to leading edge work, what to look out for in the equipment you use, and what processes you need to have in place, including the vital importance of a rescue plan. “Leading edge” work or “edge working” is defined as working at any unprotected edge of a platform, floor, or other construction point where there’s a risk that the lifeline a worker is using may come in contact with an exposed edge, or edge of the working

Before any leading edge work takes place, check that the equipment you’re using adheres to the relevant standards

surface. In many scenarios, leading edge applications occur when a worker is connected to an anchor point below their back D-ring, although it’s also possible when anchor points are above this position.

Work in leading edge applications presents its own unique challenges and safety hazards; one of which is the greater risk of lifelines being frayed, cut, or severed on impact with the edge in the event of a fall. This is complicated further should the worker swing after falling, creating a pendulum-like motion. The friction this

causes can increase the likelihood of the lifeline being cut or severed. These potential risks place a sharp focus on testing criteria within relevant standards, following best practice and choosing the right equipment for the job. Let’s start by looking at the standards you need to be aware of. The standards Before any leading edge work takes place, check that the equipment you’re using

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29/10/2020 12:48

STUFF adheres to the relevant standards. We appreciate that these standards can seem complex, so we’ve broken them down below.

PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 These regulations, which were first introduced in 2018, imposed additional requirements on manufacturers of PPE, including an assessment of the risks against which the PPE is intended to protect and changes in requirements for product marking. It’s vital that purchasers of PPE take steps to ensure that their suppliers meet these new regulatory requirements. You can do so by looking out for the CE marking affixed to PPE. This provides evidence of compliance with the applicable EU legislation. EN 360 and CNB/P/11.060 This standard (EN 360:2002), relating to retractable fall arrest devices, is currently under revision and is expected to be out for review shortly prior to publication. It is likely, given their increasing popularity, that an updated standard will encompass twin-legged as well as single-unit retractable devices. Be mindful that overhead or traditional SRLs meeting the requirements of EN 360:2002 are not necessarily designed or rated to arrest a fall over an edge. Necessary steps should always be taken to select the absolute right equipment for the job at hand.

Hierarchy of fall protection Typically, fall protection is associated with saving a worker’s life in the event of a fall. While this isn’t strictly wrong, it’s not the ideal scenario either. The hierarchy of fall protection helps to prevent a worker ever getting into a situation where they could fall by prioritising various applications from ‘most preferred’ to ‘least preferred’. Leading edge applications will inevitably mean working in fall arrest – the ‘least preferred’ option. It’s not something to take lightly and should always be a last resort, taken only once the first three options outlined below have been explored. 1. Hazard elimination. This means the removal of the hazard by designing it out wherever possible. It’s the ‘most preferred’, safest option. If there’s no hazard, there’s no fall. 2. Collective (or passive) fall prevention. This defines products that prevent access to a fall hazard. A guardrail, for instance, acts as a physical barrier between the worker and the hazard. 3. Fall restraint. If working in fall restraint then there is no barrier between the user and the fall hazard. Instead, they’re using fall protection equipment – harness, lanyard, and anchor point – that will

not allow them to reach the hazard. For example, a worker who is working in fall restraint may use a six-metre lanyard to connect to an anchor point at least seven metres away from the fall hazard. 4. Fall arrest. This defines equipment designed to catch (or ‘arrest’) the worker in the event of a fall. This is the ‘least preferred’ option because arresting a fall exposes the worker to significant forces, putting them at risk of physical harm. Rescuing a fallen worker (which we’ll come onto a little later) can also be a challenging and potentially dangerous process. Choosing the right harness First things first, all harnesses on the market should be compliant in accordance with EN 361:2002. That’s a given. But a good harness – one that’s comfortable, doesn’t restrict workers’ movement, and mitigates impact on the user’s body in the event of a fall – goes beyond mere compliance. Fit is fundamental to achieving this. Leg and shoulder straps should be easily adjustable for a comfortable, snug fit. The user’s finished position in a fall scenario should be heads up and slightly forward-leaning. This is important for correct distribution of load

CNB/P/11.060 is a coordination document associated with EN 360:2002. It outlines the testing criteria for the use of SRLs in leading edge applications, specifically how SRLs must carry evidence of dynamic performance, dynamic strength, and static strength within a leading edge application with the retractable lifeline stressed over an edge. Adherence to this coordination document and the testing criteria within it are central to mitigating the potential risk of lines fraying or being cut in the event of a fall.

