t h e o f f i c i a l s t u d e n t n e w s pa pe r o f t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f h o u s to n s i n c e 1 9 3 4
How will Metro’s light rail affect the UH campus? OPINION »
Goodnight says ‘good night’ to UT with dominant outing SPORTS »
UH-Victoria alumna calls tuition increase a ‘great investment’
By Sarah Raslan THE DAILY COUGAR Serving as the student regent on the UH System Board of Regents, Kristen Lindley makes sure students’ voices are heard. Lindley was appointed by Gov. Rick Perry in 2009 and will serve on the board until May 31. “I’m basically just like any of the other regents, except that my term is only one year and I do not vote,” Lindley said. “Most importantly, I represent the student voice. When they call on me, I need to be able to say how the students from all four (UH) campuses feel on the topic.” Even though Lindley did not vote on the recent tuition increase for graduate and undergraduate students, she views it as a positive change to the UH system. She said the increase is suitable for what the campuses are trying to accomplish. “I hate to spend more money and hate to see the increases move the way they have, but I see it as, ‘I’m making a great investment and I’m willing to make that financial sacrifice to receive my degree from a University of Houston system school,’” Lindley said. “I think that the student population as a whole can see the reasons why the board felt that the tuition increase needed to happen.” Lindley serves as a member of the Academic and Student Success Committee and the Facilities, Construction and Master Planning Committee. She takes part in approving degree programs, which opens doors to new students and provides current students with more options. Lindley said the Facilities Committee is discussing projects to renovate Robertson Stadium or build a new stadium, but this item has yet to land on the agenda. Lindley graduated magna cum laude from UH-Victoria’s School of Business Administration. She will continue her pursuit of her Master’s of Business Administration by finishing courses for the Certified Public Accountant Exam and studying abroad in London this summer. see REGENT, page 10
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Issue 108, Volume 75
Student regent backs up board
SGA vice president to run again Wilson, running mate focus on security and tuition during campaign J
By Aimee Buras THE DAILY COUGAR The Student Government Association elections are underway today through Thursday, and Vice President Prince Wilson hopes to become president alongside running partner and vice presidential candidate Johnnie Jackson. Wilson, a biochemistry senior, said he plans to bring experience and firm commitment to represent his fellow students as president. “I’ve always wanted to make a difference, and the SGA is a great way to serve our student body,” Wilson said. “My dedication and hardworking attitude for our students will make me a good
candidate for the president of the SGA.” While serving as SGA’s vice president, Wilson said he took the initiative to bring attention to several on-campus issues. “As vice president, I was in charge of more than 33 university committee appointments and overseeing our student members,” Wilson said. “Under my leadership, our committee members brought unique ideas to the table making sure that the student’s voice was heard.” Among the accomplishments he listed were helping to raise the family income ceiling, which provides free tuition and fees to students who come from families that make less than $45,000 annually. He also said he’s working with the UH Police Department to enhance safety and security on campus, in the process of
SGA presidential candidate Prince Wilson, left,. and running mate Johnnie Jackson are one of five duos competing for the top spots in the 47th administration. implementing discounts for all summer undergraduate courses, and is removing restrictions on the number of guests per graduating
senior for the reinstated general commencement ceremony. see SGA, page 10
Staff weighs in on print problems By Jessica Traylor THE DAILY COUGAR
extremely intensive and selective process, reviewed more than 75 applications, conducted eight airport interviews and hosted five campus visits. Interim Dean of CLASS Cynthia Freeland chaired the search committee that recommended Roberts for the permanent position. “We are fortunate to be able to attract him here to UH,” Freeland said.
Two editions of The Daily Cougar could not be printed this semester and, in turn, were unavailable on campus — most recently the March 1 edition. “That was probably the best paper I put out this semester, but almost nobody will know because it didn’t print,” Editor in Chief Ronnie Turner said. The editors and staff spend many hours working on the paper, meaning a printing malfunction can essentially ruin an entire night’s work. “Obviously, it’s disappointing any time there isn’t going to be a paper that day because there are hours and hours of effort that go into the paper,” Student Publications Print Production Manager Matt Dulin said. “It kind of defeats the purpose of staying at the office all night,” Turner added. Despite the printing problems, the staff understands that this type of occurrence is part of the nature of the journalism profession. “To have it not printed is disappointing, but we realize it is part of the business. At this point in my career, I have desensitized myself to that happening. Things go on and things happen, and you’ve got to adapt,” Turner said. “It’s a business,
see NEW DEAN, page 3
see PRINTER, page 3
A search committee appointed John W. Roberts as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences after a thorough interview process that included more than 75 applicants.
CLASS receives new dean By Jose Aguilar THE DAILY COUGAR A yearlong search ended last week when Provost John Antel announced that John W. Roberts had been selected dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. Roberts is the dean of Arts and Humanities at Ohio State University. He also serves as an English professor whose research and teaching interests revolve around AfricanAmerican folklore.
Roberts’ term at UH officially begins July 1. “John Roberts understands the challenges of program administration, teaching and scholarship,” Antel said in a release. “His stellar academic and administrative career, combined with his strong record of support for a diverse and global educational experience, matches the vision for a quality education that is central to our campus.” The search committee, in an
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Daily Cougar
Expand your career options with a Bauer MBA.
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TODAY Fairy Godmother Project: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., McElhinney Hall, Room 333. The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and the Women’s Resource Center have teamed up with a local outreach organization, the Fairy Godmother Project, to collect prom dresses for local disadvantaged students. It’s a donation event, asking for unused dresses. For more information, contact Jennifer Palton at (713) 743-1019.
Register today at mba.uh.edu for an information session. PHOTO | Thu Nguyen, MBA Student
Concert Women’s Chorus: 7:309 p.m., Moores Opera House. The performance is sponsored by the Moores School of Music. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. For more information, contact the Moores School of Music Box Office at 713-743-3313 or visit the Web site at http://www.music.uh.edu
TUESDAY The University of Houston is an EEO/AA institution.
