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Forecast, Page 2
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Issue 120, Volume 75
Dean named to prominent society Film
touts change
Social Work leader joins organization to aid in health care policies
By Aimee Buras The Daily Cougar Graduate College of Social Work Dean Ira Colby was recently inducted into the National Academies of Practice as a distinguished scholar, where he will serve on various task forces, aid in writing healthcare policy, and participate in national forums. NAP is a non-profit organization of respected health professionals who discuss health care issues and advise policy makers. Colby, who also teaches at the University, said that he looks forward to being able to bring his knowledge and experience to the organization. “Induction into a national society is an honor and certainly gratifying,” Colby said. “I am looking forward to working with my colleagues on health issues.” NAP is composed of ten healthcare academies: dentistry, medicine, nursing, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatric medicine, psychology, social work and veterinary medicine. Each academy has 150
Documentary hopes to change opinions on immigrant workers gg
By Amanda Trella The Daily Cougar
she is ever attacked that (she doesn’t) freeze. We give them (the necessary) tools if it becomes appropriate to fight.” Lieutenant Derrick McClinton is the instructor of the R.A.D. class. The class is free of charge and McClinton said the combat style is similar to Krav Maga, an Israeli form of handto-hand combat. The department decided to establish the course in 2004 after receiving a demand for some sort of self-defense education on campus. So far 131 students, faculty or staff have completed the R.A.D. course. “We often get requests from students, staff and parents of students that are interested in some type of self defense,” McClinton said. “I think that it is a way for UHDPS to give something back to the community. It also breaks down barriers that may exist between citizens and law enforcement. The goal is to empower women through education and the realization of their physical powers.” Instructors wear padded suits
The town of Postville, Iowa, lost approximately one-tenth of its population on May 12, 2008, when Agriprocessors Inc., the country’s largest kosher meatpacking plant and slaughterhouse, was raided by a government immigration agency, which arrested nearly 400 undocumented immigrant workers. Two years later, freelance journalists Greg Brosnan and Jennifer Szymaszek turned out their first documentary In the Shadow of the Raid, screening it in the UH Law Center and Honors College on Monday and Tuesday. The documentary depicts the aftermath of the incident; the raid left Postville in an economic downturn, pushed it to the brink of collapse, and caused suffering in a small poverty-stricken Guatemalan village, where most of those arrested were from. “We wanted to do this (documentary) to help tell the stories that needed to be told,” Szymaszek said. With those affected being able to speak and tell their stories, the filmmakers hope the public, especially those who are in favor of the deportation of illegal immigrants, will become better informed on the issue of immigration and correct any misinformation and misconceptions the public might have about immigrant workers. “We wanted to personalize and humanize the plight of immigrants,” Szymaszek said. “Have people look beyond the figures and the numbers.” Hoping this documentary would help move Americans’ mindsets on immigration reform toward understanding, the couple spent nearly two months in both Guatemala and Postville filming over 70 hours of footage in order to develop the 35 minute documentary. Szymaszek and Brosnan said that they would love for their documentary to inspire people to take action and lobby Congress on behalf of these immigrant workers.
see DEFENSE, page 10
see RAID, page 10
Steven Oster The houstonian
Dean for the Graduate School of Social Work Ira Colby was inducted into the National Academies of Practice organization earlier this month. He will join other scholars in forums and policy development regarding healthcare elected practicing professionals or scholars. Prospective members must apply or be nominated and then be elected by the NAP council. Colby was nominated by his colleague, Jerald Strickland. Strickland serves at UH as assistant vice chancellor
for international studies and programs and is a member of NAP. Strickland said that he nominated Colby for membership with NAP because of Colby’s expertise in social work and his leadership in the interdisciplinary health issues at the local, national
and international levels. “He is a healthcare professional and social work scholar,” Strickland said. “He represents his profession in forums that are interdisciplinary in function.” see COLBY, page 3
UHPD offers free self-defense classes By John Brannen The Daily Cougar
Courtesy of James Rincon
President applauds Purdue
resident Renu Khator with UH alumnus and national sportscaster Jim Nantz took some time off this weekend to enjoy a game of basketball. Khator sat front row for Friday’s game between Duke and her alma mater, Purdue.
According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, 60 percent of rapes are not reported and 73 percent of victims are assaulted by someone they know. It is estimated nationally that one out of six women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. This is why preventing sexual assaults on campus is of utmost priority to UHPD Chief Malcolm Davis. UHPD’s annual crime report states that from 2006-2008 there were 34 sexual offenses on campus and in residential areas. UHPD officials want to increase awareness and prevent sensitive crimes by promoting rape aggression defense. Davis said he urges any female student or faculty member interested in the self-defense course to contact the department. “It’s really a thing of empowerment,” Davis said. “The ultimate goal at the end of it is to put the student in the situation where if