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STUFF through the leg straps and load through the body, such that the spine and pelvis are being properly supported and protected. In a fall event, a quality, well-fitted harness can help limit the effects of suspension trauma/syncope. While incredibly important, fit is just one aspect. Fall protection harnesses are highly engineered pieces of kit and many design features dictate performance, such as appropriate materials for improved fit and speed of donning, or how dirt may affect the webbing (to name a few). If in doubt about which harness is most appropriate for you and/or the job at hand then consult with a reputable manufacturer. Making sure your workers have completed a comprehensive training programme is

absolutely essential. Not only do employers have a responsibility to provide suitable information, instruction and training for their employees, but training gives those working at height the confidence, knowledge and skills required to carry out work safely and efficiently. It will also teach operatives how to properly use, care and maintain their equipment.

specific job at hand? Are they as prepared as they can be to work safely and confidently? 2. Am I up to date with and implementing the latest legislation and best practice processes? 3. Is equipment compliant with the relevant legislation, and designed specifically for work in leading edge applications?

Be prepared For many, having followed the hierarchy of fall protection, edge working remains an unavoidable reality. If that’s the case, then the steps you take before any work takes place are vital. So, stop, think and ask yourself these three questions: 1. Training, training, training. Have my workers received the very best training for the

Finally, remember, you don’t have to tackle all of this alone. Any reputable fall protection provider – like MSA Safety – is readily available for consultation on any of the above. They will be willing to help guide you on implementing the very best and safest work at height solutions. And at no other time is that more important than when working in leading edge applications.

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29/10/2020 12:49

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11:02 10:44 22/01/202029/10/2020 15:19

ON S TE BUNKER BAY BLASTS BACK Demolition Services carried out a successful explosive demolition event at the former Ironbridge Power Station that placed the company firmly on the power station demolition map. Mark Anthony reports.

would spring most readily to mind. But, with the successful blast of the former bunker bay at the Ironbridge Power Station, it silenced the critics and proved once and for all what many have long suspected: I know nothing.

to the material being used to fuel the power station’s boilers. In 2012, the station underwent major changes that resulted in the removal of a substantial amount of coalrelated plant as it was converted to biomass.

OK, I’ll admit it. I was one of the doubters. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Demolition Services’ capabilities, it’s just that – when I think of explosive or power station demolition – the Leeds-based company is not the one that

Challenging contract The steel bunker bay structure was the first of three planned explosive events in order to bring down the former boiler house, with the turbine hall itself having been demolished using traditional high reach methods earlier this year.

The steel construction bunkers, which measured 42m in height and 110m in width, were cleared of coal and coal dust residue in preparation for demolition.

The bunker bay was historically used for the unloading and storage of coal prior

The company had previously executed the explosive demolition of the facility’s four cooling towers back in December 2019, but the planned bunker bay blast was not without its challenges.

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29/10/2020 15:11

ON S TE “With all explosive blasts, it is normal practice to carry out a test blast in order to determine and evidence the required charge weight. With a steel structure, this is much more difficult and a test blast on site for any key structural element was not possible,” explains Demolition Services CEO Jenna Romani-Arnold.

marking up, the structural cuts themselves through to the ongoing monitoring of movement throughout the structure. Consequently, the ‘permit to cut’ system was easily managed with