Interview workshop: 3-4:30 p.m., Student Service Center 1, First Floor. Interview skills are the most important job search skills you can learn. In this workshop, you will learn how to prepare for the next interview. Campus, behavioral and second-round interviews will be discussed. Concert Women’s Chorus: 7:309 p.m., Moores Opera House. The performance is sponsored by the Moores School of Music. Tickets are $10 for general admission and $5 for students and senior citizens. For more information, contact the Moores School of Music Box Office at 713-743-3313 or visit the Web site at http://www.music.uh.edu
Resume workshop: noon-1:30 p.m., Student Service Center 1, First Floor. The purpose of a resume is to get you
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the job interview. The large majority of job candidates are screened out at the resume stage of the search. This workshop will help you prepare a resume that will increase you chances of generating job interviews.
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ABOUT THE COUGAR The Daily Cougar is published Monday through Friday during the fall and spring semesters, and Tuesday and Thursday during the summer, at the University of Houston Printing Plant and online at http://www. thedailycougar.com. The University seeks to provide equal educational opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or veteran status, or sexual orientation. The Daily Cougar is supported in part by Student Service Fees. the first copy of the Cougar is free; each additional copy is 25 cents. SUBSCRIPTIONS Rates are $70 per year or $40 per semester. Mail subscription requests to: Mail Subscriptions, The Daily Cougar, University of Houston, Houston, TX, 77204-4015. NEWS TIPS Direct news tips and story ideas to the News Desk. Call (713) 743-5314, e-mail news@thedailycougar. com or fax (713) 743-5384. A “Submit news item� form is also available online at thedailycougar.com. COPYRIGHT No part of the newspaper in print or online may be reproduced without the written consent of the director of the Student Publications Department.
Copy editing
Giselle Bueno, Matt Miller
Chenlong He
Closing editor
Ronnie Turner
continued from page 1
and you have to be willing to take the good with the bad. Sometimes, you’ve got to sit back and bite the bullet.” The Internet helps ease the problem. If the printer fails, the newspaper is uploaded to thedailycougar.com. “Luckily, we have a pretty good Web site now, so we got most of the news out,” Dulin said. But students are still affected, especially since many who pick up a newspaper on campus aren’t inclined to look for it online. “Students miss a chance to get a real educational feed. A lot of students were hurting, I think, because they didn’t have a crossword puzzle,” Turner said with a grin. “You sort of disrupt the campus for a whole day if people don’t get the crossword puzzle. We need to get them their Sudoku.” But editors and readers aren’t the only people who lose out when a printing malfunction occurs. “There are advertisers, reporters and photographers all contributing to it, and all that work kind of goes nowhere when the paper doesn’t come out,” Dulin said. “I think (the students) are pretty adaptable so they sort of shrug it off. “But those expecting to have something published, they’re the ones who feel the most pain from it. They don’t get to see the product of their work.” Turner specifically sympathizes with the student reporters in this situation. “From a reporters’ standpoint, it’s tough, because there were some good stories in there,” Turner said. “My heart can go out to a reporter, because you slave hard, and it’s hard when you turn it in and it doesn’t make print.” Like almost any other publication, the Daily Cougar sells advertising space. If one of the papers does not print, those advertisements don’t run. “More times than not, we may lose some money in the process, and we can’t always run the ad on a different day,” Turner said. “Sometimes the ad has to run on a specific day.” Turner emphasized the importance of advertising revenue,
noting that the size of a newspaper is one way to tell if it is profiting. “The more ad money we get, the more pages we get,” Turner said. “The smaller the paper is, that means you’re not making that much money.” The Cougar staff said it didn’t lose too much money from advertisers because of the two printing issues, but every cent is crucial at this time. “In this struggling economy, we are trying to make ends meet, and we can’t lose that money,” Turner said. So, what happened? The problem occurred after the finished product reached the printing press. The Cougar staff isn’t clear on the exact mechanics of the malfunction, but Dulin said the complexity of the printing press means there’s always a chance some component can break down. One time stands out more for Turner. “The more recent one, I remember it personally. There was an electrical problem at the printing press; a fuse blew out,” Turner said. “It took them so long before they realized the fuse just needed to be replaced. By the time they got it fixed, it was pretty much too late, and that (paper) didn’t go out.” Sally Rowland, director at the campus’ Printing and Postal Services office, emphasized that she didn’t know the cause of the printing issues, but timing is always key. “When a piece of equipment goes down and you only have one piece of equipment that does that job, then there is only a couple hour window to fix it,” Rowland said. “When it happens at a certain time, (the paper) can’t go out.” With the Cougar relying heavily on a malfunctioning machine, Turner would like to see some changes. “I hope, over time, that the printing press can get some upgrades,” Turner said. “It sounds like they need it.” Ideally, this will not be a recurring problem, Dulin said. “I’m fairly confident there won’t be a similar problem … they do a pretty good job of keeping things up around there,” Dulin said. “There’s not a whole lot that we personally can do to prevent this. Once we turn the material into the press, it’s kind of out of our hands.”
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Monday, March 8, 2010
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continued from page 1
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NEW DEAN One of Roberts’ most recognized achievements is being former deputy chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities in Washington, D.C. “We agreed that Dr. Roberts was a top candidate because of his scholarly expertise in his field, his experience at several excellent universities, and his inside familiarity with the NEH,” Freeland said. Freeland said other qualifications that made Roberts a top candidate included his experience as a dean at a large state university and his relevant expertise with administrative practices, community outreach and development. Roberts’ ability to manage a budget and hire and retain top faculty also caught Freeland’s attention. “I will be in touch regularly over the next few months so as to keep Dr. Roberts up to date on activities and plans before he actually arrives,” Freeland said.
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The Daily Cougar
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Daily Cougar
E-MAIL opinion@thedailycougar.com
COMING TUESDAY: Are students making too big a deal out of tuition increases?
