1934 – 2009
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Thursday, April 8, 2010
By Paulette Ehmer The DAily Cougar Giving up hope was never an option for former Heavy Weight Champion and Olympic gold Medalist George Foreman, who visited UH as part of a tour promoting his latest book Knockout Entrepreneur. Forman was the key speaker at the Veterans Entrepreneurship Seminar on Wednesday, where he spoke of his trials, tribulations and success, the key elements in his book. Though Foreman began a life of hard knocks in the Houston area, he soon realized that he could have to take control of his own destiny. A self proclaimed thug and high school dropout, it was a near arrest that lead Foreman to change his ways and join the Job Corps. During his stint in the corps, Forman gained more education and his boxing license, which forever changed his future. “I came home with that little boxers license to intimidate people,” he said. “ I wanted them to know I had lethal weapons.” The license made Foreman aware
of his environment and gave him the initiative he needed to leave a life of poverty. “I was actually living in poverty and the only way I could get out was to make a lot of money-not a little but a lot of money-and that’s when the entrepreneurial [spirit] jolted me. Right then, I knew I would have to go into business … and that little card, would be my key,” Foreman said. During Foreman’s early life he heard time and again that he would never amount to anything. After obtaining his boxer’s license, Foreman’s goal was to return to Houston with a $1,000 and open a private bar so that he and his friends would no longer have to hide cigarettes. As Foreman’s career began to escalate to extraordinary heights, becoming the heavy weight champion of the world, that $1,000 dream was never revisited. One boxing match after another he climbed his way to the top. In 1974, Foreman received $5 million for his fight with Muhammad Ali, it was not until then that he realized that he had been taking boxing for granted. Although Foreman had lost his reign as champion, he never lost hope. “Sometimes you forget what you’re doing out there and why
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Forecast, Page 2
see FOREMAN, page 3
on a regular basis are optimistic about the new GPS operated system. Sociology junior Megan Pavageau, a resident at Bayou Oaks, said she will use the new system to get to class on time. “Before Next Bus, I would never know when the shuttle would pick me up, and it often ran late, but I think the new system will be more helpful, because now I will know the shuttle will be at my apartment and my daily schedule will not be interrupted due to late shuttles,” Pavageau said. Engineering sophomore Gabriella Koenig is also excited about UH’s new investment. “I have been wondering where my student fees go. This is something I don’t mind paying for,” Koenig said. “Being able to find out when exactly the shuttle is coming will ensure that I actually get to class on time from now on.” The University is charged $2,000 a month that pays for the airtime that
UH and the Dublin Institute of Technology have signed a five year Memorandum of Understanding, which outlines the collaboration of research and educational programs between the two institutions. These programs will encompass a variety of fields, but will primarily focus on energy. “We are committed to providing our students with a nationally competitive global education in which they’ll get to know and interact with students from around the world,” UH President Renu Khator said in a press release. “Collaboration with respected technology institutes like the Dublin Institute of Technology enhances the global perspective of our students and strengthens the comprehensive education offered at UH.” The memorandum was signed by Khator and DIT President Brian Norton and went into effect immediately. “The planning will begin immediately. At best, the fall semester 2010 will be the first opportunity for the implementation,” Assistant Vice President of International Studies and Programs Chief Global Officer Jerald Strickland said. The MOU sets out both objectives and agreements that are to be achieved between the two institutions. A priority of this collaboration is to contribute and enhance the knowledge and understanding between not only the two institutions, but between the countries as well as the cities. This joint venture will use instructional programs, research and faculty and student development to achieve these goals. The collaboration between the two institutions will bring forth new exploratory opportunities for students to gain a more diverse, indepth knowledge in their field of study. “This relationship will provide opportunities for UH and DIT students to study and do research together,” Strickland said. UH and DIT have identified and agreed to a variety of topics that identify and unite their pursuits and their common interests. These topics include exploring a full credit transfer system, the
see SHUTTLE, page 8
see DUBLIN, page 3
Newton LIU The Daily Cougar
Heavyweight boxing champion George Foreman was the keynote speaker at Veterans Entrepreneur seminar where he promoted his latest book Knockout Entrepreneur.
By Roland Henshaw The Daily Cougar
HIBA ADI The Daily Cougar
Focused on life he Students for a Democratic Society hosted “Reflection on Life and War in Gaza,” a talk with Palestinian journalist and Martha Gellhorn award winner Mohammed Omar, third from left, Wednesday in the University Center.
UH inks deal with Irish institute By Paulette Ehmer The Daily Cougar
Exact shuttle times now available online
Foreman urges perseverance Boxing champ said his success comes from his desire to leave a life of poverty
Check out the new Web site, you can create your own blog
Issue , Volume 75
The University recently invested $70,000 into its transportation system to make the shuttle services more convenient for students on campus. Next Bus, a GPS based shuttle system, is a service that provides students and faculty with the whereabouts of UH shuttles and gives precise arrival times. Director of Parking and Transportation Bob Browand said students and faculty will be able to access NextBus.com and see when a shuttle will arrive at their respective bus stop with accurate predictions. “UH has had a shuttle system for the past 17 years and now we have an adequate system that should be convenient for everyone,” Browand said. “Before, it was hard to manage; we didn’t know what times buses would arrive, and now we do. Each bus is equipped with a GPS system that updates every 45 seconds for accuracy.” Students who ride the shuttles