With a steel structure, this is much more

“We overcame this by difficult and a test blast on site for any working with the structural key structural element was not possible engineers to identify a small representative sample of the steel flange that would be subjected to a two tier Temporary Works Cothe cutting charge and sent this to a lab for ordinator management sign-off testing. The lab was able to identify the steel system and allowed for quality grading and specification that enabled us to assurance at all stages of the cut obtain a comparative steel section on which sequencing and effortless progress a successful test blast could be carried out.” of the pre-weakening itself. This system earned high praise from The exclusion zone also presented some key stakeholders and beyond. difficulties, the company reports. “We were surrounded by heavily vegetated woodland “We were required to demonstrate that was steep and difficult to access. The a robust temporary works and quality control solution was employing the services of plan very early on, presenting the system Gorilla Drones and resulted in the use of to the HSE at initial meetings to alleviate infrared and thermal cameras to both search, concerns surrounding pre-weakening,” study and monitor the woodland.” the company explains. “The system proved exemplary and met the approval of both the Quality assurance HSE and the client. Chris Gregory of the HSE Calling upon the services of Gorilla Drones was said: ‘Your internal setting out of cuts and not the only example of Demolition Services checking procedures appears to be robust. utilising expert help. Working in partnership It will be good to see how it works for the with site owners Harworth Group Plc, teams when applied.” Demolition Services has been under on-going scrutiny since demolition works commenced in The greatest praise, however, came from June 2019 by RVA Group which was acting as blasting veteran Richard (Dick) Green. principal designer on the project. In a message sent immediately after the successful blast, Green said: “You have set a Demolition Services’ in-house safety systems new industry standard for quality assurance.” utilised a live cloud-based system, providing real-time information, recording signatures Not yet satisfied electronically and with automatic time The successful blast utilised 51kg of and date stamping of all photographs and nitroglycerine-based cartridges (poladyn) signatures that cannot be overwritten. The kicking charges and 2.6kg of Machete 60 system ensured that every cut required for and Machete 40 linear cutting charges. the pre-weakening works was allocated Approximately 3,000t of steel was felled a unique cut number. Photographs were in the blast and was then processed on taken and tracked from the initial marking site before later being taken to a licensed up of each cut, secondary checks and final recycling yard.

This was the second explosive event on the site. The third will be the tank bay followed shortly after with the boiler bay. And finally, next year will see the demolition of the chimney. Demolition Services’ client – Harworth Group – is delighted with the outcome. “Ironbridge Power Station’s former bunker bay was brought down exactly to plan and with the minimum of fuss, reflecting the first class job that Demolition Services Ltd and our other advisors continue to perform on-site,” says Matt Timmins, project manager at Harworth Group plc. Despite the delight of both client and other stakeholders, Demolition Services is not yet satisfied. “True success will only be realised by the company when the final blow-down at the power station has been concluded,” the company concludes. “However, this is likely to be sooner rather than later as the team continue planning for further works over the next 12 months to finalise the site’s safe demolition and ahead of the site’s longterm regeneration.”

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29/10/2020 15:12


Metropolitan Demolition details one of its latest vehicle acquisitions and explain why they’re such a vital part of getting the job done right. A specialist demolition firm that supports some of the UK’s largest commercial developments has increased capacity in response to an uplift in construction output. Yorkshire-based Metropolitan Demolition operates nationally and has invested in a state-of-the-art Hiab MULTILIFT Ultima 24S Hookloader on a Scania chassis to deliver more demolition projects across the UK. Thanks to a renewed focus on regeneration projects across UK cities and suburbs, the growing business has seen an upsurge in

Because we are often the first delivery phase

requests for of a longer-term scheme, it’s vital that we safe and quick can get the job done quickly and safely demolition operations for kick-starting redevelopment. the safety of our team and our customers very seriously, which is why we invest in the Michael Hirst, managing director for very best equipment. Our team works with Metropolitan Demolition said that investment a range of hazardous materials and can be in the best possible equipment was crucial working at significant heights – all of which for the firm’s long-term success. “We require careful handling operations to keep operate across large-scale commercial sites our people safe.” to prepare spaces for major construction work; these can be inner-city sites or larger Dek Butler, MULTILIFT specialist for Hiab UK, developments. Because we are often the first said: “Demolition is a specialist area which delivery phase of a longer-term scheme, it’s needs reliable and safe heavy-duty handling vital that we can get the job done quickly equipment. Metropolitan Demolition has and safely to meet deadlines on the project, been operating UK-wide for more than 40 he says. “At Metropolitan Demolition we take years, they know the sector well and the