ONLINE www.thedailycougar.com/opinion
EDITORIAL BOARD Ronnie Turner, Editor in Chief Matthew Keever, Managing editor Patricia Estrada, News editor Hiba Adi, News editor Phillipe Craig, Sports editor Robert Higgs, Sports editor Travis Hensley, Life & Arts editor Alan Dennis, Opinion editor Jarrod Klawinsky, Special projects editor
The Daily Cougar endorses Carlos Reyes for SGA prez
Metro needs to get back on track While many view MetroRail’s expansion to the UH campus as a good thing, the project has already seen its fair share of controversy. Metro presented plans Feb. 4 for the Michael addition of two Padon lines, Southeast and University. The latter will connect UH, Texas Southern University and the University of St. Thomas to the original line on Main Street. The Southeast line will come from the heart of downtown and connect UH to the Main Street line just northwest of the U.S. Highway 59 and TX-288 split. The initial meeting between UH students and staff and Metro was somewhat underwhelming; Metro’s representatives were unprepared to answer questions, particularly about
issues that directly affect the University. Former Faculty Senate President Dan Wells stated the general opinion best when he said, “We have concerns about the details. You seem to be ignoring the details.” The logistics of implementing the proposed University line were also questioned. After seeing the demolition along Wheeler, however, it seems the answers are obvious, but not necessarily easy to swallow. To run the MetroRail through Wheeler Avenue, the UH Child Care Center would lose its playground, Cougar Place would lose its backyard and the campus police station would lose its main entrance. Also, to make way for the Southeast line, part of the back side of Robertson Stadium would need to be carved up, as well as the football practice field; either that or Metro would have to buy all the
fast food locations on Scott and tear them down, which seems highly unlikely. Another issue raised during Metro’s presentation was how to deal with the traffic that construction will produce. Metro has learned much about rail construction from the line on Main Street and plans on working with the University to create as little congestion as possible, but some cannot be helped in a major road-construction project. Students should remember that MetroRail is a long-term project designed to bring a more efficient and more sustainable, mass-transit system to UH. The University is currently pushing to alleviate parking problems and is trying to reduce the need for students to make long commutes to campus. see PADON, page 5
Christian group exceeding bounds For a little more than one year now, a militant evangelical group has terrorized certain Amarillo citizens and businesses that the group deems to be immoral. The group goes by the name Repent David Amarillo, and first Brooks gained public notice by protesting a New Year’s Eve party at a swingers club in 2008. Its Web site is filled with militaristic rhetoric and imagery, and the group’s motto is, “We are the Special Forces of spiritual warfare.” The main banner on Repent’s Web site even proclaims members to be soldiers in an “Army of God.” That phrase is not too far off from the term “Hezbollah,” which literally translates to “Party of God.” Repent Amarillo spent the last year stalking and harassing members of a discreet swingers club while wearing military fatigues. Members protested at the club even when the building was leased out for other events, and trespassed on private property to protest at a swinger’s home. Armed with license plate numbers which could only have been retrieved
by an insider in the Department Public Safety, the group was able to obtain personal information on anyone who entered the club in a matter of hours, including home addresses and places of employment. The group then set out to destroy those people’s reputations, posting the personal information of swingers online and calling their employers. Consequently a number of the swingers lost their jobs and have been effectively blacklisted in Amarillo. Unfortunately, these despicable tactics have been successful. The club’s owners have not been able to rent out their building for events and have been forced to put the property up for sale. But Repent Amarillo’s focus hasn’t been limited to the swingers club. It also managed to shut down a theater group’s premiere of Bent, a play about the persecution of gays in Nazi Germany, by complaining to the city about code violations. The group’s site features a “Warfare Map” with targets including, but not limited to, gay pride events, Earth Day celebrations, breast cancer awareness
events, “demonically-based” concerts and sexually oriented businesses. It has also targeted churches that members deem insufficiently Christian, and even a nature center that it claims holds pagan and witchcraft ceremonies. Though it claims to be spreading the word of the Lord, Repent Amarillo’s actions are more reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s brownshirts than any missionaries. Its primary concern isn’t spreading the faith, but shutting down objectionable events and businesses, similar to how the brownshirts harassed and attacked Jewish businesses. To make matters worse, the group is expanding its focus. After Houston elected Annise Parker mayor, the group started the Web site boycotthouston.com to protest the election of an openly-gay person. It’s almost certain Repent Amarillo will find sympathizers throughout the state and will expand its operations outside the Amarillo city limits. So far, members have remained nonviolent. The spiritual warrior rhetoric see BROOKS, page 5
he Student Government Association elections begin today, and The Daily Cougar has been keeping a close eye on the candidates. There are five presidential candidates running this year, and we have decided to give our support to Carlos Reyes because we feel he has the most complete agenda and will do a good job of representing students. In an interview with the Cougar, Reyes said his goals were to put students’ priorities first and build school spirit. He said there has been a falling out between the Senate and the student body, and he wants to make sure communication between the two improves. Reyes has served with two administrations in the SGA, as a business senator and most recently as the director of finance, and therefore brings experience to the position. He is also involved in organizations on campus such as the Hispanic Business Student Association. His vice-presidential candidate, Matt Davis, does lack experience in the Senate, but has shown the passion necessary to lead. In the same interview with the Cougar, Davis said he wanted to work on solving issues he could tackle and effect change in. “It is not about playing government,” Davis said. “It is about tackling real world issues — things that we can truly have an impact and change. If we have the opportunity to tackle tuition, we will, 100 percent, but we are not going to utilize our time by tackling things we can’t change.” Both candidates said their agendas do not necessarily include improving the parking situation and tuition, because they know they would not be able to change those in one year. Instead, they will focus on improving communication and reaching out to students. Reyes and Davis also want to offer scholarships worth $500 to students at every football game. They have contacted businesses around the Houston area for sponsorship, and they have begun talking to the city about fixing Cullen Street. Their ideas are realistic and accomplishable, and this is why we think they will do a good job of representing the student body.
E D I TO R I A L P O L I C Y STAFF EDITORIAL The Staff Editorial reflects the opinions of The Daily Cougar Editorial Board (the members of which are listed above the editorial). All other opinions, commentaries and cartoons reflect only the opinion of the author. Opinions expressed in The Daily Cougar do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Houston or the students as a whole. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Daily Cougar welcomes letters to the editor from any member of the UH community. Letters should be no more than 250 words and signed, including the author’s full name, phone number or e-mail address and affiliation with the University, including classification and major. Anonymous letters will not be published. Deliver letters to Room 7, University Center Satellite; e-mail them to letters@ thedailycougar.com; send them via campus mail to STP 4015; or fax them to (713) 7435384. Letters are subject to editing. ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisements published in The Daily Cougar do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University or the students as a whole. GUEST COMMENTARY Submissions are accepted from any member of the UH community and must be signed with the author’s name, phone number or e-mail address and affiliation with the University, including classification and major. Commentary should be kept to less than 500 words. Guest commentaries should not be written as replies to material already printed in the Cougar, but rather should present independent points of view. Rebuttals should be sent as letters. Deliver submissions to Room 7, University Center Satellite; e-mail them to letters@thedailycougar.com; or fax them to (713) 743-5384. All submissions are subject to editing.
The Daily Cougar
PADON continued from page 4
UH can no longer build out; it must build up, and construction of parking garages can cost between $9,000 and $12,000 per space. Such construction would greatly increase parking rates, since the Parking and Transportation services office must generate its own funding due to the fact that it receives no money from the state. According to Metro’s Web site, the final plan for the rail system is to provide “smarter, more energyefficient transportation options in the form of five new rail lines.
BROOKS continued from page 4
and the military fatigues may simply mean that they’re a bunch of idiots who want to play reallife G.I. Joe, but their tactics of intimidation indicate the potential for the group to turn into something worse. As its numbers grow, so does the likelihood that some members will start to take their warrior rhetoric seriously. If that happens, the state will have its very own Texas Taliban on its hands.
The lines will connect citizens and visitors to every major activity center in our metropolitan area,” such as eventually connecting UH to the Galleria area and even Memorial Park. When completed, MetroRail will connect UH to the rest of the city; students will be able to easily commute to the campus through more than just carpooling or waiting for the bus. But for future meetings and forums, Metro needs to do more to explain this than simply showing up with a handful of talking points. Michael Padon is an engineering sophomore and may be reached at opinion@thedailycougar.com
Hate groups such as Repent Amarillo need to be opposed at every turn. Its actions are wholly incompatible with civilized society and they are an embarrassment to Texans and normal Christians everywhere. If the group really wanted to serve the Lord, it wouldn’t be going around acting like a bunch of thugs. Of course, that doesn’t hold quite the same appeal for wannabe terrorists. David Brooks is a communication senior and may be reached at opinion@ thedailycougar.com
Monday, March 8, 2010
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Monday, March 8, 2010
The Daily Cougar
SPORTS EDITORS Phillipe Craig, Robert Higgs
COMING TUESDAY: The women’s basketball team heads to the Conference USA tournament with March Madness on its mind
E-MAIL sports@thedailycougar.com
ONLINE www.thedailycougar.com/sports
UH nets big win over UT By Tristan Tippet THE DAILY COUGAR What a difference one weekend makes. The Cougars entered the Houston College Classic with a struggling pitching staff, an offense that could hardly be classified as “clutch” and a defense that needed some improvement. But all three units brought the right stuff to Minute Maid Park. UH swept its three-game slate at the Classic, highlighted by a 1-0 win over No. 3 Texas on Saturday and punctuated by a 15-8 win over Texas Tech in its tournament finale Sunday afternoon. The Cougars (5-5) opened the tournament with a 3-0 win over Missouri on Friday to snap a twogame losing streak. They were on a roll from there. “We had some hard practices before we came in here, and the guys really responded,” head coach Rayner Noble said. “They understood what me and my staff are looking for, and what we need to do is kind of capture this, keep it in a bottle and understand that this is the key to success. “I’m just proud of our crew. We’ve never won three games in a big league tournaments, so it’s kind of a big deal.” This past weekend’s sweep marked the first time the Cougars have won all three games at the Classic in the 10 years they’ve participated in the event. Their win against Texas, which
UH righthander Michael Goodnight improved to 2-1 and lowered his ERA to 3.78 after tossing seven shutout innings in the Cougars’ 1-0 win over No. 3 Texas on Saturday. snapped a five-game losing streak against the Longhorns, was easily the most memorable. Sophomore righthander Michael Goodnight (2-1) outdueled Texas starter Brandon Workman, allowing only two hits and striking out nine batters in seven shutout innings. Workman went the distance, allowing only four hits and striking out seven batters in eight innings, but his fate was decided in the bottom of the first. Blake Kelso tripled off Workman to start the frame and scored on a wild pitch. That was as much damage as the Cougars could inflict on Workman. But with Goodnight pitching
a gem, UH would not need more than that. “He was outstanding, (but) a little rough around the edges,” Noble said. “He threw a lot of pitches early and finally settled down. He was hitting the outside corner just about anytime he wanted, and that really gave them fits.” Goodnight said his plan was to stay out of the middle of the plate against Texas. “We were just taught to throw it at the corners,” he said. “You don’t want to leave anything over the plate, and it was a little tight back there, but you just got to battle through it. Every umpire’s got a different zone, and you just got to
find it.” Relievers Ty Stuckey and Matt Creel tossed a scoreless frame apiece to seal the Cougars’ triumph, with Creel surviving a shaky ninth to earn his second save. Cameron Rupp led off with a single, and Russell Moldenhauer walked. Creel struck out the next two batters, but pinch hitter Paul Montalbano hit a hard liner that was headed to left-center. However, Kelso, a shortstop, leaped in the air to snag the liner and a monumental win against the Longhorns. The Cougars had a less dramatic outing in their tournament finale against Texas
Tech. The Cougars scored 13 runs over the first two innings, including a tournament-record 10 in the second inning, and tallied 16 hits en route to dispatching the Red Raiders (7-5). M.P. Cokinos led the way by hitting 2-for-2 with a homer, a walk, two runs and five RBIs. Chris Wallace went 2-for-3 and scored twice, Joel Ansley drove in two runs, and Caleb Ramsey scored twice and drew two walks. “We did a nice job of swinging the bat early in the game, and it was a good game for everybody to get some action in a big league ballpark,” Noble said. sports@thedailycougar.com
Big Easy victory eludes Coogs By Maurice Bobb THE DAILY COUGAR
UH senior guard Aubrey Coleman, right, matched a career high with 38 points against Tulane on Saturday, but it wasn’t enough to prevent the Cougars from dropping a 79-76 decision in New Orleans.