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ON S TE the operation of Metropolitan Demolition need the flexibility the equipment smooth and easy to move heavy-duty waste materials in the for the driver and most cost-effective way, saving on fuel and also protect the with minimal wear and tear equipment from potential damage challenges involved in moving very heavy while loading bins at full capacity onto the weights safely. drawbar trailer. “We are proud to have supplied Michael and his team with this bespoke MULTILIFT Ultima 24S hookloader which has extras such as auto sequence control, friction relief and drawbar ram protection. These features make

“These special options and the choice of an undercover sheeting system, stainless toolboxes and chequerplate tandem mudwings really do make this flagship vehicle stand out from the crowd, while still making

light work for their demolition jobs. The team at Metropolitan Demolition need the flexibility to move heavy-duty waste materials in the most cost-effective way, saving on fuel and with minimal wear and tear. Hiab is pleased to be a preferred supplier at a pivotal time in the company’s growth trajectory.” “This is the second Hiab MULTILIFT Ultima 24S hookloader the business has invested in which adds to our 17-strong fleet of machines,” Hirst concludes. “We need reliable and high-quality tools to get the job done and the Hiab equipment is hands down better than the competitors.”

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29/10/2020 12:21


The first steps in a major West Midlands light railway project have now taken place, including vital demolition works from RM Penny Plant Hire & Demolition.

Structural specialists are also currently hard at work assessing and finalising details for the replacement of existing structures across Sandwell and Dudley.

Video footage has been released showing the first major structure for the Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro extension being demolished in a momentous step forward for the biggest light rail project in the UK.

Andy Street, the Mayor of the West Midlands, Councillor Jackie Taylor, Sandwell Council’s said: “Infrastructure projects, such as the cabinet member for sustainable transport, building of the Wednesbury to Brierley Hill added: “It is impressive how speedily Metro route, are critical to our recovery the team have been able to remove this from the coronavirus pandemic as they help structure, all whilst minimising disruption to to generate money for the local economy local people as journeys begin to increase and secure and create local jobs for local following the easing of lockdown restrictions. people. Because of this, I am determined we We encourage people to consider walking or press ahead with the new metro line for the cycling to their destination while these works Black Country, and it is great to see another are wrapped up and restrictions lifted.” key milestone reached. The The carefully planned, safe and efficient Wednesbury to removal of the bridge deck and abutments Brierley Hill route at Sedgley Road marks an important will be a huge connectivity milestone for the project, the first of many boost for the

The project is developing at pace, even during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the redundant railway bridge in Tipton, located on the disused South Staffordshire Railway line, now removed by the construction team for the much-anticipated route. Demolition work was carried out by RM Penny Plant Hire & Demolition. A new structure will be built later next year as construction continues to move forward.

people of Dudley and Sandwell, and it also forms a key part of our wider, ambitious, plans for the metro network across the whole West Midlands.”

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Earlier in the summer, commuters were asked to plan their journeys as the works involved a partial closure of the highway and footpath along Sedgley Road East. Due to these works now being close to completion, this closure is expected to be lifted before the end of the six weeks holiday. David Lea, structures discipline design lead at the Midland Metro Alliance, the organisation designing and constructing the route on behalf of Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), which owns the West Midlands Metro, said: “The carefully planned, safe and efficient removal of the bridge deck and abutments at Sedgley Road marks an important milestone

for the project, the first of many as we work to prepare the route for the new Metro extension. “The design team are hard at work finalising details for the replacement structure as well as for many others along the route. It is tremendously exciting to see years of design effort come to life on site, knowing that what is constructed now will be in place for years to come and provide generations with improved connectivity.” The Wednesbury to Brierley Hill Metro extension will boost public transport in the Black Country, providing much-needed links to the existing heavy and light rail networks,

and helping to connect people to education, training and career opportunities further afield in the West Midlands. The extension will also play its part in helping to regenerate the Sandwell, Dudley and Brierley Hill areas, making it more attractive to investors and providing easy access to the Merry Hill shopping centre and the region’s attractions via public transport. Once up and running, there will be up to 17 new stops and the new system will also reduce journey times when compared to travelling by car. The milestone video can be viewed here:

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29/10/2020 15:15







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Advert template.indd 5

29/10/2020 11:03

ON S TE CUTTING EDGE, CUTTING CHARGES Demolition reports on a site in Leicestershire which has used groundbreaking technology, the first in the UK to use this kind. AR Demolition has used cutting-edge explosive technology to bring down structures at a Leicestershire quarry in a UK industry first. The company has used military-grade hypersonic ‘kick and cut’ charges to bring down a large screen house at Croft Quarry. Richard Dolman, CEO of AR Demolition, believes the project is the first time such charges have been used in the demolition industry, without the normal pre-weakening activity usually needed to bring a structure down. Dolman believes the techniques can now revolutionise safety in the industry while minimising danger to on-site personnel.

Kick and cut AR Demolition has been working at Croft Quarry since the start of the year after being contracted to complete decommissioning demolition by site owners Aggregate Industries. The explosives work was part of a joint project to demolish the 1,200t screen house as well as 150m of conveyor belts at the bottom of the quarry pit. Designed by Alford Technologies, the kicking and cutting technique brings together two forms of explosive charge. “It was a project that has taken considerable forethought and planning and we are delighted with the results,” Dolman explains. “It’s a major steppingstone for us. Alford Technologies have been working on these

theories for a long time but, until now, there has been typical reticence in our industry to adopt new technologies. So, I’m pleased to have been able to put the ideas into practice and find new ways of increasing safety in our sector. It was our first opportunity to test the technology and we have learned lessons along the way. We’re now looking forward to using the method on future projects.” Pioneering change The new relationship with Alford Technologies, based in Trowbridge, is the latest manifestation of AR Demolition’s mission to bring pioneering change to the sector. Roland Alford, managing director and son of the company’s founder and chairman Dr Sidney Alford, said: “We are proud to

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It was a project that has taken considerable forethought and planning and we are delighted with the results

have worked alongside such an innovative contractor to have brought this technology into practical, commercial usage. “We used our Dioplex charges to make a hypersonic blade which cuts through steel like butter, eliminating the need to burn and weaken steel beams. When combined with the Wallhammer kicking charge to remove the columns, the speed of these military grade munitions means they are relatively easy to control. Without the need to use human beings on weakening work, safety is greatly increased. If necessary, the charges can be placed by robots, thereby removing the human element completely. “The demolition industry now stands to benefit from the evolution of scientific improvements which, combined with the vision of a man such as Richard Dolman, mean that we can shape the future of the industry and improve safety for everyone involved.�

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29/10/2020 12:44



» Mature and robust pendular axle technology impressive mileage » for Maximum payloads with minimum deadweight »» Front bogie with fast disconnect short Mature and robust pendular axle for technology setup times mileage for impressive »» Deep and continuous excavator boom Front bogie with fast disconnect for short recesstimes for lowest load heights setup »» Outstanding 600 mm axle compensation Deep and continuous excavator boom stroke off-road and recess for for optimum lowest load heights construction site performance » Outstanding 600 mm axle compensation stroke for optimum off-road and construction site performance


29/10/2020 12:19

K T TALK LIEBHERR STRENGTHENS DEMOLITION PRESENCE Liebherr has launched a new machine into the global demolition market. As a successor to the R 944 C, the R 940 Demolition complements the product range, which already includes the R 950 Demolition and the R 960 Demolition. These demolition excavators set new standards in terms of efficiency and profitability of the machines. Thanks to the wide range of models and equipment, the optimal combination is available for every application. The Liebherr engine, which complies with exhaust emissions standard Stage V, reaches an output of 200 kW, features a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), SCR system, particulate filter and does not have an EGR valve, thus ensuring lower fuel consumption and higher productivity. This machine is also available in a Tier 4 Final version, as well as for less regulated markets with a corresponding engine. The Liebherr Demolition Control System, which received the Intermat Innovation Award, shows the driver the position of the demolition tool, thus guaranteeing the stability of These demolition excavators set the excavator. In this way, it was new standards in terms of efficiency possible to reduce and profitability of the machines. to a minimum the probability of an operating error that could impair the stability of the machine. With the active safety components of the LDC, the driver has real time information in his field of vision on the tilt angle of the machine and the tool position. If a critical value is exceeded, the LDC automatically triggers electronic range information.

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The safety system informs the driver about every movement of the equipment which could impact the stability of the excavator. Like the other representatives in the range, the R 940 Demolition also features optimal properties for selective deconstruction. Apart from the Liebherr Demolition Control System (LDC), a 30°-tiltable cab ensures an optimal view of the working area. The hydraulically adjustable undercarriage with variable track gauge facilitates transport and the counterweight can be removed. A cab air filtration system for a healthy work environment and a spray system for reducing dust in the working area are also available as optional equipment for the R 940 Demolition crawler excavator. The machine can also be equipped with an air compressor for cleaning the radiator and cab.

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29/10/2020 12:52

K T TALK DOOSAN GOES LARGE For those looking for something bigger, Doosan’s recent launch provides something better in the form of the DX800LC-7. Doosan has launched the new DX800LC-7 Stage V-compliant 80t crawler excavator, the largest excavator model ever The hydraulic system and engine output manufactured by the company. Driven by the most powerful engine in the are fully optimised and synchronised 80t class, the DX800LC-7 also has the highest hydraulic flow for this size of machine, providing best-in-class performance, with higher productivity, lower fuel consumption and smoother controls. The DX800LC-7 excavator is powered by the new Stage-V compliant version of the well-proven Perkins 2506J diesel engine, providing a high power output of 403 kW, more than any other machine in this class. The engine meets Stage V emission regulations by utilising exhaust gas recirculation, selective catalyst reduction, diesel oxidation catalyst and diesel particulate filter (DPF) after-treatment technologies. The DPF automatically regenerates every 25 hours and the excavator continues to work unaffected during this regeneration phase. The operator can check the status of the DPF via the display on the gauge panel in the cab. The high output of the engine is combined with a Virtual Bleed Off (VBO) hydraulic system (D-ECOPOWER+), providing a bestin-class hydraulic flow of 1008 L/min and a high system pressure of 343 bar, together contributing to the best performance in the 80t market. Doosan’s D-ECOPOWER+ technology utilises an electronic pressure-controlled pump within a closed centre hydraulic system to optimise productivity and fuel consumption,

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depending on the mode selected. A closed centred main control valve minimises pressure loss, while the electric pressurecontrolled pump manages and optimises engine power more effectively. Software is utilised to electronically reproduce the full benefits of an open centre hydraulic system with very little energy loss. The hydraulic system and engine output are fully optimised and synchronised, further reducing losses within the system. Improved feedback to the operator through the joystick results in improved machine control and less operator fatigue. The acceleration and deceleration of the excavator workgroup functions are smoother, allowing operators to perform repetitive swinging and digging motions with less jerking movements. To provide optimised operations when working with the DX800LC-7 excavator, the operator can switch between two modes –

Boom or Swing – giving priority to boom or swing movements, respectively, so they can best match how they are using the machine to the application they are working on. Faster working speeds are ensured by the 2-spool Boom Down Regeneration system in the DX800LC-7, which also reduces fuel consumption. The 2-spool hydraulic system for the bucket cylinder also increases hydraulic flow and the working speed of the bucket, again reducing fuel consumption. The DX800LC-7 also has a boom/arm cylinder lock valve (anti-hose burst valve) as standard for increased safety, preventing accidents caused by hydraulic hose rupture on site.

A full camera array is standard, comprising a front camera, two side cameras and a rear camera. The camera display is separated from the gauge panel and provides full visibility around the excavator and allows the operator to see a top-down view of the area outside the machine. This is combined with an AVM (around view monitoring) system as standard.

Already excelling in spaciousness and ergonomics, the new cab in the DX800LC-7 is designed to significantly enhance operator comfort and ease of operation. The cab has a new high quality seat and offers more features as standard than other machines on the market, ensuring super controllability and high precision in all applications.

The new DX800LC-7 is factory-installed with Doosan’s state-of-the-art DoosanCONNECT wireless fleet monitoring system. The DoosanCONNECT system offers a webbased fleet management solution which is very useful for monitoring the performance and security of machines and promoting preventative maintenance.