In his final regular-season game for UH, Aubrey Coleman matched his career-high in scoring to help the Cougars rally from a 19-point deficit in the second half against Tulane. But it wasn’t enough. Coleman finished with a game-high 38 points and seven rebounds, but the Green Wave used an 8-2 run during the final two minutes to edge UH for a 79-76 win Saturday night at Fogelman Arena in New Orleans. “They came out red hot, and we came out cold,” UH head coach Tom Penders said. “If you look around the country, there’s a 10 percent chance of a road team winning on Senior Night because they make such a big deal of it.” Although it was Senior Night, freshman Jordan Callahan led the way for Tulane. Callahan connected on 4 of 5 jumpers from behind the arc and finished with 21 points to
pace the Green Wave (8-21, 3-13 Conference USA), who snapped a seven-game losing streak. Asim McQueen finished with 20 points, and Kendall Timmons added 13 points and 11 rebounds for Tulane, which also snapped a four-game losing streak to the UH. Kelvin Lewis chipped in 14 points for the Cougars (15-15, 7-9), who fell to the No.7 seed in the C-USA tournament with the loss. The Cougars trailed 41-29 at the break, but went to work in the second half. Coleman hit the goahead jumper at the 4:46 mark to cap a 25-9 run that give UH a 6766 advantage. Coleman answered a layup by McQueen with two free throws to hold on to a 72-71 lead before Timmons’ putback with 52 seconds left put Tulane up 74-72. Callahan iced two free throws of his own before Coleman connected on a jump shot to pull the Cougars within three with eight seconds remaining.
Kevin Sims sealed the win, though, with two free throws after UH was forced to foul him with six seconds left. “We lost this game in the last minute,” Penders said. “We missed two wide-open threes, Aubrey missed some free throws, and there went the game.” The Cougars begin run in the C-USA tournament against No. 10 seed East Carolina at noon Wednesday at the BOK Center in Tulsa, Okla. “We’ve already proven we can beat anybody in this league,” Penders said. “We just have to come out and play with consistency. That scrap and toughness has to be there all the time. “You can’t always control shooting, but you can get after loose balls and chase down long rebounds. We’ve got to have that ‘refuse to lose’ mentality, and that comes with playing with toughness.” sports@thedailycougar.com
The Daily Cougar
Monday, March 8, 2010
UH falls short of goal, awaits NCAA selections By John Brannen THE DAILY COUGAR The UH track and field teams collectively stumbled over the hurdle this weekend, as several Cougars placed and ran personalbest marks but failed to earn automatic-qualifying times to the NCAA Indoor Championships at the LSU and Iowa State Qualifiers. The Cougars will find out today whom they will send to Fayetteville, Ark. for Friday and Saturday’s competition. Head coach Leroy Burrell said those who do make the NCAAs will have their work cut out for them. With only a select number of athletes making the trip, many of the athletes are eager to transition into the outdoor season. “I’m a little bit disappointed overall. We’re close, but not quite there,” Burrell said. “At this point in the season, it’s an all-or-nothing thing. “You have to improve and run fast enough to get into the NCAA Championships, or it’s time to prepare for outdoor. That’s where we are right now. It’s time for the majority of the team to prepare for outdoor.” In Ames, Iowa this weekend, the men’s 4x400-meter relay team placed fifth with a time of 3 minutes, 10 seconds. That finish marked the third best time in school history, but Burrell said the team can still trim a few seconds off its time.
“They improved, and I’m pretty excited, but I felt like we could have run 3:08,” Burrell said. The women’s 4x400 relay team had a rougher experience, finishing eight with a time of 3:39. Freshman Cameron LaCour failed to get past the preliminaries in the men’s 60-meter hurdles, clocking in at 8.14 seconds. Burrell said he expects to see him progress throughout the outdoor season. “I was pretty satisfied with his performance,” Burrell said. “It’s really difficult to go to the well emotionally week in and week out with the younger athletes.” Whitney Harris’ 7.46-second finish in the women’s 60-meter dash earned third place. In the men’s 60-meter, Tyron Carrier qualified for the finals after finishing seventh with a 6.97-second performance. Junior Kalyn Floyd earned second in the 200-meter, finishing in 23.74 seconds. In the men’s 200, Errol Nolan placed fourth in 21.33 seconds, followed by Isaiah Sweeney in fifth in 21.66. Ciera Johnson posted a sixthplace finish in the 800-meter, crossing the finish line in a personal-best of 2:08. The Cougars flexed their muscles in the triple jump at Friday’s LSU NCAA Qualifier. Chris Carter continued his successful season with a firstplace leap of 15.77 meters. His teammates weren’t far behind, as Jonathan Williams placed second
Taylor, Scott earn C-USA accolades Cougar Sports Services Junior forward Courtney Taylor and junior guard Brittney Scott were named to the All-Conference USA teams over the weekend. Taylor was named to the All C-USA first team for the second consecutive season after averaging 15.4 points and 10.1 rebounds in the regular season. She was also named to the C-USA All-Defensive Team for the second consecutive season. Scott, who leads the Cougars in scoring with 17.4 points per game and is the league’s third-leading scorer, was named to the All C-USA second team. Taylor was a force inside this season. She led the team in rebounding, field-goal percentage (.500) and steals (53) and finished second in blocked shots (32) and scoring. She finished with 13 double-doubles this season to bring her career total to 39, which is tops in the program’s history. Taylor also became the 19th player in school history to reach 1,000 points after scoring 16 in a 63-62 win at UAB on Jan. 24. Scott surpassed the 20-point mark 11 times this season and led the Cougars in free-throw percentage (.815). She set a career high with 32 points in a 104-65 win over North Texas on Dec. 5 Another loss The tennis team suffered its
second consecutive loss with a 4-0 setback to the University of New Orleans on Saturday in New Orleans. UNO claimed both the No. 1 and No. 2 doubles matches to capture the doubles point. UH junior Laura Ring and senior Neila Starratt bested Sofija Karalic and Kristina Martic, 8-7, in the No. 3 doubles match. UNO’s Kozue Matsumoto took out UH freshman Bryony Hunter 6-1, 6-2 to claim the top singles match. Cassandra Escobar beat UH junior Elana Kazakova in the No. 2 slot, and Ceara Howe defeated Ring in the No. 4 spot to seal the Pirates’ win. Rough finish The golf team finished 14th at the Border Olympics with a score of 917 after posting a final-round tally of 314 on Saturday in Laredo. It was the Cougars’ worst round of the tournament and left firstyear head coach Jonathan Dismuke in a bad mood. “We didn’t do a good job improving on those things that we identified we needed to do to be successful,” Dismuke said in a release. “We continued to drive the ball out of play and continued to make mistakes around the green. You are not going to play well when you combine errors like that.” sports@thedailycougar.com
Junior Chris Carter finished first in the triple jump at the LSU NCAA Qualifier over the weekend in Baton Rouge, La., setting a provisional mark with a leap of 51 feet and 9 inches. with a 15.31-meter jump. Thomas Lang and Lamar Delaney placed fifth and sixth, respectively. The unpredictable nature of track and field, Burrell said, makes mental recovery tougher than physical recovery for younger athletes. “For the team as a whole, it’s pretty difficult to come from
an emotional situation like the conference meet and go back and compete, but it’s the demand of the sport,” Burrell said. “Our athletes are well trained, but at the same time, track and field — especially with the sprints and hurdles — it’s real ballistic. You’re giving it a maximal performance. “When you do that several times over a few weeks, it just
wears you out. With younger athletes, there’s a lot of emotion and a lot of adrenaline involved with going out their performing. For every high, you’re going to get a low. We have to find a way to deal with those lows, especially when they come at a critical time in the season.” sports@thedailycougar.com
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Daily Cougar
Travis Hensley
COMING TUESDAY: A British grandmother makes beats
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Horrors that went without a notice By Jack Wehman THE DAILY COUGAR All horror fans know that nearly every ‘scary’ movie released these days is just a sub-par remake of a classic horror film from the 1970s or 80s. With studios shoveling out these so-called re-imaginings every year, it’s hard to find a decent original movie amid the piles of garbage. If you dig deep enough, though, there are quite a few hidden surprises. First up is last year’s Norwegian Nazi zombie movie Dead Snow. A few teens (who else?) go camping in the mountains, find some Nazi gold, and incur the wrath of the zombies. If Shaun of the Dead had a love child with Army of Darkness, Dead Snow would be the baby. This film’s pacing is good, and the movie goes absolutely haywire in the last 15 minutes. It’s a must-see for any zombie lover. Most of the truly original horror movies made in the past decade have come from Japan. Close to the top is 2007’s Audition, a movie about a lonely widower who holds a fake casting call to try and find a good-hearted woman. To say things don’t go as planned is putting it lightly — this movie is truly demented, in the best of ways. Takashi Miike is the mastermind behind this film, and if you enjoy it, check out his other work; they’re all just as twisted. Most horror fans have probably heard of Cannibal Holocaust, but many haven’t seen it. Be warned: This movie is so disturbing that lawsuits were filed against the filmmakers, and it is banned in quite a few countries. The story is a mockumentary about a small group of researchers who go into the jungle to try and find a band of cannibals. While the movie is old, it sticks with you; anyone who has seen it grimaces when the name comes up. There is no way to describe the level of depravity that’s portrayed; it makes Saw look like the Wiggles. Because it was released three days after 9/11, Session 9 didn’t get a fair chance to impress on the first go-round. However, it is probably one of the most original U.S. horror movies from the last decade. The movie centers around a group of contractors hired to remove asbestos from an old mental hospital. The hospital itself seems to come alive; it gives the film a sense of dread, much like the hotel from The Shining. For people tired of the pop-up scares, Session 9 will definitely please. The movie is completely old school when it comes to building tension, and allows the audience plenty of time to contemplate what exactly see HORROR, page 9
Lead singer Ken Casey and the rest of the Dropkick Murphys took Houston’s House of Blues by storm with Wednesday’s show.