LED working lamps are also standard on the DX800LC-7, providing up to 75% better illumination of the workspace around the excavator, ensuring improved productivity in dusk and night time work and to help prevent accidents on site.

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29/10/2020 12:35

K T TALK HITACHI PUTS USERS IN CONTROL A new generation of Hitachi excavators pave the way for making premium user experiences the standard, alongside effective and environmentally-conscious technology. Hitachi has unveiled the next generation of Zaxis-7 large excavators. The new ZX490LCH-7, ZX530LCH-7, ZX690LCH-7 and ZX890LCH-7 Stage-V compliant models have an industry-leading cab with first-class comfort and safety features. Their exceptional reliability, efficiency and productivity provide owners with opportunities to increase profits and reduce costs. An impressive fuel saving of up to 20% (PWR mode) compared to previous models is achieved by Hitachi’s industry-leading HIOS-V hydraulic system. This also enhances efficiency in the swing, boom lowering and arm bucket roll-out. Productivity is further increased by the improved front speed for loading operations; and the increased engine output of the new Zaxis-7 machines contributes to a higher workload.

The fuel efficiency of Zaxis-7 large excavators can also be controlled by using the new ECO gauge on the cab’s multifunctional 8” monitor. Besides reducing costs, this has a positive impact on environmental performance. The new machines are Stage V-compliant thanks to the combination of the selective catalytic reduction system, diesel oxidation catalyst and catalysed soot filter. The state-of-the-art, ultra-spacious cab is the perfect working environment. It offers operators ultimate comfort and quality, with reduced noise and vibration levels in the cab, which are both vital for the mining and quarrying industries. New features include the synchronised motion of the seat and console – to reduce operator fatigue – and the adjustable console height with three positions to choose from. Easy operation comes from the ergonomic design of the console and switches, and the hi-res anti-glare 8” screen is easier to view.

Job-site safety is enhanced by the exceptional view from the Zaxis-7 large excavators. Operators can control their own safety, as well as that of those around them, thanks to the Aerial Angle camera system. It provides a 270⁰ bird’s-eye view and users can choose from six image options to see the machine’s immediate environment. When working in challenging conditions, new LED work lights and a windscreen wiper with an increased sweeping area further improve visibility. Tested rigorously at dedicated facilities in Japan, Hitachi Zaxis-7 large machines have been built to last and maximise uptime. New engine parts enhance reliability, oil leakages are less likely and the durability of the trackframe has been improved.

In addition, the undercarriage of the ZX490LCH-7 has robust new components that prevent potential damage. The ZX530LCH-7 has 30% greater traction force than the ZX490LCH-7 and increased steering force – particularly Easy maintenance and cleaning features on advantageous for all Zaxis-7 large excavators save operators manoeuvrability on sites with inclines, and owners both time and money such as quarries. The ZX690LCR-7 and ZX890LCR-7 models are built with reinforced parts that are ideal for the digging and loading of heavy materials. Easy maintenance and cleaning features on all Zaxis-7 large excavators save operators and owners both time and money. The fuel filter is now integrated with the water separator, and the larger radiator improves heat dissipation and is easier to clean. To enable owners to feel in total control of their fleet and workload, Hitachi’s remote monitoring systems, Owner’s Site and ConSite, give them access to vital data and

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tools. Both systems send operational data via GPRS or satellite from the excavator to Global e-Service on a daily basis. ConSite summarises the information in a monthly email, while the ConSite Pocket app shows realtime alerts for any potential issues. This innovative feature provides customers with peace of mind on the condition of their excavators and reduces maintenance and unscheduled downtime. “We’re proud to present the latest range of Hitachi large excavators to our European customers,” concludes Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV president Makoto Yamazawa. “Hitachi has continuously improved on previous generation machines to enhance the operator’s experience in the cab, to meet the needs of owners, and to provide support over the life cycle of our machines.”