Celtic punk pirates please Houstonians By Mathew Keever THE DAILY COUGAR The Dropkick Murphys have always been known for supporting the average American, especially the working class. All the members have claimed to be Democrats so, in the great state of Texas, most would assume that the band wouldn’t have much of a following. But they would be wrong. Last Wednesday, the Murphys, Strung Out and Larry & His Flask rocked a sold-out House of Blues. Larry and His Flask opened, and the crowd loved it. At the beginning of the band’s set list, not too many people were paying attention. Halfway through its first song, however, a few dozen people had crowded the stage. The cello player was especially animated, throwing his instrument around the stage and jumping
to the beat. And, on a side note, drummers who don’t sit down at any point during the performance are awesome, particularly when their drumming is so impressive. Larry also covered “Ferris Wheel” by Paul Jones, a musician from Austin; the band reminded the crowd that Texas music rocks. Strung Out took the stage next. A better-known band than Larry, Strung Out pulled more fans toward the stage. By the band’s third song, I had already taken a prepubescent girl’s head to the face — an occupational hazard when reviewing concerts is always the mosh pit — and, for the next few songs, the young lady held her nose as if it was broken. But she stayed her ground; what a trooper. A 6-foot (6-3 if you include her Mohawk) girl was picking up fallen moshers, serving as a friendly remind that those in the pit
weren’t looking to hurt each other. They were just having a good time. The giant mosh pit in front of me held most of my attention, but to my right, a furious mini-cyclone of Asian, female, teenage fury was brewing. Who would have thought? At 10:06, the crowd began to chant. “Let’s go, Dropkick… let’s go Murphy!” I haven’t seen that many kilts in one place since high school, when I was in a bagpipe band. At 10:32 p.m., after half an hour of chanting, the Dropkick Murphys finally appeared. The following mosh pit was huge. I was pushed back at least 25 feet back from where I was standing at the beginning of the show. Possibly the largest mosh pit I have ever seen continued brewing. I’ve seen some enormous pits, but this was just ridiculous. The band
rocked the crowd for more than an hour as fans continued their frenzied jumping and screaming. The Murphys’ lead vocalist Al Barr’s voice was somewhat overwhelmed by the loud instruments and screaming fans, but the lyrics were easy to discern as fans sung and screamed along. Behind the band, images of stained glass windows with a tint of green light proved the Murphys haven’t forgotten where they’ve come from: Boston. The musicians, who were only playing in friends’ basements a decade ago, have made themselves prominent figures in their genre by constantly touring, meeting fans and connecting with their followers. They are a true testimony that, in the age of sellouts, true music can still shine. arts@thedailycougar.com
Burton fails with ‘Alice in Wonderland’ By Kendra Berglund THE DAILY COUGAR Down the rabbit hole we go with Tim Burton’s adaptation of Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland. Everyone had such high expectations, as Tim Burton is always a crowd pleaser. With movies such as Nightmare Before Christmas, Big Fish, Beetle Juice and Sleepy Hollow, what could possibly go wrong? Alice in Wonderland was even in 3-D and had an all-star cast that included the likes of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter,
Mia Wasikowska as Alice, Anne Hathaway as the “White Queen” and Helena Bonham Carter as the “Red Queen.” But for a lot of people, the film was just a poor remake of a childhood classic. The movie follows the book a lot more than it follows the original Disney film, but Lewis Carol’s book was just Alice’s random encounters with different characters varying in insanity. And if that had been the case with the movie, it would have been a lot better. Instead, the film follows Alice around “Underland,” where she is
summoned on a quest to fight the Red Queen on behalf of the White Queen. This sets up a classic lightversus-dark, good-versus-evil plot. With a dramatic fight scene included at the end, the film’s formula is predictable. The movie was simply dull, and aside from the Mad Hatter’s insanity and the Red Queen’s constant urge to chop off people’s heads, it was altogether lacking. I was bored throughout the movie, and I walked out disappointed. Alice in Wonderland did make up for itself with its elaborate set and vividly imaginative costume
designs. The film looked very Tim Burton-esque, which is why audiences were so excited. Alice in Wonderland is already quite dark. With elements such as a hookahsmoking caterpillar, a food that makes people grow and drinks that make people shrink, it just screamed Tim Burton. Unfortunately, it also left many audiences wanting more. Alice in Wonderland was just not all it was cracked up to be. The Red Queen put it best: “Off with its head!” arts@thedailycougar.com
The Daily Cougar
Monday, March 8, 2010
University starts green initiative More than a dozen students, faculty and staff met Feb. 19 to discuss how to shape UH’s “going green” movement. Later that day, a ride-sharing program was approved — a Christina major step Yanascavage toward offering the service to students. Bringing solar energy to campus, debuting the UH fiscal year 2009 Carbon Footprint Report and UH’s preliminary rank in the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System were among many topics discussed at UH’s February Sustainability Task Force meeting. Physics professor Alex Ignatiev acknowledged that Houston is one of 24 solar cities in the U.S. However, he said there are “no real incentives (to use solar) in Texas” compared to places like California and New Jersey. Ignatiev recommended placing solar panels above parking garages, so they would not be blocked by trees and suggested tracking the amount of solar power generated. “All that is a part of the educational component,” Ignatiev
HORROR continued from page 8
is going on. Bruce Campbell is best known for his performances in the Evil Dead trilogy, but he’s starred in more quality B-movies than any other actor. Bubba Ho-Tep and Alien Apocalypse are the best of the bunch, and both are absolutely ludicrous. Campbell plays an elderly Elvis Presley in a nursing home in Texas hunting a mummy in Ho-Tep, and if that isn’t enough for you, his sidekick is John F. Kennedy. Alien
Solar energy and recycling are just some of the efforts that UH is undertaking to clean up and “go green”. said. “It’s a good time to capitalize on that momentum. “It’s the right thing to do.” Barry Lefer, an assistant professor of atmospheric science and atmospheric chemistry, introduced three scopes of greenhouse gases in the UH FY2009 Carbon Footprint Report. These scopes represented greenhouse gases created on campus, indirect emissions from sources such as power generated off campus and emissions created by commuting. It takes 300 years for carbon dioxide in the air to shift in equilibrium with the oceans; even after 10,000 years, nearly 10 percent remains in the atmosphere, Lefer said. Lefer said the next step is to use the FY09 Carbon Footprint data to create a climate action plan. This plan would work to reduce UH’s greenhouse gases emissions.
Apocalypse is a Sci-Fi channel movie and is absolutely terrible — but that’s what makes it brilliant. Campbell is the only actor that comes across as remotely believable, the sets are terrible, and the aliens look like rejects from Plan 9 From Outer Space. To truly call yourself a horror fan these days, you have to look past what Hollywood says is scary and find movies that are made for viewers, not profit. True horror films are still being produced; finding them is just a matter of research.
Assistant Vice President for University Services Emily Messa introduced the STARS program, detailing each category from sustainability related curriculums to waste minimization. The STARS program helps universities rank their progress toward sustainability. Messa said co-curricular activities were considered in the ranking, including UH Green Day and the Earth Day Carnival in April. Other topics discussed at the meeting included creating a university policy aimed at purchasing recycled paper and the UH Community Garden’s partnerships with local organizations. Ideas to incorporate sustainability into education through freshman and faculty orientations were also shared. arts@thedailycougar.com
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Monday, March 8, 2010
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SGA continued from page 1
Student Publications Committee
Jackson said he is confident in Wilson’s commitment and feels he is fit to replace SGA President Kenneth Fomunung. “He doesn’t just sit in his office, but ventures out onto the campus to meet each and everyone, listening to their issues and working towards the benefits of the students and the University,� Jackson said. “I feel, no, I know he will continue this as president and strive to do even more.� Jackson, a French sophomore, said while he does not hold an office in the SGA, he is eager to shed light on student’s concerns as vice president. He said that he thinks his desire to help others makes him a great candidate for the job. “My lifelong motto has been this, ‘we were put on this earth to help others, so we should do just that,’� Jackson said. “I know I will be able to communicate effectively and efficiently in delivering the
The SPC will hold its March meeting at
4 p.m. MONDAY March 8, 2010
in the Career Services Conference Room, Student Service Center 1
continued from page 1
Prior to becoming a regent, Lindley was involved in other leadership positions. She was UHVictoria’s Student Senate president for 2008-2009, president of the Climate Control Committee and a volunteer math tutor for middle school students with the Help One Student to Succeed program. Lindley became a member of the board by fi lling out an application through her UH campus. The president of each campus reviews the applicants and
The meeting is open to the public. If you require disability accommodations, please call (713) 743-5353 to make arrangements.
sends his or her recommendations to the UH System chancellor. Once the chancellor makes a recommendation, it is sent to the governor’s office for appointment. “I encourage any student to apply for this position. It is a great opportunity to get into a very adult situation, and you get to experience many things that you would not experience as just a student or in any other leadership program,� Lindley said. “It has been the best year of my college life. It is time consuming, but definitely worth it.� news@thedailycougar.com
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studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s concerns and problems to the administration.â&#x20AC;? Wilson said Jackson is prepared for the responsibilities of serving as SGA vice president. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnnie is a hard working student leader on campus who shows his capabilities in different student organizations,â&#x20AC;? Wilson said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;His dedication, hard work, leadership and ability to speak more than nine languages will give him an opportunity to interact with a diverse group of students.â&#x20AC;? If elected SGA president and vice president, Wilson and Jackson said one of the first issues they want to address is the lack of communication and transparency throughout the university. They also support security kiosks in parking lots, additional lighting in dark areas, more effective and efficient parking and transportation initiatives, as well as stability and predictability in the tuition and fees process. The results of the SGA election will be announced Friday.
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Robbie & Bobby by Jason Poland
Monday, March 8, 2010
TODAY’S SUDOKU How to play Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9; and each set of 3-by-3 boxes must also contain the numbers 1 to 9.
Previous puzzle solved
The Hot Dog Stand by Mishele Lamshing
1 Did a tapestry 5 Galosh 9 Pooh’s pal 12 Revival shout 13 Ice house 15 Uh-oh! 16 Not sweet 17 Prince Val’s wife 18 Small bottle 19 Gallivant 21 Murderous Moor 23 Stalemated 24 Early space lab 25 Legendary 28 Racetrack 33 Lays off work 34 Wee bit 35 Pittsburgh river 36 Carbondale sch. 37 Not at all extraordinary 38 Taiga animal 39 Prefix for “trillion” 41 Grab a snack 42 Baby food 44 Legal summons 46 Cheap transportation 47 Ms. Lupino 48 Easily-split mineral 49 Plywood layers 53 Spock’s lack 57 A Baldwin 58 Scout’s rider 60 Courtroom cover-up 61 Moccasin or pump 62 Adds to staff 63 Essay byline 64 Metal for plating 65 “Tomb Raider” heroine 66 Orient
DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Electrical measure Sharif or Bradley Ms. Miles Give the right Prejudiced Leered at Bullfight cheer Dorothy’s dog Churn up Outback
8 14
33 36
37 40
46 48
60 63
66 ©
mineral 11 Norwegian port 14 Hot breakfast 15 Go to extremes 20 Dessert choices 22 Hurry 25 Brawl weapons 26 Parting word 27 Book jacket ad 28 March composer 29 Chief god of Memphis 30 Stranger’s query 31 Caught cold 32 Links 34 This one — — me 37 Dig up 40 Per person 42 A little, to Liszt 43 At bay (3 wds.) 45 Keats opus 46 Brunch cocktail 48 Basement
47 49
23 25
reading 49 Of very great size 50 Post-kindergarten 51 Light in a tube 52 Erosion loss 54 Kansas town 55 Kimono fasteners 56 Not cluttered 59 Brady Bill opposer
Previous puzzle solved B N A I
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Monday, March 8, 2010
The Daily Cougar
Griner shouldn’t get knocked out for punch
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When women fight on television, it usually involves strategy at the tribal council or who is going to win the special date with Ray J. Those who tuned into Alan Wednesday’s Dennis women’s basketball game between Baylor and Texas Tech, however, witnessed a throwdown on a different kind of reality TV. In retaliation to a hard foul during the game, Baylor freshman Brittney Griner was ejected after punching Tech sophomore Jordan Barncastle in the face. That punch broke Barncastle’s nose and landed Griner onegame suspensions from both the NCAA and Baylor, sparking a national debate about whether the punishment was too light. For those of you who don’t watch women’s basketball (and according to the ratings, that would be most of you), Griner is a freshman phenom, and by all accounts was a national player-of-the-year contender before the altercation. At 6-8, Griner is a unique talent and an imposing figure. It’s easy to see when watching her play that her game could probably even translate to the NBA. After the incident, sports pundits and talking heads around the country came out of the woodwork to castigate Baylor and the NCAA for not handing Griner a stiffer penalty.
But what they all missed or failed to mention is that the NCAA handled the situation correctly according to the rules in place. Rule 10-7 of the 2009 NCAA Men’s and Women’s basketball rule book states that “The first time an individual participates in a fight during the season (including exhibition games), the individual shall be suspended from participating in the team’s next regular-season game.” Baylor’s additional single-game suspension on top of the NCAA’s punishment wasn’t even necessary. It’s unfair to hold Griner to a higher standard for her actions than the rules dictate. She got frustrated and inappropriately retaliated in the heat of the moment, which isn’t the end of the world; the two-game suspension was more than adequate. Women’s sports go largely unnoticed in America, and Griner is one of the people who could do a lot to change that in the near future. Calling for action that would lead to the public seeing less of her tremendous skills would be detrimental to the sport. It’s a shame that so many people feel Griner didn’t get what she deserved, but look at the bright side: at least they are talking about women’s basketball for a reason other than the great below-the-rim play. sports@thedailycougar.com