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29/10/2020 12:03


JCB continues to innovate with a new electric option for the HTD-5, bolstering an impressive range of eco-friendly machines. JCB has introduced an electric version of the popular HTD-5 Dumpster tracked carrier, adding to its growing range of innovative fully electric E-Tech models. The HTD-5e E-Dumpster is offered as a high-tip, walkbehind model, capable of carrying up to 500kg. The addition of electric drive makes

Maximum recharge time is just two hours, making it possible to top up the battery when not in use during the working day or overnight

the machine suitable for urban and indoor applications, that require low noise and zero exhaust emissions.

The E-Dumpster is powered by a 48V lithium-ion battery pack that can be recharged using a standard 240V or 110V electrical supply. Maximum recharge time is just two hours, making it possible to top up the battery when not in use during the working day or overnight. Designed to meet the needs of contractors and rental companies, the E-Dumpster provides a zeroemissions carrying solution for indoor work, tunnelling applications and other urban sites requiring zero emissions equipment. With no internal combustion engine, service and maintenance requirements are also greatly reduced, boosting uptime and availability.

JCB has taken an industry-leading position in the development of innovative E-Tech fully electric construction and industrial machinery. The company has already introduced the increasingly popular 19C-1E fully electric mini excavator and the 30-19E Teletruk industrial telescopic forklift. In addition, JCB offers a wide range of electrically-powered access platforms, while JCB’s Power Products division has launched a line of electric powerpacks, to provide recharging facilities for electric machinery in off-grid applications. The HTD-5e E-Dumpster adds to this rapidly-growing range of zero-emissions construction, agricultural and industrial machinery solutions from JCB, offering customers an additional choice in the compact dumper market.

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29/10/2020 12:46

K T TALK MANY BRIDGES TO CROSS For those seeking road and bridge repair machines, Aquajet’s latest offering is a powerful and versatile set of options. Aquajet now offers a dynamic trio of machines ideally suited for road and bridge repair applications — the Aqua Cutter 710V Hydrodemolition robot, Ecosilence 3.0 high-pressure pump system, and EcoClear water treatment system. Together, the machines provide contractors the industryleading safety and productivity of robotic Hydrodemolition with the added benefit of on-site, on-demand wastewater treatment — all in a compact footprint that meets strict environmental regulations while providing maximum versatility for congested jobsites. “Safe and efficient wastewater handling is the number one concern for contractors, especially in bridge applications where even a minor spill not only threatens the environment but the contractor’s ability to work in that area,”

said Roger Simonsson, Aquajet managing director. “We’ve designed a trio of machines that, when used in combination, allows contractors to conquer road and bridge

faster compared to handheld pneumatic devices. It uses 14,500 to 40,000-psi water jets to remove as much as 35 cubic feet (1 cubic meter) per hour of concrete. Unlike other methods, hydrodemolition cleans We’ve designed a trio of machines and descales rebar that, when used in combination, allows without damaging contractors to conquer road and it or producing bridge projects with power, precision microfracturing in the surrounding concrete. projects with power, precision and the The method also provides a superior bonding complete certainty that wastewater is safe surface, which can extend the longevity of for release back into the environment or repairs by as much as three times, making recirculation through the machine, reducing it an ideal method for time- and budgetwater requirements.” sensitive road and bridge repair projects. With the 710V, operators can complete the work faster and with more precision than traditional methods. The 5,070lb (2,300kg) unit provides exceptional reach and unmatched productivity — up to 25 times

For applications such as bridge deck repair and expansion joint replacement, the 710V combines power with industry-leading precision. Aquajet’s cutting-edge technology — including the Equal Distance System (EDS), ceramic nozzles and Evolution control system — provide unmatched productivity with high-quality results. The 710V’s innovative mast design also gives operators unrivaled reach for applications such as columns, piers, abutments and parapets. The front powerhead can reach as high as 23ft (7m) without additional support. Combined with Aquajet’s unique cutting head and multi-axis 3D positioning system, the unit provides versatile operation, easily removing concrete on horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces that would be difficult to get at with other equipment. The 710V is also compatible with Aquajet’s line of accessories, such as extension kits, rotolances and circular power heads, as well as spines and frames, for increased versatility.

35 Aquajet.indd 35

29/10/2020 11:15

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in the toughest site conditions anywhere in the world. 10/5/20 1:33 PM 29/10/2020 20/10/2020 11:04 09:02

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